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Nufa B.




1. What is Republic Act 9163?


2. When was the act enacted?

🔸The National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the Philippines was promulgated through
Republic Act No. 9163 in 2001 and implemented in 2002. R.A. 9163 – enacted on January 23,
2002- date of approval and signature of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

3. What were the guiding principles in establishing NSTP?

🔸Section 1 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the NSTP states thus:

"While it is the prime duty of the government yo serve and protect its citizens, in turn, it shall
be the security of all the citizens to defend the security of the State, and in fulfillment thereof,
the government may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service."

Therefore, the National Service Training Program (NSTP) reaffirms the prime duty of the
government to inculcate in the minds of the students and youth their role in nation building as
embodied in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. It shall be the responsibility of all citizens to
defend the security of the state. Such responsibility, however, not only calls for a response to
do personal military service but also personal civic service.

4. What are the goals of the state from among the youth in Nation Building?
🔸Section 2 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the NSTP provides:

"a. In recognition of the viral role of the youth in nation-building, the State shall promote civic
consciousness among them and shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and
social well-being. It shall inculcate the ideas of patriotism, nationalism, and advance their
involvement in public and civic affairs."

"b. As the most valuable resource of the nation, they shall be motivated, trained, organized,
and involved in military, literacy, civic welfare programs, and other similar endeavors in the
service of the nation.

5. What is the National Service Training Program (NSTP) all about?

🔸The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is Republic Act 9163 that had been signed into
law by Her Excellency, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in response to the public clamor for
reforms in the Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Program.

6. Who shall take NSTP?

🔸The following are required to take NSTP courses:

a. All incoming freshmen students in any baccalaureate and at least in any two year technical
and or vocational associate courses.

b. All male students who are not covered by Section 12 of the NSTP Law Implementing Rules
and Regulations and are currently enrolled but have not taken any of the Military Service (MS),
Civic Welfare Service (CWS),and Law Enforcement Service (LES) programs shall be covered by
the NSTP Law.

c. Male students who are not covered by section 12 of the NSTP Law Implementing Rules and
Regulations taken only one semester of the Basic ROTC or Expanded ROTC/ NSP shall take one
or more semester of any of the NSTP components for graduation purposes.

7. Which agency is responsible for managing and monitoring NSTP?

🔸The CHED and TESDA regional offices shall oversee and monitor the implementation of
the NSTP under their jurisdiction to determine if the trainings are being conducted in
consonance with the objectives of this Act. Periodic reports shall be submitted to the CHED,
TESDA and DND in this regard.

8 What is the content of transitory provisions?

🔸The content of transitory provisions is that the students who have yet to complete the basic
ROTC, may either continue in the program components they are enrolled or shift to any other
program components of their choice: provided, that in case he/she shifts to another program
components, the basic ROTC courses he/she has completed shall be counted for the purpose of
completing the NSTP requirements. Further, if once he/she shifted in other program
component he/she shall complete the NSTP in that component.

9. What will happen to the graduates of CWTS and LTS?

🔸Graduates of the CWTS and LTS components of the NSTP shall belong to the National Service
Reserve Corps (NSRC) and could be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare activities,
especially in times of calamities while graduates of the ROTC program shall form part of the
Citizen Armed Force.

10. Who will implement the NSTP?

🔸The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is partnering with the Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Department of National Defense (DND) to roll
out an improved and strengthened National Service Training Program (NSTP) that will produce
students with civic consciousness, defense preparedness and will act as first responders during
national emergencies. The school authorities shall exercise academic and administrative
supervision over the design, formulation, and adaption and implementation of the different
NSTP components in their respective school.

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