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Air Sterilization

Light Sources and LightTech’s strategic partnership offers many high-quality

germicidal UVC lamps for air purification systems in standard and customized

Germicidal UVC technology is an efficient and cost-effective

method to effectively disinfect air with no hazardous waste or
byproducts. It has growth potential in many markets, including
residential, commercial, industrial, health care and education.
The successful elimination of air-borne transmissible agents,
fungi, bacteria, viruses, spores, parasites and dust mites is
critical to maintaining health, especially in hospitals, nursing
homes, methadone clinics, rehabilitation centers, TB clinics,
schools, doctor’s offices or homes.

Remove harmful and toxic chemicals produced in industries such as printing, plastics
and rubber, or wood and surface treatment is critical. Germicidal UV technology can
reduce or eliminate VOCs and industrial exhausts containing solvents.

Germicidal lamps can be installed in any new or existing HVAC system (heating
ventilation and air conditioning). UVC light, with most of the light energy focused at
254nm, is the most effective germicidal wavelength in the entire UV light spectrum.
UVC light literally attacks DNA-based airborne pollutants and mold spores by breaking
DNA molecular bonds, rendering them unable to reproduce.

Placed right above the air conditioning cooling A-coil or directly through it, the
germicidal lamp offers maximum coil cleaning of mold and bio-films at the same time it
disinfects the upstream air flow.

Benefits of Using UV light in HVAC Systems:

Lowers energy costs by improving HVAC system heat transfer and increasing
net cooling capacity. Reduces Maintenance: Continuously cleans coils, drain
pans plenums and ducts.
Improves indoor air quality as it prevents the spread of irritating airborne
microorganisms and protects against infectious diseases.

Germicidal UVC Technology in Hospitals

Light Sources and LightTech’s germicidal UVC lamps for air purification systems reduce
pathogens in the air supply. Hospitals have always presented a risk of infection to
susceptible individuals because air-borne bacteria and viruses can remain active long
enough to spread throughout the entire building via the HVAC system.

Hospitals can also benefit by using a direct sterilization approach for critical
areas, such as surgical suites and procedure rooms. High-intensity UVC lamps can be
switched on to quickly kill pathogens in the air and on surfaces.

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