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Romantic and Victorian Poetry MCQS.

(Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey ) 

When was tintern abbey written? 

1. 10 May 1797 
2. 15 Aug 1797 
3. 20 May 1798 
4. 13 July 1798 ​✔ 
How has the speaker changed in the last 5 years? 
1. He is ill 
2. He is tired 
3. He is sad 
4. He lost his youth ​✔ 
What feelings does the Wye valley give the speaker? 
1. Sadness feeling 
2. Tired feeling 
3. Comfort and happiness ✔ 
4. Strange 
When was the last time the speaker had visited Tintern Abbey? 
1. 3 Years ago 
2. 4 Years ago 
3. 5 Years ago ✔ 
4. 6 Years ago 
The "dear, dear friend" of the speaker in his ______. 
1. Brother 
2. Sister ✔ 
3. Neighbour 
4. Father 
(Ode to Intimations of Immortality) 
When the writer was young meadow, grove, and stream apparelled in 
1. Darkness 
2. Sun 
3. Moon 
4. Celestial light ✔ 
The poet invites the ____ to shout around him. 
1. Coco bird  
2. Nightingale  
3. Shepherd boy ✔ 
4. Angle 
Tabor is a small kind of ? 
1. Drum ✔ 
2. Insects 
3. Bird 
4. Animal 
Our birth is only a ________ 
1. Eating and sleeping 
2. Nature and love 
3. Reading and writing 
4. Sleeping and forgetting ✔ 
____ fades slowly as a child grows into a boy , the boy onto a youth, the 
youth into a man. 
1. Age 
2. Strength 
3. Love 
4. Vision ✔ 
(Ode to Autumn) 
"Seasons of mists and ______ fruitfulness" 
1. MELLOW ✔ 
"To Autumn" falls under the category of which poetic genre? 
1. ODE ✔ 
4. HYMN 
Which literary device does Keats frequently use when he refers to 
"Close-bosomed friend of the maturing _____" 
1. DAY 
3. SUN ✔ 
"Where are the _____ of spring? Ay, Where are they?" 
4. SONGS ✔ 
(Ode to a Nightingale) 

What is the theme to "Ode to a Nightingale?" 

1. morality ✔ 
2. truth 
3. reality 
4. love 
“light-wingèd Dryad” is a reference to 
1. a tree. 
2. the wind 
3. a drink 
4. the nightingale ✔ 
The speaker’s preferred means of escape from the pain of the world is 
1. “the warm South” 
2. “a draught of vintage” 
3. “the viewless wings of Poesy” ✔ 
4. “Dance, and Provençal song” 
The birds song is referred to as both a “plaintive anthem” and a 
1. “soft incense” 
2. “high requiem” ✔ 
3. “musèd rhyme” 
4. “murmurous haunt” 
In the final stanza, the speaker is 
1. confused ✔ 
2. joyful 
3. vengeful. 
4. calm. 
(Ode on a Grecian Urn) 

The speaker uses devices such as imagery, oxymoron, and synechode to 
1. Reveal the speaker's dark side towards nature 
2. Bring the urns stationary images to life ✔ 
3. To illustrate how the urn originates from ancient Greece 
4. To display his sexual frustration towards the two lovers 
What does the speaker refer the urn to? 
1. "An unravished bride of quietness" ✔ 
2. "leaf-fring'd legend haunts" 
3. "sylvan author" 
4. "bold lover" 
The urn recites "beauty is truth truth beauty" to 
1. The trees 
2. To the speaker and all other humans that it meets ✔ 
3. Ugly people 
4. The the images on the urn 
What's the author's feeling toward the urn? 
1. The author has mixed feelings toward each scene, but in the end he 
is irate. 
2. The author is mournful that the urn is so plain. 
3. The author is sad that the events in the urn aren't going anywhere 
at all, and that no one knows how the events began. ✔ 
4. The author does not appreciate the beauty of the urn. 
Why does the speaker praise the urns immortality so much? 
1. He praises it because it has everlasting beauty, and it only needs to 
know its own beauty to contribute a purpose to life. ✔ 
2. He admires the different scenes pictured on the urn 
3. He praises the urn because it is so unique 
4. He praises it because it reminds him of his own life 
(Ode to the West Wind) 
When was Ode to the West Wind written? 
1. 1816 
2. 1818 
3. 1818 
4. 1819 ✔ 
When was Ode to the West Wind written? 
1. 1820 ✔ 
2. 1821 
3. 1822 
4. 1823 
The wind carries like chariot some ____ to different parts of the region. 
1. leaves 
2. flowers  
3. seeds ✔ 
4. dusts 
Shelly calls the west wind a ? 
1. Wild spirit ✔ 
2. Powerful force 
3. King 
4. Giant  
The west wind is both destroyer and _____ 
1. Angel 
2. Giver 
3. Creater 
4. Preserver ✔ 
(Ode to Dejection) 

The speaker describes his act of watching the sky as ____ 

1. Happy 
2. Marvelous  
3. Vain ✔ 
4. Meaningful 
The speaker’s thoughts are distracted by a _____ 
1. Eagle 
2. Parrot 
3. Nightingale 
4. Throstle ✔ 
The speaker wants his lady love to know  
1. His love 
2. His desires 
3. His state of mind ✔ 
4. His future plan 
The speaker expresses his state of mind as a ___ feeling. 
1. Lose and energetic 
2. Drowsy and unimpassioned ✔ 
3. Wakeful 
4. Passionate  
The speaker was dejected because of his inability to shake off_____. 
1. Poverty 
2. Dullness ✔ 
3. Courage  
4. Lethargy 
Designed By Umair Hassan (MA English Semester 2) 

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