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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Hồ Chí Minh city, October 10, 2020


1. TOPIC: The Influence of Country-of-origin on Consumers’ Purchasing Intention on

beauty and cosmetics products in Ho Chi Minh City
2. CODE:
Research field: Business Administration

1 Giáo dục - Giáo dục học ⬜

- Quản lý giáo dục ⬜

- Tâm lý giáo dục ⬜

- Giáo dục thể chất ⬜

2 Lĩnh vực Kinh tế - Tài chính- ngân hàng- chứng khoán- kế toán- kiểm toán, ⬜
bảo hiểm - tín dụng

- Thương mại- quản trị kinh doanh và du lịch- marketing

- Kinh tế học- kinh tế phát triển – kinh tế chính trị

3 Lĩnh vực Pháp lý - Luật Dân sự ⬜

- Luật Hình sự ⬜

- Luật Kinh tế ⬜

- Luật Hành chính ⬜

- Luật Quốc tế ⬜

4 Lĩnh vực Tài - Tài nguyên ⬜

nguyên và Môi
trường - Môi trường ⬜

- Công nghệ môi trường ⬜

- Kỹ thuật môi trường ⬜

5 Lĩnh vực Công - Toán tin ⬜

nghệ thông tin
- Công nghệ thông tin ⬜

3. PERFORMANCE TIME: 6 months.


Năm Nhiệm
STT Họ và tên MSSV Điện thoại Email Khoa
sinh vụ

1 Nguyễn Toàn K18407 Saont18407ca@st. Nhóm

2000 QTKD
Sao 0967 0972703126 trưởng

2 Nguyễn Ngọc Trannn18407ca@st Thành

2000 QTKD
Trân viên

3 Nguyễn Thu Thuynt18407ca@st Thành

2000 QTKD
Thủy viên

4 Nguyễn Thị Thanhntt18407ca@ Thành

2000 QTKD
Thanh Thanh viên

5 Nguyễn Thị Nhinty18407ca@st Thành

2000 QTKD
Yến Nhi viên

Name: Phùng Thanh Bình
Faculty of Business Administration


Nowadays, our developed economies world has experienced innumerable impacts
from free trade and open market. Domestic brands had been in a tenacious period to survive
due to the competitiveness and launching of many well-known foreign brand names. This can
lead to many serious issues because Vietnam citizens have developed with higher living
standards and income so they are required to have wider selections and quality products to
satisfy their basic needs and wants. Moreover, people especially teenagers are more and more
caring about their appearance and personal image, there is a raising need for cosmetics and
beauty products in the modern world because people began to believe that they must have a
good-looking and beautiful dress up daily practices.
As a result, recent years saw significant growth in consumer cosmetic and beauty
purchases. The market share for these products expanded rapidly, according to Statista
(2020), 1 cosmetic and beauty market share in Vietnam accounted for 2.32 billion dollars in
2018, increasing 0.57 billion dollars when compared with the 2016 figure. This can be
considered a healthy number and it is anticipated to become a potential market for domestic
and foreign companies to pour investment in this market in the future. Regarding the net
export from foreign brands, there was a noticeable share in the cosmetic and beauty sectors.
The figures were 355 million in 2010 and then rapidly rise to 790 million in the next eight
years, more than double its revenue in the past( Statista, 2019). The reason for this trend is
that some Vietnam traditional brands are lacking promotion strategies, innovation attributes,
and efficient distribution channels. Then cannot compete with the high reputation and
widespread brand awareness of foreign brand who are doing well in their business all over
the world.
These above problems have risen our concern to research these fields. Consumer buying
decision marking is much more effective by the origin of the product, especially in skincare
and makeup, their preference about this country can change their mind and attitudes toward
the product images ( Jain and Baria, 2019). Country of origin (COO) is a basic standard for a
consumer to develop their judgment and evaluation of the product’s quality and performance.
Consumers are most concerned about the product ingredients and chemical material they are
using because it will directly affect their health and absorb into their bodies in the long run of
usage. Consequently, COO becomes strongly affect in the process of product evaluation
especially for consumers who are exposed to multinational products. When in the situation
that the information is scarce, the COO is the only piece of information for a consumer to
depend on.
Therefore in other to find an alternative solution against these factors for domestic cosmetic
and beauty brands in Vietnam, the thesis about “The Influence of Country-of-origin on
Consumers’ Purchasing Intention on beauty and cosmetics products” will give more detail
knowledge about how these impacts influent on consumer buying decision and provide
Vietnamese brand more opportunity to develop and compete in their market.


