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MCQ in Psychiatry Board I Aug 06

1. The following are suggestive of frontal lobe lesion except:

a- Dyscalculia*
b- Perseveration
c- Attention deficit
d- Facetious affect
e- Grasp reflex

2. Neck stiffness may be caused by the following except:

a- Neuroleptic’s side effect
b- Acute poliomyelitis
c- Cervical spondylosis
d- Huntington’s chorea*
e- Subarachnoid haemorrhage

3. Which one of the following is not found in neurones?

a- Mitochondria
b- Golgi apparatus
c- Polar body*
d- Centrioles
e- Endoplasmic reticulum

4. Which of the following hormones is not under the control of the

a- Calcitonin*
b- Prolactin
c- Growth hormone
d- Thyroid stimulating hormone
e- Corticotrophins

5. The following are neurotransmitter in the CNS except:

a- Dopamine
b- Acetylcholine
c- Noradrenaline
d- Cholecystokinin
e- Tryptophan*

6. Regarding Caudate nucleus, the followings are correct except:

a- Connected with substantia nigra
b- Contains noradrenaline*
c- Contains dopamine
d- Contains neuroglia
e- Involved in parkinsonism

7. Which one of the following nuclei is a neurosecretory nucleus?

a- Edinger-Westphal
b- Supraoptic*
c- Amygdala
d- Caudate
e- Mamillary nuclei
8. Which one of the following is a sign of C5 lesion?
a- Sensory loss over the biceps*
b- Sensory loss over the little finger
c- Loss of flexion in the interphalangeal joints
d- Loss of triceps tendon reflex
e- Sensory loss over the triceps

9. Primary (direct) pupillary light reflex depends on one of the following:

a- Optic radiation
b- Occupital lobe
c- Pretectal nucleus*
d- Inferior colliculus
e- Stellate ganglion

10. Basal Ganglia include all the following except:

a- Claustrum
b- The corpus striatum
c- Caudate
d- Insula*
e- The amygdaloid nucleus

11. Which one of the following is not a branch of the basilar artery?
a- Labyrinthine artery
b- Posterior communicating artery*
c- Pontine artery
d- Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
e- Superior cerebellar artery

12. Which one of the following a cerebellar lesion can give?

a- Sphincter disturbance
b- Loss of deep reflexes
c- Hypertonia
d- Resting tremor
e- Dysarthria*

13. The following may be features of dominant parietal lobe lesions except:
a- Dyscalculia
b- Finger agnosia
c- Agraphia
d- Dressing apraxia*
e- Right / left disorientation

14. The posterior (dorsal) columns of the spinal cord convey sensory
impulses concerned with one of the following:
a- Pain
b- Conscious proprioception*
c- Light touch
d- Hot and cold sensation
e- Crude touch
15. The followings are hypothalamic nuclei except:
a- Nucleus accumbens*
b- Preoptic nucleus
c- Supraoptic nucleus
d- Mamillary nuclei
e- Dorsomedial nucleus

16. Which of the following is not a part of the limbic lobe?

a- Olfactory tubercle
b- Corpus callosum*
c- Subcallosal gyrus (The septal cortex)
d- Hippocampus
e- Cingulate gyrus

17. Which of the following is not a part of prosencephalon?

a- Olfactory lobe
b- Cerebral cortex
c- Basal Ganglia
d- Pons*
e- Hypothalamus

18. Immediate features after transectional spinal cord below the level of the
lesion include all the following except:
a- Muscle paralysis
b- Absent reflexes
c- Lost sensation
d- Spasticity (bilateral)
e- Spasticity ( contralateral ) *

19. Diplopia occurs in all the following except:

a- Temporal lobe epilepsy
b- Myasthenia gravis
c- Multiple sclerosis
d- Parkinson’s disease*
e- Raised intracranial pressure

20. Sympathetic stimulation causes one of the following:

a- Pupil constriction
b- Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle*
c- Stimulation of lacrimal gland
d- Bradycardia
e- Increase coetaneous blood flow

21. When taking a history from a patient, the followings are correct except:
a- One should always follow up a patient saying he is depressed
b- It may follow the mental state exam in some patients
c- It should be analyzed in form and content
d- “How have you been recently” is a closed question*
e- In the beginning few minutes, a patient should be allowed to talk about
what is uppermost in his mind
22. Which of the following statements made by a 15 year-old girl is suggestive
of schizophrenic disorder?
a-my head teacher is taking my thoughts away from my head*
b-the police are going to arrest me
c-I hear the voice of my dead mother just before I go to sleep
d-my next-door neighbours say bad things about me
e-the television spreads rumours about me

23. In a model psychiatric interview:

a- If the patient is allowed to talk freely, clinically relevant material will be
offered spontaneously*
b- It is often wise to talk about major abnormalities first
c- Mental state examination always comes after taking full history
d- Silent pauses are not as important as questions in the clinical interview
e- There is a little place for non-directive facilitating style

24. The following are true of the biochemical bases of memory except:
a- Both short-term and long-term memory are now thought to have
biochemical and electrical basis
b- Long term potentiation may be associated with associative learning
c- RNA has been implicated as one of the memory molecules
d- The evidence points to the intraneural theories of memory storage*
e- Short-term memory lasts up to 60 seconds

25. The following are true of the anatomical structure of synapse except:
a- They only occur as gaps between neurones*
b- The synaptic gap is 200 angstrom units wide
c- The postsynaptic membrane is chemosensitive
d- Synaptic vesicles occur in all synapses though the number may vary from
cell to cell
e- Synaptic terminals contain large numbers of mitochondria

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