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The American Household Classic
Revised and Expanded
With Over 4,500 Recipes
and 1,000 Informative Illustrations



"This book is number one on my list the one book . . .

of allcookbooks that would have on my shelf


if I could have but one."

— Julia Child

"The finest basic cookbook available.

A masterpiece of clarity."
—Craig Claiborne

"The classic work, which covers the entire gamut

of kitchen procedures and is easy to use."
— lames Beard

"The best-loved, most important cookbook

to come out of the United States."
—Cecily Brownstone

Written by Irma Rombauer, Joy of Cooking was first tested and illustrat-
ed by her daughter, Marion Rombauer Becker. Subsequently, it was
revised and expanded through Marion's efforts and those of her architect
husband, John Becker. Their son, Ethan, with his Cordon Bleu training
and knowledge of American cooking, has added to this book in many
important ways.

Irma S. Rombauer
Marion Rombauer Becker
Illustrated by Ginnie Hofmann and Ikki Matsumoto

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To friends of the joy who over the
years through their countless letters and
words of appreciation have made us feel
that our efforts are worthwhile.

"That which thy fathers have bequeathed to thee,

earn it anew if thou wouldst possess it."

Goethe: Faust

Joy has always been a family affair. Written by my mother, Irma

Starkloff Rombauer, a St. Louisan, it was tested and illustrated by
me, with technical assistance from my mother's secretary, Mary
Whyte Hartrich. It was privately printed in 1931 and distributed from
the home. The responses Joy evoked were collected and published
on its thirtieth birthday in a celebratory account entitled Little Acorn.
Now over forty, Joy continues to be a family affair, revealing more
than ever the awareness we all share in the growing preciousness
of food.
Since his retirement from architectural practice, my husband,
John, has given constant and unstinting effort toward Joy's enrich-

ment. My sons Ethan, with his Cordon Bleu and camping experi-
ences, and Mark, with nis interest in natural foods — have reinforced
Joy in many ways, as has my own sensitivity over the years to a one-
ness with the environment, culminating in the highly satisfying
experience of writing Wild Wealth with ecologists Frances Jones
Poetker and Paul Bigelow Sears.
As the scope of Joy has increased, so have other generous sources
of proffered knowledge — too many and too specialized to mention
in detail. Ever-ready understanding has continued to come from Jane
Brueggeman, our valued co-worker for thirty years; from our compe-
tent home economics consultants Lolita Harper and Lydia Cooley;
from our legal literary aide, Harriet Pilpel; from our guide to the New
York cooking world, Cecily Brownstone; and from our kitchen main-
stay, Isabel! Coleman. More recently we have received thorough
testing help from Joan Woerndle Becker, devoted editorial advice
from Marian Judell Israel, and perfectionist secretarial assistance from
Nancy Swats. Throughout the years Leo Gobin, now president of
Bobbs-Merrill, has guarded for us great freedom in our work, and
Eugene Rachlis, the editor-in-chief, has lent a sympathetic ear. Thanks
also to Gladys Moore, our copy editor, for unending patience; to
William Bokermann for the excellent book design; and to John van
Biezen for his care in the physical production of this edition. We are
sure our readers are as grateful as we are to Ginnie Hofmann and
Ikki Matsumoto, whose drawings so skillfully enhance our text.
But Joy, we hope, will always remain essentially a family affair, as
well as an enterprise in which its authors owe no obligation to any-
one but themselves and you.
Marion Rombauer Becker
Foreword xi

The Foods We Eat 1

Entertaining 15
Menus 25
Beverages 36
Drinks 48
Canapes and Tea Sandwiches 66
Hors d'Oeuvre 77
Salads 92
Fruits 123
The Foods We Heat 145
Soups 167
Cereals and Pastas 198
Egg Dishes 220
Griddle Cakes and Fritter Variations 235
Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes 250
Vegetables 276
Savory Sauces and Salad Dressings 336
Stuffings and Forcemeat 370
Shellfish 375
Fish 394
Poultry and Wildfowl 417
Meat 442
Game 513
Know Your Ingredients 519
Breads and Coffee Cakes 599
Pies and Pastries 638
Cakes, Cupcakes, Torten, and Filled Cakes 664
Cookies and Bars 700
Icings, Toppings and Glazes 721
Desserts 734
Frozen Desserts and Sweet Sauces 758
Candies and Confections 111
The Foods We Keep 798
Canning, Salting, Smoking and Drying 802
Freezing 819
Jellies and Preserves 832
Pickles and Relishes 841
Index 850

We present you first with the front-door key to this book. Whenever

we emphasize an important principle, we insert a pointer to suc-

cess *\ We use other graphic symbols, too — *, A, ), Q J* S, *
( ,

described on the next page to alert you quickly to foods appropri-

ate for certain occasions or prepared by certain methods. Among the
symbols is the parenthesis, which indicates that an ingredient is
optional. Its use may enhance, but its omission will not prejudice
the success of a recipe. *" Note, too, the special meanings of the fol-
lowing terms as we use them. Any meat, fish, or cereal, unless
otherwise specified, is raw, not cooked. Eggs are the 2-ounce size;
milk means fresh whole milk; butter is sweet and unsalted; choco-
late means bitter baking chocolate; flour denotes the unbleached
all-purpose variety; spices are ground, not whole; condensed
canned soup or milk is to be used undiluted. In response to many
requests from users of the Joy who ask "What are your favorites?"
we have indicated some by adding to a few recipe titles the word
"Cockaigne," which in medieval times signified "a mythical land of
peace and plenty" and which we chose as the name for our country
home. Where a recipe bears a classic title, you can be assured that it
contains the essential ingredients or methods that created its name
in the first place. And for rapidity of preparation we have grouped
in Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes many quickly made recipes
based on cooked and canned food.

There is a back-door key, too the Index. This will open up for
you and lead you to such action terms as simmer, casserole, braise,
and saute; such descriptive ones as printaniere, bonne femme, re-
moulade, allemande, and meuniere; and to national culinary en-
thusiasms such as couscous, Devonshire cream, strudel, zabaglione,
rijsttafel and gazpacho.
Other features of this book which we ask you to investigate in-
clude the chapter on Heat, which gives you many clues to main-
taining the nutrients in the food you are cooking. Know Your In-
gredients reveals vital characteristics of the materials you commonly
combine, how and why they react as they do, how to measure them
and, when feasible, how to substitute one for another. Then, in the
paragraphs marked "About," you will find information relating to
those food categories, including the amounts to buy.
But, even more important, we hope that in answering your ques-
tion "What shall we have for dinner?" you will find in Foods We
Eat a stimulus to combine foods wisely. Using this information, you
may say with Thomas Jefferson, "No knowledge can be more satis-
factory to a man than that of his own frame, its parts, their functions
and actions." Choose from our offerings what suits your person, your
lifestyle, your pleasure; and join us in the joy of cooking.







tive values in frozen, canned and fresh vegetables,
see 798.
Next we can find in the U.S. Handbook on the
Composition of Foods some of the known calorie,
protein and other values based on the edible por-
tions of common foods. Recent mandatory label-
ing information, 7, is of some help, although the
U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances are based
on information from a nongovernmental agency,
the National Research Council, a source not ac-
ceptable to some authorities. But no one chart or
group of charts is the definitive answer for most
of us, who are simply not equipped to evaluate
the complex relationships of these elements, or
to adapt them to the practicalities of daily living.
Such studies are built up as averages, and thus
have greater value in presenting an overall pic-
ture than in solving our individual nutrition
Nevertheless, by applying plain common sense
to available mass data, we as well as the experts
are inclined to agree that many Americans are
privileged to enjoy superabundance and that
our nutritional difficulties have to do generally not
with under- but with overeating. Statistics on con-
sumption also bear out other trends: first, that we
frequently make poor choices and eat too much
FOODS WE EAT of the wrong kinds of foods; second, that many
of us overconsume drugs as well as foods. Medica-
tion, often a lifesaver, may, when used habitually,

Put this puzzle together and you will find milk, induce an adverse effect on the body's ability to
profit fully from even the best dietary intake.
cheese and eggs, meat, fish, beans and cereals,
greens, fruits and root vegetables —
foods that con- Individually computerized diagnoses of our
tain our essential daily needs. lacks may prove our deficien-
a help in adjusting

Exactly how they interlock and in what quan- cies to our needs. But what we all have in our

tities for the most advantageous results for every

bodies is one of the greatest of marvels: an already
one of us is another puzzle we must try to solve computerized but infinitely more complex built-in
for ourselves, keeping in mind our age, body type, system that balances and allocates with infallible
activities, the climate in which we live, and the and almost instant decision what we ingest, send-
food sources available to us. How we wish some- ing each substance on its proper course to make

one could present us with hard and fast rules as the most of what we give it. And since nutrition
to how and in what exact quantities to assemble isconcerned not only with food as such but with
the proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as the substances that food contains, once these es-
the small but no less important enzyme and hor- sential nutrients are chosen, their presentation in
mone systems, the vitamins, and the trace min- the very best state for the body's absorption is the
erals these basic foods contain so as best to build cook's first and foremost job. Often taste, flavor
body structure, maintain it, and give us an ener- and color at their best reflect this job well done.
getic zest for living! Read The Foods We Heat, 145, and follow our
Where to turn? Not to the sensational press re-
pointers to success for effective ways to preserve
leases that follow the discovery, of fascinating bits essential nutrients during cooking.And note at the
and pieces about human nutrition; nor to the point of use recommendations for optimum stor-
oversimplified and frequently ill-founded dicta of age and handling conditions, for one must always
food faddists that can lure us into downright bear in mind the fragility of foods and the many
harm. First we must search for the widest va-
ways contaminants can affect them, and conse-
riety of the best grown unsprayed foods we can quently us, when they are carelessly handled or
find in their freshest condition, and then look for even when such a simple precaution as washing
foods with minimal but safe processing and pre- the hands before preparing foods is neglected.
servatives and without synthetic additives. While But now let's turn to a more detailed view of
great strides have been made in the storage of nutritional terms: calories, proteins, fats, carbo-
foods commercially and in the home, if fresh hydrates, accessory factors like vitamins, minerals,
foods in good condition are available to you, enzymatic and hormonal fractions all of which —
choose them every time. To compare the nutri- are needed —
and see how they interact to main-

tain the dietary intake best suited to our individual you use a car to go to work and have a fairly
needs. sedentary job, or even if you are a housewife with
small children, your rate is probably only 20%;
ABOUT CALORIES 30% if you are a delivery man or patrolman work-
A ing out of doors, and 50% if you are a dirt farmer,
too naive theory used to prevail for explaining
regeneration through food. The human system construction worker or athlete in training. If you
was thought of as an engine, and you kept it multiply your weight by 14 calories, you will get
stoked with foods to produce energy. Food can your basal need, that is, the calories you would
be and measured in units require if you were completely inactive. When
still is of heat, or cal-
ories. A Calorie, sometimes called a kilocalone or
you multiply this amount by your own activity
factor and add it to your basal needs, you should
K Calorie, is the amount of heat needed to raise
one kilogram water one degree Centigrade.
of get an approximation of your required daily ca-
loric intake. If you reduce your caloric intake much
Thus translated into food values, each gram of
protein in egg, milk, meat or fish is worth four below this approximate norm, you may be lack-
ing in your mineral, vitamin and protein require-
calories; each gram of carbohydrate in starches
ments. Whatever your caloric intake, distribute
and sugars or in vegetables, four calories; and
each gram of fat in butters, in vegetable oils and your choices properly among protein, fat and
drippings, and in hidden fats, 5, about nine
carbohydrate values.
calories. The mere stoking of the body's engine
with energy-producing foods may keep life going ABOUT PROTEINS
in emergencies. But to maintain health, food must On our protein intake depends the constant vir-
also have, besides its energy values, the proper tual replacement of self. And nowhere in the diet
proportions of biologic values. Proteins, vitamins, is the relation of quantity to quality greater. The
enzymes, hormones, minerals and their regulatory chief components of proteins are 22 amino acids.
functions are still too complicated to be fully un- Thev form an all-or-nothing team, for food is
derstood. But fortunately for us the body is able utilized bv the body only in proportion to the
to respond to them intuitively. presence of the scarcest of them. Fourteen of the
What we really possess, then, we repeat, is not 22 aminos are both abundant and versatile. If they
just asimple stoking mechanism, but a computer are not present when food is ingested, the body
system far more elaborate and knowledgeable isable to synthesize the missing ones from those
than anything that man has been able to devise. present. The remaining 8 aminos, however, cannot
Our job is to help it along as much as possible, be synthesized and must be present in the food
neither stinting it nor overloading it. Depending when ingested. These eight are known as the es-
on age, weight and activity the following is a sential aminos. Four of them leucine, valine,—
rough guide to the favorable division of daily —
phenylalanine and threonine are relatively abun-
caloric intake: a minimum of 15% for proteins, dant in foods, but the other four isoleucine, —
under 25% for fats, and about 60% for carbo- lysine, methionine and tryptophan are more —
hydrates. These percentages are relative: some scarce. And because utilization of protein by the
people with highly efficient absorption and su- body depends in each instance on the least abun-
perior metabolism require both lower intake and dant member of the essential aminos, these latter
the lesser amount of protein. No advice for re- four are known a<; the key aminos.
ducing given here, nor are the vaunted advan-
is Generally speaking, proteins from animal
tages of unusually high protein intake considered sources like egg, meat, fish, and dairy products
— as again such decisions must be highly indi- are valued because their total protein content is
vidual, seeAbout Proteins, at right. In general, high, and they are referred to as complete be-
and depending also on age, sex, body type and cause they are rich in the essential aminos, and
amount of physical activity, adults can use 1700 therefore more of the total protein present is uti-
to 3000 calories a day. Adolescent boys and very lizable. Those from vegetable sources such as
active men under fifty-five can utilize close to whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes with the —
3000 calories a day. At the other extreme, women —
exception of soybeans are less valuable because
over fifty-five need only about 1700 calories. their total protein content is low. They are re-
Women from eighteen to thirty-five need about ferred to as incomplete because they are also
2000 calories daily. During pregnancy they can low in one or more of the eight essential amino
add 200 calories and, during lactation, an extra acids, meaning that less of their total protein can
1000 calories. Children one to six need from be utilized by the body. The terms "complete"
1100 to 1600. Before a baby's first birthday, his and "incomplete" are somewhat misleading, how-
diet should be closely watched, and parents ever, because of their absolute connotations. It
should ask their pediatricians about both the is still possible to fulfill your daily requirements

kinds and the amounts of food to give their baby. for protein from incomplete vegetable sources,
Given your present weight, perhaps a more provided you are willing and able to consume
accurate way to calculate your individual calorie large enough quantities of the incomplete protein
requirement is to consider your activity rate. If item in question. But the utilizable protein con-

tent of most cereals is so poor that consuming and peas are classic. It has been found that incre-
enough to satisfy protein requirements would be ments of about one-third complete protein rein-
a practical impossibility. force incomplete protein to form a total that is
Take corn, for example. It has little protein and greater than the sum of its parts.
many starch calories. A on
diet based exclusively Even more significant differences are found be-
corn would require consumption of enormous tween processed and unprocessed foods. Brown
quantities of corn to establish the needed essen- rice has a BV of 75, as opposed to white rice with
tial aminos. A complete protein source like eggs a BV of 65. Whole wheat bread has a BV of 67;
would therefore be more realistic and desirable white bread, 52.
in satisfying the same protein requirement with To meet the needs of underdeveloped areas and
far less caloric intake. In fact, for 10 grams of egg the threat of worldwide protein shortages, in re-
protein at 125 calories, you would have to eat cent years experiments involving grain, seed and
16.5 grams of corn protein at 500 calories to get legume combinations, 198, have been undertaken
an equivalent amount of usable protein. But since which may one day prove valuable to all of us.
no one wants to live on corn or eggs alone, a Cross nutritional deficiencies are more conspic-
more reasonable way to approach the problem is uous in areas where protein imbalances are drastic
to note how complete and incomplete proteins and prolonged, and the effects of improved diet
complement each other. are easier to evaluate than in areas like ours,
There are various ways of expressing protein where such deficiencies are less severe and thus
values — net protein utilization, or NPU; protein harder to detect. Until recently, we have relied on
efficiency ratio, or PER; and biologic value, or animal experimentation, and although dietary re-
BV. Another unit of measure used on product sults thus achieved are valuable, they are not al-
labels protein value in relation to casein, 7.
is ways applicable to man, and, for the most reliable
Although these terms are all derived by different results, data must be based on human reactions.
methods, they correlate well with each other. Since vegetable proteins are incomplete ex-
Whatever the method of expressing this utiliza- cept as noted above, it is wise to draw two-thirds
tion efficiency, one fact remains: that is, the body of the daily protein intake or 10% of your caloric
requires certain kinds and amounts of essential intake from animal sources. Preferably, meats
amino acids which must be supplied each day. —
should be fresh not pickled, salted or highly
Any excess intake of amino acids not compen- processed. Protein foods when cooked should
sated for is metabolized away and thus not used not be subjected to too high heat, for then they
for growth or maintenance of the body. Eggs, with lose some of their nutrients. Familiar danger sig-
a BV of 94, may be considered the most ideal nals are curdling in milk, "stringiness" in cheese
protein from the point of view of utilization to and dryness in meat and fish.
replace body protein. But we can't survive on one Protein requirements generally are slightly
food alone. higher in colder climates but no matter what
If we combine durum wheat, with a BV of 60, the climate, growing children, pregnant women
and lima beans, with a BV of 50, we get through and nursing mothers need a larger proportion of
their complementarity of utilizable protein a protein than the average adult. The elderly, whose
score of 60. But a BV of 60 is marginal for body total caloric intake often declines with age, should
replacement, and so a more complete protein consume a relatively larger percentage of protein
such as that contained in milk or eggs should be to reinforce their body's less efficient protein
added to such a meal. Combine, for instance, 1 metabolism. Again, absolute amounts cannot be
tablespoon of peanut butter, with a BV of 43, and given, because needs will depend on the effi-
one slice of white bread, with a BV of 52. If you ciency of utilization by your own body. If your
add 4 ounces of milk, with a BV of 8b, the com- protein supply is largely from meats, fish, fowl
bination stabilizes at a BV of approximately 80. and dairy products, a useful formula for calculat-
In countries dependent mainly on beans and ing average daily protein intake is to allow .4
rice or other cereal combinations, the beneficial gram of protein per pound of body weight for
effects of adding to the diet even small amounts adults, and for children from one to three years,
of meat, fish, eggs or dairy products is well recog- 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. In
nized. And when various pastas are the staple vegetarian diets structured on vegetable sources
foods, the inclusion of at least one-third in the alone, with no animal by-products such as eggs
form of a complete protein is considered the and milk, careful balancing is needed to ensure
minimal amount to bring the meal up to accept- enough complete protein. It is also suggested that
able levels. Furthermore, it should be stressed that the protein content of such a diet be upped from
any meal or snack which fails to include sufficient .4 to .5 gram per pound of body weight.
complete protein, although it may temporarily Experiments have shown variations in protein
stay one's hunger, will not replenish all of the utilization between individuals to be as high as
metabolic losses of the body. two to one. They have also demonstrated that an
In regions where only vegetable protein is avail- individual's protein needs may rise by one-third
able, grains combined with pulses such as beans when he is under great physical or emotional

stress. A natural luster in hair, firmness of nails, algae, kelpand petroleum products, and there is
brightness of eyes and speed of healing are super- even the possibility of recycling the proteins in
ficial indications of a well-being that comes from animal wastes; but, again, unpalatability has kept
adequate protein intake. For a listing of approxi- most of these newer protein sources from the

mate protein content complete, incomplete and table.
mixed — in average servings of individual foods, It is of the utmost importance that we guard

see 8. our ecological soundness with all the knowledge

Today, we cannot mention protein and protein —
we have at hand knowledge that in some fields
sources without looking beyond our own frontiers. is far in advance of our willingness to apply it.

With overpopulation a world problem, can we It is essential that we consider new methods of

continue our upward trend in meat consumption? utilizing and conserving land, for many of our
Amounts of land required to produce protein in- soils are exploited to the point of depletion and
crease by a ratio of one to ten as we proceed from are yielding crops with reduced protein and min-
the beginning to the end of the food chain: that eral content. Other soils produce only when sat-
is, from the growing plant to meat-eating man. To urated with chemical fertilizers and develop an
put it another way, the herbivorous animal must inability to recover crop yields without revitaliza-
consume about 10 pounds of vegetable or cereal tion through either animal or green manuring.
matter to turn it into 1 pound of meat. Or, as an- We must also be on the alert for various air
other example, the same amount of land is re- pollutants. Spinach and romaine, for instance, will
quired to produce 10 pounds of soybeans as 1 not grow where the air-sulfur content is high,
pound of beef. You can readily see that there is and acreage yields of grains and other vegetables
protein waste in this type of food production. in such areas are adversely affected as well. Fur-
As long as chickens scratched more or less on ther research is neededto explain why saltwater
their own; as long as pigs scavenged family fish die in waters made up from our formula for
wastes; as long as cattle ingested grasses from seawater but will thrive in natural seawater. Read-
lands often too rough or too dry for efficient ings of chromatograms of synthetic opposed to as
grain harvesting, a something-for-nothing process natural vitamins reveal startling differences which
existed. Today's animal husbandry competes in are as yet unexplained. These instances would in-
the main for crops that could also be utilized by dicate there are present substances
in natural
humans. Chickens fed in batteries, pigs and cattle certain micronutrients as — completely
yet not
concentrated in teed lots need preprocessed foods identified —
which an organism needs in order to
and drugs to prevent the diseases these abnormal carry on vital internal chemical processes and
living conditions encourage. And their droppings, which are lacking in engineered or synthetically
once recycled on the land, are too often uselessly produced foods, 535.
burned or channeled into our streams, thus initiat- Further research and development of genetic
ing gross pollution of air and water. seedbanks, now in their infancy, are needed to
But should conditions be changed to allot maintain efficient seed strains as the wild areas
greater quantities of grains, seeds and pulses to where natural hybridization has taken place are
human consumption, we would still be faced with impinged on. For many of our best strains still
the problem of incomplete vegetable protein. As come from fortuitous rather than man-induced
the growing of soybeans, the only complete- selection. Thereis an unfortunate tendency to uti-

protein plant, is limited to certain climates, other lize these new seed strains in all areas before
vegetable protein sources must be improved or their climatic and soil adaptability has been
compensated for by combinations of grains and proved, procedures that make them vulnerable to
pulses or by the addition of some complete animal massive failure.
protein. Again, just as variety in the selection of the
However, amazing genetic advances have been foods we eat is necessary for our health, a variety
made in the development of grain hybrids, 548, of seed sources is essential to maintain the health
higher both in protein content and in yield than of our foods. The breeding of plants resistant to
the older types: short, sturdy, storm-resistant, disease, drought and insects, and tolerant of vary-
heavy-headed wheat and rice hybrids, rich in pro- ing climates, is as important as hybridization
tein and quick-maturing; high-lysine corns; and aimed at protein increase. We like to keep in mind
the mtergeneric rye-and-wheat hybrid, triticale, the wise old Indian who, when asked why he con-
are among the recent developments that promise tinued to grow three strains of corn when only
primary improvements in natural sources of vege- one was his favorite for food, yield and flavor,
table protein. Vegetable protein mixtures, see 3, answered that he was hedging his bets; the other
combined with dry milk or fish meals, now mainly two strains would always protect him against a
used for animal feeding, would find greater hu- too dry or too cold season or against insect in-
man acceptance if they were made more palat- festation, while his favorite would succumb unless
able, which in turn would guarantee a tremendous conditions were ideal.
advance in protein availability at low cost for all. We cannot leave our ecological musings with-
Protein has also been developed from yeasts, out stressing the importance of these fundamental

interrelationships, as complex and subtie in the cholesterol levels if taken in double proportion to
world of edible plants as are those of the protein saturated fats. To differentiate between these
combinations and their subsequent utilization by types of fat, see 539.
the body, as discussed at left. Few of us realize that much of the fat we con-
Although most grains are wind-pollinated, few —
sume like the great mass of an iceberg — is hid-
of us realize how large and often unexpected a den. Hamburgers and doughnuts, all-American
role insect life plays in pollination, and how in- classics,contain about one-fourth fat; chocolate,
secticides can destroy this vital link in the food egg yolk and most cheeses about a third; bacon
chain. The current abundance of fruit and vege- and peanut butter, as much as one-half. And in pe-
tables inAmerica can be traced in large part to the cans and certain other nuts and seeds, the fat
importation of the honeybee. The Indians had an content can be almost three-fourths! These pro-
excess of arable land, but for many of their crops portions are graphically suggested below.
they had to rely on much less efficient native All fats are sensitive to high temperatures, light
pollinators such as noncolonizing bees, wasps and and air. them care-
For best nutritivevalues store
flies. Today, guarding against losing helpful in- fully; and when cooking with them be sure that
sects is as important as destroying insect enemies you do not let them reach the smoking point, 541.
— a fact stressed less often than is the need to If properly handled they have no adverse effect on

solve the equally knotty problem of pesticide normal digestion. Favorable temperatures are indi-
poisons the food chain. We can no longer af-
in cated in individual recipes. Fats are popular for
ford ignore the interrelationships on which
to the flavor they impart to other foods, and for the
global food supplies depend. fact that, being slow to leave the stomach, they
give a feeling of satiety.

We suggest, again, the consumption of a vari-
ety of fats from animal and vegetable sources, but
While fats have acquired a bad image of late, we remind you that fat consumption in the United
must not forget how essential they are. As part States has climbed in twenty years from the rec-
of our body fabric they act as fuel and insula- ommended minimum of 20% to more than 40%
tion against cold, as cushioning for the inter- today.
and as
nal organs, lubricants. Without fats there
would be no way to utilize fat-soluble vitamins.
Furthermore, the fats we eat that are of vegetable ABOUT CARBOHYDRATES
origin contain unsaturated fatty acids which har- Carbohydrates, found largely in sugars, fruits, veg-
bor necessary growth factors and help with the etables and cereals, are classed as starches or
digestion of other fats. An important considera- sugars. The sugars include monosaccharides, such
tion in fat intake is the percentage of saturated as fruit sugars, 557, and honey, 558, which are
to unsaturated fats. We hear and read much about sweeter than the disaccharides, such as common
cholesterol — that essential constituent of all body table sugar, and the
polysaccharides, such as
cells. It is synthesized, and its production regu- starch. The latter two types must be broken down
lated, by the liver. Cholesterol performs a number into simple sugars before they are available for
of indispensable body functions. Up to a limit, the body use. This action is initiated by an enzyme in
more of it we eat, the less the liver produces. Ex- the saliva, which means that these complex starch
cess cholesterol intake, however, like other ex- carbohydrates should be carefully chewed. So
cesses, is be avoided, since a surplus of
to dunking is not only bad manners but bad practice.
cholesterol may have serious consequences. The The caloric value of fruits and vegetables is fre-
fatty acids in the saturated fats, which are derived quently lower than that of cereals, while that of
from dairy products, animal fats, coconut oil and all concentrated sweets is higher. Children and

hydrogenated fats, 541, tend to raise the amount athletes can consume larger amounts of sugars
of cholesterol in the blood, while the fatty acids and starches with less harm than can relatively
in polyunsaturated vegetable oils tend to lower inactive people; but many of us tend to eat a

greater amount of carbohydrates than we can han- Also check the constituents of each meal for
dle. Our consumption of sweet and starchy foods, the bulk found in vegetables and fruits to make
to say nothing of highly sweetened beverages, is sure there are more high- than low-residue foods.
frequently excessive. Since the 1900s U.S. sugar Foods abundant in accessory values include:
consumption has increased by 25%, mainly in eggs, cheese, butter, whole milk, egg yolks, fish
foods commercially prepared before they come especially herring, salmon, tuna and shellfish;
into the home, making our per capita intake of beans, peas, nuts, seeds and whole grains; red
these empty calories 103 pounds annually. The meats and pork, variety meats, 499; fresh vege-
imbalance that results is acknowledged to be one tables —
especially the yellow and leafy green types
of the major causes of malnutrition, for the de- — including white and sweet potatoes, brown rice
mands excess carbohydrates make on the system and yellow corn; fresh fruits and berries and their
may cause, among other dietary disturbances, a juices; tomatoes and tomato juice; cabbage, spin-
deficiency in of the vitamin B complex. ach and cauliflower, as well as watercress, lettuces
For itemized Calorie Values, see 8. and other salad greens, and vegetable oils, 541.
Bake with whole grains and flavor with brown
ACCESSORY FACTORS sugars, molasses, wheat germ and butter. Don't
forget to ingest one of the important accessory
Besides those already described, there are some
values, vitamin D, which you can get through ex-
fifty-odd important known nutrients required by
posure to sunlight, and remember that although
the body, including minerals, vitamins, and other
outdoor exercise will tone your muscles and in-
accessory factors. The body can store a few of

crease your oxygen intake and perhaps your
these, such as the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and
K, but others, such as the water-soluble vitamins
calorie needs —
it will not necessarily make greater

demands on your store of protein, vitamins or

B complex and C, must continually be replaced.
The latter occur in those fragile food constituents
you have chosen wisely from the above sub-
that are lost through indifferent handling, exces-
stances, you may not need additional vitamin sup-
sive processing, and poor cooking. For instance,
plements. We all know from practical experience
if you fail to utilize vegetable cooking waters,
and statistical evidence that a well-nourished body
you are throwing out about one-third the minerals
has greater resistance to disease than a poorly
and water-soluble vitamins of the vegetable. To
nourished one. Recent research tends to support
retain as much of them as possible, please follow
the thesis that adequate intake of accessory fac-
the cooking suggestions given in subsequent chap-
tors can contribute not only to disease resistance
ters, and see About Stocks, 520.
but also to disease prevention.
If you maintain an adequate intake in such a
Other incidentals to bear in mind are: drink 5
way achieve the complete-protein and fat
as to
to 7 glasses of fluid a day, including water, and,
and carbohydrate balance described above, and if if you live in a region that calls for it, use iodized
you choose from the following food groups, you salt, see About Salt, 569.
will probably include all the necessary accessory
The schedule outlined above is not necessarily
factors. So fill your market basket first so as to
a costly one. It is nearly always possible to substi-
assure two 3-ounce servings of complete-protein
tute cheaper but equally nutritious items from the

foods daily meat, fish, fowl or eggs. Or, if you
same food groups. Vegetables of similar accessory
use combinations of incomplete proteins such as
value, for example, may be differently priced. Sea-
cereals and legumes, seeds, peanuts or gelatin,
sonal foods, which automatically give us menu
make sure you plan for the inclusion of some food value and
variations, are usually higher in
complete-protein food at the same meals, see 8.
lower in cost. You can also profitably grow your
> Drink daily or use in cooking 2 cups of fresh own Whole-grain cereals are no more costly than
milk or reconstituted dry milk, 531, or allow highly processed ones. Fresh fruits are frequently
enough of the following milk equivalents: for less expensive than canned fruits, which are often
each V2 cup of milk allow 1 cup ice cream, Vi cup loaded with sugar.
cottage cheese or one 1-inch cube cheddar-type
If you are willing to cut down on sugar-laden
cheese. If you are one of those persons lacking
processed cereals and other sugar items, especially
the ability to digest the lactose in milk, get your
fancy baked goods, bottled drinks, and candies,
major milk requirements from cheeses, which are
a higher percentage of the diet dollar will be re-
low in lactose.
leased for dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
Plan four or more daily servings of starchy
foods such as baked goods, cereals or pastas, ac-
Do not buy more perishable foods than you can
properly store. Use leftovers cold, preferably. To
centing whole grains. Potatoes are sometimes in-
cluded in this group. reheat them with minimal loss, see 281.

Also include daily four or more V2- to 3/4-cup To sum up, our fundamental effort always must
servings of fruits and vegetables distributed among be to provide this highly versatile body of ours
citrus fruits or tomatoes and three or more dark with those elements it needs for efficient func-
green or deep yellow fruits and vegetables, in- tioning, and to provide them in such proportions
cluding preferably one raw leafy green vegetable. as to subject the body to the least possible strain.

However, not realizing the importance of va- added ingredients, the consumer is at a loss to
riety in the selection of foods, some people are know just what he is buying. And there is a fur-
guided by calorie values alone. For instance, with ther, more recent loophole. While formerly the
bread and potatoes, almost equal in carbohy- word "imitation" was required on labels for any
drates, you will find that bread scores higher in deviations from the original substance, such as
protein and fat factors but potatoes are greatly variations in taste, smell, color, texture, melting
superior in iron, provitamin A, vitamin C and quality, or method of manufacture, today the term
thiamin, all valuable accessory factors. Some "imitation" may be omitted if the government
help in making choices is available through prod- considers the substitute to be nutritionally equal
uct labeling. If any prepared and packaged food to the original. This so-called equality of the sub-
shipped in interstate commerce makes nutritional stitutefood may be chemically induced or may
claims as to protein, fat, carbohydrate, calories, be achieved by additives or enrichments. "Buyer,
vitamins, minerals or enrichment, it must have beware!"
labels declaring certain nutrient contents and giv- But in planning menus and cooking, there are
ing both serving size and servings per container. considerations other than mere percentages of in-
The food processor has the option of declaring take in relation to fats, carbohydrates, proteins,
fatty acid and/or cholesterol content. He may also minerals and vitamins. Peoples have learned over
indicate the sodium content in the food. Because the centuries how to cope with poisonous ele-
of differences in protein quality, two levels of ments that exist in some of the most basic foods.
protein intake are shown according to the protein They know sprouting potatoes are heavy in glyco-
efficiency ratio, 8, of casein: foods with levels alkaloids; that cassava must be washed in a
equal to or greater than casein, and foods with complicated fashion to rid it of its hydrocyanic
less than casein values. If a food has less than content; that soy products must be either heated
20% of the PER of casein, its label cannot de- or fermented to destroy their trypsin- and urease-
clare that it is a source of protein. Sometimes inhibiting factors; that cabbage, if it plays a large
labels indicate the percentages of available nitro- part in the diet, should be cooked in quantities
gen instead of protein. Given the nitrogen per- of water to release goiterogenic factors even at

centage, you may approximate the protein content the expense of vitamin losses, just as wild greens
by multiplying the nitrogen figure by six. frequently need several blanchings and discard-
Well-grown minimally processed foods are ings of the cooking water to rid them of their
usually our best sources for complete nourish- toxic content, 305. But peoples have also discov-
ment; and a well-considered choice of them ered a twentyfold increase in calcium content in
should in most cases meet our dietary needs. limewater-soaked corn for tortillas; that oatmeal,
You will find in this book, along with the classic if left wet and warm overnight, will with subse-

recipes, a number which remain interesting and quent cooking release the phytin which otherwise
palatable even though they lack some everyday in- inhibits the body's calcium absorption from other
gredient such as eggs or flour. These may be used ingested food. Recently it has been noted that
by those people who have allergies. But we do not the phytins in soy depress the absorption of zinc.
prescribe corrective diets; we feel that such To ensure a control factor against these and var-
situations demand special procedures in consul- ious other food pollutants, it would be wise to
tation with one's physician. As to the all-too- vary your choice of foods.
prevalent condition of overweight, it is now
generally recognized that on-and-off crash diets
are dangerous, and that a reeducation in moderate
and varied eating habits is the only safe and per-
manent solution to this problem.
We stress again that the cook who has the re-
sponsibility for supplying the family with food
will do well to keep alert to advances in the field
of nutrition.
Take an active part in working toward con-
sumer protection, for more and more food proces-
sors are gaining control over the condition and
content of foods as we buy them. Take an interest,
too, in legislative changes affecting labeling. The
FDA's original intent for foods included under
"standards of identity" ensured that terms like
"mayonnaise" or "ice cream" would guarantee
the same basic ingredients required in the govern- So we come back our puzzle. Unless and
ment-established recipe no matter who manufac- until greater and more about food
practical advice
tured it. But since the manufacturer is free to properties becomes common knowledge, each of
disclose or reveal as he pleases a wide variety of us must choose a wide variety from the basic

food groups to make us feel well and to furnish You need 45 grams if the PER is equal to or
our bodies with the components they need for greater than casein, in which case the figure is in
growth and for maintaining stamina. bold-face type, and 65 grams of protein if the PER
is less than the, value of casein, in which case the

figure is in light-face type. If the protein has a

APPROXIMATE CALORIE AND value of less than 20% of casein, it cannot be
PROTEIN VALUES IN AVERAGE considered a significant source of protein and
SERVINGS should not be included in your protein calcula-
tions. If the figure appears in italics, there is a
"Personal size and mental sorrow have certainly
mixture of foods. A "1" indicates only a trace of
no necessary proportions. A large, bulky figure
has as good a right to be in deep affliction as the
protein,and where a dash appears, reliable infor-
mation on the protein value is not presently avail-
most graceful set of limbs in the world. But, fair
or not fair, these are unbecoming conjunctions,

which reason will patronize in vain which taste

cannot tolerate which ridicule will seize." Jane — Food C alories
We have tried, from data currently furnished by Almonds, 1 cup shelled 850 26.0
the U.S. Department of Agriculture and other au- Apple, 1 raw, 3" diam. 117 .4
thoritative sources, to give you in the first column Apple, 1 medium-sized, baked
below as accurate a calorie count as possible for with 2 tablespoons sugar 200 .3
the total edible portion of each serving of food as Apple butter, 1 tablespoon 37 .1

it comes to you at the table. Our soup figures are Apple dumpling, 1 medium-
for canned soups diluted with the same amount sized 235 3.0
of water —or whole milk, in the case of cream Apple juice, 1 cup 120 .3

soups unless we specify them as homemade. A Apple pie, 1 /6 of 9" pie 400 3.0
cup is the standard 8-ounce measure, and a table- Applesauce, sweetened, V2 cup 127 .3
spoon or teaspoon is always a level one. Since Applesauce, unsweetened, Vi cup 50 .2

we do not expect you to weigh your food at table, Apricot nectar, canned, V2 cup 70 .4

this chart should give you a fairly accurate guide Apricots, canned, sweetened,
to normal servings for a healthy adult. Remember, 4 halves, 2 tablespoons juice 80
however, that two martinis before dinner count Apricots, dried, stewed,
as much as a generous slice of pie for dessert, and, sweetened, 4 halves,
if you are watching your weight, second thoughts 2 tablespoons juice 123 1.4
may be better than second helpings. Apricots, 3 whole fresh 55 1.0
To use the protein values in the second column Artichoke, globe, 1 large,
on the charts which follow, determine how many cooked 51 2.8
grams of protein you require each day, 3. Re- Artichoke, Jerusalem, 4 small 70
member that adequate protein is vital for body Asparagus, 8 stalks 20 2.2
maintenance and repairs. Note that with some Asparagus soup, cream of, 1 cup 160 5.9
foods you get too many calories per gram to make Avocado, V2 medium-sized 190 2.5
that food desirable as a protein source, 3. What
is the price in calories you have to pay for a given Bacon, 1 crisp 6" strip 45 1.8
gram of protein? To find out, divide the number Banana, 1 medium-sized 100 1.3
of calories given in a portion of food by the Banana cream pie, 1/6 of 9" pie 300 6.7
grams of protein in that same portion of food. Barley, pearled, light, uncooked,
Foods with less than 35 calories per gram of pro- 1 cup 700 16.5
tein are considered acceptable. Those with 35 to Beans, baked, canned, '/a cup 155 8.1
70 calories are considered marginal, and those Beans, green or snap, cooked,
with 70 or more calories per gram are usually con- V2 cup 15 1.0
sidered unacceptable. But it must be pointed out Beans, kidney, cooked, Vi cup 115 7.2
that the above figures apply only to protein values. Beans, lima, cooked or canned,
While the apple, for instance, is clearly unaccept- V2 cup 95 5.4
able for its protein value, it is treasured for Beans, navy, cooked, '/a cup 112 7.5
its vitamins and minerals and its carbohydrates, Bean soup, homemade,
mainly in the form of natural sugars. Again there 1 cup 170-260 7.6
must be a balancing of interrelationships in your Bean sprouts, Mung, cooked,
intake of basic requirements. 1
2 cup 18 2.1

In calculating protein content for the foods be- Bean sprouts, raw, Va cup 10 1.1

low, we have followed those values as suggested Beef, corned, cooked, 3 oz.,
by government laws on labeling expressed as to 3 slices, 3" x 2V2" x V*" 185 22.9
whether the Protein Efficiency Ratio is greater or Beef, corned, hash, 3 oz. 155 7.6
less than that of casein, the chief protein of milk. Beef, dried, 2 oz. 115 19.4

Protein Protein
Food Calories Grams Food Calories Grams
Beef, 1 mignon, 4
filet oz. 400 63.0 Cake, pound, 1 slice 473 5.7
Beef, hamburger, lean to Cake, sponge, 2" slice 145 3.7
average fat, 1 patty, 3 oz. 185-245 21.8 Cake, white, 2-layer, with
Beef, rib roast, 3 oz. 375 19.9 chocolate icing, 1 slice 375 3.3
Beef, roast, lean round, 3 oz 140 23.3 Cake, yellow, 2-layer, with
Beef heart, 3 oz. 160 21.0 chocolate icing, 1 slice 365 4.2
Beef loaf, 1 slice, Cantaloupe, A of 5" melon
60 1.4
2 'A" x 2 'A" x 5
A" 115 6.7 Caramel, 1 medium 42 .4
Beef potpie, 4'A" diam. 560 23.0 Carbonated water
Beef soup with meat, 1 cup 113 18.3 Carrots, cooked, A cup 1
25 .7
Beef steak, sirloin, lean to Cashew nuts, 11 to 12 100 3.0
average fat, 3 oz. 172-330 20 to 26 Catsup, 1 tablespoon 17 .3

Beef stew, 1 cup 260 78.6 Cauliflower, cooked, 1 cup 25 2.5

Beef tongue, 3 slices, Caviar, granular sturgeon,
3" x 2" x Vh" 160 12.7 1 tablespoon 66 6.7
Beer, 12 oz. 150 1.6 Celeriac, 1 medium-sized 40 1.8
Beet greens, cooked, 1
A cup 12 1.1 Celery, raw, 3 small inner ribs 9 .5
Beets, Vi cup 30 1.1 Charlotte Russe, serving 1 265 5.5
Berry pie, 1/6 of 9" pie 400 4.0 Cheese, American, 1" cube 65 4.1
Biscuit, baking powder, Cheese, Camembert,
2V2" diam. 150 1 A-oz. wedge 115
3.0 7.5
Blackberries, fresh, 3
A cup 62 1.3 Cheese, cheddar, 1" cube 70 4.4
Blueberries, fresh, 3
A cup 64 .7 Cheese, cottage, creamed,
Bologna sausage, 1 slice, 1
A cup 106 13.6
3" diam. x Vs" 40 2. Cheese, cottage, plain, 1
A cup 86 17.0
Boston cream pie, 1/12 of Cheese, cream, V2 3-oz. cake 160 4.0
8" dia. 210 3.5 Cheese, Edam, 1 oz. 87 7.7
Bouillon, 1 cup 32 .8 Cheese, Liederkranz, 1 oz. 85 4.6
Bouillon cube, 1 5 .8 Cheese, Parmesan, 1 tablespoon,
Braunschweiger sausage, 1 slice, grated 25 2.3
2" diam. x 'A" 33 7.5 Cheese, Roquefort or Blue,
Brazil nut, 1 shelled 30 .7 1" cube 65 3.6
Bread, commercial, rye, Cheese, Swiss, 1" cube 55 3.8
1 slice, <A" thick 55 2.1 Cheese souffle, 1 cup 238 70.8
Bread, commercial, white, Cheese straws, 3 100 2.5
1 slice, V2" thick 60-65 2.0 Cherries, canned, sweetened,
Bread, commercial, whole wheat, A cup
100 1.0
1 slice, Vi" thick 60 2.3 Cherries, fresh, sweet, 15 large 61 1.1
Bread, gluten, 1 slice, Chicken, broiler, small 136 23.8
4" x 4" x 3A" 64 7.0 Chicken, canned, boned meat,
Bread pudding, '/a cup 200 6.0 3 oz. 170 18.6
Broccoli, cooked, 1 large stalk Chicken, fried, 'A breast 155 24.7
or % cup 29 3.3 Chicken, fried, drumstick 90 12.5
Brown Betty, '/a cup 160-250 7.7 Chicken, roasted, dark meat,
Brownie with nuts, 1 piece 95 7.3 3 'A oz. 184 29.3
Brussels sprouts, 'A cup, Chicken, roasted, light meat,
approx. 5 30 3.0 3Va oz. 182 32.3
Butter,1 square,
A" thick 70 .8 Chicken livers, 1 medium-large
Buttermilk, 1 glass, 8 oz. 90 9.0 liver 74 10.3
Chicken pie, 1 individual pie,
Cabbage, chopped, raw, A cup 1
10 .5 4V4" diam. 535 23.0
Cabbage, cooked, V2 cup 15 .8 Chicken salad, 'A cup 200 17.4
Cake, angel, plain, 3" slice 150 4.0 Chicory, or curly endive,
Cake, cheese, 2" wedge 250 25.0 15 to 20 inner leaves 10 .5
Cake, chocolate layer, 2" square 356 4.1 Chocolate, bitter, 1 oz. 144 3.7
Cake, coffee, 1 piece, Chocolate, made with milk,
3"x2 A"x2" 1
133 2.6 1 cup 245-277 3.6
Cake, cup, 1 frosted, 2 A" diam. 1
130 7.5 Chocolate, sweet, 1 oz. 155 7.3
Cake, fruit, dark. 1 small slice, Chocolate, semisweet, 1 oz. 147 7.2
thick 142 7.8 Chocolate bar, milk, 1 oz. 145 7.2

Protein Protein
Food Calories Grams Food Calories Grams
Chocolate creams, 1 small 51 .5 Cranberry sauce, 2 tablespoons 21 T
Chocolate eclair, custard filling, Cream, coffee, 18.5% fat,

1 average-sized 316 8.2 1 tablespoon 30 .5

Chocolate fudge, 1" cube 85 .8 Cream, half-and-half,
Chocolate malted milk, 1 tablespoon 20 .5
made with 8 oz. milk and Cream, sour, cultured,
ice cream 502 74.7 1 tablespoon 25
Chocolate milk shake, Cream, sour, imitation,
made with 8 oz. milk and 1 tablespoon 12
ice cream 421 77.2 Cream, whipped topping of
Chocolate soda 255 2.7 vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon 10 T
Chocolate syrup topping. -55
Cream, whipping, 1 tablespoon 45-55 .4
1 fl. oz. 90 10 Cream soups, canned, 1 cup 175-250
250 7.0
Cinnamon bun, 1 average 200 3.9 Cream of wheat, cooked,
Clam chowder, Manhattan, 3
A cup 100 3.1
1 cup 87 2.4 Creamers of vegetable oil,
Clams, canned, solids and 1 tablespoon 15 .3

liquid, 3 oz. 45 6.8 Creamers of vegetable oil,

Clams, raw, 3 oz. 65 11.2 powdered, 1 teaspoon 2 T
Cocoa, made with milk and Cucumber, 12 slices 10 .6

water, 1 cup 150 7.0 Custard, V2 cup 153 7.2

Cocoa, made with whole milk, Custard pie, 1/6 of 9" pie
325 9.7
1 cup 245 70.0
Coconut, shredded, dried, Daiquiri cocktail. 3 oz. 130 .1
firmly packed, 1 cup 450 4.9 Dates, 3 or 4 85 .7
Coconut custard pie, 1/6 of Deviled ham, canned,
9" pie 311 7.9 1 tablespoon 45 1.8
Codfish, creamed, '/a cup 200 28.5 Divinity, 1
2" cube 102 —
Codfish balls, 2 of 2" diam. 200 17.1 Doughnut, cake type, plain,
Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon 100 1,3'/4"diam. 165 7.9
Coffee, clear, 1 cup .3 Doughnut, sugared, 1, 3 A 1 " diam. 180 7.8
Coffee, with 1 lump sugar, 1 cup 27 .3
Doughnut, yeast, plain,
Coffee, with 1 tablespoon cream, 1, 3 3 4" diam. 175 2.7
1 cup 30 .6
Duck, roast, 1 medium piece 300 15.0
Cola beverages, 1 glass, Dumpling, 1 small 100 7.0
12 oz. 145
Coleslaw, with mayonnaise,
Egg, boiled or poached, 1 whole 80 6.3
Vi cup 85 2.9
Egg, 1 fried with 1 teaspoon
Consomme, canned, 1 cup 35 5.7
105 6.7
Cookies, chocolate chip,
Egg, scrambled with
1, 2'/2" diam. 50 .5
2 tablespoons milk and
Cookies, sugar, 1, 3" diam. 64 .9
1 teaspoon butter 110 7.1
Corn, canned, Vi cup drained
Egg yolk, 1 raw 60 2.7
solids 70 2.2
Egg white, 1 raw 15 3.5
Corn bread, square,
Eggnog, Vi cup 196
2" x 2" x 1" 139 5.0
Eggplant, breaded and fried,
Corn on cob, 1 medium, 7" long 100 3.7
2 slices, V2" thick 210 10.1
Corn soup, cream, V2 cup 100 3.5
Corn syrup, 1 tablespoon 57
Farina, cooked, V* cup 80 2.3
Cornflakes, 3/» cup 75 1.5
Fig, 1 large dried 55 .9
Cornmeal, cooked, 2h cup 80 1.8
Fig, 3 small fresh 95 1.4
Cornstarch blancmange, V2 cup 152 .1

Crab meat, canned, 3 oz. 85 14.8 Figbars, 1 small 50 .5

Crab meat, fresh, V2 cup 54 9.3 Fishsticks, breaded, cooked,

Cracker, butter, 1 16 .2 frozen, 10 sticks or 8-oz.
Cracker, graham, 1, 2V2" square 27 .6 package 400 37.8
Cracker, oyster, 12, 1" 50 7.2 Flounder, baked, average serving 204 30.2
Cracker, saltine, 1, 2" square 17 .4 Frankfurter, 1 170 7.2

Cracker, soda, 1, 2V2" square 24 5. French dressing, commercial,

Cranberry jelly, 2 tablespoons 47' T 1 tablespoon 65


Protein Protein
Food Calories Crams Food Calories Grams
French dressing, homemade, Icing, coconut, boiled, 1 cup 605 3.2
no sugar, 1 tablespoon 86 .7 Icing, white, boiled, 1 cup 300 1.3
French toast, 1 piece 170 5.4
Frog legs, fried, 2 large 140 8.6 Jam or jelly, 1 tablespoon 50-60
Fruit cocktail, canned, drained,
/2 cup 50 .7
Kale, cooked, 1 cup 30 3.3
Fruit cocktail, canned with
Kidneys, beef, braised, Vh oz. 159 20.9
heavy syrup, V2 cup 100 .5
Kohlrabi, cooked, V2 cup 23 1.6
Fruit cocktail, fresh, V2 cup 50 .7
Kumquats, 3 35 .5

Gelatin, dry, 1 tablespoon 25 6.4

Ladyfingers, 1
Gelatin dessert, V2 cup 70 1.8
Lamb, roast leg, lean to
Gin, IVi-oz. jigger 105 156-235 11.7- -22.8
average fat, 3 oz.
Ginger ale, 12 oz. 115
Lamb, roast shoulder, lean to
Gingerbread, 1, 2" square 170 2.0 170-285 11.7- -15.8
average fat
Gingersnap, 1 20 .3
Lamb chop, broiled, 4 oz. 20.2
Goose, roast, 3'/2-oz. serving 426 23.7
Lamb stew with vegetables,
Gooseberries, cooked, sweetened, 250
1 cup 74.8
V2 cup 100 2.0
Lard, 1 tablespoon 115
Grape juice, 1 glass, 8 oz. 165 1.0
Leek, 1 10 .5
Grapefruit, V2 medium 45 .7
Lemon, 1 medium-sized 20 .8
Grapefruit juice, unsweetened,
Lemonade, 1 cup 88 .3
1 cup 100 1.0
Lemon gelatin, V2 cup 100 2.0
Grapes, green seedless, 60 66 .5
Lemon ice, V2 cup 116 1.0
Grapes, Malaga or Tokay, V2 cup 55 .5
Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon 5 .1
Gravy, thick, 3 tablespoons 180 1.3
Lemon meringue pie, 1/6 of
Green pepper, 1 whole 20 1.0 9" pie 345 5.0
Griddle cakes, 2 of 4" diam. 150 4.5
Lentil soup,
Grits, hominy, cooked, A cup
90 2.1
1 cup 150-260 5.0
Guavas, 1 medium 70 .9
Lettuce, iceberg, 1A large head
d 18 1.2
Gum drop, 1 large 35 Lettuce, 6 large leaves 30 2.2
Lime juice, 1 tablespoon 5 .1

Haddock, 1 fillet, breaded, Liver, beef, fried, 2 oz. 130 13.2

fried, 3 oz. 140 16.6 Liver, calf, fried, 2 oz. 110 15.1
Halibut steak, sauteed, Liverwurst or liver sausage,
3" x «/a
" x 1
125 18.4 2 slices, 3" diam. x '/»" 160 8.5
Ham, baked, medium fat, 3 oz. 245 26.3 Lobster, 1 cup 105 19.5
Ham, boiled, 2 oz. 135 14.5 Lobster, whole, small, baked
Hamburger see Beef — or broiled with
Hard candy, 1 oz. (3 or 4 balls, 2 tablespoons butter 308 10.6
A" diam.) 110 Loganberries, canned, V2 cup 55 .6

Hard sauce, 1 tablespoon 50 T

Herring, fresh, 3 oz. 128 9.1
Macaroni, cooked, plain, V2 cu p 80 2.7
Herring, pickled Bismarck, Macaroni and cheese, V2 cup 215 8.4
3V2"x1V2"x1 /4"
218 19.5 Mackerel, broiled, 3 oz. 200 20.0
Herring, smoked, 3 oz. 200 21.0 Malted milk, 8 oz. 245 77.7
Hickory nuts, about 12 100 2.1
Mangoes, tropical, 1 large 85 .9
Hollandaise sauce, 1 tablespoon 65 1.4
Manhattan cocktail, 3 oz. 160 T
Honey, 1 tablespoon 65 .1
Maple syrup, 1 tablespoon 50
Honeydew melon, 1 wedge, Margarine, 1 tablespoon 100 .1
2" x 7" 50 1.2
Marmalade, 2 tablespoons 120 .2
Horseradish, grated, 1 tablespoon 12 .4
Marshmallows, 5 125 .8

Martini cocktail, 3 oz. 3:1 145 .1

Ice cream, commercial, plain, Mayonnaise, tablespoon

1 65-109 .2

V2 cup 125-165 1.9-2.9 Meat loaf, beef and pork,

Ice milk, commercial, plain, 1 slice, 4" x 3" x 3/s" 264 72.2
V2 cup 65-100 2.0-3.0 Melba toast, 1 slice, 4" x 4" 39 7.2
Icing, chocolate, with milk and Milk, condensed, sweetened,
butter, 1 cup 1,035 9.7 V2 cup 490 12.3

Protein Protein
Food alories Grams Food Calories Grams
Milk, dry, nonfat instant, water Pecans, 6 halves 52 .7

added, 1 cup 82 8.2 Pepper, green, 1 medium-sized 15 .7

Milk, evaporated, V2 cup 173 8.8 Perch, breaded and fried, 3 oz. 195 22.5
Milk, half-and-half, V2 cup 163 3.9 Persimmons, 1 medium-sized 78 .7

skimmed, 2%,
Milk, partly 1 cup 145 14.5 Pickles, cucumber, 1 large dill 15 .5

Milk, powdered, whole, Pickles, cucumber, 1 sweet-sour 20 1.0

1 tablespoon 40 2.2 Pigs' feet, pickled, V2 foot 125 70.5
Milk, skimmed, 1 cup 90 9.3 Pineapple, fresh, diced, '2 cup 40 .3

Milk, whole fresh, 3.5% fat, Pineapple, with syrup, canned,

1 cup 160 8.0 1 slice 78 .3

Mincemeat pie, 1/6 of 9" pie 417 3.8 Pineapple ice, V2 cup 120 1.0
Minestrone, 1 cup 105 5.0 Pineapple juice, 1 cup 135 1.0
Mints, chocolate cream, Pizza (cheese), Vs of 14" pie 185 94
3 small 100 .9 Plums, canned, 3 or 4 with syrup 150 .7

Molasses, 1 tablespoon 55 — Plums, fresh, Japanese, 2" diam.,

Muffin, 2" diam. 55 7.6 3 or 4 100 1.0
Muffin, corn, 2Vb" diam. 125 2.5 Pimiento, canned, 1 medium 10 .3

Muffin, English, 1 large 140 3.7 Popcorn, no butter, 1 cup 25 .8

Mushrooms, canned, V2 cup 20 2.2 Popover, 1 100 39

Mushrooms, fresh, 10 small 16 1.5 Pork chop, rib, broiled, 3V2 oz. 260 21.4
Mushrooms, sauteed, 7 small 78 1.7 Pork roast, 3 oz. 310 18.9
Mustard greens, cooked, 1 cup 35 3.3 Pork tenderloin, 2 oz. 200 12.2
Mutton see dmb I Potato, baked, 1 medium-sized 90 2.5
Potato, boiled, 1 medium-sized 90 2.5
Ne< tarine, 1 40 .4 Potato, sweet, baked,
Noodles, egg, cooked, V2 cup 100 3.3 1 medium-sized 155 1.5
Potato, sweet, candied, 1 potato,
Oatmeal, cooked, V2 cup 65 3.4 3'/2" X 274" 295 23
Okra, sliced, V2 cup 25 1.7 Potato chips, 8 to 10 large 100 .9

Old-fashioned cocktail, 1 glass 185 Potato salad, V2 cup 1i -180 4.9

Olive oil, 1 tablespoon 124 Potatoes, French-fried, 10 pieces 155 2.4
Olives, green, 2 small or 1 large 8 .1 Potatoes, hash-browned, V2 cup 175 2.4
Olives, ripe, 2 small or 1 large 10 .1 Potatoes, mashed, milk and
Onion soup, 1 cup 100 8.1 butter added, 1 cup 185 4.7
Onions, 4 small 100 4.0 Potatoes, pan-fried, V2 cup 230 3.4
Onions, creamed, Vi cup 100 720 Potatoes, scalloped, no cheese,
Onions, raw green, 5 medium 23 .6 V2 cup 125 3.6
Orange, 1 average-sized 65 1.1 Praline, 1 300 —
Orange ice, cup ' _> 110 1.0 Preserves, 1 tablespoon 5-75 .7

Orange juice, 1 cup 110 1.4 Pretzels, 5 small sticks 5 .7

Oxtail soup, 1 cup 100 — Prune juice, cup 1 200 1.0

Oyster stew, with milk, 1 cup 275 75.8 Prunes, dried, cooked, V2 cup 125 1.0
Oysters, raw, 1 cup 160 21.2 Prunes, dried, cooked,
sweetened, V2 cup 205 1.0
Pancake, 1, 4" diam. 60 7.8 Prunes, stewed, 4 medium with
Papaya, V2 medium 72 1.1 2 tablespoons juice 120
Parsley, chopped, 2 tablespoons 2 .1 Pudding, chocolate, home
Parsnips, cooked, V2 cup 50 1.1 recipe, 1 cup 385 8.1
Peach, fresh, 1, 2" diam. 35 .5 Pudding, mix, 4-oz. package 410 3.0
Peaches, canned, 2 halves with Pumpkin, 1 cup 76 4.0
2 tablespoons syrup 85 .4 Pumpkin pie, 1/6 of 9" pie 315 6.0
Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons 190 8.5
Peanuts, 20 to 24 nuts 100 4.5 Rabbit, baked, 3V2 oz. 177 22.7
Pear, fresh, 1, 2V2" diam. 60 .8 Radishes, 5 medium 6 .4

Pears, canned, 2 halves with Raisins, seedless, % cup 107 .9

2 tablespoons juice 85 .2 Raspberries, red, fresh, V2 cup 35 .7

Pea soup, cream, 1 cup 270 13.3 Raspberries, red, frozen,

Peas, canned, V2 cup 65 3.7 sweetened, V2 cup 120 .9

Peas, dried, cooked, V2 cup 103 7.2 Red snapper, baked, 3" x V2 " x 4' 183 39.0
Peas, fresh, cooked, V2 cup 56 3.8 Rhubarb, fresh, diced, 1 cup 20 .7

Protein Protein
Food Calories Grams Food ories Grams
Rhubarb, stewed, sweetened, Succotash, canned, V2 cup 85 3.8
V2 cup 192 .7 Sugar, brown, 1 tablespoon 50
Rice, brown, cooked, V2 cup 100 2.1 Sugar, confectioners',
Rice, white, cooked, V2 cup 100 1.8 1 tablespoon 30
Rice, wild, cooked, % cup 103 2.2 Sugar, granulated, 1 tablespoon 48
Roll, hard,white, 1 average-sized 155 4.9 Sweetbreads, broiled,
Roll,Parker House, 1 81 2.0 V2 medium pair 185 15.0
Root beer, 12 oz. 105 Swordfish, broiled in butter,
Rum, IV2-0Z. jigger 150 3oz. 150 24.0
Rutabagas, cooked, V2 cup 25 .6 Syrup, corn, 1 tablespoon 57
Syrup, sorghum, 1 tablespoon 55
Salami, dry, 1 oz. 130 6.9
Salmon, poached, Vh oz.
fresh, 200 29.7
175 Tangerine, 1 35 .6
Sardines, canned, in oil, 3 oz. 19.6
Sauerkraut, 2h cup 27 1.5
Tangerine juice, V2 cup 55 .5

Sauerkraut juice, V2 cup 4 .3

Tapioca pudding, V2 cup 133 4.9
Tartare sauce, 1 tablespoon 100 .2
Sausage, pork link, 2 oz. 125 2.3
Tea, clear, unsweetened, 1 cup .1
Scallops, fried, 5 to 6
medium-sized 427 39.5
Thousand Island dressing,
1 tablespoon 80 .7
Shad roe, sauteed, average
Tomato, fresh, 1, 3" diam. 40 2.0
serving 175 32.6
Sherbet, V2 cup 135 1.0
Tomato catsup, 1 tablespoon 17 .3

Sherry, dry, 3 oz. 110 .3

Tomato juice, 1 cup 50 2.4

Sherry, sweet, 3 oz. 150 .3

Tomato puree, 1 tablespoon 6 .3

Shortcake with V2 cup berries Tomato soup, clear, 1 cup 90 2.0

and cream, 1 medium-sized Tomato soup, cream, homemade,

1 cup 175-•250 7.0
biscuit 350 4.0
Shredded wheat biscuit, 1 large 100 2.8
Tomatoes, canned, 1 cup 60 .3

Shrimp, boiled, 5 large 70 15.5

Tripe, cooked in milk,

Shrimp, canned, 3 oz. average serving 150 28.6

100 20.8
Shrimp, fried, 4 large 259 23.5
Trout, brook, broiled, 3 oz. 216 19.2
Smelts, baked or broiled, Trout, lake, broiled, 3 oz. 290 21.5
4 or 5 medium-sized 91 17.3
Tuna fish, canned, water-packed,
Smelts, fried, 4 to 5 medium-sized 448 17.3 V2 cup 165 36.4
Snow pudding, % cup 114 Tuna canned, in oil, 3 oz.
fish, 170 25.8
Soft drinks, fruity, 12 oz. 140-170 Turkey, roast, dark meat, 3 /2 oz. 1
203 30.0
Sole, Dover, baked, 3'/a oz.
Turkey, roast, light meat, 3 /2 oz. 1
176 32.9
202 30.0
Sole, fillet —
see Flounder Turnip greens, cooked, 1 cup
Turnips, cooked, 1 cup
30 3.2

Soybeans, dried, cooked, V2 cup 120 9.9 40 1.4

Spaghetti, plain, cooked, 1 cup 155 5.2
Spareribs, meat from 6 average-
Vanilla wafer, 1 20 .2
sized ribs 246 14.9 Veal chop, loin, fried,
Spinach, cooked and chopped,
1 medium-sized 186 21.0
V2 cup 23 2.8 Veal cutlet, 3 oz. 185 23.0
Spinach soup, cream, homemade, Veal roast, 3 oz. 230 23.3
1 cup 240 7.0
Veal stew, 1 cup 242 23.9
Split pea soup, 1 cup 145 9.0
Vegetable cooking fats,
Split peas, dried, cooked, 1 cup 290 19.0 1 tablespoon 110
Squab, 1 whole, unstuffed,
Vegetable juice, 1 cup 48 2.5
2V2 oz. meat 149 10.0
Vegetable soup, 1 cup 80-100 5.0
Squash, Hubbard or winter,
Venison, baked, 3 slices,
cooked, V2 cup 65 2.3 3'/2" x 2V2" x Va" 200 34.5
Squash, summer, cooked, V2 cup 15 1.0
Vienna sausage, canned (7 per
Starch, cornstarch, etc.,
5-oz. can), 1 sausage 40 2.3
1 tablespoon 29 T Vodka, T/2-oz. jigger 105
Strawberries, fresh, V2 cup 30 .6
Strawberries, frozen, sweetened,
V2 cup 120 .5 Waffles, 1, 7" diam. 210 5.0
Strawberry shortcake with Waldorf salad, average serving 137 7.3
cream, average serving 350 3.7 Walnuts, English, 4 to 8 halves 50 1.1

Protein Protein
Food Calories Grams Food Calories Grams
Watercress, 10 sprigs Wines, sweet or fortified,
Watermelon, 1 slice, A"
3 thick, 3 oz. 20-160 .2
6" diam. 90 1.7
Welsh rarebit, 4 tablespoons on Yams —see Potatoes, sweet
1 slice toast 200 9.7
Yeast, brewer's, 2 teaspoons 18 25
Yeast, compressed, 1 cake 10 1.4
Wheat germ, tablespoon
1 25 1.8
Yogurt, fruit-flavored, Vi cup 130 4.4
Whisky, bourbon, Vh oz. 120
Yogurt, plain, V2 cup 65 4.4
Whisky, Scotch, Vk oz. 105
Yogurt, whole milk, V2 cup 75 3.6
White sauce, A cup 1
106 2.6
Whitefish, average serving 100 13.4 Zucchini, cooked, 1 cup 40 2.8
Wines, dry, 3 oz. 65-95 T Zwieback, 1 slice 35 .9
must be able to exercise options and establish
small centers of mutual interest; and we suggest
that this can only be engineered with any degree
of success among groups of at least eight. Twelve
is an even happier number.
The procedures below represent simple, digni-
fied current practice in table service. If you plan
to serve cocktails or nonalcoholic beverages be-
fore a meal, have glasses ready on a tray. With
the aperitif, you may pass some form of cracker,
canape or hors d'oeuvre. you and your guests

are discriminating you will keep this

pickup light. Too generous quantities of food and
drink beforehand will bring jaded palates to the
dinner on which you have expended such effort.
Should you have the kind of guests who enjoy a
long cocktail period and varied hors d'oeuvre, be
sure to season your dinner food more highly than
usual. You may politely shorten the cocktail pre-
liminaries, which havea bad habit these days of
going on indefinitely, by serving a delicious hot or
cold consomme or soup, either near the bar area
or from a tureen on a cart.
ENTERTAINING Never forget that your family is really the most
important assembly you ever entertain. Whether
for them or for friends always check the fresh-
ness of the air, the temperature of the dining
When you are entertaining, try not to feel that
area, and the proper heat or chill for plates, food
something unusual is expected of you as a hostess.
It isn't. Just be yourself. Even eminent and dis-
and drinks —
especially hot ones. If warming oven
space is limited, use the heat cycle of your dish-
tinguished persons are only human. Like the rest
washer; or, if you entertain often, you may wish
of us, they shrink from ostentation; and nothing is
to install an infrared heating unit which can be
more disconcerting to a guest than the impression
raised or lowered above a heatproof counter. Be
that hiscoming is causing a household commo-
sure that each diner has plenty of elbow room,
tion. Confine noticeable efforts for his comfort
about 30 inches from the center of one plate
and refreshment to the period that precedes his
service to the center of the next.
arrival. Satisfy yourself that you have anticipated
formal meals, given in beautifully appointed

every possible emergency the howling child, the
homes, served by competent, well-trained serv-
last-minute search for cuff links, your husband's
exuberance, your helper's ineptness, your own
ants —who can be artists in their own right are —
a great treat. We cannot expect to have ideal con-
qualms. Then relax and enjoy your guests.
ditions at all times in the average home. How-
If, at the last minute, something does happen ever, no matter what the degree of informality,
to upset your well-laid plans, rise to the occasion.
always be sure that the table is attractive and im-
The mishap may be the making of your party.
Capitalize on it, but not too heavily. Remember
maculately clean —
and always maintain, as nearly
as possible, an even rhythm of service.
that 'way back in Roman times the poet Horace
observed, "A host is like a general: it takes a mis-
hap to reveal his genius." TABLE DECOR
We are frequently asked what is the ideal num- As to the table itself, a top that is heat- and stain-
ber for a dinner party. Estimates vary. On the resistant lends itself to the greatest ease of service
absurd side, we are reminded of the response and upkeep. You can expose as much or as little
made to this question by a less-than-gregarious of its surface as you like. If you have a tabletop of

nineteenth-century gourmet: "Myself and the natural hardwood, you must protect it against
headwaiter"; and of Aubrey Menen's Ceylonese heat at all times with pads or trivets.
grandmother, who regarded the act of eating as so For versatility and effective contrast, keep your
vulgar that she practiced it only when alone, in basic flatware and dishes simple in form and not
complete seclusion. Seriously speaking, there is too pronounced in pattern or color. Then you can
no ideal answer to the question. Some of the rea- combine them, without fear of clashing, with
sons will become apparent the discussion that
in varied linens, fruits and flowers and —
most im-
follows. Yet there is probably a workable mini- portantly — varied foods. You will find that changes
mum; and unless the guests are very close friends, in decor and accessories stimulate the appetite as
thatminimum much exceeds two. Back in the much as changes in seasoning.
living room afterward, first-time acquaintances It is pleasant to vary table presentations by serv-


ing soup not only in cups and bowls, but from a Lacking an antique epergne, you can still expand
tureen; or by making use of a crescent-shaped the impact of flowers and fruit on a framework
salad plate designed to fit at the side of a round structured from tumblers, tinware or silverware, as
dinner plate and so give the table a less crowded shown in the chapter heading. Leaves and bloom
feeling. Individual
serving dishes for vegetables clusters, vinesand fruits bind these disparate ele-
may be replaced by an outsized platter holding ments and disguise or expose their origins. There,
several kinds of vegetables attractively garnished. as suggested by my friend and one of my co-
authors of Wild Wealth, Frances Jones Poetker, is
an opulent arrangement made on a bare structure
she suggested of a reversed wide bowl sur-
mounted by a flat plate on which a stemmed com-

pote is centered and centered on that, in turn, a
stemmed glass.
harmonious small containers of flowers
or fruit — similar
or varied —
can be effectively
grouped around a central element or scattered
along the length of a table to replace a single focal
point such as the one described above. One of
these small units could be long-needled pine tufts
bracing snowdrops; or clematis, as illustrated in
Also, small raw vegetables and fruits may be sub- the semiformal luncheon service, below.
stituted for garnishes of parsley and cress to give A piece of sculpture scaled to your table makes
a meat platter a festive air. Instead of using pairs a charming base for a centerpiece. Surround it
of matching dessert dishes, try contrasting bowls with an ivy ring and vary the decor from time to
of glass or bright pottery. For a rustic^ effect, serve time with other greenery or any elements that sug-
a hearty menu on your everyday dishes and use gest borders or garlands. If the sculpture is slightly
bright linens and wooden salad bowls with a cen- raised on a base, it can be enjoyed to great ad-
terpiece of wooden scoops filled with pears and vantage. Whatever you use, don't overcrowd the
hazelnuts in the husk. table. One of the most important things to re-

For a more elegant effect, serve a dainty meal member is that no matter what the decoration,
it should be suited in color and scale to the foods
on porcelain and crystal dishes, against a polished
board decorated with fragile glasses and flowers. served to enhance it. Don't make your effects so
See sketch below. stagey that your guests' reactions will be, "She
went to a lot of trouble." Make them say, rather,
"She had a lot of fun doing it'"
Consider, too, the colors of the flowers, food
and linens available to you, and plan your menu
accordingly. Beets or beet soup may be just the
strengthening note you want on a cold day; grape-
fruit and avocado may bring that chill delicacy of
palette you need for a torrid summer lunch. The
sources at your command are really legion.
Cramped dining quarters can be eased by un-
conventional service distribution — a bar in the
study, soup on the patio or on a traveling tea cart,
a long, narrow buffet to facilitate traffic flow. But
whether the party is large or intimate, you can
stretch your normal equipment with unconven-
tional use of trays, baskets, pumpkin soup tureens,
\\\ "\r'.r-\'r\" >>>miii)>iiiirn>r>i>/iri/IIMiUfiui/r>i/r/m/M/ii/f//f/m
watermelon fruit bowls, or ice punch bowls, 62.
Whatever your decorative scheme, flower ar-
rangements should be low or lacy. Tall arrange- TABLE SETTING
ments that obstruct the view discourage across- There are certain time-honored positions for table-
the-table conversation. There is nothing more ware and equipment that result from the way food
distracting than dodging a floral centerpiece while is eaten and served. So keep in mind these basic

trying to establish an intimate relationship among placements. Forks to the left except the very
your guests. For the same reason, candles should small fish fork, which goes to the right. Spoons,
be placed strategically. On a formal buffet or tea including iced-tea spoons, and knives to the right,
table, which is viewed from above, the decora- with the sharp edge of the knife toward the plate.
tions mav be as tall as you wish. In fact, food or There is, of course, a practical reason for placing
flower accents that are elevated on epergnes or the knife at the diner's right, since right-handed
stemmed dishes add a note of drama. persons, who predominate, commonly wield the

knife with their favored hand, and do so early in have the ashtrays and cigarettes placed on the
the meal. Generally, having cut his food, the diner table just after the dessert is served.
lays down his knife and transfers his fork to the At informal dinner parties, place cards may be
right hand. Formal dining makes an exception to omitted and the hostess may indicate where guests
this rule; and with left-handed or ambidextrous are to sit. When the diners number six, ten or
persons the transfer seems superfluous to us, on fourteen, the host is at one end of the table, the
any occasion. Place flatware that is to be used hostess at the other. If the guests number eight
first farthest from the plate. It is also better form or twelve and you want to alternate men and
never to have more than three pieces of flatware women guests, place the host at one end and
at either side. Bring in any other needed table the hostess to the left of the other end.
utensils on a small tray as the course is served. The honor guest, if a woman, is seated to the
The server is always careful to handle tableware right of the host; if a man, to the left of the
by the handles only, including carving and serving hostess. At a formal meal, a dish is presented, but
spoons and forks, which are placed to the right not served, to the hostess first. Food is actually
of the serving dish. offered first to the woman guest of honor. The
If you look at some of the place settings illus- other women are then all served. Finally, the men
trated, you can, with a few exceptions, practically are served, beginning with the guest of honor. If
predict the menu. Let's consider the semiformal there is no special guest of honor, you may want
luncheon setting, 16. Line up the bases of the to Reverse the direction of service every other
handles about one inch from the edge of the course, so that the same people are not always
table. Some people still consider it important to served last.
supply a knife at luncheon, even if that knife is While it is not the^best form, some people pre-
not needed for the actual cutting of meat. Others fer to have the hostess served first. She knows
omit the knife if a typical luncheon casserole is the menu, and by the way she serves herself she
passed or is served in individual containers. For a sets the pattern for the other guests. This is a
formal luncheon, a butter plate is placed to the special help if the guest of honor is from another
left on a level with the waterglass. The butter knife country. In America it is customary for guests to
is usually located as shown, and a butter ball or wait until everyone is served and the hostess be-
curl, 541, is already in place before the guests are gins to eat. In Europe, however, where each
seated. Later, the butter plate is removed simul- course is usually served complete on one plate,
taneously with the salad plate. Both are taken it is permissible to start eating as soon as one is

from the left side. The butter plate is picked up served.

with the left hand, the salad plate with the right. Plates are usually removed from the right and
At semiformal luncheons, you may have the placed or passed from the left. Service and dinner
dessert spoon and fork in place above the plate, plates are frequently of different patterns. For the
as sketched opposite. This indicates that no finger purpose of clarity in the illustrations following,
bowl will be supplied. Or you may, as in the service plates are sketched with a solid banding,
dinner service, bring the dessert silver to the table plates on which cold food is being served are
with the finger bowl, as sketched on 20. shown with a thin double-banded edge, and plates
Water and wine glasses are already in place as for hot food are unadorned.
sketched left. The water is poured in the former
to about two-thirds capacity; the wineglasses are
left empty. Classes are filled from the right and
are never lifted by the server when pouring.
Most of us moderns look with amazement, not
Goblet types are always handled by the stem in to say dismay, at the menus of traditionally formal
dinners. Such meals are a vanishing breed, like
presentation, replacement or removal, by the diner
or server; tumbler types are always held well be-
the whale — but, like the whale, some manage to

low the rim. survive. They begin with both clear and thick
soups. Then comes an alternation of entrees and
When it is time to serve coffee, empty cups and
releves, each with its accompanying vegetables.
saucers are placed to the right. There is a spoon
on the saucer, behind the cup and parallel to the The releves are lighter in quality and fewer in
cup handle, which is turned to the diner's right.
number than the hefty joints and whole fish which
make up the entrees, but by current standards
After all the cups are placed, they are filled by the
many of them amply qualify as main dishes in
server, and afterward sugar and cream are offered
their own right.
from a small from the left. But the entire
However, in the parlance of the haute cuisine,
coffee service may be offered, even for luncheon,
the term "entree" had a quite different signifi-
in the living room, after the dessert.
cance. Classic entrees commonly occurred imme-
Individual ashtrays and cigarettes may be placed diately after the main entree as we now define it,
on the table. Fortunately, a host or hostess is not and consisted of timbales, seafoods and variety
required to press his conviction that smoking is meats, served in rich pastes and with delicate
injurious to either health or gastronomy. But if —
sauces tidbits distinguished for their elegance.
you are a strong-willed hostess, you may prefer to A salad takes next place in this stately proces-

sion and is usually made of a seasoned cooked courses. When the party is less formal, the host
vegetable such as asparagus, with greens doing may prefer to pour the wines himself from a de-
garnish duty only. After this, the diner may choose canter or from a bottle. If the wine is chilled, he
from a variety of cheeses. will wrap it in a napkin, and hold a napkin in the

Entremets hot or cold sweets succeed the — left hand to catch any drip from the bottle. The
cheese course; and these are topped off, in turn, hostess on such occasions may pass relishes to
by both hot and cold fruits. Thus, in outline if — the guest at her right, and the guests may continue
"outline" can be regarded as le mot juste a din- — to pass them on to one another. Also, relishes may
ner in the grand manner; except, of course, to add be arranged at strategic places on the table, but
that each course is accompanied by a choice and must be removed with the soup. However, even
sympathetic wine. with these slight assists, the work of the server is
We marvel at the degree of sophistication re- one that calls for nicely calculated timing. It is
quired to appreciate so studied and complex a easy to see why one server should not be called
service —to say nothing of the culinary skills on to take care of more than six or eight guests
needed to present the menu in proper style. But, at the most — if smooth going is expected.

more critically, we ask, "Where do the guests Let us go back to our dinner, which begins as —
stow away food?" Granted that a truly
all that forecast by the setting sketched below —with a
formal dinner lasts for hours and that each portion seafood cocktail, and goes on to the soup. The
mav be a dainty one, the total intake is still bound seafood, served in a specially iced glass, is in place
to be formidable. Such an array is seldom en- when the guests enter the dining room.
countered in this casual and girth-conscious era.
But a semiformal dinner with traces of classic
service still graces the privileged household.
When the guests come into the dining room,
the table is all in readiness. Again the setting
forecasts the menu through the first three courses.
If more silver is required, it is always brought in

separately later The water glasses are about two-

thirds full; the wineglasses, though empty, stand
in place,see illustrations at right.
At formal and semiformal dinners, butter plates
are seldom used Melba toast or crackers are After the seafood has been eaten, the empty
served with the appetizer or soup, and hard rolls seafood cocktail glasses are removed —leaving the
without butter later, with the roast. The setting in- service plate intact. The soup plate is placed on it
dicates a seafood cocktail, a soup, a meat course, — served from the left. Crackers and relishes are
19, a salad course, water and two wines. Water and presented.
wine are poured from the right. The glasses may
stay in place throughout the meal, but it is prefer-
able to remove each wineglass after use. A third
wineglass may be strung out on a line with the
others or placed to form a triangle slightly forward
toward the guest and just above the soup spoon.
However, if more than three wines are to be
served, fresh glasses replace the used glasses as
the latter are removed.
Once the guests are seated, the server's steady
but unobtrusive labor begins. There is a plate,
filled or unfilled, before each guest throughout
the meal. The server usually removes a plate from
The service plate is now removed, along with
the right and replaces it immediately with another
the empty soup plate, from the right. If a platter of
from the left, so that the courses follow one an-
hot food is to be passed, an empty hot plate is
other in unbroken succession. At such a dinner,
second helpings are seldom offered.

placed before the guest from the left.
However, if the meat course is to be carved and
When a platter is presented, it is offered from
served in the dining room, the soup plate only is
the the guest by the server, who holds it
left to
removed, leaving the service plate before the
on a folded napkin on the palm of his left hand, guest. The meat platter is put before the host, who
and may steady it with the right. The server should carves enough meat for all the guests before any
always make sure that the handles of the serving further serving takes place. The server, who has
tools are directed toward the diner. replaced the host's service plate with a hot one,
The passing of and relishes, the
crackers, breads stands to the left of the host, holding an extra
refilling of water glasses, and the pouring of wines hot plate on a napkin. When the host has filled
take place during, not between, the appropriate the individual plate before him, the server re-


moves it and replaces it with the empty hot plate on individual plates, is presented next from the
he has been holding. Then, after taking the service left. If accompanied the soup, the sherry
place in front of the guest of honor from the right, glass is removed at this time.
the server gives him the filled hot plate from the After the server has removed the empty fish
left, returns to the host via the buffet for the next plate from the right, a hot plate is put before the
hot plate, and waits to replace the plate being guest from the left, as shown next.
filled by the host for another guest.
When all guests have been attended to, the
server passes the gravy and then the vegetables
with a serving spoon and fork face down on the
platter and the handles directed toward the guest.
The hot breads come next. During this course, the
server replenishes water and wine.
The menu we have been serving has consisted
of three courses: seafood cocktail, soup, meat-
and-vegetable. A salad and dessert course will fol-
low; but first let us consider a different menu
one that omits the cocktail and introduces a fish
Obviously, a different setting of flatware is in
order for this alternate menu. The illustration will
show you that it consists of soup, first. After that,
there is a fish course, followed by meat, salad and The meat course follows — either carved
by the
so on. You will notice that there are one water host, or previously the pantry. A vege-
arranged in
table placed on a narrow so-called bone plate
shown to the left of the meat plate may follow.
With such vegetables as asparagus and artichokes,
or salads with vinegar dressings, no wines are

and two wine glasses. Because no seafood cock-

tail isincluded, the napkin is placed on the service
plate, with a place card on top. For this setting,
individual salts are placed to the left of the
glasses, and a small dish of mixed nuts is centered
above the service plate. No other food is on the
table when the guests are seated. A handsomely arranged fruit compote, passed
For this second menu, plates of soup are passed during the meat course, can be used as an alter-
from the left and placed directly on the service nate to a salad. a compote is substituted for a

plates —
after guests have removed napkins and salad, a spoonput on the right of the setting,

place cards. instead of a salad fork on the left, as illustrated.

After the soup has been relished, the soup plate The next illustration shows a separate salad
and service plate are removed together from the set-up after the meat course is removed. After
right and the fish course, arranged in the pantry

the salad removed, the table is de-

course is

nuded for a Any unused flatware,

short time.
salts and peppers and relishes are taken away. The
table is crumbed. The server uses a folded napkin
and brushes the crumbs lightly onto a plate or a
crumb tray.

Now, the dessert setting with the finger bowl INFORMAL ENTERTAINMENT
and doily is placed in front of each guest.
Your chances for a successful informal dinner
party are much greater if you key your efforts to
your own belongings and service rather than strug-
gling to meet the exacting demands of the kind
of dinner just described. Plan a menu that will
make advance preparation and last-minute serving
feasible. Offerfewer courses and put several kinds
of food on oneplatter. But please do not let your
guests sit, trying to make conversation, with a
rapidly congealing slice of meat before them,
waiting with embarrassment for a seemingly ship-
The finger bowl, partially filled with water, may wrecked gravy boat to follow.
have a scented geranium leaf, a fragrant herb or There are actually two kinds of informal com-
flower, or a thin slice of lemon floating in it. Each —
pany meals and by informal we mean those
guest places the fork and spoon to either side of which can be successfully carried off by a hostess
the plate and then puts the doily, with finger bowl acting more or less alone. The first is a small sit-
on it, to the upper left side of his place setting down affair; and when we say small we mean one
opposite the water glass. limited to eight guests —
six is a more confidence-
inspiring number. Such a dinner flourishes not on
spur-of-the-moment activity but on careful fore-
thought and now and then some nimble footwork.
Mam dishes should be limited to two or three:
a casserole, for instance, an aspic and a pot-de-
creme. Many such dishes that can be prepared in
advance will be found in the chapters on Lunch,
Brunch and Supper Dishes; Salads; and Frozen
Desserts. Five minutes before your guests are ex-
pected, everything should be organized and in
readiness: hors d'oeuvre and cocktails which —

may be simple on a conveniently available side
An exception to bowl procedure is
this finger table, plates warming in the oven, and dining table
made when fruit is be served after dessert. In
to completely set, needing only that last-minute cere-
this case, the dessert plate complete with flatware —
monial touch the lighting of the candles.
is placed in front of each guest. After the dessert One of the hostess's more important roles is a
has been passed and eaten, the dessert plate is deliberately unobtrusive one. After she sees to it
removed. Next comes a fruit plate with doily, that serving dishes and implements are in place on
finger bowl, fruit knife and fork. the table, she sets the first main dish and a stack
Should coffee be served at the table, empty of heated plates in front of the host, whose re-
demitasse cups and saucers are, at this time, sponsibility it becomes to fill them and pass them
placed to the right of the diners. Demitasse spoons along to the guests. She then promptly takes her
are on the saucers, behind the cup and parallel to own seat at table, determined not only to remain
the handle. Coffee is poured from the right and graciously installed there until the time comes for
cream and sugar passed on a small tray from the main-dish replenishment or for bringing on an-
left. Liqueur may be served with the coffee or other course, but to be generally at ease through-
passed on a tray later, in the living room. out the rest of the meal.
Women's liberation works both ways. A host or When the guests have finished the first course,
hostess may still welcome a lull of 15 minutes or serving initiatives are largely hers. She gathers the
more after dinner, during which the sexes are plates left over from the first course, removes
segregated and free to develop conversational them from the dining area, and reappears with
topics of special and specific interest. The tradi- whatever serving dishes and implements are
tional —and entirely suitable — time for such a needed for the next course. These she sets at her
break is between dessert and coffee. The men may own place at table; she seats herself again and
remain in the dining room to converse over serves each guest in turn, repeating the host's
glasses of port or brandy; or the entire company, previous procedure. The main objective here is to
after the English custom, may first share a savory, ensure that guests and hosts remain at table:
755. The hostess may then retire to the drawing nothing disrupts a little sit-down dinner so much
room with the ladies and later pour coffee for her as the inclination of anyone present to execute a
reassembled guests there. By this time, good food, series of disappearing acts and U-turns.
wine and conviviality have usually broken down The hostess's continuing presence mav be fur-
the minor social inhibitions, and the coffee service ther assured by arranging to serve thewine in a
may be completely informal. decanter, which can be passed from hand to hand

during the meal, like the relishes and the bread. BUFFET SERVICE
The bread, incidentally, may be of the crusty-loaf
Obviously, from the hostess's standpoint, buffet
variety cut into thick slices and buttered, then service is the most satisfactory way to take care
warmed in the same oven used to heat the dinner of large groups informally. However, under no
circumstances should you expect your guests to
For removing relishes and odd items, a small
eat without enough chairs or table space for all.
tray is handy. "Crumbing" may be dispensed
Plan a menu from foods that hold well, keeping
with. But do resist the messy and quite intolerable
hot foods above 140° and cold foods below 40°.
practice of stacking plates as you remove them The best way to keep an attractive buffet looking
from the table. that way is to concentrate on individual portions.
While we deplore the kind of pinch-hitting These can be replenished easily, thus preserving
that often turns the maidless dinner into a volun- the looks of the table. For instance, rather than a
teer free-for-all, we do the least reject an
not in large aspic, use individual fancy molds —even if
unobtrusive dependable from the host, or
assist released from paper cups. Use sea shells or vege-
from a close friend of the hostess who knows her table cups, 98, as individual containers for sea-
way around the house and is cooperatively dis- food or other mixtures. You may cut turkey, ham
posed. The host may help by carrying out such and salmon into individual portions. Also see
far-flung responsibilities as mixing salads and About Stuffed Vegetables, 280, and Cases for
drinks, greeting the guests and taking care of their Food, 250. For garnishes see 98 and 99.
wraps, inquiring about and distributing "seconds," Types of food especially suitable for buffet
and in general seeing to it that the company is service are a risotto or jambalaya, a goulash, a
kept promptly and well supplied. The help that a seafood Newburg, moussaka, empanadas, a cheese
close friend can proffer is less thoroughgoing and tray. Meats served en croute, 448, and as chaud-
less well defined: it may vary from filling water froid, 369, make dramatic features of buffet serv-
glasses to clearing the table. Whatever its extent, ice. Both types of preparation keep buffet food
it should stop short of officiousness. A hostess from drying out. Avoid soups and other sloshy
who wants to keep her sanity should resolutely re- food that may prove hazardous for diners in
sist the invasion of her kitchen by a guest who is motion.
inspired to "keep her company" while she makes If the servings are not individual, cater gener-
her final preparations for the meal. ously, as guests are apt to take larger portions at
In order for food to reach the table at the right buffets. Layouts below and on 22 show typical
temperature, it is wise to use such aids as covered buffet settings. The first one represents a dinner at
dishes— in which case, remember to allow a place which the host or hostess serves the guests, who
to put hot lids; double dishes with provision un- then proceed to tables which are already set. The
derneath for ice or hot water; and a samovar menu includes duck with orange cups, wild rice,
arrangement for hot drinks. podded peas and a green salad. The serving plat-
For both service and removal, a cart may facili- ters are later removed and replaced by the des-
tate matters, unless there are children trained to sert; or individual desserts may be served at table.
lend unobtrusive help. Impromptu deputization of Note again that height in candles or flowers is
your guests may invite chaos and should be often a distinct asset in buffet service, as is the
avoided except in extreme emergencies or in de- use of tiered dishes.
liberate plans such as those described in partici- The drawing on 22 shows a buffet at which the
patory menus, 34. guests serve themselves and proceed to sit at small

tables. If there are no tables, individual trays may Unless your equipment is equal to that of a well-
be used. For tray service, plan food that does not appointed kitchen and you can assure vour guests
call for the use of a knife. of comparably controlled cooking, we suggest that
Shown are a meat or fish casserole dish; arti- you choose menus that are really enhanced by
chokes vinaigrette filled with masked hard-cooked outdoor cooking procedures, 155.
eggs with herbs; relishes and rolls. A dessert may Have enough covered dishes on hand to protect
be on the table at the beginning of the service. If food from flies. Give your guests a tray or a tray-
the serving table seems too crowded, place the like plate if there are no regular places set or
water and hot drinks on another serving surface. normal seating arrangements. And prepare an al-
ternate plan of accommodation in case of bad
TEA SERVICE We recall an informal party that was really too
The institution of afternoon going out of
tea is big for our quarters and whose pattern might pro-
fashion —menaced on the one hand by the cock- vide a substitute for a weather-beleaguered barbe-
tail party and on the other by the "coffee break," cue. The guests arrived to find no evidence of
which in America is beginning to assume the pro- entertaining, only a most gorgeous arrangement
portions of a compound fracture. We still find tea of colchicum, those vibrant fall blooms, 25,
or coffee in the afternoon —
whether of the formal that resemble vast, reticulated crocuses. After
or the informal type —
a revivifying event, even if drinks were served and hors d'oeuvre passed, the
an occasional one. When it is informal, the ho host circulated a cart with soup tureen and cups.
does the honors alone. However, when the tea is In its wake followed tray baskets containing white
formal, friends of the hostess sit at each end of the paper bags, each fitted out with individual chicken
table and consider it a privilege to pour. salad, olives, endive filled with avocado, cocktail
The drawing opposite shows a handsome, for- tomatoes, cress and cheese sandwiches, bunches
mal tea set-up with a coffee service at one end. of luscious grapes and foil-wrapped brownies.
Tea may be served at the other. It is wise to in- Coffee was served, again from the circulating cart.
struct a supplier to keep in frequent touch with In order to get an informal after-supper party
the pourers to anticipate their need for additional rolling, young hostesses are often so eager to
hot water, coffee or cups. It is also canny to have present the fruits of their labors that refreshments
additional platters ready to replace those at the are served too early for the comfort of the guests,
table that have become rather ragged-looking. most of whom have rather recently dined. Instead
Medium-sized rather than large platters are easier of hustling in solid food and alcoholic or car-
to keep in trim. bonated drinks, it might be pleasant to open the
proceedings with a tisane, 40.
Here are a few parting reminders as we wind
CASUAL ENTERTAINING FOR up this chapter on entertaining. In cooking for
ONE OR FOR MANY more people than you are normally accustomed
Trav meals can be a delightful stimulant if they to, allow yourself enough extra time both for
include a surprise element in the form of a lovely preparing the food and for heating or cooling it.
pitcher, a small flower arrangement or some sea- Please read the comments on the enlarging of
sonal delicacy. Make sure, especially if the recipi- recipes, 590. Be sure that your mixing and cooking
ent is an invalid, that all needed utensils are pres- equipment is scaled to take care of your group,
ent, that the food is hot or cold as required, and most important of all, that you have the
sufficient in amount and fresh and dainty looking. refrigerator space to protect chilled dishes and the
A cookout, whether a mere wienie roast or a heated surfaces to maintain the temperature of
luau, can be —
although it seldom is anymore the hot ones. Don't hesitate to improvise steam
one of the least complicated ways to entertain. tables or iced travs. Utilize insulated picnic boxes

or buckets either way, and wheelbarrows or tubs sions it is preferable to cook from recipes with
for the cracked ice on which to keep platters which you are familiar. Secondly, cook in several
chilled. moderate-sized batches, rather than in one big
If you often entertain casually, it may be worth- chunk, because, mysterious as it sounds but true, —

while to make as one of our friends did a large — —
even for the experts quantity cooking is not just
rectangular galvanized deep tray on which the a matter of indefinite multiplication, 590. If you
dishes of a whole cold buffet can be kept chilled. overexpand, too, you may run into a number of
Or try confecting an epergne-like form such as other problems.
that shown on 60 for chilling seafoods, hors Take into account the longer time needed in
d'oeuvre or fruit. preparation —
not only for paring and washing of
For camping trips or boating parties, consider vegetables or drying salad greens, but for heating
the safety factor when choosing the menu. No up large quantities. Even more important, you
matter what the outing don't transport perish- may be confronted with a sudden pinch of re-
able foods in hot weather in the even hotter trunk frigerator space —
discovering that the shelves are
of a car. needed for properly chilling large aspics or pud-

Not all types of entertaining formal or casual dings just when they should be doubling to keep
or in-between —
can be detailed here. But, what- other sizable quantities of food at safe tempera-
ever the occasion, assemble your tried skills in tures. This warning is of great importance if
menu planning so as to reflect the distinctive char- vou are serving stuffed fowl, creamed foods,
acter of your home. Flavor the occasion with your ground meat, mayonnaise, cream puffs, custards
own personality. And keep handy somewhere, for or custard pies: these foods spoil readily without
emergency use, that cool dictum attributed to showing any evidence of hazard. Before complet-
Colonel Chiswell Langhorne of Virginia: "Etiquette ing the menu for larger groups, assess equipment
is for people who have no breeding; fashion for for mixing, cooking, refrigerating and serving.
those who have no taste." If the meal is a hot one, plan to use recipes

involving both the oven and top burners. Increase

your limited heating surfaces by supplementing
COOKING FOR LARGE PARTIES them with electric skillets, steam tables or hot
Most of the recipes in this book make 4 to 6 serv- trays to hold food in good serving condition
ings and will double satisfactorily for 8 to 12. But above 140°. But do check the electric capacity
at times all of us are called on to produce meals of your system.
for larger groups, and it is then that we must be If serving individual casseroles, see that you
on our guard. For unexpected surprises are apt to have enough oven space; or, if the casseroles
pop up just when we want everything to go par- are large, that they will fit. In fact, stage a dress
ticularly well. No matter how rich or how simple rehearsal — from the cooking equipment require-
the menu, remember, first, that for special occa- ments right through to the way the service dishes

and table gear will be placed. Then, satisfied that One of the hardest things in mass cooking is

the mechanical requirements are met, schedule to give the food that personalized and cherished
the actual work on the menu so that enough can look that is achieved in intimate dinners. Do not
be done in advance to relieve the sink and the hesitate to serve simple foods for companv.
work surfaces of last-minute crowding and mess. Choose seasonal ingredients and cook them skill-
Stick not only to those dishes you are confident fully. Then wind up with a home-baked cake or
you can handle without worry, but to those that pastry— nothing is more delicious or more appre-
make sense for the time you can spare for them. ciated. Guests are really captives, so build a menu,
If one dish is going to require much last-minute in any case, that is not too restrictive. If you de-
hand work and fiddling, balance it against others cide on octopus pasta, be sure you know the
that can be preassembled or are easy to serve: guests are adventurous enough or have sophisti-
casseroles, baked or scalloped dishes, gelatins or —
cated enough palates to enjoy it or that they
frozen foods. See Menus for further suggestions, know you well enough to be able to ask for an
32. egg instead.
Breakfast can be the most exciting meal of the day,
whether it is shared with those you love, or served

in seclusion with time to contemplate ways to

make the day meaningful. Or it can be delayed
into that charming social hour called brunch.
Whatever the setting, proteins are better utilized
if they are eaten at breakfast time than at any other

time of day, and nutritionists advise that one-third

of our daily protein intake be allotted to this meal.
If tea, coffee, hot chocolate or milk, all favorite

breakfast beverages, fail to appeal to you with the

menus below, try a tisane, 40. Remember that hot
chocolate and milk will add both calories and

Banana slices and orange sections, 135
Scrambled Eggs, 222, and Bacon, 486
When to eat what is a matter of ever-changing Hot Whole Wheat Biscuits, 633. and honey
habit and custom. Think of an epicure's diet in
pre-Communist China: the constant nibbling of
small rich confections, interspersed with light, Papaya, 139, garnished with lime
irregularly spaced meals. Think of the enormous French Omelet, 226
breakfast, late dinner and bedtime repasts of Bacon in Muffins, 630
early nineteenth-century England, with a little
sherry and biscuit served at lunchtime to guaran-
Sliced fresh peaches, 139,on hot cereal, 199,
tee survival. And, if you imagine for a moment
with milk and brown sugar
that we have triumphantly freed ourselves from
the excesses of the Groaning Board, think of the oooooooooo

multitude of strange hors d'oeuvre that are Chilled Tomato and Clam Juice, 43
downed during a typical big cocktail party in the Bagels, 617, and Cream Cheese, 71
Age of Anxiety. Eggs with Smoked Salmon, 222
Present-day nutritionists are divided, the ma-
jority sticking to three square meals a day, while
others advocate scrapping this custom in favor of Orange and grapefruit sections, 135
a sort of Chinese dietary of intermittent snacks. Boiled Smoked Tongue, 507,
For the sheer amounts of food that, according and Scrambled Eggs, 222

to statistics, hold the average American body and Brioches, 615

soul together, see 799. More importantly, check oooooooooo

The Foods We Eat, 1. Whichever menu practice

Prunes in Wine, 141
we decide to follow, there is in the combining Broiled Stuffed Mushrooms Cockaigne, 308,
of foods a perennial fascination; and we can still
garnished with watercress, 93
on all occasions respond sympathetically to Brillat- Toasted Cheese Bread, 604
Savarin's aphorism: "Menu malfait, diner perdu."
Below are some suggestions for assembling
meals. They are suggestions only. Your tastes, girth, Orange and Lime )uice, 43
circumstances, market, mood —
and, we hope, im- Pecan Waffles, 241,
agination — will modify them considerably. For with Brown-Sugar Butter Sauce, 773,
further service suggestions, please read the pre- and Rich Cream Cheese, 537
vious chapter on Entertaining. Note also that indi-
vidual recipes frequently carry recommendations
Chilled fresh pears, 139
for congenial or time-honored accompaniments.
Eggs Poached in Wine, 221
^ If the party is to include more people than you
Toasted Panettone, 619
usually cook for, see 23 for important suggestions
both for the safe handling of food and ease of oooooooooo

preparation, and do check the availability of cook- Poached plums, 126

ing and serving equipment and sufficiency of Buttered Hominy Grits, 200
heating power. Eggs Baked in Bacon Rings, 224


Broiled grapefruit, 136, with sherry Sliced mango, 138

Grilled Kippers, 408, on toast Sauteed Chicken Livers on Toast. 500,
with Scrambled Eggs, 222 with Grilled Tomato Slices, 332
oooooooooo oooooooooo

Pork Scrapple or Goetta, 499 Cranberry Juice, 44

Hot Applesauce, 131, or hot Poached Rhubarb, 142 Corned Beef Hash and Potatoes. 261
Quick Drop Biscuits, 633 with Poached Eggs, 221

Poached in Tomato Soup, 221

Eggs. Canteloupe Melon Baskets, 138
Baked Winter Squash, 330 Broiled Veal Kidneys, 506
Melba Toast. 636, and Bel Paesc Cheese, 756 Whole-Grain Toast, 607
Lime Marmalade, 839

Dry cereal wheal or bran biscuit topped with


Baked Custard, 734, or Yogurt, 533, Ripe or Poached Cherries, 135

and Sugared Strawberries, 133 Baked Brains and Eggs, 504
No-Knead Yeast Coffee Cake, 619

Broiled Pineapple Rings

Souffleed Omelet. 22~. with cheese LUNCHEON SUGGESTIONS
Whole-Gram Muffins, 630
Although various luncheon menus are listed be-
low, you may turn to Brunch, Lunch and Supper
Dishes, 250; Pastas, 198; and Eggs, 220, where you
Chilled Concord grapes. 137 will also find many combination dishes that need
Sauteed Sausage Meat Patties, 498, only a simple salad or bread to form a complete
topped with Poached Eggs, 221 meal. If speed is your object, remember, too, that
Croissants, 615, and Orange Marmalade, 839
many fish and ground meat dishes are quickly
prepared from scratch. Also, if attractive presen-
tation is your goal, remember that tomatoes, avo-
Fresh black raspberries, 133 cados or cucumbers are handy ever-ready con-
Creamed (hipped Beef, 260, tainers for meat and fish salads, 107, and that small
on Toasted Oat Bread Cockaigne, 608 eggplant, squash and cucumbers make attractive
cases for sauced meat and fish fillings. To make,
see Vegetables, 280.
Baked Fresh FruitCompote, 126
French Toast Waffles, 242 with Maple Syrup, 558 LUNCHEONS WITH MEATS
Canadian Bacon, 486 If you are tight on time, turn to meat salads, 107,

or Sandwiches, 269, for quick solutions to the
problem. But if you are turning lunch into a lunch-
Blueberries J3, with sweet cream
I —
eon with leisure to prepare and to enjoy con- —
Sauteed Ham and Eggs, 485 sider some of the menus below.
Quick Sour Cream Coffee Cake, 627
Paradise lellv, 834

Ham Mousse, 120
Fresh Corn Pudding Cockaigne. 300
Fresh Pineapple Cup, 141 Sliced fresh cucumbers, 102, and basil
Broiled Fresh Scrod, 406, with lemon garnish Brownies Cockaigne, 701
Fried Cornmeal Mush, 201
Tomato Aspic Ring II, 114,
Macedoine of Pears and Melon Balls in Port, 124 with Chicken Salad, 108,
Ovster and Chicken Croquettes, 248 with Currv \la\onnaise, 365
Brioches. 615, and Five-Fruits Jam Cockaigne, 836 Corn Dodgers, 628
Lemon and Orange Ice, 766

Pared rounds of honeydew melon filled with
red raspberries, 139 Sausage and Millet Casserole, 259
Ham and Potato Cakes, 258 . Celeriac Salad, 101
Shirred Eggs, 223 Apples Cockaigne, 131

Chicken Souffle II,230, with Supreme Sauce, 344, Shrimp Pilaf, 209
and cress garnish Tossed Green Salad, 94,
Sauteed Okra, 311 with Chutney Dressing, 361
Filled Pineapple, 141 Bread Sticks, 606
Pecan Drop Cookies, 706 Banana Pineapple Sherbet, 768
oooooooooo oooooooooo

Turkey Divan, 264, on toast Frog Legs Forestiere, 416,

Flambeed Peaches, 127 garnished with Green Peas and fresh mint, 314
Curled Nut Wafers, 720, Melon Salad, 111
tilled with chocolate cream cheese Corn Zephyrs Cockaigne, 628
Cream Meringue Tart Cockaigne, 689
Pot-au-Feu, 170
Melba Cheese Rounds, 635 Onion Soup, 171
Chicory-Beetroot Salad, 96 Omelet, 226, filled with seafood
Plum Cake Cockaigne, 661 Seedless Grape and Celery Ring, 118
Angel Cake, 668, with Lemon Filling, 697

Club sandwiches, 274

Fennel Sticks, 304, Bouillabaisse, 188, with French Bread, 605
and Bread and Butter Pickles, 842 Black olives, 85, and Finocchio, 304
Poached Cherries, 135, with Yogurt, 533 Spiked Melon, 139

Clear Watercress Soup, 171 Cream of Asparagus Soup, 182

Tripe a la Mode, 509 Paella, 210
Boiled New Potatoes, 317, with parsley Escarole Salad, 93
Blender Fruit Whip, 746 Creme Caramel, 735

Pineapple Tidbits, 140 JelliedTomato Bouillon, 174

Lamb Patties, 488 Scallop Kebabs, 382
Broccoli Timbale, 231 Sauteed Summer Squash, 329
Cloverleaf Rolls, 611 Deep-Fried Parsley, 314
Floating Island, 735 Date Spice Cake, 679

HamNoodles, 214 Crab Louis, 107,

Watercress Salad, 93, with raw mushrooms garnished with avocado slices, 110
Quick Cherry Crunch, 662 Parker House Rolls, 611
Lemon and Orange Ice, 766, with a cherry liqueur

Garnished English Mixed Grill, 473
Tomato Pudding Cockaigne, 333 Clam Broth, 186
Asparagus Salad, 100 Cheese Popovers, 632
Hard Rolls, 616 Butterfly Shrimp, 391
Baked Fruit Compote, 126, using rhubarb Cooked Celery Salad, 101,
with Boiled Salad Dressing, 366
MMNM Chocolate Charlotte, 748
Cold Sliced Roast Beef, 454
Tomato Stuffed, 105, with Russian Salad, 99
Sourdough Rye Bread, 609, and cheese Jambalaya with Fish, 211
Flan with Fruit, 655 Oakleaf lettuce, 93,
with Thousand Island Dressing, 364
Melba Toast, 636
LUNCHEONS WITH FISH Orange Chiffon Pie, 658
Although Lent no longer controls the spring die-
tary as in ages past, and church strictures against
meat have relaxed, appreciation of their protein Leek-Potato Soup, 184
and unsaturated fat values and the sheer delicious- Filletsof Sole Florentine, 400
ness of truly fresh seafoods have brought about a Corn Sticks, 627
resurgence in their consumption. Spiked Honeydew Melon, 139

Tomato Bouillon, 170 Scallops Mornay, 383

Fish Fillets Baked in Seafood Sauce Marguery, 400 Corn Creole, 301
Baked Green Rice, 208 Blender Coleslaw, 97, with Mayonnaise, 363
Crepes, 236, with Tutti-Frutti Cockaigne, 840 Bran Muffins, 630
Coffee Cream Tarts, 656

Stuffed French Pancakes, 236,

with Creamed Oysters, 377 Seafood a la King, 264
Celery, 84, and olives, 85 Grilled Tomatoes, 332
Watercress, 93, with Sour Cream Dressing, 367
Chilled fresh figs, 137
Nut Bars, 703 Rhubarb Pie, 652


Poached Quenelles, 206,

Quick Cucumber Soup Cockaigne, 192 with Newburg Sauce, 359
Crab or Lobster Salad, 106, Green Peas and Mushrooms, 315
with Herb Mayonnaise, 364 Wilted Cucumbers, 102
Chilled green grapes, 137 Cloverleaf Rolls, 611
Quick Coffee Cake, 626 Velvet Spice Cake, 678

OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo

MushroomsStuffed with Clams, 309 Chilled Cream of Spinach Soup, 185

Puree of Peas, 315 Shrimp Sandwiches with Cheese Sauce, 275
Bibb lettuce salad, 92. Avocado and Fruit Salad, 110,
with Green Goddess Dressing, 364 with Curry Dressing for Fruit Salad, 367
Overnight Rolls, 612 Rich Roll Cookies, 711
Caramel Custard, 735, with Sauce Cockaigne, 770 oooooooooo

Tomatoes Stuffed, 105, with Crab Salad, 106

Pepper Slices, 103,
Waffles, 241, with Seafood a la King, 264 filled withCream Cheese Spread, 71
French Tomato Salad, 105 Whole-Cram Bread, 607
Frozen Lemon Surprise, 766 Orange Fruit Soup, 128
Pecan Puffs, 706

Gazpacho, 171 or 191

Sauteed Shad Roc, 412 Fillets of Fish F lorentine
Glazed Celery, 298 with Shrimp and Mushrooms, 400
Podded Peas, 315 French Bread, 605
Corn Zephyrs Cockaigne, 628 Seedless grapes, 137, and assorted cheese, 756
Frozen Orange Surprise, 766, oooooooooo
with Marzipan leaf decorations, 781
Lobster or Seafood Curry, 388,
OOOOOOOOO© in a Rice Ring, 207,
served with Chutney, 846
Consomme Madnlene, 169 Celery and spinach, 94, with French Dressing, 360
Artichokes Stuffed with Crab Meat Salad, 100 Pears in Liqueur, 140
Buttermilk Crackling Corn Bread, 628
Pineapple Snow, 746
Called bysome "meatless" menus, those below are
Quick Tomato-Corn Chowder, 192 comparable nutritionally to meals which include
Cucumbers Stuffed, 102, meat and fish. Strict vegetarians exclude egg and
dairy products. Since the structuring of such re-
with Tuna or Shrimp Salad, 108
stricted diets, 3, needs constant care and skill
Seeded Crackers, 636
Lemon Meringue Pie, 657 to maintain sufficient proteins and accessory
factors, they are not included in these cursory
Smelts, 412
Buttered Peas and Carrots, 315 Eggs in Aspic Cockaigne, 117, on watercress, 93
Scalloped Potatoes, 319 Brioche Loaf Cockaigne, 605
Poached Apricots, 126 Macedoine of Fresh Fruit, 124
Sand Tarts, 711 Molasses Crisps Cockaigne, 716

Ratatouille Provencale, 304 served on the same plate, be sure that the hot is
Cannelloni, 216, with cheese filling, 219 in a ramekin and the cold in a container that will

Dandelion Salad, 94, with oil and vinegar, 95 not be affected by a heated plate.
Wine Gelatin, 745, with Custard Sauce, 771

Beef Stroganoff, 458

Bean Soup with Vegetables, 177 Rice Ring or Mold, 207
Puffed Bread Blocks, 635 Grilled Tomatoes, 332, with watercress garnish, 93
Tossed Green Salad, 94 oooooooooo
Prune Whip, 741
Small Eggplant Stuffed with Lamb or Ham, 304
Molded Vegetable Gelatin Salad, 115,
Bulgarian Cold Cucumber Soup, 183 with Boiled Salad Dressing, 366
Curried Eggs, 224 oooooooooo
Refrigerator Bran Rolls, 619
Fresh Cherry Pie, 651 Ham Timbales, 232, or Ham Croquettes, 248,
with Mushroom Sauce, 348
Molded Pineapple Ring, 119
Cheese Custard Pie, 255 Popovers, 631
Tomato on mixed salad greens, 94
Aspic, 114, oooooooooo
Strawberries with Kirsch, 133, on Meringues, 649
Quick Chicken Pot Pie, 252
Romaine or cos salad, 93,
Quick Spinach Soup, 193, with Tofu, 535 with Lorenzo Dressing, 360
Creamed Eggs and Asparagus Cockaigne, 224 oooooooooo
Ambrosia, 124
Anise Drop Cookies, 707 Fish Paupiettes, 400, with Oyster Sauce, 343
Podded Peas, 315
Hard Rolls, 616
Soupe Paysanne, 175 oooooooooo

Cheese Souffle Cockaigne, 229

Blanquette de Veau, 470, on Boiled Noodles, 213
French Bread, 605
Panned or Sicilian Spinach, 327
Citrus Fruit Salad, 111,
with French Dressing, 360 oooooooooo
Devil'sFood Cake Cockaigne, 676
on Rosettes with Savory Sauce, 225
Stuffed Eggs
Asparagus Tip and Green Pepper Salad, 100,
with bibb lettuce, 92
Quick Consomme Fondue Cockaigne, 191
Cold Stuffed Tomatoes II oooooooooo
with Eggs and Anchovies, 105
Swedish Rye Bread, 608,
Honeydew or canteloupe melon, 138,
filled with creamed cottage cheese, 536,
with assorted cheeses, 756
garnished with seedless green grapes, 137
Angel Cup Cakes, 694
Quick Nut Bread, 623

Cheese Casserole, 253

Waldorf Salad, 109, on watercress, 93 DINNERS FOR FAMILY
Apricot Whip, 741 OR FRIENDS
We have preferred not to sort these into family
and company categories, but to leave the choice
Quick Onion Soup, 193 to you. First, our families can be our best com-
Deviled Eggs in Sauce, 225 pany; second, almost any menu can be for guests,
Rye 614
Rolls, depending on who's coming to dinner and what
Snap Bean Salad, 101, with French Dressing, 360 you do particularly well. The most important
Florentines, 706 quality of a "company" dinner should be the ex-
oooooooooo —
citement of the unusual for them. This need by
no means be a matter of fancy versus plain, nor
ONE-PLATE LUNCHEONS a selection asout as that of the Franklin
This is the most convenient way to serve food Roosevelts when
they entertained the King and
easily to a large number of people, especially if Queen of England at Hyde Park with hot dogs as
the menu is planned for what in England is called the unforgettable piece de resistance. At a recent
a "fork" luncheon. If hot and cold foods are to be spectacular dinner in Lyons for the top-flight

chefs of France, hosted by one of them, the multi- Sweetbreads on Skewers with Mushrooms, 503
course menu included among its openers wild Braised Celery, 298
strawberries and Caspian caviar —
foods appro- Sliced tomatoes, 104, with French Dressing, 360
priate enough for these jaded palates. But the Cheese Straws, 641
main and surprise course consisted of six mag- Coffee Chocolate Custard, 735
nificent American prime ribs of beef grilled on ooooooooo©
the spit before a natural charcoal fire and served
with baked Idaho potatoes. Liver Lyonnaise, 500
Don't forget that with any of the following Shoestring Potatoes, 322
meals a salad of seasonal greens is not amiss. Serve Sweet-Sour Beans, 286
it as many Europeans do —
the mixed greens in a Blueberries, 133, and cream
large bowl, ready to be dressed, with a double ©ooooooooo
cruet such as that shown on 92 standing by —
Shrimp Casserole with Butter, 391
which the Italians have given the inimitable name
of nuora e suocera —mother- and daughter-in-law.
Pheasant in Game
Sauce, 439
Wild Rice Ring, 212, with Spinach, 326
Strawberries Romanoff, 133

Prosciutto and Fruit, 80 oooooooooo

Lasagne, 215
Braised Lamb Shanks, 474, with vegetables
Tossed salad, 94, with French Dressing, 360
Boiled Noodles, 213
Zabaglione, 736
Cucumber Salad, 102
Jelly Tot Cookies, 717
German Meatballs, 489
Noodle Rings III, 214 Veal Roast, 467
Tomato Aspic, 114 Kohlrabi, 306
Linzertorte, 686 Wilted Greens, 96
ooooooooo© Riced Potatoes, 318
Mocha Gelatin, 745
Small Tomatoes filled with
Coleslaw de Luxe VI, 105
Roast Cornish Hen, 434, with Rice Dressing, 373 Onion Soup, 171
Braised Leeks, 306 Roast Wild Duck, 437
Hard Rolls, 616 Oranges in Syrup, 136
Strawberry Bombe, 764 Chestnut Dressing, 372, with sausage
Celeri-Rave Remoulade, 102
Almond Torte Cockaigne, 685
Crown Roast of Lamb, 472,
with Tangerine-Rice Dressing Cockaigne, 373
Steamed Zucchini, 328 Baked Ham, 483
Belgian endive, 93, Vinaigrette, 360 Green Soybeans, 286
Sour Cream Apple Cake Souffle Cockaigne, 741 Crusty Soft-Center Spoon Bread, 629
Applesauce, 131,
with crushed pineapple and ginger
Stuffed Veal Roast, 467
Green Bean Casserole, 285
Cold Beet Cups, 101 Baked Green Rice, 208
Rice Flour Muffins, 631 Scallops Meuniere, 382
Profiteroles, 647 Belgian endive, 93, with French Dressing, 360
Champagne Sherbet, 768
Pecan Wafers, 706
Fillet of Beef, 454,
with Marchand de Vin Sauce, 347
Potatoes Anna, 320 Broiled Steak, 456, with watercress garnish
Stuffed Baked Artichokes, 283 Never-Fail French Fries, 322
Peach Ice with Cassis, 766 Cauliflower, 297, with Polonaise Sauce, 351
Applesauce Cake, 678

Tiny Broiled Sausages, 86

Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 Cold Sliced Roast Beef, 454
Summer Squash Casserole Cockaigne, 330 Peppers, 316, stuffed with Corn Creole, 301
Prunes in Wine, 141 Popovers, 631
Molasses Nut Wafers, 706 Persimmon Pudding, 753

Chicken Broth with Egg, 170 Winter Melon Soup, 185

LambShish Kebabs, 473 Chinese Egg Rolls, 250
Baked Kasha with Almonds, 201 Stir-Fried Chicken Breasts, 430, with almonds
Bibb lettuce salad, 92, with Yogurt Dressing, 367 Sweet and Sour Pork, 480
Baklava, 794 Boiled Rice, 206
Oriental Bean Sprout Salad, 96
Litchi nuts, 138
Romanian Noodle and Pork Casserole, 215 ooooooooo©
Coleslaw, 96
Uncooked Cranberry Relish, 134 New England Clam Chowder, 190
Cingersnaps, 707 Swordfish Steaks, 414
Corn on the Cob, 300
Creamed Onions, 312
Fresh Cod a la Portugaise, 405 Cranberry Sherbet, 768
Corn Pudding Cockaigne, 300 oooooooooo
Deep-Fried Zucchini, 330
Fresh peaches, 139, in Marsala Iced Poached Shrimp in Shell, 390,
with Quick Pink Chaud-Froid, 369
Fish Fillets Sauteed Palm Beach, 404
Tarama, 87, on lettuce Tiny New Potatoes Sauteed, 318
Moussaka, 491 Steamed Asparagus, 284,
Roasted chestnuts, 79 with buttered bread crumbs
Dried figs, 137 Baked Bananas II, 132
Vin Brule, 61

Meatless Dolmas, 492

Artichokes Vinaigrette, 282 Persian Chicken, 425, and Flat Bread, 609
Coq au Vin, 425 Young spinach leaves, 326,
Boiled New Potatoes, 317 with Yogurt Dressing, 367
Boston lettuce salad, 92 French Pancakes, 236
Beignets, 246, with Sauce Cockaigne, 770 Currant Jelly, 834

Cold Borsch, 175 Avocado slices, 110, with French Dressing, 360
Broiled Salmon Steak, 410 Turkey Casserole Mole, 428, with Tortillas, 629
Potatoes with parsley, 317 Orange and Onion Salad, 111
Broccoli, 291, with Polonaise Sauce, 351 Creme Frite, 739
Lemon Souffle, 740

Braised Oxtails, 511

Ganseklein, 434 Noodles, 213
Apples Stuffed with Sauerkraut, 131 Carrots Vichy, 297
Nockerln, 203 Cold Green Beans a la Grecque, 281
Rote Crutze, 749 Date Spice Cake, 679
oooooooooo oooooooooo

Beef Goulash, 465 Roast Duckling, 432

Spatzle, 205 Apple Dressing, 372
Lettuce and watercress, 93 Polenta, 201
Lemon Sponge Custard, 737 Peas and Mushrooms, 315
oooooooooo Ginger Crisp, 662

Cucumber on tomato slices, 104

Aspic, 114,
Couscous, 476 Potage St. Germain with Croutons, 178
Pomegranate, 142, with Yogurt, 533 Veal Scallopini, 467, with Marsala and mushrooms
Risotto alia Milanese, 209
Sicilian or Panned Spinach, 327
Belgian Beef Stew, 461 Fresh tangerines, 135
Mashed Potatoes, 318
Brussels sprouts, 292,
with lemon juice and nutmeg Shrimp Tempura, 391
Belgian endive salad, 93 Sukiyaki, 458, with Boiled Rice, 206
Strawberry Bavarian Cream, 747 Curried Fruit, 128

Chestnut Soup, 182 Claret Cup. 64

Rabbit Mode, 514, with Gnocchi, 204
a la Flower Canapes, 67
Creamed Lettuce, 306 Crepes, 236, with Creamed Oysters, 377
Compote of Greengage Plums, 126 RoHed Cress Sandwiches, 67
Dobos Torte, 685
Pecan Slices, 703
Baked Pork Chops, 479 Candied Citrus Peel, 795
Sweet Potato Puffs, 325
Creamed Spinach, 327
Gingerbread, 681 May Wine, 64
Fish Quenelles, 206
Toasted Mushroom Canapes, 73
Boeuf with Horseradish Sauce, 343
Bouilli, 461, Cucumber Lilies, 84
Boiled New Parsley Potatoes, 317 Peach Ice Cream, 760
Mulled Cucumbers, 302 Macaroons, 709
Raspberry Trifle, 688 Small Mohrenkopfe, 688
Turkish Fruit Paste, 791


The essentials of this gracious interlude are em- COCKTAIL AND BUFFET
bodied in the comment of a kindergartner who SUGGESTIONS
volunteered to us, "Mommy's having friends over Today the cocktail party is the favored mode of
this afternoon and we're serving tea and 'sordid' repaying social obligations. In some areas, when
cookies." Assorted small sandwiches, as well, go you are invited for cocktails, it may be strictly a

with this cozy type of sociability, and even a deli- prelude to dinner. Elsewhere the custom is to pro-
cious cake like Poppy Seed Custard Cake, 689, vide a sturdier assortment that carries you into
served with tea, coffee or hot chocolate. "High" the later hours of the evening. In the first type of
tea, that old British custom more like a late-day party, choose delicate, rich, spicy morsels that are
brunch, fortifies the urban ite before the theater or dnnk-inducers and appetite-stimulators, see Hors
a very late dinner; for the country-dweller it is d'Oeuvre, 77, and Canapes, 66, and note par-
often the last meal of the day. Formal afternoon ticularly the illustrations in these chapters and in
teas haven't changed much in character since Bnl- Salads, 92-122, for decorative ways to present
lat-Savarin dubbed them "an extraordinary form of them. The other kind of gathering calls for some

entertainment offered," he added, "to people blander types of food, which may include large
who have already dined well and therefore feel joints or fowl and salads, and turns into a light
neither thirst nor hunger, so that its purpose is buffet. In either case, your menu should include
solely of passing the time and its foundation is no foods such as butter, cheese, nuts and rich dips
more than a display of dainties." Be that as it that absorb the impact of the alcohol, with raw
may, we all still enjoy teas at special times. vegetable tidbits as a foil. Often a hot soup or a
few nonalcoholic drinks are welcomed by non-
Dry sherry
Seeded Crackers, 636
Creamed Seafood, 264, in Timbale Cases, 247 Seafood Creole Sauce, 265
Orange Tea Rolls, 616 Seviche, 88, avocado halves, 110
Almond Torte, 685, with Sauce Cockaigne, 770 Cold Fillet of Beef, 454
Individual Babas au Rhum, 689 Mushroom Ring Mold with Sweetbreads, 234
Chocolate Eclairs, 647 Cold Fried Chicken, 424
Glazed Mint Leaves, 794 Manicotti, 216

Dubonnet Lobster or Seafood Curry, 388

Salted Almonds, 79 Beef Kebabs, 459
Eggs in Aspic Cockaigne, 117 Jellied Chicken Mousse. 120
Small Choux-Paste Shells, 646, Veal Terrine, 496
filled with Chicken Salad, 108 Spiced Beef, 463
Sandwiches of Cream Cheese Spread, 71, Lasagne, 215
and Persimmon Puree, 140
Lemon and Orange Ice. 766
Madeleines, 695 Mousseline of Shellfish, 122
Molasses Crisps Cockaigne, 716 Cold Baked Ham, 483
Bourbon Balls, 790 Tongue in Aspic, 508
Glazed Fresh Fruits, 794

Gaston Beef Stew, 459 Hearts of Finocchio, 304

Sliced turkey, 422 Goose, 433,
Cannelloni, 216 stuffed with Sweet Potatoes and Apple, 374
oooooooooo Turnip Cups, 335, filled with peas, 314
Corn Zephyrs Cockaigne, 628
Cold Glazed Salmon, 411 Fresh Cherry Pie, 651
Standing Rib Roast of Beef. 454
Souffleed Liver Pate Cockaigne, 496
Shrimp in the shell, 390 Oysters Rockefeller, 378
Chicken a la Campagne, 428 Roast Stuffed Turkey, 422,
Fondue, 254 with Chestnut Dressing, 372
oooooooooc Glazed Onions, 312
Brussels sprouts, 292, with Hollandaise Sauce, 358
Swedish Smorgasbord, 79
Filled Pimientos or Christmas Salad, 103,
on watercress, 93
FORMAL MENUS Mince Pie, 652

There are Occasions with a capital O when — oooooooooo

nothing but perfection will do. The menus in this Hot Consomme, 169
section are all in what we might call the cham-
Roast Suckling Pig, 478, with Onion Dressing, 372
pagne class. Incidentally, don't overlook the Duchess Potatoes, 323
Champagne Fountain, 56, as a preliminary, on a
Red cabbage, 295
day when an outpouring of joy and congratula- Escarole and romaine, 93,
tions is in order. For other appropriate wines, see with Thousana Island Dressing, 364
chart on 57. olives and hard rolls are
Celery, Hazelnut Souffle, 741
the usual accompaniments of such menus and may
be placed on the table before the guests are
seated. In this day and age when the pink-cheeked Mushroom Broth I, 171
domestic is on the endangered species list, all but Pate de Foie de Volaille, 495
the most formal meals may, with advance plan- Rib Roast of Beef, 454
ning, be served buffet style. And you need not Stuffed Baked Potatoes, 319
sacrifice a premeditated seating arrangement or — Green beans, 285, with Amandine Garnish, 553
even the use of place-cards if you are a true-blue Tossed Salad, 94, with Roquefort Dressing, 367
perfectionist. Follow the meal, if you like, with White FruitCake, 683
coffee and assorted liqueurs. Pulled Mints, 786
Quick Clam and Chicken Broth, 193
Hot Consomme Brunoise, 169
Cheese Straws, 641 Mushrooms a la Schoener, 308
Fish Souffle with Lobster, 230
Rolled Sandwiches, Cress and Cucumber, 67
Broiled Lamb Chops, 472,
Pastry Cheese 82
garnished with Stuffed Baked Artichokes, 283
Galantine of Turkey, 431
Tomato OliveCasserole, 332
Lobster Newburg, 388, in Patty Shells, 645
Bibb, watercress and endive salad, 92,
Bibb lettuce salad, 92,
with Avocado Dressing, 362
with Sour Cream Dressing, 367
Assorted cheeses, 756
Stuffed Endive, 84, and olives
Cabinet Pudding, 746
Macedoine of Fruits with Kirsch, 124
Wedding Cake, 667
Petits Fours,

Consomme, 169, with Royale, 172 Spiced Nuts, 79

Bread Sticks, 617 Peppermint Cream Wafers, 780
Lobster Parfait, 389 oooooooooo
Filet Mignon, 456, with Bearnaise Sauce, 359
Souffle or Puffed Potatoes, 321
Creamed Spinach, 327 Bloody Marys, 53
Belgian endive, 93, Vinaigrette, 360 Hot Buttered Rum, 61
Lemon Sponge Custard, 737 Cafe Brulot or Diable, 38
Blended Fruit Juice, 44
Baked fresh fruit, 126
HOLIDAY DINNERS Steak and Kidney Pie, 465
Clear Soup, 169, and Marrow Balls, 196 Pheasant in Game Sauce, 439
Christmas Canapes, 68 Broiled Bacon, 486
ronl cont

Pan-Broiled Sausage, 498 covering them against the sun. If you use a cold
Scambled Eggs, 222 box, pack it with well-prechilled foods. If you
Grilled Tomatoes, 332 have no cold box or insulated plastic bags, earn,'
Prunes and Chestnuts in Wine, 142 frozen juices. Use them en route to cool such
Toasted English Muffins, 617 perishables as mayonnaise and deviled eggs. Or
Croissants, 615 fill a plastic bag with ice cubes and put it in a cof-

Red Red Strawberry Jam, 835 fee can to improvise a chilling unit that will last
Orange Marmalade, 839 out transportation time. Or insulate the sandwich
Scandinavian Pastry, 621 boxes with damp newspapers. Do not repack
in your cold box or carry over to a second picnic
meal during the day any foods that spoil easily.
SUGGESTIONS FOR PARTICIPATORY Should you use dry ice, be sure the container
MENUS and the car windows are partially open to allow
the gas to escape. To wrap sandwiches for easy
Many guests offer to be where the action is, and
identification, see 701. To mix picnic salads
the hostess, in conventional gatherings, is often
conveniently, see 95.
hard pressed to find more to suggest than the last-
Most important of all, if it's a basket picnic
minute pouring of the ice water. The setups listed
plan the kind of food that holds well and is
below can utilize willing manpower to good effect
easily served, so everyone can enjoy every minute
either in helping serve or in doing some at-table
of the outing. If it's to be a cookout, please read
cooking, and in exploiting the guests' special
About Outdoor Cooking and Pit Cooking, 155.
talents to add to the conviviality
All Joy recipes marked S are suitable for outdoor

I. Hive a soup tureen

filled with a hearty protein- preparation. Check also Clambake, 380, and Fish
with Sausage Balls, 196; or a
rich lentil soup, 177, Baked in Clay, 399.
clear soup, 169-171, with Farina Balls, 203; an Sandwiches, salads, fruits and cookies are nat-

assortment of salad makings and dressings or a urals for picnics. Consult these sections; or for
large salad plate as illustrated on 98, from which slightly fancier combinations, see the menus
guests an select their choice. Have nearby an
assortment of pastries and cheeses.

II. With guest chefs in charge, have two chafing Grilled Frankfurters, 258
dishes or skillet setups such as those illustrated on Potatoes baked in embers
235 for omelet- or crepc-making. Read About Bread and Butter Pickles, 842
Omelets, 226, for suggestions, and have on hand Buttermilk Rolls, 612
An assortment ol fillings such as creamed seafood, Cheddar cheese, 756
or poultry, 263; a piquant cheese or mush- Gingerbread. 681
room saute. }42 or 348; a large tossed salad, 94, Pears and grapes, 139, 137
with generous vegetable components; and an
Almond Torte Cockaigne, 685, with fresh straw-
berries and whipped cream or Sauce Cockaigne, Lamb Kebabs, 473
Flat Bread, 609
770, or Hot Fudge Sauce, 772.
Tossed Salad, 94,
III. Have all the makings for open-faced sand- with Thousand Island Dressing, 364
wiches similar to those described and illustrated Pound Cake. 675
on 270, with a "sampler" trav as your buffet deco- Blue plums, 141
ration, flanked by baskets of assorted fresh fruits
that can serve as dessert.
Cold Fried Chicken, 424
IV. Prepare the ingredients for one of the follow- Potato Salad Nicoise, 104
ing recipes which give guests a choice of com- Oat Bread Cockaigne, 608
binations: Rijsttafel, 211; Chinese Firepot, 462; Marble Cake, 672
Boeuf Fondu Bourguignonne, 457. Watermelon, 138

V. And for teens, set up' a hamburger stand serv-

ing the less usual hamburgers, 487-488, with Fried Fish, 403
varied buns and fixings, and a platter of iced raw Grilled or Roasted Corn, 300
vegetables. For dessert, serve assorted ice cream Coleslaw, 96
in cones, or sundaes or malts, 42. Quick Oatmeal Cookies, 708
Peaches, 139

Picnics are fun; but picnic food is subject to Hot or Cold Barbecued Ribs, 481
hazards not all of which are ants and sand. Trans- Carrot and celery sticks, 296
port perishables in the coolest part of your car, cont


Black olives, 85 around tinned fish, freeze-dried meats, jerked

Dill Batter Loaf, —
meat see beef Jerky, 814— instant rice, instant
Cold Laver Cake, 674, with Caramel Icing, 726 potatoes, vegetable flakes and Japanese-style
Apples, 129 quick-cooking noodles, you will have more time
to enjoy the outdoors. At high altitudes, be certain
that all foods are easy to digest and blander than
Baked Ham, 483 usual, for altitude sickness seems to be more
Nut Creams Rolled in Chives, 82 prevalent when the expedition diet is highly
Picnic Tossed Salad, 95 spiced or difficult to digest.
Rye Rolls, 614
Brownies Cockaigne, 701
Bananas, 132

If you intend to travel by shank's mare far from
you should be interested in food and
equipment that are light in weight and low in
bulk. Choose food that cooks in little or no time
to conserve fuel, whether it be fuel hauled on
your back or that provided by nature on the spot.
For ways to build fires, see 155. But in case of
inclement weather, it is wise to carry a solid-fuel
stove. Solid fuel, a variety of hexamethylene tetra-
mine, can be purchased in bulk from a chemical
supply house in granules or in tablets at outfitters'.
This fuel is practical only for emergencies or for
traveling light.
your meals at home first; what tastes
good at home
will be excellent fare on the trail.
Menu planning and prepackaging are essential for
fast and foolproof trail cooking. Each meal for
each person should be prepackaged with season- Pick outdoor cooking utensils that can also
ings in polyethylene bags with excess air removed, serve for storage of water or food. Shown above
sealed with heat or rubber bands. One day's are the CI canteen and CI stainless steel cup
meals, along with that day's munchies and extra —
aluminum cups burn the lips as well as a square
beverage mixes, vitamin pills and sundries should aluminum storage box for pot and frypan, and
be placed in a large marked bag. Try to provide the French army cook kit. Some campers prefer
at least one course in each meal or a large — the shallow Sierra cup. Basic outdoor cooking
part of the main course —
in a form that can be tools are a sharp hunting knife and stainless steel
eaten without cooking, in case of a weather or soup spoon. One person can easily scrape by on
fuel emergency or some other disaster. Always two canteens and two canteen cups one cup for —
include the welcome extra munch items in a beverages and the other to cook the main course
separate bag. you are in very dry country where
If in.

water is be in short supply, remember

likely to After meals, be sure to carefully scrape clean
that proteins require fairly large amounts of water and rinse all cooking and eating utensils and then
to be utilized by the body, so increase carbohy- dunk them first soapy boiling water and then
drates in the expedition diet. In cold weather you in clear boiling rinse water; or if water or fuel is
will notice a craving for foods heavy in fats. Also scarce, scorch the insides and food-bearing sur-
during cold weather you may wish to serve soups faces over an open flame. Remember that even a
more often and coffee or tea less. Dried fruits, mild case of dysentery can be disabling far from
nuts, chocolate bars and the conglomeration of civilization. Wilderness water supplies should be
raisins, nuts and chocolate drops known to climb- treated with suspicion. If you have the slightest
ers as "gorp" make good desserts and trail doubt as to the water's purity, boil it for at least
munchies. See Fruit-Nut Pemmican, 125, for a five minutes, or treat it with halazone or iodine
nourishing mixture with honey. If you plan your tablets according to the instructions which come
initial meals around sandwiches and later ones with them.
except for a few variations under Coffee and Tea
and one or two composite party drinks. Even

these are very low-power even lower than the
kind of potation that an outrageous punster once
declared "took two pints to make one cavort." For
alcoholic liquors of all kinds, their preparation and
use, see Drinks, 48. Remember that, in any bev-
erage you may brew, the quality of the water
greatly affects results.

Coffee has always thrived on adversity just as
people in adversity have thrived on coffee. When

this beverage began its highly successful career.
Islamic leaders identified it with wine a new —
kind of wine which was all the more offensive
4$m to Koranic teaching because it did not merely
loosen men's tongues but sharpened their critical
Thanks especially to vacuum-packed cans with —
freeze-dried instants running a fairly respectable
BEVERAGES second among those in pressing need making —
good coffee at home has become a surefire de-
light, although some people still prefer to blend
As our friend the Edgar Anderson pointed
late and grind their own for each making in a small
out in his stimulating book, Plants. Man and mill, a picturesque example of which is shown in
Life, primitive man located the only sources of the chapter-head illustration.
caffeine known to this day: tea, coffee, cola, Of the several ways of preparing this beverage,
cocoa and yerba mate and its relatives. Subse- we prefer the drip method. Vacuum preparation
quent generations have adopted social rituals and and the percolator have their advocates, too; but
created special equipment to enhance the cheer we regard them
as, respectively, more trouble-
and communicativeness that these plants release. some and apt to produce fresh flavor. The
Shown here is a massive Russian samovar with its steeped-coffee recipe which follows is suggested
charcoal pipe, the tea essence above, the hot for campers or others who happen to lack any
water container below, and a few typical metal- equipment more specialized than a saucepan.
encircled serving glasses: a strong cultural contrast Illustrated on the next page are several devices
to the Japanese teabowl and whisk nearby. Illus- for making filtered coffee: one type employs a
trated, too, is a charming porcelain coffee mill metal or plastic filter, another, which is made of
from Central Europe which makes a much coarser chemical glass, uses a paper filter folded into coni-
grind than does its tall Turkish counterpart. cal shape. The latter gives a pure essence with no
Rounding out the assembly are two examples —
sediment which a coffee connoisseur demands
from south of the border. From Mexico comes in a perfect brew. Also sketched is the proper
a wooden chocolate-stirrer, or molinillo; from equipment for Caffe Espresso and Turkish coffee.
South America, carved gourds for yerba mate. Whatever device you choose follow the direc-
The gourd is supported on a silver stand, but after tions of its manufacturer carefully, especially as
it has been filled with mate leaves and boiling to the grind recommended —
regular, drip or fine.
water it becomes a communal cup and is passed In each case, to assure a full-bodied brew, use
from hand to hand, each guest taking a sip not less than 2 level tablespoons of coffee to each
through the bombilla, a metal "straw," finely per- 3
A cup of freshly drawn water. Other things to
forated at its bulbous base to strain out the herbs. remember are: use soft, not softened or hard,
Other less rousing brews have been tradition- when brewing
water, coffee, keep the coffeemaker
ally made from leaves, roots, bark, blossoms and almost full; time your method consistently; keep
seeds. In France, for example, the tisane men- the coffeemaker scrupulously clean, rinsing it with
tioned so lovingly by Colette is frequently served water in which a few teaspoons of baking soda
as a comforting after-dinner drink, 40. Crow vour have been dissolved and always scalding it before
own herbs, 577, if possible, and use them fre- reuse. If cloth filters are required, do not allow
quently, fresh or dried, as infusions. If vou buv them to become dry but keep them immersed in
them, you will find them on your grocers' shelves, cold water. Never boil coffee, since boiling
more and more of them freeze-dried, a process brings out the tannic acid in the bean and makes
which helps somewhat to preserve essential oils for a bitter as well as a cloudy brew. Remember
and savor. that any moisture activates coffee; and that water
The recipes in this chapter are nonalcoholic, between 200° and 205° is ideal for extracting


flavor without drawing acids. Never, of course, 2 tablespoons regular- or fine-grind

reuse coffee grounds. coffee for every
If coffee is ground in the household, it should A
3 1 cup water
be ground in small quantities in a meticulously Measure water into lower bowl. Place on heat.
clean grinder. Open only one can at a time. Store Place a wet filter in upper bowl and add the
ground coffee in a tightly closed jar in the refriger- ground coffee. Insert upper bowl into lower one
ator. with a light twist to ensure a tight seal. If your
For those who love coffee but are highly sensi- equipment has a vented stem, you may place it,
tive to caffeine or in whom it induces insomnia, already assembled, on the heat. If it does not have
we suggest the use of a decaffeinized product this small hole on the side of the tube above the
rather than a coffee substitute. However, tests hot-water line, wait until the water is actively boil-
show that nondecaffeinated instants, due to a ing before putting the upper bowl in place. When
processing factor called hydrolization, contain up nearly all the water has risen into the upper bowl
to 50 percent less caffeine than freshly brewed — some of it will always remain below stir the —
coffee. It may be helpful to remember also that water and coffee thoroughly. In 1 to 3 minutes, the

such as those grown in
certain varieties of coffee shorter time for the finer grinds, remove from

Puerto Rico have a substantially lower caffeine heat.
content than the typical Brazilian or Colombian
For those who hanker after coffee like the kind
Place in the percolator:
their German grandmother used to make or a 3
A to 1 cup cold water for every
brew which reminds them of that little brasserie you have
2 tablespoons regular-grind coffee
on the Left Bank, the answer may be to add an measured into the percolator basket

ounce of ground chicory the root of the wild When water boils, remove percolator from heat.
plant, Cicoria entybus —
to a cup of ground coffee
Put in the basket. Cover percolator, return to heat
before brewing. When cream is used in coffee, and percolate slowly 6 to 8 minutes. Remove the
allow it to reach room temperature beforehand, coffee basket and serve. Over-percolating does
so as to cool the drink as little as possible. For not make coffee stronger. It impairs its flavor.
coffee-chocolate combinations, see About Choco-
late, 41, Brazilian Chocolate, 41, and Cocomoka, STEEPED COFFEE
Place in a pot:
2 tablespoons regular- or fine-grind coffee
DRIP COFFEE OR CAFE FILTRE to each 3A to 1 cup freshly boiling water
Place finely ground coffee in drip filter. Stir the coffee for at least Vi minute. Let it stand
Allow: covered in a pan of boiling water 5 to 10 min-
2 tablespoons coffee for each 3A to utes,depending on the grind and the strength
1 cup water of brew desired. Pour the coffee off the grounds
Pour freshly boiled water over the coffee. When through a strainer.
the dripping process is complete, serve coffee at
once. Dripping coffee more than once through
a filter, contrary to popular belief, does not
40 to 50 Servings
strengthen the brew. Serve with a:
Put in a cheesecloth bag large enough to allow for
Twist of lemon peel
double expansion:
1 lb. medium-grind coffee
VACUUM-METHOD COFFEE Shortly before serving, have ready a kettle hold-
This needs special equipment. ing:
Allow: 5 to 7 quarts water

Bring the water to a boil. Place the coffee-filled 791, served on the side for nonhabitues are often
bag in it. Let stand in a warm place 7 to 10 min- welcome additions. The connoisseur adds no
utes. Agitate the bag several times during this sweetening to the brew itself. Serve the coffee so
period. Remove bag, cover kettle and serve at that a little of the lighter frothy top goes into each
once. cup first and is followed on the next round by
some of the heavier liquid on the bottom. No
INSTANT COFFEE commercial grind available inAmerica proves fine
The polls are against us, but we really can't yet enough for Turkish coffee, so take the finest you
regard the jiffy product as equal to the one that can get and pulverize it further in an electric
takes a few minutes longer to prepare. Instant cof- blender. For each serving, place in a Turkish cof-
fee, whether regular or freeze-dried, begins to feemaker:
deteriorate in flavor after about 2 weeks' storage. Vz cup water

Use each serving:

for 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon finely

teaspoon instant coffee

1 pulverized coffee
5V2 oz. boiling water (2 teaspoons sugar)

For 6 servings: Heat until the coffee rises to a boil. Remove at

6 teaspoons instant coffee once from heat but only momentarily. Repeat
this process a second and third time. Never
1 quart boiling water
Add the water to the* instant coffee to avoid foam- allow the coffee to boil. Serve at once as de-
ing. A belter flavor is obtained by simmering scribed above.
gently about 2 minutes.
ESPRESSO COFFEE The milk coffee of France.
This Italian specialty, which, of course-, is called Combine equal parts of:

grounds, must be care- Strong coffee
spresso on
I its
Hot milk
fullydistinguished from any brew made by filter-
ing, no matter how concentrated. The Opresso
(Sugar to taste)
mai nine works by an entirely different 'steam
pressure" principle, uses a very dark, very pow-
dery grind identified as Espresso" on the package,
and delivers 8 Servings
a powerful drink with the consistency
of light cream. Use the recipe lor Lspresso which This festive coffee bowl requires a darkened room.
comes with your equipment <mcl serve- it after Prepare:
1 small orange
dinner, in a demitasse or Espresso glass, with or
without lemon peel. Vary the brew with a clash bv studding it with:
ol 1 la Maria, Strega or apricot brandy and a dollop
20 whole cloves
ot whipped ream.
Place in a deep silver bowl:
Thinly sliced peel of 1 orange
Thinly sliced peel of lemon
COFFEE CAPUCCINO 2 sticks cinnamon

Combine equal parts of:

10 small cubes sugar
Espresso Coffee, above
Heat but do not boil, and pour over these in-
Hot milk gredients
with a: 3
A cup brandy or \U cup Cointreau
Dash of cinnamon or cardamom or a
Place bowl on a tray and bring bowl, orange and
grating of nutmeg
a ladle to the table. Ignite the brandy and ladle the
mixture repeatedly over the spices until the sugar
TURKISH COFFEE melts. Pour into the bowl:
As Turkish coffee settles very rapidly, it is made 4 cups freshly made coffee
at the table, over an alcohol lamp. The average Now fill the ladle with:
content of the long-handled metal pot is about 10 V* cup warm brandy or
ounces of liquid, and it should never be filled to 'A cup Cointreau
more than -'i capacity. The pot is narrowed before Tip the orange carefully into the ladle, ignite
it flares at the top, to allow the swishing and liquid, and lower the flaming ladle into the bowl,
swinging of its contents between "frothings" — floating the orange as shown opposite. Ladle the
procedure which keeps the very finely divided cafe brulot into demitasse cups. Here are 2 minia-
grains in suspension until the liquid is sipped ture versions: for individual servings put a small
from tiny stemmed cups holding about a table- cube of sugar in a coffee spoon, saturate it with
spoon of fluid. In the Near East it is considered im- brandy and ignite it. When sugar is melted, lower
polite to drink more than three of these, although spoon into a partially filled demitasse of hot cof-
more may be served in the United States. The fee. Add a lemon twist and 1 or 2 cloves, and stir
glass of ice water and the Rahat Loukoum candy, mixture with a cinnamon stick. Also, you may

simply stir a teaspoonful of warmed light rum or ICED COFFEE VIENNOISE

whisky into a small cup of hot coffee adding a — Individual Serving
twist of lemon peel and sweetening to taste. While Prepare:
brandy and Cointreau are the usual fireworks, you Iced Coffee, above
may want to try white creme de menthe, curacao, in a tall glass. Add:
or kiimmel. small jigger light
1 rum or brandy
topping it with:
Whipped cream


Place in electric blender for each drink:
V* cup coffee
prepared as for Iced Coffee, above.
1 tablespoon sugar
l^t teaspoon ground cloves
(1 small jigger medium rum)
Add not less than:
cup crushed ice
Blend thoroughly and serve in chilled tall glasses.

In one of Lin Yutang's books, he tells of the in-
finite carewith which a certain sage living in the
second or Classical period of Chinese tea-making
4 Servings
procured from a famous spring, in just the proper
Prepare, using 3 tablespoons coffee to 1 cup wa-
sort of earthen pot, sufficient water for a brew
ter, and keep very hot:
with which he intended regaling an honored
4 cups Coffee, 36
guest; how, on a clear, calm evening, taking pains
Just before serving add:
to keep the water undisturbed, he sailed with it
teaspoon coriander
cautiously across an arm of the sea to his home;
tablespoon sugar
and how, before steeping the choice leaves, he
/2 cup warmed sweet red wine

brought the water to precisely the critical boil.

(1 tablespoon powdered ginger)
There were other refinements, too, most of them
Pour into mugs topped with:
equally unthinkable in our less leisurely age.
A quartered slice of orange
However, no matter how we abridge the tea-
making ritual today, it is well to keep in mind
the importance of the water we use and its tem-

Some people hold that Irish coffee can

Individual Serving
perature. It should be freshly drawn, soft not —
made "proper" with Demerara sugar,
only be
557. It
softened and not hard —
and heated, if possible,
in a glass or enameled vessel. When the leaves are
does make a difference. dropped into it, the water should only just have
Heat but do not boil and place
7-ounce goblet or coffee cup:
in a
arrived at a brisk rolling boil — so the tea will not
have a flatand the leaves will describe a
1 jigger Irish whisky
deep wheel-like movement, each one opening up
1 or 2 teaspoons sugar
for fullest infusion.
Fill to within V2 inch of top with:
Tea brewers who do not wish to trouble with
Freshly made hot coffee
a strainer and are willing to compromise may
Stir until sugar is dissolved. Float on top of liquid:
use a tea ball. In any case brew just
stirring the
Chilled whipped cream
before serving in a scalded, preheated pot is im-
perative, since it circulates through the liquid the
ICED COFFEE essential oils that contribute so much to tea's
Prepare Coffee, 36, any way you wish, using: characteristic flavor.
2V2 to 3 tablespoons coffee to 3/4 cup water There is only one tea plant, but there are many
Chill it or pour it hot over cubed ice in tall glasses. commercial varieties of tea, depending on soil,
You may sweeten the drink with: locality, age of leaf, manufacture, grading, blend-
(Sugar or Sugar Syrup, 48, to taste) ing and the addition of blossoms, zests or spices.
Stir in: The two chief basic types are green and black.
(Cream) The former is dried immediately after plucking;
or top with: the latter —
by all odds the more favored is al- —
(Whipped cream or vanilla ice cream) lowed to ferment before further processing.

Oolong, a semi-fermented leaf, is in a class by produces murky iced tea due to precipitation.
itself. Prepare:
Chinese which less than a century ago
teas, Tea, above
dominated the world market, have now largely y Use twice the quantity of leaves indicated for
yielded to the more
robustly aromatic varieties of making the hot beverage. Stir, strain and pour
India, Ceylon and Southeastern Asia. There are over cubed ice. Serve with:
also any number of blends in which teas of Lemon slices
several regions are mingled. Unfortunately, tea (Sprigs of mint)
producers have not yet followed the example of (Sugar to taste)
coffee manufacturers, by putting up tea in vacuum Instant tea is now available, sometimes sweetened
packages. Therefore, when it reaches your kitchen, with sugar, and lemon-flavored. If speed of prep-

we suggest you place it at once in a tightly aration is a real factor, it makes a convenient, if
sealed jar. not superior, iced tea.


Place tea leaves in a preheated pot. Allow:
This effortless brew has a fine flavor, will keep for
1 teaspoon tea leaves
several days, and never clouds. Combine in a
for each:
glass jar:
5 to 6 oz. water
4 teaspoons tea
Proceed as indicated above, permitting the leaves
1 quart water
to steep not less than 3 and not more than 5 min-
Refrigerate covered overnight. Strain out the
utes. Serve the tea promptly, stirring, for the ulti-
leaves before serving over ice cubes.
mate touch, with a small bamboo whisk, as shown
at the chapter head. Strain. Sugar or lemon? Yes,
if —
you wish the earliest tea-makers, curiously
Pour hot, steeped tea over:
enough, added salt! On a chilly afternoon we

Bruised mint leaves

sometimes like to put a small decanter of rum or
brandy on the tea tray for the cup that cheers.
Lemon rind

But we draw
the line at tea bags and cream. The
Chill the tea. Remove leaves and rind. Pour the

bag container or the fat in the cream will adulter- tea into tall Add ice cubes and:
Sugar to taste
ate the flavor of this subtle beverage. Milk is fre-
(Sprigs of mint)
quently added in England. Never steep tea leaves
more than once. II. Add
to each serving of iced tea:
teaspoon rum
Garnish the glasses with:
8 Servings
Slices of lemon or lime
Prepare an infusion by bringing to a boil:
(Sprigs of lemon thyme)
Vi cup water
Remove from heat and add:
V* cup strained orange juice OTHER INFUSIONS
Vi cup strained lemon juice From time immemorial various plants, less stimu-
6 cloves lating than or coffee, have been used the
1 stick cinnamon world over as restoratives. An old herbalist rec-
Meanwhile, prepare: ommended them "for wamblings of the stomach."
Tea, above Today, the French often serve them shortly after
Use, in all, 10 teaspoons tea and 5 cups water dinner. They range all the way from such homely
in a regular measuring cup. Put the hot, spiced in- makings as rose hips and alfalfa to that Paraguayan
fusion in a heavy crystal bowl. Pour the steeped tea shrub, mate, the leaves of which are com-
tea over the mixture and serve at once in punch mercially obtainable in some North American
or tea cups, localities.
Some of the homegrown herbs which, singly
ICED TEA or in combination, may become interesting bever-
We swell with patriotic pride when we recall that ages are the fresh or dried leaves of angelica,
this beverage originated in our native town, St. bergamot, comfrey, hyssop, lemon verbena, mints,
Louis —
even though the inventor was actually an sages, thymes; the blossoms of camomile, clover,
Englishman who arrived at the concoction as an linden, lemon, wintergreen and elder-
act of desperation. The year was 1904; the place, berry; the seeds of anise and fennel. There is a
the St. Louis World's Fair; the provocation, the good general rule for quantity per cup of water
indifference of the general public, in the swelter- in preparing these infusions.
ing midwestern heat, to Richard Blechynden's tea For strong herbs, allow:
concession. In brewing iced tea, avoid China teas Vi to 1 tablespoon fresh material
— they lack the requisite "body." Hard water V* to Vi teaspoon dried material

For mild herbs, allow: Place the top of the boiler over boiling water.
Twice the above amounts Add:
> Never use a metal pot. Before straining and 3 cups scalded milk
serving, steep for 3 to 10 minutes in water brought Stirand heat the cocoa. Cover and keep over hot
to a rolling boil. Serve with: water 10 more minutes. Add:
(Honey or lemon) 1 teaspoon vanilla

Habitues say "never use cream." Try one of the Beat with a wire whisk before serving.
following dried herbs, allowing for each cup:
1 star anise cluster CHOCOLATE
camomile flowers
6 About 6 Servings
Vs teaspoon powdered mint Melt in the top of a double boiler until thor-
A teaspoon powdered fennel
oughly dissolved:
V2 teaspoon linden blossom T/2 to 2 oz. chocolate
V2 teaspoon verbena V2 cup boiling water
ABOUT CHOCOLATE AND 3y!z cups milk

Chocolate, an Aztec drink, comes to us via Spain

1 vanilla bean, or add just before serving
1 teaspoon vanilla
with the addition of sugar and spice. It really pains
Dissolve in the hot milk:
us to speak evil of so distinctively delicious a
drink. But chocolate, with its high fat and sugar V* to V3 cup sugar
(Vs teaspoon salt)
content, if habitually substituted for milk, may
create an imbalance in the diet. In some places,
If you have used the vanilla bean, remove it. Pour
the milk mixture while hot over the smooth choc-
unless you ask for French chocolate, the base will
olate mixture and beat well with a wire whisk. In
be water and the drink garnished with whipped
each heated cup, place:
cream. In France you can count on a milk base
(A stick cinnamon)
and cream incorporated into the drink. In Vienna
Before serving, top each cup with:
they add a generous topping of whipped cream.
1 tablespoon whipped cream at room
In America you may have to face a marshmallow
or a piece of cinnamon-stick candy; in Russia and
Brazil, coffee is added; and in modern Mexico
we find in it cinnamon and even orange rind and BRAZILIAN CHOCOLATE
sherry. For more information about chocolates About 4 Servings
and cocoas, see 565. Melt in a double boiler^ over hot water:
Cocoa does not always combine easily with 1 oz. chocolate
liquid. To remove any lumps before cooking, com- cup sugar

bine it with the sugar or mix it in the blender with Vs teaspoon salt
a small quantity of the water called for in the Add and stir in:
recipe. You may want to keep on hand homemade 1 cup boiling water

cocoa or chocolate syrups, below. Both cocoa Continue to heat 3 to 5 minutes. Add:
and chocolate scorch easily, so brew them over 1
/a cup hot milk

hot water as suggested below. In Mexico a special V2 cup hot cream

wooden stirrer or whipper called molmillo, illus- IV2 cups freshly made hot strong coffee
trated at the chapter head, is used to fluff choco- Beat mixture well and add:
late drinks just before serving. This also inhibits 1 teaspoon vanilla

the formation of the cream "skin" which often (A grating of cinnamon)

appears on top. If you want this aerated effect, try
a wire whisk or a rotary beater. Serve the hot ICED CHOCOLATE
beverage in a deep narrow chocolate cup so as to
Prepare and then chill:
retain the heat.
Chocolate, or
Brazilian Chocolate, above
COCOA Serve over crushed ice. Top with:
About 4 Servings
Whipped cream or coffee ice cream
Combine, stir and boil for 2 minutes in the top
Garnish with:
of a double boiler over direct but low heat:
Grated sweet chocolate
1 cup boiling water

V* cup cocoa
' '»
teaspoon salt
2 to 4 tablespoons sugar MALT SHAKE SYRUP
Then add: About 20 Servings
Vi teaspoon cinnamon First, make the following syrup which you may
Yn teaspoon cloves and/or nutmeg keep on hand in the refrigerator about 10 days.

Melt in the top of a double boiler over hot 1 teaspoon vanilla, grated orange or
water: lemon rind
7 oz. chocolate (V2 cup orange juice)
Stir slowly into the melted chocolate: V2 cup cracked ice
15 oz. sweetened condensed milk Shake well. Sprinkle the top with:
1 cup boiling water nutmeg
Freshly grated
Stir in until Of course it will do no harm to add a jigger or
V2 cup sugar two of whisky, cognac or rum.
Cool and store the syrup.
II. To enrich or change the flavor of I, above, add
To make up an individual shake, use:
one or more of the following:
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup, above
Ice cream
1 cup chilled milk
3 tablespoons carob powder
Beat the mixture well or blend it. For increased
1 tablespoon nonfat milk solids
food value, add: 1
4 to '2 cup nutritional yeast
(V2 cup milk solids or malt)
1 to 3 teaspoons smooth peanut or other
(2 teaspoons nutritional yeast)
nut butter
Serve at once blended with:
A dip of vanilla, chocolate or mint ice cream FflUIT MILK SHAKE
or over:
4 Servings
Cracked ice
Combine in a shaker or blender:
IV3 cups chilled sweetened apricot, prune,
COCOA SHAKE SYRUP strawberry or raspberry juice
About 8 Servings
2Vi cups cold milk
In the top of a double boiler make a lumpier
Serve over cracked ice.
paste of:
1 cup sugar ABOUT JUICES AND
V* cup cold water
(V2 cup malt)
Fresh herbs and fruits, when available, make at-
tractive garnishes for cold or hot fruit beverages.
Bring this mixture just to a boil over low direct
For examples, see the illustration below: a sprig
heat, stirring constantly. Then continue to heat >•
of mint, intense blue borage blossoms, lemon
over hot water 3 to 5 minutes. Cool mixture. You
balm, strawberries, cherries, sweet woodruff or
may store it covered and refrigerated 2 to 3 week 1
waldmeister. pineapple, apple mint, and fancv-
HANDY HOT CHOCOLATE shaped or clove-studded citrus.
Another way to heighten the charm of cold bev-
OR COCOA erages is to spruce them up with decorative ice
About 1 Serving
cubes. Fill a freezer tray with water. Place in
each section one of the following: a maraschino
Chocolate Shake Syrup or
cherry, a preserved strawberry, a piece of lemon
Cocoa Shake Syrup, above
or pineapple, a sprig of mint, etc. You may flavor
For each 8-ounce cup of cocoa desired, use:
the cubes, before freezing, with sherry or whisky
2 tablespoons syrup
Stir in slowly:
— using not more than 2 tablespoons per trav.
The short recipes that immediately follow are
A cup scalding milk
designed mainly to whet the appetite. They are
and heat thoroughly without boiling before
dedicated to two kinds of people those who —
cannot take cocktails because of their alcoholic
MILK EGGNOG content and those who like to appear convivial
but who are convinced that a stiff alcoholic drink
4 Servings
before dinner blunts the flavor of good food. The
The following three recipes, as well as the fruit
basic liquid ingredients may, of course, be served
eggnog, 45, can serve as liquid-diet meals. See
without our suggested modifiers. To make rich
note on uncooked eggs, 743.
vegetable juices, blend vegetables, but be sure to
I. Combine in a shaker: cook and strain first any fibrous ones such as
4 cups chilled milk celery. Don't forget the convenience of frozen
4 eggs concentrates, especially for strongly flavored,
4 tablespoons confectioners' sugar or honey quick-chilling drinks.

TOMATO JUICE tablespoon lemon or lime juice


I.From Fresh Tomatoes 4 Servings V2 teaspoon salt

Simmer 2 hour: 1
V2 cup crushed ice
12 medium-sized raw ripe tomatoes
4 Servings
cup water
1 slice onion
The straight article is— like brandy — decoction
for heroes; modifications like those which follow
2 ribs celery with leaves
will encourage the rest of us.
'/a bay leaf
3 sprigs parsley I. Combine and chill:
Strain these ingredients. Season with: teaspoon lemon juice
teaspoon salt
1 Vs teaspoon paprika
teaspoon paprika
2 cups sauerkraut juice
Va teaspoon sugar
Serve thoroughly chilled. II. Chill, then combine:
1 cup sauerkraut juice
II. From Canned Tomatoes 4 Servings
1 cup tomato juice
Combine shaker:
in a
(V2 teaspoon prepared horseradish)
2V2 cups tomato juice
/2 teaspoon grated onion CLAM JUICE
1 teaspoon grated celery 4 Servings
teaspoon horseradish
V2 Combine:
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
A dash of Worcestershire or I
2 tablespoons chili sauce
hot pepper sauce 2 cups clam juice
Vs teaspoon paprika A drop hot pepper sauce
A teaspoon salt Salt if needed
'A teaspoon sugar (V2teaspoon grated onion)
This juice may be served hot or chilled. Curry V* teaspoon celery salt
powder, a few cloves, a stick of cinnamon, tarra- Chill these ingredients. Strain before serving. This
gon, parsley or some other herb may be steeped isa tasty combination, but there are many others.
in the cocktail and strained out before it is served. Horseradish may be added; so may Worcestershire
sauce. The cocktail may be part clam juice and
CHILLED TOMATO CREAM part tomato juice. Serve sprinkled with:
4 Servings
Combine in a pitcher:
Freshly ground pepper

IV2 cups chilled tomato juice

A cup cream
4 Servings
1 teaspoon grated onion
Vs teaspoon salt Combine in a pitcher:
2 cups orange juice
Va teaspoon celery salt
A few drops hot pepper sauce tablespoon lime juice or

2 tablespoons lemon juice

A few grains cayenne
Ve teaspoon salt
V* cup finely cracked ice
V2 cup cracked ice
Combine in a pitcher: About 1 V2 Cups of Juice
2 cups tomato juice A very refreshing drink.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil Peel and core, 140:
tablespoon vinegar
1 A pineapple
teaspoon salt
V2 Cut it into cubes. Extract the juice by putting the
Vs teaspoon paprika pineapple through a food grinder or a blender. X
('A teaspoon basil) There will be very little pulp. Strain the juice and
V2 cup cracked ice serve it iced with:
Peel, seed, grate and add: Sprigs of mint
1 cucumber
4 Servings Combine in a pitcher:
Combine in a pitcher: 1 cup pineapple juice
T/2 cups tomato juice 1 cup tomato juice
1 cup orange juice V'4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar V2 cup crushed ice


4 Servings (Honey to taste)
Boil together 3 minutes: Strain out the spices. Serve in mugs, with cinna-
A cup sugar mon stick stirrers.

Vi cup water
1'A cups grapefruit juice Good combinations are equal parts of:
h cup pineapple juice Orange juice and pineapple juice
V* cup lemon juice or:

Serve chilled. Loganberry juice and pineapple juice

FRUIT SHRUBS OR VINEGARS White grape juice and orange juice
These are most refreshing in hot weather. Trv or:
adding rum in the winter. Cranberry juice and sweetened lime, pine-
Prepare: apple or grapefruit juice
Fruit juice
Depending on the sweetness of the juice, sim-
mer until the sugar is dissolved: The blender transforms many kinds of fruit and
1 cup juice vegetables into rich and delicious liquid food. The
1 to 1' 2 cups sugar only trouble in using it is that the enthusiast often
For everv cup of juice, add: gets drunk with power and whirls up more and
'A cup white wine vinegar more weird and intricate combinations some — of
Use at one e or bottle in sterile jars. Serve the shrub them quite undnnkable. Resist the temptation to
over shaved ice. become a sorcerer's apprentice.
Sometimes, too, a gray color results. If so, grad-
CITRUS FRUIT JUICE MEDLEY ually stir in lemon juice, a little at a time. Serve
4 Servings immediately adding the lemon juice, as the
Combine in a pit< her clear color not last long. A few suggestions
A cup grapefruit juice follow. Each recipe yields 2 to 3 cups.
'A cup lemon juice
cup orange juice
I. Combine in a blender:
Vi to 2 (up sugar
' V 2 cups chilled seeded orange pulp
1 cup cracked ice 1 cup chilled melon meat: cantaloupe
Pour into glasses and serve garnished with: or honeydew
Sprigs of mint 2 tablespoons lemon juice
e teaspoon salt
2 cup finely crushed ice
Great on a frosts night, with canapes or sand-
II. Made with fresh fruit, this is almost like a
wiches. Heat well, but do not boil:
Apple cider
Combine in a blender:
A few cloves or cardamom seeds
1'A cups chilled apricot or peach pulp
A stick of cinnamon
2 cup milk

2 cup cream
4 Servings 2 tablespoons sugar

Cook until skins pop open, about 5 minutes:

2 cup finely crushed ice
1 pint cranberries (1 tablespoon lemon juice)
2 cups water III. Combine in a blender:
Strain through cheesecloth. Bring the juice to a
1 cup chilled unsweetened pineapple juice
boil and add: 1 cup peeled seeded chilled cucumber
A to 'A cup sugar 1
2 cup watercress
(3 cloves) 2 sprigs parsley
Cook for 2 minutes. Cool. Add: 1
2 cup finely crushed ice
'A cup orange juice or
1 tablespoon lemon juice IV. Combine in a blender:
Serve thoroughly chilled. Garnish with: IV2 cups chilled unsweetened
A slice of lime pineapple juice
1 ripe banana
* HOT CRANBERRY JUICE 2 teaspoons honey
Heat well, but do not boil: Juice of \ 2 lime
Cranberry juice 1
2 cup finely crushed ice
A thinly sliced lemon Garnish with:
A few cloves (Sprigs of mint)



4 Servings IVi cups lemon juice
For other drinks that serve as liquid meals, see Stir in the contents of:
42. Please see note on uncooked eggs, 743. 7 cups crushed pineapple: 2 No. 2V2 cans, or
Combine in a shaker or blender: 6 to 8 cans frozen juice concentrate:
2 cups chilled pineapple or orange juice 6-oz. size
tablespoon confectioners' sugar or honey
1 Add:
IVi tablespoons lemon juice 8 sliced seeded oranges
1 egg or 2 egg yolks 4 gallons water
A pinch of salt Chill. Serve over ice.

V* cup cracked ice

Shake or blend well. LEMONADE SYRUP
About 4V2 Cups
Boil for 5 minutes:

2 cups sugar
As with Party Drinks, each of the following rec- 1 cup water
ipes, unless otherwise indicated, will yield about
Rind of 2 lemons, cut into thin strips
5 quarts and accommodate approximately 20 peo-
teaspoon salt
ple. For "ice-bowl" containers and other sugges-
Cool and add:
tions for attractively serving large groups of
Juice of 6 lemons
people, see Party Drinks, 62.
Strain the syrup. Store in a covered jar. Add:
2 tablespoons syrup


1 glass ice water or carbonated water
For a summer brunch in a shady corner of the
II. Add:
Combine: 1 tablespoon syrup, above
4 quarts tomato juice, 808
2 tablespoons orange, apricot or
1 quart canned beef consomme
pineapple juice
Season to taste with:
Lemon juice
1 glass ice water or carbonated water
(A chiffonade of herbs)
Chill and pour into a bowl that has been rubbed
(Garlic) Serve undiluted:
Adorn with: Orange juice
Decorative ice ring, 62 over:
in which has been set: Crushed ice
An herb bouquet or add to the orange juice, to taste:
(Water, lemon juice and sugar)


For each cup of water, add
Place in a large bowl:
IVi tablespoons lemon or lime juice
2 cups strong tea
3 to 4 tablespoons sugar
Add and stir well:
'/a teaspoon salt
A cup lemon
The sugar and water need not be boiled, but the
2 cups orange juice
quality of the lemonade is improved if they are.
2 tablespoons lime juice
Boil the sugar and water for 2 minutes. Chill the
1 cup sugar
syrup and add the fruit juice. Orange, pineapple,
Leaves from 12 sprigs mint
raspberry, loganberry, white grape juice and other
Place these ingredients on ice for 2 hours. Shortly
fruit juices may be combined with lemonade.
before serving, strain the punch and add:
Chilled tea added to these fruit combinations,
8 slices canned pineapple, including juice
about A cup for every cup of juice, gives lemon-

5 pints chilled ginger ale

ades an invigorating lift. Quite acceptable are
4 pints chilled carbonated water
frozen lemonade and limeade concentrates, di-
Crushed ice
luted a little less than prescribed by the processor.


Boil for 10 minutes: 3 tablespoons Red Raspberry Vinegar, 527
4 cups water over:
8 cups sugar Crushed ice

and dilute to taste with water. Or, you may add: Chill these ingredients. Immediately before serv-
1 or more tablespoons Red Raspberry Vinegar, ing, add:
527 2 quarts carbonated water
to: 3 cups or more crushed ice
Lemonade, 45 The basic mix is a concentrated one, to offset dilu-
tion through icing. Water may be added later if
Boil for 10 minutes:
1'A cups sugar
1 V* cups water
Prepare and combine, using 3 tablespoons coffee
to 1 cup water:
2V2 cups strong hot tea
9 cups Coffee, 36
Cool the mixture. Add:
9 cups Cocoa, 41
1 cup crushed pineapple
Bring to just under the boiling point and add im-
2V2 cups strawberry juice or other
mediately before serving:
noncitrus fruit juice
Juice of 6 lemons
A cup warmed rum

1 cup warmed creme de cacao

Juice of 7 oranges
4 tablespoons cinnamon or 2 tablespoons
Chill these ingredients for 1 hour. Add sufficient
water to make 4 quarts of liquid. Immediately
2 tablespoons almond extract
before serving, add:
(V* cup honey)
1 quart carbonated water
Stir, test for desired sweetness, and pour into hot
Pour over large pieces of ice in punch bowl.
mugs. Top with:
Whipped cream
FRUIT PUNCH FOR 50 PEOPLE sprinkled with:

Make a syrup by boiling for 10 minutes:

Crated nutmeg or grated sweet chocolate
VU cups water
2V2 cups sugar
Reserve V2 cup. Add to the remainder, stir, cover
and let stand 30 minutes or more: Prepare, then chill well:
1 cup lemon juice
7 cups freshly made coffee
2 cups orange juice Whip until stiff:

1 cup strong tea 2 cups whipping cream

2 cups white grape juice, grapefruit juice, You may whip an additional V2 cup heavy cream
pineapple juice or crushed pineapple and then reserve itto garnish the tops. Have in

(1 cup maraschino cherries with juice)

2 cups fruit syrup 2 quarts chocolate ice cream

This last —
the fruit syrup —
is the key ingredient.
Pour the chilled coffee into a large chilled bowl.
It may consist of strawberry or raspberry jam di- V2 the ice cream. Beat until the cream is partly

luted with hot water; or canned berry juice thick- melted. Add:
ened by boiling. Strain the syrup. Add ice water 'A cup rum or
1 teaspoon almond extract

to make about IV2 gallons of liquid. Add at the teaspoon salt


last minute: Fold in the remainder of the ice cream. Pour into
1 quart carbonated water tall glasses. Garnish the tops with the reserved
If you find the punch lacking in sugar, add part cream. Sprinkle with:
or all of the reserved sugar syrup. Freshly grated nutmeg or grated
sweet chocolate


Boil for 5 minutes: ABOUT "SOFT DRINKS"
4 cups water We cannot resist, as a postscript, a few words of
4 cups sugar caution regarding the increased use of certain
Cool the syrup. Combine: types of beverages commonly and loosely classi-
2 quarts hulled strawberries fied as "soft drinks." Not the least of our concern
1 cup sliced canned or fresh pineapple is the hard-core fact that colas, carbonates and
1 cup mixed fruit juice — pineapple, apricot, synthetic fruit concoctions make up a disturbingly
raspberry, etc. large fraction of the juvenile intake, and that this
Juice of 5 large oranges fraction almost everywhere stands in inverse pro-
Juice of 5 large lemons portion to the size of the household food budget.
(3 sliced bananas) With cola beverages the family provider finds him-
Add the syrup, or as much of it as is palatable. self between devil and deep blue sea. The "nor-

mal" bottled or canned cola drink is a blend of nates, to those in which the product is entirely or
and water; caloric, unless
caffeine, sugar, flavoring almost entirely artificial. Close attention to the
you use a sugarless counterpart, both devoid of —
list of ingredients printed on the container some-
nutritional value. times in very small lettering — is urgently recom-

As to canned or bottled "fruit drinks," the gov- mended. Our suggestion is to make a practice. of
ernment has seen fit to identify no less than six offering children unsweetened unadulterated fruit
categories, ranging from those in which genuine juice, or on occasion, if the going gets really

fruit juice —
with certain preservatives predomi- rough, sugar-sweetened juice.
The cocktail is probably an American invention,
and most certainly a typically American kind of
drink. Whatever mixtures you put together and —
part of the fascination of cocktail making is the
degree of inventiveness it seems to encourage
hold fast to a few general principles. The most
important of these is to keep the quantity of the
basic ingredients —
gin, whisky, rum, etc.— up to
about 60% of the total drink, never below half.
>• Remember, as a corollary, that cocktails are .

before-meal drinks appetizers. For this reason
the\ should be neither oversweet nor overloaded
with cream and egg, in order to avoid spoiling the
appetite instead of stimulating it.

Illustrated below are some of the tools included

in basic bar equipment. To the left of the ice
bucket and tongs are a strainer, jigger and mud-
dler; next left, the only corkscrew we. know that
doesn't induce complete frustration; above it is an
DRINKS ingenious substitute which raises the air pressure
inside the bottle by means of a hand-operated
tube-and-piston device, and so gently pushes out
1 he preceding chapter on Beverages has to do the cork —
a real boon if the cork is in crumblv
with nonalcoholic drinks. This one takes up the condition. Next to these are a combination bottle-
subject of liquor, frorn cocktails to what the host cap remover and can puncturer and, at far left,
or hostess offers late in the evening, either to give a lemon peeler guaranteed to get only the colored
the dinner party a new lease on life or —
hopefully part of the rind. To the right of the ice bucket we
in the rarest emergencies —
to mark the passage of show a martini pitcher and bar spoon, a heavy
time and allow it to dawn on at least some mem- glass cocktail shaker, and, at the far right, a bitters
bers of an ill-chosen guest list that leave-taking bottle with a dropper-tvpe top. Not illustrated
might be an act of extreme unction. here are an ice crusher or a heavy canvas bag and
Because when to serve what drinks is as impor- wooden mallet for converting cubes to crushed
tant as any other aspect of menu building, and ice; a blender, 337, indispensable for preparing
because to so many hostesses the intricacies of frozen summer concoctions, and the squeezer, ice
mixing drinks are pretty much a total mystery, pick and sharp knife your equipment probably
this section of the text remains explicit and de- includes if you mix drinks in your kitchen.
tailed. Always in the back of our minds, spurring A simple Sugar Syrup is a useful ingredient
us on, is the memory of a cartoon which depicted when making drinks. Boil for 5 minutes 1 part
a group of guests sitting around a living room, water to 2 parts sugar, or half as much water as
strickenly regarding their cocktail glasses, while sugar. Keep the syrup in a bottle, refrigerated, and
the hostess, one of those inimitable Hokinson use it as needed.
types, all embonpoint, cheer, and fluttering or- In addition to various liquors, it is advisable
gandy, triumphantly announces, "A very dear for the home bartender to have on hand a stock
friend gave me some wonderful old Scotch and I of: bitters, carbonated water, tonic water, bitter
just happened to find a bottle of papaya juice lemon, dry ginger ale, cola and tomato juice;
in the refrigerator!" lemons, oranges, limes, olives and cherries. For


garnishes, see 42. See also the chapters on Ca- this liquor, regardless of its shady past and its
napes and Hors d'Oeuvre for suitable accom- possibilities as a straight drink, is probably the best

paniments for cocktails besides a steady head. mixing base ever invented.
Note the two types of cocktail glasses illustrated Of the three general gin types, Geneva and
on the left below. Both are so designed that the Holland are somewhat bitter and highly aromatic.
heat of the hand is not transferred to the contents They appeal to a small minority and should be
of the glass. These hold about 3 ounces each. The taken "neat." By far the most popular kind of gin
old-fashioned glass featured next holds about 6 is the dry London type, which can be found in

ounces and retains its chill by reason of a heavy all liquor dispensaries. More perhaps than is the

base. This type of container is increasingly used case with most other liquors, the quality of com-
these days by people who prefer their martinis "on mercial gin varies: its cost is a rough measure of
the rocks" instead of "up" —
that is, in the rather its worth. Certain brands of gin, which we happen

more fussy and more precise cocktail-glass type to prefer, are aged for a time in sherry casks, a
of presentation. The next drawing shows a typical process which imparts a golden color.
"sour" glass. It holds about 4 ounces. Champagne
cocktails are often served in such a glass, rather ALEXANDER
than in the more traditional sauce-bowl stem glass Shake with 3A cup cracked ice:
at the end of the line, the better to retain bubbles.
1 jigger sweet cream
The little glass in between is for straight whisky.
I'A jiggers creme de cacao
5 jiggers gin
Strain into chilled glasses.

Shake, using 3A cup cracked ice:
1 jigger dry vermouth
1 jigger sweet vermouth
1 jigger orange juice
5 jiggers gin
Mix only one round at a time. Your stock as Strain into chilled glasses. Add a twist of orange
a bartender will never go up on the strength of peel to each glass
your "dividend" drinks. The cocktails that fol-
low are some fundamental ones, listed according
to their basic ingredients. Each recipe, unless
Shake, using 3A cup cracked ice:
otherwise noted, makes about 4 drinks. When

cracked not crushed —
ice is indicated, use about
1 tablespoon Sugar Syrup, 48

2 large jiggers lime juice

A cup. All "shaken" cocktails should be shaken
5 jiggers gin
and strained into the glasses just before serving.
Strain into chilled glasses.
Substituting orange juice for V2 the lime juice
ABOUT MEASUREMENTS changes a Gimlet into an Orange Blossom. Vodka
FOR DRINKS is becoming increasingly popular as a base for
1 dash = 6 drops both.
3 teaspoons = V2 ounce
1 pony = 1 ounce GIN BITTER
1 jigger = Vh ounces 1 Serving
1 large jigger = 2 ounces With bourbon or rye whisky this becomes a
1 standard whisky glass = 2 ounces Whisky Bitter.
1 pint = 16 fluid ounces Half-fill an old-fashioned glass with cracked ice.
1 fifth = 25.6 fluid ounces Shake, using 3A cup cracked ice:
1 quart = 32 fluid ounces 2 jiggers gin
2 dashes angostura or orange bitters
ABOUT GIN AND GIN COCKTAILS Pour into glass. Top with twist of orange peel or
Gin is a spirit — that is, a distilled liquor. Much a thin slice of cucumber, unpeeled.
of its distinctive flavor comes from the juniper
berry. Victorian novelists tended to assume that GIN OR WHISKY SOUR
only the lower classes — footmen, scullery maids This recipe becomes a Whisky, Rum or Brandy

and the like had a taste for gin; just as they im- Sour the base is changed.

plied that rum was an equally vulgar tipple and Shake, using 3A cup cracked ice:
might be relegated to the common seaman. The 1 jigger Sugar Syrup, 48

"bathtub" concoctions of the Roaring Twenties 2 jiggers lemon or lime juice

did nothing to enhance gin's repute. Recent gen- 5 jiggers gin or whisky
erations, however, have recognized the fact that Strain into chilled glasses.

MARTINI far outrank all others in popularity. Bourbon is of

With a onion in each glass, this cocktail

small American — that United States— manufacture,

distilledchiefly from corn. Scotch — might be as

becomes a Gibson. Try aiso a hazelnut and name it
yourself. Changing the base makes a Vodka Mar-
expected — made
is Scotland, of barley.
in Its

tini. How the "Gibson" got its name, incidentally,

characteristic taste isachieved by smoking the
barley malt on a porous floor, over peat tires,
makes an engaging if perhaps apocryphal story.
before distillation.
As a skillful and popular American diplomat, Hugh
Gibson found himself obliged to attend a stupefy- Government regulations have required that be-
ing number of cocktail parties. What impressed
fore a manufacturer can label his whisky "bour-
his fellow corpsmen was
apparently unlimited
bon," the mash from which it is made must be at

capacity for dry martinis, although they consid-

least 51% corn. But no on the
restrictions are put
kinds of grain which make up the remainder. The
ered rather peculiar his insistence that his own
glass contain a pickled onion instead of the pro-
freedom of choice which results, plus the distill-
tocol-hallowed olive. What they did not know, ers' option of using
a "sweet" or a "sour" mash,

of course, was that by prearrangement with co-

gives bourbons their distinctive "body," aroma
operative waiters Gibson's glass, pickled onion and flavor. These qualities are often impaired if it
intact for ready identification, was brought in at
becomes necessary to overdilute a given whisky
each fresh round replenished simply with cold in compliance with federal requirements that
overall proof not exceed 110. Proof simply desig-
dc<ir water. True martinis follow.
nates alcoholic content: a 100-proof liquor has
I. Stir well, using y4 cup cracked ice: 50% alcohol, 200-proof 100%, and so on.
1 to 2 jiggers dry vermouth In addition, if the mash is less than 80% corn,

6 to 7 jiggers gin the whisky can be labeled "straight" bourbon,

Tw ist over the top: even blended, as long as the components are

Lemon peel distilled more or less at the same time and come
or add from the same distillery. Otherwise, the bourbon
A small seeded olive must be labeled "blended." If, in any case, an-
other kind of spirit is used than whisky itself, the
II. A formula we happen to prefer, and which resulting product cannot be called bourbon at all,
would be more recognizable by Signor
nearly but simply "blended whisky," or "whisky —
Martini who presumably invented this world-— blend."
renownerj concoction three-quarters of a century A word as to "bond." Bonded bourbon, like
or so ago other high-class bourbons, is at least 4 years old,
Stir well, using v4 cup cracked ice: sometimes older, and then so acknowledged on
1 jigger dry vermouth the bottle. Bonding is also a guarantee of the
1 jigger sweet vermouth whiskv's "straightness" and its proof. Otherwise,
6 jiggers gin "bottled in bond" has no qualitative connotations
\(ld lo ea< h drink: whatever. We suggest, however, that in selecting
1 dash orange bitters bourbons you choose from among straight and
Serve with olive m bottom of glass. bonded brands only.
An American whisky that has a limited but
PINK LADY steady popularity is rve, based on a mash that
Shake, using ¥* cup cracked ice is predominantly made up of that cereal rather
Vi jigger grenadine than corn. It also comes in various degrees of
1 jigger lemon or lime juice quality, including "bondage," and can be used
1 jigger apple brandy interchangeably with bourbon in most formulas.
2 egg whites "Tennessee" is another nonbourbon whisky, but
4Vi jiggers gin most tasters can detect little difference between
Strain into chilled glasses. it and various bourbon types.

few years ago the government relaxed some


WHITE LADY of the rather arbitrary standards it had applied to

Shake, using }
4 cup cracked ice: the manufacture of domestic whisky. The result
I'/a jiggers lemon juice has been a proliferation of "light" whiskies. These
1 jigger Cointreau are usually aged in used barrels to reduce "hard-
2 egg whites ness." They are paler in color and "drier," to suit
4' 2 jiggers gin the prevailing taste, bv reason of their dilution
Strain into chilled glasses. with neutral spirits: and at once smoother and
somewhat less flavorsome than traditional bour-
ABOUT WHISKY AND bons. Light whiskies range in color from crystal
WHISKY COCKTAILS clear to a brown somewhere between that of old-
There are, as everyone knows, several kinds of fashioned bourbons and Scotch.
whiskv; but two in particular, bourbon and Scotch, Coming back to Scotch whiskies, almost all are

blended, several varieties being expertly com- schino liqueur or a spear of fresh pineapple; or
bined before bottling; and they are always substituting a fresh ripe strawberry for the time-

blended "straight" that is, without the admixture honored cherry. Try also, if you care to, a Scotch
of neutral spirits, i.e., alcohol. As with bourbons, old-fashioned.
Scotches are not acceptable unless at least 4 years
Which is bourbon or Scotch? This is
"better," Stir with ice cubes:
a little like asking whether a peach or a pear is 4 teaspoons Sugar Syrup, 48
better. It depends, like the appreciation of a good 4 dashes Peychaud bitters
many other kinds of liquor, on one's personal 4 dashes anisette or Pernod
taste. It can certainly be said that in concocting 7 jiggers bourbon or rye
mixed drinks — old-fashioneds, sours,
cocktails, Pour into chilled glasses. Add a twist of lemon
etc. —
bourbon is immeasurably superior to Scotch, peel to each glass.
the smoky taste of which tends to balk successful
Incidentally, a fifth kind of whisky, Irish, which
Another spirit, this, as blithe and potent as whisky
makes a rather offbeat choice except in Irish — and gin and, next to gin, perhaps the most versa-
Coffee, 39 —
is manufactured in both smoky and
tile of "mixers." Rum is distilled from sugar cane
nonsmoky benefits by at least 7 years of
types. It
— molasses. Generally the rum available
or, rather,
to the American consumer is of two fairly sharply

differentiated types: Puerto Rican, or light-bodied,

MANHATTAN and Jamaican, a heavier-bodied, darker and quite
Scotch may replace the bourbon or rye in this dissimilar-tasting product. Only the light type and
formula and the one following, in which case the of the highest quality should be used for cocktails:
cocktail is called a Rob Roy. When a dash of that marked "white label" for dry drinks, "gold
Drambuie is added, a Rob Roy becomes a Bobbie label" for sweeter ones. Save the heavier, more
Burns. Try substituting Peychaud bitters as a varia- pungent types of rum for long drinks, punches,
tion. nogs, colas and shakes.
Some people like the taste and look of a frosted
I. Stir well with ice cubes: glass and consider it the final fine touch to cock-
dry vermouth
1 to 2 jiggers tails of the rum type.
6 to 7 jiggers bourbon or rye >• To frost a cocktail glass: cool the glass and
Add to each drink: swab the rim with a section of lemon or lime from
1 dash angostura bitters which the juice is flowing freely. Swirl the glass to
A twist of lemon peel remove excess moisture, then dip the rim to a
depth of !A inch in powdered or confectioners'
II. A more nostalgic version.
sugar. Lift the glass and tap it gently upside down
Stir well with ice cubes:
to remove any excess sugar. To frost a julep glass,
1 jigger dry vermouth
see 60.
1 jigger sweet vermouth
6 jiggers bourbon or rye
Add toeach drink:
1 dash angostura bitters Shake with *A cup cracked ice:

(Maraschino cherry) T/2 jiggers lime juice

1V? jiggers Benedictine
5V2 jiggers rum
OLD-FASHIONED Strain into chilled glasses.
1 Serving
Put into an old-fashioned glass and stir:

V2 teaspoon Sugar Syrup, 48

2 dashes angostura bitters
Shake with 3A cup cracked ice:
1 teaspoon water V2 jigger Sugar Syrup, 48

Add: T/2 jiggers lime juice

2 ice cubes 2 jiggers apricot brandy
Fill glass to within V2 inch of top with: 4 jiggers rum
Bourbon or rye Strain into chilled glasses.

