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The atmosphere protects Earth from harmful solar radiations

and regulates heating provided by the Sun. The first function is

made possible by ozone existing in the stratosphere, the
second function is achieved by a mix of gases existing in the
whole atmosphere called “greenhouse gases”. Ozone
accumulating in the stratosphere is most importan for the
survival of life on Earth. If ultraviolet radiations reached the soil
they would cause genetic mutations, skin tumours and many
other damages. Troposphere is very important for the existence
of life on earth as it causes the cloud formation, raining and
maintaining the heat balance of the earth.
Carbon footprint = the amount of greenhouse gases produced
by human activities and is measured in the amount of CO2
Main activities that will increase our carbon footprint:
Use of transportation (planes, cars, trains)
Burning of fossil fuels (petrol, coal, gas)
Process of manufacturing products (clothing, food, personal
Use of household electricity (computers, lights)
Heating and cooling – hot water showers, central heating, air
Recommendations to reduce the Human Impacts on HES
Planting trees-
Sustainable infrastructure development- Sustainable
infrastructure enables economic growth, social security and
environmental protection.
non renewable energy resources ,Saving water, Recycling
Non-renewable energy resources will eventually run out – once
used they cannot be used again. Examples are fossil fuels (coal,
oil, natural gas) and nuclear fuels (uranium, plutonium).
Renewable energy resources can be replaced or regenerated
and will never run out. Examples are wind, hydroelectricity and
solar power.water solar biomass wind
Renewables produce energy without releasing greenhouse
effect gases. Renewable energy resources is always available.
Renewable energy generation does not pose risks for people or
the environment .Sun and wind are available without
cost,although investment and efficient technological
development has to be carried out to make use of them as
energy sources.

Our forests are home to more than 80% of all land-based and
our remarkable ecosystems allow us all to eat, breath and live.
Yet through deforestation, global warming and meat-
production, we’re slowly killing our earth. Before we panic, it’s
worth reminding ourselves, we can fix this. Goal 15 is all about
working together to protect, restore and promote our world
plants, and animals. By focusing on the changes we can make
now to help our future, we can sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, reverse land degradation and put a stop
to biodiversity loss.
The UN’s SubGoals for life on land
Conserve and restore freshwater ecosystems
End deforestation and restore degraded forests
Ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems
Protect biodiversity and natural habitats
Eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species
Prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystem
Integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning
Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use
ecosystem and biodiversity finance
Combat global poaching and trafficking

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