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7 Secrets to a brawny and willowy body

(Without exerting too much effort :) )

The dreaded waist line a major source of self consciousness and definitely a frustrating area to get in
shape. Taking into a body goals before summer. Expensive gym membership and the strain of typical
exercises to lose weight and end up not losing too much of weight. Worry no more! We prepared an
exercise just for you to lose your weight and for you to have your body goals achieved that you can do
without getting up from your chair.

Secret 1
Warming up!

 Sit on the edge of the chair with your hands on your lap.

 Slowly lean your body back while tensing your abdominal muscles

 Keep going until your back taps the back of your chair, but don’t put your weight on it.

 Slowly return to the initial position.

 Do 12 repetition.
Secret 2
Oblique Twist

 Sitting on the edge of your seat with your hands on your lap.

 Put your hands behind your head so that your elbow are out to the sides

 Slowly turn the other part of your body to the right. Don’t move your hips, they should remain
facing forward.

 Stay in this position for 3 seconds, then twist your body to the left.

 Repeat this steps 10 times

Secret 3
Forward Bends

 Put your hands behind your head. You can lace your fingers together

 Slowly bend forward, and then return to the original position.

 Don’t use your hands to help you. Ge those abs working!!!!!

 Do it in 15 repetitions.
Secret 4
Knees to the chest

 Sit comfortable on your chair.

 Bend and pull your right leg to your chest, wrap your hands right knee, and hold this position for
three seconds.

 Return to the initial position.

 Do it in 15 repetition.
Secret 5
Leg raises
!Before doing this exercise, make sure that your chair is nice and sturdy!

 Grip the sides of the chair outside your thighs for support on this one

 With your tush in the middle of the seat, lean back in the back of your chair.

 Pull your knees up towards your chest and hold this position for 3 seconds

 Straighten your legs and keep them up for 3 more seconds

 Bend your knees once more and pull them back towards your chest. Then straighten your legs
out again.

 Do it in 10 repetition.
Secret 6
Knee Circles

 Bum in the middle of the seat, leaning back, holding the chair, and legs together

 Lift your bent legs up off the floor and draw an imaginary circle in the air with your knees.

 Do it in 10 repetition clockwise.

 And another 10 counterclockwise.

Secret 7

 Leaning back on the chair with both hands grabbing the sides of your seat for support

 Lift your straighten legs off the floor and cross them together at the knees

 Spread them to the sides and then cross again.

 Do this exercise on one whole minute.

The key to a perfect body is determination, and some recommendations that will help you achieved
your desired results faster. Keep count of how many calories you consume according to the number
recommended for your age, gender and lifestyle.
Manual in P.E

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