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A Patient Referral and Counter-Referral Management System for Hospitals

Conference Paper · October 2011

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24352-3_20

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6 authors, including:

Javier Díaz Diego Vilches

Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Jorge Horacio Rosso

Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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Hospital system for management of patient

Reference-Counter Reference process
Javier F. Díaz – Laura A. Fava – Jorge Rosso – Pablo Iuliano– Diego Viches
Informatics Faculty, La Plata National University
50 and 120, 2nd floor, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
{jdiaz, lfava, jrosso, piuliano, dvilches}

Maria Terzaghi
Medical Sciences Faculty, La Plata National University
60 and 120, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In Argentina, certain public hospitals at a provincial and
The continuous and increasing population demand for good national level count with very good specialist professionals
medical care, in addition to the low and deficient resource and with medium and high complexity technology that
endowment in many of our country´s health institutions has distinguishes from the rest of the health institutions. It is
made the patient reference and counter reference an important to clarify that the health system has been designed
important administrative care process. This process begins in increasing complexity levels to optimize the use of
with a reference or patient derivation from a lower resolution resources. That is, as a diseases prevention and prevalence of
capacity establishment towards one with more complex different pathologies, there is a greater supply of primary care
assistance, diagnosis or therapeutic complementing, and it in the pyramid base, and as you progress in technological
ends with a counter-reference or patient transfer to the sophistication and professional expertise, the offer is reduced,
establishment he came from, accompanied with a concrete therefore, it is concentrate4d in the reference centers
diagnosis, information on the services provided and with mentioned before. The absence of some technical and human
answers and indications for the assistance demands. resources in small towns and in the interior responds, thus, to
In consequence, this article presents an informatics system the pyramidal logic with which the health system was
developed with Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) conceived [Ref. 4].
[Ref. 1] technology to promote a proper and efficient use of This is why they receive patient consultation and derivations
the Specialized Hospital ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖ [Ref. 2], to which mainly come from polyvalent hospitals, health centers,
improve the interaction among pofessionals who belong to the educational and social development institutions, where the
health ¨network¨ described, in order to increase the primary lack of resources and specialist professionals many times
care resolution capacity and this way avoid unnecessary complicate the access to an adequate diagnosis or treatment.
transfers of children and youngsters. It is important to The use of human and material resources provoked by the
highlight that students from a Chair in the last year of the derivations or transfers for consultation mentioned above
Degree careers of the Faculty of Informatics in the La Plata could diminish through the use of informatics systems –
National University have been in charge of the system [Ref. currently scarce- for they would enable Web interaction to
3]. obtain an efficient professional assessment and avoid and
¨unjustified¨ transfers, reduce problem resolution times and
costs. For this reason, during the year 2009, after various
Index Terms— Reference - Counter Reference, Medical meetings with medical professionals from the Neurology area
Record, Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), Java EE. of the pediatric hospital ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖, a system
prototype of the patient reference-counter reference process
was implemented with students from the course ¨Software
production technology workshop¨ [Ref. 3] for that institution.
Basically, this development pursuits the optimization of the
resources of the busy pediatric hospital ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖,

