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House is a machine

House, by definition is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a
ground floor and one or more upper storeys.
A machine on the other hand is, ‘an apparatus using mechanical power and having several
parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.’
To draw a comparison between the two and to make a statement on whether a house is or is
not a machine we will have to look beyond the strict definitions of former. With that in mind
a machine can be loosely be defined as a thing that reduces human effort and makes work
when a house is a comfortable, unique, practical and a utilised space for a family it becomes a
home. For a house to called a machine it needs to be identified as a home for the family unit
that resides in it. Home is a very subjective term. A building made for human habituation
could be a home for one individual and not for another, based on the convenience. For
example, for a frequently travelling business man who stays in hotel for a long period of time,
could call it his hotel a home. For one individual an open farm barn is a home for another a
small studio apartment is a home.
For Kim and Kanye west it is the same case, for some their minimalistic , 60 million dollar,
14,000 square meter home in the hidden hills might not seem like an ideal place for a family
of 6 , (with 4 children under the age of 5) to live but for them it is their dream house.
Kim and Kanye west bought their house in 2013, they called over famous designers Axel
Vervoort and Vincent van doyen to redo the house. The house follows the rule of wab sabia,
it is a Japanese word which means “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the
imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.” It
often alludes to rustic simplicity. The west’s wanted their house to perform as a simple
escape from their hectic life. The monochromatic colour scheme, simple lines lack of
decoration was a way to show that. Kanye believes that the “proportions are decorations in
itself”. All the rooms are very big in dimension and there is rhyme and reason to everything
that his been done in the house.
Every part of the house tries to strictly serve its purpose, a foyer is meant to be an open area
at the entrance that leads to other areas of the house. The circular table provides for seamless

Throughout the house unnecessary interruptions (decorative walls and stairs) have been
removed, as they serve no purpose to the family and cause inconvenience when their children
want to play.

Every piece of art also has purpose even the art

“Everything we do is an art installation and a playroom,” Kardashian West said in the

interview with architectural digest – this refers to the Isabel Rower’s soft sculpture that gets
its own dedicated room.
Yet, another one of the most iconic parts of the household is the bathroom. It has a large
bathtub so all the four children can have a bath together. the sink is pulled forward from the
wall, not only have a design concept but also to maximize the mirror size. As this room is
often used to hold a large number of hair and makeup people before photoshoots shoots and
red carpets. So, the size of the room had to be very big. All the drawers and cabinets are
hidden so to minimize the mess as much as possible. The basin of the sink was also removed
as it was not required, instead a slope on the counter was put.

The dining room is right next to the kitchen, which has a bigger circular table for big
gatherings and a smaller table in the kitchen for breakfast. Each having its own function
The hallway is void of any ornamentation, leading to one room to another without any
For Kim and Kanye West this house functions seamlessly. Each and every artefact that is
present in this house has a purpose. There is no interruption in the transition areas, all the
accessories and items are hidden away in drawers like the parts of machine. This mansion
provides the every possible

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