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Laurie Vedmar

Lakeland Community College

Functional MRI

Functional MRI’s determines activation in the brain during activities or in disorder of the brain.

fMRI uses the same MRI machine as other examinations but it requires special additional

software. Certain areas of the brain are activated and detected by the oxygen content in the

blood vessel under the idea that oxygen level is high when the brain is activated; this is referred

to as Blood- oxygen- level- dependent or BOLD. BOLD can best be understood by explaining

that neurons do not have internal reserves of energy in the form of sugar and oxygen, so their

firing causes a need for more energy to be brought in quickly. Through a process called the

hemodynamic response, blood releases oxygen to them at a greater rate than to inactive

neurons, and the difference between the magnetic signals created by oxygenated blood and

deoxygenated blood can be detected using an MRI scanner. The patient is therefore asked to

alternate between several tasks or is stimulated to trigger several processes or emotions, this

determines the areas of the brain which reliably have more of this difference as a result, and

therefore which areas of the brain are active during that task. (1.)


First, let me explain the symptoms of ADHD: Chronic lateness and forgetfulness, anxiety, low

self-esteem, employment problems, difficulty controlling anger, impulsiveness, substance abuse

or addiction, poor organization skills, procrastination, low frustration tolerance, chronic

boredom, difficulty concentrating when reading, mood swings, depression, relationship


While no one really knows what causes ADHD, it is generally agreed by the medical and

scientific community that ADHD is biological in nature. Many believe that it results from a

chemical imbalance in the brain.

A lot of today’s research suggests that genetics plays a major role in ADHD. The possibility of a

genetic cause to ADHD is further supported by the fact that ADHD appears to run in families.

Between 10 and 35 percent of children with ADHD have a first-degree relative with past or

present ADHD. Approximately half of parents, who have been diagnosed with ADHD

themselves, will have a child with the disorder. (5.)

There is also a relationship between environmental issues and ADHD such as exposure to toxins

(such as lead), complications during pregnancy - such as oxygen deprivation. Low birth weight,

low Omega-3 essential fatty acids and smoking during pregnancy. (5.)

Now let’s put an ADHD patient into an fMRI. By comparing the different colors in different parts

of the brain, we can see were the differences are, but keep in mind the brighter colors suggests

not that the brain is better, but rather is working harder.

Image 1 shows a three-dimensional, high-resolution MRI image of the brain of a patient with

ADHD, the image shows reductions in the size of specific areas within the frontal and temporal

lobes in yellow and red. (3.) The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving,

spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual

behavior. This area is linked to a deficiency of the neurotransmitters dopamine and

norepinephrine which are involved with arousal and alertness. Low serotonin is linked to

impulsivity and problematic behavior. (2.) The temporal lobes are responsible for hearing,

memory, meaning, and language. They also play a role in emotion and learning. The frontal and

temporal lobes being smaller in size, makes the ADHD person work these areas harder

Image 2 shows a three-dimensional, high-resolution MRI image of the brain of a patient with

ADHD, showing regional increases in the density of gray matter. Areas in yellow and red

average between 10 - 24 percent more gray matter than those of the average control subject.

The increase in the volume of gray matter in large areas of the posterior temporal and inferior

parietal cortices of children with ADHD has been identified as areas of the brain controlling

attention and impulse control. This could mean that a reduction of white matter in the same

region could result in an apparent abundance of gray matter. (3.) White matter is composed of

bundles of axons, which connect various grey matter areas of the brain to each other, and carry

nerve impulses between neurons. Using a computer network as an analogy, the gray matter can

be thought of as the actual computers themselves, whereas the white matter represents the

network cables connecting the computers together.(4.)

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