Stir. Decorate with a twist of lemon peel, a thin

slice of orange and a maraschino cherry. Serve DAIQUIRI
with a muddler. With grenadine substituted for sugar syrup, this
The above formula, like that for the Julep, cocktail becomes a Pink Daiquiri or Daiquiri
59, is a rock-bottom affair. Some like their old- Grenadine.
fashioneds on the fancy side, adding a squeeze Stir well with Va cup cracked ice:
of lemon juice, a dash of curacao, kirsch or mara- V2 jigger Sugar Syrup, 48

1 V2 jiggers lime juice although experimentation with a superior grade of

6 jiggers rum applejack is encouraged. Incidentally, the name
Strain into chilled glasses. "cognac" does not by any means apply to all grape

brandies only to the top-level French product.
* BLENDER FROZEN DAIQUIRI Aging is of great importance in the quality of
Spectacular and delicious frozen cocktails may be this liquor, but, due to a variety of circumstances,
made by using an electric blender. In the Daiquiri most brandies sold over American counters
recipe, for instance, by increasing the amount of neither boast of nor confess to their true age. The
crushed ice to between 2 and 3 cups, substituting only sure signs, in order of increasing seniority,
2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar for each jigger are these: Three-Star, V.O., V.S.O., V.S.O.P., and
of syrup and blending the ingredients until they V.V.S.O.P. While we firmly adhere to the belief
reach a snowy consistency, you will achieve a hot- that "the better the liquor, the better the drink,"
weather triumph. Serve it in champagne glasses. no one in his right mind and of sound palate
This is a formula that can be interestingly varied. should use brandies more venerable than V.O.
For a group, try using more ice, more rum and, for any purpose other than reverential sipping.
instead of the lime juice and sugar, a chunk of Brandy cocktails, too, may be served in frosted
frozen concentrated limeade fresh out of the can. glasses, see 51, with grenadine substituted for
the lemon juice in preparing the glass for frosting.
Shake with 3A cup cracked ice: CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL
IV2 jiggers dry vermouth 1 Serving
IV2 jiggers lemon juice Pour into a large champagne glass:

2 dashes grenadine V2 teaspoon Sugar Syrup, 48

2 dashes curacao V2 jigger chilled brandy
5 jiggers rum Fill glass almost to top with:

Strain into chilled glasses and decorate with a Chilled dry champagne
twist of orange peel. Add:
2 dashes yellow Chartreuse
KNICKERBOCKER 2 dashes orange bitters
Shake with 3A cup cracked ice:
V2 jigger raspberry syrup
pineapple syrup Shake well with 3A cup cracked ice:
V2 jigger
IV2 jiggers curacao
T/2 jiggers lemon juice
rum Vi jigger lemon juice
5V2 jiggers
6 jiggers brandy
Strain into chilled glasses and serve with a twist
of orange peel.
Add to each drink:
1 dash angostura bitters

MAI TAI Strain into chilled glasses and add twist of

lemon peel.
Shake well
1 jigger orgeat syrup
IV2 jiggers curacao
Shake well with 3A cup cracked ice:
IV2 jiggers dark rum
4 jiggers Southern Comfort
1 jigger lightrum
3 jiggers cranberry juice
3 jiggers lime or lemon juice
1 jigger lime juice
V2 teaspoon powdered ginger
Strain into chilled glasses and serve with a twist
Half-fill outsized old-fashioned glasses, add finely
of lime peel.
crushed ice, garnish with pineapple sticks and
serve with straws. It will be observed that a Mai SIDECAR
Tai comes close to the rococo limit for a cocktail.
The use of apple brandy changes a Sidecar into a
Substituting Southern Comfort for the rum will
Jack Rose. Shake with 3
A cup cracked ice:
push this drink over the line and into the warm-
Vz jigger Cointreau
weather after-dinner period.
IV2 jiggers lemon juice
6 jiggers brandy
ABOUT BRANDY AND BRANDY Strain into chilled glasses and serve with a twist
COCKTAILS of lemon peel.
Here is a spirit distilled from fruit, most commonly
from grapes. Except for apple brandy, known in STINGER
America as applejack and in France as Calvados, Shake with 3A cup finely crushed ice:
virtually no brandy is produced in America. Most IV2 jiggers white creme de menthe
alleged fruit brandies made in this country are 6 jiggers brandy
cordials, not true distillates. In the formulas which (V2 jigger lime juice)
follow, references always apply to grape brandy, Strain into chilled glasses.
— —


AND THEIR COCKTAILS about the wine explosion in America
All this talk

The spirits mentioned above just about complete goes with our conviction that the Revolution is
the roster of those normally obtainable in the here with a bang. And high time, too, that we
American market. They are strikingly different in blew up the wall of snobbery shutting out the
character. Vodka and aquavit look deceptively, — Common People from the sanctum haunted by

we hasten to add like branch water. But whereas such characters of fact and legend as Dumas pere,
vodka is almost tasteless while going down and who declared that certain wines should only be
almost odorless afterwards, aquavit has a strong drunk kneeling, with head bared; the French
aroma of caraway. It follows that while vodka is general who ordered his troops to present arms
often used instead of gin or whisky in mixed each time they marched past his favorite vine-
drinks particularly sours —
aquavit is almost in- yard; and the Feinschmecker in the New Yorker
variably drunk straight and very cold. Occasion- story who could remark with perfect aplomb to

ally, it is combined with tomato juice as a cocktail. a fellow diner sharing first sips of a new vintage:
Tequila, which a friend of ours has dubbed "the "Ah, an obscene little wine!"
Gulp of Mexico," appeals to a very limited num- The obvious reason for the explosion is the
ber of aficionados. Try it before you buy it. ' number of traveling Americans exposed to the
boons of the Old World, where wine is a staple
like bread. Another sign of the times is the spec-
MARGARITA tacular progress in the development of better and
A cup cracked better wines on this side of the Atlantic. We re-
Stir well with ice:
5 jiggers tequila joiced when one of the last bastions of snobbery
2V2 jiggers lime or lemon juice came tumbling down in the spring of 1974. Two
Vi jigger Triple Sec top French gastronomic critics began with a kind
Pour into glasses, the rims of which have been word for a certain wine available by the half
rubbed with citrus rind and then spun in salt. gallon in our supermarkets. This was no news: all
the cognoscenti have been in agreement that our
TOVARICH wines in this class far outrank their Old World
counterpart, the workingman's vin ordinaire. But
Shake well with 3A cup cracked ice:
then these two experts dropped their bombshell:
3V2 jiggers vodka
A certain scarce vintage-marked California va-
2V2 jiggers kiimmel
rietal was the rival of one of the finest French
2 jiggers lime juice
Strain into chilled glasses draped with a small
So as the Grape Revolution gains ground, we
sprig of parsley.
join the cause, gently proclaim the appreciation of
wine as one of the Rights of Man, and make a few
BLOODY MARY primer remarks that may serve as a preamble for
This and the cocktail below are noticeably those learning to develop an individual taste. To
less aggressive than the usual run. In fact, they those far head of us, we cite Rabelais: "Fays
are widely recommended for the morning after, —
ce que vouldras" which, from fifteenth-century
When gin takes the French to twentieth-century English, means "Do
as well as the night before.
place of vodka, we have a Ruddy Mary. your own thing" — still the best advice about wine
Shake well or blend with 3A cup crushed ice: drinking. For the whole point of wine, as our
3 jiggers vodka or aquavit ancestors well knew, is that it should be enjoyed
6 jiggers or 1 cup chilled tomato juice — whether you pour it from a raffia-skirted chianti

teaspoon lemon juice

1 bottle like the one illustrated in the chapter head-
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
ing; or the hand-blown flacon with the built-in
2 drops hot pepper sauce ice chamber, on its left; or the crystal and silver
V* teaspoon celery salt walrus reminiscent of the many animal-shaped
4 teaspoon salt
1 vessels of antiquity and after; or the more famil-
Pinch garlic salt iar Burgundy bottle at ease in its willow cradle.
Serve without straining in whisky sour glasses. Whatever pomp and trappings surround it, wine
is basically the product of the grape and the air-

borne yeast that turns the sugar of the grape juice

SCREWDRIVER into alcohol. Wine is alive. Unlike soft drinks
Shake well with 3A cup cracked ice: or hard liquor —
it can't be bottled up by its makers

2 jiggers vodka and forgotten. From the time the grape is picked
6 jiggers very fresh orange juice until the wine is poured, it is responding to its
Strain into chilled glasses decorated with a small surroundings with an almost feminine wayward-
slice of orange. If the orange juice is bland, this ness. Consider, for instance, the process called
drink benefits from a small quantity of sweetened "racking" —
transferring the clear young wine from
lemon juice to taste. one barrel to another: to produce the happiest

results, this must be done when the moon is full, four factors: soil, grape type, man and climate.
the wind from the north, and the weather clear. The last is, naturally, what enters most into the
The color of wine is due not to the color of the custom of marking on the bottle a wine's vintage;
grape but to the length of time the skins remain that is, the date of the specific harvest. The more
with the juice. White wines may be made from unpredictable the summer weather in a particular
red or black as well as from white grapes, but for part of the world, themore important is the vin-
white wine the skins are removed at the earliest tage labeling; where summers are invariably hot,
possible moment. For the roses —
"pink" in French vintage ratings are of little or no importance.
— red or black grapes are used, and the skins re- And, for a number of reasons, vintage years taken
main one to three days. For red wine, the skins out of context can mislead. Even in colder and
remain for varyingly longer periods. variable climates, a year designated poor does
How to describe wine has always been a prob- not exclude the possibility of fine wines in some
lem. Dry in wine parlance —
not sour is the op- — vineyards where microclimates may have pro-
posite of sweet; all table wines those of lower — tected the crop. Charted vintage ratings on the
alcoholic content we drink with our meals as dis- whole represent a consensus on how good the
tinguished from the fortified types are dry in — —
wines are going to be at their peak which may
varying degrees. All of this has more to do, of be in five years, maybe in ten, or maybe in two.
course, with taste than with quality. For body the Putting such subtleties aside, there are neverthe-
best definition is substance. A full-bodied wine less years to remember, and in the last ten years in
is not necessarily higher in alcohol, but it gives an France and Germany there are many, though not
impression of weight rather than lightness, and a necessarily in both countries at one time: '66, '69,
sort of afterglow we associate with alcoholic 70, 71, 72, 73. Memorable wine years are com-
drinks. Full body is far from always being a virtue. ing thicker and faster than ever before —
a fact
One wine can have flavor and alcoholic content due not only to climate but also, in part, to the
be relatively more light-
similar to another's, yet increase of knowledge and skill among growers.
bodied and "delicate." You may like one or the One can't stay for very long on the subjects of

other or you may like both, though with differ- —
food and wine those pleasures of life on which,
ent foods. When delicacy and body exist together, with love included, the French are often con-
the balance is there that is one of the requisite —
sidered authorities without lapsing into their
qualities of a fine wine. The professional wine- tongue and opening the atlas to France. For more
tasters' accolade of "great" is reserved for the than half the world's fine wines come from there,
rarest combination of traits, for great wines, like and in America and elsewhere some French re-
great men and women, are few and far between. gional names like Burgundy and Chablis have
As with man, age in wine can be a merit but been appropriated as broad terms for wine classi-
often is not. Every wine has a youth, a prime and fication. French precision has developed a legal
an old age. All table wines improve more in the system of controlled place-names appellation
bottle than in the cask, but some of them for —
controlee that guarantees not only the place of
only six or eight months, while others —
especially origin but the quality of a wine. The more spe-
among the reds— if properly stored, go on improv- cific the locale indicated on the label, the higher

ing for years and years. Most wine, however, is as the quality. The system closes in like a series of
good when a year old as it will ever be, and will concentric circles. For example, all the wines
go downhill after its third birthday. Wines that produced within a wide radius of the city of Bor-
should be consumed by the time they are three deaux or blended with wines of the same general
\ears old, and certainly by five, include most of area can call themselves Bordeaux. Within that
the lesser reds in the world, most whites, and all section are the smaller areas —townships such as
the roses. These include, in short, most of the St. Emilion or Craves —within which the legal re-
wines that most of us will be drinking most of the quirements are higher. Wines grown within the
time. district and meeting the standards have the right

If wine, like matter of taste, we owe it

art, is a to use the specific district name, and the buyer
to ourselves to become as discriminating as we can expect certain distinctive characteristics of
can. Voltaire put it more graphically: "Beauty to wines grown there. Then comes a series of still

the toad is the she-toad." How, then, do you go smaller place names — specific parishes or com-
about training your palate? You taste all you can; munes within which the minimum requirements

you read all you can or can stand to; and, when for quality are still more stringent.
you get that far, you cultivate someone who Wine bottled at the chateau or domaine where
knows wine and knows you it could be your — it is grown, and not blended with wines from else-

friendlywine seller. Sooner or later you will prob- where, is labeled Mise en bouteilles au chateau,
ably want to sample one of the fine, aged wines and often bears the name of the grower himself. A
of the Old World to understand the meaning of specific vineyard and its product may be marked
the standards of excellence. as a certain cru — or growth —
which implies that
Many countries of the world produce good the wine is among the elite of its kind. One
wines, and everywhere the quality depends on needn't add that the more specific the label, the
— —

more expensive the wine. As on all imported-wine ally and left on the vine until practically raisined.
labels, the French bottle often carries the name Today, one need only look for the terms Quali-
of the shipper or dealer first; the contents repre- tatswein or Qualitatswein mit Pradikat to assure a
sent his choice or his blend. fine German wine.
The Bordeaux region in the southwest is by far When we've talked about wines from the hand-
the major wine-producing section of France, and embroidered-handkerchief plots of Burgundy and
the cabernet sauvignon is the most important those that come in minuscule amounts from Ger-
grape type for Bordeaux wines whose English — man grapes chosen lovingly one by one, we have
synonym is claret. Despite its fame, the old prov- arrived —
but where? In those very rarefied reaches
ince of Burgundy, southeast of Paris, produces we had wanted to avoid. It's time we headed
only about 2% of the wines of France. But there home. For meantime, back at the ranch, things are
are as many "appellations" as there are
place happening to brighten the horizon for every wine
separate and wines, and the system
distinct amateur.
reaches its logical conclusion when it zeroes in In California —
whence come 85% of our do-
on the tiny parcels that produce the superb wines —
mestic wines and in the East, too, the new
of the Cote d'Or —
some of them only a few acres. watchword is varietals. This refers to wines named
This "Golden Slope" of scrubby hills has long after the grape variety from which they are made
produced the unparalleled wines that have given — as against the generics, those tagged with the
Burgundy its international name. The Burgundy old misappropriated European regional names
grape types are chiefly pinot noir and Chardonnay, like California claret or New York State Burgundy
and all the wines carry the name of their village. — and which are often available as jug wines.
The vineyards of the Beaujolais district produce a Varietal grapes — among many others are cabernet
lighter and fruitier red wine from the Camay sauvignon, pmot
noir, Chardonnay, Riesling — are
grape; this wine, unlike the classic Burgundies, has more expensive and have a smaller yield per acre
to be drunk very young. The red wines of the than those used in the generics, and are more

Rhone Valley, considered sidekicks of the Bur- complex in taste and aroma. Dedicated growers
gundies, are grown in a sunnier region. are planting more of the top grape varieties in
Moving northeast on the map of France, we the microclimates that suit them. Law requires
come to Alsace, that ancient border province only 51% of the name grape in a varietal bottle,
whose wines, like the names of its inhabitants, but with more prime grapes available, more win-
have a strong German accent. Its vineyards, among eries are using from 75% to 100% varietals, blend-
the world's loveliest, produce mostly white wines ing for consistent flavor and other qualities rather
that, like those produced across the Rhine, are than for economic reasons alone. And the red
known for their pleasant lightness. They are usu- wines that need aging are being held longer. In
named after the grape from which
ally they are short, wine-making in America is developing some
made, and sometimes carry the village name as overtones of the Old Country, where wines of in-
well. Across the border in Germany, all the wines dividually distinctive character have been gradu-
of consequence —
many of them outstanding are — ally differentiated over the centuries by nuances of
white and of varying degrees of sweetness. As in geography, method and aging. It's a heartening
France there are two main districts, Rhine and trend.
Moselle, and two chief grape types, Riesling and The one great havoc that all but "did in" the
Sylvaner. There are nongeographic names such as European wines was wrought last century by a
Liebfraumilch and Moselblumchen that include devastating plant louse, phylloxera. The phylloxera
all qualities. The German labeling system, prior storv is a curious series of vines-across-the-seas
to 1971, was a monument to the thoroughness of exchanges that hasn't ended yet. It began when
the Teutonic mind, and, after a pointer or two, the louse was transported to Europe by accident
we will leave you on your own in its orderly on some American vine cuttings exported for ex-
thicket. perimentation. Vines native to the eastern United
The less favorable northern climate with its un- States had apparently always been host to the
predictable doses of sunshine made the vintage louse, to which they had grown resistant, thanks
year on German wines very important. The names to tough, heavy roots. But in Europe, the
on the labels reflected how much sun was avail- more tender Vitis vinifera. from which almost all
able and how man manipulated the degree of the good wines of the world are made, was al-

sweetness: Spatlese wine from ripened grapes most fatally vulnerable. The remedy in extremis
picked after the main vintage is over; Auslese was for us to send over our resistant stocks, on
from very ripe grapes in perfect bunches, some of

which the agonizing vinifera "the wine-bearer"
them afflicted by the cultivated illness that the — was grafted. Practically all the wines of Europe
French call "noble rot"; Beerenauslese only the — now come from these vines grafted on American
finest, ripest grapes, picked out one by one; roots —
and so do most American wines. The moral
Trockenbeerenauslese an —
echt-German term of the tale: Cast your vines on the water and they
meaning piled together like a ten-car collision on come back varietals.
the Autobahn, but here, grapes picked individu- But, strictly speaking, the only really American

wines are from New York State from such varie-
ties as the Delaware and the Elvira —
and, in much
smaller amounts, from Ohio, where the grape type
is the Catawba that had its heyday on the Rhine-

landish Cincinnati hillsides in the 1890s. These

varieties are from that entirely different breed, the
native labrusca that could face up to the depre-
dations of the plant louse and the North American
winters. The sturdy labrusca harks back to the wild
"fox" grapes that Viking explorers found growing
in such profusion on these shores that they named
their discovery Vineland. But non-foxy varietals
are also now grown in these New York and
Ohio vineyards, and white wines of the Riesling
and Chardonnay types have met with increasing
Our American champagnes —as well as their
stepsisters the sparkling wines — come from vine-
yards both east and west. Whether or not they
are in any way relatives of their French namesake
is the question asked by some experts about all

American wines of legitimate or illegitimate lin-

eage. In any case, champagne the world over
keeps its aura of felicitation. One of its French dis-
coverers exclaimed that it tasted like stars, while
Art Buchwald says he likes it because it tastes as

though his foot's asleep. In buying imported cham-

pagne, the brand is — for once —
more important
than the vinevard, for virtually all champagne is
a blend. By law, French champagne must be made
by the laborious and expensive process of bottle-
fermenting and must come from the Champagne
country to the east of Paris. In America, any
sparkling wine — —
even red can legally call itself
champagne if it's bottle-fermented and clearly
labeled with its geographical origin New York —
State, California or American. Sweetness in all
champagne is produced by artificial "dosage" with
small percentages of sugar. Beginning with the
driest, the degrees are brut, extra-dry, and dry or
sec. Champagne and sparkling wines come with a
wi red-down cork that has to be eased out gently
and preserve sweetness. In sherries, any sweetness
> the bottle thoroughly chilled, to 35° or 40°, and
and color is added, and neither is in any degree
held away from you and anyone else nearby.
accidental. The drier sherries, like the drier Mar-
Devotees of champagne find it a good accom-
salas, are often used in cooking. They are dis-
paniment to anv meal, including breakfast. For
tinguished by their nutlike flavor and make excel-
those events in life which call for celebration with
lent aperitifs, as does a rare dry Madeira. They may
a gala, nothing equals a champagne fountain.
be served chilled or at room temperature, as you
A single pouring from a Jeroboam takes care of
34 glasses placed in fountain form. Shown here is
prefer— here again controversy has raged. The
darker, heavily sweetened sherries, including
a glorious fountain for 31. For smaller parties,
cream sherry, are, like the ports and most of the
11 glasses will work. Whether you pour cham-
Madeiras, best enjoyed at the dessert end of a
memorable. Better
pagne or punch, the
though, with tap water!

meal or alone. Their relatives the fortified aperi-
tif wines, sold under proprietary names such as
In the non-table-wine category come the sher-
Byrrh, Pernod, Dubonnet and Cinzano, are — ex-
ries; their Italian cousins the Marsalas; the ports cept for some of the vermouths — really too sweet

and the Madeiras all again bearing Old World to be appetite stimulators, but they fill their niche
generic names from the towns of Jerez in Spain, as late-afternoon socializers.
Marsala in Sicilv, Oporto in Portugal, and the The chart following is a bare-bones outline of
Portuguese island of Madeira. These are "made" suggestions as to what goes with what. It reflects
rather than natural wines: that is, they are forti- the experience of generations in combining those
fied with alcohol while young to stop fermentation traditional good marriages of food and wine. Their


Veal, lamb, pork and poultry

Beef and game

All kinds of foods Desserts

principles were sound and may still be followed, A few hints about serving and storing, and we
but one should leave some leeway for infidelity. will leave you with your corkscrew and your
For example, the purist dictum that wine served friends. The old custom of pouring a small amount
at a meal be preceded by the product of the grape of wine into the host's glass first — a sensible ges-
— not the grain —
will no doubt be more honored ture that allowed him to check its quality — is less

in the breach; it limits happy-hour intake to dry often observed today. In formal serving, wine is

sherry or Madeira, dry white wine or champagne, —

poured from the diner's right where the glass is.

or dry vermouth. The rest is common sense. If The bottle should at times be handled as little

more than one wine is being served, white goes as possible. Wine be stored hori-
bottles should
better before red. Sweet wines should be reserved zontally so that the wine covers the cork. If they
for dessert. As a rule, the heavier the food, the are "laid away," the storage space should have
heavier the wine: neither should overpower the some ventilationand as even a temperature as
other. And some foods fight with wine like cat possible, with 45°and 70° as permissible ex-
and dog, so beware of any showdowns with vine- tremes. A fine red wine should be stood upright
gary salads, fishy hors d'oeuvre, onions, garlic, cur- to settle for a few hours and the cork removed for
ries and strongly flavored sauces. a time before serving. For how long? Again there
While the roses do not usually compare with is controversy. So, we repeat, put hidebound rules
the reds or whites as dinner companions, they can aside, and above all, enjoy!
be useful in bringing together the various flavors
of a cold buffet, a barbecue, a picnic or a sandwich
at lunch —or perhaps at dinner on a hot summer
night, whatever the menu. Which brings us to the
matter of temperature. The whites and roses are
served chilled; as for the reds, let the climate, the
quality of the wine, and your own preference be
your guide. If it bothers you to be told you can
serve red wine only at room temperature, think
of the European peasant and cool it: he drinks his
vin ordinaire —
red or white —
cooled in the brook
in the summer and at the prevailing tempe/ature
in the winter. You might follow his style for an
everyday wine. But for the Sunday red chosen for Above are shown various types of glasses. From
its special character, chilling could be a dirty left to right: first is a versatile 6-ounce glass suit-
trick. Bear in mind, too, that the "room tempera- able for all types of wine. It is usually filled about
ture" rule came before central heating, and 72° halfway, as shown; for dessert wines, a little more
is the top limit. than a third. Next in order are a traditional Rhine-

wine rohmer, a tall tulip glass for champagne malt and hops, chiefly, and vary in alcoholic con-
preferable to the saucer type, as it keeps the drink tent from around 3 to a little over 4% by weight.
cold and preserves the fizz; a bubble glass for They are basically of 3 types, depending in large
sparkling Burgundy; a pipe-stem sherry glass; a part on the degree of heat in processing: the
bodied — "champagne" — and
balloon brandy snifter; a liqueur glass. All are medium-bodied
shown filled the proper levels at the initial
to types, both greatly preferred by American con-
pouring. All except the brandy glass are held by sumers, and a heavy t\pe. The last tends to be
the stem for drinking. The brandy glass is held more substantial, more flavorsome, more bitter
cradled in warm the
the hand to liquor and release than the first two. Except for "Bock," virtually all
its aroma. Some people even like their brandy the heavy-bodied beers currently distributed in
warmed, see illustration for cafe brulot, 39. this country are imported from Germany, Holland
The average serving of dinner wine or cham- and Scandinavia and are usually labeled "Dark."
pagne is 3 to Vh fluid ounces; of cocktail or Bock, the domestic manufacture of which seems
dessert wine, 2 to 2'/2 ounces. The chart below to be dwindling, is a fairly heavy-bodied variant
gives volumes and servings: brewed in winter for spring sale an "Easter —
DINNER COCKTAIL Whether you purchase beer in bottles or in

WINE AND cans — and we have detected no difference in

AND DESSERT quality — never forget that despite pasteurization

CHAMPAGNE WINE it is still full of living organisms, subject to deterio-
ration and shock.
So, if you wish to savor beer at
SIZE OUNCES SERVINGS SERVINGS itsheight, look at the date to make sure it won't
be over 2 months old when it is served. Keep it
Fifth— 4/5 qt. 25.6 8 8-12 stored in a dark place. Chill it slowly before serv-
ing and once cold do not allow it to warm up
Tenth— 4/5 pt. 12.8 4 4-6
again and be rechilled. Never allow it to freeze.
Split 6.4 2 Like the wine connoisseur, the beer expert is
Quart 32 10 10-14 most particular about the temperatures at which
he serves his brew. Forty degrees is favored as pro-
Pint 16 5 5-7
ducing the fullest flavor, a not too great contrast
Vi Gallon 64 20 20-30 between the temperature of the drink and that of
the taste buds.
Gallon 128 40 40-60
A slightly higher serving temperature is sug-
gested for ale. This drink is made from the same
ABOUT LIQUEURS AND CORDIALS ingredients as beer, except for the strain of the
yeast.It is fermented rapidly and at room temper-
A common characteristic of almost all liqueurs
and cordials is their sweetness. This quality rele- ature rather than at the almost freezing tempera-
gates them as straight drinks to the after-dinner tures modern beer demands, in its long, slow and
intricately controlled processing.
hour, along with a second demitasse. With some,
such as kiimmel, Curasao, Cointreau, Grand Here are the traditional beer and ale glasses and
Marnier, anisette, creme de menthe or creme de mugs: a sentimental-looking stein, a Pilsner glass
for light beer and an ale glass and mug. The true
cacao, a single flavor predominates. In others
Chartreuse, Benedictine, Vieille Cure, Drambuie, enthusiast is probably happiest drinking from an

for example —
the flavor is more intricate. Those opaque container. It does not allow him to see
of still a third category are used almost entirely as
components of mixed drinks. Of these the follow-
ing are perhaps the best known: falernum and
orgeat, both with an almond flavor; kirsch/wild
cherry; maraschino/cherry; creme de cassis/cur-
rant; grenadine/pomegranate. However, do not
overlook the "mixing" potential of other liqueurs:
a few drops, experimentally added, have touched
off many a brave new cocktail. By themselves,
serve liqueurs at room temperature or a little be-
low, and in small quantities.


The nut-brown ale of old was a prosaic
storied the small imperfections in the appearance of the
drink —
cloudy, yeasty and unstable. The sparkling beer, which are visible when it is served in im-
brews of today are the result of complex techno- properly washed glasses. Grease is the natural
logical advances during the past century and a enemy of beer, for it kills the foam. So wash
half. Those we now enjoy are brewed from barley glasses with detergent, not with soap. The glasses

should never be dried, but allowed to drain on 1 jigger of liquor chosen

a soft cloth. Classesmay be chilled, but in any Fill the glass with:
case they should be rinsed in cold water just be- Carbonated water
fore using and the beer poured into a tilted wet Stir lightlywith bar spoon and serve.
glass. For a rickey, add before the carbonated water:
You may like a high or a low collar. The usual Juice of Vj large lime
size one-fourth the height of the glass or mug.
is With dry liquors, you may add:
A bottle of beer, despite popular superstition, is teaspoon Sugar Syrup, 48
not so caloric as the average cocktail, but since it A luxurious rickey can be concocted by adding a
lacks the disembodied quality of table wines it is teaspoon or so of liqueur to the lime juice. In-
usually served with snacks and suppers. teresting effects in the tall-drink categories above
are possible by further varying the basic ingre-
ABOUT MIXED DRINKS dient. Try an applejack highball or one made
In the foregoing pages of this chapter we have with Dubonnet. The three following drinks are
dealt with our material on the "basic ingredient" classic results of using one's imagination freely in
principle and have attempted a chronological this area: Vermouth Cassis, with a base consisting
resume of the drinks, simple or compound, which of 1 pony creme de cassis and 1 jigger dry ver-
are likely to precede, go along with or follow mouth: Horse's Neck or Cooler, with a long spiral

meals from the ceremonious to the completely of lemon peel draped over the edge of the glass
informal.The following sections describe a num- and ginger ale substituted for carbonated water;
ber of between-meal or special-occasion drinks and Spritzer, with half Rhine wine and half car-
of such variety as to defy systematic listing at — bonated water.
least as far as theircomponents are concerned.
Classes and cups for mixed drinks vary greatly TOM COLLINS
in size and shape. Collins glasses and lemonade 1 Serving
and highball glasses, shown at the left, are similar Collinses, like rickeys, are a large family. But this
in shape and vary in content from 8 to 16 ounces. one is the granddaddy of all the rest.
The one illustrated is a 12-ouncer. Combine in a 14- or 16-oz. glass with 4 ice cubes:
Silver cups with a handle, so that the frost re- 1 tablespoon Sugar Syrup, 48
mains undisturbed, are highly favored for such Juice of medium-sized lemon
drinks as mint juleps. Some persons dislike drinks 2 Jiggers gin
served in metal, but if straws are used no metallic Fill glass with:
taste is noticeable. Juleps without straws should Carbonated water
be served in very thin glassware. To frost the Stir and serve immediately.
glasses, see below.
Tom and Jerry mugs, shown next, hold about GIN FIZZ
8 ounces; punch glasses or cups, 3 or 4 ounces.
1 Serving
These are frequently made of porcelain, an ad- Fizzes may be made with whisky, rum or brandy as
vantage when serving mulled or flaming drinks. a base.
Combine in a bar glass:
1 tablespoon Sugar Syrup, 48
Juice of medium-sized lemon or lime
Vh jiggers gin
Shake well with V2 cup crushed ice and strain into
prechilled 8-oz. glass. Fill with:
Carbonated water
Stir and serve.
A Silver Fizz is made by beating into the above
Gin Fizz ingredients:
1 egg white
King-size drinks are commonly served in glasses MINT JULEP
holding 8 ounces or more. When mixers such as 1 Serving

carbonated water seltzer, club soda, Vichy, etc. This drink can be superlative. And it is well, at
— or ginger ale are used, refrigerate them if pos- this point, to remember that, as Voltaire put it,

sible before adding them to the drink. To make "The good is the enemy of the best." Use only the
decorative ice cubes for tall drinks, see 42. best bourbon; tender, terminal mint leaves for
bruising; and very finely crushed or shaved ice.
HIGHBALLS AND RICKEYS Chill a 14- or 16-oz. glass or silver mug in refrig-
Individual Servings erator.
Use bourbon, Scotch, rye, or gin. Combine in a bar glass:
Into a 6-oz. glass, put 2 large ice cubes and add: 2 teaspoons Sugar Syrup, 48

6 medium-sized mint leaves MAPLED RUM

(1 dash angostura bitters) 1 Serving
Bruise leaves gently with muddler and blend all Combine in 10-oz. glass:
ingredients by stirring together. Pour into bar Juice of1 lemon or lime
glass: 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1 large jigger bourbon whisky 1 jigger rum
Stir again. Remove
serving glass from refrigerator, 2 dashes grenadine
pack it with ice and strain into it the above mix- Fill glass with finely crushed ice and churn up and
ture. With a bar spoon, churn ice up and down. down with bar spoon. Have ice within 3A inch of
Add more ice to within 3
A inch of top. Add: top.Add:
1 pony whisky pony rum
Repeat churning process until glass begins to frost. Churn again, insert straws and decorate before
Wash and partially dry: serving with:
A long sprig of fresh mint Pineapple stick
and dip it in: Slice oforange
Powdered sugar Cherry

1 Serving
Into a 12-oz. glass place 3 ice cubes and add:
1 large jigger gin or vodka
Fill glass with:
Quinine water or bitter lemon
(Lime or lemon juice to taste)


We had no luck when, much vounger, we plugged
a watermelon and cautiously tried to impregnate
it with rum. We never quite solved the problem of

distribution. Later we discovered we had been too

impatient. Time does the trick —
about 8 hours.
For those fortunate ones who can easily come by
an abundance of other kinds of fruit, we give the
following formulas for a couple of picturesque
and delightfully refreshing drinks. Shown below
are watermelon, coconut and pineapple.
Decorate glass with the sugared mint sprig. In-
sert long straws and serve.
When making a number of mint juleps, a less
nerve-racking way to frost the glasses is to omit
prechilling them. After churning, instead of wait-
ing for them to frost in the open, place them in
the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Be careful
throughout this whole process not to grasp glasses
with bare hands.
The stand illustrated, with its tiers of ice and
carrying ring, makes a julep server par excellence.
If the number of glasses required is not enough to
fill the shelf space, use the ones at the top for

hors d'oeuvre. A deep tray, packed with finely

crushed ice, will make an acceptable substitute for
the julep stand.

1 Serving
Combine bar glass:
Juice of 1 lime
V2 squeezed lime
1 large jigger rum COCONUT EXTRAVAGANZA
Put ingredients into 12- or 14-oz. glass. Add 3 1 Serving
large ice cubes. Fill with: This rather beguiling specialty, as well as the one
Cola which follows, is only feasible if you have at hand
Stir and serve. a fairly plentiful supply of the featured container.


To hold a coconut upright for serving, see 60. TODDY

Cut or saw off the top of: 1 Serving
A coconut In an 8-oz. mug, place:
This should produce a hole about 2V2 inches in 1 teaspoon Sugar Syrup, 48
diameter. Drain and reserve the milk and add to 1 stick cinnamon
it that of a second coconut. Pour into the hollow: 1 jigger whisky,rum or brandy
1 large jigger light rum Fill mug with:
3 teaspoons apricot liqueur Very hot water
or Cointreau Impale over edge of mug:
coconut cream, 566
3 teaspoons Vi lemon slice
The coconut milk studded with:
Add 3A cup finely crushed ice, stir, insert straws 3 cloves
and serve.

4 Servings
1 Serving
Beat to a stiff froth:
Slice off the top of:
3 egg whites
A ripe pineapple
Beat separately until light in color:
Hollow out a cavity about the size of a highball
3 egg yolks
Pour into it:
Beat into yolks gradually:
1 large jigger light rum 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
3 teaspoons Benedictine
V2 teaspoon each ground allspice,
Fill cavity with finely crushed ice; stir well, bruis-
cinnamon and cloves
ing the inside of the pineapple, and garnish with: Fold yolks into whites and pour 2 tablespoons of
Fresh fruit
thismixture into each of four 8-oz. china mugs.
Serve lidded, or cut a notch in the lid to insert the
Add to each mug:
V2 jigger lukewarm brandy
1 jigger lukewarm dark rum
SHORT DRINKS Fill mugs with very hot water, milk, or coffee.
"Some like it hot, some like it cold." The drinks Stir well and sprinkle the tops with:
which follow are of both varieties, in that order. Grated nutmeg


1 Serving
4 Servings
In an 8-oz. mug, stir together:
1 teaspoon Sugar Syrup, 48
This winter-evening cheer, outdoors or in, offers

1 tablespoon strained lemon juice

a bonus before and after. When touched with a
match, it bursts briefly into blue flame
a tall
1 jigger dark rum
Fill mug with: worth extinguishing the lights the French
for. And
Very hot tea or water say this grateful potion is better than aspirin to
Garnish with a twist of: ward off the grip of a cold as well as the night
Lemon peel
Try this drink using maple syrup instead of sugar Place in a saucepan, covered, over high heat:
1 bottle dry red wine
syrup. Dust top with a little:
Ground nutmeg or cinnamon 4 sticks cinnamon
Peel of 1 orange

HOT BUTTERED RUM 3 or 4 tablespoons sugar

When the mixture comes to a boil, uncover and
1 Serving
ignite. When the flame has died down, remove
Place in a hot tumbler:
mixture from heat and ladle at once into mugs.
1 teaspoon powdered sugar
cup boiling water * EGGNOG
V* cup rum 1 Serving
1 tablespoon butter Ifyou are preparing this drink for an invalid, see
Fill glass with boiling water. Stir well. Sprinkle note on uncooked eggs on 743.
on top: In a small bowl, beat until light:
Freshly grated nutmeg 1 egg yolk
This is an old-time New England idea of an indi- Beat in slowly:
vidual portion. It may be modified. Curious, isn't 1 tablespoon sugar
it, that the Puritans made drinks like this one, V* cup cream
which has been said to make a man see double Ve to V* cup rum, brandy or whisky
and feel single. A few grains salt

Whip separately until stiff: the very least, remove the cube grid from your ice
egg white
1 trays and freeze a full unit. However, the two
Fold white lightly into other ingredients. Transfer chilling devices illustrated are a lot more fun.
mixture to punch glass. For eggnog in quantity, Before taking leave of cold party drinks, we
see About Party Drinks, following. want to remind you that any of the "sour" type
cocktails — those made
of an alcoholic base plus
FLIP fruit juice — may serve as the foundation for de-
1 Serving lectable punches and cups. See Cocktails, 48-
Shake in bar glass with cracked ice: 53.
1 whole egg
teaspoon sugar
1 brandy or port
jigger sherry, Set aside in a bowl the amount of water to be
Strain into 6-oz. glass. Sprinkle over top: frozen. Stir well 4 or 5 times during a 10- or 15-

Grated nutmeg minute period to break up and expel the air bub-
bles with which newly drawn tap water is impreg-
SANGRIA nated. Otherwise, the ice mold you build will be
6 Servings cloudy instead of crystal clear.
An adaptation of a favorite Spanish summer thirst-
quencher, to be served iced from a pitcher.
/4 cup brandy

V2 cup Cointreau
4 cups red wine
Juice of 3 lemons
Sugar to taste
2 thinly sliced oranges
1 thinly sliced lemon
A cup seeded sweet
1 cup sliced fresh or canned peaches Have at hand such decorative ingredients as
whole limes, lemons,
oranges, slices of citrus
SYLLABUB OR MILK PUNCH fruit, large fresh cherries or strawberries, clusters

2 Servings of grapes, sprigs of mint, sweet woodruff, lemon

Beat together in bar glass: thyme or other herbs and a few handsome fresh
1 tablespoon Sugar Syrup, 48 grape or bay leaves, etc.
1 jigger top milk Select a decorative metal mold of the tubular
1 heavy cream
large jigger or ring type. Avoid vessels which are so deep as
Vi cup sherry, port, Madeira or bourbon whisky to induce top-heaviness in your final product and
Serve at once in punch glasses. risk its turning turtle later.
Begin operations by partially freezing a layer of
water in the container proceeding much as you
Most of the formulas in this section are of the would in making
fancy gelatin salad, 560. In this

punchbowl variety. In each instance, the quan- case, of course, successive hardenings are frozen

tity of liquid will amount to approximately 5

instead of being chilled. On the first slushlike
quarts and will serve about 20 persons each one — layer, arrange a wreath of fruit and greenery.
Cover the decoration carefully with a second 'ayer
having two 4-oz. cups. When the word "bottle" is
used, it means a fifth of a gallon or 25 ounces. of very cold water, returning the mold to the
Fruit juices used in the concoction of party
freezer, so that with renewed freezing the decora-
tionis completely surrounded by clear ice. Repeat
drinks should preferably be fresh; but frozen, un-
sweetened concentrates are quite acceptable, as thisprocedure if the depth of the mold permits.
long as you dilute them only about half as much Allow the contents to become thoroughly frozen.
as the directions on the container prescribe.
When the refrigerated drink has been transferred
Canned and bottled juices vary in quality the — to the
punch bowl, reverse the ice mold container,
a hot wet towel around the metal until the
best, in our opinion, being pineapple, apricot,
cranberry, raspberry and grape. Ideally, punch ice is disengaged, and float it in this position on
the drink.
mixes should be allowed to blend for an hour or
so and, served cold, chilled in the refrigerator
To make decorative ice cubes for individual
drinks, see 42.
before cafbonated water or ice is added. With
cold punches, be on the alert for dilution. Ice only
two-thirds of the liquid at the outset and add the ICE PUNCH BOWLS
remainder just before the guests come back for Next, we show a punch bowl which is ice itself

seconds. Speaking of ice, avoid small pieces. At particularly useful if you wish to dilute a cold

drink as little as possible. Place in the kitchen sink part of the chapter: first, because it really should

a 50-pound cube of ice. Choose a round metal be shared with others; second, because we hope,
bowl of at least 3-quart capacity. Chip out a small having done so, you may go to the trouble of
depression in the center of the ice block and set putting together, on occasion, an improvised ap-
the bowl over it. FiH the bowl with boiling water, proximation just for yourself.
being careful not to spill any on the ice beneath. Mix in a large pitcher or bowl:
As the heat of the bowl melts the ice, stir the 2 cups dark Jamaica rum
water; and as the water cools, empty and refill 2 cups curacao
the bowl, each time bailing out the depression in 8 cups light rum
the ice, until the desired volume is displaced. 6-oz. can frozen pineapple juice concentrate
Now, set the ice block where you wish to dis- 6-oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate
pense the drink, moving it onto a waterproof tray 6-oz. can frozen limeade concentrate
or a leakproof square of heavy-duty aluminum 10-oz. frozen lemonade concentrate
foil. The foil square should be a couple of inches Test for sweetness, using, if desired, remaining:
larger than the block, with the edges turned up (2 oz. lemonade)
about V/2 inches all around to form a channel. Fill tall glasses three-fourths full with crushed ice.
Any crudities can be masked by greenery or flow- Pour punch mixture to within 3A inch of top.
ers. The "ice bowl" may, of course, be utilized Decorate with pineapple chunk, slice of orange,
equally well for serving sherbets and mixing cock- strawberry or maraschino cherry. Serve with
tails. straws. The above formula makes a little more
than a gallon and, being hefty to start with, should
make 20 servings.


Mix inpunch bowl:
1 cup Sugar Syrup, 48
1 cup lemon juice
1 bottle dark rum
1 bottle light rum
1 bottle brandy
7 cups water
cup peach brandy
Ifpeach liqueur is used instead of peach brandy,
the amount of syrup should be reduced to taste.
Some recipes for this famous punch use strong tea
instead of water.

A German favorite that may be made with any
of a variety of fruits.
Slice and place in a large bowl one of the follow-
ing fruits:
6 ripe unpeeled peaches or 8 ripe unpeeled
apricots or 1 sliced pineapple or
1 quart strawberries
Sprinkle over the fruit:
A subtle flavor can be imparted to punches by 1 cup powdered sugar
steeping in the basic mix, during the lagering Pour over mixture:
period, slices of peeled seeded cucumber, then V/2 cups Madeira or sherry
removing them before the drink is further Allow to stand 4 hours or longer. Stir, then pour
processed. Sometimes a few dashes of bitters will over a block of ice in a bowl. Add:
confer "the old one-two" on an otherwise flabby 4 bottles dry white wine
punch. However you serve party drinks, go easy on
decorative heavy fruit trimmings in the bowl it- CHAMPAGNE PUNCH
Most punches are traditionally mixed with plain
rather than carbonated water. When carbonated
PLANTER'S PUNCH water is a component, the drink becomes a cup.
The with this drink, we have discovered,
difficulty Champagne Punch, sacred to weddings, occupies
is that —
in the ideal form we now present it it — middle ground.
has become complicated for single-drink con- Peel, slice, crush and place in a large bowl:
struction. Accordingly, we have moved it to this 3 ripe pineapples

Cover pineapple and juice with: Chill the mixture for 1 hour; remove peaches and
1 lb. powdered sugar pour over a block of ice in a punch bowl. Stir
Let mixture stand, covered, for 1 hour. Add: and add:
2 cups lemon juice 2 quarts carbonated water
cup curacao

V2 cup maraschino RHINE WINE CUP

2 cups brandy Mix inpunch bowl:
2 cups light rum 1 cup Sugar Syrup, 48
Stir and let stand for 4 hours. Place in a punch 2 cups lemon juice
bowl with a block of ice. Stir to blend and chill, 1 cup brandy
lust before serving, add: 2 cups dry sherry
4 bottles chilled champagne 1 cup strong tea

3 bottles Rhine wine or other

WHISKY OR BRANDY CUP dry white wine
Slice, place in a large bowl and crush: 2 cups thinly sliced, peeled, seeded cucumbers
2 cups fresh pineapple After 20 minutes, remove cucumber. Add a large
Add: block of ice and pour over it:
quart fresh strawberries
1 1 quart carbonated water
Sprinkle over the fruit:
A lb. powdered sugar MAY WINE
Pour over mixture: Another German drink, dedicated to springtime
2 cups dark rum and featuring fresh waldmeister or sweet wood-
Allow mixture to stand, covered, for 4 hours. Add: ruff, 587, which, incidentally, may be grown in a
2 cups lemon juice shady corner of your backyard.
Vh cups orange juice Place in a bowl:
1 cup grenadine 12 sprigs young waldmeister
2 bottles bourbon or brandy IV* cups powdered sugar
Place in punch bowl with block of ice. Stir to 1 bottle Moselle or other dry white wine
blend and chill. Just before serving, add: (1 cup brandy)
2 quarts chilled carbonated water or Cover this mixture for 30 minutes, no longer.
dry ginger ale Remove the waldmeister. Stir contents of bowl
If you like a predominant rum flavor, substitute thoroughly and pour over a block of ice in a
for the fruit-steeping ingredient above: punch bowl. Add:
IV2 cups brandy 3 bottles Moselle
and for the basic ingredient: 1 quart carbonated water or champagne

2 bottles light rum Thinly sliced oranges, sticks of pineapple and,

In this as in other punch bowl drinks, it is wise most appropriately of all, sprigs of waldmeister
to test the mix for flavor and sweetness before may be used to decorate the "Maitrank."
adding the diluent.
RUM CASSIS CUP I. A and extravagant version that is corre-
Mix in a punch bowl: spondingly good. Some people like to add a little
2V2 bottles light rum more spirit to the following recipes, remembering
2V2 cups dry vermouth Mark Twain's observation that "too much of any-
2V2 cups creme de cassis thing is bad, but too much whisky is just enough."
Add block of ice. Pour over the ice: See note on uncooked eggs, 743. Beat separately
2 quarts carbonated water until light in color:
12 egg yolks
CLARET CUP Beat in gradually:
Slice, place in large bowl and crush: confectioners' sugar
1 lb.
1 cup fresh pineapple Add very slowly, beating constantly:
Peel, halve and add: 2 cups dark rum, brandy, bourbon or rye
4 ripe peaches These liquors may each form the basic ingredient
V2 cup brandy of the nog or may be combined to taste. Let mix-
Sprinkle over mixture: ture stand covered for 1 hour to dispel the "eggy"
1 cup powdered sugar taste. Add, beating constantly:
Let stand for 4 hours. Add 2 to 4 cups of liquor chosen
1 cup lemon juice 2 quarts whipping cream
2 cups orange juice (1 cup peach brandy)
2 cup maraschino Refrigerate covered for 3 hours. Beat until stiff
'2 cup curacao but not dry:
2 bottles claret or other red wine 8 to 12 egg whites

Fold them lightly into the other ingredients. Serve nite it. While it is still burning, pour in, so as to
the eggnog sprinkled with: extinguish the flame, the rest of the aquavit and
Freshly grated nutmeg the hot wine. Meanwhile place in individual
heated mugs:
II. Less powerful, than the preceding
less fluffy
3 or 4 whole blanched almonds
nog, and a boon to the creamless householder. 3 or 4 seeded raisins
Beat until light in color: Fill the mugs with the hot mixture and serve at
12 eggs once.
Beat in gradually:
1 lb. confectioners' sugar
teaspoon salt

V* cup vanilla
Stir in:
Make a syrup by boiling for 5 minutes:
8 cups evaporated milk 2V2 cups sugar
diluted with: 1 A
cups water
3 cups water 4 dozen whole cloves
Sti r i n :
6 sticks cinnamon
4 cups dark rum, brandy, bourbon or rye 3 crushed nutmegs
Cover the nog closely and let it ripen in the re- Peel of 3 lemons, 2 oranges
frigerator for 24 hours. Stir again and serve sprin- Strain syrup. Add to it:

kled with: 4 cups hot lemon or lime juice

Freshly grated nutmeg Heat well but do not boil, and add:
4 bottles red wine or Madeira, port or sherry
Serve very hot with slices of:
• TOM AND JERRY IN QUANTITY Lemon and pineapple
See note on uncooked eggs, 743. Beat until stiff

but not dry, cover and set aside:

1 dozen egg whites
The best time to "come a-wassailing" is, of course,
Beat separately until light in color:
Christmas week.
1 dozen egg yolks
Core and bake, 130:
Into the yolks, beat gradually:
1 dozen apples
/4 cup powdered sugar

Combine in a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes:

2 teaspoons each ground allspice, cinnamon
1 cup water
and cloves
4 cups sugar
Fold seasoned yolks into whites. Into each of
1 tablespoon grated nutmeg
twenty 8-ounce china mugs, place 2 tablespoons
2 teaspoons ground ginger
egg mixture and:
V'2 teaspoon ground mace
Vz jigger lukewarm brandy
6 whole cloves
1 jigger lukewarm dark rum
6 allspice berries
Fill each mug with:
1 stick cinnamon
Very hot water, milk or coffee
Beat until stiffs but not dry:
Stir vigorously until drink foams. Dust top with:
1 dozen egg whites
Grated nutmeg
Beat separately until light in color:
1 dozen egg yolks
• GLOGG Fold whites into yolks, using large bowl. Strain
Twenty 6-Ounce Servings sugar and spice mixture into eggs, combining
Heat separately in stainless steel pans but do quickly. Bring almost to boiling point separately:
not boil: 4 bottles sherry or Madeira
2 quarts claret 2 cups brandy
2 quarts aquavit Incorporate the hot wine with the spice and egg
Place in the hot claret: mixture, beginning slowly and stirring briskly with
Peel of 1 orange each addition. Toward the end of this process, add
and also a silver tea ball holding: the brandy. Now, just before serving and while
Seeds from 4 cardamom pods the mixture is still foaming, add the baked apples.
12 whole cloves Wassail can also be made with a combination of
punch bowl, place:
In a silver beer and wine, preferably sherry, in which case
16 lumps sugar the proportion should be roughly 4 of beer to 1 of
Pour over it 2 cups of the heated aquavit and ig- sherry.
illustrated. In several instances the crusts have
been removed and the bread cut horizontally. It
is possible to get six or seven long slices from the

loaf and then spread the entire surface before

stacking and shaping. A variety of forms cut eco-
nomically from a single big sandwich base is
sketched below. Parti-colored sandwiches can be
produced by combining white, whole wheat, rye
and brown bread.
Rolled sandwiches may be made quickly from
long thin slices. A number of other shapes are
illustrated at left. Lower left are two-layer sand-
wiches, the top layer of which is doughnut-
shaped to allow the color of the filling to show
through. On 67, lower right, successive thin bread

CANAPES AND or sausage slices are shown bound with a filling

and cut inpie-shaped wedges, 86.
When making sandwiches of anv kind in quan-
TEA SANDWICHES tity > time is saved by setting up an assembly line

and using mass-production techniques. Line up

bread slices in rows. Place dabs of seasoned but-
ters or mayonnaise on one row, filling on the
In contrast to hors d'oeuvre, which follow in the
next. Then do the final spreading by bringing the
next chapter, canapes have their own built-in
fillings and butters well out to the edges. Put
bread or pastry component and often resemble
very small tea sandwiches. Since the making is hard butter or mayonnaise twice through a grinder
similar, they are discussed here together. For ad-
with other ingredients and use a coarse blade. For
ditional fillings insandwiches served as luncheon closed sandwiches, do all the assembling, stacking,
cutting and packaging in turn. For open-faced
entrees and for heartier large sandwiches, see 269.
Illustrated above on the long leaf-tray is a varied
sandwiches, cut garnishes just before serving and
assortment. Beginning at the handle end are, first,
keep them from drying out by placing them in
plastic bags. After the base is spread, complete
several two-tiered sandwiches, the top layer of
the garnishing of one type, then of another, before
which is doughnut-shaped, so that the filling is
arranging for presentation.
partially revealed. Next come those perennial fa-
vorites —watercress sandwiches —
rolled in the
thinnest of buttered bread; followed by some two-
toned triangles and open-faced cucumber disks
garnished with tiny shrimp and seafood-filled SANDWICHES
barquettes; crab-meat sandwiches garnished with A few preliminary steps help toward serving
parsley; and, finally, strips of toasted bread filled sandwiches in prime condition. Have ready foil;
with mushrooms. Although a set piece like this moistened, wrung-out cloths; transparent self-seal-
laden big leaf creates a sensation when initially ing tissue, or plastic bags. Refrigerate double
presented, it loses effect if some of its contents sandwiches, wrapped, without delay.
manage to survive the first round. For this reason Open-faced sandwiches, if made of materials
it is often better practice to serve on smaller plat- heavy in fat, may be quick-frozen and can then be
ters which can be quickly replenished. This is wrapped without damage to their decorations or
especially true for heated or toasted items, as surfaces. Store in boxes to keep them free from
shown on the right in an attractive heatproof the weight of other foods. Also place them away
ceramic dish with a handle for easy passing. from freezer coils or fast-freeze area. For more
The upper tiers of the extended oriental box details, see 829. It is often preferable to freeze

are filled with mayapple blossoms and ivy for dou- the fillings alone and make up these fancy sand-
ble duty as a centerpiece. In the other trays are wiches shortly before serving.
small cream puff shells, 646, filled with pate, and When preparing in advance sandwiches that in-
filled sandwiches rolled like snails, 69. clude watery materials like lettuce not suitable
Because a gay and festive presentation of cana- for freezing, be sure that any moist or juicy filling
pes and tea sandwiches is so desirable, we suggest is put on bread well spread with a firm layer of

ways in which breads and pastries can be made butter or heavy mayonnaise, so that the bread will
to look their best, by methods either fast and not get soggy. If tomato or cucumber slices are
furious or more leisurely and elaborate. used, see that they are cut and allowed to drain
It is often easier to make small sandwiches in well on a rack before putting them in the sand-
quantity by working with a whole loaf rather wiches.
than with individual slices. A number of methods To avoid excessively dry bread in preparing
of cutting and combining different breads are canapes on toast, proceed as follows for open-


faced types: toast bread on one side under broiler; or tearing. If the spread happens to be an aspic,

apply spread or topping to toasted side; and re- keep place by applying to the bread a very
it in
turn to oven until topping is warmed through. For thin preliminary coating of mayonnaise.
double-toasted sandwiches, toast under broiler
one side only of each slice; spread topping be- SANDWICH SHAPES
tween toasted sides; return to oven to toast the It is surprising how
few fancy sandwiches with

top untoasted surface; and serve toasted side up. attractive garnishes, 269, willhelp to perk up a
For toasted canapes which must be prepared more platter. A combination of open and closed sand-

than a few minutes in advance, use Melba toast, wiches gives variety to the tray. Sometimes me-
636, and heat briefly in a moderate oven just dium-sized oblong trays filled with alternating
before serving. rows of similarly cut but contrastingly spread

open-faced sandwiches placed closely together


— make a quick and pleasant change from large
platters more sparsely arranged with fancy sand-
The number of sandwiches to a loaf of bread is wiches. Rolled sandwiches with sprigs of cress or
hard to gauge because of shape variations, but parsley projecting —
placed like the spokes of a
from a 1-pound loaf of sandwich bread you can wheel — make a charming border for a platter.
expect at least 20 slices. Allow about 1 pound
butter for 3 to 4 pounds of sandwich loaf. Do not
have the loaf presliced, but slice it thin yourself. Freeze:
The number of sandwiches to allow for each Fresh unsliced sandwich bread
guest is even harder to judge, although 8 to 10 Remove crusts and slice as thin as possible with a
small snacks, either sandwiches or canapes, are hot sharp knife. Spread the bread with:
not too much to count per person. A softened filling
To avoid raggedy sandwiches, use a finely tex- We particularly enjoy as a filling:
tured bread. Otherwise, try chilling or freezing (Cream cheese mixed with cucumber and
ordinary bread before cutting. This procedure onion juice)
makes for more practical handling throughout, Be sure the filling goes out to the edges, so the
particularly in preparing rolled shapes, which roll will be well sealed. When the bread is com-

should be very thin and made of very fresh bread. pletely thawed, roll the sandwiches. Tuck into the
Other sandwiches are easier to make if the bread ends, but allow to protrude:
is one day old. Cut fresh or frozen bread with a
Cress or parsley sprigs
very sharp hot knife. Remember, though, that all ^ Wrap firmly and refrigerate, so the sandwiches
bread which has been frozen dries out quickly will hold their cylindrical shape when served.
after thawing and that precautions should be taken
to keep the sandwiches as moist as possible. Have
spreads at about 70° to protect bread from pulling Cut the crusts from:
White bread
Dark bread
Spread the slices with:
Butter or Cream Cheese Spreads, 70, 71
Place 3 to 5 slices of bread alternately in stacks.
Cut them into bars, squares or triangles, see illus-
tration, above left.

If you have an herb garden, many enchanting
sandwiches can be made from the small-scaled
leaves and blossoms. Or in winter, cut:
Small rounds or squares of bread
Flatten with a rolling pin before spreading with:
Soft cream cheese
Place across each sandwich a very narrow:
Strip of green pepper or stem of chive or
This represents a stem. Place at the top to form the
A slice of stuffed olive or a fancy cut of
carrot or radish
Cut into lengthwise slices to form leaves:
Small sweet-sour pickles
Place the pickle slices opposite each other on the
green pepper stem.


I.Cut into 2-inch rounds: Drained sliced tomatoes, lettuce or

Thin bread slices watercress
or any appetizing combination of salad or sand-
Spread the rounds with:
A cream cheese mixture, 71 wich ingredients. If it suits your filling, add some:
Cut into tiny rounds, about Va-inch:
Anchovy paste or curry powder
to the cream cheese. Be sure to cut the bread thin
Maraschino cherries, pimiento, cranberries
or use tiny red decorettes
enough and spread the fillings thick enough to
Chop until fine:
keep the bread from dominating. Wrap the loaf

firmly in a moist towel, chill well, unwrap and
place on a platter. Cover with:
Make a narrow ring of the parsley around each
Softened cream cheese, smooth cottage
piece of bread. Dot it at intervals with the red
cheese, or Mayonnaise Collee, 368
rounds to suggest a holly wreath.
Individual slices cut from the finished loaf are
II. Or, use: shown above.
A sprig of parsley
II. This holds well if prepared in advance. Cut the
shaped like a tree and dot it with the small red
"balls" described above. top and bottom from:
An unsliced large round rye loaf
ZOO SANDWICHES and reserve them as the base and lid for a crust
make closed container. Using as much of the bread as possible,
For very young children's parties,
carefully cut out in one piece a straight-sided cyl-
double or sandwiches in animal shapes
inder from the soft center, leaving a crust ring.
using fancy cookie cutters. Triple-layered sand-
wiches can be made to stand upright on the
Then slice this cylinder of bread horizontally into
6 thin slices. Coat the tops of the second, fourth
plate as shown below.
and sixth slices with butter and with not too
Seasoned fillings
Cover the spread slices with the first, third and
fifth slices. Keeping the shape of the large cylin-
der orderly, cut it into narrow wedges. Now,
carefully place the cut cylinder on the bottom
crust and surround with the crust ring. Insert picks
around the outer edge of the crust bottom to
impale the crust ring and keep it from sliding.
Cover with the top crust as a lid. Wrap and re-
frigerate until ready to serve.


Use coarse ryes, whole wheats and cheese breads
from the Yeast and Quick Bread section, 599, and
suggestions from Uses for Ready-Baked Breads,
SANDWICH LOAVES 635. There are good cracker suggestions in Soups,
These can even be a meal by themselves an — 195, and suggestions for various pastries in Pies,
excellent luncheon dish with coffee and a des- 638-649.
sert, and, when made in individual sizes, real Or use small versions of luncheon sandwiches,
charmers. As a decorative center for a birthday 269; Ravioli, 216; Bouchees, 645; or Tarts or Bar-
buffet, use one large loaf, as shown above; or quettes, below. Don't forget the many available
make an individual loaf for each guest, seen above "ethnic" bases, like tortillas or crisp thin Japanese
on the right, and group the loaves around a pile rice crackers.
of gaily wrapped gifts.

I. Cut the crusts from:

A white or
loaf of unsliced
whole wheat bread I.Preheat oven to 425°.
Cut the loaf into 3 or 4 lengthwise slices. Butter Prepare:
the inner sides of the slices and spread them with Biscuit Dough, 632, or
a layer of: Pie Dough, 640
Chicken, shrimp, ham, egg or salmon salad Roll or pat it until it is about 1
s inch thick. Cut it

a layer of: into 3-inch squares. Place in the center of each

Drained crushed pineapple and square one of the fillings listed under:
cream cheese Fillings for Pastry Canapes, 70

Moisten the corners of the dough lightly with II. Line the bottoms of the baked barquette shells

water. Fold up the sides of the dough and pinch with a coating of:
the corners to make a tart shape. Bake tarts about Mayonnaise
10 minutes. Make a pattern of:
Chilled caviar
II. Or, the tart with:
Pearl onions
A thin slice of cheese, IV2 x 2 inches
Coat the top with:
Top this with:
Aspic Glaze, 368
V2 slice tomato
The aspic should be based on fish or chicken
Season the tomato with:
stock. Flavor with:
A grating of pepper
A little salt
Refrigerate several hours before serving.
(A sprinkling of brown sugar)
Sprinkle the top with:
Cooked diced bacon STUFFED CHOUX, PUFF PASTE
Bake as in I, above. OR PATE SHELLS
I. Bake:
III. Fill with:
1-inch Choux Paste Shells, 646, or
Hot spicy pureed spinach
Bouchees, 645
Lay on it:
Split them on one side. Fill with one of the softer
A smoked oyster
fillings, see:
Brush with:
Fillings for Pastry Canapes, 70
A little White Sauce I, 341
425° oven.
Reheat the puffs in a
towhich has been added:
Grated Swiss cheese II. Put into the base of a small cream puff shell a
Bake as in above. I,
layer of:
Sweetened whipped cream
RICH COCKTAIL TART OR QUICHE Lightly insert with the pointed end up:
A physician in our family once took to task a
A flawless ripe strawberry
scandalously obese patient. "But, doctor," said the
patient plaintively, "one must offer the stomach III. Or, fill the puffs with:
something from time to time." This is a favorite Softcream cheese
offering in our family. A dab of bright jelly
Preheat oven to 400°.
Prepare any unsweetened: TURNOVERS, RISSOLES OR
Pie Dough, 640 FRIED PIES
Shape into tiny tarts and bake about 5 minutes.
These triangular or crescent-shaped pastries make
Remove from oven. Lower heat to 325°. Fill
attractive canapes. If baked, they are turnovers. If
each tart with 1 tablespoon of the following mix-
deep-fat-fried, you may apply the homelv title of
1 beaten egg
fried pies or the more exotic one of rissoles or em-
A cup cream
Roll to the thickness of Va inch any:
2 teaspoons grated Parmesan cheese
Pie Crust, 640
(2 tablespoons sauteed mushrooms or
crab meat)
Cut into 2V2-inch rounds or squares. Place in the

center of each round any of the:

V2 teaspoon salt
Fillings for Pastry Canapes, 70
A small pinch coriander
Brush the edges of the rounds lightly with water.
Bake the tarts 15 minutes or until the quiche has
Fold the dough over into crescents. Be sure to seal
set. Keep them hot and toasty in an electric skillet.
the pastries very firmly if you are deep-fat frying,
For other Quiche recipes, see 254.
so that none of the filling escapes into and ruins
BARQUETTES FOR CANAPES the frying fat. Fry in deep fat heated to 365° until
I.Preheat oven to 425°. golden. For turnovers the tops of the pastries may
Prepare: be brushed with:
Biscuit Dough, 632, or (1 egg yolk, diluted with 2 tablespoons cream)

Pie Dough, 640 Bake in a 400° oven until brown. Serve them
Roll until it is about Va inch thick. Since barquettes around a large garnish of:
are shaped like a scow or flat-bottomed
boat, but Fried Parsley, 314, or chervil
with pointed ends, use either a barquette mold or
something similarly shaped to form the pastry. CANAPE SNAILS
Place in the barquettes a: If the approval of guests is to be taken as a crite-
Filling for Pastry Canapes, 70, suitable rion of excellence, the prize-winning ca-
this is
for heating nape. It reminds us of a fellow guest who
Bake 10 to 12 minutes. hesitated to help himself, saying, "Well, shouldn't I

— I've had two already." Which remark was the canape. Refrigerate at once and let the gelatin
capped by his hostess's brisk and crushing reply: set 1 to 2 hours. Then serve as soon as possible.
"You've had six, but who's counting?"
Cut into very thin oblongs any: Place the center of the preceding pastry cases 1
Pie Crust, 640, or crustless soft bread teaspoon or more of one of the following in-
The bread will be easier to cut if wrapped in foil gredients:
and chilled thoroughly. Spread the oblongs with: Cheese Spreads, 71
Fillings for Pastry Canapes, right Anchovy paste and soft cream cheese
Roll them like a jelly roll. Chill; cut in V2-inch Well-seasoned or marinated oysters
slices and bake on a greased pan until light brown. Mushrooms, heavily creamed and seasoned
Chicken or other croquette mixtures,
TACOS highly seasoned
This popular Mexican snack is called by many Chicken, lobster, crab or fish salad
names in different parts of the country. Tacos are Caviar and soft cream cheese
toasted tortillas cut into thirds and filled with hot Liver sausage or braunschweiger, seasoned
or mildly seasoned ingredients. This mix is fairly with catsup
mild. Saute until golden brown: Cooked sausage meat, seasoned with
1 finely chopped onion mustard
in: Sliced link sausages and stuffed olives
2 tablespoons butter Deviled ham, cream cheese and catsup
Add and simmer about 3 minutes: Minced cooked clams or crab meat
V* cup tomato juice Cooked calf brains with Hollandaise
3 peeled minced green chilis Sauce, 358
1 cup shredded cooked chicken or cooked Curried shrimp or poultry
pork sausage meat Thin slices of ham, smoked tongue or
Vs teaspoon thyme smoked sausage and cheese
1 teaspoon salt

Dash of cayenne BUTTER SPREADS

Set this filling aside. Now fry in deep fat heated to
There are many ways of preparing flavorsome,
380° until golden: quick sandwich spreads with a butter base. Beat
About 18 Tortillas, 629 the butter until soft. Add other ingredients grad-
Remove them from the fat and drain. Cut into ually. Chill the butter mixture until it is of spread-
thirds. Place 1 teaspoon of the above filling on
able consistency or shape it attractively. For Butter
each piece. Fold in half, secure with a pick and
Shapes, see 540.
bake until almost crisp in a 450° oven.
Use one of the simple suggestions in this recipe
or in the more elaborate Seasoned Butters, 349.
GLAZED CANAPES AND Beat until soft:
SANDWICHES V* cup butter
Small glazed canapes are very showy for cocktail Add to the butter slowly one or more of the
service and in larger sizes make a lovely luncheon following:
plate when garnished with a salad. But they must Vi teaspoon lemon juice
be kept refrigerated, as they have a natural tend- Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or
ency to turn soggy. Vi teaspoon dry mustard
Use: Vi teaspoon grated onion or minced garlic
Choux Paste Shells, 646, tartlets or (Va teaspoon lemon rind)
fancy-shaped thin toasts Additions to the butter mixture may be chosen
Coat these canape bases first with: from these fresh herbs and other ingredients
Mayonnaise either chopped or made into a paste by using your
Then spread them with: mortar and pestle:
Well-seasoned fish paste, turkey, drained 2 tablespoons parsley
tomato slices, ham strips or asparagus tips 2 tablespoons chives
You may sprinkle with: 1 tablespoon dill or fennel
(Chopped dill) 1 tablespoon mixed herbs: basil, tarragon,
or any combination suitable for open-faced sand- burnet and chervil
wiches. Cover with a Vt-inch to Vs-inch layer of: 2 tablespoons watercress
Well-seasoned Aspic Glaze, 368 1 tablespoon nasturtium leaves
using Vh cups stock or vegetable juice, 1 table- V* cup soft or grated cheese: Parmesan or
spoon gelatin and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Place Romano
the canapes on a rack. The aspic should be jelled 1 tablespoon anchovy or other fish paste
to the thickness of heavy cream partially beaten. 1 tablespoon horseradish
Allow it to coat the surface of the tart or envelop 1 tablespoon olive paste

2 tablespoons Catsup, 847, or Chili Sauce, 847 Add one or more of the following:
tablespoon chutney
1 V2 teaspoon onion juice
V4 teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon chopped onion or chives
Season to taste 1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
1 tablespoon finely chopped Fines Herbes, 572
*> SEAFOOD BUTTER 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
For a more economical form, see 351. 1 tablespoon finely chopped celery or
Put through a sieve or blender, or chop: green pepper
1 cup cooked shrimp, lobster, lobster coral, V* cup chopped ripe or pimiento-stuffed olives
fish roe, etc. 1 tablespoon horseradish
lb. butter 3 tablespoons chopped crisp bacon, minced
teaspoon or more lemon juice
1 chipped beef or ground cooked ham
A fresh grating of white pepper V2 tablespoon anchovy or fish paste
Mold and chill to serve on an hors d'oeuvre plat- V2 cup shredded salted almonds or other nuts
ter or use as a spread. 1 tablespoon caviar
1 tablespoon chopped fresh marigold petals


Salt, paprika or red pepper, if needed
FOR BUTTER SPREADS For a tea canape, use a:
Combine: Bar-le-Duc mixture, 757
2 tablespoons crushed dried herbs: thyme,
basil, tarragon, chervil
cup dry white wine or lemon juice
Permit the herbs to soak for 2 hours or more. Mash with a fork:

Follow the above recipe for Butter Spreads, adding 2 packages cream cheese: 6 oz.
the herb mixture to taste. Keep the rest to use Into a fine sieve or cheesecloth bag, grate:

combined with melted butter as a dressing for 1 medium-sized cucumber

vegetables. 1 onion
Press out the juice and combine with the cream
Salt to taste
Saute until golden brown:
Vb teaspoon hot pepper sauce
V2 lb. sliced mushrooms
Add io spreading consistency:
V4 cup butter
Put the mushrooms and butter into an electric
blender and add: CHEESE PUFF CANAPES
Vi cup soft butter Preheat broiler.
V* teaspoon pepper Beat until very stiff:
V* teaspoon salt 2 egg whites
3 tablespoons dry sherry or brandy Fold in:
Blend until smooth. 1 cup shredded American cheese
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
NUT BUTTERS V2 teaspoon paprika
I. Cream until soft enough to stir: V2 teaspoon dry mustard

V2 cup butter Toast on one side:

Stir in: Small rounds of bread or crackers
1 cup finely ground pecans or walnuts Spread the untoasted side with the cheese mix-
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce ture. Place the canapes under a broiler for about
6 minutes, until the cheese is well puffed and
II. A In electricblender combine: brown.
1 to 2 tablespoons salad oil
1 cup salted peanuts, cashews or pecans ROQUEFORT SPREAD
This delicious spread keeps well and improves
with age better when 1 week old than when
What would we do without cream cheese? — the newly made.
perfect emergency binder for one of the many Combine to a paste:
taste-provokers listed below. V2 lb. Roquefort cheese
Rub a bowl with: 2 packages soft cream cheese: 6 oz.
(Garlic) or use an 8-oz. package
Mash until soft and combine: 2 tablespoons soft butter
1 package cream cheese: 3 oz. (1 small grated onion)
1 tablespoon cream or cultured sour cream 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons dry sherry Spread the untoasted side thickly with a mixture
Salt as needed of:
Keep the spread a closely covered jar in the
in 2 cups shredded sharp cheese
refrigerator. May be
spread on crisp potato chips, 2 slices minced crisp bacon
crackers or toast rounds. Decorate with: V* teaspoon dry mustard
Radish slices and capers A few grains cayenne
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
PUFFED ROQUEFORT STICKS Broil the canapes until cheese is melted.
Preheat broiler.
4 slices bread several days old Preheat broiler.
Cut each slice into 4 strips and coat with: Cover:
Butter Round crackers or toast
Prepare: with:
A cup White Sauce
II, 341 Chutney, 846
Combine with: A thin slice of American cheese
2 oz. Roquefort cheese Broil the crackers to melt the cheese.
beaten egg


Spread the sauce on the bread and run under Preheat oven to 350°.
the broiler about 5 minutes. Serve at once. Trim the crusts from:
Thin slices of bread
CHEESE SPREADS FOR Place on each slice, not quite covering it:
TOASTED SANDWICHES OR A thin slice of cheese
or, place on each slice of bread:
An oblong block of cheese
I.This practical sandwich spread will keep refrig-
Spread the cheese lightly with:
erated a week or more.
Anchovy paste, prepared mustard or
Scald in a double boiler:
V2 cup milk
Gather up 2 opposite corners and fasten them
with a pick, or roll the bread. Brush the outsides
beaten egg
of the logs with:
V* teaspoon dry mustard
Melted butter
V» teaspoon salt
Toast them in the oven until light brown. Serve
A lb. diced American cheese piping hot on picks.
Cook these ingredients over, not in, boiling
water 15 minutes. Stir constantly. When ready to
use, spread the mixture between:
For those of us equipped with a "sweet tooth,"
Rounds of bread
Place on each side of the canapes or sandwiches a it is always a welcome sight to behold on the
generous dab of: canape tray something less acid, spicy or tart than
Butter the usual fare. And for less venturesome nibblers,
Toast in a 350° oven or under a broiler until crisp.
don't forget Nut Butters, 71, and Cinnamon Toast,
This filling is more quickly made, but not so I. Moisten:
bland as the preceding one. Combine and stir to Cream cheese
a smooth paste or blend in the electric blender: with:
2 cups soft shredded sharp cheese Cream
V2 teaspoon salt Add:
A few grains cayenne Chopped ginger or dried apricots
1 teaspoon prepared mustard Chopped almonds
3 tablespoons cream or 1 to 2 tablespoons This makes a great partner for:
soft butter Brown or whole wheat bread
Cut the crusts from:
Thin slices of white bread II. Spread on small toasts:
Spread and roll the slices. Toast as in I. Serve the Bar-le-Duc, 757
rolls very hot.
III. Combine:
package soft cream cheese: 3 oz.
BACON AND CHEESE CANAPES Grated rind of 1 orange or 2 tablespoons
Preheat broiler. orange or ginger marmalade
Toast on one side: V* teaspoon salt
Rounds of bread 1
s teaspoon paprika

Spread: Place on each slice a well-drained:

Thin slices of bread Asparagus tip
with: Roll the canapes. Wrap the rolls in foil until ready
Mayonnaise or butter to serve. These sandwiches may be toasted.
Cover with the cheese and:
Toasted chopped pecan meats MUSHROOM CANAPES
IV. Combine: Mushrooms, 308
Equal parts soft butter and honey Mince the mushrooms. Prepare:
White Sauce II, 341
V. Spread toast with:
Make half as much sauce as mushrooms. Season
Apple butter
and paprika
Sprinkle with:
Freshly grated
Grated cheese
Run under the broiler until the cheese is toasted.
Combine sauce and mushrooms. When cold, add
a little:

Whipped cream
HARD-COOKED EGG SPREADS Heap these ingredients on:
I. Combine and mix to a paste with a fork: Small rounds of bread or toast
2 hard-cooked eggs Garnish the canapes with:
tablespoon or more cultured sour cream
Paprika and parsley
teaspoon salt
V* Serve immediately or run under the broiler.
Va teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon chopped chives ONION AND PARSLEY CANAPES
(1 teaspoon lemon juice)
Parsley tends to neutralize onion odors. Use it
Garnish the canape with a row of:
profusely in this decorative sandwich and preserve
(Sliced stuffed olives)
group charisma.
II. Combine: Make a filling of:
1 grated onion
4 chopped hard-cooked eggs
1 stiff mayonnaise
1 cup chopped pecan meats
2 dozen chopped stuffed olives V*teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Well-seasoned mayonnaise A few drops hot pepper sauce
b teaspoon turmeric

III. Combine: Put the filling between small rounds of:

Chopped hard-cooked eggs Brioche-type bread
Minced anchovies or a bread that will not become soggy. Spread the
Minced celery outside edges of the sandwich with:
Moisten these ingredients with: Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise and roll these edges in:
Finely chopped parsley
IV. Marinate 30 minutes:
Shrimp or crab meat BLACK RADISH CANAPE
in: Peel and mince:
French dressing or lemon juice 2 black radishes
Drain, chop and combine, by making into a paste Combine with:
with: 1 small minced onion
Mayonnaise 2 tablespoons cultured sour cream or yogurt
A dash Worcestershire sauce tablespoon lemon juice
Hard-cooked eggs Vateaspoon salt
Just before serving, spread on thin slices of:
V. Combine:
Finely chopped hard-cooked eggs
A liver pate, 495-496 TOMATO OR CUCUMBER
ROLLED ASPARAGUS CANAPES Very attractive for a spring tea party. To keep
OR SANDWICHES these sandwiches from becoming soggy, drain the
Cut the crusts from: sliced tomatoes and cucumbers well in advance
Thin slices of bread of use.
Spread them thinly with: Cut:
Butter and mayonnaise Small rounds of bread
Sprinkle lightly with: Spread them lightly with:
Chopped chives Butter

Place on each round, covering it completely: Place on it one of the tongue slices and cap with
Small round of peeled sliced tomato or a a dab of:
large round of pared sliced cucumber Freshly grated horseradish
or both
or you may hollow out the cucumber before slic- DEVILED OR POTTED CHICKEN
ing and fill each hollow slice with: SPREAD
(A tiny shrimp)
About 2 1
2 Cups
Decorate each sandwich with a generous: Grind together 3 times, using a fine blade:
Dab of mayonnaise 2 cups cooked chicken
Garnish the mayonnaise with a tiny sprig of: V* cup boiled or baked ham
Lemon thyme teaspoon nutmeg
A pinch of white pepper

I. Saute in butter:
3 tablespoons butter
Rounds of thin toast 1 tablespoon lemon juice or
Combine and spread on the toast equal parts of: Vi teaspoon lemon zest, 571
Caviar You may further press this through a fine wire
Finely chopped onion sieve or knead gently before storing, covered and
Season with refrigerated. It will keep longer if the top is coated
Lemon juice with Clarified Butter, 349. When serving, garnish
Garnish the edges of the canapes with: with:
Riced hard-cooked egg yolks Chopped fresh herbs
Top with:
(Tiny shrimp or prawns) DEVILED OR POTTED HAM SPREAD
II. Saute: About 3 Cups
Chopped onions Preheat oven to 350°.
Grind 3 times with a fine blade:
1 lb. lean ham
Make a mound of the chopped onions on a round V* lb. ham fat

Season with:
Pumpernickel A pinch of cayenne
Vb teaspoon each mace, nutmeg and pepper
In the SCOOped OUl (enter, put sonic
Put the mixture in a buttered 5 x 9-inch bread pan.
Cultured sour cream
and a dab ol
Cover with foil. Bake about 45 minutes. When
Caviar cool, cover top with Clarified Butter, 349, and
store refrigerated. Remove butter before serving.
Slices of cucumber Chop until fine:
in: 1 cup cooked chicken or ham
French Dressing, 360 Add:
Drain them. Prepare 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery
Small rounds of buttered toast V* cup chopped blanched almonds or
Peel, then slice crosswise: other nutmeats
Mild onions ('A cup chopped pineapple or Vi cup finely
Separate the slices into rings. Place a ring on each chopped green olives)
round of toast, so that it will form a curb. Place a Combine these ingredients with sufficient:
slue of cucumber in each ring. Cover the cucum- Highly seasoned mayonnaise
ber with: to make a paste that will spread easily.
Small mounds of caviar, seasoned with
lemon and onion juice or chives SMALL PIZZA CANAPE
Garnish the canapes with: Preheat broiler.
Capers Serve sectioned pizzas, 610, as canapes. If you
Riced hard-cooked egg are in a hurry, substitute for pizza dough:
Biscuits or small English muffins
SMOKED TONGUE CANAPE Tear either in two horizontally and toast the flat
Cut thin slices of: sides under the broiler; spread on the reverse a
Smoked tongue mixture of:
to fit squares of: 1' 2 teaspoons Chili Sauce, 847
Melba or rye toast Strips of sharp cheddar or grated
Spread toast with: Mozzarella or Gruyere cheese
Bercy Butter, 350 Va teaspoon oregano

Top with an: Serve open or put puff lid on top after filling.
Anchovy fillet —
Good hot or cold, but serve promptly and we
and drizzle over all: mean at once.
A little olive oil
Toast 5 inches below broiler element until the
cheese is thoroughly melted.
24 Puffs
Preheat broiler.
You may serve pate canape,
in a crust, sliced, as a 12 cooked shrimp
494; cut it into rondelles on toast; or incorporate Whip until stiff:
it into Brioches, 615, Bouchees, 645, pastry, bar- 1 egg white
quettes or turnovers. See 493-496 for a number of Fold in:
versions of liver pastes, souffles and pates simple — Va cup shredded cheese
and complex. Vs teaspoon salt
/s teaspoon paprika
LIVER SAUSAGE CANAPES A few grains red pepper
Vi cup mayonnaise
I. Combine and mix to a paste:
and the shrimp. Heap these ingredients lightly
V* lb. liver
or more tablespoons cream onto crackers or rounds of toast. Broil the puffs
until light brown. Serve hot.
(1 tablespoon brandy)
Fold in lightly:
A cup or more chopped watercress LOBSTER CANAPE
Serve on rye bread or toast. Combine:
Chopped cooked lobster meat
II. Make a paste of:
Chopped hard-cooked eggs
Vi cup liver sausage
Chopped cucumbers
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Well-seasoned mayonnaise
(A few drops Worcestershire sauce)
Serve on:
Spread on thinly cut crustless bread, then roll and
Barquettes, 69


Try also some of the dips on 89 as ingredients
A little messy, but definitely in the class of what

the French call amuse-geules or, freely translated,

in this recipe.
Preheat broiler.
Preheat broiler.
package cream cheese: 3oz.
V2 lb. cooked oysters, lobster, crab or tuna meat
2 tablespoons whipping cream
V2 lb.Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
1 cup minced clams
1 cup rich White Sauce II, 341
V* teaspoon mustard
1 tablespoon finely chopped green pepper
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon chopped pimiento
A teaspoon salt

V* teaspoon curry powder or

h teaspoon grated onion or onion juice

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Heap the mixture on toast rounds and run under
3 tablespoons dry white wine
Salt and pepper
Heap the mixture on rounds of:
Serve these only if you have time to whip the which may be spread with:
cream and fill the puff shells at the last minute. Anchovy paste
The charm of this canape lies in the bland creami- Sprinkle the tops with:
ness of the filling and the dry crunchiness of the Au Gratin II, 553
casing. Broil the canapes until slightly brown. Serve at
Shred or dice: once.
Cooked crab or lobster meat
Combine lightly 2 parts of the chilled seafood
1 part stiffly whipped seasoned cream ONIONS ON TOAST
Put the mixture into: Drain:
Small cream puff shells, 646 Marinated herring
Sprinkle the tops with: Place fillets on:
Chopped parsley and basil Squares or rounds of toast

Cover with: Dust with:

Thin slices of Bermuda onion Freshly ground pepper
Sprinkle with: Sprinkle with:
Chopped" parsley or watercress Lemon juice
Serve promptly. Serve at room temperature.
II.Or, top with a slice of:
May also be served as a savory, see 755. Brush the canapes with:
Preheat oven to 400°. Mustard or Aspic Glaze, 368
Toast lightly and butter:
Small rounds of bread III. Or, top the salmon with:
Wrap: Cuacamole, 83
Large drained oysters and serve on toasted rounds.
IV. Or, garnish with a mixture of:
Very thin pieces of bacon Hard-cooked egg yolk, grated onion and
You may lightly spread the inner surface of the capers
bacon with:
Secure with picks and place the canapes in a pan. Preheat oven to 400°.
Bake about 3 minutes or long enough to crisp the Mash with a fork:
bacon. Drain well. Remove the picks and serve on 12 skinless, boneless sardines
the toast. Add:
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

SMOKED SALMON CANAPES teaspoon Tomato Catsup, 847

Ifthe salmon you are served is pale pink and not 1 tablespoon finely cut celery or onion

salty,it has been trulv smoked; but if it is a strong 1 tablespoon chopped stuffed olives

red in color and very salty, smoke salt extract, 570, Moisten these ingredients until they are of spread-
has been used in the processing. Salmon for ca- ing consistency with:
napes should be sliced across the grain as thinly Mayonnaise or French Dressing, 360
as possible. It is delicious when served garnished Season with:
with cucumber or egg. The thin slices make an Salt and pepper
ideal lining for tarts or barquettes. Cut the crusts from:
Thin slices of white bread
I. Place on crackers or squares of toast very thin Spread the sardine mixture on the bread. Roll the
slices of: slices and secure them with picks. Toast the cana-
Smoked salmon pes until lightly browned and serve very hot.
appetizer list; nuts, olives, and a few interesting
spreads usually suffice. A very hot, light soup be-
tween hors d'oeuvre and dinner is often a help in
clearing the palate for the more delicate and subtle
flavors of the meal.
While hors d'oeuvre, freely translated, means
"outside the main works," and while we approve
of serving imaginative combinations, it is impor-
tant to remember that, unlike the opera overture,
the hors d'oeuvre course should not forecast any
of the joys that are to follow. Should you serve
either in the living room or at table caviar in—
pickled beets or anchovy eggs on tomatoes, forget
the very existence of beet and tomato when plan-
ning the dinner. This is not a superfluous caution,
for one encounters many such carelessly repeti-
tious meals. Choose for living room service bite-
sized self-contained canapes or hors d'oeuvre, un-
less you are furnishing plates. Serve hot hors

HORS D'OEUVRE d'oeuvre fresh from the oven. If they are the type
that will "hold," use a hibachi, 156, a chafing dish,
or an electrically heated tray. Cold hors
d'oeuvre may be transferred directly from refrig-
Hors d'oeuvre and canapes are types of food
erator to serving point, or set first on chilled
served with drinks. The canape, 66, sits invitingly
platters over cracked ice. Cheeses should be pre-
on its own little couch of crouton or pastry tidbit,
sented at a temperature around 70°. Allow 6 to
while the hors d'oeuvre is a free agent, so to
8 hors d'oeuvre per person.
speak, gregarious and ready to meet up with what-
Here are a few types of food which are particu-
ever bread or cracker is presented separately.
larly appropriate for the hors d'oeuvre course:
If hors d'oeuvre and canapes are served at a
caviar, 87; pates and terrines, 494; Vegetables a la
cocktail party, they become an end in themselves,
Grecque, 281; Stuffed Artichokes, 100; Stuffed
and so may be more varied and substantial than
Brussels Sprouts and Beets, 83, and Cherry Toma-
when they are designed as appetizers. The illustra-
toes, 84; and Marinated Mushrooms, 84. You may
tion above shows an assemblage of such hors
also use spreads and dips, 89; deviled, pickled,
d'oeuvre. What a fillip to festivity when you get
truffled or chopped eggs, 82; skewered or bacon-
out an heirloom caviar server like the one above,
wrapped tidbits, 80; sauced smoked seafood;
or the compartmented dishes you triumphantly
quenelles, 205; and timbales, 231; choice hot and
bid on at last month's antiques auction, and fill
cold sausages; glazed or jelled foods; nuts, olives
them with smoked salmon curls, toasted nuts,
or cheeses. From the Salad chapter, choose indi-
olives, cheese-stuffed celery or green pepper
vidual aspics; a filled ring of aspic, 115; one of the
slices, marinated mushrooms and buttered rad-
mousses, 120; or an Italian, Viennese or Russian
ishes! Hot hors d'oeuvre are represented by the
salad. From the Vegetable chapter, choose Rata-
candle-warmed dish of quenelles, 205. And you
touille, 304.
may lighten the effect of more formal containers
by including on the buffet table a handsome big

Savoy cabbage a "centerpiece" all in itself — WAYS TO SERVE HORS D'OEUVRE
scooped out, 78, to hold a shellfish dip, 91, and AND CANAPES
festooned with small shrimp. When you add a Food often looks more dramatic if some of it can
few canapes of your choice, and put within easy be presented on several levels. Sometimes, unfor-
reach some of the delightful breadstuffs now com- tunately, this technique can be exhibited in quite
mercially available, you will already have gone a alarming ways. Look at the complex, inedible
long way toward confounding that jaded circuit- architectural underpinnings by which the glories
goer who characterized the cocktail party as "a of ancient chefs used to be supported and still —
fete worse than death." are today, on celebratory occasions in some —
When intended for appetizers, many hors large hotels and restaurants. Artificial coloring,
d'oeuvre are rich in fat or are combined with an fussy detailing, slick surfaces abound. Don't tor-
oil or butter base to buffer the impact of alcohol ture and mortify buffet food. Instead, play up its
on the system. If, during preprandial drinking, the gustatory highlights and allow its subtle natural
appetizer intake is too extensive, any true enjoy- colors and textures to glow. And set off hors
ment of the meal itself is destroyed. The palate is d'oeuvre with plenty of attractively cut vegetables
too heavily coated, too overstimulated by spices and garnishes of fresh herbs and greens, 99.
and dulled by alcohol. For these reasons and on Keep in mind, too, what the hors d'oeuvre plat-
most occasions, don't hesitate to simplify your ter will look like as it begins to be demolished: it


is often more sensible to arrange several small on you with short or no warning. Garnish a large
plates which are easily replaced or replenished platter with lettuce. For the center, make a large
than one big one which may be difficult to restore mound of Russian Salad, 99, using canned drained
to its pristine glory. vegetables; or one of shrimp salad; or a Spiced
Illustrated below are a few effortless construc- Cabbage Mound, 83. Garnish it with slices of
tions designed to give the hors d'oeuvre platter a tomato as a base for hard-cooked egg slices
focus of interest. Simplest are a big red apple cut and top with a tiny tip cluster of tarragon, thyme
off at the bottom for stability; stud it with deli- or parsley. Or cut the eggs and tomatoes into
cacies on picks for a small impromptu children's wedges and border the mound by placing the
party; or, for an outdoor grill, use a big po- wedges against it, with the yolk side against the
tato. The grapefruit "pincushion" will look more salad, see 82.
attractive if it consists of a three-quarter round, as —
Other possibilities depending on the state of
shown, instead of a mere half. Larger and more —
your larder are a mound of creamed cottage
ambitious are the pair of pineapple halves at cheese decorated with tender stalks of burnet
center; the shrimp-studded eggplant pictured on pressed into the mound to resemble coarse fern
375; and the cabbage-container on 77. While fronds and accented with borage blossoms; a
Savoy cabbages make perhaps the most elegant double spiral of overlapping radish disks, the in-
receptacles, red cabbages harmonize colorfully terstices filled in with chopped chives. The platter
with foods like stuffed beets and slices of pate. may be garnished each end with lemon slices
Even plain, everyday cabbages can be made inter- and a cluster of canned white asparagus tips
esting if you can persuade your greengrocer to let bound together with onion or lemon rings, or
you have one from which the outer leaves have green pepper cups holding caviar or a Liver Sau-
not been hacked, or if you can get one intact sage Pate, 75. Another expedient is to open a
straight out of the garden. Curl the leaves back fresh crock of cheddar or Liptauer cheese and
carefully, so as not to bruise them. Into the center press it into instant service as the principal fea-
of theseand other cabbages you may cut a cavity ture; or prepare a filled Edam or Gouda, 81. Even
into which you can insert a sauce bowl, deep the contents of a can of good white-meat tuna,
enough so the curled leaf edges will conceal its coated with mayonnaise and attractively garnished
rim. with ripe olives or capers, looks good when sur-
rounded by canned drained artichoke hearts or
hearts of palm and filled in with shrimp or mus-
sels. These may be sprinkled with a vinaigrette,
sour cream and chili sauce, or mayonnaise; or
you may place a few small bowls of sauces on
the platter. Don't forget an occasional garnish of
anchovy or pimiento strip. And remember that a
plate of interesting breads and crackers is a most
attractive foil and accessory.

by the adroit placement of food on an hors
Just —
Antipasto or "what comes before the pasta
d'oeuvre platter, you can bring about height vari- —
course" can be a snack with drinks or the base
ations and attractive color relationships. On an ob- of an entire luncheon. This ever-present constitu-
long plate, for instance, try centering some dainty ent of Italian menus is an assortment of hard sau-
triangular toasts or breads, peaks up like a long sages; prosciutto with melon or figs; fish, such as
mountain range. Place small well-drained mari- anchovies, sardines and Mediterranean tuna;
nated shrimp along the base of the range on pickled onions, beets, peppers, artichokes, cauli-
either side, and accent the watercress-garnished flower and mushrooms; highly seasoned garban-
edge of the platter with French endive or celery zos; and cold eggplant in tomato puree. It also
filled with Guacamole, 83, and smoked salmon includes fresh tomatoes, fennel, 304, cheeses the —
wrapped around individual marinated asparagus hard types, as well as Mozzarella and ricotta fine —
tips. crusty breads, and deep-fat-fried fish, meat, fowl
If platters need not be passed, you may also or game, which goes under the name of Fritto
achieve height contrasts by placing cold hors Misto, 243, when encased in a light batter.
d'oeuvre on crushed ice on a layered tray similar Some suggestions for antipasto are listed below.
to that shown on 66, or on a simple epergne. If Serve them on platters or make them up on indi-
you use a silver or metal tray you may want to vidual plates.
protect it from food acids by an undergarnish of Tomato slices cut lengthwise
lettuce, grape leaves, croutons or diced aspic, 113. Vegetables a la Grecque, 281
We saw a chef friend rapidly arrange a tray al- Anchovies

most entirely from stored foods a gala quickie Seviche, 88
you can reproduce when a merry mob descends Smoked Salmon Rolls, 88

Rollmops, 88 Crackers for Soup, 195, and bread and cracker

Pickled Oysters, 89 recipes on 635-637.
Marinated Mushrooms, 84 Yqu may also bake small Biscuits, 632, Beaten

Stuffed Celery, 84 Biscuits, 634, Corn Dodgers, 628, and Corn

Pickled Beets and Caviar, 87 Zephyrs Cockaigne, 628. Bake Grissini, 606, or
Ratatouille, 304 some good rye, cheese or French breads. Make Po-
Sardines tato Chips, 323, and don't forget Cheese Straws,
Slices of salami 641, and unsweetened pastries in variety, 638 to
Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220 641.
Masked Eggs, 225
Garlic Olives, 85 NUTS AS HORS D'OEUVRE
Cucumber and green pepper sticks These can be roasted or shallow-fried.
Stuffed Leeks, 84
Black Radishes, 84 I. Preheat oven to 300°.
Artichoke Hearts a la Crecque, 281 To roast, put in a greased shallow pan:
Blanched or unblanched nuts, 562: almonds,
ABOUT SMORGASBORD pecans, peanuts, pistachios or cashews
This Scandinavian spread has been so thoroughly
Bake until golden, 15 to 20 minutes.
Sprinkle during baking with:
adapted in this country to the casual cocktail hour
(Melted butter)
that some of us have lost sight of its original im-
portance. Smorgasbord in its home territory is a
seasoned lightly with:
(Celery salt, onion salt, cayenne, chili powder
square meal in itself, not the prelude to one. Its
mainstays of meat and fish —
and the aquavit or paprika)

which washes them down are climatic impera- II. Have ready:
tives when subarctic weather hovers for months Blanched or unblanched nuts, 562
outside the door. Like all native dishes, it closely For every cup of nuts, allow:
reflects a country's ecology and its people's way
Vi cup vegetable oil
of life.
Cook the nuts heated to 365° until golden.
in oil
The foods of which smorgasbord
tionally composed
a is tradi-
are sufficiently dissimilar to re-
Test so as not to overcook —
pecans and Spanish
peanuts will need about 2 minutes. Drain nuts
quire at least three plates and silver services per on paper toweling. After salting, store tightly cov-
person, so that the flavors of one course do not ered.
disturb those of the next. Typical of those first
presented are herring, hot and cold, smoked eel, CURRIED NUTS

salmon or shellfish all served with small boiled
Combine in a skillet:
potatoes, seasoned with dill —
and at least three
V* cup olive oil
kinds of bread with small mountains of butter
tablespoon curry powder
balls. In fact, it is its bread and butter that gives
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
this kind of meal its name.
Vb teaspoon cayenne
With the first change of plate come cheeses, When this mixture is very hot, add:
deviled eggs, pancakes and omelets with lingon-
2 cups nuts
berries, sausages, marinated and pickled vegeta-
Stir until well coated. Line a baking pan with
bles, and aspics.
brown paper, pour in the nuts and bake at 300°
With the next, hot foods are in order, such as
about 10 minutes or until crisp.
meatballs, ham with apples, goose with prunes,
tongue and baked beans. Although many of these SKEWERED CHESTNUTS
foods are prepared in advance, their true charm
lies in the freshness of their garnish and arrange-
Boiled Chestnuts I, 298
ment. Do not leave the platters with their cut
meats exposed too long on the buffet table.
by boiling in milk. Omit the vinegar. When the
chestnuts are cooked until soft enough to pene-
To assemble a smorgasbord from some of the
trate with a fork, roll them in a mixture of:
recipes in this book, see Herring, 407 and 408,
Au Gratin III, 553
Swedish Rye Bread, 599, salmon hors d'oeuvre, 88,
Place on a greased baking dish and run under a
Cold Glazed Salmon, 411, Swedish Meatballs, 489,
hot broiler for a few moments. Dust with:
Crepes with Lingonberries, 237, and shrimp dishes.
Chopped parsley
Serve at once on picks.
Bought crackers and breads can be dressed up into Preheat oven to 425°
delightfuladditions to the hors d'oeuvre table > Prick the shells of:
with the cut of a knife, a few aromatic seeds, a Chestnuts
bit of cheese and an oven. See fancy Breads and with a fork before putting them in the oven for

15 to 20 minutes or they may explode. More Dried apricots, dates or prunes
hazardous, but more fun, is to roast the chestnuts Drain the fruit and reserve the liquor for sauces,
in a pan such as that shown below, on a cold gravies, etc. Place in each cavity 1 or 2 of the
winter's evening, on the coals of an open hearth. following:
A childhood game was for each of us to cheer on A walnut or other nutmeat
our own chestnut to pop first. A canned water chestnut
A sauteed chicken liver
Cheddar or Roquefort cheese
The fruit may be served cold or hot. You may also
wrap each piece with:
A narrow strip of bacon
Secure it with a pick and bake in a 375° oven
until the bacon is crisp.


Alternate on cocktail picks:
TOASTED SEEDS Small onions with pieces of cocktail sausages
Separate the fiber from: and gherkins
Melon, pumpkin, squash, sunflower Squares of cheese with pickle slices,
or watermelon seeds stuffed olives or small onions
Cover with: Slices ofraw carrot and blocks of
Salted water tongue or ham
Bring to a boil and simmer 2 hours. Drain and Shrimp, lightly flavored with mustard and
dry on brown paper. Then: pieces of celery, or Celeri-Rave
Remoulade, 102
I. Fry as for Nuts as Hors d'Oeuvre II, 79.
Squares of cheese and slices of green onion,
II. Spread the seeds in a shallow pan. Coat with: topped with a ripe olive
Vegetable oil Chilled balls of cream cheese, sprinkled with
(Salt) paprika or mixed with chopped olives
Bake in a 250° oven until golden brown. Stir from and anchovy or smoked herring or
time to time. salmon sections
Pieces of ham and watermelon pickle
PUFFED CEREALS FOR COCKTAILS Cubes of smoked turkey and honeydew
Melt in a skillet, over low heat: melon
A cup
3 butter
(1 clove garlic, pressed)
On small picks alternately interlace:
Stir in lightly:
Prosciutto or Virginia ham slices
12 cups crisp small cereals
teaspoons curry powder Melon balls
1 teaspoon celery salt
Pineapple, pear or peach chunks
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
Fresh figs
(1 cup pumpkin seeds or nuts)
The fruit may be marinated in:
Mix gently until the cereal has absorbed the sea- (Port wine)
soned butter. Drain on paper toweling and serve at At the very tip of the pick, impale a clustered
once. tip of:
Mint leaves
Popcorn, 790, or wild rice as for popcorn
Season with: Hors d'oeuvre en brochette may be broiled with
Melted butter or without wraps. Attractive skewer combinations
(Squeeze of garlic or onion juice) of the unwrapped kind include: bacon and
(Crated sharp cheese) blanched sections of onion; scallops, mussels,
shrimps or oysters with bacon and firm miniature
STUFFED DRIED FRUIT APPETIZERS tomatoes; chicken livers or pieces of calf liver or
Highly decorative surroundings for Glazed Cock- kidney alternating with cocktail sausages and
tail Ribs, 85. mushrooms; diced eggplant or squash, blanched
Prepare well in advance, as described in Prunes small onions, cherry tomatoes and bacon; shrimp
in Wine, 141 or diced lobster, diced cucumber and stuffed

blanched celery
olives; pieces of fish, sections of VICKSBURG CHEESE ROLL OR BALL
and bacon; sections of sausage and pickled on- Blend with a fork until smooth:
ions; bacon and small chunks of unpeeled apple.
Vs Roquefort cheese
See also Skewered Chestnuts, 79. V3 cheddar cheese
Any of the following may be surrounded by: '/» soft cream cheese
Thin strips of bacon or ham Sprinkle thickly a large piece of waxed paper with:
secured to them with picks, impaled on skewers, Paprika
and broiled until the bacon is crisp: Roll the cheese mixture into a sausage shape, then
Pineapple chunks on the paper until it has a generous coating of
Spiced cored crab apples paprika. You can cut it into slices later. You may
Prunes stuffed with almonds also shape the mixture into a large ball, which can
Watermelon pickles
be rolled in:
Dates stuffed with pineapple (Chopped nuts or finely chopped dried beef)
Skinned firm grapefruit sections Place in refrigerator to chill.
Large stuffed olives
Pickled onions NUT CHEESE BALLS
Smoked oysters or mussels About 16
Raw scallops or oysters Work to a paste:
Cooked shrimp 1 cup Roquefort cheese, or part Roquefort
Sauteed chicken livers
and part cream cheese
2 tablespoons butter
RUMAKI teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or

Cut into bite-sized pieces: tablespoon brandy


Chicken livers 1 teaspoon paprika

Sprinkle with: A few grains cayenne

(Soy sauce) Shape into 1-inch balls. Roll them in:
Prepare an equal number of: V* cup ground nutmeats
'A-inch canned water chestnut slices Chopped herbs or watercress
Marinate the chestnuts in: Chill. This is also effective made into one large
(Port wine) cheese ball.

Wrap a piece of liver and one of water chestnut

together in: TOMATO ASPIC WITH
Vi -inch-wide slice of bacon TASTY CENTERS
Secure with a wooden pick or small metal skewer 8 Servings
and broil slowly until the bacon is crisp. Serve hot. I. Prepare:
Aspic, 114

FILLED EDAM CHEESE When about to set, pour into wet individual
it is

molds or ice cube molds and fill them to one-

Fine for a buffet meal. Hollow:
third of their capacity. Combine and roll into
A small Edam or Gouda cheese balls:
Crumble the removed part. Combine it with:
package soft cream cheese: 3 oz.
2 teaspoons or more Worcestershire sauce
tablespoon anchovy paste
or red wine
2 drops Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
Drop a ball into each mold and cover it with aspic.
A few grains cayenne
Chill the aspic until firm. Unmold on lettuce
1 or 2 tablespoons fresh or dried minced herbs
leaves. Serve with:
Or, to preserve its lovely characteristic flavor,
blend enough:
Whipping cream II. Use for the filling:
with the cheese to make it easy to spread. Refill Any small pieces of well-seasoned cooked
the cheese shell. Serve it surrounded by toasted meat, fowl or fish
About 16 See also Liptauer Cheese, 757.
Combine: Work until smooth:
1 cup shredded Edam cheese 2 packages cream cheese: 6 oz.
2 tablespoons finely chopped celery Work in:
Va teaspoon dry mustard 3 tablespoons soft butter
2 tablespoons cream or ale 2 minced anchovies
Make into small balls and roll in: IV2 tablespoons grated onion or
Finely chopped parsley 1 minced shallot

IVi teaspoons chopped capers Put some flour in a narrow glass or cup. Drop a
Vi teaspoon caraway seed tablespoon of the mixture into the flour and swirl
v 4 teaspoon paprika
until it is coated with flour. Fry in deep fat heated
2 drops Worcestershire sauce to 375° until golden brown.
Salt as needed
Shape the mixture into small patties. Chill thor-
About 36
Preheat oven to 450°.
NUT CREAMS Prepare dough for:
Roll into A-inch balls:
Cheese Straws, 641
Soft cream cheese Pinch off pieces of dough and form into 3/»-inch
(Squeeze of garlic or lemon juice)
balls. Chill for 2 hours, if possible, and bake about
Flatten balls slightly between:
10 minutes. Serve hot or cold.
2 salted English walnuts or pecans

Yellow cheese
Moisten with:
Cream or salad dressing
until it is of a good consistency to handle.
Shape into small carrots. In the blunt end, place:
A sprig of parsley

If you can lick the service problem and offer this

type of hors d'oeuvre while hot and just out of the

fryer, nothing is more delicious. Consider the
other suggestions in this chapter, as well as Tem-
pura, 243, and Fritto Misto, 243.


Please read about Deep-Fat Frying, 147. Perhaps no other single food plays such a varied
Measure by packing closely: role in hors d'oeuvre as eggs do. You find them
1 cup well-drained cooked spinach
plain hard-cooked as a bland foil for the many
Put it through a puree strainer or chop it in the spicy items surrounding them; deviled in the most
.*»blender until fine. Stir in: complex ways, with anchovies, curry, capers, cav-
2 beaten eggs iar; truffled and En Gelee, 117, or pickled. They
IV2 cups fine dry bread crumbs are particularly useful cut into fancy shapes as
1 tablespoon grated onion
garnishes for other hors d'oeuvre or with the —
V2 cup shredded cheese whites and yolks chopped very finely.
1 teaspoon salt
Overlap slices of hard-cooked egg as shown in
1 tablespoon lemon juice the clay casserole at the top on the right, or pink
Shape this mixture into 1 /2-inch 1
balls. Coat with the whites with an hors d'oeuvre cutter second —
a Bound Breading, 552. Fry in deep fat heated to from the top on the left. Garnish egg slices with
375° until brown and crisp. Drain on paper towel- caviar, olive, small shrimp, herbs or rolled anchovy
ing. Serve with: fillets shown bottom left and on the far right
Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352, or in the second row. Deviled or plain hard-cooked
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 eggs may be similarly garnished, and the deviled
ones may be further decorated by using a pastry
FRIED CHEESE DREAMS tube filled with the softened yolk. On the bottom
About 36 right are 3 cuts for deviled egg cups. Pictured
Please read about Deep-Fat Frying, 147. lower left center is a molded salad garnished with
Mix: sliced egg sections in a pinwheel and wreathed,
V2 lb. shredded Swiss cheese with parsley or chervil. Another mold to the right
3 well-beaten eggs shows a center of sieved egg yolk and sections of
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder white forming a casual chrysanthemum motif. To
1 tablespoon sherry make the border on the top left, alternate wedges
! 8 teaspoon paprika of tomato and hard-cooked egg.


Marinate: If small beets are not available, shape large ones
Canned white asparagus tips
with a melon scoop. Hollow the beets slightly.
Fill the hollows with:
French Dressing, 360 Caviar
Wrap around the base of each spear: sprinkled with a very little:

Thinly sliced ham, smoked salmon Lemon juice

or prosciutto Garnish with:

Serve chilled. A sprig of parsley or lemon thyme

II. Fill the beet cups with:

AVOCADO SPREAD OR GUACAMOLE Frozen Horseradish Sauce, 357
-fa A holiday touch here is a bit of pimiento or a
III. Or fill them with a combination of:
slice of stuffed olive for garnish. Guacamole makes
Chopped hard-cooked eggs
a great celery stuffer.
I. Peel: Herbs, preferably chives and tarragon
1 or 2 ripe avocados
IV. You may also fill them with:
Mash the pulp with a fork. Add:
Chopped vinaigretted cucumbers
Onion juice and lemon juice
and garnish with:

(Tomato pulp a very small amount)
Heap this on small crackers or toast. Garnish with:
Paprika and parsley or a touch of peeled, STUFFED BRUSSELS SPROUTS
seeded, chopped green chili peppers Drain well:
II. Have ready a combination of:
Cooked or canned Brussels sprouts

1 peeled, seeded, chopped ripe tomato Cut hollow in each one, preferably from
a small
the top. Drop into each hollow:
1 finely chopped scallion with 2 inches of
the green V2 teaspoon French Dressing, 360
Chill them. Fill with any:
O/2 seeded, chopped green pepper)
teaspoon chili powder
Sandwich spread or salad mixture
1 teaspoon olive oil
Use liver sausage and tomato paste, cream cheese
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
and chives or anchovy, adding the chopped center
portion of the sprouts to the spread. Garnish with:
V2 teaspoon coriander '
Salt and pepper A sprig of parsley, savory, basil, etc.
Add to the above, just before spreading:
Serve several as a salad or use as hors d'oeuvre.
2 peeled mashed ripe avocados
AVOCADO AND CHUTNEY A decorative platter for a buffet or first course.
Peel just before serving and slice lengthwise into Shred:
4 to 6 thick slices: White cabbage
Avocado Dress it with equal parts of:
Fill the hollow at the base of each slice with: Mayonnaise
Chutney, 846 Chili Sauce, 847
Arrange it in a mound. Cover the top with:
MARINATED BEANS Marinated shrimp
Surround the mound with:
Deviled eggs, topped with caviar
2 cups canned garbanzo beans or freshly
cooked haricots blancs
Prepare the following marinade and soak the MARINATED RAW VEGETABLES
beans in it 4 hours: OR CRUDITES VINAIGRETTE
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Slice julienne, 296, and arrange in groups on a
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
large platter a combination of some of the follow-
V2 cup olive oil
Garlic clove
Raw sweet green peppers, carrots, zucchini,
Various herbs
turnips, Florence fennel, cucumber, celery,
Drain and serve chilled.
green and red cabbage, very fresh large
STUFFED BEETS COCKAIGNE Coat each pile with:
I. Prepare, leaving them whole, very small and Herbed French Dressing, 360
shapely: Serve chilled.

MARINATED CARROTS 1 package cream cheese: 3 oz.

Slice as thin as soup noodles:
Carrots (1 teaspoon caraway, dill or celery seed)
Marinate the slices in: Place this mixture in:

Lemon or orange juice Dwarf

celery or finocchio ribs, the leaves of

A little sugar French endive, or separated canned

Serve well chilled. bamboo shoots
If you want them to look verv elegant, force the

RADISH HORS D'OEUVRE cheese mixture through a large pastry tube onto
I. Dip whole or strips of: small individual ribs or endive. Sprinkle with:
White or red radishes Paprika
in: Chill.

Whipped cream II. Fill vegetable with:

seasoned with:
Guacamole, 83
Vinegar III. Orwith:
Caviar and cultured sour cream, with
II. Or serve red radishes cut in rose shapes, illus-
a little lemon juice
trated below, tilled with:
Anchovy Butter or other Seasoned
Cut and with a melon scoop hollow out:
off tops
III. Remove the rind from solid black radishes and Large cherrv tomatoes
slice thinly across the grain. Soak them covered in Fill with crab meat or anv salad mixture or sand-
a little salted water about 15 minutes. Dram. Mari- wich spread.
nate in a mixture of:
White pepper 18 to 24 Pieces
Serve chilled. Cut into 1
2-inch cross sections the white por-
tions of:
3 large cooked leeks
When the cross sections in two,
chilled, cut
lengthwise. Stuff the leeks with Shrimp or Shad
Roe Salad, 108. Coat the top with more:
or garnish with a tinv sprig of:
(Fresh lemon tin me


#tf $ Have readv:

Thin slices
3-inch carrot sticks
unpeeled cucumber

Centlv fold the cucumber slice around the base of

the carrot stick. Fold a second slice around the
stick from the other side. These form the lily
petals, with a carrot stamen in the center. Fasten
with a pick, being careful to catch all four lapped
CELERY CURLS edges of the cucumber as well as piercing the car-
Separate, then wash the inner smaller: rot stick. Wrap flowers lightly in a moistened

Stalks of celery paper towel and refrigerate until ready to use as

Trim leaves. Cut several long gashes in each rib. garnish for the hors d'oeuvre or salad tray.
Soak in ice water until crisp and curled, as
sketched above, and serve on a tray with buttered MARINATED MUSHROOMS
radish roses, see II, above. your repertoire Stuffed
Be sure to include in
Mushrooms, 308-309.
Marinate 1 hour or more:
FRENCH ENDIVE OR Small button-type mushrooms or thinly
BAMBOO SHOOTS sliced large mushrooms
I. Combine: French Dressing, 360
1 tablespoon butter (Dash herb vinegar)
1 tablespoon Roquefort cheese Chopped chives or onion juice

Chopped parsley MARINATED ONIONS

Serve on: Skin, then slice:
Lettuce or watercress Bermuda onions
or on picks. Soak 30 minutes in:
Brine: %
cup water to 1 tablespoon salt
ABOUT OLIVES Drain. Soak 30 minutes in:
While the grading and typing ot olives is taken Vinegar
very seriously by the processors, what should mat- Drain, then chill. They are then ready to be served
ter most to the cook is that size does not neces- side by side with celery, radishes, olives, etc.
sarily have anything to do with quality. You don't
have to be a connoisseur to know that the big, PEPPER HORS D'OEUVRE
woody dull-green queen olives can't compare in Remove skins from:
flavor or in texture with the small, succulent, yel- Sweet green or red peppers
lowish Manzanilla fines. by roasting under a broiler until soft and pliable.
Try various types in making up your hors Also remove top and bottom, core and seeds.
d'oeuvre tray. The green ones, picked unripe, are Marinate 15 minutes in:
treated with a potassium or ash solution and then Olive oil
pickled in brine. Since they have not been heat- Lemon juice
treated, a film sometimes forms after the bottle is Slice the peppers vertically into thirds. On each
opened. If this happens, you may float olive oil on strip, put:
the surface of the liquid in the bottle before stor- tablespoon Tuna Salad, 108, or
ing again, or rinse the olives in cold water, drain, anchovies with capers
place in a clean jar and re-cover with a solution of seasoned with the marinade and:
1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon white vinegar to Chopped parsley
a cup of water. Black olives are picked ripe, put Form the strips into small sausagelike rolls and
in a boiling brine and sold dried, pickled or in oil. hold closed with a pick.
To reduce the saltiness of dried or pickled olives,
store them
in olive oil that you can later use for STUFFED SNOW PEA PODS
There are many stuffings for olives: a sliver of
Snow pea pods
almond or pimiento, a slice of anchovy, smoked
Blanch the pods in boiling water for 30 seconds.
salmon, prosciutto, etc. For a real treat, put in a
Drain, rinse in cold water and drain well again.
little foie gras and close with a pistachio nut.
Refrigerate covered. )ust before serving, cut off
the stem end of the pod diagonally. Fill a pastry
Drain the liquid from: Vicksburg Cheese, 81, and very finely
Green or ripe olives chopped nuts
Add: or:
12 peeled cloves garlic Finely chopped filling for Crab Puff Balls, 75
Cover with: thinned down with:
Olive oil Whipping cream
Let stand 24 hours or more under refrigeration. to a consistency that passes easily through the bag
Drain. Remove the garlic and use the oil for salad without splitting the pod. Allow about 1 teaspoon
dressing. You may dust the olives with: of filling for every pod.
Chopped parsley
About 4 Dozen Beef marrowbones, 471
Preheat oven to 400°. Serve the marrow with long spoons. It is delicious.
Prepare the dough for:
Wrap individually with about 1 teaspoon of this Allow 2 to 3 Ribs per Person
dough, depending on size of fruit: Preheat oven to 350°.
50 stuffed olives Cut into 1 -rib sections:
so as to cover each fruit completely. 2 spareribs: about 5 lb.
Arrange the covered olives on ungreased baking Season with:
sheets. Bake until dough is golden. Salt and pepper
•X* If you want to reserve these nuggets for later Place in a pan. Roast about 40 minutes. Drain the
use, freeze until firm, then place at once in plastic fat. Reduce oven heat to 300°. During the next 35
bags. Do not defrost before baking about 15 min- minutes of cooking, brush the ribs frequently and
utes and serving promptly. lightly with a marinade of:

3 tablespoons catsup or Chili Sauce, 847 Piccalilli, 844

4 tablespoons honey or molasses Cultured sour cream and horseradish
1 tablespoon grated fresh gingerroot Spread the mixture on very thin slices of:
2 crushed garlic cloves Smoked boiled tongue, chipped beef or
4 tablespoons soy sauce bologna
2 tablespoons sherry Roll into cornucopias. Or stack 6 slices, wrap them
When crisp and well glazed, serve at once. in waxed paper, chill and cut into 6 or more pie-
shaped wedges.
Forty-Eight 1-Inch Balls Heat on a hibachi or broil:
We always tender this recipe with some misgiv- Very small sausages
ing because of the risks run' in eating uncooked Serve them hot on picks with:
meat and eggs. Cannibal balls are a mini-version Mustard Sauce, 357
of the classic Steak Tartare or Cannibal Mound: a or grouped on skewers, flambeed in:
clump of raw beef with a shallow indentation on Jamaica rum
top into which a raw egg yolk is broken, garnished
with chopped onion, caviar or anchovy, and ca-
pers. The amounts indicated here will serve six
persons. Both for the cocktail hors d'oeuvre below Stew and place while still warm in a large jar:
Breasts of fat stewing hens
and for steak tartare the meat is prepared just be-
leave the meat on the bone and cover with:
fore serving as follows:
Scrape with the back of a knife, turning the
meat several times until only the fibers remain, Cover the jar closely and refrigerate 10 days be-

or grind at home using & medium blade fore using. Skin, bone and cut the meat into bite-

3 lb. top sirloin sized pieces. Serve cold on picks between:

Salted walnut meats
If you grind, the fibrous muscle will periodically

choke the grinder, allowing only the velvety por-

tion of the meat to get through Whether you ABOUT CHICKEN AND GOOSE LIVERS
scrape or grind, you will end with about 2 pounds AS HORS D'OEUVRE
of meat. Mix with the meat:
Both these delicacies may be cut to bite size and
2 egg yolks
briefly sauteed, overcooking, as usual, is disas-
V2 cup very finely minced Bermuda onion
trous. The centers should remain pink. Simply
Reserve about one-fourth of the meal and arrange
seasoned with salt, the livers may be served on
the rest in 48 shapes similar to Jelly Tots, see illus-
picks, or they may be wrapped in thin slices of
tration on 717. Into each depression put:
bacon and run under the broiler until the bacon is
1 caper
crisp See Rumaki, 81. You may prefer a liver
Ve teaspoon caviar: 2V2 oz. in all; or
pate, 495 and 496, and use it for stuffing olives,
Vi mashed anchovy artichoke hearts or mushroom caps; or roll it up
Close the tops of the balls with the reserved meat. like small cheroots in the thinnest slices of pro-
Dip them in:
sciutto. Use liver pastes also in individual molds,
2 unbeaten egg whites
glazed with port or an aspic, 368. For pate sur-
Rollthem in: rounded b\ pate, see Foie Gras Canapes, 75.
cup very finely chopped parsley
Arrange on a platter surrounded by small:
Sandwiches of buttered pumpernickel CHOPPED GOOSE OR
Garnish the platter with radish roses, 84, and CHICKEN LIVERS
sprigs of parsley. Drop into seasoned water and simmer
until barely done:
MEATBALL HORS D'OEUVRE 1 lb. chicken or goose livers
Prepare: Drain and cool them. Cook until hard, shell, chop
Tiny meatballs, hamburgers, nutburgers, and add:
Kbnigsberger Klops, 489, or small-sized 2 eggs
Dolmas, 492 Chop coarsely, then saute:
Season them well. Serve very hot on picks or be- 2 medium-sized onions
tween small biscuits. in:
2 tablespoons butter
TONGUE, CHIPPED BEEF OR Chop or blend these ingredients to a fine paste.
Prepare one of the following spreads: adding:
Seasoned creamed cheese, 71 (2 tablespoons chopped parsley)
Hard-Cooked Egg Spread, 73 (1 oz. cognac or brandy)

SMOKED TURKEY OR PHEASANT and half with sour cream. Caviar should be ac-
companied by either slightly chilled white wines
or— preferably — champagne or vodka.
Other types of caviar are the roes of salmon,
Thin slices of smoked turkey or pheasant carp, cod, herring, lumpfish, pike, tuna and gray
around: mullet. Those of cod, salmon, carp, pike and tuna
Large pitted green olives
are red or pink, and all are more gelatinous than
Serve on small picks.
sturgeon roes. To cook roes, see 411. For a sauce

ABOUT CAVIAR AND OTHER ROES made of roe, see Caviar Butter, 350, and the recipe
just below. To preserve caviar, see 814.
A was once moved to ask plaintively why
caviar so expensive; to which a helpful maitre d'

replied: "After all, madam, it is a year's work for

About 2V2 Cups
a sturgeon." The best caviar is the roe of the stur-
This coral-pink roe mixture served throughout
geon, and the most sought-after caviar comes from
Iran and Russia as Beluga and Oscietre. A third
Greece as a salad dressing. We use it most often
as a dip, or to give added color and flavor to
type, smaller because taken from a smaller Caspian
other hors d'oeuvre.
sturgeon, is called Sevruga and is the kind usually
obtainable in this country. None of these is either
fishy in taste, or briny —
as only 2% salt by weight
1 cup riced potatoes, 318

Keep them hot and toss promptly with:

is added as a preservative before transshipment to
2 tablespoons olive oil
America. The eggs should be shiny, translucent,
Let this mixture cool. Beat in a mixer:
gray and large grained. As imported fresh caviar
V2 cup smoked salmon or carp roe
spoils in a few hours in temperatures of 40° or
1 tablespoon chopped onion
above, always serve it on ice. Its high oil content
Combine with the potato and:
keeps it from freezing.
3 tablespoons lemon juice
To serve individual portions attractively, heat
the back of a metal spoon, press it into an ice
Add slowly as for Mayonnaise, 363:
cube and fill the depression with the caviar using — V3 to V2 cup olive oil
The whole mixture should thicken to the con-
a plastic spoon. Never allow the caviar itself to
sistency of a heavy cream sauce; no more. You
touch metal or to be served on it. If you spread
it on canapes or barquettes, see 69, or stuff
may incorporate:
tablespoon finely chopped parsley)
beets with it, 83, be careful not to bruise the
(A small amount of tomato puree)
eggs. The classic accompaniments are lemon
Season to taste
wedges, parsley, black bread, pumpernickel or
Although hard-cooked
and refrigerate until ready to serve.
not-too-dry toast. egg
whites and yolks and onions — very
all finely
minced and separately arranged — are more fre- SEASIDE TIDBITS
quently used as a garnish, connoisseurs consider When you go collecting at the shore, you can
them less suitable than the simpler lemon and often find edible treats. Those sketched below can
parsley. Other favored ways to serve caviar are in be eaten raw as hors d'oeuvre. Reading from top
blinis with sour cream, 238, or simply mixed half to bottom on left are Nuttall's Cockle and at the

base the Giant Atlantic Cockle, with a side view FISH BALLS
between of the heart shape that gives them their
Prepare very small:
name. Next are the Eastern and the native Pacific
Codfish Balls, 405, or Gefilte Fish Balls, 402
Oyster, with a bit of Laver, one of the large edible
Serve them hot on picks with:
purple seaweeds, centered between them. The
Tartare Sauce, 364
bristlv Sea Urchin follows, shown at top as it hugs
the rocks, and at the bottom revealing the unpro-
tected edible contents. Always be certain to ANCHOVY, EEL OR
wear leather gloves when handling urchins. To
prepare for eating raw or for cooking, free the
tangerinelike sections from the gut. Cook as for I. Cut into '/2-inch strips:

Poached Eggs II, 221. The flavor is much like that Smoked salmon, eel or anchovies

of brains. If eaten raw with a spoon, both roe Roll the strips around small:

and milt the creatures are bisexual are highly — Sweet-sour or other gherkins or thin strips

prized. In )apan the flesh served as a fermented

is cucumber
paste. In Latin America it frequently finds it way Secure and serve the rolls with picks.
into an omelet. Between the urchins is the keyhole
Limpet. You eat the foot, shown shaded, and dis-
II.Cut into verv thin slices:
card the visceral hump. Second at top right is the
Smoked salmon
Californian Mussel and beside it the Common Spread on the slices:

Mussel more about these on 379. Below them is Cream cheese seasoned with cucumbers,
horseradish, chopped chives, parsley or
the Periwinkle, which can be extracted with a pin
or a fine crochet hook. Below the "winkle" is a
Clam, and top and bottom at extreme right are Roll the strips. Secure and serve them on picks.
the long Atlantic Jack Knife and the shorter Pa-
cific Razor Clam; more about these on 379. For
other sea tidbits try small shellfish, 375, in spicv
sauces. Serve hot or cold. Due to red tides, mol- HORS D'OEUVRE
lusks may be poisonous during the summer Have all ingredients very cold.
months. Be sure to check local conditions. Place on plates:
Lettuce leaves
SEVICHE Build up into a small cone:
Finely shredded coleslaw
Raw marinated
fish in very popular
lime juice is
Pour over the cone:
as an hors d'oeuvre in South America and Japan.
Cultured sour cream
If vou are squeamish or if vou are not sure
your fish comes from unpolluted waters, you may The cream mav be thinned with a few tablespoons
prefer —
as Europeans often do —
to poach the fish
of the liquor from the pickled herring. Top the
cone with:
lightlv and pour over it a hot marinade of olive oil
Small pieces of pickled herring, sardine or
and vinegar, rather than relying merely on the
acidulous action of lime juice. The poached and
marinated fish is refrigerated covered 24 hours
and served cold. This dish is called escabeche.
For seviche, skin, remove bones and dice the
meat of: On a:

2 lb. very fresh firm-fleshed raw sole,

Herring fillet

pompano or red snapper Place a layer of:

Or you mav dice: Capers
(2 lb. lobster, crab meat or scallops) Chopped shallots
Marinate in a glass dish, covered, and refrigerate Chopped gherkins
3 to 4 hours, entirely immersed in: A little prepared mustard
2 cups lime juice Roll the filletand fasten with a wooden pick. Place

V2 cup finely chopped onions the rolled herrings in jars and cover well with:
V* cup chopped green chilis Wine vinegar
1 cup chopped, peeled and seeded tomatoes to which you have added:
2 teaspoons salt Slivers of lemon peel

A few
grains of cayenne Mustard seed
teaspoon oregano
s Sliced onion
Serve on picks in small scallop shells with: Peppercorns
Corn Dodgers Cockaigne, 628, or Tortillas, Allow the rollmops to steep for 10 days in the
629 refrigerator. Drain and serve cold, lightly brushed
and a garnish of: with:
Hot chili peppers Olive oil

COLD OYSTER OR 1 pressed clove garlic

MUSSEL HORS D'OEUVRE 1 cup olive oil
Vi cup sauterne wine
Juice of V2 lemon
Sour Cream Dip, below
3 tablespoons parsley and basil, chopped
Coat with this sauce:
18 oysters or mussels in the half shell
teaspoon salt
Decorate tops with:
teaspoon pepper
Red caviar
Grill or broil the shrimp about 10 minutes, being
Serve on a bowl of ice.
careful not to scorch them. Serve at once with:
Lemon Butter, 350
PICKLED OYSTERS flavored with:
Combine the top of a double boiler:
1 large pressed clove of garlic
1 quart oysters
or for a touch of the Orient use:
1 quart oyster liquor
Chinese Low-Calorie Dressing, 362
If needed, supplement the liquor with canned
clam juice. Heat until the oysters are plump. Drain
and wipe them. Reserve the liquor and simmer it
15 minutes with:
Mix and shape into balls:
1 A
lb. shelled, deveined, minced shrimp
1 tablespoon peppercorns
6 finely chopped canned water chestnuts
1 tablespoon whole allspice
1 piece ginger, finely chopped
1 thinly sliced lemon
1 small onion, chopped
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 egg white
Dash of hot pepper sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch
Season to taste
3 teaspoons wine
Pour the sauce over the oysters and refrigerate at
1 teaspoon sesame or other vegetable oil
least 24 hours before serving.
Dash of pepper
Fry in deep fat heated to about 365° until golden
For your most fiery guests.
5 lb. shrimp
with: Dangerously close to overimmersion, perhaps,
Flat draft beer or h
vinegar and Vi water dipped dainties are still the most popular types
Add: of hors d'oeuvre, and the easiest to prepare. They
1 tablespoon bruised peppercorns are too: entirely acceptable not only

V* cup salt just before dinner, but as afternoon and late-

3 bay leaves evening snacks. Don't forget to use for dipping
teaspoon hot pepper sauce or
1 some of the spreads listed in Canapes; Welsh
Va teaspoon cayenne pepper Rarebit, 252; Cheese Fondue, 254; Guacamole,
A cup chopped celery tops 83; or the sauce which accompanies Bagna
Bring to a boil and simmer 15 minutes. Remove Cauda, 90. Make them but still on
from the heat and let shrimp stand in the liquor the firm side, with a cream, lemon juice or

at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Drain and place mayonnaise; and choose additional seasonings to
on a platter of crushed ice on artichoke leaves. your own taste. When serving it is wise to set

the dip container over crushed ice.

Clean and devein, 389: FOOD DIPPERS
IV2 lb. boiled shrimp Crackers or strips of pumpernickel or
Cut them lengthwise down the center, as shown rye toast
on 389. Prepare: Potato or corn chips
Aspic Glaze, 368 Small wheat biscuits
Chill the glaze until it begins to set. Spear the Toast sticks
shrimp on picks. Dip them into the glaze. When Fried oysters
partly set, dip again. Chill well and serve cold. Cooked seafood chunks
Chilled vegetables
H BROILED SHRIMP COCKAIGNE Meatballs and small sausages
Without cutting into the meat, shell, clean and
devein, leaving the tails on, 389: SOUR CREAM DIPS
2 lb. jumbo shrimp I. Combine:
Marinate the shrimp in the refrigerator for several 2 cups thick cultured sour cream
hours in: 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

2 tablespoons chopped chives Stirand cook the cheese mixture very slowly until
1 teaspoon dried herbs the egg thickens a bit. Remove from heat. Pour
Va teaspoon curry powder into a dish. Cool it slowly, beating as it cools, to
2 teaspoon salt keep a crust from forming. Cover and chill.
teaspoon paprika


1 cup cultured sour cream Place in a heavy fondue pot, shown on 25-:
1 or more tablespoons horseradish cup butter

teaspoon salt : cup olive oil

V* teaspoon paprika 8 mashed anchovy fillets
2 cloves garlic, pressed
CHEESE DIPS and simmer about 5 minutes, stirring occasion-
The mania for cheese dips, cold, has replaced that ally. Add:

for —
cheese dips, hot without which no partv used \ 2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

to be complete. Have readv a platter of bite-sized young vege-

Try serving the following dips in a hollowed-out: tables, thinly sliced the vegetables are fibrous,

Round loaf of dark rye bread and peeled or seeded if necessary. Suitable are:

Slice off the top of the loaf; then with a curved Carrots, Florence fennel, Belgian endive or
serrated knife remove the soft inner part of the celery, young artichoke hearts, cherry

loaf, leaving about 1 inch of thickness at sides and tomatoes, green peppers and zucchini
bottom. Use the removed bread later as chunks Let the guests dip their choices into the warm
for dipping. > Fill the hollow loaf with the dip sauce on fondue forks.
just before serving.


A lb. cheddar cheese Good with raw mushrooms and raw cauliflower.
V* lb. Roquefort cheese Combine:
2 tablespoons butter
2 cup finely chopped green onions
i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
i teaspoon fresh coriander
: teaspoon prepared mustard
4 cup chopped parsley
V* teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger
pressed clove of garlic
1 tablespoon soy sauce
and melt over heat with: 2 tablespoons chopped canned

1 cup beer water chestnuts

1 cup cultured sour cream
II. Beat until smooth: 2 tablespoons mavonnaise
2 packages cream cheese: 6 oz.
1 tablespoons mayonnaise
' i

1 tablespoon cream
About 3' '2 Cups
4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated onion or chives Combine in a .*» blender:

teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 cups strained cooked chick-peas

-i cup Tahin, 564
cup lemon juice

2 pressed cloves garlic

OR DIP \ cup seeded black olives
About 1 1
2 Cups teaspoon salt
This concoction, if refrigerated, keeps for a week After removing this mixture from blender, add:
or so and makes excellent toasted cheese sand- 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
wiches or a sauce. Thin it as needed with a little Serve as a dip with:
milk in a double boiler. Rye toast fingers
Cut into small pieces and stir over very low heat, Strips ofunleavened bread
or over not in — —
boiling water until melted:
Vi lb. cheese
We find a soft cheese or a processed one pref- CAVIAR DIP
erable for this recipe. Add: Whip:
/2 cup whipping cream
1 cup evaporated milk
3U teaspoon salt Fold in:
A teaspoon
drv mustard 2 to 3 tablespoons caviar
Va teaspoon curry powder 1 to 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion

Vi teaspoon caraway seeds Place in the center of a dish and garnish with:
Remove from heat and stir in: Sliced hard-cooked eggs and small
1 beaten egg rounds of toast

CLAM DIP 1 to 2 tablespoons tomato paste, catsup, or

Chili Sauce, 847
1 cup minced clams Juice of 1 lemon
Combine with: Seasoning, as needed
1 package soft cream cheese: 3 oz. (Chopped celery or olives)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
Va teaspoon mustard
Salt, as needed SHRIMP DIP
1 tablespoon, more or less, onion juice Combine:
!A cup whipping cream 1 can cooked cleaned shrimp: 5 oz.
1 cup creamed fine-curd cottage cheese
CRAB MEAT OR TUNA DIP 3 tablespoons Chili Sauce, 847
Flake: Vi teaspoon onion juice
1 cup cooked crab meat or tuna 2 teaspoons lemon juice
Stir in: 1 to 2 tablespoons cream, if needed
2 tablespoons mayonnaise for consistency
Keep the rest of the menu well in mind when
preparing your salad and its dressing. A rich,
heavy entree demands a tart green salad. Slaws go
well with casual meals, cookouts and impromptu
suppers at which hearty, uncomplicated foods are
served. Elaborate salads beautifully arranged and
garnished, brilliant aspics, and decorative chaud-
froids all look well on formal buffet tables or at
special summer luncheons. In some cases these
are served individually rather than as a single
glittering showpiece.
We have suggested suitable dressings for the
individual salads in this chapter and want you to
try some of the variations listed. See also Sauces,
336-369. Don't go overboard, however; an undi-
luted heavy dressing will make any lettuce except
iceberg collapse just when you want to keep it
crisp. Your dressing should enhance the salad by
summoning forth its special flavor and texture and
by adding a delicate piquancy. Don't overlook, in-
SALADS cidentally, the possibility of using a salad such as
Celeri-Rave Remoulade, 102, as an appetizer; and,
conversely, an appetizer like Vegetables a la
We remember the final scene of a Maeterlinck Crecque, 281, as a salad.
play.The stage is strewn with personages dead
and dying. The sweet young heroine whimpers, ABOUT CULTIVATED
"I am not happy here." Then the head of the SALAD GREENS
house — or what remains of it —
an ancient noble, Enjoy the full range of cultivated greens, a num-
asks quaveringly, "Will there be a salad for
ber of which are sketched opposite. In succes-
sive rows at top, left to right, are crisphead or
With everyone, from the youngest
iceberg lettuce, Boston, bibb, Oakleaf, and Match-
commoner most palsied of patricians, salad
to the
less; on the next row, witloof chicory, curly en-
nowadays has assumed a legitimately high pri- dive, watercress, and corn salad or mache; at
ority, as well as —
increasingly first place on the
the bottom, Chinese cabbage, celtuce, roquette,
menu. We are still inclined to prefer it in its tra- escarole, and cos or romaine.
ditional location —
between entree and dessert
mainly because a green salad makes a clean break CRISPHEAD OR ICEBERG LETTUCE
between meat and sweet. But the initial presen- Large firm head, crisp, brittle, tightly packed.
tation of a light salad at dinner can be a life-saver Outer leaves medium green, inner pale green and
for a host or hostess whose piece de resistance chunky. Can be torn, shredded or sliced like cab-
has, in fact, resisted and is not so ready as the bage. Adds "crunch" and does not readily wilt.
guests. Improved recent varieties are Imperial, Great
All salads were once light salads: the edible Lakes, Vanguard and Western.
parts of various herbs and plants, seasoned solely BUTTERHEAD LETTUCE
with salt — from which the word "salad" comes.
Smaller, less compact, softer than crisphead. Deli-
In more or less this form they play a cooperative
cate leaves, of which the outer are dark green, the
role in reducing diets, always assuming that fur-
inner light green to yellowish and "buttery" to
ther sprucing up is limited to a sprinkling of
the taste. Boston and buttercrunch are the time-
lemon juice, a touch of spiced vinegar, or at most
honored cultivars, but the aristocrat of the line is
a low-calorie dressing, 362.
undoubtedly bibb. A Hawaiian-bred variety, Ma-
For those who can be more expansive, salads
noa, holds up in warm weather and is slow to
mean all sorts of combinations of chilled fruit,
vegetables, herbs, meat, cheese, fish — even, we
acknowledge with less than whole-hearted enthu- LOOSE-LEAF LETTUCE
siasm, cereals and pasta —
served with some kind Some of these much more fragile, delicious and
of moist dressing. At informal luncheons they may highly diversified kinds of lettuce can be occa-
not only accompany the entree but actually stand sionally and fleetingly bought at market or at road-
in for it. However, the chief danger in the present- side stands. If they are not purchasable, they are
day embarrassment of salad riches is that in care- well worth bringing on early in the spring or fall
lessly planned meals the salad often tends to in the family garden patch. The loose leaves
compete with the main dish, whenever or how- branch from a single stalk, do not bunch, and vary
ever served. in color. They are frequently used as an under-


garnish for molded salads, aspic, or arrangements CURLY ENDIVE OR CHICORY

of salad vegetables and fruits. Spiky leafage from a yellow-white stem. It adds
Green and bronze Oakleaf is one of these types; a bitter flavor and a somewhat prickly texture to

Salad Bowl, which looks like a curly pale-green a tossed salad. Occasionally used as a garnish.
nosegay, another. Matchless is a deer's-tongue va- ESCAROLE OR CHICORY ESCAROLE
riety developed to resist heat and drought. Prize-
Also known as Batavian endive. The leaves are
head has a red-pigmented leaf that adds dash to
broader, paler, less highly crimped than curly en-
a tossed salad.
dive, above, and the taste is less bitter.
Roughly also in the loose-leaf category, these Another bitterish salad component,
plants, found wild in America, have been exten- harvested heads are
highly variable: its
sively cultivated in France and Italy. The clusters
quite bland in flavor. They look rather like young
are small, made up of smooth green leaves; they
unshucked corncobs. The outer of the closely
may be grown in cold weather with little mulch- packed greenish-white leaves may, like celery ribs,
ing. Like other varieties of lettuce, they are some-
serve as receptacles for hors d'oeuvre.
times used as cooked greens.
The kind of salad material that sets up a love-hate
Elongated head, with long stiff leaves which are
relationship but which an impassioned minority
usuallymedium dark to dark green on the outside contends it cannot do without. There are a num-
and become greenish-white near the center. Its
ber of varieties, all coarse-leaved, fuzzy, aggres-
more pungent flavor enlivens a tossed salad.
sive in flavor.To avoid a mixed reception, we
STEM LETTUCE advise its use only in a mixed salad.
A Chinese variant in which the stem, rather than
the leaves, furnishes the edible portion. It is used
Dime-sized dark green glossy leaves on sprigged
in Chinese cookery rather like the water chestnut,
stems. The leaves and the tender portions of the
the taste of which it resembles when raw. Al-
stems are spicy and peppery additions to any
though easy to grow, it is rarely found in this
tossed salad. They contain twice the protein, four
country. Much more familiar to us is a close rela-
times the vitamin C and much more calcium than
tive, celtuce, which may be eaten uncooked or
braised like celery and which has a very high
In France, watercress is the invariable accom-
vitamin C content.
paniment to a roast chicken. In America it is one
RED-LEAVED CHICORY OR ARUCULA of our most interesting greens, frequently avail-
A lettucelike sparker-up of salads, much favored able in the wild. Its consumption, however, is
in northern spectacular crimson color,
Italy. Its often discouraged, because it may be growing in
much showier than that of Prizehead, above, is polluted water. To settle any doubts you may
characteristic only of the young growth that is have, soak the cress first in 2 quarts of water in
carefully shielded from sunlight. which 1 tablet of water purifier has been dis-


solved. Then rinse in clear water. Dry and chill and when cooked make an esteemed garnish for
before serving. seafood. Winter cress, or Barbarea vulgaris, is, as
To store watercress, cut off V2 inch of the its name implies, highly resistant to cold and is

stems. Loosen the tie and set in a container which widely distributed. The rosette of smooth dark-
does not press it on the sides or top. Fill the con- green leaves may be gathered as new growth
tainer with 1 inch of cold water, cover and set in either in early spring or late fall.

the refrigerator. Wash thoroughly when ready to

use. Cut off the tough ends before tossing. ABOUT TOSSED SALADS
Salad ingredients prepared long in advance suffer
a loss of nutritivevalue and arrive at table look-
Although this plant grows wild along European
ing discouragingly limp. Take care in washing not
coasts, it also flourishes in inland gardens, where
to bruise them; see that they are well chilled, crisp
glaucous basal leaves, cropped from Feb-
its thick,
ruary to June, make a nutty-flavored salad com-
and — especially— dry. It is usual to tear rather
than cut greens, except iceberg lettuce, which,
if you desire smaller pieces, can be sliced or
The tender \ellow tops of the celerv as well as To prepare lettuce, separate the leaves and
the sectioned ribs lend color and flavor to salads. wash them thoroughly. With iceberg lettuce this
So do the smaller leaves of spinach. is difficult unless you core the solid part of the

stem, either by using a sharp knife or by pound-

CABBAGES ing the bottom of the head quite hard on a
Not all types, (it course, are candidates for salad.
Chinese and celery cabbage very definitely are.
Slaw, 96, it is important to remember, can be
made of the red and the Chinese variety as well
as the conventional "white" cabbage.

Do not confuse with waten ress, Garden ress has <

\er\ tun leaves which are picked 14 days alter

sowing. In sandwiches and hors d oeuvre the\ are
frequently combined with baby mustard greens.
To grow sec 565.
A European annual, with small tender green
leaves, usually cut about a week alter the seeds
have been sown and used with garden cress in
salads or for garnish.


Young purslane, miner's lettuce, wild mustard,
pepper grasses, plantains, dandelion, sorrels, Ca-
nadian burnet, winter cress, chickweed and
spiderwort may be used raw in salads; and some
flower buds, like hemerocallis, 235 Milkweed
buds must be parboiled three times (discard the
waters-, then simmered 10 minutes before dry- wooden board, when the core will simply fall out.
ing and cooling. In using wild greens, it is prudent Hold the head upside down under running water.
to add them in relatively small amounts to more Water pressure pushes the leaves apart without
conventional greens, because many of them con- bruising them. Boston and field lettuces must be
tain oxylates and other substances that may be inspected carefully for grit and sand. Try some of
harmful if ingested in quantity. Be very sure you the wild as well as the cultivated salad greens
can identify the greens you propose using, and previously listed, for their texture and flavors dif-
wash them with great care. fer distinctively.
Dandelion, or Taraxacum officinale, is easy to Dry greens by letting them drip in a colander,
find and easy to handle if it is cut off at the root wrapping them lightly in a soft absorbent towel
crown so that the leaf cluster holds together. Its until dry, and chilling in the refrigerator until
slightly acid taste complements that of beetroot. crisp and ready to use. Whirling greens in a wire
After the plants flower, the leaves become tough salad basket is often recommended, but a Breton
and quite Edible varieties of sorrel are nu-
bitter. friend observes that, at home, this kind of treat-
merous, the best being Rumex acetosella and R. ment is contemptuously referred to as "a ride in
acetosa. The leaves have a pleasantly sour taste the jail wagon," because it manhandles the occu-

pants. If you like to whirl, try doing it in a tea Various kinds of herb vinegars are frequently
towel. To dry such lettuces as bibb, which may be chosen, but you may prefer to add these herbs
cleaned while still in head form, invert to drain, separately later when you add the other season-
then place in the refrigerator on a turkish towel, ings. For a discussion of vinegars, see page 526.
cover with another plain towel and chill for sev- The classic oil-to-vinegar proportions are 3 or 4
eral hours. Gravity and capillary action render to 1. Remember the old admonition: "Let the
them dry and crisp. salad-maker be a spendthrift for oil, a miser for
vinegar, a statesman for salt, a madman for mix-
ing." To which we would add: an abolitionist for
Additional dressings, condiments and trim-
mings may be added after oil and vinegar to pro-
duce that infinite variety in flavor that is one of
the chief charms of a tossed salad. Garlic is per-
haps the most influential seasoning. There are two
ways of giving to a salad a delicate touch of this
pungent herb. Split a clove of garlic and rub the
inside of the salad bowl with it. Or rub a rather
dry crust of bread on all sides with a split clove
of garlic; this is called a chapon. Place the bread
in the bowl with the salad ingredients. Add the
dressing and toss the salad lightly to distribute
the flavor. Remove the chapon and serve the salad
Place the greens in an ample bowl and give at once. If you wish to have a slightly stronger
them a preliminary light coating of oil. About 1 flavor, you may mash the garlic at the bottom of
tablespoon of salad oil will suffice for a medium- your salad bowl with other seasonings before add-
sized head of lettuce. Toss repeatedly by lifting ing oil and vinegar. This seems to modify its heavy
the leaves gently with a large fork and spoon until pungency. Never leave a whole clove of garlic
each leaf is completely coated. This conditions the in any food brought to the table. Salting your
greens against the wilting actions of the vinegar. salad may be unnecessary. If, after a cautious
Follow up with more oil, vinegar in all, about V* — taste-test, you decide that it will improve your
the amount of oil — salt to taste, and further toss- mix, sprinkle it on very sparingly and give the
ing. If the salad is mixed on this principle it will salad a final thorough tossing.
stay crisp, although it is usually eaten too quickly Additions to tossed salads may include sliced
to prove it. hard-cooked eggs, radishes, chopped olives, nut
Since vinegar and salt release juices and impair meats, pimiento or green pepper, sardines, an-
vitamin content, add them as close to serving time chovy, slivered cheese, julienned ham, chicken,
as possible. @
For a picnic or barbecue, prepare tongue, grated carrots, cubed celery, onions
the greens, wash and drain them, and put them pickled, grated or as juice—and horseradish. Even
in a large plastic bag. Take the dressing along in a bit of cream or catsup may transfigure an other-
a separate container. Just before serving, pour the wise lackluster mayonnaise, French or boiled
dressing into the bag and gently work it until the dressing. In particular, the use of fresh herbs, 579,
salad greens are coated. Serve from the bag or may make a salad the high point of a meal. For
turn out into a large bowl. already made-up dressings suitable for tossed
The choice of salad oil is important. First in or- salads, see variations on French Dressings, 360,
der of excellence is virgin-press olive oil, slightly 361, Low-Calorie Dressings, 362, and Mayonnaise
unsaturated, light in color and with a faint aroma. Dressings, 363, 368. The last may be used as indi-
Also available are mixtures of bland polyunsatu- cated or slightly thinned with cream or yogurt.
rated oils, 5, preferred by some for dietetic It is unwise to add cut-up tomatoes to a
reasons. You will also encounter an occasional tossed salad; their juices will thin the dressing.
gourmet who uses nothing but sesame oil, or a Prepare them separately and use them for garnish-
cholesterol-conscious person who will eat only ing the salad bowl. The French cut tomatoes into
oil of safflower. An economical and effective sub- vertical slices, 106, since they bleed less this way.
stitute for straight safflower oil is a mixture of 20% Another nice last-minute addition is small hot
safflower and 80% of another polyunsaturated oil Croutons, 551, sprinkled over a tossed salad just
such as peanut or cottonseed. If you find the taste before serving.
of olive oil too strong, try combining it with any Well-seasoned wooden salad bowls have ac-
one of the blander, more highly polyunsaturated quired a sacred untouchability with some gour-
salad oils. mets which we think is misplaced. If the surface of
Your choice of a sour ingredient will depend a wooden salad bowl is protected by a varnish, as
on your own taste, but a good wine vinegar or many are nowadays, the flavors of the oil, vinegar
lemon juice is the usual accompaniment to oil. and herbs will not penetrate it, and you might just

as well it wash
in the usual way. An untreated Add:
wooden surface will certainly absorb some of the cup mild vinegar
dressing used, but the residue left after wiping teaspoon chopped fresh herbs, 579)
the bowl tends to become rancid, since we house Add the bacon, and also at this time if you
our utensils quarters warmer than they do
in choose:
abroad. This rancidity can noticeably affect the (1 teaspoon grated onion)

flavor of the salad. We

prefer a bowl made of (1 teaspoon sugar)

glass, of pottery with a glazed surface, or of hard, Pour the dressing while hot over:
dense, greaseproof plastic. 1 head lettuce, separated; shredded cabbage;

dandelion, young spinach leaves or other

Serve at once from a warm bowl onto warm
4 Servings
plates, garnished with:
Sliced hard-cooked eggs
1 clove garlic, peeled and sliced
'/z cup olive oil: none other CHICORY AND BEETROOT SALAD
for 24 Hours, Saute: 4 Servings
1 cup cubed French bread A favorite winter salad in France. Cut in 1
in 2 tablespoons of the garlic oil, above, slices into a salad bowl:
Break up into 2-inch lengths: 6 heads Belgian or French endive
2 heads washed, dried romaine Add:
Place the romaine in a salad bowl Sprinkle over it:
2 cups drained sliced canned or cooked beets
IV2 teaspoons salt Toss in.
French Dressing, 360, or
'A teaspoon dry mustard
A generous grating of black pepper Watercress Dressing, 360
(5 fillets of anchovy, cut up small or mashed
(A few drops of Worcestershire sauce) 6 Servings
Add: Place in a salad bowl:
3 tablespoons wine vinegar 4 cups crisp salad greens
and the remaining 6 tablespoons of garlic oil.
1 cup drained bean sprouts
Cook gently in simmering water for 1 to I

V2 cup thinly sliced water chestnuts
minutes, or use raw, 743: V* cup toasted slivered almonds
Toss, just before serving, in:
Drop the egg from the ''hell onto the ingredients V* to Va cup Oriental Dip, 90
in the bowl. Squeeze over the i
thinned with.
The juice of 1 lemon 2 tablespoons cream

Add the croutons and

2 to 3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese COLESLAW
Toss the salad well. Serve at once. 6 Servings
For those who wonder why cabbage is way out in
front as the American vegetable crop, the answer
WESTERN SALAD is a rude four-letter word: slaw. Use "white" or
4 Servings
red cabbage alone, or combine them for more
interesting color. Or substitute Chinese cabbage,
Caesar Salad, above
or bok choi, 94. Pared and diced pineapple or
omitting the anchov les and adding:
apple may be added, and bean sprouts are a wel-
2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese
come addition. Remove the outer leaves and the
core from:
WILTED GREENS A small head of cabbage
4 Servings Shred or chop the remainder, cutting only as
Exceptions prove the rule, and we justify the much as is needed for immediate use. Chill. Just
formulas for wilted greens in this section as ap- before serving, moisten with:
plying to semicooked rather than raw salads and — French Dressing, 360, or Boiled Dressing, 366
thus outside our previous insistence on crispness Sour Cream Dressing, 367, or equal parts
of leaf. mayonnaise and chili sauce, or sweet or
Saute: cultured sour cream
4 or 5 slices bacon If you choose the cream, be sure to season with a

Remove from pan, drain on absorbent paper and little vinegar, salt and sugar. You may add to any
cut or.crumble into small pieces. Heat: of the above dressings:
2 tablespoons melted butter, bacon drippings (Dill, caraway or celery seed)
or oil (Chopped parsley, chives or other herbs)


8 Servings 6 Servings
Shortly before serving time, remove the core Place in a skillet:
from: V2 lb. finely diced salt pork
A small head of cabbage Render it remove the crisp browned
slowly, then
Cut it into the thinnest shreds possible. Place in a pieces, drain on absorbent paper and reserve. Add
deep bowl. Add: to the rendered fat in the skillet:
1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons vinegar
(Fresh herbs: chopped parsley, chives, etc.) 2 tablespoons water
Beat until stiff: tablespoon sugar

A cup whipping cream

3 teaspoon caraway or celery seed

Fold in: 1 teaspoon salt

teaspoon celery seed

V2 Cook and stir these ingredients over high heat
teaspoon sugar
V2 until they boil. Reduce heat to a simmer. Stir in:
A teaspoon salt 3 cups shredded cabbage
A teaspoon freshly ground white pepper 1 large pared, grated apple
1 cup seedless green grapes Simmer the slaw about one minute longer and
V2 cup finely shredded blanched almonds serve garnished with the tiny browned cubes of
Pour this mixture over the cabbage. Toss quickly salt pork.
until well coated. Serve at once with:
Tomatoes, or in an Aspic Ring, 113
4 Servings
ROQUEFORT COLESLAW Quarter and core:
4 Servings 1 small head of cabbage
Based on a recipe from Herman Smith. His engag- Core, seed and remove membrane of:
ing little books, Stina and Kitchens Near and Far,
Vi green pepper
have appealed to all lovers of good eating and Peel:
reading. medium-sized onion
Shred finely: 1 carrot
IV2 cups young white or red cabbage Chop these vegetables coarsely into the blender
Peel and cut into long, narrow strips:
container until it is half filled. Add to within 1 inch
1 cup apples
of the top:
In order to keep them from discoloring, sprinkle Cold water
Lemon juice
Cover and blend for 2 seconds no longer us- — —
ing the chopping speed. Empty the vegetables into
Toss salad lightly with:
a sieve to drain, and repeat the process until all
Roquefort Sour Cream Dressing, 367 the vegetables are shredded. Place them in a salad
Serve at once, garnished with:
bowl and sprinkle with:
(1 teaspoon caraway seeds)
Toss lightly in:
§ COLESLAW FOR BARBECUE Mayonnaise, 363, or
6 Servings Sour Cream Dressing, 367
The tangy dressing in this slaw goes well with thinned with:
meat broiled or barbecued outdoors. If you are 2 tablespoons lemon juice
cooking farther from home than your own back-
yard or patio, try the plastic bag method of "toss-
ing" the slaw described on 95. GINGHAM SALAD WITH
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 4 Servings
4 chopped scallions Place in a mixing bowl and toss:
2 teaspoons vinegar IV2 cups coarsely chopped young spinach leaves
Ve teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 cups shredded red cabbage
V* teaspoon salt V3 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper Va teaspoon celery seed
V* teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons chopped olives or chives
Add thismixture to: 1 cup cottage cheese
3 cups shredded cabbage Place these ingredients on:
3 cups salad greens 4 large lettuce leaves
1 thinly sliced carrot Serve the salad with:
V* green pepper, cut into strips Mayonnaise, 363, Sour Cream Dressing, 367,
Toss salad lightly and serve. or Green Mayonnaise, 364

ABOUT TOSSED COMBINATION bles. Drain well. Arrange the vegetables around
the cauliflower center as shown, garnished with:
Deviled Eggs, 225
Serve combination salads as a luncheon main
dish, accompanied by Toasted Cheese Rolls, 72,
Red pepper lobster cutouts
or savory sandwiches, 269. Practically every res-
Other garnishes might include:
taurant serves some kind of combination salad,
often named after its own inventive chef, but all
(Sardines or anchovies)
have the distinction of containing some form of
(Cherry tomatoes)
protein such as meat, chicken or cheese in ad-
dition to the greens and vegetables. Here are III. 2 Servings
variations: What various chefs call their Maurice Salad has
spread like a brushfire all over America and
abroad. Ours is not the original version, which
COMBINATION SALADS was put together bv a Cincinnatian; but at least
I. Rub a salad bowl with the ingredients, except for the optional ones, re-
main fairly orthodox.
Place in it:
Place in each of 2 sizable salad bowls:
Lettuce or spinach leaves
A bed of shredded crisphead lettuce
Chopped, pitted ripe oli\es
Divide and arrange on the top of each:
Sliced radishes
2 cup julienned cooked chicken

Sliced hard-cooked eggs

i cup julienned baked ham

Shredded Swiss cheese (10 or 12 strips julienned Swiss cheese)

(Chopped anchovies or bits of sauteed bacon Add to eac h bowl
or salami)
(1 or 2 chopped anchovies)
Toss the salad with: (A few capers)
French Dressing, 360
Garnish with:
Garnish it with:
2 sections skinned, quartered tomatoes
Skinned and quartered tomatoes 2 quarters hard-cooked egg
For a Greek Salad, add sliced cucumbers, cubes of Toss with a dressing made of:
the crumbly white cheese known as feta, and a '
i chopped hard-cooked egg
sprinkling of oregano. 1 teaspoon finely chopped chives
II. About 30 Servings
4 cup Mayonnaise, 363
This makes a showy platter for a luncheon buffet.
1 teaspoon lemon juice
On an oblong tra\ make a base of salad grt
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Lettuce 1 tablespoon chopped dill pickle or

Endive pickle relish

Romaine (1 pressed clove garlic)

Prepare, but do not overtook
whole cooked cauliflower
cups cooked green beans
3 Use vegetables cases for piquant fillings as
2 cups cooked beets sketched top of following page: a hol-
at the
4 bunches cooked asparagus tips lowed-out pepper which can be lidded with its
Add: own handsomely fat stem portion; next, a
3 cups bean sprouts trimmed cooked artichoke, with core removed
1 cup raw sliced mushrooms to form a cup: an onion sliced to produce rings
1 cup raw julienned celeriac which will hold vinaigretted asparagus upright
Marinate all the above several hours in: —
center on an hors d'oeuvre trav to right of cen-
French Dressing, 360, or Italian Dressing, 361 ter, citrus rind rings or green or red pepper rings

Use about '/« cup of dressing to 2 cups of vegeta- which can be used in the same manner to sup-

port food; onion cups made from raw or slightly GARNISHES FOR SALADS
blanched onions; a cucumber slashed and hol- To garnish salads, use the following:
lowed out to hold olives or gherkins; and, last in Tomato slices dipped in finely chopped
line, a scored cucumber cup. parsley or chives
Try your hand at carving vegetables and see Parsley or watercress in bunches or chopped
what fun you can have and how attractive your lettuce leaves, cress, endive or romaine
trays can look with a little effort. Don't force ef- Heads of lettuce cut into slices or wedges
fects. Use them sparingly. Begin with a choice Lemon slices with pinked edges, dipped in
of assorted herbs, below, left —
thyme, burnet, tar- chopped parsley
ragon, chives and garlic chives, fennel and water- Shredded olives or sliced stuffed olives
cress —above carrots cut in scrolls, radishes made Cooked beets cut into shapes or sticks
into roses, and pickles into fans. Provide geo- Carrots cut into shapes
metric accents with hors d'oeuvre cutters and Pearl onions
scoops, shown at center left and at the top on the Pickles
right. Shape flowers and borders of red, yellow or
green peppers; olives, at right of center, with Pomegranate seeds
twists of cucumber at lower right. Make an ingen- Seedless or seeded table grapes
uous turnip or egg white and carrot daisy, gay for Fennel slices
spinach dishes, or small daffodil blooms of carrots Cucumber or Cucumber Slices, 102
and turnips, shown at center right. The flowers Green and red peppers, shredded
can have fernlike stems and leaves of chive or Pepper slices
other herbs, as you like. Try for some asymmetric Mayonnaise or soft cream cheese forced
drawinglike effects, such as shrimps suggested through a decorating tube
by thin lines of red pepper. One of the loveliest Aspic jellies in small molds, or
decorations we've ever seen were 2 small lobsters chopped aspic
cut in conventionalized style from red peppers
and placed casually on the side and the top of
Eggs— hard-cooked, sliced, riced or stuffed
Small-sized tomatoes, halved, and
a cream-covered mousse. Seaweed, indicated by stuffed with cottage cheese
fennel leaves, partially crowned the top. See also Cherry tomatoes
571 for varied lemon garnishes. Slices of Spanish or Bermuda onion
Fresh herbs, sprigs or chopped
A welcome summertime alternative to crisp green Nasturtium leaves
salads or slaws is a vegetable salad, attractively Nutmeats
arranged and dressed. Try the marinated Combina- Chopped truffles
tion Salad, 98; simply prepare chilled cooked Shaped truffles
vegetables and serve them with a light vinai-
grette or chiffonade dressing; or use Vegetables RUSSIAN SALAD
a la Grecque, 281, including snow peas. All the 6 Servings
vegetables should be lightly cooked so as to retain This recipe can be made quickly with canned veg-
some "bite." etables, although it is not quite so good. If you


wish, youmay marinate your vegetables for 1 hour thinned with a little:
in French dressing, then drain and toss them in Cultured sour cream
the mayonnaise. Prepare and dice in A-inch 1
cubes: (Chopped tarragon, parsley or chives)
1 cup cooked carrots
1 cup cooked waxy potatoes
1 cup cooked beets
/2 cup cooked green beans GREEN PEPPER SALAD
Add: Drain the contents of a can of:
/2 cup cooked peas Asparagus tips
Toss the vegetables in: Place around 4 or 5 tips a ring of:
Mayonnaise, 363 Red or green pepper
Serve in mounds on lettuce leaves, garnished Place the asparagus in the ring on:
with: Shredded lettuce
(A few capers) Serve the salad with:
(Julienned strips of ham) French Dressing, 360, Italian Dressing, 361, or
For a more elegant occasion, after incorporating Mayonnaise, 363
the mayonnaise —
which should be a stiff one
mold the salad into a fish shape and cover with
thin overlapping slices of cucumber, suggesting
6 Servings
fish scales.
Chill in a dish:
2 cups well-drained, cooked asparagus cut
I. With Seafood 3 sliced hard-cooked eggs
Cook: 6 sliced stuffed olives
Artichokes, 282 Wash, drain and place in refrigerator to crisp:
Chill, and remove the inedible choke. Marinate: 1 bunch watercress

Shrimp, crab meat, oysters or bay scallops 1 small head of lettuce

in: Wh'-n read combine:

French Dressing, 360 V2 cup cultured sour cream
Fill the artichokes with the seafood and 5< 2 teaspoons grated onion or chopped chives
with: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, caper liquor
Mayonnaise, 363 or vinegar
on a bed of: 1 teaspoon salt
Shredded lettuce V* teaspoon paprika
V\t teaspoon curry powder
II. With Caviar (2 tablespoons capers)
Till the artichokes with: Lino a serving dish with the larger lettuce leaves.
Cultured sour cream Break the rest into pieces. Add these to the aspara-
Caviar or salmon roe gus mixture. Cut up coarsely and add the water-
III. With Meat Pour the dressing over these ingredients.
Fill with:
Toss lightly. Place them in the serving dish. Serve
Minced ham, the salad at once, garnished with:
veal, tuna or chicken
combined with:
Andalouse Sauce, 364
Lentils, kidney, navy, lima orminiature edible soy-
Freshly cooked or canned artichoke hearts are de-
beans, cooked or canned, are the basis of these
licious and may be cut up and added to green
"stick-to-the-ribs" salads. Drain well and chill:
salads or aspics, or used as the groundwork for an
2V2 cups canned or cooked beans
attractive individual salad plate. We like to pour
over them:
Combine with:
V* cup French Dressing, 360, or Thousand
X Blender Anchovy and Roquefort Dressing, 361 Island Dressing, 364
(A pinch of curry powder or V* cup
ASPARAGUS SALAD chopped gherkins or pearl onions)
Cook: Serve on:
Asparagus, 283 Lettuce leaves
Drain and chill. Cover the tips with: Sprinkle with:
Vinaigrette Dressing, 360, or Mayonnaise, Chopped parsley
363, or Boiled Salad Dressing, 366 Chopped chives or grated onion

§ GREEN BEAN SALAD Place them on ice for 1 hour. Grate them coarsely
4 to 6 Servings into a bowl. Add and mix lightly:

Prepare: V2 cup raisins

3 cups cooked Green Beans, 285 V2 cup coarsely chopped pecans or peanuts
Drain well and toss while warm in: A
teaspoon salt

French Dressing, 360, or Freshlyground black pepper

Lorenzo Dressing, 360 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Chill thoroughly, then add:
Chopped or grated onions, chives or Place the salad in a bowl. Pour over it:
pearl onions 1 cup or more cultured sour cream, or

Serve on: half sour cream and half mayonnaise

Lettuce leaves Toss the salad and serve.


6 Servings
Prepare: Use celery cabbage in any recipe for hot or cold
3 cupscooked Green Beans, 285 slaw, 96, or in the following colorful recipe.
Drain them. Combine them with the dressing for: Wash well, then crisp:
Wilted Greens, 96 1 stalk celery cabbage
Season as desired or with Cut crosswise into shreds. Serve very cold with:

(Summer savory) French Dressing, 360, o

Serve from a warm bowl onto warm plates. Curry Mayonnaise, 365
This cabbage combines superbly with:
Use any convenient proportion. Garnish the salad
Large Beets, 290
Pickled Beets, left
and chill. Hollow out the beets and fill them with:
Chopped Wilted Cucumbers 102, with

cultured sour cream, or Russian Salad, 99,

Coleslaw, 96, or Deviled Eggs, 225
Garnish with: ENDIVE SALAD
Curly endive I.Prepare:
Braised Celery or Endive, 298

PICKLED BEET SALAD and serve cold on:

Lettuce leaves
5 to 6 Servings
II. Simmer until tender:
IMi cups cooked or canned beets
Trimmed, halved dwarf celery or
Reserve the juice. Slice the beets. Place them in a
endive heads
fruit jar. Boil:
in aquantity of:
V2 cup sharp vinegar Veal or chicken stock
V2 cup beet juice
Drain. Refrigerate the juices for use in sauces.
Add and heat to boiling: Marinate the vegetable in:
2 tablespoons sugar
French Dressing, 360
2 cloves
to which you may add:
Vi teaspoon salt
(1 teaspoon anchovy paste)
3 peppercorns
Chill and serve on:
'A bay leaf
(1 sliced green pepper)

(1 sliced small onion)

(V2 teaspoon horseradish)

Pour these ingredients over the beets. Cover the
jar. Refrigerate at least 12 hours before serving on:
Celeriac, 298
Chill it. Toss it in:
Mayonnaise, 363, well seasoned with
Quartered hard-cooked eggs
mustard, or Salsa Verde, 361
or, best of all, in:
CARROT SALAD WITH French Dressing, 360
RAISINS AND NUTS to which you may add:
4 Servings (Minced shallots or chives)
Scrape well: Serve on:
4 large carrots Endive or watercress


REMOULADE As with other wilted salad materials, nutritive
5 to 6 Servings value declines; but heightened delicacy of flavor
This makes an interesting hors d'oeuvre.
also and appealingly smooth texture go far to com-
Wash well and pare as for Cooked Turnips, 335, pensate.
in Vi-inch rounds:
2 celeriac, about 4 inches in diameter
Pare and slice very thin:
Blanch, 154, boiling salted water 3 to 4 min-
utes. Drain at once. Cool and dry. Cut into a fine
A potato peeler, left, does a fine job. Place the
julienne, 296. Cover with: slices in a bowl. Salt each layer and place a
Remoulade Sauce, 364 weighted plate over the whole. Cover and refrig-
allowing about V2 cup sauce for each 2 cups of erate 3 to 6 hours. Drain and toss in:
celeriac strips. Chill well and serve on: Cultured sour cream or yogurt
Watercress Garnish with:
Chopped dill, basil or tarragon
TURNIPS REMOULADE Serve chilled at once.
4 Servings
II. 3 Servings
Wash well, pare, 335, and slice julienned, 296: Slice, leaving the skins on if vers voung and
cups turnips
Cover with: to 2 cups cucumbers
1 '
Remoulade Sauce, 364 Salt and weight as above. Refrigerate 2 hours.
allowing about 1 cup sauce for each
2 cups of Rinse in cold water, drain and dry. Place the
lulienned turnips. Serve chilled on:
cucumbers in a bowl and toss them in:
Chicory 4 cup vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar
dissolved in:
tablespoon water

Season to taste
Chill 1 to 2 hours and serve garnished with:
Chopped dill or burnet or very thinly sliced
Bermuda onion rings


H^r (p^ Refreshing
on a luncheon plate or as hors

Small, shapely cucumbers

Pare them. Cut them in halves lengthwise or cut
off a slice lengthwise and remove the seeds. The
cucumber boats may be wrapped in waxed paper
Be sure hard cucumbers Unless you
to select firm,
and chilled. Fill with:
are dealing with the roundish "apple" cucumber,
Chicken Salad, 108, a fish salad, 107
yellowness is an undesirable trait, as is flabbiness.
or anything suitable that you can think of, such as:
Both signify age, a pithv interior, and a tough skip
Nutmeats or green grapes in seasoned cream
Otherwise the skin is edible, sometimes even by
cheese, minced ham, etc.
allergies who cannot tolerate the pulp alone. The
These ingredients may be moistened with or
skin should have a slight sheen; if highly pol-
served with:
ished, however, it has probably been waxed and
Mayonnaise, 363, Beet and Anchovy
should then be discarded. If sou wish to make the
Dressing, 361, or Chutney Dressing, 361
cucumbers more decorative, leave them unpared
Serve the cucumbers on:
and score them with a fork, as sketched, before
Shredded lettuce or watercress
Chill, pare and slice:
Combine them with: Peel and slice thin, crosswise:
French Dressing, 360, or 1 lb. lotus root

Sour Cream Dressing, 367 Soak 10 minutes in:

to which you may add: Acidulated Water, 520
(Finely minced parsley) Drain and dip slices into:
Serve at once. Fresh, boiling acidulated water

Plunge quickly into: 12 coarsely chopped pitted black olives

Cold water 1 cup bibb lettuce

and drain again. Combine and heat: 1 cup romaine

2 tablespoons sesame oil Toss in:

1 to 2 drops hot pepper sauce French Dressing, 360, or Italian Dressing, 361
IV2 tablespoons sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce PEPPER SLICES WITH FILLINGS
Pour this sauce over the drained lotus root and 8 to 10 Slices
let stand about 1 hour. Serve chilled in the sauce. Highly decorative. These make a pretty salad and
are bracing as canapes on toast or crackers.
A hot-weather salad. The marinated pods are 2 medium-sized red or green peppers
slightly reminiscent of oysters, even more so if Cut a piece from the stem end and remove the
white-podded okra is used. seeds and membranes. Stuff the peppers with a
Prepare: Cream Cheese Spread, 71, or Ham Salad, 109,
Stewed Okra, 310 and chill 12 hours. Slice, not too thinly, with a

Drain. Place in a dish and cover with: sharp hot knife and replace on ice. You may serve
Well-seasoned French Dressing, 360, the slices on:
Horseradish Dressing, 362, or Lettuce
Mayonnaise, 363 with:
Chill. Serve very cold on: French Dressing, 360, or Mayonnaise, 363, or
Lettuce Curry Mayonnaise, 365


I. Cut into strips lengthwise: CHRISTMAS SALAD
Chilled canned hearts of palm 6 Servings
Serve on: Cheery as Santa's chuckle; but do not expect the
Romaine peppers to look like fresh ones. They are simply
garnished with: a gift-wrap for the soft filling.
Stuffed olive slices Drain:
Green or red pepper rings 6 large canned pimientos
Sprinkle with: Dice:
Chopped parsley 2V2 cups drained canned pineapple
Paprika Add to it:

Serve with: IV2 cups diced celery

French Dressing, 360, or Roquefort or Blue 1 tablespoon pickled tiny pearl onions
Cheese Dressing, 361, or Mayonnaise, 363 Whip until stiff:
V* cup whipping cream
II. If you live in Florida, you can have fresh:
Combine with:
Hearts of Palm
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
but see page 313. Be sure to eat them as soon as
Fold into these liquid ingredients the pineapple,
peeled, for they discolor quickly. Cut them into
celery and onions. Stuff the pimientos with the
dice and sprinkle with:
mixture. Chill. Bed on a nest of:
Lemon juice
Shredded lettuce
and serve with:
French Dressing 360, made with lime juice,
or Sauce Louis, 365
Another way to serve them is to treat the hearts Potato salad prepared from potatoes
is best
as for Coleslaw, 96. cooked in theirand peeled and marinated
while still warm. The small red waxy potatoes hold
their shape and don't crumble when sliced or
diced, but medium-sized mature Idahos are also
4 Servings
entirely satisfactory. Do not try to make do with
This recipe from the South of France often car- is
yesterday's cold boiled potatoes; they will have
ried to the point of agreeable anarchy, when it
lost much of their down-to-earth savor. For hot
becomes a salmagundi, and is apt to include strips
weather picnics, use an eggless dressing to avoid
of cooked chicken, seedless grapes or little on-
dangerous spoilage.
ions, and hard-cooked eggs. In compounding,
keep mind the law of diminishing returns.
in I. 4 Servings
Rub your salad bowl with garlic, then place in it: Prepare as described above:
2 skinned and quartered tomatoes 2 cups sliced boiled potatoes
1 pared and finely cut cucumber Marinate in:
6 coarsely chopped fillets of anchovy V2 cup heated French Dressing, 360

Mix in gentlv with a wooden spoon just before Combine all ingredients in skillet, stir gentK' with

ser\ ing: the potatoes, and serve at once with chopped

1 tablespoon chopped parslev parslev or chives. Leftovers are good served cold.
1 tablespoon chopped chives or
1 tablespoon finely grated onion


12 Servings
II. 4 Servings Cook:
Marinate the potatoes well with: 3 cups Boiled New Potatoes, 317
2 cup French Dressing, 360, soup stock
in water to which a clove of garlic has been
or canned bouillon added. Peel and slice and. while still warm, sprin-
Chop or slice and add discreetl> a mixture or am kle potatoes w ith:
2 cup heated white wine or * cup
of the following: \

Hard-cooked eggs, onions, olives, pickles, wine vinegar and '4 cup stock
celery with lea\es, cucumbers, capers nd 1 hour at 70\ Have readv
1 to 2 teaspoons salt 3 cups chilled cooked green beans
Paprika 6 skinned quartered tomatoes
A few
grains cavenne which have been marinating in:
teaspoons horseradish)
(2 French Dressing, 360
After one hour or more of refrigeration, add: To serve mound the potatoes in a volcano shape
Mayonnaise, 363, Boiled Salad Dressing I, in the center of a platter garnished with:
366, or cultured sour cream Salad greens
Refrigerate about 1 hour longer. Shortly before Garnish the potatoes with:
serving, \ou mav toss in: Capers
(Coarsely chopped watercress) Small pitted black olives
1 dozen anchovy fillets

Alternate the tomato quarters and small heaps of

POTATO AND HERRING SALAD the green beans around the potatoes.
6 Serving
Place in a large bowl and toss gently
2 cups diced boiled potatoes RICE SALAD
1 ' 4 cups diced marinated or pickled 6 Servings
herring fillets nation of this theme with bulgar or cracked
'4 cup chopped celery with leaves wheat as the cereal is called tabuli
1 tablespoon minced parskw Prep
1 tablespoon minced chives 2 <ups Boiled Rice, 206
6 tablespoons cultured sour cream The grains must be drv and fluffy. While the rice
1" z tablespoons lemon juice is warm, m i

teaspoon paprika 4 cup Herbed French Dressing, 360

'4 1 3
2 to

Serve the salad chilled in: '4 cup finelv chopped celerv

Lettuce cups ('4 cup coarsely chopped green pepperi

(10 black olives, pitted and halved)
1 1 cups chopped Poached Scallops, 382, or

GERMAN HOT POTATO SALAD 2 cans white tuna: 7 oz. each

6 Servings Garnish with:
Cook in their jackets, m a co\ercd saucepan, until Skinned, quartered tomatoes or strips of
tender red pepper
6 medium-sized potatoes in a bowl lined with:
Peel and slice while hot. Heat in a skillet: Leaf lettuce or watercress
4 strips bacon, minced, or 2 tablespoons or in:
bacon drippings Halves of avocado
reserving bacon. Saute until golden: If is omitted, this dish teams up very suc-
the fish
'4 cup chopped onion cessfully with cooked chicken or cooked smoked
! 4 cup chopped celery tongue. Serve tepid.
1 chopped dill pickle
Heat to the boiling point: ABOUT TOMATOES FOR SALAD
4 cup water or stock
Please read About Tomatoes, 331. In preparing
2 cup vinegar
tomatoes for stem-end
salad, alvvavs cut out the
2 teaspoon sugar
core, which tough and may be bitter. Good

2 teaspoon salt
texture is as important as good flavor. Vine-rip-
a teaspoon paprika ened tomatoes are infinitely superior to those

(U teaspoon dry mustard) picked green and allowed to mature on their wav

to the supermarket. Use the latter for Stuffed each slice a ring of green pepper '/a inch or more
Tomatoes, below, where they can be somewhat thick. Fill the ring.
redeemed with a spicy filling. If available, the You may also cut tomatoes crosswise in zigzag
pear-shaped Italian variety, which has a distinctive fashion, fill them sandwich-style and top them
mellow flavor, makes an excellent substitute. An- with a mint leaf. Or, fill deeply gashed halves
other way to cope with this problem is to choose, separately. whole tomato, which can have
Fill a

instead, small cherry tomatoes, which, because of small or large gashes, and garnish with an olive
slice or pimiento star, or cover with a pepper lid.
their proportionately large skin area, are pleasantly
sharp in flavor. Halved or whole, they also lend Or, slice horizontally in thirds and fill like a dou-
ble sandwich. All these cuts are shown below.
themselves to dainty decorative uses.


Cut into very thin vertical slices, 106:
6 medium-sized unskinned tomatoes
Place them so that they overlap around a cold
platter or across it. Pour over them a dressing
made of:
French Dressing, 360
A cup minced
2 minced shallots or green onions


Chill the contents of a can of:
Whole tomatoes
or use the firm part of any canned tomatoes. Place I. Pineapple and Nutmeats
them in individual dishes. Sprinkle with: Combine equal parts of:
Celery salt
Chopped celery
Salt Shredded fresh pineapple

Lemon juice A few walnut meats

Brown sugar Mayonnaise, 363
or a garnish of your own improvisation. The main
II. Eggs and Anchovies
thing is to serve them very cold.
Chopped hard-cooked eggs
Chopped anchovies or anchovy paste
ABOUT COLD STUFFED TOMATOES Onion juice or grated onion
A bit of tomato skin was once as much out of Chopped parsley or other herb
place at a dinner table as a bowie knife. The dis- Mayonnaise, 363, or cultured sour cream
covery that tomato skins contain highly valued
vitamins makes them salon-fahig so whether to — III.Eggs and Ham
serve tomatoes skinned or unskinned rests with Combine:
2 chopped hard-cooked eggs
the hostess's sense of delicacy or her nutritional
1 cup ground or minced ham
To skin tomatoes, first wash them, and then use Va cup chopped celery

one of the following methods: stroke the skin 12 sliced olives

Fresh or dried savory
with the dull edge of a knife blade until the skin
wrinkles and can be lifted off; or immerse in boil- 2 chopped sweet pickles
ing water for 1 minute, then immediately in cold Sour Cream Dressing, 367, or
water, then drain and skin; or pierce with a fork Mayonnaise, 363
and rotate over a burner until the skin is tight and IV. Deviled Eggs
shiny, plunge into cold water and peel.
Place in each tomato hollow:
To prepare tomato cases, first skin the tomatoes Va Deviled Egg, 225
as described above, then hollow them out. Invert
Serve on:
the tomatoes to drain for 20 minutes. Chill them Lettuce
and fill the hollows with one of the fillings sug- with:
gested below. Anchovy Sauce, 343
Tomatoes cut and stuffed in a variety of attrac-
tive ways provide a gay splash of color for buffet V. Aspic
salads. If you do not wish to serve large portions, For about 6 tomato cases prepare:
cut the tomatoes into halves or slices. Place on iVa cups aspic, 113

This may also be an Aspic Salad, 113, to which Pack these ingredients into an oiled tall glass.
chopped meat or fish and vegetables may be Chill. Unmold and cut into V2- to 1-inch slices.
added. When the aspic is about to set, fill the Serve on:
tomato cases. Chill until firm. Garnish with: Skinned thick tomato slices
Olives, parsley, etc. cut in the French manner, as shown at left, or use
and serve with: to decorate a salad platter. Cover with a dab of:
Mayonnaise, 363 Mayonnaise, 363
(A rolled anchovy)
VI. Some other good fillings are:
Wilted Cucumbers 1, 102
Crab Meat Salad, 106, or STUFFED LETTUCE ROLLS
a Fish Salad, 108 Add to:

Chicken Salad, 108 Creamed cottage cheese

Guacamole I, 83 all or some of the following:
Coleslaw, 96 A sprinkling of chives or grated onion
Shrimp with Mayonnaise, 363 Chopped boiled ham
Cottage cheese or soft cream cheese Seedless raisins
mixed with Mayonnaise, 363, and Chopped celery
chopped chives Chopped green peppers
Chopped nutmeats
TOMATO AND ONION Spread a thick layer of the cheese mixture on:

OR CUCUMBER SALAD Large lettuce leaves

Roll the leaves and secure with toothpicks. Chill.
Skin and chill:
Allow 2 or 3 rolls to a person. When set, remove
Medium-sized tomatoes
the toothpicks and serve with:
Cut 5 or 6 vertical gashes in the tomatoes, equal
Mayonnaise, 363, or French Dressing, 360
distances apart. Place in each cut, as shown below,
Garnish with a fancy-cut vegetable as sketched on
a thin slice of:
Bermuda onion or cucumber


5 Servings
2 cups cooked elbow macaroni, 213
Drain. Beat well
1' tablespoons lemon juice or

2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon salad oil

Combine this with the cooked macaroni. Chill the

salad several hours. Toss with it a mixture of:
1 teaspoon grated onion or

2 tablespoons chopped chives

1 cup diced celery with leaves

1 cup minced parsley

Or, cut the slices through, and arrange them alter-
'2 cup chopped stuffed olives
nately on a so-called bone plate, shown above.
V* teaspoon salt
Serve on:
Freshly ground black pepper
Lettuce or watercress
3 tablespoons cultured sour cream
2 tablespoons chopped pimiento
French Dressing, 360, or
Try substituting for the mixture above:
Sour Cream Dressing, 367, or
Basil Pesto, 570
Avocado Dressing II, 362
Serve on:
or in:
Also notable as an hors d'oeuvre. Crush with a
A Tomato Aspic Ring, 115
8 hard-cooked eggs
3 tablespoons soft butter 4 Servings
V3 teaspoon dry mustard Dice:
2 oz. caviar or salmon roe 1 cup canned or cooked crab or lobster meat
3 tablespoons lemon juice Add:
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (Grated onion)

Marinate in: 3 cups peeled diced apples

'A cup French Dressing, 360 1 cup blanched, shredded almonds
Chill 1 Combine with:
hour. Combine the milt mixture with:
1 cup chopped celery 1 cup sugar
Place on: 2 tablespoons horseradish
Lettuce 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Cover or combine with: Pour this over the other ingredients. Mix well.
V2 cup Mayonnaise, 363 Shape the salad into a mound or place it in a

to which you may add bowl. Garnish with:

(2 tablespoons dry sherry) Riced hard-cooked eggs
Garnish with: Pickles and olives
Lobster or crab claws Anchovies and sprigs of parsley
Olives and radishes
Hard-cooked eggs
Capers and pickles
Tomato Aspic, 114 20 Servings
in a ringor in individual molds. Drain the juice from:
Invert the aspic on: 2 cups pickled beets: 1-lb. jar
Lettuce or very tender cabbage reserving the juice. Dice the beets.
Fill the ring or surround the aspics with the shell- Combine and set aside:

fish. A cup
beet juice
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
2 to 4 tablespoons sugar
CRAB LOUIS Drain the following vegetables and combine them
4 Servings with the beets in a large bowl:
A version from the West Coast, where the mag- 1 cup baked beans
nificent Dungeness or Pacific crab, or the Alaskan V* cup canned or cooked kidney beans
King crab is frequently served in this way. Arrange 1 cup canned or cooked lima beans:
around the inside of a bowl: 8V2 oz. can
Lettuce leaves 1 cup diced boiled potatoes
Place on the bottom: 1 cup cooked or canned peas and carrots:
A cup shredded lettuce leaves 8V2 oz. can
Heap on these: cups diced, peeled and cored tart apples
2 cups cooked crab meat 1 cup finely diced sweet gherkins
Pour over the crab: 1 large diced, peeled dill pickle
1 cup Sauce Louis, 365 Drain, dice and add:
Slice: 2 cups canned herring in wine sauce
(2 hard-cooked eggs) Toss the salad thoroughly with the sweetened
Place them on top of the crab. Sprinkle over mustard sauce and refrigerate at least 2 hours.
them: Mound onto a large platter of lettuce and sur-
Chopped chives round with
Curly endive
Onion rings
About 20 Servings
Herring is traditional for our family at Christmas- SHRIMP OR LOBSTER MOLD
time. The thanks to the red beets, and
rich color, 4 Servings
elaborate garnishing make this dish an imposing This makes a lovely center for an hors d'oeuvre
sight. tray. Chop and combine:
Soak in water 12 hours: 1 lb. cooked shrimp or lobster
6 milter herring 1 tablespoon capers
Skin and rpmove the milt and the bones. Rub the Vs small onion
milt through a colander with: Add and mix well:
1 cup dry red wine or vinegar V3 cup softened butter
Cut into /»-inch cubes the herring and:
3 tablespoons whipping cream
IV2 cups cold cooked veal 2 tablespoons Pernod
2 hard-cooked eggs A dash of hot pepper sauce
IV2 cups Pickled Beet Salad, 101 1 teaspoon salt
V2 cup Spanish or Bermuda onions 1 teaspoon fresh tarragon

V2 cup pickles Pack into a mold. Refrigerate 3 to 4 hours before

2 ribs celery serving. For a special occasion, mold the mixture
V2 cup diced cold boiled potatoes flat in either individual molds or one large mold.

Cover with a thin icing of: meat cool. Add to liquid, simmering uncovered
Whipped cream until shells open — about 7 minutes:
Cut large crescents from pieces of: The mussels
Red peppers Remove mussels; remove meat, discarding shells;
and arrange them on the salads to suggest the let meat cool.
tails, claws and antennae of lobster or shrimp. Mix in a large bowl:
For an added touch of realism, garnish with sea- 4 cup olive oil

weed made of: 3 tablespoons wine vinegar

Wisps of finocchio leaf V/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
and a few: teaspoon crushed garlic

Seedless green grapes teaspoon salt


1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1 tablespoon capers
TUNA FISH, SHRIMP OR V* teaspoon white pepper
SHAD ROE SALAD Toss this dressing with the fish and let marinate 10
4 Servings to 12 hours in refrigerator, retossing once or twice.
Have ready: Serve on bed of:
1 cup canned or canned or cooked roe
fish Curly endive or watercress
Flake it with a fork.Add: Garnish with:
Vi to 1 cup diced celery or cucumber Lemon wedges
Make French dressing using:
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice CHICKEN SALAD
or use: 4 Servings
V* cup Mayonnaise, 363 A traditional party dish, chicken salad should taste
Add: of chicken, the other ingredients being present
tablespoon chopped chives)
(1 only to enhance flavor and add variety of texture.
(1 tablespoon chopped parsley) So always keep the proportions of at least twice
Serve very cold on: as much chicken as the total of your other in-

Lettuce gredients. Since the meat is usually combined with

mayonnaise, be careful to refrigerate this salad,
particularly if you make it in advance.
12 Servings 2 cups cooked chicken
Have ready raw or unshucked: 1 cup celery
1 lb. medium-sized shrimp ('4 cup salted almonds)
Vli lb. squid Chill these ingredients. They may be marinated
24 cherrystone clams lightly with:
3 lb. mussels French Dressing, 360
To prepare them, rinse shrimp, mussels and clams, When ready to serve, combine with:
scrubbing if necessary to remove weed and scum. 1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
If fishmonger has not done so, lift out beak, eyes Season the salad to taste with:
and backbone of squid; remove ink sac and pull Salt and paprika
offbrown skin, 408. Serve it on:
Simmer uncovered 40 minutes: Lettuce
1 cup sliced onions Garnish with:
in: Pimiento and olives
2 cups Fish Stock, 524 (Sliced hard-cooked eggs and capers)
2 cups dry white wine Quantity note: Generous main-dish servings for
2 cups water 50 will require:
1 bay leaf 1 gal. cooked cubed chicken
1 rib To obtain this amount, you need about 17 pounds
Add successively to the above the following sea- ready-to-cook chicken. If you substitute turkey,
food, first simmering uncovered 7 minutes: you need only a boneless 12-pounder.
The shrimp
Remove shrimp, let cool, shell and devein. Add to
liquid, simmering uncovered 17 minutes: CHICKEN SALAD VARIATIONS
The squid Follow the preceding recipe. You may substitute
Remove squid, let cool, and cut into A-inch 1
cooked duck, turkey or veal for the chicken, re-
slices. Add to liquid, simmering uncovered until membering to keep the proportions of 2 of meat
shells open —
about 5 minutes: or fowl to 1 of the other ingredients.
The clams Chicken, celery and hard-cooked eggs
Remove clams; remove meat, discarding shells; let Chicken, bean sprouts and water chestnuts

Chicken, cucumber and English walnut meats Scoop out the center of each half, discarding the
Chicken, Boiled Chestnuts, 298, and celery— tough pulp; reserve and chop the remainder,
pimiento may be added keeping enough intact to form a bird's head, see
Chicken and parboiled oysters illustration below. The birds in the foreground
Chicken and fruit such as seedless grapes, contain either mixed fruits or a fruited chicken
fresh chopped pineapple and pomegranate salad. The bird in the background with the more
seeds flamboyant tailholds enough pineapple for 4 serv-
You may add to the mayonnaise: ings and is suggested as a centerpiece for an inti-
(Chili Sauce, 847) mate dinner. Combine:
See also Chicken Mousse, 120. 1 cup finely diced cooked chicken
with the pineapple and:
HAM, CORNED BEEF, VEAL V2 cup Cream Mayonnaise, 365
I. Let this be largely a matter of inspiration.
Cooked ham, corned beef, veal or beef
Hard-cooked eggs
Celery with the youngest leaves
(Green peppers or pickles)
Combine these ingredients with:
Tart Mayonnaise, 363, or French
Dressing, 360
Garnish with:
Chopped chives, parsley or other herbs
Surround the meat with tomatoes, sliced or whole.

