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Listening 5 Read, number and write.

Pupils read, then number the places on the map. Then they
1 Listen and tick ✓. write the names of the places in the text.
Pupils listen and tick the picture that shows where the children (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points)
are going.
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points) Answers: 1 baker’s (example) c 2 greengrocer’s b 3 butcher’s d
4 cinema e 5 library a
31 Listen and tick ✓.
1 Girl: I’m going to the cinema. I’m not going to the square. 6 Look at Activity 5 and circle the answers.
2 Boy: I’m going to the town hall. I’m not going to the baker’s. Pupils read Charlie’s questions and look at Activity 5 to find out
3 Girl: I’m going to the library. I’m not going to the bridge. where Olga’s going today. Then they circle the correct answers.
4 Boy: I’m going to the station. I’m not going to the (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points)
5 Girl: I’m going to the butcher’s. I’m not going to the cinema. Answers: 1 Yes, I am. (example) 2 No, I’m not. 3 Yes, I am.
6 Boy: I’m going to the bank. I’m not going to the station. 4 No, I’m not. 5 Yes, I am.

Answers: 1 a (example) 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a
2 Listen and write. 7 Look and write.
Pupils listen and write the names of the places the children are Pupils look at the pictures and complete Mr Fraser’s text.
going to. (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points)
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points)
Answers: 1 library (example) 2 town hall 3 I’m going to the bank
32 Listen and write. 4 greengrocer’s 5 I’m not going to the station.
1 Boy: I’m going to buy some bread.
2 Girl: I’m going to see a film. 8 Write the words in order.
3 Boy: I’m going to buy some sausages. Pupils write the words in order to form questions.
4 Girl: I’m going to get some books. (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points)
5 Boy: I’m going to buy some apples.
6 Girl: I’m going to buy a train ticket. Answers: 1 Are you going to the station? (example)
2 Are you going to the library? 3 Are you going to the town hall?
Answers: 1 baker’s (example) 2 cinema 3 butcher’s 4 library 4 Are you going to the bridge? 5 Are you going to the square?
5 greengrocer’s 6 station
9 Look and complete the directions.
3 Listen and number. Pupils look at the map and complete the directions for how to
Pupils listen to the dialogues and follow the directions in the get to the library, the cinema and the bank.
pictures. They number the picture being described. Pause after (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points)
each dialogue to give pupils time to look.
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 4 points) Answers: 1 Go straight on (example) 2 turn right 3 Go straight
on 4 walk around 5 Go straight on 6 turn left at the baker’s
33 Listen and number.
1 Boy: How can I get to the town hall, please? Total points for Listening, Reading and Writing section
Woman: Walk around the square and it’s in front of you. of test: 40 points
2 Girl: How can I get to the library, please?
Man: Go straight on and turn right at the cinema. Speaking (optional)
3 Boy: How can I get to the station, please?
Woman: Go straight on and go over the bridge. Part 1
4 Girl: How can I get to the bank, please? Ask pupils Where are you going today? Encourage them to
Man: Turn right, walk around the square and it’s next to the name five of the places on the map and use the structures
baker’s. I’m going to / I’m not going to … .
5 Boy: How can I get to the greengrocer’s, please? (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points)
Woman: Turn left and it’s next to the baker’s.
Answers: (Choose from) baker’s, greengrocer’s, library, cinema,
Answers: 1 b (example) 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 c bank, town hall, square, station

Part 2
Reading Ask pupils to give you directions for how to get to five of
4 Read. True ✓ or false ✗? the places on the map. Ask How can I get to the (cinema),
Pupils read the sentence, look at the place in the picture then please? Encourage pupils to respond using the following
draw a tick or cross. language: Go straight on, turn left, turn right, walk around.
(1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points) (1 point for each correct answer. Total: 5 points)

Answers: 1 ✓, (example) 2 ✓, 3 ✗, 4 ✓, 5 ✓, 6 ✗ Total points for Speaking section of test: 10 points


Total points for Unit 2 Test: 50 points

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012

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