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Parenting – Go Stand in the Corner, from an article in Newsweek

magazine January, 2008

Disciplining kids can be tricky. Parents try the old star chart, then
scolding, punishing, maybe even a swat or two. Bad news: Alan Kazdin,
the new president of the American Psychological Association, says noe
of it will help much. His new book, “The Kazdin Method for Parenting
the Defiant Child: With No Pills, No Therapy, No Contest of Wills, “ in
stores this week, lays out a different approach. He spoke with
Newsweek’s Peg Tyre.

How did parents get this wrong?

If you see a negative behavior in your child, you’re going to
respond. The behavior changes instantaneously. But in the long run, the
response doesn’t keep the behavior from happening again.

What do you suggest for a, uh, friend whose 7-year-old has a

tantrum before bedtime?
The key is focusing on the behavior you want rather than on the
behavior you don’t. Then create situations where your child can practice
that (good) behavior, even if you have to stimulate or fake it.

You mean like playacting? Isn’t that kind of weird?

Maybe. But good behavior needs to be practiced like a musical
instrument. The more you practice, the more you get it down. It’s not
rocket science.

Will it work on husbands? Bosses? Co-workers?

These principles are used in business and industry all the time. It

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