stimulating the resolution capacity of professionals in primary II. SETTING

care, to improve this way the service quality in all care levels.
The informatization of clinic histories, currently hand The Specialized Zone Hospital ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖ is one of
written, is also one of our objectives. This accomplishment the most qualified health centres for children and youngster
will rank dramatically, for multiple reasons, this essential and care in La Plata city. It receive patients from different parts of
imprescindible document that records medical practices. the Buenos Aires province, the province with the highest
The application applies the technique known as Reference population in Argentina. The patients –and their families-
and Counter Reference. When the child needs a specific from far away places need to travel many kilometers to reach
therapeutic, the small institution asks for a transfer to ―Noel the institution and have access to specialized attention and to
H. Sbarra‖ hospital. This is a Reference Process. Before complex equipments, because the hospitals ans health centers
transferring the patient, the doctors of both institutions they are transferred from are generally general purpose
interact through the system. In some cases, this interaction hospitals with scarce pediatrician specialists.
avoids to transfer the patient and it’s a very important result. On the other hand, unnecessary or late patient transfers are
On the other hand, when the patient transferring is not infrequent and this obviously generates undesirable
imperative, ―Noel H. Sbarra‖ hospital can apply the Counter consequences.
reference Process. Basically it means to return the patient to A system to facilitate interaction among professionals from
the small hospital when it is possible, that is, when the the Dr. Sbarra hospital (internal doctors) and professionals
critical pathology has been resolved and the small hospital from local and zone hospitals (external doctors) would
can continue the specific treatments. eliminate the frustration these consequences bring. This
This web application is the first approach to the concept of interaction would facilitate: (i) internal professional
bringing medicine to the point of care. This means to bring assessment –doctors, psychologists, speech therapists, etc.- or
near the more suitable tools to the doctors in the point of external professionals related to therapeutic methods,
primary care (inside the hospital, health clinics, health diagnosis tests, protocols, etc.; (ii) to avoid transfers, with
centers). The first source of information is to give advices adequate information (iii) propitiate urgent transfers. There
about therapeutic methods, diagnosis tests, protocols, are extemporaneous patient transfers with irreversible clinical
experiences and, when it is necessary, to transfer patients to situations, and in those cases, frustration is inescapable.
the most complex and specialized hospital. Additionally, the An informatics system would enable a fluid communication
possibility to return patients to smaller hospitals improves the among professionals, in consequence, external professionals
administration of resources of specialized hospitals avoiding could consult and receive assessment on the treatments to
unnecessary costs. From the point of view of the child apply in the place of primary care before requesting patient
patient, to stay close to his/her family and friends improves transfer. From the patient point of view, to be surrounded by
the quality of his/her evolution. ones affections –family, friends- favours evolution; and from
From the student point of view, the development of this the point of view of the specialized hospital, human resource
system was a challenge because of the use of open management would be improved –which means more
technologies related with Java as well as for the deploy in a availability for children who really need it – and hospital
local pediatric hospital, where they didn´t use –it´s important resources as well –more availability of complex equipments
to mention it- informatics systems for this specific objective. for those situations that require them.
The methodology used for the system deployment consisted The system would also mean the first significant step towards
on asking the students to form groups of no more than 3 team the generation of a case knowledge base. This could help, in
the future, to solve similar cases as well as to observe, with
members and invite each group to develop a system module,
efficient, adequate and updated medical information, the
applying the technologies taught during the course (Java
evolution of different treatments. This case base, evidently,
Servlets, JavaServerPages, Hibernate, Struts 2, SubVersion,
could be used by external professionals for similar
etc.). pathologies.
In addition to the system encoding and the strictly informatics The following is a description of the Reference and Counter
aspects, the students participated in the meeting with the Reference techniques and the Distance Communication
hospital´s professionals committee –a multidisciplinary team model applied to medicine.
of professionals: doctors, psychologists, etc.-, who transmitted
their needs for the reference and counter reference process.
The prototype we describe in this article will be extended and DISTANCE COMMUNICATION MODEL
improved by two of the students in the course, who will be
chosen for the abilities shown during the course development.
As it was previously mentioned, the Counter Reference
The prototype we describe in this article will be extended and
Technique is a process that allows to transfer or to return a
improved by two students from the course mentioned before,
patient to a smaller hospital. The patient continues his/her
chosen for the skills demonstrated during the course. treatment in this hospital (generally close to his/her home).

