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Notre Dame University




(Task 1)

Date: NOVEMBER 29, 2021 Professor: Ma’am Cherie Eruela

Brain Power!

The brain excels at making predictions and clarifying confusion, thanks to a network of billions
of cells called neurons. This vast network enables your brain to respond to the unexpected or
the unclear. This includes solving puzzles, such as those below, as well as ducking when a ball
flies at your head or eating when you feel hungry. Your amazing brain does all of this
automatically—without your even having to think about it! Check out the brainteasers below to
see the power of the brain in action and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Double Take
Your brain can see things that aren’t there. Does that mean you’re seeing things? No! Your flexible brain
is so good at making sense of patterns that it can see two images in one image.

The image at left is both a “a lamp stand or candle stand” and “Faces of two people”

Spell Check
Your brain also solves mysteries in language. Imagine you find the cryptic note to the right on a food
container. Good thing your brain needs only the first and last letter of a word to be in the right place!

Translation: “Don’t even think of eating this! It’s Cheese with fuzzy mold for my science project!”
Think It Through:
Drugs break into the neural network and physically modify brain communication. They can make
it hard to process information and make sound decisions. They also slow reflexes, which can
lead to accidents and injuries. Considering these facts, answer the questions below on separate

1. How might drugs affect a person's ability to drive?

- Many substances can impair one's ability to drive. Because they impede coordination,
judgment, and reaction times, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs can impair driving
skills. Cocaine and methamphetamine have been shown to make drivers more
aggressive and riskier. Alcohol and other drugs can have a significant impact on your
driving abilities. You're more likely to get into an accident and hurt yourself or others.
The collision has the potential to be fatal. Driving excessively fast or erratically, being
aggressive behind the wheel, impaired vision, and feeling overconfident are all
stimulants. Depressants cause you to drive too slowly, fall asleep behind the wheel, veer
out of your lane, and your reactions to be delayed. Hallucinogens cause distorted
eyesight, making it difficult to gauge distances accurately and causing people to see
things that aren't there. When driving, it is prohibited to have any trace of illegal narcotics
in your system.

2. How might drugs affect a person's ability to take a test?

- The effects of drugs vary depending on the drug, the person using it, and their
circumstances. Using drugs can have a negative impact on not just your physical and
mental health, but also your entire life. A single tablet has the potential to kill. Drug use
has been linked to an increased risk of mental health concerns like anxiety, depression,
and psychosis, according to studies. People with mental health disorders are also more
likely to have drug abuse issues. Depending on the type of medicine, distinct physical
reactions occur. Some of these will help you feel more alert, aware, and energized.
Others will make you feel peaceful and comfortable. Some can produce hallucinations
by altering your perceptions. Others may cause you to become numb. Long-term usage
and higher doses have harmful health impacts that can be fatal, including illness risks
from sharing needles and lasting damage to the brain and other organs.

3. How might drugs affect a person's ability to avoid injury?

- Alcohol and other drugs can impair your judgment, vision, and coordination. In fact, the
areas of the brain that control these tasks are among the first to be harmed by alcohol
and other drugs. People who take these substances are thus more likely to be injured
than those who do not. And like with any injury, it could have long-term consequences.
People who use alcohol or other drugs are more likely to be injured in two ways. First,
because their judgment, vision, and coordination are impaired, they are more likely to be
injured. Second, those who are impaired by alcohol or other drugs are more likely to be
gravely injured in the same situation than if they hadn't been taking these substances.

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