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Hindu Religion and Philosophy Veda Sa FY j @ RIG VEDA SAMHITA @ itis the oldest written text in the whole of Indo-European Literature. © Ithas 1028 hymns divided in 10 chapters (mandalas). @© The 3rd Mandala contains the Gayatri Mantra, addressed to Goddess Savitri. © The 8th Mandala mentions the Soma Sacrifice. e ‘The 10th Mandala mentions the Purusuktahymn which defines the Varna system based on 4 varnas. These are? 1. Brahmin 2. Kshatriya + },3. Vaishya 4, Shudra 2 @) SAMA VEDA’SAMHITA ; é : < @ Itis the prose form of Rig Veda hymns for recitation by the priestly class. @ YAJUR VEDA SAMHITA @ Itis acollection of sacrificial prayers with over 1500 hymns. 4. @ ATHARVA VEDA SAMHITA - > i © It deals with peace and prosperity of the human society. ¢ - Brahmanas These are the manuals for guidance of the priestly class. They mark the transition from Vedic to grammatical Sanskrit. Each Veda has its own Brahmana. - Aranyakas ‘Aranya’ means forest and Aranyakas are known as ‘forest books’. < They were supposed to be read in solitude in the forests, by a married couple during the Vanaprastha phase of their lives. 4 They emphasize on the philosophy of austerity. In literal terms, it means that a knowledge which is imparted to the student who is sitting very < men See cter They define the four stages of life, namely: They represent the intellectual > side of Hinduism as opposed to the ceremonial aspect. Grihasta (Family household life) A } ~~ They are aaa Known ee ‘Vedanta’, which signifies i i 4° the culmination of Vedic Sanyasi (Ascetism) philosophy. > 4 é There are a total of 108 Brahmachari (Celibacy) Upanishads. 4 ~ie » > The national motto ~ i ‘SatyamevaJayate’.is derived from Vanaprastha (Solitaty life) the Mundaka Upanishad. ¢ f - > Smvuti Piterature | i t These are the sub-vedas. Each Veda has its own Upveda. Ayurveda (Science related to life and medicine) 4 Dhanurveda (Various spiritual and material Sciences) 4 Gandharva Veda (Science of music) 4 Shilpa Veda (Architecture) v 5 7 | These are the limbs of the Vedas, which are supplementary texts to study/comprehend Vedic literature. There are 6 Vedanagas, namely: Niryukti (Etymology) Vyakarna (Grammar) 4 3 > Jyotish (Astronomy) Kalpa (Rituals) 4 : Ee ehhanda (vedi a & > Darshanas (Schools of philosophy) \ © These texts represent the metaphysical thought of Hinduism. There are 6 schools of Hindu philosophy, namely: a VaisheshikaShastraby Rishi fi Kannad: It hints at the : SankhyaShastraby Rishi existence of the smallest unit , Kapil: It denies the which makes up the whole difference between God and universe i.e. Atom. the soul; Buddhism and Jainism are influenced by it. : > Yoga Shastra by Rishi “ ira Patanjali: It focuses on on EY i S the right kind-of spiritual NyayaShastra by:Rishi Gautam: exercises to-attain It emphasizes on use of logic to moksha. attain salvation > 4 UttaraMimansa by Badarayan: It preaches PurvaMimansa by Rishi Jamini: monotheism and ‘ t It emphasizes on right actions culminates the Vedantic to attain salvation. philosophy. 4 ws Purana The word Purana means ‘that 1 which renews the old’. There are 18 Puranas in total. » < The Puranas are related to the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Mahakavyas (Epics) There are two Hindu epics, namely: Mahabharata by VedVyasa. > Ramayana by Maharishi Valmiki. VISION INSPIRING INNOVATION

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