At least two doctors are in charge of the patient, one of them facilitate data updating, for example, while visiting a patient
belongs to ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖ hospital and the other to the in a hospital floor [Ref. 6].
smaller one. The interaction between them enables to keep a
register of the patient evolution. This information is useful Below is a detail of functionalities associated with the three
for Sbarra hospital to better manage their resources and user profiles in the system.
medical services. This system also allows Sbarra hospital
doctors to track the status of their patients, even if he/she is Internal Doctor Profile
not yet there, and this is another good result of the process. An Internal Doctor is a professional who belongs to the
On the other hand, the Reference Technique is a similar Sbarra hospital, and is basically allowed to receive and
process to Counter Reference but seen from the point of view answer consultations and generate counter reference of those
of the smaller hospitals or institutions. In this case there is a inpatients in the Sbarra.
smaller institution that requests a patient transfer to ―Dr. Noel A user that enters the system as an internal doctor can do the
H. Sbarra‖ hospital. The smaller hospital or institution does following actions:
not have the resources, the experience and the knowledge to  Interconsulations: enables to interact with external and
do the correct diagnosis test neither to perform the internal doctors through a message system. The system
therapeutic treatment. In some cases, transferring a patient is displays a menu that allows to create an interconsultation
not as easy as it should be. The distance between both access inbox para to read and answer assistance support
institutions is huge and for a patient and his/her family it is requests and access sent box to verify ans sent answers.
hard to face the feeling of family uprooting and also to afford
such expenses.
Distance communication or inter-consulting is a
process/mechanism that enables interaction among
professionals form Sbarra hospital and professionals from
other institutions. Communicacion begins with a consultation
from a professional in a smaller hospital or institution, who is
responsible for a patient, with the objective of obtaining
orientation on a conduct to follow with a patient, without the
Sbarra professionals assuming direct responsibility over the
Usually, an external professional makes various consultations
to arrive to a precise diagnosis to indicate the adequate
therapy, if not, he could ask for a reference of his patient.
The information registered along the time about patients such
as Referenced Patients, Counter Referenced Patients and all
questions and answers from the Distance Communication
system allow in the future to compare different medical cases
treated in the hospital and to solve current patient cases.
These techniques applied all together are an approach to
bringing medicine to the point of care [Ref. 5]. Hospitals have Figure 1: Consultations received from external doctors
a useful base of medical cases and from them it is possible to
make a diagnosis to resolve cases if it is possible and avoid • Redirect the inter-consult to an internal service: When the
transferring the patient to the specialized hospital in order to internal doctors receive a consult from an external doctor,
let him/her stay in the hospital near his/her home and receive the system provides a screen to forward the consult to an
the therapeutic treatments there. internal specialized in the Sbarra hospital.
• Register the reception of a referenced patient: the system
requests a date and time to register the income of the patient
IV. SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITIES to the specialized hospital. From that moment on the
practices can be entered in the patient´s basic medical
Access to the system requires a computer with Internet access, record.
a web browser and an account (user, password) with access to • Make a Counter Reference: the system provides the
one of the user system profiles. With these minimum complete forms that the internal doctor must complete to
requirements, it is highly probable for doctors to be able to make the counter reference. This information is very useful
access the system from the hospital, from their office or even to continue the treatment in the primary care hospital.
from their home. Among future work planned for this year, • Follow the health state of the counter referenced patients:
we have considered accessing the system through pda's, this option enables the internal doctor to periodically
handhelds and other mobile technologies, which would

consult the evolution of the counter referenced patient and

eventually make a suggestion to the head doctor.

Figure 2: Reference list directed to an internal doctor.

• Search by key word: the reference information

(presumptive diagnosis, requested tests, social condition of
the patient, etc.) and the counter reference information
(practices carried out, final diagnosis, etc.) is entered with Figure 3: Loading reference request for a patient.
hey words in the Database to facilitate the search of similar
case pathologies. Manager Profile

External Doctor Profile It is an informatics professional responsible for maintaining