II. Serve, garnished as above:

Thinly sliced cooked beef, veal or ham Fill the hollow in the bird's back with the chicken
covered with:
mixture and round it slightly. Attach the pineapple
Sauce Gribiche, 365
head with a countersunk toothpick. Embroider the
bird's back with a pattern of halved grapes or
pomegranate seeds, using a portion of the garnish
Somehow between fresh and canned
the contrast
on countersunk toothpicks for bird's eyes. As can
components seems to become more pronounced be readily imagined, this rara avis easily evolves
whenever we address this topic, but perhaps we into an all-fruit salad when the major fillers are
have been obliged too often to confront the seedless grapes or pitted Queen Anne cherries and
syrupy peach-half, the scoop of cottage cheese,
of course pineapple, and when the dressing is
the blob of mayonnaise and —
crown and anti- hopped up with a liberal dash of fruit liqueur. See
climax of the whole sorry construction —
that mar-
About Fruit Salads, opposite.
aschino cherry. With the increasing wealth and
diversity of fresh materials available, and the scope APPLE, PEAR OR PEACH SALAD
they afford the designer, fruit salads can in fact be
Try this with an omelet, French bread and coffee.
utterly irresistible and, when skillfully arranged on
Pare, core, slice and sprinkle with lemon juice to
a platter, can substitute for flowers as a buffet
keep them from discoloring:
Well-flavored apples, pears, or peaches
With protein such as chicken, meat, cheese or Serve on:
fish, fruits make wonderful summer luncheon Lettuce
dishes. As keep the dressings for
a general rule,
pre-dessert fruit salads fairly tart, so that the appe-
Yogurt Dressing, 367
tite is not dulled. As a change from the usual base
or French Dressing, 360
of salad greens, serve them where suitable in
Garnish the salad with:
baskets, cups or cases made from fruit as de-
Vicksburg Cheese, 81, or
scribed on 138. In advance preparation, to avoid Nut Cheese Balls, 81
browning, bananas, peaches and other fruits that
The apples may be cut into rings and the cheese
discolor quickly should be covered during storage
balls placed in the center.
with the acid dressing you plan using.
This exotic Hawaiian hybrid makes a festive ap- Prepare:
pearance luncheon or supper table. For two
at a 1 cup diced celery
individual servings, split in two lengthwise: 1 cup diced apples
A green-tufted ripe pineapple (1 cup Tokay grapes, halved and seeded)

Combine with: of cherry tomatoes and watercress. On the right

V2 cup walnut or pecan meats are variations of avocado and orange or grape-
A cup Mayonnaise, 363, or Boiled Salad fruit slices.
Dressing III, 367
These may also be used as a garnish for meats and
Pare and slice them. Marinate about 5 minutes in
highly seasoned, chilled:
French Dressing, 360
You may also add:
(Hot pepper sauce, Chili Sauce, 847, or
Catsup, 847)
Sprinkle with:
Chopped parsley or chopped mint
Try these avocado slices in:
(Tomato Aspic, 114)


Slice them lengthwise and arrange them with
skinned sections of:
Orange and grapefruit or pineapple slices
in wheel shape, on:
as shown below, or make a rounded salad by
alternating the fruit with the green avocado slices
into an approximate half globe on the lettuce as
pictured lower right.
Serve with:
ABOUT AVOCADO SALADS Celery Seed Dressing, 362, or
French Dressing for Fruit Salad, 361
I'lrase read About Avocados, 131. To prepare
avocado cups, cut the fruit in halt lengthwise,
place between the palms of the hands and gently
twist the halves apart. Tap the large seed with the
edge of a knife and lift or pry it out, as shown at
top. above. ^ To prevent the fruit from darkening
after cutting, sprinkle with lemon juice. ^ To store
a cut avocado, allow the seed to remain embed-
ded, spread the edges with mayonnaise, soft but-
ter or cream, cover well with wax paper or plastic,
and refrigerate. Avocado has a soft, buttery texture
and taste which combines best with citrus fruits
or tomatoes and a sharp or tangy dressing. It also
has an unexpected affinity for shrimp, crab or lob-
ster. All of these combinations offer a pleasing
contrast of color as well as texture and taste the—
hallmark of a delectable salad.
Illustrated center and at bottom in the sketch
above are steps in cutting avocado
charming fan-shape.
into a
Select only ripe fruit; lay the peeled halves cup Cut into halves and remove the seeds from:
Chilled avocados
side down on a flat surface; then, using a sharp
knife inserted at a slight angle, and with a slight
You may then fill the hollows with:
spiraling motion, slice thinly from one end to
I. Chili Sauce, 847, seasoned with horseradish
about 3A inch from the other. You will find that
the slices may be splayed out in an overlapping II.Marinated seedless grapes, 111
pattern. The finished product is shown at left in Garnish with:
the sketch opposite, amplified by the addition A sprig of parsley, mint or watercress

III.Dress up: Arrange them on individual plates on:

Crab meat, chicken or fruit salad Lettuce, witloof chicory, or watercress
with: You may place between alternate sections of the
Mayonnaise, 363 citrus fruit:
thinned with a little: Strawberries or cooked cranberries
Lemon or lime juice Serve with:
and fill the avocado cup. French Dressing, 360

IV. Fill with a Tomato Ice which can be made II. When the entree is game, prepare the above
like: salad with oranges only and dress with a mixture
Fruit Ice, 765 of:
substituting tomato juice for the fruit juice. 2 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons olive oil
V. Scoop the pulp out of the skin instead of par-
1 teaspoon sugar
ing the avocado. Turn it into:
V* teaspoon salt
Guacamole, 83 A few grains cayenne
Put the mixture back in the half shell and garnish
Sprinkle the tops of the fruit with
Chopped tarragon
A slice of stuffed olive


For each serving, peel and split lengthwise: Prepare:
1 banana Melon Baskets, 138, or
Arrange the 2 halves on either side of: Melon Rounds, 139
Skinned orange sections, 135 Fill with:
or: Hulled berries
Dates stuffed with cheese, 137 Diced pineapple or seedless grapes
Sprinkle with: Moisten with chilled:
Chopped peanuts or English walnuts French Dressing, 360, or Cream Mayonnaise,
Garnish with: 365, or cultured sour cream
Tender lettuce leaves
Serve with:
Honey Dressing, 361
Skinned orange sections or peeled,
Drain and pit: Thin slices of Bermuda onion
Canned white cherries (Pink grapefruit sections)
Insert in each cherry: on:
A hazelnut meat Lettuce leaves, endive or escarole
Serve very cold with: Serve with:
Cottage cheese Celery Seed Dressing, 362
Mayonnaise, 363, or An Italian version of this salad adds:
Fruit Salad Mayonnaise, 365 Pitted black olives


Ever peel a grape? Well, it takes time, but what is
6 Servings
more luxurious than a lovely mound of peeled,

seeded table grapes seedless green, or Tokay, Cut into 6 parts:
Malaga, olivette, etc. —
lightly tossed in a mild
3 oz. cream cheese
Roll the cheese into balls, then in:
olive oil and vinegar dressing, served in lettuce
cups or as the center for a clear gelatin salad ring Chopped nutmeats
Pare, cut into halves and pit:
mold, 112? To make a baroque grape finish on a
6 ripe peaches
gelatin top, see 561. Or mix seedless grapes with
Place a ball of cheese between 2 peach halves.
cultured sour cream, yogurt or creamed cottage
Press the peach into shape. Roll it in lemon juice
cheese as a fruit salad garnish.
to enhance flavor and prevent discoloration. If
the peaches are not to be served at once, chill
CITRUS FRUIT SALAD them in closed containers. Serve on:
I- 4 Servings Watercress
Prepare: with:
Sections of 2 grapefruit or 4 oranges, 136 and French Dressing for Fruit Salad, 361
135, or a combination of the two A bit of cress may be placed in the top end of

each peach. Decorative — though it may puzzle a and serve with:

horticulturist. Boiled Salad Dressing III, 367


Chill and pare: Drain:
Ripe fresh pears or drained canned pears Slices of canned pineapple
Follow the preceding recipe for Peach Salad. Or Serve them on:
fill the hollows with: Lettuce with French Dressing, 360
Cream cheese Add to the French Dressing:
combined with: A little confectioners' sugar
Chopped Candied Ginger, 796 Or cover the slices with:
Brush the side of each pear with: Riced soft cream cheese
Red vegetable coloring topped with:
Insert in the base: A spoonful of currant jelly
clove Serve the salad with:
and at the top, simulate leaves with: French Dressing, 360, or Mayonnaise, 363
A bit of watercress
French Dressing, 360 For utilizing leftovers, an aspic is second only to a
souffle.Anv clever person can take a few desolate-
PEAR AND GRAPE SALAD looking refrigerator scraps and glorify them into a
Pare: tempting molded salad or mousse. This kind of
Fresh pears dish has two further advantages. One is that it can
or drain: be prepared a day or so in advance and kept
Canned pears chilled in the refrigerator. The other is built in, so
Place half a pear cut side down on a plate. Thin: to speak, and has to do with gelatin's properties as
Cream cheese a protein-extender, see Ingredients, 560. Each of
to spreading consistency with: these salads depends on gelatin to hold its shape,
Cream so please read About Gelatin, 560. Molds may be
Cover each pear half with a coating of cheese. filled dry, but a jellied mixture is more readily
Press into the cheese, close together to look like a removed when the molds have been moistened
bunch of grapes: with water. If the mixture is not a clarified one,
Stemmed halved seedless grapes you may lightly brush the mold with oil. Be sure
Add a leaf of some kind, preferably grape. to sample your salad before molding and season
Serve with: to taste. Undersalt if it is to be held 24 hours.
Mayonnaise, 363, or French Dressing, 360 \cver freeze gelatin salads.
Many of the recipes that follow may be made
JAPANESE PERSIMMON SALAD either in a large mold or in individual small ones
An opportunity for color. If you wish to skin the like those shown below. Use ring molds if you
fruit,rub it first with the blunt side of a knife and wish to fill centers with some other kind of salad,
peel with the sharp edge. such as chicken, Vegetables a la Grecque, 281,
Chill: fruit, or a cream cheese mixture, dressed and gar-
Ripe Japanese persimmons nished to your fancy. Fish-shaped molds can make
Leave them whole or cut them lengthwise almost a seafood aspic appear very professional. For large
to the base and insert in the slashes: groups, you may even use small paper drinking
Slices of peeled orange, cups for individual portions: simply tear off the
grapefruit and avocado cup when the aspic has congealed, and behold

jiffyjelly! Or use large No. 2Vi cans and cut can make them something rather special. Don't
around the bottom of the can when ready to turn add too much, one or two tablespoons per cup
out the cylinder. Push the salad out of the can, of liquid being sufficient to heighten the flavor
slice, and serve the rounds on lettuce. significantly. Substitute the wine for part of the
Aspics and other molded salads with a clear liquid called for in the recipe and add it when
body lend themselves to highly decorative treat- the gelatin has been dissolved and is beginning to
ment, although their preparation can be time- cool. Dry white wine or a dry sherry goes well
consuming. However, certain ingredients naturally with savory aspics such as chicken and veal.
come to rest either at the top or bottom of a jell- Sweeter wines, such as sauterne or fruit-flavored
ing salad, and you can achieve interesting layered liqueurs, are good for molded fruit salads.
effects by manipulating "floaters" and "sinkers." Aspic should be made of clarified stocks, 522,
See on 561 a list of the ingredients that can be unless you want to serve up something that re-
incorporated into your salad simultaneously and sembles a molded London fog. If you decide to
which will more or less automatically layer them- skip this process, be sure to plan to mask your
selves. mold, see Mayonnaise Collee, 368, or Sauce
Chaud-Froid, 369.
ABOUT ASPICS To make decorative molds, see 560. Clear
aspic jelly can serve as an attractive garnish for a
Nothing gives a cooler, lovelier effect on a hot
summer night and nothing is easier to prepare
meat or chicken salad. Chill it in a refrigerator
than a brilliantly clear aspic. The problem, of but do not freeze, and when ready to serve, cut in
squares or fancy shapes or chop it rather fine and
course, is to keep the jelly properly chilled when
arrange it around the center.
serving. For small groups, chilled plates, individu-
ally served, will do if you can control the timing.
Many salads can become full-fledged luncheon
dishes with the addition of various types of
For large groups, if you want to use a quivery
aspic, serve it molded in a crystal-clear glass bowl
chopped meat, chicken or flaked fish. For other
recipes including meat, fish and shellfish and
set in another larger glass bowl with crushed ice
between, or on a handsome, well-chilled platter Chicken -Mousses see 120, 121.
seton ice. A choice or a combination of the following in-
gredients may be included in a molded salad, but
The most delicious aspics of all are reduced
chicken and veal stocks, cooked down from the
always keep in mind that fresh or frozen but not —
clarified gelatinous portions of these animals, 522. —
canned pineapple must be brought to a boil be-
fore you use it in a gelatin-based salad.
Clarified strong meat, fish and fowl stocks with
added gelatin are next in favor —
but the average
Cooked diced meat or poultry
Cooked flaked fish
home cook seldom her own. She depends
largely on canned bases for her jellies. Canned Hard-cooked eggs
consommes, if over a year old, tend to lose some Cooked sweetbreads
of their jelling power, so it is wise to refrigerate
Shredded cabbage
the can before using to test for texture. The con-
Diced celery
somme is still good to eat even if it fails to jell
Diced cucumbers
out of the can, but when used for aspic it will
Cooked celeriac
Sliced green peppers
need about 1 teaspoon of gelatin per cup of con-
somme to firm it. To add gelatin, see 560. If you
Raw or cooked carrots
save vegetable stocks, 520, you can add them to
Cooked beets
meat or fish stocks to modify and enrich the Canned asparagus
otherwise easily identifiable canned flavors. It is Canned drained fruit
wise to choose a stock that has the same general Halved cranberries
base as the food to be molded: fish stock for fish, Seedless grapes
meat stock for meat. For gelatin salads made with Peeled seeded table grapes: Tokay or Malaga

eggs or cream that is, unclear types see — Skinned grapefruit, orange or tangelo
Mousses, 120.
One package of unflavored gelatin is the equiv- Stuffed ripe or green olives
alent in strength to 1 tablespoon gelatin. To make Pickles

aspics, allow 1 tablespoon gelatin to 1 3A to 2 cups Nutmeats

liquid. Use the lesser amount of liquid if the solids
Chopped parsley, chives or other herbs

to be incorporated are juicy or watery. Never

reduce aspic made
with added gelatin with the BASIC ASPIC OR GELATIN SALAD
idea of thickening It only wastes your good
it. 5 Servings
stock and never thickens. If you run into trou- Please read About Gelatin, 560.
ble, start the gelatin process over again, mak- Soak:
ing a guesstimate as to the added fresh gelatin 1 tablespoon gelatin
required. in:
The addition of wine or liqueur to your aspics V* cup cold water

Dissolve it in: Crate them. There should be 4 cups of pulp and

V* cup boiling stock juice. Soak:
Add this to: 2 tablespoons gelatin
IV2 cups cold stock or 1'A cups stock in:

plus V* cup tomato juice Vi cup cold water or chicken stock

2 tablespoons vinegar or IV'2 tablespoons Dissolve it in:

lemon juice 3
A cup boiling water or chicken stock
Salt and paprika Add:
Celery salt 6 tablespoons lemon juice
(1 tablespoon grated onion) 2 teaspoons grated onion
If the aspic is to cover unseasoned food, make Add the gelatin mixture to the cucumber pulp
the gelatin mixture more piquant. Chill it, and with:
when it is about to set, combine it with: 1 teaspoon sugar
1'A to 2 cups solid ingredients Salt, as needed
Pour the aspic into a wet mold and chill until V* teaspoon paprika
firm. Unmold. Surround with: Strain the jelly. Place it in small wet molds. When
Lettuce leaves firm invert onto:
Serve with or without: Thick slices skinned tomatoes
Mayonnaise, 363, Sour Cream Horseradish Garnish the slices with:
Dressing, 356, or yogurt Watercress
Serve the salad with:
Mayonnaise, 363
JELLIED VEAL STOCK Or place it in a wet 9-inch ring mold. Chill the
4 to 6 Servings jelly. When firm, invert onto a platter. Fill the
Sometimes it is rewarding — and fun — to make an center with:
aspic without added gelatin. Marinated shrimp
Place in asoup kettle Garnish the edge with:
A knuckle of veal Tomato slices
'A cup cut-up onion Serve the ring with:
Vi carrot Green Mayonnaise, 364, or
6 ribs celery with leaves Watercress Dressing, 360
1 teaspoon salt
V* teaspoon pepper
Cover the veal with: TOMATO ASPIC
Boiling water 8 Servings (without the addition
Simmer the meat until tender. Strain and reserve of solid ingredients)
the liquid. the veal. When cold, cut the
Remove I. Please read About Gelatin, 560.
meat into cubes. After removing the fat,
small Simmer 30 minutes, then strain:
reheat the stock. Add the veal or reserve it for 3V2 cups tomatoes
other dishes, and use the stock after clarifying it, 1 teaspoon salt
522, to mold other ingredients. 1
2teaspoon paprika
Season to taste 1' 2 teaspoons sugar

Add: 2 tablespoons lemon juice

(1 teaspoon dried herbs —
basil, tarragon, etc.) 3 tablespoons chopped onion
Rinse a mold cold water. Pour in the veal mix-
in 1 bay leaf
ture. Cover and keep in a cold place to set. Un- 4 ribs celery with leaves
mold and slice. (1teaspoon dried basil or tarragon)
2 tablespoons gelatin
V2 cup cold water
Basic Aspic or Jellied Veal Stock, above
Dissolve it in the strained hot juice. Add water to
When firm and just before serving, chop the aspic make 4 cups of liquid. Chill the aspic. When it is
so the light catches its many facets, and use it to
you may add 1 to 2 cups of solid
about to set in-
garnish salads or meats.
gredients — a choice or a combination of:
Sliced olives

CUCUMBER ASPIC Chopped celery

8 Servings Chopped green peppers or grated carrots

Fine for a meat platter or a ring mold. Sliced avocados

Please read About Gelatin, 560. Chopped meat
Pare and seed: Flaked fish or chopped shellfish

Cucumbers Well-drained oysters


Chill the aspic until firm. Unmold and serve with: Garnish with:
Mayonnaise, 363, or Boiled Salad Mayonnaise, 363, or Curry Dressing, 367
Dressing II, 366 Lemon wedges or parsley

II. If you prefer a clear ring, keep the aspic simple

and fill the center with: MOLDED VEGETABLE
Coleslaw, marinated cucumbers or GELATIN SALAD
avocados, chicken or shrimp salad, or 6 Servings
cottage cheese and chives Dissolve the contents of:
Serve with: 1 package lime- or lemon-flavored gelatin
Chiffonade Dressing, 360 in:
2 cups hot water
III. 8 Servings
Prepare and add, when the jelly is about to set:
Not quite up to the preceding basic recipe in
IV2 cups finely diced vegetables:
clarity, but delicious, unusual and much simpler.
cucumber, carrot, celery, sliced unpeeled
radishes, olive, pimiento
1 tablespoon gelatin
V2 diced green pepper
2 teaspoons grated onion
2 tablespoons cold water
Dissolve it in:
A teaspoon
V* teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons boiling water
Place the salad in wet individual ring molds. Chill
Add the contents of:
thoroughly. Unmold on:
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz.
Lettuce or watercress
Fill the centers with:
2 cups tomato juice
Dissolve in it: Boiled Salad Dressing II, 366
1 package lemon- or lime-flavored gelatin

Combine the two mixtures. Add: GOLDEN GLOW GELATIN SALAD

teaspoon salt
8 to 10 Servings
Mold and chill the aspic.
Good in flavor and lovely in color.
Grate or grind:
CANNED TOMATO OR 2 cups raw carrots
Drain, reserving the juice:
VEGETABLE JUICE ASPIC 1 cup canned crushed pineapple
8 Servings
Heat to the boiling point:
Please read About Gelatin, 560.
"a cup pineapple juice
Soak: 7/a cup water
2 tablespoons gelatin
V2 teaspoon salt
Dissolve in the hot liquid:
V2 cup cold canned tomato juice
package lemon-flavored gelatin
Dissolve it in:
Chill, and when the gelatin mixture is about to
5cups hot tomato juice or canned tomato
set, combine it with the carrots, the pineapple
and vegetable juice
Tomato juice varies. It is wise to taste the aspic
(V2 cup chopped pecans)
to see whether additional seasoning is required.
Place in a wet mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on:
Lemon juice is good; so is a teaspoon of chopped
or dried herbs, 579, preferably basil. Add, if de-
Serve with:
Mayonnaise, 363
or 2 cups solid ingredients)

See Tomato Aspic, opposite. Mold, chill, unmold

and serve the aspic as directed. ASPARAGUS AND CELERY ASPIC
10 Servings
Another refreshing warm-weather salad.
MADRILENE RING WITH Please read About Gelatin. 560.
SHAD ROE COCKAIGNE Drain the contents of
A fine summer dish. 3 cups canned asparagus tips
Fill a ring mold with : Reserve the liquor. The tips may be cut in two or
Canned Madrilene aspic or tomato-seasoned they mav be used whole as a garnish around the
meat stock aspic edge of the mold. Soak:
Chill. Invert on: 1 tablespoon gelatin

Shredded lettuce in:

Place in the center: 3 tablespoons asparagus liquor
Chilled canned shad roe Heat the remaining asparagus liquor and dissolve

the gelatin in it. Add to make 2 cups of liquor Watercress Sauce, 365, or
in all: Chiffonade Dressing, 360
Chicken bouillon or canned bouillon
Season these ingredients with: JELLIED SEAFOOD MOLD
Salt and paprika
6 Servings
Chill them. When they are nearly set, combine Please read About Gelatin, 560.
them with: Prepare:
2 cups chopped celery Basic Aspic, 113
and the cut asparagus tips wet mold.
in a using a fish fumet, 524, or light meat stock.
Chill the salad until firm. Unmold and serve with: Dice:
Cream Mayonnaise, 365 Celery
Pare, seed and dice:
or green peppers
8 Servings Drain and flake:
Wash well, then O pressure-cook: Salmon, crab or tuna fish: 1 1 cups 1
8 medium-sized beets, or use canned beets and vegetables in all
Drain and reserve the beet juice. Peel the beets Add:
and dice them. There should be about 1 cup. (2 chopped hard-cooked eggs)
Prepare: (Sliced stuffed olives)
A cup diced celery When the jelly is nearly set, combine it with the
Dissolve the contents of: solid ingredients. Pour it into a wet mold and
1 package lemon-flavored gelatin chill until firm. Unmold and serve on:
in: Lettuce
1 cup boiling water with:
Add to it: Boiled Dressing I or II, 366, or
A cup
beet juice Green Goddess Dressing, 364
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 teaspoons grated onion 8 Servings
1 tablespoon prepared horseradish Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Chill these ingredients until they are about to set. Drain, reserving the juices:
Fold in beets iind celery, Place the salad in a wet 2i i cups grapefruit sections
mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on: V* cup green or white cooked asparagus tips
Lettuce or endive 1 cup canned or cooked crab meat or shrimp
a 1 1 h :

Cut the asparagus into pieces. Pick over the

Boiled Salad Dressing II, 366, or crab meat or remove the intestinal vein from the
cultured sour cream shrimp. Add to the juices, to make 2 3/4 cups of
JELLIED CLAM RING Chicken broth, Stock, 523,
8 Servings canned consomme or dissolved
>• Please read About Gelatin, 560. chicken bouillon cubes
Dilute: Soak:
Clam juice or minced clams 1 ' 2 tablespoons gelatin
with: in 'A cup of Dissolve it in 1 cup of hot
this liquid.
Water or vegetable juices liquid. Combine
the gelatin and the remaining
to make a palatable mixture. There should be 4 liquid. Season well with:
cups. Season with: Juice of 1 or more lemons or
Lemon juice and paprika with Y* cup dry white wine
A few drops Worcestershire sauce Add, if needed:
Soak: Salt
2 tablespoons gelatin Add:
r2 cup of the liquid. (3 or more tablespoons capers)
Heat just to the boiling point 1 cup of the Chill the gelatin until begins to thicken. Have

liquid. Dissolve the soaked gelatin in it. Return ready a mold which has been rinsed in cold water.
it to the remaining liquid with the minced clams, Pour part of the gelatin into it, sprinkle some
if they were used. Pour into a wet 9-inch ring grapefruit, crab meat and asparagus over it, then
mold. Chill until firm. Invert the jelly onto a alternate layers of gelatin and the other ingre-
plate. Fill the center with: dients. Wind up with gelatin on top. Chill the
Marinated vegetables aspic until very cold. Serve on:
Surround the ring with: Lettuce
Tomato slices with:
Serve with: Green Mayonnaise, 364


6 to 8 Servings Eggs in Aspic, left
Soak: using rich chicken stock for the aspic base and
1 tablespoon gelatin replacing the poached eggs with:
in: Deviled Eggs, 225
V* cup cold water Place the molds on a bed of:
Dissolve it in: Watercress
2 cups boiling chicken broth or stock Mask the eggs with a coating of:

Add: Cultured sour cream

if needed
Seasoning, Garnish with:'
Chill, and when the gelatin begins to set, rinse a Finely chopped chives, basil and chervil
mold in cold water and fill it with V2 inch of the Red caviar and tomato slices
jelly. Build up layers of: "for pretty," as the Pennsylvania Dutch put it.

3 cups cooked diced chicken

and the jelly. Ornament the layers with: BASIC GELATIN FOR FRUIT SALADS
1 cup canned mushroom caps
6 Servings
2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped or sliced Please read About Gelatin, 560. It is well known
12 sliced stuffed olives that fresh or frozen pineapple cannot be added to
Chill the jelly until firm. Unmold and serve with a gelatin salad without ruining it. This also applies
or without: combined with
to frozen pineapple juice, alone or
Mayonnaise, 363, or Curry Mayonnaise, 365 other frozen juices such as orange or grapefruit.
The pineapple or the juice must be brought to
MOLDED EGG RING a boil. Canned pineapple has been cooked and
4 Servings may be used as is.

A one-platter luncheon if the center of the mold Soak:

is filled with crab meat or chicken salad. 1 tablespoon gelatin
Rice: in:

8 hard-cooked eggs, 220 V2 cup cold water

Add: Dissolve it in:

tablespoon finely chopped onion

1 1 cup boiling water or fruit juice
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley Add:
A dash of hot pepper sauce 4 to 6 tablespoons sugar, less if sweetened
V2 cup Mayonnaise, 363 fruit juice is used
Pack into a 7-inch ring mold and refrigerate until « teaspoon salt

firm. Unmold just before serving and garnish with: V* cup lemon juice
Tomato quarters and artichoke hearts Chill the aspic, and when it is about to set, com-
or surround the ring with: bine with:
Watercress IV2 cups prepared drained fruit
and frost it lightly with: Place it in a wet mold and chill until firm. Serve
Chutney, 846 with:
Cream Mayonnaise, 365
Make: Pour:
Basic Aspic, 113, or Jellied Veal Stock, 114, 1 cup boiling water
flavored with port or brandy over:
Have ready: 'A cup crushed mint leaves
Poached Eggs, 221 Let steep 5 minutes. Drain this infusion. Add:
Swish cold water in individualtheymolds until A few drops of green vegetable coloring
are cold and wet. Drain but do not dry. Coat the Prepare, by the recipe above:
interior with the congealing aspic so that it ad- Basic Fruit Salad Gelatin
heres to the sides. Chill until jelled. Place an egg substituting the mint infusion for the boiling
in the center of each mold and fill with more water.
aspic. Chill. Serve masked with:
Mayonnaise Collee, 368, or MOLDED AVOCADO SALAD
cold Mayonnaise, 363
3 to 4 Servings
Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Molded with one-half hard-cooked or deviled egg, 1 tablespoon gelatin
this makes a pleasant hors d'oeuvre. With three in:
halves, it makes enough for a luncheon salad. 2 tablespoons water

Dissolve it in: Watercress

cup boiling water
1 with:
When cooled somewhat, add: Cream Mayonnaise, 365
V* cup lemon juice
1 cup mashed avocado

V* teaspoon celery salt

1 teaspoon salt
8 to 10 Servings
Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
A few grains cayenne Prepare:

V* cup chopped pimiento

package lemon- or orange-flavored gelatin

or Basic Fruit Gelatin, 117

Mold and serve.
When about to set, add to it:
3 cups halved seedless grapes and diced
MOLDED CRANBERRY SALAD celery, combined in any proportion
6 to 8 Servings
Place the jelly in a wet 9-inch mold and chill. Un-
Please read About Gelatin, 560.
mold on:
1 tablespoon gelatin
Fill the center with:
Cream Mayonnaise, 365
3 tablespoons water
Cook until ihe skins pop:
2 cups cranberries GRAPEERUIT SHERRY ASPIC
in: 10 Servings
1 cup boiling water or fruit juice Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Use the cranberries strained or unstrained. If the Soak:
former, strain them at this time. Add and cook 2' 1 tablespoons gelatin
for 5 minutes: in:

Va cup sugar cup cold water


teaspoon salt
V* Stirover heat until the sugar is dissolved:
A\dd the soaked gelatin. Chill the jelly. When it is 2 cup water

about to set, fold in: 1 cup sugar

h cup diced celery Dissolve the gelatin in the hot svrup. Cool.
cup chopped nutmeats)
• Add:
(1 cup drained canned crushed pineapple) 2 cups and 6 tablespoons fresh
Place in a wet mold and chill until firm. Serve grapefruit juice
with' 3 tablespoons lemon juice
Mayonnaise, 363 1
2 cup dry sherry
V* teaspoon salt
MOLDED CRANBERRY AND Pour these ingredients into a wet 9-inch ring
APPLE SALAD mold. Chill until firm. Turn it out on a platter.
Fill the center with:
8 to 10 Servings
Softcream cheese balls rolled in
Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Put through a food grinder.
chopped nuts
Garnish the outer edge of the platter with:
1 lb. cranberries
Avocado slices
alternating with skinned:
The grated rind of 1 orange
Grapefruit or orange sections
cup orange juice
ZVi tablespoons lemon juice
Watercress or shredded lettuce
IV2 cups sugar
Sprinkle with:
Refrigerate overnight. Soak:
Pomegranate seeds
1 tablespoon gelatin
Serve the salad with:
Mayonnaise, 363, or French Dressing, 360
3 tablespoons cold water
1 package lemon-flavored gelatin GINGER ALE GELATIN SALAD
in: 10 Servings
cup boiling water
1 Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Add the soaked gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Com- Soak:
bine these ingredients with the cranberry mixture. 2 tablespoons gelatin
Pare, then chop and add: in:
3 tart apples Va cup cold water
Place the salad in a wet mold. When firm, unmold Dissolve it in:
and serve on: Va cup boiling fruit juice

Add: Soak:
V2 cup sugar teaspoons gelatin
Vb teaspoon salt for 5 minutes in:
2 cups ginger ale V2 cup cold water
Juice of 1 lemon Boil the reserved pineapple juice and water and
Chill these ingredients until nearly set. Combine dissolve the gelatin in it. Cool. Meanwhile mix to-
with: gether:
V2 lb. skinned, seeded table grapes 2 cups small-curd cottage cheese
1 peeled, sliced orange 8 oz. crumbled blue cheese
1 grapefruit in skinned sections 1 finely chopped green pepper

6 slices drained canned pineapple, 2 teaspoons onion juice

cut in pieces V2 cup Mayonnaise, 363
3 teaspoons chopped preserved ginger (V2 cup blanched almonds)
Place the salad in a wet 9-inch ring mold. Chill and the reserved crushed pineapple. When the
and unmold on: gelatin is almost set, add the cheese mixture and
Lettuce pack into a ring mold that has been rinsed in cold
Serve with: water. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Cream Mayonnaise, 363
8 Servings
FRUIT SALAD MOLDED WITH Please read About Gelatin, 560.
8 Servings 2 tablespoons gelatin
Please read About Gelatin, 560. in:
Soak: cup cold water
2V2 tablespoons gelatin Strain and reserve the juice of:
2V2 cups canned crushed pineapple
V2 cup water
Add to the juice:
Drain and reserve the juice from :

V2 cup hot water

3V2 cups canned peaches, apricots or pears Bring these ingredients to the boiling point. Stir
cup seedless grapes)
in the soaked gelatin until dissolved. Add:
Combine and boil: 5/a cup sugar:
V2 cup plus 2 tablespoons
2 cups of the juice
Cool the mixture. Add the pineapple and:
IV2 cups sugar
(2 cups grated cabbage)
Dissolve the gelatin in it. Add these ingredients The grated rind of 1 orange or lemon
to the remaining juice with: 3
A cup orange juice
A cup lemon juice
5 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons lime juice
Pour these ingredients into a wet 9-inch ring mold.
!A teaspoon ginger
Chill the gelatin. Unmold on a bed of:
Add water or other fruit juice to make up 4 cups
Lettuce or watercress
of liquid in all. Chill the gelatin. Soften:
Fill the center with:
1 package cream or pimiento Cottage cheese, soft cream cheese
cheese: 3 oz.
balls rolled in chopped nutmeats, or
with a little:
chicken salad
Mayonnaise, 363 Serve with or without:
Roll it into balls. Roll the balls in:
Mayonnaise, 363
Chopped nutmeats
When is about to set, incorporate the fruit
with place the cheese balls evenly around the
6 Servings
bottom of a ring mold and surround them with
It is perfectly possible to serve this dish as a des-
the fruit and gelatin mixture. Chill well and in-
vert onto:
sert; in which case, of course, the lettuce bed and
the dressing are omitted. For the latter, try instead
Serve with:
a garnish of Cold Sabayon Sauce, 771.
Mayonnaise, 363
1 large melon
leaving it whole. Cut off enough from one end
CHEESE RING so you can scrape out the seeds. Reserve the cap.
8 Servings Fill the cavity with water, then pour the water into

Drain and reserve the liquid from: a measuring cup; this is to guide you for the
1 can crushed pineapple: 8V* oz. amount of gelatin you have to prepare. Stand the
Should there not be enough, add water to make melon upside down to drain. Then fill, depending
V2 cup of reserved liquid in all. on the color of the melon flesh, with:

Fruit-flavored gelatin '

2 cup Mayonnaise, 363
(Diced or small fruits) V* cup chopped sour or sweet-sour pickles
Try a combination of: Add, if required:
Orange-flavored gelatin, canned crushed Worcestershire sauce
pineapple, canned mandarin oranges or Season to taste
sliced bananas Seasonal variation: omit onion and pickles and
or: add:
Raspberry gelatin with fresh raspberries (1 cup seedless green grapes)

Refrigerate, and after the center is set, replace Moisten a mold with cold water. If desired, and
the cap, toothpicking it in place. Slice the melon if the grapes have been omitted, decorate the
horizontally, being careful not to dislodge the sides and bottom with:
gelatin. On individual plates, bed it down on: and sliced hard-cooked eggs
Stuffed olives
Leaf lettuce Add the other ingredients. Chill the mousse until
Top with a spray of fresh herbs. Keep chilled
it firm.
until ready to serve with:
I. 10 Servings
STRAWBERRY AND RHUBARB Use the recipe for Jellied Ham Mousse, above.
SALAD MOLDS Use chicken stock. Substitute cooked ground
8 to 10 Servings chicken or veal for the ham, or use part chicken
Dissolve: and part ham.
3 packages strawberry-flavored gelatin
II. 8 Servings
3 cups hot water Soak:
Drop in:
1 '
1 tablespoons gelatin
2 packages frozen rhubarb: 10 oz. each
Stir to separate the rhubarb. When the jelly begins 'A cup Chicken Stock, 523
to set, add: Dissolve it in:

quart sliced fresh strawberries

V2 cup hot stock
Pour into individual wet molds and chill until set.

Unmold on: 3 egg yolks

Watercress Add:
Garnish each with:
1 ' 1 cups milk
A fresh whole strawberry Cook these ingredients in a double boiler until
Serve with: they are smooth and fairly thick. Stir in the dis-
Cream Mayonnaise, 365, or solved gelatin. When the mixture is cool, add:
Fruit Salad Mayonnaise, 365 2 cups cooked minced or ground chicken
or veal
ABOUT SAVORY MOUSSES (V2 cup diced seeded cucumber)
Season with:
This kind of salad gelatin differs from the aspic
in its lack of transparency —
or, putting it more
Salt, white pepper and paprika
•Chill the jelly. When it is about to set, fold in:
positively, in its inclusion of two additional ingre-
dients: cream and egg. We qualify the "mou cup whipped cream

Place the mousse in a wet mold and chill it until

with "savory" to distinguish the recipes that fol-
low from the sweet mousses you will find further
firm. Unmold it.

along under Desserts. 734 A mousseline may be

either a kind of pastry or, as in this section, a CUCUMBER MOUSSE
mousse confected with whipped cream. I. 4 Servings
Please read About Gelatin, 560.
10 Servings 2 teaspoons gelatin
Soak: in:

1 tablespoon gelatin 3 tablespoons cold water

in: Dissolve these ingredients over heat. Add:
V* cup cold water 2 teaspoons vinegar, or lime or lemon juice
Dissolve it in: 1 teaspoon grated onion
IV2 cups boiling Stock, 520 A teaspoon salt

Chill the jelly. When it is nearly set, combine it V* teaspoon paprika

with: Chill until about to set. Drain well:
3 cups cooked ground or chopped ham 1 cup pared, seeded, chopped cucumbers
'/« cup chopped celery Whip until stiff:
1 tablespoon grated onion 1
2 cup whipping cream

Beat the gelatin mixture gradually into the cream. 3 tablespoons lemon juice
Fold in the cucumbers. Rinse individual molds. (1 teaspoon dry mustard)
Fill them with the mousse. When they are thor- clove garlic, pressed)
oughly chilled, invert onto a garnished platter. (A few drops hot pepper sauce)
Whip until stiff, then fold in:
II. 5 to 6 Servings cup whipping cream
Dissolve: Fold this mixture into the other ingredients. Place
1 package lime-flavored gelatin the mousse in an oiled 9-inch ring mold. Chill
thoroughly. Unmold on a platter, garnished with:
A cup hot water Watercress
Add: Marinated cucumbers
V* cup lemon juice Serve with:
1 tablespoon grated onion Cold Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, or
Chill until about to set, then stir in:
Mayonnaise Collee, 368
1 cup cultured sour cream
1 cup finely chopped unpared cucumber
Pour into 6 small wet molds and chill until firm. MOLDED CREAMED FISH
I. 6 Servings
SEAFOOD MOUSSE y Please read About Gelatin, 560.
6 Servings .Soak:
Please read About Gelatin, 560. /» tablespoon gelatin
2 teaspoons gelatin 2 tablespoons water

in: Combine in a double boiler, then stir constantly

V* cup cold water over not in — —

boiling water until thickened:
Dissolve it in: 2 egg yolks
I 1/* tablespoons soft butter
A cup
boiling water
V2 tablespoon flour
Add it to:
A cup Mayonnaise, 363 IV2 teaspoons salt
Combine it with: 2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup flaked crab meat or flaked tuna fish 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or

Vi cup chopped celery or carrots

A teaspoon curry or 1 teaspoon dry mustard
2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon grated onion

V2 cup chopped cucumber A few grains red pepper

2 tablespoons chopped stuffed or 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento
pitted black olives cup lemon juice
tablespoon or more lemon juice
A cup
milk or tomato juice
Season to taste Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Refrigerate.
Place these ingredients in an oiled mold. Chill Prepare:
them until firm. Unmold on: IV2 cups seafood: cooked or canned shrimp,
Cress or shredded lettuce salmon, etc.

Serve with: Or use part fish and part chopped celery. When
Cucumbers in sour cream the gelatin is nearly set, place some of it in the
If you want a mousse based on whipped cream, bottom of an oiled ring mold, add some of the
see Lobster Mousse, next. fish, then more gelatin. Repeat this until all ingre-
dients have been used, finishing with gelatin on
top. Chill the salad until firm. Serve on:
6 Servings
Fill the ring with:
An attractive salad made in a 9-inch ring mold.
Wilted Cucumbers, 102
>•Please read About Gelatin, 560.
Surround it with:
Sliced tomatoes
1 tablespoon gelatin
in. II. 6 Servings
'A cup water A quick version of the above.
Dissolve it over boiling water. Combine: Soak:
A cup minced
celery IV2 teaspoons gelatin
IV2 cups canned or cooked lobster meat in:
( A cup minced apple)
3 tablespoons cold water
Season these ingredients with: Dissolve it in:
Salt and paprika can heated condensed cream of chicken
Stir the gelatin into: soup: 10 3A oz.
A cup Mayonnaise,
363 When the gelatin mixture begins to set, add:

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1

2 cup Mayonnaise, 363
2 cup finely chopped celery 2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1
4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped chives Whip with a rotary beater until well blended.
1 can shredded white meat tuna fish: 6 1
2 oz. Pour into a refrigerator trav and chill until firm at
Chill until set. Serve garnished with: the edge but still soft in the center. Turn into a
Halved, cored, very thinly sliced bowl and whip in the same manner until fluffy.
Cucumbers, 102 Fold in:
which have been marinated briefly in: cup peeled and diced apples

Herb vinegar V* cup chopped pecans

A cup seeded Tokay grapes
MOUSSELINE OF SHELLFISH Pour into a mold and refrigerate until firm.
6 Servings
Line a IV2 -quart fish mold with half-set:
Fish- or chicken-flavored Basic Aspic, 113 WITH CREAM
Refrigerate it. Prepare, using a fumet, 524: 12 to 14 Servings
cups Veloute Sauce, 343
2 Cook in a double boiler —
over not in —
to which has been added: water until thickened:
1 tablespoon gelatin 2 egg yolks
4 cup sugar
soaked until dissolved in:
4 cup cold stock or water '
4 cup cream
Combine the cooled sauce with lemons
Juice of 2
1 lb. chopped cooked shellfish meat 1
a teaspoon salt
Add: Stir these ingredients constantly. Chill them and
cup partially whipped cream
2 add:
Season to taste 6 diced slices canned pineapple
and pour into the fish mold over the aspic. Chill cups pitted canned Queen Anne cherries
before unmolding onto a cold serving platter. cup shredded blanched almonds

1 lb. marshmallows, cut in pieces


CHILLED FRUIT SALAD MOUSSE 2 cups whipped cream

4 Servings (' 2 lb. peeled, seeded grapes)

Dissolve: Chill the salad 24 hours. Serve on:

1 package lime-flavored gelatin Lettuce
in: with
1 cup hot water Mayonnaise, 363
Add: or as a dessert, garnished with
Vi cup cold water Whipped cream
tions, seebelow, and also consult the Salad chap-
ter, 92-122. For frozen and canned fruits, see
822 and 805. Recipes involving fruit used as an in-
gredient in desserts will be found in the Dessert
chapter, 734-757.


Pomologists have been working tirelessly never —

more than now to hybridize the most popular
domestic fruits in order to lengthen the harvest
season early and late; to produce plants more re-
sistant to disease and adverse climate, and to
improve shipping and keeping characteristics. In
fact, much of this effort has been carried forward
with little regard for retaining juiciness and flavor.
Furthermore, crossbreeding within varieties has
proceeded so rapidly, and the new cultivars have
been so casually styled, that among apples, for
example, 20 or 30 descendants may be traced to
FRUITS Mcintosh and Winesap, but never through their
names, which reveal not the slightest hint of their
ancestry. In view of so confusing a situation, it is
"It was not a watermelon that Eve took," ob- often advisable to sample fruit before buying it
served Mark Twain. "We know it because she re- a precaution that is a little difficult to arrange for
pented." There is something about "a piece of in the average supermarket.
fruit" — —
no matter which so tidv, shapelv, self- Should you undertake to grow vour own fruit,
contained and full of promise as to appeal to the choose catalog stock expressly labeled "for the
larcenous instincts in all Eve's children. home garden." Such fruit has been developed with
Shown above, in addition to Twain's irresistible an eye to immediate consumption, and so com-
watermelon, are such staples of the world's diet prises varieties more delicate in flavor and texture
as bananas and dates —
and in more northerly than those commercially propagated.
climes, the pear; a papaya, whole and halved, next Most ripe fresh fruit may be stored under re-
to a compote of kiwi. A spray of litchi and a Japa- frigeration at temperatures between 35° and 40°.
nese persimmon contrast with the sweet-sour Most fruit varieties, too, including tangerines,
carambola, shown whole and in starry cross- benefit from the protection of a sealed plastic
section. —
bag exceptions being other citrus fruits, melons
Today's menu-builder often takes herself too and pineapples. Mature bananas will keep chilled
seriously and tops off an impressive edifice with for a day or two.
a disastrously rich dessert, forgetting that fresh Be wary of "fruit specials." Such produce may
fruit, with perhaps a cheese, would be a far hap- include pieces that are below standard in either
pier conclusion of the meal for all concerned. quality or size and could prove to be no bargains
Well worth exploiting, too, are the virtues of fruit at all. U. S. Government standards are of necessity
— in either cup, compote, salad or sherbet form variable, but you can judge for yourself as to size:
as a "lightener" during as well as after a big meal. the smaller the number of fruits per box or
If fruits lack flavor, serve them or prepare them basket, obviously, the larger the individual fruit.
with candied peels, ginger, zest or spices; or add Mot all varieties of fruit ripen satisfactorily
a little lemon or lime juice to cooked fruits and after plucking.Those which do are apricots, avo-
fruit fillings. Vary the flavor of a particular fruit by cados, bananas, melons, mangoes, medlars, nec-
steeping it in the juices of other fruits or in wine, tarines, pawpaws, peaches, pears, persimmons,
or by blending it with others in a puree. You may sapodillas, tamarinds, strawberries to a limited
glaze poached fruit with contrasting fruit jellies, extent, and pineapples; none of these grow
especially those of apple and quince, which are sweeter, however. If purchased underripe, these
high in pectin; or combine canned, frozen and fruits should be stored at room temperature in a
fresh fruits — cold
or slightly heated in what the — dark place. Keep each variety in a partly closed
French call a compote composee. Try presenting paper bag, the individual pieces except for —
your "composed compote" in a lidded
giant strawberries, bananas and melons separated by —
snifter, laced with brandy or liqueur, and serve it loose wraps of paper toweling. Examine them
to your guests in smaller individual snifters. twice daily, keep from bruising and, as soon as
Serve Fruit with Custards, 734, or Creams, 696; ripened, chill in the refrigerator before serving.
Fruit Brule, 127, or Flambe, 127. For dried or pre- There is a persistentbut mistaken belief that all
served fruits used as garnishes, see About Candied fruits abound in vitamin C. Many do, notably the
and Glazed Fruits, 794. For fresh fruit combina- citrus family; but in others, like apples, pine-


apples, pears, figs and bananas, the C content is MACEDOINE OF FRESH FRUITS
conspicuously low. Virtually all fresh fruits lose
The following fruit and wine or liqueur combina-
their flavor rapidly when soaked in water, so al-
tions shouldbe made with ripe, perfect, pared,
ways wash them quickly in gently flowing water
seeded and sliced seasonal fruits. Favorites for
just before using and dry at once. If peaches,
this dessert are strawberries, raspberries, peeled
plums, apricots and cherries are cooked with the
seedless green grapes, peaches, apricots, kiwi
seeds in, be careful that the inner kernel of the
slices,orange and grapefruit sections, melon balls,
pitwhich looks nutlike is not eaten. Eight to ten
cherries and nectarines. Be sure to prick the fruits
such kernels, if chewed, can release enough hy-
to allow the marinade to soak in. If you use raw
drogen cyanide to prove fatal.
apples or pears, marinate the slices for several
hours in wine or liqueur or they will be too hard
in texture. Some good marinating combinations
FOR FRESH FRUITS Brandy with oranges or with cherries and
Solutions that prevent the browning of fruits and clove-studded peaches
certain vegetables on exposure to air are used in Port with melon balls
both canning and freezing and can be successfullv Kirsch with strawberries
applied to fresh fruits peeled slightly in advance of Grand Marnier with peeled seedless grapes
serving. For fresh fruits we like to use Acidulated A macedoine is usually served cold, but you may

Water II, 520, or to combine pared fruits with flambe it, see 127, if the fruit is at room tempera-
citrus fruits to prevent darkening. ture —
and if you add extra liqueur, slightly
Place in layers in a crystal bowl:
FRUIT CUPS Prepared fruit, see above
Sweetened fresh fruit may be served in attractive Sprinkle each layer with:
small bowls or glass cups, in melon baskets, see Confectioners' sugar
138, or in a Caramel Cornflake Ring, 690. To stir the fruit gently until the sugar is almost dis-
frosl containers, sec 51. Use seedless grapes, cit- solved, then add for each quart of fruit:
rus sections, jnd watermelon and green and yel- 2 to 4 tablespoons brandy, kirsch,
low melons into balls with a French potato
c lj t Grand Marnier or Southern Comfort
( utter, see 99. Serve very cold over:
Chill and prepare for serving: Vanilla ice cream, 759
Fresh fruit or with:
Five minutes before serving, sprinkle lightly with: Cake
Confectioners' sugar
Immediately before serving, flavor with: FRUIT FOOLS
Lime juice, lemon juice, sherry, a liqueur,
4 Servings
or lightly sweetened fruit juice
Long ago the word "fool" was used as a term of
Garnish with:
endearment. We have an old-fashioned fondness
Glazed Mint Leaves, 794, or sweet woodruff
for the recipes in which fruit is combined with
AMBROSIA I. With Fresh Fruit
4 Servings Prepare:
A versatile old favorite, especially popular in
Raspberries or strawberries
the South. Add to taste:
Peel carefully, removing all membrane: Confectioners' sugar
2 large Valencia or navel oranges Combine with
Let the mixture stand 10 minutes. it

Peel and cut into thin slices: an equal amount of:

3 ripe bananas Whipping cream
Pineapple is sometimes added, or other fruits: flavored with:
seeded grapes, apples, etc. Combine and stir: (3 tablespoons kirsch, port or Madeira wine)
'A cup confectioners' sugar Chill well before serving.
V/2 cups shredded coconut
Arrange alternate layers of oranges and bananas in II. With Cooked Fruit
individual serving dishes or in a bowl. Sprinkle Whip until stiff:
each layer with part of the coconut mixture, re- V2 cup sweetened whipping cream
serving some for the top. Pour over the fruit: Fold in:

A little orange juice 1 cup applesauce, rhubarb, berry, apricot,

Chill well before serving. Instead of the coconut currant or other fruit puree
topping, try a garnish of: 1 1/2 teaspoons grated lemon rind or V* teaspoon
(Crushed mint, a cherry or a strawberry) almond extract

Place the mixture in the bowl from which it is to But if you are chopping in quantity, you may
be served. Chill thoroughly. Sprinkle the top with: want to use ameat grinder instead. Heat the
Crumbled Macaroons, 709 grinder very thoroughly in boiling water before
or serve with: feeding in the fruit.
Ladyfingers, 695 Candied and preserved fruits are sometimes
substituted for dried fruits. If large amounts of
candied fruits are used, allow for their extra sugar
ABOUT RAISINS AND OTHER content. With preserved fruits, compensate for
DRIED FRUITS both sugar and liquid.
The high caloric and nutritive values of dried fruits Fine-quality dried dessert fruits are an elegant

can be readily grasped if you realize that it takes note on the cheese platter, especially dried Malaga
5V2 pounds of fresh apricots to yield 1 pound grapes. Should any of the fruits have become un-
when When fruits are dried without cook-
dried. pleasantly dried out, steam them lightly sprin- —
subsequent contact with the air as well
ing, their — kled with wine or water —
in the top of a double

as the enzymatic activity that takes place within boiler — —

over not in boiling water; or prepare

them tends to darken the pulp. A sulfur dioxide them
for stuffing by
steaming 10 to 15 minutes in
over boiling water, until tender
solution is often used to lessen darkening. If a
enough to pit. Stuff with a hazelnut or with fillings
you are interested in drying your own fruits, see
816. suggested under confections, 793.
Dates, figs, apples, peaches, pears, plums, apri-
cots, currants and grapes are among the fruits
most often dried. They must all be stored tightly FRUIT-NUT PEMMICAN
covered in a cool, dark place. Under most house- This quite palatable albeit gooey substance is the
hold shelf conditions, they are likely to deteriorate modern outdoorsman's version of the old suet-
in a matter of months. This is especially true of the parched corn-fruit concoction that sustained both
increasingly numerous dried fruits that are treated Indians and frontiersmen in earlier times. Grind in
and packaged so as to remain plump and
tightly a meat grinder, using the coarse plate:
/j cup each: raisins, dried apricots, dried
soft. All varietiesmust be watched for the insect
infestation that develops in them with age. apples, pecans, toasted soybeans and
Raisins, which of course are simply 'dried Spanish peanuts
grapes, divide into seedless, those which grow Combine with:
without seeds; and seeded, which have had the 2 tablespoons honey
seeds removed. As their flavors are quite different, These ingredients may be changed to fit individ-
it wise to use the types called for in the recipes
is ual preferences. For a tasty variation, use pecans
— without interchanging. White raisins, often as the only nuts. Package for the trail in wide-
called muscats, are especially treated to retain mouth plastic bottles or plastic bags.

their lovely color.

Currants and raisins both profit, unless they are
very fresh, by plumping, especially when used in ABOUT COOKED FRUITS
short-cooking recipes. This can be done by soak- A good reason for serving fruits uncooked is to
ing them in the liquid in which they are to be retain fully their high vitamin content. But if we

cooked such as the liquid called for in cakes do cook them, we can minimize the loss of vita-
for 10 to 15 minutes before use. Raisins and cur- mins and natural sugars by using as little water as
rants may also be plumped by washing briefly, possible and by cooking briefly. Fruits may be
draining, spreading on pan and then heating,
a flat poached, pureed, baked, broiled, sauteed or
closely covered, in a 350° oven until they puff up pickled, see Spiced Syrup, 126.
and are no longer much wrinkled. Fruits should always be poached rather than
In cooking dried fruits, do not soak them first stewed. Drop them into a boiling liquid, re-
unless the processor so directs on the package. duce the heat at once and simmer until barely
The less water used, the more natural sugars will tender. Remove from the heat and drain them
be retained within the fruit. If you must soak fruit immediately, so they will not continue to cook
such as dried apples, cover with boiling water in the pan and get mushy. Soft, juicy fruits, like

and soak until tender. Use this water in further ripe peaches, are best poached by putting them
preparation. Allow 1 pound dried for Vh to 4 for a few moments into heavy boiling syrup and
pounds fresh apples and proceed as for any apple then plunging the pan into a larger pan of cold
recipe. water to arrest the cooking. Apples and other hard
Small dried fruits are often messy to cut or fruits should be poached in simmering water.
chop. If they are sticky, flour them, using for Watch closely to guard against overcooking. If
this purpose, when baking, a portion of the flour necessary, add sugar, but only after poaching. A
called for in the recipe. They may also be more baked fruit compote or a mixture of cooked fruits
easily cut if the scissors or the knife blade is makes a refreshing addition to a meat course, pro-
heated. Handle the knife as for chopping nuts. vided that fruit juices have not been used in bast-

ing the meat. Always pare fruit with a stainless Drop into the boiling syrup about:
steel knife to avoid discoloration. 1quart peeled or pared fruit
Reduce the heat at once. Simmer gently until
tender. You may season the syrup with any of the
I. Thin Syrup (Spices)
For apples, grapes and rhubarb. (Creme de menthe)
Combine and heat: (Wine)
1cup sugar (Stick cinnamon)
3 cups water (Slice of lemon)
X» teaspoon salt Drain fruit and reduce syrup. Pour syrup over fruit
and chill before serving.
II. Medium Syrup
For apricots, cherries, grapefruit, pears and prunes.
Combine and heat: POACHED OR "STEWED''
2 cups water By adding the sugar late in the cooking as sug-
Ye teaspoon salt gested here, you will need less of it to sweeten
the same quantity of fruit than if you had used it
III. Heavy Syrup
from the start. This method will also keep the skin
For berries, figs, peaches and plums.
Combine and heat:
1 cup sugar
2 cups water
1 cup water
Prepare and add:
Va teaspoon salt
1 quart unpared fruit: peaches, pears,

apricots or nectarines
SPICED SYRUP FOR FRESH FRUITS Reduce heat at once. Simmer fruit until nearly
Enough for 1 to 1 ' 2 Pints Fruit
Tie cheesecloth bag:
in a
cup sugar
Vi to V*

IV2 teaspoons each whole cloves, whole allspice During the last few minutes of cooking, add:
(A vanilla bean, 577)
1 stick cinnamon
Add and minutes
boil 5
IV2 cups white or brown sugar POACHED OR "STEWED''
or 2 cups honey
cup cider vinegar
Use whole or cut into halves and if necessary re-
cup water
move the seeds from:
Remove the spice bag and discard. Drop whole,
4 cups thick-skinned fruit: plums, blueberries
sliced, pared or unpared fruit into the boiling
or cherries
syrup. Cool and serve.
You may prick the fruit before dropping it into:
1 to Vh cups boiling water
SPICED SYRUP FOR CANNED FRUITS Reduce heat at once. Simmer until nearly tender.
Drain and reserve the syrup from:
Vi to 1 cup sugar
Canned peaches, apricots, pears or pineapple
Cook a few minutes longer. After cooking blue-
Measure the syrup and simmer until slightly re-
berries, to which lemon juice is a good addition,
duced with:
shake the container to avoid clumping.
V* to V2 as much wine vinegar
Allow for every 2 cups of juice and vinegar:
Vi teaspoon cloves without heads 4 Servings
or 3 small pieces gingerroot)
(2 Use this also as a garnish for custard or blanc-
After simmering about 10 minutes, add fruit. Re- mange.
move pan from heat and let fruit cool in the Preheat oven to 350°.
liquid. Strain out the spices and serve hot or cold Pare:
with meat. 8 small peaches, apples or pears
Place them whole or in thick slices in a baking
dish. Combine, heat but do not boil, stir and pour
POACHED OR 'STEWED'' over them:
h cup red wine or water
Please read About Cooked Fruits, 125. cup sugar

Boil 3 minutes: V2 stick cinnamon

A Syrup for Fruit, above 4 whole cloves

Va teaspoon salt FRESH FRUIT KEBABS

V2 thinly sliced seeded lemon or lime 8 Servings
Bake the fruit either covered or uncovered
until Serve with meat course or as a dessert. Marinate
tender when tested with a fork. If cooked un- about 30 minutes:
covered it must be basted every 10 minutes.
For more rapid and even cooking, some people
6 canned peach halves drained —
and cut in half
prefer to turn the fruit over after the first two 3 thickly sliced bananas
bastings. 2 apples, cut in sections
1 cubed fresh pineapple
ADDITIONS TO BAKED FRUITS 3 sectioned grapefruits
I. To be served as a meat garnish. After baking, in a mixture of:
fill centers of fruits with: 1 cup grapefruit juice
Mint, currant or cranberry or a mixture
jelly, V2 cup honey
of pearl onions, shredded candied ginger and 2 tablespoons Cointreau
seasoned cream cheese teaspoon chopped mint)

Broil on skewers about 5 minutes, basting often

II. As dessert. Fill centers with: with the marinade.
A mixture of Roquefort or blue cheese,
cream cheese and chopped almonds, pecans,
hickory nuts or walnuts
For best results, use at least 2 ounces of alcoholic
and remember
liquor, that unless the tempera-
Pureed fruits are most delicate if cooked covered
ture of the fruit is you may not get
at least 75°,
over gentle heat. We do not recommend pres- any effect at all. Heat the fruit mildly in a cov-
sure-cooking of any fresh fruits. Apples, rhubarb
ered chafing dish or electric skillet. Warm the
and cranberries, especially, tend to sputter and
liquor, too, but do not boil it. Sprinkle the fruit
obstruct the vent. They are almost explosive unless
lightly with sugar and, after pouring the warm
every vestige of steam is expelled before removal
liquor over the warm fruit, re-cover the pan for a
of the cover. ^If you want to puree canned fruit,
moment before lighting. Stand back!
you should know that, after draining, a No. 2Vi
The following recipe makes 6 servings as a
can will yield Vk to 1 /2 cups. 1

sauce, but only 3 if used as a main dessert dish.

Caramelize, 559, lightly over low heat:
Serve pureed fruit hot or cold with one of the Add:
following toppings: 3 tablespoons butter
Grated lemon rind or cinnamon or, if you are lazy, melt the butter first and substi-
Whipping cream and nutmeg tute brown sugar, stirring until dissolved. Cook
Chopped Glazed Chestnuts, 796, over very low heat for 4 to 5 minutes. Add 2 of
and marmalade the following:
6 crushed dry macaroons to 1 cup mangoes, peaches or pears
3 split bananas,
whipped cream or 3 slices pineapple
Cultured sour cream or yogurt with sugar, Simmer until tender, basting occasionally. Since
rum and nuts the banana will cook more rapidly than the rest of
Bread or cake crumbs browned in butter the fruit, it should be added later. Flambe the
with chopped slivered almonds fruit with:
Freshly chopped mint 2 oz. brandy, dark rum or liqueur

Poached or canned peaches, pears 4 to 5 Servings
or pineapple rings This recipe is most often made with seedless green
Place peaches or pears, hollow side up, in a shal- grapes but lends itself equally well to strawber-
low pan. Place on the centers: ries, raspberries and peaches.
A dab of butter Fill the bottom of a 9-inch ovenproof baker or
Plug up the pineapple hole with: glass pie pan with an even layer of one of the
A preserved cherry above-mentioned:
Sprinkle each piece of fruit lightly with: Fruits
and cinnamon
Salt Cover the fruit with:
Broil under moderate heat until light brown. You 1 cup cultured sour cream
may garnish the fruits with: mixed with:
(Cranberry or other jelly) 1 teaspoon vanilla

Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. ABOUT FRUITS FOR MEATS
Preheat broiler.
Just before serving, dust the cream evenly with:
Fruit Compotes, 126,
Fruit Kebabs, 127, Sauteed
About 1 cup light brown sugar
or pickled or spiced fruits served with
Fruits, left,
so that none of the cream shows through. Place
meat are delights we may have a tendency to ne-
the filled pan over a pan of equal size filled with:
glect. Consider using as occasional decorative
Cracked ice
fruit garnishes:
Put the stacked pans under the hot broiler until
Apple Rings, 129
the sugar caramelizes, 559. This is a moment for
Glazed Stuffed Apricots, 794
watchfulness, as the sugar must fuse but not
scorch. Serve at once.
Orange slices with cranberry or other jelly

6 Servings FRUIT SOUPS
Core and slice or cut into ring',:
In Scandinavia, fruit soups are served as a dessert,
6 tart, well-flavored apples; or peaches,
but in Germans' they constitute a chilled summer-
apricots, or pineapple slices time prelude to the entree. Mix fresh and dried
Melt in a skillet over high heat: fruits; use one variety or a combination, cooked
2 tablespoons butter or bacon drippings until they can be pureed easily. If served at the
When the fat hot to the point of fragrance stir
beginning of the meal, go easy on the sugar. Fruit
in the fruit. Cover until the fruit steams. Sprinkle soups are also refreshing when made from frozen
with: fruits, in winter, as a dessert. Rote Grutze II, 749,
Sxcup white or brown sugar will serve in the dessert capacity, or use the cherry,
Veteaspoon salt orange or rose hip recipe below.
Cook uncovered over gentle heat until tender.
Add, if needed I. CHERRY SOUP
(Butter or drippings) 4 Cups
Serve with a meat course or with: Prepare:
Bacon 1 lb.stoned sour cherries
To serve with meat, you may begin making this
Place an enamel pan and cover with:
dish by placing layer of finely sliced onions,
2 cups water
about cup. in the butter. Cook slowly in the fat
1 1 cup red wine
5 minutes. Season with salt and paprika. Add the Cook until the fruit is soft, about 10 minutes. Add
fruit and proceed as directed. and dissolved:
stir until

V* cup sugar
2 teaspoon grated orange rind

CURRIED FRUIT FONDUE Blend or sieve the fruit and thicken the juice with:
8 Servings 1 teaspoon arrowroot

Fruit inseason may be dipped into or served in a mixed with a little of the cooled syrup. Return the

two-way hot sauce hot with both spice and mixture to the soup and cook about 2 minutes.
cooking. Serve hot or cold. Garnish with:
Combine and simmer covered '/a hour: Unsweetened whipped cream,
1 cup chicken broth croutons or Dumplings, 202
1 cup dry white wine

1 tablespoon curry powder It. ORANGE SOUP

Add: 6 Servings
1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca Scrub and remove the orange-colored peel in
soaked in: shreds from:
3 tablespoons water 1 Valencia or navel orange

Stir the sauce until thickened. Add: Add these peelings to a syrup of:
1 cup freshly grated coconut 1 cup sugar
1 cup slivered, toasted almonds 2 cup currant jelly

Va cup white raisins V* cup water

While the sauce is cooking, cut into cubes or Simmer about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, section the
finger-sized sections a combination of: peeled orange, 135, and also:
About 4 cups fresh fruit: pineapple, 5 more peeled Valencia or navel oranges
mangoes, papayas, bananas and melons Cool the syrup to about 85°. Pour it over the
Keep the sauce hot in a chafing dish. Dip the orange sections. Add:
fruits inthe fondue; or pour sauce over individual 2 tablespoons brandy
fruit portions just before serving. For other fruit Refrigerate, covered, about 12 hours, before serv-
fondue sauces, see 769, 770. ing with:

A crisp thin refrigerator cookie, 715, that of the Greenings or Transparents that fleet-
or a curled cookie, 718 ingly initiate the harvest. If you plan canning or

Also good with: freezing, do try to get the first picking for prompt
Cinnamon toast preservation of this unusual tart flavor.
So-called dessert apples —
firm, long-keeping
ROSE HIP SOUP types always eaten uncooked —
include Yellow and
Crush in a stainless steel or enamel pot: Red Delicious and Newtown Pippin. find most We
2 cups fresh rose hips varieties of Delicious too dry and their somewhat
but be sure the bushes from which they are corky aftertaste faintly unpleasant.
gathered were not sprayed. Cover with: All-purpose apple varieties good for eating, —
1 quart water for salads and for most cooking are Northern —
Bring to a boil, then simmer, covered, about 45 Spy, Spitzenburg, Baldwin, Jonathan, Stayman,
minutes. Strain through a sieve lined with several Winesap, Wealthy, Mcintosh, Cravenstein, Crimes
thicknesses of cheesecloth. Add enough: Golden, Melrose, Russet, and Rhode Island Green-
Fruit juice: raspberry, peach, orange ing — which cooks best of all. Wealthys and Mc-
to make about 1 quart liquid in all. Mix: Intoshes not good bakers.
are Best for this
1 tablespoon arrowroot purpose are Spitzenburgs, Northern Spys, Cort-
with a small quantity of the liquid and: lands, York Imperials, Staymans, Winesaps, Bald-

Vj cup honey wins and Rome Beautys, unless the latter are
Simmer and stir until the mixture begins to overripe. In that condition they become mealy.
thicken. Chill well and serve garnished with: Mealiness in apples, to which larger varieties
Whipped cream are more prone, may also denote too long or
Slivered Spiced Nuts, 789 improper storage. Browning near the core means
that the fruit has been stored at too low a tem-
If you wonder why the apple in commercial pies
Already familiar and now seasonably obtainable in
has a firmer texture than yours, it is due to added
most American markets are the fruits shown
calcium. An apple of poor flavor can be improved
below: the fresh fig with its renowned leaf; a dec-
in cooking by the addition of lemon juice, but
orative spray of kumquats; a mango, shown cut
remember that nothing can really compensate for
to reveal its Next is a
large fiber-covered seed.
natural tartness. After paring, should apples seem
pomegranate; then the ugly duckling of the apple
dry, simmer their cores and skins, reduce the liq-
family, the quince; and finally the prickly pear.
uid and use it to moisten them during cooking.
If you receive a windfall from a friend s orchard
ABOUT APPLES and want to reserve some of it, let it stand in a
A predecessor of ours, Amelia Simmons, in her cool, shady place for 24 hours. Inspect for blem-

pioneering American Cookery circa 1845 —
had ishes. Wrap each fruit in paper and store in slotted
this to say: "If every boy in America planted an boxes in a cool, dark, airy place.
apple tree (except in our compactest cities) in For apple recipes, see below and the Index.
some useless corner, and tended it carefully, the
net saving would in time extinguish the public
debt." A century or so later it is becoming evident APPLE RINGS
that a solid layer of applesauce a half-mile thick Wash, core and cut crosswise into slices:
would not suffice to "extinguish the public debt." 3 large, perfect cooking apples
And we are even beginning to wonder, in these Heat in a skillet:
days of office visits only, just how politic we were 3 tablespoons bacon fat or butter
more recently to invent the adage about the apple Place in it a single layer of apple rings.
a day and the doctor. Sprinkle lightly with:
Although apples are in the market the year Confectioners' sugar
around, they are not at their peak from January Add to the skillet:
to June. There is probably no flavor superior to 2 tablespoons water

Cover the skillet and simmer the apples until Combine:

tender. Remove cover and brown rings on both V* cup white or brown sugar
sides. Serve hot, the centers filled with: (1 teaspoon cinnamon)

Bright red jelly If the apples are bland, add:

or dust the rings with: teaspoon grated lemon rind)
Cinnamon Fill the centers with this. Dot the filled cores with:

Put the apples into an 8 x 8-inch pan with:
V* cup boiling water
6 Servings
(2 tablespoons sugar)
Recommended only for the only
ones at hand are
listless, try
apples. If

the next recipe below

Bake about 30 minutes or until tender but not
mushy. Remove from the oven and baste the
apples several times with the pan juices. Should
Preheat oven to 350°.
the juices be thin, remove the apples to a serving
Pare, core and slice thinly:
dish and reduce the pan juices before glazing the
4 cups tart apples
apples with them. Serve hot or chilled.
Place them in a 6 x 9-inch pan. Pour over them:
3 tablespoons melted butter II- 6 Servings
Bake 15 to 30 minutes, or until tender. Remove Obviously a richer dish than that produced by the
from oven and dust with: above recipe.
V* to 1 cup white or brown sugar Preheat oven to 425°.
2 to 3 tablespoons dark rum)
( Pare and core:
Run under a broiler, leaving the oven door ajar, 6 large baking apples
until the sugar and rum glaze the surface. Watch Fill the cores with a mixture of:
carefully. Serve at once. 1 cup chopped blanched almonds or pecans

2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons raisins, chopped figs or prunes,

or mincemeat
An excellent way to use a dull-flavored apple. Heat
egg whitei
in a small porcelain or stainless steel pan:
Make another mixture of:
1 cup honey
1 cup fine bread crumbs

Vi cup vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
Pare, core and slice thinly:
1 teaspoon cinnamon or '
2 teaspoon
cups apples
powdered ginger
Drop the apples a few at a time into the simmer-
Coat the apples with
ing, bubbling honey mixture. Skim them out when
6 tablespoons melted butter
transparent. Serve chilled or hot as a relish with
Roll them in the bread crumbs. Bake the apples in
pork, a<. a tart filling, or as a dessert with cream.
individual buttered bakers about 25 minutes. Serve
hot, covered with:
SAUTEED APPLES AND BACON Caramelized Sugar, 559
4 Servings or cold with:
A fine breakfast or luncheon dish. Cream
Pare and core:
Tart cooking apples BAKED APPLES FILLED WITH
Cut them into cubes. There should be about 4
cups. Saute in a heavy skillet:
6 Servings
8 slices bacon
A three-star winter dish.
Remove the bacon when crisp. Keep it hot. Leave
Preheat oven to 375°.
about 2 tablespoons of fat in the skillet. Add:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
baking apples
6 large tart
Add the apples. Saute uncovered over high heat
Cut from the tops. Scoop out the cores and
a slice
until translucent. Sprinkle with:
pulp, leaving shells 3A inch thick. Cut the pulp
2 tablespoons white or brown sugar
from the cores and chop it. Combine it with:
Place apples on a hot platter. Surround them with
1 cup well-seasoned sausage meat or
the bacon. Serve garnished with:
small sliced sausage links
Sprinkle the shells with:
(2tablespoons brown sugar)
BAKED APPLES Fill them heaping full with the sausage mixture.
I. 4 Servings Bake in a baking dish until tender. Serve with a
Preheat oven to 375°. mound of:
Wash and remove core to *h inch of bottoms of: Steamed Rice, 206, or
4 large tart apples Boiled Noodles, 213

APPLES STUFFED WITH Canned applesauce may be seasoned in the same

way. Sprinkle it, if desired, with:
4 Servings
Serve hot or cold. If hot, add
Preheat oven to 375°.
1 or 2 teaspoons butter
Pare the tops of:
If cold, add:
4 large baking apples
V2 teaspoon vanilla or a few drops
Remove the pulp and discard the core, leaving a
almond extract
V2 -inch shell. Chop
the pulp and add to it:
canned or cooked sauerkraut
2 cups drained
When served with pork, you may add:
(1 or 2 tablespoons horseradish)
Vs teaspoon pepper
A teaspoon caraway seeds
II. Combine:
Salt, as needed 2 cups applesauce as cooked above
Fill the shells. Place them in a baking dish with with:
V* cup water or dry wine. Bake until tender. Baste 1 cup pureed apricots or raspberries
frequently with pan juices. or with:
1 cup crushed pineapple
APPLES COCKAIGNE 1 teaspoon finely crushed preserved ginger
or with:
4 to 5 Servings
2 cups Cranberry Sauce, 133
Wash, core and pare down to about 1 to IV2
sprinkled with:
inches from the top:
Grated orange rind
4 or 5 medium-sized baking apples
Place them in a heavy 8-inch pan with a mix-
ture of:
2V2 cups water Fresh apricots have a beautiful blush and should
1 cup sugar be firm in texture. If they appear wilted or shriv-

2 tablespoons red-hots or cinnamon drops eled, they lack flavorand will decay quickly. Apri-
The red-hots give the apples a spicy tang and a cots may be
eaten raw or cooked in a very light
beautiful color. The fruit should be submerged to syrup and serve flambeed in Meringues, 649.
a level just below the upper edge of the peel. As a puree made from the dried fruit a modi- —
Simmer about 20 minutes, or until the steeped fication of the recipe below —
the apricot is a fre-
portion of the apples gives slightly at the pressure quent addition in the European cuisine. Especially,
of a spoon. Turn them over and simmer about 3 in a more or less cooked-down or glazed state, it

minutes longer. Remove the fruit carefully from enlivens a whole galaxy of filled cakes, open tarts,
the syrup and place on a rack in a broiler pan. torten and frozen desserts.
Preheat the broiler.
Reduce the syrup to about 1 cup. Ladle a table- COOKED DRIED APRICOTS
spoon of syrup over each apple. Broil the apples 10 Servings
about 3 minutes, at least 5 inches from heat Place in a heavy pan:
source. Repeat the ladling and broil 2 minutes 1 lb. dried apricots
longer. Baste with remaining syrup. Place the ap- 3 cups water
ples in individual dishes and spoon the syrup from Simmer the fruit about 35 minutes. Add:
the bottom of the baking pan into the cored cen- V2 to 1 cup sugar
ters. Serve warm or cold, with or without: Heat until the sugar is dissolved, about 5 minutes
Cream longer. You may puree the fruit.


^ Please read About Pureed Fruits, 127. A native of America, this valuable fruit harbors no
I. About 1 Quart less than 11 vitamins. Two varieties are usually
Wash, cut into quarters and core: available, depending on the season: a smooth
2V2 lb. apples: preferably Early Transparents, green-skinned type, and a much darker one with
Northern Spys or Russets pebbled skin. Like the banana, the avocado is
Place them in a saucepan and partly cover with never allowed to mature on the tree. Buy it slightly
water. Old apples require more water than new underripe and ripen it at 70°, hastening the
ones. Simmer the apples until tender. Put them process, if you like, by enclosing it in a paper bag.
through a food mill or ricer, or X
blend, skin and Test an avocado not by poking it with a finger, but
all. Return the strained apple pulp to the saucepan. by applying gentle pressure with the entire hand.
Add enough: When the fruit yields slightly it is ready to eat.
Sugar The flesh of the avocado discolors rapidly when
tomake it palatable. Cook gently about 3 minutes. exposed, and becomes bitter if cooked. To fore-
Add to tasteless apples: stall browning, sprinkle with citrus juice. When
Lemon juice or Zest, 571 combining avocado with cooked foods add it

at the last moment, away from heat, to keep it § BAKED BANANAS

from turning bitter. If using only half an avocado,
I.Preheat oven to 375°.
keep the unused part unpeeled, with the seed still Bananas may be baked in their skins in an oven or
embedded in it; wrap it in foil and store at a on an outdoor grill about 20 minutes. On open-
temperature between 40° and 70°. For salad com-
ing, sprinkle with:
binations and ways to cut avocado, see 110.
Lemon juice
Salt or confectioners' sugar
2 Servings

A candied version.
Cut into halves: Preheat oven to 375°.
Avocados In a small saucepan, melt together and boil about
Place in each half:
5 minutes:
tablespoon Garlic Vinegar, 527
Vi cup dark brown sugar
Let stand 30 minutes. Discard vinegar. Fill them
V* cup water
with well-seasoned, hot creamed:
Peel, slice in half the long way and then once lat-
Cooked crab, lobster, shrimp, chicken, erally and place in a buttered shallow dish:
or ham 1 3 to 2 slightly underripe bananas

Use one-fourth as much sauce as filling. Place the Sprinkle with:

avocados on waxed or buttered paper. Salt
Preheat oven to 375°.
Add to the cooled syrup:
Cover the tops with: 2 lemon or 1 lime
Juice of 1

Grated cheese, buttered crumbs or cornflakes Pour the syrup over the bananas and bake about
Bake until just heated through.
30 minutes, turning the fruit after the first 15 min-
utes. Serve on hot dessert plates, sprinkled with:
Bananas have been called "the humblest fruit": Chopped candied ginger
nobody them quite seriously. Yet in
takes this
country they happen to be the fruit most fre- BANANAS IN BLANKETS
quently eaten — not surprisingly, for they are by Prime as a breakfast dish or served with a meat
and large the most easily digestible and the least course.
expensive. Indeed, for nutritive value they proba- Preheat broiler.
bly rank as the cheapest of all foods, including >nd cut into lengthwise halves:

milk despite their low protein content. Firm ripe bananas
Bananas, when ready to eat, vary in size and in Place between the halves:
skin color, which ranges from a pale crearm Canned pineapple sticks
low to russet red. Cook bananas called plan-
all Wrap the bananas with:
tains, 317. Commercial varieties, always picked Slices of bacon
unripe, are matured by special moist processing, Broil in a pan, turning frequently until the bacon
before reaching the point of sale. They should not is crisp.
be eaten until further ripened by holding them at
70° in a closed paper bag until yellow in color. CARIBBEAN BANANA
Once cut, they darken rapidly unless sprinkled For each serving, melt in a skillet:
with citrus juice. As a rule use slightly underripe 1 tablespoon butter

bananas for cooking, except in Banana Bread, 624. Peel and split lengthwise:
For decades we were warned, to music, "never, A moderately ripe banana
never" to refrigerate bananas. We find, however, Simmer the banana gently in the butter, first on
that although the skins darken ominously, the one side, then on the other. Baste with:
interiors remain palatable even after 2 or 3 days of 2 tablespoons Sauce Cockaigne, 770
refrigeration. Bananas may also be successfully (A dash of lime juice)
frozen if, after partially thawing in the refrigerator, Serve on a hot plate, flambe, 127, with:
they are used immediately. In fact, there are a Rum
number of ways in which we may prepare frozen and garnish with:
bananas and enjoy them even without thawing. (A candied kumquat and a sprig of
One is simply to cut them into chips, spread the lemon thyme)
chips out on a piece of foil, wrap them securely, or, after flambeing the bananas, garnish with:
freeze, and munch them as occasional snacks. Or Vanilla ice cream
mash up the pulp, if ripe, with a palatable mixture
of lemon juice, honey and cinnamon before freez- * CHOCOLATE-DIPPED BANANAS
ing. Another freezing process —
which really turns 12 Sticks
the voungsters on —
is conversion into Chocolate- Peel and cut in half crosswise:
Dipped Bananas, opposite. 6 perfect ripe bananas

Insert firmly in the flat end of each half a wooden mand that growers' catalogs offer not infrequently

meat skewer about 6 inches long or, better still, a choice among twenty-five or thirty varieties, and
a tongue-depressor. Store the bananas in the which has now become a fresh "fruit for all sea-
freezer, on a sheet of foil, at least 1 hour. sons." Most varieties are ruddy red, and most
Prepare: very large cultivated fruit is less flavorsome than
Quick Chocolate Fondue Sauce II, 773 that of medium size. No one. however, has
making up half the recipe. Pour the coating from really experienced paradise on earth until he has
the double boiler while still warm into a small plucked and eaten a clutch of tiny fully ripe wild
shallow pan. Remove bananas from freezer and strawberries, warmed by mountain sunshine.
dip them one by one into the chocolate, twirling
to assure complete coverage. Serve at once; or FRESH STRAWBERRY VARIATIONS
return to freezer in a plastic bag for later use. Serve sliced strawberries in fruit cocktail glasses
with one of the following variations.
ABOUT BERRIES Simmer 10 minutes equal parts of:
Good color, firm flesh and plumpness in berries Orange juice
denote prime condition. Remember, in preserving, Strawberry juice
832, that the less ripe berries contain more pectin. with:
Store ripe berries immediately in the refrigerator, much sugar or as much palatable
'A as as is
covered, unwashed and unstemmed. Do not Chill the syrup. Season well with:
crowd or press. (Sherry or kirsch)
For an attractive way to serve berries out of Or cover:
doors, make some berry cones. We saw them first Chilled strawberries
in the shadows of the rain forest in Puerto Rico,
where we were greeted beside a waterfall by chil- Chilled pineapple juice
dren with wild berries in leaf cones held in punc- Add, if needed:
tured box tops. Glorify your box top with foil. Confectioners' sugar
Or, sprinkle berries lightly with:
Lemon juice
Confectioners' sugar
Decorate fruit with:
Mint leaves

2 quarts sugared strawberries
Whip slightly:
1 pint ice cream
Fold into the ice cream:
1 cup whipped cream
Clean: 6 tablespoons Cointreau
1 quart berries Blend the cream and the strawberries together
Reserve two-thirds and chill. Rub the remaining very lightly with a spoon. Serve immediately.
third through a sieve or X blend if using straw-
berries. Sweeten the pulp and juice with: ABOUT BLUEBERRIES AND
Powdered sugar
and stir until well dissolved. Serve the whole ber-
ries chilled and garnished with the sweetened
If the seeds are small it's blueberries you have.
pulp. If they are many and large, it's huckleberries. The
difference is why the blueberry is preferred, both
BERRIES COCKAIGNE for eating out of hand and for cooking.

Serve: Pick before the dew is off:

Unhulled berries Blueberries or huckleberries

Arrange them on the plate around mounds of:
To cook, see Poached Thick-Skinned Fruit, 126.
Brown sugar or shaved maple sugar
Cultured sour cream, yogurt or CRANBERRY JELLY
whipped cream Pioneer New
England sea captains knew the value
of the vitamin C content of cranberries as a pre-
ABOUT STRAWBERRIES ventive against scurvy. Color differences in the
It is hard to reconcile so luscious a fruit with its fresh fruit have to do with the variety, not relative

absurdly arid name a fruit so constantly in de- age.

Wash and pick over: the orange skin, as the white is often bitter. Stir
4 cups cranberries: 1 lb. into the cranberries the orange and:
Place them in a saucepan. Cover with: 2 cups sugar
2 cups boiling water Place these ingredients in covered jars and refrig-
As soon as the water begins to boil again, cover erate. Let them ripen 2 days before using. Serve
the saucepan with a lid. Boil the berries 3 or 4 the relish with meat or fowl or with a hot bread.
minutes or until the skins burst. Put them through
a strainer or ricer. Stir into the puree:
2 cups sugar With the exception of mulberries, all the fruits
Place over heat and bring to a rolling boil. If you under this heading belong to one species Ru- —
want cranberry sauce, remove from heat at once. —
bus and have similar characteristics. Raspberries
If you want to mold cranberry jelly, boil about proper comein four colors: red, amber, purple

5 minutes, skim, then pour into a wet mold. The and Dewberries are simply cultivars of the
cooking periods indicated are right for firm ber- blackberry; loganberries and boysenberries are
ries. Very ripe berries require a few minutes in all probability, crosses between the dewberry

longer. and the tarter and more distinctively flavored red

raspberry. Rarely encountered in this country is
a small acid-tasting red raspberry of oriental
origin usually called wineberry. The mulberry, de-
spite its close resemblance to members of the
Cranberry Jelly, above
Rubus family, is not in the least related. As every-
adding to the water:
one knows, the leaves of the white-fruited tree
2 inches stick cinnamon
make up the traditional diet of the silkworm.
2 whole cloves
Purple-fruited mulberry trees are best suited, in
'A teaspoon salt

our opinion, for varying the diets and flexing the

muscles of marauding schoolboys.
I. Place in a saucepan and stir until the sugar is GOOSEBERRIES
dissolved: Both of these fruits are almost invariably cooked
2 cups water and are nearly always used as jelly or preserves.
2 cups sugar In their dried state, currants taste delicious when
Boil the syrup 5 minutes. Pick over, wash and add: used in sweet breads: see About Raisins and Other
4 cups cranberries: 1 lb. Dried Fruits, 125. Black currants, small and bitter
Simmer the berries in the syrup uncovered, very in the wild state, have been improved during the
gently without stirring, until the berries are trans- past quarter-century and now appear with more
lucent, about 5 minutes. Skim off any foam. Add: and more frequency at market, along with the
(2 teaspoons grated orange rind) usual red and white varieties. Currants and goose-
Pour the berries into 1 large or several individual berries, being of the same species, hybridize; and
molds which have been rinsed in cold water. Chill the cross has produced some interesting new cul-
until firm. Unmold to serve. tivars.For those who like "dessert" gooseberries,
look for large, completely ripe fruit with a slight
II. A pleasant substitute for cranberries in this tawny blush. To cook gooseberries, see Poached
recipe makes use of the tropical roselle. Cut off Thick-Skinned Fruit, 126. Even the homely elder-
the red part and discard the green pod of:

berry a fruit which should not be used in its
2 cups well-washed roselles
Simmer, uncovered, about 10 minutes in:

uncooked state has been taken in hand recently
by the experts, who promise continuing selectivity,
1 cup water
systematic cultivation, larger size and better flavor.
Mix and add:
2 tablespoons cornstarch Mark Twain claimed that women, if given enough
Cook about minutes longer or until the corn-
5 time and hairpins, could build a battleship. Hair-
starch cannot be tasted. Serve cool with meat or pins, also mighty useful as cherry-pitters, are grow-
dessert. ing scarce. You may prefer to substitute a fresh,
strong pen point inserted in a clean holder
UNCOOKED CRANBERRY RELISH although these accessories, too, we regret to
To be served like a compote. report, are harder and harder to come across, as
Grind: is a cherry-pitter like the one shown on 798.

4 cups cranberries: 1 lb. The best sour or "pie" cherries derive from the
Remove the seeds, then grind: Morello strain. Montmorency is the one most fre-
1 whole orange quently available in the United States. Cultivated
You may prefer to use only the yellow portion of sweet cherries are either very deep red in color, or

pale yellow flushed with red; favored varieties are To section larger fruits like grapefruit, remove
Black Tartarian and Napoleon, respectively. In- the outer skin, pull into halves, and split the mem-

cluded in this fruit category -by courteous exten- brane as shown. Pull the membrane down and
sion—is the Surinam cherry: not a cherry at all but around the outer edge to the base of the section.
a Brazilian fruit which resembles it and is now Let the released membrane hang loose. With your
grown rather extensively in California and Florida. thumb, separate the section from the remaining
It makes a spicy and delicious jelly. membrane. The segment may break, but virtually
none of the juice is lost. You may prefer the
POACHED CHERRIES method shown for smaller citrus, opposite.
I. For preparing a compote of sour cherries, see
Poached Thick-Skinned Fruit, 126.

II. Cook until tender but still shapely, see Poached

Thick-Skinned Fruit, 126:

Pitted sweet cherries
For each pound cherries, have ready:
V2 cup currant jelly
melted in:
Va cup kirsch or other liqueur
Drain the cherries. Reserve the juice for pudding ABOUT LEMONS AND LIMES
sauce or use it in basting meats or in baking. Shake Both of these fruits are quite indispensable, but
the drained cherries in the jelly mixture until well for obvious reasons we discuss them more fully
coated. Chill and serve. under Ingredients, 571. In buying lemons, choose
yellow-colored ones. If tinged with green, they are
ABOUT CITRUS FRUITS not properly "cured." In choosing limes, the dark
and of themselves
Citrus fruits are so delightful in green ones are usually stronger in acid and prefer-
that almost seems a shame to dissect them
able to the yellowish types. Many uses for lemon
into their nutritional components. But it must be and lime juice and rind are indicated in individual
pointed out that they are a potent source of recipes. For their use in beverages, see 42; for
vitamin C, as well as furnishing several other die- use to arrest discoloration of fresh fruits and vege-
tary essentials.
tables, see 823; as decoration and garnish, see 571.
When they appear at market, citrus fruits are
usually equipped with a thin coating of wax to
protect them during distribution. The wax is harm-
less, but it is undesirable if you are grating the
For many of us the day begins with oranges, which
skin and may be removed by lightly scrubbing
we often casually classify as "juicers" or "eaters"

with detergent and water. In grating, do not take

— more accurately as varieties of Valencia on the
off more than the highly colored outer coating: one hand and navel on the other. In our house-
the white skin beneath may be bitter. To extract

hold and strictly en famille —
if we have fruit of

citrus juice easily, first roll the fruit on a hard sur-

interesting flavor in either category, we often cut
it across the middle and section each
in half right
face, exerting pressure.
half into thirds or fourths, then proceed to eat
the slices at table, as if we were handling those of
watermelon. This untidy approach is
a Lilliputian
encouraged by the recent proliferation of seedless
oranges of all types. And it lets us ingest the

fibrous parts of the valuable pulp as well as its

juice. For the same reason, when we ream oranges
for juice,we prefer not to use a fine strainer.
Highly desirable for table use is the blood or-
ange, with dark red meat. For special uses no
variety can equal the Seville or bitter orange, al-
though it is not often available. Bitter oranges
r=? make superb components of marmalade and lend
piquancy to meat and fish dishes and to various
To section a small or average-sized citrus fruit, drinks.
hold it over a bowl to catch all the juices, and An orange variant is the tangerine or mandarin.
use a sharp knife to remove the rind, including A calamondin is a strain of tangerine; and Murcott
the pulpy white skin. Pare it around and around and Temple oranges result from an orange and
like an apple so that the cells are exposed. Loosen tangerine cross. The kumquat, which has become
the sections by cutting between the fruit and the as definitely associated with Christmas holidays
membrane. Lift out each segment in one piece, as as plum pudding, closely resembles the tangerine,
shown, and remove any seeds. but is actually in its botanical classification not a

citrus fruit at all, though a close relative. Just the ABOUT GRAPEFRUIT

opposite applies to citron a true citrus deriva- The main types are whitish or pink-fleshed, with
tive which doesn't taste like one, at least in the
a few varieties ruby-red. Late in the season, the
processed form we find it packaged at market. See skin may change in tint from yellowish to green-
Candied Citrus Peel, 795. ish, a sign of real maturity and high sugar content.
The skins of ripe oranges often remain greenish But beware of late-season grapefruit if it seems
in color. Growers and packers bring them closer
unduly light in weight or if the skins are puffy, for
to the conventionally acceptable warm yellow in
the flesh may then be dry. Offbeat and piquant
two ways. One is by the use of ethylene gas, which grapefruit hybrids are the tangelo and the aptly
breaks down the chlorophvll component present
inthe skin. Ethylene, incidentally, has also become

named ugli both crosses with the ever-promiscu-
ous tangerine. Always chill grapefruit at once.
a highly useful agent in controlling the maturiza-
It will not ripen after picking and keeps better at
tion of a number of other fruits, especially apples lower temperatures.
and bananas. The second coloring device is simplv

a skin-dye, carefully restricted as to its chemical

makeup by the U5DA, prohibited in some citrus-
growing states, and
any case applied to the fruit
4 Servings
for a limited period during the year. All oranges Peel, section, see 135, and chill:

so treated must bear the stamp "color added." 2 large grapefruit

Place the fruit in glass compotes. Fifteen minutes
A word about frozen orange juice: why it all
tastes alike, and why it doesn't taste anything like
before serving, sprinkle lightly with:
fresh orange juice. The juice to be frozen mav
Confectioners' sugar or honey
come from several varieties. It is boiled to a high
Immediately before serving, add to each compote:
(1 tablespoon Cointreau)
viscosity in a vacuum, separated into several com-
ponent batches, reassembled, flavored at which — or fill each compote one-fourth full of:
time fresh juice may be added and at long last — Chilled orange juice

frozen solid) Finally, note that something labeled

orange drink" under federal regulations ne<>d GRAPEFRUIT CUPS
contain no natural orange at all. I. Chill:
ORANGES IN SYRUP Cut into halves. Loosen the pulp from the peel
with a sharp-toothed, curved grapefruit knife, see
8 Servings
Wash 307, or remove the seeds and cut out the tough
fibrous center with a grapefruit corer. Five min-
6 large well-flavored navel oranges
utes before serving, sprinkle the grapefruit with:
Peel the fruit, leaving no white showing, and cut
Confectioners' sugar
the peel from three of the oranges into slices
about 'A inch thick. Boil these peels 3 minutes in:
Add toeach half immediately before serving:
1 tablespoon curacao or a Crystallized
cup water
Mint Leaf, 794
Strainand discard the water. Combine:
1 cup sugar
II. Preheat broiler.
Vj cup water Prepare:
When boiling and clear, add the orange peel. Grapefruit Cups, above
Cook about 5 minutes over low heat. Arrange the When grapefruit is very ripe it is inadvisable to
orange slices in a dessert bowl. Pour the peels and loosen the pulp from the peel, as it makes the
sauce over the oranges and chill at least 2 hours. fruit too juicy. Sprinkle each half with:
1 tablespoon or more sugar

KUMQUAT COMPOTE Place the fruit under the broiler until heated
through. Remove and pour over each half:
Calamondins and kumquats may be eaten raw
1 tablespoon dry sherry
without paring, and make beautiful garnishes.
Serve the fruit at once.
They may also become a dessert or may accom-
pany a meat dish, as below.
Parboil, unpeeled, 5 minutes: ABOUT DATES
Kumquats In desert regions the date palm was traditionally
Drain and cool. Slice the top off each. Remove put to almost total use — for food and fibers. It

seeds and fill each fruit with: dominated a culture as exclusively as the bison
V2 to 1 teaspoon sugar did among the Plains Indians in the New World
Stand upright in a shallow buttered pan. Bake shaping, regulating and limiting a life-style. Date
about 15 minutes in a preheated 350° oven, bast- varieties now cultivated in the United States
ing frequently with: Medjool, Deglet Noor and Khadrawy are all, as —
Pineapple juice their names indicate, of Arabic origin. About half
For Preserved Kumquats, see 795. the fruit consists of sugar, which accounts for the

grayish crystallization that frequently shows up on cord as the labruscan with which we are most
both fresh and dried dates. It also explains why familiar and Tokay as the prototype of vinilera.
eating only a few brings on a surfeit; and why, Tokay types —we are temped them "non-
to call
served as a garnish for a fruit dessert tray, see slip" varieties — grow only California, and
in in a
793, they are often stuffed with cream cheese and rather limited area. Their flesh is solid, and their
nuts, with a fondant made piquant with almond shipping and keeping qualities are so outstanding
paste and spices, or with a tangy marmalade. that those in commercial production are available
•& Dates freeze successfully and, refrigerated, may all winter long. A new variety of Tokay is Flame

be kept for an extended period. For other uses of Tokay, a very beautiful purplish-red. Malaga ripens
dates, see Index. several weeks earlier than the true Tokays. Among
the "white" vinilera are Olivette, with as the —
ABOUT FIGS name indicates — oval berries, and Thompson
When Cato advocated the conquest of Carthage, Seedless. Ribier heads the "black" viniiera, which
he used as his crowning argument the advantage are actually a very deep blue.

of acquiring fruits as glorious as the North African In contrast to \inifera, labruscans are more

figs, specimens of which he pulled from his toga

perishable and for this reason seasonal, their
as exhibits in the Roman Senate. These fruits have more or less to the four
availability being limited

become so popular in America that many varieties months between July 1 and the end of October.
— purplish, brownish and greenish —
are grown in A seedless Concord has been developed look for —
it and many other hybrids ranging in color from
profusion. Even when shipped, they must be tree-
ripened. palest green or yellow through red to darkest

Fresh figs are very different from the dried ones purple. Most widely distributed, perhaps, and in
we get from Smyrna and our South. They are. ripe order of ripening are Ontario, Early Giant, Inter-
when soft to the touch and overripe when sour in laken Seedless, Delaware, Caco, Catawba, Fre-
odor, indicating a fermentation of the juice. For donia, Van Buren, Worden, Niagara, Kenka and
figs with prosciutto, see 80; for dried fig confec- Steuben.
tions, see 793. Table grapes of and much smaller class
a third
are the spicy muscadines from the American South
STUFFED FRESH FIGS — technically Vitis rotundifolia —
of which scup-
pernong is an ancestor, and Golden Muscat, one of
Fill stemmed fresh:
the finest new hybrids. Here again, as in all other
categories of grape, seedless varieties have been
recently developed that will modestly revolution-
Cultured sour cream and grated orange peel
or with:
ize grape cookery, especially — we speak with feel-

Ham Salad Spread, 74

ing — pie-making.
From the muscadines come the
seedless packaged raisins. Only three varieties in
this country are used in the production of raisins:
POACHED FIGS Thompson Seedless, Muscat, and Black Corinth.
Wash and remove the stems from: All canned grapes are seedless.
1 lb. dried figs buying grapes, choose clusters with green
Add: stems, plump berries and full color. "Whites" will
Cold water to cover well taste better if they have acquired a slightly tawny
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice blush. See grape recipes in Salads, 92; Desserts,
A piece of lemon rind 734; and Pies, 638. To frost grapes, see 794.
(A large piece of gingerroot)
Stew the figs, covered, until they are soft. Drain
and sweeten the juice with: GUAVAS
Sugar: about 1 cup
When ripe, guavas vary in color from white to
Simmer the syrup until thick. Add:
dark red and in size from that of a walnut to that
1 tablespoon lemon juice
of an apple. They may be served pureed, baked
Replace the figs in the syrup. Cool. Add:
or fresh, alone or in combination with other fruits
(1 tablespoon dry sherry)
such as bananas or pineapple. They have an ex-
Chill and serve with:
ceptionally high vitamin content. Sprinkle:
Peeled and sliced guavas
lightly with.:

Table grapes as distinguished from wine grapes Chill and serve with:
— can be grouped into three classes. Of these the Cream
labruscan, or slip-skin types, all of which have at or bake in a 350° oven about 30 minutes and then
least some trace of native American "blood," and serve with the cream. See also Apple Cake Cock-
the vinilera are most important. The distinction aigne, 661, and prepare guava jelly with cream
between the two is best pointed up by citing Con- cheese, as for Bar-le-Duc, 757.

LITCHIS Melons are usually eaten raw. The varieties can

be served singly or in combination. Try a palette
A little like jellied incense, these most oriental of
ranging from the pale greens of the hone\dews.
fruits are protected by an exquisitely fragile shell,
shown on 123. The fresh fruit is white; when through the golden peach tones of the canta-
loupes, to the blue-reds of the watermelon. Thev
dried it becomes much smaller and turns dark
can be served from one end of a meal to the other
brown. Serve on a green leaf, or use
3 to 5 nuts
them to garnish a fruit
bowl. Litchis are also avail-
in many attractive wavs.

able canned, but the flavor is not so hauntinglv

In order for it to be genuinely sweet — and this
isone's perennial hope as he bites into each fresh

specimen the fruit must have matured on the
vine. If it did, you will see that the scar at the
MANGOES stem end sunken and well calloused.
is slightly
The more fragrant the melon, the sweeter it will
These delicious flattish oval fruits are about 8
be. A watermelon, if truly ripe, will respond by
inches long, of yellow ish-green color and some-
giving up a thin green shaving if scraped with a
times flecked with red or black. When chilled and
eaten raw they are as good as any peach-pine-
apple-apricol mousse \ou can concoct rich and — If vou want to store melons for several days,
keep them at between 50° and 70°, away from
sweet but never cloying. If unchilled, thev some-
sunlight; and chill just before serving. To protect
times have the faintest savor of turpentine The
other food in your refrigerator from taking on a
seed, which extends the length of the fruit, makes
melon taste, seal the fruit in plastic or foil.
eating somewhat awkward, and special holders,
Melons respond favorably to lime or lemon juice
not unlike those which bring corncobs under con-
or a sprinkling of powdered ginger, and can be
trol,ma\ be used Pare '-lice and serve mangoes
cut into highly decorative shapes. For an aspic-
on cream Saute ripe fruits Use them
vanilla ice
filledmelon, see 119. For fancy melon cuts see
when |ust mature in chutne\s and when unripe for
poaching or baking. If you want to freeze man-
goes, see Frozen Pureed Fruits, 824.

In the South of Europe and in southern United
States these J-inch fruits, which resemble crab
apples are eaten fresh-plurked. In England, quite
far north in their range they are always overtaken
In frost and look shabby indeed, although their
flavor is desirable, especially for jellies.

Melons are being developed into so manv deli-
cious strains that it is difficult to list them all by
name, A distinction is usuallv made between
muskmelons mm.\ winter melons. The skins of the MELON BASKETS OR ERUIT CUPS
former are variously netted, the reticulations being 8 Large Servings
raised and of a paler color. Muskmelons are aro- Cut into halves or make into baskets, as shown

matic even before being opened and short-lived. above:
In America —
but not abroad —
the cantaloupe is in 4 cantaloupes or other melons
Remove the seeds. Scallop the edges. Chill the
this group, the name being reserwd here for a
smallish \er\ he.niK and regularlv netted melon Combine the following
fruit. ingredients:

with pale orange colored flesh. The flesh of a new 2 cups peeled, sliced seeded or seedless
hybrid named Ogen, however, developed in Israel, oranges
is green. 2 cups peeled, sliced fresh peaches
Winter melons are usuallv smooth-skinned, 2 cups diced pineapple: fresh or canned
1 cup sliced bananas
sometimes striated, and lack netting, they have
little or no aroma and keep over a much longer
(1 cup sugar, dissolved in the various
fruit juices)
period. Some of the best-known varieties are
Casaba, Persian, Crenshaw and honeydew. Water- Chill thoroughly. Just before serving, fill the melon
melons are rather a race apart: their size and their cups with the fruit. Pour over each cup:
(1 tablespoon Cointreau or rum)
festive red interior suggest merry group eating;
the small round ones of recent introduction never Top with:
quite generate the meltingly sweet succulence of (Orange and Lemon Ice, 766, or
the old-time giants. Sherbet, 767)

MELON ROUNDS FILLED WITH seeds, as their almondlike kernels are high in
deadly prussic acid.
Although their smooth skin and their flavor
Cut into 1- to 2-inch crosswise slices:
strongly suggest a cross between peach and plum,
Chilled pared honeydew melons or
nectarines are in fact simply a variety of peach,
resulting from what botanists call "bud variation."
Allow 1 slice for each person. Remove seeds. Fill

the centers with:

Chilled, sugared raspberries or FILLED PEACHES
strawberries 8 Servings
Serve on individual plates with: Peel, halve and pit:
Lime or lemon wedges 4 chilled peaches
(A sprinkling of ginger) Place them in a bowl. Combine and stir:

2 cups chilled berries

SPIKED MELON 6 tablespoons sugar

IVi tablespoons lemon juice
Cut a plug in the upper side of a:
Pour the berries over the peaches. Serve with:
Sweetened Whipped Cream, 696
Dig out seeds with a long-handled spoon. Pour in:
cup port wine
to 1

Chill melon in ice in the refrigerator at least 8 STUFFED PEACHES

hours. Slice and serve with rind removed and use 8 Servings
the marinating wine as a dressing. Preheat oven to 350°.
Peel, halve and pit:
4 peaches, or use 8 canned halves
PAWPAWS Chop until fine:
These smoky-tasting native fruits should be picked cup blanched toasted almonds
— —
and eaten after the first heavy frost. Wrap 1 tablespoon glazed orange peel
them individually in tissue paper and store in a Blend thoroughly with:
cool place until soft. A taste for them, we feel, is cup confectioners' sugar
an acquired one. the fruit with the above mixture and place
Fill in
a baking pan. Sprinkle with:
V2 cup dry sherry
V* cup confectioners' sugar
Papayas grow up to 20 inches in length. When
and if canned peaches are used:
fullyripened, the flesh develops orangey tones
(A little lemon juice)
and the greenish rind turns soft and yellow. They Bake 10 minutes and serve warm.
are eaten like melons. Their milky juice, when
chilled, makes a pleasant drink, and their black
seeds, which contain pepsin, are used for garnish, ABOUT PEARS
eaten raw or used as for capers. Many of us know All types of pears seem to keep congenial com-
this plant only by its derivative papain, the ten- pany with cheese. Follow the season, beginning
derizer made from the enzymes of its leaves, with the Bartletts, of which Max Red Bartlett is an
444. interesting all-red-skinned variety. Seckels are apt
Use underripe fruits for cooking. Process them to come next: tiny, sugar-sweet and unprepos-
as for summer squash types, 328. serving pa-
If sessing-looking, but much in demand, along with
payas raw, chill and sprinkle with lime or lemon the Kiefers, for cooking and pickling. The Bart-
juice.See sketch in the chapter heading, 123. letts, highly flavored but perishable, have vanished

by November —
except for the Winter Bartletts —
but they are succeeded by a dazzling array of
ABOUT PEACHES hardier fall varieties, some of which can still be
AND NECTARINES purchased far into the winter months: the ruddy
As so often curiously do
fruits but queens sel- — cornices, the green-skinned Anjous, the Winter
dom —
ever the "queen of fruits" leads a double
if Nellises, and the russet Boscs, among others.
life. The mostly yellow-fleshed freestones are fa- Pears are picked when they are approaching
vorites at table and for canning and drying; cling- maturity but haven't reached full ripeness. They
stones, with white flesh and somewhat sharper may then be ripened at 60° to 65°. If you plan to
flavor, make excellent "poachers." cook them, make sure to use them while they are
Choose firm but well-colored fruit without the still firm. To store for eating, wrap the fruit in

flattened brownish bruises which betray areas of paper and put them away in a slotted box in a cool
decaying flesh underneath. If plucked green, place. If pears or peaches that look sound have
peaches will not ripen. They merely soften and become brown inside, they have been held too
wither, gaining nothing in flavor. Discard peach long at a too-low temperature.

STUFFED PEARS indicates ripeness, a dull solidsound when the

4 Servings finger snapped against the side of the fruit,

Preheat oven to 350°. along with protruding "eyes" and a delicious

Pare, core and halve: aroma, is perhaps the most reliable test for ripe-
4 firm pears ness.
Mix together and stuff into the hollows: Store at 70° away from sunlight. Pineapple
',4 cup white raisins lends itself kinds of combina-
magnificently to all

2 tablespoons chopped walnuts tions, but watch for one thing: be sure to cook
2 tablespoons sugar fresh pineapple before combining it with any gel-
1 tablespoon lemon juice atin mixture, see 113. For pineapples as decorative
Place the pears in a baking dish with: containers for other foods, see 78, 109 and 141
2 tablespoons water To prepare pineapple slices, trim the sharp
Pour over them: points. of the tuft. Grasp the tuft firmly and pare
Vi cup light corn syrup the skin with wide downward strokes. Then fur-
Cover and bake until tender, about 30 minutes. ther remove the "eyes" by grooving the pineapple
You may baste during the cooking with: diagonally. Cut off the tuft. The fruit may then be
(Pineapple juice and brown sugar) sliced crosswise or in wedges or flat thin slices

or remove the cover and sprinkle the fruit lightly from top to bottom. Trim out the core if it is
with: tough.
(Granulated sugar)
(A light dusting of cinnamon)
then place under the broiler until golden brown
and serve immediately.

4 Servings
Pare, qu irter, i ore and prick lightly:
4 pears
( ombine:
1 cup chilled orange juice
1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
2 tablespoons Curasao or kirsch
Cover the pears with the juice. Chill until read)
to ser\(

Be sure, in the recipes, to distinguish between our
native Diospyros virginiana and Kaki, the oriental I. 8 Servings
type, the- latter seen on 123. Ours are small, full of This dish is alluring in appearance, but must be
seeds .^n(\ > inedible until after frost In fact made with very ripe pineapple. Trim two-thirds
wonder how we survived the many we consumed from the leafy top of:
as children because the skins resist digestion and 1 chilled ripe pineapple

< toon waddy balls, as obstructive as hair-balls

Cut the fruit into 8 lengthwise wedges. Cut off the
in animals core and place each part so that it will resemble
Both native and oriental persimmons sometimes a boat, as sketched. Pare the skin in 1 piece,
tend to be puckery, even when ripe depending — leaving it in place, and cut the pulp downward
on variety. The orientals lose their astringency if into 5 or 6 slices, retaining the boat shape as
stored tor 2 to 4 days in a plastic bag with a ripe shown 141, top right. Serve each boat on an in-
apple. The natives do not alwavs prove so amen- dividual plate, with a small mound of:
able. Eat as fresh fruit, in salads or pureed, fresh Confectioners' sugar
or frozen, combined in ice creams, custards or Add:
sherbets. 5 or 6 large unhulled strawberries
for each serving
II. A Texas
girl taught us to prepare a pineapple
So beloved was this fruit that on many southern this way. Divide a chilled pineapple into small
mansions it was carved above the door as a svm- sections by cutting it down to the core, diagonally,
bol of hospitality. In fact, the first fruits grown in
with a sharp knife as seen 141, top left. Impale
England in a nobleman's "stove-house" were gra- each section with a pick and let the guests serve
ciously rented to his friends for their table decora-
A small compact crown usually denotes the III. Pineapple can make an attractive edible cen-
finest type of fruit. As neither skin nor fruit color terpiece. Cut off the top and bottom of a ripe

pineapple and reserve them. Insert a long sharp Wrap around them:
knife about V2 inch from the outer edge so the 8 slices bacon
fruit is entirely loosened but the pineapple as a Fasten the slices with picks and broil the bacon
whole retains its shape. Leaving the fruit in this under moderate heat.
cylindrical shell, cut it in about 12 long pie-shaped
wedges. Set it back on its base and use the top for ABOUT PLUMS
a lid as shown on right below. Let guests remove
As with many fruits under centuries-old cultiva-
the long spears with a two-pronged fork.
tion,plum varieties from the Old World still pre-

dominate with modern improvements. These
European plums are green- or yellow-fleshed. They
include the greengage, or Reine Claude, from
which, by an incredibly complicated procedure,
authentic sugar plums are still produced in Portu-
gal; the blue plum; the yellow egg plum; the
darker Lombards and Italians; as well as a host of
larger more recent introductions. A European vari-
ety with special characteristics is the Damson,
very dark, tart and thick-skinned. It is not, like the
others, suitable for table use or for canning and
drying, but it makes superb conserves, 837.
The earliest native varieties of the American
plum, such as the red plum, the wild goose, the
Pacific and the beach plum, are now, after decades
of neglect, in the hands of breeders who have
introduced some interesting variants and combi-
nations. American plums are smaller than the
European favorites; their flesh is yellow to pale
orange; and they are by and large best suited to
jam, desserts, and sweet sauces. Similar uses are
recommended for the less often encountered Ori-
ental or Japanese plum, whose fruits are even
more ruddy in color, and spicier. A non-plum with
FILLED PINEAPPLE plumlike characteristics, available now and then at
market, is the tropical Carissa, or Natal plum. To
For a more elaborate version, see 109.
cook plums, see Poached or Stewed Thick-Skinned
Cut hollow out and chill:
in half,
Fruit, 126.
A fresh pineapple
Prunes are simply small purplish-black freestone
Cube the cut-out pineapple and some:
plums sufficiently high in sugar content and fiim
Slices of melon
enough to battle successfully the twin hazards of
Fill the chilled pineapple shells with the cubed
drying out and of interior decay.
fruit and add:
A few raspberries
Sprinkle with: STEWED PRUNES
Chopped mint leaves 8 Servings
(2 tablespoons liqueur) If the label calls for soaking, please read About
Raisins and Other Dried Fruits, 125. Otherwise,
FRESH PINEAPPLE CUP cover with cold water:
6 Servings 1 lb. dried prunes
Pare, core and dice: Bring to the boiling point. Reduce the heat and
1 fresh pineapple
simmer gently about 20 minutes. Add:
Chill it. Boil fori minute:
('A cup or more sugar)
1 cup sugar Cook about 10 minuies longer. You may add to
V3 cup water the prunes, during this second cooking period:
Chill this syrup. Add: (V2 sliced lemon)
V2 cup chilled orange juice (1 stick cinnamon)
3 tablespoons lime juice
Place the pineapple in glasses and pour the syrup
mixture over it.
4 Servings
GRILLED PINEAPPLE Cook by the above method until almost tender:
4 Servings V2 lb. dried prunes
Drain: Add:
8 pineapple spears 3 tablespoons sugar

Cook 5 minutes longer. Remove from heat and Mediterranean as in its native America. The red
add: and yellow fruits, which are eaten raw, have sharp
V2 cup or more dry sherry or V2 to spines which can be removed by singeing before
A cup port peeling.
(6 very thin slices lemon)
Place in a covered jar. Chill thoroughly. Shortly BAKED QUINCES
before serving, the prunes may be pitted and 4 Servings
filled with: These uncooperative-looking fruits, illus-
Halves of walnuts or blanched almonds trated on 129, turn pink when cooked and make
delicious preserves and confections. See Index.
PRUNES AND CHESTNUTS Preheat oven to 350°.
4 to 6 Servings Wash:
Drain and place in a casserole: 4 large whole quinces
IV2 cups canned chestnuts Rub with:
A cup pitted stewed or canned prunes Butter
Combine, heat and pour over the above: and bake about 45 minutes until almost tender.
1 tablespoon butter Core and hollow out about two-thirds of the re-
teaspoon salt
maining fruit and mix this pulp with:
tablespoon sugar)
(1 Vi cup fine bread crumbs
V2 cup dry white wine V* cup chopped nuts
Heat thoroughly and serve with ham or fowl. V* cup brown sugar
Grating of lemon rind
Keep compote on hand, for it makes
this delightful Return mixture to the partially hollow rind and
a decorative meat garnish and may be drained and bake about 15 minutes longer or until tender.
pitted and used in Stuffings, 370. Place in a heavy Serve hot or cold.
3 cups water RHUBARB
1 cup cider vinegar
Only by the wildest stretch of the imagination can
2 cups brown sugar
rhubarb be included in this chapter, but its tart
2 cups dried prunes
flavor and its customary uses make it a reasonable
1 teaspoon whole cloves, with
facsimile, when cooked, of fruit. Hothouse-grown
heads removed
rhubarb is tenderer and sweeter and needs no
1 teaspoon whole allspice
peeling. If the hardier type is used, the reddish
IV2 sticks cinnamon
young shoots are preferred. Should the stalks be
Simmer about 45 minutes or until fruit is plump.
tough, peel them back like celery and remove the
Place the prunes in a jar. Straining out the spices,
coarsest strings before cooking. In any case, use as
pour the liquor over the prunes to cover. Keep
little water as possible. Never cook the leaves,
as they are heavy in poisonous oxalic acid.
By eating a single seed of the pomegranate offered
her by the wily Pluto, Proserpine was obliged to 4 Servings
return periodically to the infernal regions, leaving Wash and without peeling, into 1-inch pieces:
1 lb. rhubarb
(\irth for six months in the cheerless embrace of
winter. We have always wondered —
since our own Place in heavy pan. Sprinkle lightly with water.
Simmer over medium heat until segments can be
first encounter with the crimson cells enclosing

seed and luscious pulp how Proserpine managed easily pierced with fork. Add and stir:

to eat only one. These jewel-like morsels make a V2 to 3A cup sugar

most beautiful garnish. Use them in French dress- Continue poaching until rhubarb is soft. Dot with:
ing, or roll them in small cream cheese balls. Or,
if you live where the fruit is available ripe and in
(Cinnamon or powdered ginger)
abundance, you may feel it is sacrilegious to eat

them any way but plain or chilled, with yogurt. BAKED RHUBARB AND JAM
If you use them for jelly, do not bruise the seed Preheat oven to 350°.
kernels, for then an unpleasant flavor develops. To give color to rhubarb and keep it whole, have
See illustration on 129. ready:
V* cup seedless red jam
PRICKLY PEARS V2 cup sugar
A cactus also known as Indian or Barbary fig or Coat a small baking dish with one-third of the
tuna, the so-called prickly pear, illustrated on 129, jam. Cut into 2-inch slices:
is now as much at home on the shores of the 1 lb. rhubarb

Lay the slices in the jam base in close patterns Salt and pepper
and sprinkle with half the sugar and: (Grated Parmesan cheese)
(Vi teaspoon powdered ginger) (Toasted chopped cashews)
Add another layer of rhubarb and cover with the
rest of the jam and sugar. Bake covered for about CARAMBOLA
15 minutes. Yellow, translucent, juicy and refreshing, this
lobed fruit, shown in the chapter heading, may be
TROPICAL EXOTICS eaten unpeeled and the seeds disregarded. It is a
versatile addition to a southern menu. Serve it
The fruits listed below are occasionally or more
raw as a vegetable or salad. When fully ripe it is
often available at "ethnic" groceries or plain ordi-
delicious as a dessert.
nary fruiterers with a well-traveled or novelty-
struck clientele.Illustrated are passion fruit, far CERIMAN
left;cherimoyas, next left; the fruit and the great Shown below, this fruit is known to most of us as
cut leaves of monstera, right, close to the trim monstera, a desirable house plant with great cut
mangosteen, shown whole and in cross section. and holey leaves. Unless we are in subtropical
Rounding out the picture are akee, below center, climates, we seldom see the 8- to 10-inch cylin-
and tamarind. drical pine-conelike fruit with its pineapple-
ACEROLA banana flavor. A single fruit ripens over a 3- to
The size and habitat of this tart fruit are indicated 4-day period, and the lower sections, which break
by its aliases: Barbados and West Indian cherry. apart first at the base of the stem, should be eaten
Acerolas contain much greater quantities of ascor- only as the shell ripens to a yellow color. To keep
bic acid, even when cooked, than do fresh citrus the top sections unbruised until ripened, place the
fruit, stem end up, in a jar and pluck as the seg-
ments ripen.
Blighia sapida, named after the infamous Captain CHERIMOYA
Bligh, is one of the most strikingly beautiful and The nineteenth-century traveler Humboldt, who
delicious of fruits; however, unless it has rip- left his scientific imprint over South America and
ened to the point of voluntary opening, it is a Mexico, declared that this fruit, shown below, is
deadly poison. No overly ripe, fallen, discolored worth a trip across the Atlantic. It must be tree-
or unripe fruit dare be eaten, and the greatest care ripened but still firm when picked and should be
must be used to remove all seeds before cook- handled carefully so as to avoid bruising. Some-
ing, as these are always poisonous. When picked times called sherbet fruit, the cherimoya shows on
ripe, hulled and completely seeded, the akee may
its light green skin jacquarded engravings or long-
be eaten raw or cooked. Parboiled it may be used ish bumps. Discard the hard black seeds which
hot or cold, customarily with a main dinner occur at random in the pulp. Eat raw or use to
course. See illustration, below. make drinks and sherbets. Other less widely
known fruits of the Annona or custard apple
PUREED AKEE family are the sweetsop or sugar-apple, and the
3 Servings soursop, which has an acidulous taste.
Remove the white pods from:
6 firm unbruised open akees DURIAN
Discard every seed. Place the pods in: famous tree, native to Southeast Asia,
Fruits of this
Boiling water weigh up 20 pounds and have been described
to cover. Reduce the heat at once and simmer as "smelling like Hell, and tasting like Heaven."
gently until soft. Strain and mash them until They are highly favored by certain wild animals;
coarsely crushed. Season with: and tales abound of Malays who gather durians,

only to be gathered up in turn by elephants. The MANCOSTEENS

large seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts. This 2- to 3-inch-diameter fruit has a most ex-
quisite milky juice. Its sections —
5 to 6 in number
— sobriquet which
— may be easily scooped out and eaten with a
Often called pineapple guava a spoon, see illustration, 143.
aptly reflects the feijoa's delicious and complex
flavor — this fruit is dark green, about 2 inches PASSION FRUITS
long, with a white interior; it is used chiefly for Sometimes called the purple granadilla, this tropi-
jellies and preserves. cal American fruit, shown on 143, is egg-sized and
is at its best when a little overripe and wrinkled-
looking. As the sweet aromatic pulp is inseparable
Sometimes called Spanish limes because of their
from the seeds, passion fruit is used mainly as a
taste only, these 1-inch round Caribbean fruits are
table ornament or for its quite delicious juice.
eaten fresh, like grapes.

Also known as Chinese gooseberry, this fruit Sapodilla is whose sap produces chicle
the tree

comes from New Zealand. The hairy, soberly gum. The has a rather grainy but entirely
edible flesh, with somewhat the texture of moist
brown exterior of kiwis does not prepare one in
the least for their vivid green translucency when
brown sugar. The seeds must be removed, after
sectioned, or the lovely intricacies of pattern the
which the raw pulp may be eaten fresh or used
in puddings and other desserts. A sprinkling of
seeds reveal when the fruit is sliced as shown in
the chapter heading. 123. Kiwis are not only highly
lemon juice helps. A close relative, the sapote,

decorative but may be served with a little lime has similar traits and makes an excellent sherbet.
juice as a table fruit; or peeled, poached and gar-
nished with lemon juice and kirsch. Remove the
The 2- to 6-inch pods of this graceful tree are
hairs by hand-friction.
shown on 143. When fresh and tender, they can
LOQUATS be either cooked with rice and fish or sucked raw
These olive-sized fruits, yellow and loosely clus- for their spicy pulp with its date-apricot flavor.
tered, mature in the springtime. New cultivars This spicy pulp also preserved for use in curries

have a larger ratio of flesh to seeds, and so are be- and chutneys, as well as a medicinal drink. If
ginning to lift the loquat out of the mere garnish you wish to preserve tamarinds, remove the seeds
and jelly-making categories. They may be eaten and pack the pulp into a jar with alternate layers
fresh or stewed. When cooked, their flavor is of sugar. Refrigerate.
rather similar to that of poached plums.
nutritive valueand best flavor, texture and color.
We have tried also to indicate what processes,
when followed, will bring cooked food to the table
in that ideal state of readiness the French call
a point.
Asking a cook why he heats food at all is, of
course, like asking an architect why men do not
live in caves. The obvious answer is that it usually
tastes better that way. There are other reasons,
too. Some are prosaic. Cooking destroys unwanted
and sometimes unfavorable microorganisms. Con-
trary to some remarkably persistent notions, it
makes many categories of food more digestible,

more nutritious, and less to toss in a stylish term
— allergenic.
Cooking, again, can seal up in food most of
those natural juices which nourish and delight us.
For some kinds of preparation —
stocks and soups
are examples —
the objective is just the reverse. It
is true, also, that certain salted and variety meats,

as well as a good many vegetables, profit by a pre-

cooking or blanching which modifies texture or
THE FOODS WE HEAT releases disagreeable odors and off-flavors.
Many cooks, like the rest of humankind, are
born innovators, too. And they often introduce
stimulating refinements in the heating of food,
We are told that a hard-boiled professional cook,

some of which like the smoking process em- —
when asked what she regarded as primary briefing
phasize taste at fhe expense of nutritional in-
for a beginner, tersely replied: "Stand facing the
stove." While our own first cooking lesson would
substitute the gradual approach for the frontal
assault, it is perfectly true that somewhere along A HIGH-ALTITUDE COOKING
the line, in perhaps ninety-five out of a hundred
Cooking in mountainous country is an art all in
kitchen sequences, heat will have been applied.
itself. high altitudes are new to you, watch for
This has been so from ages past.
The chapter head illustration shows the con-
the high-altitude cooking symbol A
which will
give you formulas for adjusting ingredients or
temporary metal counterpart of a clay kebab-
temperatures. Roasting procedures do not differ
roasting pan unearthed from the Palace of Nestor.
materially from those at sea level. Adjustments re-
In an equally time honored tradition is the three-
quired in using sea-level baking recipes at high
legged cast-iron pot behind it, which has accom-
altitudes are indicated where necessary for each
panied military campaigns for three millennia, and
baking category. Basic cake recipes for high alti-
with its rimmed lid is still in use in Appalachia. On tudes and their baking temperatures, marked A.
a more sophisticated level is the elegant Chinese
mav be found on page 692. But any process in-
fire-pot, primarily intended for the gentle poaching
volving liquid will be proportionately lengthened
in delicious stocks. The aventador, or fan, right
as altitude increases: see the chart below showing
front,encourages a draft; behind it the sala-
the boiling point of water at different levels.
mander, when heated, helps to brown omelets and
casseroles. Neither, needless to say, is required to F. C.
operate today's efficient electric skillet, shown Sea level 212° 100°
2,000 ft. 208° 98°
Yet from Charles Lamb's legendary Bobo you — 5,000 ft. 203° 95°
will remember him from your high school English 7,500 ft. 198° 92°
classes as the boy who couldn't make roast pig 194° 90°
without burning down the house to the bride — 15,000

ft. 185° 85°

described by her matron of honor as incapable of 158° 70°
30,000 ft.
boiling an egg, heating food, despite a wealth of
equipment, has often turned into a frustrating, If these hints are not sufficiently specialized for
sometimes even disastrous, experience. your area, write the home economics department
It needn't be. We have tried throughout our of your state college or call on your county home
book, but especially in this chapter, to identify demonstration agent for more information. And
and explain the various types of cooking heat; to if you are doing any pressure cooking, the accu-

tell you simply and clearly how these heats are racy of the gauge is vital. These agencies can also
initiated, controlled and arrested to ensure highest tell you where to have gauges tested.


ABOUT HEATS that only one side of the food at a time is ex-

Let us consider first how

heats are transferred to —
posed to the heating source unless you happen
to use the rather special kind of equipment shown
food, whether in air or in moisture, in fat or
through a pan. Results in each case will be quite on 403.
astonishingly different. Cooking heats are gener- However, all three of these types of dry heat de-
ally known as dry or moist. In the following text,
pend, for their effectiveness, on proper ventilation.
In the great majority of modern ranges, either gas
we shaM list types of each separately.
or electric, you are given no selectivity in broiling
temperatures. And individual variations in wattage
ABOUT DRY HEATS — coil or burner area —
as well as venting capacity
Truly dry heats are achieved in a number of wa\s make necessary that you become familiar with

Grilling over coals is one, broiling or roasting in a the special requirements of your own equipment.
ventilated oven another. When we say "barbe- Some ranges, for example, must be preheated be-
cue,"we may be referring to Pit-Cooking, 155, in fore broiling can begin; in others, broiler heat is
which case we refer to a moist-heat process. Or we almost instantaneous. Likewise, in some electric
may mean skewer-cooking with its variants spit, — ranges, broiling takes place with the oven door

brochette or rotisserie which are dry processes ajar; in others, the door may, or even must, be
and are themselves forms of grilling. Parentheti- kept closed.
cally, the word "barbecue" has been traced back Whenthe heat indicator on a household range
by some philologists to the Spanish "barbacoa," a isturned to a broil position, the temperature is
raised platform for cooking; but we like to think around 550° or slightly above and should remain
of it. with other authorities, as originating among constant. If you wonder why you cannot always
the French settlers in Florida, who roasted the match the results you admire in some restaurant
native goats whole, c/e barbe en queue from— cookery, remember that commercial installations
beard to tail. Some further remarks on barbecuing deliver much higher heats which are quite beyond
will be found later in this chapter, see Outdoor the reach of home equipment.
Cooking. 155. Under the limitations of the household range
Baking is a dry-heat process, too In addition to as much temperature control in broiling is exerted
the reflected and radiant heat of the oven, heat is bv the placement of the oven rack as bv any other
transferred from the pan to the food and may be means. It is usually adjusted so that there is a 3-
further diffused by the use of paper liners, tem- inch space between the source of heat and the top
porary covers of foil, or a dusting of flour between of the food. To lower the broiling heat for
food and pan-bottom. Since, in baking, moisture is browning fragile sauces or delicate dishes like
released from the food itself and continues to cir- threads or for cooking very thick meats

culate as warm vapor in the closed oven chamber, where the heat must have time to penetrate deeply
this process is less dry than those previously men- —
without charring lower the broiling rack to make
tioned. a 4- to 6-inch space between the food and broiler.
Oddly enough, deep-fat frying is still another Place food on a cold rack to prevent sticking. If
kind of dry-heat cooking. Here the heat is trans- the rack is hot, grease it —
or grease the food. For
d not only by the oil or fat used as a cooking details of broiling and pan-broi!ing meats, see 445;
medium, but by the moisture in the food itself, fowl, 158 and 423; fish, 402; vegetables, 256, 282.
some of the steam from the food juices being
forced into the fat and then out into the atmo- SKEWER COOKISG
sphere. Among dry-heat pan processes, sauteing From a marshmallow impaled on a stick, to the
uses the smallest amount of fat. Pan-broiling and most delicate bay scallops, skewer-grilled food
pan-frying are successive steps beyond sauteing never seems to lose its charm for young or old. A
and away from the driest heat. In pan-broiling and most important first step is to choose items that
pan-frying, the food develops a greater amount of will cook at the same rate of speed, or to make the
rendered fat than in sauteing and absorbs a larger proper adjustment if they do not. When the meat
share of it. In doing so, it gives up proportionately or fish selected is a quick-cooking one, see that
more of its juices. To keep both pan-frving and the onions, peppers or other more resistant vege-
pan-broiling at their best, excess fat should be tables which alternate with it are blanched in ad-
poured off during cooking. vance, so that the food will all be done at the
Among dry-heat processes which may be de- same time. Should the meat need relatively longer
scribed as "partial" are planking and flambeing cooking, skewer delicate alternates like tomatoes
or flaming. Either way, the food is heated before- and mushrooms separately and mingle meat and
hand, and these pre cesses only give it its finishing vegetables in serving. Protect delicate meats such
touch. as sweetbreads and liver with breading or a wrap-

BROILING ping of thinly sliced bacon. Choose skewers,

Whether you broil on a grill or in a range, the whether of metal or wood, that are either square
principle is identical. The heat is a radiant glow; or oval, so that, as the food softens in cooking, it
and the process differs from roasting or baking in will not slip while revolving. Soak bamboo or

wood skewers in water tor several hours before move freely in the kettle. There must also be
using. room quick bubbling up of the fat which'
for the
If using a grill, grease it and place the skewered occurs naturally in frying potatoes, onions and
food on the grill over medium heat. Turn the other wet items. Never fill any container more
skewers often. Food grilled in this way may take than half full of fat. Remember also to heat the
anywhere from 6 to 12 minutes. For skewered food fat gradually, so that any moisture in it will have
combinations, see 80. evaporated by the time it reaches the required
If cooking in a range, broil on a greased grill temperature.
about 3 inches from the source of heat, or adjusted The kettle should have bottom, so that it
a flat
on a pan as shown in the chapter heading. You will sit firmly on the heating Keep the handle
may, of course, prefer to use the skewer element of the kettle turned inward to avoid knocking
on your rotissene. For more details about rotis- against it. A short handle is desirable, to avoid the
serie and spit-cooking, see 158-159. Should you danger of accidentally overturning the hot fat and
decide to precook any sort of skewered food, you causing a small conflagration. In case fat should
may do so on the skewers themselves in a skillet, ever catch fire, have a metal lid handy to drop
provided, of course, the skewers are no longer over the kettle. You may also smother the flame
than the pan bottom. Sometimes oartially pre- with salt or baking soda. Never use water, as
cooked, skewered foods are coated with a sauce this will only spread the fire.
or with a bound breading and then cooked to For frying certain types of food such as dough-
completion in deep fat. When handled in this way, nuts and fritters where bubbling is not a problem,
they are called attereaux. In flambeing skewered a heavy skillet, an electric frypan or a tempura pan
foods, 155, provide some protection for your is sometimes preferred to a deep kettle because

hand. of the wider surface, which allows more pieces to

be fried at one time.
Deep-fat frying, like a number of other accom-
A wire basket is practically a necessity for suc-

plishments in cooking, is an art in itself an art in
cessful results in frying any quantity of small-sized
material. The food is raised and lowered more
which experience is the best teacher. Even a
easily and uniform browning is assured.
novice, however, who follows our instructions to
For judging the temperature of the fat, use a
the letter can succeed in turning out delicious
dishes in this ever-popular category — and, what's
frying thermometer, no other. Have the thermom-
eter readv in a bowl of hot water to lessen the
more, food fried without excessive fat absorption.
A serving of French fried potatoes properly cooked chance of breakage; but never plunge it into the
fat without wiping it very dry. Nothing is more
may have a lower calorie count than a baked
potato served with butter. Remember, too, that fat- important in frving than proper temperatures. As
that wise old gourmet, Alexandre Dumas, so aptly
absorption increases with the length of cooking
time and with the amount of surface exposed to put it, the food must be surprised'' by the hot
fat, to give it the crusty, golden coating so charac-
the fat.
teristic and so desirable. The proper temperature
Equipment such as that shown below need
not be elaborate, for equally good French fried
in most instances is 365°, as easy to remember as

potatoes can come out of a black iron kettle as the number of days in a year.

from the latest model electric fryer. This is not to When no thermometer is available, a simple test

underestimate the value of the fryer, which offers for temperature can be made with a small cube of
the convenience of a built-in thermostat, but any bread about 1 inch square. When you think the fat
deep kettle or saucepan, preferably a heavy one, is hot enough, drop in the bread cube and count

serves nicely for deep frying. Use in a 3- or 4- slowly to sixty, or use a timer for sixty seconds.
quart kettle about 3 pounds of fat. It isn't wise to If browns in this time, the fat will be
the cube
try to skimp on the amount, for there must always —
around 365°. A few foods souffle potatoes, for
be enough to cover the food and to permit it to instance — may require higher or lower temper,!-

tures, but these will always be noted in the specific > Whenever possible, foods should be at room
recipes. temperature and as dry as possible when intro-
Above all, do not wait for the fat to smoke be- duced into the kettle. Always immerse gently
fore adding the food. Not only is this hard on the with long-handled tongs or a slotted spoon or in a
fat, since smoke indicates that it is breaking down trying basket. Always dip these utensils into the
and may be spoiled for reuse; but the crust that hot fat first, so that the food will release quickly
forms on the food is likely to be overbrowned be- from them without sticking. And have a par) ready
fore the product is cooked through, and the food in which to rest the utensils when they come drip-
will be burned on the surface and raw inside. On ping from the fat.

the other hand, food introduced into fat that isn't For good results, the food to be fried must be
hot enough to crust immediately will tend to properly prepared. So that they will all cook in the
become grease-soaked. same length of time, pieces should be uniform in
After frying one batch let the temperature size and preferably not thicker than IVi inches.
come up again to the required heat, so that you Small pieces, obviously, will cook through faster
may continue to "surprise" each additional one. than large ones. It is difficult here to give advice
Skim out bits of food or crumbs frequently as about length of cooking. When in doubt, it is wise
they collect in the fat during frying. If allowed to to remove one piece and try for doneness.
remain, they induce foaming, discolor the fat, and Raw foods, especially wet ones, should be
affect the flavor of the food, \\a\r reach a supply patted between towels or paper toweling before
of paper toweling on which to drain the cooked cooking, to remove excess surface moisture. This
food and so rid it of excess fatbefore serving. reduces the amount of bubbling when the food is
At the vnd of the frying, and alter the fat has introduced into the fat. In adding a batch of raw
cooled somewhat and become safe to handle, food, always lower the basket gradually so that
strain it to remove all extraneous particles, then you can observe the amount of bubbling and be
store it well covered and refrigerated for future ready to lift it up if it looks as though the fat might
use. To clarify fats before reusing, sec 542. Add- be going over the top. Do not try to put too many
ing some fresh fat tor each new frying materially pieces into the basket; fry several small batches
lengthens the life of the fat. When it becomes rather than one large one. The cooked food may
dark and thickish-looking, it will no longer be be kept hot on a paper-lined pan in an oven set at
satisfactory for frying. At this stage, the smoking very low heat.
poinl has dropped too low; the flavor that it Certain types of food, such as croquettes, egg-
contributes to the food will be unpleasant and ab- plant and fish, need special, coating for proper
sorption high Disc arc! it. browning and crust formation. For Breading, see
Fats known simply as shortenings are favorites 552. The coating may be simplyflour, cornmeal or
for deep frying. These include suitable solid tats finely crushed dry cereal. Or it may be a Fritter
such as lard and the hvdrogenated fats; and the Batter, 242, an egg and crumb mixture, or even a
liquid oils, among which corn, cottonseed, saf- pastry envelope. Whatever it is, it should cover the
flovver, so\ bean and peanut are most commonb surface evenly.
available. Except for lard, whic h has a c harac teristic Foods be coated with batter shrimp, for in-
to —
odor and flavor, these fats are bland and very simi- stance, —
pineapple slices should be surface-
lar in appearance and composition. Most of them dried beforehand. Doughnuts, fritters and other
are 100% vegetable in origin. These all have smok- batter foods need no extra coating, as the egg-
ing points well above those needed for deep starch mixture browns nicely by itself when low-
frying. For more details, see About Oils, 541. ered into the hot fat. Many cooks do not realize
Butter and margarines, also known as shorten- that > the richer a dough or batter mixture, the
ings, and valuable as they are for other purposes, more fat it willabsorb during frying. By adding
are not considered suitable for deep frying be- even a little too much shortening or sugar to the
cause of their low smoking points. mix, adoughnut may become so rich that it will

Various other fats are sometimes used for deep end up grease-soaked. Or a fritter may simply dis-

frying. Olive oil is popular where locally pro- integrate in the hot fat, or a too-rich batter slide
duced, and rape and sesame oils are widely used off onion rings altogether.
where they are commonly grown and processed. *Frozen foods already breaded and deep-fat-
For special purposes and in certain circum- fried need only defrosting and reheating in the
stances, chicken and goose fat are rendered in the oven. They should be defrosted outside the pack-
home for frying, as are also veal, pork, suet and age to avoid the formation of surface moisture
beef-kidney fats. These are inclined to have low thatwould interfere with the crisping of the outer
smoking points, but when handled with care thev coating.Uncooked frozen foods that have to be
can be used to produce acceptable fried foods. If coated should be dried on the surface after de-
it seems desirable, the smoking point of these ani- frosting, and the coating applied as usual.
mal fats can be brought up to the required limit deep-fat frying at high altitudes, you will

by blending them with any one of the cooking find that moist foods will require lower fat tem-
oils. To render these fats, see 542. peratures because of the lower boiling point of

the water within them. For instance, French fries, period involved is slightly longer. With either
which call for 365° in their final frying period, utensil the vegetables are prepared the same way:
might need only a 355° fat temperature at high that is, subjected to high heat in an open pan at
altitudes. the outset, and steamed, lidded, at the finish. In
anywhere from 3 to 8 minutes, depending on ma-
SAUTEING OR PAN-FRYING terial, you have tender but still crunchv vegetables
5auter literally means "to jump," and this is just and thin strips of fresh-tasting meat all for im- —
about what happens to the food you cook by mediate consumption.
sauteing. The cooking is done in an open pan Preparing the food is the slowest part of this
which is kept in motion. The process is rapid, the procedure. If the meat is cooked along with vege-
food is usually thin or minced, and the heat tables —a popular practice —
it is uniformly sliced

must be kept up from the moment cooking starts to a thickness of about Va inch and partially
until the food is tender. cooked first, until red changes to bright pink.
There are other requirements, too. The pan and Then it is removed from the frypan and reserved
the small quantity of fat used must be hot for addition later to the half-cooked vegetables for
enough, when the food is added, to sear the food final cooking. For further details about vegetable
at once, to present the loss of juices and to prevent stir-frying, see 279; for meats, see Sukiyaki, 458.
sticking. The food at the start should be 70° or
more, cut to a uniform thickness and size, and
dry on the surface. If the food is too cold it will
lower the heat, and if it is wet it will not brown What a number of processes can be assigned to
properly. Worst of all, steam will form and break the moist-heat category! There are complete ones
the seal holding the juices. To ensure a dry sur- like boiling, pressure cooking, scalding, simmer-

face, food is frequently floured or breaded, see ing, poaching, stewing, fricasseeing, braising, cas-
552. Steam will also form if the pan is crowded. seroling, cooking in wraps, double-boiler cookery
There must be space between the pieces of food and steaming, just as with dry heats, there are par-
you are sauteing. tial moist-heat processes, like those in blanching

For the best saute, use a Clarified Butter, 349, and fircless cookery. We may as well mention
or a combination of 3 parts butter and 4 parts oil —
here and now although not on the side of sim-
When thecombined fats reach the point of fra- plification —
that certain classic terms for kinds of
grance, add the 70° food, but not so much at a moist-heat cookery are broadly interpreted, even
time as to reduce the heat in the pan. To keep the by the most knowledgeable cooks. Also a number
food from too quick browning, agitate the pan are neither moist nor dry, but a combination of
constantly. Too much turning of the food delays both. Some stews, for example, may be begun in a
the quickness of heating. But food with a bound pan by browning, while others, like the Irish va-
breading, especially if the coating has not been riety, never see the inside of a skillet. Similarly, a
dried long enough before cooking, may steam. In braise, a fricassee and a "smother" may all, like a

this case, turning will help to release some of that browned stew, have their origin in dry-heat sau-
steam more rapidly. Meat not floured or breaded teing and then are finished by cooking in a little
is browned or cooked on one side until the juice stock.
comes up to the surface of the exposed side, then
turned and browned on the other side. Proceed BOILING
in the same way for fish, but the cooking time is Discussing this process tempts us to mention
apt to be considerably shorter. stews again, in connection with the old adage, "A
To serve sauteed food with a sauce, remove the stew boiled is a stew spoiled." And we may point
food from the pan and keep it warm on a hot out that the same sentiment can be applied to
serving dish. Quickly deglaze the delicious residue almost every other kind of food. While recipes
in the saute pan — unless you have been cooking often call for foods to be brought to the boiling
a strongly flavored fish — with stock or wine. Re- point — thai is. in liquid which has reached 212°F.

duce the sauce and pour it over the sauteed food. — fir to be plunged into boiling water, they hardly

If you heat or keep sauteed food hot in a sauce,

ever demand boiling for a protracted period. Even
you steam it too much. "boiled" eggs, so-called, should be simmered.

Quick evaporation seldom advisable except in
SKILLET-PANNING OR SHALLOW- parboiling — is one of the few justifications for
OR STIR-FRYING keeping a food at boiling point. When evaporat-
If you are an American housewife you may have ing, never boil covered, as steam condenses on
added to your wanted-for-Christmas list a wok, the lid and falls back into the pot, reducing the
shown with its conical- or round-bottomed pan amount of liquid very little, if at all.
on 279, and its supporting and heat-concentrating Adding foods to boiling water will lower the
metal ring. Ironically enough, most of the East boiling point, unless the quantity of water is at
Asian brides living in our area happily substituted least three times as much as will cover the food
for it some while ago a good old-fashioned skillet to offset its lower temperature. Such compensa-
with a tight-fitting lid, even though the cooking tion is recommended in Blanching, 154, and in
the cooking of cereals and pasta. When the pores as vou are instructed. > When the cover is diffi-
of food are to be sealed, it may be plunged into cult toremove, do not force it; there is still steam
rapidly boiling liquid, after which the temperature in the container which will be exhausted if you
is usually reduced to a simmer. wait a few minutes.
When cooking foods that require different pe-
riods of cooking, begin with the ingredient that
We often wonder what
is done with the moments
requires the longest time. Always reduce the pres-
saved by the purchase and preparation of "con-
sure, as directed in the manufacturer's booklet,
venience foods." Something, we assume, of major
before opening the lid to add the ingredient that
importance, to compensate for their second-hand
requires the shorter period of cooking. Readjust
flavor. For the cook in a terrible hurry, but who
the cover, place the cooker again over high heat
still hankers after taste and nutritional value, we
and proceed as before. When the desired degree
offer the pressure pan as a kind of consolation
of pressure has been reached, recap the cooker,
reduce the heat and begin to count the rest of the
No matter how high the heat source, boiling in cooking time.
water in the presence of air can never produce a
Or, when cooking together vegetables that re-
temperature over 212°. But, because in pressure
quire an unequal period of cooking, equalize them
cooking the air in the pan is withdrawn first, heat
by cutting into small dice those that require the
as high as 250° can be maintained at a 15-pound
longer period, such as potatoes and turnips.
gauge reading. Some home cookers are geared to
a range of from 3 3A to 20 pounds, although 15
A A general rule for pressure cooking at high
altitudes, whether you are cooking at 10. 15 or 20
pounds is commonly used. Cooking at 15 pounds
pounds pressure, is to maintain the same timing as
pressure takes only about one-third the total time
at sea but to increase the pressure by V2
— from the lidding of the pressure cooker through pound for every 1,000-foot rise, using a specially
the capping of the vent and the release of pressure
calibrated gauge.
— that it takes to cook food in conventional ways
For additional details about high-altitude pres-
at boiling temperatures. In pressure-cooking vege-
sure cooking, see Vegetables, 282; Meat. 448; and
tables over short periods at these higher tempera-
Canning, 804. To use a pressure-cooker as a
tures, more than time
saved. Nutrients and
steamer, see Steamed Puddings, 753.
flavor are also conserved, see Pressure-Cooking
and Pressure-Steaming Vegetables, 278, 281. SIMMERING
In the pressure cooking of meats and soups, This ranks as one of the most important moist
however, the higher heats involved tend both to heats The temperatures range from about 140°
toughen the protein and to affect flavor adversely. to 185°. Simmering protects fragile foods and
Therefore, we recommend this method only when tenderizes tough ones. The French verb for the
time is more important
you than choice results.
to slow simmer is mijoter, and the French engag-
In the canning of all nonacid foods, the higher ingly refer to —
low simmers between 130° and
heat of pressure cooking is essential to kill un- 135° — as "making the pot smile." When food is
wanted organisms, see 802. simmering, bubbles come gently to the surface
Pressure cooking of beans and cereals and and barely seem is the heat best used
to break. It

dried or pureed fruits, which may sputter and clog for —

soups uncovered; and for stews, braises, pot
the vent, is not recommended. roasts and fricassees —
covered; and for food pre-
It is essential in anv pressure cooking to know pared a I'etoufiee. 151 —
your equipment well. Follow manufacturer's di-
rections to the letter, observing the following gen- POACHING
eral principles: Never fill a pressure cooker with This kind of moist-heat cooking is one that most

more food than halt its capacity if there is much people associate only with eggs, but its range is
liquid, or two-thirds
if the contents are mainly much wider. The principle of poaching never
solids. Be sure the required amount of liquid has varies. The heat source is a liquid just under the
been put into the cooker. Season lightly, as boiling point, and a distinguishing feature of the
there is less liquid to dilute the flavor than in more process is the basting or self-basting which is con-
traditional tvpes of cooking. stant during the cooking period.
you have a timer, use it. If not, watch the time
If When an egg is properly poached, it is floated
carefully, as overcooking results very quickly. As on simmering water and then either basted with
soon as the time is up, to arrest further cooking this simmering liquid or covered with a lid, so that
and reduce the pressure in your cooker instantly, steam accumulates to perform a self-basting ac-
place it in cool water or let cool water run over tion. Because the egg cooks in just a few minutes,
the sides. Exceptions are steamed puddings, many the lid does not allow the formation of excess
meats, and soups, which should be allowed to steam. In poaching meat or fish, where the cook-
cool gradually. ing period is lengthened, entrapped steam may
^ The cover must not be removed until all the become too heavy. For these and delicate foods,
steam is out of the pressure cooker. Here again, therefore, a lid is not recommended. Instead, sub-
handle vour particular type of appliance exactly stitute a poaching paper, see sketch opposite.

A poaching paper permits excess steam to es- pasta or rice in a sauce. The mixture is often
cape through its small top vent and around the precooked or consists of a combination of pre-
sides. The narrow vent also maintains better color cooked and quick-cooking food; and if is served
in the food than when air is excluded altogether in the baking dish in which it was heated. Such
as in other more tightly confined moist-heat mock casseroles are usually cooked uncovered
processes, such as casseroling. To make a poach- in a moderate oven to avoid building up too much

ing paper, take a piece of square cooking parch- steam and breaking down the sauce in which they
ment, the sides of which are a little larger than are served. They often have a gratineed top to
the diameter of the pan you wish to cover. Fold it protect the food and absorb excess fat. It is

in fourths and roll it diagonally: begin at the wise to wipe off the edges and exposed surfaces
folded tip, as sketched. Hold it over the pan to of these "prefabricated" casserole dishes after
and before heating, so they will not show
any browned spilled-over areas on the outside
surfaces when served. Often, for large groups, a
rather shallow dish is used, both to ensure its
heating through quickly and to provide plenty of
gratineed top for each serving. If topping with
biscuit or corn pone, heat in a 3?5° to 400° oven.
The basic character of the casserole as a utensil
has hardly altered since men learned to shape clay
into pots. The typical earthenware casserole is
squat, with bulging sides, easily grasped round
handles and a slightly arched lid. Clays used in
some unglazed pots have been found to be heavy
in lead and are not recommended. To season an
unglazed casserole and to prevent an "earthy"
taste or the subsequent retention of unwanted
flavors, rub it well, inside and out, with cut
cloves of garlic. Then fill it with boiling water,
add onion skins, celery and leek tops, put in a low
oven, let the water come to a boil, and simmer
covered about 4 hours. Finally, discard the water
and wash the dish and lid, after which the cas-
serole is ready for use. To avoid cracking, never
determine the radius. Then snip off the part that set a clay casserole directly on a heating element.
projects beyond the edge of the pan. Cut a tinv If your burner is not thermostatically controlled,

piece off the pointed end to form a vent. When it is wise to use an asbestos pad or wire trivet.

you unfold the paper, you will have a circle just Today the word casserole is applied to any
the area of your pan, with a perforation at its deepish pot in which cooking actually goes on,
center. Place it over the food to form a self-baster. or even to pots more rightly called sautoirs, or
If the cooking process is a short one, or if the straight-sided deep skillets. In true casseroling,
food to be cooked is in small units, the liquid may as distinguished from "mock" casseroling, a tight
be at simmering point when the food is added. If lid is integral to the process. Generous quantities
the food is chunky, like a whole chicken, the water of butter, fat or oil are added, and sometimes
is put on cold, the food added and the water but not always — a small amount of stock; the
brought to a simmer uncovered. The liquid may stock, as well as the juice from the food, con-
then be skimmed and the poaching paper ap- denses on the lid and supplies a measure of self-
plied. If the liquid becomes too greatly reduced basting, although some hand-basting with the pan
during the cooking process, it must be replen- fats may be necessary. The very slow cooking goes
ished. This type of poaching is often miscalled on in about a 300° oven and develops a bare sim-
boiling or stewing. mer, condensing the food juices into a delicious
residue. After the food is removed, the residue,
when degreased if necessary and then deglazed,
The term casserole has been bandied about so
forms the sauce for the dish. This method of
carelessly that it is time we took stock of its mean-
ing— or, rather, all its meanings. In correct par-
cooking, if in a lidded pot, is also called cook-
ing a I'etouffee.
lance, a "casserole" is both a utensil — usually a
lidded one — and the process used for cooking a AND OTHER SLOW MOIST-HEAT
raw food in that utensil. But it has also come to COOKING PROCESSES
mean a favorite type of self-service dish which If fuel is scarce and a long heating period is
graces so many American buffets but is not in the needed in certain foods, there is a possible advan-

least the real McCoy. This mock casserole is a tage in using a fireless cooker. This appliance is
mixture of several foods, one of which may be a enclosed on all sides by material that is a non-
conductor of heat and is preheated to a desired cooking. Preparation of suitable leaves and the
temperature by an electric coil or by hot stones. wrapping and timing of the food for cooking are
Hot food set in it continues to cook without the described below.
addition of further heat.
Deep-wells, pots countersunk in range tops, and Cabbage Leaves: Cut the stem from a head of
pots thermostatically controlled for low, slow heat cabbage deep enough to start a separation of the
ire also favored at times of fuel shortage or when very outer leaves from the core. Dip the head in
the cook cannot keep check on a stew over a long boiling water. This will loosen three or four
period. Some models have electric coils built into leaves. Dip again and continue to remove the
the sidewalls as well as the base of the container loosened leaves. Blanch, 154, the leaves 2 min-
to give a very consistent low heat. utes, drain and plunge into cold water. Wrap a
meat mixture in the leaves as shown in the illus-
WRAP COOKERY tration below. Either tie the leaf packet as shown,
Wrapping food before introducing it into direct or place it, if left untied, seam side down. Cook
heat isalmost as old as cooking itself. Primitive as follows.
societies to this (iA\ surround pieces of food with
various materials to tenderize them and to protect I. Melt in a casserole:
them from burning. In the Caribbean, petate mats 2 tablespoons butter
serve this tenderizing purpose, just as papava Add:
leaves do in the Pacific islands One of the most 2 cups boiling water or stock
mouth-watering sights we've ever seen was shown Put packets m a single layer on bottom of cas-
in a documentary movie of an Indonesian tribe serole heavy plate directly on top of the
Place a

on the march. When mealtime came, everyone, food .is a weight during cooking. If the leaf-filling
from oldster to tot, stopped to devise a case for is uncooked, bake or simmer the packets, cov-
cooking his food in the coals an intricately— ered 35 to 40 minutes —
longer for pork. If the
folded leal, a stoppered section of bamboo, a reed wrapped filling is precooked, 10 minutes is enough
basket You knew at once that in each 'case" the to heat the packet through.
steam produced would give special flaVor and
succulence to the food. Our American Indians II. If packets are tied, they mav be dropped into

baked fish, see i'l't small animals and birds in lay simmering broth and cooked, covered, gently

until done. See timing under

Drawn but not skinned, the animal was completely I.

pac kaged in mud and bedded in coals up to — III. Or, steam the tied packets in a vegetable
several hours if the size required it. Removal of.
Steamer. See timing under I.
the clay brought along with it skin and feathers,
leaving the skinned game reach to eat. Lettuce Leaves: Soak them very briefly in boil-
Mote sophisticated methods of exploiting the ing water. Dram, drv and fill. Wrap as for cabbage
wrap principle are the dough-encased meat pas- leaves and cook onlv as for or III. The leaves are I

tries of English kiln workers and the esteemed not strong enough to cook as for II.
French en croute. 448. and en papillote, 153, meth-
ods m which pastrv and paper are the respective Fresh Grape Leaves: for Dolmas, 492. Drop
casings. And one could consider the prized prod- young pale-green leaves into boiling water and
uct of a New England clambake, 380 with sea- — blanch till color darkens — about 4 to 5 minutes.
weed the incomparable flavoring agent as a — Remove leaves. Dram them on Should vou
a rack.
glorified example of wrap cookery. But in anv true have to use large leaves, remove the tough part of
wrap cooker\, the enclosing material allows some the central rib. Place shiny side down on a board.
steam to escape. It sou use aluminum foil, 153, in Roll the filling into ^-mch
balls. If the filling is

indoor or outdoor cooking, remember that the of rice, use not more than
teaspoons, as the rice
food is actually steamed, and far removed in taste will swell. Set a ball of stuffing near the broad end
and texture from food cooked either by direct of a leaf and fold over the left and right segments,
heat or in a less impervious wrapping. as sketched below. Then roll the enclosed ball
toward the leaf-tip. Place the packet loose side
LEAF-WRAPPINGS down, and cook as directed in above. I

Certain fresh green unblemished leaves such as

lettuce, cabbage, grape and papaya give an edible Canned Grape Leaves: Place them briefly in hot
coating to food, while banana skins, palm leaves water to separate, then drain and drv. Fill and cook
and corn husks onlv furnish protection during as above.

Papaya Leaves: Cover them with cold water. it generates evaporates through the paper. Just

Bring > just to the boiling point, uncovered, to the same, the paper rises and puffs as heating
remove any bitterness. Drain. Plunge into boiling progresses, putting considerable strain on the
water to cover and simmer, uncovered, until folded seam. So note the following directions and
tender. sketches carefully.
To make a papillote: fold in half, crosswise, a
Banana Leaves: Cut away the central rib and piece of cooking parchment, not foil, of appro-
carefully tear sections about 10 inches square by priate size. Starting at the folded edge, cut a half-
pulling along the veins. Sponge oft the leaves on heart shape, so that when the paper is unfolded
both sides with cold water, always keeping the the full heart shape materializes as shown below.
action along the leaf veins. Dry the leaves gently
with paper toweling or a soft cloth. Center the fill- --"-^
ing as for tamales, illustrated at right opposite, but
fold first against the veining, and then secure the
loose ends by folding them up and securing them
with a string. When filled, cook as for III, opposite.

Corn Husks: Place them in boiling water, re-

move from heat and allow to stand 30 to 45 min-
utes before draining. To roll food in them, overlap
two or three corn husks. Fold the leaves first
lengthwise from one side to slightly past the cen-
ter and then overlap from the other side, as shown
left. Fold up the ends so they can be tied with

one string. For use in Tamales, see 201.

Aluminum foil many
kitchen problems, but
if you cook food wrapped please consider
in foil,
the following: Foil is impervious to air and mois-
ture from the outside. Therefore, it traps within its
case all the moisture released from the food dur- Be generous in cutting, allowing almost twice
ing the cooking period. So even if the heat source again as much paper as the size of the object to
is dry, like that of an oven, the result will always —
be enclosed. Place the food near the fold but not
be a steamed food, never a roasted one. Since the too near. Turn the filled paper with the folded
foil also has high insulating qualities, foil-wrapped edge toward you. Holding the edges of the paper
food will require longer cooking periods at the together, make a fold in a small section of the rim.
same temperatures indicated in non-foil cookery. Crease it with your fingers and fold it over again.
An exception is poultry, see 422. Hold down this double fold with the fingers of
You may be willing to pay for both the foil one hand, and with the other start a slightly over-
and extra heat needed to enjoy the convenience lapping and again another double overlapping
of, for example, the practically effortless Pot fold. Each double fold overlaps the previous one.
Roast described on 463. If you are cooking out- Repeat this folding, creasing and folding around
doors, see Campfire Vegetables, 282, and the the entire rim, finishing off at the pointed end of
comments in Outdoor Cooking, 155. the heart with a tight twist of the parchment
Frozen food may be cooked in foil by leaving
•X- locking the whole in place.
the ends of the foil-wrap open, in which case a Now butter the paper well. Place the papillote in
four-pound frozen rolled beef roast will require a buttered ovenproof dish in a 400° preheated
about 3 hours in a 400° oven, a five-pound fro/en oven for 5 to 6 minutes or until the paper puffs. In
chicken the same time at 450°, and a three-pound serving, snip about three-fourths of the paper on
frozen fish more than 1 hour, again at 450°. The the curved edge just next to the fold to reveal the
foil may then be turned back altogether to brown lovely food and release the aroma.
the food: about 20 minutes for the chicken or Because of the varied and doubtful chemical
roast, 10 for the fish. You may prefer, after open- composition of the paper, we do not recommend
ing the foil, to insert a meat thermometer instead, the brown paper bag of the supermarket type as a
and cook to the recommended internal tempera- substitute for the cooking parchment in papillote
ture. cookery.


This is a delightful way to prepare delicate, quick- For those foods which are quickly ruined beyond
cooking, partially cooked or sauced foods. The hope of resurrection if overheated, even for a
dish, served in the parchment paper in which it short period —
especially egg, cream or chocolate
was heated, retains the aromas until ready to eat. dishes —we recommend the use of a double
As the food cooks, some of the unwanted steam boiler. Sometimes food may be started over direct

heat the top of a double boiler and finished

in rected in the recipe. This is the process used to
over — not — boiling water.
in For sauces, we like a leach excess salt from tongue, cured ham or salt
double boiler that is rather wide. Deep and nar- pork and to remove excess blood or strong flavors
row vessels tend to overheat the sauce at the from variety meats. The cold-water plunge after
bottom even when it is stirred if it is held for — blanching effectively firms the protein in the more
any time at all. The material of which the upper fragile variety meats, like brains and sweetbreads.
portion of the double boiler is made is very im-
portant. When it is too thin, it transmits heat too
This means that food is plunged into a large
fast. is too thick, it absorbs and retains too
If it

heat. —
quantity of rapidly boiling water a little at a time

For years we made

magnificent Hollandaise in
so as not to disturb the boiling —
and then boiled
for the blanching period indicated in the recipe.
a stoneware bowl that fit the base of an alumi-
num double boiler. It was a completely effortless The purpose of this particular kind of blanching
procedure. Then the bowl broke and the magic —
or parboiling may be to set color or by partial

fled. We found stainless steel and aluminum too

dehydration — to help preserve nutrients and to
firm the tissues of vegetables. If further cooking
quick. A deluxe sauciere of stoneware, deep set in
follows immediately, the blanched food need not
a copper base, was too reluctant and, when it
finally heated, too retentive of heat. A heat-
be chilled as above, but merely drained. Should
an interval elapse before final cooking and serv-
resistant glass double boiler, 358, has been a reli-
ing, use the cold water plunge, drain and store the
able substitute for our favorite old makeshift, and
it does allow us to keep track easily of the over
food refrigerated. Blanching vegetables in this way
not in— boiling water factor.
preparatory to canning or freezing is described in
greater detail on 803. Small amounts of the vege-
STEAMING table are plunged into boiling water just long
For cooking vegetables, steaming is an excellent enough to retard enzymatic action and to shrink
process. On 278 we describe two methods for this the product for more economical packaging. Then
purpose: direct steaming over boiling water and the vegetables are drained and quickly plunged
pressure Steaming at greater temperatures. Direct into ter, SO that cooking is arrested at once.

steaming is also a good way to plump raisins, to

release salt from smoked meats and, more impor-
tantly, to rook fish and to prepare delicate vege-
Similar to steaming, left, but of shorter duration.
tables for freezing.
An alternate method for food to be frozen or
canned is described on 803.
Certain processes involve heating but are not in This process is used mainly to intensify flavor: a
themselves complete methods of cooking. They wine, a broth or a sauce is evaporated and con-
extend from the driest, like toasting, which adds densed over lively heat. A so-called double con-
color and flavor, to complete immersion, in steep- somme is made in this way, the final product
ing, which may plump foods or remove unwanted being half the original in volume. Naturally, re-
flavors. ducing applies only to sauces without egg. And
BLANCHING AND PARBOILING those which have a cream or flour base must be

These terms are among the most carelessly used in watched carefully and stirred often to avoid
scorching. For further details, see 339.
a cook's vocabulary. To introduce some order into
traditional confusion, we describe and differen- PLANKING
tiate among four different types of blanching.
Why bother about planking? One reason is the at-
tractive appearance of a planked meat, surrounded

with a decorative band of duchess potatoes beau-

This means pouring boiling water over food to
tifully browned on their fluted edges and gar-
remove outer coverings, as in loosening the brown
nished with colorful vegetables. Another reason is
hulls of almonds or making the skins of peaches
the delicious flavor a hardwood slab can give to
and tomatoes easier to peel off. This process is
meat. Planks are usually 1-inch-thick kiln-dried
also used to soften herbs and vegetables for more
oak ovals. They often have a tree design cut down
flexible and longer-lived decoration.
their length to drain juices into a shallow depres-
This involves placing food to be blanched into a If the cooking is done on the plank, the

large quantity of cold water, bringing it slowly to a plank will char rapidly. Usually steaks are broiled
boil, uncovered, and continuing to simmer it for on an oven grill fully on one side and partially on
the length of time specified for blanching. Follow- the other before being planked. To season a new
ing this hot bath, the food is drained, plunged plank, brush it with cooking oil and heat in a 225°
quickly into cold water to firm it and to arrest fur- oven for at least one hour before using. To protect
ther hot-water cooking, and then finished as di- it when cooking, oil well any exposed part, or

cover, as suggested above, with a decoration of gear, and as much of it as the traffic will bear.
mashed potatoes or other pureed vegetables. There are even available, for the Davy Crocketts of
the New
Frontier, various solar-heat cookers; but
FLAMING OR FLAMBF.ING it suggested that they be given homeside tryouts
Flaming always comes at a dramatic moment in
in advance. Various solid fuels based on hexa-
the meal, sometimes a tragi-comical one if you methylene tetramine can be purchased in granu-
manage to get only a mere flicker. To avoid anti- lar form, in bulk, from a chemical supply house, or
climax, remember that > food to be flamed
in tablets at outfitters. This fuel is only adequate
should be warm and that the brandy or liqueur for emergencies or when traveling light. For fancy
used in flambeing should also be warm but well — or long-cooking camp foods, gas, either liquid or
under the boiling point. For meat, do not attempt vapor, is the preferred fuel. Liquid-gas stoves have
this process with less than one ounce of liquor per
many adherents but may be a bit cranky. Bottled-
serving. For nonsweet food served from a chafing
gas stoves are easier to use but do not work so
dish or electric skillet, pour the warmed liquor well at very low temperatures.
over the surface of the food and ignite by touch- For campers, al fresco cooking is a necessity
ing the edge of the pan with the flame of a match
rather than a pleasant indulgence. But fires in
or taper. For hot desserts in similar appliances,
wilderness areas carry for the builder perhaps his
sprinkle the top surface with granulated sugar, add
greatest responsibility. Before starting your fire,
the warm liqueur and ignite as above. Or, ignite
dig or scrape a narrow trench around the area to
brandy-dipped sugar cubes. To flambe fruits, see
stop roots under the fire pit from catching fire and
smoldering, sometimes for days, then suddenly
SCALDING bursting into flame many yards away. Through the
As the term is used in this book, scalding means duration of the fire, watch for sparks on surround-
cooking at a temperature of about 185° or just ing vegetation.
below boiling. You will find this process discussed To start a wood fire, collect a few small dead
in relation to Milk, 530, the food for which it is branches with the twigs attached and break up the
most frequently used. branches into categories, beginning with match-
stick thickness, then pencil thickness, then thumb
size and larger. Make a loose untidy pile about 3
OUTDOOR COOKING or 4 inches high of the smallest size, thrust a
Cooking out of doors may put to use all kinds of burning match into the center, and, as it blazes
heat, but its enthusiasts do best when they stick
up, slowly add the next thickness, and then the
to simple methods. As soon as cookouts get com- thumb size. Add fuel on the downwind side of
plicated, the whole party —
in our perhaps jaun-
the fire, and remember to let it breathe —
air is as

diced opinion will do well to move back into the important as fuel! Hardwoods smoke less and pro-
kitchen, where equipment is handy, controls posi-
vide much more heat than do most of the soft-
tive, and effects less problematical. We never at-
woods. Those preferred are oak, beech, maple,
tend a patio barbecue featuring paper chef's hats, ash and then the evergreens. Beech wood will
aprons with printed wisecracks, striped asbestos burn green; aspen will not burn at all. If the wood
gloves, an infrared broiler on white-walled is wet, split it; the interior portions are usually
wheels, and yards and yards of extension cord and drier, and if a fire is started and is hot, it will use
culinary red tape without entertaining the possi-
bility of a heavy thunderstorm.
all but soaking-wet wood —
albeit with a great deal
of smoke. Take a tip from the Indians and keep
Speaking of easy outdoor cooking devices, we your fire small: it takes less wood for cooking, it
once went on a picnic with some friends in a is less bothersome and cozier, and in winter it is
beech woods. Our host, toward suppertime, made easier to cuddle up to for warmth.
crisscross fires, just big enough for each individual ^Never leave a fire untended. Be sure to watch
steak. First, he set up log-cabinlike cribs about for overhead branches as fire hazards. When you
four layers high with twigs approximately one inch finally leave a fire, drown it, mix it with mud, stir
thick. In these he laid a handful of dry leaves and
into it non-vegetation-carrying dirt, stomp on it,
fine brush. On top of the cribs, he continued to
mix it with snow or sand, and leave it dead.
build for about three inches an additional struc- Before bringing any sort of cooking container
ture of pencil-like material. When, after firing, the
into close contact with a wood fire, remember to
wood had been reduced to a rectangular frame-
cover the pan's undersurface with a film of soap
work of glowing rods, he unlimbered some thin or detergent. This precaution will greatly facilitate
steaks from a hamper and, to our consternation, the removal of soot later, when the pan is cleaned.
laid them calmly and directly on the embers. In a
few moments he removed them with tongs, shook Pit-Cooking is the most glamorous of all primi-
off whatever coals had adhered, turned the steaks tive types because it is so largely associated with
over and repeated the process on the other side. picturesque places, hearty group effort and holi-
They were delicious. day spirit. Pits may be small holes of just sufficient
There is no law, of course, against availing one- depth and width to take a bean pot, a three-legged
self of ready-made instead of improvised cooking kettle or a true braising pot with a depression on
top for coals, as sketched in the chapter heading. A modified form of pit-cookery is described in
Or the pit mav be big enough to accommodate Smoking Food, 814.
all the makings of a king-sized luau, replete with For shore dinners, with seaweed as filler, wire
suckling pigs. In direct pit-fire cooking, hardwood mesh, is often placed over at least one laver to
embers are left in the pit, and steel rods are put better support small crustaceans, clams and oys-
across it. a few inches above the fire on rocks ters. For details of a Clambake, see 380.
or logs bet around its periphery; the rods, in turn, Far and away the most popular technique for
support a wire mesh grid on which the food is outdoor cookerv involves direct heat from reduced
cooked. charcoal. We prefer portable rather than built-in
A switch from direct pit-firing to tireless pit- cookers. If using any charcoal-fired equipment

cooking can achieve a completely different range indoors, be sure to put it within a fireplace where
of culinary effects. Fairly large-scale cookerv of the carbon monoxide fumes can be carried off
the latter tvpe requires digging a pit not less than completely. Do not use charcoal burners ever in a
2 feet deep. 3 feet across and 4 feet long. If pit- tent, cabin, garage or any enclosed area: insuffi-
cooking is more than occasional and the locale cient ventilation may prove fatal.
does not vary, vou mav find it more convenient to The most common cookout stove is a portable
build a surface pit by constructing a hollow rec- brazier-type, of which the hibachi, shown below,
tangle of concrete blocks, about the same height is the Far-Eastern representative. But, to accom-

as a true pit is deep. modate a main dish for groups of four or more,
The next step is to line the bottom and side; of
the pit with medium-sized flat rocks, never with
shale, which mav explode when heated. Toss in
another loose laver of rock Sou spread over the
rocks a substantial bonfire of hardwood deadfall
or driftwood Hickorv, beech, maple and iron-
wood are prime for this purpose And grapevine
cuttings lend grilled food special distinction The
French incidentally, regard food broiled over
grape wood, or sarmenls de vigne, as extraordi-
narily choice When the tire has compN
burned clown -this should take not less than 2
hours — rake out the red embers and the top roc ks.
Now, sprinkle a quart or so of water over the hot
roc ks remaining and add a two-inch laver of fresh
leaves— grape, beech, pawpaw — or of corn husks
or seaweed for a shore dinner. If vou have re-
membered to bring along some handfuls of aro-
only the larger westernized brazier offers an ade-
matic herbs, add them too
>• Work quickly at this point, so that the rocks
quate cooking surface. A hibachi-tvpe broiler or
two will supplement this larger grill in the prepa-
do not lose their stored heat On the bed of
ration of side dishes such as hors d'oeuvre and
packed foliage, arrange the elements of vour
vegetables. The circular grills shown at right have
meal: fish, cuts of meat, green peppers, onions,
fairly good-sized wheels for easv transport, as well
corn in its husks, unpeeled potatoes, acorn squash.
as a lid or a collar to shield the grill surface from
Pile over them a second layer of green leafage,
wind. The grills may be turned to expose food to
then a second grouping of food, and finally a
the most active areas of heat, and both are
third laver of green leafage. Cap off the stratifica-
equipped with a device which raises and lowers
tion with the remaining hot rocks, a tarpaulin or
the grill for varied exposures. The lidded model
cam as ccner. and four inches of earth or sand to
can double as a device for smoke-flavored cook-
weight things down and to keep heat and steam
ing. Before use, soak wood chips of hickorv, apple,
at work inside — cooking >our meal. How long this
oak or cherry about two hours in water and add a
will take depends, of course, on what's cooking
few at a time to the charcoal during the cooking
maximum time will probably be required for a period.
small pig; it should test 190° when done and takes
Some braziers with horizontal grills have super-
about 20 minutes per pound. The whole pit- imposed over them additionally a spit, in which
cookery operation, whether it is carried out on the case they are commonly protected from wind
beach or in the woods, has a distinctly adventur- bv a three-sided metal shield with a roof. With-
ous character. And periodic tests for doneness out an electrical connection or the use of a
performed on the foods closest to the edge of the cumbersome counterweight svstem. the only prac-
pit are an essential part of the process. In lifting tical way to turn a spit is bv hand; and this
the tarp and in removing it altogether when \ou —
make no mistake is a real chore. On the whole,
are readv to serve, be extremely careful not to get should vou go in extensively for spit-cooking we
food fouled up with sand or earfh. advise either an electric oven equipped with a

spit, If you do cook out of

or a separate rotisserie. They should be put into the brazier approximately
doors you may want to make use of a
electrically, —
two deep preferably over a layer of gravel,
vertical broiler similar to that shown on 403, which enough to level the bed out to the edge of the
exposes a maximum of food surface to the heat bowl.
source. Whatever brazier equipment you use, pay A circle of aluminum foil, cut to size and put
close attention to the directions furnished by its down under the gravel, will protect the brazier
manufacturer. from grease. To ready fuel for an extended firing
Remember spit-cooking, the weight
that in all period, arrange an extra circle of briquets around
losses due to shrinkage are great, and flare-up the edge. As the center of your fire burns to em-
from lost fats and juices may be frequent. Flare- may be pushed inward. For short-term
bers, these
ups can be avoided in part by careful trimming of cookery you may group briquets at about two-
surplus fat. Some short flare-ups may be desired inch intervals. To help ignite the charcoal, put a
for browning; slight unwanted ones can be doused few briquettes in a dry waxed milk carton along
with a sprinkle of water from a sprinkling bottle with a few scraps of paper. >• When the charcoal
or a water gun. To minimize the fall of fat onto is covered with a fine white ash, you are ready to

begin cooking. Flick off the ash, which acts as in-

Judging the heat of a brazier fire is strictly a
matter of manual training. Hold your hand above
the grill at about the same distance from the coals
that the food will be while cooking, and think of
the name of a four-syllable state

or "Mississippi" will do nicely. If you can pro-
nounce it once before snatching your hand away,
your coals are delivering high heat; twice, medium
heat; if three times, low heat.
What food should be cooked out of doors? Just
as we recommend simple cooking equipment in
we now urge simple outdoor menus.
the open, so
Do remember to have your meat at 70° before
cooking, and protect it and the other foods against
insects. For further menu suggestions, see 34 and
Also throughout this book you will find recipes
which we regard outdoor cookery
as suitable for
marked with this grill-like symbol S. While, ob-
viously, pan-broiled and pan-cooked food may be
prepared over a brazier out of doors, you will not
find such recipes singled out by the distinctive
outdoor cookery symbol. We have, in large part,
the embers, adjust the spit so that it revolves away
selected only those in which the flavor is actually
from you and releases its fat into a small trough
improved by the outdoor cooking medium. @ For
of heavy-duty foil.

Equipment a full-scale brazier operation

cooking vegetables, see 282. @
For cooking on
skewers, see 146.
should include: a bellows or a fan to encourage
Steaks and chops are extraordinarily well suited
the embers; a kettle for boiling water; a black iron
to flat-broiling on a brazier. Choose well-
pot for burgoos, stews or beans; a skillet or two;
hinged wire basket grills with long handles es- — marbled meat, 442. But by this we definitely do
not mean meat that has a rim or collar of fat. On
pecially desirable for broiling fish and hamburgers;
some sharp knives; a metal fork with an insulated the contrary, it is important >• to trim off all excess

handle; a spatula; tongs; a long pastry brush for fat before broiling to reduce the risk of flare-ups.
glazing; a chopping block; skewers —
these must Also, cut through encircling sinew —
being careful
be nonrusting, square or oval, not round and —
not to slice into the meat itself so that the meat
sharp-pointed; a roll of heavy-duty aluminum foil; does not curl up under the high heat which initi-
a supply of pot holders or a couple of pairs of as-
ates its cooking. Avoid excessively thick cuts:
bestos mitts; individual serving trays; a pail of
an inch and a half should be the limit for individ-
ual servings. Crease the grill first with some of the
water and", with it, a flare-up quencher. If you plan
to roast a fowl or a joint, you will need also a
meat fat or with a vegetable oil. To sear the
baster, 446,and a meat thermometer. meat and seal in its juices, lower the grill close
To prepare a brazier fire with charcoal, be to the coals before laying the meat on it or use a
sure that you build a big enough bed of coals to bellows to increase the heat momentarily.
last out the cooking operation. We find prepared Searing to seal is even more essential in flat-
hardwood briquets most uniform and convenient. broil grilling than in pan or oven broiling, because
the meat juices, once lost, are irrecoverable. After
searing, raise the grill to about three inches from
the fire and broil the meat until done. \'o specific
time schedule for doneness can be set up, because
so much depends not only on the degree of heat
itself, but on the age of the animal, how long the

meat has been hung, the nature of the cut and, of

course, individual preference.
Here are a few things to keep in mind: Just as
in any meat cookery, large cuts take, weight for
weight, proportionately less cooking time. If the
cut is large, testing for doneness with a thermom-
eter is safer than testing with a knife or fork or

with your thumb, 447. We would like to spare

you the ordeal of an old friend of ours whose
enthusiasm for outdoor grilling is repeatedly
dampened by his wife's low-voiced but grim in-
junction: "Remember, Orville, medium-burned,
not well-burned."
^ If you flat-broil chicken or other fowl, re-
strict the weight of the bird to two pounds or
under. Split it in half, coat both sides with cook-
ing oil, and set the halves on the grill, cavity side
down. The bony structure of the bird will transmit
hcit to the flesh above and at the same time pro-
vide insulation. Finish the cooking with the fleshy
side down; but ^ to keep the skin from sticking,
make sure to cook farther from the heat source.
Spit and rotisserie cooking arc best for very
small or large fowl; for joints, like leg of lamb;
and for other chunky cuts of meat. Here again,
<onsult the directions that come with your equip-
ment to determine maximum weight, which will
probably be in the neighborhood of ten pounds
for roast meat and up to fifteen for fowl. Smaller
birds should be strung transversely on the spit,
larger ones head to tail along the spit's axis, as
illustrated below.

are heavy or of irregular shape, it is necessary,

while adjusting them to the skewer, to determine
their approximate center of gravity so that the
birds balance well in turning. Fowl on a spit should
be carefully coated in advance with melted butter
or cooking oil. You may baste with butter or oil
during the cooking period, but do not apply
anv barbecue sauce until the last 15 to 20 min-
utes of cooking. For Barbecue Sauces, see 354.
The yiro, illustrated above, is a strikingly func-
tional method of large-scale barbecueing we ob-
served some years ago at the American Farm
School in Thessalonica. Common in the Near East,
it is an updated descendant of ember-roasting
techniques as old as that part of the woHd. An
electrically powered merry-go-round rotates an
For spareribs, get your butcher to cut them in impaled mass of compressed meat before a verti-
half crosswise, forming two long strips; prebake cal half-cylinder of "ember" coils. As the outside
or parboil them in the kitchen and then string of the tall chunk reaches perfect succulence, very
them an accordion on your outdoor spit, as
like thin slices are cut off lengthwise with a razor-
shown. Fowl and certain other types of meat must sharp knife. The slices are cut into a scoop and
be trussed, 419, before spitting. Especially if they each individual portion is inserted with relishes

into a pocket of flat bread. With its cut surfaces trols. If located along the front of a range, they
successively exposed, the meat continues to turn, may be dangerous to small children. If at the rear,
to brown —and to diminish happily. they may be obstructed by tall pans or cause ac-
cidents by bringing the hand and clothing too
ABOUT INDOOR COOKING close to the burners. Pay particular attention,
EQUIPMENT also, to the quality of oven insulation in the range

Certain cooking effects we have admired overseas you plan to buy, and to its venting characteristics.
and would like to bring back with us seem to defy For loading ovens, we make the following sug-
stateside domestication. Part of the difficulty may gestions: ^
Place oven racks where you want them
have to do with the way food isgrown elsewhere before heating, not after. To brown a sauce or a
or with the fact that it issometimes impossible to gratineed casserole, place the pan briefly —
close —
buy ingredients of comparable freshness. But, just under the broiler, as shown first on the left
as often, the loss in translation may be traced to below. Few cooks realize the importance of air
special techniques which simply cannot be dupli- circulation in ovens: overcrowding results in un-

cated in the average American kitchen. This is true even baking. Make sure that the pans or sheets
of the following: the quick, intense, short-lived you are using fit the oven shelf comfortably, with
fires and the huge pans that are essential to Chi- at least two inches of space between the pans as

nese stir-frying; the very low, long-retained-heat well as between pans and oven walls. Never use
chamber called etuve in old French kitchens so — two shelves if you can avoid it, but if you must,
ideal for drying out meringues or for simmering stagger the pans as shown second from the left.
foods in covered pots; and, for that matter, the For a discussion of heat and pan-size relationships,
open-air charcoal grilling in our own country, see 666.
which imparts its distinctive aroma to a steak, or For cake baking in general, the best position for
the seaweed-smother which gives that authentic the pan is just above center. But for angel food
touch to lobsters pit-cooked at the shore. Condi- cakes, torten or souffles, the placement is below
tions like these may be approximated in cooking center, as shown third in the sketch; for often, in
on modern ranges, but never completely repro- modern ovens, the slight heat provided by a top
duced. element is enough to harden the surface of a souf-
If you grew up using gas for cooking heat, you fle, if it is set too close, preventing expansion.

appreciate its dynamic flexibility of control. If Some commercial ovens feature devices for in-
your experience has been with electric ranges, troducing moisture into an oven as needed. In
you value the evenness of their broiling heat and the home range, a practical substitute, should the
the stored warmth of their surface units. The rela- recipe require it, is a shallow pan partially filled
tively new electronic devices have attracted favor- with water, as shown on the right.
able attention because of their ability to reduce In baking, set the oven thermostat to the desired

heating time to a fraction of its former length. If temperature. Preheat 10 to 15 minutes if there is
you are considering investing in this type of no indicator light to inform you when the temper-
equipment, you would do well to see first the ature is reached. Insert the pans as quickly as
section on microwave cooking, 160; and if you possible. Try not to peek until the time is up or —
do invest, be sure to read the manufacturer's almost up.
booklet with care. If you use a thermostatically controlled gas or
Indeed, whatever your source of cooking heat, electric oven, don't think you are speeding things
learn thoroughly the characteristics of your range. up by setting the thermostat higher than the recipe
Find out if the broiling elements need a preheat- indicates. You will get better results at the speci-
ing period; if broiling in the oven requires an open fied temperature. And don't, incidentally, press a
or a closed door. Some new electric ovens have thermostatically controlled oven into service as a
a double unit for broiling in which the racked kitchen heater. This will throw the thermostat out
meat is placed midway between the heating ele- of gear. Ovens vary, however, and even under nor-

ments a horizontal version of the outdoor dou- mal use, thermostats need frequent adjustment
ble broiler shown 403. A dripping pan is inserted at least once every 12 or 14 months.
below the lower coils. This broiling unit cuts tim- Keep in mind always that a clean oven will
ing by about half. maintain temperature and reflect heat more ac-
In purchasing, consider the safety value of con- curately than an untidy one, and in buying a new
range, you may want to consider one equipped order to arrive at fair conclusions, we divided into
with a self-cleaning system. two equal parts each category of food — fresh vege-
As to the range top, here again, as with its tables, refrigerated or frozen casseroles and left-
interior, familiarity breeds assurance. Questions overs, fresh or frozen meats and fish, pie doughs
about its use are almost without exception an- —
and cakes then cooked each by microwave and
swered fully in the booklet that comes with the conventional method respectively. Formulas for
equipment. But if you are confronted with a range cakes and cookies, which, baked by microwave,
for which printed instructions are lacking, or if require less riser, were properly adjusted. We
special problems arise, call your local utility com- found that timing varied greatly from that pre-
pany. They frequently maintain a staff of obliging scribed in the manuals of microwave instruction,
and well-trained consultants, prepared to give you and almost all types of food tended to toughen.
advice free of charge. A most important determi- Meats have been shown to dry out and lose more
nation to make in electric ranges is whether your nutrients than when properly roasted by conven-
surface heating units —
one or several are ther- — tional methods. Microwave-baked cakes turned
mostatically controlled to level off disconcertingly out coarse in texture and over-moist, with pallid
when you most need sustained heat for a saute. tops; those in which egg is the sole riser can only
Also, learn if they are so differentiated as to pro- be regarded as failures. If milk or milk-mixtures are
vide all the potentials of an electric skillet. cooked in a microwave oven, they must be con-
In using gas burners, watch the relation of flame stantly watched, as they tend to boil over very
to pan. The flame should never come closer than quickly.
V2 inch to the outer edge of the pan-bottom. Browning — which in many traditional cooking
Before using such a specialized utensil as a wok processes responsible for both the flavor and

or any utensil that would concentrate unusual heat the aesthetic pleasure of the food is not truly —
onto the surface of a range, check with the manu- achievable with microwave equipment. Attempts
facturer as to its practicality; enamel may craze have been made through the use of special
or chrome discolor. browning dishes or pre- and post-browning tech-
One-piece ceramic range-tops are now avail- niques with a unit combining conventional electric
able. One has its own ceramic cookware en- heat, but they often complicate procedures or add
gineered to exactly fit the heating areas; the pots to the cooking time so that the microwave cooking
are so flat-bottomed that no heat is lost. Other period may be longer than that of the older
ceramic tops use any flat-bottomed cookware. methods. Even expedients like dusting with paprika
Another even more revolutionary concept has or brushing with soy sauce must often for best
been developed: a onp-piece ceramic range-top results be combined with the use of conventional
with magnetic coils beneath that leave the cooking equipment.
surface cool. Energy is generated only in the iron Other limitations of microwave cookery are
or magnetic stainless steel pans in which the freely acknowledged by its partisans. Only those
cooking is done. tender meat, 442, and fowl cuts which cook by
dry heat respond adequately, and only those
Our experience with microwave has followed a fa-
that have been boned —
like rolled roasts prove —
really trouble-free. For bony or uneven cuts, metal
miliar contemporary pattern: inadequate response
foil, which is not penetrated by the microwaves,
to great expectations. For who among us, on the
must be used for part of the cooking time to cover
long summer afternoons, has not harbored the re-
the thinner portions; but the foil must be kept at
curring and roseate dream of prolonging to the
least two inches away from the walls of the unit to
very last minute the joys of gardening or of ten- — Many micro-
nis, or beachcombing with the children before — prevent arcing, as described
wave cooks make
covering food in
a practice of
returning to the kitchen and putting dinner to-
the oven with plastic or paper wrapping to hold in
gether in a trice? Even microwave's most obvious

advantage defrosting and reheating frozen foods
steam and prevent spatter. Cooking whole hams,
— has proved of limited value, and in any case it
except for the reheating of fully cooked types, is
not recommended. As we have implied, meat cuts
takes care of only an inconsequential fraction of
and fowl requiring moist heat are apt to be more
our cooking schedule. Because no matter what
tender when cooked by conventional methods
particular microwave equipment you own, you
and take no more time. The time factor is similar
may have to be on hand during much of the re-
heating period —
to rotate the dish, to alternate
for foods like rice or pasta, which require large
quantities of liquid in cooking.
cooking and withdrawal so that the outside of the
food will not cook before the center thaws, or to To understand why the foregoing limitations
stir the food intermittently and so vary the elec- exist, you must be aware of how microwaves func-
tronic impact. tion. Electromagnetic waves originate in a tube
Cooking fresh foods by microwave is also not and are distributed to all metal parts of the oven
without disappointments, especially when one interior; from these surfaces they bounce off into
compares the eating quality or appearance with the food and are absorbed by it, provided the food
that of more conventionally cooked foods. In is on or in certain materials discussed below. These

penetrating waves cause the water molecules in dreams of via a kitchen robot, for heat is a subtle

the food to vibrate at an intense rate, and the medium that for best results will always demand
resulting friction produces the heat, which in turn intelligent human attention.

cooks the food. Since this friction continues after So, all things considered — and at the risk of
the food is removed from the oven sometimes in — being put down as unadventurous or just plain
a roast for as long as 30 minutes microwave- — —
not with it we still prefer conventional tech-
cooked food is in effect undercooked, then al- niques over those involved in microwave cookery.
lowed to stand outside the oven afterward to We find them less demanding, more flexible, and
complete the process. Care must be exercised in productive of more nutritious and appealing food.
choosing the material on which food is micro-
wave-cooked. The molecular structure of glass, ABOUT THE TIME ELEMENT
some plastics, ungreased white paper, and some IN COOKING
ceramics is such that energy input is not impaired; How long to heat food? There are many answers.
the food cooked in or on such materials absorbs They lie in the interaction of the heat source, the
the waves without adverse effects on them or —
equipment and the medium air, liquid or fat.
on the oven. A simple test for cookware suitabil- Consider the following rates of heat transferral.
ity is to set it in the oven empty: if it is hot to A dough that either bakes at 400° or steams at
the touch after 15 seconds of "cooking," it should 212° for 20 minutes will cook in deep fat heated to
be discarded. In any event metal or metal- 400° in 3 minutes. A hard-cooked egg will cool
trimmed dishes must be avoided, as they cause an off in 5 minutes if plunged into ice water, but
arcing interaction with the oven walls which dam- will need 20 minutes to cool in 32° air. A vege-
ages the magnetron tube. Very shallow freezer table that will cook in 20 minutes in water at 212°
containers and TV trays made of foil, however, will need only 2 minutes steaming under 15
may be used, provided the cooking period is rela- pounds pressure at 250°.
tively short and they are kept at least two inches In timing, a great deal depends on the freshness
from oven sidewalls. of food — this is on
especially true of vegetables;
It is microwave ovens do not heat up
true that the aging and fat content of meat; and on the size
the kitchen, and that the cookware indicated of the food unit. Large, thick objects like roasts
above remains cool during the cooking procedure need lower heat and a longer cooking period than
itself, almost all heat being absorbed by the food. do cutlets, deep
to allow the heat to penetrate
But at the end of the cooking period the hot food into the center. The amount of surface exposed is
very quickly transfers its heat to the dish, and also a factor, as you have learned from experience
especially if the dish is quite full — pot holders may with whole as compared with diced vegetables.
be necessary to remove it, and lids or wrappings Still another determinant is the reflective and

should be cautiously removed to avoid steam absorptive quality of the pan. Recent tests have
burns. shown that a whole hour can be cut from the
Because foods of varying types cook at different roasting time of a ten- or twelve-pound turkey if
rates, it is usually necessary to microwave such it is cooked in one of those dark enamel pans that

dishes in succession, holding those finished until absorb heat rather than in a shiny metal one that
the rest have had their turn. In any case, in most reflects it. And we have discussed elsewhere, 153,
portable ovens no more than four servings of any the insulative qualities of foil when used in wrap-
given food can be cooked at one time, nor more cooking. Personal preference affects timing, of
than one layer of cake. With the latter handicap, course, as well as the idiosyncrasies of equipment.
it will readily be seen, the microwave model loses Even placement in an oven, 159, makes a differ-
the layer-cake race to the old-fashioned oven in ence and, last but not least, the temperature of
which three or four layers can be simultaneously food at the onset of heating. For all these reasons
accommodated. it is with some trepidation that we have indicated

There are many safety factors one must keep cooking periods in our individual recipes. We
aware of. To avoid danger, door mechanism and know from our fan mail that timing is among the
switches should be in flawless working order. Air most worrisome of all problems for the beginning
filters must be clean and the oven interior un- cook. Therefore, if our timing and yours do not
pitted. Any sign of irregularity should be occa- jibe, we beg you to look for solutions in the facts
sion enough for a service call. we have set down above, before you take pen in
There are available in stationary and profes- hand.
sional sizes combination microwave and con-
ventional ovens which dispel some of the HOLDING FOOD AT
disadvantages described earlier. Also to shorten SERVING TEMPERATURES AND
cooking time there are new convector ovens REHEATING FOOD
which by the use of fans force electrically heated Everyone knows that food which is held hot or
air into oven areas for more rapid baking and reheated is not so tasty or nutritious as that
roasting. But neither of these is apt to bring to served immediately after preparation. Unfortu-
the average household cook the freedom she nately, laggards and leftovers are frequently a
cook's fate. Here are a few hints on the best pro- will adversely affect the color of some foods.
cedures: Don't clean aluminum with harsh soaps, alkalis or
There are two ways to reheat dishes that are apt abrasives. To remove discoloration, boil in alumi-
to curdle when subjected to direct high tempera- num pans for 5 to 10 minutes a solution of 2
tures. These include au gratin, egg or creamed teaspoons cream of tartar to 1 quart of water.
dishes or any other dish rich in fat. One way is to
put them in the oven in a container of hot water
Best in heavier gauges. It gives a quick, even heat
about two-thirds the depth ot the cooking pan.
Or place under the pan a cookie tin or a piece of distribution if > unless well tinned,
kept clean. But
foil —
shiny side down —
so that the heat is de-
or lined with stainless steel on surfaces contacting
the food, it is affected by acids and can prove
flected. The latter suggestion is particularly handy
poisonous. To clean, keep handy a squeeze bottle
to avoid overbrowning when reheating pies or
filledwith a vinegar-and-salt mixture. Place some
Reheat other cream and egg-sauced foods in
on a cloth and rub discolored copper until bright,
double boiler — —
over not in boiling water.
then rinse in hot water.
To retain color in vegetables reheated in a STAINLESS STEEL
double boiler, use a vented lid. Of course, this is the easiest material of all to keep
reheating whole roasts, bring them to room
clean. Its poor heat-conductivity usually offset
temperature and then heat through in a moderate by thinning down the gauje, so that hot spots
oven. develop and food cooked in it is apt to burn
reheating roasted meat, slice it paper thin and
If easilv But stainless steel with an inner core of
put it on hot plates just before pouring over it aluminum or copper which increases heat diffu-
boiling-hot grav) \n\ other method of reheat- sion makes one of the choicest of utensils for
ing will toughen it and make it taste second-hand. surface cooking.
To reheat deep-fat-fried foods, spread them on
250° oven.
racks uncovered, in a
To hold pancakes, place them on and between Heavy but low in conductivity, iron rusts easily
cloth towels in a 200° oven. and discolors acid foods. To treat new commer-
cially preseasoned skillets or Dutch ovens, wash
To reheat casseroles, make certain the container
is ovenproof before placing it in a 325° oven di- with soapy water, rinse and dry. Coat frequently
rectly from the refrigerator.
with unsalted vegetable oil, and )ust before using,
To reheat creamed or clear soups or sauces, wipe with paper toweling. To reseason an old iron
heat to boiling point and serve immediately. skillet, scour and wash with soap not deter- —
gent. Dry; then coat with an unsalted shortening,
Other devices that hold foods for short periods
and place in a 350° oven about 2 hours.
are electrically controlled trays, individual retract-
able infrared lamps, the age-old chafing dish, and TEMPERED CLASS AND
the bain-marie or steam table. None of these PORCELAIN ENAMEL
should be used for a protracted period, however, Both are poor heat conductors. The glass is apt to
if you hope to preserve real flavor and avoid bac- crack and the enamel scratches and chips. Unless
terial growth. Holding temperatures should be at of best quality and treated to resist acid foods, the
about 140°. glaze of enamel ware is quickly affected by them.
It also is marked by metal utensils; only wooden

ABOUT UTENSILS or nylon hand tools should be used with it. High
The material which pots and pans are made,
of heat may make the enamel stick to the heating
as well as their sizes and shapes, frequently de- element, so a trivet is advisable.
termines success or failure. So, often in this book
we not only caution about too high heat, but es-
While a poor conductor of heat, glazed or un-
pecially warn against combining it with thin cook-
glazed earthenware holds heat well and doesn't
ing pans. The latter may develop hot spots and
discolor foods. But it is heavy and breaks easily
cause sticking, or they may require an undue
with sudden temperature changes. There are re-
amount of stirring to avoid scorching. Choose
cent discoveries that indicate some danger of
a pan, then, of fairly heavy gauge —
not so heavy
lead transference to food from soft glazes and
as to make for difficult handling, but heavy enough
even from certain unglazed earthenwares. To sea-
to diffuse heat evenly. Note, too, that we distin-
son and use an earthenware casserole, see 151.
guish in recipes between flame- or heatproof
ware that can be used on direct heat except for — TINWARE
heatproof glass, which needs a trivet and oven- — This has good conductivity but is apt to mar, and
proof ware, which is designed for oven use only. it rusts quickly. It turns dark after use and is

affected by acid foods.

