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Exercise 6-17A

Accounting requires presentation of earnings per share data along with the income
a. Explain the meaning of basic earnings per share.
Basic earnings per share merupakan jumlah laba yang dapat diatribusikan
kepada pemegang saham biasa (laba bersih dikurangi dividen preferen) dibagi
dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa yang beredar untuk periode
yang sedang berjalan.

b. Explain how diluted earnings per share differs from basic earnings per share.
Diluted earnings per share menggunakan kemungkinan saham yang beredar di
pasar saham, namun EPS dasar menggunakan jumlah saham yang beredar pada
periode berjalan dengan formula laba bersih dikurangi saham preferen kemudian
dibagi jumlah saham yang beredar.

Problem 6-3
The unaudited income statement and balance sheet of Gourmet Foods Corporation for
the years 2012 and 2011 are given below (in $ million):

In 2012, Gourmet Foods sold its meat packing division for $600 million in cash (the
decision to sell the unit was made on the same day). On the date of sale, this division had
operating assets of $860 million and operating liabilities of $300 million. At the end of
2011, operating assets and liabilities of this division were $821 and $300 million,
respectively. The division had no debt. Its operations for 2012 and 2011 were as follows:

Meilani Intan Pertiwi


The accountant of Gourmet Foods had not made any entries regarding the sale of this
division. The tax accountant opined that 35% of the gain on sale would be taxable.
a. Gourmet Foods’ auditor decides that the sale of the meat-packing division should
be treated as a discontinued operation. Show how the income statement and
balance sheet of Gourmet Foods will need to be restated to reflect this change.
Income Statement
2012 2011
Revenue $ 1.481,00 $ 1.078,00
Operating Expense $ -1.175,00 $ -856,00
Net Interest Expense $ -40,00 $ -40,00
Tax Expense $ -99,00 $ -76,00
Net Income $ 167,00 $ 106,00

Bagian bawah income statement

2012 2011
Net Income dari operasi yang dilanjutkan $ 167,00 $ 106,00
sebelum pos luar biasa
Net Income dari operasi yang dihentikan yang $ 39,00 $ 26,00
dikurangi pajak
Laba pelepasan operasi dihentikan setelah $ 26,00 $ -
dikurangi pajak
Pos luar biasa $ - $ -
Net income $ 232,00 $ 132,00

Balance Sheet
2012 2011
Aset operasi $ 3.590,00 $ 3.179,00
Aset operasi dari operasi yang dihentikan $ 860,00 $ 1.200,00
Efek investasi $ 1.200,00 $ 821,00
Total asset $ 5.650,00 $ 5.200,00
Liabilitas operasi $ 2.344,00 $ 2.100,00
Liabilitas operasi dari operasi yang $ 300,00 $ 300,00
Utang jangka panjang $ 800,00 $ 800,00
Ekuitas $ 2.206,00 $ 2.000,00
Liabilitas dan Ekuitas $ 5.650,00 $ 5.200,00

b. Assume you were a financial analyst. How would you treat this discontinued
Jika saya merupakan seorang analis maka dibutuhkan pemisahan aset yang
digunakan atau menghapus aset dan liabilitas yang timbul dari operasi yang telah
dihentikan, namun tetap menyajikan jumlah pendapatan yang timbul karenanya.
Agar pengguna laporan keuangan mudah dalam memahami informasi tersebut,
maka dibutuhkan catatan khusus dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan.

Meilani Intan Pertiwi


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