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12/11/2020 Andrew Alexandridis - English ΙΙΙ

Page 255 Ex. 1

What is the central idea of “Is 16 Too Young to Drive a Car”?

The question of whether or not someone should be allowed to drive in the age of 16 is a
matter raised by many. Its central idea is the fact that a person who is 16 years old is not
even an adult yet and perhaps is not mature enough to handle the stress or danger of
the road. That really is a two-sided matter. Many people argue that teenagers of the age
of 16 are more than capable of driving a car. The grounds of this opinion are that they
are at a point in their life where they understand a fair amount of the world around
them. That comes with the responsibility that they can evaluate any situation and can
remain calm under stress. But there are also people who do not share this view of the
matter. They claim that since the person cannot even attend an R rated movie or get a
beer from a supermarket how can they drive a car. They support that if the government
cannot trust them with watching an inappropriate movie why should they trust them
with a car, which can cause an accident which may prove to be fatal while a movie just
will not.

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