The advantage here is good diffusion, but alumi- GREASELESS PANS

num will pit no matter how expensive. And it These are a delight to people suddenly put on fat-

will not only tend to become discolored itself but free diets. The soapstone griddle illustrated, 235,

is is newer equipment with non-

age-old. There cookies too rapidly, they ensure better brown-
sticking siliconeand fluorocarbon resin surfaces ing for pies and puff cooking fuel is

which can withstand temperatures up to 450°. scarce, a great saving can be effected by the use
These surfaces do not affect heat distribution but of these heat-retaining pans.
will help to keep food from sticking. As some In pan-broiling or using a griddle, utensils
scratch easily, use a nylon or wooden paddle for should be brought up slowly to cooking tempera-
turning, and a nylon or wooden spoon for stirring. ture. Do not place an unfilled pan on high heat
When cooking eggs, breaded fish and meat you unless it has fat or liquid in it.

may need added fat. And should you some unlucky

scorch food by
If you are on a fat-free diet and tired of broil- chance, the scorched taste is greatly lessened by
ing or of using greaseless utensils, poach food in plunging the pan first into cold water before trans-
skim milk, fruit juice, stock or wine for variety in ferring the food to a clean container. To clean
flavor. scorched pots, except those coated with silicone
or a similar material, use a nylon pouff or a nylon
brush with a built-in detergent container. If that
There are plastics which can stand relatively high
is not sufficient, soak overnight with some de-
heat but not high enough for cooking or even
tergent in the water. If that still isn't enough, in the
for containing hot liquids that may dissolve the
scorched pot bring to a boil 1 teaspoon washing
plasticand seriously burn the cook. Many storage
soda or cream of tartar for each quart of water.
containers, funnels and other kitchen utensils
There is a certain pace in food preparation that
cannot even be washed in water over 140°. Others
an experienced cook learns to accept. This doesn't
are ruined by oil and grease. The surfaces of all
mean she scorns short cuts, but she comes to know
plastic utensils retain grease, so don't try to get
when she has to take the long way 'round to get
egg whites to whip in a plastic bowl, 544.
proper results. She senses not only the demands of
her equipment but the reactions of her ingre-
You will wonder after reading these pros and
cons what pan materials to choose. Fortunately
A man once summed up his wife's life with the
there are on the market today a number of brands
epitaph, "She died of things. might have hap-
of cooking ware with good flat bottoms made of
pened to any of us. We are constantly encouraged
alloys that take advantage of the superior diffu-
tobuy the latest gadget that will absolutely, posi-
sion of aluminum, the quick conductivity of cop-
tively make kitchen life sublime. No kitchen can
per, and the noncorrodible quality of stainless
ever have enough space at convenient levels to
steel. But while we are speaking of combinations
take care of even a normal array of equipment. So
of metal, let us say that pots of copper, even
think hard before you buy so much as an extra
when tin-lined, and of iron must not be covered
with aluminum foil if the food to be cooked is
Get pans that nest well. And if you can't resist
very acid, as the foil can be dissolved into it. In
a bulky mold, see that it hangs on an out-of-the-
fact, it is usually best to avoid dissimilar metal pots
and lids when cooking any very acid foods. In
way pegboard panel, or make it a decorative fea-
ture for an odd, unused nook. Buy rather
the final analysis, you may still prefer a heavy iron
than round canisters for economical use of stor-
Dutch oven for stews, an earthenware casserole
age space. Keep canisters with spices and staples
for fondues, a heatproof glass vessel for sauce-
in alphabetical arrangement for quick identifica-
making. >• Don't invest in large pan sets of a single
tion. And place these close to the areas where you
material until you know what your preference
will be using them most.
really is. Be sure the pot handles are metal-rein-
forced at the jointure and are replaceable.
When you cook, choose a pan that fits the BASIC KITCHEN EQUIPMENT
size of the heat unit. This correlation gives better We all enjoy and expect shining, easily cleaned

cooking results and is more economical of fuel. kitchen surfaces. Some traditional ones like cross-
Be certain, too, that the lid, if the process calls for cut or laminated wood chopping blocks, even
one, is tight-fitting. Be sure the cooking pan is when sanded daily, can harbor harmful bacteria.
appropriate in contents. Especially in
size to its It hard but wise to toss out slightly crazed or

braising and baking, the relation of pan size to chipped pottery, but you can relegate it to the
contents is vital, see 447 and 666. flower department. Choose shapes that are free
In baking, round pans will give you more even from grooves and jointures that catch food, and
browning; square pans tend to cause heavier select materials that are impervious to acids and
browning at the corners. Note, too, that shiny rust.
metal baking pans deflect heat and that dark Kitchens today are fairly scientifically laid out.
enamel or glass ones both catch and hold the heat Everyone is aware that the big kitchen is a time
more. ^ Therefore, food cooked in glass or enam- and energy waster; and that a U-shape or a tri-
eled pans needs at least a 25° reduction in the angular relationship of sink, stove and refrigerator
oven temperatures given in our recipes. While — with their accompanying work spaces — is a
vitreous or dark metal materials may brown step-saver. We may have to live with the kitchens
we have, but it pays occasionally to think about Flour sifter, 546
your work habits. See if you can make them more Potato ricer and food mill, 204
efficient. Potato masher, 317
Well-designed nonrusting hand tools save your Wooden chopping bowl and chopper, 370
towels and your temper. The following is a reason- Salad bowl, 92
ably comprehensive basic equipment list for Doughnut cutter, 147
which illustrations can be found as noted. Biscuit cutter, 634
Pastry blender, 639
Pastrv board, 600
4 saucepans of assorted sizes with lids, 172 Pastry brush, 639
2 frying —
pans large and small wilh lids, 205 — Vegetable brush, 279
Large stewing or soup kettle, 167 Rolling pin, 639
Double boiler, 358 Pastry cloth and cover for rolling pin, 639
Pressure cooker, 278 Pancake turner, 236
Mold for steaming, 112 Apple corer, 99
Deep-fat-frying equipment, 147
Vegetable slicer or parer, 296
3 strainers, 198, 278, 337
Rubber scraper, 600
Steamer, 278
Weighing spoon or scales. 543
Colander, 538 Ice cream freezer, 759
maker, 37 Citrus fruit juicer, 60
China teapot and teakettle, 63 Electric mixer, 664
Candy thermometer, 781 Blender, 336
Deep ii tr\ ing thermometer, 147
i t
Waffle iron, 240
Griddle Impervious cutting board, see 562
Bean pot, 250 Asbestos pad or trivet 358 ,

Oven roasting pan with rack, 420

Bottle openers,below
i round 9-inch cake pans, 666 Corkscrew, below
.1square 9-inch cake pans, 666 Can openers, below
2 loaf or bread pans, 601
\utc racker, 562
2 cake rac ks lor ooling, 552 (
Salt shaker and pepper grinder, 153
Muffin tins. 611
Pot holders, opposite
1 pie pans tin or gla!
Plastic detergent dispenser with nylon brush, be-
low,.and nylon pouf, opposite
Small ovenproof dish, 250 unscrewers, below
eramic or glass asserole, 4 17

6 ustard ups. 735

( (

tube pan, 668

Shallow 9 x 12-inch pan, 721
8-in< h souffle baking dish, 220
Sel ol mixing bowls, 544
Set ot metal measuring cups, 546
\w -measure glass cup, 546

8-oz. liquid-measure glass cup, 539

Set ol measuring spoons, 57 5

Large and small metal spoons, 665

Slotted wooden spoon, 278
fork, 454
Small fork, 317
2 paring knives, 84
Serrated bread knife, 55*1
Car\ ing and slicing knives, 449
Trench chopping knife, 562
Grapefruit knife, 282
Knife sharpener, 449, 550
Spatula 71 l


Ladle, lf>7 4 or more canisters
A 4-sided and a rotarv grater. 336. 337 Cake cover and carrier
Meat grinder, "98 Dish drainer
Sugar or flour scoop 546 Dutch oven or enameled metal- idded casserole
Funnel. "80 Garbage can
Tongs. 147 Wastebasket
Kitchen shears, 168 Meat thermometer

Toaster Put boiling liquid to the back of the stove, out

Vegetable bin of reach of small children.
1 or more trays In pan-frying, keep a colander handy to place
Bucket over the pan should the fat begin to sputter.
Wooden picks for testing cakes Keep heavy pot holders and metal tongs near
Refrigerator containers the range for removing hot objects and hot foods.
Waxed paper and paper toweling Watch that your hands or the cloths you are
Plastic storage bags to use are not damp when touching or wiping
Aluminum foil electrical equipment or hot handles or lids.
Dishpan Have polarized attachments put on your elec-
12 dishtowels trical appliances to avoid shock.
4 dishcloths Should you receive an extensive or painful burn,
Plastic sponges seek immediate help from your physician or the
emergency room of your local hospital. Lie down,
Small kitchen amenities for which we are endur- remain calm, and keep warm until skilled help is
ingly grateful are those extensions of power like available.
can openers, lid lifters, jar unscrewers and the The first aid treatment of the wound itself is

nylon brush-topped detergent dispenser, left, and much the same for large or small burns. Loosen
the jar lifter and pot holders below. clothing or other material over or near the wound
We end these lists with a reminder. Always and remove it. Take care not to cut or remove
clean off tops before opening cans, as they may the burned skin or any material adhering to the
be dusty or may have been sprayed with poison- burned surface. If blisters are present, they should
ous insecticides while in the store. Also in open- not be broken or cut.
ing a can avoid metal slivers by starting beyond Submerge the burned area in cold water or ap-
the side seam and stopping before you cut through ply cold water as soon as possible after injury for
it. Food may be stored safely in opened cans, cov- periods up to one or two hours. This will help
ered and refrigerated, for a few days. to relieve the pain. Then apply a dr\ sterile gauze
dressing as a protective bandage. If sterile gauze
is not readily available, clean linen can be used.

Larger burn wounds should be covered by a clean

sheet for protection and comfort until medical
help provided.

Do not use antiseptic preparations, ointments,

sprays, butter, or home remedies on the burn
wound, since these substances mav interfere with
treatment by the physician later.
Individuals with face burns should be observed
continuously to assure that they are breathing
After first aid treatment has been initiated, fur-
ther medical care should be under the direction
of a physician.


In the foregoing pages we have supplied, among We list of removal instructions
give here a partial
other information, enough facts to keep our read- for those stainsmost encountered in the kitchen
ers from ever burning the food they heat. Now a and dining room. These directions are for natural
few safeguards against burning the cook and — linens and cotton. If wool or synthetic fibers are
what to do should such an emergency occur. involved, avoid hot water and bleaches. For other
Never throw water on a grease fire. Use salt or stains we recommend consulting the Home and

soda, or if the area is a small one, cover with a Garden Bulletin Nd/62 of the USDA, Washington,
metal lid. DC.
Choose a range, if you can find one, on which Alcoholic Beverages: Sponge stain with cool water
the burners are level with the surrounding plat- or soak 30 minutes or longer Wash with soap
form so pots cannot tip. or detergent.
Use flat-bottomed, well-balanced pans that are Butter, Margarine or Mayonnaise: Regular wash-
steady when empty. Be sure handles are not so ing removes some stains, others will need soap
heavy that the pot will tip, or so long that they or detergent rubbed into the stain, then rinsing
can catch on a sleeve. with warm water. For large stains us,, a com-
When deep-fat frying, please note the precau- mercial grease solvent and follow manufac-
tions given on 147. turer's directions.
Catsup and Chili Sauces: See Alcoholic Beverages. coffee stains; or try bleaching in sun after moist-
Chocolate and Cream: Sponge with cool water or ening with lemon juice and salt.
soak 30 minutes or longer. Rub gently with soap Lipstick: Apply undiluted detergent to stain, rub
and rinse. If stain remains, apply a commercial well and rinse. Repeat if necessary.
grease solvent. Mustard: See Lipstick, above.
Coffee and Tea: Boiling water poured from a Soft Drinks: See Alcoholic Beverages, above.
height of 2 feet is good for fresh stains. Stretch Wax or Paraffin: Scrape cloth to remove hardened
stained material over a washbowl and be very wax. Place blotting paper or facial tissues both
careful not to scald yourself. over and under the cloth and press with warm
Fruit, Fruit Juices and Wines: Boiling water as for iron. Sponge with a commercial grease solvent.
Broths —
clear liquors from fish, meat,
fowl and vegetables 523 and 524
Jellied Soups — made from gelatinous
knuckle bones, clarified and used as
they are or with added gelatin 173

Vegetable Soups all vegetable or
prepared with meat or fish stocks
in which vegetables predominate 174-175
Purees of Vegetables and Legumes —
with or without cream added 175-176
Cream Soups —
cream, butter, cereal-
or egg-thickened soups, often
on a vegetable base 181

Bisques shellfish-based cream soups 187
Chowders — thick fish, meat and
vegetable soups, to which salt pork,
milk, diced vegetables, even bread
and crackers may be added 190
SOUPS FruitSoups 128
Some of the above are served hot, some cold,
some either way, like bouillons, borsch, vichys-
In good old days, when a "soup bunch" cost
the soise and fruit soups. To serve soups piping hot,
a nickeland bones were lagniappe, pounds and use tureens, lidded bowls or well-heated cups.
pounds of meat trimmings and greenstuff were Especially if drinks and hors d'oeuvre have been
used in the household to concoct wonderful es- offered first, a hot soup helps to recondition the
sences for everyday consumption. The best soups palate.
are still based on homemade stocks. Please read Cold soups should be very well chilled, and
About Stocks, the foundation of soup, meat and served in chilled dishes — especially jellied soups,
sauce cookery, and therefore found under Ingre- which tend to break down more
rapidly, being
dients, 520. Note the suggestions offered for the relatively light in gelatin.Cold soups, when not
long slow cooking of meat stocks or the rapid jellied, may be prepared quickly by using a A
cooking of fish fumets and vegetable stocks, which blender and chilling briefly in the freezer. On in-
also apply to soup making. Fish and vegetable formal occasions, they may be chilled in a tall jug
stocks are especially important in au maigre or and served directly from it into chilled cups or
meatless cooking. bowls.
Because not everyone wants to bother with the You should be able to count on about 6 serv-
painstaking methods often required to extract ings from quart of soup unless it is the mainstay
soup stock, and because soups are such an inter- for a lunch, as is frequently the case with a soup
esting addition to or base for meals, we suggest rich in solids. The quantities noted in the indi-
toward the end of this chapter a large number of vidual recipes are consistently given in standard
time-saving prepared soup combinations. Have on 8-ounce cups; servings in about 6-ounce cups.
hand a supply of canned, dried or frozen bases to
bring quick and revivifying soups into the range of
There are some classic dishes Petite Marmite,—
170, New England Boiled Dinner, 466, and Gou-
even the most casual cook. No one can afford to
be without a varied store of these consistently
lash, 464 —
that occupy middle ground between
soups and stews.
good, and often excellent, products. Learn to use A Above 2500 feet, soups need longer cooking
herbs and seasonings, 579 and 567. Keep your own periods than called for in the regular recipes, as.
economical stockpot to dilute condensed soups the liquids boil at a lower temperature.
and to enrich them with added minerals and vita-
mins. Astound your friends with effortlessly made
and unusually flavored soup sensations! SOUP SEASONINGS
To minimize cooking time, use your X blender Soup is as flavorful as the stock on which it is
for the processing of raw vegetables, and your O based. Please read About Stocks, 520, and Season-
pressure cooker for suitable meat scraps, fresh ings for Stocks, 521.
or leftovers. See Quick Household Stock, 523. The addition of wine to soup frequently en-
No matter by what method it is made, soup hances its flavor, but do not oversalt soups to
should complement or contrast with what is to which wine is added, as the wine intensifies salti-
follow; and however enticing its name, it will fit
ness. A not-too-dry sherry or Madeira blends well
into one of the categories below: with veal or chicken soup. A strongly flavored
Bouillon — concentrated brown stock 170 soup prepared with beef or oxtail is improved by
Consomme — clarified double-strength the addition of dry red table wine V2 cup wine —
brown stock 169 to 1 quart soup. A dry white table wine adds zest


to a iish, crab or lobster bisque or chowder. Add eners added raw and cooked as an integral part
r4 to 2 cup unfortified wine to
quart soup. 1 of the soup.
Fortified wines should be added to the hot soup To add anv of the following, bring the soup to
shortly before it is served. To add wine to soups a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer as

containing cream or eggs, see individual recipes. soon as the addition has been made. Stir raw
> Do not boil the soup after adding the wine. cereals into soup for the last hour of cooking. For
Beer adds a tang to bean, cabbage and vege- a light thickening, allow to the original amount of

table soups. Use 1 cup for every 3 cups soup. Add liquid approximated:
the beer just before serving. Reheat the soup well, 1 teaspoon barley to 1 cup liquid
but >
do not boil. 1 teaspoon green kern to 1 cup liquid

1 teaspoon rice to 1 cup liquid

1 teaspoon oatmeal to 1 cup liquid

COLORING SOUP 2 tablespons wheat germ flour to 1 cup
Ifsoup has been cooked with browned onion liquid
skins orbrowned onions, and if the amount of 2 tablespoons peanut flour to 1 cup liquid
meat used is substantial, it should have a good, 2 tablespoons so\a flour to 1 cup liquid
rich color. Tomato skins also lend color interest. '
! teaspoon quick-cooking tapioca to
Caramelized "sugar III, ma\ be added if ni
559, 1 cup liquid
sary. We prefer it to commercial soup coloring,
If vou wish to thicken cooked soup with flour,
which is apt to overwhelm a delicately flavored
soup with its own pervasive, telltale aroma. Also 1 ' .• teaspoons flour to 1 cup soup
read About Vegetable Stock-Making, 524. Wake paste of the flour with about:
Twice as much cold stock, milk or water
REMOVING FAT FROM SOUP Pour the paste slowly into the boiling soup, while
I. Chill the soup. The tat rise- at once and will stirring Simmer and stir 5 to 10 minutes.
solidify when cold It is then a simple matter to make a mux. 338. To 1 cup soup allow :

remove it
1 teaspoons butter

1' i teaspoons flour

II. paper towel on the s U rfj
float a oup, Pour the soup over this mixture, stirring con-
^n(\ when it has absorbed as much tat as it will stantly until smooth and boiling.
hold, discard; or roll a paper towel and use one < )r add in the same proportions as abi
end to skim over the soup SUI move the •
Flour and butter
lat When the vnd becomes coated with i,v to cooled soup in a X blender —
then reheat the
off the used part with the it :i Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer 5
proc ess as show n below mini:'
Additional thickenings for soup are dry, crust-
less French bread or Panades. 179. AKo. thick
c ream (n a White Sauce. 341, mav be used.


gg volks are one of the richest and best of
soup thickeners — but thev must be added just be-
tore serving >
Take care that the soup is not too
hot when this is done.
Allow for each cup of soup:
1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tablespoon

cream or sherrv
To avoid curdling it is wise to add to this beaten
mixture a small quantity of the hot soup before in-
corporating it into the soup pot. >• When using
egg or cream-based thickeners, it is alwavs essen-
tial that the soup, after their addition, be kept
III. Use vour meat baster 446, with the bulb as a
below the boiling point.
suction device for grease removal.
II. Or allow for each cup of soup:

ABOUT CEREALS FOR 2 riced hard-cooked egg yolks

Add at the last minute and. of course do not
THICKENING SOUPS allow the soup to boil.
Noodles and dumplings and precooked cereal
garnishes such as rice give an effect of bodv to III. -\ good soup thickener, for those whose diet

a clear soup. But for intriguing texture and ele- does not include flour, consists of:
gance of flavor, thev do not compare to the thick- 3 tablespoons grated raw potato

for each cup of soup. Grate the potato directly CONSOMME

into the soup about 15 minutes before it has fin- Prepare:
ished cooking. Then simmer until the potato is Brown Stock I, 522
tender, when it will form a thickener. and it by Method
clarify 522. This will give you

a clear, thin consomme. For double strength, clar-

IV. Soups cooked with starchy vegetables such
ify the stock by the second method. Before serving
as dried beans, peas or lentils, will separate and
must be bound. To do this, blend:
(3 tablespoons Marsala, 56)
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 tablespoon flour
with a small amount of: CONSOMME BRUNOISE
Cold water, stock or milk 3 Cups
This mixture will thicken about: Make a mixture of the following finely diced vege-
3 cups strained boiling soup tables:
Stir in and simmer at least 5 minutes before serv- 1 rib of celery
ing. 1 small carrot
V2 small turnip
V. Miso
V2 small onion
This favorite Japanese seasoning, heavy in salt, is
Saute them gently in:
used in many dishes as a protein extender. Made
1 tablespoon heated butter
from fermented soybeans, which may be com-
Enough time should be allowed to let the vege-
bined with rice or barley, it ranges in color and
tables absorb the butter, but do not let them
taste from beige and sweet to dark brown and
brown. Add:
savory. For each cup of clear soup, stir in as it
1 cup consomme
and continue cooking, covered, until the vege-
1 tablespoon Miso
tables are tender. Pour the above into:
It will hold well, sealed and refrigerated.
2 cups hot consomme
Remove and: fat

ABOUT SOUP MEAT Season to taste

Any meat that is > immersed
cold water and
in Just before serving, add:
simmered for a long period bound
to give its
1 tablespoon finely chopped chervil
best flavor to the cooking liquor. But some food 1 tablespoon cooked peas
values remain in the meat, and it may be height- 1 tablespoon finely diced cooked
ened in flavor by serving it, when removed from green beans
the soup, with one of these sauces:
Horseradish Sauce, 343
Hot Mustard Sauce, 345 CONSOMME MADRILENE
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 About 4 Cups
Brown Onion Sauce, 346 Heat to the boiling point and strain:
2 cups tomato juice
ABOUT CLEAR SOUPS V2 teaspoon grated onion
2 cups Light Stock from Poultry, 523
Because so much valuable material and expert
time go into the making of clear soups and be- A piece of lemon rind
cause they taste so delicious, most of us assume Salt and pepper
that they have high nutritive value. It disappoints
Flavor with:

us to have to tell you that, while they are unsur- Lemon juice, dry sherry or
passed as appetite stimulators, the experts give Worcestershire sauce
them an indifferent nutritional rating. We suggest, Or garnish with:
therefore, combining them with egg garnishes, Cultured sour cream
dotted with:
Red caviar
I. For chicken broth use:
Light Stock from Poultry, 523
II. For game broth use: See the many cream soups, 181, and egg-
Fowl, Rabbit or Game Stock, 523 garnished soups, 171, based on this simple broth.
III. For fish broth use:
Fowl, Rabbit or Game Stock, 523
Fish Fumet or Stock, 524
or use canned stock. When it is boiling, remove
IV. For vegetable broth use: from heat. You may add for each 4 cups:
Vegetable Stock, 524 V2 cup cream
Reheat but > do not boil. Serve with Chiffonade
^ Be sure to see Garnishes for Soups, 194. of Herbs, 195, or with Dumplings, 202.

CHICKEN BROTH OR Brown Stock I or II, 522

BOUILLON WITH EGG Season to taste
Serve with:
Individual Serving
A good dish for a convalescent, but not to be
A Garnish for Clear Soups, 195
scorned by those in the best of health.
Remove fat, clarify, and heat: TOMATO BOUILLON
Chicken Broth, 169 About 3 Cups
Season to taste Bring to the boiling point and simmer 5 minutes:
For every cup add: 3 cups strained tomato juice
(1 teaspoon lemon juice) V2 small bay leaf
(1 tablespoon chopped parsley) cup cut-up celery, with leaves
When the soup is hot, add: 2 tablespoons chopped fennel
An egg drop, 171 2 whole cloves
allowing 1 egg per serving. Serve at once. 1 tablespoon fresh basil
(1 small skinned, chopped and sauteed
OR PETITE MARMITE Season to taste
About 10 Cups Broth Serve hot or cold in cups, topped with a tea-
A marmite an earthenware lidded pot, higher
is spoon of:
than it is wide. Its material accounts in part for Whipped cream or cultured sour cream
the flavor of the soup. This pot is conditioned by
boiling clear water in it 12 hours. Traditionally, it
is always washed out only with clear water. In
About V4 Cup
pot-au-feu, another name for petite marmite, the
Grind twice:
major meat is beef, with an addition of chicken
1 lb. lean round steak or neck bone meat
wings and gizzards. In making poule-au-pot, a
quart mason and add:
juicy hen —
the chicken which Henri IV wanted for
in a
cup cold water

every pot— is substituted for the giblets. Marrow-

1 teaspoon salt

bones are usually included, tied in cheesecloth.

Cover the jar lightly. Place it on a cloth in a pan
The vegetables may be seasonally varied. Blanched
containing as much cold water as possible without
cabbage is often served as a side dish.
upsetting the jar. Bring the water slowly to a gen-
Put into a marmite
tle boil and continue boiling 1 hour. Remove the
2V2 quarts cold water
jar. Place on a cake rack to cool as quickly as
2 lb. shank or chuck beef, cut into chunks,
possible. Strain the juice. Store it in a covered
chicken wings and giblets
container in the refrigerator until ready to heat
Tie m cheesecloth and add:
and serve.
(1 marrowbone)
Bring this mixture slowly to a boil and skim
offboth foam and fat. Cut Parisienne style, 277, BROTH ON THE ROCKS
and add: For the guest who shuns an alcoholic drink, offer
2 carrots a clear broth such as:
1 small turnip Chicken broth or bouillon
3 leeks: white parts only combined with:
3 small ribs celery (Tomato and orange juice)
1 whole onion stuck with 3 cloves poured over ice cubes. Be sure the broth is not
1 teaspoon salt too rich in gelatin, or it may suddenly congeal.
1 Bouquet Garni II, 572
Bring these ingredients to a boil. Skim again.
Cover and cook slowly about 3 hours in a 350° VEGETABLE BROTH
oven. The bouillon should be clear and amber in About 6 Cups
color. Quickly made and very good. Serve strained or
To serve, start with the clear soup and offer the unstrained, hot or chilled.
meat and vegetables on the side with the marrow- Chop:
bone and: more Vegetables for
3 cups or
Smail pieces toasted French Bread, 605 Stock-Making, 524
Saute them gently and slowly 5 minutes in:
3 tablespoons butter
BOUILLON ^ Do not let them brown. Add:
Bouillon is an unsalted strong beef stock, not so 4 cups boiling water or part water
sweet as consomme. and tomatoes or tomato juice
Clarify and reduce by one-third: Simmer the soup partially covered about 1 hour.


(1 bouillon cube)
Season to taste
About 6 Cups
MUSHROOM BROTH Chilled clear soup full of fresh vegetables with
fresh herbs —
a summer delight from the caves of
I. About 6 Cups
Spain, where it is held cooled. Just before serving,
A Blend or chop until fine:
a few cubes of ice are added.
A lb. mature mushrooms
Peel and seed:
Add them to:
2 large ripe tomatoes
6 cups Light Stock from Poultry, 523,
Seed and remove membrane from:
or beef consomme
1 large sweet green pepper
Simmer partially covered about 15 minutes, or
only 5 if you have used the blender. Strain, if you
1 clove garlic
like, or thicken, see 168. Serve very hot. Add to
each cup:
V2 cup or more fresh mixed herbs:
1 tablespoon dry sherry
chives, parsley, basil, chervil, tarragon
II. About 6 Cups Place all ingredients in a wooden chopping bowl.
Prepare: Chop them. Stir in gradually:
A lb. diced mature mushrooms V2 cup olive oil

2 ribs celery, diced 3 tablespoons lemon or lime juice

skinned and diced carrot
Vi 3 cups chilled consomme or light beef stock
A skinned and diced onion Add:
Cover these vegetables with 1 peeled, thinly sliced sweet Spanish onion
3 cups water 1 cup peeled, seeded, diced or grated
Simmer partially covered 45 minutes. Strain the cucumber
broth. Add to make 6 cups of liquid: 1V2 teaspoons salt, or more if needed
Light Stock from Poultry, 523, V2 teaspoon paprika
or beef consomme Some cooks prefer to use their blender for the X
Add, if needed: vegetables. Others like to serve the soup un-
Salt and paprika blended with a bowl of additional chilled, finely
Serve as for I, above. diced vegetables. Chill the soup about 2 hours or
more before serving.
ONION SOUP To serve, place in each bowl.
6 Cups 2 ice cubes
Onion soup, with vegetable stock, fish fumet or 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
water substituted for meat stock, is used for meals Add the soupand sprinkle the tops with:
au maigrc. V2 cup crumbled dry bread
Saute until very well browned, but not scorched:
1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onions EGG DROPS FOR CLEAR SOUPS
If your travels have led you to the Mediterranean
3 tablespoons butter or China, you probably know the trick of turning
Add: a cup of broth into a midmorning pickup or a
6 cups beef or chicken broth light nourishing lunch. Our friend Cecily Brown-
A teaspoon
freshly ground black pepper
stone gave us these infallible directions for Egg
Cover and cook over low heat 30 minutes. The Drops.
soup is now put into a casserole. Add:
(A dash of cognac or dry sherry) I. 2 Servings
Cover with: Heat quart pan, until boiling vigorously:
in a
6 slices toasted French bread 2 cups chicken broth or beef stock
The toast should
be crisp. Sprinkle over the toast: Reduce the heat, so the broth simmers. This
cup mixed grated Parmesan and
1 means that the bubbles form slowly and collapse
Gruyere cheese below the surface of the liquid. Break into a cup:
Heat in a 275° oven about 5 minutes or until the 1 egg at room temperature
cheese is melted. Beat it with a fork, just long enough to com-
bine yolk and white. When the egg is lifted high,
CLEAR WATERCRESS SOUP it should run off the tines of the fork in a watery

About 5 Cups stream. Now, with the broth simmering, hold

Simmer together: the cup with one hand, 5 inches above the rim of
5 cups hot chicken broth the saucepan. Pour a little of the beaten egg
IV2 cups chopped watercress slowly in a fine stream into the broth. With a fork
about 4 to 6 minutes or until watercress is just in the other hand, describe wide circles on the
dark green —
not an olive green. Serve at once. surface of the broth to catch the egg as it strikes

and draw it out into long filmy threads. Rather tablespoon grated dry bread crumbs

than pour the egg in one fell swoop, break its fall pressed clove garlic)
3 or 4 times, so as not to disturb the simmering. Stir this mixture rapidly into:
If you have helper he can pour the egg through
a 3 cups simmering consomme
a strainer instead of from a cup. Simmer about 1 Continue to simmer and stir until egg is set. Serve
minute. at once.
Season to taste
(A generous squeeze of lemon)
Crush with a fork:
Serve at once in hot cups.
2 hard-cooked egg yolks
Add to them and blend well:
1 tablespoon soft butter

1 raw egg yolk

A few grains of cayenne

A light grating of nutmeg
e teaspoon salt
Form these ingredients into 1
/2-inch balls. Roll
them in:
Cook the drops in simmering consomme about
1 minute.


These tender drops are used in clear soups. Bake
them Cup
Custard, 734, poured to Vz-inch
as for
thickness into a well-buttered 9-inch pie pan. Be-
cause of their fragile consistency, they must al-
ways be well cooled before handling. Any slight
crusting may be trimmed.
Greek Lemon Soup Preheat oven to 325°
II. 6 Servings
Beat well:
The egg drops in this Avgolemono do not
V2 cup milk or stock
"flower" so profusely. Heat to a rolling boil:
teaspoon each salt, paprika, and nutmeg
3 cups chicken broth
egg 1
A cup cooked rice or cooked fine noodles
(1 egg yolk)
Beat in a large bowl, just long enough to combine
Bake about 25 minutes, then cool before cutting
and be uniform in color:
into dice or fancy shapes. Simmer the soup and
2 eggs
drop the royales into it, just long enough to heat
2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice or wine
them through. Serve at once, allowing 3 or 4 small
Stir in 2 tablespoons of the hot broth; then from
drops to each cup of broth.
on high gradually, so as not to curdle the eggs
but to allow them to shred, pour the eggs into the
hot but not boiling soup, stirring constantly. KREPLACH SOUP
Serve at once in hot cups. About 6 Cups
III. 8 Servings Noodle Dough, 213
A still stauncher mix is made in Germany and is
This will make about 20 pastries. Do not allow the
called Baumwollsuppe. dough however, before cutting it into
to dry,
Simmer: 3-inch squares. Put about IV2 tablespoons of one
4 cups strong brown stock of the following fillings in the center of each
Mix together: square, as shown left on the next page.
2 eggs
1 tablespoon flour I. Saute in:
A cup cream 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

(1 tablespoon butter) V2 cup minced onions

(Pinch of nutmeg) Vi lb. ground beef

Mix and cook as described in I. Serve in hot cups. Add:

A teaspoon salt
IV. 4 Servings teaspoon pepper
In Italy a ragged, fluffv drop is made by beating
until well combined: II. Or combine:
egg 1 IV2 cups minced cooked chicken
V/2 teaspoons grated Parmesan cheese V* cup minced sauteed onion

1 egg yolk elapse from the time the won tons are first added
A teaspoon salt to the boiling water until they are ready to serve.
1 tablespoon chopped parsley Put 5 won tons for each serving into a soup bowl.
Sprinkle them with:
Fold the dough over the filling into a triangular
(Soy sauce)
shape. Press the open edges carefully with a fork
Have ready and pour over them:
to seal them completely. Before cooking allow
3 cups seasoned, hot, clear chicken broth
the kreplach to dry on a flour-dusted towel 30
or bouillon
minutes on each side. Then drop them into:
A few prettily cut Chinese vegetables or partially
About 1 gallon rapidly boiling broth
cooked spinach leaves with center stems removed
or salted water
usually garnish the broth.
and simmer gently 7 to 10 minutes. Drain well
and serve in:
6 cups strong broth
WON TON SOUP These delicious warm-weather soups may be more
About 4 Cups highly seasoned than hot soups, but watch their
Prepare: salt content. If you prepare them in advance, their
Noodle Dough, 213 saltiness is intensified.
Cut into 3'/2-inch squares. The fillings may be of Serve with:
cooked pork, veal, chicken, shrimp, crab meat or A lemon and parsley garnish
Chicken Farce, 374. You may add to the soup before jelling:
Combine: A few drops of Worcestershire sauce
Vi lb. cooked meat, see above Or allow per cup:
2 finely chopped green onions, white parts 1 tablespoon sherry or 1 teaspoon
only lemon juice
cup chopped spinach
1 Ifyou add more lemon juice, be sure you have
beaten egg
1 allowed sufficient gelatin. Stock made from veal
There are many fancy wrappings for won tons, knuckle and beef bone may jell enough naturally
which in most cases produce a high proportion of to be served without added gelatin. We have
paste to meat. If truly Chinese, won tons emerge learned that if canned consomme is from a new
with a rather loose shape and fluttery outline. Try pack, it too has enojgh gelatin in it to respond
the one illustrated top right. Place cylindrically favorably to mere chilling. If the pack is as old as
shaped filling well above the diagonal. Roll until two years, it must be treated as though it had no
contained. Insert index finger first in one end and gelatin. Do not freeze it, but try it out by re-
then in the other to give a twist that seals the frigerating for at least 4 hours, to see how much
ends. Cook by putting all the won tons at once additional thickening it will need. Keep in mind
into: that if too stiff,, soup jellies are not very attractive.
About 1 gallon rapidly boiling water Allow, if necessary:
Now lower the heat to medium. When the IV2 teaspoons gelatin
water again comes to a boil, add: to each:
2 cups cold water 2 cups consomme or broth
to temper the dough. About 10 minutes should For rapid chilling, you may place clear soups in

a bowl over cracked ice, or give them a start by Sauce, 345, to a puree base, you achieve a veloute
leaving them in the freezer for a few minutes soup.
but not longer, as intense cold, if continued, de- Potages, the most variable of soups, are likely
stroys the texture. to have the phrase du jour added, meaning that
they are both the specialty of the day and, from
JELLIED TOMATO BOUILLON the cook's point of view, seasonal and convenient
About 5 Cups to compose. Potages, which tend to be hefty, taste
Soak minutes:
5 best when their vegetables are first braised in
2 tablespoons gelatin butter and are then put through a fine sieve be-
in: fore serving. For ways to thicken soups, see 168.
Vi cup cold water Here are a few practical hints that will help you
Heat to the boiling point and strain: make the most of thickened soups. Be sure to
2 cups tomato juice scrape the puree off the bottom of the strainer.
V2 teaspoon grated onion ^ If you use a X
blender, first parblanch or cook
2 cups Light Stock, 522 any vegetables with strings, like celery, or skins,
A piece of lemon rind like peas. After butter, cream or eggs are added
Salt and pepper never allow the soup to reach a boil. If you are not
Dissolve the gelatin in the hot stock. Cool. Flavor serving at once, heat it in a double boiler. Thick
with: soups should not be served as the first course of
Lemon juice, dry sherry or a heavy meal. The wonderful thing about them is
Worcestershire sauce that they are nearly a meal in themselves. Bal-
Pour stock into a wet mold. Chill. The bouillon anced by a green salad or fruit, they make a com-
may be beaten slightly before serving garnished plete luncheon.
Lemon slices, chopped chives, mint, BARLEY SOUP
small nasturtium leaves, chopped I. About 8 Cups
olives, hard-cooked riced eggs, relish, A favorite of French farmers. For the best flavor
horseradish, parsley, watercress or dill use stock from countrv-cured hams, but not aged
ones like Smithfield, Kentucky, or Virginia.
JELLIED BEET CONSOMME Melt in a skillet:

4 Servings 2 tablespoons salt pork

Combine and heal Add and cook until translucent:

1 cup beet juice 3 tablespoons diced shallots or onions

1 cup consomme Add:
Add: V2 cup barley
tablespoon gelatin dissolved over
1 Agitate the pan to coat the barley well in the hot
hot water, 560 fat. After about 5 minutes, add:

Season to taste 1 quart hot stock from country-cured ham

When about to jell, add: Cook the mixture, covered, until the barley is
1 cup minced cooked beets tender, about 1 hour. Bind or not as you like, de-

(1 tablespoon lemon juice) pending on how rich and thick you want the soup,
Pour gelatin mixture into cups. In serving, garnish with:
each cup with: well-beaten egg yolks)

(1 teaspoon caviar) cup cream)


A slice of lemon decorated with Heat, but do not boil, after adding the eggs and
minced fresh tarragon or basil, or .
cream. Before serving, add as a garnish:
adab of cultured sour cream 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
1 cup sauteed, coarsely chopped mushrooms


Puree, cream, bisque, veloute, potage to the — About 15 Cups
connoisseur each of these is a quite distinctive Soak 12 hours:
embodiment of the indispensable thick soup. V2 cup pearl barley
If you like to attach a label to your creations, in:
know that a puree is a soup which gets its major 2 cups water
thickening from the vegetable or other food put If you use other barley, soak it 1 hour. Add this to:
through a sieve or blender and has butter swirled 3 lb. mutton or lamb with bones
into it at the very last moment. By omitting the 10 cups water
butter or lessening the amount of it and adding Simmer, covered, 2 hours or until the meat is

cream and sometimes egg yolk, you get guess — tender. Add for the last half hour of cooking:

what? a cream soup! If that soup is on a shellfish 2 cups sauteed vegetables, see Consomme
— —
base and only if it is you may call it a bisque. Brunoise, 169
If you add both eggs and cream and a Veloute (A dash of curry)

Remove the meat from the soup. Dice it. You may VEGETABLE CHOWDER
use a flour or egg thickener, 168, to bind the About 6 Cups
soup. Return the meat to the soup. Reheat it. Cut the stems from:
Season to taste 1 quart okra
Serve garnished with: Slice the okra. Prepare:
Chopped parsley 2 cups diced celery
Seed, remove membrane and dice.
1 green pepper
GREEN KERN SOUP Skin and chop:
About 15 Cups
1 small onion
If you are English, corn means wheat; if you are Saute the vegetables 5 minutes in:
Scottish it means oats; if you come from "down
V* cup butter or bacon drippings
under" or are American, you know corn grows Skin, chop and add:
on a cob. Kern sounds as though it too might be 2 large ripe tomatoes or 1 cup canned
somebody's word for corn, but it isn't. It's dried tomatoes
green wheat and makes a favorite European soup. and:
Soak for '2 hour: 1 teaspoon brown sugar
V2 to 1 cup green kern V* teaspoon paprika
4 cups boiling water
4 cups water Simmer the vegetables gently until they are ten-
Then cook as for Barley Soup II, opposite, replac-
der, about 30 minutes. Add, if required:
ing the lamb with beef. Salt and paprika
Cooked chicken, meat, fish or crisp bacon may
OR be diced and added to the chowder. Serve with:
Boiled Rice, 206
5 Cups
Place in a large kettle or pressure cooker: BEET SOUP OR BORSCH
2 tablespoons bacon fat or butter About 5 Cups
Saute briefly in the fat: There are probably as many versions of borsch as
V* cup diced carrots there are Russians. For good quick versions, see
V2 cup diced onions 191.
V2 cup diced celery Chop until verv fine:
Add: 1
2 cup pared carrots
3 cups hot water or stock 1 cup skinned onions
1 cup canned tomatoes 2 cups pared beets
(V2 cup pared, diced potatoes) Barelv cover these ingredients with boiling water.
(V2 cup pared, diced turnips) Simmer gentlv, covered, about 20 minutes. Add
tablespoon chopped parsley
1 and simmer 15 minutes more:
teaspoon salt
V2 1 tablespoon butter
Vs teaspoon pepper 2 cups beef or other stock
Cover and cook about 35 minutes; then add: 1 cup very finely shredded cabbage
(V2 cup chopped cabbage, spinach or lettuce) 1 tablespoon vinegar
Cook about 5 minutes more. If using a pressure Place the soup in bowls. Add to each serving:
cooker, cook at 15 pounds pressure 3 minutes. 1 tablespoon cultured sour cream
Remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes, then mixed with;
reduce pressure instantly. (Grated cucumber)
Season to taste Season to taste
and serve with: and serve hot or cold with:
Melba Cheese Rounds, 635 Pumpernickel bread


About 4 Cups About 6 Cups
Blend in: This superb cabbage soup, quick and inexpensive,
A cup
stock is from Herman Smith's book, Kitchens Near and
2 cups coarsely cut mixed vegetables Far. You will find it, as well as his incomparable
If cucumbers, celery, asparagus or onions are 5r/na, most rewarding.
used, blanch them first to soften seeds or fibers Saute gentlv in a saucepan until tender and yellow:
and to make the onion flavor more agreeable. 1 large minced onion
Heat the blended vegetables until tender in: 1 2 tablespoons butter

3 cups boiling stock Crate or shred and add:

Serve at once. 1 small head green cabbage: about 3/4 lb.

Bring to a boil: Season to taste

4 cups Brown Stock I, 522 Classic gumbo recipes then read
Add the stock to the vegetables. Season as needed Add:
with: (1 to 2 teaspoons file powder, moistened with
and pepper
Salt a little water)
Simmer the soup about 10 minutes. If you wish, After adding the file do not boil the soup, as it

use delicious topping:

this will become stringy. Today, we are told file pow-
Vi cup cultured sour cream der, based on sassafras, is a carcinogen. So, for a
tablespoon minced parsley
1 similar texture, a tapioca thickening may be sub-
(Vi teaspoon caraway seeds) stituted. Two tablespoons of quick-cooking tapi-
Place a spoonful of the sour cream mixture on the oca may be added when you start to cook the
top of each serving of soup. vegetables.

Lentils, Beans, Peas
About 4 Cups
About Dried Legumes, 286.
Please read
Some packaged dried legumes do not require
2 tablespoons butter
soaking. Follow directions on the label. Cook
Add to it:
legumes in ham or other stock to which tomato
IV2 to 2 teaspoons curry powder
juice or puree may be added, along with ham
Stir in, until blended:
scraps,bacon or fresh pork fat. Try out the pork,
1 Vi tablespoons flour
542. Brown an onion in the fat. The cracklings may
Stir in slowly:
be added to the soup or used as garnish. For
cups chicken broth
vegetables and seasonings, see the following
When tbe soup is boiling, season it with:
rec i pes.
For easy removal of fat, chill the soup, see 168.
Reduc e the heat Beat:
Legume soups may be served unstrained, although
2 egg yolks
they are usually more digestible if strained. They
Vi cup cream
may be thinned with stock, tomato juice or milk.
When is no longer boiling, stir these in-
the soup
Navy bean soup always calls for milk.
gredients into it. Stir over low heat until the egg
Legume soups, whether made of fresh or dried
yolks have thickened slightly but do not boil.
materials, should be bound. See Thickenings for
Add also, still not allowing the soup to boil Soups IV, 169
V2 slivers of cooked white chicken meat
cup © We do not recommend the use of a pressure
4 tablespoons chutney)
(3 to
cooker for legume soups.
Serve hot or chilled, garnished with:
Chopped chives
About 12 Cups Ifyou use marrow beans and add the optional
Cut into pieces and dredge with flour: mashed potato, you will have come close to re-
1 stewing chicken producing the famous United States Senate Bean
Brown it in: Soup.
V» cup bacon drippings Soak, see above:
Pour over it: Vi cup dried navy, kidney, lima or
4 cups boiling water marrow beans
Simmer, uncovered, until the meat falls from the Add:
bones Strain the stock and reserve, and chop the A small piece of ham, a ham bone
meat Place in the soup kettle and simmer, un- or Va pork
lb. salt
covered about 30 minutes or until the vegetables 4 cups boiling water
are tender Vi bay leaf
2 cups skinned seeded tomatoes 3 or 4 peppercorns
2 cup fresh corn cut from the cob
3 whole cloves
1 cup sliced okra Cook the soup slowly until the beans are soft,
(1 large green pepper, seeds and membrane 2% to 3 hours. For the last 30 minutes, add:
removed, or 2 small red peppers) 1 diced carrot
2 teaspoon salt
3 ribs celery with leaves, chopped
V* cup diced onion V2 sliced onion
'A cup rice (1 minced clove garlic)
5 cups water (Va teaspoon saffron)
Combine these ingredients with the chicken meat (V2 cup freshly cooked mashed potatoes)
and stock. (' 2 cup chopped sorrel)

Remove and mince the meat. Put the soup through macaroni or other pasta and sometimes rice is
a food A
blender or sieve. Thin the soup, if
mill, added instead of dried beans. Sweet sausages and
required, with boiling water or milk. smoked spareribs mav also be put in at the end.
Season to taste Soak and cook until tender, see 286:
Serve with the meat and garnish with: 2 cup dried kidney beans

Croutons, 197 j cup lentils or chick-peas


Chopped chives or parsley Drain the beans. Saute in:

3 tablespoons olive oil
BLACK BEAN SOUP 'A lb. diced salt pork
About 9 or 10 Cups When the cracklings are crisp, remove and reserve
Follow the recipe for Split Pea Soup, below. them. Then saute in the remaining fat:
Substitute for the peas: 'A cup diced white onion
2 cups black beans When the onion is golden, add and continue to
As this soup add:
is drier, saute briefly:
3, instead oftablespoons butter
2, cup chopped Savoy cabbage
Just before serving, you may add: diced leek
(1 tablespoon dry sherry for each cup) V2 cup diced carrots
Serve garnished with: 1 cup diced zucchini or vegetable marrow
2 teaspoons deviled or Smithfield ham 1 pressed clove garlic
for each cup Remove from heat and add:
Thin slices of lemon V2 cup fresh peas
Thin slices of hard-cooked eggs 1 cup diced Italian tomatoes

1 teaspoon salt
OR GARBURE Brown Stock, 522
2 quarts
About 10 Cups Add the drained legumes. Bring slowly to a boil.
A highly variable soup. Perhaps the most famous Reduce heat and simmer about 30 minutes. Add
version comes from Beam. It includes preserved the mixed vegetables and continue to cook about
goose and is cooked in a glazed casserole. Exotic? 15 minutes longer. Add:
It is made in season with freshly hulled haricot A generous grating of black pepper
beans. Soak overnight: Season to taste
1 cup dried haricot or navy or fava beans Serve garnished with the reserved cracklings .ind
You may blanch, 154, or not, depending on its pass:
maturity: Grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese
2 lb. green or white cabbage
Shred the cabbage finely the length of the leaf. LENTIL SOUP
Peel and slice: About 8 Cups
IVi cups potatoes Wash well and drain:
1 cup carrots 2 cups lentils
1 cup white turnips Add:
V* cup leeks, using white portion only 10 cups boiling water
Vi cup onion V» lb. salt pork or a piece of ham
1 sprig thyme or a ham bone
(A ham bone) Simmer about 4 hours. During the last hour,
Place all the above ingredients in a heavy pan and add:
cover with: 1 large minced onion
Liquid which has been sauteed in:
Use water if you plan to add salt pork; game 3 tablespoons butter
stock, 523, with game. Season to taste
Add: and serve pureed or not, as you prefer. If you
1 lb. diced salt pork or sausage or puree, bind the soup with Thickenings for Soup
boneless game or veal IV, 169.
Simmer, partially covered, 2V2 hours or until
the meat is tender. SPLIT PEA OR LENTIL SOUP
Season to taste About 8 Cups
Pour the soup over: Try this on a cold winter day.
Garlic-buttered croutons, 551 Wash and soak, 286:
2 cups split peas or lentils
Drain the peas, reserving the liquid. Add enough
MINESTRONE water to the reserved liquid to make 10 cups. Add-
About 3 Quarts ing peas again, cook, covered, 2V2 to 3 hours with:
An Italian soup made with many kinds of vegeta- A turkey carcass, a ham bone or a 2-inch
bles, even zucchini blossoms. Sometimes elbow cube salt pork

Add and simmer, covered, 30 minutes longer until the inevitable steaming tub: "Aw, shucks, puree
tender: St. Germain aux croutons again!" It's a comment
Va cup chopped onions you're not likelv to hear if the soup is made with
1 cup chopped celery with leaves fresh peas —
which are in fact the first essential;
2 cup chopped carrots do not try to make it with canned or frozen peas.
Add : If you do not have fresh peas, it is better to trv

(1 clove garlic) the good Quick Pea Soup. 192.

(1 bay leaf) Hull:
(1 teaspoon sugar) 3 lb. green peas
(A dash of cayenne or a pod of red pepper) There should be about 3 cups hulled peas.
('A teaspoon thyme) Saute gentlv until tender:
Remove bones, carcass or salt pork. Put the soup 1 head Boston lettuce, shredded

through a sieve. Chill. Remove fat. To bind the 1 peeled diced onion

soup, melt: 2 cup or more chopped celery with leaves


2 tablespoons butter or soup fat 2 sprigs parsley, chopped

Stir in blendedit until in:
2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter
Slowly add a little of the soup mixture. Cook and Add :

stir until it boils, then stir it into the rest of the 21 cups chicken stock

reheated soup. cups of the hulled peas

Season to taste 10 or 12 pea pods
Serve with: (' bav leaf)

Croutons, or sour black bread Simmer these ingredients, covered, until the peas
and Jellied Pigs' Feet, 511 are very soft. Put the soup through a food mill or
a potato ricer. Simmer until tender the remaining:
* BLENDER SPLIT PEA SOUP 1 cup hulled peas
About 1 Quart in:

Simmer about 45 minutes or until tender: 1 ' 2 cups chicken stock

i cup split peas Add them to the strained soup. To bind the soup,
in: see Thickenings for Soups IV, 169.
2' 2 tups water Season to taste
When slightly cooled, pour into a blender and You mav color the soup with a drop or two of:
add: Green vegetable coloring
1 cup chopped luncheon pork sausage and serve it with:
1 small sliced onion Butter Dumplings, 203, or Croutons, 551
1 diced rib celery with leaves (2 teaspoons chopped mint, or 1 tablespoon
1 clove garlic horseradish and slices of water chestnut)
1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce BOULA-BOULA

A pinch of rosemarv 5 Cups
teaspoon pepper
Va Simmer in boiling water until tender:
Blend until smooth. Return the soup to saucepan 2 cups green peas
to heat. Rinse the blender with: Puree them through a fine sieve or in a .*» blender.
1 cup water
Reheat and add:
Add this to the soup and simmer about 10 min- 2 tablespoons sweet butter
utes. Garnish with: Add:
Pieces of crisp bacon 2 cups canned green
turtle soup
Cultured sour cream cup dry sherry

Heat but do not boil the soup. Spoon soup into

SPLIT PEA SOUP AU MAIGRE heated cups. Top each serving with
Use the recipe for Split Pea Soup to make either 2 tablespoons whipped cream
a thick or a thin soup. During the last 20 minutes Place brief lv under broiler. Serve at once.
of cooking, substitute for the fowl or ham bone
any clean fish scraps — such as heads, tails and fins.
About 7 Cups
GREEN PEA SOUP OR Saute but do not brown:
2 cup diced onion

About 6 Cups 1 diced carrot

We never hear the French name of this soup with- 2 diced ribs celery
out being reminded of the New Yorker vignette of in:

lunchtime at prison and the disconsolate cry of V* cup butter or tried-out lamb fat

one of the zebra-striped inmates on the arrival of Stir in:


IV2 tablespoons flour Adjust cover. Cook at 10 pounds pressure 1 to

2 teaspoons curry powder 1 A
hours. Reduce pressure quickly. Remove the
Stir and cook these ingredients about 3 minutes. cover. Remove ox joints. Add to liquid in cooker:
Pour in and simmer 15 minutes: diced carrot

4 cups chicken or lamb broth 4 ribs celery, diced

1 bay leaf Readjust cover. Pressure-cook the soup 5 minutes
Add and simmer 15 minutes longer: longer. Remove fat after chilling the soup. Reheat
cup diced tart apples
V* and:
'/a cup Boiled Rice, 206 Season to taste
V2 cup diced cooked chicken or lamb You may add:
1 teaspoon salt (2 tablespoons dry sherry or tomato catsup)
V* teaspoon pepper Separate meat from the joints. Add to soup. Reheat
V% teaspoon thyme and serve with:
V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind Chopped parsley
Immediately before serving, stir in:
Va cup hot cream or coconut milk, 566 PANADES
About 4 Cups
OXTAIL SOUP These vegetable soups are a very good way
I. About 7 Cups to utilize leftover bread. Panades combine well
Brown: with leeks, celery and sorrel; but leafy vegetables
1 disjointed oxtail or 2 veal tails: about 2 lb. like watercress, spinach, lettuce and cabbage may
V2 cup sliced onions be substituted.
in: Cook slowly until soft, but not brown:
2 tablespoons butter or fat 1 cup finely chopped celery, leeks or onions
Add to the above and ^ simmer, uncovered, about in:
4V2 hours: tablespoon butter
8 cups water Cover. If a leafy vegetable is used, add it to the

IV2 teaspoons salt butter, cover and cook slowly until wilted and
4 peppercorns reduced to about one-fourth. Add:
remove fat, and reheat the stock. The
Strain, chill, 2 cups hot water or milk
meat may be boned and diced and added to the V2 teaspoon salt
soup later. Add to the stock and simmer Vi hour 3 cups diced fresh or dry bread
longer or until the vegetables are tender: Stir well and let the mixture boil. Then simmer
A cup chopped parsley V2 hour. Beat it well until smooth with a wire
V2 cup diced carrots whisk or in a X
blender. Combine:
1 cup diced celery 1 cup light cream
V2 bay leaf 1 egg
V* cup barley Stir this slowly into the hot soup. Heat until the
V2 tomato pulp
cup egg thickens but do not let the soup boil. Serve
1 teaspoon dried thyme, marjoram or basil
Brown in a skillet: Chopped parsley
tablespoon flour
Freshly grated nutmeg
Add and stir until blended:
2 tablespoons butter
Add the stock slowly, then the reserved meat and PEPPER POT
vegetables. About 10 Cups
Season to taste Cut into small pieces and saute in a heavy sauce-
When thoroughly heated, add: pan until translucent:
4 slices bacon
OA cup dry sherry or Madeira or
V2 cup red wine)
Add and simmer about 5 minutes:
Serve the soup with: V3 cup minced onion

Fritter Garnish, 196, or slices of lemon V2 cup minced celery

minced green peppers, seeds and
II. About 3 Cups membranes removed
Brown in a pressure cooker: (1 teaspoon marjoram or summer savory)

1 oxtail, joints separated Wash, cut into fine shreds and add:
1 small diced onion % lb. cooked honeycomb Tripe, 509
in: Add:
3 tablespoons fat 8 cups Brown Stock, 522
Add: 1 bay leaf
4 cups hot water or V2 water, V2 tomato juice V2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon salt Bring these ingredients to the boiling point. Add:
2 peppercorns 1 cup pared and diced raw potatoes

Gently simmer the soup, uncovered, until the SAUERKRAUT SOUP

potatoes are tender. Melt: About 7 Cups
2 tablespoons butter Saute until golden brown:
Stir in until blended: 1
2 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons flour in:
Add a little of the soup. Bring these ingredients to 3 tablespoons bacon fat
the boiling point, then pour them into the rest of Add:
the soup. Vz clove minced garlic
Season to taste V2 lb. diced lean pork
Shortly before serving, reheat and add: Cover and cook over low heat about 20 minutes.
2 cup warm cream Add:
1 lb. chopped sauerkraut
6 cups stock
Cook until soft, about 45 minutes. Melt:
Cups 5 to 6
Old recipes chicken and cream soup
for this leek,
V 2 tablespoons butter
Stir in:
start with a fowl or cock simmered in strong stock,
1 tablespoons flour
and wind up with the addition of prunes. The fol-
Stir in slowly a little of the hot soup, blend and
lowing version is delicious, if not traditional.
return the mixture to kettle. Add:
Remove and discard the dark green part of the
(1 teaspoon sugar)
tops jnd the roots from:
Season to taste
6 leeks
and garnish with
Wash carefully— they may be sands Cut them in-

Diced ham or salami


half lengthwise, then crosswise in '/a -inch slices.

There should be about 4 cups. Place in a pan with:
cups boiling water
1 2 teaspoons salt
About 6 h Cups

Simmer from 5 to 7 minutes or until tender but Pick over, wash, drain thoroughly, then chop fine
not mushy, Add and heal to a boil: or blend:
2 tablespoons chicken fat or butter young spinach
2 lb. tender
1 cups well-seasoned strong chicken broth
! .•
You may use instead 4 cups cooked or two 14-
Reduce heat and stir in: ounce packages of frozen spinach, defrosted and
c up cream
drained Melt in a saucepan:
Season to taste V* cup butter
Serve the soup at on< e Saute in it until golden brown:
'A cup minced onion
GHANIAN PEANUT OR Add the spinach. Stir to coat it well with the but-
ter. Cover and cook gently till the spinach is just
Blend or put the spinach through a food
About 3 Quarts mill or sieve Return to pan and add:
Cut up and place in a soup kettle
4 cups chicken stock
A stewing chicken
5 1 i- to 6-lb. A grating of nutmeg
2 skinned whole medium-sized onions paprika
Salt or
4 pared whole carrots Bring the soup slowly to a boil and serve; or you
1 teaspoon salt
mav serve it cold, garnished with:
2 quarts water
Diced, seeded cucumbers or chives
Bring slow K to a boil, then reduce heat and sim- and cultured sour cream
mer, partially covered, about 50 minutes or until
chi( ken is tender. Remove the chicken and reserve
for other use or cut up into bits to serve in the NETTLE SOUP
soup. Strain the stock. Blend together with a small About 5 Cups
amount of stock: Using rubber gloves to protect you from the sting-
6 oz. tomato paste ing nettles, remove the central stem from:
cup smooth peanut butter
1 1 quart young nettle tops
pinch cayenne
1 Have boiling:
V* teaspoon pepper 5 cups stock
Add the remaining stock and simmer slowly until Blend in:
oil rises to the top, about 20 minutes. Skim off the 2 tablespoons cooked rice or oatmeal
oil, see 168, and add: Add the nettles and simmer about 10 to 15 min-
V* cup diced cooked pimientos utes, during which period any sting from the
Season to taste nettles is eliminated.
and serve hot or well chilled, with or without the Season to taste
bits of chicken. and serve.

GREEN TURTLE SOUP Remove bones and fat. Saute about 5 minutes in

About 8 Cups a greased skillet:

2 minced cloves garlic
It is a timesaver to buy canned or frozen turtle
2 lb. ground beef
meat. But if you can turn turtles, feel energetic and
2 teaspoons salt
want to prepare your own, see 393.
Place in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point:
Add the meat to the stock with:
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 lb. green turtle or terrapin meat, cut
4 teaspoons sugar
into pieces
3 cups water
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer about
Brown Stock, 522 30 minutes. Blend:
3 cups
6 tablespoons Browned Flour, 339
1 bay leaf
1 cup cooled stock
1 sprig fresh thyme
Stir this paste into the simmering soup. Let it
2 cloves
teaspoon ground allspice simmer 5 minutes more. Add:
2 thinly sliced lemons
Juice and thinly sliced peel of 2 lemon

A few grains cayenne 1 set chopped, parboiled calf brains, 504

Reheat but do not boil. Serve the soup garnished
V* teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
V2 teaspoon salt
4 whole corianders 3 sliced hard-cooked eggs
These latter pods will rise to the top by the end of
the cooking period and can be skimmed out be-
fore serving. Simmer the soup, covered, until the
meat is tender, at least 2 hours. Served just before parties break up, these are also
Heat: known hangover soups, or Lumpensuppe, and

2 tablespoons vegetable oil are sometimes helpful for the morning after.
Saute in this 2 minutes:
I. Onion Soup, 171, with the addition of:
2 chopped medium-sized onions
1 cup red wine
Stir in:
1 tablespoon flour II. Lentil Soup, 177, with sour cream and sausage.
IV2 cups skinned, seeded fresh tomatoes
Let these ingredients cook 10 minutes. Combine ABOUT CREAM SOUPS
them with the turtle mixture and add: These favored luncheon soups are also sometimes
1 tablespoon chopped parsley served at dinner. In this latter role, they satisfy, as
2 minced cloves garlic often as not, a functional rather than a nutritional
You may add a few drops of caramel coloring. Add need. Like hors d'oeuvre, they act as a stabilizer
to each serving: for the cocktails that have just been drunk or as
1 tablespoon dry sherry a buffer against the wines that are about to
Garnish the soup with: come.
2 chopped hard-cooked eggs For the richest of cream soups the veloutes —
Lemon slices first, saute the vegetables in butter, puree them
and combine the puree in equal parts with Ve-
MOCK TURTLE SOUP loute Sauce, 345. Bind with egg yolk, allowing 2
About 16 Cups to 4 yolks for each pint of soup. Simpler cream
This full-bodied, nourishing soup, served with soups may be made on a White or Bechamel
crusty rolls, can be the main dish for any meal. Sauce base, 341, or on this quick Bechamel: use
Cover: 2 tablespoons butter to IV2 tablespoons flour, plus
5 lb. veal bones 2 cups cream and 3A to 1 cup vegetable puree.
with: Should you wish to thin these ingredients, use a
14 cups water little well-flavored stock.

Bring to the boiling point. Add and simmer, For everyday cream soups, we, find we can
covered, about 3'/2 hours: puree the tender vegetables raw, or cook the more
6 chopped celery ribs with leaves mature, fibrous ones and process them in a «*.
5 coarsely cut carrots blender. The soup is served without straining. If

1 cup chopped onion seafood or fowl is blended it tends to be unpleas-

2 cups canned tomatoes antly stringy; and the entire soup will need strain-
1 small can tomato paste: 6 oz. ing before serving.
b crushed peppercorns All cream soups, whether bound with egg or
1 tablespoon salt not, are ruined by boiling, so be sure to heat just
6 whole cloves to the boiling point, or cook them in the top of
2 bay leaves a double boiler over— not in boiling water. —
V2 teaspoon dried thyme Reheat them this same way


About 6 Cups Dissolve:
Wash and remove the tips from:
1 ' 2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 lb. fresh green asparagus in:.

Simmer the tips, covered, until they are tender, cup cold milk
! 2

in a small amount of: Stirthese ingredients graduallv into the hot soup.
Milk or water Bring to the boiling point. Stir and simmer about 1
Cut the stalks into pieces and place them in a minute. Serve with:
large saucepan. Add: (2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill or
6 cups Veal or Poultry Stock, 523 2 tablespoons chopped parsley)

V* cup chopped onion

!/2 cup chopped celery
Simmer these ingredients, covered, about '/z hour.
Strain them through a sieve. Melt in the top of a
About 4 Cups
double boiler:
Boiled Chestnuts, 298
1 lb.
3 tablespoons butter
Mash and beat them until smooth in:
Stir in until blended
2 cups milk
3 tablespoons flour
Stir in slowly:
4 cup butter

'/a cup cream

Add Add and simmer until soft and golden
the asparagus stock. Heat the soup, adding
1 minced onion
the asparagus lips. Season immediately b(
Sprinkle with:
Ser\ mg
tablespoon flour
paprika and white pepper
teaspoon salt
Garnish with
h teaspoon each nutmeg and white pepper

A chopped hard-cooked egg

up chopped celery leaves

Stir and slowly add the chestnut and milk mix-

CREAM OF CAULIFLOWER SOUP ture Simmer about 10 minutes. Pour in:
About 8 Cups 1 cup cream
immediately, gar-
1 large Steamed Cauliflower, 297 nished with
Drain it, reserving the water and about one-third
Chopped parsley
of the florets Put the remainder through a food
Croutons, 55 1

mill, blender or sieve Melt

V* cup butter
Saute in it. until tender: CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP
2 tablespoons chopped onion About 4 1
2 Cups
3 minced celery ribs Simmer.
Stir in:
3 cups Poultry Stock, 523
V* cup flour up finely chopped celery
Stir inslowly and bring to the boiling point: When the celery is tender, add and cook 5 min-
4 cups Veal or Poultry Stock, 523,
and the reserved cauliflower water l up Boiled Rice, 206
Add the strained cauliflower and: Add :

2 cups milk or cream 1

2 cup hot cream
Reheat but do not boil. Add the florets and tablespoon chopped parsley
A grating of nutmeg Salt and paprika
Salt and paprika
Do not boil the soup after adding the cream.
Garnish with: For a fresh approach, see Cream of Watercress
(Crated cheese) Soup II. 186.


Melt: About 5 Cups
1 tablespoon butter Put through a food mill or coarse sieve:
Add and saute 2 minutes: 2' 2 cups cream-style canned corn or
1 cup or more chopped celery with leaves 2' 2 cups corn, cut from the ear and

Vh cup sliced onion) simmered until tender in 1 cup milk

Pour and simmer about 10 minutes:
in Melt:
2 cups Veal or Poultry Stock, 523 3 tablespoons butter
Strain the soup. Add and bring to the boiling Simmer in it until translucent:
point: 1
2 sliced medium-sized onion

Stir in: thinned with a small amount of light stock. Serve

3 tablespoons flour atonce.
1V2 teaspoons salt
A few grains freshly ground white pepper
(A grating of nutmeg)
the corn and:
Stir in
cups milk, or 2V2 cups milk and '/a cup cream
3 6 Cups
Serve the soup sprinkled with: Pare, seed and slice into a saucepan:
3 tablespoons chopped parsley or chives 2 medium-sized cucumbers
(Grated Parmesan cheese) Add:
cup water
2 slices
CORN CHOWDER V* teaspoon salt
About 7 Cups Vs teaspoon white pepper
Saute slowly until lightly browned: Cook the cucumbers, covered, until very soft. Put
V2 cup chopped salt pork them through a fine strainer or an A electric
Add and saute until golden brown: blender. Stir until smooth:
3 tablespoons chopped onion A cup flour

V2 cup chopped celery '/2 cup chicken stock

chopped green pepper, seeds

3 tablespoons Stir into this flour paste:
and membrane removed V/i cups Poultry Stock, 523
Add and simmer: Add the cucumber puree and:
1 cup diced pared raw potatoes Va bay leaf or 2 cloves
2 cups water Stir the soup over low heat. Simmer 2 minutes.
V2 teaspoon salt Strain and chill in a covered jar. Before serving,
!A teaspoon paprika stir in:
V2 bay leaf A cup
chilled cream, cultured sour cream,
When the potatoes are tender, in about 45 min- or yogurt
utes, combine until blended, bring to the boiling 1 tablespoon finely chopped dill, chives
point, and add to the above: or other herb, or grated lemon rind
3 tablespoons flour Season to taste
and: Serve the soup very cold.
V2cup milk
Heat about 5 minutes and add:
1 2 cups hot milk
2 cups whole-kernel corn About 4 /2 Cups

Reheat but do not boil the soup Serve it sprin- The flavor of mushrooms is more pronounced if
kled with: they have begun to color. Prepare for cooking:
Chopped parsley V2 lb. mushrooms with stems
Saute lightly in:
2 tablespoons butter
CUCUMBER SOUP 2 cups Poultry Stock, 523, or water
About 3 Cups V2 cup chopped tender celery
"Nazdrave," as the Bulgarians say for "Bon ap- V* cuponion
petit." shredded parsley
2 tablespoons
Two to 6 hours before serving, refrigerate, cov- Simmer, covered, 20 minutes. Drain the vegeta-
ered: bles, reserving the stock. X
Blend or put them
IV2 cups pared seeded cucumbers through a food chopper. Prepare:
marinated in a mixture of: White Sauce I, 341
teaspoon salt
1 Pour the liquid slowly into the cream sauce, cook
V* teaspoon white pepper and stir until the soup just reaches a boil. Add
V* to 1 cup chopped walnuts the ground vegetables. Heat but do not boil.
2 tablespoons olive oil Season the soup with:
minced clove garlic
1 '2 teaspoon salt
chopped fresh dill
2 tablespoons Va teaspoon paprika
The fresh dill is the essential touch. When ready (Ve teaspoon nutmeg)
to serve, add: (3 tablespoons dry white wine)
1 to IV2 cups thick yogurt or cultured Serve topped with:
sour cream (Whipped cream)
Place 1 or 2 ice cubes in each soup bowl. Pour in Garnish with:
the mixture. It should have the consistency of Paprika
chilled borsch. If not thin enough, it can be Sprigs of parsley or chopped chives

CREAM OF ONION SOUP Add the onions to:

2 cups sliced potatoes
OR ONION VELOUTE 6 cups boiling water
About 4 Cups
Simmer about 30 minutes. Add and simmer, cov-
ered, about 20 minutes:
3 tablespoons butter
5 cups seeded sliced tomatoes or 3 cups
Add and saute till a golden brown:
canned tomatoes
IV2 cups thinly sliced onions
2 teaspoons sugar
Stir in:
teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon flour
teaspoon paprika
'/a teaspoon salt
A pinch of chervil
4 cups milk or cream and Light Stock, 522
Put the soup through a fine strainer or X blender.
Reheat and:
Simmer, covered, until the onions are very tender.
Season to taste
Add a small amount of hot soup to:
4 beaten egg yolks
1 cup cream
Add the egg mixture to the soup. Heat but do
Stir the tomato mixture into the cream. Serve at
not boil. Season with:
Salt and paprika
Freshly grated nutmeg or
Worcestershire sauce OR
Place in each cup:
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
Pour the hot soup over it. This leek soup may be served hot or very cold.
Yes, the last "s" pronounced, like a "z," but

most Americans shun it, in a "genteel" way, as

POTATO SOUP though it were virtuous to ignore it. Be sure to
About 5 Cups serve the soup reduced to a velvety smoothness.

Pare and slice:

I. About 8 Cups
medium-sized potatoes
3 medium-sized leeks: white part only
2 medium-sized onions
1 medium-sized onion
4 ribs celery
Stir and saute them 3 minutes in:
Saute these ingredients in:
2 tablespoons butter
l tablespoons butter

Pare, slice very tine and add:

4 medium-sized potatoes
Boiling water to cover
V2 teaspoon salt
4 cups Poultry Stock, 523
I ' 2 bay leaf)
Simmer the vegetables, covered, 15 minutes or
Boil the vegetables until the potatoes are tender,
until tender. Put them through a very fine sieve,
or © pressure-cook them 3 minutes at 15 pounds food mill or X
blender. Add:
pressure Put them through a ricer or blender. X 1 to 2 cups cream them:
('A teaspoon mace)
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and white pepper
Thin the soup to the desired consistency with:
Chopped watercress or chives
Light cream and/or Poultry Stock, 523
Add if required: II. About 4 Cups
Salt and paprika Superlative! Less rich and made in about 20 min-
A dash Worcestershire sauce utes by using a X
blender and a O pressure
Serve with: cooker. Serve it hot or chill it quickly by placing it

Chopped parsley, chives or watercress brietlv in the freezer.

1 cup sliced frankfurters or chopped cooked Prepare as above:

shrimp or diced cooked ham Vichyssoise
using half the amount of ingredients given. After
adding the potatoes and stock, pressure-cook the
POTATO SOUP WITH TOMATOES soup 3 minutes at 15 pounds. Cool. Add:
About 12 Cups 1 cup pared, seeded and diced cucumbers

A more sophisticated version of the previous Blend covered until smooth, about 1 minute.
recipe. Place the soup in a jar. Chill it thoroughly. You
Saute very gently until translucent: may add the cream called for above, but you
2 cups sliced onions mav just like the result as well without it. Hot or
in: cold, serve it sprinkled with:
Va cup butter Chopped chives

PUMPKIN SOUP Combine all ingredients and heat until the soup
About 6 Cups thickens slightly but do not boil. Serve gar-
nished with:
A flavor that keeps your guests guessing. Place:
3 cups canned or 2 lb. cooked fresh pumpkin Chopped chervil

3 cups scalded milk or chicken broth
Knead together and add:
About 5 Cups
1 tablespoon butter
Pick over and wash:
1 tablespoon flour
1 lb. spinach or escarole or 1 lb. leaf lettuce
Or you may use:
1 tablespoon sugar or 2 tablespoons
(1 cup frozen spinach)
brown sugar
Place it, while moist or frozen, in a covered
Salt and pepper
saucepan. Cook about 6 minutes. Drain. Put
(Ginger and cinnamon)
Vi cup finely julienned ham
through a strainer or X
blender. Melt in a sauce-
( A cup light cream if you have used the
2 tablespoons butter
chicken broth)
Add and saute 3 minutes:
Heat but do not boil. Serve at once.
1 tablespoon grated onion
Stir in and cook until blended:
WINTER MELON SOUP 2 tablespoons flour
About 4 Servings Stir in gradually:
In China, the outside of a winter melon is laced 4 cups milk and/or stock
with delicate carvings. Steamed with the broth in Season with:
it, the melon serves as the soup tureen. Although 3
A teaspoon or more salt
not so appealing to the eye, the following recipe !A teaspoon paprika
is as appealing to the taste.
(A grating of nutmeg)
Reconstitute in warm water 20 minutes: Add the spinach or lettuce. Heat the soup well.
4 dried mushrooms, 306 Serve sprinkled with:
Combine and heat in a large saucepan: (Grated Parmesan cheese or sieved egg yolk)
4 cups Poultry Stock, 523
'A cup diced cooked chicken breasts CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP
1 cup shelled cleaned shrimp About 5 1/a Cups
1 lb. peeled, seeded winter melon cut into Simmer, covered, about 15 minutes.
1-inch squares 2 cups canned or seeded, skinned, cut-up
1 small diced leek fresh tomatoes
1 diced bamboo shoot
Y> cup chopped celery
'A teaspoon grated fresh ginger 'A cup chopped onion
and the drained chopped mushrooms. Bring the 2 teaspoons white or brown sugar
soup to a boil, cover and lower the heat. Simmer Prepare:
about 15 minutes. Before serving, add: 4 cups White Sauce I, 341
V3 cup diced cooked ham Strain into this the tomato and vegetable stock.
Season to taste
CREAM OF SORREL SOUP and serve with:
5 to 6 Cups Croutons, 197
Also knownPotage Germiny and a favorite
as Chopped parsley, burnet or basil
combination with veal and fish dishes. Because of It served chilled, garnish with:
the oxalic acid in sorrel use a stainless steel or Chopped chives or whipped cream
enamel pan, and do nol increase the proportion and paprika
of sorrel to lettuce as given below.
Clean, shred from the midrib and chop: CREAM OF WATERCRESS OR
'A cup sorrel leaves PURSLANE SOUP
1 'A cups leaf lettuce I. About 4 Cups
Saute thorn until wilted in: Saute until just wilted
1 to 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup chopped watercress or purslane
When they are sufficiently wilted, there will be in:
only about \ tablespoons of leaves. Add: tablespoon butter

5 cups Poultry Stock, 523 Add and cook gentlv about < minutes
(1 tablespoon fresh green pea puree) Salt, white pepper and paprika
Simmer about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat 2 cup white wine

and add a small amount of the soup to: Remove from heat ond add:
V2 cup cream 4 cups light cream
3 beaten egg yolks Heat but do not boil. Serve at once


To: About 4 Cups
5 cups hot Cream of Chicken Soup, 182 Clams are of various types, see About Clams, 379.
add: The broth is delicious when fresh. It may also be
IV2 cups chopped or X blended watercress frozen until mushy and served in small glasses or
or purslane on the shells with wedges of lemon. The meat of
The latter was Gandhi's favorite vegetable. the clams themselves may be used in various sea-
Simmer the soup about 5 minutes. Add and stir a food dishes, 380-381.
small quantity of the soup into: Prepare as described on 379, then place in a
2 well-beaten eggs kettle:
Add the rest of the soup, stirring it in
this to 2 quarts clams in shells
slowly. Heat the soup but do not boil. Serve Add:
at once. 1 3 A cups water, chicken broth or tomato juice
An interesting taste variation results by adding: 3 cut-up ribs celery with leaves
2 slices fresh ginger A pinch of cayenne
which have been lightly sauteed in: Cover the closely.
kettle Steam the clams
Butter until the shells open. Strain the liquor through
Salt wet double cheesecloth to remove any sand. It
Remove ginger after reheating and before serving may be heated and diluted with warm cream or
the soup. rich milk.
Season to taste
Each cup of broth may be topped with a spoon-
Individual Serving (Unsweetened whipped cream)
While not exactly a soup, this dish can bring sprinkled with:
something like the same cozy comfort to the (Chopped chives)
young or the ailing.
Toast lightly on both sides:
A slice of bread H* inch thick COQUINA BROTH
Spread it lightly with: If you are lucky enough to be on a beach in
Butter Florida, collect in a sieve at ebb tide:
Sprinkle it with: Coquinas
(Salt) the little native periwinkle clams, in their rain-
Place it in a bowl and pour over it bow-hued shells. Rinse them clean of sand, then
1 cup hot milk barely cover with:
Bring slowly to a boil and simmer about 10
ABOUT FISH SOUPS minutes. Pour the broth through a fine sieve.
When you imbibe it, remember the advice of an
Making a broth or fumet of fish, 524, is like mak-
old German who urged, when serving a fine vin-
ing a stock of any kind of meat in that the process
tage, "Don't gullop it, just zipp it!"
toughens the meat. It differs in that it takes a good
deal less time. Extraction is limited to a 20- to
30-minute period ^ over relatively high heat, in- SPINACH SHELLFISH SOUP
stead of the slow simmering recommended for About 4 Cups
warm-blooded meat. As a consequence, most Saute until golden in:
fish soups are quick soups. When fisherman's 3 tablespoons butter
stews are served, the meat is often presented on 1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots

the side; and in the preparation of delicate bisques Add and cook until reduced by one-half:
based on shellfish, the shrimp or lobsters are often 1 cup dry white wine

poached separately, then pounded in a mortar or Gradually stir in until smooth:

minced before incorporation into a separate stock, 3 tablespoons flour
cream and egg base. IV2 cups clam or oyster broth
The original stock may be used as a court bouil- (A pinch of dry mustard)
lon for cooking other fish or reduced for use in After the mixture thickens, add and heat but
au ma/'gre, or meatless, sauces. Bisques, as well as do not boil:
oyster, clam and mussel soups and stews, need IV2 cups light cream
so little heat that the stock bases are warmed first 'A cup cooked pureed spinach
and the heated through in them,
shellfish then just Season to taste
preferably in a double boiler over not in — Serve in ovenproof soup bowls. Garnish each
boiling water. Serve fish soups at once. If you bowl with a topping of:
must hold or reheat, be sure to do so over not 1 tablespoon whipped cream

in — boiling water. 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese


and place the bowls under the broiler about 2 Beat and add:
minutes until the cheese browns lightly. 1 egg
Salt and paprika
as required

SHE-CRAB SOUP Stir with a fork. Stuff the chilled heads


6 Servings with this mixture. Place them on a greased shal-

Steam and remove the meat and roe from: low pan. Dot each head with butter. For 10 min-
utes, before serving the soup, bake the heads in
2 blue she-crabs
Reserve the roe. Prepare a roux by melting in a a preheated 325° oven. Melt:
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons butter Saute in it until delicately browned:
Blend in: Va cup minced onion
1 tablespoon flour
Add and stir until lightly browned:
2 tablespoons flour
Gradually add, stirring constantly:
4 cups milk or half cream and half milk Add the fish stock slowly, stirring until smooth.

When the sauce is heated through, add the crab Add the remaining crawfish meat and the fat from
the heads.
meat with:
teaspoon onion juice Season to taste
Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
> Simmer the bisque about 5 minutes, stirring it
often. To serve, place the heated heads in hot
•/a teaspoon mace

Season to taste soup plates, then pour the bisque over them.
When ready to serve, divide the roe and place it

inthe bottom of 6 heated bowls. LOBSTER BISQUE

Pour the soup into the bowls. Garnish the soup About 8 Cups
with: Remove the meat from:
Freshly chopped chervil 2 medium-sized boiled lobsters, see 385
Dice the body meat and mince the tail and claw
CRAWFISH BISQUE meat. Reserve it. Crush the shells. Add to them
About 6 Cups the tough end of the claws and:
Wash and scrub with a brush under running 2V2 cups Poultry Stock, 523, or Fish Fumet, 524
1 sliced onion
3 dozen live crawfish 4 ribs celery with leaves
Soak 30 minutes in salted water, using 1 table- 2 whole cloves
spoon salt to 4 cups of water. Repeat once or 1 bay leaf

twice. Rinse thoroughly. Place the crawfish in a 6 peppercorns

saucepan with: Simmer these ingredients for 30 minutes. Strain
the stock. If there is coral roe, force it through a
6 cups boiling water
A few grains of cayenne fine sieve. Combine it with:
V2 teaspoon salt
Va cup soft butter

Bring to a boil, then ^

simmer 15 minutes. Drain, Blend in:

reserving the stock. Separate the heads and tails. Va cup flour

Remove the fat from the heads. Devein the tails Gradually pour into this mixture:
and remove the meat. Clean the remaining for- 3 cups heated milk
eign matter from 18 heads and refrigerate the Va teaspoon nutmeg

meat, the fat and the cleaned heads. Return all When the sauce is smooth and boiling, add the
remaining heads to the stock. Bring to a boil. Add: lobster and the stock. Simmer the bisque, cov-
4 ribs celery, chopped ered, 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. Stir in:
1 cup >• hot but not boiling cream
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
V2 carrot,
Season to taste
teaspoon thyme or a sprig of fresh thyme
Serve at once with:
Simmer 30 minutes. Strain, discarding the Minced parsley
cooked heads. Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing
for the chilled heads. Mince the refrigerated craw-
fish meat. Saute until golden: MUSHROOM AND CLAM BISQUE
2 tablespoons minced onion About 3 Cups
in: Saute:
2 tablespoons butter V2 lb. chopped mushrooms
Add and cook minutes:3 in:
2 tablespoons finely minced celery 2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon finely minced parsley Stir in:
Remove from heat and add half the crawfish meat 2 tablespoons flour
and: slowly:
Stir in
V2 cup bread crumbs 2V2 cups clam broth

Simmer 5 minute 1
-. Remove from the heat. Heat After mixing, add them slowly to the hot bisque.
but do not boil Heat slowly for1 minute but do not allow to
'j cup cream boil. Serve at once.
Add to the other ingredients.
Season to taste MUSSEL STEW
and serve with: Clean the mussels and remove the beard. 379.
Chopped parsley or chives Steam them. Strain and reserve the liquor. Use
either recipe for Oyster Stew, left, substituting

SHRIMP BISQUE mussels for ov stcrs.

About 5 Cups
Remove and intestines from:
1' 2 lb. Poached Shrimp, 390
About 5 Cups
or 4 minutes:
Put the shrimp through a meat grinder or A
Saute 3
1 cup diced fresh lobster meat
blender. Cook, covered, in the top of a double
boiler >
over -not in boiling water — 5 minutes:
3 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons grated onion
Add slow Iv :

4 cups scalded milk or 3 cups milk

\dd the ground shrimp and
and 1 cup cream
cups warm milk

2 teaspoons onion juice

Cook 2 minutes Stir in slowly and heat but do
not boil
Do not allow to boil. A Maine correspondent
1 cup cream
writes that this stew is much improved bv the
addition, at this time, of:
(' 2 cup clam broth)
Salt, needed, and paprika or
Season to taste
freshly ground white pepper
A grating of nutmeg and serve
tablespoons parsley or chives
Serve at one e
About 8 Cups
OYSTER STEWS AND BISQUES tablespoon butter

Here ,ue two good recipes which differ in nutri- Stir in t'indrook until golci'
tive value Mid effort of preparation. The first calls 4 cup chopped onion

tor milk .ind cream Mid is unthickened: the Stir in until blended

ond. a bisque calls for milk, cream and egg volks 2 tablespoons flour

lo ( lean ov strrs see J75 Add and stir until smooth:

IV2 cups strained tomatoes
I. About 4 Cups 4 cups Light Stock, 522, or Fish Fumet, 524
()ur foolproof, as the use of a
instructions are 1 quart thinly sliced okra
double boiler prevents overcooking the oysters Break into small pieces and add:
( ombine in the top of a double boiler and saute
/2 lb. shelled, cleaned shrimp

Imhllv over dire* heal t

V2 lb. crab meat
J to 4 tablespoons butter Simmer these ingredients until the okra is ten-
i teaspoon or more grated onion or der. Add:
leek, a sliver of garlic or '
2 cup cooked 16 shelled oysters
celerv Season to taste
\dd and serve the gumbo as soon as the oysters are
1 to 1 ' 2 pints oysters with liquor plump. Sprinkle with:
1 ' 2 cups milk Chopped parsley
cup cream
2 Pass
2 teaspoon salt
Hot Boiled Rice, 206
h teaspoon white pepper or paprika
which may be spooned into the gumbo.
Place the pan over not in boiling water. — —
When the milk is hot mu\ the oysters float, add: ABOUT BOUILLABAISSE AND
2 tablespoons chopped parsley OTHER FISHERMAN'S STEWS
II. About 4 Cups Necessity is the mother of invention: and con-
Tins is a true ovster bisque. venience gave birth to the can and the frozen
Prepare: package. Use frozen or canned fish if vou must,
Oyster Stew I, above but remember that the fragrant, distinctive and
Before adding the parslev. remove the soup from elusive charm of fisherman's stew can onlv be
the heat and pour a small quantitv over: captured if the fish which go into them are them-
2 beaten egg volks selves freshlv caught. Curnonskv reminds us of

the legend that bouillabaisse, the most celebrated Keep the heat high and force the boiling which
of these stews, was first brought by angels to the should continue to be rapid for 15 to JO minutes.
Three Marvs of the Gospels when thev were ship- Season to taste
wrecked on the bleak shores of the Camargue. To serve, have ahead) arranged in the bottom of
Divinelv inspired or not, it is true that bouilla- 8 hot bowls:
baisse can only be approximated in this country. 3
/4-inch slices French bread
even if its ingredients are just off the hook. Tor which has been dried in the oven and brushed
its unique flavor depends on the use of fish native with:
to the Mediterranean alone: a regional rockfish, Garlic butter
high in gelatin content, for example, which gives When the bouillab,iiss i< read\ arrange attrac-

a slightly cloudv but still thin texture to the soup, tively some of each kind of fish on and around
and numberless finny tidbits, too small for mar- the bread. You ma\ remove the lobsters from the
ket. We offer a free translation of bouillabaisse shelland remove the upper shells from the clams
into American, realizing fully that we have suc- and mussels. Then pour the hot broth into the
ceeded only in changing poetry to rich prose. bowls and serve at once. Or. \ou ma\ strain the
A similar accommodation has been made for broth onto the bread and pass the seafood on a
matelote or freshwater fish stew, in which eel, separate platter. Plan the meal with a beverage
carp, bream, tench and perch are combined with other than w me.
wine. A certain amount of freewheeling must be
the rule, too. in concocting chowders and stews
of both sea and fresh fish, which are milk-based
8 Cups
and often have potatoes added. Whatever fish you
Depending upon the amount of stock and wine
use, see that it is as fresh as possible and experi-
used, this dish can be either a soup or a stew.
ment with combinations of those that are most
Cook separately and have reacK to add as a gar-
easily available.
nish, |ust before serving the matelote:

BOUILLABAISSE 12 small Steamed Onions, 312

8 Cups 1
2 lb. Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
^ Please read About Bouillabaisse, above. '
2 lb. shelled Poached Shrimp, 390
Have readv: Now, clean and cut into 1-inch slices:
V* cup finely chopped onion 3 lb. freshwater fish: eel, carp, tench,
4 finely julienned leeks, white portions only bream or perch
Squeeze out the seeds, 331, and then dice: Cover first the fish that need the longest cooking
4 medium-sized skinned tomatoes with a combination of one-half:
Combine: Good red wine
5 minced cloves garlic and one-half:
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh fennel Fish Fumet, 524, or meat stock, 522
Vi to 1 teaspoon saffron If you are serving the matelote as a soup, vou
2 crushed bay leaves will need about 3 quarts of liquid, for this will
1 teaspoon grated orange rind be reduced by one-third later on. Add:
2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 teaspoons chopped parsley
Va teaspoon celery or fennel seed 2 cup chopped celery

3 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 small bay leaf

1 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper 2 cloves garlic

1 to 2 teaspoons salt V* teaspoon thyme
Heat in a large casserole: 1 teaspoon salt
V* to ',2 cup olive oil Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat
When the oil is hot. add the ingredients above and float on the surface:
and cook until the vegetables are transparent. 2 tablespoons warm brandy
Meanwhile, cut into 1-inch dice and add: Ignite the brandy, and when the flame dies down,
4 lb.very fresh fish in combination: return the mixture to heat, add the remaining
red snapper, halibut, pompano, sea fish, cover the pan and simmer the soup about 15
perch, scallops. Also —
all in the shell and minutes. Now, remove the fish to a serving dish

well-scrubbed clams and mussels, and keep it warm. Strain the liquid into another
whole shrimp and 1-inch pieces of pan. Reduce the liquid by one-third. Thicken the
lobster soup with a Beurre Manic, 340 oi
You may prefer to leave the fish in 2-inch-thick 3 tablespoons butter
slices and use some of the smaller fish whole. If 2' 2 tablespoons flour
so, add the thinner pieces or small scrubbed shell- adding it a little at a time to the hot soup. Bring
fish to the pot slightly later than the thicker ones the soup just to a boil, stirring constantly. It
> but do not disturb the boiling. Cover the fish should be creamy in texture, but will go thin if
with: boiled
4 cups hot Fish Fumet, 524, or water Season to taste

To soup bowls and cover

serve, put the fish into 5 to 15 conchs or large whelks
firstwith the onions and mushrooms, then with with cold water and simmer 20 to 30 minutes.
the sauce; garnish the whole with the shrimp. Be Remove from shell and beat the white body meat
sure to serve over: in a canvas bag until it begins to disintegrate.
Sauteed Soup Croutons, 197 Marinate 2 hours in:
V* cup lime juice
MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER After adding the conch meat to the chowder,
About 8 Cups simmer 3 to 5 minutes longer than directed for
Chowder should be allowed to ripen refrig- Manhattan Clam Chowder.
erated; always better the following day.
it is

Prepare as described, 379:

1 quart quahog clams
Then wash them in:
When we were very young, we were more ap-
palled than edified by 5truwwe/peter, a book of
cups water
Drain through cheesecloth. Reserve liquid. Cut rhymed fables for children, which had been writ-
ten in Germany by a Korpsbruder of our great-
the hard part of the clams from the soft part.
Chop finely:
grandfather. We are still haunted by the story of

The hard part of the clams Suppenkaspar, a little boy who resolutely refused
A 2-inch cube of salt pork to eat his soup, wasted away for his stubbornness
1 large onion
and was buried with a tureen as his headstone.
Saute the salt pork very slowly. Remove and re-
Looking back and taking note of our wonderful
serve the cracklings. Add the minced onions and
present-day battery of canned, frozen and dried
hard part of the clams to the fat. Stir and cook soups, we can see that Kaspar was born a century
slowly about 5 minutes. Sift over them and stir
too soon and, beyond a doubt, in this generation
until blended: would have chosen to live.
3 tablespoons flour
We suggest here a process rather than a recipe
Heat and stir in the reserved liquid. Prepare and
for achieving very special effects Mingle canned
add: and frozen soups in your repertory with the vege-
2 cups pared raw potatoes, diced table stocks that are precious by-products of daily

3 cups cooked or canned peeled tomatoes cooking. And, if you have on hand some leftover
Vh cup diced green pepper) bones, lean fowl or meat trimmings, put your ©
pressure cooker to work at building a soup base,
V/i bay leaf)
('A cup catsup) see Quick Household Stock, 523. Remember in
this connection that most fish soups, 186, are
Cover the pan and simmer the chowder until the
potatoes are done, but still firm. Add the crack- quick soups, even when you start with raw ma-
terials. There is also the possibility that you are
lings the soft part of the clams and:
3 tablespoons butter
harboring some refrigerator scraps that could con-
Simmer 3 minutes more. Place the chowder in a structively respond to X
blender treatment. Be-
fore processing, add to them a few mushrooms or
hot tureen.
a few leaves of spinach, lettuce or cress and a
Season to taste
Serve with: small amount of milk and cream. Lacking these,
Oyster crackers do not scorn a bouillon cube. And if vou have a
You mav substitute for the fresh clams: plot or some pots of fresh herbs, now is the time

cups canned minced clams)

1 to commandeer a clipping. Or use parsley lavishly,
(2 2
or dried herbs discreetly.
to be added with the cracklings, above. Strain the
juice. Add water to make 3 cups of liquid. Use
Words of caution: > Normally, we dilute readv-
this liquid in place of the water measurement
prepared soups considerably less than their
given abo\e manufacturers recommend, whether we use
home-cooked stocks, milk or — less desirably
NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER just plain water. But we find that the more con-
About 8 Cups centrated the soup, the more likely it is to taste
Most New Englanders consider the above recipe oversalted. Test your mix and correct this tend-
an illegitimate child. They omit the tomatoes, ency, see 568. Be sure, too, if you blend un-
green peppers and catsup, but pour in: cooked vegetables, that they are tender enough
4 cups hot, not boiling, milk not to spoil the texture of vour soup with stringy
after the cracklings have been added. ^ Do not fibers or bits of hull. Add to a clear soup a canned
let the mixture boil. Serve with large crackers. consomme or chicken broth, diluted as suggested
above, or one of several quickly confected egg
CONCH CHOWDER drops, 171. If you fancy a more filling dish, serve
Prepare: Blender Borsch. 191, or Quick Cucumber Soup
Manhattan Clam Chowder, above Cockaigne, 192. For other sturdy potages and cas-
using conch meat to replace the clams. To pre- seroles, see suggestions in Brunch, Lunch and
pare conch in the shell, cover: Supper Dishes, 250. Then perhaps a naive house

guest will say, as did a restaurant diner: "I like and serve by pouring the broth over 2 ice cubes.
your soup du jour, but why is it different every A good garnish is:
day?" Garlic croutons


I. A clear soup is supposed to be as bracing as a Melt:
clear conscience. 2 tablespoons butter
Add each serving of consomme, hot or cold:
to Add and stir until blended:
A slice of lemon, or 1 tablespoon sherry 1 v4 tablespoons flour
or Madeira, or some diced avocado Add and stir until smooth:

A dollop of cultured sour cream cups vegetable stock

1 1/2

Or add to hot consomme: You may utilize the water in which vegetables,
Egg Drops, 171, Marrow Balls, 196, below, have been cooked. Bring to a boil and cook
or Noodles, 213 2 minutes. Lower the heat and add:
V2 cup cream or stock
II. About 4V2 Cups Add:
For a cold-day pick-me-up, serve piping hot in V2 cup cooked, diced or strained vegetables
mugs; and for a hot-day refresher, serve well 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
chilled in old-fashioned glasses, see 49, garnished (A dash of celery salt)

with sprigs of fresh herbs. Season to taste

Mix together: Heat thoroughly but do not boil if you have
2 cups tomato juice chosen to add the cream.
1 can condensed consomme
1 can condensed chicken broth «*• BLENDER CREAM OF
Juice of one lemon VEGETABLE SOUP
4 to 5 Cups
III. About 3 Cups
A cool drink with a tropical tang.
can condensed cream of vegetable soup
Combine and heat:
can condensed chicken rice soup
1 can condensed consomme
1 cup canned or strong asparagus stock
1 can condensed Madrilene
( A cup cream)

Stir in:
Heat but do not boil and serve at once.
The juice of 1 large orange
Serve chilled on the rocks.
5 to 6 Cups
About 2 Cups
1 can condensed cream of asparagus soup
Blend together:
1 can condensed chicken broth
1 can condensed consomme
(1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup)
8 oz. cream cheese
IV2 cups milk
1 pressed clove garlic
Heat, stirring until smooth.
Chill and garnish with:
Chopped parsley
Pass a bowl of:
Toasted French bread cubes AVOCADO SOUP
and dip as for fondue. 3 Cups
Combine in. a blender:
A BLENDER GAZPACHO 2 cups condensed cream of chicken soup
About 1 Cup Vt cup pureed avocado
Blend together 2 or 3 minutes: When ready to serve, stir in:
cup pared, seeded cucumbers
V* A cup
chilled milk
A cup skinned, seeded tomatoes Ve teaspoon white pepper

V* cup condensed consomme or water Serve in cups, sprinkled with:

72 teaspoon chopped red pimiento 1 teaspoon chopped chives or chervil

Add and blend for a shorter time:

1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon olive oil A BLENDER BORSCH
Add, but do not blend, as the flavor would be too I. 4 to 5 Cups
strong: Combine in a blender:
1 teaspoon chopped chives 1 can condensed consomme
Season to taste 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup

1 can beets: No. 2V2 1 teaspoon fresh parsley or chervil

(1 minced clove garlic) Heat but do not boil, and serve at once.
Half of the liquid from the beets may be drained
ifa thick soup is desired. Blend until smooth and QUICK COLD CUCUMBER SOUP
chill. Serve with a garnish of: About 5 Cups
Cultured sour cream and chopped Combine saucepan:
in a
Fines Herbes, 572 1 can frozen condensed cream of

potato soup
N. About 4 Cups An equal amount of milk
Combine in a blender: 1 chicken bouillon cube
cups tomato juice 1 A cups finely chopped pared cucumber
2 3

2 cups canned beets Heat slowly, stirring until very hot and until the
3 small dill pickles cucumber is partially cooked, about 10 minutes.
3 tablespoons finely grated onion X Blend or put through a food mill and refrig-
1 drop hot pepper sauce erate, covered, until chilled. Shortly before serv-
(1 minced clove garlic) ing, stir in:
Chill the soup and serve garnished with: 1 cup light cream
4 thinly sliced hard-cooked eggs
Cultured sour cream QUICK CREAM OF
Chopped fresh dill or fennel CAULIFLOWER SOUP
About 3' 2 Cups
About 6 Cups 2 tablespoons butter
Combine and bring to the boiling point Cook in the butter about 4 minutes:
1 can condensed consomme V* cup sliced onion
1 can clear chicken broth 2 minced small ribs celery with leaves
1 can condensed pea soup Add
Add: T/2 cups chicken broth
1 cups water or stock
Vj 1 cup mashed or riced cooked cauliflower

V* cup finely diced cooked ham Heat to the boiling point. Add:
1 teaspoon grated onion 1 cup light cream
(4 oz. fine Boiled Noodles, 213) Do not let the soup boil after adding the cream.
(1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce) Season to taste
(1 tablespoon chili sauce) and serve with:
Simmer, covered, until hot. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
A light grating of nutmeg or
QUICK CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP a pinch of coriander

Eas\ to make and vers good.

Heat in a double boiler over — not — boiling
About 4 Cups
Chicken bouillon
Combine and stir over low heat until the cheese

Cream about \* the amount of the ismelted
1 can condensed cream of celery soup
1 can condensed consomme
Add you wish

A dash of nutmeg TA cups water or milk

V2 cup shredded cheddar or
Chopped parsley
pimiento cheese
And if you want to be really luxurious add:
Ground blanched almonds — use about Add:
(1 tablespoon chopped onion)
2 tablespoons to 1 cup soup
('A teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
Do not let the soup boil. Serve with:
Bring to a boil: 3 Cups
2V2 cups strong chicken broth Combine and heat, but do not boil:
Drop in about: can condensed tomato soup

T/2 cups pared, seeded and diced cucumbers An equal amount of milk
Simmer until translucent, about 15 minutes. Add: V2 cup cream-style corn
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup 1
2 teaspoon sugar

Again bring to a boil. Now add: ('A teaspoon curry powder)

V2 cup canned crab meat, shrimp or Season to taste
minced clams and serve.


I. About 4 Cups About 4 Cups
Combine, stir and heat: Simmer, covered, 15 minutes:
1 cup condensed cream of mushroom soup
2V2 cups canned tomatoes
1 cup condensed beef or chicken A cup sliced onion

bouillon or consomme V2 cup chopped celery with leaves

Strain and reserve the tomato stock. Melt:
1'A cups water or milk
2 tablespoons butter
II. 5 Cups Add and stir until blended:
Reconstitute: 2 tablespoons flour
1 oz. dried mushrooms, 306 Add, cook and stir until smooth and boiling:
in: 2 cups Brown Stock, 522, or
2 cans condensed consomme canned bouillon
Add: V2 teaspoon sugar
1 can condensed mushroom soup Vb teaspoon paprika
1 cup milk The strained tomato stock
Heat and serve. Season to taste
and add, just before serving:
(1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil or
A teaspoon anchovy paste or a
About 2 Cups dollop of whipped cream)
1 can condensed onion soup
2 teaspoons lemon juice
A grating of lemon rind
V2 pressed clove garlic
I. About 3 Cups
Vb teaspoon nutmeg One way to use surplus garden tomatoes. Peel,

A cup
sherry) seed and chop coarsely into a blender:

Season to taste 2V2 cups very ripe fresh tomatoes

Top each serving with: Blend briefly with:
Melba Cheese Rounds, 635 1 cup cream
1 tablespoon parsley
1 tablespoon basil
About 2V2 Cups Chill and serve with:
Combine: Lemon slices
1 cup water
II. About 3 Cups
1 can condensed oxtail soup
Combine in a cocktail shaker:
1 teaspoon grated onion
cups chilled tomato juice
3 strips lemon rind: 2 inches each
cup chilled cream
Simmer these ingredients for 5 minutes. Re-
4 or more ribs raw celery, grated
move the lemon rind and:
1 teaspoon grated onion
Season to taste
Reduce the heat. Stir in:
A few drops hot pepper sauce
A few grains cayenne
V2 cup claret or V* cup very dry sherry
Or, you may omit the onion and use:
1 tablespoon minced parsley
('A teaspoon dry ginger)
Serve at once with:
(Vb teaspoon allspice)
Toasted crackers
Season to taste
and add:
A cup chopped ice
About 2 Cups Shake well.
V2 cup pureed Boiled Spinach, 326
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
If the spinach has already been creamed, use Combine equal parts of:
instead: Clam broth
(1 can chicken broth) Chicken stock
You may thin the soup with: If the clam broth is very salty, you may have to
Spinach water, stock or milk use more chicken stock or water. Season lightly
Season to taste with:
Heat and serve. White pepper

When the soup reaches a boil, remove from heat 1 cup canned lobster
and place in hot cups. Top each cup with: Season to taste
tablespoon whipped cream
1 and heat slowly but do not boil. Serve with an
Have the cream at room temperature. For color, assortment of:
sprinkle the top with: Cheese
Paprika or chopped chives or parsley or, as they do in France, with
Serve at once. Crusty bread and sweet butter


MONGOLE Melt in a saucepan:
About 4 Cups V* cup butter
Sprinkle: Add:
3 tablespoons dry white wine or 2 cups flounder fillets, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce IV2 cups dry white wine
over: Cover and simmer about 10 minutes. Add:
cup flaked canned crab or lobster
1 1 cup cooked shrimp
Combine and heat to the boiling point: 1 cup cooked lobster meat
1 can condensed cream of tomato soup 1 small can sliced mushrooms
1 can condensed cream of green pea soup IV2 cups condensed cream of mushroom soup
Stir the above mixture slowly into: 2 tablespoons chopped canned pimientos
IV* cups hot light cream or part cream 1 crushed clove garlic
and part bouillon Va teaspoon saffron
Add the crab. Heat the soup but do not let it Simmer about 5 minutes longer. Add:
boil. (' 2 cup dry sherry)

Season to taste
QUICK LOBSTER SUPREME Serve in a tureen with:

About 5 Cups Buttered toast or French bread

Combine and heat:
1 can condensed asparagus soup
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup

3 tablespoons dry sherry

2 cups light
Pick over and add:
6 to 8 oz. canned lobster meat
Heat this soup but do not let it boil.


About 8 Cups
An easy-to-get soup meal.
Saute in a saucepan about 5 minutes:
V* cup finely diced onion
Va cup finely diced celery
2 tablespoons butter
T/2 cups water
1 small bay leaf
1 package frozen mixed vegetables,
Cover and bring to a boil. Cook the vegetables
until barely tender, about 5 minutes. Remove the
bay leaf. Drain, but reserve the liquor from:
1 can chopped broiled mushrooms: 3 oz.
Stir into the liquor until smooth:
tablespoon cornstarch

Add this to the mixture in the saucepan, stirring

constantly until it thickens. Add the drained ABOUT GARNISHES FOR SOUP
mushrooms and: Adding marrow balls instead of a chiffonade of
1 cup tomato sauce cress to the same clear soup can change the tem-
2 cups milk per of a meal. Scan the parade of breads and

garnishes below to determine your pace-setter du Blanched, shredded, toasted almonds

jour. If serving an informal buffet, arrange a group or cashews
of garnishes around a tureen to give your guests Flavored popcorn or puffed cereals
a choice among rich, lean or green. Whip up
some satisfying dumplings, 202, for hungry chil- FOR THICK SOUPS
dren or pass a rice ring. Tempt a finicky appetite
with an egg drop, 171. Be sure none of the
Thin slices of orange, lemon or lime
garnishes is chilled, unless the soup is an iced one.
Sliced small sausages or thin slices of
To turn individual servings into added visual
hard sausages
and taste treats, decorate soup bowls as illus-
Sliced hard-cooked eggs
trated or as described below. The most popular
Croutons, 197 and 551
soup garnish for cle'ar or thick soups is lemon Sour cream
shown with a notch-edged slice. For other
Meatballs, 196
lemon see 571. Flowers such as calendula
Gnocchi, 204
and nasturtium lend color to pale cream soups;
Julienned strips of ham, tongue,
a small nasturtium and its piquant leaf floated on
chicken or bits of seafood
vichyssoise are shown next. Japanese clear broths
Grated cheeses
are endlessly fascinating with their bits of vege-
Pesto, 570
tables and greens swirling across the top. Usually
minimal in material like the turnip rosettes shown
next, or the tofu barge with its herb cargo, they BREADS TO SERVE AS A
add inexpressible charm. Strengthen the color of SIDE DISHWITH SOUPS
a shrimp bisque with a whole shrimp garnished Fancy shapes in toasted white, rye or
with an avocado slice and parsley. Float on a whole wheat
spinach soup tiny raw mushroom caps filled with Melba toast, 636
sour cream amid a few sprigs of young burnet. Or Toasted rye sticks
as shown next, carved-carrot flowers with stems Plain or toasted garlic bread, 636, or
made of blanched chives. other herbed breads
Crackers, hot and plain or spread with
herb butters, cheese spreads or fish pastes
Drop into the soup:
Cheese Wafers or Straws, 641
Thin slices of lemon or orange
Pastry Snails, 69
Thin slices of avocado drenched in lemon
Hush Puppies, 629
Minced parsley, chives, watercress, onion,
Corn Dodgers, 628, or Zephyrs, 628
mint, basil or chervil floated on the
Croutons, 197 and 551
surface or concentrated on a dab of
Small Choux Paste Puffs, 646
whipped cream
Rissoles, 69
Podded or snow peas
Turnovers, 69
Thin slices of cooked root: parsley, chervil
Seeded Crackers, 636
or celeriac
Consomme Brunoise, 169
Noodles, 213 For a chiffonade, always use the freshest and most
Gnocchi, 204 tender of greens —
being sure to remove stems
Won Ton, 213 and coarse midribs of lettuce, sorrel or parsley
Kreplach, 213 alone or in combination with whatever fresh
Dumplings, see many varieties, 202 and 205 herbs you have on hand that are compatible with
Ravioli, 216 the flavor of your soup. Allow:
Farina Balls, 2Q3 1 or 2 tablespoons fresh herbs or greens
Spatzle, 205 to:
Nockerln, 203 1 pint soup
Quenelles, 205 Add the herbs to a small quantity of broth and
Meatballs, Marrow Balls, Sausage Balls, 196 chop in X
blender until fine. Combine the
Cheese Balls, 197 blended herbs with the remaining broth. If you
Pesto, 570 have no blender, mince a combination of herbs
Bean Curd or Tofu, 535 very, very fine.
Bean Sprouts, 565
Garnish with: About IV2 Cups
Salted whipped cream or sour cream and For either of these garnishes, you may add
a dusting of finely chopped mixed herbs (4 to 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese)
Chiffonade of Herbs for Soup, right to the dough.

I. Use a pastry bag with a 1

4 -inch-diameter tube. Beat until stiff >• but not dry, then fold in:
Fill with: 2 egg whites
Unsweetened or cheese-flavored Shape this mixture into 1
2-inch balls. Drop them
Choux Paste, 646 soup or stock. >• Simmer
into gently boiling 5 or
Squeeze onto a greased baking tin pea-sized bits 6 minutes. Serve them with the soup.
of dough Bake in a preheated 400° oven about
10 minutes. Add these to the soup the instant be- II. LIVER SAUSAGE DUMPLINGS
fore serving. About 1 Cup
Combine and work with a fork:
II. Fill a pastry bag with: '
4 lb. liver sausage
Unsweetened Choux Paste, 646 egg or 1 egg white or yolk

Make 1-inch rounds. Flatten with 2 cup cracker crumbs

carefully a
moistened finger any points remaining after the 1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chives

bag is lifted oft Glaze with: (1 tablespoon catsup)

French Egg Wash, 731 Shape the mixture into 1-inch balls. Simmer
Bake in a preheated 400° oven about 10 minutes. gently about 2 minutes in soup stock.
Be sure the puffs are well dried out before re-
moving them from the oven Fill them, the last

minute before serving, with a farce that combines MEATBALLS FOR SOUP
well with the soup. Place in soup the instant \ superb mam dish may be had by adding these
before scrying to avoid soggmess. to vegetable soup. Make up half the recipe for:
German Meatballs, 489
You may use more bread if desired. Mix the in-
FRITTER GARNISH gredients lightly with a fork. Shape them without
About *h Cup pressure into 1-inch balls and drop into boiling
Please rtv»ci About Deep- fat Frying, 147 soup or stock Simmer them until done, about
Beat until light:
10 minutes.
teaspoon s.ilt

teaspoon paprika
/j cup flour
About 1 '2 Cups
2 tablespoons milk
Good pea bean or lentil soup. Combine:
2 lb. raw sausage meat

Drop the batter through a colander into deep

r 1 egg white
fat heated to W) >". Fry until the garnish is brown
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
Drain on paper toweling Place in the soup just
2 teaspoon fresh basil

before ser\ ing.

'4 teaspoon fresh rosemary
i tablespoons toasted bread crumbs

LIVER DUMPLINGS OR Roll this mixture into 1-inch balls. Drop them into

LEBERKLOSSE boiling stock. Reduce the heat at once and sim-

mer the soup until the balls are done, about 30
Please read About Dumplings. 202.
minutes. Skim the fat from the soup before
Being the descendants of South Germans, can- we
not well compile a cookbook without including
a recipe typical of that neck of the woods— not
exactl) a handsome dish, but it has qualities.
I. About 3 Cups About 3
4 Cup
Skin and remove the fiber from: These delicate drops may be prepared several
1 lb. calf liver or chicken livers hours in advance and refrigerated.
Grind or chop until very fine. Slightly frozen liver Combine and beat until creamy:
easy to grind. Soak water 3 minutes, then 4 cup fresh marrow
is in
wring the water from: 2 tablespoons butter
2 slices white bread Add:
Mix bread and liver thoroughly, then add and 3 egg yolks
4 teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks a teaspoon paprika

V* cup soft butter 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

2 teaspoons chopped onion Cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Use at least V2 cup cracker crumbs to make the
2 teaspoons salt mixture of a stiff consistency to shape into balls
2 teaspoon pepper with:

2 tablespoons flour 3 stiffly beaten egg whites


Cook the balls in simmering soup about 15 Drop the batter from a spoon into simmering
minutes or until they rise to the surface. soup.Simmer only 1 or 2 minutes.


About 1
Combine: For other croutons, see 551
2 beaten egg yolks To retain the crispness of these ever-popular diced
2 tablespoons grated cheese, toasts, serve them in individual dishes and let the
preferably Parmesan guests add them to their soup. Or, use them diced
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs small, so they are much like buttered toasted
Vs teaspoon paprika crumbs, to garnish spinach, noodles or game. They
'/j teaspoon dried herbs or 1 teaspoon chopped may be flavored by sauteing in:
fresh chives or parsley Butter and olive oil
Beat until stiff > but not dry, then fold in: or dusting them with:
2 egg whites Grated cheese
Vs teaspoon salt while still hot
and melodic names: fettucine, lasagne, macaroni,
mostaccioli, spaghetti, linguine, vermicelli. The
glass jars shown above contain a few of these,
with a ravioli roller in the foreground. To cook
pastas, see 212. for the rice ring, left, see 207.
America, ready-to-eat cereals, our classic
morning eye-openers, are found in mountainous
piles of boxes in every supermarket and are
shouted about daily from the mountaintops on TV.
They are either exploded into puffs under high
steam, pressed and dried in myriad forms from
moist pastes, or malted, sugared and shattered
into flakes. You pav as much for all this process-
ing and for the expensive packaging to retain
enspness as you pav for the cereals themselves. It
takes more time to cook whole grains vourself or
to make up cereal snacks, see below, but there is
no question of the increased nutritive value and
All cereals should be stored covered against
insect or rodent infestation and moisture absorp-
cool place
Raw whole cereals also require storage in a
even mild heat promotes develop-
ment of rancidity. Some cereals like rice and oats
On a train trip from Palermo to Syracuse, a stran-
are sold partially precooked to destroy the en-
ger leaned toward us to s,iy in the most casual zymes that hasten spoilage. If using precooked
tones that this was the field from which Pluto rush the cooking according to the direc-
abducted Proserpina <\m\ rushed her to his dark tions on the label.

abode, rrue or false, this brought to mind the

lamentations oi her mother. ( eres. ,\n<\ the sur-
prises in stoic tor her should she surve\ her do- ABOUT COLD WHOLE-GRAIN
main today. She might rightly mourn that her MIXTURES AND SNACKS
noble way of grinding grain between stori' Cram combinations supplemented with seeds,
scorned, and, instead, grains di vested of their rich nuts and dried fruits — raisins, dates, prunes and
germs are mercilessly swirled and crushed be- apricots— for their iron content, and fruit sugar
tween high speed hot rollers But she might re- for sweetening, have long been popular in health
joke in some' ot the new higher protein hybrids, and vegetarian circles and prized by campers and
I and the tact four-tilths ot the- world now
that climbers for their high energy potential. Snackers
relies on grains nourishment. There are some
tor love them for their delicious flavors but must
recent discoveries in ereal icmmm h, both in plant
watch their intake because of the heavy caloric
breeding and in the combining ot cereals when content If the grams are toasted before being
rig, that we cannot help but feel are hopeful added to the other ingredients the mix is often
for man's future. Cereals including the high- called granola; and if the grains are mixed raw
durum wheats when eaten alone lack certain the term is usually miisli, see 199. There is some
essential aminos present in complete-protein vitamin loss in the toasting, but some people find
foods, 2. But then do contain varying amounts the untoasted grains indigestible Whatever mix-
ot incomplete-protein elements, and when cereals ture you decide suits vour taste, balance it by
are skillfully combined, 2, or are served with the drinking milk or eating cheese with it; or include
addition of meat, fish, egg, cheese or sen prod- enough soybean substances, milk solids and wheat
lic tv the protein elements of the cereal itself are germ to furnish adequate complete protein, 2.
enhanced. Vote that such combinations have for
centuries been instinctively and skillfully used in
lands where cereals form the overwhelming staple GRANOLA
of the diet. Without benefit of science, the Orien- I. About 6 Cups
tals have realized the importance of incorporating Preheat oven to 300°.
into rice bits of seafood or soybean substances; Stirring frequently, toast in a 13 x 9-inch pan 10
the North Africans add to their couscous mor- minutes:
sels of meat or fish; and in Italy a thousand forms 1 cup buckwheat groats
of pasta based on high-durum wheat have pro- Add and continue to stir frequently for 15 min-
liferated since the days of Ceres, and are custom- utes:
arily served with sauces or fillings containing meat, 1 cup rolled oats or cornmeal
seafood or cheese. From Italy, too, come fanciful 1 cup wheat flakes


mixed with: i '

4 teaspoon salt)
Vi cup heated vegetable oil 1 cup boiling water
Add: Before serving, combine the oat and water mix-
2 cup sesame seeds
1 ture with:
V2 cup hulled sunflower seeds 2 to 3 tablespoons honey
1 cup coarsely chopped almonds, pine nuts V2 cup raisins
or walnuts 'A cup chopped pitted prunes
Stir and toast 10 minutes longer. Remove from 'A cup chopped dried apricots
oven and add: Vz cup chopped nuts
Vz cup wheat germ cup grated apple

1 cup chopped dates or apricots 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Store covered and refrigerated. Serve with: Serve with:
Milk or yogurt Milk or cream

II. About 7 Cups

A sweetened version.
Preheat oven to 300°.
Scientists tell us that cereals are edible as soon
Scatter in a 13 x 9-inch pan and toast about 15
as the starch granules have swollen to their full
minutes, stirring frequently:
capacity hot liquid. This state they speak of
3 cups rolled oats
glibly as gelatinization, although it remains some-
Mix in a large bowl:
thing of a chemical mystery. To cooks, this phe-
IV2 cups wheat germ
V2 cup dry milk solids
nomenon is evident in the thickening of cereals
1 cup coarsely chopped almonds
and sauces. While the technical-minded insist
that the starch and protein in cereals are ade-
1 cup shredded or flaked coconut
quately cooked in a short period of time, many
cup sesame seeds

cup hulled sunflower seeds

cooks claim that the results are not so nutty and
sweet as when the older, slow-heat methods are
Heat slowly and combine with the above:
used. Whether you back the cook or the scientist,
V2 cup vegetable oil
2 cup honey or maple syrup
on these points they agree: cereals must be added
slowly to ^ sufficient rapidly boiling water and
Combine with the toasted oats and spread thinly
stirred in, so that each individual grain is sur-
in the pan, continuing to toast and to stir fre-
quentlv another 15 minutes or until the ingre- rounded and quickly penetrated by the hot liquid.
The boiling point of the water 212°, must be
dients are all toasted. Cool and store tightly
covered and refrigerated. maintained throughout as the cereal is added. If
you cook cereals or starches in an acid liquid like
III. About 10 Cups fruit juice, the thickening power is lowered.
An easier formula but with somewhat more loss of With cereals that tend to gumminess, this slow
nutrient value. addition to the boiling water allows the outer
Preheat oven to 300°. starch layers to stabilize and keeps the granules
Heat slowly in a 9 x 13-inch pan: separated after swelling. The cereal is done when
V2 cup vegetable oil it looks translucent. The granules should still be

V2 cup honey or molasses separated, retaining their individual shape even

Mix into the oil and honey: though they are soft. Serve at once.
3 cups rolled oats Cereals increase in bulk depending on the
V2 cup rye flakes amount of water they absorb. You may count 4
2 cups wheat germ to 6 servings for each cup of uncooked cereal.
1 cup hulled sunflower seeds For particulars see equivalents, 593. If you cook
V2 cup sesame seeds cereal in advance of serving cover it at once
2 cups coarsely chopped mixed nuts: while it is still hot from the first cooking, so no
pecans, hazelnuts or peanuts crust forms on the top. If you plan to use it more
cup dry milk solids
1 than an hour after the first cooking, refrigerate
V2 cup soy flour it. To avoid lumps on reheating, place the ce-
Toast about 35 minutes, stirring frequently. Re- real over not in— —
boiling water and allow the
move from oven and mix in: cereal to heat thoroughly before stirring.
1 cup raisins To make a gruel for the baby or an invalid, cook
Cool and store as above. the cereal with 3 times the amount of water or
milk called for and cook twice as long. Strain and
MClSLI OR SWISS OATMEAL To cook finely ground, coarsely ground, and
4 Servings whole-grain cereals, see 200. For more details
Soak overnight covered: about some individual cereals, see Ingredients,
1 cup rolled oats 593.

FINELY MILLED CEREALS recently gained favor as an antistrontium absorb-

About 4 to 6 Servings ent. Hominy can be dried and ground into a
> Please read About Cooking Cereals, 199. To coarse flour for baking, cooked as a cereal, or used
prepare fine-granule cereals, have water boiling in any recipe calling for corn. Hominy grits, also

in the bottom of a double boiler. In the top of called corn grits, are the broken grains.
the boiler, over direct heat, bring to a rolling boil: To prepare hominy from corn, shell and svash:
4 to 6 cups water or milk or a mixture 1 quart dried corn
of both Put it into an enamel or stainless steel pan. Cover
1 teaspoon salt with:
Use the lesser amount of water for finest grains. 2 quarts water
Very slowly, without disturbing the boiling Add:
point, sprinkle into the liquid: 2 tablespoons baking soda
1cup dry cornmeal, farina or hominy grits Cover the pan and let this mixture sit 12 hours.
Continue to cook over direct heat 2 to 3 minutes, Then bring it to a boil in the liquid in svhich it
then cook over not in — —
boiling water 5 to 20 has soaked. Simmer about 3 hours or until the
minutes. To avoid gumminess do not stir. Dur- hulls loosen. If necessary, add svater. Drain and
ing the last few minutes of cooking, you may plunge into cold water. Rub corn until hulls are
fold in: removed. Bring to a boil in:
3 tablespoons dry skim-milk solids 2 quarts cold water

2teaspoons Nutritional Yeast, 554 Drain and rub again. Repeat this boiling process
for each cup dry cereal These ingredients make again in fresh svater, adding:
no notic cable hange in taste and are a great addi-
1 teaspoon salt

tion in food value. You mas at this time also add: Drain once more and serve. Season with:
Dates, figs, raisins or cooked dried fruits Melted butter
Or serve with:
Cold or hot sliced canned or fresh fruits
A cinnamon-sugar mixture
Sugar and cream I. With Ham 4 Servings
Maple syrup Preheat oven to 375°.
Jams and preserves Combine:
cup water

can condensed tomato soup



(2 cups White Sauce I, 341)

About 4 to 6 Servings
cup diced cooked ham
Coarsely ground or cracked grains have dif- mam teaspoon salt
ferent names, but all are cooked the same ssas
i teaspoon sugar

The wheats, whole-grain and cracked, also include

Vb teaspoon paprika or pepper
triticale, 548 and bulgur, a parboiled, dried and
Drain and ^d(i
c rac ked whole-grain Croats mas be cracked
2\ cups canned or cooked hominy, above
wheat, buckwheat or oats. Coarsels. ground buck-
Heat these ingredients. Combine:
wheat, barley or millet is also called kasha. Millet
1 cup soft bread crumbs
can replace rice in most recipes. Cracked corn is
1 cup shredded cheese
called samp. Coarse oats come in a number of
b teaspoon paprika
forms, steel-cut or rolled. It is best to presoak all
Va teaspoon salt
these cereals, covered, from 4 to 8 hours. To cook,
Place half the hominy mixture in a greased baking
dish; cover it svith half the bread mixture. Dot the
2 to 4 cups water, milk or fruit juice
top with:
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
for every
Repeat the process. Bake until the top is brosvn,
1 cup dry cereal
about 12 minutes.
Use the lesser amount of ssater for finer grains.
Using the same method as given above for Finely II.With Bacon 6 Servings
Milled Cereals, cook, covered, 40 to 60 minutes Preheat oven to 400°.
or until translucent and tender. Combine and place in a greased baking dish:
2 cups drained, cooked hominy, above
1 cup Cheese Sauce, 342
HOMINY 2 cup minced green pepper, seeds and

Quart Yield 1 membrane removed

Hominy is corn with the hull and germ removed. Cover the top svith:
In an attempt to give it calcium values, it is Strips of bacon
sometimes also soaked in svood ash lye It has Bake about 20 minutes.

HOMINY GRITS CHEESE CASSEROLE varied leaf-wrapped confections, like individual

puddings, may be filled with spicy mole, with
Preheat oven to 325°.
Bring to a boil:
cheese and peppers, or with almond, citron and
1 cup quick-cooking hominy grits
3 cups milk
Tamales steam slowly to allow the wrapping,
either corn husks or banana leaves, to both pro-
1 teaspoon salt
tect and flavor the contents. Most tamales have
Add and cook until thickened:
2 beaten eggs
two components not easily obtained north of the
A cup
milk Rio Grande. First, a pastate or tortilla base that —
Stir in and blend well: moistened mixture of unslaked lime and dried
1 cup shredded cheddar or garlic-flavored corn which is ground into flour in a matate; and
cheese second, a combination of tequesquite and trans-
Vi cup butter parent green tomato parings which makes the
('A cup chopped chives) puddings puff up. The procedure that follows
Bake in a buttered baking dish 45 to 50 minutes. makes a concession to Gringo ingredients.
Serve hot. Remove outer husks from:
10 ears fresh or dried corn
CORNMEAL MUSH Soak the leaves 5 minutes in hot water and drain.
4 Servings Combine:
Combine and stir: 2 cups fine-ground cornmeal, preferably
cup white or yellow cornmeal
1 masa harina
V'i cup cold water
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon salt

Place in the top of a double boiler: Cream in ^n electric mixer:

4 cups boiling water or water and milk Va cup lard

Stir cornmeal mixture in gradually. Cook and stir When it is beat the corn mixture in
very fluffy,

the mush over quick heat from 2 to 3 minutes. gradually, about 2 tablespoons at a time, until
Steam, covered, over not in —
hot water 25 to — well combined. Slowly add, beating constantly:
30 minutes. Stir frequently. Serve with: T/2 cups meat or poultry stock
Maple syrup, honey, molasses, until a small bit of dough is light enough to float
milk or cream in a glass of water. Lay out enough 4 x 9-inch sott-
Or pour mush into a loaf pan to chill. When
the ened leaves to make 24 tamales, or, if the leaves
firm, slice and saute in cooking fat until slightly are narrow, overlap them, sec 153. Using a spatula,
crisp and browned. Serve with: spread on each leaf about 1 tablespoon of the
Honey, maple syrup or molasses dough in a rectangle about 3 inches wide and 4
inches long. Have ready as a filling:
POLENTA IV2 cups Turkey Casserole Mole, 428
Just as our greatest architectural surprise in Italy dicing the turkey finely after deep-trying. Or use
was to find St. Francis's first church a log cabin, uncooked:
so were we amazed to discover that even more (IV2 cups fMling for Sloppy Joes, 490)
delicious and interesting things are done with Drop a tablespoon of the filling in the center of

cornmeal in Italy than in our deep South. each dough-lined leaf. Wrap by overlapping the
Cheese is sometimes cooked with it or served edges of the leaves lengthwise and folding up the
sprinkled over it. Or serve cornmeal with a tomato ends as shown, 152. Layer the folded husks seam
sauce or meat sauce. side down in a flat-bottomed steamer colander,
I. Prepare: Fill the lower pan of the steamer with water to
Cornmeal Mush, above within about 1 inch of the colander base. Bring to
Add toit for the last 15 minutes of cooking: a rolling boil and cover tightlv. Reduce the heat so
Ve teaspoon paprika the tamales continue to steam 1 to IViz hours or
A few grains red pepper until the dough is firm enough to pull away easily
(V2 cup shredded cheese) from the leaves. Serve the tamales in the leaves on
a heated platter, allowing about 3 to a person; the
II. Prepare as above and saute sliced mush in:
leaves are discarded. If tamales are made in ad-
Olive oil or butter
vance, resteam them for \'i hour. If fro/en. bring
to room temperature before resteaming.
24 Tamales
A curious used to rend the air on hot sum-
mer nights, one that brought a sense of adventure I. 4 Servings
to our limited childhood world. It was the cry of Brown in a hot skillet with:
the Mexican tamale man, whose forbidden, hence 2 tablespoons hot chicken fat or butter
desirable, wares long remained a mystery. These 1 cup kasha, 200

Using a fork, stir until each grain is coated. Add: ing. > Do not lift the lid until the dumpling is
2V2 cups boiling water done. This is not so hard as it sounds if you cover
Cover and simmer about 30 minutes the pan with a tight-fitting heat-resistant glass pie
pan or lid, illustrated below, left, so you can
watch the swelling of the batter. When the dump-
Combine in a bowl: lings look fluffy, test them for doneness as you
1 cup buckwheat groats or kasha would a cake, by inserting a wooden pick. If it
1 egg comes out clean, the dumplings are done. Once
2 teaspoons salt
Brown this mixture in:
2 tablespoons hot chicken fat or butter
2V2 cups boiling water
Cover and simmer 15 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350°.
1 medium-sized chopped onion
1 tablespoon chicken fat or butter
1 cup stock or chicken broth

and the cooked kasha. Pour into a 2-quart casse-

role and bake 15 to 20 minutes. you are expert at timing, try simmering dumplings
in a O
pressure pan. Drop the batter from a spoon
into at least 3 cups hot stock or water. Instead of
the glass cover, use the pressure pan lid. Keep
4 Servings
the vent open as shown right, and cook about 5
Bulgur wheat, sometimes called parboiled wheat,
minutes. Some good additions to dumpling dough
has had some bran removed before being cracked
are parsley or other herbs, cheese or grated onion.
into coarse angular fragments It makes a fine sub-
stitute for rice or potatoes.
Wegive dumpling amounts in cups, for some

Saute until translucent:

people dumplings, others small.
like large A cup
cup sliced onions
of dough will about eighteen to
usually yield
twenty 1-inch balls, but marrow, liver and meat-
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
balls do not expand as do those high in cereal and
Stir in until the granules are coated:
1 cup bulgur

Slowly add and bring to a boil:

2 cups Poultry Stock, 523, or canned
2 Cups
chicken broth
0/2cup chopped celery) Please read About Dumplings, above. Measure,
then sift:
V* teaspoon sweet marjoram
Cover and simmer about 40 minutes or until
1 cup cake flour
tender and fluffy. Add:
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
teaspoon salt
Chopped parsley
Break into a measuring cup:
Season to taste
1 egg
Add until the cup is half full:
This category of cereal dish, sometimes reinforced Beat well and stir the liquid slowly into the sifted
with protein, is one of winter's comforts when ingredients. Add more milk if necessary but keep
combined with soups or stews. We have also in- the batter as stiff as possible. You may add:
cluded here dumpling types based on potatoes. (V* cup chopped parsley, or 1 tablespoon
The secret of making light dumplings is to keep freshchopped herbs, or V2 teaspoon
them steaming on top of simmering liquid. And grated onion and 3 tablespoons minced
be sure the temperature of the stock, gravy or green peppers)
water in which you are cooking them never ex- Bring just to a boil in a 9-inch saucepan:
ceeds a simmer. Most dumplings are bound to- 2 or 3 cups stock
gether by egg, and the protein in the egg must not To drop dumpling batter from a spoon easily, dip
be allowed to toughen. Use ample liquid in a the spoon first; then dip the spoon in the
in stock
wide-topped cooking vessel, giving each ball or batter, and drop the batter into the stock.
fill it

drop a chance to expand. Never crowd the pan. Continue doing this until the dumplings are barely
The minute the batter is floating in the liquid touching. Then cover them and simmer 10 min-
cover the pot, so the steam can begin function- utes. They should be served at once.

CHEESE DUMPLINGS Beat until > stiff, but not dry:

2 egg whites
To the above recipe for:
Fold the egg whites into the cracker mixture and
chill, covered, V2 to About V2 hour before
1 hour.
you are ready form this dough lightly into
to serve,
2 tablespoons shredded cheese
small balls. If you will wet your hands with cold
Cook the dumplings in:
water, the job will be easier. Drop them into:
Tomato juice
6 cups boiling stock
s Reduce heat at once to a simmer and cook,
BUTTER DUMPLINGS OR covered, about 15 minutes.
Beat until soft: 6 Servings
2 tablespoons butter Please read About Dumplings, 202.
Beat and add: These remain after many tests the queen of dump-
2 eggs lings.Though usually served in soup, they may be
Stir in: simmered in stock or boiling water, then served
6 tablespoons flour with meat gravy. Or they may be drained, placed
V* teaspoon salt in a greased baking dish and covered with a cup
Drop the batter from a simmering
spoon into of White Sauce I, 341 , to which you may add onion
soup and simmer the dumplings, covered, about juice and parsley, or chopped chives. Sprinkle the
8 minutes. You may also simmer them in the soup top with 'A cup grated Parmesan cheese, dot it
about 4 minutes in a pressure cooker, keeping with butter and bake the dish in an oven about
the vent open the entire time. 15 minutes.
Heat to the boiling point:
2 cups milk
NOCKERLN Add, stir and simmer until thick:
About 1 Cup 1
2 cup farina
Beat until creamy:
tablespoon butter
Vt cup soft butter
V2teaspoon salt
1 egg
Vs teaspoon paprika
Stir in:
(Vs teaspoon nutmeg)
1 cup all-purpose flour
Remove the batter from the heat and beat in vig-
Vs teaspoon salt
orously one at a time:
Add gradually, until a firm batter is formed, about:
2 eggs about 70°
6 tablespoons milk
The heat of the mixture will thicken the eggs.
Cut out the batter with a teaspoon to form small
Drop the batter, agenerous teaspoon at a time,
balls. Drop them into boiling water or directly into
into simmering soup stock. Cook, covered,
the clear soup in which they will be served. Re-
about 2 minutes and serve.
duce the liquid to a simmer and continue to
simmer, covered, for about 10 minutes. For a
stew, cook nockerln in water, drain, and drop
them into the meat mixture just before serving. Cooking in the United States is undoubtedly up-
and-coming, but it seemed to us that a peak was
reached in a small Kentucky town where we were
MATZO MEAL OR CRACKER MEAL served chicken with dumplings the latter light as —
DUMPLINGS thistledown. "Oh, yes!" said the hotel proprietress
About 2 Cups wearily when we exclaimed over them. "They are
These Passover soup drops are made with
light always like that when our cook is drunk."
the finely crushed crumbs of special unleavened Far be it from us to limit your sources of in-
crackers. spiration, but we are convinced that the following
Beat until thick and well blended: recipe will give you superlative results without
2 egg yolks prior dissipation.
3 tablespoons soft chicken fat Set a steamer rack into:
Pour over them and beat well 5 or 6 cups simmering corned beef stock,
V2 cup hot stock consomme or any clear soup or stock
Stir in gently a mixture of: Sift together:
4 cup matzo meal or cracker meal
V2 cup cornmeal
V2 teaspoon salt 3
A cup all-purpose flour
(Vs teaspoon ginger) 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
(Vs teaspoon nutmeg) V2 teaspoon salt
(1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley) Cut in with a fork or pastry blender:
(1 tablespoon finely grated onion) 1 tablespoon butter
Beat together: II. With Farina 4 Servings
1 egg Scald:
V3 cup milk 2 cups milk
Combine ingredients until just blended. Drop
all Stir in, all at once:
teaspoonfuls of batter onto the hot, steaming rack. 3
A cup farina
Cover the pan closely. Simmer the dumplings Stir the mush over low heat until thick. Remove
about 20 minutes. Serve them while hot with from heat and beat in until smooth:
the soup. 1 tablespoon butter

1 egg yolk
POTATO DUMPLINGS OR 'A teaspoon salt
KARTOFFELKLOSSE You ma\ spread the mixture evenly in an 8 x 8-
These are light and tender, especially good with inch pan lined with foil for easier handling. Chill
beef a la mode or other roast with gravy. It is about 3 hours.
traditional to serve them with Sauerbraten. Preheat oven to 425°.
lioiluncovered in their jackets until tender: Cut the farina mixture into 1' 2 -inch squares. Place
medium-sized mature baking potatoes
6 the squares in a well-greased ovenproof dish, let-
Peel and rice them, see ricer below Add: ting them overlap slightly. Dot with:
2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter
' 2 teaspoons salt Pour over them slow Iv :

V2 cup flour 1 cup Hunter's Sauce, 347,

Beat the batter with a fork until it is fluffy. Roll it or Aurore Sauce, 344
lightK into balls inch in diameter. Many cooks I Sprinkle the top w ith
prefer to put a crouton in the center of each ball. 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Drop the balls into gentl) boiling salted water and Hake about 10 minutes.
cook about 10 minutes Drain them well. Melt:
up butler or drippings
• (

Stir in
y* cup dry bread crumbs
( >r nyou did not place croutons in the dump-
C/2 cup Croutons, 551)
Pour the rumbs or rontons over the dumplings.
< c

Serve in place ot potatoes or as a soup garnish

I. With Flour 4 Servings

1 cup milk
Melt in a skillet:

2 tablespoons butter
Stir and blend in until smooth:
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
-• teaspoon salt
stir in the scalded milk. Reekie e the heat and add:
1 egg yolk
(' i tup shredded cheese)
Beat the baiter until the egg has thickened and
the cheese has melted. Pour it onto a shallow III. With Potatoes 6 Servings
greased platter or pan. • The potatoes must be freshly cooked and used
Preheat oven to J75°. at once. Boil, then put through a ricer as shown
When The batter is cool, cut it into strips 2 inches above, in the foreground:
long. Place the strips in a pan and pour over them: 2 medium-sized peeled potatoes
Melted butter Heat to the boiling point:
Sprinkle with: V2 cup milk
(Grated cheese) 5 tablespoons butter
Heat them in the oven. Stir in, until the dough forms a ball:
We prefer poaching to baking the batter after it 1 cup flour
has been cut into strips. Poach in gently boiling Remove from heat. Beat in:
water or stock 1 or 2 minutes. Drain the strips and 2 eggs
serve with melted butter. 1 teaspoon salt

V* teaspoon paprika the quenelles. They will expand to about double

(3 tablespoons grated cheese) their original size. Have ready a well-buttered
and the potatoes. Sprinkle the dough with flour. cooking pan and 2 spoons of equal size. Put one
Roll it into sticks V2 inch thick. Cut into 1-inch spoon in a bowl of hot water. With the other
lengths. Drop the gnocchi into simmering salted spoon, lightly scoop out enough of the quenelle
water. Or force the dough through a pastry bag, mixture to just fill it. Invert the other hot, moist
cutting into desired lengths as shown at left, as the spoon over the filled spoon, shaping as shown.
gnocchi fall into the water. Simmer, uncovered, Do not press hard; only smooth the surface.
3 to 5 minutes. Drain. You may place them on a After shaping the point, invert the little egg shapes
greased pan in a hot oven about 3 minutes; the into the buttered pan. Continue to shape and
baking is optional. Serve the gnocchi dressed place the quenelles in neat rows, allowing for
with melted butter and grated cheese. expansion space.
To poach the quenelles, pour almost boiling
SPATZEN, SPATZLE salted water or stock very gently into the pan from
GERMAN EGG DUMPLINGS the sides so as not to dislodge them. The stock
4 Servings should half cover the quenelles. Simmer gently
Spatzen are good at any time, but they are particu- 8 to 10 minutes; the water should be barely quiv-
larly good served with roast veal or in soup. ering. As the undersides cook, the quenelles be-
Beat: come light, rise and turn over; but the weight of the
2 eggs uncooked portion will keep them half submerged
Combine them well with: until they are thoroughly done, and floating.
IV2 cups all-purpose flour
cup water
teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon double-acting baking powder
(A small grating of nutmeg)
Drop small bits of the batter from a spoon into
simmering salted water or stock. Or put the batter
through a colander or a spatzle cutter, opposite
or use a pastry bag as shown. Spatzen should

be very light and delicate. Try a sample; if it is

too heavy, add water to the batter. Simmer until
they are done. When served with meat, drain,
place them in a dish and cover with:
Croutons, or 'A cup bread crumbs sauteed
in V2 cup butter

Although not quite so delicate as when served

ABOUT QUENELLES at once, quenelles may be held several hours,
Once encountered, never forgotten is the texture
poached as described above. Place them gently in
of a well-made quenelle. Success lies not only in
a bowl of cold water to cool, then drain off onto
the mixing but in the very shaping. The ground
a cloth and place on a plate.

mixture of fish, chicken, veal or game is placed — to keep them from crusting.
Butter the surfaces

in a bowl
large set in ice, see below, and
If you want very small quenelles for a garnish,
worked into a smooth paste with a wooden spoon.
cut a parchment paper the size of the pan in
which you plan to poach them. Use a decorating
bag with a small round tip, fill with the quenelle
mixture and force out small units onto the parch-
ment paper in uniformly spaced rows. Lift the
whole paper into the pan and, as with larger
quenelles, pour the water gently from the side of
the pan until the quenelles are only half-covered.
As they simmer for 5 to 8 minutes, they will float
free and roll over. When floating, skim them off
and place in a bowl of warm, mildlv salted water
until ready to use
fancy shapes are desired, pack the quenelle

mixture into buttered decorative individual molds.

To poach, place the molds in a pan of hot water so
To shape, you may roll quenelles in flour, but that they are completely covered. When the que-
this is not the best method. We suggest the fol- nelles are cooked, they will release themselves
lowing classic spoon-molding, illustrated oppo- and rise to the surface and then can be removed
site; the size of the spoon determines the size of for serving.

Reheat quenelles by simmering them in the ABOUT RICE

sauce or soup in which they are to be served.
"May your rice the New Year's
never burn" is

greeting of the Chinese. never be gummy"

"May it
POACHED OR BAKED QUENELLES is ours. So many people complain to us about the
6 Servings variability of their results in rice cookery. Like
Please read About Quenelles,205. flour, the rice itself may have more or less mois-
Run through the finest blade of a food chopper ture in its makeup. In Japan the standard ratio is 8
3 times: cups of water to 8 cups "of rice for the first six
Vh lb. fresh pike, sole, shrimp or lobster weeks after harvest. The amount of water then
Place the ground mixture in a large bowl set rises steadily. And when the rice is 11 months
in a bowl of ice. With a wooden spoon, work it old, 8 cups of rice need 10 cups of water.
to a smooth paste. Gradually work in by small Not only is there moisture variability in rice,
additions: but the type must also be reckoned with. Brown
2 egg whites rice, which retains its bran coat and germ, is much
Season with: slower to tenderize, although more valuable nu-
Grated fresh nutmeg tritionally, than highly polished white rice.
Salt There are also differences in the grain hybrids.
White pepper Use short- or medium-grain types which cook up —
Dash of cognac
Dash of cayenne or hot pepper sauce

tender and moist in recipes calling for sauces,
rings, croquettes and puddings. Long-grain types
Mix well. At this point the quenelle mixture are best for salads, soups and main dishes, where
should be very firm. Still over ice, add very, each grain should be separate and fluffy. Also on
very gradually and mix well with a wooden spoon: the market are preprocessed rices; follow the
2 to 2V2 cups well-chilled whipping cream directions on the label. Some of these that are
The consistency now should be that of a firm parboiled before milling have greater nutritive
whipped cream. To form and poach, follow direc- value than polished white rice. Wild rice is not
tions above. Serve with: a true rice. The seed comes from a strictly Ameri-
Newburg Sauce, 359 can plant and needs its own recipes, see 212.
Poulette Sauce, 345 To keep rice white when cooking in hard
water, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1 tablespoon
YORKSHIRE PUDDING COCKAIGNE vinegar to the cooking water.
Six 3-Inch Squares One cup raw rice equals 3 cups when cooked.
It was customary to cook this delicious dish in the One cup brown rice yields 3 to 4 cups cooked
pan with the roast, letting the drippings fall upon rice. If using preprocessed rice, the volume will
it. As many of us no longer want extravagant drip- be less, about 1 to 2 cups cooked for 1 cup un-
pings, we recommend cooking Yorkshire pudding cooked. This is also true for recipes in which rice
separately in the hot oven required to puff it up is browned in a skillet, with or without fat, prior

almost instantly. Serve it from the dish in which to cooking it with moisture. But this browning
it was cooked, cut into squares. In Yorkshire it is helps to keep the grains separate and does con-
served before the meat course as a hefty pudding. tribute to good flavor.
We substitute it for the usual starch served with
a main course.
Have all ingredients at 75°. BOILED RICE
Stir into a bowl: 6 to 7 Servings
/s cup flour I.Bring to a rolling boil:
V2 teaspoon salt 2 to 2V2 cups water, stock or consomme
Make a well in the center, into which pour: Use the larger amount for brown rice. Add:
Vi cup milk 1
4 teaspoon salt
V2 cup water You may add:
Stir in the liquid. Beat until fluffy and add: (1 tablespoon melted butter)
2 eggs to the rice, before cooking, to keep it from stick-
Continue to beat until large bubbles rise to the ing to the pot. Stir slowly into the water, so as
surface. Let stand covered and refrigerated at least not to disturb the boiling:
1 hour and beat again after bringing it back 1 cup white or brown rice
to 70°. Cover and cook over slow heat. White rice will
Preheat oven to 400°. take from 25 to 30 minutes, brown from 40 to 50.
Have ready a hot ovenproof dish about 9 x 13 If the rice becomes too dry, add A cup or more 1

inches, containing about V* cup hot beef drip- ^ boiling water. When the grains have swelled to
pings or melted butter. Pour in the batter. It capacity, uncover the pot for about the last 5 min-
should be about V2 inch high. Bake the pudding utes of cooking. Continue to cook the rice over
20 minutes. >• Reduce the heat to 350° and bake very low heat, shaking the pot from time to time
about 10 to 15 minutes longer. Serve at once. until the grains have separated. Or fluff the cooked

rice with a fork. Enliven the above by cooking Combine the mushrooms and rice. Add:
with the rice: (
A cup coarsely chopped blanched almonds)
(Chopped celery) Season to taste
(Chopped scallions) Press the rice firmly into a greased 7-inch ring
(Chopped spinach) mold and let stand 3 or 4 minutes. Invert the rice
(Grated carrots) onto a platter. Fill the center with a buttered vege-
table, creamed fish, etc.
A moist oriental-type
II. rice. 3 Servings
Wash and drain:
V2 cup short- or medium-grain rice CHEESE RICE RING
Place in a deep, heavy kettle with: 3 Servings
1V» cups cold water Preheat oven to 350°.
Boil 5 minutes or until most of the surface water Combine:
is gone and air bubbles can be seen on the surface IV2 cups Boiled Rice, 206
of the rice. Reduce the heat and continue to 1 beaten egg
cook covered about 20 minutes longer. Remove 2 tablespoons olive oil or melted butter
from heat and let the rice stand covered about 20 '4 cup milk
minutes more. It is then ready to serve. 1
/j cup shredded sharp cheese
V'4 tablespoon grated onion
RICE RING OR MOLD 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
V* teaspoon salt
A molded rice ring, shown filled in the chapter
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
heading, is a handsome way to enclose the food
Grease a 7-inch ring mold. Fill it with the rice
comprising your main course. For color, include
mixture. Bake it, set in a pan of hot water, about
chopped parsley with the cooked rice.
45 minutes.
I. 6 Servings
Preheat oven to 350°.
6 Servings
1 cup short- or medium-grain rice, 206
Preheat oven to 375°.
Season with:
2 teaspoon grated nutmeg

2 cups Boiled Rice, 206

Place in a well-greased 7-inch ring mold. Melt and
1 cup diced cooked ham
pour over it:
Combine and beat:
V* cup butter
1 egg
You may add: 2
/j cup condensed mushroom soup
cup coarsely chopped blanched almonds)
' 4
Vi cup milk
Set the mold in a pan of hot water. Bake the rice
teaspoon salt
for about 20 minutes. Loosen the edges and invert
(V2 teaspoon dried basil)
the contents of the mold onto a platter. Fill the
Grease a 9-inch ring mold. Place in it layers of
center with:
rice and ham. Pour the liquid ingredients over
Creamed Chicken, 263
them. Sprinkle the top with:
Creamed Mushrooms, 308, or
1 cup crushed potato chips or bread crumbs
a creamed or buttered vegetable
Bake the mold in 1 inch of hot water about V2
II. hour. Invert it onto a platter. Fill the center with:
We have had success packing hot cooked rice A cooked vegetable: carrots and peas,
firmly into a well-buttered ring mold. Rest it 3 or or green beans
4 minutes and then turn it out onto the serving

platter to with the hot entree. Do not

be filled
use this method if egg is called for in the recipe 6 to 7 Servings
use instead I, above. Preheat oven to 375°.
MUSHROOM RICE RING Vi chopped onion
6 Servings in:
No need to bake this mold. Va cup butter
Boil: until translucent. Add and stir until well coated:
cup short- or medium-grain
1 rice, 206 1 cup long-grain rice or brown rice
Grind, chop fine or X blend: Add:
V2 to 1 lb. mushrooms 2 cups boiling chicken stock or broth
Saute them 2 or 3 minutes in: Cover and bake 20 to 25 minutes.
2 tablespoons butter Gently mix with the rice:
Add: 2 tablespoons melted butter
V* cup hot stock or water Serve the rice at once.

BAKED GREEN RICE first, there will be a great preponderance of liquid,

3 Servings but gradually the rice will absorb it. Remove the
Outstanding alone or as a stuffing for breast of dish from the oven while the rice is still moist.
veal. This amount will fill a 7-inch ring mold. Good served with beer.
Preheat oven to 325°.
egg 6 to 7 Servings

Add and mix well: A good dish to serve with a cold supper.
1 cup milk

'/a cup finely chopped parsley

1 cup rice, 206
1 finelychopped clove garlic
When the water is nearly absorbed, add:

1 small minced onion

V2 to 3
A cup or more shredded cheese
'A teaspoon paprika
2 cups Boiled Rice, 206
'/a cup shredded sharp cheese or A few grains cayenne
2 tablespoons butter
teaspoon curry powder 1 cup condensed tomato or mushroom soup
Stir the rice over low heat until the cheese is
Salt to taste
baking dish, into
Place these ingredients in a
which has been poured: WITH SPINACH AND
2 tablespoons olive oil
Bake about 30 minutes. CHESTNUTS
6 to 8 Servings
BAKED PINEAPPLE RICE Preheat oven to 350°.
6 Servings (ombine:
This versatile dish may be served with baked ham 1 cup Boiled Rice, 206

or fried chicken or as a dessert with cream. 1 cup cooked chopped spinach

Preheat oven to 350°. 1 cup cooked chestnuts, 298

Boil: 2 to 1 cup shredded cheese


1 cup rice, 206 Cover with:

Drain, then ( ut into pie< es Au Gratin II, 552
IVj ( ups c ubed pineapple Bake about 35 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Place one third of the rice in a buttered baking Before serving, garnish with:
dish (over with half the pineapple Repeat the Sprigs of watercress and ribbons of pimiento
layer of rice and pineapple. Place the last third
ot the rue on lop Dot each layer with: BACON AND RICE CUSTARD
I'/a tablespoons butter 4 Servings
V* cup brown sugar Preheat oven to 325°.
Use in all 5' 2 tablespoons butter and yi cup sugar
1 Saute until partly done:
Pour ovei all 8 slices bacon
A cup pineapple juice Line each of 4 muffin tins with 2 slices of bacon.
Bake- the rice- covered about 30 minutes. Fill them with the following mixture. Combine:

cups Boiled Rice, 206

CURRIED RICE beaten egg
3 Servings 2 tablespoons cream
An unusual and delicious rice dish. Its popularity 1 tablespoon melted butter

is undoubtedly due to the restraint with which 1 tablespoon grated onion

the spice is used. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Pour: Vb teaspoon salt

2 cups hot water Va teaspoon paprika
over: Bake until the custard is firm, about ','2 hour.
Va cup rice Serve with:
Place the rice where it will remain hot, but will Tomato or other sauce
not rook, about 45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350°. CHINESE FRIED RICE
Add to the rice: 6 Servings
Va cup drained, chopped tomatoes The rice for this recipe must be cooked, fluffy,
V* teaspoon salt and prepared at least one dav before use. Heat
A cup onion
finely sliced in a heavy skillet:
A cup peppers
sliced green V* cup vegetable oil

2 tablespoons melted butter Toss in it:

A teaspoon curry powder 3 cups Boiled Rice, 206
Bake these ingredients in a baking dish Vh hours until hot and golden. Add:
or until done. Stir them from time to time. At 4 minced scallions

teaspoon salt Stir it frequently. Add water or stock if the rice
cup julienned cooked roast pork or ham
O/2 becomes too dry. it may be served with:
or 1 cup diced cooked shrimp) Cheese Sauce, 342
When these ingredients are well mixed, hollow
a center in the rice. Break: ROMBAUER RICE DISH
3 eggs 4 Servings
into the hollow and scramble until semicooked, Freely varied each time it is made, but in such
then stir into the rice mixture. Sprinkle with: demand that we shall try to write a general rule
IV2 tablespoons soy sauce for it.

('A cup minced coriander leaves) Boil:

and serve with: Vi cup rice, 206

Podded Peas, 315 Prepare:
Veal stew: 1 «/a lb. meat, 469
Pare, slice and add the 20 minutes of cooking:
8 to 10 Servings 2 onions
This dish needs fairly constant watching for about and:
20 minutes and must be served at once to pre- 6 ribs celery, sliced
vent gumminess. Melt in aheavy pan: 3 sprigs parsley
V* cup Clarified Butter, 349 Drain the stew. To make the gravy, see 341. There
Saute in it, until golden: should be about 3 cups of stock. If there is not
1 small minced onion enough, add chicken bouillon, a bouillon or vege-
Add and stir well with a wooden spoon until all table Cube and water, rice water, or sweet or sour
the butter is absorbed: cream to make up the difference. If there is not
2 cups rice enough fat, add butter. The better the gravy, the
Have ready: better the dish. Combine rice, meat, vegetables
8 to 10 cups hot beef or chicken stock and gravy and reheat. Garnish with:
(Vi cup Italian white wine) Parsley
After the rice is well coated with the tat, add 1 You may add a dash of curry powder and some
cup of the stock. Continue to stir, adding about —
herbs thyme, basil, etc., 579. You may use left-
two-thirds of the hot stock over a 10-minute over meat, gravy and vegetables. You may serve
period. Dissolve in a little of the stock: the stew in a baking dish, au gratin or in indi-
(A pinch of saffron or Vi teaspoon fennel vidual baking dishes.
seed) A deluxe dish is this recipe made with rice,
Continue to stir and add stock about 5 to 8 min- chicken, sauce —
with cream and chicken gravy
utes longer, when the rice should have absorbed and blanched slivered almonds. An everyday dish
all of the liquid. Do not let it dry out. is this recipe made with corned beef and some

Season to taste canned soup to substitute for gravy.

Place the rice in a hot serving dish. Pour over it

and mix: PILAF

V* cup melted butter 4 Servings
(Sauteed chicken livers and giblets) A rice dish combined with shrimp or chicken
Sprinkle over it: livers, etc. It has many variations, some with grits,
1 cup grated aged Parmesan cheese
millet, or dried or split peas to replace the rice.
/3 cup long-grain rice, 206

SPANISH RICE Saute until golden and add to the rice:

3 to 4 Servings 3 tablespoons chopped onion
Saute until crisp: in:
3 slices bacon, minced 1 to 2 tablespoons butter
Remove the bacon. Stir and cook in the drippings In a separate pan, simmer:
untilbrowned: 2V2 cups tomatoes
cup rice
V2 teaspoon salt
Add and cook until golden: teaspoon paprika
Vi cup thinly sliced onions Vi teaspoon brown sugar
Add the bacon and: and a bouquet garni, 572, of:
VU cups canned tomatoes •/a bay leaf

V2 teaspoon salt 3 ribs celery with leaves

1 teaspoon paprika When the tomato mixture is thick, remove the
1 seeded and minced green pepper bouquet garni. Add to the tomato mixture:
(1 pressed clove garlic) 1 cup cooked shrimp, lobster meat, crab meat,

Steam the rice in a double boiler about 1 hour. or sauteed chicken livers

(V2 cup chopped pecans) and the drained, chopped apricots and raisins
Combine these ingredients with the rice. and cooked rice.
Season to taste Season to taste
Place the rice in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle Put into a greased baking dish to bake covered
with: about 30 minutes.
'A cup grated cheese and bread crumbs
Place under a heated broiler to brown. RICE AND NUT LOAF
4 Servings
PAELLA Serve with broccoli or any green leafy vegetable.
8 Servings Preheat oven to 375°.
If you do not own a paellero, the vessel to which Melt:
this dish gives its name, you will need a generous 3 tablespoons butter
lidded casserole in which to cook and serve it. Saute in it until soft:
Preheat oven to 350°. 1 minced onion
Have ready: 1 seeded chopped green pepper, seeds and
2 cups cooked chicken, cut in 1- to membrane removed
1V2-inch pieces Add:
4 cups hot chicken stock 1 cup Boiled Rice, 206
Heat until golden in the casserole. V3 cup bread crumbs
cup olive oil
V* 1 cup chopped tomatoes
V2 cup thinly sliced onions 1 cup chopped or ground walnuts
Over moderate heat add, stirring until lightly or other nutmeats
browned: 1 beaten egg
2 cups rice 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Add the hot stock, in which has been dissolved a teaspoon salt
small quantity of: V* teaspoon paprika
Saffron —
or up to 2 teaspoons if you are (1 teaspoon grated lemon peel)

Spanish Bake these ingredients in a greased baking dish

Add: about 30 minutes. Cover the top with:
2 pressed cloves garlic AuGratin II, 552
2 sliced sweet red peppers, seeds and Brown under a broiler. Serve the loaf with:
membranes removed A tomato sauce
teaspoon paprika

teaspoon oregano
Thin slices chorizo or hard Spanish sausage
I. 5 Servings
Season to taste Boil:
Also put in the chicken, arranging it toward the 2
/b cup rice, 206
top of the mixture. Cover and bake in a 350° mold with
Line a buttered it. Reserve V2 cup for
oven about 15 minutes. Add, arranging them at- the top. Cook:
tractively on the top: 1 cup White Sauce II, 341
Raw shrimp Stir in and thicken slightly over low heat:
Well-scrubbed clams in their shells 1 egg yolk
Cover and steam about 10 minutes longer. Serve Add:
at once. 1 cup diced canned salmon, cooked fish
or meat
10 Servings 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Cover with water and soak V2 hour: 1 tablespoon chopped onion
2 cups dried apricots V2 cup chopped celery
1 cup white raisins 1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1 teaspoon
In the meantime, boil: Worcestershire sauce
1 cup rice, 206 Salt, paprika, nutmeg
Preheat oven to 375°. Preheat oven to 375°.
In a skillet, melt: Fill the rice mold and place the reserved rice over

V2 cup butter the top. Cover with a piece of buttered paper. Set
Saute: the mold in a pan of hot water and bake or steam
1 cup minced onion until set, about 30 minutes. Invert the loaf onto a
'2 cup chopped green pepper, seeds and platter. Garnish it with:
membrane removed Sprigs of parsley
(V2 teaspoon curry powder) Serve it with:
Add: A tomato sauce, or
(1 cup toasted almonds) Mushroom Sauce, 348

II. 6 Servings Add:

Boil: 1 cup tomato pulp
h cup
206 rice, V3 cup water
There should be about 2 cups cooked rice. Bring these ingredients to the boiling point. Stir
Drain: in the rice and:
1 cup canned tuna fish 2 cups coarsely diced cooked ham, chicken,
Break the tuna into pieces with a fork. sausage, tongue, shrimp or crab, alone
Cook: or in combination
2 cups White Sauce 11,341 Add:
Add: 'A teaspoon thyme
2 —
teaspoon salt more if rice is unsalted (Worcestershire sauce)
! z teaspoon paprika Season to taste
A few grains red pepper Stir over very low heat about 10 minutes or heat
Reduce the heat to low. Stir in until melted: over boiling water about "2 hour. Serve sprinkled
2 cups shredded cheese with:
Preheat oven to 400°. Chopped parsley
Place in a baking dish alternate layers of rice, fish
and sauce. Dot the top with: CHICKEN JAMBALAYA
Gratin II, 552 4 to 6 Servings
Bake the dish until the crumbs are brown. If Cut into pieces:
preferred, bake the ingredients in a ring, invert A young chicken
and serve with the center filled with Sauteed Saute about 5 minutes in:

Mushrooms, 308. cup vegetable oil or butter

Remove meat from pan. Saute in the fat, about 3
4 Servings V3 cup minced onion
Ideal for a picnic supper. V2 cup skinned, seeded and chopped tomato
Boil: Stir in:
/3 cup rice, 206 1 diced green pepper, seeds and membrane
Saute lightly in butter: removed
A to 1 lb. mushrooms V2 cup diced celery
Chop and add: 1 cup rice
2 medium-sized green peppers, seeds and When the rice is well coated with fat, stir in the
membrane removed sauteed chicken. Cover these ingredients well
1 medium-sized onion with:
1 rib celery About 3 cups boiling water
2 diced pimientos Add:
I'A cups fresh or drained canned tomatoes 1 bay leaf
Season these ingredients with: 'A teaspoon thyme
A teaspoon salt 'A cup chopped parsley
A few grains cayenne 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon paprika A teaspoon pepper

Add: Simmer these ingredients until the chicken is

W cup melted butter tender and the rice almost done. Add:
These proportions may be varied. V2 lb. finely diced cooked ham
Preheat oven to 300°. Season to taste
Combine the rice and other ingredients. Place in Dry out the jambalaya by placing it about 5 or 10
a greased baking dish. Bake covered 30 to 40 minutes in a 350° oven
minutes. The sauteed mushroom caps and the
pimientos may be used to garnish the top of the RICE TABLE OR RIJSTTAFEL
dish. They are highly decorative with a bunch of 8 Servings
parsley in the center. As this Javanese dish is very filling, it is ideal for
suppers served with ice-cold beer, followed by
JAMBALAYA WITH MEAT OR FISH salad. It may be made as elaborate or as simple
6 to 8 Servings as you wish. If you object to coconut or do not
Have ready: like the flavor of curry, do not discard this dish.
3 cups Boiled Rice, 206 Instead, carry out the idea of the rijsttafel by sub-
Saute lightly in a saucepan: stituting (reamed chicken, ragout fin or a lamb
2 diced slices bacon stew you do followed by vegetables and
Add and saute until golden: condiments served in some attractive way.
'A cup chopped onion Grate:
Stir in A fresh coconut, or use about 2 cups
1 tablespoon flour unsweetened canned coconut
Heat but do not scald: WILD RICE
4 cups milk or coconut milk 566 , 4 Servings
Add the coconut. Let these ingredients stand 2 Wash well in several waters, pouring off the for-
hours in a cool place. Melt: eign particles from the top:
1 tablespoon butter 1 cup wild rice

Saute in it. until light brown: Drain it. Stir it slovvlv into:
,' 2 cup finely chopped onion 4 cups boiling water
Add: 1 teaspoon salt

Chopped gingerroot: 2-inch length Cook without stirring about 40 minutes or until
1 chopped clove garlic tender.
1 ' 2 tablespoons curry powder
Strain and add the coconut. Add to the cooled WILD RICE RING
strained milk: 4 Servings

1 cup milk or Poultry Stock, 523

Cook ,h directed above:
1 cup wild rice
With 5 tablespoons of this liquid, mix:
You mav add:
tablespoon flour
1 pressed clove garlic
1 tablespoon cornstarch
When the rice is tender, add:
Heat the remaining liquid and stir the starch paste 1
4 cup butter
into it Cook and stir the saute until it is hot and 1
2 teaspoon poultry seasoning or freshly
grated nutmeg
Season to taste
cup sauteed onions and mushrooms)
Place half the sauce in the top of a double boiler. (' 4 cup dry sherrv

Add the coc onut-c unv mixture ^nd Preheat oven to 350°.
3 cups cooked diced chicken, shrimp, fish, Place nre m well-greased 7-inch ring mold set
veal, sweetbreads or mushrooms, either in pan of hot water in the oven. Bake about
alone or in combination 20 minutes. Loosen the edges with a knife, invert
Heal remaining sauce in another double boiler. intents onto a platter and fill the center
Have read\ >>n(\ rather dry and flaky: with one or more of the following:
2 cups Boiled Rice, 206 Creamed Mushrooms, 308
Ihe ceremony of serving this dish is part of its Chicken Livers Lyonnaise, 500
charm In lava one refers to it b\ the separate Sauteed Onions, 312
dishes, as a One-bov currv"
or a "Twenty-two- Snow Peas, 315, and Water Chestnuts, 335
boy curry," each bo\ representing one dish. Pass
the rue first. Spread it generously ovei \our plate "LONG RICE" OR HARUSAME
forming a base or table " Pass the food in the This is not a rice at all, but an oriental pasta made
sauce next Follow this with: soybean powder, also known as bean thread
Onion rings noodles. Saifun, or dried cellophane noodles.
Sieved hard-cooked eggs We infinitely prefer its native name of "Spririg
Crated peanuts or toasted almonds Rain."
Grated coconut, if there is none in the sauce To prepare, pour:
Relish Boiling water
Chufney, raisins, preserved ginger over:
or kumquats Harusame
Halved fried bananas Let stand 15 minutes or until it is limp. Cut into
Mixed pickles desired lengths and drain. Add as a garnish for
Now pass the extra heated sauce soup, meat or vegetables. It should then > sim-
To simplify matters, the last four or five mav be mer during the last 15 minutes of the cooking of
served from one large condiment dish. Servings '
from these various dishes are placed on the rice
table. Cut through the lasers and proceed to feast.
Freshly made pastas are an incomparable treat.
Noodles are those most frequently made in the
ABOUT WILD RICE home, as thev do not require the difficult-to-
Wild the seed from a grass growing wild in
rice is purchase high-gluten flours that other pasta forms
the northern United States, and nutritionally it is demand. To make noodles and casings for filled
closer to wheat than to rice. It remains a luxurv pastas like Ravioli, 216, Kreplach, 172. and Won
because of the difficulty of harvesting. For econ- Ton, 173, see Noodle Dough, opposite.
omy you mav combine cooked wild rice with Because pasta shapes are so variable we give
cooked white or brown rice. the weight rather than the volume for amounts to
One cup of wild rice equals 3 to 3'.i cups of be cooked. And at meals where pasta
the pre- is

cooked wild rice. dominant ingredient of the main dish, the indi-

vidual serving is more generous than the usual Won Ton, Ravioli or Kreplach cases, but cut it

meat or vegetable serving, so we allow U y

into squares without allowing it to dry, and fill

pound of dry pasta per serving. For more detailed at once. To fold and cook, see individual recipes.
information, please see Equivalents and Substitu- On a large pastry board or marble tabletop make
tions, 593. a well, 643, of:
pastas should be added
All gradually to a 2
3 cup all-purpose flour
large quantity of rapidly boiling water so that the Drop into it:

boiling is not disturbed. As in the cooking of all 1 egg

cereals, it is essential that the outer surfaces be barely combined with:
penetrated as quickly as possible. This requires tablespoon water

a kettle large enough to accommodate about 7 V2 teaspoon salt

quarts of rapidly boiling water for a pound of 1 teaspoon oil

pasta. Add 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon Work the mixture with your hands, folding the
olive oil. Long pastas are immersed as shown flour over the egg until the dough can be rolled
below; the dry material softens as it is gradually into a ball and comes clean from the hands. If
lowered into continuously boiling water, until all you want to make green noodles, add at this
(2 to 4 tablespoons very well drained and
chopped cooked spinach)
dried, finely
Knead the dough as for bread, 600, about 10 min-
utes. Then let it stand, covered, about 1 hour. Now
roll the dough, stretching it a little more with each
roll. Between each rolling and stretching, con-

tinue to sprinkle it with flour to keep the dough

from sticking to the pin or board or developing
holes. Repeat this procedure about 10 times or
until the dough is paper-thin and translucent. Let
it dry about 30 minutes. You can hang it as the
Neapolitans do, like laundry, with a piece of foil
or plastic underneath. Before it becomes brittle,
roll it into a scroll and cut it on the bias as shown
below into strips of any width you prefer: 1/a
inch for soup or 2 inches for lasagne. Allow about
the pasta floats free. No matter which pasta you 3 tablespoons uncooked noodles for each quart
are cooking do not overcook. The timing can

be gauged only by tasting not once, but several
times. If the noodles are very thin or freshly made,

a few minutes suffice. The perfect state any Italian

recognizes as al dente is reached when no taste
of raw flour remains and the pasta still offers slight
resistance to the bite. Thick forms of commercial
pastas with uncertain shelf histories may need
cooking as long as 15 or 20 minutes. When the al
dente state is reached, remove the pasta from the
water with a pasta scoop similar to the one shown
in the chapter heading and let the pasta drip-dry
momentarily over the pot before releasing it into
a large warm buttered bowl or spooning it with a
pasta server, shown also in the chapter heading
in the foreground. When all the pasta is drained
and tossed in butter, portion it into hot bowls;
served thus without a sauce, it is called al burro.
Pass the grated cheese. For ways to garnish and
of soup. Cook the noodles in rapidly boiling

serve pastas, see suggestions for Boiled Noodles,

saltedwater about 10 minutes. Drain and add
below, Pasta Sauces, 219, and Pasta Fillings, 218. them to the soup before serving.


About Vi Pound Dry or 5 Servings
4 Cups Cooked Noodles Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212.
If you are a beginner, do not try to make noodles Drop:
in damp weather. This dough may be used for 2 cups Pasta
into: A cup
3 quarts boiling, salted water

V2 teaspoon — Add noodle mixture before folding in the
to the
salt to the quart or chicken stock, egg whites:
consomme, etc. IV2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce, 848
Boil 8 to 10 minutes, depending on size and your V2 tablespoon catsup or sauteed onions
taste preference. Drain in a colander and imme- 3
A cup grated cheddar cheese or cottage cheese
diately put back into cooking pot, set over very
low heat and toss generously in: HI. 10 Servings
Melted butter Use 9-inch ring. For 5 servings prepare half the
recipe and use a 7-inch ring. Boil in salted water:
I. If served once without sauce, they may be
at 2 cups fine Noodles, 213
called Fettucine al Burro. With the pasta, pass: Drain. Beat and pour over the noodles:
(Crated Asiago, Romano or Parmesan cheese) 4 egg yolks
V* teaspoon paprika
II. You may prefer instead of the butter to mix 1
2 cup melted butter
with them: Preheat oven to 350°.
A cup cultured sour cream Whip until stiff:
Add: 4 egg whites
(3 tablespoons chopped parsley) teaspoon
V* salt
(2 tablespoons poppy seed) Beat until stiff:
cup whipping cream or 1 cup cultured
(V2 cup blanched slivered almonds sauteed in
sour cream
1 tablespoon butter) Fold the egg whites and the cream lightly into the

III. Or make Good

Friday Noodles. Add:
noodle mixture. Fill a well-greased ring. Place it
in a pan of hot water. Bake until firm, about 1 hour
Buttered Croutons, 551
or more. Invert the ring and fill as above.
and pass a bowl of:
Stewed prunes
IV. Or prepare: To be served instead of a starchy vegetable or as
Welsh Rarebit I or II, 252 a garnish on vegetables or other dishes, notably
and when hot, stir in: Chinese. Boil in salted water about 5 minutes:
V2 lb. freshly cooked, drained noodles Thin noodles
1 to 2 cups diced cooked ham or cooked Place them in a colander and rinse with cold water
smoked tongue to rid them of surface starch. Drain, separate and
dry well. In deep fat heated to 390°, fry, a small
NOODLE RINGS amount at a time, until they are a delicate brown.

I. 4 Servings Drain on paper toweling. Sprinkle lightly with:

Boil in salted water
IV2 cups Noodles, 213
Keep them hot or reheat in a 400° oven.
Drain them. Beat:
2 egg yolks
For these you need a tea strainer about 3 inches
V2 cup milk
in diameter and a second strainer about 3/u inch
A tablespoon melted butter
teaspoon salt smaller that fits into it but leaves space for the
teaspoon paprika
swelling of the noodles. Prepare:

O/2 cup shredded cheese)

Noodle Dough, 213
(' h teaspoon nutmeg)
Before the dough is dry, fold it over and cut it into

Combine this mixture with the noodles. Dip the strainers in hot fat to keep
'A -inch strips.

Preheat oven to 350° the noodles from sticking. Line the larger strainer
but not dry: with 2 layers of noodles in crisscross effect. Snip
Beat until stiff

2 egg whites
off the ragged edges. Place the smaller strainer
over the noodle basket. Fry the noodle basket in
Fold lightly into the noodles. Butter a 7-inch ring
mold or individual ring molds. Fill with the noodle deep fat heated to 390° until lightly browned. Re-
mixture. Place in a pan of hot water and bake
move it carefully from the strainers and fry the
next one. You may fill the fried baskets at once
until done, about 45 minutes for a large mold or
with creamed food, etc., or you may cool and
30 minutes for the small ones. Invert the contents
reheat them later by dipping briefly in hot fat
of the molds on hot plates and fill the centers
without the strainers. Drain on paper toweling.
Creamed spinach, peas, mushrooms, hash,
stewed tomatoes or Chicken a la King, 263
6 Servings
II. Made
with cheese, this is our favorite. Follow This recipe capable of wide interpretation and

the recipe above. Use in all: its proportions may be varied.


Preheat oven to 350° In shallow large baking pan, arrange alternate


Have readv: layers of noodles and pork mixture, ending with

3 cups Boiled Noodles, 213 noodles. Beat together:
Grease a baking dish. Place in it layers of noodles 4 eggs
sprinkled with:
/3 cup cream
A cup diced or ground cooked ham Va cup grated hard cheese
(Vi cup shredded cheese) Pour this mixture over the noodles and dot with:
C/z cup shredded green pepper and diced celery) cup butter
Combine: Bake about 45 minutes.
IV2 cups milk
1 or 2 eggs
Va teaspoon paprika
V* to 2 teaspoon salt
' —omit if the ham is
18 Servings
very salty
Boil in salted water:
Pour this over the noodles. Cover with
5 cups Noodles, 213
Bread or cracker crumbs
and drain them. Have ready:
Bake about 45 minutes.
1 lb. shredded sharp cheese

IV2 cups dry bread crumbs

LEFTOVER NOODLE DISH Mix together half the cheese and 1 cup of the
I. Follow the previous recipe. Substitute for the crumbs with:
ham: Va cup melted butter
Diced cooked roast beef, chicken, crab, Mix the rest of the crumbs, the cheese and the
shrimp, chipped beef,mushrooms and noodles with:
other vegetables 7 beaten eggs
13 A cups milk
TUNA, NOODLE AND MUSHROOM 3 tablespoons grated onion
SOUP CASSEROLE Vi cup chopped pimiento
4 Large Servings Vi cup chopped green pepper, seeds and
An excellent emergency dish. membrane removed
Preheat oven to 450°.
1 teaspoon salt
Have ready: V2 teaspoon white pepper
2 cups Boiled Noodles, 213
cup finely chopped celery)

Drain: cup sliced stuffed olives)


1 can tuna fish: 7 oz.

Preheat oven to 325°.
Separate it with a fork into large flakes. Do not Divide the mixture into two parts and place in
mince it. Grease an ovenproof dish. Arrange a two 9 x 9-inch baking pans. Cover with the cheese,
butter and crumb mixture. Bake about 25 minutes
layer of noodles, then sprinkle it with fish and so
or until the custard sets and the top is golden
on, with noodles on top. Pour over this mixture:
1 cup condensed mushroom soup brown. To test the custard for doneness, see 734.
Serve with:
Season the soup with:
Worcestershire sauce, curry powder or Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348, Marinara
dry sherry Sauce, 353, or Creole Sauce, 348
cup chopped parsley
Cover the top with:
Buttered cornflakes or cracker crumbs
16 Servings
Bake until the top is brown.
These 2-inch wide, rather thick noodles often have
a wavy ridge along one or both edges.
ROMANIAN NOODLE AND PORK ^ Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212. Have
CASSEROLE ready a double portion of:
8 Servings Italian Meat Sauce for Pasta I, 352
Preheat oven to 350°. Also have ready:
Have ready: Va lb. Ricotta cheese
1 lb. fine Boiled Noodles, 213 Vi lb. thinly sliced or crumbled Mozzarella
Combine: cheese
1 lb. cooked ground pork V2 lb. grated Parmesan cheese
1 slice bread, soaked in milk and wrung out Cook barely to the al dente stage, 213, in salted
1 minced leek water:
V2 to 1 teaspoon fennel seeds %
lb. lasagne noodles
V* cup chopped parsley using about 2 tablespoons olive oil in the boiling
1 teaspoon salt water. Stir occasionally. Drain and separate the
.2 teaspoon pepper lasagne strips.

Preheat oven to 350°. CANNELLONI OR MANICOTTI

Spread then a layer of
a thin layer of the sauce,
4 to 5 Servings
pasta, in each of two 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dishes. When they are wrapped around fillings and baked
Cover with a sprinkling of each of the three in a sauce, the charm of these "channels" or "lit-
cheeses. Spoon another layer of sauce over all, tle muffs" lies in the delicacy and freshness of the
then another layer of pasta placed crisscross, and dough. The pasta, however, can be made a few
a layer of cheeses. Continue to build layers, re- hours in advance and refrigerated in foil or plastic
serving enough sauce to cover the final layer of to cover and separate the pieces.
pasta and enough Parmesan cheese to dust the Prepare a double portion of:
top. Bake about 30 to 40 minutes. Let stand briefly Noodle Dough, 213
before cutting and serving. After kneading the dough
until very smooth, rest
it covered with a cloth 10 minutes. Divide the
dough in half. Roll each portion to a Va-inch
thickness. For Cannelloni, cut into 4 x 4V2-inch
pieces. For Manicotti, cut into 4 x 6-inch oblongs.
In either case, dry thoroughly on a cloth-covered
surface; cover with a cloth about 1 hour.

To cook this pasta, have ready a kettle with at

5 quarts boiling salted
Drop about < time into the water so
pieces at a

as not to disturb the boiling, and cook almost to

the al dente stage, 213. Remove with a skimmer
and dry quickly on a cloth-covered surface.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Place in the center of each piece of cooked pasta:
A heaping tablespoon Pasta Filling, 218-219
For Cannelloni, roll into pipelike "channels." For
Manicotti, fold up the ends before rolling to make
RAVIOLI the muffs." In either case place them seam

II you make this filled pasta often, use a wooden side down
in a buttered ovenproof dish. Cover

roller such as the one shown in the foreground generously with:

of the chapter heading, 198. Otherwise roll out a
A tomato sauce
sheet of: or:

Noodle Dough, 213 Melted butter

Place the sheet on a floured board and divide into A sprinkling of fresh basil

2 equal oblongs. Depending on how large you Grated Parmesan cheese or Veloute
prefer your ravioli, partly score half the strips Sauce, 345
to indicate 2-inch or 3-inch squares. Place in the
Bake about 10 minutes and serve at once with
(enter of each square additional:

2 to 3 teaspoons Pasta Filling I, II or III, (Grated Parmesan cheese)

Place the unscored strips of pasta over the scored PASTA WITH EGG AND CHEESE
strips and with your fingers press down to seal 8 to 10 Servings
the filling firmly on four sides in separate little Not the usual cheese sauce, but an Italian version.
mounds. With a pie jagger, first cut along the > Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212
lengthwise edges of the strips to reinforce the Boil in salted water:
closures. Then cut between the strips to separate 1 lb. spaghetti, macaroni or noodles, 213

the ravioli as shown above. Put the squares on a In the meantime, cook in a small skillet:
rack to dry about T/2 to 2 hours, turning once. 2 tablespoons olive oil
Have ready a pot of: 6 slices finely cut bacon
Boiling water or chicken stock bacon is crisp. Add:
until the
1 tablespoon salt cup dry white wine

Without disturbing the boiling, place about 6 and reduce until the wine has evaporated. Beat
ravioli in the pot. Reduce the heat at once and together:
simmer until the pasta is a/ c/ente, 213. Remove 3 eggs
with a skimmer and place them in a heated bowl. 2
h cup grated mixed Parmesan and
Continue cooking the remaining ravioli. Serve Romano cheese
covered generously with: Drain the pasta and return it to the hot saucepan.
Melted butter Add the egg and cheese mixture and the hot
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese or bacon fat and bits, stirring them in quickly. The
a tomato sauce heat of the pasta will cook the egg mixture.

Season to taste (V2 minced clove garlic)

Serve immediately. in:
2 tablespoons butter
BOILED MACARONI WITH CHEESE Combine these with the other ingredients and
4 to 6 Servings pour them over the macaroni. Mix them well with
Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212. 2 forks. Sprinkle the top with:
Boil in salted water until tender: Grated cheddar cheese
Vi lb. macaroni: 2 cups, 213 Preheat oven to 400°.
Drain. Return it to the saucepan. Bake the macaroni until the cheese is golden.
Over low heat stir in:
/2 cup light cream
Place the macaroni in a dish and sprinkle with: 4 Servings
V2 cup or more grated cheese Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212.
Serve with any of the Pasta Sauces on 219. Boil in salted water:
IV2 cups macaroni
BAKED MACARONI Drain it. Saute:
4 Servings 1 tablespoon minced onion
Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212. in:
Boil in salted water: 3 tablespoons butter
4 oz. macaroni: 1 cup, 213 Stir in until blended:
Drain it. IV2 tablespoons flour
Preheat oven to 350°. Stir in until smooth:
Place layers of macaroni in a buttered baking dish. IV2 cups milk
Sprinkle the layers with: A cup shredded
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Beat until blended: V2 teaspoon lemon juice

1 or 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt
/> cup milk 'A teaspoon paprika
V* teaspoon salt A few grains cayenne
Va teaspoon paprika Preheat oven to 350°.
A few grains cayenne Have ready:
(1 sliced pimiento) 1'/2 to 2 cups cleaned shrimp, oysters or clams

(V* cup chopped green peppers or 2 tablespoons Place layers of macaroni and fish in a baking dish.
chopped parsley) Pour the sauce over them. Cover the top with:
(1tablespoon grated onion) Au Gratin 111,553
Pour this mixture over the macaroni. Sprinkle the Bake about 30 minutes.
top with:
Bake the macaroni about 40 minutes. 4 Servings
Preheat oven to 375°.
LIVERS, MUSHROOMS 2 cups cubed or ground cooked meat
AND CHEESE 2 teaspoons grated onion
About T/2 Quarts
2 tablespoons butter
Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212.
Boil in salted water:
V2 lb. macaroni: 2 cups, 213 V* cup cream
deep Season it with:
Drain. Place in a casserole. While the maca-
roni is cooking, saute: Saltand pepper
Vi lb. mushrooms, 308 (V2 teaspoon basil)
Saute or boil until tender: Place in a greased baking dish:
1 can spaghetti: 24 oz.
Va cup chicken livers or calf liver
Chop the mushrooms and the liver. Simmer until
Make a depression in the center. Place the meat

fairly thick:
in Sprinkle the top with:

4 cups canned tomatoes Au Gratin III, 553

Strain them. Season with: Bake about 25 minutes.
'4 tablespoon salt

1 teaspoon brown sugar QUICK SPAGHETTI WITH TUNA,

A few grains cayenne SALMON OR BEEF
(1 teaspoon dried basil) 4 Servings
Saute: Drain and reserve the oil from:
1 minced onion 1 can tuna fish or salmon: 7 oz.