the consistency of the system data, creating users, enabling
An external doctor is a professional who is responsible of permissions and carrying out all the tasks related with the
one of the external entities to the Sbarra hospital. Basically he data and the correct system functioning.
is able to send distance consultation and make references to
the specialized hospital. V. APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES
A user that enters the system as an external doctor can carry
out the following actions: The course "Workshop on Software Production Technologies"
• Inter-consultation: enables to interact with specialized aims to introduce students in a context of realistic software
pediatrician doctors from the Sbarra hospital to ask for production to the standards of art, using Java and free
suggestions regarding their patients with complicated software. Over the course they will deepen on the various
pathologies. The system displays a menu with the same libraries that are part of the standard Java platform for
options as the internal doctor. distributed application development, known as Java EE or
• Make a reference: the system provides a form (shown in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition [Ref 7].
Figure 3) with data from a ―primary‖ medical record (the Java EE is a standard developed and maintained under the
presumptive diagnosis, the applied treatments, the requested Java Community Process or JCP1. It includes several API
tests) and specially the social condition of the references specifications, such as Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Enterprise
patient. This information is used by the internal doctors to JavaBeans, Portlets and various web services technologies,
know the health state of the patient. that we analyze and use in deliverable practical jobs, in order
• Distance consulting of the health state of the referenced for students to become familiar with the various Java
patients: the system enables to access the medical record of technologies. It also trains students in the use of free software
the patient to know the practices he is receiving and the tools such as Web containers, Java EE container, database
evolution of his health state. engines, development environments and frameworks for java.
• Search by key word: provides the same functionality as the
internal doctors, but in this case it may be more useful for it In the following section we synthesize the selected tools for
may help solve cases in primary care spots and avoid a the development of this counter-Reference System-SRC.
Software development community led by SUN. The URL with
specifications is

The Apache HTTP Server is a project of the Apache Software

A. Java Technologies Foundation [Ref. 11]. The goal of this project is to provide a
secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP
services in sync with the current HTTP standards. Apache is
Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP Pages)
an open-source HTTP Server and has been the most popular
web server on the Internet since April 1996.
Java Servlet technology and JavaServer Pages (JSP pages) are
server-side technologies that have dominated the server-side
Although Tomcat is also a web Server, we use Apache
Java technology market; they've become the standard way to
because it allows us to configure security aspects, to install a
develop web applications.
load balancer in case of a posible and inminent growth of the
Both the servlet and JSP pages are web components that
health network. In Fac., the SRC was programmed
dynamically process requests and responses could be built
anticipating this growth and the installation of a cluster of
based on those requirements. They need a web container to
web servers to maintain a good response time.
run and integrating them with a Model 2 architecture is a
good practice. In this mode, JSP pages are used for the
Tomcat Web Server
presentation layer, and servlets for processing tasks. The
Tomcat is a Java Servlet and JSP container and web server
servlet acts as a controller responsible for processing requests,
from the Jakarta project of the Apache Software Foundation
creating any beans needed by the JSP page and for deciding
[Ref. ]. A web server dishes out web pages in response to
which JSP page to forward the request. The JSP page
requests from a user sitting at a web browser. But web servers
retrieves objects created by the servlet and extracts dynamic
are not limited to serving up static HTML pages; they can
content for insertion within a template. This model promotes
also run programs in response to user requests and return the
the use of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern
dynamic results to the user browsers. Tomcat is very good at
architectural style. During the course students get to know
this because it provides both Java Servlet and JSP
these good practices by manipulating these technologies, and
technologies (in addition to traditional static pages). The
then we teach them the Apache Struts framework 2, which is
result is that Tomcat is good choice to use as a web server for
an implementation of MVC pattern. This framework is best
many applications; also if you want a free servlet and JSP
used for complex applications where a single request or form
engine. It can be used standalone or used behind traditional
submission can result in substantially different-looking
web servers such as Apache HTTP Server, with the
traditional server serving static pages and Tomcat serving
dynamic servlet and JSP requests.
Currently we are using Tomcat 5.5 which is the
For data persistence we used Java Persistence API or JPA, the
implementation for the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.
standard management interface for persistente and
object/relational mapping of Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 (JEE Eclipse IDE
5) platform. JPA is part of the EJB 3.0 specification [Ref 6, 7] Eclipse is an open source integrated development
and is supported by most providers of Java EE containers. To environment or IDE [Ref. 12] that started as a tool for
access the database, we also implemented a layer of data developments with Java, but its plug-ins architecture enabled
access, commonly known as DAO-Data Access Object, its expansion to other languages, including C/C++, PHP,
essential in any application architecture. This layer provides a Python/Jython, Ruby, JavaScript, etc. This versatility is
separation regarding the persistence of objects and the logic particularly attractive when the software development
of access to data, any persistence mechanism or particular requires working in several languages. For example, a Java
API, allowing flexibility to change the persistence mechanism development often requires access to tools that support
without changes in the application logic that interacts with HTML, XML, Javascript, SQL, and an installation of Eclipse
the DAO. Currently the persistency is being implemented may be enhanced by plug-ins to support all these
with JPA with annotations, but could be changed to use JDBC technologies.
or other APIs without major changes.
Version control system
To synchronize the software versions developed by different
B. Open Technologies programmers, we used the version control system Subversion
or SVN [Ref 13]. This tool is an evolution of the first
For the SRC implementation we have used some open source concurrent version manager -CVS or Concurrent Versions
software Duch as Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, Mantis, System with the following optimizations: efficient use of
SubVersion and Struts 2. bandwidth at the time of the information transfers over the
network, improves the creation of branches and labels,
Apache HTTP Server optimized management of binary files, etc. Subversion is a
project of the Apache Software Foundation group, that uses

