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Last week of school

This past week was very crazy. We had to keep the students materials in their bookbags just
incase we had to go to remote learning. This way they would have everything they needed for the red
phase. Most of the students were really good at keeping everything together which was nice but we did
have some students leave things at home so I had to run around trying to gather new materials for them
so they could get through the day.

I am starting to teach the entire day and I love it. My mentor is really helpful at making sure I am
prepared before I start. I am very comfortable teaching the entire day and I am happy that she feels
confident for me to do so as well.

I cannot believe that next week is my last week with my students. This semester flew by and I
have learned so much from it. I think that student teaching during a pandemic will help me become a
better teacher. I have learned how to be very flexible with changing of schedule, students being able to
stay home and learn whenever they want and just always having to be prepared. I learned that it is
better to plan ahead then change if needed rather than waiting until the last minute to prepare. This has
been such a good experience and I am so sad that it is over. My students have grown so much over the
past 3 months and have taught me a lot as well. Before student teaching the only teaching experience I
had was teaching preschool which I loved but after working in a school district with older students it
made me realize that this is exactly what I want to do. I love being with school aged kids.

As of right now Westmont Elementary School has hired me as a substitute. I am very excited to
be able to go into different classrooms and teach other grades. Due to Covid and contact tracing I was
not allowed to go visit other classrooms while student teaching. But when I am a substitute, I can go into
any classroom that needs it. I love the school district and how they run everything so I am so happy I can
continue teaching there.

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