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Întrebările disjunctive

Întrebările disjunctive sunt cele care se adaugă la sfîrşitul propoziţiei şi se traduce în limba
romănă prin „,nu-i aşa?” sau „aşa-i?” Această întrebare este utilizată atunci cînd interlocutorul
se aşteaptă ca persoana cu care discută să fie acord cu el. El îşi exprimă ideia, întreband în
acelaşi timp.
eg: She came, didn't she? OR She did come, didn't she?
They are happy to be here, aren't they?


e.g.: She doesn't like chores, does she?
They haven't been informed, have they?

Verbul „a fi”
Mary is from Chicago, isn’t she?
Mary isn’t from Chicago, is she?
This is a book, isn’t it?
There are some seats left, aren’t there?
That isn’t Mary’s pen, is it?
Present simple
You know Bob Wilson, don’t you?
You don’t know Bob Wilson, do you?
She doesn't really want those apples, does she?
Present continuous
You're moving to Brazil, aren’t you?
It isn’t raining, is it?
Present perfect
We have lived here for ten years, haven't we ?
You've never liked me, have you?
He has been reading that book for 3 hours, hasn’t he?
Past Simple
They saw us in the street, didn't they ?
They did not come by bus, did they ?
You used to work here, didn't you?
They didn’t use to smoke, did they?
Past continuous
He wasn’t reading the book, was he?
They were waiting for us, weren’t they?
Past Perfect
They hadn’t left by 5 o’clock yesterday, had they?
They hadn’t met before, had they?
He will be at home, won't he?
He will not be at home, will he?
To be going to
They are going to leave, aren’t they?
He isn’t going to tell her, is he?
Modal verbs
Jerry can play the piano, can’t he?
You have to be there at nine, don’t you ?
You must go, mustn’t you?
He shouldn’t do that, shoud he?
You ought to learn, oughtn't you ?
He can't answer the question, can he ?
I could come earlier, couldn't I ?
She daren't go there alone, dare she ?
You said they could come, didn't you ? =
You’d beter stay, hadn’t you ?
You’d rather go, wouldn’t you ?

Imperativ (..., will you/ won’t you / can you / could you?)
Close the window, will you?
Open the window, will you?
Please help me, will you/ won’t you / can you / could you?
Don’t do that again, will you?
Let's go to the beach, shall we?
Let me/ him etc...., will you/ won’t you?
Let him buy it, will you/ won’t you?

Intonaţia întrebărilor disjunctive este:

- descendentă, dacă vorbitorul nu aşteaptă un răspuns real, ci doar o confirmare formală a
enunţului său:
The weather is lovely today, isn’t it ?  Yes, it is. Ce vreme frumoasă e azi, nu-i aşa ? Aşa e.

- ascendentă dacă el solicită un răspuns, o confirmare sau negare reală a celor spunse:
It is cold outside, isn’t it? E frig afară nu-i aşa ?
printr-un răspuns afirmativ sau negativ: Yes it is / No, it isn’t. Da, este./ Nu, nu este.

Particularităţi ale întrebărilor disjunctive

 Întrebarea disjunctivă care conţine forma I am se termină cu aren’t:
I am efficient, aren’t I? Sunt eficient, nu-i aşa ?

 Dacă subiectul din prima parte a întrebării disjunctive este un pronume sau adjectiv
nehotărât, pronumele din partea a doua este he, she, we sau they după sens:
Each participant has to fill in a form, doesn’t he ? Fiecare participant trebuie să completeze un
formular, nu-i aşa ?
Everybody will be delighted, won’t they ? Toţi vor fi încântaţi, nu-i aşa ?
 Folosim intrebare disjunctiva pozitiva dupa propozitii continand cuvinte negative precum
never, hardly, nobody.
Nobody lives in this house, do they?
You've never liked me, have you?
 daca subiectul este nothing, folosim 'it' in intrebarea disjunctiva
Nothing bad happened, did it?
 Cand subiectul este nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone, or everyone,
folosim 'they' in intrebarea disjunctiva
Nobody asked for me, did they?
You're moving to Brazil, are you?

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