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An employee denounces the anti-Gypsyism present in his workplace

aUGUST 27, 2019 by BENNOUNARUBIA 0   0   one

Last Saturday, August 10, there was a new case of racism. On this occasion , against the
gypsy people in a clothing store in the La Gavia shopping center (Madrid). The
testimony comes to us from one of the shop assistants who, after reading the following
email, decided to make it public on their social networks.

In the e-mail it can be seen how one of the shop assistants accuses, without any
evidence, a group of clients of the authorship of the robbery , simply because they are of
gypsy ethnicity:

"... and with a large influx of our most frequent customers, gypsies, the sweaters we had
at the entrance and a pair of slippers have disappeared"

The complainant says that he told his partner that the accusation he was making was
discriminatory and racist, to which she replied that it was her story and that she would
tell it with the words she considered appropriate. Upon seeing this reaction from a co-
worker , the complainant decided to inform his superiors that he considered this
accusation to be very serious and that there should be clauses in the contract that
prohibited such attitudes, to his surprise the response by Some of his bosses were non-
existent and not only did they not recriminate the attitude of the shop assistant, but they
defended her with a paternalistic discourse, making it clear that the problem belongs to
the complainant, also a gypsy, because of his own reasons.

Faced with such a situation of racism and discrimination , the complainant decided to

leave his job since he considers the environment a hostile place for the development of
his work activity.

From Es Racismo, we condemn these manifestations of anti-Roma racism that serve to

criminalize the Roma people and perpetuate an image of guilty of all evil. In addition,
we consider the actions of both the clerk and those in charge of the store to be
deplorable, who collaborate and support an anti-Gypsyism that has been present for
centuries. Like Daniel, we say #StopAntigitanismo .

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