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Close Analysis:

By. Bob Ong

Adrian Rodvin King C. Villapando Date: August 10, 2017

Grade 12 – STEM OLIVE Mrs. Manalo


The characters in the story are just regular people in school commonly teachers and
students. Most of the character in the story is based upon Filipino characters and characteristics.
The main character Roberto Ong has a big impact in the story creating funny moments and
hilarious acts.


What is the aim of the main character in the story?

Why are there unnecessary characters in the story?

Theme/ Subject


The theme of the story is all about the life of the author in primary school, high school,
university and his adult life. It tackles about on what is he’s doing in school days in primary
school, high school, university and adult hood. It is more on comedy and tragic story that involve
events of his life.


What does the theme aims for?

What is the theme stands for in the story?

Format/ Structure


The story is a nonfiction story that unravels the life of the author “Bob Ong”. It
undergoes in the structure of autobiography of the author itself and it gives the life of the author.

Why does it have to be an autobiography type of book?

Why is it a nonfiction book?



The values in the story are friendship, study hard, care and hard work. There are
several minor values included in the story as well. These are the values that are present due to the
theme of the story and the content where it tackles about the story or the life of the author in
school days and adult hood.


Why does the values have to be friendship, study hard, hard work and not other
values like be honest etc.?

Summary of the entire Analysis

The story of ABNKKBSNPLAKO by Bob Ong is a contemporary Philippine literature

that has a touch of comedy. The characters present in the books are regular people inside a
school and the family members of the main character. The main character aim’s to learn reading
in his time in primary school and high school. There are several characters in the story that is not
needed due to the necessity of the characters to contribute to the content of the story and also to
expand it. It consists of students, teachers, other staff of the school and his family members. The
theme aim’s to show the readers the life of the author in his school days in primary school, high
school, university and his adult life. The theme stands to show the readers what is the story
about. The book is an autobiography due to its structure and since it is an autobiography it under
goes to the category of nonfiction format of a book. The values present in the book are chosen
and does not include all kinds of values.

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