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Thanatology – the agonic phase undergoes: 8

a. The euphoric phase
b. the excitation phase
c. the incipient cortical inhibition phase
d. the manifest cortical inhibition phase
e. the final cortical inhibition phase

2. Clinical death: 9
a. is also called partial death
b. is also called relative death
c. it precedes the irreversible cortical lesions
d. it is the consequence of the irreversible cortical lesions
e it represents the death of the cerebral trunk

3. In assessing the arrest of vital functions, avoid traps … as: 13

a. Hypothermia overdose, cachexia
b. Drawings
c. Electrcution
d. …. Failure
e. coma

4. The caver’s cooling speed depends on: 15

a. body height
b. body weight
c. the mass/surface ration
d. muscular mass
e. gender

5. in the diffusion stage of livor mortis: 17-18

a. no blood is left in the vessels
b. no blood infiltrates the perivascular tissues
c. some of the blood infiltrates the perivascular tissues
d. livor mortis disappears at finger pressure
e. livor mortis fades out at finger pressure

6*. Rigor mortis:

a. is predominant in the superior limb extensors
b. is predominant in the inferior limb flexors
c. is generalized after 24 hours
d. it onsets in cranio-caudal order
e. it is characterized by cervical extension

7. Mummification:
a. requires high temperatures and a dry environment
b. requires high temperatures and a damp environment
c. is always generalized
d. it doesn’t occur in ventilated environments
e. the parchmented skin is brown-yellowish

8. Some of the risk factors for sudden death are:

a. sexual orientation
b. gender
c. material instability maternal
d. promiscuity
e. fatigue
9*. In Derobert’s hierarchy of sudden death aetiology, the second place is occupied by:
a. CNS aetiology 6-27% etc etc
b. cardio-vascular aetiology
c. gastro-intestinal aetiology
d. respiratory aetiology
e. reno-urinary aetiology

10*. Pokkuri syndrome can determine sudden death mostly in:

a. middle aged bradycardic subjects
b. middle aged tachycardic subjects
c. young aged bradycardic subjects
d. young aged tachycardic subjects
e. young extra...(systolic) subjects

11. The main characteristics of sudden infant death are:

a. age range is from 2 weeks to 2 years
b. no significant difference between genders
c. incidence is high among twins
d. incidence is low among twins
e. independent of economical standard

12. The bruise:

a. is a result of a direct hit
b. can only constitute in living subjects
c. it becomes visible in the first hour
d. it becomes visible in the first few hours
e. it’s shape reproduces the shape of the object

13*. The abrasion in live subjects:

a. is a superficial injury
b. is a superficial wound
c. is sometimes accompanied by massive bleeding
d. sometimes forms a cuticle
e. is the result of pressure

14. The contusive wound:

a. Has regular margins
b. has irregular margins
c. is also called laceration
d. is also called dilacerations
e. it can mimic a cut wound maybe

15. The stabbed wound

a. the fish-tail angle is produced by the blunt edge
b. the fish tail angle is produced by the sharpedge
c. it can be small but severe
d. it is only severe when it is larger than 3 cm
e. it is only severe when it is deeper than 3 cm

16. The morphology of the cut wound

a. its length is smaller than its depth
b. its depth is bigger than its width
c. its length is bigger than its depth
d. usually initial angle is deeper
e. usually the initial angle is more superficial
17. The classification of the … cerebral haemorrhages include:
a. extradural haematoma
b. supradural haematoma
c. subdural haematoma
d. meningeal haemorrhage
e. sub archanoidian haematoma

18. The subdural haematoma

a. usually appears in the …
b. usually appears in the …
c. usually appears in the impact area
d. sometimes it appears in the surrounding areas
e. sometimes it appears in the contralateral areas

19*. The cerebral contrusion

a. is sometimes traumatic
b. is always traumatic
c. is always pathological
d. is always the result of skull depression at impact
e. is always the result of countercoup movement of the brain

20. Some of the head trauma sequelae are:

a. post traumatic encephalopathy
b. post traumatic empathy
c. post traumatic idiosyncrasy
d. post traumatic neuroses
e. posttraumatic psychoses

