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Jeongguk knew exactly what he was about to do, hands trembling as he was going up to the

apartment door with the number fifty-two on it.

He tried really hard with the cupcakes, he spent multiple hours searching for the perfect red
velvet cake recipe, not to mention the time-consuming decorating that included putting each
letter of the word “sorry” on top of the cupcakes. Another level of a try-hard right here.

“Should I knock? Should I simply say hi? Nope, I don’t want to sound creepy.” The various
thoughts of the doe-eyed boy were interrupted by sudden footsteps on the staircase, so he
just left the note along with delicious sweets under Jimin’s door. He sprinted away as fast as
he could…

Before knocking on Jeongguk’s door Jimin took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Of course,
he was anxious. He felt absolutely bad for disconcerting the younger one to the point that he
treated him with the sweet gift. He shouldn’t have to.

“Okay Jimin, you can totally do this, you are an adult, wanting to talk to another adult and get
a grip!” he gave himself a quite necessary pep talk. After that, he gently knocked on the
wooden door.

“Yoon! I already told you if you want to visit me, you don’t knock” the younger one stated
without looking who is actually behind the door, once he realized that it was Jimin his eyes lit
up. Never in twenty-two years of living on this planet has he seen a prettier person. Wow.
“Oh my God, so sorry I didn’t know that somebody else would want to visit me. No one
actually visits me that often….and I’m going to stop talking now.” he finished the sentence.

“No, it’s fine. I’m Jimin from apartment fifty-two. I just popped up for a second to thank you
for the cupcakes, they were really good, and actually, I wanted to say sorry for making you
feel bad. I’ll get going.” Jimin played with the hem of his sweater too scared to face

“Wait, Jimin. Would you like to come in? As I said, I’m a lonely loser.” Jeongguk giggled
showing his bunny teeth. So fucking cute, Jimin thought.

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