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Barte, Rosemarie Fe C.


Ms. Laurice M. Capila Human Resource Management

Assessment Task 3

Critical Thinking

What is the difference between HR plans and HRM strategic plans? How are they the same? How are
they different?

The first thing that comes to my mind when I heard the word “plan" is a process or steps of
thinking about the activities required to achieve. Many organization nowadays intend to close
because they lacked of plans to make a long run in the industry. The Human Resource refers to the
people whose abilities and skills to create and develop products and services. It is the most
important resources to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization.

The HRM strategic plan include long-term goals and predicts the future of human resource
needs of the organization. On the other hand, HR plans includes short-term goals linked to the
overall strategic plan. Once the strategic plan is complete they need to implement it. It can not
achieved on its own that is why we have the hr plans. The HR plans includes all the activities of
human resource management such as collecting information, development of workplace, staffing,
develop training and etc. The long term goals can achieve through the HR plans because it refers to a
credible and effective implementation of workplace human resource management practices.

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