Target research:
• Find out the impact of the country-of-origin on customers’ purchasing attitudes and
intentions towards cosmetics.
• Advising programs, production policies and marketing strategy suitable for domestic
cosmetic enterprises.
Research objectives: all individuals from 18 to 40 years old, who are living, studying and
working in Ho Chi Minh City.

Research scope:
• Research about the countries’ images of skincare brands in the mind of consumers in
Ho Chi Minh City.
• Research the level of concern about the origin when customers purchase cosmetic
products in Ho Chi Minh City.
Maslow’s theories.
We use Maslow's theories about personal growth and motivation published in 1943. According
to Maslow, human behavior is rooted in the desire to satisfy individual needs. From there,
analyzing the needs and desires of consumers about product origins when purchase cosmetic
The effects of product class knowledge on information search behavior.
Brucks (1985) mentions about the prior nowledge that mean human behaviour processes
information via storing in memory. After the consumers use the product, consumers’
experience in memory related to a specific product in the form of encrypted brands’
presentation, product attributes, general product line news, and evaluation and choice rules.
From there which have various effects on product evaluations and customers’ behaviour for
choices depending on certain situations.
Categorization theory.
We used categorization theory of Gregan-Paxton and John to conceptually underpin our study
because categorization plays a central role in consumer behavior, and COO constitutes an
important category for consumers. Specifically, consumers make inferences about a brand’s
attributes from their knowledge of the brand’s origin. For example, Japanese image is
associated with "good quality". Keywords like "durable", "safe", and "genuine" are closely
associated with the national image of Japan. Thus, the COO serves as a signal that all members
of a category are likely to share some similar attributes.

The report is made through 2 main steps: qualitative research and quantitative research.
Collecting data on research subjects by using survey methods for research subjects. Statistical
and comparison methods are then used to analyze the data. Finally, to adjust and build the
scale to suit the research objectives of the topic.
After selecting the satisfactory data, we encrypted, entered and cleaned the data by using SPSS
22 and MS Excel. Through SPSS, data will be processed to verify the model and hypotheses in
the model.


This research contains three chapters.

-Chap 1: an overview of the skincare industry

-Chap2: some factors which affect customer’s purchase intention of skincare.

- Chap3: some suggestions for Vietnamese skincare companies to become more

overwhelming than foreign ones.


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Augusta, E. D., Mardhiyah, D., & Widiastuti, T. (2019). Effect of country of origin image,
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Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 4(2).

Shahid, S., Ahmed, F., & Hasan, U. (2018). A qualitative investigation into consumption of
halal cosmetic products: the evidence from India. Journal of Islamic Marketing.

Iftekhar, A. (2015). Impact of Product’S Country of Origin on Consumer Buying Behavior

(Case Study of Beauty Care Products). European Journal of Business and Management, 7, 127-137.

Ishak, S., Omar, A. R. C., Khalid, K., Ghafar, I. S. A., & Hussain, M. Y. (2019). Cosmetics
purchase behavior of educated millennial Muslim females. Journal of Islamic Marketing.

Zbib, I., Ghaddar, R., Samarji, A., & Wahbi, M. (2020). Examining Country of Origin Effect
among Lebanese Consumers: A Study in the Cosmetics Industry. Journal of International Consumer
Marketing, 1-15.
Statista. (2019). Market value of the cosmetics industry in Vietnam in 2016 and 2018.
Retrieved from

Statista. (2020). Cosmetics market in Vietnam - Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from 2

Jain, V., & Bariar, S. (2019). Analysis of mediation effect of country-of-origin image on brand
equity. International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, 1(1), 89.
doi:10.1504/ijbda.2019.098828  3


Agenda Timeline

1. Develop a detailed outline of the topic. 01/10/2020 to 14/10/2020

2. Conducting data collection on the UEL 10/2020

Economic - Financial Research CenterThu
thâ ̣p, phân tích và đánh giá số liê ̣u.

3. Research the theory of each specific content of 12/2020

the topic

4. Write articles, edit articles 01/01/2021 to 15/02/2021

5. Write a final report on the official topic 16/02/2021 to 28/02/2021

6. Prepare to defend and defend your topic 03/2021

The purpose of the research concentrates on how a country of origin influence customers’
purchase intention of skincare.
-This study ensures that when consumers in a Viet Nam misperceive local brands as
foreign ones (from more developed countries), this perception will have an enormous impact
on their attitudes towards the brands.
- Also, the findings supply precious information for domestic skincare enterprises as well
as marketing companies major in foreign brands to deeply understand how different
customers perceive between domestic and foreign products, especially skincare products.
-Such findings contribute to boosting marketing and competitive strategies; beauty
promotion strategies as well as government trade policies.
October 10, 2020 October 10, 2020

Register Instructor

Nguyễn Toàn Sao Phùng Thanh Bình

October 10, 2020


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