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Take a quit walk with mother nature. It will nurture your mind body and soul.

Presented By: Computer Science and Engineering Students


• Ecosystem

• Major Four Types

1. Forest Ecosystem

2. Desert Ecosystem

3. Grassland Ecosystem

4. Aquatic Ecosystem

An Ecosystem is a biological
environment consisting of
all the living organisms or
biotic components, in a
particular area, and the non
living, or abiotic
components such as air, soil,
water and sunlight with
which the organisms
Types of Ecosystem


Natural Artificial

Terrestrial Cities Cropland Factories


Forest Grassland Dessert


Biotic Abiotic
(Living) (Non-Living)

Edaphic Calimatic
Producer Consumer Decomposer
Soil Temperature And
Primary or Heterotroph Light
Secondary or Primary Minerals Water
Carnivores Atmosphere
Tertiary or Large Chemical Elements
Quaternary or Omnivores Wind
Forest Ecosystem

A forest ecosystem is a natural woodland unit consisting of all plants,

animals and micro-organisms (Biotic components) in that area
functioning together with all of the non-living physical (abiotic) factors of
the environment.

 High Rainfall

 Large Number of Organism and Flora

 Highly Diverse Population

 Stability of Ecosystem is very Sensitive

Types of Forest

 Tropical rainforest

 Tropical Deciduous Forest

 Temperate rainforest

 Temperate Deciduous Forest

 Taiga
Function of Forest Ecosystem

 Watershed Protection

 Atmospheric Regulation

 Soil Erosion Control

 Wind Erosion Control

Fauna of Forest Ecosystem



Squirrel monkey
Flora of Forest Ecosystem
Desert Ecosystem

 Low Rainfall

 High Temperature

 Flora And Fauna Are Very Poorly

Developed and Scarce

 Scarily Populated
Types of Desert

 Sand Desert

 Stony Desert

 Rock Desert

 Plateau Desert

 Mountain Desert

 Cold Desert
Desert Flora
Desert Fauna
Grassland Ecosystem

 Marginal Rainfall

 Vegetation is Dominated by Grasses

 Unimproved Wild-Plant Communities

 Densely Populated
Types of Grassland Ecosystem

 Tropical Grassland

 Temperate Grassland

 Others
Feature of Grasslands Ecosystem

 Temperature

 Precipitation

 Humidity

 Topography

 Maladaptive Plants and Animals

Function of Grassland Ecosystem

 Grassland Provide Food

 Grassland are Breeding Areas

 Human Habitat
Flora And Fauna Of Grassland Ecosystem
Aquatic Ecosystem

 Low temperature and Sunlight

 Vegetation and Soil is Submerged

 Flora and Fauna had Adapted

 Densely Populated
Types of Aquatic Ecosystem

 Ocean

 Lotic

 Lentic

 Wetland
Features of Aquatic Ecosystem

 Light and Temperature

 Current

 Chemistry

 Competitive Organism
Function of Aquatic Ecosystem

 Recycles Nutrients

 Purify Water

 Responsible for Proper Rainfall

 Attenuate Floods

 Recharge Ground Water

Flora of Aquatic Ecosystem
Fauna of Aquatic Ecosystem
Presented And Designed By

Group 1 Group 2

 Mohd. Vais  Daniyal Khan

 Sarfaraj Ahmed  Shaban Khan

 Shoyeb Akhtar  Nikita Srivastava

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