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I am going to talk to you tonight the most useful thing which you are ever going to face in your life. It
will come to you whether you are one day old, you may not know about it, or you are hundred year
old, you may know all about it. The beauty is not knowing it, either facing it, or feeling it, or reflecting
it, beauty is solving it, the word is called conflict, con...

Students: Flict.

YB: How you spell it?

Students: CONFLICT.

YB: Conflict, you understand the word flict, you don't know?

(Student: Laughter.)

This is called flict.

Anything on the action this is called ego and this is called knowledge, this is called ego and this is
called patience, this is called ego and this is called life, this is called ego and this is called
communication, it's all in your hand. From flict word came flint through which you burn the fire,
conflict, con, you know what con means, I don't have to tell you, whenever the mind and
the consciousness are in duality, whenever...

Students: The mind and the consciousness are in duality.

YB: You create conflict within yourself. Now understand it is your mind and it is your consciousness, it
is your opportunity and your friend, it is your love, it your greed, it is your commitment and it is your
deceit. Everything in life at the given time, at a given space will conflict between two things you take
the coin and what you do?

Student: (---).

YB: Flip it, you will put the coin and you flip it, what shall be the answer? It shall be either the head or
the tail, are you there? You have life that way, if your life, if you like to leave a long tale so that the
people who relate to you or people who will follow you, and people will know you, they will like to read
it, they will learn from it, they will like to worship it, they will like to appreciate you, they will like to be
wonderful about it, that long tale if you want to leave you have to give your head but when you will
start living with your head you will have no tale and I am not supposed to give you any detail about it,
fact is in your age you can decide, are you going to live in a conflict all the life may, may not, should
we, should we not, is it, is it not, or you are going to live and walk with absolute grace and there are
two legs to walk; one is commitment and other is character. When commitment and character is
walked by intelligence and consciousness, what you achieve is victory.

These are two fingers which make the sign of victory, one is knowledge wisdom, Jupiter, the other is
Saturn and that is patience. You cannot deal with Saturn without patience and you cannot deal with
Jupiter without wisdom and these are the only two sign, the ego, the life, the Sun and the Mercury are
bent under, remember this. When you raise the victory sign you will raise like this, this is the sign
when you are the one top, this is the sign when you will do in, and this is Saturn and this is Jupiter,
and these two sign, this is the Sun and this is the Mercury, so understand if under your identity your
life and your communication is totally controlled by your ego, then you have two fingers left, wisdom
Students: (---).

YB: Patience, Saturn represent patience, patience pays. In your life you can solve everything or solve
nothing. If you react to things you will end up solving nothing. If you escape you will leave a vacuum
and you will leave tragedy behind it, you will leave.., vacuum means you leave a pit on the path you
will fall returning into it. If you confront something you will create a conflict, but if you have patience, if
you have patience and you are nice and you do not react you shall win.

The dividend in your life has to be doubly understand it comes from the fact how you walk. By solving
the conflict in your own life and then solving the conflict with other people, then solving the conflict
with the time and space, then solving the conflict with the entire self. If you understand that other
person is not you, that you don't have the other person.

Whenever you like to exploit things, manipulate things, and do all that kind of stiff you are not going to
get anywhere. What you are doing in reality is you are conflicting within yourself with your growth,
you are conflicting within yourself with your expansion, you are one person good or bad, wise or
foolish, that is no problem, rich or poor, one way you are somebody, if you start conflicting because
you are greedy, because you are jealous, because you are selfish, because you are manipulating,
because you are horny all the time, because you are a whore, because you want to score on others,
because this, because that, God knows what you want, you will have everything in the world but you
will not carry the goodwill and the trust. And any person who doesn't carry lot of goodwill and trust is
poor, is lonely, is outcaste, you can have breakfast friend, lunch friend, and dinner friends, you can
have sex friends, you can have emotional friends, but you will never have a friend indeed, friend in
need. Friend in need is a...

Students: Friend indeed.

YB: Indeed in deed, in active deliverance if there is no friend you don't have a friend. So what you do
is you create a emotional friendship, from emotional friendship it goes as a commotional friendship
and you call it love. Anything which is based on feelings, emotions, and in sensuality and sexuality is
absolutely a, absolutely a self-neurotic projection, they call it SNP, self-neurotic projection and ninety-
five percent people are the victim of it, what it does? It takes away your energy, ninety-five percent of
your energy, it takes away from you, why? Because it makes you self-indulgent and the same energy
which you require to project out, become great without conflict, because if you are fighting..... Listen,
the speed of a runner on a mile race is perfect but a obstacle race the speed cannot be at all the

In your life your conflict is nothing but a obstacle within yourself and why you create that conflict?
Because you have no mental control, mental control on your feeling, and on your emotions, and on
temptation, if you do not meditate and temper yourself, if you do not meditate and temper yourself
and your temper is not mentally controlled by you, you are a prostitute and you will pursue your life in
that pain, nobody belongs to you, you won't belong to anybody, you get just emotional satisfaction
like a woman stands outside, she solicits a man, how much for a trip? Fifty dollars. She goes half an
hour, get it done, paid fifty dollars. She sell the body, somebody buy the body, fifty bucks, exactly that
what life is.

You sell the life for a X-amount of temptation and X-amount of emotional satisfaction and you remain
always on sale till nobody needs you. When nobody needs you, you start becoming frustrated, start
complaining, you start playing the game of apathy, sympathy; when that doesn't work then you start
playing depressed, when that doesn't workout then you become neurotic, who you are hurting? You
are hurting yourself first and all those who care for you and love you, where you will expand? You will
never see zenith. Attitude with beauty, with care, and with a determination, ABCD reaches you to the
Z the zenith, repeat it.

Students: (---).

YB: No, beauty, care, and determination, attitude with...

Students: (---).

YB: That is the Z. Give your life a chance to reach your zenith.

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