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Learning Insight

In the nursing profession, theories form a very vital part of the system. The main aim of
nursing theories is description, explanation, and prediction of nursing phenomenon. A good
theory in this field therefore ensures better patient care, professionalism, and better
communication between nurses and above all provides guidance to the patients, inside or outside
the hospital. A theory shows what we already know and what we need to find out thus in nursing,
it plays a central role in caring for patients. Theories thus go a long way in the development of
the profession.

The first theorist we have encountered is Nightingale with her Environmental theory. It is
stated there that one’s environment is also vital to one’s health. Then we moved on to Orem’s
theory which also contributed in further understanding of nursing with her Self- care theory.
With all of this information gathered from both theorists, we are able to further understand the
do’s, don’ts, needs, necessities and factors that affect a patient. Now we move on to Dorothy
Johnsons’ Behavioral System theory.

Johnson states that the eight subsystems of behavior are interdependent, interactive and
integrated at the same time. According to her, humans are behavioral systems made up of the
following seven subsystems: the achievement deals with setting and attaining goals while the
affinitive forms relationships with others. The aggressive/protective has the function of
responding to threats and providing protection to one’s self while the dependency subsystem
obtains necessary feedback about the self and goes ahead to recognize the need to depend on
others. Whereas the eliminative part expresses feelings to the outside world and is involved in
the elimination of wastes from the body system, the ingestive is involved in the intake of the ever
so valuable nutrients and acquiring knowledge. The sexual subsystem is for recreation,
development of gender based identity and having sexual relationships with others. In other
words, the seven subsystems need to be in good conditions and in action for a normal healthy
human being. Interaction between the seven subsystems is in turn interrelated and connected
such that they influence each other in delivering their various duties.

Her behavioral system theory is very useful in the treatment of mental illnesses. This can
be a good help with the medical practitioners here in our country because of the increasing rate
of mental illnesses. I have learned that the mind is affected by the body’s subsystems and
ensuring restoration of balance in the subsystems will go a long way in treatment of mental
illnesses especially among the elderly. Not being able to express their feelings to the nurses is a
big problem to the resolution of aggressive behavior. Improving their environment and making
the patient comfortable calms them down and thus improve the internal environment as well.

We are confident that one day; we can eventually use all these theories and apply it to our
future patients. These theories also serve as an inspiration for us to become intellectual and
successful nursing/medical practitioners someday.

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