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SISTER LETTY G.KUAN Findings and recommendations

Health status dictates the capacities and type of
A nurse role one takes both for the present and the
Master’s degree in Nursing and Guidance and future
Counselling, MS in Education Family constellation is a positive index
Clinical fellowship and specialization in regarding retirement positively and also in
Neuropsychologu reacting to role discontinuities
With Bioethics formal training Income has a high correlation with both the
Expert in the fields of Gerontology, Care of perception of retirement and reactions towards
Older Persons and Bioethics role discontinuities

Former Board of Nursing Work status goes hand in hand with economic
Her legacy is undisputable security that generates decent compensation
. Self preparation which are said to be both
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS therapeutic and recreational in essence pays its
PHYSIOLOGICAL AGE-is the endurance of cells worth in old age
and tissues to withstand the wear and tear To cope with the changes brought by
phenomenon of the human body retirement, one must cultivate interest in
Role- set of shared expectations focused upon a recreational activities
particular position
Change of life- period between near retirement To perceive retirement positively, it requires
and post retirement years early socialization of the various role we take in
Retiree- is an individual who has left the life
position occupied for the past years of Government agency to construct holistic pre
productive life because he/she has reached the retirement preparation program which will take
prescribed retirement age or has completed the care of the retirees finances, psychological,
required years of service emotional and social needs
Role discontinuity-is the interruption in the line Retirement should be recognized as the
of status enoyed or role performed fulfillment of every individual birthright and
Coping approaches- refers to the interventions must be lived meaningfully
or measures applied to solve a problematic “Prepare me” Interventions and the quality of
situation or state in order to restore or maintain life of advance progressive cancer patients
equilibrium and normal functioning Carmencita M. Abaquin

Determinants of positive perceptions in Biographic sketch

retirement and positive reactions toward role Nurse
discontinuities With Masters and Doctoral Degree in Nursing
Health status- physiological and mental state of (UP College of Nursing)
the respondents, classified as either sickly or Expert of Medical Surgical Nursing
healthy Chairman of the Board of Nursing
Income- refers to the financial affluence of the
respondent which can be classified as Conceptual Model
poor,moderate or rich Quality of Life
Work status When can you say you are living a quality life?
Family constellation- type of family composition Encompasses the individual’s capacities and
described either close knit or extended family abilities with an aim of enriching life when it
Self preparation cannot longer be prolonged
PRESENCE- being with another person during
the times of need
Includes therapeutic communication, active
listening and touch
Reminisce therapy- Recall of past experiences
feelings and thoughts to facilitate adaptation to
present circumstances
Techniques to encourage and elicit relaxation
for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs
and symptoms such as pain ,muscle tension and


Meditation - Encourages an elicit form of

relaxation for the purpose of altering patient’s
level of awareness by focusing on an image or
thought to facilitate inner sight which helps
establish connection and relationship with God
Values clarification
Assisting another individual to clarify his own
values about health and illness in order to
facilitate effective decision making skills
Develop an open mind for the acceptance of
disease or deepen/enhance values

Findings and recommendations:

Terminally ill patients require holistic approach
of nursing
PREPARE ME interventions are said to be
effective in improving the quality of life of
cancer patients
Must be introduced during the training of
nurses both in the academe and practice

Development of training for care providers is

also recommended
For patients, an honest view and feedback
regarding their illness and management can
lead to improvement of services and
Supportive environment that patients can attain
dignity of dying with peace

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