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8/11/2020 Advik parked his Bicycle where He usually parks

Writing Stuff of Abhisek Nayak

Advik parked his Bicycle where He usually

August 05, 2020

Advik had reached his

home from the school
at around 3:00 PM like
every day. His mom
then served lunch for
him on the dining
table. After freshening
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up, Advik had his
lunch and went to take nayakabhisek27
a nap in his room.
Then, the clock in his
room was showing
3:32 PM.
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After about 2 hours and 30 minutes, Advik’s mom began trying to wake
him up for his coaching classes, which resulted in Advik changing his
sleeping positions and not trying to wake up. But, when his mom
aggressively shook him up, he had to wake up.

Th h d f hi hi l h i db k d 1/7
8/11/2020 Advik parked his Bicycle where He usually parks
Then, he got ready for his coaching classes, put the required books and
notebooks in his bag, and went for his coaching center by riding on his
bicycle. He had classes from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM that day in the
coaching center. His friend Lokesh with his (Lokesh’s) bicycle joined him
on his way.  After reaching the coaching center, he parked his bicycle
where he usually parks and locked the bicycle, Lokesh also did the same.
He then entered the classroom with Lokesh and joined the other students

The classes got over at 8.30 PM and the Sun had set properly. Lokesh
and Advik like other students were coming out of the classroom, but,
classes of the other batches were still going on, which were going to end
at 9.30 PM.

Lokesh (to Advik): Prakash sir almost made me sleep today in the class.

Advik: It was not that boring. I agree that the last problem which he was
solving was a bit lengthy but the steps through which he solved it, made
me get the concept completely.

Lokesh: Anyways, Maths is boring. I don’t know how can you like maths
more than the other subjects. Now, you give me your notes.

Advik: Why? Couldn’t you even copy the stuff from the board?

Lokesh: How could I? I told you na that I was feeling sleepy at that time.

Advik: Okay, take the notes but I want them tomorrow.

Lokesh: Yeah, I will absolutely………….. try.

Advik and Lokesh walked towards their parked bicycles and started
unlocking their respective bicycles. (Note: The lock was attached to the
bicycle before it was bought )

Advik (being a little worried): Hey Lokesh, my lock is not opening.

Lokesh: What’s new in that? Your lock always gets stuck. Try 1-2 times

Advik tried to unlock his lock a few times more. 2/7
8/11/2020 Advik parked his Bicycle where He usually parks

Advik: It used to open with a few tries, but, why is it not opening now?

Lokesh (while having a look at Advik’s lock): I think it’s stuck forever. I
had told you to x it earlier but you didn’t listen to me. Now, pay the price.

Advik: So, what should I do now? It would be very di cult to take the
bicycle to the bicycle-mechanic on the front wheel by lifting the rear
wheel as it is locked. Can’t we x it by ourselves? What do you think the
mechanic would do to x the lock?

Lokesh: I think he would simply break the lock and install a new one on
the bicycle.

Advik: Yes, I too think the same. I would break the lock myself and cycle
my way to get a new lock.

Advik picked up a medium-sized stone from the ground and started

hitting the lock very hard continuously. After many hits, the lock was
almost broken, that time, a little effort was needed to break it completely.
Then, a stream of light ashed suddenly in the parking area of the
coaching center.

Lokesh (after seeing the light): Ohh, nally, the old street light has been

Advik (being a little shocked): Hey Lokesh, don’t you think the bicycle to
the left side of my bicycle and my one look so similar?

Lokesh (being shocked): ohh…………………..

Advik took his bicycle-key and inserted it into the lock on the similar-looking
bicycle. A er Advik rotated the key two mes (as anything did not happen in the
first try), the lock got unlocked. Then, Advik and Lokesh looked at each other’s
faces moved out from there with their bicycles as fast as they could.

Short Story

Deepa Gopal 8 August 2020 at 17:25

Ok! That's nice!Good they skipped from there soon! :)


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