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1. Why is children’s literature important to you?

Literature has been with us since ancient times. It is passed to us either written, oral
and culturally. It has been part of the culture of different tribes and people. Literature
comes in variety of ways. It can be good for adults, women, men, children and people of all
ages and gender. But today we will just focus on one literature the Children Literature.
Children’s literature, the body of written works and accompanying illustrations produced
in order to entertain or instruct young people. The genre encompasses a wide range of
works, including acknowledged classics of world literature, picture books and easy-to-read
stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fables, folk songs, and
other primarily orally transmitted materials. Why children literature is important to us?
Parents always make their child learn to read and write before they are enrolled to a
school. The importance of children literature comes into this manner. Children literature
helps children learn to read at a very young age. This serves as their tool in learning and for
me it is the first material used for learning reading.  Children's literature is important
because it enhances development of language skills and other critical thinking skills that
provide the foundation of learning. Reading picture books to children introduces them to
reading strategies that will be used develop and extend reading skills. Children enjoy
making connections between pictures in the and the way those ideas were represented
with words.  Getting children to enjoy stories is an important part of teaching them to read
because once children come to enjoy stories, they are more motivated to pick up books and
work their way through the words to enjoy the story. With the help of children’s literature
children enjoys and learn at the same time.
It also helps the children to learn their cultural heritages and the culture of other
people. we all know that literature incorporates different cultures. This is important
because at very young age they will be able to understand other cultures around them. The
risk of violating other cultures will be lessened. They easily communicate with other people
with such respect and comfortability.
And also, children’s literature boost ups the personality and manner of the readers.
We all know that there are lessons incorporated in every story that we have read. Learning
this lesson and applying it in the real-life situation helps children to grow and be a good
person. They can possess such ideal characteristics of a good person should have. Lastly, it
helps us to preserve the cultural heritages. We can pass it on to our next generations and so
Children’s literature is extremely valuable in both the school setting and at home.
Exposing children to quality literature can contribute to the creation of responsible,
successful, and caring individuals. 
2. How does children and adolescent literature present authentic representation of
childhood and adolescence?

Literature is growing and developing and so as we the readers of the literature. And
as we get older the interest in literature that we have is changing. From picture books to
novels or other complicated and broad types of literature.
First it shows authentic representation in our ability to read. When we are young,
we are introduced to simple stories like picture books. The words used there are easy to
read and understand. Because as I said earlier in question number 1 it is the foundation for
our reading skills. And as we get older, we are introduced to different and highfalutin
words. Our vocabulary reading and speaking skills are improved. We are more concerned
in the whole story not just the images that we are seeing. Our understanding and
interpretations of every situation in the story that we read varied based on our
perceptions. It only shows that when we are young, we are just basic readers and as we get
older we became critical and analytical readers that can be associated with the transition of
children literature into adolescent literature.
The topic that we have are also changing, from simple plots into more surprising
plots. For example, when we are child we are just interested on happy endings. We don’t
want the stories that we read will end at sad endings. And as you can observe in all the
children literature present, they always show happy endings, which represent that children
need to always be happy. They are not yet ready to face more tragic or more complicated
stories of their life. And while we read the adolescents literature, we are now fun of plot
twists. Our maturity and deeper understanding of the story is growing and developing. Our
eyes are now wide open in the situations that could happen. Children literature represents
that children must enjoy life and be happy while adolescent’s literature shows us the
reality of life. It is just like life from simple to complex.
Lastly it represents our value in life and culture. Like how we value children and
adolescent literature we also value our lives and culture. Enjoying different kinds of
literature for me is also like enjoying your life. Like the joy that it gives when you read
picture books and the uncertainty in novels. Life and culture go like that too.
Children and adolescent literature showcase our growth and development in life
from children to adolescent.
3. What/who real-life event or people are reminded of by the characters or events in
the stories you have read? One (1) fable; One (1) fairy tale and one (1) novel.

Reading different literatures always leads you the comparison of real-life person
and the characters in the story. And with the literature that I have read I can also compare
people and real-life event from it.
From the fable that I have read the Judgement of the Baboon. The story goes like
there are animals who are confronting each other. They want that someone should be
blame with the harm that have happened. Then the baboon came and judge them based on
his predicaments. This toy can be related to the politics that we have. People keep on
pointing out whose fault is this whose fault is that then one who acts know it all always
came and resolve the problem with out thorough investigations. They are just like the
politicians and the people around. People always point out whose fault it is with out
knowing that they are involved in it too. Then this politician just do what they want to do to
solve it even t is unjustifiable. Politics today just go like that they don’t really care with
their people they just act on what they believe even it is not good.
From the fairytale that I have read I have the Beauty and the Beast. We are all
familiar with the story of the Beauty and the beast. I can relate this to love that people
believe today. It takes great woman to change the heartbeat of a coldhearted man.
Appearance is not important as long as you accept everything about your partner. Though
it may be difficult from the start, but it is love everything can happen. Love is unexpected.
You can change your old self once you are truly in love. Man can change himself for the sake
of his woman. I chose this story because I can relate into it.
And lastly, I have the Gulliver’s Travel. I can relate this story into me. Because I am
fun of exploring new heights and places. I love to encounter different kinds of people and
help them to surpass their battles. Like in the novel Gulliver help the kingdom to fight the
enemies and so am I. The pleasure and the acknowledgement that you can get from the
people that you help is so good. And you can gain many friends with the good deeds and
travels that you will have.

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