21*. Increased blood alcohol levels are associated with various effects on the driver’s CNS:
a. low self-esteem
b. blurry vision
c. memory loss
d. communication disorders
e. balance disorders

22. In traffic accidents, cervical spine injuries:

a. appear in approximately 10% of all traffic accidents.
b. appear in approximately 25% of all traffic accidents
c. the atlanto-occipital dislocation is fatal
d. the atlanto occipital dislocation is rather the result of a forward movement of the head
e. the atlanto-occipital dislocation is rather the result of a backward movement of the head

23. In traffic accidents the forward projection of the pedestrians:

a. usually occurs when the victim is a tall adult
b. usually occurs at frontal impact with a large vehicle
c. the primary injuries are often more severe than the secondary injuries
d. the secondary injuries are often more severe than the primary ones
e. the risk of being run over is high

24*. The destructive effects of the bullet depend on

a. the speed of the target
b. the speed of the bullet
c. the resistance of the cornified layer
d. the shooting angle
e. the shooting range
25. the secondary factors of shooting – the gases produce the following effects:
a. mechanical
b. thermal
c. biological
d. bio-physical
e. chemical

26. The presence or absence of the secondary factors classifies shooting ranges
a. long-range
b. medium range
c. average range
d. short range
e. minimal range

27. The long range shooting – the contusion collar:

a. is a narrow ring around the exit wound
b. is a narrow ring around the entrance wound
c. is also called the abrasion collar
d. is also called the erosion collar
e. is also called the excoriation collar

28. Firearm injuries – exit wound:

a. is always larger than the entrance wound
b. in contact shooting it can present a cleaning collar
c. is sometimes larger than the entrance wound
d. its margins can sometimes be linear
e. its margins can rarely be linear

29*. The forensic expertise in firearm injuries – the following elements plead for suicide:
a. no signs of breaking and entering
b. no violent injuries
c. no secondary factors around the entrance wound
d. a single shot being fired
e. the presence of a good bye letter

30. Mechanical asphyxia by compression includes:

a. suffocation
b. postural asphyxia cervical nonspecific, thoracic compression, auto-erotic
c. hanging
d. drowning
e. strangulation

31*. The first organ that suffers from anoxia is?

a. the lung
b. the heart
c. the eye
d. the brain
e. the hypophysis

32. The external petechiae are dark-redidish spots on:

a. the skin
b. the mucous membranes
c. the nails
d. the scierae
e. the periorbital area
33*. The acute pulmonary emphysema
a. is a specific sign of mechanical asphyxia
b. is anon-specific sign of mechanical asphyxia
c. can be a relevant sign of mechanical asphyxia
d. the emphysematous lungs cover the mediastinum
e. the emphysematous lungs cover the diaphragm

34. Hanging – the main mechanism involved in the death-generating syndrome are:
a. haemo-dynamic
c. asphyxic
d. nervous

35. Hanging ligature mark

a. dictates the type of death
b. dictates the type of death
c. orientation is always oblique
d. dimensions dependent on the texture of ligature
e. maximum depth is a t the know

36. Manual strangulation

a. is often associated with murder
b. is often associated with sexual attack
c. death is caused exclusively by asphyxia
d. the fingertip-shaped bruising appear on the neck
e. fingertip-shape bruising appear on the nostrils

37*. The differential diagnosis of smothering in child victims:

a. most similarities with MOSF
b. most similarities with SIDS
c. presence of textile fibres in the nostrils confirms the forensic diagnostic
d. presence of textile fibres in the mouth confirms the forensic diagnostic
e. presence of textile fibres in the trachea confirms the forensic diagnostic

38. Asphyxia with food bolus – risk groups

a. alcohol addicts
b. adrenaline addicts
c. subjects with paresthesia
d. subjects with bulbar paralysis
e. subjects with thyroiditis

39*. Specific morphologic changes in drowning victims – early external signs:

a. facial palour
b. facial cyanosis
c. facialadipocere
d. facial de epitelization
e. facial swelling

