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Taking your fitness to a next level

Weight Gain Foods

Do you want to gain weight? Here is a list of the Best Weight Gain Foods for you.

A healthy diet helps you to maintain a healthy weight. The Fitness Levels found out some of the
Best Weight Gain Foods for you, which will help you to gain weight rapidly and healthily. Follow
this food list and start gaining weight.

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Bananas are a great source of carbs and calories that give you instant energy and helps you to gain
weight. This weight gain food has more calories than many other fruits.

A 100 grams serving of banana provides you 89 calories, 22.8 grams of carbohydrates (out of which
12.2 grams are sugar, and 2.6 grams are dietary fiber), 0.3 grams of fat, 1.1 grams of protein, and 450
mg of potassium. Banana is a rich source of vitamins, and it’s free from fat, cholesterol, and sodium.


Nuts are healthy and also great food to make you gain weight. They are high in fiber and protein, A per
ounce serving of nuts will provide you about 150 to 200 calories.

This weight gain food contains good fat, which will help you to reduce the bad fat from your body. Nuts
are high in fat and calories, eating multiple portions may lead you to weight gain.
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3. POTATO You can choose to turn off no fica ons later any me using
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Potatoes help you to gain weight because they are good sources of calories and carbohydrates which
you need to gain weight.

A large-sized potato (369 grams) consists of 283 calories, 64 grams of carbohydrate, 0.3 grams of fat, 7
grams of protein, sodium, and potassium. By adding potatoes to your diet, will help you to increase your
body weight.


Ghee is also known as Clarified Butter. A 100 grams serving of ghee provides you, 717 calories, 0.1
grams of carbohydrate, 81.1 grams of fat (out of which 51.4 grams is saturated fat). Apart from this, it
also contains cholesterol.

As it contains such amount of fat, so by adding it in your diet, will help you to gain weight.
Ghee is one of the best weight gain foods, but consuming more of it can lead you to health problems
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like increase in cholesterol which can cause heart diseases. 
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But Ghee can also be healthy if consumed
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So, on an average of 3-6 tablespoons are recommended for good health and weight.
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Full Cream Milk / Whole Milk is a good choice for anyone who is looking for gaining weight and building
muscles. One cup (236.9ml) serving of Full Cream Milk contains 146 calories, 12.8 grams of
Carbohydrates, 7.9 grams of protein, 7.9 grams of Fat.

It also contains Omega-3s, Calcium, and Vitamin D. As Full Cream Milk is a good source of calories,
carbs, fat, and protein, it will lead you to gain weight.

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Red meat is a weight gain food and also helps to build muscles. A 100 grams serving of red meat gives
you 176 calories, 20 – 25 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, and natural creatine, which leads to weight
gain, building muscles, and gives you energy during heavy lifting or high-intensity exercise.


Peanut butter is high in calories and fat, which you need to put on weight. A 100 grams serving of
peanut butter gives you 588 calories, 50 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 20 grams of

The peanut butter is a great food to gain weight. But many peanut butter brands add a lot of Sugar,
Hydrogenated Fat, and sodium for better taste, so go and look for a brand that doesn’t add any of these
unhealthy things.

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White Rice helps you to gain weight, as it is a good source of Carbohydrates and calories. A 100 grams
serving of white rice contains 123 Calories, 2.9 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.4
grams of Fat.

As our body needs Calories and Carbohydrates to gain weight, so eating rice will lead you to weight


Eggs are a great muscle building food, and will also help you to gain weight. They contain high-quality
protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients.

Almost all of the nutrients of an egg are in the yolk. Their healthy fats will help you to gain weight
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 A large egg (50 grams) provides you 71.5 calories, 0.4 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fat, and 6.3
grams of protein.


This Homemade Shake is a mixture of best weight gain foods.

To make it you need these following items –

 – 1.5 Glass Of Full cream milk

 – 1 Banana

 – 1 Tablespoon Of Peanut Butter 

 – Handful Of Nuts
And then mix all these items with the help of a mixer. This Homemade Shake will contain around 400–
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600 calories, along with a high amount of Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Vitamins, and Minerals.
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You can also add some nuts above your shake
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