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decipher - to read or interpret; to figure out

exclaim - cry out or speak suddenly

fervently - very strongly; passionately
giggle - to laugh in a silly, uncontrolled way
inquire - ask for information
jaded - tired or bored, usually after being exposed to something for too long
lapse - to slip or pass gradually
pristine - very clean; pure
radiant - filled with emotions of love or happiness; glowing or beaming
streak - a line or mark of color different from its surroundings
2nd part voc
despite - in spite of
disrupt - upset; cause to break down
rash - a breaking out with many small red spots on the skin;outbreak of many
instances within a short time: too hasty or careles
rapid - very quick; swift
exhaust - empty completely; use up; tire out
severity - strictness; harshness; plainness; violence
feeble - weak
unite - join together; become one
cease - stop
thrifty - saving; careful in spending; thriving
miserly - stingy; like a miser
monarch - king or queen; ruler
outlaw - an exile; an outcast; a criminal; to declare unlawful
promote - raise in rank or importance; help to grow and
develop; help to organize
undernourished - not sufficiently fed
illustrate - make clear or explain by stories,
examples, comparisons, or other means; serve as an example
disclose - uncover; make known
excessive - too much; too great; extreme
disaster - an event that causes much suffering or loss; a
great misfortune
censor - person who tells others how they ought to behave;
one who changes books, plays and other works so as to make them
acceptable to the government; to make changes in
culprit - offender; person guilty of a fault or crime
juvenile - young; youthful; of or for boys and girls; a young perso
bait - anything, especially food, used to attract fish or other animals so
that they may be
caught; anything used to tempt or attract a person to begin something he
or she does not wish
to do; to put bait on (a hook) or in (a trap); torment by unkind or
annoying remarks
insist - keep firmly to some demand, statement, or position

3rd part
academic - having to do with formal schooling
analyze - to study something part by part; to examine it carefully
ballot - paper or card on which a voter marks his or her choice
bank account - money deposited in a bank where it is held ready for
withdrawal by the depositor
consumer - person who buys products or services
cultivate - to prepare soil and grow crops
detour - route used when the regular route is blocked or closed to traffic
entrée - the main dish of a meal
etiquette - rules of proper conduct; good manners
obligation - a legal or moral duty or responsibility
passage - a section of a speech or a piece of writing
pedestrians - people who are walking instead of driving or riding
prohibited - describes something not allowed; often forbidden by law
schedule - a plan showing dates and times when parts of a project should
be completed; a timetable
staples - common articles or food items kept in readiness for use
thrive - to grow in a strong, healthy way

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