Saute in the oil and add to the fish: 1' 3 cups water
cup chopped onion
'/» V* cup grated Romano cheese
Or if you are preparing a meat dish, saute the Stir in and heat thoroughly:
onion and: 2 cups chopped drained tuna, shrimp or clams
(V2 lb. ground beef) 3 cup sliced pitted ripe olives
in: Add:
('A cup shortening) 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Combine: 2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cup condensed tomato soup
8 teaspoon each thyme and marjoram
2V2 cups canned spaghetti Preheat broiler.
the flaked fish or beef. Season with:
("old in In a buttered casserole, mix the sauce and the
teaspoon sugar
V2 drained spaghetti. Top with another:
A few grains cayenne V* cup grated Romano cheese
Salt and paprika Heat under the broiler until golden brown.
Cook until thoroughly heated. You may rub a
bowl with: MOSTACCIOLI
(A cut clove garlic)
5 Servings
Add the spaghetti mixture. Garnish it w ith:
Manicotti are little muffs, cannelloni are pipes.
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Imguine are tongues, fettucine are ribbons, vermi-
celli are wormlets: but we think these "little mus-
CHICKEN OR TURKEY TETRAZZINI taches" have the most fetching name of all.
8 to 10 Servings Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212.
\ fan writes that she prefers using V* pound mac- Reconstitute:
aroni and 1 pound mushrooms. A bit more extrav- V* lb. dried mushrooms, 573
agant but very good. Please read about Cooking Melt:
Pastas, 212. 1 tablespoon butter
Cut the meat from the bones of. Stir and brown in it:
A boiled chicken '4 to 1 lb. ground round steak
There should be 2 to cups shredded meat 5 Boil 1 large chopped onion
in salted watei 1 clove garlic cut into halves
2 lb. macaroni or spaghetti: 2 cups, 213 Cover these ingredients with boiling water. Add:
Drain ,\nd <\(\d to this 3
A teaspoon salt
O/2 cup blanched, slivered almonds) r teaspoon pepper

V2 to 3
4 lb. Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 Simmer covered until almost dry. Fish out the
When sauteing the mushrooms, add to the pan: garlic. Add:
3 tablespoons dry white wine 2 cups canned tomatoes
Make a sau< i (' 2 teaspoon each basil and oregano)

3 tablespoons butter or chicken fat Continue to simmer, stirring frequently. Cook

2 tablespoons flour until the sauce is thick, from 1 to 1 1/2 hours. As it
cups chicken broth
2 thickens, add mushrooms, and when the sauce is
Season to taste almost done, add:
Remove trom heat Stir in: V* cup olive oil
1 cup heated whipping cream Boil in salted water until tender:
Preheat oven to 175 1
2 lb. mostaccioli: about 2 cups
Add half the sauce to the chicken and half to the Serve the mostaccioli on a hot platter: first a
macaroni and mushrooms. Place the macaroni in la\er of the pasta, then a lavcr of sauce, then a
a greased baking dish. Wake a hole in the center. layer of the pasta and again a layer of sauce.
Place the chicken in it. Sprinkle the top with: Sprinkle each meat sauce layer generouslv with:
Grated Parmesan cheese Grated Parmesan cheese
Bake until lightly browned and heated through. Freshly grated black pepper


There can be much leewav in the makeup of pasta
Please read about Cooking Pastas, 212.
fillings, with combinations of meats and vegeta-
Boil in salted water:
bles of your preference. Use for Cannelloni, Ravi-
V2 lb. spaghetti: 2 cups, 213 oli, Tortellini. Manicotti, large seashells, and other
Saute until golden: pastas.
6 tablespoons chopped onion
in: I. About 2 Cups
2 tablespoons olive oil Our favorite Ravioli filling.
Add: Combine:
2 cups cream of mushroom soup 2 cup cooked pureed spinach

1 cup cooked meat: ground veal and lean pork Salt and pepper
2 eggs Chill for easier handling before filling pasta.

V* cup lightly toasted bread crumbs

2 cup grated Romano or Parmesan cheese EGG AND CHEESE TOPPING
2 teaspoon dried basil or marjoram FOR PASTA
(V2 minced clove garlic) About 1 Cup
2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley This good topping for spaghetti or noodle
is a
Salt and pepper casserole dishes which have to wait for tardy
and enough: guests, as it prevents the spaghetti from drying
Stock, cream or gravy to form a stiff paste out.
Beat until light yellow and foamy:
II. About 2' 2 Cups 3 eggs
Beat: Stir in, to form a thick paste:
1 lb. Ricotta cheese 2
/j cup grated Parmesan cheese
Add, one at a time, and continue to beat: Spread over the top of the dish and bake in a
2 eggs 400° oven until the eggs and cheese are set and
Add: browned.
tablespoon chopped parsley

V2 cup grated Parmesan cheese CHICKEN LIVER TOPPING

Salt and pepper to taste
III. About 4 Cups Saute until just done:
Our favorite Cannelloni filling. 1 cup chicken livers

Lightly saute together: in:

2 tablespoons butter V*cup vegetable or olive oil

V* cupchopped onion
finely Remove the livers from the pan and cut up
A lb. finely chopped mushrooms
1 coarsely. In the same pan, saute 5 minutes:
Add and simmer about 5 minutes: 1 cup sliced mushrooms

1 cup drained, chopped cooked spinach then add:

2 cups minced cooked white chicken meat V2 cup halved pitted ripe olives

'A teaspoon nutmeg and the chicken liver pieces. Stir and deglaze the
Salt and pepper pan with:
After the mixture has cooled somewhat, add: V2 cup dry sherry
A cup Ricotta or dry cottage cheese Spread the topping over the pasta in an even layer
2 tablespoons and sprinkle as evenly as possible with:
Mix thoroughly and: V2 cup chopped hard New York cheese
Season to taste Place under the broiler until the cheese is toasted,
about 2 minutes.
IV. About 2 Cups
Combine thoroughly after putting through a fine SUGGESTED PASTA SAUCES
grinder: The following are not the only sauces to enhance
'4 lb. Italian bologna a pasta, so search our Sauce chapter for others
2 oz. prosciutto that may appeal to your ingenuity.
Vb lb. lean beef Unthickened Tomato Sauce, 351
Vb lb. pork Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352
Saute the mixture over medium heat in: Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
2 tablespoons olive oil Blender Tomato Sauce, 352
When thoroughly cooked, remove from heat and Italian Meat Sauce for Pasta and II, 352

mix in enough: Bolognese Pasta Sauce, 353

Dry seasoned bread crumbs Spaghetti Sauce with Liver, 353
to make a stiff mixture. Add Marinara Sauce, 353
V* cup chopped parsley Octopus Pasta Sauce, 353
V* teaspoon nutmeg Quick Shrimp and Clam Sauce for Pasta, 354
The difference among these three is more a matter
of timing than of method.
For soft- and hard-cooked eggs, place in a sauce-
pan, preferably glass or enamel:
Unshelled eggs
Cover them with:
Cold water
Put the pan over medium heat and bring the
water to the boiling point. Lower heat to a sim-
mer. Now watch your time, which will depend on
how large and how cold your eggs are. The follow-
ing timings are for 70° eggs. Right out of the re-
frigerator, they will at least 2 minutes
more. After the heat reduced, eggs will be soft-

cooked in 2 to 3 minutes; medium-cooked in

about 4; hard-cooked in 10 to 15. Hard-cooked
eggs should be plunged into cold water at once to
arrest further cooking and to prevent the yolks
from discoloring.
EGG DISHES To coddle eggs, lower them carefully into boil-
ing water with a tablespoon. Cover the pan and
remove from the heat. Allow 6 to 8 minutes for
delicately coddled eggs. If you want the eggs to
For a philosopher or a mathematician, the sphere
remain shapely when opened, turn them several
is the most satisfactory of all forms. But for
times within the first few minutes of coddling so
humankind in general, the ovoid —
or egg-shape
that the white of the egg solidifies evenly in the air
exerts an even greater fascination. Ovoids crop up space and the yolk is centered.
in architecture, from the earliest Greek moldings
To shell hard-cooked eggs, crack the shell and
to the latest of Late Renaissance cartouches. The
roll the egg between the palms of the hands to
egg's significance as a symbol of the Resurrection
free the thin tough skin from the egg and make
and its importance to the Eastern Church led to shelling easier. If eggs are very fresh, they are
the wildly extravagant, exquisitely wrought golden
more difficult to shell. If you want to slice the
Easter eggs which the Imperial Russian Court com-
eggs smoothly, dip a knife into water before
missioned during the decades preceding the Revo-
lution. While the results of our American efforts
Soft-cooked eggs may be served shelled, in the
to paint eggs may prove more homely, they are
various ways suggested for Poached Eggs, opposite.
made easier if the eggs are held in a wire treelike
Recipes and suggestions for serving hard-cooked
form, shown above. eggs follow. Others will be found in Hors
It not surprising that so elegant a package
d'Oeuvre and Salads.
should turn out to hold a small treasure of bal-

anced nutrients proteins, fats and minerals. Eggs SAUTEED OR FRIED EGGS
and egg dishes may be acceptably served at any 4 Servings
meal, fried, scrambled, boiled, poached, baked, or Melt over low heat:
in a skillet
incorporated into omelets or into a souffle, as 1 or 2 tablespoons butter
shown above. And, almost unlimited variations of Break carefully into the skillet:
meat, vegetables or fish may accompany or be 4 eggs
folded into them. For more about eggs, see In- Baste the eggs with the hot butter. Cook them over
gredients, 543. a very low heat until done. To get a firm white
No egg dish really succeeds, however, unless the cover the pan with a lid at once. If you like a softer
eggs are "strictly fresh" and are cooked with due white, you may at once pour over the eggs:
respect for their delicacy and sensitive response 1 tablespoon boiling water

to heat. In only one type of preparation should then cover the skillet and cook about 1 minute.
the heat be high and brief for omelets. — Other- When the eggs are firm, serve them seasoned with:
wise, dishes in which eggs predominate invariably Salt and pepper
do best if gently cooked and carefully timed, see If you prefer "once-over-lightly" to "sunny-side-
the egg timer illustrated on 543. In combining up," proceed as above; but when the whites are
eggs in custards, souffles and sauces, let them par- firm, insert a slotted spatula under the egg, sup-
tially cook on the stored heat in the pan. Do not porting the yolk area, and cautiously reverse it in
put them back on direct heat, because they never the skillet. Cooking the second side should take
will have so satisfactory a texture. only a matter of moments.


ADDITIONS TO SAUTEED EGGS eggs. The heat from the platter, toast and sauce
often the extras that give punch to eggs, espe-
warms up the egg.
It is

cially in brunch and luncheon dishes. Try eggs on

a small mound of:
Boiled rice, noodles or potatoes, or on I. Poached Eggs Mornay
rounds of toast Arrange poached eggs in a shallow buttered bak-
Pour over any of these: ing dish.
A mushroom, tomato or onion sauce, Cover with:
see Index Mornay Sauce, 342
A canned soup sauce, 348 Sprinkle with:
White sauce seasoned with mustard or Crated cheese
curry powder, herbs, onion, celery, green Bread crumbs
peppers, capers, anchovies or cheese and brown quickly under a hot broiler.
Black Butter, 350, or Brown Butter, 349
II. Cover the bottom of a shallow buttered baking
dish with:
Creamed Spinach, 327
POACHED EGGS Arrange the poached eggs on the spinach and
Individual Serving
proceed as for Poached Eggs Mornay, above, to
I.Poached eggs, unless made in individual molds produce Eggs Florentine.
— in which case cook them over not in —
boiling —

water are apt to produce "streamers" that you III. Hollow out a hard roll, insert egg, cover with:
may trim off with scissors before serving. Quick Seafood Spaghetti Sauce, 349
Crease the bottom of a 6- to 8-inch pot. Put in and garnish with:
enough slightly salted water to fill to twice the Cooked shrimp, mussels and oysters
depth of an egg. While the water is coming to a
IV. Serve on toast, covered with:
boil, break into a small bowl:
Hunter's Sauce, 347, or Aurore Sauce, 344
1 egg
Swirl the water into a mad vortex with a wooden V. Poach eggs in:
spoon. Drop the egg into the well formed in the Creole Sauce, 348
center of the pot. The swirling water should
round the egg. Reduce the heat. Simmer 4 to
5 minutes or let stand off the heat for 8 minutes.
4 Servings
By this time the white should be firm and the yolk
The following recipe makes an attractive light
soft. Remove with a skimmer and drain well. If
meal, prepared in a few minutes. Combine in an
not using the egg immediately, plunge it at once
8-inch skillet and heat to the boiling point over
into cold water to stop the cooking. Repeat the
low heat:
process for each egg. To store, see II, below. To
reheat the eggs, drop them into hot —
not boiling
1 can condensed tomato soup: 10 /2 oz. 1

— water. diluted with:

Ti cup water
II- 4 Servings
teaspoon dried basil)
Have ready:
teaspoon sugar)
4 eggs
Place in a skillet V/i inches of water. Bring it to
Reduce the heat and keep the liquid below
boiling point. SI'de into the soup from a saucer,
a rolling boil, then reduce heat until water is
quiet. Break an egg into a cup and bring the edge
one at a time:
4 e gg S •

of the cup level with the surface of the water.

Slide the egg in gently. Do this with each egg.
> Simmer 4 to 5 minutes or until the eggs firm up.
Serve on:
Simmer eggs from 3 to 5 minutes or until the
Rounds of toast
whites are firm and yolks appear pink. With prac-
covered with the soup. Sprinkle with:
tice, you will be able to judge the right degree of
Chopped parsley or basil
doneness. With a slotted spoon or pancake turner,
lift out the eggs. Let drain well before serving.
Eggs may be poached in a small amount of milk, EGGS POACHED IN WINE
cream or stock. For other additions, see below. To 6 Servings
store for later use —
but not later than 24 hours Combine in a skillet:
cup dry red wine
after the original cooking —
put the poached eggs 1
1 crushed clove garlic
in a bowl of ice-cold water in the refrigerator.
This is the professional way to prepare eggs in 2 tablespoons minced onion or shallot

advance for use the following day in Eggs Bene-

teaspoon salt

78 teaspoon pepper
dict, 222, or any other recipe calling for poached
A Bouquet Garni, 572

Heat to boiling point, reduce heat and simmer and saute in it for 5 minutes:
about 3 minutes, then remove the bouquet. Slide 1 crushed clove garlic

into the wine from a saucer, one at a time: Remove the garlic and add, sauteeing until soft:
6 eggs 2 medium-sized finely chopped onions
Poach them until the whites are firm. Remove and 1 large finely chopped green pepper

put them on: Add:

Slices of fried bread (rubbed with garlic) 1 cup peeled, seeded and chopped

Strain the wine, put it back into the skillet and fresh tomatoes
2 teaspoon salt
thicken with:
Kneaded Butter, 340 V* teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Pour the sauce over the eggs. 2 teaspoons chili powder
V* teaspoon oregano

EGGS BENEDICT Vs teaspoon powdered cumin

6 Servings Simmer covered until thick and well blended.
Try this substituting oysters for eggs. Season to taste
Have ready: The sauce should be very hot and well flavored.
6 Poached Eggs, 221 Pour it over:
Toast: 8 poached or sauteed eggs

6 rounds of bread or halves of English muffins allowing 2 eggs per serving.

Cover each with: Or,- to bake, preheat oven to 450°.

A thin slice of hot ham, minced cooked Pour the sauce into a heatproof shallow dish or 4
bacon or deviled ham individual casseroles and nest the uncooked eggs
in the same. Garnish with:
Top each with one of the poached eggs.
Strips of red pimiento
Serve them hot, covered with:
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 Sprinkle with:
A littlegrated cheese
Bake until eggs are set.
6 Servings
6 Poached Eggs, 221 For proper results, eggs should be not below room
Saute, then mince: temperature. To achieve more fluffiness, beaten
3 slices bacon whites may be added to whole eggs in the pro-
Reserve the drippings. Cul portion of 1 additional white to 3 whole eggs.
6 slices tomato, '2 inch thick
I. 2 Servings
Season them with:
Melt inover low heat:
a skillet
Salt and white pepper
1 to 2 tablespoons butter
Dip the slues in flour and saute them in the bacon
Have ready by the time the butter is hot and add
fat. Sprinkle with the minced baron Cover each
the following mixture, beaten with a fork until the
slice with a poached egg.
eggs are uniform in color:
Pour over the eggs:
3 eggs
Hollandaise Sauce, 358
y* teaspoon salt
Vb teaspoon paprika
EGGS WITH SMOKED SALMON (2 tablespoons milk or cream)
A genial winter breakfast or luncheon dish. As the eggs heat through, increase the heat some-
Prepare: what, and with a spoon shove the eggs about
Buttered toast or slices of gently but with accelerating speed, turning them if
pumpernickel bread necessary, until they have thickened but are still
Dip into boiling water: soft.
Very thin slices of smoked salmon
Dry them. Place them on the toast. Cover with II. 2 Servings
Poached or sauteed eggs A slower but quite foolproof alternative. Melt in a

Sprinkle with: double boiler over not in — —

boiling water:
(Dill seed) 1 tablespoon butter

Have ready:
HUEVOS RANCHEROS OR The seasoned egg mixture in I, above
COWBOY EGGS When the butter is hot, pour in the egg mixture.
4 Servings Stir repeatedly with a wooden spoon until eggs
A Spanish and Latin American dish.
traditional have thickened into soft creamy curds.
These eggs can be baked in the following sauce, or You may serve the eggs on:
poached or sauteed with the sauce poured over Hot toast buttered or spread with
afterward. Heat in a skillet: fish paste, deviled ham or liver sausage;
V4 cup olive oil or in a hollowed-out hard roll

Another attractive way to present scrambled eggs SHIRRED OR BAKED EGGS

is them in warm, well-buttered individual
to put
ring molds while the eggs are still rather creamy in
Individual Serving
consistency. Let them finish cooking in their own
Baked eggs always have great "eye appeal" served
heat, which will set them. Turn them out and fill
in little ramekins, casseroles or cocotte dishes.
the centers with any of the additions listed below.
Care must be taken not to overcook them, for the
ramekin will retain the heat and continue to cook
ADDITIONS TO SCRAMBLED EGGS the egg after it is removed from the oven. If you

Small amounts of the following may be stirred into put a poaching paper, 151, over the ramekin, it
will return enough heat to the top side of the egg
the egg mixture before scrambling. Ingredients
to set it. The yolks should be soft, the whites just
should be about 70°.
set. Don't try to hurry baked eggs.
Freshly ground mace
Preheat oven to 350°.
Grated or crumbled cheese
Chopped, peeled, seeded, sauteed tomatoes Grease small bakers or ramekins. Break carefully
into each one:
flavored with basil
1 egg
Cultured sour cream and chives
Canned chopped sardines Add lightly:
Crab meat, seasoned with curry powder
Sprinkle over the top:
Chopped canned anchovies 1 teaspoon cream or melted butter
Place ramekins in a pan of hot water. Bake about
Chopped sauteed onions
6 to 7 minutes, depending on the thickness of the
Crisp bacon bits
Small pieces of broiled sausage ramekin. You may garnish with:
Sauteed mushrooms Chopped sauteed chicken livers,
Poached calf brains and parsley well-seasoned
or serve covered with:
A tomato sauce, 351-354
4 Servings Individual Serving
Melt in a double boiler over simmering water: Carefully prepared, this makes a delectable dish.
package cream cheese:
1 3 oz. Preheat oven to 325°.
1 tablespoon butter Grease warmed individual molds with:
Scald and stir in: Butter
1 cup cream Place in each one:
Add: 1 teaspoon chopped celery, chives
V2 teaspoon salt or parsley
'4 teaspoon paprika Break into each one:
Break into the sauce: 1 or 2 eggs
6 eggs Season with:
Before the egg whites are firm, stir the eggs gently Salt and paprika
with a fork until thick. Add: Cover each mold with a small poaching paper,
1 V2 tablespoons sherry 151. Place the molds in a pan of hot water, to a
depth of V2 inch from the top of the mold. Bake
until the eggs are firm. Turn them out on:
SCOTCH WOODCOCK Rounds of hot buttered toast
2 Servings
Serve with well-seasoned:
White Sauce I, 341, with a little mustard
2 slices bread
added, or Sauce Dijonnaise, 342
Butter well and spread with a thin layer of:
or with one of the Additions to Baked Eggs listed
Anchovy paste
Cut the toast into fingers. Beat together:
3 or 4 egg yolks
Ve teaspoon pepper For interesting variations to baked eggs try adding:
teaspoon salt
Ve cooked mushrooms, asparagus tips, tomatoes or
Melt in a double boiler: other vegetables, such as creamed spinach. Or add
2 tablespoons butter chicken hash, small bits of bacon, sausage or an-
Add the egg mixture and scramble until creamy. chovy. Or place a round of toast covered with
Arrange the anchovy toast on a hot dish and cover Gruyere cheese in the bottom of the baker before
with the egg mixture. Garnish with: the eggs are added. You may cover the eggs with a
Chopped parsley cheese or tomato sauce before baking. Other tasty

Creamed Mushroom Caps,

additions are: 308, or 1 cup cooked vegetables
Creamed Onions, 312. 1 cup White Sauce I, 341, or Creole Sauce, 348
You may add:
EGGS IN A NEST (2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley, thyme
1 to 2 Servings or basil)
A gala-looking dish. A sprinkling of dill or celery seed is wonderful.
Preheat oven to 350°. Prepare:
Beat until very stiff: 5 Hard-Cooked
Eggs, 220
2 egg whites Slice them. Grease a baking dish. Place alternate
Heap them in a greased ovenproof dish. Make 2 layers of vegetables and eggs in the dish. Top
cavities equally distant from but not too near the with:
edge. Slip into them: Au Gratin III, 553
2 unbroken egg yolks Bake about 15 minutes.
Bake 10 minutes or until the eggs are set. Season
Salt and white pepper 4 Servings
Sprinkle with: Cook:
(Chopped chives) 6 Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220
Shell and slice or cut them in half lengthwise.
Individual Servings 2 cups Curry Sauce, 345
Preheat oven to 325°. You may chop and add:
Saute or broil lightlv: ('A cup blanched almonds)
Strips of Add the eggs. Heat well and serve on
Grease the bottoms of muffin pans. Line the sides Hot buttered toast
with the bacon. Place in each pan: garnished with:
(1 tablespoon chili sauce) Parsley
Drop into it:


Pour over the egg: ASPARAGUS COCKAIGNE
1 teaspoon melted butter
We use both versions, depending on the time
Sprinkle with:
available.The texture is lovely if the asparagus is
Salt and paprika
well drained and the sauce not overheated.
Bake about 10 minutes or until the eggs .ire set.
Turn them out onto: I. 6 Servings
Rounds of toast or warm slices of Drain well, reserving the liquid, and cut in 1-inch
drained pineapple pieces:
Garnish with: 2 cups cooked or canned asparagus tips
Parsley Have ready:
6 Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220
4 Servings
cups Quick White Sauce, 342
Preheat oven to 325°.
using milk and the reserved asparagus liquor.
Combine: When the sauce is hot, gently fold in the asparagus
1 cup ground cooked ham
and sliced eggs. Either heat this mixture further in
tablespoon water
the top of a double boiler —
over not in boil- —
ing water, or preheat oven to 350° and place in a
Vs teaspoon paprika or pepper
greased baking dish. Cover with:
Press these ingredients into 4 greased muffin tins.
Au Gratin I, 553
Leave a large hollow in each one. Drop into the
and bake until the eggs and asparagus are heated
through, about 10 minutes. Serve with:
4 eggs
Slices of ham
Bake the cakes until the eggs are firm. Turn out Hot French Bread, 605
the cakes on:
Rounds of toast II. 4 Servings
Garnish with: Preheat oven to 350°.
Parsley or chopped chervil Reserve the asparagus liquor and have read\ :

4 to 6 sliced Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220

HARD-COOKED EGG AND IV2 cups well-drained canned asparagus,
VEGETABLE CASSEROLE cut in 1-inch lengths
5 Servings 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup:

Preheat oven to 350°. IOV2 oz., diluted with A cup asparagus


Combine: liquor

In 4 individual baking dishes place alternate lay- Place a stuffed egg half on each rosette and cover
ers of eggs and asparagus. Top each dish with with sauce. Serve at once while the rosettes are
equal amounts of soup mixture. Cover with: crisp. If you have made the sauce and the rosettes
Au Cratin III, 553 ahead of time, reheat the sauce in a double boiler,
and bake about 15 minutes or until thoroughly and the rosettes briefly in a 400° oven.


CREAMED EGGS AU GRATIN The blandness of hard-cooked eggs is a challenge
4 Servings to adventurous cooks. Here are a few suggestions
Preheat broiler. to enliven this basic ingredient with supplies from
Slice into a baking dish: your pantry shelves.
4 Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220 Prepare:
Combine: Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220
IV2 cups White Sauce II, 341 Cut the eggs in half lengthwise or slice off both
'A cup Chili Sauce, 847 ends, which leaves a barrel-shaped container. Re-
Pour mixture over the eggs. Top with:
this move yolks carefully so as not to damage the
Gratin III, 553 whites. Crush the yolks without packing them and
Place the dish under the broiler until the crumbs moisten them pleasantly with:
are golden. French dressing or mayonnaise; sweet or
cultured sour cream; soft butter with vinegar
and sugar; lemon juice or sweet pickle juice
MASKED EGGS Season to taste with:
Allow 1 Egg to a Person
Salt and paprika
or one or more of the following:
Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220 (A little dry mustard)
Cut them into halves lengthwise. Place them cut
side down
(A dash of cayenne, curry, or
Watercress or shredded lettuce
hot pepper sauce)
Pour over them:
(Worcestershire Sauce, 848)
Mayonnaise, 363, thinned with a little
Exotic additions to the yolks are:
lemon juice or cream; Mayonnaise Collee,
Anchovy or sardine paste
368; or Sauce Chaud-Eroid, 369
Liver sausage paste or Foie Gras, 494
Sprinkle them with:
Chopped sauteed chicken livers
Capers, chopped anchovies, or bits of
Chopped ginger and cream cheese
cooked ham or cooked bacon
Deviled ham or tongue
WITH SAVORY SAUCE Grated Roquefort cheese
8 Servings
Chopped chives, tarragon, chervil,
This dish elaborate but capable of prefabrica-
parsley, burnet or basil
tion. The and the sauce may be made and
Put the filling back in the whites. You may use a
the eggs cooked the day before.
pastry tube for elaborate effects. For improved
flavor and texture, remove the eggs from the re-
8 Hard-Cooked Eggs, 220
frigerator V2 hour before serving.
Cut them crosswise into halves. Remove the yolks,
Garnish with:
and mash. Combine the yolks with an equal
Olives, capers or truffles
part of:
Finely chopped seasoned cooked spinach
or Creamed Spinach, 327 DEVILED EGGS IN SAUCE
Fill the egg whites with the mixture. Prepare: 4 Servings
2 cups White Sauce I, 341 Preheat oven to 425°.
Season it with: Prepare:
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce, 848 4 Deviled Eggs, above
2 tablespoons dry sherry Place the halves in a greased dish. Pour over them:
V* cup Chili Sauce, 847 1 cup Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, or
and pepper
Salt Mornay Sauce, 342, Bechamel Sauce I, 341,
When is smooth and hot, add:
the sauce or Mushroom Sauce, 348,
2 cups cooked or canned shrimp or Tomato Shrimp Sauce, 343
or diced cooked sweetbreads Coat the sauce with:
Prepare: Au Gratin II or III, 553
16 Rosettes, 246 Bake until the top is brown

ABOUT OMELETS sketched below, then cut an incision along the

The name "omelet" is loosely applied to many top and insert the hot food. Herbs or finely grated
kinds of egg dishes. In America, you often get a cheese may be added to the beaten eggs before
cooking. For other fillings, see Additions to Scram-
great, puffy, soufflelike, rather dry dish in which
the egg whites have been beaten separately and bled Eggs, 223.
folded into the yolks. In France an entire mystique
surrounds a simple process in which the yolks and ABOUT OMELET PANS
whites are combined as unobtrusively as possible Omelet pans generate more tempests than teapots
to avoid incorporating air, and this marbleized do. Doctrinaire omelet-makers contend that one
mixture is quickly turned into a twofold miracle. pan should be used solely for their specialty and
In an Italian frittata, the food is often mingled at that it should never be washed —
simply rubbed
once with the stirred egg, and this thin pancake- with soft toweling and a handful of salt. The argu-
like disk is cooked in a little oil, first on one side ment for the exclusive pan goes further. Any pan
and then on the other, with a result not unlike a used for frying or braising is apt to develop hot
large edition of Eggs Fooyoung, 228. spots. Yet those of us who resent giving kitchen
Since omelet-making is so rapid, see that you space to a pan for a single function find an all-
have ready everything you are going to serve the —
purpose skillet cleaned with modern detergents
omelet with or on, and be sure you have your — entirely feasible for omelet preparation pro-
diners captive. For more details about equipment, vided the pan surface remains smooth so the eggs
see About Omelet Pans, right. can slide freely over it. For this reason coated pans
The success of all of these so-called omelets de- are preferred by some cooks, but if this type of
mands that the pan and the fat be hot enough to pan is used in omelet-making, you may reduce the
bind the base of the egg at once so as to hold butter by not more than one-third. The pan should
the softer egg above, but not so hot as to toughen be moderately heavy, and slowly but thoroughly
the base before the rest of the egg cooks. heated. Otherwise the egg cannot stand what one
Eggs, therefore, and any food incorporated French authority calls "the too great brutality" of
with them, must be at least 70° before being put the quick heat that is so essential.
into the pan. More omelet failures are due to The next thing to consider is the omelet in rela-
eggs being used direct from the refrigerator than tion to pan size. Since French omelets are made so
to any other cause. There is always, too, the prob- quickly, we never try more than 2 to 3 eggs at a
lem of salting. As salt tends to toughen the egg —
time cooked in 1 tablespoon of sweet butter. If
structure, it should, in general, be added to the more than one omelet is needed, have some extra
fillings or garnishes you choose to fold into the butter already melted to save preparation time.
omelet. We use a skillet with a long handle and a 5-inch
Glazing omelets makes them look prettier but base flaring gently to a 7-inch top, as shown in the
also tends to toughen them. To glaze an omelet, sketches. For larger omelets —
and they can be
brush it with butter. Or, if it is a sweet omelet, made successfully with up to 8 or 10 eggs see —
sprinkle it with sugar and run it under the broiler that the similarly shaped pan is big enough to keep

briefly, or use a hot salamander, 145, or brander. the egg, when poured, no deeper than V« inch;
If you want a really sophisticated job, put the and add a proportionate amount of butter.
omelet on a warm ovenproof server, coat it lightly
with a thin Mornay Sauce, 342, and run it under a ERENCH OMELET
broiler 2 minutes. Andrew Carnegie once counseled: "Put all your
To fill a 3-egg omelet, have ready about eggs in one Then watch that basket!"
A cup cooked or creamed mushrooms, seafood, When the container is a skillet and the objective
ham or tongue. Place one-fourth on the upper an omelet, his advice is especially apt.
surface of the omelet while still in the pan and ^ Please read About Omelets, above. Remember
fold. Reserve the remainder for a final garnish on that an omelet of the French type takes only 30
top. Or, a simple method is to fold the omelet as to 50 seconds to make, depending on your pref-

erence for soft or firm results. Mix briefly in a several times with a knife to permit the heat to
bowl with a dinner fork: penetrate the lower layer. When the omelet is half
3 eggs —
done- after about 5 minutes it —
may be placed
Put in a 7-inch omelet pan: uncovered on the center rack of a 350° oven until
1 tablespoon clarified sweet butter, 349 the top is set. Jet-propel this to the table as it
To avoid sticking, clarified butter is best. Roll it comes out of the oven, because it will collapse
over the bottom and sides of the pan. When it is quite quickly.
hot and has reached the point of fragrance, but Cut the omelet in pie-shaped wedges, serving
is not brown, pour in the eggs. Meanwhile, agitate single segments garnished with any of the fillings
the pan forward and backward with the left hand. or sauces suggested under About Omelets, oppo-
Keep the egg mass sliding as a whole over the pan site. Or double the omelet over the fillings, sand-

bottom. With a dinner fork, quickly swirl the eggs wich-style. Sprinkle with:
with a circular motion, as shown on the preceding Chopped parsley
page. Hold the fork so the tines are parallel to, but
not scraping, the base of the pan. At this point the
heat in the pan may be sufficient to cook the eggs, FIRM OMELET
and you may want to lift the pan from the heat as 4 Servings
you gently swirl the eggs, as illustrated, in circular For the beginner, the texture of this omelet is a
scrolls from the edges to the center. Pay no atten- little more manageable.
tion to the ridges formed by the fork. The rhythm Beat with a fork until blended:
of the pan and the stirring is like a child's trick of 4 eggs
patting the head while rubbing the stomach. Beat in:
Have ready a hot serving plate, which helps to 1
A cup milk, cream or stock
inflate the omelet; choose a heat-resistant one if V2 teaspoon salt
you plan to glaze, see About Omelets, above. Ve teaspoon paprika
Whether you fill your omelet or leave it plain, Melt in a skillet:

grasp the handle of the pan so the left palm is IV2 tablespoons clarified sweet butter, 349
up, as shown. Tip the pan down away from the When the butter is fairly hot, add the egg mixture.
handle and, with the fork, flip about one-third of Cook over low heat. Lift the edges with a pancake
the omelet over, away from the handle, as shown turner and tilt the skillet to permit the uncooked
in the center. If the omelet shows any tendency to mixture to run to the bottom, or stick the egg
stick, discard the fork and give the pan handle a mixture with a fork in the soft spots to permit the
sharp rap or two with the fist, as sketched. The heat to penetrate the bottom layer. When it is all
omelet will flip over without the use of a fork and an even consistency, fold the omelet over and
will start to slide. Slant the pan to 90° or more serve it. For a festive occasion, fold into the ome-
until the omelet makes a second fold in sliding let before serving:

out of the pan and lies with its ends folded under (3 tablespoons cultured sour cream)

on the plate ready to serve. Glaze and garnish, if (1 V2 tablespoons red caviar)

you wish, and serve at once. For fillings, see About

Omelets, opposite.
See 742 for other sweet omelets.

Follow the recipe above for:


Fluffy Omelet
4 Servings
Add to the yolk mixture:
Ifyou have 1 or 2 extra egg whites, add these and tablespoon sugar
omit the baking powder. You may add some
Just before serving, spread the omelet with:
grated Parmesan cheese or chopped parsley,
Jam or jelly
chives and chervil to the egg mixture before cook-
Sprinkle the top with:
ing it, or sprinkle these on top before putting the
Confectioners' sugar
omelet in the oven. Fruit juice may be substituted for the milk and the
Combine and beat with a fork: omelet spread with cooked or raw sweetened fruit
V* cup milk
instead of jelly.
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder II. Prepare:
Beat until stiff, but not dry: FluffyOmelet, left
4 to 6 egg whites Add to theegg yolks:
Melt in a heavy skillet over slow heat: 1 tablespoon brandy
tablespoon clarified sweet butter, 349
1 1 tablespoon curacao
Fold the yolk mixture lightly into the egg whites. When finished, sprinkle with:
Pour the batter into the skillet. Cover the skillet Confectioners' or castor sugar
with a lid. As the omelet cooks, slash through it and flambe, 155.

EGGS FOOYOUNG WITH SHRIMP a heated plate so that it retains the flat shape it

Fooyoung is really a rich omelet made with addi- assumed in the pan. Cover with the hot vegetables
tions of cooked vegetables, fish and meat. and serve at once.
Clean or drain:
2 cups bean sprouts
Heat: 3 Servings
A This Italian omelet usually has the filling mixed
little vegetable oil
into the eggs before they are cooked. You may use
in a skillet and stir-fry, 279, until translucent and
any of the suggested fillings under About Omelets,
1 minced slice gingerroot 226, except the creamed or sauced ones, allowing
6 chopped green onions about 1 cup of filling to 3 eggs.
1 rib celery, thinly sliced Prepare and keep warm:
cup chopped cooked fish, shrimp or finely
1 2 cups diced cooked vegetables, chicken,

diced cooked meat —

seafood or ham in any desired
Have ready and combine the above ingredients combination
and the sprouts with: Beat with a fork until blended:

6 well-beaten eggs 6 eggs

teaspoon salt
Stir in the filling and:

Vi teaspoon pepper Season to taste

Heat an additional: How much and pepper you add will depend

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

on how highly seasoned your filling is. Have ready
a 10-inch greased omelet pan. Into another 10-
in another small skillet. Drop the above mixture
inch pan which has been heated, put:
into it to form small omelets, golden brown on
both sides. Serve with: 1Vi tablespoons olive oil
Soy sauce Pour in the egg mixture and proceed as in the
basic French Omelet, 226, until the bottom of
the frittata is set and the top is still like creamy
SPANISH OMELET scrambled eggs. Place the greased skillet with the
Without Potatoes
2 Servings greased side over the frittata like a lid. Reverse the
4 Servings With Potatoes position of the skillets so the frittata falls into the
A true Spanish omelet always includes potatoes. "lid," which is then heated to complete the cook-
We find that we get best results by cooking them ing of the dish, a matter of 1 to 2 minutes more.
separately, keeping them warm, and adding them Serve at once on a hot platter.
to the rest of the vegetables at the last moment.
Without potato, and with the addition of a dozen ABOUT SOUFFLES
or so julienned strips of cooked ham, this omelet The souffle is considered the prima donna of the

becomes a piperade, or Basque omelet. culinary world. The timbale, 231, is her more
If using potatoes, heat in a 10-inch skillet until it even-tempered relative. With closer cultivation
reaches the point of fragrance: both become quite tractable and are great glamor-
V2 cup olive oil izers for leftover foods. Cooked foods are best
Add: to use in both souffles and timbales, as they re-
1 cup thinly sliced potatoes lease less moisture into the mixture than do raw
Turn them constantly until well coated with the ones.
oil.Reduce the heat and, turning occasionally, Souffles have a duration as evanescent as the
continue to cook the potatoes about 20 minutes. "breath" for which they are are named; some last
After starting the potatoes, heat in a heavy skillet a bit longer than others, but all have a built-in
to the point of fragrance: limit for holding their puff. If the souffle is well
2 tablespoons olive oil made, you can count on about 10 short minutes in
Add, stirring constantly, and cook about 5 min- a holding oven but beware of drafts. Since they
utes: depend on egg white and steam for their ascent
V2 cup thinly sliced onions not a second should be wasted from the beating
V2 cup julienned green pepper strips of the whites until the souffle is popped quickly
Add: into the preheated oven. With very few excep-
1 pressed garlic clove tions, every action, including immediate serving
and pepper to taste
Salt after baking, should contribute to holding their
V3cup peeled, seeded, drained, chopped "breath" as long as possible. These tours de force,
tomatoes often based on a white sauce with egg yolks and
Continue to cook about 15 minutes. If you are whipped whites, are easy to make if the pointers
adding potatoes, combine them now with the are carefully heeded. The white sauce should be a
above and keep the mixture hot. When the filling rather firm one heated just to a boil. Remove it
is ready, prepare a French Omelet, 226. When from the heat for V2 minute before the 70° eggs
the omelet is cooked, do not fold, but slide onto and any other ingredients also at 70° are —

added. The egg whites should be stiff, but not To prepare baking dish, please read About
dry, 544. Souffles can always be made lighter if Souffles, above.
an extra egg white is added for every 2 whole Preheat oven to 325°.
eggs. Dice into cubes:
To prepare a souffle dish for baking, use a 6 oz. sharp cheddar cheese
straight-sided ovenproof baking dish, shown in Heat to just below boiling:
the chapter heading, 220. Grease the bottom and 1 1/2 cups milk
sides well with butter and then coat the buttered Pour milk into blender container and quickly add:
surface with a thorough dusting of flour, sugar or 2 tablespoons butter
dry grated cheese, depending on the flavor of your 6 to 8 pieces crustless bread, torn
souffle. It will also climb up the sides of an un- into large pieces
greased baker, but it will not rise so high, and the V2 teaspoon salt
lovely brown crust will stick and have to be Vb teaspoon pepper or a few grains
scraped off the sides rather than forming the of cayenne
glossy coating that adds so much to the look of (Vb teaspoon dry mustard)
the individual serving. Blend until thickened. Add the cubed cheese. Beat
Next, be sure the oven is heated to the indicated in a large bowl until lemon-colored:

temperature. A souffle needs quick bottom heat. 4 egg yolks

If your electric oven is an old model, you may Add the cheese mixture very slowly, beating
need to remove the top element, as the heat in constantly. Beat until stiff, but not dry, and fold in
it is often enough to stiffen the top surface of the g?ntly:
souffle too quickly and not allow for its fullest 4 egg whites
expansion during the baking period. For oven Place the mixture in a prepared 8-inch souffle
placement of souffle baking dishes, see sketch on baking dish and bake about 50 minutes or until
159. Some recipes suggest making souffles in the set.
top of a double boiler over not in— boiling—
water. This is advisable only if an oven is not avail-
able, as the resulting texture is closer to that of a
For a more complete dish, consider adding one of
timbale than a souffle. To make a souffle with a

crown a "high-hat souffle" just before putting — the following to cheese souffle:
V2 cup ground or finely chopped cooked ham
the souffle into the oven, take a large spoon or a
V2 to 1 cup well-drained chopped or ground
rubber scraper and run a groove about IV2 inches
cooked vegetables, such as celery or carrots
deep all around the top, about 1 A inches from 1

3 tablespoons Italian tomato paste

the edge of the dish. A crown may also be made
by extending the height of the baking dish with a
piece of parchment paper tied firmly around the VEGETABLE SOUFFLE
dish. We find this satisfactory only with so-called 4 Servings
cold souffles based on cream gelatins. Please read About Souffles, 228.
Cooked oyster plant, eggplant, cauliflower, peas,
CHEESE SOUFFLF. COCKAIGNE onions, carrots, canned or fresh scraped corn, or
4 Servings asparagus may be used alone or in chosen combi-
Please read About Souffles, above. The addition
nations. of small quantities of finely
Preheat oven to 350°. minced raw carrots, celery, onions, olives and
Prepare: pimiento freshens the flavor.
1 cup White Sauce II, 341 Preheat oven to 350°.
Bring to a boil. Remove from heat V2 minute. Add, Prepare and bring to a boil:
stirring well: 1 cup White Sauce II, 341, using '/a cup cream
5 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese and 2h cup vegetable stock
2 tablespoons shredded Gruyere cheese Stir in:
3 beaten egg volks 1 cup minced drained vegetables
Beat until stiff, but not dry: When the vegetables are hot. reduce the heat and
4 egg whites add:
Fold into the cheese mixture. Pour into one 7-inch 3 beaten egg yolks
or four individual prepared souffle baking dishes. Cook and stir 1 minute longer to let the volks
You may decorate the souffles before baking with: thicken. Season as required with:
Paper-thin slices of aged Swiss cheese Saltand pepper
cut into fancy shapes (Nutmeg)
Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until set. Cool this mixture slightly. Whip until stiff, but
not dry:
4 or 5 Servings Fold them lightly into the vegetable mixture. Bake
A somewhat firm but very acceptable souffle. the souffle in a prepared 7-inch baking dish about

40 minutes or until firm. If you would like a dish CHICKEN SOUFFLE

that is a course in itself, serve the souffle with one I- 5 Servings
of the following: Please readAbout Souffles, 228.
Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347 Preheat oven to 325°.
Soubise Sauce, 344 Prepare:
Paprika Sauce, 344 1 cup White Sauce II, 341
Sauce Indienne, 344 using chicken stock and cream for the liquid.
When the sauce is hot, add:
solids: minced cooked chicken,
ONION SOUFFLE nutmeats, minced and drained cooked
4 Servings vegetables
One of our pet accompaniments to a light meal. Remove from heat and add:
Please read About Souffles, 228. 3 beaten egg yolks
Preheat oven to 325°. Season with:
Prepare: Salt and pepper
1cup Steamed Onions, 312 Freshly grated nutmeg
Drain and mince them. Melt: Let cool slightly. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
2 tablespoons butter 3 or 4 egg whites
Stir in until blended: Fold them lightly into the chicken mixture. Bake
2 tablespoons flour in aprepared 8-inch souffle baking dish until firm,
Combine and stir in slowly: about 35 minutes.
'/icup milk
Vi cup evaporated milk or cream II. 16 Individual Souffles
When the sauce is smooth, add the minced onion A favorite luncheon souffle, having more body"
and heat thoroughly. Remove onions from heat than most others. Serve in individual baking
and stir in dishes.
3 beaten egg yolks > Please read About Souffles, 228.
Cook but do not boil, and about 1 minute
stir Preheat oven to 325°.
longer to lei the yolks thicken. Season with: Mince:
paprika and nutmeg
Salt, 2V« cups cooked chicken
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Prepare:
or 'A teaspoon dried basil 3 cups White Sauce II, 341
Cool these ingredients slightly. Whip until stiff, using chicken fat to replace the butter, and stock
but not dry or cream as the liquid. Stir in the minced chicken
3 egg whites and:
Fold them lightly into the onion mixture. Bake the cup chopped nutmeats

souffle in a prepared 7-inch baking dish until it is cup chopped cooked vegetables or

firm, about 40 minutes. raw celery, carrots and onions

When these ingredients are hot, remove from the
heat and add:
6 Servings Salt and pepper

Superlative with cold or hot ham. Please read Nutmeg

About Souffles, 228. Let cool slightly. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
Preheat oven to 350°. 9 egg whites
Prepare: Fold them lightly into the chicken mixture. Fix
3 cups Boiled Sweet Potatoes, 324 prepared souffle baking dishes, 220, two-third
While still warm, add and beat with a fork until full. Bake until firm, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve the

the potatoes are fluffy: souffles with:

3 tablespoons butter Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or
Vi teaspoon salt Poulette Sauce, 345
V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
2 beaten egg yolks
Vi to A cup
drained crushed pineapple 4 Servings
or tart applesauce Please read About Souffles, 228.
Cool these ingredients slightly. Whip until stiff Preheat oven to 325°
and fold in: Prepare:
2 egg whites 1 cup White Sauce II, 341
Bake the souffle in a prepared 7-inch baking dish When it is smooth, stir in:

about 35 minutes. 3
4 to 1 cup flaked cooked fish: tuna, crab,

clams, lobster or shrimp, or finely fillthem about two-thirds full with the timbale
cooked meat mixture. Place on a rack in a pan of hot, but not
!A cup each finely chopped raw carrots boiling, water. The water should be as high as the
and celery filling in the molds. If a rack is not available fold
(2 tablespoons chopped parsley) several thicknesses of paper and place the molds
When these ingredients are hot, remove from the on them. Check the heat occasionally to make
heat and stir in: sure the water around the mold never boils just
simmers. It is wise to protect the top of the tim-

3 beaten egg yolks
Season with: bale with a poaching paper, 151.
Salt and paprika Bake the timbales in a moderate oven, about
Nutmeg 325°, 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the size of
Lemon juice, Worcestershire Sauce, 848, the mold. They are done when a knife blade in-
or Tomato Catsup, 847 serted in the center of the mold comes out un-
C/3 cup sliced stuffed olives) coated. They are then ready to invert onto a
Let cool slightly. Whip until stiff, but not dry: serving platter.
3 to 4 egg whites
Fold them lightly into the mixture. Bake in a pre-
pared 7-inch souffle baking dish until firm, about BASIC TIMBALE CUSTARD
35 minutes. Serve the souffle with: 4 Servings
A tomato sauce, 351, 352, or Nantua Sauce, Preheat oven to 325°.
343, or Anchovy Sauce, 343 Combine and beat with a wire whisk:
IV2 cups warm cream or *h cup cream
and 1 cup chicken stock
4 Servings A teaspoon
3 salt
Please readAbout Souffles, 228. teaspoon paprika
Preheat oven to 325°. (Va teaspoon grated nutmeg or celery salt)
Drain, but save the liquor from: (1 tablespoon chopped parsley)
V2 to 1 pint oysters (A few drops onion or lemon juice)
Dry them on a towel. Prepare: To bake and unmold, see About Timbales, left.
1 cup White Sauce II, 341, Serve with:
using part cream and part oyster liquor Creamed vegetables or Mushroom Wine
When it is hot, remove from heat and add the Sauce, 347
oysters. Add: For a brunch, garnish with:
3 beaten egg yolks Crisp bacon
Season with: Parsley
Salt and pepper
Let cool slightly. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
3 to 4 egg whites CAULIFLOWER TIMBALE
Fold them lightly into the oyster mixture. Bake 5 or 6 Servings
in prepared 7-inch souffle baking dish
a until Preheat oven to 325°.
firm, about 35 minutes. Prepare:
Basic Timbale Custard, above
Add to the custard:
ABOUT TIMBALES AND 1 to 1 Vi cups well-drained cooked spinach,
TIMBALE RING MOLDS broccoli or cauliflower, chopped or
A virtually indispensable mainstay of that sterling put through a food mill
American the ladies' luncheon, the
institution, (V2 cup grated cheese)
timbale is a souffle with a more equable disposi- Add seasoning if required. To bake, see About
tion and greater stamina because of the steaming Timbales, left. Garnish with:
of the molded custardlike dish —
often referred to Hollandaise Sauce, 358
as a savory mousse. The recipes that immediately
follow include those in which a timbale mixture is II. MUSHROOM TIMBALE
incorporated into a custard, as well as those in 5 or 6 Servings
which the custard is baked separately in a ring Preheat oven to 325°.
mold to surround a vegetable or meat combina- Prepare:
tion. Or, the mold can be reversed onto a hot Basic Timbale Custard, above
dish or into a previously baked pastry shell. It is Add:
often coated or served with a sauce. 2 cups drained, chopped, sauteed mushrooms
Butter individual or larger molds lightly, and To bake, see About Timbales, left.


4 Servings Fold them into the celery mixture. Bake the mix-
Preheat oven to 325°. ture in a greased ring mold set in a pan of hot
Crease 4 deep custard cups or a 7-inch ring mold. water about 45 minutes. Invert the mold onto a
Place around the sides of each container: hot plate. Fill the center with:
canned or cooked
3 to 5 well-drained Buttered peas or sauteed mushrooms
asparagus tips, heads down
Fill the cups with:
Basic Timbale Custard, 231
5 or 6 Servings
To bake, see About Timbales, 231. Place between
Use any interesting combination of cooked vege-
the inverted timbales:
tables and cooked meat.
Hollandaise Sauce, 358
Preheat oven to 325°.
Garnish them with:
Follow the rule for:
Basic Timbale Custard, 231
and surround with:
using milk instead of cream. Omit the seasoning.
Broiled or boiled link sausages
Cut into small pieces and add:
1 to 1 ! 2 cups leftover food
EGGPLANT TIMBALE (Chopped parsley)
Preheat oven to 325°. (Grated onion)
Prepare for stuffing: i '
4 cup ground ham)
An eggplant, 304 (A few chopped stuffed olives)
Cut it lengthwise and hollow out the pulp, leaving After the above have been added to the timbale
shells about '/a inch thick. mixture, season it to taste. If the food is dry, no
Combine the cooked mashed pulp with: additional thickening is needed. If it is slightly
A cup soft bread crumbs moist, add to the leftovers, before combining
2 beaten egg yolks them with the custard, until they form a mod-
1 tablespoon melted butter erately thick paste:
'A cup chopped nutmeats or shredded cheese Cracker crumbs or bread crumbs
Salt and pepper To bake, see About Timbales, 231. Serve with:
Crated nutmeg A tomato sauce, 352, Sauce Albert, 343, or
If the filling seems stiff, add: Ravigote Sauce, 345
1 tablespoon or more milk
Whip until stiff, but not drv: CHEESE TIMBALE OR
Fold them lightly into the other ingredients. Fill
For a classic Quiche, see 254.
the eggplant shells. Cover the tops with:
Preheat oven to 325°.
Buttered crumbs or cornflakes
Prepare the filling for:
Place them in a pan with a little water and bake
Cheese Custard Pie, 255
about 30 minutes.
To bake, see About Timbales, 231. Good served
CELERIAC RING MOLD Green peas, spinach or broccoli
6 Servings
Please read About Timbales, 231 CHICKEN OR HAM TIMBALES
Preheat oven to 325°. 6 Servings
Cook: Preheat oven to 325°.
4 medium-sized celery roots, 298 Grind twice or blend:
Drain well. Put them through a grinder, using a 2 cups cooked white chicken meat or
coarse blade, or through a ricer. Soak: 1 cup each chicken and cooked ham
2 slices white bread Stir in very slowly to form a paste:
in: 3
A cup cold cream
3 tablespoons milk 1
A teaspoon salt
Stir this into the celery and add: 1
h teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons melted butter Whip until stiff:
1 teaspoon grated onion 4 egg whites
2 tablespoons cream Fold them lightly into the meat mixture. Line 6
4 beaten egg yolks greased timbale molds with:
A teaspoon salt (Pieces of truffles, ripe olives or pimiento)
'/a teaspoon paprika Add the timbale mixture. To bake, see About Tim-
A fresh grating of nutmeg or 1 teaspoon bales, 231. Serve with:
horseradish Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or
Whip until stiff, but not dry: chicken gravy with chopped parsley

2 egg yolks
4 Servings Season the egg mixture with:
V2 teaspoon salt
Very light and delicate.
Preheat oven to 325°. A teaspoon white pepper

X Vb teaspoon nutmeg
Put through a ricer, grinder or blender:
Stirthe yolks 1 or 2 minutes. Add the ground fish.
A cup cooked chicken livers
206 Cool. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
/2 cup Boiled Rice,
2 egg whites
A scant A teaspoon salt
1 Whip until stiff:

A few grains cayenne and nutmeg 1 cup whipping cream

teaspoon prepared mustard Fold these ingredients lightly into the fish mixture.
Garnish a greased 9-inch ring mold with:
Whip until stiff:
Strips of
2 egg whites
green pepper)
(Strips of
In a separate bowl, whip until stiff:
Pour the mixture into the mold. Set the mold in a
A cup whipping cream
Fold these ingredients lightly into the chicken-liver
pan of hot water. Bake about 45 minutes, or until
mixture. To bake, see About Timbales, 231. Serve set. Let stand 5 minutes. Unmold. Serve with:
Hollandaise Sauce, 358, Horseradish
Sauce, 343, or Oyster Sauce, 343
Caper Sauce, 345, Poulette Sauce, 345, or
Smitane Sauce, 345
II. 4 Servings
A less rich version. This recipe is highly recom-
VEAL TIMBALE mended for conversion into a ring mold.
4 Servings Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 325°. Combine and cook to a paste:

Grind twice or blend: 1 cup bread crumbs

"PA cups cold cooked veal V2 cup cream
Beat slightly and add: When the mixture is hot, add:
3 egg yolks
/2 lb. finely chopped raw halibut or salmon
Stirthe ingredients well. Continue to stir while Season with:
A teaspoon salt
/3 cup whipping cream Vh teaspoon paprika

V* cup dry white wine or 2 tablespoons Cool these ingredients slightly. Whip until stiff,

lemon juice but not dry:

Ve teaspoon paprika 2 egg whites
Salt, as needed Fold them lightly into the fish mixture. Place the
Beat until stiff: mixture in a 7-inch buttered baking dish and set
it in a pan of hot water. Bake about 40 minutes.
3 egg whites
('A teaspoon mace) Serve with:
Fold these into the other ingredients. To bake, see Oyster Sauce, 343, Nantua Sauce, 343, or
About Timbales, 231. Serve with: Anchovy Sauce, 343
Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or Garnish with:
a tomato sauce, 351-354 Tomatoes

FISH TIMBALE III. 5 or 6 Servings

I. 6 Servings Preheat oven to 325°.
Cooked fish may be substituted as in III, but un- Flake and chop until very fine:
cooked fish gives a better result. Pike is preferred, 2 cups cooked fish
but a combination of pike and sole is more than Season it with:
acceptable. 'A teaspoon salt
Please read About Timbales, 231. Vh teaspoon paprika
Preheat oven to 350°. V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
Grind, put though a ricer or blend: X IV2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 lb. uncooked fish: 2 cups Whip until stiff:
Over low heat, melt: cup whipping cream
IV2 tablespoons butter In a separate bowl, whip until stiff:
Stir in until 3 egg whites
tablespoon flour
1 Fold the cream into the fish mixture, then fold in
then add: the egg whites. To bake, see About Timbales, 231.
'A cup milk Serve with:
Remove from heat. Beat and stir in: Bechamel Sauce, 341, or Tartare Sauce, 364

SHAD ROE TIMBALE Chopped parsley

4 Servings It may be served with:
3*Please read About Timbales, 231. Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347-
Preheat oven to 375°.
Poach 3 to 5 minutes: MUSHROOM RING MOLD WITH
Remove outer integument and veins. Crumble the 8 Servings
roe and combine it with: Please read About Timbales, 231.
2 beaten eggs Preheat oven to 325°.
1 cup whipped cream Blanch, 502:
A grating of nutmeg 1 pair sweetbreads, or use 1 cup

Season to taste cooked minced chicken

Fill individual molds three-fourths full of this mix- Remove the skin and membrane and mince the
ture. Set molds in a pan of hot water. Bake about sweetbreads. Prepare:
25 minutes. Serve with: 1 cup White Sauce 11,341
Allemande Sauce, 345, or Melt in a pan:
Bearnaise Sauce, 359 2 tablespoons butter
Add and saute about 3 minutes:
CHESTNUT RING MOLD 2 slices onion
4 Servings Remove the onion. Add to the pan:
A delightful way to use chestnuts. The egg white Vh
cups finely minced mushrooms
lightens the consistency of the mixture. and the sweetbreads or chicken. Heat the white
Please read About Timbales, 231. sauce to the boiling point and combine it with the
Preheat oven to 325°. mushroom mixture. Remove from heat and stir in:
Combine: V* cup dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons flour 1 chopped pimiento

teaspoon salt
1 V* teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
V* 2 beaten egg yolks
1 cup riced Boiled Chestnuts, 298 Cook and stir about 1 minute longer to let the
Vi teaspoon grated onion \olks thicken. Cool these ingredients slightly.
Add gradualK Whip until stiff, but not dry:
V2 cup milk 2 egg whites
Stir and cook these ingredients over low heat Fold them lightly into the mushroom mixture.
about 5 minutes. Cool slightly. Whip until stiff, Place the mixture in a greased ring mold set in a
but not dn/, then fold in: pan of hot water and bake covered with a piece
3 egg whites of buttered paper 35 minutes or until firm. Invert
Bake the mixture about '2 hour in a 7-inch ring the mold onto a platter and serve filled with:
mold set in a pan of hot water. Invert it onto a hot Asparagus spears or peas
plate. with:
Fill it and pass with:
Buttered green peas Supreme Sauce, 344
strokes to barely moisten the dry ingredients.
>• Ignore the lumps. Superior results arc gained if
most pancake doughs are mixed and > rested,
covered, refrigerated, 3 to 6 hours or longer before
cooking. This resting period does not apply to
recipes which include separately beaten egg
whites, or to yeast-raised cakes that have the word
"raised" in the title. Variation in moisture content
of flours, 545, makes it wise to test the batter by
cooking one trial cake first. Adjust the batter > if
too thick, by diluting it with a little water, if too

thin, by adding a little flour. You may also use a

pancake dough for waffles provided you add for
each recipe at least 2 extra tablespoons of butter
or oil to keep the dough from sticking.
If your griddle is a modern one or is of soap-

stone, you may not need to use any type of fat.

GRIDDLE CAKES AND Nor should you need to grease any seasoned pan
surface if you have at least two tablespoons of
butter for every cup of liquid in the recipe. If you
FRITTER VARIATIONS are using a skillet or crepe pan, you may grease it
lightly and continue to do so between batches.
Before cooking, test the griddle by letting a few
Perhaps no foods lend themselves to more occa- drops of cold water fall on it. If the water bounces
sions than those in this chapter, which can be and sputters, the griddle is ready to use. If the
served as hors d'oeuvre; as breakfast, luncheon or water just sits and boils, the griddle is not hot
supper treats; or as desserts. What's more, they are enough. If the water vanishes, the griddle is too
an ideal way to glamorize leftovers. Many people hot. See illustration on 236.
like to cook these delicacies at table, using aux- To assure a well-rounded cake, don't drop
iliaryheat so that they reach the diner in peak the batter from on high but let it pour from the
condition. Waffle irons, 240; electric skillets, 145; tip of a spoon. Make the cakes large or small. It
or a double crepe pan set, shown in the heading, will be two to three minutes before the cakes are
left rear, where the crepes can be both cooked ready to turn. When bubbles appear on the upper
and sauced, are all tableside conveniences; while surfaces, but before they break, lift the cakes with
in the kitchen, both iron and soapstone griddles a spatula to see how well thev have browned.
have their adherents. The soapstone, which needs ^ Turn the cakes only once and continue cooking
no greasing, is shown in the left foreground, filled them until the second side is done. Cooking this
with small-sized so-called silver-dollar pancakes side takes only about half as long, and the second
from the batter in the pitcher upper left. Above side never browns as evenly. Serve the cakes at
and below it are elderberry and hemerocallis blos- once. If this is not possible, keep them on a
soms, both delicious when deep-fat-fried in bat- —
toweled baking sheet well separated by the tea
ters, 243. In the right foreground is a rosette iron towel — in a 200° oven. Or fold for yourself a
on which several shapes can be inserted; a honey sort of cloth file in which to store them. Never
dipper and a pancake turner. At the right rear are stack one on the other without the protection of
honey and molasses dispensers, jellies and nuts cloth — for the steam they produce will make the
on a lazy-susan stand near liqueurs for flambeing, cakes flabby.
155. In high altitudes, use about one-fourth less
baking powder or soda than indicated in the fol-
lowing recipes
ABOUT PANCAKES, GRIDDLE CAKES Several egg dishes approximate pancakes, see
OR BATTER CAKES Eggs Fooyoung, 228, and Frittata, 228.

No matter what your source of heat a hot rock or Pancakes are delicious stuffed, rolled or glazed
with a sauce and run under the broiler. Try filling
an electric skillet; no matter how fancy the name
— blintzes, crepes or Nockerln — all these confec-
with prunes and cinnamon or with creamed sea-
tions are easily mixed and made from simple bat- food, 264. The batter may be seasoned with
ters. sauteed chopped onions and, when cooked, filled
There are three equally important things to with seafood, creamed sweetbreads or chicken. Or
control in producing pancakes and waffles: the you may incorporate in the batters finely chopped
consistency of your batter, the surface of your nuts and candied fruits or currants; or wheat
griddle or pan, and the evenness of its heat. Mix germ, soy flour or flaked bran. To do this, let the
the liquid ingredients quickly into the dry ingre- cereal or fruit rest in the liquid called for in the
dients. Don't overbeat. Give just enough quick recipe about half an hour before making up


the batter. For additional garnishes and sauces, WHOLE-GRAIN AND SOY
see Dessert Sauces, 769.
Whole-Grain Griddle Cakes, left
Substitute for the all-purpose flour:
V* cup soy flour
y* cup cornmeal
1 cup finely milled whole-grain flour


Fourteen to Sixteen 5-Inch Cakes
A cup all-purpose flour
Resift with:
2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 eggs
Add and beat:
h cup milk
Vs cup water
.• teaspoon vanilla or '
2 teaspoon grated
lemon rind
Make a well in the sifted ingredients. Pour in the
PANCAKES, GRIDDLE CAKES liquid ingredients. Combine them with a few
OR BATTER CAKES swift trokes. Ignore the lumps; they will take care
About Fourteen 4-Inch Cakes of themselves. You may rest the batter refriger-
Sift before measuring: ated i to 6 hours. Heat a 5-inch skillet. Grease it
Vh cups .ill purpose flour with a few drops of oil. Add a small quantity of
Resifl with: batter Tip the skillet and let thebatter spread over
1 teaspoon salt the bottom. Cook the pancake over moderate
3 tablespoons sugar heat.When it is brown underneath, reverse it and
1 JA teaspoons double-acting baking powder brown the other side. Use a few drops of oil for
Combine: each pancake. Spread the cake with:
1 or 2 slightly beaten whole eggs Jelly
3 tablespoons melted butter Roll itand sprinkle with:
1 to 1 '4 cups milk Confectioners' sugar
Mix the liquid ingredients quickly into the dry in-
gredients > To test griddle and cook, see About
Griddle Cakes, 235, Serve the cakes with: STUFFED FRENCH PANCAKES
(Sausages and syrup) OR CREPES
With Seafood

Prepare but omit the sugar:

About Fourteen 4-Inch Cakes French Pancakes, above
Sift before measuring:
V2 cup all-purpose flour Creamed Oysters, 377
Resift with:
or cream any available canned or frozen seafood.
V2 teaspoon salt Spread the pancakes with the creamed mixture.
! 2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
Roll them. Cover with the remaining sauce.
,4 teaspoon baking soda
Sprinkle with:
Stir in:
(Grated cheese)
1 cup finely milled whole wheat flour Brown lightly under a broiler.
Combine and beat:
honey or molasses
2 tablespoons sugar, II.With Meat or Vegetables
1 Follow the above recipe, filling the pancakes with:
2 cups buttermilk or yogurt Hash with gravy, or creamed vegetables,
2 tablespoons melted butter or chicken, ham, chipped beef or other
bacon drippings precooked meat
^ To test griddle and cook, see About Griddle The cream sauce may be made from a condensed
Cakes, 235. cream soup.

III. Roll in the pancakes: either side. At this blintzes may be

point the
Precooked pork sausages cooked at once; you are not ready to serve
or, if

Serve very hot with: them, they may be placed seam side down in a
Applesauce closely covered dish and chilled for several hours.
Melt in a large skillet:
V2 tablespoon oil
GATEAU CREPE V2 tablespoon butter
10-Inch Skillet
Place several blintzes in it, seam side down. Fry
Prepare batter for: golden brown, turning them once. Re-
them to a
French Pancakes, opposite
peat, adding more oil or butter to the skillet, as
Make four or five large pancakes. Cool them. needed, until all are done. Serve them hot,
Stack and spread between the layers:
sprinkled with:
Lemon, Orange or Lime Sauce, 769, Sugar and cinnamon
or Lemon or Orange Filling, 697, 698
You may pass:
You may spread over the top layer: (Cultured sour cream)
Caramelized sugar, see Clear Caramel
Glaze, 732
or simply sprinkle the top with:
Powdered sugar 4 Servings
At an early age the famous Franco-American cook,
FRUIT PANCAKES Henri Charpentier, invented Crepes Suzette —
Four Large (9-Inch) Cakes glorified French pancake.

Prepare batter for: One day when he was composing a complicated

French Pancakes, apposite crepe sauce for his patron, Albert, Prince of Wales,
Prepare and have ready: the cordials accidentally caught fire, and the poor
1 cup or more thinly sliced, lightly sugared, boy thought both he and his sauce were ruined.
sauteed apples, peaches, bananas or Quickly he plunged the crepes into the boiling
blueberries liquid, added more of the cordials and let the
Also have ready two 9-inch skillets. Melt in each: sauce flame again. The dish was a triumph. Below
2 teaspoons butter is an approximation of Henri's crepe batter and

2 teaspoons shortening sauce.

When the fatpour one-fourth the batter
is hot, Combine and stir until the ingredients are the con-
into each skillet. Turn the cakes when they are sistency of thin cream:
lightly browned and cook the other side. Place one 3 eggs
of the cakes on a hot platter. Sprinkle over it 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
half of the still-warm fruit. When
the other cake 1 tablespoon water
is browned on the second side, slide it over the 1 tablespoon milk

fruit. Cook the other two griddle cakes for the re- A pinch of salt
maining warm Serve hot, dusted with:
fruit. We recommend keeping this batter 3 hours to
Powdered sugar overnight, covered and refrigerated. Place in a 5-
or a mixture of: inch crepe pan:
V2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon butter
2 cup sugar When this bubbles, pour in enough batter to cover
the bottom with a thin coating. Keep the pan
moving, for this is a delicate substance. A minute
BLINTZES OR COTTAGE CHEESE of cooking and the job is three-fourths done. Turn
PANCAKES the cake and keep turning it until it is well
4 Servings browned. Fold it twice so it will be triangular in
Prepare: shape. The cakes may be stacked with a cloth be-
French Pancakes, opposite tween them and reheated in sauce much later. Al-
Use Cook
very thin cakes on one
a 5-inch skillet. though they may be frozen and reheated, we do
bubbly. Place them on a
side only, until the top is not feel that freezing improves them.
damp tea towel, cooked side down. Prepare the
following filling.
IV2 cups smooth, rather dry cottage cheese: CREPES SUZETTE
12 oz. This may be made in advance and kept for months
egg yolk
1 refrigerated.Cut into very thin strips a piece of:
1 teaspoon soft butter Lemon rind, 3A inch square
1 teaspoon vanilla or grated lemon rind Orange rind, 3A inch square
Place about 2 tablespoons of filling on the center, using only the colored portion of the rind. Add:
of each cake. Roll the edges up and over from 1 teaspoon Vanilla Sugar, 557

Or substitute a few drops of vanilla and 1 tea- lemon juice; covered with jam or jelly and
spoon sugar. Let these ingredients stand closely rolled; or with wine, fruit or rum sauce
covered 12 hours or more. Melt in a large skillet:
When it starts to bubble, add:
pony maraschino
6 Cakes
1 pony curacao
In Salzburg, when we were last there, few visitors
1 pony kirsch
failed to indulge in one or more of these souffleed
Put a lighted match to the sauce. As the flame die- globular puffs between the delights of the annual
down, add the lemon and orange mixture. Place Musical Festival. Make them immediatelv before
the sauce in a cool place until readv to use. if vou rig.
wish. Make the crepes. You may place in each Preheat oven to 225

crepe before rolling: Beat until verv light:

(1 tablespoon Hard Sauce, 775) 4 egg yolks
Plunge the cakes into boiling sauce. Turn them. Beat in:
Again, add: 4 cup cake flour

1 pony each maraschino, curacao and kirsch Whip until stiff:

Put a lighted match to the sauce Let it flame. 6 to 8 egg whites
Serve the (.ikes .it once. The final performance and add gradualk while continuing to beat:
plunging the folded crepes into the hot sauce, z to '4 cup sugar

adding and burning the liquor is done at table — 2 teaspoon vanilla


just before serving the crepes on a hot plate. Fold the yolk mixture lightly into the egg whites.
Melt in a 9-inch skillet:
PFANNKUCHEN OR GERMAN 2 to 3 tablespoons butter
PANCAKES The butter should coat the bottom and sides of the
1 Large Pancake 2 Servings — pan and be bubbling when the souffle mixture is
Henriette Davides, the German counterpart of put into it. Heap the souffle into the hot skillet in
the fabulous English Mrs. Beeton, says that the 6 even mounds and cook until the undersides
heat under this p.incake must be neither color lightly. Place the skillet in the oven and
weak nor too strong," that it is advisable to put bake until the puffs are golden, about 8 to 10 min-
'enough butter in the skillet, but not too much," utes. The center should remain soft. If you are
and that the best obtained in making
results arc serving the \ockerln without fruit or sauce,
this simple great pancake with not more than 4 sprinkle them with

eggs Henriette's recipes make mouth-watering Confectioners' sugar

reading. But on Henriette's terms, onlv a strongly eat once on heated plates
intuitive person with a madly active imagination
has ,i chance of success. Firming up Henriel RUSSIAN RAISED PANCAKES
rule, will you tr\ our version of this famous pan- OR BLINI
c ake> About Twenty-Four 2-Inch Cakes
Combine and stir until smooth: Dissolve:
4 beaten egg yolks 1 cake compressed yeast
2 tablespoons cornstarch in :

4 cup lukewarm milk cups scalded milk which has cooled to 85°
4 cup lukewarm water well blended:
Stir in until
*4 teaspoon salt 1 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon sugar

Grated rind of 1 lemon Cover the bowl and set this sponge to rise in a,
Beat until ver\ stiff: warm place about 1',2 hours. Beat until well
4 to 5 egg whites blended:
Fold them into the yolk mixture. Melt in a heavy 3 egg yolks
10-inch skillet: 1 tablespoon melted butter

2 tablespoons butter Stir in:

When the skillet is hot, pour in the pancake bat- 1

2 cup sifted all-purpose flour
ter. Cook it over low to medium heat, partly cov- 1 teaspoon salt
ered with a lid, for about 5 minutes. Or the batter Beat these ingredients into the sponge and let it
ma\ be cooked until it begins to set and then be rise again about 1 '2 hours or until almost doubled
placed briefly in a preheated 400° oven until it in bulk. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
is puffed and firm. Cooking time in all is about 7 3 egg whites
minutes. It should puff up well, but it mav fall. So Fold them into the batter. After 10 minutes, cook
serve it at once with: the batter, a very small quantity at a time, in a
Confectioners' sugar and cinnamon or greased skillet or on a griddle. See About Griddle

Cakes, 235. Turn to brown lightly on the other turning.The batter settles readily, so beat it be-
side. Serve each blini rolled and filled with: tween spoonings. To test griddle, cook and serve,
1 tablespoon caviar see About Griddle Cakes, 235.
and garnished with:
Cultured sour cream JOHNNYCAKES
About 2 Dozen 4-Inch Cakes
BUTTERMILK PANCAKES Heat in a double boiler over — not — boiling
About Ten 4-Inch Cakes water:
Sift before measuring: 1 cup stone-ground cornmeal
cup cake flour
1 V2 teaspoon salt
Resift with: To avoid lumping, stir constantly and scald the

1 teaspoon sugar cornmeal by adding in a thin stream:

Vi teaspoon salt VU cups boiling water
A teaspoon
3 double-acting baking powder Continue to stir about 10 minutes more, then add
V* teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons butter
Beat until light: 1 A
to V 2 cups milk
1 egg to make the batter easy to drop, a tablespoon at a
Add: time, onto a greased hot griddle.Cook over low
1 cup buttermilk heat about 10 minutes, or until the underside is
1 to 2 tablespoons melted butter golden brown. Turn and cook until the other side
Combine the sifted and the liquid ingredients with is golden brown. Serve with:

a few swift strokes. To test griddle and cook, see Maple syrup and butter
About Griddle Cakes, 235.
About Twelve 4-Inch Cakes D ra i n :

Measure and place in a bowl: 2V2 cups cooked or canned hominy

1 cup white or yellow cornmeal Combine it with:

1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour

1 to 2 tablespoons honey, syrup or sugar 1 egg
Stir in slowly: and pepper
cup boiling water
1 Form these ingredients into flat cakes. Saute them
Cover these ingredients and let stand 10 minutes. until they are brown in:
Beat: Butter or drippings
1egg Serve them hot plain or with: —
Vi cup milk Honey or syrup
2 tablespoons melted butter
Add these ingredients to the cornmeal mixture. RICE-CORNMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES
Sift before measuring: Twelve 4-Inch Cakes
Vz cup all-purpose flour Sift before measuring:
Resift with: V2 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder Resift with:
Stirthe sifted ingredients into the batter with a 1 teaspoon salt
few swift strokes. To test griddle and cook, see V2 teaspoon baking soda
About Griddle Cakes, 235. 1 tablespoon sugar
§ CRISP CORN FLAPJACKS cup stone-ground cornmeal
About 20 Thin 2-Inch Cakes cup cold boiled rice

If you make up this traditional camp treat without Combine, beat, then stir into the sifted ingredients
the eggs, the pancakes become lacy. with a few swift strokes:
Place in a bowl: 2 cups buttermilk
cups white cornmeal 2 egg yolks
teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons melted, cooled shortening
Vi teaspoon baking soda Beat until stiff, but not dry:
V* cup sifted all-purpose flour 2 egg whites
Cut into this with a pastry blender: Fold them into the batter. To test griddle and
V* cup butter cook, see About Griddle Cakes, 235.
Combine and beat:
2 cups buttermilk RICE FLOUR GRIDDLE CAKES
(1 to 2 eggs) About Eighteen 4-Inch Cakes
Stir the liquid into the sifted ingredients with a Mix, then sift:
few swift strokes. Make the cakes small for easier 2 cups rice flour

4 ,
/z teaspoons double-acting baking powder RAISED BUCKWHEAT CAKES
2 teaspoons maple sugar About Eighteen 21 2 -Inch Cakes
2 teaspoons salt Scald, then cool to 105° to 115°:
Beat the mixture while adding: 2 cups milk
2 cups milk Add and stir until dissolved:
Add and barely blend: package active dry yeast
1 beaten egg Add and stir to a smooth batter:
1 tablespoon melted butter "PA cups buckwheat flour
To cook and serve, see About Griddle Cakes, 235. V2 cup all-purpose flour or V* cup flour and
V* cup cornmeal

About Twelve 4-Inch Cakes Cover the batter with a cloth and place in refrig-
Sift before measuring: erator overnight. In the morning, stir in:
/i cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon molasses

Resift with: V2 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in V* cup

1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder lukewarm water
V-i teaspoon salt 1 egg or Va cup melted shortening

Beat: Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes. To

1 egg cook, see About Griddle Cakes, 235. Serve with:
Stir in: Maple syrup
IV2 cups cooked oatmeal
V2 cup evaporated milk ABOUT WAFFLES
'A cup water You don't have to be told how good these are
2 tablespoons melted butter or with syrup, honey, marmalade or stewed fruit.
bacon drippings But you may not realize what attractive cases they
Stir this mixture into the sifted ingredients. To make for serving creamed foods, shown center,
cook and serve, see About Griddle Cakes, 235. and for leftovers and ice creams. You can even
cook raw bacon placed directly on the batter, as
BUCKWHEAT CAKES shown below, and have it come out crisp and nut
About Forty 3-Inch Cakes brown. But be sure to treat your iron with care.
Mix together thoroughly: Manufacturer's directions should be followed ex-
1 cup buckwheat flour actly in seasoning a new electric waffle iron. Once
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour or whole conditioned the grids are neither greased nor
wheat flour washed. You may brush the iron out to remove
teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 any crumbs. The iron itself is never immersed in
teaspoon baking soda
1 water. After use, merely wipe down the outside
2 teaspoons sugar with a cloth well wrung out in hot water.
1 teaspoon salt Heat a waffle iron until the indicator shows it is
You may substitute 2 teaspoons molasses for the ready to use. If it has been properly conditioned,
sugar. If so. add it to the buttermilk, below. Stir it need no greasing, as most waffle batters are
into the flour mixture: heavy Have the batter ready in a pitcher.
in butter.
beaten egg yolks
2 Cover the grid surface about two-thirds, as
cup melted butter
V» sketched on the left. Close the lid and wait about 4
2 cups buttermilk minutes. When the waffle is ready, all steam will
Whip until stiff, but not dry: have stopped emerging from the crack of the iron.
2 egg whites If you try to lift the top of the iron and the top

Fold them into the batter until it is blended only. shows resistance, it probably means the waffle is
Cook on a greased hot griddle, see About Griddle not quite done. Cook slightly longer and try again.
Cakes, 235. The richer the waffle dough, the crisper the

waffle becomes. With the butter flavor baked in, ^ Stir only enough to moisten. To cook, see About
there is then no reason for ladling butter on top of Waffles, 240. Serve with:
the waffle. We
also suggest beating egg whites Honey and butter or Sauce Cockaigne, 770
separately for a superbly light result. Since waffles The sauce makes this a dessert waffie.
are made from a batter keep them tender by
not overheating or overmixing the dough. BUTTERMILK WAFFLES
A In high altitudes, use about one-fourth less 6 Waffles
baking powder or soda than indicated in our Sift before measuring:
recipes. 2 cups all-purpose flour
Resift with:
'A teaspoon baking soda
T/2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
6 Waffles
1 tablespoon sugar
If used with savory foods, omit the sugar.
V2 teaspoon salt
Sift before measuring:
Beat separate bowl until light:
in a
1 3A cups cake flour
2 egg yolks
Resift with:
Add and beat:
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
1 3A cups buttermilk
Vz teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon sugar
Combine the liquid and the dry ingredients with
Beat well:
a few swift strokes. Beat until stiff, but not dry:
3 egg yolks
2 egg whites
Fold them into the batter. To cook, see About
2 to 7 tablespoons melted butter or
Waffles, 240.
vegetable oil
Vh cups milk
Make a hole in the center of the sifted ingredients. SOUR CREAM WAFFLES
Pour in the liquid ingredients. Combine them with
About 4 Waffles
Sift before measuring:
a few swift strokes. The batter should have a peb-
1 cup cake flour
bled look, similar to a muffin batter. At this time,
Resift with:
superb as these waffles are "as is," you may want
1 A teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
to include for variety one of the following:
(Vi cup fresh fruit or berries)
A teaspoon salt

teaspoon sugar
('A cup raisins or pureed dried fruit)
teaspoon baking soda
('A cup finely chopped nuts or coconut)
Beat in a separate bowl until light:
(V* cup grated semisweet chocolate)
3 egg yolks
(V2 cup shredded sharp cheese)
(1 cup finely diced cooked ham)
2 cups thick cultured sour cream
Beat until stiff, but not dry:
3 egg whites
Combine the liquid and the dry ingredients with
a few swift strokes. Beat until stiff, but not dry:
Fold them into the batter until they are barely
blended. To cook, see About Waffles, above. 3 egg whites
Good served with: Fold them into the batter. To cook, see About
Maple syrup or Honey Sauce, opposite, or Waffles, 240.
sweetened fruit or a dessert sauce, 769
6 Waffles
GOLDEN YAM OR Don't worry about too much grease from the
SQUASH WAFFLES bacon, as this is all absorbed in the cooking.
6 Waffles Beat slightly:
Prepare: 2 eggs
V2 cup boiled mashed yams, 324, or Add:
winter squash, 330 13 A cups milk
Add: Sift:
3 well-beaten eggs 1 cup cake flour or 4 cup all-purpose flour
T/2 cups milk 2'A teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 tablespoons melted butter or shortening 1 tablespoon sugar
Sift together and add to the yam mixture: V2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour Add:
V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup yellow stone-ground cornmeal
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder Combine these ingredients with the eggs and milk
2 tablespoons sugar in a few quick strokes. Add:
('A teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg) !A cup melted bacon fat or other shortening

Cut into halves or quarters: fritterlike foods are Deep-Fat-Fried Vegetables,

6 to 12 very thin slices bacon 279, and Croquettes, 247.
Place pieces of bacon on each waffle iron section Variations of this completely encased food are
after pouring the batter, see illustration, 240. To rosettes, illustrated in the chapter heading, 235,
cook, see About Waffles, 240. and timbale cases or casso/ettes in which the
deep-fat-fried casing is a free-standing affair, so
shaped that it may be filled. Be sure to choose
CHOCOLATE WAFFLES fillings that are rather on the stable side with these
6 Waffles
types, and put themin just before serving, so the
Delectable with ice cream. fritterlikecasing will stay crisp.
Sift before measuring:
Either cooked or uncooked foods may be fried
Vh cups cake flour in batter,although uncooked meats are more sat-
Resift with:
isfactory minced.
if But veal, pork and pork
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
products should always be cooked, and brains and
Va teaspoon salt
sweetbreads must be parboiled before deep frying.
(V* teaspoon cinnamon)
To prepare frittered vegetables, use almost any
('A teaspoon nutmeg)
leftover or raw vegetables. Seafood and sliced,
Cream: firm tomatoes are also delectable served this way.
Vi cup butter
To cook fritters, please read About Deep-Fat
Frying, 147. One at a time slide the fritters into
1 cup sugar the heated fat at the side of the kettle. If using a
Beat in, one at a time:
spoon, first dip it into the hot fat before picking
2 eggs
up the fritter. Time depends on the size of the
Add: fritter. If slightly smaller than doughnut size, pre-
1 teaspoon vanilla
cooked food requires only 2 to 3 minutes at
Melt cool and add:
about 365° to 375°. Uncooked food in larger units
2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
is better at 350° to 360° and will need from 5 to 7
Add the sifted ingredients in about three parts,
minutes. This allows more time for thorough
alternately with:
cooking of the interior.
Vi cup milk
To cook, see About Waffles, 240.
A Batters for deep-fat-fried fritters and dough-
nuts must be adjusted and the temperature of the
fat usually must be lowered when cooking at high


V* cup milk These are really much like simple pancake mix-
2 tablespoons melted butter tures, but they must have the consistency that
Ve teaspoon salt makes them stick to the food to be fried. As in all
Cut into pieces to fit a waffle iron: recipes involving flour, measurements can only be
Sliced bread approximate. If the surface of the food you are
Coat the bread well in the batter. Toast it on a hot frying is as dry as possible, the dough will adhere
waffle iron. if it follows this easy test: Take a generous
spoonful of batter and hold it above the mixing
bowl. Instead of running from the spoon in a
ABOUT FRITTERED FOODS broad shining band, a consistency that the French
The term fritter is rather confusingly used to cover call au ruban, the batter should start to run for
three quite different types of food. We
think of a about a IVi-inch length, then drop in successive
true fritter as a delicately flavored batter, heavy in long triangular "splats." When the batter is this
egg and deep-fat-fried. While they are not called consistency beat it until very smooth. Cover it
fritters, crullers and doughnuts, 244-246, are very refrigerated at least two hours. It may even be
closely related to them —
the crullers usually richer stored overnight. This resting period allows a fer-
in fat,the doughnuts heavier in flour. The success mentation which breaks down any rubberiness of
of these batters depends on the care and skill with —
the batter a process that is further activated if
which they are mixed and fried, so please read beer or wine forms part of the liquid used.
About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. If you do not have time to let the batter rest,

Don't confuse the texture of any of the afore- mix it to smoothness with as few strokes as possi-
mentioned with certain pan- or shallow-
fritters ble so as not to build up the gluten in the flour.
fried mixtures corn fritters, 301. The term
like Batters heavy in egg yolk resist fat penetration dur-
fritter may also apply to bits of meat, fish, vege- ing frying. Use whole eggs if you wish, but if you
table or fruit dipped in a batter and dried before separate them and plan to rest the batter, fold in
deep-fat frying. In this last type, the fritter batter the whites beaten stiff, but not dry, at the last

acts as a protective coating. Other examples of minute before coating the food.

ABOUT FRUIT FRITTERS III. Mix together and beat until smooth:
1'A cups sifted all-purpose flour
any other batter, profits
Fritter batter for fruit, like
1 cup white wine
by resting hours after mixing.
at least 2 Please
1 tablespoon sugar
read About Fritter Batters, above.
V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
It is very important that fruit used in these des-
V* teaspoon salt
serts be ripe but not mushy. Keep fruit slices about
V2 inch thick. Use apples —
cored and cut cross- Rest the batter refrigerated and covered 3 to 12
hours. Just before using whip until stiff, but not

wise pineapple and orange wedges, halves of
dry, and fold in
canned or stewed apricots, or bananas cut in 3 or
1 egg white
4 diagonal pieces. In season, even try fuzzy white
Follow directions given in above.
elderberry blossoms, 235. Dusted with powdered

sugar and sprinkled with kirsch, they are dreamv.

The fruit is often marinated in advance in a little BLOOMS IN BATTER
wine, kirsch, rum or brandy. This marinade may There is a chichi revival of the age-old custom of
also be used in the batter, but in this case you eating flowers. If you are an organic gardener and
must marinate and drain prior to mixing the batter ifyou know your flowers, all is well. A lily of the
and adjust the amount of liquid to that called for valley which always looks good enough to eat is
in the recipe. Even beer can be used as a liquid. very poisonous, and the sprays used on roses are
Both beer and wine help to break down the gluten lethal not only to pests but to you. From sprayed

and make a tender batter. After marination of gardens, save petals for fragrance only not eat- —
about 2 hours, be sure to drain the fruit well ing. Wash and drain well any kind of blooms and

and dust it with confectioners' sugar just before leaves you use for garnish.
immersing it in the batter. To cook, please read To make fritters of blossoms, please read
about Fritter Batter for Fruit, below. Either dust About Fritter Batters, opposite. Pick with the dew
fritters with sugar or serve with a sauce. on them and dry well:
If a variety of fruits are served in this way, they Unsprayed elderberry, squash, pumpkin,
are called a Fritto Misto. lilac, yucca or hemeroc allis blooms

Dip them in:

Fritter Batter for Fruit II, above
Fry them in deep fat heated to 350°.
About 8 to 10 Servings
This batter can be used either to encase about 2
cups diced fruit or to hold the same amount of
small fruits and berries that are mixed directly and PASTE FRITTERS
gently into it. See About Fruit Fritters, above. Prepare:
I. Beat together: Choux Paste, 646
2 egg yolks Omit the sugar. Add:
3 cup milk or the liquid from the fruit cup grated Parmesan cheese)
marinade teaspoon prepared mustard)
1 tablespoon melted butter Shape dough with greased spoons or a small
Sift before measuring: greased self-releasing ice cream scoop. Fry in 370°
1 cup all-purpose flour deep fat about 6 minutes.
Resift with:
teaspoon salt
tablespoon sugar
Combine liquid and dry ingredients. If you have
Enough to Coat About 2 Cups Food
the time, rest the dough at least 2 hours, covered
Please read About Fritter Batters, 242.
and refrigerated. Then beat
mixture well, until
Put in a bowl and mix well:
smooth. Otherwise, stir until just blended. Just be-
IV3 cups all-purpose flour or rice flour
fore using the batter, whip^ until stiff, but not dry:

1 teaspoon salt
2 egg whites
V* teaspoon pepper
Fold them into the batter. Dip into the batter or
1 tablespoon melted butter or vegetable oil
mix with it the well-drained sugared fruit. To cook,
2 beaten egg yolks
have deep fat heated to 375°. The fritters will take
Add gradually, stirring constantly:
from 3 to 5 minutes to brown. Drain them on 3
A cup flat beer
paper toweling. Dust with:
Allow the batter to rest covered and refrigerated
Confectioners' sugar
3 to 12 hours. Just before using, you may add:
II. Prepare: (2 stiffly beaten egg whites)
Vegetables, right
Fritter Batter for
omitting the pepper and adding: PUREED VEGETABLE FRITTERS
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar 3 Servings
Follow directions given in I, above. ^ Please read About Frittered Foods, 242.

Beat until light: Dry them between towels. Pull them into small
egg1 pieces. Sift:
Add and beat well: cup all-purpose flour

1 cup mashed or pureed cooked carrots, teaspoon double-acting baking powder


parsnips or butter beans V* teaspoon salt

Stir in: Beat until light and add to flour mixture:
'A teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks
1'2 tablespoons melted butter Beat in:
T/z tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon melted butter
6 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or
1 A grating of nutmeg
2 teaspoons onion juice
2' '
2 cup milk
2 teaspoon dried herb, or
\ (1 tablespoon wine or brandy)
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Beat until stiff but not drv:
Spread these ingredients on a greased platter. 2 egg whites
When they are chilled, shape into 1-inch balls. Fold them into the batter with the brains. Drop
Flour and roll the balls in: the batter from a spoon into deep fat heated to
Bound Breading, 552 365°. Serve when golden.
Fry the balls in deep fat heated to 365°.
EGGPLANT FRITTERS Prepare and deep-fry as for:
6 Servings Calf Brain Fritters, above
Please read About Frittered Foods, 242. substituting for the brains about:
Pare and slice: 1 '
2 cups chopped cooked meat
A small-sized eggplant Add to the meat, it desired:
Cook tender in
until (2 tablespoons chopped parsley)
Boiling water to cover (1 tablespoon lemon juice or 1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon vinegar Worcestershire sauce)
Drain the eggplant Mash it. Beat in: Serve the fritters with:
egg1 A tomato sauce or
teaspoon salt Horseradish Sauce, 343
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
Drop the batter from a spoon into deep fat heated 6 Servings
to 365°. Please read About Frittered Foods, 242.
Beat until light:
RICE FRITTERS 2 egg yolks
About 10 Fritters Add and combine with a few swift strokes:
> Please read About Frittered roods, 242. cup milk

Combine T/3 cups sifted all-purpose flour

2 cups Boiled Rice, 206 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour V* teaspoon salt
tablespoon finely chopped parsley
4 teaspoon paprika
teaspoon paprika
Fold in:
teaspoon salt
minced parsley or onion
2 tablespoons

(1 teaspoon onion juice) V*cup drained cream-style corn

(V2 cup grated sharp cheese)
U cup cooked minced ham
Beat and add: 2 stiffly beaten egg whites

2 egg yolks Drop the batter from a spoon into deep fat heated
2 tablespoons milk to 365° and cook until golden brown.
Beat until stiff:


and fold into the rice mixture. Drop into deep fat AND BEIGNETS
heated to 365° and cook until golden. Serve with: Crullers are richer than doughnuts, and beignets
Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or a richer than both. For tender cakes have all in-
tomato sauce gredients at about 70°, so the dough can be mixed
quickly. This prevents the development of gluten
CALF BRAIN FRITTERS in the flour, which would tend to toughen the
3 Servings batter. Keep the mix just firm enough to be easy
Please read About Frittered Foods, 242. to handle. Chill the dough slightly to shape it, be-
Prepare and blanch: fore cutting, so that the board won't have to be
1 set calf brains, 504 too heavily floured. Roll or pat the dough to about

/2-inch thickness.
^ Cut with a well-floured dou- Add slowly, beating constantly:
ble cutter, or 2 sizes of biscuit cutters. If you "PA cups sugar
allow the dough to dry 10 or 12 minutes on a very Stir in:
lightly floured board or paper toweling, the cup cultured sour cream

doughnuts will absorb less fat while frying. The Sift before measuring:
richer and sweeter the dough, the more fat they 4 cups all-purpose flour
absorb. Resift with:
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. For 1 teaspoon baking soda

delicate flavor, the frying fat must be impeccable. 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Bring the fat to 375° unless otherwise stated. V2 teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg
Then, one at a time slide the doughnuts into V2 teaspoon salt
the fat at the side of the kettle. They will keep Stir the sifted ingredients and the egg mixture
their shapes if you transfer them to the fat with a untilblended. Fry in deep fat heated to 375° until
pancake turner which has already been dipped golden brown.
into the kettle.
Each cake takes 2 to 3 minutes to a side to YEAST DOUGHNUTS
cook, depending on size. Never crowd the fry- About 48 Doughnuts
ing kettle. You can develop a machinelike preci- About Doughnuts, above.
Please read
sion by adding one at a time at about 15-second Prepare dough for:
intervals. Turn each as soon as it browns on one Buttermilk-Potato Roll, 613, or
side. It will usually rise at this point. When done, No-Knead Yeast Coffee Cake, 619
remove with a fork or tongs and place on paper After dough has risen to double its bulk, place on
toweling to drain. Replace it immediately with a lightly floured board and pat or roll to '/2-inch
an uncooked cake to keep the fat at an even thickness. Cut into rings or into strips V2 x Vh
temperature. inches. Twist the strips gently. You may bring the
When the cakes cool, dust with powdered, ends together to form twisted wreaths. Allow the
spiced or flavored sugar. For an easy method, use twists to rise uncovered about 30 minutes. Fry
a paper bag as shown on 552. Or glaze them with in deep fat heated to 375° until golden brown.
Milk or Lemon Glaze, 731. Beignets may also be While still warm, shake in a bag filled with:
served hot with a sauce. Sugar or sugar and cinnamon
Yeast-based doughnuts require no adjust-
ment for high altitudes. For quick leavened
doughnuts, reduce the baking powder or soda by
About 36 Doughnuts
one-fourth. But do not reduce soda beyond Vi
Please read About Doughnuts, above.
teaspoon for each cup if sour milk or sour cream
is used.
1 cup freshly riced boiled potatoes


2 eggs
About 36 Doughnuts
^ Please read About Doughnuts, above. Add very slowly, beating constantly:
cup sugar
Stir in the potatoes and:
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
Add slowly, beating constantly:
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup sugar
Sift before measuring:
Stir in:
1 cup milk 4 cups all-purpose flour
Resift with:
5 tablespoons melted shortening
Sift before measuring: 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda
Resift with:
h teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder V* teaspoon nutmeg or

Vj teaspoon cinnamon or 1 teaspoon

A teaspoon cinnamon
grated lemon rind Stir in the sifted ingredients and the potato mix-
teaspoon salt
ture until they are blended. Chill the dough
(V* teaspoon nutmeg) until it is easy to handle and cut. Fry in deep fat

Mix moist and dry ingredients. Fry in deep fat heated to 375° until golden brown.
heated to 375° until golden brown.


About 36 Doughnuts I.Berlin or Jelly Doughnuts
Please read About Doughnuts, above. Prepare Yeast Doughnuts, above. Cut the dough
Beat well: into 'A -inch-thick 2'/2-inch rounds instead of
3 eggs rings. Place on one round:

1 heaping teaspoon jelly or preserves they are cooked enough on one side, they will
Brush the edges of the round with: automatically turn themselves over. Remove when
Egg white brown on both sides. Drain and sprinkle with:
Cap it with another round. Press the edges to- Powdered sugar
gether. Repeat the process. After allowing the Serve with:
doughnuts to rise, fry them as directed in About Vanilla Sauce, 774, or Sauce Cockaigne, 770
Doughnuts, 244.

Orange Doughnuts CRULLERS


Prepare any of the recipes for Doughnuts. Sub- This recipe makes a lot — it is hard to gauge the
exact amount! Please read About Doughnuts,
stitute for V* cup of the milk:
The grated rind of 1 orange and
Beat until light:
V* cup orange juice
4 eggs
III.Chocolate Doughnuts Add gradually:
Prepare any one of the recipes for Doughnuts, 2
h cup sugar
adding: Blend until mixture is creamy. Add:
5 tablespoons flour 4 teaspoon grated lemon rind

Melt: Vj cup melted shortening

2 oz. unsweetened chocolate Vi cup milk
Add it to the melted shortening plus: Sift before measuring.
4 c up additional sugar 3' 2 cups all-purpose flour
' i teaspoons vanilla Resift with:
V, teaspoons cream of tartar
IV. Pecan or Date Doughnuts 1
teaspoon soda
Prepare any recipe for Doughnuts. Add V* teaspoon salt
( up broken nutmeats or diced pitted dates
' •
(' 1 teaspoon nutmeg or 'A teaspoon cardamom)

Stir the sifted ingredients into the egg mixture.

V. Drop Doughnuts
Roll the dough to the thickness of V* inch. With
While devoid of the characteristic hole, these are
a pie jagger, cut it into strips of about V2 x
lighter in texture. Prepare dn\ recipe tor dough-
nuts not requiring yeast, using '4 to V2 cup less
inches. To make a fancier shape, twist the strips

Hour slide a tablespoon of dough at a time into slightlv deep fat heated to 365°
Fry in until
golden brown. Drain and sprinkle with:
the hot fat.
Confectioners' sugar


I. 4 to 6 Servings
4 or 5 Servings
These are light as ail Please read About Dough-
Please read About Doughnuts, 244.
nuts, _!44.
Mix together:
Combine saucepan and boil and stir over low
in a
2 cups cold Boiled Rice, 206
heat about minutes 5
3 beaten eggs
6 tablespoons water
cup sugar
1 tablespoon butter
teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon nutmeg or grated lemon rind

Remove the pan from the heat. Beat in one at a

2V* teaspoons double-acting baking powder
And add onlv enough flour to bind the batter. You
4 eggs
may need:
Beal the batter about 3 minutes alter each addi- 1
2 to 1 cup all-purpose flour
tion. Add:
Drop the batter from a teaspoon into deep fat
1 teaspoon vanilla
heated to 365°. Fry the cakes until thev are golden
Drop the batter from a teaspoon into deep fat
heated to 365°. Cook until golden. Drain. Dust

brown about 7 minutes. Drain on paper towel-
ing. Sprinkle with:
Confectioners' sugar
Confectioners' sugar
Serve with:
Serve at once with:
Tart jelly
Lemon Sauce, 769, or
Gooseberry Preserves, 838
II. Prepare dough for: About Thirty-Six V 2-Inch Rosettes
Cream Puff Shells, 646 Rosettes are shaped with a small iron made for the
Add: purpose and shown in the chapter heading, 235.
(' 1 teaspoon grated lemon or orange rind) Onion or garlic salt, paprika and other seasonings
but instead of baking, drop a teaspoon of dough enliven the rosettes when used as a base for
at a time into deep fat heated to 365°. As soon as creamed chicken or sweetbreads. For dessert, add

the sugar and vanilla and serve with a sweet sauce ways call for already cooked minced foods. With
or stewed fruit or alone with coffee. seafoods such as oysters and mussels and with
^ Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. brains and sweetbreads, parboiling is called for.
Beat until blended: Beef, pork and pork products should always be
2 eggs precooked. Use about 3A cup of heavy White
V* teaspoon salt Sauce III, 341, or Brown Sauce, 346, to 2 cups of
(1 tablespoon sugar) cooked ground or minced solids, meat or fish and
(1 teaspoon vanilla) vegetables. The solids should never be watery
Stir alternately into the egg mixture- always well drained. You may add to the hot sauce
1'A cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 to 2 egg yolks and let them thicken slightly off

and: the heat. Add enough sauce to the solids so they

1 cup milk are well bound. There is a good deal of leeway
Beat until smooth. If you are using a thin 3A-inch- in this relationship, provided —
after chilling —
high rosette mold, the frying fat need be only mixture can be handled. Spread it in a greased pan
about 2 A inches deep. When using taller molds,
to about 1-inch thickness. You may also brush the
increase the depth of the fat. Heat the fat to be- top of the mixture lightly with butter or cover with
tween 325° and 350°. Prepare the iron by dipping waxed paper to avoid crusting. Chill at least 2
first in the hot fat; then dip in the batter, but do hours or freeze for 1 hour. When cool, it is best
not let it run over the top of the iron, for then it to cut the chilled mixture into squares or bars,
is difficult to remove the rosette when cooked. not larger than V/2 x 2V2 inches. Have ready a
Hold the batter-coated iron over the fat a moment flour-covered paper. Put the croquette shapes, one
before completely immersing 20 to 35 seconds. at a time, on it and shape into a cylinder or round
Remove the rosette with a fork. Reheat the iron bv manipulating the paper. Then coat thoroughly
in the deep fat and repeat the process. Drain the with a Bound Breading, 552. Let the coated cro-
rosettes on paper toweling and, if served as a des- quettes dry on a rack at least 1 hour. Or if the
sert, dust with: mixture is a very soft one, dry for 10 minutes, after
Confectioners' sugar breading, and recoat with a bound breading again.
This time allow a full hour for the drying period.
TIMBALE CASES FOR FOOD Should the outer coating not be all-enveloping
Select a timbale iron that is fluted, like the one and very dry when it meets the hot fat, the cro-
shown the chapter heading, 235.
in It is easier to quette mixture may leak into the fat and cause
handle than a plain one. boiling over. Please read About Deep-Fat Frying,
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. 147. Immerse the croquettes, a few at a time, in a
Sift: basket in deep fat heated to 365°. They will be

A cup
3 all-purpose flour golden in 2 to 4 minutes, unless otherwise indi-

teaspoon salt
V2 cated. Drain on paper toweling. You may hold
Combine and beat: them briefly on a rack in a 350° oven before
1 egg serving. To reheat croquettes, once they have
V2 cup milk cooled, use a 400° oven.
Combine the liquid and the sifted ingredients
with a few swift strokes. Add: CROQUETTES OF MEAT, FISH,
1 teaspoon olive oil or melted butter
Let the batter stand for 1 hour to avoid bubbles
which disfigure the cases. For a crisper, thinner About 12 Croquettes
case, rest the batter 2 hours or longer, covered and
Please read About Croquettes, above.
refrigerated. To fry timbale cases, prepare the iron
White Sauce III, 341
by immersing its head in deep fat. Heat the deep
fat to 365° —
hot enough to brown a cube of bread
When the sauce is smooth and hot, remove from
heat and add:
in 1 minute. Wipe the iron with a cloth wrapped
1 to 2 egg yolks
around a fork. Plunge the iron into the batter,
allowing them to thicken slightly. Add to the
within 3A inch of the top. Remove it. Allow the
sauce until it binds:
batter to dry slightly on the iron. Fry the timbale
2 cups minced solid food: cooked meat, fish,
in the hot fat until it is golden brown, about 1 to
fowl or vegetables
1V2 minutes. Remove it from the iron and drain it
2 teaspoons grated onion or onion juice
on a paper towel. Repeat the process.
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Return the pan to very low heat and season the
ABOUT CROQUETTES food well with a choice of one of the following:
Well made, these are literally crunchy on the out- (Salt, pepper or paprika)
side, as their name implies, but should retain a (Freshly grated nutmeg or celery salt)
creamy interior texture whether they are of a (2 teaspoons lemon juice)
sweet or a savory type. Because their cooking time (1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
is short — 3 to 4 minutes —
the recipes nearly al- (V2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce)

teaspoons sherry)
teaspoon curry powder

C/2 teaspoon dried or 1 tablespoon fresh herbs) slightly beaten egg


(Vi teaspoon curry powder) 2 tablespoons cracker crumbs

Cool and shape as directed above and, in shaping, 1 cup chopped mushrooms

place in the center of each croquette either: V2 teaspoon salt

(A sauteed mushroom) V* teaspoon paprika
(A piece of cooked chicken liver) Chill, shape, bread, drv and deep-fat-fry the cro-
(A pimiento-stuffed olive) quettes as directed. Drain on paper toweling.
Bread, dry and deep-fat-fry the croquettes as di- Serve at once.
rected. Drain on paper toweling. You may serve
the croquettes with one of the following if suitable SWEET RICE CROQUETTES
to your croquette mixture: About 12 Croquettes
(Onion Sauce, 344, Mushroom Sauce, 348, Please read About Croquettes, 24"
Piquant Sauce, 347, a tomato sauce, or
leftover gravy)
1 cup chopped walnuts or butternuts

2 cup toasted white bread crumbs


CHEESE CROQUETTES COCKAIGNE 2 cups cold cooked rice

12 Croquettes teaspoon sugar
Please read About Croquettes 1
teaspoon salt

Melt: 1 beaten egg

V* cup butter 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind or vanilla

Stir in: Chill, shape, bread, dry and deep-fat-fry as di-

5 tablespoons all-purpose flour rected. Drain on paper toweling. Serve with:
Stir in gradually until thickened: Tart jelly
cup milk

/» cup cream

Stir in, over low heat:

2 lb. shredded Swiss cheese
1 Please read About Croquettes, 247. Try adding
Cool slightly. Stir in: poached sweetbreads or brains.
3 beaten egg yolks Combine:
'4 teaspoon salt 1' 2 cups finely minced cooked chicken or veal

Vfl teaspoon paprika with:

Pour the custard into well-greased pan about
cup chopped sauteed mushrooms, minced

6x9 When ready to use, im-

inches. Chill well. celery or minced nuts
merse pan for a moment in hot water, reverse it Add, until these ingredients are well bound:
and turn the custard onto a flat surface Cut into About '4 cup hot Veloute Sauce, 345
shapes Bread and dry twice as directed. Fry in Chill, shape, bread, dry and deep-fat-fry the cro-

deep fat heated to 165°. Drain on paper toweling. quettes as directed. Drain on paper toweling.
Serve with: Serve w ith:

Mexican Tomato Sauce, 352 Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or

Poulette Sauce, 345


About Croquettes.
Please read 247. About 12 Croquettes
Combine and mix w ell Please read About Croquettes, 247.
' 4 c ups cream-style corn The addition of whole oysters in a chicken cro-
chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons finely quette mixture is interesting. Heat in their liquor
cup ground or minced cooked ham
1 until thev are plump:
1 beaten egg 1 pint oysters
2 cup dry bread crumbs
Drain but reserve the liquor. Dry them.
Chill, shape, bread, drv and deep-fat-fry as di- Melt:
rected. Drain on paper toweling. Serve the cro- 2 tablespoons butter
quettes with: Saute slowly in the butter until golden:
A tomato sauce (3 tablespoons minced onion)
Stir in. until blended:
About 6 Croquettes Slowly add:
Please read About Croquettes, 24" 1 cup oyster liquor and Chicken Stock, 523
Prepare: Season to taste
'2 cup White Sauce III, 341 and add:
Remove it from the heat. Add: A few grains cayenne
2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce A few grains nutmeg


/2cup minced cooked chicken About 12 Croquettes
Reduce the heat and add: Please read About Croquettes, 247.
3 beaten egg yolks Mix:
1 tablespoon minced parsley 2 cups flaked cooked or canned salmon
Allow mixture to thicken. Whip until stiff and fold 2 cups mashed potatoes
into the chicken mixture: 1 V2 teaspoons salt or anchovy paste
V2cup whipping cream Va teaspoon pepper
Spread the mixture on a platter. Chill. Dip the 1 beaten egg
oysters one at a time in the chicken mixture until 1 tablespoon minced parsley

they are well coated. Shape, bread, dry and fry the 1 teaspoon lemon juice or
croquettes in deep fat as directed. Drain on paper Worcestershire sauce
toweling. Serve garnished with: Chill, shape, bread, dry and fry the croquettes in
Lemon slices deep fat as directed. Drain on paper toweling be-
Parsley or watercress fore serving.
or fish mixtures, cheese concoctions, as well as
farces and stews —
can be placed in one of the
^— following cases and served with a sauce.
Patty Shells, 645
Popovers, 631
Brioches, 615
Rounds of buttered and toasted bread or
French Toast, 636
A loaf of bread that has been hollowed,
buttered lightly and toasted in a 300° oven
i *.£- -r A Rice Loaf, 210
Large or individual Rice Rings, 207
Pies or Tart Shells, 640
BRUNCH, LUNCH Large or individual Noodle Rings, 214
Noodle Baskets, 214, or Potato Baskets, 323

AND SUPPER DISHES Biscuits or Shortcakes, 633

A Mashed Potato Ring, 318
A Bread Dressing Ring, 262
Stuffed Pancakes, 236
How uc love this grab-bag- chapter — for the ease Waffles, 241
and speed with which most of its dishes, elegant Stuffed vegetables, 280
or plebeian, ma) be prepared; for its tricks with Sandwich Loaf, 68
already cooked foods, and for the stimulus it gives Barquettes, 69
to the attractive serving of leftovers. Shown on Turnovers, 69 and 251
the left is a sausage and millet casserole, 259; Leaf Wrappings, 152
next to it, in the rear, a bean pot containing a Coconut shells, 567
quick bean-and-fruit mixture, 288, surrounded by Sea shells, 375
buttered brown bread. In the toreground are a See also the recipes that follow.
tempting Quiche Alsacienne, 254. and a hefty
Reuben Sandwich on a well-seeded rye roll, 272. ROLL CASES
The nesting flame-proof, lidded casseroles, right,
Preheat oven to 300°.
.ire great storage-space and serving-time savers.
Hollow out:
In this chapter too are last-minute ways to com-

bine staples from \our larder dried, preserved,
Spread the hollows with:

canned or frozen manv of them perked up with
Melted butter
onions, cheese, herbs and fruit —
great emergency
Toast in the oven until crisp
fare for unexpected guests!
Donot neglect other combinations in the egg,
cereal and griddle-cake chapters. From mar BREAD CASES OR CROUSTADES
these recipes attractive meals may be prepared in Preheat oven to 300°.
less than half an hour's time. Keep in mind that With a biscuit cutter make rounds from:
many fresh fishand shellfish recipes are almost 1V4 -inch-thick slices of bread
as rapidly cooked
as those invoking a pre- With a smaller cutter, press out an inner round,
processed food. For other quick dishes, refer also but do not cut deeper than 1 inch. Hollow out
to the section on Ground Meats, 486, and Variety these smaller rounds and brush the hollows with:
Meats, 499. For the quickest of sauces, see soup- Melted butter
based sauces, 348. Toast the cases in the oven until crisp and golden,
Care in cooking and skill in seasoning and pre- or make them into croustades by deep-frving
sentation can make even a tin of tuna memorable. them, 147, at 350°.
The large gratineed casserole, the individual lid-
ded baking dish or one of the following cases for MELBA TOAST BASKETS

food as well as garnishes made from simple Preheat oven to 275°.
materials— all lend distinction in making a quick Lightly butter on both sides:
dish a gracious one.
Thin crustless bread slices
Press them into muffin tins, letting the corners of
CASES FOR FOOD the bread protrude slightlv. Toast in the oven until
crisp and golden.
We have left behind the era of trenchers, those
coarse, gravy-soaked loaves that served as both
dishes and food —
and whence came the word CHINESE EGG ROLLS
"trencherman." But none of us has lost a taste for 12 Egg Rolls
sauce-flavored pastry, pancake, tortilla or toast. Egg rolls are frequently used for hors d'oeuvre, or
All manner of creamed foods —
meat, vegetable vou mav serve them as the main dish at luncheon.


The pancakelike skins are available at Chinese about '/« inch for biscuit dough, Vb inch for
grocery stores, or you may make the following Vienna pastry dough. Cut 3 x 3-inch squares, or
dough cut into rounds. Place on each piece of dough as
Sifl into a bowl: much filling, below, as will fit. Moisten the edges,
1 cup all-purpose flour fold over and pinch together with a fork. Place
Add gradually to make a thin, smooth batter: the triangles or crescents in a pan. Brush lightly
2 cups wafer with:
Beat in: (Soft butter)
2 eggs Bake until the dough is done, about 20 minutes.
teaspoon salt
V2 This may be served with:
Crease a 6-irach-diameter skillet and put over Brown Sauce, 346
>• low heat. Beat the batter again and pour table- I

spoon into the pan. Let it spread over the surface
I. Lightly moisten:
of the pan to form a very thin, flexible pancake.
When it shrinks away from the sides, turn it and Ground or minced cooked meat
let it set on the other side. Do not let it become with:
brown 01 crisp. Remove pancakes to a dish when Gravy or cream, Brown Sauce, 346,
done and cover with a damp cloth until ready to
or a canned soup sauce, 348
Season well with:
Heat in a skillet or wok: Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Worcestershire sauce or chili sauce
Stir-fry in it briefly:
II. Moisten braunschweiger sausage with chili
cup finely chopped celery
sauce or tomato soup.
A cup shredded cabbage

4 finely chopped scallions III.Use:

Add and stir-fry for 3 minutes: IV2 cups cooked ground ham
V2 cup diced shrimp V2 cup White Sauce II, 341, thick cream or
V2 cup diced cooked pork evaporated milk
Add and stir-fry 5 more minutes: 2 tablespoons chopped pickles or olives
V2 cup drained, finely chopped water chestnuts 1 tablespoon chopped onion
V2 cup bean sprouts IV2 tablespoons catsup
1 minced clove garlic Salt and pepper, if needed
V* cup soy sauce
A grating of gingerroot IV. Saute gentlv until yellow:
V2 teaspoon sugar 2 cups chopped onion
Cool the Place 4 tablespoons of filling in
rectangular shape on the center of each pancake 3 tablespoons olive or anchovy oil

and fold up envelope-style, sealing the last flap Add:

with a paste made of: V* cup or more chopped ripe olives

1 tablespoon flour
6 or 8 chopped anchovies
2 tablespoons cold water
V. Use any good cooked seafood filling; taste
Fry untilgolden brown in deep fat heated to 375°. before seasoning.
Or use oil about 1 inch deep in a skillet and fry
the egg rolls until golden brown. Serve with:
Chinese mustard
4 Servings
Soy sauce
This is a palatable, quickly made everyday dish
Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce, 355
an attractive way to serve a small quantity of left-
over meat.
TURNOVERS, PIROSHKI, OR ^ Please read About Meat Pie Toppings, 449.
MEAT-FILLED PASTRIES Preheat oven to 450°.
6 Servings Prepare, using 2 cups flour:
Please read About Meat Pie Toppings, 449. Biscuit Dough, 632, or Pie Dough, 640
This recipe and the following one make excellent If you use biscuit dough, make it a little drier than

hot canapes. For canapes, cut the dough into for ordinary biscuits or it will be difficult to
small, attractive shapes. For hot luncheon sand- handle. Roll the dough until very thin. Cut it into
wiches, make them a more generous size. If pre- an oblong. To prevent sogginess, use a pastry
pared in advance, keep chilled until ready to bake. brush and brush it lightly with:
Preheat oven to 450°. 1 egg white or soft butter
Prepare, using about 2 cups flour: Spread the dough with:
Biscuit Dough, 632, or Pie Dough, 640, or A cooked meat filling, above
Vienna Pastry Dough, 641 Leave about 1 inch at the sides uncovered. Roll
Pat or roll it until thin. This is a matter of taste it loosely. Moisten the end with water to bind

it together. Moisten the sides and pinch them to- ENCHILADAS

gether. This roll may be prepared
advance and in
About 2 Dozen
placed in the refrigerator until ready for use. Bake Preheat oven to 350°.
the roll on a greased cookie sheet until done, Have ready:
about 20 minutes. Or cut the roll into 3A-inch Hot Tortillas, 629
pinvvheel slices. Dot the tops with In a heavy saucepan, heat:
Butter 2 tablespoons olive oil
Bake the pinwheels until the dough is done, about Saute until golden:
20 minutes. Serve the roll or pinwheels with: V2 cup chopped onion
Brown Sauce, 346, or a tomato sauce 1 minced clove garlic
QUICK CHICKEN OR BEEF POT PIE 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon chili powder
Please read About Meat Pie Toppings, 449. 1 cup tomato puree
Preheat oven to 400°. V2 cup chicken or beef stock
I lave r< Season with:
A lightly baked pie shell and baked pie and pepper
crust top, 640 teaspoon cumin

formed to fit your casserole or individual baking Spread some sauce over the tortillas and fill the
dishes. We
find the prebaked shell more conve- centers with equal quantities of:
nient and tastier than the prefilled unbaked crust Finely minced raw onion
which has to be exposed to longer, slower cook- Shredded Mozzarella or longhorn cheese
ing. Heal and place them
Roll the tortillas seam side down
Creamed chicken, Chicken or Turkey Hash, in an ovenproof dish. Pour more sauce over the

263, or Beef Hash, 261 tops and sprinkle with

Fill the shell with the meat filling and cover with Shredded Mozzarella or longhorn cheese
the baked pie topping. Bake until the filling is Heat thoroughly in the oven about 15 minutes.
thoroughly heated and the top is light brown.
6 Servings Preheal oven to 350°.
Saute in a lightly greased skillet: Have ready:
1 pound ground beef 6 baked unsweetened 2 2 -inch tart shells, 6401

1 chopped onion Slice \'2 inch thick :

When the meal is highly browned and the onion 6 skinned seeded fresh tomatoes
translucent, add: Mix and heat well:
1 cup cream of tomato soup V* cup sauteed sliced mushrooms
1 cup water or stock 1
• cup canned cream of chicken soup
4 teaspoon pepper 74 cup Italian tomato puree
1 teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon chili powder x/
* cup softened liver sausage
1 cup drained whole-kernel corn 4 large chopped stuffed olives
Vi <up chopped green pepper, seeds and teaspoons fresh chopped basil
membrane removed V4 teaspoon salt
Simmer 15 minutes First place a layer of heated sauce in each tart

Preheat oven to 425°. Meanwhile, sift and mix shell, then a tomato slice. Cover with the remain-
together: ing hot mixture. Dust each tart with:
4 cup cornmeal Crated Parmesan cheese
tablespoon flour
1 Heat the filled tarts on a baking sheet in the oven
1 tablespoon sugar about 15 minutes.
2 teaspoon salt

1V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder WELSH RAREBITS

Moisten with: Our correspondence is closed on the subject of
1 beaten egg
rarebit vs. rabbit. We stick to rarebit because rab-
/3 cup milk
bit already means something else. But we can only
Mix lightly and stir in:
answer the controversy with a story. A stranger
tablespoon vegetable oil
mollifying a small crying boy: "I wouldn't cry
Place meat mixture in a greased 2-quart casserole were you!" Small boy: "You cry your
like that if I

and cover with the corn bread topping. The top- wav and I'll crv mine."
ping will disappear into the meat mixture, but
will rise during baking and form a layer of corn I. With Beer 6 to 8 Servings
bread. Bake about 20 to 25 minutes or until corn Crate or shred:
bread is brown. 1 lb. aged yellow cheese

Melt in a double boiler over — not — boiling

in II. 4 Servings
water: Stirand melt over low heat:
1 tablespoon butter V2 lb. shredded aged cheddar cheese: 2 cups
Stir in: Add, stir and heat:
1 cup beer 1 cup condensed tomato soup

When the beer is warm, stir in the cheese. Stir 3 tablespoons water
constantly with a fork until the cheese is melted. Vi teaspoon salt
Beat slightly and add: A few grains cayenne
egg 1 Serve the rarebit on:
Season the rarebit with: Toast or toasted crackers
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt

(V2 teaspoon paprika) CHEESE CASSEROLE

A few grains red pepper A most appetizing luncheon or supper dish when
A teaspoon curry powder or a pinch of saffron)

balanced by a green vegetable, a salad, or orange

A teaspoon dry mustard

and grapefruit cups.

Serve the rarebit at once on
Crackers, hot toast or Grilled Tomatoes, 332
I. 4 Servings
Preheat oven to 350°.
II. With Milk 4 Servings
Melt in a double boiler over — not — boiling
Cut V2 inch thick:
7 slices bread
1 tablespoon butter Spread the slices lightly with:
Stir in and melt:
Cut 2 of the slices twice across on the bias, making
T/2 cups diced aged yellow cheese
8 triangular pieces. Cut the remaining bread into
cubes. There should be about 4 cups of diced but-
teaspoon salt
tered bread. Place layers of diced bread in a but-
'A teaspoon dry mustard
A few grains cayenne tered baking dish. Sprinkle the layers with:

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup shredded cheese

Stir in slowly: Combine and beat:
2 eggs
V2 to A cup cream

When the mixture is hot, remove the pan from cup milk

the heat. Beat in:

teaspoon salt

'A teaspoon paprika

1 egg yolk

Serve the rarebit at once over:

A few grains cayenne
Hot toasted crackers or bread V2 teaspoon dry mustard
Pour these ingredients over the cheese. Place the
triangles of bread upright around the edge to
TOMATO RAREBIT OR form a crown. Bake about 25 minutes. Serve at
I. 4 Servings
Combine and bring to the boiling point: II. 4 Servings
1 cup condensed tomato soup Trim the crusts from:
V2 cup water 8 slices bread
You may add: Cut them in half on the bias. Place half of them
( A cup thinly
sliced Sauteed Onions, 312) in the bottom of a greased 8-inch ovenproof dish,
Add and stir until melted: spiral fashion, not letting them overlap. They
A lb. or more shredded aged yellow cheese should resemble a pinwheel. Cut into slices 'A
Remove pan from heat. Combine, beat and add: inch thick:
2 egg yolks 6 oz. aged cheddar cheese
1 Worcestershire sauce Cover the bread layer with the cheese slices, not
1 dry mustard letting them overlap. Cover the cheese with the
1 teaspoon salt rest of the bread, again in spiral fashion.
'A teaspoon
paprika Beat lightly:
white pepper
Ve teaspoon 3 eggs
Stir these ingredients over low heat 1 or 2 min- Add and beat well:
utes to let the yolks thicken slightly. Whip until ''4
teaspoon salt
stiff, but not dry: 'A teaspoon paprika
2 egg whites A few grains cayenne
Fold them into the hot cheese mixture. Serve the 2 cups cream
rarebit on: (1 teaspoon grated onion, 1 tablespoon parsley
Hot toast or crackers or chives, or V* teaspoon dry mustard)

Pour mixture over the bread.

this Let the dish is a matter of about 10 minutes of cooking.
stand hour. Bake in a 350° oven about 1 hour or
1 Never make this dish in advance.
until well browned. Serve hot. Have ready a breadbasket or bowl filled with
crusty French or Italian bread cut into 1 x 1 x 3A-
inch pieces, making sure that each piece has one
CHEESE, NUT AND BREAD LOAF side of crust. The guests, each equipped with a
6 Servings —
heatproof-handled fork preferably two- or three-
Preheat oven to 350°. tined —
spear the bread from the soft side and dip
Combine well: the impaled bit into the well-warmed cheese. The
cups fresh bread crumbs
2 fondue will at first be on the thin side, but will
1 cup minced walnut or pecan meats thicken as the process progresses. There is seldom
1 cup shredded American cheese much left by the time another 10 minutes has
1 cup milk elapsed. Serve with fresh fruit and tea.
A teaspoon salt
i teaspoon paprika FONDUE
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion 4 Servings
1 tablespoon minced parsley Shred:
1 beaten egg 1 lb. Emmenthaler, or '2 lb. Emmenthaler and
Shape these ingredients into a loaf in a greased '
2 Gruyere cheese
bread pan. Bake about 2 minutes. Serve
> with
Rub a heavy saucepan with:
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, Quick Mushroom A clove of garlic
Sauce, 348, or White Onion Sauce, 344 Put into the pan:
2 cups dry white wine
While this is heating uncovered, over moder-
ABOUT CHEESE FONDUE ately high heat, pour into a cup.
For so simple an affair, the controversy involved 3 tablespoons kirsch
in the making of this dish is vast indeed Its con-
This is the classic flavoring, although one of the
tec ting is a ritual that varies with each Swiss other dry liqueurs mentioned above mav be used.
household. Experiment has led to the following Stir into the kirsch until well dissol
lusions, no matter how simple or how com- 1 teaspoon cornstarch
plex version you rhoose to make. Use a heavy
a By this time the wine will begin to show small
pot and both high and low heat. The cheese or foamy bubbles over its surface. When it is almost
combination of heeses used must be
< natural covered with this fine foam but is not yet boil-
cheeses, not pasteurized types. The wine must be ing, add the coarsely shredded cheese gradually
a dry white wine. Although kirsrh is tradition- > Keep the heat high, but do
stirring constantly.
ally cle rigueur, you may substitute a nonsweet not let fondue boil. Continue to add the
liqueur like slivovitz, cognac or applejack. Mea- cheese until you can feel a verv slight resistance
sure all ingredients and have them ready to add to the spoon as you stir. Then, still stirring vigor-
ously, add the kirsch and cornstarch mixture Con-
tinue to cook until the fondue begins to thicken.
Add to taste:
Nutmeg, white pepper or paprika
Quickly transfer it to a heatproof heavy pan and
place the container over an alcohol lamp or in a
fondue pot or a chafing dish. Or use an electric
skillet adjusted to low heat. After this transferral
the cooking continues on low heat and the guests
take over as described above.

Early recipes for Quiche called for bacon and
cream, but later cheese was added. When sauteed
onions were included, the dish was dubbed Alsa-
cienne. Cool the onions before adding them.
Other ingredients have found their way into
this delicious custard base: tomatoes, nuts, and
cooled, well-drained braised endive.
Quiche makes a hefty brunch or an hors
with one hand, for your other hand will be busy d'oeuvre baked in tiny tarts no larger than the
stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon —
from lining of muffin tins. As it is always served luke-

the time the wine is hot enough for the cheese warm, time it accordingly. Following are several
until the fondue is ready to eat. Altogether, this variations on a Quiche theme.


6 Servings V* teaspoon paprika
Preheat oven to 375°.
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
(V2 cup diced cooked ham)
Prepare a 9-inch pie shell of:
Pate Brisee, 641, or any rich pie dough A grating of nutmeg or white pepper
Place the mixture casserole and cover with:
in a
Brush it with:
The white of an egg 1 cup White Sauce I, 341
Chop into 1-inch lengths:
into which you have beaten:
and prick it well.
bacon egg
4 lb. sliced
('A cup grated cheese)
Cook the bacon in a heavy skillet, stirring con-

stantly, untilalmost rendered out, but

the fat is
Prepare half the amount of:
the bacon is not yet crisp. Drain on paper towel-
Fluffy Biscuit Dough, 633
omitting the sugar. Spread the dough over the
ing. Scald to hasten the cooking time:
onion mixture. Bake about 20 minutes or until the
2 cups milk or cream
Cool slightly, then beat together with:
dough is done.
3 eggs
A teaspoon salt ONION OR LEEK PIE
/b teaspoon white pepper Preheat oven to 450°.
A fresh grating of nutmeg Line a 9-inch pie pan with:
1 teaspoon chopped chives Dough, 640
Sprinkle in the bottom of the pie shell the bacon Prickand chill it. Skin and slice thinly:
and: 2V2 lb. Bermuda onions or leeks
Vi cup diced Swiss cheese Melt in a heavy saucepan:
Pour the custard mixture over it. Bake 35 to 40 3 tablespoons butter
minutes or until the top is a golden brown. For Add the onions. Stir and cook over low heat until
doneness, you may test as for Custard, 734. they are translucent. Cool them well. Combine
and heat slowly until blended:
3 eggs
CHEESE CUSTARD PIE OR FLAN 1 cup cultured sour cream
4 Servings
1 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 325°.
V* teaspoon freshly ground pepper
(1 tablespoon minced fresh herb or
An 8-inch baked pie crust shell, 640
1 teaspoon dill or celery seed)
at least 2 inches deep. When cool, brush with:
Stir this mixture into the onions. Brush the bot-
Egg white
tom of the cooled pie shell with:
1 slightly beaten egg white
1 3A cups milk or cream
Fill it with the slightly cooled onion mixture.
Reduce the heat and add:
Place over the top:
1 cup shredded cheese
(4 strips bacon, diced, or crumbled cooked
the cheese is melted. Add:
Stir until
teaspoon salt
Bake the pie in a 450° oven 10 minutes. Reduce
/4 teaspoon paprika

the heat to 300° and bake until the crust is light

V2 teaspoon grated onion
brown, about V2 hour. Serve it piping hot with a:
A few grains cayenne
Tossed green salad
Remove the mixture from the heat and beat in,

one at a time:
You may add: 4 Servings
A cup diced cooked seafood) Preheat oven to 325°.
Fill the pie crust and bake it until the custard is
Have ready:
firm, about 45 minutes. 2V2 cups cooked lima beans or IV2 cups lima
beans and 1 cup cooked soybeans
Stir into them:
ONION SHORTCAKE V2 cup chicken stock
6 Servings Or melt:
Preheat oven to 425°. (2 tablespoons butter)
Peel and slice: You may add and saute 3 minutes:
10 medium-sized white onions ('A cup minced onion)
Sprinkle them with: Stir into the stock or butter, over low heat, until
',2 teaspoon salt melted:
Melt in a saucepan: V2 lb. shredded cheese
3 tablespoons butter Add the beans and:
Add the onions, cover and simmer until tender u2 teaspoon salt

teaspoon pepper cup diced green pepper, seeds and
teaspoon dried basil or thyme
1 membrane removed
A few grains cayenne Add and stir well:
(1 cup chopped nutmeats) A cup flour

Bake the beans about 'A hour. Serve with: Pour over the mixture and stir until thickened:
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 Vi cup cream
1 cup veal or chicken stock
4 Servings 2 cups diced cooked veal
Saute in: 2 tablespoons minced pimiento
3 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil V* teaspoon marjoram
A cup chopped onion V2 cup dry white wine
'A cup finely chopped green pepper, seeds Season to taste
and membrane removed Simmer about 5 minutes longer and serve over:
'A cup finely diced celery Rice, noodles or macaroni
Mix with: Garnish with:
1 cup cooked dried soybeans, 286 Chopped parsley
1 cup Boiled Rice, 206


Season to taste
Form into 4 patties and roll in:
Preheat oven to 425°.
Sesame seeds
Place in a casserole a 1-inch layer or more of:
Saute gently in:
Creamed Spinach, 327
2 tablespoons sesame or vegetable oil
which has been delicately flavored with a little:
until the seeds are golden.
Crated onion

Slices of roast veal or lamb

Preheat broiler.
If you have gravy, pour a little of it over the meat,
Cut into slices:
Tomatoes or use some thick cream. Cover the top with:

Brush them with

Au Cratin III, 553
Melted butter Bake until the top is brown. Garnish with:
Season them with:
Salt and pepper
Prepare for cooking: LAMB AND RICE
Sliced mushrooms 4 Servings
Sliced green peppers, seeds and Peel and slice:
membrane removed 1 cup onions

Brush them with: (V2 cup diced celery)

Melted butter Core, pare and slice:
Season lightly with: 2 medium-sized apples
Salt Melt in a saucepan:
(Lemon juice) 3 tablespoons butter
Grease the broiler. Place onit the tomato slices, Add:
and on the slices the mushrooms, peppers and: V2 to 1 teaspoon curry powder
(Sliced bacon) Caution: use only V2 teaspoon curry to begin with
(Sausages) if you are unfamiliar with it. Add the onions and

Broil these ingredients until done. Meanwhile apples and saute until the onions are tender. Re-
saute or poach: .
move them from the pan. Brown lightly in the pan
Eggs about:
Serve the eggs on a hot platter on: 2 cups sliced or diced cooked veal or lamb
Toast rounds Remove from the pan. Stir into the pan juices:
surrounded by the grilled food. Garnish the platter 2 teaspoons flour
with: Stir in slowly:
Parsley and olives 1 cup stock
(V2 cup raisins)
CREAMED LEFTOVER VEAL When the sauce is smooth and boiling, add the
6 Servings onions, apples and meat. Stir in:
Melt in a chafing dish or electric skillet: 1 tablespoon lemon juice
V*cup butter Season to taste
Add and saute about 5 minutes: and serve with:
V2 lb. sliced mushrooms Boiled Rice, 206


4 Servings 4 Servings
Chop or rice: Prepare and keep warm:
2 hard-cooked eggs Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce II, 355
Combine the eggs with: Stir-fry, 149, in a wok or skillet:
2 cups diced cold cooked lamb 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup finely diced cooked chicken or pork
1 tablespoon lemon juice When thoroughly heated, put meat into a heated
Melt: dish. In the wok, stir-fry briefly:
2 tablespoons butter 1 cut-up orange
Stir in until blended: 1 small cubed banana
3 tablespoons flour ('A cup grated coconut)
1 teaspoon dry mustard in:
Stir in slowly: 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 cups lamb stock or milk Add the meat and the warm sauce. Mix lightly
Add: until all ingredients are coated and hot. Serve at
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 once over:
Season to taste Chow Mein noodles
Cook and stir the sauce until it is boiling. Add the
lamb and egg mixture. Reduce heat and simmer LEFTOVERS IN BACON
until reheated. Serve on:
Preheat oven to 450°.
Hot toast
Moisten lightly three parts of:
Garnish with:
Cooked ground meat or meat loaf
and one part of:


4 Servings with:
These vaguely Chinese dishes which can be made Gravy or cream
with cooked pork, chicken or seafood differ in that Season well with:
Chop Suey is served over steamed rice, and Chow and pepper

Mein over fried noodles. Both are like some of Minced onion or onion juice
the old Chinese porcelain patterns strictly for Roll the mixture into small balls, flatten slightly
export. To get the feeling of true Chinese food, and wrap around them:
read Mrs. Buwei Yang Chao's delightful How to Slices of bacon
Cook and Eat in Chinese. To prepare the dish be- Secure the bacon with wooden picks. Place the
low please read about Stir-Frying, 149. patties in a greased baking dish and bake until the
Cut into 2-inch julienne strips about A inch wide:
1 bacon is crisp, about 15 minutes. Serve with:
2 cups cooked pork roast A tomato sauce
Slice diagonally, see 277:
Vi cup celery with tender leaves COOKED GROUND HAM LOAF
Vi cup green onions 6 Servings
Chop coarsely: Preheat oven to 350°.
1 green pepper, seeds and membrane removed Combine:
1 cup mushrooms 2 cups cooked ground ham
Drain: 1 cup bread or cracker crumbs or
1 cup bean sprouts crushed cornflakes
Heat well in a deep heavy skillet: 2 eggs
2 tablespoons cooking oil onion
2 tablespoons grated
Stir-fry the onion and celery about 3 minutes. Then teaspoon pepper
add the mushrooms, pork, peppers and bean 1 cup milk

sprouts. Continue to stir-fry 2 to 3 minutes longer. 2 tablespoons chili sauce

Add: 2 to 4 tablespoons chopped parsley or celery
(V2 cup peeled, seeded and slivered Bake these ingredients in a greased loaf pan about
fresh tomatoes) 30 minutes. Serve the loaf with:
Jellied juices from the roast or a bit of Horseradish Sauce, 343, Hot Mustard Sauce,
Meat Glaze, 368 345, Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or a
1 cup strong consomme tomato sauce
Season with:
Salt and pepper STUFFED HAM ROLLS
1tablespoon soy sauce I. 4 Servings
3 tablespoons dry sherry Make these when you have leftover rice.
You may thicken the juices with cornstarch, 339. Preheat oven to 400°.
Serve at once. Trim:

8 thin slices baked or boiled ham tablespoon chopped parsley


Spread them lightly with: 1

teaspoon grated onion

Mustard Ve teaspoon pepper

Place on each slice part of the following filling. Salt, if needed
Combine: Shape this mixture into flat cakes. Dip lightly in
IVis cups cooked rice Flour
V3 cup chopped raisins Saute in:
1 beaten egg Bacon drippings or other fat
V* teaspoon paprika
V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce HAM CAKES WITH PINEAPPLE
('A cup chopped celery) AND SWEET POTATOES
(V2 teaspoon basil)
6 Servings
Roll the slices and secure them with wooden
picks. Brush with:
3 large Boiled Sweet Potatoes, 324
Preheat oven to 375°.
Bake the rolls until they are thoroughly heated.
Serve with:
2 cups chopped or ground cooked ham
Hot Cumberland Sauce, 356 1
2 cup dry bread crumbs
2 eggs
II. Prepare, as for above:
Slices of ham or prosciutto
teaspoon salt

Place on each slice: teaspoon prepared mustard)


4 asparagus tips Shape these ingredients into 6 flat cakes. Melt in

in a skillet:
Roll,brush and heat the ham as directed above.
Serve the rolls with. 5 tablespoons bacon drippings
V/2 cups Cheese Sauce, 342
Brown lightly in the skillet:
6 slices drained pineapple
III. 4 Servings Remove them and brown the ham cakes in the
Preheat oven to 350°. Place the pineapple slices in a baking dish
Prepare, as for above: and cover each slice with a ham cake. Skin the
8 large slices ham sweet potatoes. Cut them lengthwise into halves.
Combine and mix well Combine and sprinkle over them:
U cup cultured sour cream V* teaspoon cloves
cup sieved creamy cottage cheese
1 V* cup brown sugar
slightly beaten egg
1 Cook the potatoes slowly in the skillet until well
V* cup minced onions caramelized. Place them over the ham cakes in the
cup drained chopped cooked spinach
\ i baking dish. Baste with:
V2 teaspoon dry mustard Pineapple juice
V* teaspoon salt Bake about 10 minutes.
Place about 2 tablespoons filling on each slice of
ham. Roll and tuck in the edges. Put in a shallow
baking dish and cover with a mixture of:
6 Servings
1 cup cream of mushroom soup
V* cup cultured sour cream
cups White Sauce I, 341
Bake 20 to 25 minutes.
When the sauce is boiling, add:
2 cups diced cooked ham
GROUND HAM ON PINEAPPLE 2 diced hard-cooked eggs
SLICES 1 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308, or canned
4 Servings mushrooms with sliced stuffed olives
Preheat oven to 400°. 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper
Combine: 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento
1 cup ground cooked ham Serve the ham very hot on:
1 teaspoon prepared mustard Rounds of toast, on rusks, in bread cases or
2 tablespoons mayonnaise on corn bread squares
Spread mixture on:
this Garnish with:
4 slices drained pineapple Chopped parsley
Bake the slices in a greased pan about 10 minutes.


Combine: I. Preheat broiler or grill.

1 cup mashed potatoes Grill:

1 cup ground cooked ham Frankfurters, wieners or hot dogs

or put under the broiler on a rack in a roasting Cut them into 'A -inch slices and place around the

pan. During the cooking baste them constantly sausages. Sprinkle with:
with: A cup brown
3 sugar
A Barbecue Sauce, 354 Bake 400° for 10 minutes.
at Reduce the heat
to 350° and continue baking about 15 minutes
II. Cut lengthwise: longer. Baste with the drippings.
Frankfurters, wieners or hot dogs
A strip of sharp cheese Prepare:
Wrap spirally with: Mashed Potatoes, 318, or
A strip of bacon Mashed Boiled Chestnuts, 298
Grill, turning often, until bacon is crisp. Serve Heap them in a mound on a hot platter. Keep
with: them hot. Saute:
A Barbecue Sauce, 354 Sausages, 496
Place them around the potatoes. Saute in the
§ FRANKFURTER KEBABS Sliced Mushrooms, 306
8 Servings
Garnish the platter with them and
Cut into about 4 pieces each Sprigs of parsley
8 frankfurters
Pour drippings over the potatoes or chestnuts.
Marinate about 30 minutes in:
French Dressing, 360 SAUSAGE AND ONIONS
Preheat or broiler.
grill 4 Servings
Skewer the pieces alternately with bits of: Heat in a skillet:
Bacon 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or shortening
Small canned pickled onions Add:
Green pepper 1 V2 cups sliced onions
Grill or broil, turning often. Cook and stir over low heat about 15 minutes or

until golden. Cut a lengthwise slit in:

FRANKFURTERS OR SAUSAGES 8 hot dog sausages or frankfurters
Fill them with the onions. Fasten with wooden
picks. Broil slowly on both sides. Remove picks
I. 3 Servings
and place stuffed sausages on:
Preheat oven to 400°.
Toast or toasted buns
Place in a shallow pan:
Prepare: Using millet, prepare:
1 cup Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 Rice or Millet Spoon Bread, 629
or Barbecue Sauce, 354 While the spoon bread is baking, saute:
You may add: Small link sausages
(Chopped green peppers, seeds and Fry long enough to remove most of the fat. About
membranes removed) 10 minutes before the spoon bread is done, place
(Grated onions or chives) the sausages on top. Coat with:
Pour these ingredients over the sausages. Bake
Chili Sauce, 847, or
them until they swell and the sauce thickens. Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
Continue to bake about 10 minutes longer.
II. Prepare, using no salt:
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 CANNED BAKED BEANS WITH
Season well with:

6 Servings
Saute, 149:
Preheat oven to 350°.
Vienna Sausages
To put zing into this dish, and to make it moist
Drain them. Heat them in the sauce. Serve with:
and palatable, add to:
Boiled Rice, 206, Noodles, 213,
2V2 cups canned beans: 21-oz. can
or Mashed Potatoes, 318
V* cup catsup
SAUSAGE BAKED WITH APPLES 2 tablespoons molasses
4 Servings 2 tablespoons brown sugar
Preheat oven to 400°. 2 tablespoons bacon drippings
Arrange in a baking dish: Minced onion, celery and green pepper
8 partly sauteed pork sausages Salt, if needed
Core: (3 drops hot pepper sauce, a few grains of red
6 tart apples pepper, or 1 tablespoon prepared mustard)

Place the beans in a greased shallow ovenproof (2 tablespoons capers or chopped pickles)
dish.Cover the top with: Serve the beef on:
Bacon or skinned sliced frankfurters Hot buttered toast
Bake covered about 30 minutes. Uncover and bake
3 Servings
LENTIL OR LIMA BEAN SAUSAGE Do not salt this dish.
CASSEROLE Prepare and keep hot:
4 Servings Quick Creole Sauce, 352
This dish, pureed, makes a fine stuffing for pep- Melt:
pers or onions. 1 tablespoon butter

Preheat oven to 375°. Saute 1 minute:

To: 4 oz. shredded chipped beef
1 cup cooked or canned lima beans or lentils Add the sauce. Serve on:
add: Buttered toast
6 sliced frankfurters or cooked sausages
1 chopped green pepper, seeds and CHIPPED BEEF IN CHEESE SAUCE
membrane removed 2 Servings
2 chopped tomatoes y Do not salt this dish.
You may wish to puree the beans or lentils. Place Prepare:
these ingredients in a baking dish and cover with: 1 cup Cheese Sauce, 342
Au Cratin II, 553 Add to it:
Bake about 15 minutev 4 oz. or more shredded chipped beef
Heat it. Serve o\
PIGS IN POTATOES Hot corn bread squares or pancakes
3 Servings
Please read about Deep-I al f"r\ ing, 147. CHIPPED BEEF AND
Combine and beat well
1 teaspoon minced onion
5 Servings
1 teaspoon minced parsley
Preheat oven to 375°.
2 cups Mashed Potatoes, 318
> Do not salt this dish.
1 egg yolk
Cut into cubes:
5 cooked or canned sweet potatoes
6 small Vienna sausages
or use Shred:
4 oz. dried beef
Precooked pork sausages
Coat them with the potato mixture. Roll in:
V* cup grated onion
Finely crushed bread crumbs
then in:
1'i cups White Sauce I, 341,
or a canned cream soup
1 egg diluted with 1 tablespoon water or milk
Place these ingredients in layers in a greased cas-
then again in the crumbs Fr> the piggies in deep
serole. Cover the top with
fatheated to 375° until they are a golden brown.
Crushed cornflakes
Dot with:
Butter or cheese
4 Large Servings
Bake about 20 minutes.
Do not salt this dish.
Pull apart
8 oz. chipped beef CHIPPED BEEF OR CORNED BEEF
3 tablespoons butter 4 to 5 Servings
Saute until the onions arc golden: Do not salt this dish.

3 tablespoons minced onion Combine and heat:

3 tablespoons minced green pepper 1 cup cream soup — mushroom, celery or
Sprinkle w ith: asparagus
3 tablespoons flour 6 tablespoons milk or stock
Add slowly, stirring constantly: '
8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg

2 cups milk A grating of black pepper

Add the Simmer these ingredients until thev
beef. Add:
thicken. Remove from the heat and season with: 8 oz. shredded chipped beef or 1 cup diced
1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chives canned corned beef
4 teaspoon paprika (1 cup leftover vegetables: onions,

2 tablespoons dry sherry artichoke hearts or asparagus)


Heat these ingredients. Serve on: ABOUT HASH

Toast or hot biscuits The cook, praised for her hash, declared:
sprinkled with: "Beef Onions ain't nothing. Season-
ain't nothing.
Chopped parsley, chives or grated cheese ing's nothing. But when throw myself into my

hash, that's hash!" The usual way to make hash is

CORNED BEEF HASH AND to cut the meat from a chicken or turkey carcass
POTATOES or from a beef roast, combine it with leftover
6 Servings gravy, reheat it briefly and season it acceptably.
Grind, using coarse blade, or dice: Never allow it to boil or overcook once the
IV2 lb. cooked or canned corned beef: meat is added. There should be about half as
about 3 cups much gravy as other ingredients. Have sauce or
Dice: gravy at the boiling point. Put in the solids, then
2 cups boiled potatoes reduce the heat at once and let them warm
Melt in a large saucepan: through thoroughly. If heating hash in the oven,
2 tablespoons butter be sure to use a topping to prevent the drying out
Stir in and simmer until tender: of the top layer of meat or vegetables. Covering
V2 cup chopped onion with a lid may develop steam, which will thin the
1 diced green pepper, seeds and membrane gravy. See Au Gratins, 552.
removed You may add meat cooked mushrooms,
to the
2 ribs celery, chopped celery or potatoes, chopped olives, green peppers,
(1 clove garlic) parsley or some other herb. The proportions may
(1 cup mushrooms) be varied; this is a matter of taste and expediency.
Add the beef and potatoes and: In the absence of gravy, sweet or sour cream or a
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce sauce — white, tomato or Creole — may be sub-
2 tablespoons minced parsley or chives stituted. Or you may add a sauce or cream to the
Stir lightly over medium heat while adding grad- gravy to obtain the desired amount. When using
ually: cream, reheat the hash in a double boiler, because
h cup White Sauce III, 341
Va to boiling thins it. Sherry or Madeira may be added,
Season to taste or, for each 2 cups of gravy, a tablespoon each of
Stir and cook till well blended and thoroughly vinegar and sugar to give a sweet-sour effect.
heated. Place on a hot platter and serve topped Serve hash in a pastry shell or a rice or noodle
with: ring or in individual bread cases, 250.
6 Poached Eggs, 221
PATTIES Cut into cubes equal parts of:
4 Servings Cooked roast beef
Saute: (Diced cooked ham)
3 tablespoons chopped onion Pared raw potatoes
in: Reserve the beef. Place in a saucepan the potatoes,
2 tablespoons butter plus the ham if used. Cover with:
Add: Brown Sauce, 346
2 tablespoons horseradish Cover the pan and simmer 15 minutes. Add:
*/j teaspoon thyme V2 lb. or more sliced mushrooms
2 cups canned corned beef hash Simmer covered 15 minutes longer. Add the beef.
Form patties of this mixture. Saute them on both Reheat the hash, but do not let it boil. Season
sides in: with:
Hot butter or drippings A pinch of basil, thyme or savory
Saute in the same pan: Dry sherry
(Sliced firm tomatoes) Salt or garlic salt
Season with: Serve the hash on:
Brown sugar Hot toast
and pepper
Salt garnished with:
Arrange the tomatoes and patties on a platter, Chopped parsley
garnished with:
Or, if you omit the tomatoes, serve the patties 4 Servings
with: Combine and grind:
1 Vi cups White Sauce I, 341 IV2 cups cooked meat
to which you may add: V2 cup cubed raw potatoes with or
(2 chopped hard-cooked eggs) without skins
(2 tablespoons chopped pickles) 1 medium-sized onion

Season with: Hash moistened lightly with gravy or cream

Salt, pepper, celery seed Cover with the remaining cabbage. Sprinkle the
Turn these ingredients into a skillet in which you top with:
have melted: Au Gratin II or III, 553
2 tablespoons butter Bake the cabbage until the topping is light brown.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Cook the hash over medium heat until a crust SHEPHERD'S PIE
forms on the bottom; turn it and brown the other Preheat oven to 400°.
side. Stir from time to time to let the hash brown
throughout. Shortly before it is done, pat it down Hash
firmly to form an unbroken cake. This mixture
Spread it in one large baking dish or in smaller
requires about V2 hour's cooking in all. Serve the individual ones. Cover with fresh hot:
hash with: Mashed Potatoes, 318
Catsup or a tomato sauce Coat with:
Melted butter
QUICK HASH Bake until the potatoes are browned.
4 Servings
Heat and stir over very low heat: BREAD DRESSING IN A RING
1 cup cream of mushroom soup FILLED WITH HASH
Vi cup milk
Preheat oven to 400°.
Grease a ring mold. Fill it with:
1 cup cubed cooked meat: ham, frankfurters,
Bread Dressing, 370, or Apple and Onion
hamburgers, etc.
Dressing, 372
2 sliced hard-cooked eggs
Bake until brown. Invert it onto a hot plate. Fill
Season the hash with
the center with:
A pinch dried basil or thyme Hash or stewed creamed fresh or leftover
and pepper
(Chopped parsley) Serve with:
e it over:
Leftover gravy or some other sauce
Hot corn bread or toast


6 Servings
Cut into '/2-inch cubes.
Thisis an excellent combination.
2 cups cooked roast beef
Preheat oven to 350°. Prepare:
Combine: Hot Cumberland Sauce, 356
V2 cup diced cooked potatoes Add the beef and heat in the sauce, but do not
V3 cup diced cooked onions boil. Serve at once on:
Vs cup parboiled sliced green peppers Hot toast
V3 cup parboiled chopped celery
3 tablespoons diced pimiento II. Prepare:
2 cups cold cooked meat, cut into Quick Creole Sauce, 352, or Curry Sauce, 345
V3-inch cubes Arrange very thin slices of:
Combine and heat just to the boiling point: Cooked roast beef
1 cup leftover gravy or canned cream soup on a hot platter. Pour the hot sauce over them.
V3 cup tomato puree Sprinkle the top with:
1 tablespoon butter Chopped parsley or chopped chives
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Add the meat and vegetables. BOEUF MIROTON
Season to taste
Pour the hash into 1 large baking dish or into 6
2 tablespoons butter
individual baking dishes. Sprinkle the top with:
Saute in it until golden:
Au Gratin III, 553
1 coarsely sliced onion
Brown in the oven.
Sprinkle over all and mix rapidly with a
HASH IN CREAMED CABBAGE 1 tablespoon flour

Preheat oven to 400°. Add and stir until boiling:

Prepare: 1 cup bouillon

Creamed Cabbage II, 293 Season to taste

Place half the cabbage in a greased ovenproof Reduce the heat and add:
dish. Place on top of it a layer of: 1 to 2 teaspoons vinegar

Simmer about 15 minutes. Arrange on a hot and return mixture to pan. Stir until it thickens
platter: slightly. Add:

Thin slices of boiled or roasted beef Seasoning, if required

Cover the slices with the above hot sauce and ('A cup blanched slivered almonds)
serve. (1 tablespoon dry sherry)


4 Servings with the chicken and serve at once.
Please read About Hash, 261.
IV2 cups diced cooked chicken or turkey
Vi cup drained cooked celery or boiled
4 Servings
potato cubes
Prepare by cutting into cubes:
1 cup leftover chicken or turkey gravy or
2 cups cooked turkey or chicken
other sauce
1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chives
3 tablespoons butter
Season to taste
Stir in and saute gently until onions are golden:
V2 cup diced celery
CREAMED CHICKEN OR VEAL V3 cup thinly sliced onions
4 Servings and
Vi cup thinly sliced green pepper, seeds
membrane removed
1 cup White Sauce I, 341
Sprinkle over the top, stir in and cook slowly 5
using cream and chicken stock or vegetable water
for the liquid, or use part gravy and part milk.
3 tablespoons flour
Add: Stir in gradually:
tablespoons chopped parsley
cups turkey or chicken stock
1 V2
2 cups minced cooked chicken or veal
Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in:
(V2 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308, or
2 lightly beaten egg yolks
cooked peas) and the turkey meat. Stir over low heat just long
Season these ingredients with: enough to let the sauce thicken slightly. You may
1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce or 2 teaspoons
(3 tablespoons dry white wine)
dry sherry
Season to taste
(3 tablespoons chopped pickle or olives)
Place the mixture in one large or in individual
'A teaspoon celery salt or salt and pepper
casseroles. Sprinkle the top with:
as needed Minced chives, parsley, or nutmeats
Grease a baking dish and put the creamed mixture
Serve at once. Good with rice or spoon bread or
in it. Sprinkle the top with:
on toast.
Au Gratin II or III, 553
(V2 cup shredded blanched almonds)
Place the dish under the broiler until the crumbs QUICK CHICKEN CREOLE
are brown. Or serve the creamed ingredients un- 8 Servings
breaded on: Melt:
Hot Waffles or in a Noodle or Rice Ring, 3 tablespoons chicken fat
214 or 207 Saute in it:

2 tablespoons chopped onion

CHICKEN A LA KING (1 minced clove garlic)
4 Servings Stir in:
Dice: 3 tablespoons flour
1 cup cooked chicken V* teaspoon salt
Vi cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 1
4 teaspoon paprika
V* cup chopped pimiento Add:
Melt: cup tomato puree or strained tomatoes
3 tablespoons chicken fat or butter cup chicken broth
Stir in and blend: Stir and cook these ingredients until they boil.
3 tablespoons flour Add:
Add slowly: 1 teaspoon lemon juice
IV2 cups Chicken Stock, 523, or cream V2 teaspoon horseradish
When the sauce is smooth and boiling, add the 2 cups diced cooked chicken meat
chicken, mushrooms and pimiento. Reduce the V2 cup sliced Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
heat. Pour some sauce over: V2 cup chopped pimiento
1 beaten egg yolk Season to taste

Serve the chicken in a: Bake in very shallow individual baking dishes 10

Rice Ring, 207, or Noodle Ring, 214 to 15 minutes or until heated through. Garnish
COOKED TURKEY, CHICKEN Parsley or small sprigs of lemon thyme
Preheat oven to 350 . 16 to 24 Servings
Cook and stir 1 minute: This is wonderfully stretchable recipe to serve
IV2 tablespoons grated onion at group meetings. It is rather firm, slices well and
in: is attractive covered with a sauce.

1 tablespoon butter Preheat oven to 350°.

Add it to: Remove meat carefully from:
2 cups diced cooked turkey, chicken or veal A 4- to 5-lb. stewed chicken
V2 teaspoon salt Dice it. Combine lightly with a fork:
1 cup cracker crumbs 2 to 4 cups dry bread crumbs
cup gravy or thickened Chicken Stock, 523 1 to 3 cups cooked rice

V* cup milk IV2 to 2 cups chicken broth, depending on how

2 beaten eggs much rice and crumbs are added
(V2 cup finely chopped celery) 3 to 4 lightly beaten eggs
/4 teaspoon chili powder) Season to taste
Place these ingredients well-greased loaf pan
in a (V2 cup chopped ripe olives)
set in a pan of hot water Bake about 40 minutes. (V2 cup slivered pistachio nuts)
Serve with: Bake uncovered in a 9 x 13-inch ovenproof pan
Leftover gravy with chopped olives, 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with:
Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348, or Chicken pan gravy, 341, seasoned with
White Sauce IV, 341, with lots of chopped a little lemon rind, parsley and
parsley or chives 'i 6 teaspoon saffron
or with:
CHICKEN OR TURKEY DIVAN Quick a la King Sauce, 348, or
4 Servings Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348, or
Preheat oven to 400°. Poulette Sauce, 345
Butter a 9 x 12-inch shallow heatproof dish. Place
on the dish: SEAFOOD A LA KING
(4 slices hot buttered toast) 4 Servings
Next place a layer of: Combine:
Sliced cooked chicken or turkey 1 cup canned lobster, crab meat or tuna
The white meat is best. Allow 2 or 3 slices per hard-cooked eggs
3 diced
serving. Cook until almost done and lay on top 1 chopped pimiento

the contents of: Saute and add:

1 package frozen broccoli or asparagus spears, V2 cup chopped mushrooms, 306
well drained Cook in boiling water until tender; drain and add:
Or use leftover cooked broccoli or asparagus. V* cup chopped sweet red peppers,
Cover the whole with: seeds and membrane removed
2 cups Mornay Sauce, 342 Prepare:
Sprinkle with: White Sauce I, 341
Grated Parmesan cheese When the sauce is smooth and boiling, add the
and heat in the oven until the sauce is browned above ingredients.
and bubbling. Serve at once. Season to taste
and add:
HOT CHICKEN SALAD 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce,
4 Servings tablespoon lemon juice or 2 tablespoons
This recipe enlarges well for quantity service. dry white wine
Preheat oven to 350°. Serve the seafood over:
Combine: French Toast, 636, or rusks, or in patty shells,
2 cups cubed cooked chicken or au gratin in ramekins
1 cup finely diced celery Or garnish with toast triangles spread with
V2 teaspoon salt Mashed avocado and lemon juice
V* teaspoon tarragon
V2 cup toasted almonds CREAMED SEAFOOD
1 tablespoon chopped chives 4 Servings
2 tablespoons lemon juice Prepare:
Vi cup mayonnaise IV2 cups White Sauce I, 341, or
V2 cup White Sauce I, 341 Poulette Sauce, 345


1 cup canned tuna, shrimp or clams CREOLE SAUCE
Just before serving, heat the seafood through and 4 Servings
add: Prepare:
V2 to 1 cup coarsely chopped watercress 3
A lb. cooked shrimp or other seafood
1 diced avocado
Melt in a skillet:
Serve over: 2 tablespoons butter
Toast or rusks
Toss the seafood in the hot butter about 2 min-
utes. Add:
CREAMED SEAFOOD AU GRATIN 2 cups Creole Sauce, 348
6 Servings 'A cup dry white wine
Preheat oven to 350°. Simmer the shrimp covered about 5 minutes. You
Combine 3 or 4 kinds of raw fish or shellfish, for may add:
example: (Salt and pepper)
V2 lb. chopped lobster meat (A few grains cayenne)
1 cup drained oysters (3 diced hard-cooked eggs)
1 cup minced fillet of haddock Serve the shrimp with:
Prepare: Boiled Rice, 206
IV2 cups Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
4 cups White Sauce I, 341
using cream as the liquid. When the sauce is
6 Servings
smooth and hot, fold in the fish. Add the mush-
rooms. Have ready:
2 cups cooked dried black-eyed peas, 286
Season to taste
Fill ramekins or shells with the mixture. Cover the
Preheat oven to 350°.
tops with: Place peas in an ovenproof baking dish. Saute:
Au Gratin II, 553
V2 cup finely chopped onions
Bake the fish about 25 minutes.
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Add to the peas with:
CREAMED SEAFOOD WITH 1 large chopped tomato
VEGETABLES 2 teaspoons crushed hot red peppers
4 Servings Bake covered 15 minutes. Add:
Preheat broiler. 2 cans flaked tuna: 7 oz. each
Cook one or more of the following: 2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 cup chopped celery, eggplant or cucumber V2 teaspoon salt
Drain well. Prepare: Cover dish, return to oven and bake 10 minutes
A cup White Sauce I, 341 without stirring. Remove cover, stir, sprinkle with:
When the sauce is boiling, add the vegetable and: Au Gratin II, 553
A lb. cooked shrimp, crab meat or tuna and bake 5 minutes longer uncovered. Serve with:
Season with: Baked Bananas, 132
Salt, if needed omitting the sugar.
s teaspoon paprika
(V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
Place these ingredients in greased ramekins. Cover QUICK SEAFOOD DIVAN
with: 4 Servings
Au Gratin I, 552, or unsweetened Preheat oven to 325°.
grated coconut Prepare and heat:
Heat under the broiler until golden. IV2 cups White Sauce I, 341, or Quick Canned
Soup Sauce II or III, 348, or Quick Creole
Sauce, 352
OR OTHER FISH 1 cup cooked shrimp, crab meat or tuna

6 Servings Season to taste

Combine: Put into a hot baking dish:
2 cups cooked rice 2 cups cooked asparagus, broccoli
cooked flaked lobster, cod fillets or skate
1 lb. or cauliflower
4 minced hard-cooked eggs V2 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
V* cup butter 2 teaspoons diced pimientos
V* cup cream Cover the vegetables with the seafood. Pour the
2 tablespoons minced parsley hot sauce over the seafood. Garnish with:
Salt and cayenne Grated cheese
Heat these ingredients in a double boiler. Bake about 25 minutes.


4 Servings Bake 6 individual Pie Shells, 640. Combine and
For a perfect luncheon or supper, serve with rice heat:
and a salad. cup flaked cooked tuna or salmon

Combine and heat in a double boiler over — not or 1 2 cups thick White Sauce II, 341 or
1 ' ,

in — boiling water: canned cream soup slightly diluted with milk

Season with:
A cup canned tomato soup
A cup canned pea soup 2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley or chervil
A cup cream A teaspoon
curry powder
cup canned crab or lobster meat
1 V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
When hot, serve as a thick soup over: Just before serving, place the hot mixture in the
Croutons hot pie shells. Serve garnished with:
or pour the Mongole over: Chopped chives
Boiled Rice, 206
Garnish with: QUICK FISH LOAF
Parsley 4 Servings
Preheat oven to 400°.
CRAB MEAT CUSTARD Drain, then flake:
8 Servings 1 lb. cooked or canned fish: 2 cups
Preheat oven to 325°. Combine and beat:
In the bottom of a large buttered casserole place: 1 egg
4 slices crustless bread V* cup undiluted evaporated milk or
Place on top of the bread: whipping cream
2 cups canned flaked crab meat '4 cup soft bread crumbs
Vi cup shredded cheddar cheese 1
2 teaspoon salt
Season to taste V* teaspoon paprika
Beat together: 2 teaspoons lemon juice or 1 teaspoon
4 eggs Worcestershire sauce
3 cups milk 1 tablespoon melted butter
teaspoon salt
Vi 3 tablespoons minced parsley
Dash of cayenne 2 tablespoons chopped celery, onion,
Pour this mixture over the fish and top with green pepper or olives
Vi cup shredded cheddar cheese Add the fish. Place these ingredients in a greased
Bake as for a Custard, 734, until done. Serve with: baking dish. Bake about 30 minutes. This loaf may
A mixed green salad be served hot with:
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, Cheese Sauce,
DEVILED CRAB 342, or Caper Sauce, 345
4 Servings or cold with:
Flake and pick over: Mayonnaise
IVi cups canned or cooked crab meat
'A cup finely chopped onions
Excellent cakes may be made quickly by combin-
V* cup finely chopped green peppers, seeds
ing cooked seafood with canned cream soup.
and membrane removed
Keep your mixture rather stiff. Treat it as you
V* cup finely chopped celery
would any other fish ball or cake. See recipes
until onions are golden in:
2 tablespoons butter
A cup
cracker crumbs FISH BALLS OR CAKES
A cup
milk, cream or clam broth About 4 Servings
Cook these ingredients until thick. Remove from Also use as a hot hors d'oeuvre.
the heat. Beat and add: Combine and mix well:
2 eggs 1 cup grated or flaked canned tuna or salmon
teaspoon salt
V* 1 cup mashed potatoes
Vh teaspoons prepared mustard 6 chopped olives
A few grains cayenne or Va teaspoon 8 capers
hot pepper sauce V2 minced clove garlic or 1 teaspoon
Add the crab meat. Pack these ingredients into grated onion
crab shells or ramekins. Brush the tops with: 1 tablespoon minced parsley

Melted butter Salt and paprika

Brown in a 400° oven or under a broiler 1 teaspoon brandy or dry sherry

(1 teaspoon dried or 1 tablespoon freshly Form these ingredients into cakes. Saute until
chopped basil) brown in:
Shape the mixture into 1-inch balls or into flat Butter
cakes. Saute them 2 or 3 minutes in: Serve the cakes with:
V» cup hot olive oil or butter Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348, or
Drain, then roll in: Celery Soup Sauce, 348
A cup ground nutmeats to which you have added:
Chopped fresh fennel


Prepare: 6 Servings
Leftover Potato Cakes, 324 Preheat oven to 350°.
Use the egg and 2 cups mashed potatoes. Remove skin and bones, drain, then flake:
Add in small flakes: 2 cups canned salmon
1 cup or more canned salmon or tuna
Add and stir lightly to blend:
Season with: V2 cup fresh bread crumbs
Chopped parsley, onion juice or celery seed 2 tablespoons grated onion
Shape the mixture into cakes. Roll in: 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Crushed cornflakes or bread crumbs 1 tablespoon melted butter
Saute them slowly in: Season to taste
Butter or vegetable oil
Beat together:
1 egg
Six 3-Inch Cakes Combine with the salmon mixture. Place in 6
Melt: well-greased baking cups set in hot water. Bake
2 tablespoons butter about 45 minutes. Unmold onto a hot platter.
Add, and simmer 3 minutes:
stir Serve with:
minced onion
2 tablespoons Veloute Sauce, 345, or Quick Tomato
Combine and add: Sauce, 352
2 beaten eggs
Vi cup cream
/2cup soft bread crumbs SEAFOOD AND CHEESE LOAF
2 cups minced oysters, canned clams 6 Servings
or flaked crab meat —
separately or combined Preheat oven to 350°.
V2 cup finely minced celery
1 cup Cheese Sauce, 342
Vi teaspoon dry mustard or 1 tablespoon
lemon juice Grease a baking dish and spread in it:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley IV2 cups Mashed Potatoes, 318
Vi teaspoon salt Cover them with half the sauce. Drain, skin, then
h teaspoon paprika
Chill mixture 2 hours. Shape into cakes.
canned salmon or tuna
2 cups

Lightly dust with: Place over the sauce. Cover with the remaining

Flour or bread crumbs sauce. Bake about 30 minutes. Serve with:

Melt in a skillet: Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
1 tablespoon butter

Quickly brown the cakes on both sides. Lower SEAFOOD POT PIE
the heat and cook the cakes slowly about 6 min- 8 Servings
utes longer. Or you may deep-fat-fry the cakes, Prepare:
first'coating with: Biscuit Dough, 632
Bound Breading a I'Anglaise, 552 Prepare:
Let dry, then fry until golden in fat heated to 375°,
1 cup chopped cooked celery
about 15 minutes. 1 cup cooked peas
Drain the vegetables, reserving the liquid.
SALMON CAKES Preheat oven to 425°.
6 Servings Drain and flake if necessary:
Drain and flake: 2 cups canned salmon, shrimp or tuna
2 cups canned salmon Melt:
Stir in: V* cup butter
Vi cup cracker crumbs Saute in it about 2 minutes:
2 beaten eggs IV2 tablespoons minced onion
V2 teaspoon salt Stir in until smooth:
Va teaspoon paprika 6 tablespoons flour

Stir in until boiling: Add the milk mixture and stir and cook until the
A cup
3 vegetable water sauce has thickened. Add the salmon and:
IV2 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter
Add: V2 cup finely minced parsley
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

« teaspoon paprika
' Heat well and serve in:
1 tablespoon lemon juice or 1 teaspoon Rice Ring, 207, or Noodle Ring, 214
Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon or more chopped parsley or chives
Fold the vegetables and the seafood into the
cream sauce.
6 Servings
Season to taste
Have ready:
Place the mixture in a large casserole. Roll the
6 large thin slices prosciutto
biscuit dough \U inch thick. Cut it into rounds.
Top the salmon mixture with biscuits. Bake until
Melt m a skillet to the point of fragrance:
'A cup butter
done, about 12 minutes.
Add and cook 2 minutes:
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
SEAFOOD AND TOMATO SCALLOP 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery
4 Large Servings Add :

Preheat oven to 375°. cups canned crab meat or lobster in

Drain: small chunks
2 cups canned salmon, tuna or shrimp Heat the mixture until blended. Remove skillet
( ombine them w ith: from heat and add:
3 cups soft bread crumbs 2 teaspoons finely chopped tarragon
2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons chopped parsley
A cup chopped onion Salt and pepper to taste
V2 teaspoon salt Spoon the mixture on half of each ham slice and
1 teaspoon sugar fold the other half over Garnish the tops with:

'A teaspoon paprika or pepper A sprig or two of watercress

2V2 cups chopped, drained tomatoes Serve with:
(1 chopped seeded green pepper, Crisp hot Rye Rolls, 614
membrane removed)
(1 beaten egg)
(1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 Servings
orlemon juice)
('A cup white wine) 1 cup canned shad roe
Place these ingredients in a greased baking dish.
The top may be sprinkled with-
Grated cheese
R.ike until the top is golden and the interior
teaspoon curry powder
Salt and paprika

Reheat but do not boil the roe. Serve on:

6 Servings
See other roe recipes on 41 1
2 cups canned salmon, tuna or other seafood
Remove skin and bones. Break into large flakes. BROILED SHAD ROE
Combine: 2 Servings
T/2 teaspoons dry mustard Preheat broiler.
teaspoon salt
/2 Separate into pieces:
teaspoon pepper
Vs 1 cup canned shad roe or other canned fish roe
V2 teaspoon paprika Dry with paper toweling. Brush with:
3 tablespoons flour Melted butter
Combine and beat into the dry ingredients: Sprinkle with:
1 cup milk Lemon juice
A cup light stock Paprika
Place in double boiler over not in boiling — — Place roe in a shallow greased pan or on a
water and beat with a wire whisk: greased broiler. Broil gently about 10 minutes,
1 egg turning once. Baste frequently with:
2 tablespoons lemon juice Meited butter

Serve on toast, garnished with: TOASTED SANDWICHES

Slices of lemon These are offered as luncheon suggestions. Many
Chopped parsley of the sandwich fillings given in the chapter on
Canapes may be spread between slices of toast.
FISH ROE IN RAMEKINS The sandwiches may be served with a hot sauce
3 Servings or a cold dressing.
Preheat oven to 325° Put between:
Combine: 2 slices of toast
1 cup drained canned fish roe any of the following combinations:
IV2 teaspoons bread crumbs Sliced chicken
1 V2 teaspoons butter Sauteed bacon
1 beaten egg Shredded cheese
Salt, if needed Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348
'A teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons chopped parsley Creamed chicken
V2 cup milk Parmesan cheese
Fill three greased ramekins. Bake them in a pan Grilled tomatoes and bacon
of hot water until firm —
about 20 minutes. Serve
the roe with: Sliced baked ham
Slices of lemon Creamed chicken and mushrooms


Innumerable hostesses not to mention quick- Sliced chicken

lunch stands —
keep green the memory of Lord Mayonnaise
Sandwich, whose mania for gambling, from which
he didn't want to be disturbed long enough to
eat, gave the world the convenient concoction
that bears his name.
Sliced tomatoes

Sandwiches range widely in size and com- Lettuce

plexity. neglect the Canape chapter,
Don't Tart mayonnaise
where many delectable smaller versions are found.
To keep sandwiches fresh, wrap in wax paper, foil Sliced tongue

or a well-wrung-out dampened cloth. Sliced tomatoes or cucumbers

Sauteed bacon
SANDWICHES Lettuce, French dressing
Especially good when a thin slice of cheese spread Sliced tomato and avocado
with mustard, salt and paprika is put between the Crisp sauteed bacon
bread slices; or use deviled ham, meat mixtures,
jam or jelly. Asparagus tips
Melt in a small skillet large enough to accommo- Crisp bacon
date one sandwich: Welsh Rarebit, 252
IV2 teaspoons butter
Saute a sandwich slowly on one side until Sliced chicken
browned. Add to the skillet: Lettuce, sliced tomato
IV2 teaspoons butter Crumbled Roquefort cheese
Brown the second side slowly and serve at once. Crisp bacon


SANDWICHES These have great appeal, especially when glazed,
Cut into thin slices: 70, and attractively garnished like those shown
White or dark bread below. Vary the bread shapes as well as the
Spread it lightly with: bread varieties. For other toppings see Canapes,
Soft butter 66. Reading from left to right in the drawing are:
Cut and spread between the slices:
off the crusts 1. Scallions or tiny hearts of celery or Florence
Cheese Spread or other sandwich fillings, fennel stalks with slices of caviar-covered hard-
72 and 73 cooked egg
Cut the sandwiches to fit the sections of a waffle 2. Halves of radish or cucumber slices unpeeled
iron. Wrap them in a moist cloth until ready to or partially peeled as shown, with slices of stuffed
toast. Heat a waffle iron, arrange the sandwiches olives in the center
upon the iron, lower the top and bake until crisp. 3. Asparagus tips mounted by cooked shrimp

4. A tomato topped with seafood

thick slice of Season to taste
salad on lettuce leaves taken from the heart of Preheat oven to 450°.
the head Prepare:
5. Bamboo shoots with grapefruit sections and Rolled Biscuit Dough, 632
sliced pimiento Roll it to the thickness of Va inch. Cut it into
6. A parsley fringe surrounding a tomato slice, rounds. Place on one round 1 tablespoon of the
topped by a cucumber slice, topped by a dab of meat mixture. Moisten the edges and cover with
Andalouse Sauce, 364 another round. Seal the edges by pressing with a
7. Belgian endive hearts spread generously with fork. Prick the tops. Place the biscuits on a baking
Guacamole, 83 sheet and bake until brown. You may serve these
8. Small caviar-filled beets, 83, accented with with:
watercress (Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348)
9. Artichoke heart garnished with parsley or
lemon and filled with Tartare Sauce, 364, or with MEAL-IN-ONE SANDWICH
Crab Salad, 106 4 Servings
On your toes when you make this. It's easy if you
have all your ingredients reads before you poach
the eggs.
4 large slices of toast
8 sauteed bacon slices
4 skinned and sliced large tomatoes
V2 cup French Dressing 360 ,

1 cup White Sauce I, 341

1 cup shredded cheese

Place the toast on a baking sheet; cover it with
the bacon, tomatoes and dressing. Poach:
4 eggs
Place an egg on each piece of garnished toast and
cover with the white sauce and grated cheese.
Place the toast under the broiler until the cheese
melts and the sauce begins to color. Serve piping


4 Servings
Recommended for picnic sandwiches, as they are Prepare:
easy to handle. 1 cup Brown Sauce, 346
Cut into lengthwise halves: Add to it:

Soft rolls 1 tablespoon finely minced sour pickle or

Hollow them slightly. Fill the hollows with anv V2 cup chopped olives
palatable sandwich spread, such as: Cut:
Chicken Salad, 108 6 thin slices of light or dark bread
Tuna Fish Salad, 108 Beat until soft:
Braunschweiger sausage 2 tablespoons butter

Canape Fillings, 70 to 75 Va teaspoon prepared mustard or

Chopped celery, nuts and mayonnaise 1 teaspoon horseradish

Chopped olives and cream cheese Spread the bread with this mixture. Dip the beef
slices in the hot sauce. Place them between the

HOT BISCUITS BAKED slices of bread. Serve on a hot platter and garnish
with remaining sauce.
About Eighteen 2' 2 -Inch Biscuits
1 cup shredded cooked meat: AND CHEESE SANDWICHES
chicken, fish, ham, veal, or beef 6 Servings
V2 cup thick gravy, White Sauce I, 341, or Cream well together:
condensed cream soup Vacup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon grated onion mayonnaise
2 tablespoons
1 chopped hard-cooked egg Shred finely and add:
2 tablespoons chopped pickles or olives 4 02. canned corned beef or chipped beef

Add: skillet in a 350° oven and let the sandwich heat

V* cup finely chopped sweet-sour pickles until the cheese is thoroughly melted. Serve at

tablespoon grated onion

1 once.
(2tablespoons minced celery or parsley) To make a Croque Madame Sandwich, substi-
Season the spread, as needed, with: tute thinly sliced chicken for the ham, and Em-
Salt and pepper menthaler for the Gruyere.
Prepared mustard or Worcestershire sauce
Spread it between: HAM OR TONGUE SALAD
Slices of bread SANDWICHES
The sandwiches may be toasted or served with I. Combine:
sliced tomatoes and lettuce between the layers. Ground cooked ham or tongue
Chopped onion or chives
SAVOYARDE SANDWICH Chopped celery or bean sprouts
1 Serving
Moisten with:
Preheat boiler. Cream or salad dressing
Place on a shallow baking dish or cookie sheet:
If cream isused, season with:
V2 English muffin Paprika and salt, if needed
topped with: Spread the filling between:
A large thin slice of ham Thin slices of bread
Make a:
French Omelet, 226, using 2 eggs II. Combine and mix:
large enough to cover the ham. Do not fold the 2 tablespoons chopped onion
omelet, but slip it flat onto the ham. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons catsup
with: 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper
Shredded Gruyere or Swiss cheese 2 tablespoons chopped pickles
Place under broiler until cheese melts. Serve at V2 lb. chopped sharp cheese
once. 3 oz. deviled ham or V'2 cup finely cut
cooked ham
WESTERN SANDWICH cup cream or a little melted butter
1 Serving Serve in hollowed hard rolls.
For each sandwich, mix the following ingredients:
2 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons chopped cooked ham
4 Servings
1 tablespoon finely minced onion
1 tablespoon finely chopped green pepper
4 to 6 slices dry bread, V2 inch thick
Season to taste
Beat until light:
In a 9-inch skillet melt:
2 eggs
2 teaspoons butter
Beat in:
Pour the egg mixture into the hot pan and cook
cup pineapple juice
until almost set, then turn and cook 1 minute
teaspoon salt
longer. Serve on:
Dip the bread in the egg mixture. Soak it well.
A large warm hard roll
Saute in a skillet:
1 Serving Remove them to a hot platter. Keep them hot.
Make sandwich of:
Fry the bread in the bacon drippings, browning
2 slices white bread
one then the other. Remove the bread to the
hot platter. Saute in the bacon drippings:
Place between them, trimmed to the same size as
the bread:
4 slices drained pineapple, cut into halves
A Ve-inch slice Gruyere cheese Garnish the platter with the bacon and the pine-
A 'A-inch slice baked ham apple. Serve toast at once.

You may spread the ham lightly with:

Top with another: TOAST SANDWICH
Slice Gruyere cheese Combine equal parts:
Melt in a skillet just large enough to hold the Ground ham
sandwich: Drained crushed pineapple
2 tablespoons butter Season these ingredients with:
Generously brush the upper side of the sandwich Dijon mustard
with melted butter; then place the sandwich with Spread this filling between slices of:
the unbuttered side in the skillet and brown it Buttered bread
slowly. Turn and brown the other side. Place the Prepare an egg mixture as for French Toast, 636;

spread on the outside of the sandwiches and well as the ingredients below. Similar also is the
saute as directed. Italian Hero Sandwich served with a tomato-meat
HAM, TOMATO AND EGG Cut half lengthwise a long loaf
in of:

SANDWICH French Bread, 605

Spread both cuts with:
Sliceand butter:
Rye bread
Place on it:
On the bottom half, arrange layers of:
Sliced salami sausage
Boiled ham slices
Sliced sharp cheese
Lettuce leaves
Thinly sliced boiled ham
Sliced tomatoes
(Thinly sliced tomato)
Garnish the sandwiches with:
Put on the top half of the loaf to make a sand-
Hard-cooked egg slices
wich, and cut into 4 pieces. Mix together:
Parsley sprigs
V* cup dry mustard
Serve with:
1 tablespoon dry white wine
Cream Horseradish Dressing, 357, or
Serve this with the sandwich.
Russian Dressing, 364



4 Servings Preheat oven to 400°.

molded Lightly butter on one side only:
A fine luncheon or supper dish with a
2 slices sour rye bread or a cut rye roll
grapefruit salad and <<t< i

Layer between the slices of bread or roll:

Preheal oven to 400 ,

Thinly sliced corned beef

Drain and reserve liquid:
12 to 16 asparagus tips Sauerkraut
1 slice Swiss or Gruyere cheese
Remove the rusts from

8 thin slices of bread

Spread generouslv with:
Brush lightly on both sides with: Russian Dressing, 364
Melted butter Wrap in foil and heat in oven until cheese is
I'I.k e on ea< h piece of bread:
melted and sandwich is heated through. You may
also grill this sandwich under the broiler or brown
A slice of boiled ham
in a skillet.
and three or four of the asparagus tips. Roll the
bread around the tips or bring 2 corners together.
Fasten the bread with wooden picks. Bake these TOASTED BRAUNSCHWEIGER
rolls on a baking sheet until lightly browned. Use
the asparagus liquor and cream to make: Braunschweigcr is a refined version of the rather
White Sauce 1,341 heavy smoked liver sausage.
Serve the rolls piping hot with the sauce.
Combine and stir to a smooth paste:
Braunschweiger sausage
TOASTED DEVILED HAM AND Canned cream of tomato soup or
Cover: (A few drops of cream or Worcestershire
Thin slices of toast sauce)
with a paste made of: Cut the crusts from:
Deviled ham Thin slices of bread
Dijon mustard or horseradish Spread them with the sausage mixture. Roll the
Cover the ham with thin slices of •

bread or make double-deck sandwiches. Toast

Cheddar cheese and serve very hot.
Dot with:
Press the sandwiches and saute until
4 Servings
through, in:
Preheat broiler.
Toast either on one or on both sides, or use un-
Serve hot.
4 slices of bread
POOR BOY OR SUBMARINE OR Place on each slice:
HERO SANDWICH (A thick slice tomato)
4 Servings (Chopped onion and green peppers)
Native to New Orleans, where you can find in (Sliced olives or pickles)
the filling fried oysters, chili sauce and chicken, as A slice of cheddar cheese

Spread with: Place on each piece:

Mustard or Chili Sauce, 847 Slices of cheese
Cover each sandwich with Lettuce leaves
2 slices crisp broiled bacon Tomato or cucumber slices
Hard-cooked egg slices

EGG AND CHEESE SANDWICH Olive or pickle slices

Serve the sandwiches open-faced with:
WITH TOMATO SAUCE Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348
4 Servings
4 slices French Bread, 605 PUFFED CHEESE WITH
6 Servings
Dip them quickly in: Preheat oven to 375°.
Milk seasoned with a pinch of salt
Melt in a saucepan:
Brown in a skillet in:
1 tablespoon butter
Olive oil
Add and saute until tender:
Place them on a hot ovenproof plate. Cover with V2 cup finely sliced mushrooms
4 chopped hard-cooked eggs 1 teaspoon grated onion
6 or more chopped olives Combine and heat:
1 cup or more grated cheese
2 egg yolks
Place the open-faced slices under a broiler until '2 lb. shredded Swiss or Cruyere cheese: 2 cups
the cheese is melted. Serve with: 3
A teaspoon salt
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 'A teaspoon pepper
A few grains cayenne
FRENCH TOAST AND CHEESE Stir in the mushroom and onion mixture. Beat
4 Servings until stiff but not drv:
Preheat oven to 350°. 2 egg whites
Prepare, omitting the sugar: Fold them into the mixture. Toast on one side:
French Toast, 636 6 slices bread
Then toast the bread in the oven on a buttered Place them untoasted side down on a cookie
ovenproof plate about 5 minutes. Stir over very sheet. Spread the toasted sides lightlv with:
low heat until smooth: (Butter)
V2 lb. shredded or minced cheese Heap the cheese mixture on the bread. Bake the
V2 teaspoon salt slices until firm to the touch and well puffed.
A few grains cayenne
A cup milk
3 tablespoons butter
Spread the toast with the cheese mixture. Return SANDWICH
it to the oven to brown lightly. Preheat broiler.
Toast on one side:
TOMATO FRENCH TOAST A slice of bread
6 Servings Spread the untoasted side with:
Beat until light: Peanut butter
2 eggs mixed with:
V2 teaspoon salt Chopped cooked bacon
V* teaspoon paprika Bacon drippings
'/a cup canned cream of tomato soup Top this with:
Dip in this: A thick slice of tomato
6 bread slices Season the tomato with:
Saute the bread in hot: Va teaspoon brown sugar
Butter or drippings Salt and paprika
When brown, serve with: Put the sandwich under a broiler for a minute or
Cheese Sauce, 342 two.
Minced parsley or chives
Trim the crusts from: Virtue, however admirable, is frequently dull.
Light or dark bread slices Peanut butter needs enlivening. Try this mixture
Spread with: on the unconverted.
Butter Preheat broiler.

Combine: Serve the sandwich with:

A cup peanut butter Russian Dressing, 364, or Mayonnaise
V* cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons pickle relish or chili sauce SANDWICHES
cup cooked minced bacon
'A Spread:
Toast on one side: Slices of whole wheat bread
4 slices bread with:
Spread the untoasted side with the mixture. Broil Cream cheese softened with cream
the sandwiches until the tops are golden. Slice Add:
them diagonally. Slices of cooked chicken
Chopped green olives
FRUIT STICKS Salt, if needed
I.Cut into strips 3x1x1 inch thick:
Toast them on 3 sides. Place them on a baking I.Cut into slices:
sheet with the untoasted side up. Drain: Cold cooked chicken
Pineapple or apricot slices Dip the slices in:
Place on the untoasted sides. Sprinkle them well Mayonnaise
with a mixture of: Prepare:
Brown sugar and cinnamon Biscuits, 632
Dot with: While hot, open and spread with:
Butter Butter
Brown lightly under a broiler Place the chicken slices in the biscuits. Serve hot
II.Preheat oven to 450°. Chicken gravy, Cheese Sauce, 342,
Prepare: or Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348
Pie Dough, 640
Roll it Cut it into oblongs. Sprinkle:
until very thin. II. Using biscuits as in the previous recipe, fill

Drained pineapple or apricot slices with:

with: Chicken Salad, 108
Cinnamon and brown sugar or combine:
Wrap the slices in the oblongs Moisten the edges cup cooked minced chicken

with water. Bake the slices about 20 minutes. chopped hard-cooked egg

6 chopped stuffed olives

'A cup mayonnaise
CLUB SANDWICH (2 tablespoons chopped parsley)
Individual Serving
Serve hot with one of the sauces mentioned pre-
3 large square slices of toast
on one side only \\ ith III.

Butter, mayonnaise or Russian Dressing, 364 Preheat oven to 375°.