40. The putrefied drowned body – characteristic signs:

a. the death glove
b. the death mask
c. protrusion of the eyes
d. phosphorescence
e. adipocere
41. Infanticide – the hydrostatic test
a. it is performed on striated muscle specimens
b. it is performed on lung specimens
c. it is performed on myocardium specimens
d. it is falsely positive for putrefied specimens
e. aerated specimens will partially float over water surface

42. Infanticide – newbornsigns of separate (extra-uterine) life

a. genital crisis
b. presence of food in the stomach
c. presence of umbilical chord
d. absence of umbilical chord
e. extraneous material in the bronchi

43. Infanticide – the duration of extra-uterine life

a. air reaches the trachea in 10 min.
b. air reaches the stomach in 30 min.
c. air reaches the stomach in 15min.
d. colic distension is complete after 12h
e. colic distension is complete after 20h

44. The methodology of forensic expertise in neonaticide includes:

a. establishing the state of confinement
b. appreciating the health state of the mother
c. establishing the maturity of the mother
d. establishing the maturity of the new born
e. diagnosing pre-existing psychiatric disorders that always exonerate the mother

45. Silverman’s syndrome – ecchymosis and haematomas raise suspicions if:

a. they are situated on exposed areas of the body
b. they are situated on protected areas of the body
c. they are situated on the scalp
d. they have similar ages
e. they are associated with vascular fragility

46. Death by hypothermia – specific signs:

a. the red colourlividities are a certain diagnostic sign
b. brownish blood suffusions on the gastric mucosa are specific
c. brownish blood suffusions on the intestinal mucosa are specific
d. the run and die syndrome is characteristic
e. the hide and die syndrome is characteristic

47*. The recent defloration – hymeneal discontinuities are:

a. located in the inferior parts of the hymeneal collar
b. located in the lateral parts of the hymeneal collar
c. located in the inferior and lateral parts of the hymeneal collar
d. mostly linear margins
e. ays accompanied by perineal rupture

48. tegumental absorption of toxic ances depends on:

a. protein layer of the skin
b. the cornified layer of the skin
c. the concentration of the toxic substance
d. the temperature of the body
e. infrared radiations ultraviolet
49. Class A narcotics – the main natural and synthetic opiates are:
a. cocaine
b. codeine
c. LSD
d. Amphetamines
e. Cannabionol

50. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome:

a. associates mydriasis and tachycardia
b. associates constipation and fever
c. AKA delirium perfringens
d. AKA delirium alcoholicum
e. AKA delirium tremens
Question 1 of 50 |

Post-mortem lividities:

A) are represented by reddish-purple discoloration of the skin

B) they are result of the gravitational stasis of the blood

() C) they start to show immediately after death 1 hour

C) D) they appear mostly in the areas with thin epidermis or in lacerated areas

() & they usually show at the contact flattening areas on which the body is laid
Question 2 of 50

The main natural and synthetic Opiate (class A) are:

injectable amphetamines, cannibanol

A) cocaine

(_) B) benzodiazepines de asigurari sociale


(_) D) barbituric

(_) E) codeine

tol es
Question 3 of 50

irreversible arrest of the vital functions are expressed by:

A) cooling of the body |

© 8) respiratoryf arrest=_

() c) mydriasis loss of

© coma

()® increase>of muscular tonus loss of

Question 4 of 50

The exit wound:

A) usually is larger than the entrance wound

C ) B) in short-range shooting
the contusion collar occurs around the exit wound

C) usually is star-shaped
than 1m
(_) D) the metallization collar appear only at ranges bigger

() B) is always smaller than the entrance wound

Question 5 of 50

Which of the following are

general external asphyxias signs:

(_) A) the dilatation of the right heart

(_} B) blood fluidity
C) cyanosis

(_) D) acute pulmonary emphysem

E) cutaneous petechiae

soft tissue swelling, wide lividities, hypoxic effects

Question 6 of 50

Specific changes for drowning:

A) Paltauf subpleural haemorrh

agic suffusions
(_} B) Amusat sign hanging
(_) C) skin calcification maseration

D) cutis anserina

E) the mushroom-shaped foam

@ Piecocna

Question 7 of 50

"In recent defloration occur:

() A) hymeneal ruptures are always associated with anal ruptures

() B) labial adherence
C) ruptures of the hymen associated with bruises of the
vaginal mucosa
() D) hymeneal ruptures with scars
() external hymeneal excrescences
Question 8 of 50

The hanging ligature mark:

(_) A) is complete
B) is deeper in the area of maximum pressure, usually on the opposite side of the

C) it is ascendant towards the suspension point

© D) incomplete around the neck

C) & is horizontal
Question 9 of 50 also peat bogs

Belated conservative
post-mortem changes are:

A) adipocere saponification

__) B) autolysis
C) mummification

(_) D) putrefaction

E) freezing
Question 10 of 50

Which of the following are risk factor for

sudden death:

A) alcohol
alimentation, obesity, climate, stress, interventions

(.) B) cachexia
C) age

(_) D) normal physical activity

E) gender
Question 11 of 50

Criteria for the

diagnosis of cerebral death:

A) all cerebral trunk reflexe

s are absent
(_) B) profound coma due to
C) there are no motor
responses of the cranial nerves
D) breathing movements
are absent
(_) E) there is no cardiac activit
Question 12 of 50

The phases of a medico-legal autopsy are:

A) the external examination

(_) B) the external examination is done only in cases when traumatic injuries occurs
(_) C) internal examination of the skull in not mandatory
D) the identification of the body

E) blood samples could be collected during autopsy in order to determine alcohol

ap Nr WE IGS

Question 13 of 50

The main factors involved in traffic accidents are:

A) improperly or purely signalized roads

B) drivers age

C) driver consumption of alcohol

(_) D) drivers job

(_} E) drivers marital status, divorced people are more frequently

responsible for
Question 14 of 50 trans-cutaneous, parenteral, utero-vaginal

Tre entrance gates of toxic substances:

A) trans-placental gate

B) digestive gate

__) C) urinary gate

_} D) hepatic gate
E) respiratory gate
Question 15 of 50

Phases of drowning:

( A) thermal phase associated with increase of

body temperature
B) secondary respiratory arrest with hypoxia convulsions
C) phase or ample breathing with abolished mobility

() D) final phase with agitation

E) terminal, chaotic breathing
Question 16 of 50

Risk factors related to child abuse:

A) drug addiction of the pa

(_} B) married couples
(_} C) high social status of the mother
D) poor economical status

E) children with behavioural

Question 17 of 50

Toxicity is in relation with:

A) body weight

B) the administration way

C) dose of substance

D) age and gender

(_) E) the source of substance

Question 18 of 50

Signs of extrauterine life:

A) the presence of serosanguinous bossa

B) the presence of digested mil into the digestive tube

C) desquamation of vernix caseosa

D) presence of air into the stomach

(_) E) weight over 800 g

Question 19 of 50

Carbon monoxide intoxication:

() A) in mild forms occurs visual disorders, syncope or even convulsions

B) could result due to defective heating devices
(D C) oxygen has aa higher affinity for haemoglobin than CO
D) may occur pinkish lividities

E) hypoxemia is a consequence of the

haemoglobin that loose the Capacity to
fixate oxygen
Question 20 of 50


(_) A) the body surface is greyish, greasy and friable

B) the cadaver starts to swell due to putrefactio

n gases
C) the first exterior sign of putrefaction is a
green discoloration in the right iliac

(_) D) occurs in warm and dry environments associated with air

E) is characterized by tissular degradation due to bacteri
al activity
Question 21 of 50


(_) A) occurs due to high temperatures associated with wind

C) B) immersion hypothermia is slower than in the air

(_) C) in human body the main functions stopped at a temperature of 33 degrees C

D) Vishnevskis spots are usually found on the gastric mucosa

E) old people and children are more sensitive

Question 22 of 50

Rigor mortis:

A) it starts in the masseter muscles with extension

to the superior and inferior
limb according to Nystens law

(_} B) appear due to the persistence of post-mortem muscular

C) becomes apparent in 2 to 6 hours after death

(_) D) affects only striated and skeletal muscles

E) is influenced by the nutritional status

Question 23 of 50

Mechanical asp
hyxia include:

A) thoracic compre
(_} B) pathological asphyxia due to tum
C) drowning

D) hanging

(_} E) lack of oxygen in the environmental air

Question 24 of 50

Forensic expertise in neonaticide include:

A) establishing the state of confinement(childbirth)

B) establishing the maturity of the new born

C) appreciate mothers mental state

(_) D) determine the date of conception

(_} E) establishing the age of the mother
Question 25 of 50

Head trauma sequelae include:

(_) A) meningo-encephalitis
(_) B) prolonged coma

C) post-traumatic encephalopathy

D) post-traumatic epilepsy
E) lack of substance
Question 26 of 50

Local effects of the burns:

(_) A) Curling ulcer

(_} B) carbon oxide intoxication

C) fourth degree burns -
D) second degree burns with
superficial blisters
(_} E) the post-combustion shock
Question 27 of 50

*Clinical death:

(.) A) is also known as cellular death

(_} B) always is associated with morphological damages of the cerebral trunk

(_) C) is characterized by a minimal cardio-respiratory activity

D) is characterized by complete prolonged circulatory and respiratory arrest

(_j E) in this state autolysis is encountered

Question 28 of 50

"The primary factors of shooting are:

(_}) A) soot

B) bullet

(_) C) flame
(_) D) unburned powder

C) E) contusion collar
Question 29 of 50

Intoxication with alcohol:

A) in acute intoxications the main effect is the

depression of the central nervous

(_} B) is characterized by optic atrophy

(_) C) ethanol is mostly absorbed through buccal mucosa
(_} D) ethanol cannot pass the foeto-placental barrier

E) the alcoholic coma correspond to a BAL of 3-3.5

Question 30 of 50

Characteristic signs of
putrefied drowned body:

A) swelling and protrusio of the

n eye
B) nocturnal phosphores
C) adipocere

~_, D) death mask

E) death glove
Question 31 of 50

The laceration:

(_) A) is smaller on the skin then in depth

(_} B) the margins are straight
C) have irregular shapes

D) the margins are rugged anfractuou

, s
(_) E) have one sharp angle and one irregular
Question 32 of 50


(_} A) always appear at the place of impact

B) are injuries resulting from an
escape of blood that infiltrated the ne
tissues ighbouring

C) only constitute in living subje

,_, D) a greenish bruise correspond with an old of 1-2
E) change of colour to red-bluish
correspond to 1 day old
Question 33 of 50

Sudden infant death syndro

me is characterized by:

C) A) there is a significant difference between

(_} B) occurs with higher incidence in the summer
C) occurs between 2 weeks and 2
(_} D) low economic status is associated with lower incidenc
E) the incidence is high amon twins
Question 34 of 50

The electric mark:

A) can reproduce sometimes the shape of the conductor

__) B) appears only at the entrance point

C) its colour Is grey-yellowish

__; D) appears in all cases of electrocution

E) it appears like a skin depression with a discoloured area around it

Question 35 of 50

The pulmonary hydrostatic test:

(_} A) if lungs sink the test is positive for extrauterine life

B) non-aerated foetal lungs sink to the bottom of
(_) C) is an important proof of intra-uterine life

© D) help to demonstrate the onset of breathing

E) aerated lungs float on the surface of water
Question 36 of 50

Morphology of the cut wound:

A) the margins are usually straight

(_) B) the terminal portion can present aa linear abrasion

© C) its length is much bigger then its depth

_} D) its length is smaller than its depth

E) the initial angle is deeper

Question 37 of 50

In manual strangulation:

A) can frequently appear hyoid bone fracture

(_) B) reddish petechiae are absent

C) occurs fingertip-shaped bruises on the neck

(_) D) is often suicide

(_) E) the ligature mark depends on the position of the body

Question 38 of 50

*According to WHO standard for new-born viability is:

() A) second half of the VIl-th month

B) weight of 1000 g

(_} C) weight over 1500 g

|) D) over 1000 g and Vill th month

E) over 500 g or S50 cm

aw FPP ic

Question 39 of 50

Cerebral contusion:

A) several cerebral contusion is associated

with profound coma
__} B) is associated in all cases with cranial fracture

_.} C)is a traumatic lesion with cerebral lack of substances

__, D) the cerebral contusion can be the result of
countercoup movement of the

E) the cerebral substance appears dis

integrated with necrosis
Question 40 of 50

Hanging is:

(_} A) atypical if the knot is anterior

B) incomplete if the Knot is cervical

and the ligature has double turn
(.} C) typical if the body is co
mpletely suspended
D) complete if the body is complet
ely suspended
(_} E) typical when the knot is occipital
Question 41 of 50

Cooling of the body:

A) the body surface will start

cooling after 2 to 4 hours after death
__, B) heat loss is slowed down in emaciation
C) depending on body weight

D) depending on environmental temperature and air currents

E) body position or antemortem infections doesnt interfere
with cooling speed
Question 42 of 50

In traffic accidents with pedestr


A) the severity of the injuries is not

depending by the speed of the vehicle
__, B) the injuries occurs on one side of the body

© ©) tire marks appear as zig zag abrasions or bruises

D) the primary impact determines inju
ries to the inferior limbs due to the contact
with vehicle parts

E) the forward projection occurs at frontal

impact with a large vehicle
Question 43 of 50

Silvermans syndrome:

A) suggestive ecchymosis caused by hand or fingers are seen

(_) B) include signs of sexual abuse

C) the presence of lesions of different ages is an indicator for abuse

(_) D) the patients is frequently hospitalised, accusing numerous symptoms

E) different types of burns are usually seen

Question 44 of 50

*Subdural haematoma:

L ) A) usually the haemorrhage ts diffuse

Bis a blood collection developed between endocranitim and the dura

C) is a delimited blood collection developed between the dura mater

and the
aaehnord mater

D)ts mostly sittiated on the CONnVenities

Ey dl aetiology
bas exclusive pathologie
Question 45 of 50

Entrance wound in long-range shooting:

(_) A) if trajectory is perpendicular it occurs a star-shaped wound

B) the erosion collar appear around the entrance wound

(_j ©) secondary factors will be present around the entrance wound

(_} D) the smoke collar is always present around the entrance wound

E) is characterized by a lack of tissues

Question 46 of 50


(_.} A) is characterized by cardio-vascular arrest

B) in euphoric phase breathing becomes

increasingly superficial with tachypnoea
C) the incipient cortical inhibition is characterised
by staring look
(_) D) in euphoric phase reflexes are absent
E) is represented by a progressive slow down of the
vital functions
Question 47 of 50

"in tre Nypostasis stage of livor mortis:

A) the initial lividities will fade if the body is moved

__, B) in this stage lividities are extended, homogenous

C) tre liviaities disappear from the initial surface and reappear on the new surface
if the body is moved

_ D) al the blood infiltrates the perivascular tissues

__ E) tne lividities dont disappear at finger pressure

Question 48 of 50

Which of the following ones are types of agony:

A) alternative agony

B) lucid agony

(_) C) apparent agony

() D) continuous agony
E) delirious agony
Question 49 of 50

Classification of injuries:

(_) A) injuries with skin discontinu

ity -
B) injuries without skin discont
inuity laceration
(_}) C) injuries without skin discontinuity -
D) injuries with skin discontinu
ity- wound
© ©) injuries with skin discontinuity-abrasion
Question 50 of 50

Which of the following affirmation referring to bruises are correct:

A) in bruises the escaped blood will become adhesive to the tissues and canno
be washed of

() B) the accumulated blood is totally clotted

(_j C) the size of bruises is always in correlation with size of the traumatic
D) in biting with a cylindrical object occurs tram-track parallel bruises
Cj E) in case of lividities the tissues are infiltrated with blood and cannot be washed

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