an Apache license, making it an open source project. The

most important operations used in version control are:

• Checkout: allows to obtain a local copy of the repository in The framework Struts 2
the client´s. Using a framework for developing a web application not only
• Commit: facilitates sending the changes the client has made speeds the development process but also promotes best
to the repository and optionally enables to add a brief practices for implementation. Considering the course students
description of it. skills, we decided to teach Struts 2 [Ref 16, 17], a framework
• Update: Sends changes from the repository to the local for developing Web applications that implements the design
copy. Gets the changes that another client has made another pattern MVC (Model-View-Controller) and also is compatible
in the version stored in the repository and stores them in the with the Java EE platform that is deepened during the course.
local version. This framework is based on actions, not on events or
• Merge: Applies the differences between two same versions. components-and we believe is most appropriate for the level
When conflicts are detected between the local copy and the of the students. It is a mature framework, with an important
version on the server, such conflicts are resolved by a community of developers and users. Applications can be
mixture of the local version and the server one, monitored developed in two ways: using XML-based configuration or
by the client. Currently, there are several graphical using the annotations provided by the new Java platform. It
interfaces that are used as front-end for Subversion, these provides user interface components with AJAX allowing a
being, individual programs or plugins applicable to better interactivity with the system users and also allows
development IDEs. As for the IDE that we use, Eclipse, multiple viewing options.
there are two plugins that let you manage the code
versioning in a simple and intuitive way, both Subclipse and The Reference-Counter reference system (SRC) is a
Subversive software released under Eclipse Public License multitiers web application where all the technologies
(EPL). We are currently using Subversive. described above are applied. In the scheme of implementation
shown in Figure 4, two modalities for the client layer can be
Mantis seen, one using desktop technologies and another using
Mantis is a free web-based bugtracking system [Ref 14] that mobile technologies. Then in the middle layer we have as a
provides traceability and resolution of bugs throughout the front-end a web server-Apache-to avoid most of the security
software development, thus contributing to improving problems, followed by a Tomcat web-container-to support the
software quality and collaboration of the various components execution of Servlets and JSP Pages and also disposes of JPA
of a project. They are necessary when working in teams with engine to access the database engine using object / relational
different functions and working in a distributed manner as in mapping.
the case of this project.

Mantis is a software released under the terms of the GNU

General Public License (GPL) widely used in the software
development community. It allows not only to make a follow
up on the resolution of errors, but also to centralize the new
functionalities to be implemented by distributing them among
the different development groups involved in the project, to
know the progress of each new functionality, etc. Mantis is
used by most of the skills assigned to the project as Project
Leader, Tester, Developer, End Users, etc.