Cover the spread side of slice 1 with Prepare:
A lettuce leaf Buttered toast
3 crisp slices hot bacon Cover the toast with:
Tomato slices Sliced chicken
(Drained pineapple slices) Sprinkle with:
Over this place slice 2, its spread side covered Crumbled Roquefort cheese
with: Cover with:
Slices of cold cooked chicken Strips of bacon
Place the spread side of slice 3 over the chicken. Bake about 10 minutes, until the bacon is crisp.
Cut the sandwich on the bias.
Trim the crusts from: 4 Servings
Large slices rye bread Preheat broiler.
Spread them with: Cut into halves:
Butter 4 rolls
Place on each piece: Cover the 4 lower halves with
Cold lamb or chicken slices Lettuce leaves
Lettuce leaves Combine:
Tomato slices 3
A cup canned crab meat
Hard-cooked egg slices 'A cup mayonnaise

Spread this on the lettuce. Spread the remaining (Capers, chopped olives, pickles or parsley)
halves with: Spread these ingredients on:
Butter Buttered rye bread
Slices of cheese You may add:
(Mustard) (Crisp lettuce leaves)
Toast the cheese halves under a broiler until the
cheese is soft. Combine the halves. SHRIMP SANDWICHES WITH
Flake: Clean and chop:
6 oz. canned lobster or other seafood IV2 cups cooked shrimp
Sprinkle over it: Melt:
1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons butter
Add: Add:
V2 cup minced celery 1 tablespoon grated onion
1 tablespoon minced onion or chives (1 sliced pimiento)
Vi cup mayonnaise and the shrimp. Stir over low heat for 1 minute.
Mayonnaise, if too thick, may be thinned with Prepare:
sour cream. Season with: 6 slices toast
(Worcestershire sauce or curry powder) Heap the shrimp on the toast. Serve with:
Add: Cheese Sauce, 342
While few things could make us happier than tc
branch out at this point with how our readers
might successfully produce for themselves at least
the basic repertory of garden vegetables, the sub-
ject is too broad for inclusion here. If you live in
the Northeast you might consult Catherine Osgood
Foster's The Organic Gardener, and for more gen-
eralized information The Basic Book of Organic
Gardening by E. R. Rodale or Growing Food the
Satural Way by Ken and Pat Kraft.
Because, on the other hand, the growing of a
dozen-odd culinary herbs can be achieved in small
outdoor areas or even in window pots on an all-
sear 'round basis; because fresh herbs are so
rarely obtainable at market, and since they so
greatlv enhance the savor of vegetables as well, as
that of other foods, we have given explicit instruc-
tions for their culture on pages 577 to 588.
Newly in vogue but almost as old as the hills is

the collecting of "greens," 305, and of wild fruits,

roots and blossoms. This enterprise is not without
peril for the uninitiated. Indeed, in looking into

VEGETABLES the "bag" of the bolder explorers we are some-

times reminded, unfairly we know, of Oscar
Wilde's description of a fox-hunt: "The unspeak-
able in pursuit of the inedible." For the fact that
Rumor has it that the Baron Eduard de Rothschild the birds and the beasts seem to be thriving on
never sent word to his gardener what vegetables certain kinds of native verdure does not necessarily
he had chosen for dinner until an hour before prove them fit for human consumption.
mealtime to ensure their appearing at table abso- We have included in the pages which follow
lutely fresh. If you "grow your own" you don't
those "far-out" vegetables we have found, on
have to be one of the richest men in the world to
close inspection, to be most palatable and trouble-
know how spectacularly delicious corn on the cob free. Even some of these have toxic elements
can be if gathered while the water for it is coming
when raw which must be carefully dispersed by
to a boil. To preserve true, delicate flavor as
heating or leaching: see, for example, About
well as natural sugars and nutrients, and to enjov
Mushrooms, 306, and About Wild Greens, 305.
green vegetables at their wholesome best, wash
Where the use of regional names might produce
them just before cooking. Cook only to the point dangerous confusion, we have identified edible
of doneness, not a moment more, and transfer
varieties by supplying scientific names and specific
them at once from cook to consumer.
descriptions. In the field be sure that plants taken
you grow your own vegetables, you can
from roadside habitats have not been coated with
choose seeds specifically listed for the home gar- poisonous sprays.
den, seeds that usually produce a harvest of supe- On your more conventional quests trips to —
rior texture and flavor. Grow them in organically
enriched soil, and control their moisture require-

market use the tests for ripeness we describe
under individual vegetable listings. If store stocks
ments through mulching and watering during dry are uneven, give preference to a fresh garden-tvpe
periods when they need a boost. The longer it lettuce over a pale green watercress, or a crisp
takes vegetables to mature, the coarser their cellu- bunch of carrots over darkened leathery arti-
lose. These slowpokes and overdeveloped vegeta-
chokes. Care in cooking, piquancy in seasoning
bles will demand a longer cooking period and and ingenuity in combining familiar varieties can
incur consequent loss of nutritive value, color and compensate for the more commonplace choice.
eating quality. But the choices are constantly increasing. It is
Some vegetables are shown above.
unusual amazing how many airborne "out-of-season" and
Reading the foreground are a lotus
left to right, in
exotic vegetables are becoming available almost
pod, okra and kohlrabi; in the front of the basket
all round from the controlled-temperature
is a bamboo shoot to the left, salsify to the
bins of our "fancier" grocers. While most of these
Behind these, from left to right, are Florence fen-
novelties are identified in the pages which follow,
nel or finocchio, Jerusalem artichokes and celeriac
have to be the inquisitive reader is referred to D. Hawkes's
or knob celery. But vegetables don't
unusual to be of the utmost importance in your A World of Vegetable Gookery for an even
They are essential for many vitamin, enzyme
more comprehensive count-down.
and mineral factors and often furnish a surprising Should fresh vegetables of any description be in
amount of protein, see 2. drastically short supply or altogether unavailable.


the next best bets are —

in order of preference this indispensable trick and you will be forever
those frozen, canned or dried. To compare nutri- mushroom, which is yield-
grateful. Practice with a
tive values in these categories, see 798. ingand not slippery when placed cap down, and
In all vegetable cookery involving moisture, be work up to an onion, which can be both resistant
sure to utilize the resulting liquids in sauces or as and evasive.
stocks. Otherwise, nutritional losses are great. For
vegetable combinations, often protein-enriched,
consult Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes, 250,
where you will discover a host of recipes in which
cooked vegetables make up the principal ingre-

Certain vegetables and fruits should not be stored
together. Apples give off an ethylene gas that
makes carrots bitter, and onions hasten the spoil-
age of potatoes. Watch for other such relation-
ships. Do not wash vegetables until you are ready
to use them. Cut the leaves from all root vege-
tables at once, for the flow of sap continues to the
leaf at the expense of the root. We
have found that
even in the vegetable-keeper of the most modern
refrigerators lettuces, celery and beans, for exam-
ple, hold over much better if encased in plastic
bags. For storing watercress and mushrooms, see
94 and 307. Vegetables like salad greens, includ-
ing celery and endive, are best held in moderate

humidity at about 35° as are salsify, turnips and
parsnips. Between 35° and 40° is best for most
other vegetables, including the cabbage family. The point of the knife is never lifted from the
Potatoes and tomatoes are best around 40°. Pota- cutting board but forms a pivot. The cutting edge,
toes should always be stored in a dark place to in turn, is never lifted above the first joint of the
keep them from turning green and so activating left shown above. The handle end of
forefinger, as
poisonous qualities. Held under dry conditions the knife is raised high enough to be eased gently
between 35° and 40° are dried peas and beans. up and down, its wide blade guided by the per-
Onions and garlic, also stored in dry air, need pendicular left forefinger and mid-finger. As the
about 35°. To ripen sweet potatoes and tomatoes, slicing progresses, inch a slow retreat with the left
store in warm dry air at about 60° to 70°. hand without releasing a firm grasp on the object.
Should a vegetable like celery or Chinese cab-
PREPARING VEGETABLES bage be sliced on the diagonal, the two guide
FOR COOKING fingers are set at an angle, as shown next. But the
Prepare vegetables as close to cooking time as knife in the right hand continues its relaxed accu-
possible. Most thin-skinned vegetables may be rate slicing, while the left makes way without los-
rinsed, scrubbed if necessary, and cooked un- ing control of the stalks. To pare very hard, round
pared. If vegetables are to be pared before cook- vegetables, see 335.
ing, trim them as possible unless the
thinly as In making a really determined effort to lure your
individual recipe indicates otherwise. Also, unless family into eating vegetables, you will find that
the individual processing requires it, never soak they will respond more readily if the vegetables
vegetables after paring or slicing if conserving are appealing in shape. Think of the irresistible
nutrients is of prime importance. Should vege- charm of vegetables floating like flowers in a
tables tend to brown after paring, sprinkle them Japanese lacquered bowl. The French are also very
with lemon juice or ascorbic acid, 124. Whether adept at presentation, if more lavish, and they dis-
you cook vegetables whole or pared and sliced, guise the same old carrots, beans and potatoes
see that the pieces are uniform in size so they will under a mass of impressive modifiers. As printa-
all cook through in the same length of time. niere they are spring-grown, young, tender and
You will avoid trouble if, when slicing round thinly sliced. As brunoise, salpicon, mirepoix and
vegetables like onions, you first cut them in half macedoine they are ageless, and sliced respec-
and place the flat side down on the cutting sur- tively from 7b to A
to 3
/s inch, which latter size
face. Whatever the object to be sliced, hold it as we call just plain diced. As jardiniere, julienne or
sketched right. Many chopping and slicing de- allumette, they are taller and thinner, about 2 to 3
vices are advertised, but nothing can replace a inches long and Vb inch through. When they are
skilled relaxed wrist and a sharp knife. Acquire round in shape and small, you may call them

pearls; if they are elliptical, olivette at 3k inch, the onset of cooking. Allow about A teaspoon salt

noisette at V2 inch, and Parisienne if about 1 inch to each cup of water.

at their narrowest diameter. Utilize whatever Since older vegetables tend to lose their natural
scraps are left over in J, blender soups or, unless sugars, they often profit by a pinch of sugar during
they are starchy ones, in the stockpot. cooking, as well as by dressing with seasoned but-
ters, herbs, spices and sauces. Dried legumes and
canned vegetables in particular profit greatly by
RETAINING NUTRIENTS, bold seasoning. But vegetables in their prime may
FLAVOR AND COLOR DURING simply be tossed in butter, allowing not more than
VEGETABLE COOKING one to two teaspoons per cup, so that the full
Some enthusiasts go so far as to insist that vege- flavor of the vegetable still prevails.
tables are best if not cooked at all. But carrots
and spinach, example, among a good many
other varieties, will have more nutrients available
for body absorption when cooked, despite the
inevitable losses due to heating. No one method
of vegetable cookery can claim complete supe-
riority. Some
vegetables may be scrubbed, then
steamed or baked unpeeled, minimizing vitamin
loss— provided the cooking is not overly pro-
longed. Pressure steaming, below, like stir-frying
and pan-steaming, is both quick and efficient; as is
steaming with only the water which adheres to
the vegetables after rinsing, plus a small quantity
of butter or oil. Other methods are discussed at
length in the following pages.
Probably the greatest loss of vitamins, especially
of vitamin C —
from one-fourth to one-half
occurs in mashing and pureeing. The water-soluble
vitamins, C and the B-complex group, are the

hardest to retain during the application of any

type of heat; and this points up again the impor- PRESSURE-COOKING AND
tance of utilizing all the vegetable juices which PRESSURE-STEAMING VEGETABLES
result, unless they are bitter or off-flavored. Be
The use of a pressure cooker saves both time and
sure to drain these stocks as shown opposite, and
nutrients, especially if you pressure-steam, a
store refrigerated for later use.
process involving a rack as illustrated below. Al-
Both steaming and stir-frying help to retain
low a minute or two longer than the times given
good color, provided the vegetables are not kept
for pressure-cooked vegetables in the individual
covered after the point of palatable tenderness.
recipes. Also please read About Pressure Cooking,
Color should never be maintained by the addition
1 50.
of baking soda, for this procedure not only de-
stroys nutrient values but makes the vegetable
mushy. Color may also be lost through cooking in STEAMING VEGETABLES
hard water, 519. Retention of color as well as Some cooks find the supervision of a pressure
flavor can be helped along by salting just after cooker worrisome. If you are of this number, use

the special steaming pan shown at right opposite. until the sauce reaches the boiling point, and
Be sure the water in the lower element is boiling serve at once.
briskly before setting in place the perforated top If meat and vegetables are to be cooked to-
with its vegetables. Cover at once and cook the gether, the meat, 149, is cooked first. Remove it

vegetables until tender. from the pan and add it again with the vegetables
for reheating. If cooking vegetables in the pod
either in a skillet or wok, no oil is needed. Allow
SKILLET-PANNING AND for 4 servings 1 V2 to 2 pounds per person, depend-
STIR-FRYING VEGETABLES ing on how full the pods are. Depending also on
Oriental cooks are justifiably partial to these the thickness of the pods, have ready V2 to 3A cup
methods of cooking vegetables, which preserve boiling water for each pound of vegetable and
freshness of flavor and crisp texture. Please read cook, covered, 5 to 15 minutes or until tender.
about Stir-Frying, 149, and see drawing below. Shell after cooking and butter before serving. For
The slow part of both of these similar methods snow peas, see 315. To ensure crispness, serve
is the preparation. For best results the vegetables immediately. Make certain also that lidded dishes
must be finely sliced to uniform thickness. Those from which the food is served are preheated.
that tend to stringiness are cut on the diagonal.
Stem ends and midribs should be removed from
coarse-leaf vegetables and sliced separately. The
vegetables are then grouped so the tougher ones The French have made the fried potato famous as
go into the pan first. For 4 servings allow about 1 French fries, 322; the English as chips, 323. The
pound of kale, cabbage, okra, celery or celery cab- by using either a beaten-egg coating or a

bage; about Vh pounds of spinach or chard, and batter,produce their famous fried vegetable and
about 3A pound of beans. Cucumber, tomato, zuc- other mixtures as fritto misto, 243, and the Japa-
chini, spinach, Chinese cabbage and salad greens nese, who learned this trick from Portuguese
need no water during the cooking period. Have sailors way back in the sixteenth century, prepare
ready for green beans and young root vegetables them today under the term tempura, 243.
about 3A cup boiling water per pound and allow 5 Since success depends so largely on the qual-
to 8 minutes for cooking. Maturer root vegetables ity of the fat and avoiding its excess absorption,
are better steamed, as discussed above. please read About Deep-Fat-Frying, 147. After
Use about 1 to 2 tablespoons of cooking oil preparing the vegetables, be sure to sprinkle with

sesame is a great favorite or oil and butter com-
lemon juice any that may Check to see
bined, per pound of vegetables. Heat the pan well,
that the vegetables are dry before applying a
put in the cooking oil and heat to the point of
coating. It is also best to let the coating dry for
fragrance. You may add a slice or two of garlic or
about 10 minutes before immersing the food in fat
fresh gingerroot briefly and discard before the
vegetables are put into the pan. Stir the vegetables
heated to between 350° and 375°. Cook until the
rapidly with a large flat spatula, coating them with vegetables are golden.
oil until they show signs of wilting slightly. Some Vegetables suitable for this type of cooking are
cooks like to season at this point with a dash of long green beans; 1
A -inch-thick eggplant slices
soy sauce and stock before clapping on the lid to barely nicked with tiny knife marks at Vz-inch
maintain succulence. Lower the heat. When the intervals all around the bands of skin; mushrooms
vegetables are just tender, you may stir in a small and green peppers, whole or cut in half verti-
quantity of additional stock if needed, or Chinese cally; cucumber, squash, zucchini or sweet potato
Sauce for Vegetables, 349. Cover the pan briefly rounds; sliced lotus roots or bamboo shoots;

small bundles of julienned onions or very young ABOUT STUFFED VEGETABLES

green onions; asparagus tips; cauliflower or broc-
Tomatoes, peppers, squashes, cucumbers, onions,
coli florets, artichoke hearts or stems.
mushrooms, all make decorative and delicious
vegetable cases. For a "new dimension," fill them
with other vegetables, contrasting in color or
GLAZED ROOT VEGETABLES flavor; or point up the bland ones with a farce of
Vegetables produced by this method are suitable cooked food, with buttered, crumbed, cooked
for garnishing and require no further saucing. vegetables or with creamed mixtures. Raw foods
Choose: that need long cooking should not be used in
2 cups young vegetables: onions, carrots, vegetable stuffings.
turnips or potatoes Since vegetable cases need different timing
Simmer, covered, in a very heavy pan with: when blanched, see recipes under individual
1 cup veal or chicken stock vegetables for this information. Other factors re-
Vi teaspoon salt main the same. After draining, place the filled
2 teaspoons sugar cases on a rack in a pan containing about A inch 1

2 tablespoons butter of water.

When nearly done and the
the vegetables are Heat the cases through in a 400° oven, unless
liquid has been almost absorbed, uncover and otherwise indicated, before serving. Or, if you
continue to cook, shaking the pan continually over want to serve them Au Gratin I or II, 553, you may
brisk heat until they are coated with a golden find they have better color if you run them first
glaze. under a broiler and then bake as above. With Au
Gratin III, the cheese will probably brown the
tops sufficiently in the baking alone without the
ABOUT VEGETABLES FOR A ROAST use of a broiler at all.
To cook vegetables for a roast, it is better on sev-
eral scores to process them separately. For one
thing, they are placed in the roasting pan, the
steam they release tends to give a moister oven Although the term fondue is usually associated
with cheese, 254, it applies if you are French to
heat than is desirable for meat roasting. For an-
other, typical root vegetables such as potatoes,
Boeuf Fondu Bourguignonne, 457, or if Spanish
to Bagna Cauda, 90. The term is also used for
carrots, onions and turnips profit by separate
cooking. Steam them, 278, until partially tender, vegetables reduced to a pulp by very, very slow
then drain and dry. Finish cooking them in butter cooking in butter, as for Tomato Pudding II, 333.
in a heavy, covered pan until tender, and com-
Some other vegetables that lend themselves well
to such dishes are carrots, celery, eggplant, sweet
plete the browning uncovered.
peppers, onions, leeks and lettuce.
To prepare vegetables for fondueing, first rid
ABOUT CREAMED, BUTTERED them of excess moisture in one of the following
ways. Except for tomatoes, they may be par-
AND SAUCED VEGETABLES blanched, 154, from 3 to 5 minutes. Eggplant and
Practically any vegetables may be served in or
cucumber may be sliced, salted generously and
with a sauce. They may be steamed or even deep-
allowed to drain on a rack. Salting clears them of
fried before saucing. > Drain them well before
the rather unpleasant astringent quality they some-
combining with sauces or butter. The amount to times acquire. They may also be thinly sliced,
allow for garnishing will depend largely on the
salted, placed in a bowl and weighted to force out
richness of the sauce, from 1 teaspoon to 1 table-
excess moisture. Mushrooms and green onions
spoon of butter per cup of cooked vegetables, on may be wrapped in a dish towel and wrung out.
up to 4 tablespoons of a cream sauce. If the vege- Tomatoes for fondues may be cut at the stem end
table is heated in the sauce, allow about 2 to 3 and squeezed toward the cut end to eject both
tablespoons for each cup of vegetables, using less moisture and seeds. Cook fondue vegetables in
if it is a rich sour cream dressing —
more, perhaps, the butter, covered, over very low heat until they
if based on cream soup. Consider, too, if the vege-
reach a naturally pureed state.
table is to be presented in individual deep dishes
or from a big serving bowl onto a flat plate.
If you are casseroling the vegetable in a sauce,
allow enough sauce to just cover the vegetables. PUREED VEGETABLES
Such casseroles are often finished off Au Gratin, The blender is mothers of young
a real find for
552. children who want cook fresh vegetables all at
You may add to vegetable butters and sauces, once for the whole family and then puree the very
ifnot already indicated in the recipe, citrus juices voung children's portion. In either case, more
and pinches of zests, 571, fresh or dried herbs, nutrients are retained if the vegetables are cooled
curry powder, mustard, chili powder, horseradish before blending. As an alternative, well-washed
or grated cheese; and don't forget the onions, 583. and scrubbed, tender raw vegetables may be

blended and then cooked to the boiling point. 2 cloves garlic

Tough ones should be parboiled, cooled and then 3 sprigs parsley
blended. You may reheat briefly in butter or cream 6 peppercorns
before serving. 2 sliced lemons
'A teaspoon salt

VEGETABLES A LA GRECQUE Cook the vegetables in the heated mixture, as in I.

These mixed vegetables, left whole if small or cut

III. This rather offbeat version is a pleasant
into attractive shapes, 277, become aromatic as
the result of simmering in a court bouillon of
Combine in a stainless or enamel pan:
highly seasoned oil and water. They are served 3
A cup olive oil
at between 70° and 90°, so that the oil will not be 1
A cup wine vinegar
evident. They make convenient hors d'oeuvre, 3
A cup catsup
meat tray or salad garnishes, as they keep well if 1/
2 cup chili sauce
covered and refrigerated. They are excellent, too,
clove garlic
for an antipasto tray. Prepare one of the following
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
court bouillons or hot marinades in which to
Cook the vegetables in the heated mixture, as in I.
mixed vegetables
1 lb.
Suitable include artichoke hearts, ju-
lienned carrots, cauliflower florets, celery, fennel, Please read About Thawing and Cooking of Frozen
green beans, leeks, mushrooms, pearl onions, Foods, 822. To cook these convenience foods so
peppers and whole olives. Cucumber and eggplant they lie flat and are all heated through at the same
slices or strips are delicious, but these should have time, we prefer using a rectangular frozen-food

excess moisture removed, 302. steamer.

Squeeze over the cut vegetables, to prevent To pressure cook frozen vegetables, allow
browning: about V2 as long as for the regular pressure cook-
Juice of 2 lemons ing times given in individual recipes, but use the
same amounts of water.
I. Place in a 3-quart stainless or enamel pan: If using an electric skillet, place the hard-frozen

4 cups water —
vegetables except for spinach and corn on the
V% to cup olive
*/a oil cob, which must be partially thawed —
in the skillet
1 teaspoon salt and then cover. Set at 350° until steam escapes.
2 peeled cloves garlic Reset to 300° until the vegetable is tender.
(3 peeled shallots)
and the following herbs and spices, tied in a ABOUT REHEATED AND
cheesecloth bag:
6 sprigs parsley
Delicious, often, are the uses of leftovers, but re-
2 teaspoons fresh thyme
heated vegetables have lost much of their nutritive
12 peppercorns
value. If you do reheat them, put them in the top
(3 coriander seeds or A teaspoon oregano)

of a covered double boiler with a few teaspoons

(Ve teaspoon fennel or celery seeds)
of water or stock, or reheat or bake them in a hot
Add for flavor 2 of the squeezed lemon halves.
sauce. Allow about 'A to Vi as much sauce as
Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from the
heat to season for about 15 minutes. Remove the
vegetables. Be sure to retain the canning or
cooking water for use in soup or sauce or as the
spice bag and garlic. Bring the court bouillon
again slowly to a simmer. Add in turn the most
medium in which to reheat. Making leftover vege-
tables into souffles, 229, timbales, 231, omelets
delicately flavored of the prepared vegetables.
Once more bring the liquid just to a boil, reduce and frittatas, 228, both glamorizes and stretches
them. The sauteing and browning of cooked
the heat and let the vegetables heat through and
then cool in the marinade. Drain and place them vegetables diminish vitamin content. Try serving
in a jar, using a slotted wooden spoon. Now, cook
leftover vegetables vinaigretted in a salad, re-
the next most delicately flavored vegetable. Con- membering —
contrary to at least one precept we
tinue till each one has been cooked and cooled in learned at mother's knee —
that cold food is as

the marinade. When they are all in the jar, mixed nutritious as hot. Canned or frozen vegetables

or separate, cover them with the marinade to have, of course, already suffered some loss of
store. After the vegetables have been eaten, use
flavor and vitamins. Reheating before serving in-

the marinade for sauces. creases this loss.

> Always clean off tops before opening cans, as
II. Combine in a stainless or enamel pan: they may be dusty or may have been sprayed with poi-
1 cup wine sonous insecticides while in the store. Once
2 cups olive oil opened, cans should not be used to store food. Lead
Vi cup vinegar may leach from the cans into the contents, especially if
Vi to 3
A cup water the food is acid.

COOKING VEGETABLES BY sliced or shredded vegetables, as well as peas,

corn and spinach may cook almost as rapidly as at
MICROWAVE sea level, at 15 lbs. pressure. But you may find
Please read About Microwave Cooking, 160. In
that, with some of the leafy greens, 10 lbs. of pres-
electronic cooking, most vegetables are casseroled
sure and a slightly longer cooking period give a
with a small quantity of water and are cooked cov-
better result. This has been found true for aspara-
ered. Because they need moisture, the cooking
gus, celery, turnips and cauliflower. Don't be sur-
periods are generally comparable to pressure
prised if whole potatoes, beets, yams and beans
steaming, 278. If the vegetable can be baked like
need considerably more time than at sea level.
a potato, cooking time is saved. Scientific tests
seem to show that nutrients are well retained, al-
though the majority Of taste panels rate vege-
Artichokes of the globe type, sketched below, dif-
tables cooked by other methods superior in
fer in shape, taste and method of cooking from
flavor and texture. For timing follow manufac-
turer's directions.
Jerusalem artichokes, right. If the leaves are
spreading or discolored, artichokes are not ten-
der. Sometimes, when immature, they are cooked,
pickled, 841, and eaten whole. The mature vege-
BARBECUE VEGETABLES table, after cooking, is most frequently served one
Here are 2 simple, potless ways to cook vegetables to each diner and eaten with the fingers. The
for an outdoor barbecue. For the first, use frozen leaves are removed singly and dipped into a sauce,
or sliced and washed vegetables. Place them on the lower end of the leaf being simply drawn
heavy-weight aluminum foil and season them. through the teeth to extract the tender edible
Use the drugstore wrap, 821. Place the foil- portion, and the leaf then discarded. Continue this
wrapped vegetables on a grill or under or on hot procedure until a light-colored cone of young
coals for 10 to 15 minutes. For the second method, leaves appears. Pull this up with one movement.
place— directly on a greased grill above the coals Then., with a knife, cut out cleanly the fuzzy cen-
— thick tomato, mushroom, pepper, par-
slices of ter below and discard it. Eat the remaining heart
boiled onion. Cover with an inverted colander. with a fork, dipping each piece first into a sauce.
Cook until tender. Artichoke hearts, with bottoms neatly trimmed,
make delicious salad material, as well as bases for
A COOKING VEGETABLES AT stuffing, 283, and see below.

In baking vegetables at high altitudes, use approxi-
mately the same temperatures and timing given To wash, hold by the stem end and dash up and
for sea-level cooking. In cooking vegetables at down quickly in a deep bowl of water. To prepare:
high altitude by any process involving moisture,
both more liquid and a longer cooking time are
needed, as the vegetables boil at lower tempera-
tures. Frequently, the longer time can be reduced
if the vegetables are thinly sliced or cut into small

units. To avoid tough stems and overcooked leaves

on leafy vegetables, remove the midrib and use
it in the stock pot.
these adjustments as an approximate time
guide: for each 1000 feet of elevation, add to the
cooking time given in the recipes about 10% for
whole beets, carrots and onions and about 7%
for green beans, squash, green cabbage, turnips
and parsnips. #
In cooking frozen vegetables at
high altitudes, whole carrots and beans may re-
quire as much as 5 to 12 minutes of additional
cooking, while other frozen vegetables may need
only 1 to 2 more minutes.
The extension division of most land grant col-
leges will test the gauge of your pressure cooker
and probably provide a pressure chart for your
area free of charge. Artichokes
O In pressuring vegetables at high altitude, you cut off the stems with scissors. Trim the top leaves
will have to increase the liquid in your cooker V* by one-fourth. Snap off the tough bottom row of
to Vi cup for every 2 cups of vegetables, depend- leaves by bending them back from the core. To
ing on their respective length of cooking time. As avoid discoloration, dip the trimmed base in:
with other vegetable-cooking at high altitudes, Lemon juice

Place the artichokes top down on a trivet over 1 STUFFED BAKED ARTICHOKES
to 2 inches of boiling water. Add to the water: Preheat oven to 350°.
1 sliced onion or 1 mashed clove garlic I. Roman Style
2 celery ribs with leaves Clean, trim and blanch, 154:
1 V2 tablespoons lemon juice, wine or vinegar Artichokes
(2 tablespoons vegetable oil) Drain well. Make a dressing of:
(A bay leaf) Bread crumbs
Steam, 278, covered 45 minutes or until tender. Minced garlic or onion
Drain and serve hot with: Chopped celery
Melted butter, Mayonnaise, 363, Hollandaise Chopped anchovies or anchovy paste
Sauce, 358, Bechamel Sauce, 341, or Sauce Grated Parmesan cheese
Vinaigrette, 360 Chopped parsley
Cooked artichokes may be served chilled. Salt and paprika
O Pressure cook large artichokes at 15 lbs. Push the dressing down between the leaves. The
about 15 minutes, small ones 8 minutes. choke may be removed, as described previously,
if desired, and the center filled with the dressing.

CORED ARTICHOKES Pour over the artichokes a little:

Clean and trim as described above: Olive oil

Artichokes Place them on a rack in a baking dish and cover
Turn them upside down. Press hard to force the the bottom of the dish with 1 inch of:
leaves apart. Reverse and insert a curved knife, as Boiling water or stock
shown left, to cut out and remove the choke. Tie Bake covered about 1 hour.
artichokes into shape with string. Cook as in previ-
ous recipe but upright on the trivet. Drain well, II. Or fill the artichokes with either:
untie and serve warm, the centers filled with: Ham or sausage stuffing, 371
Hollandaise Sauce, 358
If the artichokes are too hot when filled, the Hol-
landaise may separate. Or fill the centers with:
Vegetable nomenclature abounds in double or
cup cooked cocktail shrimp or small
chunks of lobster

doubtful terms endive, chicory, pepper, yam and
"wild rice" being examples; but "Jerusalem arti-
heated in:
choke," seen in the chapter heading, center rear,
Newburg Sauce, 359
should get some sort of prize in the misnomer
You may also serve these cored artichokes cold
sweepstakes. It is not even a thistle, like the
and stuffed as salad. Incidentally, the very tender
true artichoke, but the tuber of a sunflower; and
leaves usually discarded in the coring, if trimmed
"Jerusalem" is a corruption of the Italian "gira-
and cooked, make delectable flavorings for an
sole," or "turn-to-the-sun," as the sunflowers,
omelet or a casserole.
like heliotropes, are obliged to do. They may be
ARTICHOKE HEARTS eaten raw, peeled, or may be prepared as for Sara-
toga Chips, 323, or as below.
For a good way to stuff cold artichoke hearts, see
Salads, 100.
IV2 lb. Jerusalem artichokes
I. Remove all leaves and chokes, as shown on the Steam, 278, or drop them into:
opposite page center right, from: Boiling water
Artichokes To prevent discoloration, add:
Steam the hearts, 278, or drop them into 1 inch of: 1 teaspoon mild vinegar or white wine
Boiling water Cook covered until tender only. If permitted to
to which you may add: cook beyond this point, they will again become
Lemon juice tough. Test with a fork after 15 minutes. Drain.
Simmer covered for 20 minutes or until tender. Rub off the peel. Melt:
Serve with: 2 to 3 tablespoons butter
Brown Butter, 349, or Add:
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 2 drops hot pepper sauce
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
II. Cooked or canned artichoke hearts, well
Pour these ingredients over the artichokes or
drained, may be sauteed until hot in:
cream them, 280. Or cut into halves and O pres-
Butter or drippings
sure cook 10 minutes at 15 lbs.
to which you may add:
Garlic, shallots or onions
Season with: ASPARAGUS
Salt and paprika The Romans used if they wanted something
to say
Lemon juice in a hurry, "Do time than it takes to cook
it in less
Serve hot or cold. asparagus." Hilled, blanched asparagus, grown by

heavy and deep mulching, is now

fertilization Pour this mixture over the tips of the asparagus, or
American markets. This is a thick white
available in serve them with:
variant which, though less nutritious than the 1 cup White Sauce I, 341, made with half
green, has a distinctive succulence all its own. cream and half asparagus liquid, or

"Whites" familiar to us all in their canned state Hollandaise Sauce, 358
— must be peeled, cutting from below the head
For real speed, slice diagonally
and increasing the depth of cut as you go down-
II. 1
A inch thick:
ward. This is also sometimes necessary with the
Stir-fry, 279, and garnish with:
larger older "greens" to eliminate bitterness in the
Buttered bread crumbs

III. Sometimes, if asparagus must be held, both

I. 4 to 6 servings
Wash: the color and the texture are improved if this
2 lb. asparagus
recipe is used —
although we do not guarantee
nutritive value.
Snap lower part of the stalks where they
off the
break easily. Keep the trimmings for soup. Tie the
Arrange in a flat pan:

asparagus in serving bunches with white string. 2 cleaned asparagus


Place them upright in an asparagus steamer or in Place them not more than 3 or 4 deep. Add:
the bottom part of a double boiler, the lower ends Vi teaspoon salt

Cover with cold water, then with a poaching
Vz cup boiling water paper, 151. Bring to a boil, reduce heat at once
and simmer about 15 minutes. Keep lukewarm
until ready to serve, then drain before serving.

In oriental dishes, these slightly acid shoots com-
plement mushrooms and meat. They must be
young and tender and from an edible bamboo
plant. See illustration in chapter heading on 276.
If fresh, boil:
Bamboo shoots
about 10 minutes. Texture should remain
to 15
somewhat Discard the water. If using
canned shoots, scrape off the calcium deposits. If
using only part of a can, store the remainder by
pouring off the original liquid, replacing it with
cold water and refrigerating, covered, for not
more than a few days.


Fresh beans are of many varieties. Snap beans,
seen first at left, opposite, can be eaten whole.
Formerly called string, because their strings had to
be removed, they have in many instances been
hybridized so that they snap clean and need only
have the ends snipped off. True haricots verts,
with their okralike overtones, shown next, are a
tenderer and slimmer version of snap beans. Ken-
tucky Wonders and wax beans, not shown, still
require both snipping and stringing. English run-
ner beans, third from the left, respond to the same
Cook the asparagus closely covered 12 minutes cooking procedures as snap beans. Any stringy
or until tender. An inverted double boiler top may portions should be cut off, and, before cooking,
be used. The steam will cook the tips. Drain well, the bean should always be sliced into pieces no
reserving the liquid. Add: bigger than V2 inch. If they do not snap easily,
V2 teaspoon salt they should be hulled and their red-streaked seeds
Melt: cooked as for lima beans, 289, seen third from
!A cup butter or Brown Butter, 349 the right. Hulled also if they are larger than a
Saute in it, for 1 minute: pea are fava beans or European broad beans, sec-
1 cup bread crumbs ond from the right, which are then cooked as for

limas. If under pea size, the filled pods may be Or add:

sliced two or three times and prepared as for snap 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
beans. Cook edible soy beans, shown at far right, teaspoon mustard
as described, 286. To avoid toughening any fresh 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

beans, add salt when cooking is half finished. A drop of hot pepper sauce
Or add:
GREEN OR SNAP BEANS 2 tablespoons butter

5 Servings A cup toasted slivered almonds


This vegetable is available fresh the year 'round A cup sliced water chestnuts

If the beans are not served at once, reheat in:

and lends itself to endless variations.
1 lb. green beans A White Sauce variation, 341, or
Snip off the ends. You may then sliver them, canned cream of chicken or mushroom
French them on the diagonal or leave them whole. soup seasoned with herbs, or
If the last, tie them in individual bunches before
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
cooking. When cooked and drained, arrange them
on a platter and cover with one of the garnishes
I. 6 Servings
or sauces suggested below. To cook green beans,
steam, 278, or drop them into:
What becomes of the onions and peppers? They
frequently disappear, leaving marvelously sea-
Boiling water or part water and part stock
Reduce the heat at once. Cook partially covered if soned beans. An easy dish for the hostess who
cooks her own dinner.
you wish to preserve the color; or covered if you
Preheat oven to 350°.
wish to preserve more nutrients. Simmer until
barely tender, no longer —
about 20 minutes. Drain Trim:
1 lb. green beans
Skin and chop:
Season to taste
Cover with: 4 medium-sized white onions
1 tablespoon melted butter
Remove the seeds and membrane from:
2 medium-sized green peppers
O Pressure cook 3 minutes at 15 lbs.
We note here that one of our very favorite ways of Chop the peppers. Butter a baking dish. Place in
second-guessing a quantity of cooked green beans it alternate layers of the vegetables, beginning

is to make them into a salad, 98.

and ending with a layer of beans. Sprinkle each
layer with:
Salt and paprika
ADDITIONS TO GREEN BEANS Dot each layer with:
To further flavor beans during the cooking, add: Butter
1 small cut-up onion Bake the vegetables covered for about 1 hour,
1- to 2-inch cube of salt pork
or until the beans are tender. Before serving,
To garnish or sauce, use for 1 lb. of beans: garnish with:
1 tablespoon butter or Brown Butter, 349, Au Gratin II, 553
or A cup buttered crumbs,

or 2 tablespoons brown onion butter, II. 6 Servings

or 2 tablespoons crumbled bacon Preheat oven to 350°.
and drippings Prepare for cooking:
Add to theabove fats: 1 lb. green beans
V2 teaspoon celery or dill seed, or Place them in a buttered casserole. Cover with:
1 teaspoon fresh summer savory or basil, 1 can cream of tomato soup: IOV2 oz.
or 2 teaspoons chopped chives 3 tablespoons prepared horseradish
Or garnish with: teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Anchovy Butter or Oil, 350, or A
teaspoon salt

Almond Garnish, 553 'A teaspoon paprika

Or add: Bake covered about 1 hour or until tender. Re-
V2 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 move the lid and garnish with:
Va to V* cup cultured sour cream Au Gratin III, 553
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Serve when the cheese is melted.

GREEN BEANS, POTATOES the pod. To serve hot, immerse them in boiling
water. Cover the pot. Cook in boiling water until
AND SMOKED MEAT tender, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Use the
8 Servings
shelled beans as in any recipe for lima beans, 289.
Cook until nearly tender in water to cover-.
The cooked beans may also be spread in a
small piece of smoked meat: ham,
greased pan, dotted with butter and roasted in a
Canadian bacon or link sausage 350° oven until brown; or they may be browned
Or if using already cooked or leftover ham or deep
in fat, 147.
bone, bring just to a boil before adding:
Soy milk, 535, and bean curd, 535, can also be
1 lb. green beans
made from the raw beans.
4 halved, pared, medium potatoes
(1 onion)

Simmer, covered, about 20 to 25 minutes. Drain. COOKED BEAN SPROUTS

8 Servings
Season to taste
Serve from a large platter, garnished with: Sprouted beans eaten raw, just after sprouting,
see 289, have more vitamin C than when cooked.
Lemon wedges
Bring to a boil:
A cup
3 water
5 Servings 4 cups sprouted beans, Mung or edible
Trim and shred lengthwise: soybeans or lentils
1 lb. green beans Simmer, covered, until almost soft, just long
Steam them, 278, or drop them into: enough to remove the raw bean flavor. Season
Boiling water with:
to barely cover. Cook covered about 20 minutes. Salt
Now render the fat slowly from: (Soy sauce)
3 pieces lean bacon Bean sprouts, fresh or cooked, immediately recall
Cook with it: the Chinese-American cuisine, and suggest such
2 tablespoons chopped onion added ingredients as chicken, shrimp, scallions,
When the bacon is lightly browned, remove it and mushrooms or water chestnuts.
swirl in the pan:
tablespoon white wine vinegar
tablespoon sugar
Dried peas and beans, being rather on the dull
teaspoon salt
side, —
respond readily like a good many dull peo-
Drain the liquid from the beans and add it to the
skillet mixture. Then combine with the beans and
ple — to the right contacts. Do not upstage them,
for they have valuable, if incomplete, proteins,
cut-up bacon and serve. A happy variation is the 2. Mix them with tomatoes, onions, chili, meat
addition of:
and cheese. They are also much more tempera-
(Bean Sprouts, right) mental than one would think. Their cooking time
depends on the locality in which they were grown
and on their age usually two unknowns for the
cook; plus the type of water used in cooking
PEAS OR LIMAS them, see About Water, 519. Wash, unless the
4 Servings
package states otherwise. Do not use soda, see
Pureed, these lend a fresh note if used as a base
278. Soak in 3 to 4 times as much water as beans.
for soup, as a ring in serving sauteed mushrooms,
Remove any that float or that may be moldy. If
or as a vegetable garnished with parsley.
not preprocessed, the beans are usually soaked
overnight. Bring them to a slow boil in the water in
2 cups cooked fresh beans or peas
which they were soaked, unless it is bitter, as hap-
Use a X
blender or a food mill. Add:
pens sometimes with soybeans. Reduce the heat
2 tablespoons butter
and simmer. All beans should be cooked until
Season to taste
tender. One test, provided you discard the beans
and serve as soon as possible after pureeing. If
you have tested, is to blow on a few of them in a
the puree must be held over, cover it while hot
spoon. If the skins burst, they are sufficiently
with whipping cream and, in reheating in a dou-
ble boiler over hot water, beat in the cream
If you have forgotten to soak, a quick method
before serving.
to tenderize for cooking is to cover beans with
cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 2
GREEN SOYBEANS minutes. After removing them from heat let
Use the edible vegetable type, not field varieties them stand, tightly covered, 1 hour. Alternatively,
of beans. The fuzzy pods, shown on 285, should blanching for 2 minutes is almost equivalent to 8
still be green. They can be eaten hot or as an in- hours of soaking.
formal cold snack. Let the diner pop them from You may use preprocessed beans which require

no soaking. But remember that some nutrients quently. Remove the salt pork and the bay leaf.
have been lost in the preparation. Lentils and split Slightly mash the pea mixture.
peas are the better for soaking but do not require Season to taste
it. Remember, too, that 1 cup of dried beans, peas Serve with:
or lentils will expand to 2 to 2V2 cups after cook- Boiled Rice, 206
There are over 25 types of beans and peas avail- REFRIED BEANS OR
able in our stores. They include broad, black or
turtle, cranberry, scarlet runner, red, kidney,
4 Servings
black-eyed peas or beans, edible soys, pinto, cow-
Melt in a heavy skillet:
peas or Mexican frijoles, chick-peas or garbanzos,
flageolets —
which are the French haricots, dried 4 tablespoons lard or vegetable

and adzuki beans from which oriental bean paste

2 cups cooked pinto beans
is made. Each variety has, for the connoisseur,
If they are very dry you may add several table-
its own slightly different but satisfyingly hefty
spoons of:
(Hot stock)
White beans, which the white man learned of
from the Indians and then took sailing, became While the beans are frying, stir to heat them
our navy beans. They are usually the toughest of through and then shape them, with the back of a
the lot and take up to 3 hours simmering. Dried
wooden spoon, into a large cake. Cook until they
limas, after soaking for 8 hours, may cook almost
are glazed enoughshake loose as one mass.

as rapidly as fresh ones — in about V2 hour. Lentils

over in
the mass to one side of the pan and flip
pancake style. Continue to turn and heat
take about Vh hours to cook.
until a glazed loaf is formed. Top with cubes of:
Mild cheddar
PUREE OF DRIED LEGUMES Let the beans stay in the pan until the cheese is

Please read About Dried Legumes, opposite. melted. Serve garnished with:
Cook until tender: Shredded lettuce
Dried lentils, beans or peas, see above on triangles of:
You may add: Tortillas
(A clove of garlic)
them through a fine
After draining the lentils, put DRIED BEAN PATTIES
sieve, puree strainer or
a blender. Allow toX 4 Servings
every cup of puree:
Grind and mash:
1 tablespoon butter
2 cups cooked dried beans: soy,
V4 to Vi teaspoon salt
lima, or navy
4 teaspoon pepper or paprika or

Add to them:
Vt teaspoon cloves
1 small chopped onion
You may brown in the butter:
cup chopped parsley
tablespoon flour
Beat and add:
Whip the puree over a high heat. Serve in a
2 egg yolks
mound, garnished with:
cream or evaporated milk
2 tablespoons
Sauteed Onions, 312, or chutney
teaspoon pepper
Chopped parsley
1 teaspoon salt
Shape these ingredients into balls. Flatten them.
HOPPING JOHN Dip them in:
Eaten on New Year's Day, this dish is supposed to
bring good luck.
Chill the patties for 1 hour or more. Saute slowly,
Bring to a boil in a large covered saucepan:
until brown, in:
Butter, drippings or other fat
"PA cups dry black-eyed peas
4 cups water Serve with any:
After boiling 2 minutes, remove pan from heat and Barbecue Sauce, 354
letstand 1 hour. Add:
IV2 cups chopped onions DRIED BEAN CASSEROLE
V2 teaspoon pepper 4 Servings
V* teaspoon crushed dried red pepper Preheat oven to 350°.
1 minced clove garlic Combine:
1 bay leaf 1 cup cooked corn
After bringing to a boil, cover and simmer 1 hour, 1 cup cooked navy beans
stirring occasionally. Stir in: 1 cup lightly drained canned tomatoes
8 oz. coarsely chopped salt pork A teaspoon
Simmer another hour, uncovered, stirring fre- 'A teaspoon paprika

/2 teaspoon brown sugar 3 whole cloves
1 teaspoon grated onion teaspoons salt
Place greased casserole. Sprinkle the top with:
in a 1
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Browned bread crumbs or grated peanuts V* teaspoon dried thyme
Bake covered about 45 minutes. Simmer the beans, covered, from 1 to IV2 hours.
Stir from time to time. Add and cook for about 20
BAKED BEANS minutes longer:
Did you know that baked beans are as traditional 1 cup dry red wine or stock
in Sweden as they are in Boston? Please read When the beans are tender, serve hot, garnished
About Dried Legumes, 286. with:
6 Servings Chopped
chives or parsley
If quick-cooking or precooked beans are used, © We do not recommend the pressu r e cooking
follow directions on the package. Otherwise, soak: of dried beans because of the danger of frothing
Vh cups dried beans and blocking the vent.
Cover them with water. Bring to a boil, then sim-
mer slowly for V2 hour or more, until tender. E CAMPFIRE BEANS
Preheat oven to 250°. Have ready at least 2 to 3 quarts of hot Dig coals.
Drain the beans, reserving the cooking water, and a holedeep enough and wide enough hold a to
add: covered iron kettle, allowing about 4 extra inches
V4 cup chopped onion to the depth of the hole. Get ready for cooking:
2 tablespoons or more dark molasses Baked Beans, left
2 or 3 tablespoons catsup Put half the coals in the bottom of the hole. Sink
tablespoon dry mustard
1 the covered kettle. Cover the lid with a large piece
1 teaspoon salt of foil to keep out
Put the rest of the coals

V2 cup boiling bean water or beer on the kettle Now,

in the rest of the hole
lid. fill

(V2 teaspoon vinegar) with dirt and put at least 3 inches of dirt on top
(1 teaspoon curry powder) of the kettle. Don't dig in to peek for at least 4
(1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce) hours.
Place beans in a greased baker, decorate them
Va lb. sliced salt pork AND TOMATOES
and bake covered 6 to 9 hours. If they become 4 Large Servings
dry, add a little: The mixture below may be used to stuff green
Well-seasoned stock or reserved bean water peppers, 316.
Uncover the beans for the last hour of cooking. Preheat oven to 350°.
Grease a baking dish. Have ready:
CANNED BAKED BEANS 2V2 cups canned red kidney beans
WITH FRUIT 1 cup canned tomatoes or diluted tomato soup

6 Servings cup chopped onion


Preheat oven to 300°. chopped bacon

V4 lb.
Arrange: Cover the bottom of the dish with a layer of beans.
2V2 cups canned beans Sprinkle it with some of the bacon and onions. Re-
in layers in acasserole with: peat the process. Pour the tomatoes over the
2 sliced apples whole. Cover the top with:
2 sliced oranges or 6 canned apricot halves Bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes
or pineapple slices Dot with:
(2 large onions, sliced) Butter
Top with: or sprinkle with:
1 4 lb. salt pork Grated cheese
Cover with: Bake the dish until the top is browned, about 30
'A to V2 cup molasses or brown sugar minutes.
Bake 1 to 1 V2 hours, depending on how dry you
like baked beans. PINTO BEANS AND RICE
4 Servings
BOILED BEANS A combination relished in South American coun-
5 Servings tries.
Soak, 286, then drain: Soak, see 286:
1 lb. dried beans: kidney, navy, or marrowfat V2 cup pinto beans
Place them in a heavy saucepan. Cover with water. in:
Add: 3 cups ham stock
6 tablespoons butter Gently boil the beans in the stock until almost
/i cup chopped onion done. Add:

cup chopped cooked ham

V2 another in most recipes: Fordhooks or baby limas;
cup rice
V2 Sieva types or fava, the European broad beans,
Cover and cook 20 to 30 minutes until the rice is shown on 285 —which really taste more like peas.
tender. Both limas and favas have poisonous properties
when eaten raw.
LENTILS If you are hulling fresh limas, cut a thin strip
along the inner edge of the pod to which the
I. 8 Servings
beans are attached. The beans will pop out easily.
Please read About Dried Legumes, 286.
One pound in the pods will yield 2 servings.
For that famous combination called Succotash,
2 cups lentils
see 301.
3 sprigs parsley or a celery rib with leaves
'A cup sliced onions
V2 bay leaf
(A piece of fat corned beef, ham skin or I. 6 Servings
bacon rind, tried-out pork fat or smoked sau- Steam, 278, or cover:
sage) 1 quart shelled fresh lima beans

(2 cloves without heads) with:

(A slice of garlic) 1 inch boiling water
Cover with: Add:
4 cups water tablespoon butter

Simmer covered about 1 V2 hours. Stir occasionally Simmer the beans for 15 minutes. Add:

and add boiling water if necessary. Drain the len- 1 teaspoon salt

tils and serve with: Simmer covered until tender, about 20 minutes
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352 more, depending on the age of the beans. Add:
Or serve as a Puree, 280. If you omit the bacon or 1 tablespoon butter or olive oil

pork flavorings above, serve the lentils with: IV2 tablespoons lemon juice
Roast Pork, 477 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, chives or dill

Applesauce, 131 Or dress them with:

cultured sour cream and freshly
II. 4 Servings ground white pepper
Wash but do not soak: Or serve them with:
1 cup lentils Sauteed onions, creamed mushrooms, or a
Saute until golden brown: sprinkling of crisp bacon
1 minced onion Pressure cook fresh lima beans about 2 minutes
in: at 15 lbs.
V* cup olive oil
Add the lentils and let them absorb the oil. Pour II. 6 Servings
over them: Place in a heavy saucepan:
3V2 cups boiling water 1 quart fresh shelled lima beans
Cover the pan and simmer about IV2 hours. 1 small clove garlic
Season to taste 2 tablespoons skinned, seeded, finely diced
and serve hot or cold. If used for a salad, garnish tomatoes
with French dressing and hard-cooked egg slices. Barely cover with:
1 inch water, or half water and half olive oil
Cover and simmer about 15 minutes. Remove
4 Servings
2 tablespoons butter
Please read About Dried Legumes, 286. Wash and
teaspoon salt
tablespoon chopped parsley
1 cup cooked lentils
Continue cooking covered until beans are tender.
Pit and mash:
1 cup cooked dried prunes, 125

Add them to the lentils with: CHILI LIMA BEANS

V* cup dry sherry 6 Servings
1 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 300°.
(Lemon juice and spices) Drain:
Stir over low heat until thoroughly heated. 2 cups cooked lima beans
pork cut into
ABOUT LIMA, BUTTER OR !'4 lb. salt
1 large minced onion

BROAD BEANS 1 tablespoon molasses

The following cooked beans, whether canned, 2 cups drained cooked tomatoes
frozen, fresh or dry, may be substituted for one 1 tablespoon brown sugar

V* teaspoon chili powder or pepper CASSEROLED BEETS

1 teaspoon salt 8 Servings
Bake these ingredients in a greased casserole Preheat oven to 400°.
about 1 hour. Pare, then slice or chop fine:
2 lb. medium-sized beets
Grease a 7-inch baking dish. Place the beets in it
LIMA BEANS AND MUSHROOMS in layers. Season them with:
6 Servings
(2 tablespoons sugar)
Serve this with crisp bacon and grapefruit salad. 3
4 teaspoon salt
Have ready:
2 cups freshly cooked or canned lima beans
A teaspoon paprika
Dot them with:
Drain and reserve the bean liquor.
3 tablespoons butter
Vi lb. Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
Place in a skillet:
tablespoon lemon juice or a sliver of
1 tablespoon butter
fresh ginger
Stir in: 1
/» cup water
2 tablespoons flour
(1 tablespoon grated onion)
Cook and these ingredients until they are well
Cover the dish closely and bake the beets for 30
blended. slowly:
Stir in
minutes or until tender. Stir twice.
2 cup chicken stock, or stock and
bean liquor
Season to taste 6 Servings
Add the beans and mushrooms. Heat them. For a cold version of sweet-sour, see Pickled Beet
Add before serving: Salad, 101.
(1 tablespoon sherry) Slice or dice:
(Vzteaspoon chopped fresh basil 3 cups freshly cooked or canned beets
The dish may be served with: Stir in a double boiler until smooth:
2 cup sugar
Au Gratin II, 553
Place it under a broiler until the crumbs are 1 tablespoon cornstarch

brown. V2 teaspoon salt

whole cloves
V2 cup mild cider vinegar or dry white wine
BEETS Cook and stir these ingredients until they are
4 Servings clear. Add the beets and place them over hot
Cut the tops from: water for about 30 minutes. Just before serving,
1 lb. heat but do not boil the beets and add:
leaving 2 inches of stem. If the tops are young, re- 2 tablespoons butter
serve and cook. See Beet Greens, 291. Wash the (1 tablespoon orange marmalade)
beets. Steam them, 278, or half cover with:
Boiling water
Lid the pot and cook gently until tender. Allow 30
6 Servings
to 40 minutes for young beets, as much as 2 hours
Combine double boiler:
in a
for old beets. Add boiling water if needed. When
3 cups cooked or canned sliced beets
the beets are done, cool them slightly and slip off
V2 cup cultured sour cream
the skins. If small, serve whole. If larger, slice.
1 tablespoon prepared horseradish
Season to taste
1 tablespoon chopped chives
Then either pour over them:
Salt as needed
Melted butter
teaspoon grated onion)
Chopped parsley
Heat these ingredients over hot water.
or serve the beets in:
White Sauce II, 341
Mustard, curry powder, horseradish 4 Servings
or V* cup sauteed onions Preheat oven to 325°.
Or prepare: Grease a casserole. Mix together and put into it:

White Sauce
341 II, 2 cups chopped cooked beets
using in place of the milk half orange juice and 2 cups chopped tart apples
half water. Add: V* to 2 cup thinly sliced onions

3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 '2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons grated orange rind A generous grating of nutmeg

Pressure cook small beets 12 minutes, large If the apples are very tart, add:

beets 18 minutes at 15 lbs. (1 tablespoon sugar)


If they are bland: I. 6 Servings

(2 tablespoons lemon juice) To choose mature firm fruit, with rind
boil, still

Dot with: green in color. Core and dice:

2 to 3 tablespoons butter 4 cups peeled breadfruit
Cover and bake about 1 hour. Drop into:
3 cups boiling water
and simmer covered about 1 hour, until tender.
BAKED BEETS Drain, season and serve.
I. Beets may be baked like potatoes — in their
II. Preheat oven to 375°.
Preheat oven to 325°. To bake, place in a baking pan:
1 unpeeled breadfruit
Wash, taking care not to break the skin:
Beets Have enough water in the pan to prevent burn-
ing. Bake until tender, about 1 hour, when the
Trim the tops, leaving 2 inches of stem. Place
them on a pan and bake until tender. Allow at stem and core will pull out easily. Discard them.
least Vz hour for young beets and 1 hour for old.
Cut fruit in half. Season with:
Salt and pepper or sugar and butter
Slip off the skins. Season the beets with:
Salt and paprika
III. To steam, skin and core:
Serve them with: breadfruit
Melted butter Cut into halves or quarters and place the pieces in
II. Have ready a preheated 325° oven or S hot a pan to steam, covered, 278, 2 hours. Drain.
coals in the grill. Pare and slice: Season with:
Beets Butter
Season to taste and pepper

and add: You may steam 3A-inch-thick breadfruit slices, roll

Butter them in flour and fry in deep fat until golden
to individual servings before wrapping each one brown.
in aluminum foil. Bake until tender.

These are so close to chestnuts in flavor and tex-
BEET GREENS ture that they may be substituted in any chestnut
Beet greens may be prepared like Spinach, 326. Wash well:
If you are serving the greens with the beets, put
1 lb. breadfruit seeds
the beets in a ring and serve the greens in the Drop them into:
center, dressed with melted butter, and garnish 1 quart boiling water
with Horseradish Sauce, 343. 3 tablespoons salt

II. 4 Servings Cook covered about 45 minutes. Drain and serve

Heat in a frying pan:
2 tablespoons butter or cooking oil
Add and simmer until tender: BROCCOLI
2 cups cooked chopped beet greens 4 Servings
1 teaspoon grated onion Choose heads that are all green. If yellow appears,
teaspoon salt
V* the bloom is coming up and the broccoli is apt to
tablespoon prepared mustard
Vi be tough. Remove the large leaves and the tough
1 tablespoon grated horseradish parts of the stalks. Cut deep gashes in the bottoms
Remove from the heat and add: of the stalks. It is worth remembering, in general,
Vz cup cultured sour cream that broccoli leaves have a much higher vitamin
Pressure cook beet greens 3 minutes at 15 lbs. A content than either the buds or the stalks and
may be set aside and prepared like Greens, 305.
If the broccoli is mature, cook it like Cabbage,
BREADFRUIT 292. If it is young, steam it, 278, or place it upright
If ever your fate Robinson Crusoe, re-
is that of so that only the stems are in water and the heads
member that raw any breadfruit that
you can eat steam, see Asparagus, 283. Or, to retain excellent
has seeds. All seedless varieties must be cooked. color, use a poaching paper, 151.
Breadfruit is 6 to 8 inches in diameter and Soak in a cooking pot 10 minutes in cold water:
greenish brown or yellow when ripe. The slightly 2 lb. broccoli
fibrous meat is light yellow and sweet. You may Drain well. Add:
remove the center core with its seed, if it has one, 1 inch boiling water or chicken stock
before or after cooking. Season and serve as you Cook the broccoli closely covered until barely
would sweet potato. tender, 10 to 12 minutes. Drain and sprinkle with:

V2 teaspoon salt or saute in the butter:

Serve with: 1 tablespoon grated onion, or
Buttered crumbs, melted butter or 2 tablespoons bread crumbs and
lemon juice 1
A teaspoon dried mustard
to which add: or serve with:
('A cup chopped salted almonds or walnuts) Quick Canned Soup Sauce III, 348
or try serving it: into which you may put at the last moment:
Au Gratin II, 553 (V2 cup finely chopped fresh celery)
or with one of the following sauces: or, serve with:
Hot Vinaigrette Sauce, 360 Garnish for Vegetables, 366
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 or, best of all,
with lots of:
Cheese Sauce, 342 Hollandaise Sauce, 358
Onion Sauce, 344 Pressure cook Brussels sprouts about 3 minutes
Sour Cream Dressing, 367 at 15 lbs.
Allemande Sauce, 345
Pressure cook broccoli about 2 minutes at BAKED BRUSSELS SPROUTS
6 Servings
QUICK CREAMED BROCCOLI Preheat oven fo 350°.
4 Servings Have ready:
Preheat broiler. 2 cups cooked Brussels sprouts
Prepare: V2 lb. whole Boiled Chestnuts, 298
2 cups cooked broccoli Butter a baking dish. Fill it with alternate layers of
Drain. Either cover it with: sprouts and chestnuts. Dot the layers with:
Quick Canned Soup Sauce, 348 Butter
or dice the broccoli and fold it gently into the Season to taste
sauce. Place in a buttered casserole and sprinkle Moisten lightly with:
with: Stock
Crushed cornflakes Cover with:
(Grated Romano cheese) Au Gratin II, 553
Run it under the broiler until golden. Bake uncovered 20 to 30 minutes.

Cabbage types are as different as the uses of the
Prepare: word. In France, "mon
petit chou" is a term of
broccoli endearment; but highly politic never to call a
it is
Drain before it is tender; dry and cool
into quarters. Dip into:
it. Cut it
German a "Kraut." The recipes below which, —
you will note, are many, as befits a vegetable so
Batter for Vegetables, 243
Fry the broccoli in deep fat, 147, heated to 375°,
available, versatile and inexpensive —
are guaran-
teed to give a boost to international good will.
until golden brown. Shown from left to right is a range of cabbages:
that firm old standby head cabbage, green or red;
BRUSSELS SPROUTS the soft-leaved crinkly Savoy; the clustered cauli-
6 Servings flower and broccoli; columnar-fruiting Brussels
These are among the most prevalent of winter sprouts; leafy collards and the similarly shaped
cabbage types and all too often suffer from sim- kale, not illustrated; the stemmed Swiss chard; the
plistic treatment. elongated bok-choi and its better-known cousin
If wilted, pull the outer leaves from: Chinese cabbage, or pe tsai.
1 lb. Brussels All cabbage types, if fresh, are a plentiful source
Cut off the stems. Soak the sprouts for 10 minutes of vitamin C, if you use the cooked cabbage water
in cold water to which a little salt has been added. in sauces and soups. Choose firm cabbage heads
Drain. Cut crosswise gashes into the stem ends. and allow 1 lb. raw cabbage for 2 cups cooked.
Steam, 278, or drop them into a quantity of rapidly Old cabbage recipes called for long boiling, see
boiling: 7. We recommend quartering a cabbage head

Water and cooking it gently, uncovered, about 15 min-

Reduce heat and simmer uncovered until they are utes; Savoy types about 20 minutes. Better still,
barely tender, about 10 minutes. Do not over- shred the cabbage first, 277, and cook only 7 to 10
cook. Drain and serve with: minutes respectively. You may prefer to stir-fry
1 tablespoon melted butter shredded cabbage, 279. And don't forget that cab-
(Grated Parmesan cheese and bage lends itself to stuffing, as do the leaves, see
chopped parsley, or 1 tablespoon Dolmas, 492. O Pressure cook 2- to 3-inch wedges
lemon juice, or a grating of nutmeg) of cabbage 3 to 5 minutes at 15 lbs.

I. 6 Servings White Sauce I, 341

Remove the outer leaves from: Simmer 3 minutes longer and serve at once with:
A 2-lb. head cabbage (Broiled sausages)
Drop it into a quantity of rapidly boiling:
Reduce heat to a simmer. Cook uncovered until 4 Servings
tender but still crisp. Drain. Add: Cook until nearly tender in water to cover:
1 teaspoon salt A piece of smoked ham: picnic, butt,
Place in a serving dish and pour over it: shank or cottage ham or roll

cup melted butter

V* Ifusing already cooked or leftover ham, bring the
(Bread crumbs or caraway, chilis, or poppy water just to a boil before adding:
seeds, or a few drops lemon juice and 1 large quartered cabbage

1 tablespoon chopped parsley) 4 halved and pared medium-sized potatoes

or place the cooked cabbage in a baking dish and Simmer covered about 20 to 25 minutes. Drain.
cover with: Season to taste
Creole Sauce, 348, or Au Gratin III, 553 Serve from a large platter, garnished with:
Heat through in a 350° oven. Lemon wedges


All rules have exceptions, so try out this cabbage 4 Servings
dish, which calls for little water. Cut into wedges: Preheat oven to 325°.
A 2-lb. head cabbage Put in a buttered baking dish:
Trim off part of the core. Drop the wedges into: 3 cups shredded cabbage
Vi inch boiling Pour over it a mixture of:
Cover and cook about 10 minutes. Drain well. 3
A cup cream
Dress with: 2 well-beaten eggs
cup White Sauce, 341
1 1 tablespoon sugar
to which has been added: V2 teaspoon salt
Vz teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg or V* teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons prepared mustard or (V2 cup chopped nuts or
/2 cup shredded cheese
1 cup seedless green grapes)
or use: Sprinkle the top with:
1 cup Horseradish Sauce, 343 Au Gratin III, 553
or 1 cup creamed canned condensed soup Bake about 45 minutes.
or Allemande Sauce, 345
III. 6 Servings 4 Servings
This method makes young cabbage very delicate Preheat oven to 375°.
and is a great help in disguising the age of a ma- Shred:
ture one, but you may be losing some nutrients. A 2-lb. head cabbage
Cut into very fine shreds: Saute it lightly in:
3 cups cabbage Butter or bacon drippings
Drop gradually into: Season with:
A cup boiling milk 2 teaspoon salt

Boil for 2 minutes. Drain, and discard the milk. V* teaspoon paprika
Drop the cabbage into hot: Minced garlic or onion

Place the cabbage in a greased baking dish. Pour Saute and mince:
over it: (6 slices bacon)
1 cup cultured sour cream Preheat oven to 375°.
Bake about 20 minutes. Melt:
2 tablespoons bacon fat or butter
FRENCH-FRIED CABBAGE Toss lightly in this:
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. V2 cup bread crumbs

Crisp in cold water: Place layers of drained cabbage in a greased bak-

ing dish. Sprinkle with the minced bacon and
Finely shredded cabbage
Drain and dry it. Dip in: peppers and:
1 cup or less shredded cheese
then in: Cover with the cream sauce. Top with the bread
Flour crumbs. Bake about 10 minutes.
Rest it for 10 minutes.
Fry a small amount at a time in deep fat heated CABBAGE OR BRUSSELS SPROUTS
to 365°. Drain on paper toweling. WITH TOMATO
Season to taste 6 Servings
Preheat oven to 325°.
CABBAGE OR LETTUCE AND Cook for 5 minutes:
RICE DISH 3 cups finely shredded cabbage or whole
Brussels sprouts
6 Servings
Drain well. Have ready:
This is a "gleaner's" dish to make on the trail of
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz.
a salad luncheon, using outer leaves. Melt:
2 tablespoons bacon drippings
mixed with:
4 teaspoon paprika

2 tablespoons butter or 3 tablespoons other fat

2 teaspoons brown sugar
Stir in, cover and cook gently about 10 minutes:
Butter a baking dish. Place in it alternate layers of
3 cups finely shredded cabbage or lettuce
V2 cup finely chopped onion cabbage and the soup mixture. Sprinkle the top
1 chopped green pepper, seeds and
membrane removed Au Gratin 111,553
Bake the dish about V2 hour.
Stir these ingredients frequently. Stir in and cook
until well heated
cup cooked rice
tomato pulp or thick stewed tomatoes
Salt and pepper 4 Servings
This is enhanced by serving with it: Trim the outer leaves and the stem from:
Crisp bacon or cold ham A 2-lb. head cabbage
Cook it uncovered in:
CABBAGE OR SAVORY STRUDEL 2 quarts boiling water
12 to 14 Servings until barely tender and slightly crisp. Drain well.
Prepare: Scoop out the inside, leaving a 1 /2-inch shell.

Strudel Dough, 648 Place the shell in a greased ovenproof dish. Keep
Steam blanch, 154, for 5 minutes: it hot. Chop the removed part. Add it to the con-

4 lb. shredded cabbage tents of:

Press out any excess moisture and place on the can minced corned beef hash: 16 oz.
dough with: Va cup or more Sauteed Onions, 312
1 1/2cups cultured sour cream A pinch of thyme
teaspoon caraway seed)
(1 Moisten it with a little:
(4 chopped hard-cooked eggs) Cream, evaporated milk or bacon drippings
To roll and bake the strudel, see 648. Heat these ingredients. Fill the shell. Cover the top
SCALLOPED CABBAGE Buttered cornflakes
8 Servings The cabbage may be heated in a 425° oven about
Shred and prepare by any method for cooked cab- 10 minutes and served with:
bage: A Quick Canned Soup Sauce, 348
A 4-lb. head cabbage
Drain it well. Prepare: CABBAGE STUFFED WITH HAM
V/j cups White Sauce I, 341 6 Servings
Prepare: Preheat oven to 325°.
2 tablespoons chopped seeded green pepper Cook and scoop out as for the above recipe:
2 tablespoons chopped pimientos A firm 2-lb. head cabbage

Combine: Add the cabbage. Sprinkle it lightly with:

2 cups cooked ground or chopped ham and pepper
1 cup bread crumbs Saute the cabbage until it is limp. Cover and sim-
A cup grated American cheese mer for ten minutes. Sprinkle it with:
Vz teaspoon dried mustard 1 tablespoon flour
depending on saltiness of ham
Salt, Add the chestnuts and:
V'2 teaspoon paprika 1 cup water
A few grains cayenne 1V2 tablespoons sugar
Place the cabbage on a rack in a greased oven- V'4 cup dry white wine or vinegar

proof dish with A inch chicken stock in the bot-

1 V'3 cup seedless raisins

tom. Fill the hollowed cabbage with the ham 1 peeled, cored, thinly sliced apple

mixture, cover closely, and bake about 30 minutes Simmer until well blended.
until heated through. Serve with: Season to taste
Cheese Sauce, 342 and serve hot.


RED CABBAGE 6 to 8 Servings
4 Servings
Use this vegetable raw as a salad or prepare it by
An old favorite to serve with game cooked either — any of the recipes for cabbage; or stir-fry it as the
as in this recipe or for a shorter time as in the next.
Chinese do, 279. If young, it may require only a
Pull off and discard the outer leaves from:
few minutes' cooking.
A head of red cabbage: about 2 lb. Steam, 278, or place a stalk of:
Cut the head into sections. Remove the hard core, Whole or shredded celery cabbage
shred the cabbage and soak briefly in cold water.
Cook over low heat until some fat is rendered out: V2 cup boiling water
4 slices bacon, chopped, or use 3 tablespoons
Cook until barely tender. Drain thoroughly. Add:
melted butter
V2 teaspoon salt
Saute in the fat until golden:
Serve with:
3 or 4 tablespoons finely chopped onion
Melted butter or Hollandaise Sauce, 358
Lift cabbage from the water, leaving it moist. Place
or season with:
it in an enameled iron casserole, cover, and let it
V2 teaspoon turmeric
simmer 10 minutes. Then add: and garnish with:
2 thinly sliced apples
V* cup freshly grated coconut
(V'b teaspoon caraway seeds)
/4 teaspoon salt if bacon is used, or
1 teaspoon salt if unsalted butter is used SAUERKRAUT
V* cup vinegar or cup red wine or a
V2 6 Servings
mixture of 2 tablespoons honey and The healthful quality of sauerkraut was recognized
2 tablespoons vinegar in 200 B.C. when, history records, it was doled out
Add the sauteed onion and stir these ingredients. to the laborers working on that largest and longest
Cover pan and simmer the cabbage very slowly of public works —
the Great Wall of China. To re-
about 1 hour. Add boiling water during cooking if tain its full flavor, sauerkraut should be served raw
necessary. If liquid is left when the cabbage is or barely heated through. Cooking makes kraut
done, uncover the pot and cook gently until it milder.
is absorbed. Melt in a skillet:
2 tablespoons butter or bacon drippings
Add and saute until clear:
RED CABBAGE AND CHESTNUTS Vi cup sliced onion or shallots
6 Servings Add and saute for about 5 minutes:
A colorful dish when served in green peppers, see quart fresh or canned sauerkraut
Stuffed Peppers, 316. Peel, grate and add:
Have ready: 1 medium-sized potato or tart apple
1 cup chopped Boiled Chestnuts I, 298 Cover the kraut with:
Shred until very fine: Boiling stock or water
1 small head red cabbage: 1 lb. ('A cup dry wine)
Place it bowl. Cover with:
in a Cook uncovered 30 minutes; cover and bake in a
Boiling water 325° oven about 30 minutes longer. You may sea-
Add: son with:
V* cup dry white wine or vinegar 1 or 2 tablespoons brown sugar
Let soak for 15 minutes. Drain well. Heat
it in a 1 teaspoon caraway or celery seed
saucepan: Serve with:
2V2 tablespoons bacon drippings or butter Frankfurters, roast pork or spareribs

SAUERKRAUT AND TOMATO Let them absorb the water in which thev are
CASSEROLE cooked. If necessary add a small quantity of boil-

ing water. Serve with:

8 Servings
Preheat oven to 350°. (Seasoned chopped parsley)
Drain well: Bercy Butter, 350, or
4 cups canned or fresh sauerkraut White Sauce I, 341
or add to 2 cups cooked carrots:
Put through a strainer:
1 or 2 tablespoons butter
3V2 cups canned tomatoes
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar, honey or
2 tablespoons bacon or other fat
orange marmalade
Add, cook and stir about until golden: (A teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg)
1 small chopped onion
Simmer the carrots in this mixture until well
Add the strained tomatoes and:
glazed. Or use the glaze for:

'A cup brown sugar Candied Sweet Potatoes, 325

Pressure cook carrots whole 4 minutes— sliced,
Freshly ground pepper
Add the drained sauerkraut. Place the mixture in a
272 minutes —
at 15 lbs.

covered casserole and bake about 1 hour. >• Un-

cover the last 20 minutes of cooking. Garnish the
top with:
Crumbled crisp bacon

A vegetable of the thistle family, like artichoke
but the tender stalks and root are eaten, rather
than the fruiting head. Often used for soups. Al-
low 1 lb. to 2 persons. Wash well. Discard outside
stalks; trim the strings as for celery. Leave the
heart whole. Cut into 3-inch pieces:
Tender stalks of cardoon
Parblanch, 154, in:
Court Bouillon Blanc, 525
for 5 to 7 minutes to prevent discoloration. Drain
and rinse at once in cold water to remove bitter- CARROTS IN BUNCHES
ness. Simmer covered for about V/a hours or until Steam or cook as in preceding recipe:
tender in: Small, shapely carrots in their jackets
Boiling Acidulated Water, 520, to cover Cool and skin them. Reheat by placing them over
Drain and serve with: steam or by sauteing briefly in a little butter.
Cream, butter or White Sauce I, 341 —
Serve in 2 bunches one at each end of a meat
Season to taste platter. Place at the blunt ends, to represent car-

Slice the heart and arrange it as a garnish. rot greens:

Sprigs of parsley
CARROTS Pour over them:
Carrots continue to suffer from the jibes of people Melted butter seasoned with
who like to dispense what H. W. Fowler called a dash of cloves

"worn-out humor." Their unsavory reputation is

illdeserved. Look for the delicious "baby" car- MASHED CARROTS OR
rots, now more and more beginning to appear at CARROT RING
market. For jaded palates, combine carrots with 4 Servings
onions, celery, green peppers, olives or mush- Cook as above:
rooms. Peel or scrape them, using the tool shown 2 bunches young carrots in their jackets
above: by far the most effective we have found for Skin the carrots and mash or rice them or use a
taking the hide off a coarse or bumpy vegetable. X blender. Beat in:
Or use them unpeeled, cut into slices or diced. If 1 tablespoon butter
small, they may be served whole. If large, they Salt and pepper
may be more attractive if cut Parisienne, 278, or 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, dillweed
julienned as shown above left. or chives
Wash and scrape: Add:
Carrots A cup sliced green grapes

Steam, 278, or place them in a small quantity of: and heap the carrots in a mound with:
Boiling water or stock Sprigs of parsley
Cook covered until tender, 20 to 30 minutes. Or, to make a ring, beat in:
Allow a shorter cooking period for cut-up carrots. 1 to 2 egg yolks

Place in a greased mold and heat over hot water Or cover with:
in a350° oven until set, 20 to 30 minutes. Invert Hollandaise Sauce, 358
mold. Fill center of the ring with: Quick White Sauce, 342 (with crumbled
Green Peas, 314 bacon or chopped ham)
Creole Sauce, 348
Lemon Butter, 350
CARROTS VICHY Pressure cook whole cauliflower about 7 min-
4 Servings
utes at 15 lbs.
Place in a saucepan:
2 cups thinly sliced scraped carrots
V2 cup boiling water SAUTEED CAULIFLOWER
2 tablespoons butter 4 Servings
tablespoon sugar
Cook as above:
V* teaspoon salt
Boiled or steamed cauliflower
(1 teaspoon lemon juice)
Break it into florets. Heat:
Cover the pan closely. To form a glaze with the 2 tablespoons butter

butter and sugar, simmer the carrots until the 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
water is absorbed. Serve sprinkled with: Add and cook for 2 minutes:
Chopped parsley V2 clove garlic or 2 teaspoons
grated onion
Remove the garlic. Saute the florets in the fat until
BAKED CARROTS they are well coated. Cover and cook for several
4 Servings minutes. Season with:
Preheat oven to 350°. Salt and paprika
Melt: A fresh grating of nutmeg
3 tablespoons butter or serve the cauliflower with:
Saute in it for about 3 minutes: Chopped parsley or chives
'/<cup chopped onion
2 cups shredded peeled carrots
Place these ingredients in a baking dish. Combine Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
and pour over the carrots:
Cooked cauliflower
A teaspoon salt
Separate the florets.
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard or V* teaspoon cloves Dip each section of cauliflower into:
Fritter Batter for Vegetables, 243
(A few drops hot pepper sauce)
Drain, rest 10 minutes and deep fry in fat heated
/2 cup stock

to 365° until golden. Serve with:

Cover the dish. Bake until tender.
Hollandaise Sauce, 358, or
Sour Cream Dressing, 367
4 Servings
Mostly white, these delicately flavored clustered
"curds"; but occasionally encountered in green,
or even purple, with no very noticeable differ- 6 Servings
ence in taste. Select firm heads lacking in brown- Cook, see Steamed Cauliflower, above:
ish discoloration, although such blemishes may
A 3-lb. cauliflower
be pared off with only cosmetic damage. Drain well and put it in a greased baking dish.
Cut off the tough end of the stem, removing the Keep it hot. Melt in a skillet:
leaves, and soak in cold salted water, head down, 2 tablespoons butter

for 10 minutes: Saute in it for 2 minutes:

A 2-lb. cauliflower V2 lb. mushrooms
Drain it. You may break it into florets. Cut deep Cook:
gashes into the stalks. Steam, 278, or place uncov- IV2 cups White Sauce I, 341
ered, head up, in about 1 inch of: the hot sauce
Stir into off the heat:
Boiling water or milk A cup shredded cheese
The milk will help keep it white, as will: When the cheese is melted, add the sauteed
(Juice of Vi lemon) mushrooms and pour the sauce over the cauli-
Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook partially
flower. Serve at once.
covered, until the stalk is barely tender about 12 —
minutes. Drain well and place in a serving dish. CELERY
For Cauliflower Polonaise, cover it with: 4 Servings
Brown Buttered Bread Crumbs, 551 The unbleached green variety — Pascal, so-called
(Chopped nuts sauteed in butter) is growing in popularity and, like all unbleached

vegetables, has a higher vitamin content than its Scrub well and peel:
paler counterpart. The golden leafage, usually dis- IV2 lb. celery root
carded, is well worth reserving: chopped fine, it Steam, 278, or cover with:
makes a delicate component of an Omelet aux Boiling water
Fines Herbes, 572; dried carefully in a slow oven Simmer uncovered until tender — about 25 min-
and rubbed through a sieve, it makes a powder for utes. Drain.Cover with:
flavoring sauces. For Celery Root, or Celeriac, see IV2 cups White Sauce II, 341
below. or serve with:
Wash: Au Gratin III, 553
2 cups chopped celery Pressure cook about 5 minutes at 15 lbs.
Steam, 278, or drop it gradually into:
V2 inch boiling water SWISS CHARD
Cook covered until tender, about 8 minutes, al- Prepare:
lowing it to absorb the water. Should there be any Chard
liquid, drain the celery and reserve the liquid for by washing carefully and removing the midribs.
the sauce. Brown the celery in: Cook the leaves by any recipe for Spinach, 326.
Seasoned butter Cook the ribs as for Asparagus, 283.
Or drop the celery into:
1 cup White Sauce I, 341, made with CHAYOTES
cream and celery liquor 4 Servings
Season the sauce with: This pear-shaped vegetable belongs to the gourd
Curry powder, or celery, dill or sunflower family. Treat chayotes much as you would any
seeds, or freshly grated nutmeg, or squash, 328, after removing the long flatfish cen-
herbs, 579 tral seed. They may be served with meats and sea-
Q Pressure cook celery V/2 minutes at 15 lbs. foods and may even be used, like pumpkin, in
BRAISED OR GLAZED CELERY Pare and cut crosswise into 3A-inch slices:
OR ENDIVE 1 lb. chayotes
4 Servings Drop into:
Not only celery and Belgian endive but Boston let- Boiling water to cover
tuce is choice prepared in this way. Do blanch the Reduce the heat at once and simmer 45 minutes,
endive and lettuce briefly first. ifyoung, or as long as 1 hour if mature. Drain.
Wash and trim: Dress with:
IV2 lb. celery Butter, salt and pepper, or Black Butter, 350,
Cut into Arrange them attrac-
3- to 4-inch lengths. Amandine, 553, or a cream sauce and
tively in the bottom offlameproof glass or
a grated cheese
enamel casserole. Pour over them: Chayotes are delicious if halved and steamed and
3 tablespoons lemon juice stuffed with:
V2 cup chicken or veal stock Mushrooms and cheese
Vi teaspoon salt © Pressure cook whole chayotes at 15 pounds 6 to
1 tablespoon sugar 8 minutes; if diced, 2 minutes.
2 tablespoons butter
Bring the liquid to a boil, then cover with a poach- BOILED CHESTNUTS
ing paper, 151. Now, cover the casserole with a I. 4 Servings
lid and simmer for about 25 minutes or until To prepare as a vegetable, shell and skin, 563:
tender. Place the celery on a heated serving dish chestnuts
1 lb.
and keep warm. Reduce the pan liquid to about or V2 shelled dried chestnuts that have been
V2 cup. Add: soaked overnight. Use this water. Drop the chest-
1 tablespoon butter or Beurre Manie, 340 nuts into:
Pour this glaze over the celery. Boiling water or milk
To which add:
CELERY ROOT OR CELERIAC 3 chopped ribs celery
4 Servings 1 small peeled chopped onion
This knobby tough root, also called celeri-rave, is (1 tablespoon vinegar)
often woody if too old, but can be one of the (Vs teaspoon anise)
most subtly flavored of vegetables, see illustration Cook until tender. Drain well. Mash with:
in the chapter heading on 276. It is difficult to 1 tablespoon butter
peel, so cut it into slices first, as shown on page Season to taste
277. To make the more
delicate for use in
flavor Add:
salads and hors d'oeuvre, and to keep it white, 2 or more tablespoons warm cream
blanch 1 to 2 minutes after peeling by using Beat the chestnuts until fluffy. Keep them hot over
lemon juice in the water. hot water.

II. To prepare as a compote, shell, skin, cook as the fire and, without removing the chestnuts,
above: "scissor" them in all directions with the ecura-
1 lb. chestnuts dour. The nuts are not cooked and remain whole
in: as the teeth of the shears pull off the skin. When
Boiling water or milk almost all of it has come off, the chestnuts are
Drain. Save the liquid and add enough to make placed in the sieve and the bits of skin pass
about 2 cups. Prepare a syrup by adding: through. Wash the chestnuts, removing any re-
2 cups sugar maining pieces of skin.
Juice and grated rind of 2 lemons
Juice and grated rind of 1 orange
4 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
A teaspoon ground
(' 2 cup raisins)
(Vi cup chopped nuts)
Simmer the syrup gently until slightly reduced,
add chestnuts and serve hot or chilled.

6 Servings
Prepare and cook:
3 cups chestnuts, above
Preheat oven to 325°.
Grease a baking dish. Place the drained whole
chestnuts in it. Pour over them:
"PA cups chicken stock
(2 tablespoons or more brown sugar)
Cover and bake about 3 hours. Pour off the stock
and reserve. Melt:
2 tablespoons butter
Stir in until blended:
Line the oule with fig leaves and raves —
a long
French variety of turnip. Small potatoes may be
1 tablespoon flour
substituted but are not as good. Place the wet
Stir the stock in slowly. When the sauce is smooth chestnuts in the oule, adding no more water.
and boiling, pour it over the chestnuts and serve.
Cover with muslin cloth in layers forming a thick-
ness of at least an inch at the neck of the oule.
STEAMED CHESTNUTS Place the oule on hot fire until steam begins to
Our French friend Max Lachaux describes with escape from underneath the lid. Then move to low
contagious nostalgia a time-consuming method of heat and cook slowly and continuously until no
preparing chestnuts that was used in his childhood more steam appears.
home and which is traditional in his native Peri- The chestnuts must be eaten very hot and may
go rd. be served with sweet cider or new white wine.
Authenticity demands three pieces of equip- Those at the bottom of the pot have been roasted
ment. First, the ecuradour, a kind of wooden

shears as illustrated. This would make a good

— a children's favorite, to be eaten as an after-
school snack. The turnips or potatoes are per-
project for a whittling boy. Each arm is about 16 fumed with absorbed fragrances.
inches in length and T/2 inches square; the arms If you do not have an oule and if you have not
are attached at the center with a nut, like scissors. found in your grandmother's attic a three-legged
The so-called blades have hand-carved sawtooth- iron pot similar to that shown in the illustration
ing on all edges for removing the inner skins of the on 167, try a Dutch oven elevated on bricks. Have
chestnuts. Second, the oule, seen in the drawing
opposite, a 10- to 20-quart round-bottomed three-
fun — —
we did and bon appetit!
legged cast-iron pot with a narrower neck, made CHICORY
especially forchestnut-steaming process.
the Witloof chicory, the French or Belgian endive,
Third, a sieve made of wire mesh on a wooden may be prepared by any recipe for cooked lettuce
frame with sides a few inches high, the mesh or celery. Differentiate it from the sunburst-cen-
slightly finer than the chestnut size. tered, highly ruffled or frisee endive, or chicory,
Prepare by removing the outer shells with a 93,common in our stores and usually used raw,
knife. Place chestnuts in the oule after soaking and the wild chicory, 305.
them in water a few moments, and immediately
place the oule over hot coals and leave it for ABOUT CORN
about 10 minutes. The inner skin softens, swells One of the comic inventions of the late Ed Wynn
and separates from the nuts. Take the oule from was a corn-on-the-cob-eating machine, put to-

gether along the lines of a typewriter, with the ear water one by one. Cover the
Slip the ears into the
of corn itself constituting the carriage. In truth, kettleand remove from the heat at once. Allow
any device which speeds sweet corn to the the corn to remain in the hot water for about 5
"chomping" stage is to be encouraged, because minutes or until tender. Drain and serve at once.
its"bouquet," like that of a newly plucked ripe
tomato, is fleeting.
The corn we usually find in our markets comes
from two progenitors: "Country Gentleman" and Cut or grate from the cob:

"Golden Bantam" white and yellow, respectively Fresh corn

— the latter hybrids having a more robust flavor.

der, in

covered for several minutes,
own juice and a little:
until ten-

But many years ago, when we were very young,

we were captivated by the great diversity of color
Season with:
we encountered in the delicious "Indian corn" of
Salt and white pepper
northern Minnesota: kernels in red, brown, blue
Moisten with:
and purple.
Milk or cream
When cooked corn is called for in the following
recipes, it can be canned, fresh cooked or frozen.
You may devil it by adding:
Worcestershire sauce
Try cutting fresh corn for puddings and fritters
Minced garlic
by scraping with the tool shown enlarged on the
right below —
and notice the superior results this
kind of preparation gives. If you must use a knife B GRILLED OR ROASTED CORN
Preheat oven to 475° or have ready a generous
bed of coals.
I. down husk to remove
Pull silk and any dam-
aged portions of the ear on:
Young roasting corn
Replace the husk. Run into the husk as much:
as it Drain and close the husk by twist-
will hold.
ing Put the ears on a rack over the hot coals or

in the preheated oven and bake 20 to 25 minutes.

Husk before serving.

II. Strip the husk and silk from:

Roasting ears
to cut off the kernels, do not cut deeply. Then Remove any damaged portions. Rub with:
press down along the rows with the dull side of Butter
the knife to retrieve the richly flavored juice and Salt and white pepper
heart of the kernel. To avoid toughness in cook- Wrap in foil and roast 20 to 30 minutes, depend-
ing corn, add salt when the cooking period is half ing on the size of the ears.
pressure cooking *X- frozen corn on the

cob be sure to thaw partially before cooking

4 Servings
about 4 minutes at 15 lbs.
This is a luscious dish, but it is a little difficult to

CORN ON THE COB give an exact recipe for it because the corn differs
with the season. Early on, should the corn be
I. Remove the husks and silk from:
watery, it is sometimes necessary to add a beaten
Ears of fresh corn
Steam, 278, or drop them, ear by ear, so as not to
egg. Later more cream may be required up to 1 —
cup. When the corn mixture is right, it looks, after
disturb the boiling, into:
scraping, like thick curdled cream.
Boiling water to cover
Preheat oven to 325°.
Boil the corn rapidly until tender, from 3 to 5
Scrape as shown left, but do not cut:
minutes, depending on maturity. Drain and serve
2 cups fresh corn
(1 teaspoon sugar)
Freshly ground pepper
Vi to 3
A cup cream
Salt and white pepper
II. Remove the husks and
silk from: Place these ingredients in a generously buttered
Very young freshly picked corn flatbaking dish. Dot the top with:
In a large kettle which you can cover tightly, bring Butter
to a rolling boil: Bake the pudding for about 1 hour. * This dish
Enough water to cover corn generously mav be frozen, 828.

SOUFFLEED CORN PUDDING 1 cup cooked fresh corn

5 Servings 1 cup cooked fresh lima or finely

Sturdy and satisfying. shredded green beans

Drain: 2 tablespoons butter
1 No. 2 can kernel corn: Vh cups V2 teaspoon salt
Reserve the liquid. Melt: Va teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons butter Chopped parsley
Stir in until blended:
2 tablespoons flour
Combine and stir in slowly: CORN CREOLE
The corn liquid and enough cream 4 Servings
to make 1 cup Seed, remove membranes and chop:
When the sauce is smooth and hot, stir in the Va cup green pepper
drained corn and: Skin and chop:
A cup chopped seeded green pepper with 1 small onion

membrane removed Melt:

1 chopped pimiento 2 tablespoons butter
When this mixture reaches a boil reduce heat. Saute the vegetables in the butter until translu-
Beat well: cent. Heat in the top of a double boiler:
2 egg yolks 1 cup drained canned or fresh

Pour part of the corn mixture over them off the cooked tomatoes
heat. Beat it and return to corn mixture. Stir and Add the sauteed vegetables and:
cook for several minutes over very low heat to V2 teaspoon salt
let the yolks thicken slightly. Vb teaspoon pepper
Add: A few grains cayenne
A teaspoon salt Cook and stir these ingredients over not — in
teaspoon paprika
4 boiling water about 5 minutes. Add:
('A cup minced ham or crumbled cooked h cup cooked corn

bacon) Heat 2 minutes longer. Stir in until melted:

Preheat oven to 350°. 1V3 cups shredded cheese
Place on a platter and whip until stiff but not
Fold them lightly into the corn mixture. 4 Servings
Bake the pudding baking dish prepared as for
in a
The author of the following account graciously
a souffle baker, 229, for about 30 minutes. permitted us to use it when we told him how
much it pleased us.
"When was I a child, one of eight, my father
SCALLOPED CORN frequently promised us a marvelous
He, treat.
4 Servings being an amateur arboriculturist, would tell us of
Preheat oven to 325°. a fritter tree he was going to plant on the banks
Combine: of a small lake filled with molasses, maple syrup
2 cups uncooked corn, scraped or or honey, to be located in our backyard. When
cut from the ear one of us children felt the urge for this most de-
2 beaten eggs lectable repast, all we had to do was to shake the
V2 teaspoon salt tree, the fritters would drop into the lake, and we
(V* cup minced seeded green peppers with could fish them out and eat fritters to our hearts'
membrane removed, or chopped content.
stuffed green olives) "Mother was a good cook and she duly devel-
A cup cream oped this fabulous fritter." The following is, we
Place in a baking dish prepared as for a souffle hope, a faithful transcription of her recipe.
baker, 229. Sprinkle with: Scrape:
Au Gratin II, 553 2V2 cups fresh corn
Bake the corn for about V2 hour. Add:
1 well-beaten egg yolk
(2 teaspoons flour)
SUCCOTASH 'A teaspoon salt
4 Servings Whip until stiff but not dry:
This is entirely acceptable made with canned or 1 egg white
frozen vegetables. Fold the corn mixture into it. Saute as for pan-
Combine, then heat in a double boiler over — cakes, 235, until light brown and fluffy. Do not
not in — boiling water: overcook.


About Sixteen lV2-lnch Fritters 4 Servings
For best results, make the batter immediately be- Preheat oven to 400°.
fore using it. Have ready: Prepare:
1 cup freshly scraped corn or drained canned 2 cups Mulled Cucumbers, above
cream-style corn Drain well. Prepare:
Add: 1 cup White Sauce, 341
2 well-beaten eggs seasoned with:
6 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon anchovy paste
V2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder Place the vegetable in a baking dish. Pour the hot
Va teaspoon salt sauce over it. Cover with:
Va teaspoon nutmeg Au Gratin 111,553
Melt small skillet:
in a Bake the dish until the top is brown.
3 tablespoons butter
When it has reached the point of fragrance, add
a tablespoon of batter at a time. Let the bottom of
6 Servings
the cakes brown, reverse them and brown the
Pare and seed:
other side. Serve at once with:
3 cups cucumbers
Quick Creole Sauce, 352, or maple syrup
Cut them into 'A -inch slices. Combine with half
the recipe for:
ABOUT CUCUMBERS Creole Sauce, 348
How often the Japanese draw these highly decora- Preheat oven to 375°.
tive plants! And from the opposite corner of Asia Place in the bottom of a greased ovenproof dish:
the prophet Isaiah lamented their absence in bitter V2 cup dry bread crumbs
weather: "desolate as ... a cottage cucumber Add the cucumbers. Pour the sauce over them.
garden abandoned in winter." Cover with:
Among the varieties of this almost endlessly Au Gratin I, 552
fascinating fruit are a very long virtually seedless Bake about 35 minutes.
Japanese type, and the round, yellowish "apple
cucumbers," which are somewhat mellower to the
taste than the greenskins. ABOUT EGGPLANT OR AUBERGINE
A cucumber fit should have a
for use is rigid. It These vegetables, lovely when stuffed, also make
lustrous skin —
but do not be misled by the heavy, beautiful individual servings with their green caps
waxy, man-applied finish on some of those now in against the polished purple of the cases. We
the markets. If the skin is not waxed, it is edible. tried alternating them with green and red stuffed
Some people who are allergic to cucumbers find peppers for an effective buffet platter.
they can enjoy them if they are seeded and There are several important things to keep in
cooked. Use any recipe for summer squash or one mind in cooking eggplant. It may become very
of the following. watery. Get rid of excess moisture by salting and
draining on a rack before using it in unthickened
MULLED CUCUMBERS recipes; or stack the slices, cover with a plate,
place a heavy weight on top and let stand until
I. 4 Servings
and cut into moisture is squeezed out. Eggplant discolors
Pare, seed strips:
quickly when cut and should be sprinkled or
2 cups cucumbers
Drop them into: rubbed with lemon juice. Also, because of dis-
IV2 cups boiling water
coloration cook in pottery, enamel, glass or
stainless steel. One pound of eggplant equals 3
Simmer until nearly tender but no longer, so — cups diced.
as to retain their color. Drain well. While still in
Eggplant has a blotterlike capacity for oil or but-
the pan, season the cucumbers with:
ter, well pointed up by this Near East tale. The
Salt and white pepper
Freshly grated nutmeg or 1 teaspoon
imam or priest was so fetched by the eggplant dish
his fiancee prepared that he asked that her dowry
chopped fresh herbs or dill or celery seeds
and stir in:
be the oil in which to cook it. Great Ali Baba jars
of oil were stored in their new home. The first
2 tablespoons heavy cream
night the eggplant was delicious, also the second;
Reheat briefly and serve at once.
but on the third night his favorite dish was not
II. Prepare: waiting for him. "Alas," said the wife, "the first
Mulled Cucumbers I, above two nights have exhausted the supply of oil." And
Drain and serve with: then the priest fainted! If the newly wedded
Lemon Butter, 350, with capers; or a housewife had taken the precaution to keep the
tomato sauce with basil; or oil well heated, it would have lasted a great deal
Soubise or Onion Sauce, 344 longer.

Imam Baaldi, the classic dish which caused the Spread this over the tops of the eggplant. Sprinkle
priest's downfall and carries his name, calls for them with:
halved eggplant, stuffed, soaked in oil and cas- Au Gratin II or III, 553
seroled covered for IV2 hours. Bake about 20 minutes.


After frying, 279, sauteing, 149, or baking, eggplant 4 Servings
slices can be used in the following ways. Pare and cut into dice:
IV2- to 2-lb. eggplant
I. Top with: Simmer it until tender in:
Creamed Spinach, 327 V2 cup boiling water
Sprinkle with: Drain well. Sprinkle with:
Grated Gruyere cheese (2 tablespoons chopped parsley)
and run under broiler. Chop until very fine:
1 small onion
II. Put in a casserole and cover with:
Creole Sauce, 348, and Melt:
1 tablespoon butter
Au Gratin I, 552
Run under broiler.
Saute the onion in this until it is golden. Add it

to the eggplant with:

III. Place on each slice: V2 cup milk
A slice of Tomato Provencale, 332 (2 well-beaten eggs)
IV. on eggplant slice:
3 tablespoons butter
A grilled tomato slice Stir into it, until the butter is absorbed:
Cover with: 3
/4 cup cracker crumbs or V2 cup
A poached egg and Cheese Sauce, 342 bread crumbs
V. Place on an eggplant slice:
Preheat oven to 375°.
Creamed ham or hash Place layers of eggplant and layers of crumbs in
a baking dish. Season them, if the crackers are un-
salted, with:
V* teaspoon salt
4 Servings \U teaspoon paprika
Preheat oven to 400°. Wind up with a top layer of crumbs. Place on it:
(Thin slices of cheese or grated cheese)
A IV2- to 2-lb. eggplant Bake the eggplant for V2 hour. Garnish with:
Cut it crosswise into slices V2 inch thick. Spread
Crisp crumbled bacon or
the slices on both sides with a mixture of:
thin strips of pepperoni
Soft butter or vegetable oil
seasoned with:
Grated onion or lemon juice 4 Servings
Place on a baking sheet and bake until tender, Please read About Deep-Fat-Fried Vegetables,
about 12 minutes, turning once. Garnish with: 279.
Chopped parsley or chervil Pare and cut into 1/2-inch slices or sticks:
An eggplant
Fritter Batter for Vegetables, 243
4 Servings
Preheat oven to 325°.
Fry them in deep fat heated to 365° until golden.
Drain on paper toweling and serve after adding:
Wash, dry, then cut into halves lengthwise:
A 2-lb. eggplant
Crisscross the flat cut sides with gashes about 1
inch deep. Saute the halves cut side down about SAUTEED EGGPLANT SLICES
10 minutes in: 4 Servings
3 tablespoons hot olive oil Peel and cut into V2-inch slices, cubes or sticks:
Set them skin side down in a shallow ovenproof A1'/2-to2-lb. eggplant
dish. Make a paste by mashing together until well Dip the pieces in:
blended: Milk
8 minced anchovy fillets Dredge them in:
2 chopped cloves garlic Seasoned flour, crumbs or cornmeal
V* cup bread crumbs For easier handling, place slices on a rack to dry
2 tablespoons beef stock for 15 minutes before cooking. Melt in a skillet:
Vs teaspoon freshly ground pepper Butter or oil

Saute the pieces until tender. Serve while very hot the pulp into a small quantity of boiling water or
with: stock and cook until tender. Drain well and mash
Chopped parsley or tarragon it. Combine with:

A sliced lemon or a tomato sauce, Farce, 374, of chopped or

or a garnish of green pepper strips and ground cooked meat: lamb or ham
pitted black olives or rice and shrimp
Preheat oven to 400°.
EGGPLANT CASSEROLE OR Fill the shell. Cover with the cap. Bake in a small
RATATOUILLE PROVENCALE amount of water until filling is heated.
8 Servings
This ends up looking in color like a very successful
Braque still-life.
4 Servings
Peel, slice and salt to get rid of excess moisture,
Cut into halves:
A small eggplant

2V2 cups diced eggplant

Scoop out the pulp and chop it. Leave a shell V2
inch thick. Mince and heat in a skillet:
Put in a deep skillet:
2 strips bacon
V3 cup olive oil
Saute until golden:
Add to it and saute until the bacon is cooked:
V* cup minced onion
A cup thinly sliced onions
'A cup minced seeded green pepper
2 cloves garlic
Add: with membrane removed
V2 cup whole pitted black olives Add the eggplant pulp and:

4 julienned green peppers, seeds and 2 cups drained canned tomatoes

membrane removed V* cup diced celery

3 cups zucchini in 1
2 -inch slices Simmer these ingredients until the eggplant is
tender. Beat them with a fork until well blended.
2 cups skinned, seeded, quartered tomatoes
Add the drained eggplant. Sprinkle the mixture Thicken with:
/» cup bread crumbs
Olive oil
Season with:
Add: Salt and freshly ground pepper
(V2 teaspoon oregano or 2 teaspoons chopped Add:
fresh basil) V2 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
Preheat oven to 350°.
Simmer covered over very low heat about 45 min-
Fill the eggplant shells with the mixture. Cover the
utes. Uncover and continue to heat 15 minutes
tops with:
longer to reduce the amount of liquid. Add:
Salt and a grating of fresh pepper
Au Gratin III, 553
Place the eggplant on a rack in a pan with very
Serve hot or cold with:
little water and bake until thoroughly heated,
Cultured sour cream
about 15 minutes.


The anise-flavored root and stalks of the Florence
fennel, illustrated in the chapter heading on 276,
which can be found in season at Italian markets,
may be eaten raw as a choice hors d'oeuvre, used
as a substitute for celery in stuffings, or braised as
for celery, 298. The leaves can also be used dis-
creetly for seasoning, but the usual plant for this
purpose is Foeniculum vulgare, 581.


EGGPLANT FARCIE Sincewe are now all dedicated environmentalists,
4 Servings we remind you that if fern clumps occur in any

Eggplant makes a wonderful "background" food but very plentiful communities they should not be
due to its color and shape. Cut eggplant just under harvested at all. We might add that many people
and following the lines of the leafy green cap, are allergic to ferns, and that ostrich fern fiddle-
which then forms an attractive lid. Large cases heads are least likely to irritate.
may be filled with any desired combination of In the spring, cut ferns while the shoots are still
food, to which the cooked eggplant pulp is added. curled in crosiers. Wash and tie in bundles of 6 to
Smaller ones may be served individually. 8 fronds. Stand upright and steam as for Aspara-
Cut as described: gus, 283, about 20 minutes or until just tender.
A 2-lb. eggplant Serve with:
Scoop out the pulp, leaving a Vb-inch shell. Drop Hollandaise Sauce, 358

Fiddleheads may also be deep-fat-fried in a batter, and cook down by at least

nettles. All these will
242. half. Nettles, which have
to be handled before
cooking with tongs or impervious gloves, may be
ABOUT CULTIVATED GREENS used as blanched shoots all winter if the roots are
Greens such as turnips, mustard, kale, collards, dug and grown on in boxes of soil in a cool cellar.
corn comfrey and borage are seldom
salad, Prepare these also as for spinach.
Parboil the plants listed below for about 5 min-
creamed. However, there is no reason why they
should not be. The old-fashioned custom is to utes: then, after discarding the water, cook again
for 10 minutes or so in fresh boiling water: dande-
cook them to death, for an hour or more, with
lion leaves picked before the plant flowers, young
bacon, salt pork or ham hocks and to serve them
with vinegar. We prefer to retain color and nutri- sour and curly dock, young chicory leaves, evening
ents by the following methods. To reduce cook- primrose and escaped comfrey. Most of these,
ing time —
when the green is unusually large and even after parboiling and cooking, will remain

mature strip the leafage from the midrib, which slightly bitter. Unless you are working up a real or
imaginary survival program, their continued use
can then be cooked separately, much like Aspara-
is of questionable benefit.
gus, 283. Collard greens, incidentally, are sweetest
after the frost has hit them.
I. Prepare greens by washing carefully to remove There are certain wild shoots that bring rave re-
grit and cut out any blemished areas or tough
stems. Simmer for 2 hours in water to cover:

views wild asparagus, of course, and stalks of
bellwort. The latter are usually too scarce to
A 1-lb. piece side meat: salt pork or consider cropping. In fact their own survival is
cottage ham due in large part to the difficulty of finding them,
Add: for it often necessary to spot the clumps first in
2 to 3 lb. greens full leafand mark them for the following season's
and simmer 25 to 40 minutes, until just tender. devouring. This does not hold for such prevalent
shoots as cattails, fireweed, burdock and the es-
II. If the greens are very young, prepare as for:
Panned Spinach, 327 caped Japanese butterbur, which grow in such
thriving colonies that they are easy to locate. The
allowing about 10 minutes cooking time.
roots of burdock and butterbur, or fuki, see below,

ABOUT WILD GREENS, SHOOTS, may be used, as well as the stems, which should
be very carefully peeled prior to cooking. All the
ROOTS, SEEDS AND BERRIES above may be prepared as for Asparagus, 283.
If you are in earnest about collecting edible wild Then there are poke shoots, which must be cut
foods, try to find a local expert. If such a person very young, for both leaf and root are poisonous.
is not available, the best advice comes from the The shoot should be parblanched, 154, in two
U.S. Armed Services Survival Manuals and Poison- waters, and the waters discarded, before cooking
ous Plants of the United States and Canada by a third time until tender.
John M. Kingsbury.
Many wild greens harbor large concentrations COOKING WILD ROOTS
of oxalates, nitrates and other as yet unidentified
For survival, again, or if you still like to feel the
but definitely toxic elements. Such irritants can be
squish of mud between your toes, are the gather-
lessened by parboiling before final cooking. Gen-
ing and preparation of certain watergrown roots.
erally, avoid all plants with milky or colored
Bulrushes and cattails can be dug the year around.
juices; all unknown plants with white or red ber-
Use the root stalks. Scrape and remove the hairs.
ries; all unknown seeds, especially those which
Parboil at least ten minutes, then boil for over an
are three-angled or three-lobed; and any bulbs
hour. Roasting in coals takes from 2 to 3 hours.
that do not smell like onion. Sample all wild
Arrowhead tubers, dug in the fall, are treated as
greens sparingly, especially if your diet has been
for bulrushes. All need lemon juice to prevent
deficient. Remember, too, that all plants have sea-
discoloration after peeling. Boil the long spongy
sons when they are succulent and periods when
roots of the yellow spatterdock water lily about
they are inedible; and that they all need careful 30 minutes. You may also eat the unopened flow-
washing to remove grit. ers of the fragrant white water lily, boiled very
briefly, or the boiled green seeds of our beautiful
COOKING WILD GREENS native yellow lotus, which are really too precious
Although many of them have been found to con- to plunder. Among water plants, the root shoots
tain toxins, the greens listed below are those most of pickerelweed are the quickest to prepare, need-
popularly collected. Prepare as for Spinach, 326: ing only about 8 minutes of boiling.
young chickweeds, lamb's quarters, purslane, Among the land-based roots, Jerusalem arti-
yellow rocket cress, mustards, miner's lettuce, tiny chokes, also found in cultivated forms, 283, are
plantains, bladder campion, cleavers, cheese mal- favorites. Cooked like them are groundnut roots,
lows, shepherd's purse, sheep sorrel, spiderwort butterbur and burdock roots, and — after their run-

ners are removed — the roots of the day lily. To Prepare and cook as suggested opposite:
prepare the buds and flowers, see 845. The first- 8 leeks
year roots of evening primrose may also be pre- Drain them well. Chop them coarsely. For each
pared as for Jerusalem artichokes if they are par- cup add:
boiled ten minutes first. Spring beauty roots, 2 tablespoons butter
which are sometimes found as sods in old lawns, Vi cup fresh bread crumbs
may be treated as for potatoes; but patience and Saltand pepper
Lilliputian appetites are necessary prerequisites. Stir and simmer them gently until blended. If they
become too thick, add:
JICAMA A little cream
Serve the puree very hot with:
A Mexican tuber with the crispness and whiteness
Finely chopped parsley
of a turnip. Use it raw, sliced in hors d'oeuvre or
salads, or slice thinly and cook as for or with Pan-
Fried Potatoes, 320. COOKED LETTUCE
Home gardeners in their enthusiasm often find
KOHLRABI themselves with sudden surpluses of lettuce and
4 Servings wish they had rabbits instead of children failing —

These "knobs" actually thickened stems are — to realize that a crisp nibble is not the only ap-
proach to this vegetable. Try these delectable al-
superb in flavor, but, unless young, are frequently
too fibrous in texture to be worth preparing, see ternatives after making sure that the leaves at

illustration in chapter heading on 276. hand are not bitter: cook lettuce as a Cream Soup,
Wash: 181; cream it like Spinach, 327; cook with peas;
16 small kohlrabi stuff it like Cabbage, 294; cook and smother it

Cut off the tops and pare the knobs. Slice the with stewed tomatoes, or braise as for Celery, 298,
knobs and drop into a quantity of rapidly: allowing the lettuce to simmer only a few minutes
Boiling water before reducing the sauce; or cook, drain and cas-
Cook uncovered until barely tender, about 20 serole it in a Curry Sauce, 345, garnished with
minutes, and drain. Boil the tops separately in the chopped filberts.

same manner. After draining well, chop the tops

until very fine or puree and combine them with LOTUS
the knobs. The handsome seed pod of lotus shown first on
Prepare: the left in the chapter heading, 276, is symbolic
White Sauce I, 341 of the fragrant delicacy of all parts of this ma-
Add: jestic, versatile plant. The leaves, either fresh or
(A grating of nutmeg) dried, make vegetable, meat or rice wrappings.
When the sauce is smooth and hot, add the kohl- The peeled 2- x 8-inch jointed underwater stems
rabi. can be sliced and stir-fried or stuffed and steamed.
Soak them first in acidulated water, 520, to avoid
ABOUT LEEKS OR POIREAUX discoloration. The blanched Vi-inch oval seeds
How we wish that leeks were common
here as
as may be eaten, but push out the bitter center por-
in France, where they are known,
too modestly,
all tion first with a wooden
pick. Also use these
as the "asparagus of the poor." Leeks, like other vitamin-rich seeds soups or stews; or dried

onion types, 583, make a wonderful seasoning. like Amandine, 553, or in sweet dishes.
When cooked as a vegetable, they must be care-
fully washed to free the interlacing leaves from ABOUT MUSHROOMS
grit; and only the white portion is used. Cook as Who would expect a lot of sunshine vitamin D in
for Asparagus, 283, or braise as for Celery, 298. which flourish in cellars, woods
plants like these,
and caves? Another amiable trait of mushrooms is
PUREE OF LEEKS their ability to lend an air of elegance to every
4 Servings dish of which they become a part. They gratify
Very special as a side dish with meat, or as a stuff- many of us, too, with their almost total lack of
ing for tomatoes. calories. But they trick us, while cooking, with

their sly habit of absorbing considerable amounts Should you be so extravagant, turn the mushroom
of butter, oil and cream. on its side and cut the stem so enough is left
Some of their trickery is, of course, of a very within the cap to prevent subsequent shrinkage
serious order. A number of poisonous mushroom at the center during cooking. Be sure to use the
types, during various stages of development, re- stems in Stock Making, 520, in Farces, 370, or in
semble edible forms. The quite innocent-looking Duxelles, 573. Another way to keep the mush-
and rather widely distributed amanitas are white- rooms plump and to use most of the stem is to
gilled and include varieties so deadly that they turn them, as sketched, and slice lengthwise.
are frequently assumed to have furnished the mur-
derous potions so useful to the princely houses of
the early Renaissance. In sober truth, there is no
simple way to identify harmless mushrooms and
other related fungi. Even the experts often prefer
to examine up to ten specimens of a single variety
before announcing a verdict.
The novice should remember that there are bold
mushroom hunters and old mushroom hunters,
but no bold old mushroom hunters, and begin his
collecting with a safe and obvious if —
not very
thrilling —
family like the puffballs, which have
neither stems nor gills. They are edible if they
grow above ground and the flesh inside is white
throughout. Lycoperdon giganteum, shown first
on the left, varies from marble to watermelon size,
and Lycoperdon craniforme, not shown, resembles
a skull slightly shriveled even when in prime eat-
ing condition.
Agaricus campestris, shown in the center, is the
type most often found fresh at market. The young
One of the best-looking food garnishes is the
pale buttons are succulent; the older drier ones
channeled mushroom. Shown also are decorative
are best for sauces, as the flavor intensifies as the
mushrooms under glass. To carve curving lines
gills darken. The dried Gyromitra esculenta, not
on the rather firm but spongy-textured mushroom
evenly with a sharp knife requires considerable
shown, usually imported from Europe, is very
skill, but we find the point of a curved grapefruit
strong in flavor when reconstituted, see opposite.
knife quick and easy for the amateur. We have
Strangely enough, it can never be eaten raw, as it
has a poisonous alkaloid which disappears en-
even been tempted to use a V-shaped linoleum-
tirely in drying or parboiling —
a quality which also
carving tool.
To store mushrooms temporarily, keep them
characterizes most varieties of morel, shown sec-
ond from left, opposite. But cooking will not
refrigerated in a ventilated container. To keep
destroy the toxins within most poisonous types.
mushrooms light in color, sprinkle with lemon
juice or white wine, or cook a blanc, 447. To re-
Morels grow in the spring. Second from the
right is chanterelle, which appears in summer. On
constitute dried mushrooms, soak from V2 to 4
hours in tepid water to cover. Drain and use as
the far right is Boletus edulis, a great European
favorite known to gourmets as cepe or Steinpilz.
for fresh mushrooms. Use the water, if not gritty,
for sauces or soups.
For truffles, those black diamonds of the kitchen,
Store dried mushrooms uncovered in a glass
see 310.
container in a light but not sunny place. Three
Never use any mushroom that shows signs
ounces dried mushrooms reconstituted equal 1
of decay. It harbors ptomaines and toxins just like
any other decaying vegetation. Never cook pound fresh. To keep fresh mushrooms or truffles
impaled on food as a garnish, use tiny branches
light-colored mushrooms in aluminum, as it dark-
of fresh lemon thyme as picks.
ens them. Don't worry about mushrooms pack-
aged by reputable firms, who guard their beds
intensively against harmful invading spores. And STEAMED MUSHROOMS
don't bother to buy spawn blocks to grow your 4 Servings
own mushrooms if your cellar is warmer than This is a fine way to prepare very large mushrooms
about 55°. To preserve .seasonal mushrooms, see for stuffing.
809. Please read About Mushrooms, above.
preparing fresh mushrooms, brush or wipe
In Prepare:
them with a cloth. If they must be washed, dry 1 lb. mushrooms
thoroughly. As the skins harbor much of the Place them in the top of a double boiler over
flavor, do not remove them. Some people use only not in — boiling water. Dot with:
the caps, since the stems tend to be tougher 2 tablespoons butter

Add: 1 lb. button mushrooms

teaspoon salt
V* Choose mushrooms with about a 1- to 1V2-inch
« teaspoon paprika cap and cut off the stems A to below the

V2 inch

V2 cup milk caps. Sprinkle with:

Cover closely. Steam about 20 minutes or until Lemon juice
tender. The broth that results is superlative. Serve Salt
it with salt or use in sauces. Dip in:
Fritter Batter for Vegetables, 243
SAUTEED mushrooms and deep-fat-fry them in oil heated to 365° until
4 Servings golden brown. You may hold them, covered with
Prepare for cooking, using caps or pieces sliced to a paper towel, for a very short time in a 200° oven.
uniform thickness: Just before serving, dust with:
1 lb. mushrooms Chopped parsley or chervil
Melt over moderately high heat until
in a skillet Serve with:
they reach the point of fragrance: Tartare Sauce, 364
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

or use:
Preheat broiler.
tablespoons clarified butter, 349)
Add the mushrooms and shake the pan, so the
Wipe with a dry cloth and remove the stems from:
mushrooms are coated without scorching. Drop Mushrooms
Brush generously with:
Butter or oil
(1 clove garlic)
Broil stem side down on a hot greased broiler
Continue to cook over moderately high heat un-
covered, shaking the pan frequently. At first the
about 2V2 minutes. Turn and put in each cap a
mushrooms will seem dry and will almost invisibly small lump of:

absorb the fat. Continue to shake the pan for 3 to

Butter or a dab of ground ham
4 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.
Season the mushrooms with:
Remove garlic. If you are holding the mushrooms Salt and paprika
to add to other food, do not cover, as this will
parsley and lemon juice

draw out their juices. If using as a garnish or vege- Continue to broil, stem side up, until tender.
Serve at once on:
table, serve at once on:
Toast rounds
Hot toast
Grilled tomatoes or eggplant
Pureed Peas, 315
4 Small Servings
CREAMED MUSHROOMS Farces which the main ingredient is finely
4 Servings chopped sweetbreads, ham, or sausage make
Saute as for Sauteed Mushrooms, above: wonderful mushroom stuffing; or just seasoned
1 lb. sliced mushrooms pureed peas, garnished with a sprig of lemon
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion thyme. The mushroom stems may be incorporated
Add: into the stuffing. Our favorite formula is given
2 tablespoons dry white wine below.
Cook briefly, remove from heat and combine the Remove stems. Wipe with a damp cloth:
above with: 12 large mushroom caps
1 cup hot White Sauce II, 341
Chop the stems and simmer them for 2 minutes in:
or Veloute Sauce, 345 1 tablespoon butter
Season with: Add:
Salt and paprika T/2 cups dry bread crumbs
A pinch of herbs 1
A cup chopped pecans or other nutmeats
Marjoram is the traditional touch. Chives and (1 pressed clove garlic)
parsley are also recommended. Serve over a baked 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped chives, basil
potato or in a casserole, covered with: or tarragon
Au Gratin III, 553 Bind these ingredients with:
2 tablespoons cream, stock or part
MUSHROOMS A LA SCHOENER stock and part sherry
4 Servings Season with:
A Viennese specialty. Salt and paprika
>• Please read About Deep-Fat-Frying Vegetables, Preheat broiler.
279. Brush the mushroom caps with:
Wipe off with a clean cloth: Butter or olive oil

Fill them with the above dressing and sprinkle 2 teaspoons chopped chives
with: or other herbs
Grated Parmesan cheese Stir gently until well blended and add:

to which you have added a pinch of: Ve teaspoon curry powder or 1

Paprika tablespoon sherry
Place them stem up on a well-greased pan.
side Season to taste
Broil about 5 minutes and serve sizzling hot on: Brush the mushroom caps with:
Toast Butter or olive oil
them with the above dressing, place stem side

MUSHROOMS STUFFED WITH up on a well-greased pan and broil about 5 min-

utes. Prepare:
CLAMS OR OYSTERS 8 rounds buttered toast, each large enough to
Preheat broiler. hold 3 mushrooms
Prepare as for Broiled Mushrooms, above: Place the cooked caps on the toast. Serve gar-
Large mushrooms nished with:
After cooking, stem side down, place in each one: Parsley and broiled bacon
A clam or oyster
Cover each clam with:
1 teaspoon or more mayonnaise
seasoned with:
4 Servings
Horseradish and Worcestershire sauce
Continue to broil about 6 inches from the source Fine for a chafing dish.

of heat until the sauce begins to color. Serve hot. Prepare for cooking, 307:
1 lb. mushrooms
4 Servings Skin, add, stir and saute 5 minutes:
Preheat broiler. 16 tiny white onions
Prepare as for Broiled Stuffed Mushrooms Cock- Add the mushrooms. When they are coated with
aigne, left: butter, add:
12 large mushrooms 2 tablespoons flour
Add stems and the juice in the pan:
to the 1
A cup chopped parsley
2 teaspoons grated onion Vi bay leaf
2 tablespoons chopped parsley V* teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
(1 teaspoon anchovy paste) cup bouillon or stock
Cook these ingredients gently about 3 minutes Cook and stir these ingredients until the onions
Add: are tender. Add:
V2 to 3
A cup Creamed Spinach, 327 1
A cup Madeira or dry sherry
Brush the caps with: Serve garnished with:
Butter or olive oil Croutons, 551
Fillthem with the above mixture and broil stem
side up on a greased pan about 5 minutes. Serve
as a garnish for individual steaks or scrambled
6 Servings
Chop finely:
1 lb. mushrooms
SEAFOOD OR SNAILS 2 tablespoons butter
8 Servings Stir in:
Preheat broiler. 2 tablespoons flour
Remove the stems from: Brown the flour slightly. Saute the mushrooms in

24 large mushrooms this mixture for 2 minutes. Cool them. Beat in:
Wipe caps and stems with a dry cloth. Chop the 4 beaten egg yolks
stems. Shell, then chop: teaspoon salt
V2 lb. cooked shrimp, snails or crab meat teaspoon paprika

Melt: Preheat oven to 325°.

2 tablespoons olive oil or butter Whip until stiff:
Stir in: cup whipping cream
2 tablespoons flour In another bowl whip until stiff, but not dry:
Add: 2 egg whites
cup shrimp, chicken or clam stock
1 Fold the cream lightly into the mushroom mixture.
Add mushroom stems.
the Lower the heat. Stir Fold the egg whites. Butter a 9-inch ring mold.
and simmer the sauce for 2 minutes. Add the sea- Pour the mousse. Cover it with a piece of but-
food or snails and: tered paper. Place the ring mold in a pan of hot

water. Bake about 1 hour. Remove paper. Invert in pastry; scrambled eggs; garnishes for hors
the mousse onto a platter. Fill center with: d'oeuvre; farce for artichokes.
Buttered peas and parsley To prepare fresh truffles, wash in several waters.
As the skin is rough, you may have to scrub them
clean. Pare them with care, or rub off the skin,
MUSHROOMS UNDER GLASS which should be saved for seasoning sauces or for
4 Servings the garnish below. Truffles should be sliced very
This supposedly "posh" specialty, shown as served
thin, for their
is aroma
overpowering. To take
on 307, is quite within the reach of anyone with advantage of place thin, slices on food and
an ovenproof glass bowl that fits closely over a store overnight in a closed container in the refrig-
baking dish. erator. Add truffles to dishes at the end of the
Preheat oven to 350°. cooking period to avoid overcooking. If you are
Trim the stems from and channel, see 307: working with canned truffles, merely heat them
1 lb. mushrooms with the food or use them as a garnish. If you open
Beat until creamy:
a can and use only a portion, place the remainder,
A cup butter covered with oil or sherry, in a tightly lidded glass
Stir in very slowly:
container. It will keep refrigerated about a month.
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Truffles may be frozen in their own juice; or
Add: add some Madeira wine if juice is lacking.
tablespoon chopped parsley
teaspoon salt
V* teaspoon paprika
Cut with a biscuit cutter and toast: I. To produce black truffles in economical quan-
4 rounds bread, '/a inch thick tity for decorating, put in a blender:
When cold, spread both sides with half the but- 7 tablespoons truffle bits, peelings, rubbings

ter mixture. Spread the rest on the tops of the

and juice

mushroom bottom of
caps. Place the toast in the 1 tablespoon gelatin
a small baking dish and heap the mushrooms upon dissolved in:

it. Pour over them:

A cup
3 water
If this blended mixture is not dark enough to suit
V2 cup cream
Cover closely with a glass bowl. Bake about 20 you, heat it over hot water until it colors to your
minutes. Add more cream if the mushrooms be- satisfaction. Spread the mixture thin on a cookie
tin and cool it in the refrigerator. Cut into any
come dry. Just before serving, add:
2 tablespoons dry sherry desired form and use on cold food, see Chaud-
Serve the mushrooms — still under the glass — gar- froid, 369. This same process may be used for
nished with:
II. Bits may be used raw over
of white truffle
risotto or fondue, pureed for canapes, processed
ABOUT TRUFFLES in foie gras or cooked 2 to 3 minutes in butter.

So precious are these nubbly unattractive-looking

fungi that in Southern Europe, where they are ex- OKRA
clusively found —
or rather strip-mined they are — This vegetable, see illustration in chapter heading
locked up in hotel safes. On the other hand, they on 276, is often combined in stews, where its
have become so widely distributed in the canned gluey sap helps thicken the sauce and gives to
state that we are reminded of a friend of ours who such dishes the name of Gumbo. See Chicken
asked the proprietor of a small fruit store in her Gumbo, 176.
neighborhood if he had any truffles; at which
the fruiterer, who was a little hard of hearing, STEWED OKRA
shrugged his shoulders eloquently and replied: 3 Servings
"And who hasn't?" Wash:
Truffles defy cultivation. The French type the — 2 cups young okra
blacks — like the rest of the genus, grow under- Ifthe pods are small, leave them whole, in which
ground. As in Italy, where a "white" variety occurs, case less sap is released. If large, cut off the stems
they are rooted out by trained pigs or dogs. Too and slice into 1-inch pieces. Drop into a small
bad for us humans that we haven't invented a truf- amount of:
fle Ceiger counter; but at least we know in general Boiling water
where to start digging: truffles are symbiotic with enough to cover the bottom of the pan by Ve inch.
oaks. And — —
another hint the "season" is October Simmer covered until tender, if whole about 8
to March! minutes, if cut about 5. Drain if necessary.
The terms Perigourdine, Piemontaise and Lucul- Season to taste
lus are often applied to truffled dishes. Dishes fre- Serve hot with:
quently seasoned with truffles are: pate de foie 2 tablespoons melted butter

or with: Cut the onion in half from stem to stern. Place

Hollandaise Sauce, 358 one down. Start slicing it perpendic-
half cut side
or if cooled with: ular to the root end in Va-inch parallels but leave
Vinaigrette, 360 about V2 inch of the root end in one piece. Then
Pressure cook okra cut into 1-inch slices 4 turn your knife so the blade is parallel to the table

minutes at 15 lbs. surface and again make Vs-inch parallel incisions

to the 1/2-inch demarcation at the root end. Finally
SAUTEED OKRA make Vs-inch slices from the top perpendicular
6 Servings to the longitudinal slices starting at the stem end
of the onion. When you reach the demarcation
line your onion will fall into dice. To remove
quart okra: 1 lb.

Dry well, cut off the stem ends and slice cross-
onion odors you may rub your hands and the —

wise thinly. Melt: cutting board —

with a slice of lemon or a little
2 tablespoons butter
powdered mustard; then rinse them in water.
Add the okra, cover and simmer gently about 5
minutes. Stir frequently. Add:
cup finely chopped green peppers
h cup finely chopped onion

1 cup skinned, seeded, chopped tomatoes

Vi teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoon fresh basil

Simmer covered about 20 minutes longer. Remove

the cover and continue cooking until tender.

An elderly Cousin of ours maintained that onions
are the secret of health; to which our grandfather
liked to rejoin, "But how on earth can you keep
the secret?" For various suggestions to disguise
their outspokenness and exploit their potential,
please read About Onions as Seasoning, 583,
where you will also find a full discussion of this
marvelous family with the qualities each member
Carl Sandburg contended that life itself is like Onions all rebel under high heat or too long a
an onion: has a bewildering number of layers;
it cooking period by discoloring and giving off an
you peel them off, one by one, and sometimes you unpleasant odor caused by the breakdown of their
cry. To prepare onions without tears, you may sulfur component. In sauteing them, be sure
drop them into rapidly boiling water for about 8 they are evenly sliced so they all cook golden at
seconds, then drain and chill them; after which the same time and none remains raw and harsh
the skins should slip off easily. Or you may work in taste.
under running water as shown, to keep the irri- Several kinds of onions are generally available:
tants diluted. For the unskilled there is the closed the small whites, ideal for creaming and stews;
chopping device, but this, of course, must be the big full-flavored "globes," yellows, and red
cleaned. Also shown is a special grater. But, again, and white Creoles; as well as the Bermudas, the
a skilled wrist and a sharp knife as shown above sweet Spanish and the Italian reds, which are so
right are the quickest approach. Peel the onion, much milder that they can be used raw in salads
leaving the tuft at the root end intact. and sandwiches.

STEAMED ONIONS Medium-sized onions: 8 oz. each

5 Servings Bake on a rack in a pan above A inch water about

We prefer this method

stewing because
to it
IV2 hours. Cut a slice from the root end. Discard
avoids the dangers of overheating. the outer shells. Pour over the onions:
Place on a rack > over not in —
boiling water:— Melted butter
10 medium-sized dry unpeeled onions: about Season with:
1 1/2 lb. Salt and paprika

Cover the pan and cook until tender, 30 minutes Cover with:
or more. Peel and serve them with: (Grated Parmesan cheese or chopped
(1 cup browned buttered bread crumbs) parsley)
or dress them with:
'A cup melted butter
II. @ Cook, as you would potatoes, in a bed of
coals about 45 minutes:
V2 teaspoon salt
Whole onions
V2 teaspoon cinnamon or cloves
The outer skin forms a protection. When the
(1 teaspoon sugar)
onions are tender, puncture the skin to let the
steam escape. Scoop out the centers and serve
5 Servings
Salt and pepper
Steamed Onions, above
Cover with one of the following: SAUTEED ONIONS
1 cup White Sauce I, 341, and Au Gratin III,
2 Servings

553; 1 cup Allemande Sauce, 345; or These can be useful also as a garnish for a greater

1 cup Quick Tomato Sauce, 352

number than two.
You may use 'A onion water and 3A cream in the Skin:

white sauce. Cook the onions and the sauce to- 4 medium-sized onions
gether for 1 minute. Add: Cut them into very thin slices or chop them. Melt
in a skillet:
!A cup chopped parsley
A dash of cloves bacon drippings
2 tablespoons butter or
teaspoon paprika Add the onions and saute until golden brown. Stir
(2 tablespoons sherry)
frequently to prevent burning. Before serving, sea-
You may also add: son with:
(V2 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308)
or: (Worcestershire sauce)
(Minced celery, cooked or raw)
Serve the onions on: SMALL BRAISED ONIONS
(Toast) Skin:
Small onions
YOUNG GREEN ONIONS Pour over them to the depth of V2 inch:
OR SCALLIONS Boiling stock
4 Servings Simmer covered over low heat. Let them absorb
Rinse and trim, allowing 3 inches of green: the liquid until they are tender, about 25 minutes.
3 bunches scallions Add additional stock if necessary. When the on-
Place them in a heavy skillet with: ions are almost tender:
V2 cup boiling water Season to taste
2 tablespoons butter and add:
Cook covered until nearly tender, about 5 min- (Seeded white raisins)
utes.Drain well. Place them in rows on:
4 very thin slices toast GLAZED ONIONS
Season with: 4 Servings
Salt and freshly grated white pepper or Boon companions for a pork roast. .

nutmeg Skin:
Pour over them: 12 small onions
Melted butter, Cheese Sauce, 342, or Prick them through the center and place them on
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 a rack above:
Or cut the onions into small pieces, cook them 1 inch boiling water

and combine them with other cooked vegetables Cook covered until nearly tender, about 25 min-
— peas, beans, or new potatoes. utes. Dry on paper toweling. Melt:
Vt cup butter
I. Preheat oven to 375°. V2 teaspoon salt
Wash: 2 tablespoons brown sugar

Cook this syrup 1 minute. Add the onions and Moisten these ingredients with:
move them about until they are well coated. Cook White Sauce I, 341, a tomato sauce,
. over low heat 15 minutes, using an asbestos mat melted butter, stock, cream or gravy
under the pot, if needed, to prevent scorching. Season to taste
and add:
Chopped fresh herbs
SCALLOPED ONIONS WITH CHEESE Fill the onion cases. Cover the tops with:
6 Servings
Au Gratin III, 553
Peel, slice crosswise and poach in:
Place the filled onions in a pan on a rack with
enough water below to keep them from scorch-
until tender:-
ing, and bake in a preheated 375° oven until
6 large white onions: about 4 lb.
tender, about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on size.
Drain them well.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Place in a buttered baking dish: ONIONS STUFFED WITH
4 slices buttered toast SAUERKRAUT
Arrange the onions on the toast. Sprinkle with: 4 Servings
V2 cup grated American cheese Not for a ladies' luncheon.
Beat well: Prepare:
1 egg 6 onion cases, above
1 cup milk Preheat oven to 400°
2 teaspoon salt Combine the chopped onion pulp and:
a teaspoon paprika 1 cup drained sauerkraut
Pour this mixture over the onions. Dot the top V2 cup soft bread crumbs
with: 1
A teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter (V* teaspoon caraway or celery seed or a few
Bake about 15 minutes. Serve with: juniper berries)
Crisp bacon Heap the mixture into the onion cases. Sprinkle
Parsley the tops generously with:
Buttered crumbs
FRENCH-FRIED ONION RINGS Bake the onions in a pan with a very little water
until well heated and tender, about 35 minutes.
4 Servings
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Skin and cut crosswise into 'A-inch slices: ONION AND APPLE CASSEROLE
4 large white onions: about 3 lb. 4 Servings
Combine: Preheat oven to 375°.
1 cup milk Peel and cut crosswise into Vs-inch slices:
1 cup water 4 large onions: about 3 lb.
Soak the onions in the liquid for 1 hour. Drain Peel, core and cut in the same way:
them, spread on paper toweling and dredge in: 4 medium-sized apples
Fritter Batter for Vegetables, 243 Saute, remove from the pan and mince:
Pick up a group of the rings on a fork and let ex- 8 slices bacon
cess batter drip off before frying them in deep fat Take out all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat.
heated to 365° until light brown. Drain on paper Toss in the fat left in the pan and reserve:
toweling before serving. V2 cup soft bread crumbs
Grease a baking dish. Arrange the onions, apples
STUFFED ONIONS and bacon in alternate layers. Combine and pour
over them:
Onions make attractive garnishes or individual
servings when filled. Orientals often give very
A cup hot stock or water
V2 teaspoon salt
special dishes fancifulnames, like "Phoenix Burst-
Bake the dish covered 30 minutes. Uncover and
ing Through Clouds" or "Lady's Grace." We call
this one "Cultured Pearls."
dot the top with the reserved bread crumbs. Bake
about 15 minutes longer.
> Please read About Stuffed Vegetables, 280.
Skin and parboil, 154, about 10 minutes:
Drain well. Cut a slice from the top and remove Not all palm "hearts" are edible. Most of those
all but 3A inch of shell. Chop the removed pulp eaten in this country are taken from the palmetto,
with: and the same variety furnishes almost all the
Seasoned bread crumbs or cooked rice, canned product, which comes from Florida or
chopped cooked fish, meat or sausage, Brazil. Since the plant is of slow growth and can-
baked beans, mushrooms and bacon, or not survive removal of the heart, conservation-
Deviled Ham, 74, and nutmeats minded cooks are presented with a problem.

Hearts generally weigh between 2 and 3 pounds Place them in a buttered ovenproof dish.
when trimmed. They must be prepared quickly to Brush with:
preserve color and flavor. 2 1/2 tablespoons butter
>• To boil, remove the outer coverihg of the Sprinkle with:
heart, leaving a cylindrical portion, the base of V2 teaspoon salt
which should be tested for bitterness. Remove Add:
fibrous upper portion. Slice thin and soak for 1 3
A cup stock or water
hour. Use the same water to blanch the palm Cover the dish and bake until the parsnips are
a blanc, 447, 5 minutes- if there —
is any trace of tender, about 30 to 45 minutes. Serve with:
bitterness. Now drain and plunge into boiling Chopped parsley and butter, or
water again. Cook covered about 45 minutes. Lemon Butter, 350
Drain and serve with: Pressure-cook parsnips 7 minutes at 15 pounds.
Hollandaise Sauce, 358
or in:
White Sauce I, 341
Prepare as for:
To its sheath. Roast in
roast, leave the heart in
Carrots Vichy, 297
a 400° oven until Lay back the sheath.
Slice the heart crosswise and serve with:
Lemon juice and salt GREEN PEAS
2 Servings

PARSLEY Young with good reason, have always

brought forth paeans of praise; but how to cope
During the earlier years of this century parsley, in
with the older ones, with their often dismayingly
most American households, was regarded as a
tough skins? Try salting when cooking is about
purely decorative plant —
like asparagus fern or
half over, or try Puree of Peas, below. One pound
smilax —
except for an occasional light sprinkling
of well-filled pea pods will yield about IV4 to 1 /2 1

over boiled potatoes. Now, nutritionally, it has

cups hulled peas. Wash, then hull:
come into its own, 586. The so-called turnip-
1 lb. green peas
rooted or Hamburg parsley can be occasionally
Steam them, 278, or cook covered in:
found at market. It makes an interesting change
Vs inch boiling water or light stock
from other types of root vegetable and is cooked
to keep them from scorching. Add:
teaspoon lemon juice
to help preserve color. There is a tradition that
DEEP-FRIED PARSLEY one must add to peas:
^ Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. When (A pinch of sugar)
parsley takes the following form it is really quite Two or three pods may be cooked with the peas
irresistible. Care is the watchword, though: it be- for flavor. Simmer 7 to 10 minutes. When the peas
comes limp if thenot hot enough and olive
fat is are tender, drain them if there is any water left.

green if the fat is too hot. The finished product Remove the pods. Season with:
should be at once crisp and a bright dark green. Melted butter or hot cream
To achieve both objectives, have at least 2 to 3 to which you may add:
inches of fat per cup of parsley. The parsley must Chopped parsley or mint
first be carefully stemmed, washed and placed be- Pressure cook peas 2 minutes at 15 lbs.

tween towels until absolutely dry. Put in a frying

cup fresh curly parsley
4 Servings
Immerse the basket in deep fat which has been Steaming in a lettuce casing tenderizes peas and
heated to between 400° and 425° and leave it 1 to imparts to them a subtly delicious flavor.
2 minutes or until no hissing noise is heard. Re-
Wash and remove the heart from:
move and drain on paper toweling. Serve imme- A head of lettuce
leaving a deep shell reinforced by 3 or 4 thick-
nesses of leaves. Reserve the heart for salad. Wash,
PARSNIPS then hull:
4 Servings 2 cups green peas
To bring out the best flavor of parsnips, store them Season with:
for several weeks at temperatures just above 32°. Salt
Parsnips discolor easily. To avoid this see Salsify, Pinch of sugar
326. Fill the head of lettuce with the peas and place it
Preheat oven to 375°. in a heavy pan narrow enough to support the
Pare, then cut into halves, discarding cores if lettuce case. Add a small quantity of:
woody: Boiling water or light stock
4 medium-sized parsnips: 1 lb. Simmer covered until the peas are tender, about

30 minutes. Drain off any liquid. The lettuce leaves term "pimiento" is commonly used to describe
may be chopped and served with the peas. Dress the cooked, fully ripened sweet pepper, which
with: turns red in color and which is used as a garnish
Melted butter or cream or seasoning, 586. The recipes that follow all
basically refer to the less mature fruits known as
PUREE OF PEAS sweet, green, globe or bell peppers —
Thismakes a lovely base on which to place stuffed to add to the confusion, called mangoes in the
mushrooms. —
Midwest and have nothing to do with the fruit,
Prepare: the condiment, or the red-hot chili pepper. For
2 cups cooked frozen peas more details, see 586. Peppers of all types are
X Blend when tender with: chock-full of vitamin C. To peel peppers, put
3 tablespoons cream under the broiler and turn often until they blister.
Season to taste These are one of the few vegetables that can be
and serve at once. * frozen without blanching. So buy when they
are plentiful. Small packets of frozen chopped
PEAS AND CARROTS peppers can be counted on to add zest to any
Disdainfully dubbed "Keys and Parrots" by a cou- number of dishes. Never overcook peppers, as
sin of ours, adevout anti-vegetarian; but a classic they become bitter.
just thesame. mild bell peppers, which vary
Illustrated are the
Combine in any proportion: in shape from the long reds to the squat porcelain
Hot drained cooked Carrots, 296 greens, and similar yellow types so well shaped for
Hot canned or cooked green peas stuffing, shown on the left, and also shown cut
Drain the vegetables well. to reveal the fibrous membrane and seeds com-
Season to taste mon to all capsicum peppers. These portions must
Pour over them: be removed before eating. They also cause severe
Melted butter discomfort if they come in contact with eyes or
Chopped parsley lips. From rather sharp to mild are the next two
Serve at once. peppers used for paprika and ancho, a favorite
for chili powder. The really hot ones next, like
PEAS AND MUSHROOMS Tabasco, the small Japanese santaka and cayenne,
Prepare as for: are treasured as condiments.
Peas and Carrots, above
substituting for the carrots:
Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
Stewed green peppers combine well with other
but omit additional butter.
vegetables — for example, tomatoes, celery or on-
PODDED PEAS ions. Remove stem, seeds and fibrous membranes
4 Servings
Green peppers
These sought-after varieties, known also as sugar
Cut them into oblongs or strips. Drop into:
peas, snow peas and mange-tout, are often avail-
V2 inch boiling water
able in Chinese shops. If they are mature, slice the
Boil until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain well.
pods diagonally.
Serve in:
Wash, cut off the ends and any strings adhering to:
Cheese Sauce, 342, or a Canned Soup
1 lb. podded peas
Sauce, 348
Cook as for:
Allow about half as much sauce as peppers.
Green Beans, 285
or you may stir-fry about IV2 minutes. Serve while
4 Servings
ABOUT PEPPERS OR PIMIENTOES A sterling accompaniment to cold meat.
"Pepper" is one of those confusing designations Skin, then cut into thin slices:
so frequent the world of vegetable cookery. The
in 6 medium-sized onions

Cut coarsely, after removing seeds and mem- V* teaspoon curry powder or a small
branes: pinch of oregano
3 green peppers V2 cup or more grated cheese
Melt in a large skillet: Fill the pepper cases. Cover the tops with:

3 tablespoons butter,ham fat or olive oil Au Gratin or II, 552I

Saute the onions about 10 minutes. Add the pep- Brown briefly under a broiler.
pers and saute 5 minutes longer. Add:
2 tablespoons stock or water GREEN PEPPERS STUFFED
Season to taste
Cover the skillet. Simmer the vegetables until the
4 Servings
onions are tender, about 10 minutes. Serve with:
^ Please read About Stuffed Green Peppers, left.
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
Preheat oven to 350°.
Prepare for stuffing:
Should you wish to fill peppers with heated Melt:
2 tablespoons drippings or butter
precooked food, remove seeds and membranes.
Parboil them, 154, until nearly tender, about 10
Add, and saute until light-colored:

minutes. Fill and serve. Or cover the filling with Au ground beef
V2 lb.
3 tablespoons minced onions
Gratin I, II, or III, 552, and run briefly under a
broiler until the crumbs are golden. You may fill Add:
1 cup hot Boiled Rice, 206
pepper cases with any of the fillings suggested for
2 well-beaten eggs
Stuffed Tomatoes, 333, or one of the following:
parslied, buttered lima beans; creamed spinach, V2 teaspoon salt
peas or celery; creamed asparagus with shredded Vs teaspoon paprika
almonds; or any stuffings of precooked food such
A teaspoon celery seed, curry powder,
dried herbs or Worcestershire sauce
as macaroni and cheese, Corn Creole, 301, To-
Fill the pepper cases. Bake 10 to 15 minutes.
matoes Creole, 332, or those in the recipes which
6 Servings
ANCHOVY DRESSING Please read About Stuffed Green Peppers, above.
4 Servings Prepare for stuffing:
y Please read About Stuffed Green Peppers, above. 6 pepper cases
Preheat oven to 350°.
Prepare for stuffing:
Place in a double boiler —
over not in boiling —
4 pepper cases
2V2 cups drained corn niblets: 1 No. 2 can
Fill cases with a mixture of:
1 chopped canned pimiento
I 2/} cups dried bread crumbs
You may add:
2 tablespoons melted butter (4 slices sauteed minced bacon)
6 crushed anchovy fillets (2 tablespoons minced onion that has been
2 tablespoons capers
sauteed in the bacon fat and drained)
V2 cup sliced green olives Combine, beat and add to the above:
V2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
I'A cups drained canned tomatoes V2 cup milk
Bake 10 to 15 minutes. 1 tablespoon soft butter
teaspoon salt
GREEN PEPPERS STUFFED Vs teaspoon paprika
Cook until the mixture is slightly thickened, about
15 minutes. Fill the peppers and serve.
4 Servings
Please read About Stuffed Green Peppers,
Preheat broiler. CREAMED OYSTERS
Prepare for stuffing: 4 Servings
4 pepper cases Please read About Stuffed Green Peppers, above.
Have ready: Preheat broiler.
1 cup hot Boiled Rice, 206 Prepare for stuffing:
Add: 4 pepper cases
V2 cup stock, cream or tomato pulp Have ready:
Salt and pepper V2 pint Creamed Oysters, 377
A few grains cayenne using half the recipe

Add: say that this operation is not feasible with home

2 tablespoons chopped parsley equipment. Potatoes purchased frozen have all
Fill the pepper cases with the hot oysters. been treated to quick-vacuum partial dehydration
Cover the tops with: and instant freezing, to which home equipment
Au Gratin II or III, 553 does not lend itself.
Brown briefly under a broiler. In the following recipes we have tried to give
these delicious vegetables a renewed status. Be
sure, if a potato type is specified, to use that type
only and remember that once a potato is cold,
These 9- to 12-inch bananas, unlike their ubiqui-
mealiness can never be returned to it.
tous smaller cousins, must be cooked before eat- Potatoes are often combined and mashed with
ing, but never overcooked, since high heat releases
other cooked vegetables, as: %
celeriac to '/j po-
an objectionable tannin component. They can be tato, or in equal parts with turnips, or A fresh 1

prepared in their green state, as well as when avocado to A

semi-ripe or quite mature, when the skins often
become black and mottled. Cooked chopped ripe
plantains also make a more than acceptable com-
ponent of soups, stews and omelets.
Remove the fibrous strings from plantains be-
fore cooking, as they darken. Peel green plantains
under running water to keep from staining the
hands. Cut across into 2-inch-thick pieces; place at
once in rapidly boiling water. Simmer 30 minutes.
Season and serve with butter. If plantains are ripe,
slice fine and cook in deep fat heated to 365°; or
cook as for Candied Sweet Potatoes, 325. The pur- Illustrated above are three implements we have
ple bud end of plantain can be roasted in its found useful in preparing potatoes of various
husk. Only the heart is eaten. Serve with crumbled types. At left is a potato masher. Centered is a
bacon or cracklings. pickle spearer with tines of almost needlelike

slenderness an invaluable help in peeling new
potatoes. The rack on the right has heavier tines
ABOUT POTATOES on which potatoes may be impaled for baking.
Anyone who has visited Hirschhorn, in the sweetly The inserted metal causes rapid penetration of
romantic Neckar Valley, and who has climbed the heat, and at the same time releases steam, which
hill to the partly ruined castle that dominates the
assures a desirable flakiness.
little village will remember being confronted by

a monument dedicated piously, if unhistorically,

"To God and Francis Drake, who brought to Eu-
rope for the everlasting benefit of the poor the — OR POMMES ANGLAISE
Potato." 6 Servings
Potatoes come in all shapes and sizes, but the
Wash well, remove sprouts and blemishes, then
two types generally found in markets across the pare:
country are the thin-skinned round "white" Kat- 6 medium-sized potatoes: 2 lbs.

ahdins, and the oblong russet Burbanks, or Idahos, When in haste, cut them into quarters. Cook cov-
higher in starch, and for this reason a better bet ered 20 to 40 minutes in:
for baking and French frying and for pommes souf- 4 cups boiling water
fles. Rising in popularity is a rather newly devel- V2 teaspoon salt

oped variety known as California long white, al- When they are tender, drain well. Reserve the
most "eyeless," smooth-skinned, and moderate in Potato Water for a thick soup base or for use in
starch content. Whatever the type, the older the bread making.
potato the starchier. To make the potatoes mealy, place a folded
In recent years, potatoes have been maligned towel over the pot for 5 minutes. Shake the pot
as over-caloric —
although they are only equal in well. Remove the towel, which will have absorbed
this respect to the same-sized apple or a baking excess steam. Roll the potatoes in:
powder biscuit. They are full of B, C and G vita- 2 to 3 tablespoons melted butter
mins, plus many
minerals and even some high- 3 to 4 tablespoons chopped parsley or chives
class protein. Don't use sprouted potatoes that are © Pressure cook large potatoes about 15 min-
green from exposure to light, as the green portions utes at 15 lbs.
as well as sprouts are poisonous; or frost-bitten
ones, which are watery and have a black ring BOILED NEW POTATOES
under the skin when cut in cross sections. 4 Servings
If you wonder why there are no recommenda- Few vegetables are as ingratiating as small new
tions for *5f freezing potatoes in this chapter, let us which is to say, young —
potatoes, especially when

they are served in their tender skins, so that all You may add to the water a small onion or a cut
their delicate goodness
held until the very
is clove of garlic, a piece of bay leaf and a rib of
moment they are eaten. We are put in mind of the celery with leaves. Remove these ingredients be-
character in Patience who developed "a pas- fore mashing potatoes with a fork or a potato
sion a la Plato for a bashful young potato." masher, seen 317, or putting them through a food
In the illustration, 317 center, is a pickle fork mill, »*» blender or electric mixer. Add to them:
useful when peeling hot new potatoes. 3 tablespoons butter
Wash well: teaspoon salt
12 small new potatoes cup hot milk or cream
Drop them into: Beat with a fork or heavy whisk until the potatoes
Boiling water to cover are creamy. Grated or sauteed onions with the
Cook covered until tender, 20 to 30 minutes. Re- drippings, minced crisp bacon, chopped parsley,
move the skins and serve with: caraway seeds, chives or watercress may be added
Chopped parsley, mint or chives to mashed potatoes. To help fluff the potatoes,
Or melt in a skillet: cover the pan after they are mashed and place
3 to 6 tablespoons butter over very low heat about 5 minutes.
Add the potatoes and shake them gently over low
heat until well coated. Serve sprinkled with:
6 Puffs
Chopped parsley or chopped fresh dill
This is a tempting potato dish and a good-looking
or fennel
Or add to the butter in the pan:
Preheat oven to 350°.
3 to 4 tablespoons freshly grated horseradish
and shake the potatoes until coated. This last is
2 egg yolks
particularly choice with cold cuts.
Add and beat until fluffy:
Pressure cook small new potatoes about 2'/2
1 Vi cups hot or cold Mashed Potatoes, above
minutes at 15 lbs.
3 tablespoons hot milk
Vs cup grated cheese
TINY NEW POTATOES, SAUTftD Season these ingredients with:
4 Servings V* teaspoon paprika
Scrub and scrape well % teaspoon celery salt
('.2 teaspoon finely grated onion)
24 very small whole new potatoes
Heat in a heavy saucepan: (1 teaspoon chopped green pepper

2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil or clarified butter or parsley)

Turn the potatoes in the oil, cover closely and Beat until stiff, then fold in:

cook slowly until tender. Shake the pan from time 2 egg whites
to time. Sprinkle the potatoes with: Place the mixture in mounds in a greased pan.
Salt and paprika Brush the tops with:
(Chopped chives or parsley) IV2 tablespoons soft butter
Bake the puffs about 20 minutes.
Should you want them evenly browned, turn once
RICED POTATOES during the baking period.
6 Servings
A fine foil for meat with a rich gravy.
6 Servings
Boiled Mature Potatoes, 317
When they are tender and dried, put them through The use of whipping cream is what makes a dish
a food mill or a ricer, seen 204. Heap them on a
dish and pour over them:
3 cups Mashed Potatoes, above
(2 tablespoons melted butter)
Preheat oven to 375°.
Whip until stiff:
MASHED POTATOES V2 cup whipping cream
6 Servings Season it with:
Mashed potatoes should be served once but in at Saltand white pepper
a pinch can be kept warm by placing the pan in a A few grains cayenne
larger pan of hot water. Or put them in a greased Combine it with:
casserole, run a slight film of cream over the top
cup grated hard cheese

and keep in a warm oven. The cream should Shape the potatoes into a mound on an ovenproof
brown to an attractive color. plate. Cover the mound with the whipped cream
Prepare: mixture. Bake until the cheese is melted and the
Boiled Mature Potatoes, 317 potatoes are lightly browned.

CREAMED POTATOES Although new potatoes can be used and will

need only about half as much baking time, they
will never have the desired quality. The present
Boiled New Potatoes, 317
rage for wrapping potatoes in foil inhibits flaki-
Drain and dry off potatoes over very low heat.
ness, because too much moisture is retained. In
Peel and cut into V2-inch dice. Serve at once in:
fact, to draw moisture out of bakers, they are
White Sauce II, 341
often placed on a bed of rock salt. See the potato
flavored with:
baking rack shown on 317.
(Dill seed)
Preheat oven to 400°.
Should you wish to delay serving this dish, place
Wash and scrub even-sized, shapely
the potatoes in a buttered casserole. Cover with
Baking potatoes
Au Gratin III, 553, and bake in a 400° preheated
Dry them and grease lightly with:
oven until heated through.
Bake 40 to 60 minutes, depending on size.
I. 6 Servings
When potatoesare half done, pull out rack;
quickly puncture skin once with a fork, permitting
Preheat oven to 350°.
steam to escape. Return to oven and finish baking.
Drop into boiling water:
3 cups pared, very thinly sliced potatoes
When done, serve at once with:
Butter or thick sweet or cultured sour
1 teaspoon salt
cream, or chopped chives or parsley, or
Parboil about 8 minutes. Drain well. Grease a 10-
1 tablespoon Deviled Ham, 74, or
inch baking dish. Place the potatoes in it in 3
Cheese Sauce, 342
layers, sprinkling each layer with flour and dotting
with butter. Use in all: E POTATOES COOKED
2 tablespoons flour
6 Servings
3 to 6 tablespoons butter
Coming upon setup after an hour
this sensational
There are many tidbits you can put between the
or two of skating or skiing will send the spirits
layers. Try:
('A cup finely chopped chives or onions)

soaring and no other method turns out a potato
so distinctively flaky. Allow a minimum of three
(12 anchovies or 3 slices minced crisp bacon
hours for this recipe; because of the fumes, never
but then reduce the salt in the recipe)
try it indoors. Rosin can be purchased at athletic
('A cup finely sliced sweet peppers)
and dance supply stores. Place in a 3-gallon iron
kettle or galvanized bucket:
1 1A cups milk or cream
15 to 25 lb. rock rosin
Season with:
The rosin may be used repeatedly. Heat it to
1!A teaspoons salt 275° F. over a grill or hotplate. Carefully lower
4 teaspoon paprika

into it on a large slotted wooden-handled spoon,

('A teaspoon dry mustard)
one at a time:
Pour the mixture over the potatoes. Bake about 6 large baking potatoes
35 minutes, testing for tenderness with a fork. After about 45 minutes in the simmering rosin

6 Servings they will float to the surface. Simmer them 30


Preheat oven to 350°.

minutes longer. Remove one potato and wrap in
heavy brown paper, twisting the ends tightly. Let
Pare and slice thin:
cool 10 minutes and serve. If the texture is not
3 cups potatoes
exceptional, cook the remaining potatoes ten
minutes more before testing. Serve with:
1'A cups hot condensed mushroom or celery
Butter, salt, and freshly ground pepper
Avoid eating the rosin-covered skins.
Stir in:

'A cup grated cheese

(Vi cup Steamed Mushrooms, 307) STUFFED POTATOES
Pour the mixture over the potatoes. Bake about 1 6 Servings
hour, testing for doneness with a fork. Prepare:
6 Baked Potatoes, above
BAKED POTATOES Cut them in halves crosswise, lengthwise like
We have always liked the snug phrase "baked in boats, or leave them whole, cutting a small ellipse
their jackets" to describe this process. But we are on the flat top. Scoop out the pulp. Add to it:
told that at least one young cook, after encounter- 3 to 4 tablespoons butter
ing it, called a home economist at the local 3 tablespoons hot milk or cream
utility company and complained that her grocer 1teaspoon salt
was unable to supply her with potato-jackets! (2tablespoons sauteed grated onion)
The best baked potatoes are flaky when served Or, if you plan to serve these with fish, add for
— so start with mature baking types like Idahos. piquancy:

(1 tablespoon horseradish) Cook them until they are not quite done, so
along with the butter and cream. Beat these in- that there is resistance to the testing fork.

gredients until they are smooth. Whip until stiff: Preheat oven to 350°.
(2 egg whites) Melt in a small heavy skillet a mixture of:
Fold them into the potato mixture. Fill the potato Butter and vegetable oil
shells. Sprinkle the exposed potato with: to a depth of about A inch. When the fat is hot

V2 cup grated hard cheese but not quite to the point of fragrance, put in the
Paprika potaoes. Let them cook covered in the oven
Broil under low heat until the cheese is melted. about 20 minutes, turning them for even coloring.
On the last turn put in:
BAKED POTATOES STUFFED 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
WITH VEGETABLES Bake uncovered about 10 minutes longer.
8 Servings
Preheat oven to 400°.
4 Baked Potatoes, 319
Have ready:
1 cup White Sauce I, 341
Mix into the sauce:
A teaspoon salt
A cup grated hard cheese
V2 cup cooked peas
V2 cup cooked chopped carrots
'A cup diced green peppers, seeds and
membrane removed
2 tablespoons diced pimientos
Cut the potatoes lengthwise into halves. Remove
the pulp without breaking the skin. Mash the pulp
and fold in the sauce and vegetables. Heap the
potato shells with the mixture. Cover with:
Au Cratin II, 553
Place the potatoes on a pan in the oven until the
tops are brown. Serve with:
(Hot or cold meat)
4 Servings A beautiful ware for a beautiful dish is the lidded
Prepare: copper Potatoes Anna pan, shown above, about 8
6 medium-sized Boiled New Potatoes, 317 inches in diameter and Vh inches high. The lid,
While hot, peel and slice thinly and evenly. Saute which has side handles, fits down over it to a
to an even brown in a heavy skillet in: 1 /2-inch depth during the oven period, but is re-

2 tablespoons butter versed to hold the potatoes for serving. You may
2 tablespoons vegetable oil substitute a heavy lidded skillet.
Meanwhile, saute until golden in another pan: Peel and cut large mature baking potatoes into
A cup finely sliced onions even 3/16-inch slices; then with a small biscuit-
in: cutter cut them into enough equal-sized rounds
2 tablespoons butter or beef drippings to make:
Mix onions and potatoes together gently. 4 cups potatoes
Season to taste Soak them in ice water for 10 minutes. Drain. Dry
Sprinkle with: carefully in a towel.
Parsley Preheat oven to 375°. Heat in the Anna pan:
and serve at once. 2 to 3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
FRANCONIA OR BROWNED Do not brown the fats, but let them just reach the
POTATOES point of fragrance. Put the potatoes in the butter
4 Servings in slightly overlapping spirals until the base of the

We love browned potatoes but have an aversion pan is filled. Shake occasionally while filling to
to the hard-crusted, grease-soaked variety so make sure the potatoes are not sticking. Add a
often served. To ensure a tender crust, we suggest sprinkling of:
preparing: Salt
6 boiled mature potatoes: about 2 inches Grated onion
in diameter Parmesan cheese

The butter will bubble up. But make sure, before Applesauce, 131
adding another layer of slightly overlapping potato If you must hold until all the batter is cooked,
slices, that the first layer is coated with additional: place them on a rack above a baking sheet in a
Melted butter 200° oven. Then serve all of them at once after
Continue this process for the first 2 layers, letting draining on paper toweling to remove any excess
the potatoes color slightly. Be sure the layers are fat..

welded together. Add a sprinkling of salt, onion

and butter each time. It is not necessary to con- PAN-BROILED GRATED POTATOES
tinue adding butter if you have used about V2 cup. 4 Servings
The moisture from the cooking potatoes will make Very good, quick — next best to a potato pancake.
it continue to bubble up so that in building the Wash, then grate on a medium grater, skin and all:
next layer or two you may omit the butter. Con- 3 medium-sized mature baking potatoes
tinue to shake the pan now and then to prevent 2 tablespoons grated onion
sticking. Cover the pan and bake 45 minutes to 1 Melt in a skillet to the point of fragrance:
hour. Just before the potatoes are done, turn the 2 tablespoons butter
entire mass over into the lid —
to brown the upper 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
side. Serve in the lid or turned out onto a platter. Spread the potatoes in the skillet to a depth of
about 'A inch. Cook covered over medium low
HASH BROWN POTATOES heat until the bottom is brown. Reverse and
4 Servings brown the other side.
Combine with a fork: Season to taste
3 cups finely diced raw potatoes
1 teaspoon grated onion SOUFFLE OR PUFFED POTATOES
1 tablespoon chopped parsley 6 Servings
2 teaspoon salt According to legend —which we like to believe
V* teaspoon black pepper Louis XIV, on campaign against the Dutch and,
Heat in a 9-inch skillet: as major monarchs of the 17th century were wont
3 tablespoons bacon drippings, oil to do, traveling in an exquisite little palace on
or other fat wheels, had sent a courier ahead to his chef, de-
Spread the potato mixture over the fat. Press it tailing just what he desired for dinner. The roads
with a broad knife into a cake. Saute the potatoes were nearly impassable; the hour grew late; and
slowly, shaking them from time to time to keep the chef, who had managed to keep most of the
them from sticking. When the bottom is brown, elaborate menu in reasonably prime condition,
cut the potato layer in half and turn each half with found to his consternation as the King's party
2 spatulas. Pour slowly over the potatoes: clattered into the courtyard that his pommes
cup cream friteshad gone utterly limp. In a frenzy, he im-
Brown the second side and serve the potatoes mersed the potatoes in the hot fat a second time,
piping hot. madly agitated the pan, and behold! the dish —
which was to make him rich and famous.
POTATO PANCAKES There were several more coincidences that the
About Twelve 3-Inch Cakes cook may not have been aware of. His potatoes
This recipe demands mature potatoes. must have been old, so that the starch content
Pare and grate coarsely until you have: was just right to make them puff. He must have
2 cups grated potatoes had a very systematic apprentice who cut the
Fold the gratings into a muslin towel and wring potatoes all with the grain and to a very uniform
the towel to extract as much moisture from the thickness, as sketched 322. In his relief at having
potatoes as possible. Place them in a bowl. Beat something to serve, he evidently didn't mind a
well: 10% even experts who make this dish
failure, for
3 eggs daily count on that great a percentage of spud-
Stir them into the potatoes. duds. All this is just to encourage you if, like us,
Combine and sift: you expect a 100% return on your efforts. The
IV2 tablespoons all-purpose flour duds, by the way, are acceptable as French fries,
V/4 teaspoons salt even if they are not so glamorous as the puffs.
Add the flour to the potato mixture with: ^ Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
1 to 3 teaspoons grated onion Choose:
Heat in a heavy skillet: 8 large mature potatoes
V* inch or more beef drippings or oil Restaurants famous for this dish age their own to
Place spoonfuls of the potato mixture in the skil- the point where you can no longer pierce or
let, forming them into patties '/• inch thick and 3 scrape the skin off with your fingernail, but must
inches in diameter. Brown, then turn and brown use a knife to pierce it. There should be about
the second side until crisp. These are usually 80% starch in the potato. Pierre Adrian, who was
served hot with: very expert, maintained that there is nothing like

a Holland potato, grown on Spanish soil; but we paper toweling. Cook the second stage just before
have been obliged to content ourselves with serving.
Idahos or Burbanks. Cut from the unpared potato Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
the largest possible oblong with the grain— that As with all successful potato frying, much de-
is, the long way, as sketched —
into ^ Vs-inch pends on the maturity of the potato, so choose:
slices that are of uniform thickness from one end Mature baking potatoes
to the other. In restaurants this accuracy is pro- Pare and slice them into strips about Vk inches
duced by a slicing machine. Once you have these long and about 3 4 inch through. If you are using
long even slices, you can cut them into the classic cold-storage potatoes and want a light-colored
polygonal shape, as sketched, or even into tri- result, soak the slices for 15 minutes in 90° water.
angles, circles or fancy ovals with crimped edges. Wipe well with a towel to remove surface mois-
Soak the slices for at least 25 minutes in: ture and excess starch. Slowly heat to between
Ice water 300° and 330°
Dry them thoroughly. Have ready a deep-fat-fry- Vegetable oil or rendered beef
ing kettle one-third filled with: kidney fat
Rendered beef kidney fat or vegetable oil —
Drop the potatoes in about 1 cup at a time and —
heated to 275°. Drop the slices in separately. cook about 2 minutes, until all sputtering ceases.
Do not crowd the pan. The slices will sink. This Skim out the rather limp potatoes, drain on paper
next admonition is not without danger for the un- toweling and cool at least 5 minutes before start-
skilled. When, after a few seconds, they rise, use ing the second stage. Heat the oil to 365°. Place
a continuous shaking motion with the pan, which the potatoes in a frying basket. This will assure
will set up a wavelike action to keep the floating quick and easy removal. Fry them for about 3 min-
strips bathed in the fat. Continue to cook them at utes. They should be golden brown and will be
275°, turning them at least once, until they begin crisp when drained on paper toweling. Never
to clarifytoward the centers and show a. marked cover them, as they will get flabby. Serve at once
difference in texture at the cut edges, to a depth in a napkin-lined basket.
of about 1/16 inch. Drain on paper toweling. If
you do not want to use them at once, they may SHOESTRING POTATOES
be refrigerated before the second cooking, but Cut into very thin strips, not more than 3/16 inch
bring them to room temperature befoe immers- thick:
ing in the hot fat the second time. If you want to Mature baking potatoes
proceed at once, let them cool off and drain for Cook as for:
about 5 minutes before the second cooking. Never-Fail French Fries, above
Just before you are ready to serve, drop them
again one by one into a fryer filled Vi full with OVEN 'FRENCH-FRIED'' POTATOES
the fat at 385°. Again agitate the pan as described. 4 Servings
The once-fried slices should puff at once, although Preheat oven to 450°.
they always retain a seam wherever you have made Pare:
an original perimeter cut. Cook to a golden brown. 4 medium-sized potatoes
Drain. Dry on paper toweling. Salt and serve the Cut them lengthwise into strips about Vz inch
puffed ones at once, preferably in a basket as thick. You may soak them in cold water for 10

shown above, to keep them crisp. If they are not minutes. Dry well between towels. Spread in a
crisp enough, return them to the fat for a few sec- single layer in a flat ovenproof dish. Pour over

onds. Drain again. Sometimes it is worth trying them:

4 cup melted butter, bacon drippings

the duds once more, after they have cooled.

or vegetable oil
Stir them
until coated. Bake about 30 to 40 min-
NEVER-FAIL FRENCH FRIES utes, turning several times during this period.
The following recipe, like Souffle Potatoes, calls Drain on paper toweling. Sprinkle with:
for a two-stage frying operation. After the first Vi teaspoon salt
stage, you may drain and cool the potatoes on teaspoon paprika

POTATO PUFFS Shape the potato mixture into flat cakes on a

3 to 4 Servings floured board. Place the cakes on a buttered bak-
ing sheet. Brush with:
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Combine: A slightly beaten egg
V2 cup sifted flour
Bake until golden and serve at once.
If you are using the above mixture decoratively,
teaspoon double-acting baking powder
teaspoon salt
do not allow it to cool before inserting it into a
Add and mix: pastry tube and fluting it at once in wavy scallops

1 cup Mashed Potatoes, 318

around the edge of a plank or a heat-resistant
platter, then browning it in the oven.
The potatoes should be soft and at room tempera-
ture. If they are not, add a little hot milk or water
1 slightly beaten egg Ifyou add about 2 tablespoons of grated Gruyere
1 teaspoon minced parsley cheese to each cup of potatoes called for in this
Drop by spoonfuls into deep fat heated to 365° recipe, you will have Potatoes Lorette.
Fry to a golden brown. Drain on paper toweling. Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
For every cup:
POTATO OR SARATOGA CHIPS Freshly Mashed Potatoes, 318
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. add:
As with Souffle Potatoes, 321, and French Fries, V3 to Vi cup Pate a Choux, 646
322, it is very important to have properly aged made without sugar and seasoned with:
potatoes. Use these chips as a vegetable, a garnish A grating of nutmeg
or a cocktail snack. Form the potato mixture by hand into 1- to IV2-
With a vegetable slicer, slice as thinly as possible: inch balls or insert in a pastry bag with a large
Peeled Idaho potatoes plain tube, shaping as for Spatzle, 205.
Soak the slices 2 hours in cold water, changing Roll in:
the water twice. Drain and dry well. Very slowly (Dry white bread crumbs)
heat to 380° in a deep fryer: Heat to 350°:
Vegetable oil Vegetable oil
If you want a good luster on your cooled chips, Deep fry the balls 3 to 4 minutes and allow the
allow the cooking oil to reach 75° before heating. heat of the fat to increase to 370° until they are
Place a frying basket in the oil and drop the slices golden. Drain on paper toweling. Add:
in one by one. Shake the basket or stir the pota- Salt
toes several times to prevent the chips from stick- and serve at once.
ing together. Cook until golden. Drain and place
on paper toweling to get rid of excess fat. FRIED POTATO BALLS
6 Servings
POTATO BASKETS A simpler version, not unlike Dauphine Potatoes,
About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Please read above.
Use shredder to cut into long A-inch strips:
a 1
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Peeled potatoes Prepare:
Soak them for 30 minutes in ice water. Drain well 2 cups hot Riced Potatoes, 318: 4 medium-
and dry between towels. To form the baskets, sized potatoes
please read About Noodle Baskets, 214. Add to them:
Heat to 380°: 2 tablespoons butter
Vegetable oil V2 cup grated cheese
Deep-fry the potato baskets 3 to 4 minutes. Re- V2 teaspoon salt
move from the fat and drain. Bring the fryer up A few grains cayenne
to 380° again and immerse basket for 1 minute 2 tablespoons cream
more. Drain on paper toweling and serve at once. 2 beaten egg yolks
V2 teaspoon any baking powder
DUCHESS POTATOES Whip these ingredients until light. Shape into
8 Servings balls. Roll the balls in:
Prepare: Flour
4 cups Riced Potatoes, 318 then in:
Add while still hot: 1 egg beaten with 2 tablespoons water
V* cup butter and in:
2 beaten egg yolks Fine bread crumbs
(A dash of dry mustard) Heat to 380° :

Season to taste Vegetable oil

and allow this mixture to cool briefly. Deep fry the balls until golden. Drain on paper
Preheat oven to 400°. toweling. Serve at once.


Not inappropriately an unresponsive person

White Sauce I, 341, or Cheese Sauce, 342

called a "cold potato." Held over after cooking,

Make half as much sauce as there are potatoes.

potatoes lose their mealiness and that subtle

Combine potatoes and sauce. Add:
down-to-earth flavor. They are probably most ef-
(Chopped parsley, minced onion
or chives)
fective when A
blended into a soup base, in
Put the mixture in a greased baking dish. Cover
which the combining liquid should be hot. We
give the following additional suggestions as bet-
ter-than-nothing bargains.
Au Gratin II, 553
Bake until browned.
Melt in a skillet: OR YAMS
2 or more tablespoons vegetable oil There are two quite distinct types of "sweet po-
Add: tato": a rather dry type with pinky-yellow flesh,
2 cups sliced leftover boiled potatoes and a sweeter, softer, much more moist and
Salt and paprika vividly orange-colored kind affectionately if mis-
1 or more teaspoons minced onion takenly called yam in many parts of the country.
Saute the potatoes slowly until light brown. Turn Sweet potatoes are extremely high in vitamin A,
frequently. while yams contain only a trace. Buy only enough
of either type for immediate use, as they do not
6 Servings Sweet potatoes lend themselves to most of the
Preheat oven to 350°. cooking methods used for white potatoes and are
Dice: delightfully enhanced by fruits and fruit flavoring.
6 medium-sized leftover boiled potatoes They reheat better than leftover white potatoes.
chopped seeded green pepper with
membrane removed
1 minced onion
To prepare sweet potatoes in their jackets, drop
1 tablespoon flour
them into boiling water to cover and cook cov-
ered until tender, about 25 minutes. Peel and salt
Salt and pepper
before serving.
A few grains cayenne
( /4 cup grated cheese)

Place these ingredients in a greased baking dish. MASHED SWEET POTATOES

Pour over them: 4 Servings
1 cup hot milk Prepare:
Cover with: 5 medium-sized Boiled Sweet Potatoes,
Au Gratin II, 553 above: 2 cups
Bake about 30 minutes. Skin and put them through a ricer, or mash with a
potato masher. Add:
LEFTOVER POTATO CAKES 2 tablespoons butter
Shape into little cakes: V2 teaspoon salt

Leftover mashed potatoes A little hot milk, cream, lemon juice

Add foreach cupful: or dry sherry
(A beaten egg) (2 teaspoons brown sugar)
(Chopped parsley) Beat the potatoes with a fork or whisk until very
(Chopped light. Sprinkle with:
celery or celery seed)
(Grated onion or A cup chopped 1 Grated orange or lemon rind, cloves
sauteed onions) or cinnamon
(A grating of nutmeg) Chopped dates and nutmeats may be added. To
Dip the cakes in: make attractive individual servings, heap the mix-
Flour, bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes ture into hollowed-out orange halves. Place these
Melt in a skillet: cups in a covered buttered baking dish and heat
Butter or other fat through in a 375° oven.
Brown the cakes on one side, reverse and brown
Follow the recipe for:
Preheat oven to 400°. Be sure to cut a small slice off one end or to
Cut into dice: puncture a sweet potato when half cooked as a
Leftover boiled potatoes safety valve to prevent its bursting.

STUFFED SWEET POTATOES Pare and cut them into strips. Heat to 365°
6 Servings Vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 375°. Deep-fry the strips until golden brown. Drain on
I. Prepare and bake as for Baked Potatoes, 319: ' paper toweling. Sprinkle with:
3 large shapely sweet potatoes Brown sugar
Cut lengthwise into halves and scrape out most of
the pulp. Add to the pulp: Freshly grated nutmeg
2 tablespoons butter
V* cup hot cream or A cup crushed pineapple
teaspoon salt
1 4 Servings

(1 tablespoon dry sherry)

Preheat oven to 500°.
Southern people say "use lots of butter, some Have ready:
brown sugar, nutmeg and black walnut meats; and 2 cups ricedcooked sweet potatoes
replace the sherry with 2 tablespoons bourbon Peel,mash and add:
1 large ripe banana
Beat these ingredients with a fork until fluffy. Fill
Combine and add, stirring well:
the shells and cover the tops with: IV2 tablespoons melted butter
1 beaten egg yolk
Au Gratin, 552
Marshmallows may be substituted for the bread IV2 teaspoons salt
crumbs and butter. These are a matter of taste, or 3 to 4 tablespoons hot milk or cream
— in our strongly biased view —
lack of it. Bake the (Vs teaspoon nutmeg or ginger)

potatoes until browned. Beat until stiff:

1 egg white
II. These make a heartening cold weather touch. Fold it lightly into the potato mixture. Drop the
Bake as for Baked Potatoes, 319. batter from a tablespoon in mounds — well apart
Sweet potatoes on a greased tin, or place the mixture in buttered
Just before serving, insert in each potato: ramekins. Bake about 12 minutes.
1 tablespoon warm Deviled Ham, 74


4 Servings This tart exceptionally good with roast
dish is

Cook covered in boiling water to cover until pork, baked ham or game. Cook covered until
nearly tender: nearly done in boiling water to cover:
5 medium-sized sweet potatoes 6 medium-sized sweet potatoes
Preheat oven to 375°. Peel and cut them into Viz -inch slices. Cook cov-
Pare and cut the potatoes lengthwise in 1/2-inch ered until nearly done in a very little boiling
slices. Place in a shallow greased baking dish. Sea- water:
son with: IV2 to 2 cups thinly sliced apples
Salt and paprika If the apples are not tart, sprinkle them with:

Sprinkle with: Lemon juice

A cup brown sugar or Vi cup maple syrup Preheat oven to 350°.
(Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind) Grease a baking dish and place in it alternate
iVi tablespoons lemon juice or layers of apples and sweet potatoes. Sprinkle the
Va teaspoon ginger layers with:
Dot with: V2 cup or more brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter A dash cinnamon or grated lemon rind
Bake uncovered about 20 minutes, until glazed. (2 tablespoons seedless raisins)
(2 tablespoons chopped pecans)
4 Servings V* cup butter
Slice: Pour over the top:
5 medium-sized Boiled Sweet Potatoes, above V2 cup of the apple water or water
Melt: Bake about 30 minutes.
3 tablespoons orange marmalade or Or you may omit the sugar and substitute for the
Sauce Cockaigne, 770 apples:
Cook the potatoes gently in the sauce until glazed V2 cup pureed, sweetened apricots, 127, Sauce
and brown. Cockaigne, 770, or crushed pineapple


Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. Transforming red or white radishes into clever
Wash, then parboil for 10 minutes: garnishes fascinates the young; and the allure en-
Large sweet potatoes dures. If you've read Pepys, you know that he ate

buttered radishes at William Perm's worth trying, SAUTEED SALSIFY
too, especially wjth black ones. The jumbo-sized
Wash and peel:
daikon sometimes exceeds 3 feet in length. It is so Salsify
plastically promising that the Japanese, to whose
Dip at once in:
country it is native, sometimes carve it into a fan- Milk
tastically intricate net, with which they cover a
Drain and season with:
sizable baked fish. Daikon can be cooked by any Salt and pepper
recipe for Turnips, 334. So can any other radish, Roll in:
for that matter; or prepared as for Celeriac Re- Flour, bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes
moulade, 298. To store radishes before using, cut Saute slowly until golden in:
off the leaves. Butter


4 Servings Cook as for any recipe using carrots, but always
Look for a new Laurentian hybrid of rutabaga peel after boiling to retain flavor. Be sure also to
developed in Canada and superior in texture and remove the inner hard core before serving.
flavor. Rutabagas, also called yellow turnips, may
be French-fried as for Shoestring Potatoes, 322, or SORREL
baked like Potatoes, 319.
Because it is heavy in oxalic acid, this vegetable
To boil,pare and dice:
is usually parblanched, 154, for 3 minutes and
2medium-sized rutabagas: 2 cups
drained before being cooked as for spinach or
^ Do not use the leaves. Drop the pieces into:
chard and combined with them rather than being
Boiling water
served by itself. Alone, as a garnish, it lends itself
Cook uncovered until tender, 20 to 30 minutes.
to flavoring with meat glaze, eggs and cream; or
Drain well. Add:
pureed and seasoned with mustard and tarragon,
Vi teaspoon salt
Serve with:
it may form a bed for fish.

Melted butter
to which you have added generously: ABOUT SPINACH
Lemon juice One of the more controversial greens, this is be-
Chopped parsley lieved —with some scientific justification — to in-

Or mash the turnips and add them in any pro- hibit the body's absorption of calcium. It is also
portion to mashed potatoes with lots of: the most delectable of greens. We recommend
Chopped parsley or cultured sour cream throwing caution to the winds and enjoying it in
and nutmeg moderation. Spinach is a special treat as a garnish
with other foods, where its presence is usually
heralded by the title Florentine.
ABOUT SALSIFY OR OYSTER PLANT Yield per pound varies from 2 servings if young,
The salsify commonly found
in the market is the
to 3 if old. Spinach requires little salt. Its astrin-
white-skinned variety, see chapter heading, 276. gent taste may be counteracted by a pinch of
But, if available, choose scorzonera, the black-
skinned type, which is better flavored. Best re- © Pressure cook spinach minute
1 at 15 lbs.
sults are obtained if the vegetable is stored for
several weeks at temperatures just above 32°.
To avoid discoloration, cook this root unpeeled,
3 to 4 Servings
or, if peeled, a blanc, as below.
Pick over and cut the roots and tough stems from:
Va peck spinach: 1 lb.
SALSIFY A BLANC Wash it quickly in several waters until it is free
Have ready: from sand and soil. If young and tender, cook as
3 cups boiling water for Panned Spinach, opposite. If old, place the
in which you have dissolved: spinach in:
1 tablespoon flour 2 cups rapidly boiling water
2 teaspoons lemon juice Reduce heat and simmer covered until tender,
Vi teaspoon salt about 10 minutes. Discard the water if it is strong
Drop in: in flavor. If not, keep it for use in soups and
2 cups peeled salsify sauces. Drain the spinach well. Blend briefly or X
and cook 7 to 10 minutes. Serve in: cut up the spinach with 2 sharp knives or a triple
White Sauce I, 341 chopper until it is as fine as you like it.

or with: Saute:
2 tablespoons melted butter 2 tablespoons diced sweet red pepper,
(Chopped chives or parsley) 2 tablespoons minced onion or a
(A grating of nutmeg) clove of garlic

12 oz. spinach, coarse stems removed

Butter or drippings When smooth, put this mixture into a heavy skillet
Add: and stir over low heat about 3 minutes until it
Lemon juice bubbles and the flour is cooked. Serve with:
Season to taste Buttered crumbs
being careful not to oversalt. Serve the season- 4 slices cooked crumbled bacon
ings over the spinach. Other garnishes for spinach 2 sliced hard-cooked eggs
Crumbled bacon 3 Servings
Fine buttered croutons The seasonings in this dish help to enliven even
Hollandaise Sauce, 358 canned spinach.
Au Gratin III, 553 Wash well and remove the coarse stems from:
1 lb. spinach
CREAMED SPINACH Shake off as much water as possible. Heat in a

3 Servings large heavy skillet:


Prepare: 1 tablespoon butter

2 cups Boiled Spinach, above 2 tablespoons olive oil
.*» Blend, rice or chop to a fine puree. Melt in a Add:
skillet which may be rubbed lightly with a clove (1 clove minced garlic)
of garlic: Add the spinach. Cover skillet and cook over high
IV2 to 2 tablespoons butter heat until steam appears. Reduce the heat and
Add and cook until golden: simmer until tender, 5 to 6 minutes in all.
(1 tablespoon or more very finely
Season to taste
chopped onion) To turn this into Sicilian Spinach, add:
Stir in until blended: (2 or more chopped anchovies)
1 tablespoon flour or 2 tablespoons
Stir in slowly: 3 Servings
cup hot cream or stock
V2 Prepare:
Vi teaspoon sugar Boiled Spinach, opposite
When the sauce is smooth and hot, add the spin- Drain. X
Blend or chop fine with:
ach. Stir and cook 3 minutes. Season with: V2 cup Italian tomato paste or tomato puree
Salt and pepper Saute:
(Freshly grated nutmeg or grated rind 1 pressed clove garlic
of Vi lemon) in:

Serve garnished with slices of: (2 tablespoons olive oil)

1 hard-cooked egg Add the spinach mixture and heat.
Season to taste
II. 3 Servings
Cook and drain: SPINACH, TOMATO AND
Boiled Spinach, opposite
^» Put it very briefly through a blender with:
8 Servings
V* cup cultured sour cream or
Preheat oven to 350°.
condensed cream of chicken soup
Place in a bowl:
A grinding of nutmeg or Ve teaspoon 2 cups cooked drained spinach
prepared mustard
2V* cups drained canned tomatoes
teaspoon horseradish)
'4 cup chili sauce
Season to taste
V2 lb. grated hard cheese or crumbled feta
Heat briefly and serve.
1 cup cracker crumbs
III. 4 Servings Juice of V2 onion
X Place blender:
in teaspoon salt
A cup milk teaspoon freshly ground pepper
(1 thin slice onion) Toss these ingredients until blended. Place in a
3 tablespoons soft butter greased loaf pan. Bake the dish about 35 minutes.
2 tablespoons flour Serve garnished with:
2 teaspoon salt Crisp Bacon, 486
Va teaspoon papiika
A fresh grating of nutmeg or lemon rind SPINACH IN PANCAKES
peeled clove garlic)
(V2 Prepare:
Blend in small amounts, lidding blender after Creamed Spinach, above
each addition: Prepare:

French Pancakes, 236 eggplant. Shown below in top row from left to
Chopped Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 crooked neck, cymling or
right are straight neck,
Place the spinach and mushrooms on the pan- pattypan, cocozelle and zucchini. To stuff sum-
cakes. Roll them like a jellv roll. The tops may be mer squash or squash blossoms, see below.
sprinkled with:
Grated cheese
Place the rolls under a broiler until the cheese is
melted. Serve at once. These, again, are of many colors and shapes and
remain on the market from fall to early spring.
ABOUT SQUASHES Except for butternut, they have hard-shelled skins.
Choose the others for their hard rinds. Watery
Easy cross-pollenization accounts for the myriad
spots indicate decay. The winter types, sketched
diversity of this family. It probably also accounts
below in the lower row, are Golden Delicious
for occasional bitterness in the cultivated types,
acorn, buttercup or turban, butternut and Hub-
which may have interbred with their very bitter
bard. For ways to cook pumpkin, the most famous
wild forebears. Unless squashes are to be stuffed,
of all winter varieties, see 330. Unless you bake
always choose the smaller specimens.
squash whole, remove the seeds and stringy por-
These plants divide into summer and winter
tions. Peel and cut into small pieces. Winter
types. We often call for special varieties of each
squashes need from 10 to 45 minutes of cooking.
type in the recipes which follow, but others may
Because squash is so bland in flavor, it will
be substituted, as long as they belong to the re-
benefit from imaginative treatment. It may be cut
spective type.
lengthwise into "boats," scooped out, or cooked
SUMMER SQUASHES and the centers loaded with a succulent cargo. For
fillings, see Stuffings, 370. If the squash is a ten-
Whether green, yellow, white; long, round or scal-
der summer type, you may combine the removed
loped, these are all thin-skinned and easily punc-
portion with the filling, which may include vege-
tured with a fingernail —
the shopper's furtive
tables, bread crumbs, nuts, mushrooms or cooked
assurance and the proprietor's despair. They
should be firm and heavy. Avoid them if the rind
is tough or the stem dry or black. If they are
young, there is no need to pare them or to discard STEAMED SUMMER SQUASH
the seeds. Should only hard-rinded ones be avail- 4 Servings
able, do both. Summer squash do not store well, Please read About Squashes, above.
but a limited number of varieties can be found all
year 'round at the "fancier" markets. I. Wash and cut into small pieces:
Our own favorite is zucchini. Try also the 2 cups any summer squash: zucchini,
and vegetable marrow.
closely related cocozelle yellow crooked neck, etc.
Prepare these squash as for any cucumber and If very tender, the squash may even be left whole.

Steam it covered, 278, until tender. Drain very minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to prevent
well. Sprinkle generously with: sticking. Remove lid and cook 3 minutes longer.
Grated Parmesan cheese and melted butter Serve sprinkled with:
Chopped parsley or basil
II. Prepare the squash as above, then mash it with Grated Parmesan cheese or Quick Tomato
a fork. Beat until fluffy. Beat in:
Sauce, 352
2 tablespoons cream
2 tablespoons butter or olive oil
Vb teaspoon white pepper STEAMED STUFFED
(2 teaspoons grated onion or chopped
fresh herb or a touch of saffron)
I. 4 Servings
V* teaspoon salt
Please read About Squashes, opposite.
Reheat the squash briefly and serve.
Wash thoroughly, then cut the stem ends from:
4 small summer squashes
STUFFED SQUASH BLOSSOMS Steam as for Steamed Summer Squash, above, but
If you grow squashes, you may wonder why so leave whole. When almost tender, drain and cool.
many blossoms fall off without maturing. These Scoop out the centers, leaving a shell about V2
are male flowers not retained for seed develop- inch thick. Chop the removed pulp. Add to it:
ment. After they close and drop they make deco- \U teaspoon paprika

rative as well as edible cases for Forcemeat, 374. V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Open each flower and put in only enough of the Minced garlic or onion
forcemeat to allow the petals to close again. Place V* teaspoon salt
stuffed blossoms side by side on a greased baking tablespoon butter

dish in a moderate oven until thoroughly heated. 3 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
Serve alone or as a platter garnish. V* cup grated cheese
Partially opened squash flower buds may be A few
grains cayenne
sauteed in butter or olive oil. Do not brown. teaspoon curry powder or dry mustard
Preheat oven to 400°.
Refill the shells. Place them in a pan on a rack
BAKED SUMMER SQUASH above A inch of water. Bake until hot, about 10

4 Servings minutes.
Please read About Squashes, above.
Preheat oven to 350°. II. Or fill these cooked squash cases while hot
If summer squash is young, it need not be pared. with:
Cut into strips and place in a greased baking dish: Heated creamed chicken, ham, fish or
3 cups any summer squash spinach
Cover it with: Garnish with:
V* cup milk Parsley or tiny sprigs of lemon thyme
Dot with:
2 tablespoons butter
Sprinkle with:
4 Servings
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika Please read About Squashes, opposite.
Preheat oven to 350°.
(A grating of nutmeg or 1 teaspoon fresh
lemon thyme)
Cover the dish. Bake for about Vz hour or until
4 small summer squashes
tender. Garnish with:
Cut them down the middle, either crosswise or

Crisp crumbled bacon

horizontally. Scoop out the pulp, leaving a 1/2-inch
shell.Saute in:
2 tablespoons butter
SAUTEED SUMMER SQUASH 2 tablespoons chopped onions
4 Servings Add the squash pulp and:
Please read About Squashes, above. teaspoon salt
Wash and dice: A
teaspoon paprika

3 cups any summer squash A dash of nutmeg or cloves

Melt in a skillet: Stir and cook these ingredients until hot. Remove
3 tablespoons butter or olive oil from the heat. Add:
Add and saute in it until golden: 1 beaten egg
1 cup minced onion V2 cup dry bread crumbs
Add the squash and: V2 cup grated cheese
teaspoon salt
V2 You may rub the squash shells with:
teaspoon freshly ground white pepper
V* Butter or drippings
Cover the pan and cook until tender, about 6 Fill them with the stuffing. Place in an ovenproof

dish on a rack over Vs inch of water or stock. move the seeds. Peel the squash and mash the
Sprinkle the tops with: pulp. To:
Au Gratin II, 553 1 cup squash
Bake the squashes until tender, about 20 to 25 add:
minutes, depending on their size. tablespoon butter
teaspoon brown sugar
A teaspoon salt
Please read About Squashes, 328. Va teaspoon ginger
Have ready: Beat this well with enough:
2V2 cups well-drained cooked zucchini, yellow Warm cream or orange juice
crooked neck or pattypan squash to make it a good consistency. Place in a serving
Place it in a greased baking dish and proceed as dish. Sprinkle with:

for: Raisins or nutmeats

Stuffed Eggplant Creole, 304 V* cup crushed pineapple
substituting squash for eggplant.
II. "X- If using frozen or canned squash, you may
season with:
Sauteed onions
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147, and
Cultured sour cream
About Squashes, 328. A pinch allspice
Wash, dry and cut into A- to /2-inch slices:
1 1

Chopped parsley

well. Dip in:
Heat in a double boiler over — not — boiling
Fritter Batter for Vegetables, 243
Heat in a deep fryer to 365°:
Fry the squash until golden. Serve at once. ^ Please read About Squashes, 328.
Preheat oven to 375°.
SUMMER SQUASH CASSEROLE If the squash is small, like:

COCKAIGNE Acorn or butternut squash

it may be washed, dried, greased and treated just
4 Servings
like Baked Potatoes, 319. Bake at least 1 to Vh
We are particularly fond of zucchini in this dish.
Please read About Squashes, 328. hours. Season as in the above recipe and garnish
Preheat oven to 375°. with:
Drain: (Pimiento strips or Au Gratin II, 553)
2 cups cooked zucchini, 328, or other squash, The smaller baked winter squashes make attrac-

cut into 3A-inch slices tive cases for the stuffings in the recipe below.
Place zucchini in 4 buttered flat ramekins. Cover
with a mixture of: STUFFED WINTER SQUASH
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup: 10 oz.
Small acorn or butternut squash are ideal for in-
V2 cup cultured sour cream or yogurt
dividual service. You may fill the raw shell, or
Top with:
bake it first as in Baked Winter Squash, above, and
Au Gratin III, 553 then fill it with the hot creamed foods suggested
(Chopped nuts)
Bake about 7 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Please read About Stuffed Vegetables, 280, and
About Squashes, 328.
SPAGHETTI SQUASH Prepare cooked:
For those on wheat-free diets, try this as a base Acorn squash cases, see above
for pasta sauces. Bake like potatoes, 319. Crack Fill them with:
open the peeling and scoop out strings and seeds. Creamed oysters, chicken, chipped beef,
Add butter, salt and pepper. Or boil without peel- crab, fish, or mushrooms; spinach, hash,
ing in water to cover 20 to 30 minutes. Cut in half hash and vegetables, hot applesauce or
and remove seeds. Sauce and toss as for spaghetti. crushed pineapple; cooked sausage meat
or Ham a la King, 258
MASHED WINTER SQUASH Garnish the tops with:
Please read About Squashes, 328. Parsley
Reheat in an ovenproof dish 10 to 15 minutes in

a 350° oven.
Preheat oven to 375°.
A Hubbard or other winter squash PUMPKIN
Place it on a rack and bake until it can be pierced We Americans think of this squash first as pie, 654,
easily with a wooden pick. Cut it in halves; re- and next as soup, 185, but it is also surprisingly

satisfactory as a vegetable. Cook by any recipe juiciness seldom an asset. To avoid watery re-

calling for a winter squash, or see page 654. About sults, slit end and remove it; then, hold-
the stem
V2 pound will serve 1 person. ing your hand palm down above a bowl, squeeze
the tomato to eject excess juice and seeds. When
recipes call for strained canned tomates, be sure
TAMPALA OR CHINESE SPINACH to force the pulp through the sieve well, to make
When the leaves of this tropical amaranth are
the most of its thickening and seasoning power;
about 6 inches tall, it is cooked as for Spinach, 326. —
and watch your brands the cheaper ones are apt
to be diluted. To skin fresh tomatoes, see 105.
This versatile plant has leaves similar in form to
the inedible elephant ears we grow decoratively,
and a potatolike root that becomes
grayish or
violet when cooked. It is used as
vegetable or as a
a base for puddings and confections. The spinach-
flavored leaves, if young, are cooked as for
spinach; when mature, they may need about 45
To bake, remove loose fibers and parboil the
unpared root 15 minutes, then time as for potato
baking, but make sure the oven is not over 375°.
Tomatoes have run the usual checkered gamut
Uncooked taro may prove irritating to the skin, so of vegetable introductions: they were regarded at

handle it in water to which you add 1 tablespoon one time or another as purely decorative, poison-
baking soda for every quart of water. To boil taro, ous, and aphrodisiac. Now that they have become
staples, it is nice to emphasize their solid virtues,
treat as for Boiled Potatoes, 317. Taro may also be
one of which is high vitamin A and C content.
fried as for Saratoga Chips, 323. Do not soak the
slices — merely dry for 30 minutes on paper towel- These values as well as good color and condition

may be preserved in ripe not overripe fruit for —
as long as 5 to 6 days after picking if stored in

light — —
not sunlight unwrapped, at between 65°
and 75°, and upside down. Best practice, though,
About 5 Cups Is to make use of only vine-ripened fruit and to
Dice into 1-inch cubes: store it at once
the refrigerator. Similarly, to
2!/z lb. boiled, peeled taro roots, above
assure maximum food
value, prepare tomatoes
Mash in a wooden bowl with a wooden potato just before serving. Fruit of mature size but still
masher until a starchy paste forms. Work in grad- green in color may be ripened on a windowsill
ually with the hands:
but will lack the flavor and some of the nutritive
2V2 cups water value of its vine-ripened counterpart. Immature
To remove lumps and fiber, force the poi through small-sized tomatoes will not ripen satisfactorily
several thicknesses of cheesecloth. Serve promptly after harvesting. Use them, if at all, for pickling,
or let it stand 2 to 3 days in a cool place until it
844. Do not attempt to freeze tomatoes: no ef-
ferments and has a sour taste. fective process has yet been developed.
Prepare tomatoes stuffed, not only for Salads,
ABOUT TOMATOES 105, but as cases for vegetables; see recipes on
Those of us accustomed to having the highest
court in the land pronounce upon paramount
issues of our national life will not be surprised to STEWED TOMATOES
learn that as long ago as 1893 the Justices resound- 4 Servings
ingly declared the tomato a vegetable, not a fruit. Wash, and quarter:
Either way, it ranks with lemon as a perennial in- 6 large tomatoes or 2V2 cups canned
spiration for culinary uplift — fresh or canned or tomatoes
as juice, puree, paste, sauce. To
catsup or chili Place them in a heavy pan over slow heat — about
process for canning, see 808. 20 minutes for the fresh tomatoes, 10 for the
In many sections of the country fresh large- canned. You may add:
sized field-grown tomatoes are not available dur- (1 teaspoon minced onion)
ing the colder months, being supplanted by (
/2 cup chopped celery)
hydroponic or hothouse-grown kinds. find We or 3 cloves)
most of these disappointingly mushy in texture. Stir occasionally to keep them from scorching.
Try occasionally the meaty pear-shaped Italian Season with:
tomatoes, which are sweeter than the American V* teaspoon salt
types. V* teaspoon paprika
When you use fresh tomatoes in cooking, their 2 teaspoons white or brown sugar

Va teaspoon curry powder or 1 teaspoon a broiler first to brown slightly and then bake 15
chopped parsley or basil minutes. Serve at once.
1 tablespoon butter
The tomatoes may be thickened with: GRILLED TOMATOES
/2 cup bread crumbs)
4 Servings
4 Servings 4 large firm tomatoes
Saute until light brown:
Cut them crosswise into even V2- to 1-inch slices.
2 tablespoons minced onion
Season well with:
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
Va teaspoon pepper
A pinch of white or brown sugar
2 cups sliced large green tomatoes
(Celery salt)
Stirand cook the tomatoes slowly until tender. Place greased pan and cover closely with
in a
Season with:
About 1 cup Au Gratin III, 553
teaspoon salt
(2 tablespoons or more grated onion)
teaspoon paprika Broil about 10 minutes approximately 5 inches
teaspoon curry powder from the heat source.
Garnish with:
Or dip them in:
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Bound Breading III, 552
CREAMED CANNED TOMATOES Bake on a greased sheet until nearly soft, then
broil as above, until brown, turning once.
4 Servings
Simmer gently about 3 minutes:
2 cups drained canned tomatoes TOMATOES CREOLE
1 pressed clove garlic or 2 teaspoons 4 Servings
onion juice Saute until golden in:
A teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter
A teaspoon paprika 1 large minced onion
2 teaspoons brown sugar Add:
(Vi cup chopped celery) 6 skinned, sliced, seeded tomatoes or
Combine until smooth and bring just to a boil: 2 cups drained canned tomatoes
1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons minced celery
Vi cup cream or milk 1 shredded green pepper

To avoid curdling, add the tomato mixture Cook the vegetables until tender, about 12 min-
slowly to the cream or milk, never vice versa. Stir utes. Add:
constantly over very low heat until the raw-flour
teaspoon salt
taste is gone, about 3 to 5 minutes. 'A teaspoon paprika
2V2 teaspoons brown sugar
TOMATO PROVENCALE ( A teaspoon curry powder)

This dish looks very professional as a platter- Strain the juice from the vegetables and add to it

garnish. Choose: enough:

Firm ripe tomatoes Cream
Slice off a deep enough section horizontally on to make 1 /2 cups
of liquid. Stir in:
the stem end to get an even surface. Do the same Beurre Manie, 340
on the base. Divide the rest of the tomato hori- Simmer and stir the sauce until thick and smooth.
zontally. Place these thick slices on a rack to drain. Combine with the vegetables and serve hot on:
Sprinkle on top of each: Toast
Salt and black pepper with:
Chopped basil Sauteed bacon
A slight pinch of oregano Or use the mixture to fill pepper or squash cases.

