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1. What is flipped classroom?

Flipped classroom is a “pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group
learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into
a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply
concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter” (The Flipped Learning Network, 2014).
A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at
home and practice working through it at school. This is the reverse of the more common practice
of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to completed by the
students independently at home
2. How does flipped classroom impact language teaching and learning?
Flipped classroom can be consider as one of the most effective approach in teaching and learning
language. As a language learner, flipped classroom greatly affects language teaching and
learning, in terms of instructions and information dissemination, the substitution of videos on
media flatforms gives me more time in understanding a certain topic in learning the language.
Additional to that, retrieval/ reviewing of the lessons discussed become more efficient and
timeless. Learners like me is presented with the most effective and comprehensive lessons to be
But contrary to that learners is also having a challenging times in coping up with the approach.
Some are experiencing the lack of internet and medias to be used in learning. Also, learning is
not that interactive compared to the face-to-face classroom setup. There are questions that might
not be answered and will leave the learners curious about it.
To conclude it flipped classrooms for me is the best approach unto language learning and
teaching. And despite of the weaknesses if it, teachers/ instructors will be able to construct a
more comprehensive and interactive flipped classroom approach.
3. How is flipped classroom relevant in today’s education considering the shift caused by
the pandemic?
Despite the pandemic, education and learning should continue and learners should be more
flexible with the changes happening around them. Given the situation we are into, flipped
classroom would be the best approach to use in order to continue learning with regards to the
requirements that the society is asking.
With the use of this approach learners and instructor face to face interaction will be lessen and it
can help us to minimize the risk of being infected. In addition to the health benefits of this
approach, teaching and learning will be more advance. Both the instructor and the learners will
have the chance to broaden their ICT literacy. Together with that learners will be able to give
more time in learning the topic given to them. Retrieval and reviewing of the lessons discussed
to them will be possible and this will make them more knowledgeable about the subject.
Information/ resources will not be an excused to the learner because of the propagation of the
used of internet.

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