For information storing we decided to use MySQL [Ref. 15], Figure 4: Implementation Outline
a data base engine that won popularity in the open source
community This engine is available under both the GPL and VI. CONCLUSIONS
commercial licenses. The use of Java technology JPA allows
independence between the application and the database In this article we present the experience of a university
engine used for persistence, facilitating the migration to any outreach activity for public hospitals. As a result of this, the
other Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS). children´s hospital ―Dr. Noel H. Sbarra‖ and its contact
Thus, it is possible to adapt the system to the economic network will have a modern web based system to manage the
availability and volume of information acquired by other process of patient reference- counter reference and distant
health agencies. interconsulting among doctors. The system, as already stated,

uses free technologies, so that any medical professional with version will be very useful to access the medical reports and
Internet access may dispose of the system services. We hope the results of the previous studies done to the patients.
the use of the SRC increases the resolution capacity in Similarly it will be very useful to update and add any new
primary care and avoids unnecessary transfers of children and information that emerges from its exam. Also, in case of an
youngsters. urgent transfer, an external doctor could load during the trip,
using a PDA with Internet access (with a 3G technology such
On the other hand, we observed that students were highly as HSDPA), all the information he considers relevant for the
internal doctor to make a fast evaluation of the case and
motivated with the development of a system that would later
organize the resources for an effective intervention.
be used by a hospital in our city. In addition to the
development of a system with social impact, the students were
also able to experiment with open technologies and interact VIII. REFERENCES
with real users of a system before their graduation.
[1] Why Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS,
Following this university outreach activity channeled through FLOSS, or FOSS)? Look at the Numbers!, The URL is
the Informatics Faculty of La Plata University, where help is
provided to a hospital in the same city with the development [2] Specialized Regional Hospital "Dr. Noel H. Sbarra", from
of a specific software, the idea of presenting a project for the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The URL is
2010 call of University Outreach Activities [Ref. 18], to
improve and extend this Reference- Counter Reference and
[3] Workshop on Software Production Technologies, a 3rd
Distant Consulting system. So far we have been notified that
year course from the University Analyst Programmer,
the project has been accredited and subsidized for this
objective. In the following section we give details on the Informatics Faculty, La Plata Nacional University,
project´s future objectives.
[4] Stategic Health Plan, conceptual and tactical-operational
VII. FUTURE WORK guidelines,
The future work will mainly focus on two aspects: [5] Bringing Evidence to the Point of Care,
Improved management of medical record information [6] Mobile Technologies in Libraries, how the academic
In a first version of the system we intend to discriminate and library is using pda's, handhelds and other mobile
structure the data of the medical record from both the primary technologies
institution as the medical reports generated during the patient [7] Java EE at a Glance,
stay in the bypass institution. This will allow quick access to a [8] Head First Servlets & JSP, Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra,
correct diagnosis, therapeutic and prognostic decision and Bert Bates. O'Reilly
eventually collect data for statistics and epidemiological [9] EJB 3.0 JPA Specification,
studies. communityprocess/final/jsr220/index.html
Another important aspect to take into account, [10] Hibernate in Action, Christian Bauer and Gavin King.
technologically speaking, is the use of digital signature to ISBN: 193239415X
carry out the provisions of the recent Law 26.529 [Ref. 19] in [11] Apache, HTTP Server Project,
relation to the informatized medical record, which states to [12] Eclipse Open Source Software,
ensure ―integrity, authenticity, age resistance, durability and
recoverability of the data contained therein in a timely [13] Subversion,
manner‖ , art. 13 of the quoted Law. [14] Mantis Bug Tracker,

Creation of a version for PDAs [15] MyQSL,

The fast evolution of mobile devices and their recent [16]Apache Struts 2,
availability in our country, added to the documented results – [17] Struts 2 in Action, Donald Brown, Chad Michael Davis,
in developed and developing countries- that reveal that and Scott Stanlick. ISBN: 193398807X
mobile technology improves efficiency in sanitary care [Ref.
[18] The UNLP deepens its extensión policy.
20], we´ve decided to extend the SRC implementing a new
system version for mobile phones, smart phones, PDAs, etc.
This access alternative will provide health professionals more
[19] Law on Patient`s rights, Medical Record and Informed
freedom to focus on their daily job, for counting with a
portable, practical and agile tool which will enable access to Consent
precise information wherever he/she needs it. This system infolegInternet/anexos/160000-164999/160432/norma.htm.
[20] m-Health for development, http://www.unfoundation


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