Melt enough:
to coat the tomato slices. Place in the butter: 4 Servings
clove of garlic
split Ifyou have any prejudice against tapioca, please
Or, as an alternative to the butter, squeeze a little dismiss it long enough to try out this fine dish.
garlic juice on
square of:
a thin Serve with ham, scrambled eggs or omelet.
(Parmesan cheese) Discard as many seeds as possible and place in the
that will almost cover the tomato slice. Allow the top of a double boiler:
seasoned tomatoes to remain at 70° for 1 hour. IV2 cups canned tomatoes
Preheat both broiler and oven to 350°. Put the Saute until golden:
sliceson a greased baking sheet. Run them under 1
•» cup minced onion

tablespoon butter
1 6 Servings
Add it to the strained tomatoes with: Preheat oven to 350°.
3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca Drain:
V2 teaspoon salt 3 cups canned Italian-type tomatoes
2 teaspoon sugar

or peeled, diced fresh tomatoes

! e teaspoon paprika
Saute until golden in:
Cook and stir these ingredients in the double 3 tablespoons butter
boiler over — —
not in hot water about 7 minutes. V* cup finely chopped onions
Chop coarsely and add: Add:
18 stuffed or ripe olives tablespoon brown sugar
Preheat oven to 350°. teaspoon salt
Grease a baking dish. Fill it with the mixture. Va teaspoon pepper
Cover the top with: (A grating of nutmeg)
Au Gratin III, 553 13 Acups toasted bread crumbs
Bake about 30 minutes. Place the tomatoes in a buttered baking dish
alternately with layers of the bread crumb mix-
TOMATO CUSTARD ture, ending with a layer of crumbs. Bake about 30
6 Servings minutes.
Preheat oven to 325°.
Skin and squeeze well, 331, to expel excess liquid TOMATO TART
and seeds and put through a coarse sieve: 6 Servings
Enough tomatoes to make 2 cups Have ready:
Beat together with: 6 baked 2-inch Tart Shells, 640
3 eggs Prepare a filling of:
1 cup milk A cup Tomato
Puree, 806
V* cup sugar A cup White
Sauce III, 341
teaspoon salt
V2 3 tablespoons sauteed chopped onions
teaspoon nutmeg
Va V2 cup sauteed chopped chicken livers
Bake in custard cups about 30 minutes or until 2 tablespoons chopped stuffed olives
set. Serve hot or cold. Just before serving, preheat the oven to 400°. Fill
the tarts and bake until thoroughly heated. Serve
Either of these recipes should serve six, but we
find the demand for this favorite makes four serv- ABOUT HOT STUFFED TOMATOES
ings a safer count. To prepare cases for hot food, cut large hollows in
the stem ends of very firm unpeeled tomatoes.
I.Preheat oven to 375°.
Salt and invert them on a rack to drain about 15
In winter,place in a saucepan:
minutes. Fill the tomato cases with any of the fol-
I'A cups Tomato Puree, 806
lowing cooked foods and cover with:
V* cup boiling water
Au Gratin I, II, or III, 552
Heat to the boiling point and add:
Place the cases on rack in a pan with enough water
teaspoon salt
to keep them from scorching and bake in a pre-
6 tablespoons brown sugar
heated 350° oven 10 or 15 minutes. If they are
V2 teaspoon dried basil
very ripe, you may bake them in well-greased muf-
Place in a 9-inch baking dish:
fin tins to keep them shapely. For fillings, try:
1 cup fresh white bread crumbs, 551
Creamed ham or cooked sausage and
Pour over them:
V* cup melted butter
Bread crumbs and deviled ham
Add the tomato mixture and:
Chestnuts and rice or wild rice, seasoned
(2 tablespoons chopped stuffed olives)
with salt and brown sugar
^ Cover the dish closely. Bake the pudding about
Creamed green peas or mushrooms
30 minutes. Do not lift the lid until ready to serve.
with parsley
II. Preheat oven to 325°. Mashed potatoes and nuts
In summer, substitute for the dried basil: Creamed Spinach, 327
teaspoons fresh chopped basil
1 V2 to 2 Or use one of the following recipes.
1 teaspoon chopped chives
1 teaspoon chopped parsley TOMATOES STUFFED WITH
and for the tomato puree and water substitute: PINEAPPLE
14 skinned, seeded, sliced tomatoes 4 Servings
Bake the dish 2V2 to 3 hours until it has cooked ^ Please read About Stuffed Tomatoes, above.
down to a pastelike consistency. Preheat oven to 350°.

Prepare: If too dry, it may be moistened with:

4 medium-sized tomato cases (Stock)
Sprinkle each hollow with: Fill the tomato cases. Cover the tops with:
1 teaspoon brown sugar Au Gratin lor III, 553
Place in each hollow some of the following mix- Bake as for Hot Stuffed Tomatoes, 333.
1 cup drained crushed pineapple TOMATOES STUFFED WITH
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs CREAMED SWEETBREADS
A grating of fresh ginger 8 Servings
Sprinkle the tops with: > Please read About Stuffed Tomatoes, 333.
Au Gratin II, 553 Prepare:
Bake as for Hot Stuffed Tomatoes, 333, and serve 8 large tomato cases
on: Have ready:
Toast rounds V2 cup chopped Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
Have ready:
TOMATOES STUFFED WITH CORN 1 cup Poached Calf Sweetbreads, 502
4 Servings Bring to the boiling point:
Please read About Stuffed Tomatoes, 333. 1 cup White Sauce I, 341
Preheat oven to 350°. Add the other ingredients to the sauce. Thicken
Prepare: with:
4 tomato cases ('A cup bread crumbs)
Saute, then crumble: Preheat oven to 350°.
4 slices bacon Fill the tomato cases. Cover the tops with:

Combine: Au Gratin II or III, 553

1 cup cooked drained corn Bake as for Hot Stuffed Tomatoes, 333.
1 chopped pimiento

Vi chopped green pepper, seeds and TOMATOES STUFFED WITH

membrane removed SEAFOOD
2 tablespoons chopped celery
6 Servings
V2 cup bread crumbs
Please read About Stuffed Tomatoes, 333.
2 tablespoons corn liquor or cream
Preheat oven to 350°.
teaspoon salt
V2 Prepare:
V* teaspoon paprika 6 tomato cases
V2 teaspoon sugar, if the corn is green Melt over low heat:
Add the bacon. Fill the tomato cases. Sprinkle the 1 V2 tablespoons butter
tops with: Add and cook for 3 minutes:
Au Gratin lor III, 552 3 tablespoons minced green pepper
Bake as for Hot Stuffed Tomatoes, 333. 3 tablespoons minced onion
Stir in until blended:
Stir in

6 Servings IV2 cups milk

Please read About Stuffed Tomatoes, 333. When sauce is thick and hot, add:
Preheat oven to 350°. IVi cups crab meat, chopped shrimp or lobster
Prepare: V3 teaspoon salt

6 tomato cases A few grains red pepper

Melt: 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons bacon drippings or butter (1 cup grated cheese)

Add and saute until golden: Simmer and these ingredients until the cheese

V2 cup finely chopped onion is melted. the tomato cases with this mixture.

Chop the pulp taken from the tomatoes and com- Bake as for Hot Stuffed Tomatoes, 333.
bine with the onions. Add:

1 V2 teaspoons brown sugar ABOUT TURNIPS

V2 teaspoon salt Children often enjoy these spunky, time-honored
1 tablespoon celery seed vegetables well-washed and raw, like apples; and
Simmer these ingredients for about 10 minutes. the knowing choose them as an accompaniment
Add: to game. They make a good change, if browned,
2 tablespoons sauteed chopped peppers to serve instead of potatoes around a roast, 454.
4 chopped anchovies A favorite peasanty dish, Himmel und Erde, is
If the filling is too moist, it may be thickened made of mashed turnips, potatoes and seasoned
with: apples, combined in any proportion.
(Bread crumbs) Discard woody turnips and parblanch old ones

3 to 5 minutes before cooking. One pound of which helps with the browning.
turnips will yield about 2 cups cooked. Season to taste
Cut off the tops at once and store turnips in a Serve at once, rolled in:
dark cool place. The tops, if tender, may be used Chopped parsley
as greens, 305.
© Pressure cook whole turnips 8 to 12 minutes SCALLOPED TURNIPS
at 15 lbs. Prepare as for:
Scalloped Potatoes, 319
substituting for the potatoes turnips alone or
turnips and sliced onions or turnips and apples.


I. 8 Servings
>• Please read About Stuffed Vegetables, 280.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Pare, then blanch, 3 to 5 minutes:
8 medium-sized turnips
Hollow into cups, reserving and chopping the
I. 4 Servings 1 tablespoon butter

Wash, slice as shown above, and to avoid bitter- Saute in it about 3 minutes:
ness pare past the dark line separating rind from 1 tablespoon grated onion

the white center: 2 tablespoons seasoned cooked peas

1 lb. young turnips Combine the pulp with the onion and peas. Sea-
Steam, 278, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain. son with:
Season to taste Salt and white pepper
and dress with: Thicken slightly with:
Butter Cracker crumbs or bread crumbs
Lemon juice and vinegar or Quick Fill the turnip cups with this mixture. Place them

Tomato Sauce, 352 in a greased baking dish. Pour around them:

or mash or cream as for potatoes. V2 cup milk
Bake until tender, about 15 minutes.
II. If turnips are mature, you may parblanch, 154,
3 to 5 minutes: II.Proceed as above, using a filling of leftover
Pared sliced or whole turnips sauced foods, or a cooked stuffing, 370.
Drop them into rapidly boiling water to cover.
teaspoon salt
V2 Please read About Water Chestnuts, 563.
V2 teaspoon sugar These crisp vegetables are added usually as a
Cook uncovered 15 to 20 minutes if sliced, 20 to garnish to other vegetables.
25 minutes if whole, or until tender. Serve as in I.
Add for the last 2 or 3 minutes of cooking only.


Cook as directed above: Usually thought of only as salad and sandwich
Young turnips material, watercress not only adds a distinctive
Drain and dry them well. Brown in: flavor to soups and vegetables but lends piquancy
Hot melted butter to other cooked greens. Never overcook it, as it
Season with: becomes stringy. Serve it pureed as a garnish with
Paprika and sugar or a little Meat Glaze, 368 grills, chops or scallops.
cold, although a few can be served both ways. It
must be noted here, too, that Europeans sensibly, —

we think do not carry temperatures to extremes,
their "cold" savory sauces being served, for the
most part, cool, never chilled; the "hot" ones gen-
erally lukewarm. As to content, the sequence runs
as follows: white sauces; brown sauces, or gravies;
soup-based sauces, which are simpler to make and
less caloric than the classic sauces brunes, as
well as surprisingly satisfactory; butter sauces, in-
cluding seasoned butters; sauces in which tomato
dominates; barbecue sauces; sweet-sours; cream
sauces; hot egg-based sauces; those based on

French dressing, or vinaigrettes with a trail of
other non-egg, non-cream sauces; cold egg-based
sauces; some cold cream-based salad dressings;
and decorative thick sauces, like glazes and
After a number of these groups, we have set
SAVORY SAUCES AND down formulas for low-calorie substitutes or, to —
use a more appropriate term —
makeshifts. Such
sauces are based on gelatin, evaporated milk,
SALAD DRESSINGS bread crumbs, cream of rice, strong stocks, tomato
juice, walnut and mustard catsup, etc. Slimmers
might keep in mind that almost any zesty salad
dressing may be pretty much defused if its butter,
When Voltaire chose to contrast his native country
with England by observing that France was a land egg or flour content is sharply cut back or elimi-
nated altogether; also that dressings made with
of forty-two sauces and one religion, whereas
Britain was a land of one sauce and forty-two
lemon juice or yogurt, or au maigre constitu-
religions, he was wrong on both counts. But the
ents, such as fish fumet —
indeed, all the boiled
witticism throws an interesting light on which two
or sweet-sour sauces —
make helpful allies for any-
cultural consolations even a free-thinking French-
body who happens to be "thick and tired of it."
For Marinades, see 528; Au Gratin, 552; Tomato
man instinctively brackets as enjoying top inter-
national priority.
and other Catsups, 847; Chili Sauce, 847; Worces-
tershire Sauce, 848; Pickled Horseradish, 848.
Some sauces complement the food with which
For sweet sauces of all types, see Dessert Sauces,
they are served: that is, they supply either the
blandness or the piquancy which that food lacks.
Others compliment it, so to speak: they enhance
or heighten its intrinsic flavor. All sauces, of what- ABOUT SAUCE TOOLS
ever character, should be so perfectly smooth, so Handy-sized simple tools hanging near the stove
skillfully blended that, like successful soups, they encourage the addition of interesting ingredients
can be eaten all by themselves. Basic prerequisites to sauces. The three hand beaters sketched on
in sauce-making are never to use high heat; ^ to the left, opposite, make lumps vanish. The third
remove sauces-in-progress from the heat before is particularly useful for beating an egg in a cup.

stirring in fresh ingredients; and always, if such If the recipe calls for beating over ice, see illus-
ingredients are cold, to temper them by mixing tration, 205. For adding flavorings, keep measur-
them first in a separate container with a small ing spoons handy. For a quick grating of cheese,
quantity of the original hot liquid before returning onion or bread crumbs, try the rotary grater shown
both to the cook-pot. This last injunction is espe- next. Kitchen shears with a self-releasing hinge
cially important for egg-based sauces. Other are easy to keep clean and unrusted. Snip herbs
pointers to infallible sauce-making will be found quickly, right into the sauce.
in each sauce category, with suggestions for add- A garlic press, center, will squeeze enough juice
ing herbs, especially fresh herbs such as basil, to give an ineffable flavor toyour sauces, and the
above, rear right; and chervil, near the blender hand grater is convenient for a touch of shaved

which do not dry well or a grating of lemon rind lemon rind or a grating of nutmeg. Also have
or gingerroot and a few minced shallots, all shown ready a bar-type strainer for the quick clearing of
in chapter heading. very small quantities of sauce. For larger ones,
By designating the sauces in this chapter as use a Chinese hat or conical strainer, illustrated
savory, we mean to differentiate them from the last, and for very careful straining, line this with

sweet types which are dealt with on pages 769 muslin.

to 776. The savory sauces that follow are them- By all means use very hard wooden spoons for
selves grouped into two general classes, hot and the fragile sauces that may be broken down by


the more vigorous metal tools. A sauce spoon Most showy and demonstrative of all are the
with one pointed end, shown next to last, will wine sauces, the vinaigrettes, the playful tenderiz-
easily scrape the pan edges clean and will help ing sweet-sours or agrodolces, the barbecues, and
avoid lumping. If you should use a metal spoon, of course the truly sweet dessert sauces, 769,
make sure it is stainless steel, so as not to dis- which are the simpering sentimentalists of the
color a delicate mixture. whole colony.
Electric beaters and »*, blenders are great labor- Donot limit your acquaintanceship with this
savers in the kitchen and will beat out lumps very far-flung family untilyou have met them all; and
quickly.They do, however, change the texture and until you are clever enough even to spot a rare
flavor of the sauce somewhat, as they whip in a nonidentical twin —
with arrowroot as thickener
good deal of air, which will tend to make a thick- or an occasional reveler in fancy dress, tricked out
ened sauce foamy and less tasty and a brown with Beurre Manie, 340, or Butter Swirls, 339.
sauce rather lighter in color. At high speed they These wayward collaterals are among the most
also are likely to overmacerate herbs and so treasured, if fleeting, personalities of all.

sharpen their flavor. When you once feel at home in. sauce circles,
you will learn rapidly how to make
charmed their
ABOUT HOT SAVORY SAUCES members your partners in a day-to-day campaign
There are certain old dowagers who try to domi- of culinary enhancement. You will learn how to
nate "sauciety." Call them the mother sauces, as blend the hot ingredients, so that they

the French do, if you like. Each has her strong receive food without thinning. You will discover
peculiarities of individual makeup; each tradition- that adding the wine before not after the— —
ally queens it over a whole coterie of dishes. The eggs and cream will avoid curdling, and that a

leanest member of the clan, but one capable of mixture can be stabilized with that extra bit of
much highly successful cross-breeding, is pan cream when separation threatens.
gravy. Of course, there is always the X
blender to fall
Her roux-based cousins have more solid and de- back on in a crisis of this kind, but the texture of
pendable backgrounds and take greater abuse in the sauce can never be so smooth or so thick as if
heating, reheating and storing, for their flour and it had been properly made in the first place. In
butter base combines into as stable an alliance as sauces based on cornstarch overheating itself
any in the kitchen. There are the delicate pale —
can disturb consistency and this factor alone may
members of the roux family, descended from cause thinning, see Cornstarch, 548. The use of a
Bechamel, who accept the company of eggs, cream light whisk or a wooden spoon is a help in avoid-
and even shallots. There are the robust characters, ing this condition. Another reason for thinning in
originating in browned flours, who have picked up sauces may be the addition of acid in the form of
acquaintanceships with strange foreign spices, fruit juice or wine. Sauces will also lose body if
who love tomatoes, and who, on occasion, set covered and held heated, for the excess steam
their caps for garlic. Both rely for authenticity on created thins them and tends to cause separation.
two principles: Their roux base must be cooked To lessen separation in frozen sauces, see Waxy
to rid it and them of any trace of plebeian floury Rice Flour, 549. In preparing sauced foods, al-

origin, and it must always be hot when added to low half as much sauce as solid ingredients
cold liquids or cold when added to hot.
There are the plush sauce aristocracy who scorn COLOR IN SAUCES
flour altogether and derive their stamina from The vast majority of sauces, if well prepared, need
eggs. Like a lot of other sauces for cold food, the no artificial coloring; the various ways to main-
mayonnaise branch performs this elegant trick tain and develop their natural color are described
without requiring heat. While its cousins, the Hol- above. Rich beef stock combined with some to-
landaise-Bearnaise group, must have heat, they —
mato, browned meat in the case of a stew
need it only in small doses and only for short browned onions and carrots and a brown roux will
periods. result in a rich brown sauce needing no addition

of caramel to bring up the color. If you feel Fumets, 524, should be reserved only for fish and
obliged to add caramel, soy sauce or vegetable- shellfish dishes.Meat broths always make better
based dyes to gravies, add them sparingly. Some sauce ingredients if refrigerated 24 hours and then
cooks use yellow coloring for chicken gravies and defatted.
sauces to try to hide the omission of chicken fat When pan residues or stocks are scanty, turn
and egg yolks. Should you use saffron, do beware with discretion —
to wine. Please read About
of its overpowering flavor. A tomato sauce will Wine for Cooking, 525. Use, as a rule of thumb,
keep good color if you do not cook it too quickly dry white wines in sauces for fish or white meats;
or too long. dry red wines for red meats. Strong game sauces
sometimes support stronger liquors such as rum,
SAUCES IN QUANTITY brandy or Madeira, but whisky is not recom-
^ you are making gravies
If or sauces in large
mended. In any wine sauce, add egg, milk,
amounts, it will take considerably longer to get rid cream or Butter Swirls, 339, after the wine has
of the raw flour taste after the liquid has been been incorporated.
added to the roux than when you are making only
1 or 2 cups for immediate family use. We advise
heating these large amounts uncovered in a slow
Sauces not made by deglazing with liquids, as
oven V2 to 3A hour and straining the sauce before
described above, are generally thickened just
serving, to remove any crusting or lumps. But if
enough to coat food lightly. Suggestions for thick-
you will stir the sauce from time to time, it may
not be necessary to strain it.
— —
ening other than those below are found in
Thickeners for Soups, 168.
^ When doubling the ingredients in sauce
recipes, taste before adding the full amount of ROUX
seasoning. It is easy to overdo it. The most common thickeners for savory sauces
arethe roux —white or brown. All of them are
KEEPING SAUCES made of the same ingredients to begin with but
change character as heat is applied. These mix-
You may keep Bechamel, Veloute, tomato and
brown sauces in the refrigerator about a week. To tures of flourand fats are blended gently over
very low heat from 5 minutes to a considerably
store, the sauce, pour it into a container
longer period, depending on your available time
and cover with a thin layer of fat or sherry.
You can also *
freeze the sauces mentioned
and your patience. White roux should not color;
those to which stock is added, barely; while brown
above in ice-cube trays and keep the cubes in your
ones should reach the color of hazelnut and smell
freezer in a plastic bag, taking out as many as you
deliciously baked. Unless a roux is cooked long
need for immediate use. They may be melted in
a —
double boiler 4 large cubes melt down to enough to dispel the raw taste of flour, this un-
pleasant flavor will dominate the strongest stocks
about V2 cup of sauce. You may also freeze Hol-
landaise Sauce, 358, and Bearnaise Sauce, 359, but
and seasonings. And unless the flour and butter
are stirred to distribute the heat and to allow the
be very careful when reheating. Do not try to
starch granules to swell evenly, they will later fail
freeze mayonnaise; it will break. And, in general,
to absorb the liquid, and the sauce will be thin.
do not try to keep sauces made with eggs, cream
This heated blending period is most important.
or milk for more than 2 or 3 days in the refriger-
Using excessive heat to try hurrying it will burn
the flour, giving it a bitter taste; and it will shrink
the starch, making it incapable of continuing to
INGREDIENTS For white roux-based sauces, see Bechamel, 341
Many savory sauces depend on some sort of pan for those made of white sauce to which stock
gravy, because pan residues, unless derived from is added, see Veloute, 343; for brown sauces, see
less-than-fresh fish or from strong variety meats Sauce Espagnole, 346. Since most cooks use some
like kidneys, are most desirable sauce ingredients. form of roux every day, you may find it a time-
They may result from sauteing, roasting, braising saver to make one in advance and store it in table-
or browning. Making pan gravies is described in spoon-sized units under refrigeration. It will keep
detail in About Sauces Made by Degreasing and in the * freezer, too, for several months if you
Deglazing, 340. proceed as follows. When the roux has been
Good strong, fat-free Stocks, 520, are invaluable cooked to the desired color and is still soft, mea-
sauce ingredients, too, especially when reduced to sure it by tablespoons onto a baking sheet and
a Glaze, 367.Where possible, the stock should freeze. Transfer the frozen wafers to a plastic bag
reflect the food it is to flavor: chicken stock for or wide-topped container and store in the freezer.
chicken, lamb stock for lamb, etc. Although meat To thicken sauce, drop the wafers into the sauce
stocks, including those of poultry and game, are until desired thickness is achieved. Or you may
often combined in sauce-making —
favorites being soften the wafers in a double boiler over hot
those of chicken and veal —
fish and shellfish water and proceed as usual to complete the sauce.

BROWNED FLOUR into a little cream, then incorporate with them

A variant used in gravies to enhance color and some of the hot sauce in preparation. Stir this mix-
flavor. The slow but inexpensive procedure by ture into the remainder of the hot liquid and con-
which is made is worth trying. The flour, when
it tinue to stir over low heat until the sauce thickens.
ready, should smell nutty and baked. Place: Do not allow the sauce to boil, or it will curdle.
1 cup flour If thishappens, plunge pot into cold water and
in a dry heavy skillet. Stir constantly over very stir; or beat in a small amount of chilled cream. It

low direct heat, scraping the flour from the sides is generally safer to add egg yolks to a mixture in

and bottom of the pan. Or, heat the flour in a a double boiler over not in — —
boiling water,
very slow oven, 200° to 250°, in a very heavy pan. unless you can control the heat source very ex-
Shake the pan periodically so the flour browns actly. Two or three egg yolks with a little cream
evenly. Do not let it get too dark or, as with will thicken 1 cup of liquid. Egg yolks added very
brown roux, it will become bitter and lose its slowly to melted butter or oil with constant stir-
thickening power Even properly
altogether. > ring will produce an emulsion that is quite thick.
browned flour has only about half the thickening Suitably seasoned, this becomes the base for Hol-
power of all-purpose flour. It may be stored in a landaise or mayonnaise. Hard-cooked egg yolks
tightly covered jar in a coof place. and oil will also emulsify, see Sauce Gribiche, 365.
Sometimes pressed into service to thicken emer- Blood from the animal or bird the sauce will ac-
gency gravies and sauces, but the results are never company desirable thickener. To save the
is a
so palatable as when even a quick roux is used. blood from a freshly killed hare, rabbit or chicken,
Make a paste of flour and cold water or stock. Use see 810. You may store it refrigerated a day or two,
about two parts water and one part flour. Stir as mixed with or 2 tablespoons vinegar to prevent
much of the paste as needed into the boiling stock it and add it to the sauce at the last
clotting. Strain
or drippings. Let the sauce heat until it thickens minute just before serving, swirling it in as you
and simmer minutes more to reduce
at least 3 would butter, below. Simmer gently, but never
the raw taste of the flour. Stir frequently with a allow the sauce to boil after the blood is added.
wire whisk.
Another classic way to thicken sauces. Bechamel
Cornstarch, see 548, is often used where translu-
and Espagnole may be thickened during very slow
cency is desirable, as in some Chinese sauces. It
simmering by the evaporation of liquid to achieve
should be mixed with a little cold water before
more richness and subtlety. If you intend to
being added to the hot liquid. One tablespoon
thicken a sauce by reducing it, season > after you
cornstarch will thicken IV2 to 2 cups of liquid.
have brought it down to the right viscosity; other-
Most Chinese sauces are finished over direct heat. wise you may find it highly overseasoned or un-
Overheating cornstarch-based sauces thins
pleasantly salty. There are a good many recipes for
tomato sauces which demand long cooking and
ARROWROOT reducing. Unless you can keep these sauces or, —
Of the thickeners, this makes the most deli-
in fact, any thickened sauces —
on very low heat,
cately textured sauces. But use it only when the they will cook too fast, and flavor and color will
sauce is to be served within 10 minutes of prepa- be impaired. In the case of roux-thickened sauces
ration. It will not hold, nor will it reheat. Since the which call for reducing, do use an oven. It is a
flavor of arrowroot it does not have
is neutral and great labor-saver, and the heat can be controlled

to be cooked to remove rawness, as do flour and much more exactly. Almost all reduced sauces,
cornstarch, and since it thickens at a lower tem- to be perfect in texture, should be strained before

perature than either of them, it is ideal for use in serving.

egg and other sauces which should not boil. Allow

2V2 teaspoons to 1 cup liquid.
These finish off many fine, rich sauces, both white
POTATO STARCH OR FECULA and brown, and final heating. But
after straining

Preferred by some cooks to flour as a thickener in after swirling, the sauce must be served at once

certain delicate sauces. When

it is used, less sim-
> nor can it be reheated. In addition to improving
mering required and the sauce gains some trans-
the flavor, the butter swirl also very slightly thick-
parency. If heated beyond 176°, the sauce will
ens the sauce. To make a sauce finie au beurre
thin out. Serve soon after it has thickened, as it has after straining and heating, add unsalted, un-
no holding power. One tablespoon of potato melted butter bit by bit, moving the pan in a
starch will moderately thicken 1 cup of liquid. circular motion, so that the butter makes a visible
spiral in thehot sauce as it melts. Remove the pan
EGG YOLKS from the heat before the butter is fully melted
Egg yolks not only thicken but also enrich a sauce. and continue to swirl. Do not use a spoon to
Never add them directly to hot liquid. Stir them stir it and do not try to reheat it. About 1 table-

spoon butter is generally used to "finish" 1 cup of crisp hollowed-out cabbage, 77, or individually
sauce. in tomato or pepper cases, 105. Suggest the sea
habitat of cold shrimp or poached salmon with a
KNEADED BUTTER OR BEURRE MANIE delicate pink Mayonnaise, 363, or Remoulade
A magic panacea for rectifying sauces or thicken-
Sauce, 364, by serving them in a large seashell.
ing thin ones at theend of the cooking process. Hot sauces may be served in ramekins, tiny tin-'
Avoid using it, though, for those which require lined copper saucepans, and other small heatproof
long simmering. After adding kneaded butter containers. The doll house instinct rises in all of
do not boil the sauce. Simmer only long enough us at the sight of these miniature individual pitch-
to dispel the floury taste. Manipulate with your ers and pots that are so appropriate when hot lob-
fingers, as though you were rubbing for fine ster, artichokes or asparagus is on the menu.
pastry, 2 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons
Sauces on the buffet table may be kept hot in
flour. Form into small balls and drop into the hot small three-legged French saucepans, placed over
liquid, stirring constantly until the ingredients are
a candle, in chafing dishes, or in an enameled iron
well blended and the sauce thickens. This amount
pot over heat, shown in the chapter heading on
will be sufficient for 1 cup of thin liquid.
336. Like the food it accompanies, sauce, if it is
meant to be hot, must be kept hot. However,
any sauce that is worth its salt won't keep indef-
Filepowder, the classic thickener of Creole gum-
initely on a steam table or in a casserole. There is
bos, has been banned by the FDA as carcinogenic.
a point of maximum goodness at which it should
To reproduce its mucilaginous texture, use Tapi-
be served.
oca Flour, 550.
Cold sauces and Seasoned Butters, 349, may be
kept chilled on a mound of crushed ice; molds
and pats of seasoned butter placed directly on the
ice. Don't use ice cubes —
the butter slips down
between them.


These are a welcome change after the heavier and
more familiar roux-based types. Residues and
scrapings from sauteing, broiling, roasting and
browning constitute the precious base for many
delectable pan gravies that are to be served with
sauteed or roasted fowl, meat dishes and fish. It is

always best, if you saute with butter and the but-
ter should be sweet, not salted —
to clarify it, 349,
or to combine it with a little cooking oil to raise its
smoking point, and so prevent scorching. If mar-
garine has been substituted for butter, you may
wish to improve the flavor of the final product by
finishing off the sauce with a Butter Swirl, 339. In
roasting meat, be sure to grease the pans lightly at
the start to keep from burning any juices which
may drip into the bottom of the roasting pan be-
fore it receives a protective covering of rendered
fat. Browning lends attractive color, and the in-

corporation of some fat from the pan will intensify

the characteristic meat flavor. Even more effective
in this respect is to add to the pan, after browning
the meat, a cup of Mirepoix, 572. When the meat
is done, remove it from the pan and pour off the

fat.There are several ways to do this quickly. One

is pour all the juices into a heatproof glass con-
tainer and submerge it in cold water. The fat will
rise at once and can be spooned off. Another, if
WAYS TO SERVE SAUCES there is more fat than stock, is to use a baster, 446:
See above various containers for hot or cold tip the pan and siphon off the good juices from
sauces, but there are other attractive ways to underneath the top layer of grease. Pour off the
serve them. Cold sauces and dips with a mayon- grease. Return juices to roasting pan. Add V* cup
naise or sour cream base may be presented in a or more hot water, wine or stock and cook on top

of the stove, stirring and scraping the solidified WHITE SAUCE I OR BECHAMEL
juices from the bottom and sides. The addition of 1 Cup
wine or dry sherry will hasten the deglazing Very basic: used not only for creaming foods like
process and heighten aroma. Use the stock ap- vegetables and fish but as a base for many other
propriate to your meat or fowl and the kind of sauces. Melt over low heat:
wine you would normally drink with it. This, with 2 tablespoons butter
a Butter Swirl, 339, Beurre Manie, 340, or a little For a delicate flavor, even commercial establish-
cream, can make the finest of all sauces. ments have found no substitute for butter. Add
and blend over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes:
"PA to 2 tablespoons flour
MEAT PAN GRAVY Stir in slowly:
1 Cup
1 cup milk
Ifyou use drippings for sauces, you may want to
For better consistency, you may scald the milk
them first and remove excess fat. Reheat
some of the fat because it will absorb the flour
beforehand; but be sure to avoid lumping that — —
the roux is cool when you add it. Add:
better. Remove the meat from the pan. Place it
1 small onion studded with 2 or 3 whole cloves
where it will remain hot. Pour off all but:
V2 small bay leaf
2 tablespoons drippings
Cook and stir the sauce with a wire whisk or
Blend into them:
wooden spoon until thickened and smooth. Place
1 or 2 tablespoons flour
in a 350° oven for 20 minutes to cook slowly. The
Stir with a wire whisk until the flour has thickened
oven interval also saves your time and hands for
and until the mixture is well combined and
other kitchen jobs. Strain the sauce.
smooth. Continue to cook slowly and stir con-
Season to taste
stantly, while adding:
The degreased pan juices and milk, water,
A grating of nutmeg
stock, cream, wine or beer to make 1 cup
and serve. For creamed dishes, use about one-half
The beer may be "flat." Season the gravy with:
as much sauce as solids.
Fresh or dried minced herbs WHITE SAUCE II OR HEAVY
Grated lemon rind BECHAMEL
Color, if necessary, with: 1 Cup
A few drops Caramel, 559 Used in souffles.
You may strain the gravy; reheat before serving. Prepare:
If you are using a thickener other than flour, White Sauce I, above
please read About Thickeners, 338, for the correct Use in all:
amount of cornstarch or arrowroot to be added 3 tablespoons butter
for the above amount of liquid. 3 tablespoons flour
1 cup liquid


Strain the juices from the roasted fowl. Pour off BECHAMEL
and reserve the fat. Heat in a saucepan: 1 Cup
'A cup of the fat
For croquettes.
Add and stir until blended: Prepare:
V* cup flour
White Cream Sauce I, above
Stir in slowly:
Use in all:
Pan juices and enough Chicken or Poultry 3 tablespoons butter
Stock, 523, to make 2 cups 1
A cup flour
Cook and stir the gravy until smooth and sim- 1 cup liquid
mer 5 minutes.Add:
Chopped cooked giblets
('A cup or more cream) WHITE SAUCE IV OR ENRICHED
If the gravy is very rich, it maytheseparate. Add BECHAMEL
cream slowly. Stir it constantly. This will usually For poached lean fish.
forestall any difficulty. Should you wish to add the Reduce:
brown material in the original pan, pour a small 1 cup White Sauce I, above
quantity of the gravy into the pan to dislodge it, to three-fourths of its volume. Stir in:
heating slightly if necessary. Stir well and return 1
A cup heavy cream
this liquid to the rest of the gravy. and bring to boiling point. If the sauce is for fish,
Season to taste add:
and serve. (V2 to 1 teaspoon lemon juice)


This base can be flavored and modified in many 2 tablespoons cream
ways. Melt over low heat: y Add of the sauce to the egg yolk and
a little

2 tablespoons butter cream, stirring constantly, then return the mixture

to the rest of the sauce and cook until well heated.
Add still over low heat, stirring about 3 to 4

minutes or until well blended and the taste of raw Then add:
flour has vanished:
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons grated Gruyere cheese
Vh to 2 tablespoons flour
Stir in slowly: Keep stirring with a small whisk to help melt the

1 cup milk, milk and light stock, light stock,

cheese and to keep the sauce smooth while it
or light stock and cream
Season to taste Season to taste
and vary the flavor with one or more of the fol-
Salt and a few grains of cayenne
Celery salt
A grating of nutmeg SAUCE DIjONNAISE
1teaspoon lemon juice About 2 Cups
V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce For baked or boiled ham or a rather coarse-
1 teaspoon sherry grained fish.
1 teaspoon onion juice Prepare:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 cup White Sauce III, 341

2 tablespoons chopped chives omitting the whole onion. Reserve. Saute in:

^ Simmer and stir the sauce with a wire whisk 2 tablespoons butter
until it has thickened and is smooth and hot.
/» cup finely chopped onions
Combine with other ingredients just as it boils,
it until onions are translucent. Add to skillet:

so that it will not become watery. For creamed

A teaspoon thyme
dishes, use about half as much sauce as there are
A teaspoon crushed garlic
solids. '/a bay leaf
1 teaspoon basil
WHITE SAUCE WITH stirring constantly. Put into a separate pan:
HARD-COOKED EGG 1 can condensed chicken broth
1 cup drained canned tomatoes
1V4 cups
Delicious when
and simmer reduced by
until these ingredients are
made with half chicken stock and
half cream.
half. Remove bay and combine all ingredients.
Put them through a sieve, if you like. Bring mix-
ture to a boil, remove from heat and stir in:
White Sauce I, 341
Add to it:
1 tablespoon prepared Dijon-type mustard, 582
2 tablespoons Madeira
2 chopped hard-cooked eggs
tablespoon capers or chopped Season to taste
1 pickle
When ready to serve, add:
FLORENTINE SAUCE A Butter Swirl, 339

About 2 Cups
1 cup White Sauce I, 341 About 2 Cups
A dash of hot pepper sauce Prepare:
2 drops Worcestershire sauce White Sauce I, 341
1 cup chopped spinach
finely When it is smooth and hot, reduce the heat and
A fresh grating of nutmeg stir in:

1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 1 cup or less mild grated cheese

If using the sauce cold for fish, do not thin. If Season with:
using it hot, you may thin with: V2 teaspoon salt
s teaspoon paprika
(Cream or dry white wine)
A few grains cayenne
MORNAY SAUCE O/z teaspoon dry mustard)
About 1 V* Cups Stir the sauce until the cheese is melted.
Excellent for masking fish, egg and vegetable
dishes. If you are using it in a dish to be browned WHITE WINE SAUCE FOR FISH
in the oven or under the broiler, sprinkle a little About 1 A Cups

grated cheese over the top first. Prepare: Reduce by half over medium heat a mixture of:
1 cup White Sauce I, flavored with onion V* cup white wine
or shallots, 341 1 bay leaf
Beat until blended: 2 cloves

2 black peppercorns Add to it:

(1 '/2-inch piece gingerroot) 3 fillets of anchovy, washed and pounded

cup Fish Stock, 524
V* to a paste
1 teaspoon chopped shallots or mild onions Blend it well with the sauce.
Strain and add to:
1 cup strained White Sauce I, 341
To make a sauce that coats well and browns beau-
tifully, add: SAUCE ALBERT
(2 tablespoons whipped cream) 1 Cup
A happy complement to boiled or corned beef.
About V/i Cups White Sauce I, 341
For fish. Remove from the heat. Add:

Prepare: 3 tablespoons prepared horseradish

1 cup White Sauce I, 341 2 tablespoons whipping cream
Add: 1 teaspoon sugar

V2 cup whipping cream 1 teaspoon dry mustard

Rub through a fine sieve: 1 tablespoon vinegar

2 tablespoons Shrimp Butter, 351 Reheat but do not boil. Serve immediately.
Instead of the shrimp butter, you may add 1 table-
spoon finely ground shrimp made into a smooth LOW-FAT WHITE SAUCE
paste with 1 tablespoon butter. Heat to boiling About 2 Cups
Combine and scald:
Season to taste
2 cups skim milk
Garnish with:
V2 teaspoon salt
Finely chopped shrimp A dash of white pepper
Sprinkle over the surface and stir in for 1 minute:
TOMATO SHRIMP SAUCE 3 tablespoons cream of rice
3V2 Cups Remove from heat, cover and let stand 4 minutes.
This sauce may be poured over a platter of baked
Beat well until smooth. Reheat and serve, or store
or steamed fish, or may accompany either. It may
refrigerated and reheat for future use.
also be served with a souffle or a simple omelet.
2 cups Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352 BREAD SAUCE
Season the sauce well. Add and heat to the boil- About 3 Cups
ing point: The bread crumbs here substitute for flour. This
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, 848, or sauce is usually served with small roasted wild
2 teaspoons Chili Sauce, 847 birds or roast meat.
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Skin:
A cup chopped olives A
small onion
V2 cup boiled or canned shrimp Stud with:

V2 cup sauteed or canned mushrooms 3 whole cloves

Va cup finely chopped celery Place the onion in a saucepan with:
2 cups milk
OYSTER SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter
About 2 Cups Bring the milk to a boil. Add:
For fish. 1 cup fresh white bread crumbs
Prepare: Simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the onion. Beat
1 cup White Sauce II, 341 the sauce smooth and stir in until blended:
Season it well with: 3 tablespoons cream
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)

Shortly before serving, bring the sauce to the boil-

ing point and add: SAUCE VELOUTE
3 tablespoons chopped parsley IV2 Cups
1 cup finely chopped poached oysters Another basic: a white sauce made from
a roux in
and juice which a light stock usually takes the place of milk
or cream. The stock may be chicken, veal or fish,
ANCHOVY SAUCE depending on the dish the sauce is to accompany.
1Cup A quick Veloute may be made like White Sauce I,
For fish and bland vegetables. 341, using stock in place of milk, but for a classic
Prepare: sauce of fine texture, proceed as directed below.
White Sauce I, 341 The sauce should never be cooked in aluminum

pans because they discolor it badly. Melt in the 1

A cup whipping cream
top of a double boiler: Stir in:
2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon butter
Stir in: Season to taste
2 tablespoons flour
When blended, add gradually: CHAMPAGNE SAUCE
2 cups chicken, veal or fish stock About IV4 Cups
and over low heat
stir until well combined and Not every householder has to worry about what
thickened. Add: to do with leftover champagne, but should this
A cup mushroom peelings appalling dilemma be yours, there is no better way
Place in the double boiler and simmer over than this to solve it and make a light but rich sauce
not in —
boiling water about 1 hour, stirring occa- for fish or chicken.
sionally. Strain through a fine sieve, then add: Prepare:
A pinch of nutmeg 3
A cup Veloute Sauce, 343
Season to taste using fumet to replace the stock if the dish is fish.
and stir occasionally during the cooling process to Have ready:
prevent a crust from forming. You may enliven a V2 cup butter divided into six portions
Veloute by adding combinations of very finely Cook together until the mixture reduces almost to
chopped fresh herbs. a glaze:
cup champagne
AURORE SAUCE V2 cup minced shallots or mild onions
About 2 Cups Remove the mixture from the heat and add the
A sole-mate — Dover sole. butter, piece by piece, so that it softens but does
Prepare: not liquefy and retains the texture of a Bearnaise
Veloute Sauce, above sauce. Add:
Add: 1 V2 teaspoons freshly chopped tarragon
2 tablespoons tomato puree and combine the above with the heated but not
to the sauce and mix. Let boil a little before pour- boiling Veloute. Have the warm cooked fillets of
ing through a sieve and adding: fish or breast of chicken ready on a hot dish. Cover
A Butter Swirl, 339 them with the sauce and serve at once.


About 1 V2 Cups About IV2 Cups
A delicate onion-flavored sauce for fish, poultry or For fish, poultry or veal.
vegetables. Saute until golden in:
Prepare: 1 tablespoon butter

TA cups Veloute Sauce, 343 1 finely chopped medium-sized onion

Saute until transparent: Add:
2 chopped medium-sized onions 2 tablespoons mild Hungarian paprika
in: and stir for 1 minute. Add gradually, stirring con-
2 tablespoons butter stantly:
Add the onions to the Veloute Sauce and simmer 1 cup cream
over low heat 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. A cup Veloute
Sauce, 343
Rub the whole sauce through a fine sieve, and Season to taste
finish it off with:
2 tablespoons whipping cream SAUCE INDIENNE
Season to taste About 2 Cups
Saute slowly until tender in:
SUPREME SAUCE V* cup butter
About 2 Cups 'A cup finely chopped onion
For fish, poultry and eggs. Its special characteris-. Stir in and cook, without browning, for 4 or 5
tics are itsperfect whiteness and delicacy. minutes:
Prepare: 2V2 tablespoons flour
"IV2 cups Veloute Sauce, 343, made with V2 to 2 teaspoons curry powder
chicken stock A pinch to 'A teaspoon saffron
Add: Add slowly, stirring constantly, and simmer until
cup strong light chicken stock
1 well blended:
'A cup mushroom peelings cup chicken broth

Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer, stir- cup cream
ring occasionally, until the sauce is reduced to V2 teaspoon grated lemon peel
IV2 cups. Strain through a fine sieve and add, If you wish to have a perfectly smooth sauce, add

stirring constantly: the chicken broth and grated lemon peel only,

cook 10 minutes, strain through a sieve, add the 2 tablespoons butter

cream and bring back to a boil. You may liven Add and saute until light yellow:
up this sauce, if you like a hot curry, with 1 tablespoon chopped onion or shallots
dashes of: Stir in until smooth:
(Hot pepper sauce) IV2 tablespoons flour
(Cayenne) Stir in gradually, until the sauce is smooth and
(Ginger) very hot:
(Dry sherry) Vi cup chicken or veal stock
or by adding: V2 cup dry white wine
(Chopped chutney) You may add:
(Very small gherkins) (1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chives)
Salt, as needed
Served lukewarm over variety meats, fish, light ALLEMANDE SAUCE OR
meats and poultry. Chop until very fine: EGG-THICKENED VELOUTE
2 shallots 1 Vi Cups
Add: An enriched Veloute Sauce, to be used with
1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar poached chicken or vegetables. It becomes Pou-
Cook these ingredients rapidly about 3 minutes, lette if, as a final step, you add finely chopped
stirring constantly. Add: parsley. If, minute, you add a generous
at the last
cup Veloute Sauce, 343
1 tablespoon of drained chopped capers, you have
to the shallots and simmer about 10 minutes. Stir Caper Sauce, which goes well with fish or mut-
frequently. Add: ton. > Do not let an Allemande boil after the egg
Salt and freshly ground pepper is added, or it will curdle.
Cool the sauce to lukewarm. Add: Prepare:
tablespoon chopped parsley
1 IV2 cups Veloute Sauce, 343
1 tablespoon chopped chervil Stir in:
1 tablespoon chopped capers 3
A cup strong chicken stock
V2 teaspoon chopped chives Blend well and reduce to two-thirds its original
!"2 teaspoon chopped tarragon
volume, stirring occasionally. Remove from the
Quaintly enough, the classic cuisine also includes heat and add:
a cold "Ravigote" sauce which is not based on 1 egg yolk mixed with 2 tablespoons cream
Veloute at all, but is in essence an Herbed French Stir the sauce until slightly thickened. Just before
Dressing, 360. serving, stir in:

1 tablespoon lemon juice

SMITANE SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter
About 2 Cups
For roast poultry or wildfowl — especially pheasant CURRY SAUCE
— and for game if the brown base is used.
Vh Cups
Melt in asaucepan:
Pour over whole poached fish or fish fillets.
1 tablespoon butter
Add: IV2 cups Allemande Sauce, above
cup finely chopped onions
and cook until transparent, then add:
1 teaspoon curry powder
V2 cup dry white wine
and replacing the 3A cup chicken stock with:
and cook until the mixture is reduced to one-half. 3
A cup coconut milk, 566
1 cup Veloute, 343, or Brown Sauce, 346

Blend and simmer 5 minutes, then add: HOT MUSTARD SAUCE

1 cup cultured sour cream IV2 Cups
Season to taste For poached or broiled fish.

For a tarter effect, add: Prepare:

(A little lemon juice) IV2 cups Allemande Sauce, above
After adding the sour cream, do not allow the Add, just before serving:

sauce to boil or it will curdle. V2 teaspoon dry mustard or 1 teaspoon

prepared mustard
V* teaspoon salt
teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
About 1 Cup
Serve over Sauteed Brains, 504, Sweetbreads, 502,
or other light meats. If using with a fish dish, sub- SAUCE FOR WILDFOWL
stitute a fumet, 524, for the stock, below. After roasting the game bird which has been
Heat: barded with salt pork or bacon and basted with

equal quantities of butter and white wine, flambe half. occasionally and skim off the fat as it
it in: rises tothe top. Strain and stir occasionally as the
Va cup brandy: 1 oz. sauce cools to prevent the formation of a skin. The
Remove the game and keep warm. Degrease the sauce should be the consistency of whipping
pan juices and reduce them over low heat for 1 cream, no thicker. If you are using this sauce "as
minute. Then add, for each small bird: is":
1 egg yolk Season to taste
Beat in: Herbs, spices and mushrooms are frequent addi-
V2 cup whipping cream tions to any brown sauce.
Stir until thickened but do not allow the sauce
to boil. Season well.
About 4 .2 Cups 1

PEANUT PEPPER SAUCE The Espagnole, above, reduced to the nth degree.
About 1 A Cups
1 Serve with filet mignon or any meat with which
Use over chicken or beans to enrich their protein Madeira Sauce, below, is generally used.
content. Combine in a heavy saucepan:
Combine in a heavy saucepan over low heat and 4 cups Brown Sauce, above
stir constantly until the ingredients thicken: 4 cups rich beef stock, flavored with
V2 cup milk mushroom trimmings
V2 cup chicken broth or vegetable stock Simmer slowly until reduced by half. Strain into a
4 tablespoons peanut butter double boiler and keep warm over hot water
1 teaspoon soy sauce while adding:
V2 clove garlic, pressed V2 cup dry sherry
2 tablespoons finely shredded green pepper
or pimiento MADEIRA SAUCE
(1 teaspoon sugar)
About 1 Cup
Season to taste A may be substituted.
dry sherry Highly sympa-
Serve at once.
thetic to game or fillet of beef.
BROWN SAUCE OR SAUCE 1 cup Brown Sauce, above

to three-fourths its volume, then add:

ESPAGNOLE V* cup Madeira
About 6 Cups (1 teaspoon Meat Glaze, 368)
Legion are the children of this mother-sauce, and
Finish with a:
only the cook's clumsiness or lack of ingenuity
Butter Swirl, 339
need convert them into the changelings we lump and another:
together as "gravy." Espagnole is the fundamental
2 tablespoons Madeira
brown sauce, but its classic preparation is time-
Keep do not let boil after adding the
hot, but
consuming, often involving slow reduction over
You may also make this in the pan in which
an 8- to 12-hour period. Today many illustrious
you have cooked the meat. Remove meat and
restaurants are basing their brown sauces on
pour Deglaze the pan with the above quan-
off fat.
canned condensed soups, a heresy we- have for tity wine is reduced by half,
of Madeira until the
years happily practiced. The decline in quality, we
then add the Brown Sauce and cook 10 minutes
often think, is balanced by infinitely greater speed before finishing, as described above.
of preparation and a welcome drop in caloric con-
tent. The recipe below is a kind of compromise
short-cut requiring 2 to 2 1
Melt heavy saucepan:
V2 cup beef or veal drippings VU Cups
Add: An inspired choice for leftover meat.
1 cup Mirepoix, 572 Melt in a saucepan:
When this begins to color, add: 2 tablespoons butter
V2 cup flour Add:
and stir until the flour is thoroughly browned. 2 finely chopped onions
Add: and cook until golden brown. Add:
10 black peppercorns /3 cup dry white wine or 2 tablespoons vinegar

2 cups drained, peeled tomatoes or 2 cups If you use the wine, simmer until reduced by half.

tomato puree Then add:

V2 cup coarsely chopped parsley 1 cup Brown Sauce, above
Stir and mix well, then add: and simmer for 15 minutes. Just before serving,
8 cups rich beef stock add:
Simmer 2 to 2V2 hours or until reduced by one- 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley


CHASSEUR teaspoon mixed dried marjoram, rosemary,
sage, bay leaf, thyme and basil
About 2 Cups
Saute gently until very tender:
Remove from heat and let stand 5 to 10 minutes.
Strain off the herb-flavored wine and add it to:
2 tablespoons minced onion or shallots
1 cup hot Brown Sauce, 346
2 tablespoons butter
Stir in and saute gently for about 2 minutes: SAUCE PERIGUEUX
1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 Cup
Add: For croquettes, shirred eggs and chicken.
cup dry white wine
V2 Prepare:
tablespoons brandy)
(2 Madeira Sauce, 346
Simmer until reduced by half. Add: Just before adding the butter swirl, stir in:
V2 cup tomato sauce or puree tablespoon chopped truffles

1 cup Brown Sauce, 346 Very similar is Sauce Perigourdine, but the truffles
Cook 5 minutes, then: are finely diced instead of chopped and a dice of
Season to taste foie gras is added.
and add:
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
4 cup pine nuts)
About V/a Cups
Excellent for giving extra zip to bland meats and
BORDELAISE SAUCE for reheating leftover meat. A good sauce, too, for
For sweetbreads, chops, steaks, grilled meats. pork and pigs' feet.

Cook together in a saucepan: Lightly brown:

cup dry red wine
V2 2 tablespoons minced onions
4 or 5 crushed black peppercorns in:

until reduced to three-fourths, then add: 1 tablespoon butter

1 cup Brown Sauce, 346 Add:
Simmer 15 minutes. Add, just before serving: 2 tablespoons dry white wine or
Va cup diced beef marrow, poached for a few 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
minutes and drained and cook until the liquid is almost evaporated.
(V2 teaspoon lemon juice) Add:
teaspoon chopped parsley 1 cup Brown Sauce, 346
and simmer 10 minutes. Just before serving, add:
1 tablespoon chopped parsley or chopped
MARCHAND DE VIN OR mixed parsley, tarragon and chervil
MUSHROOM WINE SAUCE 1 tablespoon chopped sour pickles
About 2 Cups 1 tablespoon chopped capers
Serve with broiled steak. Season to taste
1 cup finely sliced mushrooms SAUCE ROBERT
V/a Cups
2 tablespoons butter
Add: Piquant Sauce, above
V2 cup hot beef stock doubling the amount of onion and omitting the
Simmer 10 minutes. Add: parsley, chervil and tarragon. Just before serving,
1 cup Brown Sauce, 346
stir in:
V2 cup dry red wine or Madeira 1 teaspoon prepared Dijon-type mustard
Simmer 20 minutes, then: A pinch of powdered sugar
Season to taste
You may add:
3 Cups
The sauce to serve with venison. It
ROSEMARY WINE SAUCE constitutes the basis of several other game sauces.
1 Cup Heat:
Serve with Calf's Head, 510, or turtle meat, 393. Va cup vegetable oil
Aptly enough, the strongly flavored combination Saute in it, until brown:
of herbs which gives this sauce its special tang is 1 chopped carrot
known in France as herbs a tortue. 1 chopped onion
Heat to boiling point: (Game bones, trimmings and giblets,
V2 cup Madeira or dry sherry if available)

Add: I-
1 A Cups

3 sprigs parsley For chicken, veal and fish.

bay leaf
1 Heat:
pinch of thyme 1 cup condensed cream of chicken soup
Va cup vinegar or A cup marinade liquid, if the
2 tablespoons butter
game has been marinated before cooking 2 to 4 tablespoons rich chicken or
Simmer until reduced to one-third original quan- vegetable stock
tity. Add: A grating of lemon rind
3 cups Brown Sauce, 346
Bring to a boil reduce heat and simmer 1 hour. II. VU Cups
For beef hash.
10 peppercorns Heat:
1 cup condensed cream of mushroom soup
and simmer 5 more minutes. Strain the sauce into
another saucepan and add again: 2 to 4 tablespoons strong beef stock

Va cup marinade liquid

V2 teaspoon Meat Glaze, 368
Cook slowly 30 minutes more, then add: Few drops garlic juice
1 tablespoon butter
V2 cup dry red wine
Season to taste III. "PA Cups
adding enough: For creaming vegetables.
Freshly ground black pepper Heat:
to make a hot sauce. 1 cup condensed cream of celery soup
2 tablespoons butter
2 to 4 tablespoons chicken stock
CREOLE SAUCE 1 tablespoon chopped chives
About 2 Cups
Melt over low heat: QUICK BROWN SAUCE
2 tablespoons butter
About 1 Cup
Add and cook covered about 2 minutes: You may rub your pan with:
Va cup chopped onion
V2 clove garlic
minced clove garlic
6 minced green olives
2 tablespoons butter
Add and cook until the sauce is thick, about 50 Stir in until blended:
minutes: 2 tablespoons flour
"P/z cups canned tomatoes or Vi cup tomatoes
Stir in:
and 1 cup Brown Sauce, 346 1 cup canned bouillon, or 1 or 2 bouillon
V2 chopped green pepper, with seeds and cubes dissolved in 1 cup boiling water
membranes removed Permit the gravy to reach the boiling point. Stir
V2 bay leaf constantly. Season as required with:
A pinch of thyme Saltand pepper or paprika
1 teaspoon chopped parsley Dry sherry or Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon white or brown sugar Lemon juice, catsup or chili sauce
A teaspoon salt Dried herbs
A few grains cayenne
(1 tablespoon dry sherry) QUICK MUSHROOM SAUCE
(' 4 cup chili sauce)
About 2 Cups
(2 tablespoons diced ham)
For roast meat, chicken and casseroles.
(V2 cup sliced mushrooms) Saute:
lb. sliced mushrooms
ABOUT QUICK CANNED SOUP 2 tablespoons butter
SAUCES Remove the mushrooms from the skillet. Add to
Not only do unconcentrated canned consommes the drippings:
and broths perform a valuable impromptu role as Quick Brown Sauce, above
strengtheners and flavoring for sauces: condensed When the sauce is heated, add the sauteed mush-
canned soups may be used to furnish the very rooms.
foundations for sauce as well. The results, of
course, are not so subtle and delicate as roux- QUICK A LA KING SAUCE
based sauces carefully constructed from fresh About 1 Va Cups
meat or poultry stock. But an impressive saving in The stout stanchion under many a quickly
time and a substantially lower caloric content go trumped-up luncheon-bridge.
far toward offsetting loss of quality. Taste these Saute until tender:
mixtures before salting and final seasoning. 1 minced green pepper


1 tablespoon butter For About 1 Pound Vegetables
Add: Blend until smooth:
cup condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 tablespoon cornstarch
V*cup milk 3 tablespoons cold water
Heat the sauce and add: Add:
1 pimiento, cut into strips teaspoon salt
(2 tablespoons dry sherry) tablespoon soy sauce
(V2 teaspoon finely grated gingerroot)
QUICK TOMATO CHEESE SAUCE Pour over vegetables that are cooking. Stir well
About 1 1/2 Cups until the whole mixture comes to a boil.
Good over eggs.
Heat in adouble boiler: ABOUT SEASONED BUTTERS AND
1 cup condensed tomato soup
V* teaspoon salt These garnishes are quick, tasty and simple to
A teaspoon pepper or paprika make. The main thing is to use fresh, high-quality
Stir and cook these ingredients until they are hot. butter, preferably unsalted. For other seasoned

With a wire whisk beat in: butters used as Spreads, see 70. For Seafood But-

1 cup or more grated cheese

ters, see 71.
until the cheese is melted. Allow about 1 tablespoon butter per serving. A
few butter sauces are melted, but most of them
are creamed and reach the table in solid form,
QUICK SEAFOOD SPAGHETTI SAUCE being allowed to melt on the hot fish, meat or
About 1 Quart vegetables for which they are designed. You may
Heat: form the butter into fancy shapes and molds, see
IV2 cups condensed tomato soup 541. Most solid seasoned butters may be prepared
Melt in a saucepan over low heat- more quickly and taste almost as good as melted
'A cup olive oil or butter
butter sauces. If you use melted butter, dress the
Stir in and cook until transparent:
food in the kitchen. Make sure you spoon out the
'A cup or more chopped onion
seasonings with the butter. They will sink to the
Va cup chopped green pepper bottom if you serve the melted butter at table in
Stir inslowly the hot soup and:
a sauce boat. There are some butters, such as
'/a cup Fish Stock, 524
shrimp and lobster, which are used to flavor and
When the sauce is hot, add very slowly, stirring
finish sauces but are rarely served by themselves
as sauces.
Vi lb. cooked or canned diced lobster, crab, Seasoned butters may be ^
frozen for several
shrimp or tuna weeks. But they should not be refrigerated
Remove from heat and add: longer than 24 hours, as the herbs deteriorate
V2 lb. diced cheese: Mozzarella, Parmesan or
Season to taste
and stir in cheese until melted. Pour over cooked
spaghetti. OR GHEE
There need mystery nor mystique
be neither
DRIED SOUP SAUCES about this merely melted butter
substance: it is

with the sediment removed. But, as it is used in

4 Servings
Not so speedy as canned ones, but they can pro-
so many different ways —
among others as a sauce
vide a well-flavored base when reconstituted with
for cooked lobster, to make brown and black but-
half the amount of liquid called for normally: the
ter and as a baking ingredient —
here is the recipe.
dried vegetable components swell during cooking.
Melt completely over low heat:
Combine and heat:
1 package dried cream of leek, cream of Remove from heat and let stand a few minutes,
allowing the milk solids to settle to the bottom.
mushroom or smoky pea soup
Skim the butter fat from the top and strain the
1 V2 cups light cream or top milk
clear yellow liquid into a container.
Use with leftover chicken or veal, with rice or
noodles in a casserole. Or combine and heat:
1 package dried onion soup BROWN BUTTER OR
IVi to 2 cups water BEURRE NOISETTE
and add to meat and vegetables in a casserole. 4 Servings
Again, do not salt —
and go easy on other season- Brown or so-called black butters can only be made
ings —
until these sauces have cooked about 20 successfully with clarified butter, since otherwise
minutes and you have tasted them. the sediment always present in "raw" butter will

tend to burn and make the resultant sauce speck- Cream until soft:
led and bitter. Use for asparagus, broccoli and 1
A cup butter
brains. Beat in:
Melt in a saucepan and cook slowly until light 1 teaspoon anchovy paste
brown: Va teaspoon onion juice
A cup
Clarified Butter, 349 1
A teaspoon lemon juice
A few grains cayenne
4 Servings
For fish, eggs, vegetables, sweetbreads and brains.
Melt and cook very slowly, until dark brown:
About 'A Cup
For broiled meats.
'A cup Clarified Butter, 349
Cook together until reduced to about one-fourth
Stir in at once:
the original quantity:
1 teaspoon vinegar or lemon juice
2 teaspoons finely shallots
If served with brains or fish, you may add:
cup dry white wine

1 tablespoon chopped capers
Cool. Cream:
Serve immediately.
4 tablespoons butter
4 Servings
2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley
Combine the two mixtures and:
Brown Season to taste
Butter, 349
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley CAVIAR BUTTER
1 teaspoon lemon juice 6 to 8 Servings
Season to taste A lovely fish garnish.
1 Cup 1 tablespoon lemon juice
For snails and egg dishes.
4 cup black caviar or salmon roe
Reduce by half a mixture of: Salt, if necessary
2 cups dry red wine, preferably red Burgundy Chill slightly, mold or cut into shapes and serve.
2 minced shallots or mild onions
A few sprigs parsley MAITRE D'HOTEL BUTTER
A pinch of thyme 4 Servings
A bay leaf Good over broiled steak.
(Mushroom peelings) Cream until soft:
Strain the mixture. When ready to serve, heat V* cup butter
and add: Add:
1 to 1tablespoons Kneaded Butter, 340
*/a teaspoon salt
(A dash of cayenne) A
teaspoon white pepper

1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley

ALMOND BUTTER Add very slowly, stirring the sauce constantly:
A Cup
A to IV2 tablespoons lemon juice
Often used in cream sauces, for sauteed chicken
and other "amandine" dishes. Another version is
Amandine Garnish, 553.
4 Servings
Use on fish and roasted meats.
V* cup butter
Cream together:
V* cup Maitre d'Hotel Butter, above
V* cup almonds, 562
V2 teaspoon melted beef extract or
Remove the skins and pound the almonds to a
Meat Glaze, 368
paste with: 1
4 teaspoon finely chopped fresh tarragon
1 teaspoon water
Add gradually to the butter, blending well. Rub
through a fine sieve. SNAIL BUTTER
Season to taste About 1 Cup
Should any of remain after stuffing the snails
ANCHOVY BUTTER "X* freeze for a short period for use on steaks, fish
4 Servings or vegetables.
Fine spread over hot broiled fish, a steak or Cream until soft:
canapes. A cup
3 butter

Work into it: Add the shells and:

1 to 2 tablespoons minced shallots 2 tablespoons water
or mild onions Simmer 10 minutes. Do not let the butter boil.
1 to 2 well-pressed cloves garlic Line a sieve with cheesecloth or fine muslin and
tablespoon minced celery)
(1 strain the hot butter into a bowl of ice water. Re-
tablespoon minced parsley
1 frigerate and skim off the butter when it hardens.
V2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper
(1 tablespoon lemon juice)
4 Servings
For poached The fumet required is from the
DEVILED BUTTER FOR SEAFOOD same type of fish. If you lack a fumet, a surpris-
4 Servings ingly effective alternative is an equal amount of
Work until soft: clam juice, canned or fresh. Simmer until reduced
V4 cup butter to one-fourth its original volume:
Combine it with: 1 teaspoon finely chopped shallots

V2 teaspoon dry mustard A cup wine vinegar


2 teaspoons wine vinegar 'A cup Fumet, 524

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Cool this mixture and add, a little at a time:
teaspoon salt
•» A cup softened butter

Vm, teaspoon cayenne beating constantly with a sauce whisk until the
2 egg yolks sauce is creamy and whitened, rather like whipped
Beat well. cream.
Season to taste
GARLIC BUTTER 2 tablespoons mixture of very finely chopped
4 Servings
fresh fennel, parsley, chives, basil, chervil
For steak, if you are a garlic fancier, or for garlic
or tarragon, or 1 tablespoon of the
bread. Boil in a little water 5 or 6 minutes:
dried herbs
1 to 3 cloves garlic
Drain, crush and pound well in a mortar with:
About V* Cup A topping for vegetables.

Use for broiled fish and to give white or cream Brown:

sauces a green color. V3 cup fine dry bread crumbs
Blanch the following ingredients 5 minutes, then in:

plunge into cold water, drain and dry in a towel: Meuniere Butter, 350
2 shallots or 1 tablespoon mild onion If you wish, you may saute:
1 teaspoon fresh tarragon (1 tablespoon minced onion)

1 teaspoon fresh chervil in the butter, until transparent, before adding the
1 teaspoon fresh parsley bread crumbs. Garnish the vegetable with:
6 to 8 spinach leaves Finely chopped hard-cooked egg
Chop until fine and pound them in a mortar. and pour the sauce over it.
Work in gradually:
V* cup butter
Salt, if needed
Drain the vegetables. Let the stock or juice boil
SHRIMP OR LOBSTER BUTTER untilreduced by half. Add:
V2 Cup Melted butter
Delicately pink and deliciously flavored. Use for
Seasonings and lemon juice
finishing cream sauces served with fish or by itself
with the shellfish you have used in making the
Dry the shells from: About 4 Cups
shrimp or 1 large lobster
1 lb. Place over low heat:
in a low oven for a short time. Pound in a mortar 3 tablespoons olive oil
or put them through the food grinder, breaking Add and stir about 3 minutes:
them up as finely as possible. Melt: 1 Bermuda onion, chopped
Vi cup butter 2 chopped celery ribs with leaves
in a double boiler —
over not in boiling water. — 1 carrot cut in small pieces

(V2 chopped green pepper, seeds and fibrous COCKTAIL SAUCE

portions removed) About 1 Cup
(1 pressed clove garlic) For dunking or garnishing shellfish, small sausages
Add: or other hors d'oeuvre.
4 cups drained canned tomatoes or 6 large Combine:
fresh tomatoes 3
A cup Catsup, 847
If the latter are very juicy, peel and squeeze /a to A cup prepared horseradish
1 1

slightly to get rid of excess liquid and seeds. Add: Juice of 1 lemon
sprig thyme, basil or tarragon
1 1 dash hot pepper sauce
teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper MEXICAN TOMATO SAUCE
1 teaspoon sugar About 1 Cup
Cook gently, uncovered, until the mixture is thick, Just what you might expect. You will feel hot in-
about 45 minutes. Watch it, so that it does not side, down to your toes. Use with Cowboy Eggs,
burn. Put it through a fine strainer. Add seasoning, 222.
if needed. This sauce will keep several days. Place in a small saucepan and simmer until fairly
4 cup drained canned tomatoes or about 3
About 1 V2 Cups large, skinned and quartered, peeled and
Bring to a boil and then simmer 30 minutes seeded fresh tomatoes
before sieving: 6 tablespoons Chili Sauce, 847
2 cups canned tomatoes 2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1 onion, stuck with 3 cloves 3 tablespoons grated or prepared horseradish
2 chopped celery ribs with leaves V2 teaspoon sugar
1 diced carrot 3
A teaspoon salt
1 Bouquet Garni, 572 V* teaspoon pepper
1 bay leaf A few grains cayenne
(V2 chopped green pepper) 3
A teaspoon curry powder
Be sure to pass through all the pulpy residue 6 tablespoons vinegar
when sieving, so that only cloves, leaves and seeds 1 teaspoon onion juice
remain behind. This well-flavored pulp helps 1 sliced clove garlic
thicken the sauce. Melt in a saucepan: Strain the mixture. Add:
3 tablespoons butter teaspoon dried or 1 tablespoon fresh herbs
Stir in, until blended: This sauce may be served —
in discreet quantities
2 tablespoons flour — by itself, but it combines excellently with hot
Add the strained thickish stock slowly with: cream sauce or hot or cold mayonnaise. Add as
V* teaspoon sugar much of it to these as you find palatable.
Simmer and stir the stock 5 to 10 minutes.
Season to taste * BLENDER TOMATO SAUCE
including, if desired: About 1 Cup
(1 tablespoon fresh basil) Serve over bland foods, sweetbreads, cold veal,
hot or cold fish, or salads.
QUICK TOMATO SAUCE Combine and blend:
About 2V2 Cups 3
A cup tomato puree or 2 large skinned
Strain: —
tomatoes the juice and seeds pressed from
1 large can Italian tomatoes: 16 oz. them
Add: 1 medium-sized onion
canned tomato paste
3 oz. 1 green pepper, seeds and membrane removed
V2 teaspoon salt
A cup celery, or 1 teaspoon celery and/or
1 tablespoon onion juice or 2 tablespoons dill seeds

finely grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or chives

V2 teaspoon sugar Vi teaspoon salt
Bring to a boil and simmer gently 15 to 20 'A teaspoon freshly ground pepper
minutes. (2 tablespoons French Dressing, 360)
Chill the sauce about V2 hour.
To: I. About 1 Quart
2 cups Quick Tomato Sauce, above Heat:
Add: V2 cup olive oil

V2 cup very finely chopped green pepper, Add:

onion, celery, olives and pimiento 1 pressed clove garlic

ground round steak

1 lb. 1
A cup whipping cream
4ground lean pork
lb. just before serving with:
2 cups Italian tomatoes Green Noodles, 213
Vi cup Italian tomato paste
/2 cup beef or veal stock


teaspoon pepper 4 Servings
1 bay leaf Melt:
Simmer the sauce uncovered about 1 hour. Add 2 tablespoons butter or drippings
for the last 15 minutes: Saute in it until light brown:
(V2 cup sliced mushrooms) V2 cup chopped onions
Season with: Add and saute very lightly:
1 to 2 tablespoons fresh basil or oregano cup cubed calf liver or chicken
1 livers
Serve over: Add and simmer about 15 minutes:
Cooked spaghetti or noodles V2 cup any tomato sauce for pasta
with: Season with:
Crated Parmesan or Romano cheese 1 teaspoon salt

Va teaspoon pepper
II. About IV2 Quarts (V* teaspoon basil)
Mince and cook over very slow heat: Serve over noodles, spaghetti, etc., garnished with:
3 slices bacon Parsley
Stir in and saute:
'A cup chopped onion
V2 lb. ground round steak MARINARA SAUCE
When the meat is nearly done, add: About 1 A Cups

2V2 cups skinned tomatoes, pressed to expel Use a little on green beans or a lot over spaghetti.
seeds and juice Saute lightly:
V2 cup chopped green pepper 1 minced clove garlic
1 cup chopped canned mushrooms or in:
V2 to 1 lb. sliced fresh Sauteed and the oil from
2 tablespoons olive oil
Mushrooms, 308 the anchovies
Season with: Add slowly:
1 teaspoon chopped basil 2V2 cups canned pressed and drained whole or
2 cups shredded cheese: */a lb. Italian tomatoes
Salt, cayenne or paprika Stir in:
Simmer uncovered 20 or 30 minutes. If more 6 finely chopped anchovies
liquid is needed, add: teaspoon oregano
V2 cup hot stock or canned bouillon tablespoon chopped parsley
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer
uncovered 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
BOLOGNESE PASTA SAUCE Ifserved with spaghetti, pass with:
About 2 Cups Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
An interesting variation, involving cream.
Try omitting the oregano and adding:
Reconstitute, 573:
(5 chopped canned artichoke hearts)
6 dried mushrooms Simmer 3 or 4 minutes more.
reserving them and the liquor.
Melt in a large saucepan:
Add: For 1 Pound Linguini Pasta
V* cup minced lean ham or Canadian bacon See About Octopus, 408.
V* cup finely chopped carrot Heat in a large saucepan:
V* cup finely chopped onion 1 to 1!A cups olive oil
Stir and cook for 1 or 2 minutes. Add: Add:
1 cup chopped lean beef VU cups seeded, peeled fresh tomatoes
and brown over medium heat, stirring occasion- 2
h to 1cup finely chopped parsley
ally, then add the mushrooms, their liquor and: 1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 cloves garlic
1 strip lemon peel Simmer the mixture 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the
pinch of nutmeg Add:
1 cup beef stock IV2 cups cooked octopus, cut into bite-sized
(V2 cup dry white wine) pieces
Partially cover and simmer slowly 1 hour. Remove Simmer another 15 to 20 minutes. Toss with the
from heat, take out lemon peel and stir in: cooked, drained pasta and serve at once.

QUICK SHRIMP AND CLAM SAUCE V* teaspoon black pepper

FOR PASTA Va teaspoon salt
Enough for 1 Pound Pasta
This sauce goes down well with seafood addicts FEROCIOUS BARBECUE SAUCE
who don't care for the usual tomato sauces. Combine and heat:
Heat in a skillet: IV2 cups Barbecue Sauce II, above
6 tablespoons olive oil A of a seeded lemon, diced fine

Add: V2 teaspoon ground cumin

minced cloves garlic
3 teaspoon
1 ground coriander
and cook gently 5 minutes. Add: Va teaspoon paprika
Va teaspoon saffron
A cup finely chopped parsley
1 cup minced clams or mussels with liquid
V» teaspoon ground ginger
Vi lb. shelled raw shrimp, cut into bite-sized
teaspoon oregano)
'• For 1 Fowl
Heat until bubbling and the shrimp is pink. Serve Combine and heat:

at once over hot cooked seashell pasta conchig- — 4 teaspoons lemon juice
lie —
to complete the marine effect. Pass with:
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, 848

1 teaspoon Tomato Catsup, 847

Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
1 tablespoon butter


About 1 Cup Cook slowly until golden:
Try this over raw or cooked vegetables or seafood. 1 medium-sized onion, chopped
Combine: 1 minced clove garlic
A cup Italian tomato paste in:
teaspoon dry mustard
1 3 tablespoons drippings or other fat
1 tablespoon sugar Add and simmer for 30 minutes:
V2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons soy or Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon vinegar 1 cup water
1 tablespoon drained horseradish 1 chopped red pepper
(1 tablespoon chopped onion, chives 2 tablespoons vinegar
or fresh herbs) 2 to 4 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup Tomato Catsup, 847
BARBECUE SAUCES 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
V2 cup diced celery
Please read About Skewer Cooking, 146. It is im-
V2 teaspoon salt
portant to baste with barbecue sauces only dur-
Then add:
ing the last 15 minutes of cooking. Longer cooking
Va cup lemon juice
will make the spices bitter.


Saute until brown: About 1 Cup
Vi cup chopped onion Fine for green beans.
in: Slowly render until crisp:
tablespoon drippings or other fat
1 4 thin slices bacon, cut up
Add and simmer for 20 minutes: At the same time, you may cook until transparent:

Vi cup water (1 teaspoon minced onion)

2 tablespoons vinegar Remove the bacon and onion and pour off all but:
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons bacon fat

A cup lemon
juice Add to the fat:
2 tablespoons brown sugar
A cup of the bean or other stock
1 cup Chili Sauce, 847 2 tablespoons vinegar

teaspoon salt 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar

'A teaspoon paprika Heat and pour over the vegetables. Garnish with
V* teaspoon pepper the bacon and onion bits.
1 teaspoon mustard, or chili or curry powder
II. About IV2 Cups About 1 V* Cups
Simmer 15 minutes, stirring frequently: For sweetbreads, calf's head or diced meat.
12 to 14 oz. Tomato Catsup, 847 Slightly caramelize in:
Vi cup distilled white vinegar 1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon sugar
A few grains cayenne pepper Add and cook until shallots are soft:

V2 cup white wine Pour off the fat from the pan in which you have
1 tablespoon minced shallots or mild onion roasted the bird. Deglaze the pan with:
Mix in: 1 cup Game Stock, 523

cup Demi-Glaze Sauce, 346

V2 Thicken with:
and heat briefly with: 1 teaspoon arrowroot or cornstarch
Vi cup chopped seeded Malaga grapes or mixed first with a little of the stock. In another
2 tablespoons chopped parsley pan, cook together until light brown:
2 tablespoons vinegar
ORIENTAL SWEET-SOUR SAUCE 2 tablespoons sugar
For Chinese-type vegetables and shellfish. Add the sauce from the roasting pan and cook 4
I. 1 Cup or 5 minutes, then add:
Heat: 2 tablespoons julienned and blanched
Vi cup pineapple juice navel orange rind
3 tablespoons vegetable oil V2 cup hot orange juice
2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon soy sauce or salt 2 tablespoons curacao
V2 teaspoon pepper Season to taste
V* cup mild vinegar Serve immediately over goose or wild or domestic
duck and garnish with:
II. 2V2 to 3 Cups Orange sections
A Polynesian version, for luau food, Chinese Meat-
balls, 489, or Sweet-Sour Pork, 480. SWEET-SOUR CREAM DRESSING
Have ready a paste of: About 1 Cup
2 tablespoons cornstarch For green beans or cabbage.
V2 cup chicken broth Combine and stir over very low heat until the
2 tablespoons soy sauce sauce thickens slightly:
Melt in a heavy pan: 1 beaten egg
2 tablespoons butter V2 cup cultured sour cream
Add: 2 tablespoons sugar
cup chicken broth
1 V* cup vinegar
to 1 cup diced green peppers
/4 teaspoon salt
6 slices diced canned pineapple teaspoon paprika
Cover and simmer 5 minutes. Add the cornstarch Serve hot over hot vegetables or cold over chilled
paste and the following ingredients to the peppers ones.
and pineapple:
V2 cup vinegar CARAWAY SAUCE
V* cup pineapple juice Really a garnish to enhance plain vegetables.
V2 cup sugar Cook until thewater is absorbed:
V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon caraway seeds
V* teaspoon ginger in:
Simmer, stirring constantly, until the mixture 2 tablespoons water
thickens. Melt in a skillet:
4 tablespoons butter
About 2V2 Cups 1 tablespoon grated onion
Forham or tongue. in the butter just a few moments, until seeds
Combine in a double boiler over — not in brown slightly. Remove from heat.
boiling water: Season to taste
. Vi cup sugar Add:
1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon lemon juice
4 teaspoons dry mustard Pour sauce over hot vegetables.
Add gradually:
2 cups cream MINT SAUCE
mixed with: About 1 Cup
2 egg yolks The usual accompaniment to roast lamb.
Cook until thick. Stir in gradually: Heat:
Vi cup vinegar 3 tablespoons water
Dissolve in it

SWEET-SOUR ORANGE SAUCE 1 Vi tablespoons confectioners' sugar

About 2 Cups Cool tin- syrup <ind cidd
For duck or goose turn this into a true Bigarade Vi cup finely chopped mint leaves
Sauce by using the rind .tnd jmre from the Seville Vi cup strong vinegar
or bitter orange, and omitting the lemon juire. This is best made S hour before serving.


About 3A Cup teaspoon dry mustard

For spareribs and Chinese dishes. tablespoon brown sugar


Js Blend:
A teaspoon powdered ginger
V2 cup plum, peach or apricot preserves A few grains cayenne
A cup
Chutney, 846
A teaspoon salt
To use as a marinade, dilute with a small quantity
A teaspoon ground cloves
of vinegar. IV2 cups red wine, preferably port
(V2 cup seedless raisins)
(V2 cup slivered blanched almonds)
CHERRY SAUCE Simmer the sauce, covered, 8 minutes. Dissolve:
About 1 Cup
2 teaspoons cornstarch
For ham and roast pork.
X Blend:
2 tablespoons cold water
1 cup drained, pitted canned sour red cherries
Stir this into the sauce. Let it simmer about 2 min-
V2 cup plum preserves
utes. Stir in:
2 teaspoons soy sauce
Va teaspoon dry mustard
A cup
red currant jelly
tablespoon grated orange and lemon rind
Stir in:
A cup
finely chopped walnuts)
A cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Serve hot or cold.
For a rather exquisite final touch you may add:
(2 tablespoons Grand Marnier)
About IV2 Cups II. About 3A Cup
Forham or tongue. Combine and blend well:
Combine in a saucepan: Grated rind of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons butter Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons flour Grated rind of 1 orange
Add: tablespoon confectioners' sugar

Vh cups cider or fruit juice teaspoon prepared mustard


V2 cup seedless raisins V2 cup melted red currant jelly

Cook until mixture boils, stirring constantly Sim- 1 tablespoon port wine

mer about 10 minutes, until thickened. Add: If the jelly is very stiff, it may have to be diluted

1 teaspoon grated lemon rind over heat with:

A teaspoon prepared mustard) (1 or 2 tablespoons hot water)

(1 tablespoon sherry)
III. About 1 A Cups

For cold meats.

CIDER OR BEER RAISIN SAUCE Heat in a double boiler just before serving:
About IV2 Cups 3
A cup currant jelly
For hot or cold ham or smoked tongue. Stir in:
Combine in a saucepan: V2 cup Indian chutney
Va cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice
IV2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon brandy
Vs teaspoon salt Salt
Stir in:
1 cup fresh cider or beer
IV. About V2 Cup
4 cup raisins, cut in halves Make a quickie version by mixing:
Put in a cheesecloth bag and suspend the bag in V2 cup currant jelly
2 tablespoons horseradish
the sauce as it heats:
8 whole cloves V2 teaspoon dry mustard
2-inch stick
A diced lemon
Cook and stir about 10 minutes. Remove the DRESSING OR DRESDEN SAUCE
spices. Add: 1 Cup
tablespoon butter
A change from the well-liked but often mo-
Serve the sauce very hot. notonous butter or cream sauce. Usually served
with smoked or braised fish.

CUMBERLAND SAUCE Combine and stir:

I. About 2 Cups cup cultured sour cream


A formula for cold ham and game. The

classic V2 teaspoon prepared mustard
sauce may be served cold. For quicker currant Va teaspoon grated horseradish
jelly sauces, see opposite. V* teaspoon salt


About 1 V* Cups 1 cup cultured sour cream

Another cold-meat dressing. 1 teaspoon onion or shallot juice

Beat until stiff: 2 teaspoons capers
V2 cup heavy cream Va cup red caviar
Add slowly, beating constantly:
3 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar COLD MUSTARD SAUCE
Va teaspoon salt I. About A Cup

Va teaspoon paprika For boiled or cold meats or fish. This sauce is in

A few grains cayenne the nature of a relish.
2 tablespoons grated horseradish Combine:
(3 tablespoons mayonnaise) 2 teaspoons grated onion
tablespoon Dijon- or Diisseldorf-type
About 1 Vi Cups VA teaspoons sugar
This comes out rather like a sherbet and is deli- 1 to 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
cious with boiled beef. 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
Combine: (2 hard-cooked egg yolks)
A cup grated horseradish
(1 tablespoon cream)
V* cup fresh orange juice
1 teaspoon sugar II. About Va Cup
and fold into: A highly seasoned sauce lower in calories than I.

1 cup stiffly whipped cream For cold meats or broiled sausages.

Freeze about 3 to 4 hours in a tray and spoon out Blend gradually:
into a bowl to serve. Do not hold frozen for long 2 tablespoons or more dry mustard
periods. with a little:
CUCUMBER ALMOND SAUCE until it is the consistency of thick cream. Fold this

About 1 V2 Cups paste into:

Mostly for aspics and mousses; but also for cold V2 cup evaporated milk, whipped, 532

meat or fish, especially salmon. Season, if desired, with:

Beat until stiff:
Salt and paprika

A cup heavy sweet or

cultured sour cream
If the cream sweet, add slowly:
2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice HOT EGG-THICKENED SAUCES
Season the sauce with: Delicious and loaded with calories, these trans-
Va teaspoon salt form into a superb dish the plainest and simplest
Va teaspoon paprika cooked vegetables or broiled or roasted meat. But
Pare, seed, cut finely and drain well: they have their maddening caprices, too. To cir-
1 large cucumber cumvent them, we offer some stratagems. Don't
Add it to the sauce with:
try to make Hollandaise or Bearnaise on a very
Slivered almonds humid day, unless you use Clarified Butter, 349.
(2 teaspoons finely chopped chives or dill)
Cook these sauces over in — not — hot,
but not
boiling, water. If heatproof glass double
you use a
SOUR CREAM SAUCE FOR boiler you can see when the water begins to boil,
BAKED POTATOES at which time add 1 or 2 tablespoons of cold water
1 Cup to lower temperature slightly. Keep stirring the
Do not chill before serving — keep at room tem- sauce constantly and add the melted butter very,
perature. very slowly at first. Scrape the mixture away from
Combine: the sides and bottom of the pan as vou stir, to
1 cup cultured sour cream keep the sauce smooth. As with Mayonnaise, 363,
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 a wooden spoon or a whisk is the best tool for
A dash
of hot pepper sauce making Hollandaise. A professional chef will make
\u teaspoon salt it over a low direct heat, but don't try this unless

Freshly ground black pepper vou are prepared to act out a new definition of
Garnish with: "stir-crazy." Some of our friends freeze Hol-
Chopped chives landaise just as they do roux-based sauces.
|f frozen, it must be reheated in a double boiler

over not in —
hot water, stirring briskly to pre-
About 1 Vi Cups serve consistency. Should any of these egg sauces
Try as a dip for cold vegetables, in hors d'oeuvre, break, beat into them at once 1 to 2 tablespoons
or on salads or baked potatoes. chilled cream. A slightly curdled sauce can be res-

cued in a blender, although its texture will not be smaller quantity than given here: there will not be
so smooth as that of an originally well made enough heat to cook the eggs properly.
sauce. Or it can be reconstituted, using a fresh egg Have ready in your blender:
yolk, as for Mayonnaise, 363. 3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons lemon juice
A pinch of cayenne
V* teaspoon salt
Heat to bubbling stage, do not brown:
Vi cup butter
Cover container and turn motor on "High." After
3 seconds, remove the lid and pour the butter
over the eggs in a steady stream. By the time the
butter —
poured in about 30 seconds the sauce
is —
should be finished. If not, blend on "High" about
5 seconds longer. Serve at once or keep warm by
immersing blender container in warm water. This
sauce may also be frozen and reconstituted over
hot water.


About 1 Cup
Even paler in color than the sauce in the preced-
ing recipe; but does, once and for all, solve the

problem of what do with those extra whites.

Place in a mixing bowl and whip with a fork until
thoroughly blended and pale yellow:
3 whole eggs
4 or 5 teaspoons lemon juice
HOLLANDAISE SAUCE 3 tablespoons water
1 Cup
In a heavy > nonstick coated skillet melt over
Please read About Hollandaise Sauce, above. low heat:
Our cook calls this "holiday sauce" — isn't that a
6 or 7 tablespoons butter
grand name for it? If directions are carefully fol-
Add egg mixture slowly, stirring continuously un-
lowed, it never fails.
til sauce has thickened. Do not overcook. Before
Melt slowly and keep warm: serving add:
Vi cup butter Viz teaspoon salt
Barely heat:
Season to taste
Vh tablespoons lemon juice, dry sherry or
tarragon vinegar
Have ready a small saucepan of boiling water HOLLANDAISE VARIATIONS
and a tablespoon with which to measure it when For less rich versions, try one of the following;
ready. Place in the top of a double boiler over or if you are in a hurry, prepare Hot Mayonnaise,
— not in —
hot water: below.
3 egg yolks
I. About VI* Cups
Beat the yolks with a wire whisk until they begin
Mix the top of a double boiler:
to thicken. Add:
1 cup cultured sour cream
1tablespoon boiling water
Juice of 1 lemon
Beat again until the eggs begin to thicken. Repeat
2 egg yolks
this process until you have added:
Vi teaspoon salt
3 more tablespoons water
V* teaspoon paprika
Then beat in the warm lemon juice. Remove dou-
ble boiler from heat. Beat the sauce well with a
Stir —
over not in hot water — until thick.

wire whisk. Continue to beat while slowly adding II. 4 Servings

the melted butter and: Good over vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and
V* teaspoon salt cauliflower.
A few grains cayenne Place in a double boiler over — not — hot
Beat until the sauce is thick. Serve at once. water:
2 beaten eggs
About 1 Cup Ve teaspoon salt
Easy, but less flavorful and paler in color than Vb teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
handmade Hollandaise. ^ Do not make it in a 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Cook and stir these ingredients until they are to:

thick,then add a little at a time: 1 cup Hollandaise Sauce, 358
2 tablespoons butter
Serve at once. BEARNAISE SAUCE
About 1Vi Cups
HOT MAYONNAISE SAUCE Heavenly on most broiled red meat, especially
About 1 Cup beef tenderloin. It is also quite at home with fish
See Mayonnaise, 363. If you have mayonnaise on and eggs.
hand but no Bearnaise, try it sometime on steak Combine in the top of a double boiler:
or fish. V* cup white wine
Heat in a double boiler and stir: 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots or onion
Add: 2 crushed white peppercorns
Lemon juice and capers 2 sprigs tarragon, chopped
1 sprig chervil, finely chopped
SOUFFLED MAYONNAISE (1 sprig parsley, minced)
Enough for a 3-Pound Fish Cook over direct heat until reduced by half. If

See Mayonnaise, 363. For fish or as a masking for you have used dried tarragon or coarsely chopped
broiled tomatoes. onion, strain the mixture. Allow it to cool. Then,
Combine and beat well: beating briskly over not in — —
hot water, add
V2 cup Mayonnaise, 363 alternately a little at a time and beat steadily so
4 cup pickle relish that they are well combined:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley 3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon lemon juice 3
A cup melted butter
A teaspoon salt Season to taste
A few grains cayenne When you have added all the butter, the sauce
Beat until stiff, but not dry: should have the consistency of Hollandaise.
2 egg whites
Fold them into the mayonnaise mixture. Spread * BLENDER BEARNAISE SAUCE
the sauce evenly on hot cooked fish or tomatoes. About 1 Cup
Broil until the sauce is puffed and golden. Donot make in a lesser quantity than given
here, as there is then not enough heat to cook the
MOUSSELINE SAUCE eggs properly.
PA Cups Prepare as in the above recipe:
Use with vegetables or fish as a change from The seasoned wine vinegar mixture
Hollandaise. Have ready in your blender the above mixture
Just before serving, add: and:
V2 cup whipped cream 3 egg yolks
to: V2 teaspoon salt
1 cup Hollandaise Sauce, 358 Heat to the bubbling stage but do not brown:
Serve hot or cold. 3
A cup butter
Cover container and turn motor on "High." After
CHORON SAUCE 3 seconds, remove lid and pour the butter over the
1 V* Cups eggs in a steady stream. By the time the butter is
We have known adults who, understandably
enough, used this sauce with as much abandon

poured in about 30 seconds the sauce should —
be finished. If not, blend on "High" about 5 sec-
as a child with a bottle of restaurant catsup. onds longer. Serve at once or keep warm by
Prepare: placing blender container in warm water. This
1 cup Hollandaise Sauce, 358 sauce may be frozen and reconstituted over hot
Beat in very slowly: water.
A cup warm tomato puree, reduced until
very thick FOYOT SAUCE
Add: Prepare:
(1 to 2 tablespoons chopped parsley) 1 cup Bearnaise Sauce, above
Season to taste Add:
and serve. teaspoon melted Glace de Viande, 368, or

V* teaspoon concentrated meat extract

MALTAISE SAUCE Serve with grilled meats, chicken and eggs.
About 1 Cup
Interesting on asparagus. NEWBURG SAUCE
Add: I. About 1 Cup
2 to 3 tablespoons orange juice Melt the top of a double boiler:
1 teaspoon grated orange rind V* cup Lobster Butter, 351

Add and cook gently until translucent: A cup

olive or walnut oil
teaspoon finely chopped shallots or
1 If made in advance, cover jar and refrigerate.
mild onions Shake well before using.
Add and continue to cook about 3 minutes:
V* cup sherry or Madeira HERBED FRENCH DRESSING
Into: About V2 Cup
1 cup cream Fresh herbs should be added only when the
beat: sauce is to be used at once, because they become

3 egg yolks strong and unpleasant if left in the oil for any
Add the two mixtures, stirring constantly until the length of time. This is also true for grated onions
sauce thickens. Use at once. and capers.
Prepare and place in a jar with a screw top:
II. To turn this sauce a seductive pink, add:
Vi cup French Dressing, above
1 tablespoon tomato paste using tarragon vinegar. Add:
(1 tablespoon brandy) V2 teaspoon dry mustard
A teaspoon each of the following fresh herbs:
ABOUT COLD SAVORY SAUCES basil, thyme, sweet marjoram and chervil
These are salad and fruit dressings of two very V4 teaspoon salt
different types, and there is a widely cherished Vs teaspoon pepper
notion that those in the first category the French- — Lid and shake well and serve promptly.
dressing type, or vinaigrettes, as opposed to those
based on the mayonnaise principle are virtually — CHIFFONADE DRESSING
noncaloric. The fact is that although a salad is in About IV2 Cups
itself an unimpeachable slenderizer, a salad dress- Prepare:
ing most definitely is not. Commercial mayonnaise V2 cup French Dressing, above
must by law consist of 65% fat, but the fat content Add to it:

even of commercial French dressings runs about 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs

35 to 40%; and these amounts are almost al- 2 tablespoons julienned cooked beetroot
ways exceeded by their homemade counterparts. 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Whether simple or rich and complex, salad dress- 2 teaspoons chopped chives
ings, with the rarest exceptions, should never 1 teaspoon chopped onion
repeat in their composition the materials they
grace. Please read About Salads, 95, About Oil, SPINACH OR WATERCRESS
541, and About Vinegar, 526. For heavier dress- DRESSING
ings, see Dips, 89. About 2 Cups
Excellent over salad greens or Cucumber Gelatin
FRENCH DRESSING OR SAUCE Salad, 114, and Shrimp, 107.
VINAIGRETTE 2 tablespoons lemon juice
About 1 Cup 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar
This dressing is best made just before use and
cup olive oil
can become part of the salad-making if you like.
teaspoon salt
See Tossed Salad, 94. The classic proportions are
Vs teaspoon pepper
3 to 4 parts of oil to 1 part lemon juice, lime juice
Chop finely and stir in:
or vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. However,
2 cups watercress or very young spinach leaves
you may find it satisfactory — and less caloric — to Use at once.
use dry red wine instead of vinegar, wholly or
in part: since the wine is less tart, the amount of * BLENDER CRESS DRESSING
oil may be substantially reduced. Many other con-
Blend to a paste in an electric blender:
diments are often added to the time-honored in- 2 hard-cooked eggs
gredients in the recipe; including Worcestershire
2 tablespoons olive oil
sauce, chili sauce, chutney, Roquefort cheese,
A cup
cut watercress, packed lightly
spices, sweet and sour cream and, of course, herbs
Dilute this paste with:
and garlic. Garlic cloves and herbs should be re- French Dressing, left
moved after 24 hours. to the consistency you prefer. Use at once.
Place in the bottom of a jar:
V2 teaspoon salt LORENZO DRESSING
Ve teaspoon freshly ground pepper About 3A Cup
'A cup vinegar or lemon juice For cold meat or fish.
teaspoon prepared mustard
V* to V2 Combine:
Lid and
shake jar until these ingredients are V2 cup French Dressing, opposite
blended. Add gradually, shaking between addi- 3 tablespoons Chili Sauce, 847
tions: 3 tablespoons chopped watercress

FRENCH DRESSING FOR 1 can anchovies with oil: 2 oz.

FRUIT SALAD 3 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
About '/a Cup
Prepare: 'A teaspoon paprika
(1 clove garlic)
Vz cup French Dressing, 360
substituting for the vinegar: V2 teaspoon prepared mustard
V2 teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoons grapefruit or lemon juice
*/a teaspoon celery salt

ANCHOVY DRESSING A dash of Worcestershire sauce and

About */» Cup hot pepper sauce
For a leaf lettuce salad. A 3-inch wedge Roquefort cheese
Vi cup French Dressing, 360 FRENCH DRESSING WITH CREAM
Beat into it: CHEESE
1 tablespoon or more anchovy or other About 7
/b Cup
fish paste Serve this dressing over a green salad or one made
with vegetables.
ANCHOVY AND BEET DRESSING Mash with a fork and beat until smooth:
About 1 Cup 1 package cream cheese: 3 oz.
For endive or crisp leaf lettuce salads. Beat in:
Place in a jar with a screw top: 1 teaspoon finely minced onion
Vi cup French Dressing, 360 'A teaspoon prepared mustard
3 or 4 chopped anchovies 1 teaspoon salt
2 small chopped cooked beets Freshly ground black pepper
1 chopped hard-cooked egg 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
Season the dressing highly. Beat in gradually:
V* cup vegetable oil
SALSA VERDE OR ANCHOVY IV2 tablespoons vinegar
To be used with salads and fish. About 1 Cup
Prepare: Combine in a jar and chill
French Dressing, 360 tablespoon chopped hard-cooked egg
Soak in it: tablespoon chopped chutney
1 crustless slice white bread or V* teaspoon curry powder
1 small riced boiled potato 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Add: '/a cup olive oil
Va cup chopped parsley 3 tablespoons vinegar
1 Va tablespoons capers 1
A teaspoon salt
2 garlic cloves 1 teaspoon sugar
3 anchovy fillets or Va teaspoon anchovy paste A few grains black pepper
2 tablespoons sugar Shortly before serving this dressing, beat it well
Season to taste with a fork.
Any of the following may be added:
(Horseradish or chopped pickles, green HONEY DRESSING
olives or green peppers) 1 Cup
Beat well and serve at once. For fruit salads.
FRENCH DRESSING A cup lime juice

About 2A Cup (A pinch of ground ginger)

Va cup French Dressing, 360 ITALIAN DRESSING
Beat into it: About 1 Cup
2 tablespoons or more crumbled Itspedigree is shaky, this sauce being basically a
Roquefort or blue cheese French dressing with a strongly Neapolitan accent;
but in recent years it has become highly popular.
* BLENDER ANCHOVY AND Steep 1 hour no more — in: —
ROQUEFORT DRESSING Vi cup white wine vinegar
About 1 Va Cups 2 sliced cloves garlic
Place in electric blender and blend until smooth: Va teaspoon oregano
A cup olive or walnut oil 'A teaspoon basil

teaspoon dill
teaspoon fennel)
('A 1 tablespoon sugar
Strain the above mixture into: A
teaspoon salt
A cup olive or walnut oil Cool this mixture. Add:
IV2 teaspoons lemon juice teaspoon grated lemon rind

Chill. Shake well before using. Va cup lemon juice

Va teaspoon prepared mustard
AVOCADO DRESSING Va teaspoon paprika

I. About 3A Cup A few grains cayenne

Great for sliced tomatoes.
A teaspoon pepper
Peel and mash:
A teaspoon onion juice
V2 avocado (Va teaspoon curry powder)

Add gradually: Shake the dressing. Chill it. Before serving, beat
cup French Dressing, 360
well with a wire beater. Add, if you wish:
and beat until smooth. Use immediately. (2 tablespoons minced parsley)
(1 tablespoon minced chives)
II. Use this variant as a heavy dressing or as a fill-
ing for tomatoes, cucumbers, celery or endive. See SWEET-SOUR LOW-CALORIE
Salads, 92, and Hors d'Oeuvre, 77.
1 Cup
A ripe avocado
For a green salad.
Lemon juice or vinegar
V» cup lemon juice
and: 2
A cup water
Season to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
A teaspoon salt
V2 cup French Dressing, 360 About A Cup

Beat into it:

Good on sliced cucumber and tomato.
1 tablespoon or more fresh or
prepared horseradish 4 tablespoons lemon or lime juice
'A cup condensed bouillon or reduced stock
CELERY SEED DRESSING 2 tablespoons soy sauce
About 2 Cups 1
A to 1 teaspoon sugar
Add to fruit salad just before serving. This dressing (1 teaspoon grated fresh gingerroot)
may be made with an electric X blender or mixer.
Constant beating, in any case, is a prerequisite. LOW-CALORIE SALAD DRESSING
V2 cup sugar
I. About "PA Cups
1 teaspoon dry mustard
Combine in a glass jar:
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup tomato juice
1 to 2 teaspoons celery seed
2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon grated onion
teaspoon onion juice
Gradually add, beating constantly: 1
A teaspoon salt
1 cup vegetable oil
V2 teaspoon fresh dill
A cup vinegar Vi teaspoon fresh basil
Garnish with:
Beat into the above ingredients:
(A few finely cut sprigs lemon thyme)
Yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs
Shake well after making and before using. Chill.
About V2 Cup II. V/a Cups
No, it but it may be eaten by
isn't a special treat, Blend saucepan, using a wire whisk:
in a

the bulging with a clear conscience. Va cup water

Soak: 2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon gelatin When the paste is smooth, add, beating con-
in: stantly:
1 tablespoon cold water or tomato juice V2 cup water
Dissolve it in: Simmer and stir over low heat until thickened

'A cup boiling water about 3 minutes. Cool. Add:


2 tablespoons lemon juice The mixture will begin to thicken and emulsify.
IV2 teaspoons sugar Now you can relax! Combine in a cup or small
2 tablespoons vegetable oil pitcher:
1 teaspoon grated horseradish T/2 tablespoons vinegar
VU teaspoons prepared mustard 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt Have ready:
cup Catsup, 847 V2 cup olive, safflower, walnut or sesame oil
/2 teaspoon paprika Alternate the oil drop by drop, with a few drops
2 teaspoon garlic powder or chili sauce of the lemon and vinegar mixture. If the oil is
Beat well. Chill. added slowly during constant beating, this will
make a good thick sauce. The sauce will break if
MAYONNAISE you have either added your oil too fast toward
Mayonnaise best when made by hand.
is at its the end or added too much of it —
figure no more
But, with care, can now abridge the process
we than /2 to 3A cup oil to each large yolk. It may

fairly satisfactorily in an electric mixer or a A also break if your oil has been cold and your egg
blender. Blender mayonnaise is made more yolks warm. Do not despair. Try first stirring in a
quickly and has greater volume and fluffier tex- teaspoon of warm water. If this doesn't work, the
ture, but it cannot duplicate the smooth, rich- mayonnaise can be salvaged by placing another
looking glisten of the hand-beaten product. We egg yolk in a fresh bowl and adding the curdled
believe it is also slightly less adaptable to some sauce to it very, very slowly, beating the mixture
mayonnaise variations, such as Mayonnaise Col- all the while, until it again thickens. If the dressing
See also Hot Mayonnaise, 359. In making
lee, 368. becomes too heavy, it may be thinned with cream.
mayonnaise by any method eggs, oil and bowl
or mixer must all be at room temperature, 70°.
II. About IV2 Cups
Warm the oil slightly ifhas been refrigerated,
You may make the above recipe following exactly
the same procedure, in the same order, using an
rinse your bowl in hot water first and dry it.
electric mixer on medium speed or the speed
Don't try to make mayonnaise if a thunderstorm
indicated for whipping cream.
threatens or is in progress, as it simply will not
bind. III. X About A Cups
1 3
Care must be used in storing all mayonnaise Blender mayonnaise differs from the first recipe in
combinations under refrigeration, as they are sub- that it uses a whole egg. If your beating arm is
ject to bacterial activity which may be very toxic rather weak, we suggest you try this method, as
without any evidence of spoilage. Cooked foods the emulsifying is produced by the action of the
to be mixed with mayonnaise keep much better blender.
and help deter bacteria if they have been mari- Put in blender container:
nated in vinegar or lemon juice or are mixed with egg1
pickle. But, even if they have this added acid con- teaspoon dry mustard
tent, they must be kept thoroughly refrigerated. 1 teaspoon salt
Freezing mayonnaise combinations is chancy, as A dash of cayenne
the spoilage is only arrested, not destroyed, and 1 teaspoon sugar
accelerates when the food is defrosted. V* cup olive or vegetable oil
If you have to resort to bottled mayonnaise, Cover and blend on "High" until thoroughly com-
beating in 1 to 2 tablespoons good olive oil until bined. With blender still running, take off the
all trace of it has disappeared will make it stiffer cover and slowly add:
and heavier and will improve flavor. Sour cream, V2 cup vegetable oil
according to taste, can also do wonders for com- and then:
mercial mayonnaise — if well incorporated. Please 3 tablespoons lemon juice
note that commercial "Salad Dressing" is not until thoroughly blended. Add slowly:
mayonnaise, and the above suggestions will not V2 cup vegetable oil
work if it is used. and blend until thick. You may have to stop and
I. About 1 V* Cups start the blender to stir down the mayonnaise.

Place in a medium-sized bowl and beat with a

wire whisk or wooden spoon until lemon-colored: MAYONNAISE GRENACHE
2 egg yolks About 2 Cups
Beat in: Serve with smoked turkey or smoked tongue.
teaspoon dry mustard
V* to Vi Combine:
teaspoon salt
V2 1 cup Mayonnaise, above
A few grains cayenne V2 cup red currant jelly
V2 teaspoon vinegar or lemon juice 3 tablespoons grated horseradish
Vi teaspoon confectioners' sugar V* teaspoon salt
Beat in, very slowly, V2 teaspoon at a time: Vflteaspoon freshly ground pepper
V2 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons dessert sherry or Madeira


V'2 cup whipped cream MAYONNAISE
About A Cups
1 3
HERB MAYONNAISE Use on arranged salads, eggs and shellfish; or in
About 1 V* Cups chicken sandwiches, instead of butter or a plainer
Combine: mayonnaise.
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 Combine:
with: 1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
pressed clove garlic
1 1 tablespoon grated horseradish
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce (3 tablespoons caviar or salmon roe)
and /2 teaspoon of any 3 of the following:
(1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
Chopped basil, chervil, dill, burnet, V* cup Chili Sauce, 847, or Catsup, 847
tarragon or parsley 1 teaspoon grated onion


About 2 Cups About 1 1/3 Cups
For fish or shellfish or vegetable salads. A good old standby for fried fish.

Combine: Combine:
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
cup firm Mayonnaise, 363

1 minced clove garlic

teaspoon French mustard

3 minced anchovy fillets 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

1 teaspoon minced shallots
V* cup finely minced chives or green onions
/4 cup minced parsley
1 1 tablespoon chopped, drained sweet pickle
(1 tablespoon chopped, drained green olives)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar 1 finely chopped hard-cooked egg

teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped, drained capers

Ground black pepper Season to taste
'i cup cultured sour cream You may thin the sauce with:
A little wine vinegar or lemon juice


SAUCE VERTE About 1 1/z Cups
1Cup Serve over iceberg lettuce wedges, eggs, etc.
For cold shellfish or vegetables. Combine:
Chop, blanch, 154, 2 minutes and drain in a 1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
sieve: V* cup Chili Sauce, 847, or Catsup, 847
2 tablespoons parsley 2 tablespoons minced stuffed olives
2 tablespoons tarragon, fennel or dill 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons chives 1 tablespoon minced onion or chives
2 tablespoons spinach or finely chopped 1 chopped hard-cooked egg
cucumber 2 teaspoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons watercress
Rub through sieve and combine to make a paste LOW-CALORIE MOCK THOUSAND
2 hard-cooked egg yolks About 2 Cups
Add to:
Combine screw-top
in a large jar:
1 cup stiff Mayonnaise, 363 3
/4 cup tarragon vinegar
1cup condensed tomato soup
REMOULADE SAUCE 1 minced garlic clove
About 1 1/3 Cups A few grains cayenne
For cold meat and poultry —also shellfish, with 2 tablespoons chopped dill pickle
which it is especially appropriate. 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery
Combine: 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon drained, finely chopped 1 teaspoon paprika
cucumber pickle 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
tablespoon drained, chopped capers
2 teaspoons French mustard ANDALOUSE SAUCE
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley 2 Cups
2 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon
For vegetable salads, cold fish or egg dishes.
Va teaspoon chervil Combine:
C/2 teaspoon anchovy paste) 2 cups Mayonnaise, 363

1 chopped tomato with seeds and juice HALF-AND-HALF DRESSING

removed, or Vi cup tomato puree About 2Vi Cups
Va julienned red pimiento Serve on tossed salad, combination salads or
hearts of lettuce.
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
Vh Cups
1 cup French Dressing, 360
1 minced garlic clove
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
1 teaspoon mashed anchovies
Vi cup pineapple juice
1 teaspoon grated orange rind V2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon orange curacao

About 3 Cups
MAYONNAISE For fish and cold meat.
2 Cups Mash in a bowl until smooth:
Serve with fruit salad. 3 hard-cooked egg yolks
Prepare: Add:
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 V2teaspoon salt
Shortly before serving, blend in: A dash of pepper
1 cup whipped cream 1 teaspoon Dijon-type mustard
Add very gradually and beat constantly:
CURRY MAYONNAISE IV2 cups olive oil
About 1 Cup V2 cup vinegar
This dressing makes an interesting binder for a The mixture will thicken. Then stir in:

molded chicken or shellfish

fruit, salad. hard-cooked egg whites
3 finely julienned
Combine: V2 cup mixed finely chopped sour pickles and
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 capers, with the moisture squeezed out
V* teaspoon ginger 2 tablespoons finely chopped mixed parsley,
V2 to 1 teaspoon curry powder chervil, tarragon and chives

1 mashed clove garlic

1 teaspoon honey AIOLI OR GARLIC SAUCE
1 lime juice 1 Cup
You may add: Very popular in France, where it is sometimes
(1 tablespoon chopped chutney) known as Beurre de Provence. Serve over fish,
(1 tablespoon chopped kumquats) cold boiled potatoes, beet rounds and boiled beef.
(1 tablespoon blanched slivered almonds) Skin, then chop very finely the:
4 garlic clove sections
that give the sauce its original name. Beat in:
AU CRESSON Ve teaspoon salt
About 1 Cup dry French bread without crust,
(1 slice
Excellent with cold fish dishes. soaked in milk and wrung out)
Combine: Add, as for mayonnaise, very slowly and beating
Va cup finely chopped watercress constantly:
A cup Mayonnaise, 363 1 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice As the sauce thickens, beat in:
Season to taste V2 teaspoon cold water
1 teaspoon lemon juice

SAUCE LOUIS In case the sauce fails to thicken, treat as a de-

About 2 Cups feated Mayonnaise, 363.
Especially relished with stuffed artichokes, shrimp
or crab. It is the sauce used for Crab Louis, 107. SKORDALIA
Combine: 1 Cup
1 cup Mayonnaise, 363 For soups.
V* cup heavy cream Prepare:
4 cup chili sauce
Aioli Sauce, above
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 omitting the optional bread and adding, after the
V* cup chopped green pepper sauce has thickened:
\U cup chopped green onion V* cup ground almonds
2 tablespoons lemon juice 1
A cup fresh bread crumbs or 1 small riced
Season to taste boiled potato

3 teaspoons lemon juice Rouille Sauce

2 tablespoons chopped parsley omitting the oil and substituting for the soup an
equal amount of:
LOW-CALORIE MOCK MAYONNAISE Canned condensed consomme
About 2\ 2 Cups
On the gelatin principle. SICILIAN GARNISH
Mix: 6 Servings
2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin For vegetables.
in: Saute until golden:
tablespoon cold water
1 1 finely sliced large onion
Combine in a saucepan and bring to a boil: in:
A cup herb vinegar A cup
olive oil
1 teaspoon prepared mustard Add and cook briefly:
Vi teaspoon salt V2 crushed clove garlic
A teaspoon white pepper Add:
3 teaspoons liquid artificial sweetener A cup chopped
black olives
Add above mixture, stirring until com-
gelatin to 4 mashed anchovy fillets
pletely dissolved. Add, continuing to stir: A grating of black pepper
2 cups buttermilk Pour over vegetables just before serving and finish
1 tablespoon onion flakes off with a grating of:
Cover and refrigerate until set. You may flavor this Parmesan or Romano cheese
dressing with:
(V* cup or more tomato puree)
EGGLESS MOCK MAYONNAISE Note that the term "boiled," while traditionally
used, is inaccurate: "double-boiled" comes closer.
About 3A Cup
Of the three versions, is the most economical,

Combine mixing bowl:

in a
and more than acceptable for vegetable and po-
3 tablespoons evaporated milk
tato salads; II is recommended for slaw, tomato
'A teaspoon salt
salad and aspics; III for fruit salad. Keep all of
A teaspoon paprika
them refrigerated.
V* teaspoon prepared mustard
A few grains white pepper I. About I'A Cups
Beat in gradually: Mix together:
V2 cup vegetable oil V2 to 1 teaspoon dry mustard
then: 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar
3 to 4 teaspoons lemon juice V2 teaspoon salt
Keep covered in refrigerator. 2 tablespoons flour
V* teaspoon paprika

About 1 Cup
A cup cold water
Strongly flavored, served with fish soups or bouil- Beat the top of a double boiler:

labaisse. Pound together in a bowl or mortar to 1 whole egg or 2 yolks

make a smooth paste:

A cup vinegar
1 blanched, seeded, skinned red pimiento Add the above ingredients. Cook and stir the
or 1 canned pimiento dressing — —
over not in boiling water until thick
1 small red chili, boiled until tender, and smooth. Add:
or a dash of hot pepper sauce 2 tablespoons butter
Chill the dressing. It may be thinned with:
A cup
white bread crumbs soaked in water
and squeezed dry Sweet or cultured sour cream
2 mashed cloves garlic
II. AbouM 1
/2 Cups
Beat very slowly, as in Mayonnaise, 363:
Beat the top of a double boiler:
'A cup olive or vegetable oil
2 egg yolks
Thin the sauce just before serving with:
2 teaspoons sugar
2 to 3 tablespoons of the soup you are serving
1 tablespoon melted butter
Pass with the soup. 2
A cup milk
V* cup vinegar
MOCK ROUILLE SAUCE 2 teaspoons salt
About 1 Cup A few grains cayenne
For fish soups, bland meats and vegetables. Lower 1 teaspoon dry mustard
in calories than the genuine article. Prepare as Dissolve:
above: 2 teaspoons cornstarch

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Vs cup milk V* to V2 teaspoon curry powder
Add it to the ingredients in the double boiler. 1 teaspoon sugar
Cook and the dressing
stir ^ over —
not in boil- — Stir in:
ing water until thick. Cool it. You may add 1 cup cultured sour cream

chopped parsley, chives or other herbs, celery or See also Curry Mayonnaise, 365.
dill seeds, etc. Fold the sauce into:
2 stiffly beaten egg whites
III. About 1 A Cups

Yogurt, 533, simple and unadorned, is excellent on

Beat in the top of a double boiler:
honeydew and cantaloupe melon balls in a lettuce
teaspoon salt
cup. Try it, too, with other fresh fruits or over crisp
V3 teaspoon paprika
salad greens on hot summer days. Good for diet-
'A to Vi cup sugar
ers, too.
2 tablespoons melted butter
6 tablespoons cream
3 eggs
(V2 teaspoon prepared mustard)
Stir and cook the dressing over not — in — boiling CUCUMBER DRESSING
water until thick. Add slowly: About 1 '/a Cups
6 tablespoons lemon juice For salads.
The dressing may be thinned with: X Blend:
Fruit juice or cream 1 large peeled seeded cucumber
Fold in:
1 cup Yogurt, 533
About 1 V2 Cups Chopped fresh herbs
Combine in a bowl or .*> blender:
A lb.Roquefort or blue cheese
1 tablespoon vinegar ABOUT GLAZES AND CLACAGE
1 tablespoon onions or chives
These terms are among the trickiest in the cooking
1 cup cultured sour cream
vocabulary. However, take heart: we have post-
poned the explanation of sweet glazes by all —
odds the more confusing to Desserts, Icings,
VEGETABLE SALAD Pastries, Ice Creams, Fruits and Candies. We shall
About 1 Cup deal here only with the somewhat simpler topic
Beat until smooth: of savory glazes: those nonsweet maskings and
1 cup thick cultured sour cream coatings which impart so much color and glamor
Add to it: to meats, fish, salads and vegetables.
teaspoon grated onion or fresh onion juice
1 Savory glazing particularly with meats and
1 teaspoon celery or dill seed vegetables —
can have, as we have warned it might,
V2 teaspoon salt several connotations. Before sorting them out, we
A fresh grating of white pepper may as well remind you of "deglazing," which has
(2 tablespoons chopped green or sweet already been described in this chapter, 340. The
red pepper) fat-free juices extracted in this effortless way
from sauteed or braised foods, or those prepared
CREAM CHEESE DRESSING a I'etouffee, 151, may be used just as they are, re-
duced, or as the liquid in roux-based sauces. But
meats may be glazed also by the use of Glace de
About 1 1
A Cups —
Viande, or Meat Glaze, described below a sub-
Mash with and beat until smooth:
a fork
stance yielded by a lengthy process of reduction.
'") package cream cheese: 3 oz.
It is potent and delectable, but, like all other pow-
Beat in slowly:
erful essences, it must be used with moderation.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
You may "glaze" vegetables by letting the butter
2 tablespoons currant jelly
3 in which they have been cooked combine with
A cup cream
their reduced juices. This is best done over care-
Chill the dressing 1 hour or more before serving.
fully controlled heat; often a little sugar or honey
is added, see 280.
CURRY DRESSING FOR To glaze a sauce may mean to run it under a
FRUIT SALAD broiler until it turns golden brown. To glaze a
About 1 Cup tongue, an hors d'oeuvre or an open-faced sand-
Combine: wich may mean to apply an aspic coating to it.
2 tablespoons mild vinegar You may coat eggs or fish with a rich White Sauce,

341 — a procedure which is then referred to as nap- ASPIC GLAZE

ping or glazing them.
Spoon this over the flat surfaces of cold sliced
meat or open-faced sandwiches.
1 tablespoon gelatin
Try this only if you have preheated the broiler cup meat or vegetable stock
well. Then run your dish quickly under the heat,
Dissolve it over hot water. Add it to:
until it browns delicately. Should the sauce boil
1cups clarified stock
before it colors, it will separate into an oily, Season mildly. Chill until the glaze thickens some-
watery mass. ^ Be sure the sauce does not touch what. Be sure you have the food to be glazed
the edge of the casserole. Allow an empty area all and the tools you are working with well chilled.
around for expansion. It is also a wise precaution Apply a thin even coat of aspic which has begun
to protect the casserole by putting it in a pan of to jell. Chill the food. Repeat, if needed, with a
hot water. Do not leave it longer than 3 minutes. second layer and chill again.
A perfect all-over brown glaze on a sauce used to
coat fish or chicken dishes can be achieved by the
following method: Reserve some of a Bechamel or
other white sauce and fold in whipped cream, at
least 4 tablespoons to 1 cup of sauce. The more
whipped cream, the smoother the browning. Put This coating, also known as Mayonnaise Chaud-
under a hot broiler and watch closely. Froid, is ordinarily used to coat or mask aspics,
cold fish, meat or fowl dishes. But if you make
it fairly stiff, it can be piped through a pastry tube,
MEAT GLAZE OR GLACE DE VIANDE and you can achieve the same rococo flights of
What a convenience and delight this substance is fancy as when icing a wedding cake. You may also
if you have the patience to make it. use delicately tinted Mayonnaise Collee, made
Prepare: from Green Mayonnaise, 364, but please avoid
Brown Stock, 522 highly colored low-relief effects, which look un-
Reduce slowly until the stock forms an even coat- appetizingly artificial. Note that this stiffened
ing on a spoon inserted into it. Remove from heat mayonnaise serves much the same purpose as the
and cool, at which point the mass solidifies and Bechamel-based Chaud-Froid Sauce, below, but
becomes very glutinous. Covered and refrigerated, it does not hold well or long, for the heavy oil

a meat glaze will last for several weeks. content may cause oozing. The dish you wish
Or you may cut it in squares equivalent to 1 to coat should be well chilled and dry.
tablespoon or more and freeze them in individual
packets for use in preparing sauces. I. Soak:
IV2 to 2 teaspoons gelatin
SPIRIT GLAZE FOR HAM 1 2 to 2 tablespoons water

Combine: Beat this mixture into:

Vi to 1 cup dry red wine 1 cup heavy Mayonnaise, 363
Vi to 1 cup bourbon whisky To color the mayonnaise pink, you may add:
1 cup brown sugar (Tomato puree or Lobster Butter, 351)
6 bruised cloves To color it green:
2 tablespoons grated orange peel (Spinach puree)
Spread on the ham after it is skinned and continue
to baste during the last V2 hour of cooking. II. Or beat:
V* cup Aspic Glaze, above
CRANBERRY GLAZE FOR FOWL 1 cup Mayonnaise, 363
Combine: The Aspic Glaze should be at about 70° tepid —
1 cup canned cranberry sauce and still liquid. Once it has begun to jell, it will
V2 cup brown sugar not incorporate with the mayonnaise properly.
2 tablespoons lemon juice Spread the mayonnaise as you would frosting, with
firm strokes of a spatula, working quickly, for it
tends to congeal even at room temperature. Chill
HONEY GLAZE FOR MEAT OR the dish, then decorate as described below. After
ONIONS the decorations have also set, place the whole dish
Combine: on a rack with a platter under it and glaze it with
V* cup honey aspic glaze, which should be about the consist-
V* cup soy sauce ency of thick syrup. Your food must be very cold,
1 teaspoon prepared mustard so that the aspic sets almost at the moment of

contact. Use a ladle which holds about 1 cup glaze ABOUT DECORATIONS FOR
and pour on with the motion illustrated for

Petits Fours, 695, giving the whole dish two or

Decorations on dishes masked with Sauce Chaud-
three coats, which should be perfectly smooth,
Froid or Mayonnaise Collee can be as fanciful as
with no streaks or lumps. The aspic which has
fallen through the rack onto the platter may be
you wish. And professional chefs achieve master-
ful effects. With a little practice, you can produce
reused, after straining, for the second and third
the same elegantly curving sprays of flowers,
leaves and stems, using as basic material leeks,
chives, eggplant skin or green peppers. To make
them pliable, they must be blanched about 3 min-
SAUCE CHAUD-FROID utes in salted water, then cooled immediately on
Chaud-Froid is so called because it begins as a crushed ice to retain color. Chives form the stems,
heated sauce and is served as a cold one. It differs —
and leeks, etc., can be cut into leaf shapes free-
from Mayonnaise Collee in emphasizing the flavor hand or with the fancy cutters shown on 99.
of the dish to which it is applied, since it is made Lemon rind, carrot and red pepper, blanched as
with the selfsame stock. Chaud-Froid is often used —
above, can be used for flower petals or paper-
to coat whole cooked chickens, ham or veal thin slices of ham. Other materials suitable for
roasts, fish or
other cold buffet items. —
decoration are: truffles or black olives you can
use the skins of ripe olives as a truffle substitute-
2 cups Bechamel Sauce, 341, slightly pickles, hard-cooked eggs and grapes; parsley and
overseasoned other herbs, blanched 1 minute; peas, capers and
substituting for the milk Light Stock or Fumet, wilted cucumber slices.
522, 523 —according you intend to
to the dish These decorations are first dipped in clear Aspic
mask. Chaud-Froid may also be made with a Glaze, 368, then applied to the dish to be orna-
Brown Sauce, 346, for meats or chicken. Many mented as described on 368. If they slip after the
people find the dark color more appetizing. Add: first application of clear glaze, replace them care-

2 tablespoons gelatin fully with tweezers. If the decorating proves slow,

softened in: be sure to chill periodically so that the Chaud-
3 or 4 tablespoons stock Froid does not darken.
again using the appropriate flavor for the dish. Stir Chaud-Froids are often garnished with aspic
constantly over medium heat until thoroughly jelly, chopped or cut in fancy shapes. For Chaud-
combined. Remove from heat and cool, stirring Froid poultry dishes, decorate the platter with
from time to time to keep a skin from forming. foie-gras balls rolled in chopped nuts or Truffles,
When cool enough to coat a spoon, but not 310. Lemon wedges sprinkled with finely chopped
set, ladle it over the cold chicken or fish in the parsley and other fancy lemon shapes are shown
manner described above. Chill to set. The dish on 571. To garnish with hard-cooked eggs, see
may need more than one coat of the sauce. Deco- 82.
rate and glaze.
About 1 Cup
This base makes a fine medium for several sea-
sonings add pickles, nuts, raisins or various herbs
IV2 Cups and spices. Perishable! Use within one or two
Especiallygood as a sauce or glaze for fish. days.
Combine, stir, then chill: X Puree in a blender:
1 cup mayonnaise 2
/$ cup drained Tofu, 535
V2 cup catsup 3 tablespoons lemon juice or wine vinegar
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 to 4 tablespoons oil or olive oil
A few drops hot pepper sauce V2 teaspoon salt or 2 teaspoons soy sauce
Salt to taste Pepper
foods to achieve superior texture, but particularly
to avoid danger from spoilage. If made in ad-
vance, stuffings should be refrigerated separately
from the meat, fowl or fish. To take off the chill,
remove the dressing from the refrigerator about 20
minutes before stuffing and cooking. Remember
too to allow extra cooking time for stuffed food,
see for fish, 398, for meat, 770; for poultry and
game, 421. Should there be any stuffing left after
serving, remove it promptly from the cavity of the
meat, fish or fowl and refrigerate it separately.


STUFFINGS About 5 Cups
There are no set proportions for ingredients in

AND FORCEMEAT bread dressing. It should be palatable, light and

slightly moist, well flavored but bland. Chopped
green peppers, nutmeats, sauteed mushrooms
and drained or slightly sauteed oysters may be
"No more turkey," announced the little boy at added to it. Stock or oyster liquor may be substi-
the Thanksgiving dinner table, "but I'd like an- tuted for milk.
other helping of that bread he ate." Not all Chop:
stuffings are made of bread; but all, if delicately Giblets
and interestingly put together, are quite delicious Melt:
enough to lure a budding gourmet away from V* cup butter
even the most tradition-hallowed main dish. Some Add and saute about 2 minutes:
of the "makings," which may include those shown (2 tablespoons or more chopped onion)
above, are celery, spices, herbs, oysters, giblets, and the chopped giblets. Combine these ingre-
sausage, mushrooms, olives, nuts and fruits, as dients with:
well as the essential members of the onion family. 4 cups crustless day-old or slightly toasted,
They enrich the bread crumbs, rice, chestnuts and diced white, whole wheat or corn bread
other cereals that bind stuffings, dressings and crumbs
farces together. V* cup chopped parsley
Many foreign and old-fashioned stuffing recipes V* to 1 cup chopped celery
call for bread soaked in a liquid and then pressed 1 teaspoon crushed dried tarragon or basil
before using. We find that most commercial 3
A teaspoon salt
American breads are already so soft in texture that V2 teaspoon paprika
soaking produces too pasty a dressing. For best 1
s teaspoon nutmeg
results we recommend day-old bread in any case, Milk, stock or melted butter to moisten
and, unless otherwise indicated, the use of home- the dressing very lightly
made white, whole wheat or corn bread. (2 or 3 eggs)
The quality of the crumbs used is very impor- You may add:
tant, so check page 551 to differentiate between IV2 cups nutmeats: Brazil, pine, pecan or
fresh and dry. Never grind bread, as the stuffing walnut
will be too compact. It is important, too, to and one of the following:
stuff food just before cooking; to handle stuff- 1 cup browned sausage meat
ings lightly so as not to compact them; and to 1 cup or more sliced mushrooms, sauteed
allow space when stuffing, so the mixture can with onion
swell and stay light. Should there be extra dress- 1 cup chopped or whole drained oysters
ing that does not fit the cavity of fish, fowl or 1 cup chopped or whole soft-shell clams
roast, cook it separately in a greased baking dish. 1 cup cooked chopped shrimp
A useful rule of thumb in judging the amount
of stuffing needed is to allow V2 cup of stuffing DRY DRESSING
for each pound of bird or fish. About 5 Cups
Never use raw pork in dressings. Dressings This given by our cook, Sarah Brown,
name was
are done when they reach an internal temperature to a dressing she frequently made, which is by no
of 165° to 170°. means dry when served. Chopped pecans, oysters
For stuffings for vegetables, see individual and olives may be added to it.

stuffed vegetable recipes and pages 280 and 218. Make of day-old white or whole wheat bread:
Make dressings just before cooking stuffed About 3V2 to 4 cups soft bread crumbs, 551



About cup chopped celery
2 cup chopped sauteed onion
About 1
2 Cups
Season with:
This has a tempting pistachio-green color.
Salt and paprika
Saute until transparent:
Partly fill chicken or turkev with the dressing.
2 tablespoons chopped shallots
A to cup butter
3 1
2 tablespoons butter
Pour half of it onto the dressing in the cavity.
it with the remaining dressing and pour
Cool slightly. Place this in a blender and X blend
to a paste with:
the remaining butter on it. Sew up the opening.
1 egg
V2 cup tender celery with leaves
SHERRY BREAD DRESSING V2 cup parsley tops
Vk Cups
cup watercress tops
Soak 10 minutes: cup crumbled crustless bread
1 cup bread crumbs, 551
V2 teaspoon salt
Ve teaspoon dried basil
A cup dry sherry

Blend in with a fork:

Wring the wine from the bread. Stir and saute
cup pulled crustless bread crumbs, 551
3 minutes:. 1
A cup pistachio nuts, sliced water chestnuts
A cup finely chopped green pepper or seeded peeled grapes
V2 cup finely chopped onion
3 tablespoons butter
For filling fish or for use in Vegetable Cases, 280.
Add the bread crumbs and:
2 teaspoons Chili Sauce, 847 Combine:
1 cup flaked crab meat, drained oysters or
2 slightly beaten eggs
2V2 Cups
Enough for a 4-pound fish or the crop of a turkey.
2 tablespoons butter
Saute in it:
6 tablespoons butter 1
/2 cup chopped onion
Saute in the butter until brown: 3
A cup chopped celery
A cup chopped onion minced
2 slices bacon,
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Combine with the seafood.
2 cups dry bread crumbs, 551
Season to taste
1 cup drained whole or chopped
oysters: V2 pint
(1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce,
A teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon dry sherry, Ve teaspoon ginger
V* teaspoon paprika
or V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind)
2 tablespoons capers
(V2 cup drained chopped spinach)
About 2V2 Cups
Heat and stir in a skillet until done:
2 Cups
V2 cup sausage meat
A fine but plain, unsophisticated dressing.
Drain off the surplus fat. Add:
V2 cup chopped celery
IV2 cups soft bread crumbs, 551
2 cups cracker crumbs or 1 cup soft bread
2 tablespoons chopped onion
crumbs and 1 cup corn bread crumbs
V2 cup chopped celery
'A teaspoon minced onion
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 or 2 beaten eggs
teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
Season these ingredients well with
(Y2 cup chopped tart apple)
V2 teaspoon salt
Moisten the dressing with:
b teaspoon paprika

V2 cup stock or water

V2 teaspoon dried tarragon or dill seed
2 tablespoons capers
( A teaspoon nutmeg)
Use enough: OF PORK
Milk, melted butter or soup stock This stuffing is added for the last hour of the
to barely bind the ingredients. baking of the roast, 477.
2V2 lb. cooked pork sausage tablespoon butter

V2 cup dry bread crumbs, 551 teaspoon Meat Glaze, 368


V* cup chopped onions Cut into julienned strips:

V2 cup chopped celery 1 carrot
Moisten these ingredients with a very little: 1 white base of leek
Milk 2 ribs celery
Season with: Add the above to the butter mixture. Add:
Savory 2 drops garlic juice
Paprika and simmer coated. Add:
Fill the crown with this dressing. 1 sprig ofchopped fresh fennel
1 small pinch thyme
About 4 Cups Mix with the crumbs:
Rice: Freshly ground pepper
2V2 cups Boiled Chestnuts, 298
Combine them with: APPLE DRESSING
V2 cup melted butter About 4 Cups
teaspoon salt
1 Pare and slice:
Vb teaspoon pepper 6 cups tart cooking apples
A cup cream Combine them with:
1 cup dry bread or cracker crumbs 1 cup currants or raisins
2 tablespoons chopped parsley (2 tablespoons lemon juice)
V2 cup chopped celery You may steam the currants or raisins in 2 table-

(1 tablespoon grated onion or spoons of water in the top of a double boiler 15

V4 cup seedless raisins) minutes before combining them with the apples.
You may add, but remember this will increase the
(V2 cup cup chopped
liver sausage, 'A About 4 1
/2 Cups
Chipolata sausage or 2 cups raw or Combine lightly:
3 cups diced crustless bread
creamed oysters)
/2 cup melted butter or drippings
ONION DRESSING 1 cup diced apples
About 4 Cups 3
A cup drained chopped cooked prunes
/2 cup chopped nutmeats
2 cupschopped onions 1 teaspoon salt
Drop them into: V2 teaspoon paprika
4 cups boiling salted water 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Simmer for 10 minutes. Drain. Mix the onions and:
3 cups dry bread crumbs, 551
1 beaten egg
About 12 Cups
cup melted butter Place in boiling water for 5 minutes:
A teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins

teaspoon paprika Drain well. Add them to:

teaspoon poultry seasoning 7 cups soft bread crumbs
(1 cup chopped tart apple or V2 cup
sliced olives)
A cup butter
Saute in it 3 minutes:
Moisten the mixture slightly with:
Stock, 522
1 cup chopped onion
1 chopped clove garlic
ONION AND SAGE DRESSING 1 cup chopped celery
About 4 A Cups
1 Add these ingredients to the bread crumbs with:
Prepare: 3 cups diced tart apple
Onion Dressing, above
A cup finely chopped parsley
Add: IV2 teaspoons salt
4 teaspoon paprika

A cup cooked
pork sausage
2 teaspoons chopped fresh sage leaves or
3 teaspoon dried sage HAM DRESSING FOR TURKEY
About 7 Cups
About 1 Cup 1 to Vh cups ground cooked ham

Brown: 4 cups soft bread crumbs, 551

1 cup bread crumbs, 551 1 cup crushed pineapple

1 cup plumped white raisins gredients, but remember that the quantity of
1 cup chopped walnuts dressing will be increased:
V* to V* cup honey (1 cup sauteed mushrooms)
(V2 cup chopped ripe or green olives)
LIVER DRESSING (Va cup tomato paste)
About 4 Cups (V2 cup chopped nuts)
Chop: O/2 cup sliced water chestnuts)
V2 lb. calf or baby beef liver
IV2 tablespoons butter OR PIGEON
(1 tablespoon grated onion)
About 4V2 Cups
Combine these ingredients with: Soak 10 minutes:
2 cups soft bread crumbs, 551
V2 cup white raisins
A cup chopped nutmeats in:
2 beaten eggs
Va cup cognac
V2 cup cream or cream and stock
Drain, reserving cognac, and saute them in:
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter
V2 teaspoon paprika
IV2 tablespoons mixed minced chives
Va cup chopped shallots
and parsley Combine with the above and toss lightly:
1 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon
V2 teaspoon salt
/2 teaspoon lemon juice
IV2 cups Boiled Rice, 206
(2 tablespoons dry sherry)
Va cup chopped pistachio or pine nuts
Grating of fresh nutmeg
RICE DRESSING Moisten until just softened:
About 5 Cups 2 cups soft bread crumbs
Mince: in:
6 slices bacon IV2 to 2 cups milk
Saute lightly 5 minutes with: Add the bread crumbs to this mixture with the
3 tablespoons chopped onion
drained cognac.
Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of the fat. Combine
the contents of the skillet with:
4 cups Boiled Rice, 206
1 cup dry bread crumbs, 551 RICE DRESSING COCKAIGNE
cup chopped celery
1 2 Cups
teaspoon salt Try this for chicken or squab.
teaspoon pepper Combine:
Va teaspoon sage or nutmeg 6 chopped ribs pascal celery with leaves
Vi cup milk Va cup chopped parsley
V2 cup cream 1 cup dry cooked rice, lightly sauteed in

OA cup grated cheese) chicken fat or butter

Sections and julienned strips of
WILD RICE DRESSING FOR GAME 1 tangerine and some of its rind, or

About 3 Cups cup drained crushed pineapple


Chop: Vj cup lightly sauteed shallots

Giblets V3 cup lightly sauteed mushrooms

Bring to the boiling point: Vh cup pine nuts)

4 cups water, stock or tomato juice (2 tablespoons brandy)
1 teaspoon salt
Drop the giblets into the water and simmer about APRICOT OR PRUNE DRESSING
15 minutes. Remove giblets from the water and About 5 Cups
bring it to a rolling boil. Stir into it: Cut into strips:
1 cup wild rice, 212 Vh cups cooked apricots or seeded prunes
Simmer until nearly tender, about 30 minutes. Combine with:
Melt in a skillet: 4 cups dry bread crumbs or 3 cups
Va cup butter Boiled Rice, 206
Saute in it about 3 minutes: 1
A cup melted butter
2 tablespoons chopped shallots '/.!teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped green pepper Ve teaspoon pepper
Va cup chopped celery 'A cup chopped green pepper or celery
Add the hot drained rice and the chopped giblets. Moisten lightly with:
You may also use one or two of the following in- Stock or apricot or prune water


STUFFING About y/i lb. raw chicken meat

About 7 Cups 3 cups mushrooms
Sufficient for a 10-pound turkey. Add to this mixture:

Prepare: cups pistachio nuts

4 cups Mashed Sweet Potatoes or Yams, 324 IVi cups dry sherry
Saute until thoroughly cooked: V* cup sliced truffles
2 lb. sausage meat: 1 cup
' 1 teaspoon grated onion
Break it up with a fork. Remove it from the pan. 8 or 9 slightly beaten eggs
Add to the pan and saute 3 minutes: IV3 cups butter, cut in small dice
3 tablespoons chopped onion IV2 tablespoons salt
1 cup chopped celery A
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Add the sausage meat, the sweet potatoes and: V2 cup canned or Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
2 cups dry bread crumbs, 551 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
(3 tablespoons chopped parsley)
Season to taste
Mix these ingredients well. SAUERKRAUT DRESSING FOR GAME
1 quart chopped drained sauerkraut
About 5 Cups
1 clove garlic
Sweet Potatoes and Fruit, 325 A cup chopped onion

1 tart pared and chopped apple

using apples and replacing the apple water with
(2 tablespoons brown sugar)
light or dark stock.
(V* cup dried currants)
CHICKEN FARCE OR FORCEMEAT (1 cup chopped water chestnuts)
Enough for 3 Six-Pound Chickens {Vb teaspoon thyme)
A gala stuffing for boned chicken or galantines. Season to taste
waters are unpolluted. If you collect on your
own, be sure the water in the area is safe.
Recipes for mussels, oysters and clams are fairly
interchangeable, and exciting dishes may be cre-
ated by combining mollusks and crustaceans. Sea-
food is often seasoned with wine. For every 6
servings, allow 2 tablespoons dry sherry, 4 table-
spoons white wine or 1 tablespoon brandy. Inci-
dentally, what looks like bits of glass in canned
seafoods usually turns out to be "struvite," a
harmless crystal. If in doubt, test in a little vinegar;
struvite will melt; glass will not.

Serve these well chilled, preferably in glasses em-
bedded in ice. If serving individually, allow about
'/3 cup seafood per person, with about A cup 1

sauce. You may pour the sauce over the seafood,

present it separately for dipping, or toss the sea-
food in the sauce and serve it on lettuce, endive
or cress. For appropriate sauces, see:
Russian Dressing, 364, or seafood dips
and sauces, 91 and 353
SHELLFISH Serve with these cocktails:
Oyster crackers
Cheese crackers
Connoisseurs used to dispute as to which stretches
Crackers: rye, rice, seaweed or soy
of the world's seacoasts provided the best breed-
Garlic bread toast
ing grounds for shellfish and were ready to do
battle over the relative merits of oysters and mus-
sels versus lobsters and crabs. Today they worry
that the too-efficient factory methods of capture,
plus mounting pollution of the oceans, will in- To 3 well-crushed lobster shells and 2 pounds
creasingly deprive them of these high-protein shrimp shells, add V2 bottle dry white wine. Re-
delicacies. We must sidestep most of these con- duce by boiling, 339, to half or one-third. A bright
troversies in the pages that follow, but hope to red sauce results which, when tepid, can be added
clarifythe distinctions among lobster, 385, lan- with pureed shrimp or lobster to Hollandaise
gouste, 385, and langoustine, 385, and between sauce. A few tablespoons of puree of pimiento
crevettes, 389, and scampi, 385 —
sneaking in may also be used to add color.
freshwater relatives like crayfish or ecrevisses, as
well as the snapping turtle and the land-based ABOUT OYSTERS
snail. And we will put our chief emphasis on how These edible at any time, are best in
to cook so as to retain a just-caught flavor. De- flavor whenthey are not spawning. As southern
tails for handling are given in each category. oysters spawn all during the year, they do not have
For ways to serve seafood that exploit their the fine flavor of northern types and are therefore
decorative qualities, consider colorful pink and often served highly condimented. These bivalves
white shrimp impaled against the purplish soft have one shallow and one deep shell, and it is in
glaze of an eggplant, shown at rear in the chapter the deeper shell that they are served raw or
heading. Next, to the right, is a large shell heaped baked. Some canny diners have been known to
with iced stone crab claws; and varied dips in ask for them in restaurants on the shallow shell,
small shells or in glass bowls are shown nearby. in the hope of getting them absolutely freshly
Heat scallops or seafood mixtures in beautiful opened. Oysters in the shell should be alive. If
large scallop shells, 381, seen in the center fore- they gape and do not close quickly in handling,
ground. Alternated in a snail dish on the left are discard them, as well as those with broken shells.
two ways of serving snails: tucked into the shell or "He was a bold man," declared Dean Swift,
nestled in mushroom caps. "that first eat an oyster." In our own prejudiced
If sea treats are to be served raw, they should be opinion, once opened, this bivalve must have been
properly chilled. For a great variety of delectable found quite irresistible; only the shucking needed
small shellfish that may be gathered live along the hardihood. To open oysters, provide yourself
seashore and eaten on the spot, see About Sea first with a strainer and a bowl in which to catch

Tidbits, 87. Keep in mind that commercial shell- the juices. Later you may pour the strained liquor
fish collection is permitted only in areas where over the oyster before serving it on the bottom


half shell —
bedded down in coarse salt if served oysters at the same temperature, covered by their
hot or on cracked ice if cold. When preparing liquor, in a closed container. The container may
oysters in a sauce, add the oyster liquor to it. be set in crushed
ice, up to about three-fourths its
height. you received them fresh, oysters may

be stored in this way up to 3 days.

For other oyster suggestions, see Hors d'Oeuvre,
75, and Canapes, 89. For cooked oyster sugges-
tions and oyster cakes, see Lunch Dishes, 267.
Champagne is a fine accompaniment.


Allow 5 to 6 Oysters per Serving
^ Please read About Oysters, 375.
Scrub well, chill and open just before serving:
Arrange them cracked ice on serving plates.
You may place the center a small glass of:
Cocktail Sauce, 352, or
Lorenzo Dressing, 360
Now back to the actual opening of the shells. or serve them with:
Hold a well-scrubbed oyster, deep shell down, in a Lemon wedges and ground, flavored
folded napkin in the palm of one hand, working horseradish
over a strainer with a bowl beneath it. Insert the and:
edge of an oyster knite into the hinge of the Buttered brown bread
shells. Turn the knife to pry and lift the upper
shell enough to cut through the hinge muscle. BROILED OYSTERS
Then run the knife between the shells to open. Allow 6 Oysters per Serving
Until you develop a knack, shucking is not easy. Please read About Oysters, 375.
Should you grow slightly desperate, you may be Preheat broiler.
willing to sacrifice some flavor for convenience. Shuck, drain and dry in a towel:
Ifso, place the oysters in a 400° oven for 5 to 7 Oysters
minutes, depending on size, drop them briefly Place them on a well-buttered baking sheet. Broil
into ice water and drain. They should open easily. about 3 minutes, until lightly browned, turning
However you open an oyster, complete the re- once. Serve with:
lease of the flesh from the shell by using a knife, Lemon wedges, parsley or Lemon Butter, 350
and examine each oyster with your fingers to be
sure no bit of shell is adhering to it. If you are B GRILLED OYSTERS
using the oysters off the shell, drop them into a
Allow 6 Oysters per Serving
strainer, reserving the
oysters are sandy, you may
rest of the
them in
If the
a sepa-
You may —
western oysters except Olympias

right on the coals without toughening them, but if

rate bowl, allowing V2 cup cold water to each
you have eastern oysters, put them on a piece of
quart of shucked oysters. Pour it over the oysters
foil in which you have punched holes, before
and reserve the water. Before using the oyster
placing them on your grill over a bed of coals.
liquor and the water mixture in sauces, be sure to
strain it through fine muslin to free it from grit. I. Put on the foil:
Before using oysters in any fried or creamed Scrubbed, unopened oysters in their shells
dish, dry them carefully in an absorbent towel. Grill until the shells pop. Season and serve with
If oysters have been bought in bulk, already Lemon wedges
opened, be sure, again, to free them of bits of Melted butter
shell. They should be plump and creamy in color;
the liquor clear, not cloudy, and free from sour or II. Open:
unpleasant odor. If oysters burst during cooking, Scrubbed oysters
they have been previously soaked in fresh water Sprinkle them with a:
to plump them, and their flavor as well as their Cremolata, 572
texture has been ruined. Allow 1 quart un- Heat for a few minutes on the grill over moderate
drained, shucked oysters for 6 servings. It is hard coals.

to estimate amounts for oysters on the shell, as

they vary in size 6 moderate-sized eastern oys- DEEP-FAT-FRIED OYSTERS
ters would equal about 20 of the tiny Olympia 2 Servings
West Coast oysters. >•Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
To store oysters in the shell, refrigerate at Drain:
39°, not directly on ice. Keep dry. Store shucked 12 large shucked oysters

Dry them well between towels. Beat together: II. 6 Servings

1 egg Preheat broiler.
2 tablespoons water Drain and dry, reserving the liquor:
Inserting a fork in the tough muscle of the oysters, 1 pint shucked small oysters: 2 cups

dip them in the egg, then in: Combine:

Seasoned bread crumbs 1 cup dry bread or cracker crumbs

once more in the egg and again in the crumbs. 3 tablespoons melted butter
Let them dry on a rack tor 30 minutes. Frv them V* teaspoon salt
about 4 minutes in deep fat heated to 375°. Serve 1 teaspoon minced parsley
with: Heat to the boiling point:
Andalouse Sauce, 364, Tartare Sauce, 364, 1 cup cream of celery, mushroom or
or Sauce Indienne, 344 chicken soup
The oyster liquor or 'A cup clam juice
or water
SAUTEED OYSTERS or replace 1 tablespoon of the liquor with:
2 Servings (Catsup)
Bread, as above for Deep-Fat-Fried Oysters: Add the oysters. Heat until the edges begin to
12 large shucked oysters curl. Place half the buttered crumbs in a hot cas-
When they are dry, saute them until golden in a serole; add the oyster and soup mixture. Top with
combination of: the remaining crumbs. Place the dish under a
3 tablespoons vegetable oil broiler until the top is golden brown.
2 tablespoons butter
Serve at once with:
Watercress Sauce, 365, or Aurore Sauce, 344
4 Servings
Please read About Oysters, 375.
1 pint shucked oysters
Reserve the liquor. Melt in a saucepan:
Allow 6 Oysters per Serving
2 tablespoons butter
Preheat oven to 475°.
Add and stir until blended:
Have ready:
2 tablespoons flour
Oysters on the half shell
Stir in slowly:
Cover each with:
1 cup oyster liquor, or oyster liquor and
1 tablespoon sauce as prepared for
cream, milk or chicken stock
Creamed Oysters, right
Sprinkle them with:
teaspoon salt
Bread crumbs
teaspoon paprika or cayenne
Bake about 10 minutes or until golden.
i i to 1 teaspoon curry powder)

When the sauce is smooth and hot, add the

SCALLOPED OYSTERS drained oysters. Heat them to the boiling point,
I. 6 Servings but not above it. When the oysters are thoroughly
Preheat oven to 350°. heated, season with:
1 teaspoon lemon juice or Vi teaspoon
Have ready:
1 quart shucked oysters in their liquor
Worcestershire sauce
and a deep buttered casserole. Mix together: Serve them at once in:

2 cups coarsely crushed soda cracker crumbs Bread Cases, 250, or patty shells, or on
1 cup dry bread crumbs, 551 hot buttered toast
V* cup melted butter Sprinkle generously with:
Place in the bottom of the casserole a thin layer of Chopped parsley
the crumb mixture. Cover it with half of the oys-
ters. Pour over the oyster layer half of the follow- OYSTERS CREAMED WITH CELERY
ing mixture: 4 Servings
1 cup cream Preheat oven to 350°.
seasoned lightly with: Prepare:
Nutmeg or mace Creamed Oysters, above
Salt and pepper Before adding the oysters, thicken the sauce with:
(Celery salt) 2 egg yolks
Follow with three-fourths of the remaining crumbs Place in a baking dish:
and the rest of the oysters. Pour the other half of 3
A cup peeled, diced white celery
the seasoned cream over the oysters and cover Cover with the creamed oysters and dust with:
with the remaining bread crumbs. Bake 20 to 25 Parmesan cheese
minutes. Bake until golden, about 15 minutes.


2 beaten egg yolks
AND SEAFOOD Continue to cook and beat until the sauce thick-
6 Servings
ens. Add the warm oysters and season with:
Do not take these proportions too literally.
Change them, add or subtract to suit yourself. It's
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
a grand basic dish with which to work.
Serve on:
Preheat oven to 375°.
Garnish With a sprinkling of:
Creamed Oysters, 377
seasoned with:
1 tablespoon chopped fresh marjoram
6 Servings
1 cup chopped cooked shrimp, lobster,
crab meat, tuna, scallops or leftover fish Best with oysters in the shell. The dish may also
Cover with: be approximated using bulk oysters in clean shells
Au Gratin II or III, 552 previously set aside for the purpose.
Bake about 10 minutes. I.

Preheat oven to 475°.

AU GRATIN 36 medium-sized oysters on the half shell
I. 4 Servings Put through a food grinder a mixture of:
Preheat oven to 375°. 2 cups cooked spinach
Saute: 1
A cup chopped onion
20 large mushroom caps, 308 1
A cup dry bread crumbs
in: 2 tablespoons chopped cooked bacon
3 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon parsley
Place the mushrooms, cavity side up, in a greased 1 teaspoon salt
baking dish. Fill them with: 6 drops hot pepper sauce
20 drained shucked medium-sized oysters Stir into this mixture:
and cover them with: 6 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup hot White Sauce I, 341 2 teaspoons anisette
seasoned with: Spread the mixture over the oysters. Embed the
Dry sherry filled shells in pans of rock salt to steady them and
Sprinkle the top with: to protect the seafood from too high heat. Bake
Grated Parmesan cheese about 10 minutes, or until plump; run under
Place the dish in the oven until the top is broiler to brown. Serve at once.
simpler version.
II. with:
Half-fill a shell
Or proceed as above, omitting the cream sauce Creamed Spinach, 327
and dotting each oyster in its mushroom cap with: Place on spinach:
A teaspoon butter
1 large shucked oyster
A few drops lemon juice Cover with:
Bake about 10 minutes, until the oysters are 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
plump. Serve on: A few drops lemon juice and
Creamed Spinach, 327 Worcestershire sauce
A square inch of partly cooked bacon

4 Servings
III. Fill half the shell, as above, with:
Cook in their liquor until plump:
2 cups shucked oysters: 1 pint
Creamed Spinach, 327
Place the oyster on the spinach and cover with:
Drain. Keep them warm and reserve the liquor.
Cook double boiler
in a over not in boiling — — 1
teaspoon well-seasoned White Sauce
teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese
I, 341

water, and stir until smooth:

Bake as above.
2 tablespoons butter
A lb.diced Swiss or Gruyere cheese
•/a teaspoon salt OYSTERS CASINO
A few grains cayenne 4 Servings
Add: Please read About Oysters, 375.
The oyster liquor: about 3A cup Preheat oven to 450°.
and enough: Prepare:
Milk to make 1 cup of liquid 24 oysters on the half shell

Embed them in pans of rock salt. Cream together: tablespoons fresh bread crumbs or

V2 cup sweet butter Remoulade Sauce, 364)

Vj cup chopped shallots
finely Serve garnished with:
V* cup chopped parsley
finely y* cup chopped parsley
V* finely chopped green pepper
V* finely chopped white celery
Put a piece of the butter mixture on each oyster, Preheat oven to 450°.
plus: Place in a large pan:
teaspoon chopped pimiento
V2 Well-cleaned mussels
A small square partly cooked bacon 2 tablespoons olive oil
Bake until the bacon is browned, from 5 to 8 Heat in the oven until the shells open. Do not
minutes. overcook. Remove the upper shell and beard or
fringe. Reserve the liquor. If any has escaped to
ABOUT MUSSELS the pan, strain and add it to the reserved liquor
Mussels are sometimes called "the oysters of the from the shell. Serve the mussels on the lower
poor,'' which goes to show that poverty can be shell with:
not only dignified, as some people claim, but for Melted butter or melted Garlic Butter, 351
brief periods even endurable. These delicious mol- and the liquor in small cups or glasses. See
lusks do, however, deteriorate rapidly and, if un- Steamed Clams, 381.
cooked, may be the cause of infections.
^ To test mussels for freshness, try to slide the
two halves of the shell across each other. If they ABOUT CLAMS
budge, the shell is probably filled with mud, not All clams are sandy, especially surf clams. Before
mussel. Discard any mussels with broken shells or shucking, they should be scrubbed and washed in
shells that will not close after placement in the several waters, then soaked in a cold brine of V3
freezer a minute or two. Mussels are distinguished cup salt to 1 gallon of water; and it may even be
by a beard which is usually clipped off with a necessary later to put the cooked clams under
scissors just before cooking. cold running water to rid them completely of
Wash mussels in a colander under running sand. Clams are sold in the shell or shucked. If in
water. Scrub them with a stiff brush and prepare as the shell test to see that they are tightly closed

for clams, below: both fresh and canned mussels or, if slightly open, that they close tightly at once

may be sandy. Mussels may be steamed, removed upon being touched. Discard any that float or
from the shell, debearded and served much like have broken shells.

oysters or clams; or served with a sauce, shell and Eight quarts of clams in the shell will yield
all. It is permissible —
no doubt because it is neces- about 1 quart shucked. Allow about 1 quart of
sary — to separate the shells by hand. Gourmets unshucked clams per person for steamed clams,
suggest that a half shell be used to spoon up the 6 to 8 medium-sized clams if served shucked.
liquor to the last drop. For 4 servings allow
about 1 quart undrained shucked or 3 quarts un-
shucked mussels. Cockles, 87, and periwinkles
may also be cooked as for mussels.


3 to 4 Servings
^ Please read About Mussels, above.
Saute until golden in:

V* cup butter
6 chopped shallots
1 clove garlic
Cook in a deep, heavy skillet about 2 minutes:
V* cup dry white wine
V3 bay leaf
Add the sauteed shallots and: SOFT-SHELL OR LONCNECK CLAMS
3 quarts scrubbed, bearded unshucked mussels Found mostly north of Cape Cod, these are the
Cook closelv covered over high heat 6 to 8 min- preferred East Coast type for eating raw or
utes. Agitate the pan sufficiently during this time steamed whole. They are easily opened by run-
to cook the mussels evenly, but remove from ning a short sharp knife along the edge of the top
heat the moment
the shells open. Pour the mus- shell. Work over a bowl, as for oysters, illus-
sels, shells and all, into heated bowls. Then pour trated on 376, so as to trap the juices. Cut the
in the sauce, as is or thickened with: meat from the bottom shell. Slit the skin of the

neck, or siphon, as sketched, and pull oft' the to serve. Dig a sand pit about 1 foot deep and
neck skin. This skin is too tough to eat as it is, 3' 2 with smooth round rocks.
feet across. Line it

but may be chopped or ground and used in Have ready a wet tarpaulin larger than the pit
chowders or creamed dishes with other clam area by 1 foot all around, and a few stones to
meat. weight the edges. Build a fire over the rock lining
using hardwood, and keep feeding it for the next
2' 2 to 3 hours while the rocks are heating. Gather
These include butter clams and quahogs, which
and wash about 4 bushels of wet rock seaweed.
in turn are called cherrystones or littlenecks. The
In fact, it is wise to soak the seaweed for at least
Pacific butter clam is distinguished from its Atlan-
45 minutes before use. Have a pail of sea water at
tic counterpart by its small size —
even when adult hand. Partially husk about:
— and its rarity, but makes up for both in succu- 4 dozen ears sweet corn
lence. Two other choice West Coast varieties are
Do not pull them quite clean but leave on the
the aptly named razor clam and the Pismo.
last layer or two of husks. Rip these back far
The large, strongly flavored hard-shells are pre-
enough to remove the silk. Then replace them, so
ferred for chowders, the smaller sizes for eating on the kernels are fully protected. Reserve the pulled
the half shell. If in the shell, you may wash them
husks. Quarter:
in several waters, then cover with a cold brine of
5 broiling chickens
A cup salt for each gallon of water and sprinkle
Have ready:
on the top 'A cup cornmeal to every quart clams.
10 sweet potatoes
Leave them in this bath 3 to preferably 12 — — (20 frankfurters)
hours. This whitens them, rids them of sand, and
You may wrap the chicken pieces in cheesecloth
causes them to eject the black material in their
or divide the food into 20 individual cheesecloth-
stomachs. After soaking, wash again in clear water.
wrapped servings, so that each person's food can
Quahogs are difficult to open, but if they are later be removed as one unit. Scrub:
covered 5 minutes with water and then gentlv Twenty 1
1 /2-lb. lobsters or 5 pecks
picked up, you may be able to insert a knife
soft-shell crabs
quickly in the opening. Or, if you are using them
Now you are ready to arrange for the "bake."
in a cooked dish and do not mind a small loss in
Rake the embers free of the hot stones, remove
flavor, vou mav place them in a pan in a moderate
them from the pit and line it with the wet sea-
oven until they open. After opening, cut through
weed. The lining should be about 6 inches deep.
the muscle holding the shells together. If they
Put over it, if you wish, a piece of chicken wire.
have not had a cornmeal bath, open the stomachs
If you haven't wrapped the individual servings in
with sharp shears and scrape out and discard the
cheesecloth, now pack the pit in layers. For added
contents. Large hard-shelled clams have a tough
flavor, put down first a layer of hard shell clams,
upper portion which may be separated from the
then the frankfurters, if you use them, and after
tender portion, chopped or ground and used in
that, in succession, the sweet potatoes, the lob-
various dishes, creamed, scalloped, in fritters,
sters or crabs, the chicken, the corn and the soft-
chowders, etc.. following any of the recipes for
shell clams. You may also put seaweed between
oysters, or any of the following clam recipes.
the lasers. Cover the layered food with the re-
SURF CLAMS served corn husks and sprinkle the whole with
These may be used in chowders, broth or cock- the bucket of sea water. Quickly cover with the
tails, but their sweetness should be counteracted wet tarp. Weight the tarp down well with rocks.
with salt. They are the sandiest of all clams. The whole should steam covered about 1 hour.
For other recipes, see Soups and Chow.lers, 186, During the steaming, the tarp will puff up, which
or Lunch Dishes, 267. is a sign of a satisfactory "bake." To test, lift the

tarp carefully at one corner > so as not to get

ABOUT CLAMBAKES sand into the pit, and see if the clams have
Whatever the size of your bake, dig your clams the opened. If so, the whole feast should be cooked
just to the right point. Have handy plenty of
day before. Scrub them well to remove sand. Give
them the cornmeal treatment as for hard-shell towels and:
clams, above. Leave the clams in a
Melted butter
cool place.
Rinse and drain them just before using. A big bake Serve with the bake:
Beer or ale
is described in I; a smaller one, often more practi-

cal, in II, with amounts proportionately cut.

and afterward:

I. 20 Servings II. 8 Servings

Allow: A more domesticated bake in a new wash boiler
200 soft-shell clams or lard can on a stove or outdoor grill.
( )0 hard-shell clams) Soak for 45 minutes and remove sand from sea-
Start preparations at least 4 hours before you plan weed in several rinsings. Line the bottom of the

boiler with a 4-inch layer of the seaweed. Add CLAMS BROILED ON THE
1 quart water
Allow 6 to 8 Medium-Sized
When water boils, add: Clams per Person
8 toil-wrapped potatoes
Preheat broiler.
2 cut-up broiler chickens wrapped in
Place on an ovenproof dish in which foil has been
cheesecloth crumpled keep shells stead)
to :

Cover boiler and cook gently 30 minutes. Add: Cherrystone clams on the half shell
8 well-scrubbed 1' 2-lb. lobsters
Cover each clam with:
Co\er and cook 8 minutes more, then place on A dash of Worcestershire sauce
top of the lobsters: A square of bacon
8 shucked foil-wrapped ears of corn
Broil the clams until the bacon is clone.
Cook 10 minutes, still covered, and add:
48 well-scrubbed soft-shell clams
Cover and steam until the clams open, from 5 to FRIED CLAMS
10 minutes longer. In serving, use: Allow 6 to 8 Medium-Sized Clams per Person
Melted butter Please read About Clams, 379.
Shuck and wash well in a colander under running
Soft-shell clams
WITH BROTH Drv them between towels. Cut awn\ the black skin
Allow 7 to 9 Medium-Sized Unshucked
of the neck or siphon. Dip the clams in a:
Clams per Serving
Bound Breading, 552
Scrub thoroughly with a brush and wash in sev-
Saute until golden in a combination of:
eral waters:
3 parts vegetable oil
Soft-shell clams
2 parts butter
Place them close together in the top of a steamer,
Serve with:
as sketched 278, or on a rack in a stock pot with a
Tartare Sauce, 364, Curry Sauce, 345, or
spigot, as shown on 521. Place in the bottom of
Hot Mustard Sauce, 345
the steamer or stock pot:
/2 inch water

Cover the kettle closely. Steam the clams over ABOUT SCALLOPS
moderate heat until they open, but no longer These beautiful mollusks known on menus a^
5 to 10 minutes. Overcooking makes clams tough. Coquilles St. Jacques are emblematic of the pil-
Place them in individual soup bowls. Serve each grims who visited the shrine of St. James of Com-
bowl garnished with: postella. They ate the mollusks as penance surely —
Lemon wedges —
not a rigorous one and afterward fastened the
and accompanied by a small dish of: cockle shells to their hats. Scallops are also re-
Melted butter sponsible for the cooking term "scalloped,'' which
The broth is served in cups along with the clams originally meant seafood creamed, heated and
or used for clam juice cocktail later. To eat served in a shell. Scallops available at market are
clams, pick them up from the shell by the neck almost never the whole mollusk but are instead
with the fingers, dip into broth to remove possible the edible sections of its adductor muscle, which
sand, then into butter. All of the clam except the controls its very spectacular movement.
neck sheath is edible. The broth is delicious to If you do get scallops in the shell, wash and
drink, but, to avoid any residue of sand, don't scrub them thoroughly. Place in a 300° oven, deep
entirely drain the cup. To prepare clam broth shell down, until they open. Remove, trim and
separately, see 186. wash the hinge muscle. In Europe, both the hand-
some beanlike coral and the beard are used, as
BAKED SOFT-SHELL CLAMS well as the meat. The former is treated as for any
4 Servings roe; the latter is cut up, sauteed briefly, and then
Preheat oven to 425°. simmered covered, in white wine 30 minutes.
Scrub with a brush and wash in several waters: Many people prefer the small, tender, creamv pink
36 soft-shell clams or tan bay scallops, shown right, 382, to the larger,
To keep them steady, place them in a pan on a firmer, whiter, but also quite delicious sea scal-
bed of rock salt or crumpled foil. Bake about 15 lops, shown on the left. If only the large ones
minutes until the shells open. Remove the top are available, slice them — after cooking — into 3
shell carefully to avoid spilling the juices. Serve parts, against the grain, for use in salads and
on individual plates with: creamed dishes or sauces.
A Seasoned Butter, 349, or To test scallops for freshness, see that thev
Sour Cream Horseradish Sauce, 356 have a sweetish odor. If in bulk, they should be
and garnish with: free of liquid. For sauteing or broiling, allow about
Lemon wedges Vi pound of sea scallops or 'A pound of bay seal-

lops per serving. Cooked scallops may be used in § SCALLOP KEBABS

any recipe for fish salads or creamed fish, or they Allow A Pound
Bay or 1
/» Pound Sea Scallops
may be skewered and grilled, see right. The per Person
blandness of scallops suggests combining them in Preheat broiler or grill.
sauced dishes with more robustly flavored shell- Ifshucked scallops are large or old, drop into boil-
fish like shrimp and crab. See also seafood sug- ing water and allow them to stay immersed, but
gestions in Lunch Dishes, 264. removed from heat, 1 minute. Drain and dry. If
tender, simply brush:
Shucked scallops
Vegetable oil
Dip in:
Fine bread crumbs
Skewer alternately with:
1-inch squares of bacon
Grill over moderate heat 10 minutes or until
golden brown, or broil 4 inches from the source
of heat, turning several times during the cooking
period. Serve with:
Sauce Dijonnaise, 342, or Curry Sauce, 345
POACHED SCALLOPS and garnish with:
6 to 8 Servings Lemon wedges
Poach, 3 to 5 minutes: Fried Parsley, 314
4 cups bay or sea scallops
in a mixture of enough:
Water and white wine or light stock 6 to 8 Servings
to cover, adding to the liquid:
Wash and pick over:
A bay leaf 1 quart shucked scallops: about 2 lb.
3 sprigs parsley
Drain. Dry between towels. Season with:
After poaching, remove herbs, drain the liquid
White pepper
and reduce it to serve, further seasoned to taste,
Celery salt
as a sauce.
Dip them in a:
Bound Breading, 552
SCALLOPS MEUNIERE Fry 2 minutes in deep fat heated to 385°. Drain
4 Servings on paper toweling. Serve with:
Dry between towels: Tartare Sauce, 364, Mousseline Sauce, 359,
1 lb. shucked, drained bay or sea scallops
or a tomato sauce, 351
Dip them in a:
Bound Breading, 552 SCALLOPS IN WINE
Let them dry on a rack about 15 minutes. Saute 6 to 8 Servings
one layer deep, using a large heavy skillet, in: Wash well:
2 tablespoons butter 2 lb. shucked scallops
2 tablespoons vegetable oil Simmer them until tender, about 5 minutes, in:

agitating frequently; about 5 minutes for bay 2 cups dry white wine
scallops, 8 minutes for sea scallops. Just before Drain and reserve the liquid. Melt:
cooking time is over, sprinkle with: V* cup butter
Lemon juice Saute:
Finely chopped parsley 4 finely chopped shallots
Serve with: 24 finely sliced mushroom caps
Tomatoes Provencale, 332 2 tablespoons minced parsley
Stir in, until blended:
2 tablespoons flour
BAY SCALLOPS FONDU Add the reserved liquid and:
BOURGUIGNONNE 2 to 4 tablespoons whipping cream
4 Servings Add the scallops to the hot but not boiling
^ Please read about Boeuf Fondu Bourguignonne, sauce. Place in a shallow casserole. Cover with:
457, using instead of beef: Au Gratin II, 552
1 lb. poached bay scallops, above and run under a broiler until golden brown. For
Serve as sauces: an unusual variation which stretches this recipe to
Sweet-Sour Orange Sauce, 355, replacing 10 or more servings, add:
game stock with clam broth; or Aurore 2 cups minced cooked ham
Sauce, 344; or Quick Creole Sauce, 352 to the above mixture.


SCALLOPS MORNAY Recipes for cooking crab meat apply to almost all
6 Servings species of edible crab, but either the type of crab
Scallops served in the shell are called St. Jacques, or the part of the crab from which the meat is

even when as might happen in the recipe below taken may make a difference in color, taste and
— you substitute Creole Sauce, 348, for Mornay. texture. Crabs must be both alive and lively
Preheat broiler. when cooked. If mucky or slimy, they should be

Prepare: scrubbed. Freshly cooked crab meat in partially

Mornay Sauce, 342 aerated cans must be under constant refrigeration
Poach: until used. It should have no ammonialike odor.

3 cups shucked scallops The completely sealed canned crab meats, Japa-
nese and Korean, are all nonperishable until the
cups dry white wine or Light Stock, 522, cans are opened. For crab dishes made with
1 V2
or Fumet, 524 cooked or canned crab, see 267. In using canned
Drain and slice the scallops. Coat each of the deep meat, be sure to pick it over for small bits of shell
halves of 12 scallop shells with 1 tablespoon of
and bone.
the Mornay Sauce. You may edge the shell, using To prepare crab shells for restuffing, select

a pastry tube or bag, with a decorative rim of:

large, perfect shells and scrub them well with a
(Duchess Potatoes, 323) brush until clean. Place them in a large kettle and
Almost cover with hot water. Add one teaspoon baking
fill the shell with the sliced scallops. Coat
soda. Cover the kettle closely. Bring to a boil and
each shell, staying within the rim of the potatoes,
simmer 20 minutes. Drain, wash and dry. The
Mornay Sauce shells are now ready for refilling.

Dust the sauce coating with: BLUE CRABS

Grated Parmesan or Gruyere cheese These denizens of the Atlantic furnish most of the
Run under a broiler until the sauce is lightly fresh crab meat in the market. Lump or back-fin
browned. Serve at once. meat, taken from the body, is white in color and
choice for looks. Flake meat, while less shapely, is
also white. Claw meat is brownish, but very
The foot of this delicious shellfish — contraband if
If taken live, blue crabs fall into two classifica-

shipped from California comes to our markets tions: hard-shell and soft-shell, which are pre-
pared and eaten quite differently.
canned or frozen from Mexico and Japan, shelled,
pounded and ready to cook. If you get it in the I.Hard-shell crabs designate those caught be-
shell, remove the edible portion by running a
tween their periodic sheddings of carapace, or
knife between the shell and the meat. Trim off the
"lid," when the carapace has hardened. To cook
dark portion. Abalone, like inkfish, needs prodi-
and eat them, see Poached Hard-Shell Crabs, 384.
gious pounding to tenderize it, if it has died in a
To prepare them for crab meat, first place them
state of tension. Leave it whole or cut it in 'A-inch
upside down in a large bowl and cover with very
strips for pounding with an even, not too hard,
hot water until no air bubbles rise. Remove large
motion. The meat is ready to cook when it looks
claws at body. Turn the crab on its back and lift
like Dali's limp watch. For steaks, slice against
the pointed apron at the base away from the body.
the grain. Bread it if you like in dry crumbs or in a
Shown right, 384, is a female with a wider fringed
Bound Breading, 552, and saute. Or you may
apron than the male on the left. With a firm hold
"boil," 400, as for any fish. Beat and chop abalone
at the wide end, slowly twist and pull so as to
for chowder or for Fritters, 243. Allow 1 pound
remove the apron and the intestinal vein simulta-
for 2 to 3 servings.
neously. Discard both. Scrub the crab under cold
running water, using a vegetable brush. Grasping
the legs in your fist, pull the entire chest section
SAUTEED ABALONE free of the hard carapace. Cut out and discard the
2 to 3 Servings feathery lung sections which lie as shown on the
Cut into 3/8-inch-thick steaks across the grain and soft-shell crab, top. Next to the lungs lies the soft
pound: tomalley or liver. Remove the liver from the cara-
1 lb. abalone pace with a small spoon and put it into a sieve to
Dip in a: drain as for oysters, 376, reserving the strained
Bound Breading, 552 liquid and the tomalley for later use as directed in
Melt in a heavy skillet: crab recipes.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or clarified butter With a wooden mallet, lightly crack the crab
When the fat reaches the point of fragrance, saute shells, being careful not to pound any shell bits
the abalone steaks, allowing T/2 to 2 minutes to into the meat. Remove meat with
easily accessible
each side. a curve-bladed knife, 282. Take each removed leg

at the ends and bend it to break at the joint, while OYSTER CRABS AND HERMIT CRABS
pulling the cartilage from the upper leg meat. Cut There are two edible types of miniature crabs.
the lower section of the legs into small pieces and Oyster crabs are crispy /2-inch pinkish "boarders"

reserve them for a shellfish butter, 351. found living right in the shell with live oysters;
they may be eaten raw, sauteed or deep-fat-fried.
When deep-fat-fried, several dozen may be served
with several dozen fried whitebait, 415, as one
portion. Tiny hermit crabs are found in vacated
univalve shells and respond to deep-fat frying and
sauteing. They should not be eaten raw.
To deep-fat-fry either of these crabs or white-
bait, keep them on ice until the last minute. Wash
and dry carefully and put into a bag to dust with
flour, 552, then in a sieve to bounce off as much
flour as possible. Place a few at a time in a frying
basket in deep fat heated to 390° and cook only
2 to 3 seconds until crisp.


Allow 2 to 3 per Serving
^ Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Dry between towels:
Cleaned soft-shell crabs
Dip them in a :

Bound Breading, 552

Fry 3 to 5 minutes or until golden brown in deep
II. Soft-shell those freshly molted
crabs are fat heated to 375°. Turn once while frying. Drain
whose carapace tender and flexible. Molt-
is still on paper toweling. Sprinkle well with:
ing, incidentally, occurs often in a crab's career, Salt and pepper
but the carapace remains pliable only a few days. Serve at once with:
Since almost every part of a soft-shell crab is edi- Tartare Sauce, 364, or Remoulade Sauce, 364,
ble, usually broiled, breaded and sauteed, or
it is with parsley
deep-fat-fried, as .in the specific recipes below.
To prepare soft-shell crabs for cooking, wash BROILED SOFT-SHELL CRABS
them in several waters. Place live crab face-down Allow 2 or 3 per Serving
on a board. Make an incision just back of the eyes Preheat broiler.
and cut out the face. Lift the tapering points on Prepare for cooking:
each side of the back shell to remove sandbag and Soft-shell crabs
spongy gills, as shown in sketch. Turn crab on its Combine:
back and with a pointed knife remove the small V* cup butter
pointed apron at the lower part of the shell, pull- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
ing it, as described above in Hard-Shell Crabs, to A few grains cayenne
release the intestinal vein. A small grating of white pepper
Roll the crabs in the butter mixture, then lightly
Both packaged in one grade, combining body and
claw meat. The rock crab flesh is brownish.
Place them on the broiling rack 2 inches from the
Dungeness is native to the West Coast and is best
heat. Broil about 10 minutes. Turn once.
in 2V2- to 3-pound size.


Mostly from Alaskan waters, pinkish in tone, and Allow 2 to 3 per Serving
consisting mainly of leg meat. Slit the underside of To prepare the crabs for cooking, follow the above
the leg shell with a cross-shaped cut before broil- recipe for:
ing. Broiled Soft-Shell Crabs
Saute in butter or vegetable oil over moderate
heat. Place on a platter. Serve with:
From Florida, with pale flesh, and very delicate in
Fried Parsley, 314
texture and flavor. Stone crabs have become so
rare that the authorities now insist that when one
is caught only one claw may be removed, and the
crab must be returned to its habitat, where, hope- HARD-SHELL CRABS
fully, it will see fit to grow another claw as crabs — Have ready a large pot of:
are quite capable of doing. Boiling salted water

Allow for each quart of water: countered on this side of the Atlantic because
1 tablespoon salt exclusively native to European waters, is the Nor-
Handling with a tongs, slide, one at a time, into wegian, a relative of the spinys, known in France
the water so as not to disturb the boiling: as langoustine, and famous in Italy as scampo.
Washed hard-shell crabs Of whatever kind, lobsters require about the
> Reduce heat at once to a simmer and cook same cooking time and may be cut and cleaned
about 25 minutes more. as shown on 386. But as lobster ritual is more
To eat hard-shell crabs, open the tail flap on the complicated in the American type, we will discuss
bellyside and pull it against the carapace, remov- it in further detail below.
ing both. Sometimes a sharp knife will be neces- Among
connoisseurs the female lobster is con-
sary to complete this job. Take out and discard sidered finer in flavor. Look for the soft, leathery,
the spongy substance under the shell and split the finlike appendages on the underside, just where

bodies to pick out the meat, discarding the gills, the body and tail meet. In the male, these append-
intestines and sandbags. Claw meat can be re- ages are bony. In opening the female lobster, you
leased with a nutcracker. >• From a 5-ounce hard- may find a delicious roe or coral that reddens in
shell crab you can expect about IV2 ounces of cooking. Use it as a garnish or to color a sauce.
meat. The preparation recommended above is The flesh of the male stays firmer when boiled.
basic. Relax and serve the crabs whole, with a side The greenish substance in both of them is the liver
dish of melted butter and lemon juice. Or choose or tomalley.
one of the many recipes using cooked crab meat Allow V2 large lobster or 1 small lobster per
inLunch Dishes, 267, and Salads, 106, or indexed serving.Buy active live lobsters weighing from
under Seafood. 1 A
pounds. Lobsters weighing 3 pounds
to 2V2
and over are apt to be coarse and tough. A 2V2-
pound lobster will yield about 2 cups of cooked
To store live lobsters until ready to use, place
them in the refrigerator, but not directly on ice.
The claws should be plugged with a small piece
of wood and held together with rubber bands.
Before cooking, test to make sure your lobsters
are active and that the tail snaps back if it is
stretched out flat when you pick up the lobster.
Make sure, too, that your crustacean is clean.
Grasp it firmly at the back and rinse claws, body
and back under a faucet.


I. To poach lobster for hot family-type table
service, place in a large heavy cook-pot enough:
ABOUT LOBSTERS so the lobster will be completely covered when
The American or Northern lobster, with its great you plunge it in. Allow for each quart of water:
delicious claw meat, is sketched above. It is 1 tablespoon salt
caught from Maine to the Carolinas. Very similar, Bring water to a rolling boil. Because of splashing,
but somewhat smaller, is the European lobster, carefully immerse head first:

which is also found not infrequently along our Lobster

own more southerly American coasts. and allow the water to return to a boil. Reduce
Called crayfish in Australia and New Zealand, the heat at once and simmer the lobster about 5
this spiny rock lobster, or langouste, is shipped minutes for the first pound and about 3 minutes
from Florida, California, Australia, South Africa for each additional pound, slightly less time if the
and the Mediterranean. It has extra-long antennae lobsters have recently shed and the shells are soft.
but no claws; and most of the meat is in the Drain. Serve with small bowls filled with a mixture
heavy tail, as you can also see above. of:
The Americans and Europeans, when caught, are The juices from the pot or melted butter
a mottled dark blue-green, most delicious we Lemon wedges
think, served hot. The spinys, which usually reach And provide each person with a finger bowl, a
us frozen, may be tough, especially if they weigh bib and an abundance of napkins. The uninitiated
over 10 ounces. They vary in color from tan are sometimes balked by the intractable appear-
through reddish orange to maroon, with lighter ance of a lobster at table. They may take comfort
spotting and variable spininess. If fresh they are from the little cannibal who, threading his way
often preferred in cold dishes. through the jungle one day at his mother's side,
Still a third kind of lobster, more rarely en- saw a strange object flying overhead. "Ma, what's

that?" he quavered. "Don't worry, sonny," said seashore aroma. Most important of all — as with
Ma. an airplane. Airplanes are pretty much
"It's the uncooked lobster — the tail, when pulled,
like lobsters. There's an awful lot you have to should back into place under the body. This
throw away, but the insides are delicious." means the lobster was alive, as it should have
When whole
lobster is served, it lies on the
a been, when cooked.
plate with head and tail intact, arched shell up. To remove lobster meat from the large claws,
The claws, detached before serving, rest cracked crack them with a nutcracker or a mallet. If you
beside it, drained of excess moisture. Shielded by want them in a single piece for garnish, break off
your lobster bib, you are ready to take the offen- the claw at the first joint. Place it on a flat surface,
sive. Pick up the lobster in your fingers, turn it the lighter underside up. Using a mallet, hit the
soft side up and arch it until the tailpiece sepa- shell at the hump. This will crack it so
rates from the body, as shown in the upper part that the meat
the entire larger pincer claw is
of the drawing below. Remove the tail flippers released. Crack off the small pincer shell, and its
by bending them back until they too crack off. meat will slide out. For attractive service, you may
want to keep the lobster shell to refill with the
seasoned sauced meat or use it to make Lobster
Butter, 351.
For recipes which make use of lobster meat al-
ready cooked, see Lunch Dishes, 264, and the

1 Serving
Preheat broiler.
Prepare for broiling:
A "PA-lb. live lobster
severing the vein at the base of the neck. Place
the lobster on his back. Hold him with your left
hand firmly over his head. Be sure to protect your
hand with a towel. Draw the knife from the head
down through the base of the abdomen, as shown
below, so the lobster will lie flat, with the meat
evenly exposed to the heat. All the lobster meat is
Now lift downside up, insert the
the tailpiece edible, except for the stomach, or lady a hard sac—
lobster fork at the point where the flippers broke near the head —
and the intestinal vein that runs
off, and push the meat out through the open end,
as shown at the right.
Having freed the tail meat, grasp the chest
portion in both hands to release the contents as
shown to the left. Edible are the small quantity of
meat, the greenish tomalley or liver, and the coral
or roe, if there is any. Before turning your atten-
tion to the finger bowl, break off the legs one at
a time, insert the broken end in your mouth and
suck out the contents quietly. —
II. To cook lobster for salads, hors d'oeuvre or
sauced dishes, prepare as for I, using:
2V2- to 3-lb. lobster
Larger ones are apt to be tough. After the cooking through the middle of the underside of the tail
period, dram and plunge into cold water to arrest meat. Remove and discard these inedible parts.
further cooking. When cool, to remove the meat The spongy substance to either side of the body
from the shell, place the lobster on its back. With the lungs is —
harmless. It may or mav not be
sharp scissors cut a lengthwise gash in the soft removed when the lobster is cooked in the half
underside as sketched on 388. Draw out the tail shell. Beyond a doubt edible are the delicious
meat in one piece. Remove and
discard the lady, black roe, which turns into trie so-called red coral
or sandbag, and the intestinal vein, as well as the in cooking, and the greenish-brown liver or tomal-
spongy lungs, which, while harmless, are tough. ley. You may prepare a stuffing by removing and
Add the red coral, if any, and the green liver, or mixing together:
tomalley, to the lobster meat or reserve it for use The coral
in sauces. The tomalley
If you buy preboiled lobster in the shell, see 1 tablespoon toasted bread crumbs
that the color is bright red and that it has a fresh 1 teaspoon lemon juice or dry sherry

Replace in the cavity and brush it and the exposed LOBSTER AMERICAINE OR
lobster meat with: ARMORICAINE
Melted butter 2 Servings
If broiling stuffed, place shell side down on Who really cares how it's spelled? This method of
the oven grill and broil about 16 minutes. If cooking lobster is good enough to credit regional
broiling unstuffed or grilling over charcoal, place
inventiveness on both sides of the Atlantic.
shell side toward heat 7 to 8 minutes; then turn
Have ready:
and broil, flesh side to heat, about 8 minutes
V2 cup Fish Stock or Fumet, 524
more. In either case, serve with:
Place on a flat pan, so as to be able to reserve anv
Lemon wedges and melted butter
juice that results from cutting:
To eat broiled lobster served to you on the half
2 live 1
2 -lb. hen lobsters
shell, begin with the tail meat first, using the
With a sharp knife, sever the vein at the base of
sharp-pronged small lobster or oyster fork, see the neck. Cut off the claws. Divide the body at the
sketches below. You may twist off bite-sized tail and cut the tail intc 3 or 4 pieces at the seg-
pieces with the fork. This needs some skill, and
mentations. Divide the shell in half, lengthwise.
when dining out, we often wish for a good Euro- Remove and discard the sac. Reserve the coral, if
pean fish knife. Dip the pieces in the sauce. You any, and the tomalley for the sauce. Have ready
two heavy skillets. In one, saute:
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup Mirepoix, 572

V2 cup chopped shallots

Heat the other, to the point of fragrance:
V2 cup olive oil
1 clove garlic

Saute in the oil about 4 minutes still in the shell,

the cut-up lobster. Keep the pan moving. When

the lobster shell is red and the flesh firm add it to
the mirepoix in the first skillet. Flambe, 155, the
lobster mixture in:
1 oz. brandy
Place in the second skillet and simmer about 5
V2 cup tomato puree
may also squeeze lemon juice from the garnish 1 cup white wine
wedges over the lobster meat. Twist off a large 3 skinned, seeded, chopped tomatoes
claw with the fingers and, if necessary, also use In winter use the small Italian-type canned toma-
the cracker which should always be provided. toes. Add the sauteed lobster pieces still in the
Crack the claw, as shown, to release the delicate shell, the fumet and:
rich meat. You may then pull off the small side 1 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon

The juice or "blood" of the lobster

The coral and tomalley
to the tomato mixture. Simmer about 15 minutes.
Season to taste
Thicken the sauce slightly with:
(Beurre Manie, 340)
Serve the lobster with the hot sauce poured over
it, garnished with:

Chopped parsley


4 Servings
Marinate several hours:
4 spiny lobster tails
in a mixture of:
claws, one by one, with the fingers, and suck out V* cup lemon or lime juice
the meat. As you empty the shells, place them on V« cup vegetable oil
the bone tray or extra plate, and make use of the 1 teaspoon each salt and paprika
finger bowl when needed. Continue to eat the V* cup minced shallots
contents of the shell: it is good to the last shred. Preheat broiler or grill.
Some people even suck the knuckle after releas- Remove with scissors the soft under-cover of the
ing it from the gray gristle. lobster tails, as sketched, 388. Slightly crack the

hard upper shell with a cleaver so that the tails Remove and crack claws; extract meat. Remove
will lie flat, and grease the meat lightlv. Broil entire tail portion,body meat, tomallev and coral,
about 4 inches from coals or heating source about if present, keeping tail shell intact, and discarding
/ lower membrane: see illustration for Spiny Lob-
ster, 386. Cut tail and claw meat into 2 -inch 1

chunks. Have readv:

Mornav Sauce, 342
omitting cheese, and adding:
1 teaspoon prepared mustard

The sieved tomallev and coral

H to 2 tablespoons sherry)
Fill tail shells with one-third of the sauce, add

meat and cover it with the rest of the sauce. You

may sprinkle the tops with a mixture of:
(Grated Parmesan cheese and melted butter)
5 minutes to a side, basting well with the mari- Run the lobsters under a broiler until the sauce is
nade. These make an attractive plate served with: golden brown. Serve with:
Asparagus spears Wilted Cucumbers, 102
placed to either side and:
Meuniere or Lemon Butter, 350, or
4 Servings

2 Servings Melt in a double boiler over — not — boiling

Split in half, as for Broiled Lobster, 386: water:
A freshly Boiled Lobster, 385: 4 tablespoons butter
about 2' 2 lb. Add, stir and cook 3 minutes:
Remove the meat. Chop it. Melt: 2 cups boiled diced lobster meat
4 tablespoon butter Add:
Stir in until blended: cup dry sherry or Madeira
4 tablespoon flour Cook gentlv about 2 minutes more. Add:
Stir in slowly: 2 teaspoon paprika

cup Chicken or Fish Stock, 523, 524

2 ('3 teaspoon nutmeg)
Season the sauce with: Beat and add:
IV* teaspoons dry mustard 3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon chopped onion
1 cup cream
Salt Cook and stir these ingredients until they thicken
Paprika Season to taste
Melt separate saucepan:
in a Serve the lobster at once on:
2 tablespoons butter Hot buttered toast
Saute the lobster meat in the butter only until it
is heated through. Add the boiling sauce. Simmer II.Heat in a double boiler:
these ingredients about 2 minutes. Remove from 2 cups Newburg Sauce, 359
the heat. Add, stir and cook for 3 minutes:
Preheat broiler. 2 cups boiled diced lobster meat or
Beat, then stir into the above: 2 cups cooked seafood
1 tablespoon cream You may add:
2 egg volks (1 lb. sliced Sauteed Mushrooms, 308)

Add: Season to taste

cup chopped Sauteed Mushrooms, 308)
(V2 Serve at once on:
Fillthe lobster shells with the mixture. Cover them Hot buttered toast or Boiled Rice, 206
Au Gratin I or II, 552
Broil the lobster until thecrumbs are brown. Sea- LOBSTER OR SEAFOOD CURRY
son it, as it is removed from the oven, bv pouring 4 Servings
over it: Heat in a double boiler over — not — boiling

(2 tablespoons sherry) water:

2 cups Curry Sauce, 345
LOBSTER THERMIDOR Add, stir and cook about 3 minutes:
2 Servings cups boiled diced lobster meat or
Prepare: 2 cups cooked seafood
2 Poached Lobsters, 385, about 1 or You may add:
1'2 lb. each (3 sauteed chopped ribs celery)

C'2 sauteed chopped green pepper, seeds lobster mixture in a well-oiled 9-inch ring mold
and membrane removed) until firm, about 20 minutes. Unmold and serve
(1 teaspoon grated sauteed onion) with:
Season to taste White Wine Sauce for Fish, 342
Cook until well heated. May be served at once
Boiled Rice, 206, Chutney, 846,
or slivered almonds

6 Servings
This an exceedingly elegant way of presenting

cold lobster. Consider serving it with iced cham-

Puree in the .*» blender:
The meat of 1 freshly killed and cooked
2V2-lb. lobster, or 2 cups cooked meat ABOUT SHRIMP
from frozen lobster tails Formerly our southern shrimp or crevette was the
with: onlv one available in most of our markets. Today
3 tablespoons tomato puree we can buy many members of this family. So let
2 tablespoons lemon juice us remind you of the miniature ones from our
1 tablespoon dry sherry West Coast and from Scandinavia now widely —
2 teaspoons brandy used as hors d'oeuvre; and those jumbo-sized
V2 cup water varieties often called prawns —
shrimp so large that
Mix in: two or three suffice for a serving. In spite of slight
minced clove garlic
1 differences in flavor and texture, all may be sub-
chopped shallot
1 finely stituted for one another if size is taken into con-
Cook the mixture over low heat until reduced by sideration for serving amounts and cooking time.
one-third. Cool, then add: ^ To test shrimp for freshness, see that they are
IV2 tablespoons whipping cream dry and firm. For 3 servings allow about 1 pound
2 cups mayonnaise of shrimp in the shell —
these are called "green"
teaspoon paprika
V2 —
shrimp or V2 pound of cooked shrimp without
1 teaspoon salt shells. In buying, remember that 2 to 2V2 pounds
Chill IV2 hours. Arrange an additional chilled: of shrimp in the shell gives only about 1 pound
4 oz. lobster meat per serving cooked, shelled shrimp, or 2 cups. While shrimp
in 6 parfait glasses. Cover the meat with the above may be cooked in the shell or unshelled, the
sauce, letting it trickle down in parfait style. Gar- shells add considerable flavor. To prevent curling
nish with: and toughening, ^ drain them at once after cook-
Chilled whipped cream ing. Shucking is easy, either before or after cook-
Watercress ing. A slight tug releases the body shell from the
Serve at once. tail.

Devein before or after cooking, using a small

pointed knife or the end of a pick, as sketched
HOT LOBSTER RING above. This is essential. Large shrimp may be made
5 Servings
more decorative by slicing them lengthwise after
Preheat oven to 325°.
2 tablespoons butter
Stir in, until blended:
3 tablespoons flour
Stir in gradually:
2 cups chicken bouillon or 1 cup bouillon
and 1 cup cream
1tablespoon minced parsley
V2 cup grated bread crumbs not toasted —
4 beaten egg yolks
2 cups cooked diced lobster meat
Salt and white pepper to taste
Whip until stiffs but not dry:
4 egg whites To butterfly shrimp, before cooking peel the
Fold lightly into the other ingredients. Bake the shrimp down to the tail, leaving the tail on. De-

vein. Holding so the underside is up, slice down Pour it while hot over the seafood, making sure
its length, almost to the vein. Spread and flatten to the food is well covered. Refrigerate lidded.

form the butterfly shape. To butterfly after cook-

ing, it is wise to begin by running a toothpick or MOLDED SHRIMP
small skewer the length of the inner curve to keep Put through a coarse food chopper:
the shrimp from curling, see the illustration on IV2 lb. cooked cleaned shrimp
the left, 389. After cooking, peel and devein them 2 tablespoons capers
and cut along the inner curve, as shown in the Juice of 1 very small onion
center, being careful to cut only about three- Combine the above ingredients in a mixing bowl
fourths of the way through so as to retain the with:
butterfly shape. A lb. soft butter

^using canned shrimp, you may rinse briefly

A cup whipping cream

in cold water to remove excess salt. To cook Season with:

frozen shrimp, peeled and deveined, and also the Salt
"green" types, start from the frozen state, drop Hot pepper sauce
into boiling stock or water, and begin counting the Tarragon
time when the stock comes up to a simmer. Chopped parsley
For other shrimp recipes, see the chapters on Mix well until mixture has the consistency of
Hors d'Oeuvre, Salads, and Lunch Dishes. whipped cream. Pack in a pretty mold which has
been rinsed in cold water, and refrigerate cov-
ered 3 or 4 hours. Unmold and garnish with:
POACHED SHRIMP Cherry tomatoes, parsley or fennel
6 Servings
We prefer this basic procedure to "boiling"
Simmer about 5 minutes: 3 Servings
8 cups water Marinate:
1 lb. shelled, deveined raw shrimp
V4 cup sliced onion
1 clove garlic about 15 minutes in:
1 bay leaf V2 cup pineapple juice

2 celery ribs with leaves 2 to 4 tablespoons soy sauce

Vh tablespoons salt V2 cup bland vegetable oil

Wash, drain and add: Drain and broil or grill 3 or 4 minutes on each
2 lb. green shrimp side, 4 inches from heat. Serve with:

Slice and add: Boiled Rice, 206, or Curried Rice, 208

Vi lemon
Simmer the shrimp about 5 minutes or until pink NEW ORLEANS SHRIMP
but not tightly curled. Drain immediately and 4 to 6 Servings
chill. Serve the shrimp very cold in their shells Poach, see left:

if they are to be shucked at table —

with a bowl of:
2 lb. raw shrimp
and devein them. Rub bowl with:
Russian Dressing, 364, or a

Remoulade Sauce, 364 Garlic

or shell them, removing the intestinal vein, and Mix together in the bowl:
use the shrimp in a hot dish as desired. V2 cup finely chopped celery
1 green onion, finely chopped

1 tablespoon chopped chives

POTTED SHRIMP OR LOBSTER 6 tablespoons olive oil
This terrine can be used as a luncheon or hors 3 tablespoons lemon juice
d'oeuvre spread. Cook: V* teaspoon hot pepper sauce
Raw shrimp or lobster, see above 5 tablespoons horseradish
Drain and remove meat from shells. Chop 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
coarsely. Reserve shells. Allow for every cup of 1
4 teaspoon paprika

seafood: 3
teaspoon salt
2 to 3 tablespoons butter V2 teaspoon white pepper
To half of the butter, add the reserved shells to You may marinate the shrimp in this sauce up to
make: 12 hours. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve
Shrimp or Lobster Butter, 351 on:
Season to taste with: Lettuce
Va teaspoon mustard or mace
A few grains cayenne SHRIMP NEWBURG
Stir the seafood into the heated shrimp or lobster 3 to 4 Servings
butter until well coated. Place in a small jar. Clar- Prepare:
ify the remaining butter. Do not let it color. 1 lb. Poached Shrimp, above

Serve with: then into:

Newburg Sauce, 359 Flour
using 1 to cups of sauce,
1 /2 in a: Allow to dry on a rack 15 to 20 minutes.
Rice Ring, 207 Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
or over: Heat deep fat to 370°. Lift the shrimp by the tails
Baked Green Rice, 208 and slide them gently into the heated fat. Fry
about 5 minutes or until golden. Drain on paper
SHRIMP CASSEROLE WITH toweling. Serve at once with:
SNAIL BUTTER Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce, 355
4 Servings adding some:
Prepare: Plum jam
Vh lb. Poached Shrimp, above
Have ready in refrigerator:
Colbert or Snail Butter, 350
Preheat oven to 400° Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. To cut
Put a A-inch layer of the butter in the bottom of
1 for butterfly shape, see About Shrimp, 389.
Don't flour or crumb the tails, but do coat the
a shallow casserole. Lay shrimp in rows and press
into the butter. Cover the shrimp with the remain-
body of the shrimp with:

ing butter and bake about 10 minutes. Broil a Bread crumbs or grated coconut, or flour
few minutes to let top brown. Serve at once. or egg or both; or in a Fritter Batter for
Fish, 243
Fry in deep fat heated to 370° for 8 to 10 min-
utes or until golden. Drain on paper toweling.
3 Servings
Serve at once with:
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Soy sauce, Tartare Sauce, 364, or
Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce, 355
1 lb. raw shrimp
Remove the intestinal vein. Combine:
Va teaspoon paprika
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
V* teaspoon salt
Soak the shrimp in the milk 30 minutes. Drain the
Butterfly Shrimp, above
shrimp well. Sprinkle with:
Dip them in:
Lemon juice
Fritter Batter for Fish, 243
Fry in deep fat heated to 350° until golden.
Roll in:
Serve with:
Hot Mustard Sauce, 345,
Let them dry on a rack for 15 minutes before fry-
Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce, 355, or
ing in deep fat heated to 375° until golden brown.
Sauce Dijonnaise, 342
Drain on paper toweling. Serve hot with:
Lemon juice or Mayonnaise, 363, seasoned
with pureed chutney SHRIMP FRIED IN BATTER
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
14 Large Shrimp 1 lb. raw shrimp
Shelland devein: You may leave the tails on. Prepare:
10 jumbo-sized raw shrimp 243
Fritter Batter for Fish,
Chop them into a pulp and add: Dip a few shrimp time in the batter, holding
at a
6 water chestnuts them by the tail. Do not cover the tail with
which have been smashed with a cleaver and batter. Fry in deep fat heated to 370° until golden
finely chopped. Now shell, leaving the tails intact, brown. Drain on paper toweling. Serve with:
and devein: Lemon wedges or Mayonnaise, 363,
14 jumbo-sized raw shrimp seasoned with catsup and mustard
Split lengthwise along the deveined edge but
not far enough to separate. Spread the shrimp flat
and lay along each crevice: ABOUT CRAYFISH, CRAWFISH, OR
A thin julienne of prosciutto or ECREVISSES
Westphalian ham Allow About One Dozen per Serving
Spread the shrimp and chestnut mixture in the One of the thrills of our grandparents was to find
crevices over the ham and mold it into a rounded in Missouri streams the crayfish they had so rel-
smooth surface when you partially reclose the ished in Europe. These crustaceans, looking like
shrimp for breading. Dip each shrimp into: miniature lobsters, were brought to the table in
Beaten egg great steaming crimson mounds, garnished with

dill or swimming in their own juices; that is, a la weeks, feed them on lettuce leaves, removing the
nage. By the way, a single Australian "crayfish" old leaves and furnishing new ones every few
suffices for one serving! days. Then, in any season, scrub until all slime is
To cook, wash well in several waters: removed. Cut out the opercula and put the snails
Crayfish into a large stainless steel or enamel pot. To pre-
If they have been kept in fresh running water for pare enough acidulated water to cover about 50
several days, they need not be eviscerated. If they snails, mix:

have not, clean them while still alive. Grasp the Water
middle tail fin, as sketched; give a long firm twist, cup vinegar
and pull to remove the stomach and intestinal V2 cup salt
vein. Have ready a large pot of: Rinse them and repeat this entire process two
Boiling water more times or until the acidulated water is clear.
seasoned with: Discard any snails whose heads have not by this

A leek white part only time popped out of their shells. Drain. Cover with
Parsley boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain, cool
1 chopped carrot and remove the snails from shells with an oyster
tablespoons vinegar)
(3 fork. Hold the upper part of the snail with the

Drop the crayfish one by one into the boiling thumb and forefinger and score the lower part of
water at a rate that will not disturb the boiling. the body to pull out the swollen intestinal tube.
Cook not longer than 5 to 7 minutes. Serve in the Discard it. Reserve shells. Simmer the snails in a
shell. Have on the side plenty of: court bouillon of:
Melted butter V2 water or light stock and V2 white wine
seasoned with: about 3 hours or until they are tender, adding dur-
Fresh dill ing the last half hour of cooking:
A Bouquet Garni, 572
2 cloves garlic
Allow them to cool in the court bouillon. Drain.

I. Allow 6 to 9 Snails per Serving

Prepare snails and shells as described above. Dry
the snails and shells with a cloth. Place in each
shell a dab of:
Snail Butter,
Replace the snails. Pack them firmly in the shell,
so generously covered that only the lovely green
herbed butter is visible at the opening. You may
chill the snails for later use, or bake them at once
Crayfish are eaten with the fingers. Separate tail
on a pan lightly sprinkled with water in a 425°
from body. Crack open tail by holding between oven just long enough to get them piping hot a
thumb and finger of both hands and force it back matter of a few minutes only. Have ready heated,
against the curve of the shell. Be sure to serve with
grooved snail dishes as shown in the chapter
finger bowls. If you are preparing these crusta-
heading. Also shown is the snail shell holder
ceans for hors d'oeuvre, cook only until the water
which has a spring handle to adjust its viselike
is boiling well, after they are all immersed. Then
grip to the size of the snail. The long, closely tined
remove from heat. Let them cool in the liquid- fork is used with a slight twist to remove the
Shelled, they lend themselves to all kinds of com-
binations and sauces, but the connoisseur usually
wants them for themselves alone. II.For canned snails, the following effects a small
miracle of resuscitation.
Prepare enough to fill 48 snail shells:
ABOUT SNAILS Snail Butter, 350
The Romans, who were addicted to snails, grew Reduce to 1 cup over high heat:
them on ranches where they were fed special 1 cup canned condensed consomme

foods like bay, wine and spicy soups as presea- 1 cup dry white wine

soning. cooked with:

Before they hibernate, snails contract into their V2 bay leaf
shells and tightly close their opercula. It is usu- clove garlic

ally at this phase that snails are available in mar- Put in a colander:
kets. When
they feed in late spring and summer, 48 canned snails
they may indulge in some foliage inimical to Pour over them:
humans and, if used during this period, must be 1 quart warm water

placed in a covered basket in a cool place and Drain well. Simmer the snails briefly in the hot
starved for 48 hours. For the next ten days to two reduced consomme and wine. Wash the snail

shells well and drain. Pack as described above a deep open box, with well-secured screening on
with: top; givethem a dish of water, and feed them
Snail Butter, 350 for a week or so on 3 or 4 small handouts of
Heat and serve as for I. ground meat.
^ To cook, place in a pan of cold water:
III. Or, replace the shells with: A 7-inch turtle
Sauteed Mushroom Caps, 308 Bring water slowly to a boil and parblanch at
Fill the mushrooms with one or more snails, de- least 10 minutes. Drain. Plunge into cold water
pending on size. Coat the snails with: and leave until cool enough to handle. Scrub well.
Snail Butter, 350 Place the turtle in rapidlv boiling water and add:
and run under a broiler briefly until heated. (A Bouquet Garni, 572)
(An onion stuck with cloves)
(3 stalks celery)
ABOUT TURTLES AND TERRAPIN Reduce the heat at once and simmer 35 to 45
Sea or green turtles are peaceable and sagacious. minutes or until the claws can be removed by
Their habits are nowhere more fascinatingly de- pulling. Drain, reserving the stock. Allow the
scribed than in The Windward Road by Archie turtle to cool on its back in order to trap the juices
Carr. Handling and cooking these monsters, some as it cools. When cool, pry the flat plastron free
of which weigh over 300 pounds, is not a usual —
from the curved carapace easier said than done.
household procedure. Therefore most of us are Near the head you will find the liver. Free it
content to enjoy their highly prized, highly priced carefully from the gall. Discard the gall. Slice the
gelatinous meat ready-diced and in cans. The liver thin and reserve it, as well as the eggs, if any.
greenish meat from the top shell is considered the You may or may not want to reserve the small in-
best —
that taken from the bottom is whitish. testines, which may be chopped and added to the
While sea turtles are tropical in habitat, those meat or sauce. Remove the meat from both the
most frequently caught and consumed in temper- carapace and the skinned legs. When ready to
ate North America are freshwater types, such as serve, you may toss the meat, including the
snapping turtles, which abound in streams and ground liver and intestines, in:
lakes from North Dakota to Florida. As to disposi- 6 tablespoons hot melted butter
tion, they are again a quite different kettle of fish: Garnish with:
short-tempered and capable of inflicting nasty Parsley
bites. Serve with:
Choicest of all turtle meat is furnished by the Sherry, as a drink
terrapin, which inhabits salt-marshes along the or you may heat the meat briefly over very low
East Coast. But this holds good only for the female heat or in the top of a double boiler over
of the species — the males being unacceptably not in —
boiling water in a sauce made by combin-
tough — and to those weighing not much more ing:
than 3 pounds. 1 cup Brown Sauce, 346
Regardless of the turtle's size, sectioning it for The chopped, cooked eggs, if any
cooking is an irksome job, even if you overcome 1 teaspoon mixed herbs: including basil,
the worst of the opposition —
as old hands are sweet marjoram and thyme, with a touch
wont to do when dealing with snappers by in- — of rosemary, bay and sage
stantly chopping off the head. 3 tablespoons Madeira or dry sherry
Before preparation, however, it is advisable to Garnish with:
rid turtles of wastes and pollutants. Put them in Watercress
dock, sheepshead, red snapper, grouper, pollock,
halibut and salmon. Some very oily fish may be
smoked or may be bought smoked. Some others
are available fresh or salted. For fish timbales and
souffles, see 233 and 230.
Many fish are seasonal delicacies. Available all
year round are rock bass, carp, cod, eel, flounder,
grouper, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, mullet,
red snapper, salmon, sole and tuna.
If you are adventuring with eel, herring, some

types of sole, or an officious stranger like octopus,

consult the Index to see if we have some extra-
special suggestions for preparing, cooking or sea-
soning them; and also look at the individual
recipes for ways to use the cooking and serving
equipment shown in chapter heading opposite.
These include: albacore, amberjack, sea bass,
bluefish, bonito, butterfish, chub, cod, croaker,
cusk, the small dolphin, flounder, grouper, had-
FISH dock, hake, halibut, Atlantic herring. Pacific her-
ring, kingfish, lingcod, mackerel, mullet, pilchard,
plaice, pollock, pompano, porgy, red snapper,
ABOUT FISH rosefish, sailfish, sand dab, sardines, smelt, the
One of the ill winds ruffling late-twentieth-century soles, sprat, swordfish, tuna, turbot, weakfish,
waters the belated discovery that many of our
is whitebait and whiting.
lakes and ocean estuaries have become nearly in-
capable of supporting life. But in compensation,
These include: bass, buffalo, carp, catfish, crappie,
this bad news has blown us a host of scientists
lake herring, mullet, muskellunge, perch, pickerel,
determined to reverse the situation, to systemati-
pike, sheepshead, sucker, sunfish, brook trout,
cally create new spawning beds for the fish and
lake trout and whitefish.
crustaceans we already know, and to launch re-
search into the possibility of reaping even the
Either sea or freshwater fish—depending on age
tiny, fantastically numerous and exotic creatures

and season are eel, elver and shad. Some fish are
changelings, as witness the recent effortless con-
we call plankton after the Greek word for "wan-
version of certain types of salmon, like the Coho,
and of sea-trout, notably the steelhead, from a
Fish of
all kinds provide high-grade protein,
life-cycle requiring freshwater infancy and salt-
most of considerably less fatty than most meats.
water adulthood to a cycle entirely accomplished
For those concerned with lean and fat fish, the
in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.
following are considered in the not-so-lean cate-
gory: albacore, bloaters, butterfish, bluefish, chub,
eel, herring, mackerel, pompano, salmon, sardine,
shad, smelt, sprat, tuna, trout and whitefish the — TESTING FOR AND MAINTAINING
fat content ranging from 15% to about 30% with FRESHNESS OF FISH
eel. With America gone fishing-crazy, no housewife
If you have any reason to believe that the fish knows when she will answer a knock at the
you are using harbors objectionable amounts of kitchen door and be suddenly faced with a neigh-
DDT or other chemicals, filleting is the safest ap- bor's surplus catch in all its chill, scaly imperson-
proach. Chemical residues tend to be concen- ality. This need not be a moment of consternation.
trated in the fatty tissues, namely the belly flesh If it —
happens to you, judge the gift after, of
and the dark areas at the sides. These areas may course, enthusiastically thanking the donor as —
all be cut away during the filleting process, see critically as you would judge a fish offered at
396. market. To test its freshness make sure that its
Now, a few more general comments. Fish of eyes are bulging and its gills are reddish, that the
many kinds respond favorably to deep-fat frying scales are adhering firmly to the skin, and that the
or sauteing. Those with naturally dry flesh pike, — flesh, when you press it, is firm to the touch. The
pickerel and muskellunge are freshwater examples scales should have a high sheen. Also be certain
— often profit by baking and by preliminary mar- that the fish has no offensive odor — especially
ination, marination being also a corrective for too around the gills or the belly. If it is very fresh, and
strong a flavor; while fish of moister texture are you cannot use it at once but plan to do so in a
better suited to broiling. And there are fish that day or two, store it at 39°, preferably lidded, so
steam or poach well: cod, buffalo fish, hake, had- that its penetrating odor does not permeate other

FISH 395

foods in may be kept directly

the refrigerator. Fish of the tail as shown below.
very slippery, you
If it is

on ice if provided to prevent it from

drainage is may want to hold it Begin at the tail,
in a cloth.

soaking up water. Length of fish storage depends pressing a rigid sharp knife blade or scaler at a
largely on the condition in which it reaches you.
The sooner it can be used the better, for its fragile
gelatinous substances break down and dry out
quickly as the fish ages, destroying flavor as they
If you must hold fish for a longer period, see
directions for freezing fish and for cooking frozen
fish, 827. When buying fish, remember that a
whitish surface indicates excessive dehydration,
and that in some
stores thawed frozen fish is
sold with no sign or comment to indicate the
important fact that it should be used at once and
never refrozen. If you are in doubt about the jjiiiiiinrfffliMi^
freshness of a fish, place it fn cold water. A newly
caught fish will float. slight anglefrom the vertical position to raise the
scales as you strip them off. Work against the

"nap" up toward the head. Be sure to remove
PREPARING FISH FOR COOKING the scales around the base of the head and the
The most important factor in fish cookery is to fins. After scaling, discard the first layer of brown
have or keep fish fresh. Whether your fish is large paper with the scales on it.
or small, choose the cooking method best suited Next, draw the fish. Cut the entire length of the
to retain its juiciness, and no matter what its size belly from the vent to the head as shown below,
or type ^ never overcook it.

To clean fish like smelts, sardines or sprats, spread
open the outer gills, take hold ol the inner gills
with the forefinger and pull gently. The parts unfit
for food are all attached to these inner gills and
come out together, leaving the fish ready to cook
after rinsing. These respond to deep-fat frying and
Small fish may be butterfly-filleted. In this tech-
nique, head and tail are removed, after which the
flesh is cut cleanl/ away on both sides of the
and remove the entrails. They are all contained in
backbone and the dorsal fin; the ventral or belly
a pouchlike integument which is easily freed from
fin is removed by slot-cutting around it. The meat
the flesh, so evisceration need not be a messy job.
is then cut off in a single piece, freeing it from the
Now, cut around the pelvic and ventral fins on the
backbone, and flattened out ready for rinsing, dry-
lower side and remove them. If you are removing
ing and cooking.
the head, cut above the collarbone and break
LARGE FISH through the backbone by snapping it off on the
If fish are two pounds or over, bake, steam, poach
edge of the work surface as shown below. The
or "steak" them as described below. Fish of this pectoral fins, if they were not previously cut off,
size and somewhat smaller ones both may be
You will sometimes see suggestions for slashing
the skin of large fish before cooking. This expedi-
ent is adopted chiefly for firm-fleshed fish, to
hasten heat-penetration; or when, as with a whole
turbot, the skin area is extensive and might other-
wise burst.
To prepare a fish which is to be cooked in one
piece, begin by spreading on a firm work surface
several layers of newsprint covered with 3 thick-
nesses of brown paper. If the fish needs scaling,
cut off the fins with scissors so they will not nick should come with the head. Then remove the tail
you while you are working. Wash the fish briefly by slicing right through the body just above it.
in cold water —
scales are more easily removed Wrap and discard the entrails, keeping the choicer
from a wet fish. Grasp the fish firmly near the base trimmings for making fish stock, 524.
396 FISH

If the fish has been scaled and you are prepar- just above the tail, then all along the back ridge.
ing for stuffing, you can remove the dorsal fin
it Now slice down at a slight angle behind the col-
in such a way as to release unwanted bones. Cut larbone beyond the gill, until you feel the back-
first down to either side of it for its full length. bone against the knife. Turn the knife flat, with
the cutting edge toward the tail and the point
toward the cut edge of the backbone. Keep the
blade flat and in the same plane with the back-
bone. Now, cut with a sliding motion along the
backbone until you have freed the fillet all the
way to the tail, see below. It should come off in
one piece.

Then give a quick pull forward toward the head

end to release it, and with it the bones that are
attached to it, as sketched below

To skin, place the fillet skin side down. Hold

the tail firmly with your free hand as shown. Cut
through the flesh of the fillet about Vi inch above
the tail. Flatten the knife against the skin with the
blade pointing toward the top of the fillet. Work
the knife forward, keeping in the same plane and
close against the skin while your left hand con-
tinues to hold the skin taut.

Wash the fish in cold running water, removing

any blood, bits of viscera or membrane. Be sure
the blood line under the backbone has been re-
moved. Dry the fish well. It is then ready for
cooking stuffed or unstuffed.
To cut a fish into steaks, or darnes, begin at the
head end and cut evenly, as shown, into cross
sections at least one inch thick.

An exception to the above procedure must be

made with a certain group of very flat fish, some
of which, rather disconcertingly, have both eyes
on their upper surface. All of them are skinned
and filleted in a special way; and all of them,
including turbot, which is less flat than most, may
be cooked by recipes for sole or flounder.
MilliiTfmiiiiM The true English or Dover sole, whose eyes are
situated normally, has the most delicate flavor and
FILLETING FISH texture of them all. But fillets of flounder, plaice,
To prepare skinned fillets, you need not scale the dab, and lemon or gray sole are often palmed
fish, remove its fins, or draw it. off on the unsuspecting purchaser as the genuine
Place on the work surface several thicknesses of article.
>• To fillet these flat varieties, first skin the
newsprint covered by brown paper. Cut the fish, fish

as shown, first all around the base of the head and by cutting a gash through the skin above the tail.
FISH 397

Peel back the skin for about 3

A inch. Grasp the sauce. on the contrary, the fish is strong in

released skin firmly in the right hand as shown. flavor, many

expert cooks discard the butter or
Hold the tail flat in the left hand while pulling cooking oil in which it has been cooked. Other-
steadily toward the head with the right. When wise, deglaze the pan, 340.
skinned, a flat fish reveals a lengthwise indentation To keep a whole fish warm, put it on a heated
down the center which separates a set of fillets serving platter in a very low oven. Leave the door
two on the dark-skinned side and two on the light ajar. For fillets, treat as for a whole fish, but cover
side. Cut through the flesh on either side of the them with a damp warm paper towel or cloth.
spine. Slip the knife under the fillet, close to the Be sure that any sauce served on the fish is
bone, and cut the fillet loose from the backbone very hot.
toward the outside edge of the fish. Having freed ^ To keep a sauced fish warm, use an uncov-
the fillets, refrigerate them, discarding all the un- ered double boiler, or place the baking dish in
usable entrails. You may keep the bone structure, which you plan to serve the fish in a pan of boil-
skin, heads and tails for fish stock, 524, unless the ing water and hold uncovered.
fish is a strong-flavored or oily one. > If cooked fish is to be served cold, keep re-
frigerated until the very last minute. If served
buffet-style, place it over cracked ice.
To minimize fish tastes and odors, use lemon,
wine, vinegar, ginger, spring onions, or garlic in
the marinating or cooking. To remove the odor
of fish from utensils and dishcloths, use a solu-
tion of 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 quart water.
Pans may be washed in hot suds, rinsed and dried,
and then scalded with a little vinegar. To remove
the odor of fish from the hands, rub them with
lemon juice, vinegar or salt before washing.
To prepare fish dishes based on cooked fish
and shellfish, see Brunch, Lunch and Supper
Dishes, 250-275; Hors d'Oeuvre, 77; and Cana-
pes, 66. To prepare Fish Stews and Soups, see
186-190. To cure and smoke fish, see 816. A great
Most of our fish recipes call for cooking in
variety of sauces suitable for fish are coupled with
ovenproof dishes. Service is simplified if such
individual recipes in this chapter. Others may be
dishes are attractive enough to appear at table.
This way, fish —
which is fragile undergoes less — found in the Sauce chapter, 336.
There are any number of attractive ways to
handling, and you have fewer "fishy" dishes to
serve and garnish fish. Handsome foundations for
clean up later.
cold dishes are salmon, lake trout, chicken hali-
^ Allow per serving 1 pound whole small fish,
but, turbot, filleted Dover sole, walleyed pike and
A pound if entrails, head, tail and fins are re-
moved; V2 pound fish steaks; or A pound fish 1

A tasty way to prepare a hot fish in summer is

^ To test a fish for doneness, you may insert

to & on a fish grill, as shown in the chap-
broil it

ter heading, upper left, on 394. Then flambe it sev-

a thermometer at an angle into the thickest por-
eral seconds before serving over a dry bed of
is edible when the internal
tion of the flesh. Fish
fennel stalks. Another addition to fish is Fried
heat reaches 140°. At 150° its tissues begin to
Parsley, 314, both delicious and decorative.
break down, allowing both juices and flavors to
escape. Remove the fish from the heat, surely by FROZEN FISH
145°. Remember that because fish needs so Frozen fish should be thawed, refrigerated, before
little heat to cook, it will continue to do so on a cooking, or cooked while still frozen, unless
hot platter. stuffed or rolled. Also, fish sticks or individual
If you have no thermometer, stick a wooden portions should not be thawed before cooking.
pick into the thickest part of the fish; if it meets Use thawed fish immediately, and do not re-
little resistance and comes away clean, it is in all freeze; it in the same way as its
may be cooked
likelihood done. A "rule of finger" for doneness fresh counterpart cooked frozen, it is best

in a soft-fleshed fish is to press it as you would baked, broiled, or cooked en papillate or in alu-
a cake to see if the flesh returns to its original minum foil. Double the cooking time given for
shape. Another more reliable yardstick is the dis- fresh fish, and in foil cooking add another 15 min-
appearance of translucency: a fish is done when utes to allow the heat to penetrate the foil. Freez-
its flesh flakes readily. A good cook knows ing processes for fish have improved greatly in
through experience how long to cook her fish; the last few years, bringing us varieties hitherto
but even she will watch the proceedings with a not available. But we still think that frozen fish
vigilant eye to guard against overdoneness. cannot compare with fresh fish for flavor and
Many fish are bland in flavor and profit by a texture. As the gelatins lose their delicate quality,
398 FISH

it is apt to be dry and thus needs a well-flavored AlmondGarnish, 553, Shrimp Sauce, 343,
sauce or a good deal of moisture or fat in the or Hot Mustard Sauce, 345
cooking process. If you are buying frozen fish and, for very bland fish:
from frozen food cabinets, buy only solidly frozen Lorenzo Dressing, 360, or
packages. They should not be torn or misshapen Salsa Verde, 361
or show evidence of refreezing. Follow the ^ To carve an unstuffedfish, remove the skin and
processor's directions. Skin frozen fish before cut a line down
the middle of the exposed side
cooking it. from head to tail. To either side of this line, cut
Following below are the descriptions of cooking pieces 2 /2 to 3 inches wide. Lift them off above

procedures especially appropriate for fish, such as the bone structure and serve. Pry up the back-
sauteing, baking, steaming, poaching, braising and bone, beginning at the tail, letting it break at the
broiling, each followed by some typical recipes. neck, and lift it to one side. The exposed lower
Recipes devised for specific kinds of fish arranged fillet will then be ready to carve just as the upper
in alphabetical order complete the chapter. We one was.
include those for octopus —
really a mollusk and —
for frogs —
i.e., frog legs —
even though these agile
amphibians have a disconcerting habit in cook-
books of leaping back and forth between the fish 6 Servings
and the shellfish sections. Cooking times in in- Stuffing for fish should not be so bold in sea-

dividual recipes apply to fresh fish including — soning as to destroy the naturally delicate fish

thawed fish at 70°, but no warmer. flavor. Scandinavians would object to this coun-
sel; they make lavish use of fennel in preparing
many of their traditional seafood dishes.
BAKING FISH If you bone a fish before stuffing, be sure to
leave the skin intact.
Baking is a highly recommended way of cooking
Scale, eviscerate and clean:
fish: preserves nearly intact the subtle, distinc-
A 3-lb. fish
tive and delicate fresh flavor of a soft-fleshed
Preheat oven to 325°.
fish. Temperature in the preheated oven should
Stuff fish with:
reach 350° —
no more. The unskinned and lightly
IV2 cups Oyster Bread Dressing, 371,
greased fish is set in an amply large baking dish
Bread Dressing for Fish, 371,
on an oiled rack high enough to clear not only
Green Dressing, 371, or
the juices the fish itself may yield, but also those
Fennel Dressing, 372
which may accumulate if it is basted; and the dish
or with a combination of:
is placed a little higher than the oven center.
Pressed cucumbers, bread crumbs
Firmer-fleshed fish will, of course, require longer
and almonds
baking, as will stuffed fish. Try to turn your fish
Bake about 40 minutes or until done. Serve with:
only once, if at all, and if necessary with two
Soubise Sauce, 344, Supreme Sauce, 344,
spatulas, to minimize the risk of its breaking apart.
or Colbert Butter, 350
To test for doneness, see Cooking Fish, 397.
Lime wedges


Allow Si Pound per Person PLANKED FISH
Preheat oven to 325°. 6 Servings
Scale, remove the entrails and clean: ^ Please read about Planking, 154.
A 3-lb. fish Preheat oven to 350°.
A larger fish may be used, but it will require Scale, clean, wash in running water and dry:
longer, but not proportionately longer, baking, see A 3- to 4-lb. fish
testing for doneness, 397. If the fish has a tough Brush with:
skin, slash it in several places. Place it on a greased Clarified Butter, 349, or vegetable oil
rack in an ovenproof baking dish. Rub generously Place the fish on a well-greased ovenproof or
with: metal platter, about 18 x 13 inches. A seasoned
Clarified Butter, 349 plank may be used ^ but, if used, should in the
Ifthe fish is lean, you may bard it, 420. If it is not future be reserved solely for fish. Bake the fish 40
barded, baste it frequently with: to 60 minutes; if stuffed, about 10 minutes
Clarified butter longer.
Bake about 30 minutes or until done. Serve on a Preheat broiler.
hot platter garnished with: Garnish the platter with a decorative edging of:
Slices of lemon Duchess Potatoes, 323
Sprigs of parsley or basil Broil 6 to 8 minutes, 8 inches from the source of
Stuffed Tomatoes, 333 heat, or until the potato garnish is delicately
Suitable sauces are: browned. Further garnish the plank with:
FISH 399

A stuffed vegetable done, uncover and crack open the clay mold. Skin
Parsley, fennel or watercress and scales, head and tail will come off with the
and serve. mold, revealing a delicious result. Needless to say,
serve at once with corn roasted in the husks, 300.


4 Servings
4 Servings
This is a simple way to bring out the flavor of a
This method produces a tender crust outside and
delicate fish.
a tender and moist interior.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 550°.
Have ready:
2 tablespoons Clarified Butter, 349
4 skinned fillets of carp or other fish
Va teaspoon pepper or paprika
and a plate of:
A fresh grating of nutmeg
Dry bread crumbs
Rub the mixture over:
Fill a shallowpan with:
2 lb. fish, preferably in 1 chunky piece
V2 cup warm milk
Place the fish in an ovenproof dish. Cover with a
V2 teaspoon salt
closely fittinglid. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until
Dip the into the milk and the crumbs, in
done. The time depends largely on the shape of
that making sure they are well coated.
the fish. You may add while cooking:
Place them in a well-greased ovenproof pan and
(2 tablespoons dry white wine)
gently pour over them:
Place the fish on a hot platter. Melt:
3 tablespoons melted butter or bacon fat
3 tablespoons butter
Place pan on top shelf of oven and bake 10 to 12
minutes, transferring at once to a hot platter gar-
2 tablespoons capers
nished with parsley and lemon wedges. You may
teaspoon chopped parsley
serve with:
teaspoon chopped chives
Tartare Sauce, 364, Florentine Sauce, 342,
2 teaspoons lemon juice
or Sauce Dijonnaise, 342
Season to taste
Pour sauce over the fish.
4 Servings
§ FISH BAKED IN FOIL Preheat oven to 350°
Individual Serving Place in a greased ovenproof dish:
Please read about Foil Cookery, 153. 1 V2 lb. skinned fillets of sole or other fish
Preheat oven to 350°. If the fillets are large they may be cut in half. Pour
Scale and clean a small fish. Rub with: over them:
Seasoned Butter, 349 1 cup dry white wine
Place on a piece of buttered aluminum foil large (2 tablespoons dry sherry)
enough to make a generous fold at the edges. Do Bake until just done, see 397. Serve covered with
not include more than 1 pound in each packet. the liquid from the dish, which you may reduce
Bake 35 to 40 minutes to the pound. slightly. Garnish with:
Lemon wedges
Sauteed mushroom caps
FISH BAKED IN CLAY Or, you may omit the wine, baste with a fish
Scoop out of the hole about twice as
ground a
stock, 524, or a small quantity of canned clam
big as the fish you are going to cook. Either wet
juice, and serve under:
and tamp the ground or line the area with stones,
Curry Sauce, 345, Champagne Sauce, 344,
see 155. Prepare a bed of coals in the pit, and
or Aurore Sauce, 344
lay more flat stones on top of it to heat for 1 to
2 hours. After cleaning the fish and removing its
gills, season the cavity with onions or herbs, or BAKED FISH WITH SOUR CREAM
wipe with lemon. Close openings so that mud 8 Servings
cannot get inside. Have ready a batch of "mudpie" Preheat oven to 350°.
clay, preferably blue clay, with which to coat the Scale, clean, split and remove the bones from:
fish. Continue to lay on layers of mud until the A 4-lb.
whitefish or other fish
covering is T/2 to 2 inches thick. Now clear away Flatten it out. Rub inside and out with:
the top rocks and the coals from the pit. Place the Paprika and butter
"clay" fish on the hot lining stones and cover with Place on an ovenproof dish. Cover with:
earth and the rest of the hot stones you have 2 cups cultured sour cream
set aside. Rebuild the fire over all and cook 1 to Cover the dish. Bake about 45 minutes, or until
3 hours, depending on size of fish. A 2Vz- to done, see 397. Before serving, sprinkle with:
3-pound fish will take about 2 hours. When it is Chopped parsley
400 FISH


OR STICKS AU GRATIN Pcur the sauce over the fillets. Run under a broiler
until the sauce colors.
Allow About 'A Pound per Serving
Prepare tor cooking:
Small drawn, boned, skinned fish, pieces of FILLETS OF FISH FLORENTINE
fish or fish fillets WITH SHRIMP AND MUSHROOMS
Dip them in:
3 Servings
V* cup whole milk or cream
Cook, 326, drain and chop:
then in:
1 lb. spinach
Seasoned bread crumbs or crushed
Poach, see below:
1 lb. skinned fish fillets
Let the fish dry on a rack for at least 20 minutes Cook, then shell and devein, 389:
Preheat oven to 350°. Bake in an ovenproof dish
V2 lb. shrimp cut lengthwise
until firm and golden. Baste twice during the
cooking period with:
V2 lb. sliced mushrooms
Melted butter Place the spinach on a buttered ovenproof dish,
with the fillets on top. Pour over them:
White Wine Sauce, 345, Aurore Sauce, 344,
QUICK BAKED FILLETS OF FISH or Mousseline Sauce, 359
3 Servings Surround them with the mushrooms and shrimp.
Preheat oven to 350°. Place the dish in a preheated 400° oven just long
Place in a small ovenproof dish: enough to heat.
small, skinned fish fillets
1 lb.

Stir and heat until smooth:

/3 cup condensed cream soup: tomato, celery,
mushroom or asparagus FISH, OR PAUPIETTES
2 tablespoons milk or light stock 4 Servings
Add :
Preheat oven to 350°.
A few grains cayenne Have ready :

(3 tablespoons finely chopped ham 8 skinned fillets of Dover sole or bluefish,

or prosciutto) or other very thin fillets
Pour the sauce over the fish. Bake uncovered 10 Butter 4 individual molds. Line each mold with
minutes. Serve with: bottom and extending
2 fillets crisscrossing at the
Boiled Rice, 206 up the sides, making sure that the fillets are long
enough, when doubled back, to overlap at the
top. Fill the center with the farce below, or with
a fish quenelle mixture, 206, and fold the ends
FISH STEAKS OR of the fillets to make a casing. With a fork, com-
FILLETS MARGUERY bine and stir a farce made of:
6 Servings V* cup melted butter
Place in a mixture of boiling water and wine and IV2 cups soft bread crumbs
simmer until nearly tender: V* cup chopped celery
6 skinned fillets or 3 steaks 1 teaspoon grated onion
This will be a quick process if the pieces are thin. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Drain the fish. Place in a greased baking dish. (
/a teaspoon dried burnet or basil)
Keep them where they will remain warm. Melt: Va teaspoon salt
'A cup butter Fillthe cases with this filling. Place the molds in
Stir and saute in it until done: a pan of hot water. Bake about 30 minutes. Un-
/2 lb. sliced mushrooms mold on a hot platter. Garnish with-
Stir in: Lemon wedges
A cup all-purpose flour Parsley or watercress
Stir in gradually: Serve with:
1 cup milk Lemon Butter, 350, Oyster Sauce, 343,
A cup cream orAnchovy Sauce, 343
Simmer in their liquor until plump:
V2 pint oysters: 1 cup
Strain and reserve the liquor. Dry in a towel and
add the oysters to the hot cream sauce. Stir in: BRAISING FISH
A lb. cooked shelled deveined shrimp, split Steaming is ways to treat a deli-
one of the better
lengthwise cate you want to retain flavor; al-
lean fish if

Remove the sauce from the heat. Add the oyster — —

though unlike meat fish will lose more weight
liquor. processed in this way than in poaching. Poaching
FISH 401

— sometimes also called braising in fish cookery POACHED FISH STEAKS

runs steaming a close second. 3 Servings
A steamer has a perforated tray designed to Cut into pieces suitable for individual servings:
hold the fish above the water level. Shown in the IV2 lb. halibut or other fish steak

chapter heading is a poacher the tray is not ele- Place them in a skillet. Cover with:
vated and allows the fish to be immersed in the Boiling water
liquid. >• A poaching tray is always greased before Season with:
the fish placed on it. Fish may be poached in
is 4 whole peppercorns
Fumets, 524, in Court Bouillons, 525, in Light V2 bay leaf
Stocks, 522, or a blanc, 447 —
depending on the 2 teaspoons lemon juice
flavor you wish to impart or the degree of white- Simmer about 10 minutes, or until tender. Re-
ness you desire. If you are chiefly concerned with move to ahot platter. Strain the stock and use it
preserving the true flavor of the fish, salted water to make the sauce. Try:
may be all you care to use. Allow 1 tablespoon of Sauce Indienne, 344, Allemande Sauce, 345,
salt for every 2 quarts of water. For details, see or Anchovy Sauce, 343
individual recipes.
If fumet or light stock is used for the steaming FISH FILLETS BONNE FEMME
or poaching liquid, you may want to use some 4 Servings
of it either as is, or reduced, in the fish sauce. The tag Bonne Femme suggests the simple and
Court bouillons are not used in this way, nor straightforward flavor of this pleasing dish.
are a blanc liquids, because they are both apt to Cut, wipe with a damp cloth and dry:
contain too much vinegar and salt. 4 skinned flat fish fillets, 396
>• Please read the general principles of Poach- Place in a buttered heavy skillet. Cover with'
ing, 150, which apply here. Small or cut pieces
fish 3
A cup finely sliced mushrooms
are started in a boiling liquid, large pieces in cold 1 minced shallot
liquid —
especially important— because ^ immers- 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
ing a fish of any considerable size in boiling water Pour gently into the dish:
causes the skin to shrink and burst. In either case, 2
h cup dry white wine
when the liquid reaches the boiling point re- Cover with a poaching paper, 151, and simmer
duce it immediately to a simmer for the remainder 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the fish onto a hot shal-
of the cooking period, allowing 5 to 8 minutes per low ovenproof serving dish. Reduce the wine
pound, depending on the size of the fish. mixture by half. Stir into it gradually until well
Without a poacher, there is the problem of blended:
keeping the top of the fish constantly bathed in 2
/3 cup Veloute Sauce, 343
liquid or steam. This problem can be solved by using fish stock. You may swirl in:
the use of a poaching paper, 151, or by tying the 2 tablespoons butter
fish loosely in muslin. The latter procedure is a Pour the sauce over the fillets and run them un-
great help, after cooking, in lifting fish out of the der a broiler until sauce is lightly browned. Serve
pan without breaking them. with:
If a large pan is not available, cut the fish in Boiled New Potatoes, 317
two and place it in a smaller pan, with the halves
dovetailed. The fish can be reassembled on a plat- FISH IN ASPIC COCKAIGNE
ter later. If served hot or cold, it can be masked
About 5 Servings
with a sauce without anyone's being the wiser for Scale and clean, leaving head and tail on, then cut
your subterfuge. Whatever pan you are using, put into 4 or 5 pieces:
into it several onion and lemon slices, a chopped
A fish weighing about 2V2 lb.
carrot and a few ribs of celery. Fill the pan with Bring to the boiling point:
Court Bouillon, 525, to within an inch of the top. 5 cups water
If you have used a cloth wrap, baste the fish with
3 or 4 ribs celery with leaves
the court bouillon in which the fish is cooking as small sliced onion
it simmers on the stove or in the oven. See that 4 or 5 sprigs parsley
the cloth is always completely soaked. The top of 3 tablespoons lemon juice
the fish will then cook as quickly as the bottom. 1 inch lemon rind
After the cooking period the fish is sometimes 3 peppercorns
allowed to cool in the water. We do not recom- V2 teaspoon dried herbs: tarragon, basil, etc.
mend this practice, as it leads to overcooking and V2 teaspoon paprika
waterlogging. > If the fish is to be served cold, it 1 teaspoon salt
is easier to remove the skin and trim the fish while
Drop the fish into the boiling stock. Simmer
it warm.
is still
until tender. Do not let it boil again at any time.
Another "hot-water" procedure — cooking au This is a quick process, requiring only 12 to 15

bleu —
is fully described later in this chapter under minutes or so. To test for doneness, see 397. Re-
the heading Blue Trout, 414. move the fish from the stock. Strain the stock.
402 FISH

There should be about V!i cups. If there is not, 1

/j teaspoon salt
add water or chicken stock to make up the differ- 1
A teaspoon pepper
ence. Soak: 3
A to 1 cup chilled water
2 tablespoons gelatin Cover the fish mixture and refrigerate until the
in: stock has cooked. Dip hands in chilled water and
A cup cold
fish stock shape fish into 1-inch balls. Strain fish stock and
Dissolve itthe hot stock. Add:
in bring to a boil, adding more water if necessary
2 tablespoons or more capers to float the balls. Gently drop the balls into the
2 or 3 tablespoons lemon juice stock: there should be enough room for them to
or dry white wine puff up. Cover and barely simmer 2 hours; then
Season to taste simmer uncovered 30 minutes longer. Remove
Chill stock begins to thicken. Remove the
until balls with slotted spoon. Thoroughly chill balls
head, tail, skin and bone from the fish. Divide it and stock. Chop the jelled stock as for aspic, 114,
into large flakes or pieces. Place a layer of aspic, and serve as a garnish with-
560, in a wet mold, cover it with flaked fish and Grated horseradish
repeat this process, winding up with aspic on top.
Chill. Serve the aspic very cold with: PICKLED FISH OR ESCABECHE
Mayonnaise, 363, or cultured sour cream Allow 1 2 Pound per Serving
to either of which you may add: For a similar raw fish, see Seviche, 88.
1 to 2 tablespoons chopped herbs: Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. Use
chives, tarragon or parsley smelts, fresh anchovies, sardines, whitings or mul-
Diced cucumbers lets not over V2 inch thick.
or with: Clean, wash, dry and flour:
Andalouse Sauce, 364, or Cold Mustard 1 lb. small whole fish
Sauce, 357 Plunge them into:
Decorate the platter with watercress or shredded Hot cooking oil
lettuce, and surround it with deviled eggs, rad- heated to 375°, for 5 to 10 seconds, according to
ishes and olives. Serve with: size. Remove them, drain, and arrange in a shal-
Brioche Loaf Cockaigne, 605, low ovenproof glass or earthenware dish. Using
or Garlic Bread, 636 3 tablespoons of the oil, saute until the onion is
GEFILTE FISH 2 tablespoons finely minced carrot
10 Servings 1 small finely minced onion
In times gone by, this homely favorite was every-
4 whole cloves garlic
where prepared in orthodox fashion, just as the Add:
name indicates: that is, a fish skin was stuffed % cup wine vinegar
with a mixture of ground-up raw fish, vegetables, V* cup water
eggs and spices, then cooked until tender in a A small bay leaf
rich fish broth. These days many of the good
A sprig of thyme
Jewish cooks we know dispense with this nerve- Salt

wracking ritual, and we follow suit. 2 small red hot peppers

Clean thoroughly, bone and skin: Simmer 10 minutes, then pour sauce over the fish.
3 lb. mixed lean and 394: whitefish,
fat fish,
When cooled, refrigerate 24 hours. Serve the fish
in the same dish in which it was marinated.
bluefish, jack salmon, pike, carp or buffalo
Prepare a stock using the head, skin and bones,
covered with a small amount of water. Simmer, E BROILING FISH
covered, 30 to 40 minutes with: "Ruling a kingdom," observed Lao-tzu, "is
1 medium-sized sliced onion like cooking a small fish." What he meant was
3 chopped ribs celery, with leaves that both should be discreetly handled, and the
3 sliced carrots treatment never overdone. We have usually re-
teaspoon salt
1 spected the old philosopher's advice. But in broil-
A teaspoon pepper ing fish, we have discovered that they taste even
If the broth cooks down too much, add more better when they can be subjected to quite high
water. While the stock is cooking, grind the fish, and intense, rather than gentle, heat. The follow-
using a medium blade, with: ing cooking procedure, for instance, is most
1 small onion effective.
1 rib celery For a 2V2 -pound fish, cleaned, scaled but un-
cup chopped parsley
Va skinned, broil in the bottom of a preheated broiler
Put the fish mixture in a bowl and stir into it until at 400° for 5 minutes, then move to a top broiler
fluffy: for 5 minutes more at a preheated 800°. The 800°
2 beaten eggs is not a misprint. But it requires coil or burner

V* cup matzo meal or crushed crackers capacity that most household ranges are simply
FISH 403

not equipped to supplv, see 159. The closest prac-

A teaspoon powdered bay leaf
tical home approach is to use a pair of vertical 4 drops soy sauce
charcoal grills —
set as sketched —
which produce Stir once or twice to coat fish thoroughly.

what is known in France as a roti rather than a Preheat broiler.

grill. Most of us, however, must be content with Thread on skewers, alternating with thick slices of:
2 marinated cucumbers, 102, and
stuffed olives
Broil or grill 10 minutes, turning frequently and
basting with the marinade.


In pan-frying sizable fish, it is important to use
Clarified Butter, 349, but equally important to
combine it about half and half with cooking oil,

since the butter may otherwise burn. To keep the

fat from spattering your hands, vou may cover the
pan with an inverted colander. The fish is placed
in the pan when the fat mixture begins to sizzle.
our range broilers preheated to 550°. It helps

to warm up the broiling rack in advance, thus

Reduce the heat slightly. When the bottom side is
transferring some heat at once to the fish; but be
completely cooked, turn the f sh and cook until ;

the second side is done. Quite large fish may be

sure to grease the rack after preheating so the
fish will not stick. If the fish is to be turned, the
sauteed on both sides until seared, then placed
in a preheated 375° oven about 10 minutes for
double wire rack which fits into the vertical grill,
as sketched, may also be conveniently used in the
oven broiler pan. Crease it with cooking oil, and To prepare deep-fat-fried fish, please read
the fish with clarified butter. A lean fish may be About Deep-Fat Frying, 147, and then follow the
recipes below with care
floured before dotting with butter.
Fillets, flat and split fish are usually placed
about inches from the source of heat. If un-
skinned, place them skin side down. It is not nec- SAUTEED OR PAN-FRIED FISH
essary to turn them, but it is advisable to baste I. Scale, if necessary, and clean, 395:
several times during the cooking period. A large fish or several small pan fish:
If thick fish steaks or large fish are being crappie, brook trout, sunfish, perch, etc.
broiled, place the rack about 6 inches from the Cut the large fish into steaks or darnes before
source of heat. They may take as long to cook as rolling them or the smaller fish in:
5 or 6 minutes to a side. Seasoned flour or cornmeal
Types of fish good for broiling include: halibut or Bound Breading, 552
or salmon steaks, sole, and its cousins, split her- Melt in a skillet to the depth of Vs inch:
ring, mackerel and sea trout. For swordfish steaks, Clarified Butter, 349, and cooking oil
be sure to baste with plenty of butter, as they tend When the fat is hot, place the fish in the pan. Re-
to become dry. Melted butter, lemon wedges and duce the heat slightly and cook until done, from
parsley adequately garnish broiled fish. If the fish 3 to 5 minutes.
is fat, try a spicy tomato sauce, 352-353, Cold

Mustard, 357, Tartare, 364, or Allemande Sauce II. 2 Servings

with capers, 345; if lean, Hollandaise, 358, Bear- Scale necessary dnd clean, 395:

naise, 359, or one of the seasoned butters. You —

A small fish 1 lb. or less: trout, sunfish,
will find specific sauce suggestions following bream, crappie, perch, etc.
some individual recipes. Dip it into mixture of: <i

Vi cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
§ FISH BROILED ON SKEWERS, Saute until flaky, turning once, in:
OR FISH KEBABS tablespoons Clarified Butter, 349, and
6 Servings 2 tablespoons bacon fat, or use
Prepare: 1 tablespoon each butter and olive oil

2 lb. skinned firm-fleshed fish: swordfish, Transfer fish to a hot plate and pour over it the
halibut, cod or haddock pan dripping, seasoned with:
Cut into 1-inch cubes. Place in a glass, enamel A little dry white wine or light stock
or stainless stool pan and marinate 30 minutes in Chopped dill or tarragon
V2 cup cooking oil (A few minced capers)
V2 cup lemon juice Garnish with sprigs of parsley.
404 FISH

SAUTEED FILLETS OF FISH Fry the fish in deep fat heated to 370° about 7
minutes. Serve with:
AMANDINE Tartare Sauce, 364
Allow 1
/3 Pound per Serving
Skinned fillets of sole, perch, brook trout, FISH AND CHIPS
haddock, etc. 4 Servings
in: Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Milk Cut into uniform serving pieces:
Dust with: 1 V2 lb. skinned fillet of flounder

Flour Coat with:

Melt in a skillet: Fritter Batter for Fish, 243

Butter Cut into thick uniform strips slightly larger than

Use enough to cover the bottom well. Saute the for French fries:
fillets the pan. Turn once. Place on a hot plat-
in IV2 lb. mature baking potatoes
ter. Melt additional: Soak in cold water for V2 hour. Drain and dry
Butter thoroughly. Fry in deep fat heated to 375° until
Brown in it lightly: golden brown. Remove, drain and keep warm.
Shredded blanched almonds Deep-fry the breaded fish until golden brown.
Pour them over the fillets. Garnish the dish with: Arrange potatoes and fish on a platter and serve
Lemon and parsley on the side as a dip:
Hot cider vinegar
Ravigote Sauce, 345
2 Servings
2 small skinned fish fillets Clean and skin:
Saute until golden brown in: A catfish
2 tablespoons Clarified Butter, 349 Dredge with:
Serve with 3 or 4 alternate sections of: Seasoned white cornmeal
Grapefruit and orange Fry in deep fat heated to 370° until golden brown.
on each fillet. Pour the pan gravy over the gar- Serve with:
nished fillets and serve at once. Hush Puppies, 629
Sliced Tomatoes, 105
Sauce Dijonnaise, 342, or Allemande Sauce
Allow About Vz Pound per Serving
with capers, 345
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. Have
fish at 70°. Clean and prepare for cooking:
Small fish or 1-inch pieces of fish ABOUT CARP
Dip them in: These great, languid soft-finned fish whose por-
Fritter Batter for Fish, 243, or traits we admire on Chinese can be ad-
Bound Breading, 552 mirable eating too. But be sure to hold them alive
Fry in deep fat heated to 370° for 5 to 8 minutes, for several days in clear running water to rid them
or until a golden brown. The fish will rise to the of the muddiness they acquire in their native
surface when done. Drain on absorbent paper. haunts. To enjoy carp at their best, kill them just
Serve very hot with: before cooking. If you cannot appoint a Lord High
Lemon Butter Sauce, 350, Tartare Sauce, 364, Executioner and must perform the act yourself, we
or Sour Cream Horseradish Dressing, 356 recommend a preliminary perusal of the chapter
called "Murder in the Kitchen" in Alice B. Tok-
MARINATED DEEP-FAT-FRIED FISH las's weird and wonderful Cookbook.

Carp lend themselves to cooking Au Bleu, 414;

3 Servings
are delicious baked, stuffed or braised; in red
Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. Skin
wine, 525; and may be eaten hot or cold. If cold,
and cut into pieces:
try Sauce Gribiche, 365, or Aioli Sauce, 365. Serve
IVi lb. fish steaks: cod, halibut, catfish,
whitefish, etc.
hot with new potatoes and Celeriac, 298.
Marinate 30 minutes in:
6 tablespoons dry white wine or ABOUT COD
2 tablespoons lemon juice Fabulous were the early voyagers' tales about the
Drain dry and dip each piece separately in: plenitude of cod, which gave its name to Amer-
6 tablespoons cream ica's most curiously shaped and best-known cape.
then in: Because it was the mainstay of the colonists'
Flour diet, cod assumed many variations which persist
FISH 405

today. Scrod is a term for cod weighing 2 pounds III. Preheat oven to 375°.
or under but may refer to pollock and haddock. Form into patties and bake in a greased pan about
Salt cod, often very tough, is pounded before 30 minutes. Dot with butter and serve.
desalting. To freshen salt cod, leave it under run- With all of the above versions you may enjoy:
ning water for 6 hours; or soak it up to 48 hours Hot Mustard Sauce, 345, Anchovy Sauce, 343,
in several changes of water in a glass, enamel or or Aurore Sauce, 344
stainless steel pan. Salt cod is most often used
flaked. To prepare for flaking, put the desalted
fish in cold unsalted Court BouiJIon, 525, to cover,
4 Servings
then bring it to a boil and simmer 20 to 30 Season:
minutes. Drain, skin, bone and flake it. One
4 thick cod fillets
pound dried salt cod will yield about 2 cups with:
cooked flaked fish. Pepper
heavy saucepan. Add
SCALLOPED COD Place the fish
1 finely
in a
chopped onion
4 Servings
Preheat oven to 375°. 1 crushed clove garlic
Please read about Salt Cod, above. V* cup coarsely chopped parsley
Cook and flake:
A sprig of thyme
1 lb. dried salt cod seeded and coarsely chopped
3 peeled,

Combine: tomatoes
1 tablespoon flour V2 cup dry white wine

2 cups milk
Bring to boiling point, reduce the heat and sim-
well-beaten egg
mer gently, covered, about 10 minutes. Remove
Cook and stir these ingredients until they are
the fish carefully. Arrange it on a hot serving dish
thick, in the top of a double boiler over not — and keep warm. Reduce the cooking liquid by
in — boiling water. one-third.
Season to taste
Season to taste
Prepare: and with a:

1V2 cups bread crumbs Butter Swirl, 339

IV2 cups finely chopped celery Pour the sauce over the fish and serve at once.
Grease a baking dish. Place in it half the fish and
a layer of one-third the crumbs and celery. Cover ^ BRANDADE DE MORUE
with half the sauce and repeat the process. Sprin- 10 Servings
kle the remaining crumbs on the top. Dot with: Suitable for serving hot as a main dish or cold as
Butter or grated cheese an hors d'oeuvre, a brandade is in either case
Bake about 20 minutes, or until the crumbs are beaten to a mousselinelike consistency.
golden brown. >• Please read about Salt Cod, above.
Prepare for flaking and poach about 30 minutes
CODFISH BALLS OR CAKES in water to cover:
4 Servings IV2 lb. freshened salt cod
Please read about Salt Cod, above. Have ready:
Prepare: 2 cups freshly boiled, riced potatoes
cup desalted, flaked salt cod
Drain and flake the fish and combine it with:
Rice or mash: cup warm olive oil
6 medium-sized boiled potatoes, or half in which you have sauteed, then removed:
potatoes and half parsnips 2 cloves garlic
Combine the fish and vegetables. Beat in one at Have ready:
a time:
1 cup warm milk or cream
2 eggs
Put the fish and oil mixture into a blender alter-
Beat in until fluffy:
nately with the potatoes and the warm milk, and
2 tablespoons cream blend at moderate speed until it is smooth and
teaspoon grated onion)
fluffy. Serve it hot on a platter garnished with:
(1 teaspoon dry mustard)
Grilled Tomatoes, 332, and
(1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
Buttered Croutons, 551
Season to taste or chilled, garnished with:
Shape the mixture into balls or patties, and use Parsley and black olives
one of the following cooking methods.
I. Form the mixture into 2-inch cakes, dip in flour COD SOUNDS AND TONGUES
and saute in butter until brown. Serve at once. Allow About V* Pound per Serving
— —
Sounds or cod cheeks and tongues, really the
II. Form into 1-inch balls, dip in milk, roll in flour. meat at the base of the tongue, may come fresh
Fry until golden brown in deep fat heated to 375°. or salted. If salted, they must be soaked overnight,
406 FISH

drained,simmered 5 minutes in water started cold, belly and removing the gut, which lies close to
then drained again. the thin belly skin.
To poach, cover with boiling water, reduce the Eel may be sauteed as for:
heat and simmer about 5 minutes. Drain. You may Trout a
Meuniere, 414

serve them with: poached 9 to 10 minutes and then served with a:

Mornay Sauce, 342, or Allemande Sauce, 345 Veloute Sauce, 343
Or you may bread, 552, and saute them until or one of its variations, made from the eel stock.
golden brown and serve with: Skinned, cleaned, boned and cut into 3-inch
Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350 pieces and dried, eel may be dipped in:
Batter, 243, or Bound Breading, 552
and deep-fried until golden brown. Serve this way
4 Servings Fried Parsley, 314, and lemon wedges, or
Preheat oven to 350°. Tartare Sauce, 364, or a tomato sauce
Parboil in separate pans: Eel may also be broiled as for any fat fish, 402.
16 small peeled potatoes
12 small white onions
Place in a buttered shallow ovenproof dish: MARINATED FLOUNDER FILLETS
A center cut of cod or a whole 6 Servings
small cleaned cod Marinate 10 minutes:
Arrange the onions and potatoes around it and 2 lb. flounder fillets
sprinkle with: in:

A pinch of thyme 1 cup tarragon vinegar

Season to taste Drain, and coat with a mixture of:
Brush frequently during the baking process with: V2 cup yellow cornmeal
Melted butter V2 cup flour
Bake about V2 hour. Serve in the same dish gar- V* teaspoon salt
nished with: Va teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Chopped parsley Saute the fillets in:

Slices of lemon V4 cup butter

until golden brown, about 4 minutes on each side.
Serve with:
BROILED FRESH SCROD Ravigote Sauce, 345, or Nantua Sauce, 343
Allow V2 Pound per Serving
Split, then remove the bones from:
A young codfish ABOUT HADDOCK
Leave it whole, flatten it out, or cut it in pieces. Fresh haddock may be prepared as in any recipe
Broil as described on 402. for cod, flounder or other lean white fish. It may
be baked plain or stuffed, its fillets fried, sauteed,
or poached. Smoked haddock —
or finnan haddie
ABOUT EEL — may be broiled, well basted in butter, or baked,
The eel is a fish that believes in long journeys. It as in the recipes below.
is spawned in the Sargasso Sea in the western
Atlantic, and from there will travel back to its
freshwater haunts in this country or in Europe to BAKED FILLETS OF FRESH
feed and grow up in the rivers and streams fre- HADDOCK IN CHEESE SAUCE
quented by its parents. The young eel or elver is 4 Servings
still only 2 or 3 inches longer after its immense Preheat oven to 350°.
journey, and is transparent and yellowish. Little Place on an ovenproof dish:
eels can be cooked and larger ones smoked or 4 haddock or other lean fish fillets
pickled to make a delicious addition to hors Prepare:
d'oeuvre or Antipasto, 78. 2 cups Mornay Sauce, 342
As with cats, there is more than one way to skin Season the sauce well, adding:
a fresh eel. We prefer the following. Keep the eel 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, or
alive until ready to skin. Kill it with a sharp blow V2 teaspoon dry mustard, or 1 teaspoon
to the head. Slip a noose around the eel's head fennel, dill or celery seed
and hang the other end of the cord on a hook, Pour it over the fillets. Bake the fish until done, see
high on the wall. Cut the eel skin about 3 inches 397. You may sprinkle over the top:
below the head all around, so as not to penetrate (1 cup or more freshly cooked or canned

the gallbladder, which lies close to the head. Peel shrimp or crab meat)
the skin back, pulling down hard if —
necessary Place the dish under a broiler until thoroughly

with a pair of pliers until the whole skin comes warmed. Garnish with:
off like a glove. Clean the fish by slitting the white Chopped parsley
FISH 407


of toast
WITH MUSHROOMS sprinkled with:
AND TOMATOES Lemon juice
6 Servings Chopped chives or parsley
Preheat oven to 375°.
Using a large saucepan, saute about 5 minutes:
V2 cup chopped onion CURED FISH
V* cup chopped celery You may smoke your own fresh fish, 816, if you
Vi cup chopped fresh mushrooms like, in which case they must be cooked before

in: serving. Some commercially cured fish — smoked,

3 tablespoons butter dried, salted or pickled— come both preserved
Stir into the sauteed vegetables: and prepared for serving. Haddock and several
2 cups soft bread crumbs kinds of herring are usually Cold-Smoked, 814.
teaspoon salt
1 They have been and smoked over a smol-
Vs teaspoon pepper dering fire but have not been
to the dry stage,
A pinch of dried tarragon cooked. Whitefish, chub and salmon are usually
(A pinch of dried rosemary) Hot-Smoked, 814, so that they cook in the heat of
Arrange in a layer on a large shallow greased bak- the smoking fire, and so can be used without
ing dish: further cooking. Haddock, when smoked, be-
2 lb. haddock fillets comes finnan haddie. A smoked herring is known
Sprinkle the fish with: as a kipper — actually, a general term for any
Lemon juice smoked fish. > Store all smoked fish refrigerated
and spread the dressing over it. Cover with: in covered containers to lengthen their keeping
3 or 4 skinned sliced tomatoes period.
Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes. Serve with: Cod, mackerel and herring are often salted and
Boiled Potatoes, 317 air-dried,and before cooking should be soaked in

water for several hours skin side down. If soak-
ing in fresh running water is not practical, change
BAKED FINNAN HADDIE the water frequently during the soaking period.
6 Servings For ways to cook, see Salt Cod, 404. Fish was often
Preheat oven to 350°. pickled in the days before refrigeration, and in
Prepare for cooking: eighteenth-century English and American cook-
2 lb. smoked haddock books you will find recipes for "caveaching" fish
by soaking it in warm water for 30 minutes, skin in spices, oil and vinegar. We imagine there is a
side down. Pour off the water. Put the fish on a relationship between the French escabeche, and
greased ovenproof pan and cover with: its Spanish variant, seviche, in word derivation
1 cup cream and method. Nowadays, herring and mackerel are
Dot generously with: usully reserved for pickling, although Escabeche,
Butter 402, can be used for small fish, like fresh an-
Sprinkle with: chovies, sardines, young mullet and whiting.
V* cup chopped onions
Bake about 40 minutes. If cream evaporates, use ABOUT HERRING
additional cream. The dish may be served with: Herring is one of the least expensive, most nutri-

Florentine Sauce, 342, or a tomato sauce, 352 tious and readily obtainable fish one can buy. It
is very fat, with a calcium content twice that of
milk. "Kippering" originally referred to the red-
CREAMED FINNAN HADDIE dening of certain types of salmon when salted and
Barely cover: smoked at spawning time. Reddish color induced
Smoked haddock in other kinds of similarly processed fish is due to
with: artificial coloring. Split, salted and smoked, a her-
Milk ring of any hue today is known as a kipper;
Soak hour. Bring slowly to the boiling point.
1 smoke-cured without salt, as a bloater. Bloaters
Simmer 20 minutes. Drain. Flake and remove the are very perishable and should be eaten right after
skin and bones. Place the fish in very hot: curing. Perhaps the reason herring is not more
White Sauce I, 341 popular is that it has innumerable tiny, fine bones.
Use about two-thirds as much sauce as you have If you split a herring down the center of the back

fish. Add for each cup of flaked fish: with a sharp knife, lever up the backbone and
1 chopped hard-cooked egg carefully pull it out, most of these small bones will
1 teaspoon chopped green pepper, seeds come with it. After cleaning, 395, you may then
and membrane removed cook the herring in one piece or split it in two.
1 teaspoon chopped pimiento Marinated herring comes in various disguises.
408 FISH

Rollmops, 88, are fresh herring fillets seasoned SWEET AND SOUR HERRING

and rolled like Paupiettes, 400 around a pickle — Allow 1 Herring per Serving
or cucumber. Bismarck herring is the flat fillet in Prepare as for Marinated Herring, above:
a sour marinade: matjes or virgin herring can be 6 milter herring
sour or salted. Commercially available, too, are using only 1 lemon, 1 onion, 2% tablespoons
female herring containing the "hard" roe, or egg- mixed spices and A cup vinegar. Add:

cluster, and male herring caught before the dis- 1 cup cultured sour cream
persal of their fertilizing fluid, or milt sometimes — Keep in a cool place. Serve after 48 hours.
also referred to as "soft" roe. Usually, when
processed, both of these roes are extracted, SCOTCH FRIED HERRING
thinned, and mixed with sour cream or a vinegar- Allow 1 Herring per Serving
based additive as the sauce in which the herring is This dish must be made
packed. For more roe information, see 411. Fresh-caught herring
You may fry them whole, but they are better split
down the backbone and boned, as described, 407.
BAKED HERRING AND POTATOES Cut off head, tail and fins. Roll in:
4 Servings Medium-ground seasoned Scotch oatmeal
I. Preheat oven to 375°. pressing a little to make it stick. Fry the herring on
To prepare salt herring, soak overnight in water both sides in:
or milk to cover: Bacon fat or olive oil
2 large salt herring Serve with:
Drain and split them. Remove and discard skin Lemon wedges
and bones. Cut fillets into 1-inch-wide pieces. Pare A pat of butter
and slice very thinly: or with:
6 raw potatoes Hot Mustard Sauce, 345
2 medium-sized onions Garnish with:
Butter a baking dish. Place in it alternate layers of Parsley
potatoes, onions and herring, beginning and end-
ing with potatoes. Cover the top with: GRILLED OR BAKED KIPPERS
Au 552 Gratin
Bake 45 minutes or more.
Allow 1 2 Pound per Serving
Yorkshire version substitutes: An excellent breakfast dish with scrambled eggs.
Sour apples Do not try to grill canned kippers; they are too
for the onions, and uses: wet.
Fresh herring Preheat broiler.
In this case, prepare as above, but season with Place:
Saltand pepper Kippers or bloaters
after each layer of herring. skin side down on a hot oiled grill. Dot with:
Grill 5 to 7 minutes. Serve very hot. You may also
MARINATED HERRING bake them in a 350° oven 10 minutes, or En
12 Servings Papillote, 153, 15 minutes at the same tempera-
Soak for 3 hours in water to cover: ture. Season with:
24 milter herring A little lemon juice
Change the water twice. Cut off the heads and Pepper
tails. the herring. Remove the milt, see
above. Reserve it. Remove the bones as de- ABOUT OCTOPUS AND SQUID
scribed, 407. Discard them. Cut the fillets into Both of these inkfish belong emphatically to the
pieces about 3 inches long. Place in a crock in large category of horrendous-looking sea crea-
alternate layers with the herring: tures that must be eaten to be appreciated. These
the milt mollusks are not dissimilar in shape and taste, hav-
2 very thinly sliced lemons ing long edible arms, a tail portion that can be
2 skinned and thinly sliced onions formed into a natural sack for stuffing if desired,
/3 cup mixed pickle spices as well an ink-expelling sac which furnishes
1 tablespoon sugar the pigment known as sepia. The latter is used in
Cover these ingredients with: recipes just as blood is used, 339, to color, flavor
Malt or other vinegar and give body to sauces, often seasoned with nut-
Soften with a fork and add: meg and garlic. When the ink is not available, it
The remaining milt is sometimes faked by the use of chocolate, as in

Dilute the vinegar with a little water if it is very the sauce for Turkey Mole, 428.
strong. Cover the crock and keep refrigerated. Octopus, which has eight arms, grows to enor-
The herring will be ready to serve after one week. mous size but is apt to be very tough if over 2 to
FISH 409

2V2 pounds in weight. These and squid that are the body meat are often cutinto squares or dia-
longer than 8 inches after cleaning need tender- mond shapes of about the same size. Octopus
izing. Pound them mercilessly on a solid surface. need long, slow cooking. Even after marinating,
the simmering time may run close to 3 hours,
unless the specimens are very young, when about
50 minutes should suffice. For squid cooking
times, see individual recipes.
Squid is available in cans ready to use and is
sometimes found frozen or dried. To use dried
squid, marinate in a combination of water, gin
and ginger for 45 minutes, and then use in recipes
as for the fresh meat.
>• Allow about V2 pound of fresh squid or octo-
pus per serving.

Allow V2 Pound per Person
Clean, pound, and cut up as described above and
place in a flameproof casserole:
To prepare fresh octopus for cooking, make sure 6 small octopus or squid
first that your victim is dead —
by striking it a con- V2 cup olive oil
clusiveblow on the head. Remove the beaklike 1
/j cup vinegar or V2 cup dry wine
mouth, the anal portion and the eyes, taking care 2 cups julienned mushrooms
in doing so not to pierce the ink sac, which lies 1 cup chopped onions
close by. Reserve this for later use. If the inkfish is 1 pressed clove garlic
small, these operations may be performed with a 1 tablespoon each fresh chopped parsley,
pair of scissors; if larger, you will need a knife to chervil and basil
penetrate far enough to slip the creature inside V3 bay leaf
out and remove and discard the yellowish pouch Cover and bring just to a boil. Reduce the heat
and the attached membranes. With octopus the at once and simmer, very tightly covered, 2 1/z to
very ends of the tentacles are also discarded. Cut 3 hours. You may add the ink to the pan drippings
out all cartilage and wash the fish well in running just before serving. Do not boil. Serve with:
water to remove gelatinous portions. Creamed Spinach, 327
Preparation procedure for fresh squid differs
somewhat. After the same advance precautions FRIED SQUID

squid bite, too grasp the head section firmly at a Allow '/j Pound per Person
point just below the eyes. You can then pull free Clean and wash described above. Leave whole
from the rest of the body the outer portion of the or cut into 1- to V/2-inch pieces:
tail and fin section. Also revealed will be the gray- Small squid
ish ink sac. Remove it carefully to a sieve. Next, Some sophisticates discard the tentacles. Clean
cut the tentacles free just above the eye section. the pouch well, removing the cuttlebone in the
Discard the eye section along with the innards and flesh at the back and using only the remaining
a small roundish cartilage at the base of the tenta- flesh, cut into narrow strips. Dry well and dust
cles which can be popped out with the fingers. with:
Discard also the icicle-shaped pen or cuttlebone Flour
inside the tail. This slim bone, when dried, be- Deep-fry at 365° until golden brown. Serve at
comes the bone one sees in bird cages. You will once sprinkled with:
also encounter a red membrane which covers Salt, white pepper and lemon juice
much of the squid. This should be as nearly re-
moved as possible by rubbing, or by parblanching STUFFED SQUID
briefly 1 to 2 minutes. Arrest further cooking by
Allow 2 per Person
plunging into cold water. When plunging octopus Choose:
into boiling water, drop it in with a sliding motion Twelve 5-inch squid
head first so its tentacles won't spread out. Re- Cut below the eyes and discard the head and
maining then, as edible, are the tentacles and the tentacles. Without splitting, clean the pouch thor-
peeled tail section and fins, as well as the ink sac oughly, removing the bone. Cut out the fins and
fluid, which, like that of the octopus, makes a pull off the black skin.
flavorsome seasoning for a sauce. Preheat oven to 325°.
With both types of arms and tentacles
inkfish, Prepare half of the recipe for:
are cut crosswise in 1- to "PA -inch rounds, and to Rice Dressing for Cornish Hen, 373
equalize the cooking time, the white portions of and stuff each squid and tie each pouch at the top.
410 FISH

Place them in a single layer in an ovenproof bak- to which add:

ing dish and cover with a mixture of: Chopped chives or parsley, lemon juice
V* cup olive oil or Worcestershire sauce
cup tomato sauce
V2 cup water Allow A
to V2 Pound per Serving
V* cup finely chopped parsley Soak preceding recipe:
as in the
Sprinkle this sauce with a heavy coating of: Salt mackerel
Dry bread crumbs Drain, then wipe dry.
Bake about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the Preheat broiler.
squid is tender. Serve hot or cold. Brush with:
Melted butter
SQUID IN INK SAUCE Broil, skin side down, about 20 minutes. Baste
4 Servings twice with melted butter while cooking. Remove
Please read About Squid, 408. to a hot platter. Pour over the fish:
Clean and cut up: V2 cup Bercy Butter, 350
2 lb. squid Garnish with:
Place the ink sacs in a sieve and press the ink into Watercress
a bowl beneath it. To extract more ink, pour over
the ink sacs while continuing to press: POMPANO EN PAPILLOTE
1 cup water Individual Serving
Add to the ink mixture and beat until smooth: Preheat oven to 450°.
IV2 tablespoons flour Place on heart-shaped parchment paper, 151
A grating of nutmeg 2 medium-sized skinned pompano fillets
and reserve this mixture. Heat in a heavy skillet: Cover with:
A cup
olive oil Shrimp Sauce, 343
When hot, saute until translucent: Close the parchment paper, fold the edge and
A cup chopped onions bake about 15 minutes until the paper is browned
1 pressed clove garlic and puffed. Serve immediately. For a party, make
Then add the cut-up squid. Reduce heat at once. individual packets ahead of time, refrigerate and,
Simmer covered about 20 minutes. Add the ink before baking, allow them to reach about 60°.
mixture. Stir constantly over low heat at least 5 Preheat oven and bake as above.
minutes until the sauce thickens. Do not allow
the sauce to boil. ABOUT SALMON
Season to taste
Atlantic salmon, pink and prized, comes to our
and serve at once over:
Pasta, 213, or Boiled Rice, 206

markets mainly fresh, pink and prized. In Eng-
land it wasn't always so. Indentured apprentices
BROILED FRESH MACKEREL petitioned that they should not be forced to eat
fresh salmon more than twice a week!
Preheat broiler.
Pacific salmon reaches us in many forms. These
Splitand bone, see 395:
include the choice King or Chinook from Alaska
A fresh mackerel
and the Columbia River areas. They may be pink
Place it skin side down in a greased pan. Sprinkle
or white-fleshed and are about 17% fat. Included
also are the red-fleshed sockeye, the pinkish silver
Brush with:
Coho and the yellowish-fleshed, almost fat-free
dog salmon. All smoked salmon, including the
Melted butter or olive oil
delicious lox, is highly perishable and should be
Broil slowly on one side only until firm, about 20
kept refrigerated. For other salmon dishes, see
minutes. Baste with the drippings while cooking.
Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes, 264-268.
Remove to a hot platter. Spread with:
Anchovy Butter, 350
Garnish with:
Parsley and lemon slices OR DARNES
Allow V2 Pound per Serving
Allow /j to Vi Pound per Serving
To cut steaks or darnes, see 396.
Soak overnight, skin side up, well covered with Brush preheated broiler rack and:
cold water: 3A-inch-thick salmon steaks

Salt mackerel well with:

Drain, place in a shallow pan, cover with water Clarified Butter, 349
and simmer until tender, about 12 minutes. Drain Place rack 6 inches from the source of heat. Broil
well. Place on a hot platter. Pour over the fish: 5 minutes. Baste, turn, baste again and continue to
Melted butter broil 5 to 8 minutes. To test for doneness, see if
FISH 411

you can out the central bone without bringing

lift might have changed Odette's fate, but Brittany's
any of the it. Serve with:
flesh with loss was our vivacious and warmhearted gain.
Freshly grated horseradish True sardines are types of herring, and those
The steak shape lends itself to attractive service, —
caught in the Pacific are much larger up to 10 or
as the hollow may be filled with: —
12 inches long than those taken in Atlantic or
A stuffed tomato, or a mound of vegetables, Mediterranean waters, which are known in Britain
or potatoes garnished with parsley and the Dominions as pilchard. Anchovies and
More elaborate dressings for this dish are: sprats are closely related. Treat fresh sardines as
(Sour Cream Horseradish Dressing, 356, or for smelts, 412.
Hot Mustard Sauce, 345) If you want to presentcanned sardines in an
interesting way, skin and bone:
COLD GLAZED SALMON 12 canned sardines
Allow Vi Pound per Serving Mash 6 of them with:
This method of preparation applies to any fish you 1 teaspoon minced onion
wish to glaze and serve cold. 2 teaspoons butter
Poach, 400, leaving head and tail on: Vi teaspoon prepared mustard
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 large cleaned salmon
Remove from the poaching water when done. Spread:
Leaving the head and tail, and working with the 6 narrow toast strips
grain, skin and trim the rest of the fish, removing with this mixture. Place a whole sardine on each
the fins and the gray, fatty portions until just the toast and run under the broiler. Before serving,
pink flesh is left. Place on a large serving platter garnish with:
and refrigerate. If time is limited, the fish may be Finely chopped fennel
eaten just this way with mayonnaise. But to glaze A grating of black pepper
— and build up to a culinary event read on. —
^ Work quickly to prevent the glaze from darken- ABOUT SEA SQUAB OR BLOWFISH
ing, and keep chilling between processes. Coat the These puffers are related to the sought-after
visible pink portion of the fish evenly and Japanese fugu. As the ovaries and liver are very
smoothly with: poisonous, be sure to discard all but the back
Mayonnaise Collee, 368, or flesh before cooking. Prepare as for anv delicate
Sauce Chaud-Froid, 369 fish.

Rechill until this sauce has set. Decorate as de-

scribed in the Sauce Chaud-Froid recipe. Chill ABOUT ROE AND MILT
again. Coat the whole surface, head and tail too, The eggs of the female fish are known as roe or
with: hard roe; the male fish's sperm is known as milt
Aspic Glaze, 368 or soft roe, as its texture is creamy rather than
Chill and continue coating and chilling until you grainy. Both types are used in cooking, and the
have built up an even clear 'A inch of aspic. Clean roe of certain fish is more valued than the fish
the platter by removing aspic dribbles. Save any itself, see Caviar, 87.
leftover aspic and chill it in sheet form. Chop it Shad roe is considered choice. You may serve
fine and surround the fish with an edging of little the roe or milt of other fish such as herring, mack-
sparkling tidbits. Serve the fish with: erel, flounder, salmon, carp, or cod as in the fol-
Andalouse Sauce, 364, or lowing recipes for shad roe. The milt of salmon
Green Mayonnaise, 364 must have the vein removed.
The classic garnish is:
Hard roe, to be cooked and served alone,
Tiny tomatoes stuffed with Russian Salad, 105 should be pricked with a needle to prevent the
We suggest also: membrane from bursting and splattering the little
Cold leeks marinated, 306 eggs. Cook roe gently with very slow heat. Over-
cooked, it is hard, dry and tasteless. If pepper is
ABOUT SARDINES used in seasoning, use only white pepper. Roe
Sardines were to us something that came out of may be served as a luncheon dish; as a savory; as
a can on laundry day —
until one summer we en- stuffing or garnish for the fish from which it
tertained a Breton guest. Her family had for cen- comes. Or it may be used raw, as in Marinated
turies lived an amicably divided life in seaside Herring, 408, or as an hors d'oeuvre. Also see
castles on opposite sides of a river inlet. Her canned roe dishes, 268.
uncle's fleets dredgedseaweed from which chemi- Allow 6 oz. per serving.
cals were produced. Her father's fleet sailed from

Maine to Spain following those Atlantic sardines PARBOILED SHAD ROE
which were fit even for the Czar of Russia himself, ^ Please read About Roe, above.
to whom they were purveyed. But fish, like peo- Prick with a needle in several places and cover
ple, may change habits suddenly. For three years with boiling water:
the fleet failed to find the sardine runs. Sonar Shad roe
412 FISH

Add to it: ounce of expertise in is worth

this difficult area
2 tablespoons lemon juice or a pound of private Otherwise boning is
3 tablespoons dry white wine a catch-as-catch-can affair: even tweezers may be
Simmer from 3 to 12 minutes, according to size. necessary, since every effort must be made to
Drain and cool. Remove the membrane. Add salt remove as many bones as possible before cook-
if needed. The roe is now ready to be sauteed, ing. When carving time comes, the fish is sliced
sauced, or used in a garnish or hors d'oeuvre. completely through its entire thickness in about
4-inch parallel widths. Any exposed bones may
again be removed with tweezers before the cut
BAKED SHAD ROE pieces are put on the individual plates.
Preheat oven to 375°.
Parboil, see above:
Place in a buttered pan. Cover with. 6 to 8 Servings
Creole Sauce, 348 Preheat oven to 350°.
Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347 Bone, see above:
Bake 15 or 20 minutes, basting every 5 minutes. A 3- or 4-lb. shad
Place it skin side down on a well-greased broiler
rack or a flat pan. Brush with:
SAUTEED SHAD ROE Melted butter
Heat until light brown: Bake, allowing about 8 minutes per pound. While
2 tablespoons Clarified Butter, 349 the shad is baking, parboil, see above:
Saute in this until delicately browned on both Shad roe
sides: Simmer 15 minutes. Drain. Remove the outside
Parboiled Shad Roe, above membrane. Mash the roe. Melt in a saucepan:
Season to taste 2 tablespoons butter
Remove to a hot platter. Add to the drippings You may add and saute about 3 minutes:
and heat: (1 tablespoon grated onion)
2 teaspoons lemon juice Add the roe and stir in:

V2 teaspoon chopped chives 2 tablespoons flour

V2 teaspoon chopped parsley V2 cup cream
1 minced shallot When these ingredients begin to boil, remove
teaspoon dried tarragon, chervil or basil
V2 from heat. Stir in:
Pour the sauce over the roe. Sauteed roe may also 2 egg yolks
be served with: Season the roe mixture well with
(Mornay Sauce, 342, or Supreme Sauce, 344, 2 tablespoons lemon juice
or Brown Butter, 349) Spread the creamed roe over the baked fish and
sprinkled with: cover with:
(Lemon juice and chopped parsley) Au Gratin II, 552
and surrounded by: Return to the broiler and brown evenly. Serve at
(Peeled orange sections) once garnished with:
Lemon slices
Parsley or watercress
BROILED SHAD ROE Pickled beets or cucumbers
Preheat broiler.
Parboil, see above, wipe dry and place on a
greased rack: ABOUT SHARK
Shad roe If —
you are an adventurer or adventuress you —
Sprinkle with: meat that is close to and along
will find that shark
Lemon juice the backbone responds to recipes for Fish Fillets,
Bard, 420, with: 399, or to Poaching, 400. The belly sections need
Bacon long simmering.
Broil from 5 to 7 minutes. If the roe is large, you
may have to turn it, baste with drippings and cook
until firm. Serve on toast garnished with: SMELTS
Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350 2 Servings
Parsley Clean, 395, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry:
12 smelts
Leave whole. Season with:
CARVING SHAD Let them stand covered for 15 minutes. Roll the
These are painstaking procedures. Sometimes the smelts in:
fishmonger can be inveigled into boning: an Cream
FISH 413


Flour or cornmeal 4 Servings
and cook by one of the following methods Marinate for about 1 hour in:
1 cup dry white wine
I. Melt:
IV2 cups skinned seedless grapes
cup butter
Drain grapes, reserving the wine.
Saute the smelts gently in the butter until done.
Preheat oven to 350°.
II. Bake smelts in a buttered pan in a 450° oven In a large skillet, place:
about 8 to 10 minutes. Place them on a hot platter. 2 skinned fillets of sole

Add to the butter in the pan: which have been carefully dried between paper
juice of 1 lemon towels. Heat the reserved wine and add to the
2 tablespoons chopped parsley or chives fillets. Cover with a buttered poaching paper, 151,

Pour the sauce over the smelts. and simmer about 10 minutes or until fillets are
opaque. Then, keeping the fish warm, place them
III. > Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147. in an ovenproof baking dish. If necessary reduce
Smelts may be dipped in crumbs or in egg and the fish stock to 1 cup for use in preparing:
crumbs and fried about 3 minutes in deep fat
White Wine Sauce, 345
heated to 370°. Serve with: Fold into the sauce the marinated grapes and:
Tartare Sauce, 364 V2 c,up whipping cream
(1tablespoon curacao)
BAKED RED SNAPPER WITH Coat the fish with this mixture and run the dish
SAVORY TOMATO SAUCE under a preheated broiler until the sauce colors.
4 to 6 Servings Serve at once, garnished with crescents and dia-
Preheat oven to 350°. monds of egg-glazed:
Prepare for cooking: Puff Paste, 643
A 3-lb. red snapper or other large fish
Dredge it inside and out with: SOLE AMBASSADEUR
Seasoned flour Allow V2 Pound per Person
Place in a baking pan. Melt: Prepare for poaching:
6 tablespoons butter 10 skinned fillets of sole — lemon or English
Add and simmer 15 minutes: trout or halibut
cup chopped onion
Vi Place in a buttered heatproof dish or skillet and
chopped celery
2 cups sprinkle with:
'A cup chopped green pepper, seeds and 1 tablespoon finely chopped shallot or onion
membrane removed Salt and pepper
Add and simmer until the celery is tender: Add:
3 cups drained canned tomatoes V2cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 lemon
Juice of
1 tablespoon catsup Cover with a buttered poaching paper, 151, and
1 teaspoon chili powder simmer until the fillets are done, see 397. While
Vi finely sliced lemon they are cooking, melt in a heavy saucepan:
2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon butter
1 minced clove garlic
Saute in the butter:
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup finely chopped mushrooms
A few grains red pepper Juice of V2 lemon
Press these ingredients through a potato ricer or
Salt and pepper
food mill. Pour the sauce around the fish. Bake Cook over high heat about 3 minutes, until the
about 45 minutes, basting frequently with the juices disappear. Reduce heat. Add:
sauce. To test for doneness, see 397. cup whipping cream
Simmer until reduced by a third. Remove from
ABOUT FILLETS OF SOLE the heat and beat in:
The recipes which follow call for fillets of English 1 egg yolk
or lemon sole European — flat fish flown fresh into Drain and save the stock from the fish. Spread the
better markets or available frozen. If frozen, the mushroom mixture on a heatproof serving platter
fish must be thawed completely before proceed- and arrange the fillets over it. Heat the fish stock
ing. These recipes are often prepared from more and add:
easily available fillets of flounder, freshwater trout, Kneaded Butter, 340
bluefish,brill or other fish that flake readily. For Beat in well until thickened. Add:
thisreason the fish is usually served sauced in the V2 cup whipping cream
baking dish in which it was cooked. Do not Heat to the boiling point. >• Remove from the heat
overcook. For other recipes for fish fillets, see and add:
399-401 3 egg yolks
414 FISH

Strain the sauce and pour it over the fish fillets. BROOK TROUT MEUMERE
Glaze under the broiler until brown. Serve at once. 4 Servings
Clean and wash:
4 brook trout: 8 inches each
SOLE DUGLERE Cut off the fins. Leave the heads and tails on.
4 Servings Dip in:
Preheat oven to 350°. Seasoned flour
Prepare and dry well between paper towels: Melt:
2 lb. skinned fillets of sole cup
V* Clarified Butter, 349
Sprinkle with: Saute the trout until they are firm and nicely
2 tablespoons lemon juice browned. Remove to a hot platter. Add to the
Saute in a skillet: drippings in the pan:
V'4 cup chopped shallots
3 tablespoons clarified butter
V* cup chopped mushrooms
Let it brown. Cover the fish with:
2 tablespoons very finely chopped parsley
Chopped parsley
Pour the browned butter over the fish. Garnish
3 tablespoons butter
Add the fish and: Lemon wedges
cup dry white wine
Bring to a boil. Reduce heat at once and cover pan
with a buttered poaching paper, 151. Remove pan BROILED LAKE TROUT
to oven and bake about 10 minutes or until fish is OR WHITEFISH
opaque. Prepare, meanwhile, a fresh tomato puree Allow About V2 Pound per Serving
by skinning and dicing: Preheat broiler.
1 lb. tomatoes Bone, 396:
from which you have scraped out the seeds, 331. A large lake trout or whitefish
Place the fish in a buttered ovenproof baking dish, Flatten it out or cut it into pieces. Rub a saucer
reserving the stock. If necessary reduce the stock with:
to about 1 cup and use it in preparing: Garlic
White Wine Sauce, 345 Mix in it:

to replace the stock and wine in that recipe. When 1 or 2 tablespoons olive oil
the sauce thickens, add the pureed tomatoes. Pour teaspoon white pepper
the sauce over the fish. Sprinkle the top gener- Rub the fish on both sides with these ingredients.
ously with: Place it in a greased shallow pan. Broil until
Grated Parmesan cheese brown, turning once. Spread with.
mixed with: Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350
A dash of paprika or Lemon Butter, 350
Run under a broiler until the sauce colors. Garnish with:
Wilted Cucumbers, 102
6 Servings
6 fillets of sole or other fish Allow One 4- to 6V2 -Ounce Trout
In the bottom of an ovenproof platter, put a layer or Other Freshwater Fish per Person
of: It only the skin that turns so brilliant a blue

1 Vicups Creamed Spinach, 327 under this procedure, not of course —

the whole —
Arrange the poached, drained fillets on top. Cover fish. But this startling achievement is only possible
with: if your fish is alive when brought to the kitchen

1 cup seasoned White Sauce II, 341 and if, in cleaning, it is handled so carefully that
Sprinkle over it: its natural coating of slime is left undisturbed. We
Gratin III, 552 ate these first in the Black Forest at an inn border-
Run under the broiler to heat through until the ing a stream, but we think of them always in con-
sauce is glazed. nection with Joseph Wechsberg's zestful book,
To prepare Sole Marguery, see Fish Steaks Mar- Blue Trout and Black Truffles.
guery, 400. Have ready and boiling:
Court Bouillon for Fish, 525, using vinegar
rather than wine
SWORDFISH STEAKS Kill the fish with one sharp blow on the head. Split
Prepare as for: and clean it with a single stroke if possible. Plunge
Salmon Steaks, 410 it at once into the boiling water. Let the water
This fish dries out even when in prime condition; come to a boil again, then remove the pan from
be sure to use plenty of butter in the cooking. the heat and cover it, allowing it to stand about
FISH 415

5 minutes, although the larger-sized fish may need the cooking. Be sure to seal the paper after each
another 2 or 3 minutes. The white eyeballs pop basting. Serve with:
out when the fish is done. Remove the fish and Soubise Sauce, 344, or
drain well. Serve, if hot, with a flourish and a Champagne Sauce, 344
garnish of:
and: Whitebait are really minnows, or the small fry of
Boiled or steamed potatoes and fresh or saltwater fish. Pick over, and wash only
sweet butter balls, or melted butter if necessary:
You may also serve other fancy butters or: Whitebait
(Hollandaise Sauce, 358) Roll them in:
If you serve the fish cold, pass:
Seasoned Flour I, 552
Sauce Gribiche, 365, or Fry 2 to 3 minutes, depending on size, in deep fat
Watercress Sauce, 365 heated to 375°. Garnish with:
Lemon slices

Very widely distributed and of widely differing
characteristics, tuna range in size from the bluefin Frog legs resemble chicken in texture and flavor.
or tunny —
a magnificent game fish which may They are usually bought skinned and ready to use.
weigh up to 1500 pounds to the much smaller — Allow 2 large or 6 small frog legs per person. If
albacore, which furnishes the whitest and choicest the frogs are not prepared, cut off and discard the
meat. Most of us come by our tuna in prosaic tins. feet; then cut off the hind legs the only part of —
The label on the can must now show whether the the frog used —
close to the body. Separate and
fish is "white," "light," or "dark" the darker — wash the legs in cold water. Begin at the top and
grades being of inferior flavor; and designate the strip off the skin like a glove. Through an experi-

nature of the packing medium: olive oil, vegetable ment with a twitching frog leg, Galvani discovered
oil or water. It must also indicate whether the the electric current that bears his name. Should
contents are "solid pack," that is, mostly in one you prefer keeping your kitchen and your scien-
piece, "chunk," or made up of irregular pieces; tific activities separate and distinct, chill the frog

"flake," of less desirable irregular pieces; or legs before skinning.

"grated," pieces cut to small uniform size. Smoked
canned tuna must also be so identified. To find BRAISED FROG LEGS
additional recipes for canned tuna, see Index. 4 Servings
8 large frog legs
Allow Vi Pound per Serving Seasoned flour
Melt in a skillet:
A fresh tuna or bonito
6 tablespoons Clarified Butter, 349
Braise or roast as for veal, or brush the delicate
Add to it:
stomach sections with:
cup chopped onions
Vegetable oil
Brown the frog legs in the butter. Reduce the heat
and broil.
and add:
A cup boiling Light Stock, 523
POACHED TURBOT Cover skillet closely and cook the frog legs until
Allow Vi Pound per Serving tender, about 10 minutes. Melt:
This firm-fleshed, very white
flat fish may be 6 tablespoons butter
skinned and and poached in Court
filleted, 396, Saute in the butter:
Bouillon, 525, with wine or part milk to
part — 1 'A cups seasoned bread crumbs
reinforce its whiteness —
and cooked as for any ( A
cup finely chopped hazelnuts)
recipe for Sole, 413. As both the skin and the ge- Add:
latinous areas near the fins are considered delica- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
cies,turbot is often cooked and served unskinned. Roll the frog legs in the bread crumbs and serve
To keep it from curling or bursting, cut a long them garnished with:
gash down the center of the brown underside Fennel
before poaching. or, if you have used the hazelnuts, with
To cook in the skin, place the fish in a greased Parsley
pan; float it in a cool:
Court Bouillon, 525 DEEP-FAT-FRIED FROG LEGS
Cover with a poaching paper, 151. Bring the liquid Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
to a boil. Reduce the heat at once. Barely sim- Clean:
mer about 30 minutes, basting several times during Frog legs
416 FISH

Dip them in: the frog legs were cooked

A Bound
Breading, 552 Season to taste
Let dry for 1 hour. Fry the frog legs in deep fat When the sauce is hot, add the frog meat. Reduce
heated to 375° until golden. Drain. Serve with: the heat to low. Beat well:
Tartare Sauce, 364 3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons rich cream
Stir these ingredients into the sauce. Let the entire
FROG LEGS IN MUSHROOM SAUCE mixture thicken off the heat. Serve the meat at
3 Servings once, covered with the sauce.
6 large frog legs FROG LEGS FORESTIERE
Cut the meat from each leg into 3 or 4 pieces. Allow 5 per Serving
Place the meat in a saucepan. Cover with: Sprinkle:
Boiling water or Light Stock, 523 Small frog legs
Add: with:
2 thin slices lemon Brandy
Ve teaspoon white pepper Let stand about 2 hours refrigerated and wipe dry.
(Celery, parsley, onion or vegetables Saute them in:
suitable for soup) Clarified Butter, 349
Simmer the frog meat, covered, until tender. Drain During the last few minutes of cooking, when the
well. Melt in a saucepan: frog legs become firm to the touch, saute with the
3 tablespoons butter meat for each portion:
Add to it and saute until light brown: 2 thinly sliced mushrooms
1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Stir in: 1 teaspoon lemon juice
IV2 tablespoons flour (1 tablespoon very finely sliced fresh sweet
Stir in slowly: red pepper)
1 1/2 cups chicken stock or stock in which Season to taste
The preliminary steps are similar for all fowl,
whether barnyard variety or rara avis.

That poultry served immediately after slaughtering
is not a delicacy was brought home to me early

when my father and I would go down to check

Grandfather's holdings at Brickeys on the Missis-
sippi. As the local landlady at whose abode my
grandfather kept quarters saw us get off the train
— for everyone looked out for newcomers and
talked to the engineer while the engine was

"watered" she would dash to the yard behind
her house, grab for the axe and behead the near-
est chicken. The less said about lunch the better.
So we learned early that quick cooling and hang-
ing in a cool place from 8 to 24 hours will avoid
stringiness and develop flavor. Cut-up poultry is
more perishable than whole birds, and turkey and
duck more perishable than chicken. All poultry is
POULTRY AND difficult to keep well in home refrigerators. When
you buy poultry in an airtight wrapping, loosen
WILDFOWL the wrapping before refrigerating. Dressed poultry
should be washed in running water before cook-
ing. If you haVe to hold it more than a day or two,
cook it, then reheat it in a sauce before serving.
The chicken is a world citizen; duck, turkey and
Poultry must be cooked thoroughly at one
geese cosmopolites. Along with a number of the
game birds that migrate from continent to conti-
time — never partially cooked and then stored for
finishing later. Cooked poultry, stuffing and broth
nent, they are international favorites. And each should be used within 2 days. Always remove
nation has learned to cook them in a manner dis- the stuffing and store it in a separate container
tinctively own. The worldly wise cook will not
before refrigerating the loosely wrapped cooked
be content with chicken and dumplings, roast tur- meat.
key, or quail served on a crouton, but instead For amounts of bird to allow per serving, see
will welcome into the kitchen some of the special- individual recipes; but if a large number of peo-
ties thathave enlivened a global cuisine: from ple are to be fed, turkey meat is the least expen-
Italy, chicken caccicatore, illustrated above left;
sive and turkey breast yields the greatest amount
pressed duck from France, for which the equip- of protein per pound. The net amount of edible
ment is shown at the rear; from Mexico, turkey meat, minus fat or skin, is about 46% for turkeys,
mole; from Germany, Ganseklein. The principles 41% for chicken and 22% for duckling.
of cooking poultry and game birds are just suf- A federal inspection stamp for dressed poultry
ficiently different to warrant separate treatment,
sold in interstate commerce is mandatory, but as
wildfowl having its own peculiarities in handling the stamp is placed on the carton rather than the
even before cooking. There is the need to keep bird, the consumer has no way of knowing
wild birds aired after shooting, and to the hunter whether he is purchasing inspected poultry.
interested in bringing home his booty in prime
condition, a carrying strap such as that shown in
the center foreground above is as important a ABOUT FROZEN POULTRY
piece of equipment as the wooden decoy shown We one hundred percent advocates
are less than
behind it. Then there are determinations to be of frozen poultry. Sometimes the fowl have been
made as to the age of the bird and how long it watered before freezing, and the weight loss on

should be hung the results of which establish thawing may make them more expensive as well
the specific method of cooking. as less flavorful. Watch too for "freezer burn"
Whether you shoot your bird or buy it, you brownish skin areas that are telltale evidence of
will always have to assess its quality and potential, dehydration or improper storage. We do not ad-
sizing it up for the application of the cooking vocate purchasing ready-stuffed frozen fowl, but
techniques that will be suitable and rewarding. if you should buy one ^ never thaw it before
See, for example, under the Dry Heat processes, cooking, but transfer it directly from freezer to
146, ways to cook young birds. For birds of ques- hot oven. And read packer's directions care-
tionable age, consult the Moist Heat processes, fully. Also available frozen are the so-called self-
149, or cook them in milk, or marinate them to basting turkeys, in which butter or oil has been
tenderize them. inserted into the breast meat before freezing. The


fat bubbles out during the roasting process to large domestic fowl and in game birds the
baste the skin. leg tendons are apt to be tough and should be
Unstuffed frozen birds should be thawed be- removed. Most butchers use a clever gadget that
fore cooking. Thawing a large bird in the refrig- breaks the foot, holds the carcass securely and
erator may take several days, so buy your fowl draws the tendons as the foot separates from the
well in advance. Leave the bird in its original body. Amateurs have a somewhat harder time. It
bag, place it on a tray in the refrigerator and thaw is easier to get the tendons out if the feet have

1 to 2 days for a bird weighing 4 to 12 pounds; not been cut off. Cut through the skin IV2 inches
2 to 3 days for 12 to 20 pounds; 3 to 4 days for above the knee joint. Be careful not to cut the
20 to 24 pounds. A faster way to thaw is to leave tendons. Lay the fowl down on its back, with the
poultry well sealed in original bag and place in cut the skin just at the edge of a table or board
cold water for 2 to 7 hours, depending on size. and the rest of the leg projecting beyond it. Press
Change the water frequently. When the flesh is the foot and ankle down, sharply, to snap the
pliable, the bird is ready to cook. Thawed bone at the knee joint. Pull steadily. The tendons
poultry must be cooked at once. should all come away
with the foot and lower leg
bone as seen in the foreground below. If they
PLUCKING AND SINGEING POULTRY do not, remove those that are left by forcing a
Poultry is usually plucked and drawn when pur- skewer crosswise under each and pulling them
chased. Buy dry-picked poultry whenever possi- out one by one. If the bird is young, there is no
ble. If not already done, pluck it at once — except need to remove the tendons. Simply cut off the
for those game birds which must hang and are feet as shown below.
easier to pluck later. It is much easier to pluck Taking great care not to pierce the innards,
and draw a bird that is thoroughly chilled. After make a shallow incision through the skin from
plucking the bird, remove all pinfeathers. Use a the tip of the breastbone to and around the vent
pair of tweezers, or grasp each pinfeather be- as shown in the center drawing. Insert the hand,
tween forefinger and the tip of a knife, then pull. palm down, into the cavity between the organs
After removing the coarser feathers, if those and the breastbone. Feel for the gizzard, which
remaining are downy or small, you may use the is firm and roundish, and pull it out steadily. It
paraffin method. Make up a mixture of 3/s pound will bring with it most of the other entrails ex-
melted paraffin and 7 quarts boiling water. Brush cept the kidneys. These lie in the hollows near
enough of this mixture over the bird to cover. the base of the backbone. To either side of the
Allow it to harden. Pull off the paraffined -coating, spine between the ribs you will find the spongy
and it will carry the feathers with it. red lungs. Take them out. Explore carefully to
^ To singe a bird, hold it by the legs and singe ensure the removal of every bit of the viscera
the pinfeathers over a gas flame or a candle. Turn from the cavity, as well as surplus fat, which may
it so that all parts of the skin are exposed to the prove to be too strong in flavor. Among the
heat. But do not singe a bird that is to be frozen edible viscera of a fowl are the valuable giblets:
until you are just ready to use it, because the heart, liver and gizzard. Remove veins, arteries,
heat of singeing breaks down the fat and hastens thin membrane and blood from around the heart
rancidity. and discard them. Cut the green sac or gallbladder
away from the liver very carefully and discard it.
DRAWING AND DRESSING A BIRD It is better to leave a small piece of liver attached
Cut off thehead so that the neck is as long as to the sac than to cut the sac so close to the liver
possible, and at once catch hold of and bind the as to risk puncturing it, for the bitterness of its
2 tubes attached to the crop, to prevent con- fluid will ruin touches. Cut away any
whatever it

tamination. Draw down the neck skin. Cut or twist portion of the liver that may be
discolored. Dis-
off the neck, close to the body, being careful if it is yellow; however, it
card the liver of a fryer
not to tear or cut through the tubes or the neck may be normal to find a yellow liver in a stewer.
skin. The skin should then be loose enough to Sever the intestines from the gizzard and remove
allow you to reach in at the base of the neck and membrane and fat from it. Then cut a shallow slit
draw out the bound tubes and the crop. along the indented curve of the gizzard, being

careful not to cut so deeply as to pierce the lin- ble leg. Silly, but the wings seem to taste better
ing of the inner sac. Push against the outside of this way.
the opened gizzard with the thumbs to force out To cut off the legs, force them outward and
the sac. Discard it. Wash and dry giblets. Seen in down, as shown above. Where the leg joins the
the foreground, 418, are the gizzard, heart and body, insert a knife to release the ligaments. When
liver. Keep them well refrigerated, and use or the leg has loosened, cut a long gash and continue
cook them as soon as possible. See Variety Meats, to cut toward the back, allowing as much skin as
499, Stuffings, 370, and Sauces, 336-360, for the possible to remain on the leg. Cutting off the neck
many ways to use giblets. If the chicken is a hen, is described previously on 418. With the neck,
you may find some egg yolks in varying sizes wings and legs severed, you are ready to cut up
which can be simmered in water and used in the carcass. To cut the body apart, place the car-
sauces and dressings. cass flat on its back. Make a diagonal cut as shown
Turn the chicken over and cut out and discard on the left, below.
the oil sac at the base of the tail, as shown on the With a young chicken, it is possible to pry the
left above, by scooping out an oyster shape above body apart by cracking the backbone, as shown
the heart-shaped area called the croupion or by — on the right, below. Leave the breast in one
the irreverent —
the pope's nose. piece, or cut it in two to four pieces with poultry
^ Do not soak the bird in water at any time. shears, shown
in the chapter heading. The back
Wipe it well with a damp cloth after drawing. has meat except for two choice "oysters"
Should it be necessary to wash the bird, hold it that lie above the croupion. Save the rest of the
briefly under running water to cleanse the inside, back and the neck for stock.
and dry it well with a cloth. It is then ready for
stuffing or for cutting up for sauteeing or for a
Always wait to stuff a bird until just before
roasting. This may
not be convenient, but it is the
CUTTING UP A DRAWN BIRD only safe procedure. Contamination is frequent in
Grasp the drawn bird by a wing, letting its weight prestuffed fowl, for even when the dressing is
tug against the skin at the wing joint, as shown refrigerated, the cold may not fully penetrate it.

above. Clip through the skin, flesh and joint, Fill the bird only three-fourths full, as the dress-
severing the wing from the body. Use the same ing will expand. Stuff it loosely, as sketched, 420.
method to sever thesecond wing. For easier eat- Your be easier if you place the bird in
task will
ing, you may want to transform the wings into a large pan. The crop cavity may be stuffed, too.
mock legs. Just cut off the wing tips and straighten You may also loosen the breast skin with a spoon
the two remaining sections with the hands. You and fill out the breast between the skin and the
may have to cut through the skin to do this. Pull flesh. Close the openings with small skewers and
them into a straight line to look like a small dou- a crisscrossed string. Or use a spiral skewer as

shown in the center drawing. Fasten the legs close and keel bone at the top center of the breast.
to the body by tying the ends of the drumsticks This allows you to flatten the breast and remove
together, as shown in the center. Tie a piece of the keel bone. Cut the meat free from the long
string around the skin of the neck. Leave two rib-cage bone on both sides of the breast and then
long ends. Turn the wings back, as shown on the cut around the upper edge of the breast, up to
right, and pass the string around them and secure and through the joint. Scrape the rest of the meat
it. away from the bones. Loosen the tendons and pull
them out. You may also remove the skin if de-
BARDING FOWL sired. This gives you a butterflied whole breast. It
Guinea hen —very lean birds
as well as partridge is easier to bone the breasts singly by cutting free
of any description — and birds from which the skin one side at a time.
has been removed greatly benefit by barding As for the major boning operation on a whole
before roasting; that is, by covering completely bird that is to be restuffed and shaped into an

with a A-inch layer of salt pork or bacon, as

impressive facsimile of its original self for a special
shown on the left, below. Use pieces about occasion, the trick is again much less difficult than
3 or 3V2 inches square. As you truss the fowl, slip you might suspect. But do not attempt this plastic
2 pieces into place on either side between the surgery on a dressed bird, because the previously
legs and breast, as shown at center right. Cover cut openings, usually carelessly done, make suc-
the bird —legs and all —
with other pieces, and tie cess impossible. The bird to be boned, then, is
securely, as shownleft, making certain that
at neither dressed nor drawn. At the very end of the
allexposed surfaces are blanketed. After cooking, operation, you will be able to remove everything
discard the barding. This procedure may be used intact —innards, skeleton and all. During the
also for pieces cut from larger fowl. Also see entire boning job, be careful not to pierce the
Larding, 444. skin except for the initial incision. An unpierced
skin will act as protection, encasement and insula-
tion all through the cooking period. Always
keep the tip of the knife toward the skeleton and
close to the bone. When all the bones are out

and you hold up the result, it looks glory be!
like a small romper with wings. Pull the legs and
sleeves into the lining.
Begin the boning by placing the bird breast
down on the board. Make an incision the entire
length of the spine, through both skin and flesh.
Using a sharp-pointed short boning knife, follow
as close to the frame as you can cut, pushing the
skin and flesh back as you cut. Work the skin of
the neck down so that the neck protrudes as
much as possible. Chop the neck off short, pro-
tecting the skin and being careful not to cut
through the crop tubes. Work first toward the
ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder, cutting it
free and boning the shoulder blade. Pull the wing
BONING FOWL bone through from the inside, bringing the skin
Let's begin with boning up on chicken breasts, with it. Bone the meat from the wing and reserve
because that's the only boning maneuver most of it. Then strike for the ball-and-socket joint of the

us will ever need. Once you start, you'll find it's a leg and pull the bone through. Reserve the meat.
lot easier than you may have thought. First, place After you have freed and reserved the meat from
the breast skin side down; cut through the gristle both wings and legs, continue to work the meat

free, firstfrom one side of the body, then from per poundfor birds up to 6- pounds. For larger
the other, until the center front of the breastbone birds,allow 15 to 20 mintftes per pound. For tur-
is reached. Here great care is needed to free the keys weighing over 16 pounds, allow 13 to 15
skin without piercing it, as it is very thin at this minutes per pound. In any case, add about 5 min-
point. You should now be able to get the whole utes to the pound if the bird you are cooking is

skeleton out with its contents all in one mass. stuffed. Other popular tests for doneness are to
Leave the severing of the opening into the intes- prick the skin of the thigh to see if the juice
tine until the last. Then, with the innards re- runs clear or to jiggle the drumstick to see if the
moved, wash the skin and flesh in cold running hip joint is loose. This latter response, we find,
water and pat with a towel until very dry. For usually means that the bird is not only done but
a farce for boned chicken, see 374. overdone. Sometimes with a young bird the meat
close to the bone remains reddish brown even
ROASTING FOWL after adequate cooking. The bone marrow in im-
There are differences of opinion as to whether to mature fowls has not yet fully hardened, and the
salt poultry before roasting. We prefer to salt after red blood cells frequently seep into the adjacent
the browning — -if at all — and never salt the inte- meat.
rior. For small birds, see Barding, 420. For larger Some people like to use an even, slow heat
birds, rub them well with melted unsalted short- throughout the cooking period, placing the bird
ening and place on a greased rack in an un- in a preheated 325° oven and not basting at all.
covered roasting pan. Cover the entire top surface This method has gained popularity because it is
of the fowl with a coarsely woven cloth that has carefree and has been rumored to entail much
been soaked in melted unsalted butter or vege- less shrinkage. We have found the flavor remark-
table oil. This procedure, we have learned by ably superior when the meat is sealed by high
experience, is the best method of solving the —
temperature at the outset and the difference in
problem built into the roasting of every bird shrinkage is negligible.
and especially of turkeys: that is, how to cook to
moist tenderness two kinds of meat at the same CARVING FOWL

time the softer meat of the breast and the After removing a chicken from the oven, allow it

tougher, fatter leg meat. Basting is done both over to rest about 10 minutes, a turkey about 20 min-
and under the cloth. If necessary for browning, utes, to make slicing easier. If the bird is to be
the cloth may be removed during the last half carved be sure the heated serving platter
at table,
hour of cooking. is large enough, and garnish it lightly with parsley

Directly upon removal from the refrigerator, or watercress. There is a subtle art to carving.
place the bird in a preheated 450° oven. Reduce Keeping the knife keen-edged and using with it a
the heat immediately to 350°, or to 325° for large 2-tined handle-guarded fork are fundamentals in
turkeys. After the first half hour of cooking, for mastering it.

birds of all sizes, baste frequently with pan Place the bird, breast side up, on a platter.
drippings or additional fat —about every 10 min- Insert the fork firmly into the knee joint, as
utes. sketched below, pulling the leg away from the
Timing involves many factors: the age of the body of the bird. Slice the thigh flesh away from
bird and its fat content, its size, and whether it the body until the ball-and-socket hip joint is
was frozen. If using a thermometer, insert it into exposed. To sever the thigh joint, make a twisting
the center of the inner thigh muscle, taking care movement with the knife and continue to hold
that the tip is not in contact with the bone. Cook the knee joint down firmly with the fork. Cut the
to an internal temperature of 180° to 185°. The joint between the thigh and drumstick, as shown.
center of the stuffing should reach at least 165°. Repeat the above, cutting off the other leg. Ar-
If not using a thermometer, allow 20 to 25 minutes range pieces attractively on the serving platter.

If a large bird is being carved, some slices of White Wine Sauce, 345, or
to 345, or
meat may be cut from the thigh and the drumstick Quick Mushroom Sauce, 348
at this point. Proceed to remove the wings in a
similar manner and, if the bird is large, divide the ABOUT TURKEY
wings at the second joint. To slice the breast, begin Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter to his daugh-
at the area nearest the neck and slice thinly across ter: "Iwish the bald eagle had not been chosen
the grain, the entire length of the breast. With a as the representative of our country. . The tur-
. .

large bird such as a turkev, carve only one side key is a much morerespectable character and,
unless more is needed at the first serving. withal, a true original native of America." Pre-
In carving a duck, you will find the leg joint sumably Ben would have been delighted at the
more because it is attached much
difficult to sever turkey's subsequent success story: its domestica-
farther under the bird and is somewhat recessed tion, its genetic adaptability, its supplanting even
at the joint. Here, as in general, for the inexperi- the goose as the mainstay of Christmas dinner.
enced carver or the impatient one, poultry shears Indeed, the turkey has taken first place in the
are an inspired addition to his weaponry. feasts of his countrymen. Hens and toms are about
equal in tenderness, although the butcher charges
ABOUT CHICKEN more per pound for the female. Look for plump
Young chickens of either sex are called broilers if white birds, well-rounded over the breastbone,
they weigh about 2V2 pounds and fryers if they and fresh rather than frozen. For turkeys less
weigh 2V2 to V2 pounds. Roasters, also of either than 12 pounds, allow 3A to 1 pound per serving,
sex, are under 8 months old and weigh Vh to 5 and V2 to 3A pound per serving for those weighing
pounds. Roasters are an appropriate choice for over 12 pounds. With modern feeding methods,
rotisseries or for Supremes, 426. Stewing chickens, turkeys up to 25 pounds need not be older than
usually over 10 months, are pretty much what 6 months. Certain white turkey types bred for
their name implies. Capons, or castrated males, heavy breasts and small bone structure cook more
weigh 6 to 8 pounds. Their loss is the epicure's rapidly, if bought unfrozen, than the dark-feath-

gain, capon flesh being exceptionally tender. Fowl ered types. Boned, rolled turkey is sometimes a
is a broadly polite nom de plume for hens aged 10 good buy economically, but the flavor developed
months or more and stag and cock for males that with long, slow roasting may be lacking here.
are too old to roast but make well-flavored ad- Ground turkey, too, is available. Prepare as for
juncts for the stock pot. Chicken Patties, 488.
To size up a chicken, look for moist skin, soft
legs and feet, bright eyes, a red comb, a wing tip ROAST TURKEY
that yields readily pressed back and, most im-
if 12 Servings
portantly a flexible breastbone. If the tip of Please read about Roasting Fowl, 421.
the bone bends easily, the bird is young; if it is Preheat oven to 450°.
stiff, the bird prime.
is Beware of skin
past its Draw, singe, and truss, 418 to 420:
that is dry, hard, purplish, broken, bruised or Aturkey
scaly, or that has long hairs sprouting from it. If you stuff the turkey, 5 cups of one of the fol-
lowing stuffings should fill a 10-pound bird:
ROAST CHICKEN Dry Dressing, 370, Apple Onion Dressing,
6 Servings 372, or Chestnut Dressing, 372

Please read about Roasting Fowl, 421.

Or you may want to use two kinds of dressing: in
the crop a richer one like:
Preheat oven to 450°.
Draw, singe, stuff and truss, 418 to 420: Sausage Dressing, 371
A 4- to 5-lb. chicken or capon and in the cavity:
Bread Dressing, 370, Ham Dressing for
Use for the stuffing one-half the recipe for:
Turkey, 372, or Oyster Bread Dressing, 371
Rice Dressing, 373, Bread Dressing with
Put the bird on a rack in an uncovered roasting
Oysters, Nuts or Giblets, 370, or Chestnut
Dressing, 372
pan and follow the directions under Roasting
Fowl, 421. Make:
or make:
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341
2 cups Dry Dressing, 370
replacing the onion with:
V2 cup chopped leeks white part only — Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
Or flavor the gravy with the finely chopped giblets
and using:
if they were not used in the stuffing.
French bread
Put the bird on a rack, uncovered, in the oven and
reduce the heat at once to 350°. Roast about 20
minutes per pound. Chicken without stuffing may BAKED IN FOIL
take slightly less time. Baste frequently with pan Please read about Foil Cookery, 153.
drippings. Serve with: Today, "roasting'' in aluminum foil has become
Gravy or any Veloute Sauce variation, 343 popular because no basting is needed. So, if you

decide, despite our Cassandra warnings about this Or, for an accent on beautiful color:
method, that you'd rather clean the attic, improve 2 tablespoons butter
your serve, or write Chapter IX of the Great Amer- V* teaspoon paprika
ican Novel than to baby-sit a bird, go ahead with Allow these amounts for each half broiler. Or,
the foil and take the consequences —
which will be when the broilers are ready, flambe them, 155,
steamed rather than roasted. Roasting can go on with:
only under ventilation. Remember that foil insu- 1oz. warmed brandy
lates against heat, so your oven will have to be for each broiler. Or make:
hotter. And any attempt to brown your bird by A thickened Poultry Pan Gravy, 341, using
removing the foil during the last half hour of tarragon; or an unthickened one, deglazing

cooking will just dry out the meat although you with dry white wine
can compensate somewhat by repeated bastings
with pan drippings after taking off the foil.
Preheat oven to 450°.
Season the fowl well, and add a little butter and Follow directions for:
fresh herbs, such as tarragon or rosemary. Or use Broiled Chicken, above
one of the barbecue sauces on 354. Wrap the fowl but place broilers cavity side down on the grill
in heavy-duty or double foil.Bake a 5-pound over moderate heat. Cook from 15 to 25 minutes
stuffed chicken about 2V2 hours at 350°; parts per side or until fork-tender. Brush the birds with:
or halves, 1 3A to 2 hours. A 10- to 12-pound A Barbecue Sauce, 354
stuffed turkey will take VU to 3 3/4 hours, and a during the last 10 minutes.
14- to 18-pound stuffed turkey will need 3 3A to
4 hours. A 3- to 4-pound turkey quarter will take
About 6 Servings
Allow V3 Pound per Serving
Marinate chicken pieces overnight in refrigerator
When the family prefers all white meat, serve
in a mixture of:
whole turkey breasts, ranging in size from Vh to
T/2 cups plain yogurt
7 pounds.
V2 cup lime juice
Preheat oven to 450°.
1 teaspoon grated lime peel
Rinse and dry:
1 to 2 crushed cloves garlic
A turkey breast
2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger
You may stuff the cavity with any suitable:
IV2 teaspoons paprika
(Dressing, 372 to 374)
2 teaspoons ground coriander
If possible, skewer the skin flaps together to hold
1 teaspoon ground cayenne
the dressing; or cover the filled cavity with foil.
1 teaspoon ground curry
Place the breast on a rack in a shallow pan and
1 teaspoon salt
brush with:
Preheat broiler or grill and follow directions in
Butter or margarine
Broiled Chicken, above
Reduce the heat to 325° and roast uncovered,
basting frequently with the strained marinade.
basting frequently, about 20 minutes per pound.


Allow V* Pound per Person I. With Tarragon and Wine 4 Servings
Broiling or barbecueing chicken should be a slow Disjoint:

process keeping meat at least 5 to 6 inches from 2 broilers, 422
the heat source. Marinate the pieces at least 1 hour in:
Preheat broiler. '/« cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried tarragon

Clean and cut into halves or quarters: leaves

Broilers, 422 4 finely minced shallots
Rub on both sides with: 1 cup dry white wine
Butter or vegetable oil Preheat broiler or grill. Follow the directions for:
Place them in a pan, skin side down. Broil the Broiled Chicken, above
chickens until brown, 15 to 20 minutes for each basting with:
side, basting with more fat as you turn the pieces. Melted butter
For excellent flavor we suggest basting with a mix- and the heated strained marinade. If oven broil-
ture of: ing, save some of the marinade to deglaze the
2 tablespoons butter broiler pan.
1 tablespoon lemon juice Season to taste
A grind of fresh pepper and serve the chicken on a hot platter with some
(Fresh or dry herbs) of the marinade poured over it.

II. Teriyaki not overcook. White meat portions mav be re-

Follow recipe above, using:
I, moved and kept warm while dark meat is cooked
Teriyaki Marinade, 529 slightly longer. Serve at once. For gravy and other
sauces, see I, above.

Follow directions under: OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN WITH FRUIT,

Marinade for Chicken, 529 OR CHICKEN TAHITI
6 Servings
PAN-FRIED OR SAUTEED CHICKEN Prepare and cook as for Oven-Fried Chicken I,
Allow 3
/4 Pound per Person above:
Please read About Sauteing, 149. 2 frying chickens
Clean and cut into pieces: Meanwhile combine in a saucepan, stirring con-
Young chickens stantly:
You may dredge them lightly with 1 cup orange juice
(Seasoned flour or cornmeal) 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Melt in a skillet: V2 cup brown sugar
A mixture of butter and vegetable oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce
allowing for each half chicken 2 or more table- tablespoon cornstarch
spoons of fat. When the fat has reached the point Bring the mixture to a boil. When thickened and
of fragrance, add the chicken. Cook and turn it in clear, add:
the hot fat until brown. Reduce the heat and con- pineapple cut into cubes
1 fresh
tinue cooking uncovered, turning the chicken 1 papaya cut into cubes
frequently until done, from 25 to 40 minutes, Pour the sauce over the baked chicken. Place it
according to size. Cook only until tender, as in the oven and bake 10 minutes longer. Serve
further cooking will dry and toughen the meat. with:
Remove the chicken from the pan and make: Boiled Rice, 206, and Green Peas, 314
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341 For more glamor, serve the chicken and fruit in
Season to taste warmed scooped-out pineapple halves cut length-
Serve at once, garnished with: wise, see 109.
OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN 4 to 5 Servings
I. 2 Servings Cut into pieces for serving:
Preheat oven to 350°. A frying chicken, about 3V2 lb.
Disjoint: Bread it by dipping each piece into:
A broiler, 422 Milk
Wipe dry.Dredge it in: and rolling it in:
Seasoned flour Flour
Heat to the point of fragrance in a heavy skillet: Let dry for 1 hour. Heat in a heavy skillet until
Va cup butter itreaches the point of fragrance:
Saute the chicken lightly. Remove from the skillet V2 to 1 inch combination of cooking oil and
to a rack in a shallow baking pan. Baste with the bacon drippings
skillet pan drippings. Bake uncovered until tender, Add the chicken. Brown it on all sides.
30 to 40 minutes, basting with added fat if neces- Preheat oven to 375°.
sary and turning occasionally. Serve with: Place the browned chicken in a fresh pan and
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341, or Sauce Perigueux, bake, covered, until steamed through, about 1/2
347, or Quick Canned Soup Sauce I, 348 hour. This Border dish is usually served with a
cream gravy made from the drippings to which
II. 2 Servings flour and milk are added, see Poultry Pan Gravy,
A simpler version but not quite so tasty. 341. You may further enrich the gravy with:
Preheat oven to 400°. (Egg Yolks, 339)
Prepare as for I, above: Serve with:
A broiler, 422 Ham and Corn Fritters, 244
In a shallow 9 x 12-inch baking pan, melt in the
preheated oven: CHICKEN IN BATTER
V* cup butter 4 Servings
Remove the butter from the oven when melted Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
and hot. Place the dredged chicken in it skin Cut into pieces:
side down. Baste the upper surface with melted A 3-lb. roasting chicken
butter from the pan. Bake the chicken uncovered Dip into:
25 minutes. Turn it skin side up. Reduce the Fritter Batter for Meat, 243
heat to 350° and bake until tender, 30 to 35 min- Place the dipped pieces on a rack and let them
utes, basting often with the pan drippings. Do dry 15 to 30 minutes. Immerse a few pieces at a

time in deep fat heated to 365° and cook 10 to Stir in:

15 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot or 2 cups dry red wine
cold. Simmer the chicken covered over low heat until
done, about 1 hour. Add for the last 5 minutes of
Allow A Pound
3 per Person V2 lb. sliced mushrooms
Skim off excess fat.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Season to taste
Clean and quarter:
Serve the chicken on a hot platter, with the sauce
Frying chickens
and vegetables poured over it.
Heat in a skillet:
Add chicken pieces and saute until brown. Dip
3 Servings
the browned chicken into a sauce of:
1 cup orange juice
A frying chicken: about 2V2 lb.
A cup honey

Melt in a heavy pot:

2 tablespoons lemon juice
IV2 tablespoons butter
Vz teaspoon ground curry powder
IV2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
Add and simmer until glossy and red:
Arrange the chicken in a baking dish, skin side
1 cup finely chopped onions
down, cover with the sauce and bake uncovered
2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons sweet Hungarian
20 minutes. Turn the chicken over and add one of
the following or in combination:
Whole preserved kumquats, peaches, pears
V2 teaspoon salt
or plumped prunes, apricots or raisins
2 cups well-seasoned chicken stock
orange rind
Strips of
As soon as these ingredients have reached boiling
Baste the fruit with the sauce and bake 30 minutes
point, add the chicken. Simmer covered until
longer or until the chicken is tender.
tender, about 1 hour. Stir:
2 teaspoons flour
COQ AU VIN cup cultured sour cream
4 Servings Stir slowly into the pot and simmer until thick-

We are often asked why this recipe turns out a ened and smooth, about 5 minutes, but do not
rich medium brown rather than the very dark boil. Serve at once. Good with noodles or rice.
brown sometimes served in restaurants. Abroad,
in country places where chickens are locally SMOTHERED CHICKEN
butchered, the blood is often kept and added to 6 to 7 Servings
the gravy at the last minute as a thickener, see 339. Preheat oven to 350°.
After this addition, the sauce is not allowed to Prepare for cooking:
boil. Here in America, this effect is imitated by A 4-lb. roasting chicken
adding caramel coloring, 559. in a paper bag with:
Disjoint it. Place the chicken
Disjoint, wash and dry: V*cup Seasoned Flour, 552
A broiler or roasting chicken Close the bag and shake vigorously. Brown the
Use the back and neck for the stock pot. chicken in:
Melt heavy skillet:
in a large V* cup olive or vegetable oil
3 tablespoons butter or olive oil Place it in a casserole. Cook in the fat for 10 min-
Add and brown lightly: utes:
!A lb. minced salt pork 1 small sliced onion
4 cup chopped mild onions or sliced clove garlic

V2 cup peeled pearl onions 3 or 4 chopped celery ribs

1 sliced carrot 1 medium-sized carrot
3 minced shallots or scallions Put the vegetables in the casserole. Pour over the
1 peeled, finely chopped garlic clove mixture:
Push the vegetables aside. Brown the chicken in IV2 cups hot chicken stock
the fat. Add and stir: Bake covered about IV2 hours or until tender.
2 tablespoons flour Add to the dish 5 minutes before it is done:
2 tablespoons minced parsley (1 cup sliced Sauteed Mushrooms, 308)
tablespoon fresh chervil or marjoram
1 (12 sliced stuffed olives)
Vi bay leaf
Vi teaspoon thyme PERSIAN CHICKEN
1 teaspoon salt 4 Servings
« teaspoon freshly ground pepper Disjoint and cut into pieces:
(1 tablespoon brandy) A broiler or roasting chicken

Saute the chicken until brown and almost done in: II. 4 to 5 Servings
Butter or vegetable oil Cook a Blanc, 447, until tender, and reserve:
Heat in a large saucepan or casserole - 1 dozen mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter
1 dozen small onions
Cut into pieces:
Saute until soft and golden:
A 5-lb. stewing chicken or pieces of turkey
1 finely chopped onion
reserving the neck and back for stock. Dust the
Add and stir well:
meat with:
1 cup ground walnuts Flour
Add: Melt in a heavy pan:
V2 cup fresh pomegranate juice or the 2 tablespoons butter
juice of 2 lemons When the butter reaches the point of fragrance,
2V4 cups chicken stock add the floured chicken. Cook until the flour
Stir while sauce heats and thickens somewhat. crusts but does not color. Add just enough to
Season to taste cover:
and, if necessary, add: Water or Chicken Stock, 523
teaspoons sugar
1 to 2
An onion stuck with 3 cloves
1 teaspoon salt
Add the chicken pieces and simmer gently, cov-
Bring the to a boil.
liquid Reduce heat at
ered, 30 minutes. Serve with:
once. Simmer, uncovered, about 45 minutes.
Boiled Rice, 206
Remove the meat and the clove-studded onion
from the liquid. Discard the onion. Keep the meat
warm. Melt in the top of a double boiler over
OR FRICASSEE 3 tablespoons butter
A fricassee simmered meat, usually chicken,
is a Add:
veal or rabbit. Whether this meat is to be sim- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
mered in stock or in water; whether it is to be Make a sauce by adding to this roux the liquid
sauteed first in butter or put directly into boiling from the meat. Simmer, stirring, about 5 minutes.
liquid; whether it is to be simmered first and Have everything else ready to serve, because the
browned afterward; what the additions are to be; sauce does not hold well once the eggs are
whether or not a thickening of flour is to be used; added. Stir some of the sauce into.
whether the stock is to be thickened at the last 3 beaten egg yolks
with cream and eggs —
these are all matters of 3
A cup cream or milk
tradition, personal taste and convenience. Typical Pour the egg sauce into the rest of the sauce and
fricassees are the following. place — —
over not in boiling water, stirring until
the eggs thicken. Add the reserved mushrooms
I. 5 Servings
and onions. Place the chicken on a hot platter,
Clean and cut into pieces: inside a:
A 5-lb. stewing chicken or pieces of turkey Rice Ring, 207
Place the chicken in a stewing pan and bring to Pour the garnished sauce over the meat. You may
the boiling point with: decorate the platter with small bunches of:
3 cups water Cooked carrots
1 sliced carrot Parsley
2 ribs celery with leaves so arranged as to look like fresh carrots with tops.
1 small sliced onion
Reduce heat and simmer the fowl about 15 min-
utes and remove scum. Continue to simmer cov-
5 Servings
ered until the meat is tender, 2 hours or more.
Whenever we see one of our contemporaries try-
Do not boil at any time. At the end of the first
ing to regain her youthful allure with gaudy sar-
hour of cooking, add:
torial trappings, we think of a dish we found in a
3 or 4 peppercorns
collection of college alumnae recipes, called:
Remove the meat and strain the stock. If a very
"Supreme of Old Hen." We all know that "su-
concentrated gravy is desired, boil the stock be-
preme," in chef's parlance, simply means a breast
fore thickening until reduced to IV2 cups. Thicken
of fowl. But in this case it really lives up to its
billing and makes such a good dish out of a poor-
Flour, see Poultry Pan Gravy, 341
ish bird that the old gir! is still an acceptable
Pour the gravy over the chicken. Garnish with: morsel.
Parsley Disjoint:
Serve with: A 5-lb. stewing chicken
Noodles, 213, Dumplings, 202, or Sear the pieces in:
Boiled Rice, 206 V* cup butter


cup dry white wine
Remove the chicken from the pot. Place in the 4 Servings
pot: Hunters who cook
always seem to have tomatoes
2 pared, cored, sliced tart apples and mushrooms handy. Cut into individual pieces:
6 chopped celery ribs with leaves A 4-lb. chicken
1 minced or grated onion Dredge with:
3 sprigs parsley 2 to 3 tablespoons flour
teaspoon salt
Vi Saute until golden brown in:
/4 teaspoon paprika

V* cup olive oil

Cover and cook these ingredients gently until with:
tender. Stir in: 2 tablespoons chopped shallots
2 '
i tablespoons flour (1 minced clove garlic)
2 cups Stock, 523 Add:
Cook and stir the sauce until it boils. Add the cup Italian tomato paste

chicken. Cover and simmer until tender, 1 hour or cup dry white wine
more. Remove the chicken to a hot ovenproof 1 teaspoon salt
serving dish. Strain the sauce. Reheat it in the top A teaspoon white pepper

of a double boiler —
over not in boiling water — 3
A cup Chicken Stock, 523
and add to the strained sauce: V2 bay leaf
V3 cup sweet or cultured sour cream Va teaspoon thyme
Season to taste V2 teaspoon basil
Add: /a teaspoon sweet marjoram

tablespoon fresh tarragon or basil

1 V2 to 1 cup sliced mushrooms
Pour the sauce over the chicken. Sprinkle it gen- (2 tablespoons brandy or A cup Muscatel)

erously with: Simmer the chicken covered for 1 hour or until

Parmesan cheese
Grated tender. Serve with:
Place the dish under a broiler until the cheese is
Boiled Pasta, 213, or sauteed tiny new
melted. potatoes, 318

8 Servings This was the dish served to Napoleon after he
This southern specialty has many variations: com- had fasted through his victory at Marengo. Com-
binations of chicken and pork, in equal amounts, posed of findings from the nearby countryside,
or squirrel and pork. Chili peppers and mustard the dish was such a success that from there on in,
are optional seasonings. Napoleon's chef had to prepare it after every
Disjoint for cooking: battle. It is a good buffet casserole which profits

A 5-lb. chicken by a day's aging, refrigerated.

Saute it slowly until light brown in:
Cut into quarters:
2 frying chickens
A cup
Saute until delicately colored:
Remove from the pan. Brown in the fat:
1 thinly sliced onion
Vi cup chopped onions
Place in a large stewing pan the chicken, onions
V2 cup olive oil
then remove. Add the chicken pieces and brown
1 Vi cups skinned, seeded, quartered
to 2
on all sides. Add:
V2 cup dry white wine
3 cups fresh lima beans
2 crushed garlic cloves
1 cup boiling water
Vi teaspoon thyme
A few grains cayenne 1 bay leaf
(2 cloves)
Sprigs of parsley
Simmer these ingredients, covered, until the
cup Chicken Stock, 523
chicken is nearly tender. Add:
2 cups Italian-style tomatoes
3 cups corn, cut from the cob
Cover the pot and simmer about 1 hour, until
Simmer the chicken and vegetable mixture cov- tender. When meat is done, remove it to a platter.
ered until tender. Strain the sauce and reduce it about 5 minutes
Season to taste and:
Add: Season to taste
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Saute:
Stir in: 16 to 20 small white onions
(1 cup toasted bread crumbs) 1 lb. sliced mushrooms

1 cup cooked green peas

V* cup butter (3 cups canned artichoke hearts)
Juice of 1 lemon Prepare a la Parisienne, 278:
Arrange chicken quarters, mushrooms, onions 1 cup each cooked carrots and white turnips
and: Arrange these ingredients in a 3-quart casserole,
1 cup pitted black olives alternating layers of chicken and vegetables until
in a deep earthenware casserole. Sprinkle over all: all are used, with chicken on the top layer. Make

1 jigger brandy the sauce by melting in a saucepan:

Add the sauce and reheat in a 350° oven. 1
/2 cup butter
Garnish with: Add and stir until smooth over low heat:
Chopped parsley V2 cup flour
Serve with: Continue to stir over low heat and add
Boiled Rice, 206, or Wild Rice, 212 2 cups strong Chicken Stock, 523
IV2 cups dry white wine
1 cup cream
V2 cup chopped parsley
CHICKEN CURRY Season to taste with:
4 Servings Salt
This dish has become a favorite in America, al- ground white pepper
though it probably got its name not from the Continue cook over low heat 10 minutes. Pour
sea captain who brought the recipe back to our sauce over the food in the casserole. Shake the
shores, but from the Indian officer who first made dish well, so the sauce penetrates all layers. You
him acquainted with it. So says Cecily Brown- may cover the top with:
stone, a great friend; this is her time-tested for- (Au Gratin I, 552)
mula. For still another oriental chicken curry, see and heat about 30 minutes in a 350° oven.
Rijsttafel, 211.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Cut into pieces:
A fryer This Mexican recipe combines the native bird with
Coat them with: chocolate and a few varieties of native peppers.
Seasoned Flour, 552 Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Brown the chicken in: Cut up:
V* cup butter A12-to14-lb. turkey
Remove, drain and place in a casserole. Simmer Dip the pieces first in:
gently in the pan drippings until golden: Milk
A cup finely diced onions then in:
/2 cup finely diced green pepper, seeds and Flour
membrane removed and put them on a rack to dry, about 15 minutes.
1 minced garlic clove Prepare by removing seeds and membrane of:
1 1/2 to 3 teaspoons curry powder 6 Chimayo peppers
V2 teaspoon thyme 6 broad bell peppers
Add: 3 chili peppers
2 cups stewed or canned tomatoes If the chilis are dry, drop them into hot water
and simmer until the pan is deglazed. Pour this about 10 minutes before removing seeds and
sauce over the chicken and bake uncovered about veins. Deep-fry the peppers about 5 minutes in
40 minutes or until the chicken is tender. During fat heated to 370°. Drain and reserve them.

the last 5 minutes of cooking add: Preheat oven to 325°.

3 tablespoons currants Slide the turkey pieces gently into the 370° pep-
Serve with: per-flavored fat and deep-fry about 5 minutes.
Boiled Rice, 206 Drain the pieces and put them into a large casser-
garnished with: ole. Cover with:
Toasted slivered almonds Turkey or Game Stock, 523
Cover the casserole and bake the turkey about 1
hour. Toast in a dry pan, over gentle heat:
CHICKEN OR TURKEY tablespoon sesame seeds
A LA CAMPAGNE cup pine nuts
10 to 12 Servings cup blanched almonds
Roast, uncovered, 2 hours at 350°: Grind together with the fried peppers:
A 5-lb. chicken 2 tortillas
Remove meat from bones. Use bones and skin Cook:
in your stock pot. Saute, 308: 3 minced garlic cloves
1 lb. small button mushrooms in:
Have ready: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or lard

Add: (1 preserved kumquat or cooked apricot, sliced

2 cups skinned, seeded tomatoes nearly in half)
1 bay leaf Remove chicken from pan and keep warm. Saute
V'2 teaspoon coriander in pan drippings:
3 cloves 1 tablespoon finely minced shallots
1teaspoon cinnamon mushroom caps
(2 tablespoons vinegar) When mushrooms have cooked about 3 minutes,
Combine the above ingredients with the nuts and add:
pepper mixture and simmer 15 minutes. Pour this A cup
dry white wine
thick sauce with about: chopped,
2 tablespoons freshly skinned,
2 cups turkey stock seeded tomato
over the cut-up turkey and simmer, covered, Simmer about 3 minutes again. Add to this sauce:
about 2 /2 hours more. This dish may be made a
2 tablespoons cream
day or two before serving, but its most character- Heat the chicken breasts in the sauce slowly, but
istic ingredient is reserved for the very last. Just do not let them boil. Turn once or twice. When
before serving, add to the heated sauce: heated through, add:
1 to 2 oz. grated unsweetened chocolate 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
(A pinch of sugar) Season to taste
Serve at once, over:
Boiled Rice, 206, with saffron, or
Allow a Whole Breast per Serving
This delicate recipe does not work with frozen
Skin, bone, divide in halves, see 420: FOR CREAMING OR SALAD
Chicken breasts This recipe is particularly useful in preparing large
Cook up a flavorful stock from the skin and bones quantities chicken meat for such dishes as
of the chicken. When
ready to cook, dust the Chicken a la King, 263, or Chicken Pot Pies, 252.
chicken breasts, which should be 70°, lightly with: Many knowledgeable cooks consider poaching an
Flour ideal approach, but we would like to suggest the
For each breast, heat in a heavy skillet to the point following method, which we find more flavorful.
of fragrance: After the chicken is baked, save the pan juices and
V'2tablespoon butter make a stock of the skin and bones. Combine
V'2tablespoon vegetable oil these two defatted by-products in making sauce
Put the floured pieces of chicken into the hot oil. if the chicken is to be served hot or in an aspic.
Shake the pan constantly so the flour crusts but Or use the juices and defatted stock for broth or
does not color. Cover and poach in the butter other cooking if the chicken is served as salad.
over very low heat 10 to 15 minutes, depending Preheat oven to 300°.
on the thickness of the meat. Turn the meat occa- Place on a rack in a large shallow pan, skin side
sionally. Remove pan from heat and allow to stand up:
covered about 10 minutes more. This rather un- Chicken breasts
orthodox procedure makes breasts puff up and Brush them, allowing for each whole breast:
keeps the meat both tender and moist. Remove Vh tablespoons butter
chicken from pan and keep warm. Prepare a Bake about 40 minutes, basting frequently. When
gravy of the pan drippings and the stock made slightly cooled, remove the skins and bone the
from the bones and skins, see: breasts. Cover and refrigerate the meat until ready
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341 to use.


Individual Serving 4 Servings
These are quickly prepared in a chafing dish or Bone, skin, cut in halves and pound, 420, to a /»- 1

electric skillet. inch thickness:

Have ready: 4 chicken breasts
A boned, skinned breast of chicken Form into 8 rolls about 2 inches long and Vi inch
beaten with a cleaver until very thin, 444. Heat in diameter:
to the point of fragrance: Butter
1 Vi to 2 tablespoons butter Roll butter lightly in a mixture of:
Quickly move the chicken about in this hot fat 2 tablespoons chopped chives
until it is no longer pink, about 2 to 3 minutes 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or tarragon
in all. Fold this thin piece over once to hold: (1 minced clove garlic)
1 thin slice Virginia ham 'A teaspoon salt
1 very thin small piece Swiss cheese V* teaspoon white pepper

Place one of the seasoned butter pieces in the Combine and pour over the chicken:
center of each half breast and roll so that the 1 cup canned cream of mushroom soup
butter is completely enclosed. Secure with a 1 cup cultured sour cream
wooden pick, if necessary. Dust with: (
2 cup chopped mushrooms)
Flour A
cup chopped parsley
Brush with: Sprinkle with:
Beaten egg Paprika
Roll in: and bake, uncovered, about 1 hour.
Dry bread crumbs
Fry in deep fat heated to 360° until golden brown.
Drain on paper toweling before serving. CHICKEN BREASTS CHAUD-FROID
6 Servings
BRANDIED CHICKEN BREASTS Prepare and cook in advance as for Chicken Stew,
4 Servings 426:
Skin, bone and divide into halves: 3 large split chicken breasts
4 chicken breasts Simmer only 30 minutes or until tender, then re-
Rub with: Make certain to have on hand at least 2
Brandy cups well-seasoned chicken stock to make:
Let them stand about 10 minutes. Season with: Sauce Chaud-Froid, 369
Salt, pepper and marjoram Coat the chicken as directed on 368. After deco-
Heat to the point of fragrance: rating, serve with:
6 tablespoons sweet butter Rice Salad, 104
Saute the breasts over medium heat, 6 to 8 min-
utes on each side. Remove to a heated ovenproof
platter and keep warm. To the remaining butter
in the pan, add: 6 Servings
cup dry sherry
^ Please read about Stir-Frying, 149.
If you plan serving this dish with fluffy rice, cook:
Simmer over low heat until the liquid is re-
duced to half. Add, stirring constantly: Boiled Rice, 206
2 cups cream while preparing the following. Skin and bone, see
beaten with: 420:
4 egg yolks 3 whole chicken breasts

Season with: Cut the meat into strips 1 /2 to 2 inches long and

/e inch wide. Simmer the bones and skin of the

Salt and pepper
(Nutmeg) chicken in a little water to make a stock. Mix the
Stir and cook until
slightly thickened. Pour the chicken strips thoroughly with:
1 teaspoon salt
sauce over the chicken breasts. Sprinkle with:
Shredded Swiss cheese 2 teaspoons cornstarch
mixed with equal parts of: 1 tablespoon dry sherry or Chinese rice wine
Fine buttered crumbs 1 lightly beaten egg white

Glaze under the broiler. Have ready:

/2 cup sliced onions

CHICKEN AND SWEETBREADS 1 cup shredded green or red sweet pepper,

8 Servings seeds and membrane removed

Please read About Sweetbreads, 502. Vi cup diced water chestnuts
Blanch, firm, dry, trim and poach 25 minutes: V2 cup diagonally sliced celery
2 pairs calf sweetbreads Pour into a wok or a large skillet over medium-
In the meantime, prepare and cook: high heat:
Brandied Chicken Breasts, above 2 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil
coarsely chopping the chicken after it is sauteed. When hot, add half the chicken and briskly stir
When the sweetbreads are cooked, coarsely chop about 1 minute. The meat will turn white when
and add them to the chicken and sauce with: done. Push to one side and cook the rest of the
1 cup blanched button mushroom caps, 307 chicken, adding more oil if necessary. Add the
Instead of garnishing with Swiss cheese, use: vegetables and:
Chopped parsley V2 cup chicken stock
and serve in coquille dishes or warmed patty Cover and steam about 2 minutes. Combine in a

shells, 645. bowl:

2 tablespoons soy sauce
QUICK CREAMED CHICKEN BREASTS 2 tablespoons cornstarch
6 Servings 3
A cup chicken stock
Preheat oven to 350°. and stir into chicken and vegetable mixture. Heat
Place in a shallow baking dish: and stir about 1 minute or until sauce is slightly
6 boned whole chicken breasts thickened. Serve over the rice.


I. Yakitori 6 Servings If Served Hot, 15 Servings

Cut into bite-sized pieces: Served as an Hors d'Oeuvre, 30


3 whole boned and skinned chicken A galantine of fowl is a white-tie-and-tails produc-

breasts, 420 tion that begins with the boning process. The skin
1 lb. chicken livers of the bird eventually becomes the covering of an
Marinate the pieces about 1 hour in: oversized sausage that contains the meat of the
Teriyaki Marinade, 529 bird combined with eggs, spices and other meats.
Preheat broiler or grill. When a galantine finally appears in all its glazed
Cut into 1-inch pieces: and truffled splendor, no one could suspect how
5 leeks, white part only it began, for in no way does it resemble any avi-

Alternate on skewers the chicken, leeks and livers. fauna. For this reason, it is possible to start with a
Grill 5 minutes; turn and grill 5 minutes more, ready-dressed bird —
but if you do, be sure to
basting with the marinade. When done, serve im- choose one with the smallest possible precut
mediately, sprinkled with: opening. For either dressed or undressed turkey,
Cayenne pepper follow the boning instructions on 420. After mak-
ing the first slit down the spine it is vital to

II. A good kebab combination is: keep the rest of the skin intact. Any cuts must be
Pieces of chicken or chicken breasts patched by sewing.
marinated in: Bone:
Marinade for Chicken, 529 A12-to15-lb. turkey
wrapped in: Reserve the meat, including that cut from the
Bacon drumsticks and the breast. Make a Stock, 522, of

and grilled on skewers with: the bones. Reserve half the breast meat for filling
Cherry tomatoes and cut it into /2-inch strips. Grind 3 times and

Broil each side about 3 minutes. put into a large bowl:

1 lb. lean white veal
1 lb. lean pork

• STUEFED BONED CHICKEN as well as the turkey meat, except the reserved
strips. Season the mixture with:
See about Boning Fowl, 420.
/4 cup brandy, dry sherry
This recipe, which we enjoyed on many holiday
occasions with our friend Clara Kupferschmid, is or Madeira
one she brought close to perfection over the teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

years. Ground black pepper

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Choose a very fresh, dry-picked, undressed:
1 tablespoon salt
Be sure the skin is intact. Bone it. Allow for the A dash hot pepper sauce
filling 1
/3 of the recipe for: Add:
Chicken Farce, 374 8 eggs
Before stuffing the chicken "romper," tie it off V2 cup finely chopped parsley

securely at the neck, wing ends and legs. Sew shut Mix these ingredients into a smooth paste. Spread
the vent under the tail. Be sure not to pack the a large piece of clean linen or cheesecloth on the
table. Place in the center of the cloth the turkey
farce or fill the skin too tightly or it may burst
during the cooking as the stuffing swells. In filling, skin, outer side down, as shown in the center,
"make like" a taxidermist or a sculptor, shaping 432. the meat mixture onto it in an even

the stuffing so that, when you have sewn the rectangular shape, extending it all the way to the
seam down the back, the bird will resemble its edges of the skin. Arrange in neat alternating rows
former self. Preheat oven to 450°. down the center, as shown:
Brush the bird generously all over with:
Strips of cooked ham or tongue

Clarified Butter, and the reserved strips of turkey breast. Arrange
For this and for subsequent basting, allow about a center row of:

Vi pound of butter. Prick the chicken all over with Small whole truffles, 310, or seeded
a darning needle and repeat this operation after black olives
every basting. Place the bird on a rack in a pan in Over the whole, sprinkle:
the hot oven and reduce the heat at once to 3
A cup pistachio nuts
350°. After 40 minutes of cooking, baste it at 10- A cup finely chopped parsley

minute intervals and continue until done, about Starting at the long side farthest away from you,
2 hours in all. Boned stuffed chickens may be pull the cloth toward you gently — rolling the filled
served hot but are unusually delicious when turkey skin into a sausagelike shape. You do not
served cold. Chill at least 24 hours to allow the want the cloth to be inside the turkey roll, but
seasonings to develop. To serve, slice very thin keep manipulating it until it forms an outside
with a hot serrated knife. casing. You may need an extra helping hand. Tie

the cloth securely at both ends. The roll should As duck has both a heavy frame and a high fat
be smooth and even. Also tie it lengthwise, as content, we
allow about 1 /3 to IV2 pounds per

sketched. Place it on a rack, seam side down, in serving. The only trouble with these otherwise
a large poaching kettle over: superlative young birds is that one is too little
Mirepoix, 572 for two persons, and two are too much. A practice
and in: followed by some prudent menageres is to serve
Enough turkey or poultry stock to cover, 523 a whole duckling to each person anyway, but to
Cover the kettle and bring to a boil, then reduce remove the legs beforehand for subsequent minc-
the heat and simmer very gently Vh to 2 hours ing. For a far more attractive presentation, serve
until the roll is firm to the touch. Carefully remove duck as a Salmi, 436.In purchasing, look for a
it from the broth. You may serve it — unwrapped white skin and a plump body. Remember to save
hot, sliced, with buttered toast. Or let it cool the carcasses for conversion to stock. Duck livers

wrapped on a large platter. You may weight it if furnish excellent material for pates, 494.
you wish. When it has cooled to at least 70°
not before —
remove the outside wrapping and ROASTING DUCK OR GOOSE
refrigerate the galantine thoroughly. To decorate, Please read About Duck, above. Pluck, singe,
either use: draw and truss as describedon 418. Remove the
Sauce Chaud-Froid, 369 oil sac at the base of the tail, see 419. Since these
or cover with a savory: birds are so fat, we often prefer to prepare a

Aspic Glaze, 368 separate stuffing in a baking dish, so that the

made from the poaching broth. Serve thinly sliced dressing will not be overpowered by the flavor
with: and slickness of the fat. These birds must be
Buttered toast pricked frequently, but lightly, all over to allow
as an hors d'oeuvre or an entree. excess fat to escape. If they are not stuffed, you
may rub the cavity with lemon juice, or place a
cored and peeled apple, a carrot, an onion, celery
ribs or a potato in the body cavity to attract off-
flavors. Discard these vegetables before serving.
You may also hasten the cooking with the old
Chinese trick of placing several heated metal forks
in the cavity to intensify the heat at that point.
Place the bird in a 450° preheated oven, lower the
heat to 350° and proceed as for chicken, allowing
about 20 minutes to the pound for an unstuffed
duck, 25 minutes per pound for a gosling. Larger
geese take about 15 minutes per pound. Add 20
to 30 minutes if the duck or goose is stuffed.

3 Servings
Please read About Duck and Roasting Duck,
Preheat oven to 450°.
Pick, clean and singe, if necessary:
A 4V2- to 5V2-lb. duckling
Dry with paper toweling and rub with:
or sprinkle evenly with:
Place it on a rack in a roasting pan. If stuffing is

used, try:
Sausage Dressing with apples, 371, or
Apple and Prune Dressing, 372, or
ABOUT DUCK Sauerkraut Dressing for Game, 374
As it happens these days, we ordinarily dine not Put the bird, uncovered, into the oven and
on duck but on duckling, if we dine on the do- reduce the heat at once to 350°. Cook until
mesticated bird. Most such ducks, like the mem- tender, allowing about 20 minutes to the pound
bers of other prominent American families, grow for an unstuffed bird, longer for a stuffed one, see
up on Long Island. Unlike their human counter- above. Make:
parts, however, the ducks exhibit very uniform Poultry Pan Gravy, 341
characteristics. When we make their acquaintance Serve with:
atmarket, dressed for the occasion, they are com- Polenta, 201
monly 7 to 8 weeks old and weigh 3 to 5 pounds. or, if the duck has not been stuffed, with:

Crushed pineapple, Sweet-Sour Orange When done, remove and crush the
the duckling is

Sauce, 355, or Cranberry Glaze for Fowl, 368, liver and add the reduced wine mixture.
it to
or Fruit and Honey Glaze, see below Poach it gently in the wine with the drippings
from the pressed carcass. Add several tablespoons

DUCKLING (Pate de Foie de Volaille, 495)

3 Servings Season to taste
For those who like sweet with meat. Slice the lengthwise into about 20 thin
Preheat oven to 450°. strips and put them
in a chafing dish. Should you

Prepare and cook: want to serve the legs, they must at this point be
Roast Duckling, above removed and grilled, as they are too raw without
Remove from oven just before done. further cooking. We prefer to utilize them later in
Make a thick glaze to pour over the duck. Com- some other dish.
bine and mix well: Cover the sliced meat quickly with the hot
1 cup apricot, cherry or peach preserves
liver sauce and serve immediately from the
Vi cup clover honey
chafing dish at table.
tablespoon brandy

tablespoon Grand Marnier or other

4 Servings
orange-flavored liqueur
Remove the meat from:
Coat the duck with this glaze and return it to the
Roast Duckling, 432
oven 10 to 15 minutes until the glaze caramelizes.
There should be about 2 cups. Break the carcass
ROAST DUCK BIGARADE apart. Add to it:

4 cups water
OR A L'ORANGE 1 chopped onion
This famous recipe depends for its flavor on the Some celery leaves
Seville or bitter orange, 135, which gives the dish Simmer this stock covered for 1 hour. Strain. Bring
its name. to boiling point. Stir in slowly, not disturbing the
Prepare: boiling:
unstuffed Roast Duckling, above 2
h cup rice
When it is done, remove it from the roasting pan Cook the rice until it is tender, about Vi hour.
and keep warm. Prepare: Strain it. Reserve the liquor. Melt:
Sweet-Sour Orange Sauce, 355 2 tablespoons butter
using Seville or bitter oranges and omitting the Add and saute covered for 5 minutes:
lemon. Degrease the pan juices and deglaze the 3
A cup finely chopped celery
pan as described on 340. 1 teaspoon grated onion
Add the duck meat, the rice and:
DUCKLING ROUENNAISE 1 cup liquid: leftover gravy, duck liquor
4 to 5 Servings or cream
Unless you choke your duck, pluck the down Mix these ingredients well with a fork. Season
on its breast immediately afterward and cook it them, if needed, with:
within 24 hours, you cannot lay claim to having Salt and paprika
produced an authentic Rouen duck. The first two Serve the pilaf hot with:
steps assure the dark red flesh and the special Stewed plums or apricots
flavor of this dish. If, as is likely, duck-strangling
will bring you into local disrepute, you may waive ABOUT GOOSE
the sturdy peasant preliminaries and serve a modi- Among the reasons for the decline in the popu-
fied version, garnished with quotation marks. First larity of goose are its high fat content and the
of all please read About Salmi of Wildfowl, 436. toughness of a fully matured bird. The first draw-
Clean: back is being constantly reduced by breeders;
A 5-lb. duckling the second may be lessened by buying no goose
reserving the liver. Free it from the gall. Tuck the weighing over 12 to 14 pounds, dressed. Braise
liver into the body cavity. Use a spit or rotisserie rather than roast any bird larger than this or one
to roast the duck, only 20 to 22 minutes in all. you suspect is older than 6 months. All goose meat
Only the breast and legs, if tender, are reserved is dark. Goose fat should be rendered and saved
and kept warm. The rest of the carcass and skin as a flavoring. It is especially good with braised
is pressed as described on 436.
cabbage or sauerkraut. Allow approximately 1
Meanwhile melt: pound for each individual serving.
2 tablespoons butter
When the fat reaches the point of fragrance, add * ROAST GOSLING OR GOOSE
and simmer: Allow 1 Pound for Each Serving
1 finelyminced small onion Since goose is roasted like duck, please read
V* cup Burgundy about Roasting Duck or Goose, 432.

Preheat oven to 450°. sure that the meat is well covered with the fat.
Pick, clean and singe, if necessary: This dish will keep for months and can be served
An 8-lb. gosling or a 10- to 14-lb. goose cold or reheated in the fat. If hot, a good accom-
Fill the cavities or a separate baking dish with: paniment is:

Apple, Prune, Chestnut or Sauerkraut Franconia Potatoes, 320

Dressing for Game, 372 to 374 which are cooked in the goose fat. Or use in:
Allow 1 cup dressing to each pound of bird. If Cassoulet, 475
not stuffing the bird, try filling the cavity with:
(Quartered oranges, pricked to release juices) ABOUT ROCK CORNISH HENS,
Place the goose on a rack in an uncovered pan, GUINEA FOWL, AND SQUABS
allowing 25 minutes to the pound for a gosling Like iced tea and peanut butter, Rock Cornish
and about 15 minutes to the pound for larger hens are, so to speak,an American invention, and
birds. Reduce the heat at once to 350° and pour
a surprisingly recent one, the result of patient
off the fat as accumulates. Make:
crossbreeding of Cornish gamecocks and Plym-
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341 outh Rock hens. They are plump little birds with
Season it with: all white meat and an attractive gamy due
Pearl onions
partly to their ancestry and partly to a diet that
Ginger usually includes acorns and cranberries. Choose
Or, if unstuffed, serve with: young birds, 5 to 7 weeks old, weighing about 2
Prunes in Wine, 141, Gooseberry Preserves,
pounds dressed.
838, Red Cabbage, 295, Curried Fruit, 128, Guinea fowl came originally from Africa
or Chestnut Puree, 298
hence their name. The hens are much tenderer
than the cocks. Because their meat is naturally
BRAISED TRIMMINGS OF GOOSE very dry, it is of prime importance to bard
OR GANSEKLEIN them, 420, and not to overcook.
Rub with garlic: Squabs, originally wildfowl, are now raised on
Goose back, neck, gizzard, wings and heart farms, like chickens. When young —
about 3A
Place in a heavy pot. Add: —
pound they are called doves; when grown up
Mirepoix, 572 VU pounds or so pigeons. No one in the least
Half cover with boiling water. Simmer closely hungry has ever been satisfied with fewer than
covered, until nearly tender, about IV2 hours. two doves.
Season to taste
(A pinch of ginger) FOWL AND SQUABS
Cover and simmer the meat until tender, about V2 Allow 1 Small Bird per Person
hour longer. Remove from the pot. Strain the Please read about these birds, above.
stock, removing the grease. Make: Preheat oven to 450°.
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341 Pick and draw:
Pour it over the meat. Garnish with: Small guinea fowl, squabs or Cornish hens
Chopped parsley Either bard, 420, or brush with:
Serve with: Melted butter
Apples Stuffed with Sauerkraut, 131, or and dredge with flour. They may be loosely stuffed
Dumplings, 202, and applesauce with:
Wild Rice Dressingfor Game, 373, or Rice
POTTED GOOSE OR CONFIT D'OIE Dressing for Cornish Hen, 373, or a fruit
Draw, pluck, singe, 418, and cut up: dressing, 373, adding some green grapes
A 10-lb. goose Place the birds breast side up, with legs tied, un-
Cut off, reserve and refrigerate the heavy fat. Salt covered, in the oven. Reduce the heat at once
the pieces of goose well on all sides. Place in an to 350° and roast until tender: 1 hour or more if
earthenware crock and weight with a nonresinous stuffed, about 45 minutes if not. They may be
hardwood board. Cover and leave in a cool, dry basted while cooking. If barded, remove the salt
place, not over 40°, 6 to 8 days. When ready to pork and allow them to brown. Make:
cook, place the refrigerated fat in the bottom of a Poultry Pan Gravy, 341, with mushrooms
large heavy pan. or serve with:
Put on top of it: Bar-le-Duc Preserves, 838
A Bouquet Garni, 572
Wipe the salt from the meat and put the pieces BREASTS OF GUINEA HEN
on the fat layer. Simmer slowly 2 to 4 hours. Be Allow 1 Breast per Person
sure, the fat melts, that there is enough to
as Preheat oven to 425°.
cover the meat completely. If not, add, as needed: Bard, 420, each:
Lard Breast of guinea hen
Use at once or store in a cool place, again making Put into the oven and reduce the heat at once

to 350°. Baste the breasts frequently. Cook about ABOUT WILDFOWL

45 minutes or until they are tender. Serve sous
cloche, a fancy way to say under a glass bell, with:
The opening of the season for grouse that very —
British bird which dwells in and feeds on heather
Colbert Butter, 350 — stirs up a degree of knowledgeable excitement
Or serve with: equaled only by a vendange in the Cote d'Or.
White Wine Sauce, 345, or Champagne All over Southern Europe, each autumn, small
Sauce, 344 birds, spicy with berries, are netted by the hun-
and: dreds. And along the shores of Chesapeake Bay,
Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 —
the canvasback duck which in October feeds on
the wild celery of the shoreline is preferred —
above all others.
4 Servings
We lived for years under one of the major fly-
ways of the world and looked forward to the days
Please read about Squabs, above.
when the males in our family sought out the bird-
Preheat oven to 350°.
blinds in the surrounding marshes and rich fields.
Cut into pieces or leave whole:
On their return, dinner parties were held in pro-
4 pigeons or 8 doves
fusion. The children usually clamored for the
Dredge them with:
plump little quail, leaving the rare, well-hung
Seasoned Flour, 552
ducks to their more sophisticated elders.
To a large extent, proper care immediately
4 cup butter
after shooting determines the ultimate excellence
Saute the birds slowly in the butter until they
of flavor in wild birds. While the bird is still warm,
are just seared. Place them in a casserole. Add to
the neck is split and the carcass bled. To keep the
the fat in the pan:
blood for use in sauces, see 339. Check the neck
4 cup chopped onion
for any undigested food and remove it.
diced carrot

cup chopped celery


Some birds snipe, woodcock and plover are —
cooked with the trail still inside, see 440. Although
Stir these ingredients about 3 minutes. Add:
quail and a few other smaller birds should be
1 cup boiling Chicken Stock, 523
plucked, drawn and cooked within 24 hours of
Pour this over the birds. Cover closely. Bake
killing, it is important in general not to pluck or
about 45 minutes or until tender. You may add
draw any wildfowl until you are ready to cook it,
for the last V2 hour:
since the added surface exposure of the carcass
1 cup sliced mushrooms
to air will induce spoilage before tenderization
Do not let birds become dry. If they do, add more
can be accomplished.
stock. Make:
To tenderize and improve flavor, it is advisable
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341
to hang many wild birds, specifically partridge,
to which you may add:
prairie fowl, ducks, plover, grouse and hazel hen.
Cultured sour or sweet cream
(Chopped olives)
How long to hang depends first on age. Old birds
can be held longer than young ones. A second
Serve the squabs within a ring of:
consideration is the weather. In muggy periods,
Boiled Rice, 206
Sprinkle them with:
ripening is accelerated. The third —
and perhaps
Chopped parsley or chives the most important —
is personal preference. Some

hunters go to extremes, holding a bird until the

legs stiffen, even until head and body part com-
BROILED SQUABS pany. A more moderate and acceptable state of
maturity is reached when the feathers just above
Preheat broiler.
the tail can be drawn out easily or when a slight
Pick, draw and clean:
bluish-green tinge appears on the thin skin of the
Split down the back and flatten them. You may cut
abdomen. However long birds are to be hung,

out the backbone with shears. Put them on a

suspend them, undrawn, by the feet in a cool,
dry, airy place. If the weather is very warm, dust
greased broiler, skin side up. Brush well with:
the feathers with charcoal. In any season, the birds
Melted butter
Place the birds 4 inches from the heat. Broil 15 to
should be protected with cheesecloth or screen-
30 minutes, turning once. Season with:
Salt and paprika Dry-pluck all fowl. This is easier to do if the
Serve on: bird is chilled. Scalding or soaking preparatory to
Buttered toast plucking breaks down the fatty tissues in the skin
Pour the drippings over them. Garnish with: too rapidly if they are subsequently to be held
Chopped parsley for even a short time or are to be frozen.
Serve with: Before cooking, look the birds over carefully
Cranberry Jelly or Sauce, 133 and remove any shot with a pointed utensil. Do
Crusty Soft-Center Spoon Bread, 629 not use any livers or gizzards that have been pene-

trated by shot. Cut out meat that has discolored blood within. With these differences in mind, you
near the shot or any dog-damaged areas. Remove can prepare most larger wildfowl by the recipes
the oil sac at the base of the tail. After plucking, suggested for chicken, 422 to 431.
wildfowl should never be washed before cooking, With smaller birds the situation is more com-
merely wiped with a damp cloth. Safe exceptions plex. Ideally, the criterion for doneness should be
are fish-feeding ducks which, if they must be used, internal temperature; but the flesh of such birds
should be parblanched for V2 hour before cook- is shallow, and the usual meat thermometers are

ing. too bulky for practical use. Instead, the cook is

Singe all fowl just before cooking, including advised to choose a time somewhere within the
those which have been frozen. The interior of the suggested limits we recommend and, if necessary,
bird may first be salted or rinsed with 2 table- cut into the meat carefully toward the end of the
spoons of brandy or sherry. Should it be necessary period to determine how much more time it re-
to counteract a too gamy taste, we suggest cook- quires.
ing with sauerkraut or using a marinade. Never Suggestions are given in individual wildfowl
try to soak out the taste with water. If the bird is recipes for those combinations of foods which
to be cooked unstuffed, placing in it an apple, are classic with game. Let us also recommend, as
an onion, a carrot, parsley, a few celery ribs or compatible accompaniments, a dressing of chest-
some juniper berries helps attract off-flavors. nuts or wild rice; a salad of chicory or cress; a
These fillers are, of course, discarded before serv- dish of gooseberry or quince conserve; and a sour
ing. cream or wine sauce, not too powerfully seasoned.
^ Age determines how wildfowl should be
cooked. If you are at all doubtful that a bird is ABOUT SALMI OF WILDFOWL
young or prime, do not hesitate to use a moist-
A true salmi has two major characteristics. The
heat method of cooking, 149, or roasting in foil,
422. Very old birds are fit only for the stock or
meat is roasted — barely so, if the game is dark.
And the meat from the breasts and the legs, if
soup pot or for making hash, forcemeat and
choice, is sliced and put to one side and kept
warm. Preparation is concluded at table, much as
On many occasions only the breasts of wildfowl
in Duck Rouennaise, 433, where the skin and the
are served, as the legs are often tough and full of
chopped carcass are put through a duck press,
tendons. If you use the legs, remove the tendons,
shown in the chapter heading. If the game is a
see 418. Otherwise, simmer the legs with the
water bird, the skin may be too oily to use. The
wings, necks and giblets for game stock, 523. This
pressed juices are combined with the flambeed
is most useful, for in no cooking is less gravy
livers, the sauce enhanced with a mirepoix and
naturally produced than in that of game. There-
then reduced and strained. It is then reinforced by
fore, it is doubly important. to increase the stock
a Demi-Glaze Sauce, 346, or Sauce Espagnole, 346,
of the game you are cooking, in order to bring up
based on the same kind of game as that being
the flavor of a sauce or aspic. If game stock is
served. Salmis may also be enriched with mush-
not available, veal stock is the most sympathetic
rooms or truffles. The meat is just heated through
at table in a chafing dish with this very rich sauce,
Before roasting or marinating wildfowl, break
given a swirl of butter, 339, and served at once.
down the breastbone by a blow with the flat side
Obviously, a classic salmi, fully accoutered, is
of a cleaver. This not only makes carving easier,
only foi the skilled cook whose husband is a Nim-
but reduces the amount of marinade needed. To
rod and has presented her with more than a single
prepare a wildfowl for broiling, split the back and
bird. If she is less well endowed, she will have to
spread the breasts flat, using poultry shears for
base her sauce on the backs, wings and necks of
small birds.
the bird that is being presented and eke out her
Whether roasted or broiled, wild birds are,
Espagnole Sauce with veal stock. Needless to say,
without exception, leaner than domestic varieties the dish is rarely presented in its original form.
and for this reason should be cooked for shorter And the salmis that appear on menus are usually
periods. Barding, 420, is usually advisable. Some- made from reheated meat, with sauces which have
times a flour and butter paste is used to coat them been previously confected. They can still be deli-
before barding. The barding may be removed cious, especially if care is taken not to boil the
halfway through the cooking process, but, if so, sauce and thereby toughen the meat. Another
basting with butter or pan drippings should con- simpler way to serve precooked game is to make
tinue until the bird is taken from the heat. If a up a mixture similar to Pheasant in Came Sauce,
paste has not been applied you may, after the 439, which lends itself even to *
removal of the barding, want to dust the bird with
flour to hasten its browning. MARINATED WILDFOWL
Most light-fleshed wildfowl is cooked well done Serves 2
and most dark fowl is cooked vert-cuit or saignant, V Please read About Wildfowl, 435. Clean and dis-
that is, roasted brown on the outside under high joint a:
heat, but still rare and running with juice and Pheasant, partridge or grouse

Place in a casserole and cover with a marinade of: Have them at room temperature. Dry thoroughly
1 small quartered onion inside and out. Rub the insides with:
1 small bay leaf Butter
1 clove garlic Fill cavities loosely with:
2 cups port wine A few
skinned onions or peeled, cored and
1 Viteaspoons salt choppedapples, or drained sauerkraut
Vi teaspoon pepper Bard, 420. Place the ducks on a rack in a roasting
Be sure the wine covers the pieces. Let stand re- pan. ^ Reduce heat to 350° and roast, uncovered,
frigerated 24 hours.Remove the meat from the 18 to 20 minutes. Degrease the drippings and add:
marinade, and dry with a towel. Reserve the mar- Wine and stock
inade. Reduce, then remove from heat and add:
Preheat oven to 375°. Cultured sour cream
Put into a heatproof casserole: Reheat, but do not boil. Serve the ducks at
2 tablespoons butter
once with the sauce and:
Add the cut-up pieces of bird and bake, uncov- Braised Celery, 298
ered, about 45 minutes, turning several times.
Strain the marinade and pour it over the pieces.
Return to the oven for another 30 minutes or until § BROILED OR BARBECUED
tender. Take the pieces from the casserole. Keep WILD DUCK
them warm. Reduce the sauce and:
A good way to cook wild duck and an easy way to
Season to taste
serve it.
Serve with:
Preheat broiler.
Wild Rice, 212, Kasha, 201, or Noodles, 213
Splitdown the back, clean well and wipe until

Flavor depends so much on the way ducks have Rub it with:

been feeding. The shallow-water types may have
been feasting in nearby grain fields and may be Spread with:
very succulent. These include mallard, black duck, Unsalted butter
pintail, baldpate, gadwall, teal, widgeon, shoveler seasoned with:
and wood duck. The deep-water or diving ducks Paprika
thrive on aquatic vegetation. They include canvas- Broilabout 4 inches under the broiler or 4 inches
back, redhead,ruddy, bufflehead, golden eye, above charcoal. Baste frequently with:
scaup and ring-neck. Sometimes these varieties An unsalted fat or oil and wine
feed on fish or shellfish, a diet which alters their Cook until tender. Remove to a hot platter.
flavor. The red and American mergansers or other Season to taste
habitual fish eaters should be used only in emer- Make a sauce with the drippings, 542.
gencies. Serve with:
Wild ducks are usually not stuffed, but their Oranges in Syrup, 136, or
interiors may be greased to help retain juices. If Kumquat Compote, 136
gamy, they may be rubbed with ginger or lemon. Fried hominy is a well-known accompaniment to
Celery, grapes or sliced apples in the cavity also wild ducks. So are grilled sweet potatoes, or
help minimize a too pronounced taste. Discard apples stuffed with sweet potatoes.
these additions before serving.
Cooking times vary with types. They may be as
long as 20 minutes for canvasback and mallard or BRAISED WILD DUCK
just 12 minutes for teal. The livers of most ducks, Draw, pluck, singe and truss:
as well as those of coot, see under Small Game A wild duck
Birds, 440, are especially choice and make delec-
Melt in a heavy flame-proof casserole:
table pates, 494.
4 tablespoons butter
When it reaches the point of fragrance, put in the

ROAST WILD DUCK duck and brown on all sides. Add, when browned:
4 Servings 1 leek — —
white part only or 6 button onions
To draw, pluck, singe and truss please read 4 tender turnips
1 Bouquet Garni, 572
About Wildfowl, 435, and About Wild Ducks,
above. This cooking method seems to be the Simmer, covered, 25 to 35 minutes or until the
hunter's ideal. The juices are red and flow freely duck is tender. Degrease the drippings and garnish
when the duck is carved. the casserole with:
Preheat oven to 500°. Green Peas, 314
Prepare: Serve at once with:
2 wild ducks Citrus Salad II, 111

WILD GOOSE AND WILD TURKEY tenderness, about a 3-day hanging period is ad-
1 Pound per Person vised, during which the color of the breast will
These birds are only table-worthy if under a year change somewhat and there will be a slight odor.
old —preferably between 6 and 9 months. What- An old bird should be barded and either braised
ever the age, both types of birds should be hung, or used in another moist heat recipe.
from 24 hours to a week, and cooked with moist
heat, 149. Weights fluctuate, depending on variety ROAST PHEASANT
and age, from about 4 to 9 pounds. To draw, 3 Servings
pluck, singe and truss, see 418-419. For wild > Please read About Wildfowl, 435, and About
goose and wild turkey proceed as for turkey, 422, Pheasant, above.
or cut into pieces: Preheat oven. to 400°.
A 5- to 6-lb. wild goose Bard, 420:
In a heavy casserole, heat to the point of fra- A young pheasant
grance: You may stuff it with:
V3 cup butter Chestnut Dressing, 372, or Sausage
"IVi cups small white whole onions Dressing, 371
Add: Place in oven. Reduce heat at once to 350°.
V* lb. finely diced salt pork Cook about 25 minutes per pound or until ten-
and continue cook until onions are golden.
to der. If unstuffed, serve with
Lift out onions and pork and discard. In the re- Fried Croutons, 551, or Bread Sauce, 343;
maining fat, brown the cut-up bird. Add: currant jelly and Braised Celery, 298; or
Juice of V2 lemon Rice Pilaf, 209, and Gooseberry
V2 teaspoon allspice Preserves, 838
(A few slivers gingerroot) or, classically, with:
^ Simmer, covered, about 30 minutes. Stir if nec- Smitane Sauce, 345
essary. Add:
2 cups dry red wine BRAISED PHEASANT
Simmer, covered, about 45 minutes longer or 3 Servings
until tender. Thicken the pan gravy slightly with:
This recipe comes from a hunting fan.
Toasted dry bread crumbs About
Please read About Wildfowl, 435, and
Serve with:
Pheasant, above.
Noodles, 213 Preheat oven to 400°.
Spiced apricots or crab apples
A 3V2- to 4-lb. pheasant
Allow 1 Pound per Person A thin slice salt pork
A good way any extra wildfowl.
to preserve Separate the skin from the breast flesh of the
Please read about Wild Goose, above. pheasant and insert the salt pork. Place in the
Draw, pluck, singe and cut into pieces: body cavity the pheasant liver and:
A young wild goose or other wildfowl A small peeled tangerine
Prepare as for: Lace the opening tightly. Truss the pheasant, 419.
Potted Goose, 434 Melt in a heavy pan:
Serve either hot or cold. 'A cup lard
Brown the bird, turning it and basting until it is

golden all over. Place in a casserole. Add and turn

HAZEL HEN the fat:
Allow 1 Pound per Person
12 sliced mushroom caps
Please read About Wildfowl, 435.
Pour these over the pheasant. Melt in a saucepan:
Since this bird is apt to be resinous, it is best to
V* cup butter
poach it first in milk for 15 minutes. Bone, and
Stir in, cook, but do not let brown:
grill about 12 minutes in all.
3 shallots or 1 small minced onion
2 tablespoons flour
ABOUT PHEASANT Stir in gradually:
Please read About Wildfowl, 435. We hope your A
cup Marsala or Madeira
to V3
pheasant young, with a flexible breastbone, gray
is teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper
legs and a large pointed terminal feather in its Pour this into the casserole. Our correspondent
wings. If it is a cock, it should have rounded, not adds a sprig of fresh fennel and 2 crushed juniper
sharp or long, spurs. Then you may roast or broil it berries. Cover the casserole and bake the pheas-
even without hanging. With pheasant, barding is ant about V2 hour. Serve it from the casserole
usually advisable. These young birds can be used with:
as in any recipe for chicken. Fried Hominy, 200, and currant jelly
Otherwise, to give the bird both flavor and A green salad

* PHEASANT IN GAME SAUCE and cook over low heat until the apples are ten-

10 to 12 Servings der. Do
not boil. Serve with:
Please read About Wildfowl, 435. Wild Rice, 212, or Gnocchi, 204
Preheat oven to 400°.
Prepare for roasting: ABOUT PARTRIDGE
5 or 6 pheasants French restaurant menus list young partridge as
Bard, 420, with: —
perdreau masculine; older ones, invariably and
Bacon or salt pork ungraciously, as perdrix —
feminine. Hang an old
Fill the cavity, if you wish to reduce the gamy bird the better part of a week. Marinate it before
taste, with: cooking, preferably by braising. An old partridge
Apple or onion slices in full feather may be recognized by the conspic-
Discard them after birds are roasted. Roast at 400° uous red ring on the eye circle, its yellow beak
for 20 minutes. Remove meat from bones and re- and its dark legs. If a partridge is under six months
serve, keeping the meat in as large pieces as old, it still has its pointed first-flight feather, and
possible. Cook for 2 hours, or until reduced about its legs will be plump. The red-legged French par-

a third, a stock made from the bones, skins, drip- tridges are larger and not considered so delicate as
pings and barding, using: the English. There is some confusion in America
2 large chopped onions about the very name of partridge. No true par-
2 cloves garlic tridge is native, but the name is given in the north
2 bay leaves to the ruffed grouse and in the south to quail.
1 tablespoon black peppercorns If the bird is fresh, it has a rigid vent. A true
1 teaspoon thyme partridge can be cooked by any recipe for chicken
1 small pinch rosemary if larded; or, if barded, as for pheasant. But, if it

1 cup chopped parsley is old, a longercooking period will be necessary.

(6 juniper berries) It may be served in a Salmi, 436, as for duck. Some
V* lb. ham trimmings people like it braised with Sauerkraut, 295, allow-
1 quart dry red wine ing 2 pounds of the sauerkraut to three 3-pound
2 quarts water or Chicken Stock, 523 birds. Add the sauerkraut the last V2 hour of cook-
Stems from 2 lb. of mushrooms ing. Others shudder at so strongly flavored an ac-
3 fresh tomatoes companiment. A more delicate one is Braised
Strain the stock an add it to: Endive, 298. Or wrap the partridge in grape leaves,
A cup White Sauce
I, 341 simmer it in wine and stock for 35 minutes; then
Add to this sauce: roast it in a 350° oven 25 minutes. Allow 1 pound
Caps of 2 lb. of mushrooms per person. Make Poultry Pan Gravy, 341, and
A cup
3 red wine serve the partridge with Boiled New Potatoes, 317,
Simmer about 25 minutes. and watercress.
Season to taste
Reduce by one-third, strain and add: GROUSE, PTARMIGAN OR
V* cup brandy
Simmer another 10 minutes. Arrange meat in a
Allow 1 Pound per Person
3-quart casserole. You may put it on a bed of:
Young grouse which feeds on the tender shoots
(Cooked wild rice)
of the heather is one of the most coveted of all
Pour sauce over it. To serve, reheat, uncovered,
game. To test for youth, hold the bird aloft by the
in a 350° oven 45 to 55 minutes. If frozen, thaw
lower mandible. If this breaks, failing to support
and bring to room temperature before reheating.
the weight of the bird, you have a young speci-
men. Roast or broil if young. Braise if old. The
PHEASANT SMITANE same treatments apply to Canadian Grouse or
3 Servings Black Game, also known as Black Grouse or Coq
Bard, 420: de Bruyere. Resinous in flavor, this species is not
A 3Vi- to 4-lb. pheasant quite so delicious as true grouse. Both must be
with: dry-plucked, because of the birds' soft feathers
Sliced salt pork or bacon and tender skin. We
do not recommend broiling
Brown the pheasant in: grouse, as the meat is too dry.
Butter Preheat oven to 300°.
in a heavy pan. Then place it in a deep casserole Prepare for cooking as you would a chicken:
with the drippings. Cover tightly and let simmer Young grouse
over low heat until tender, about 45 minutes. You may lard the breast, 445, with thin strips of:
Add: Salt pork
4 cups diced tart apples or bard it, 420. Or you may stuff it with:

2 tablespoons brandy or Calvados A

small apple, a skinned onion or
2 cups cultured sour cream ribs of celery
Season to taste Grouse is served rare, cooked to a pale pink tone.

Allow 30 to 45 minutes' cooking in all. Baste fre- be tucked inside and discarded later. Place in the
quently with: pan with the birds:
Melted butter or drippings 1 tablespoon butter

Remove the bacon. Brush the bird with: Bake the birds about 5 minutes, reduce the heat
Butter to 350° and bake them 5 to 15 minutes longer,
Dredge it lightly with: according to their size. Timing in general varies
Flour from woodcock, 8 to 10 minutes, to quail, un-
Place it in a hot 500° oven until brown. Make: stuffed, 10 to 15 minutes; to stuffed, 15 to 18
Poultry Pan Gravy, 341 minutes.
Serve with:
Rowanberries or cranberry sauce BROILED SMALL GAME BIRDS
See About Small Game Birds, above.
Birds here discussed are of many kinds: quail, Bard, 420:
woodcock, ortolans, figpeckers, coots or mud- 6 small game birds

hens, wild doves, snipe, rails, curlews, plover, Place them on Cook from 12 to 20 min-
a broiler.
larks, reed birds, thrushes, moorhens and galli-
utes, according to size. Turn frequently. The
nules. They are bracketed on the basis of sim- barding may be removed toward the end of the
ilar treatment, although coots should be skinned
cooking period and the birds browned briefly by
rather than plucked, and the fact that they are further broiling. Add the juice of:
served one or more to a person. Small birds are 1 lemon
usually used as fresh as possible, although they to:

remain edible as long as the legs are flexible. Quail, Stock or wine
if is an insufficient amount of drippings.
which is about the largest discussed here, should
not be hung longer than 24 hours. All small
Season to taste
birds, except coots, should be dry-plucked. You
Serve the birds on:
may clean as for chicken. In fact, some, like snipe, Croutons, 551
plover, ring doves and woodcock, may be cooked Pour the gravy over them. Garnish with:
undrawn, although the eyes and crop are dis- Parsley

carded before roasting. To use the entrails after

cooking, sieve or chop the intestines and flambe BRAISED SMALL GAME BIRDS
them, 155, briefly in brandy. Mix with pan drip- Please read About Small Game Birds, above.
pings and spread on a crouton or over the bird Preheat oven to 350°.
as a glaze before serving. Or, if you draw the bird Prepare for cooking:
before cooking, reserve the intestines, chop them, 6 small game birds
saute them briefly in butter, then proceed as Melt in a saucepan:
above. 2 tablespoons butter
Small birds should be barded, 420, or you may Add the birds and saute them until lightly
wrap them first in fig or grape leaves. All lend browned. Add:
themselves to roasting and skewering or broiling V2 cup boiling stock or wine
from 3 to 10 minutes. Blackbirds and crows, if A Mirepoix, 572
eaten as a matter of necessity, must be par- Cover the birds with a poaching paper, 151, and
blanched 10 to 15 minutes first, 154. bake 15 to 20 minutes. Make:
Small birds produce very little pan drippings. Poultry Pan Gravy, 341
Pour what there is on a crouton, or on a piece of Add to the gravy:
crisp scrapple. Or combine the drippings with a tablespoons lemon juice or cultured
Demi-Glaze Sauce, 346, and wine or lemon, or use sour cream or brandy)
them to make Smitane Sauce, 345, Hunter's Sauce, Serve on:
347, Bread Sauce, 343, or White Wine Sauce, 345; Croutons, 551
or use any recipe for braised chicken —
allowing in Garnish with:
the timing for difference in size. Any special pe- Parsley
culiarities or classic combinations are listed in in-
dividual recipes.
See About Small Game Birds, above.
ROASTED SMALL GAME BIRDS Wrap in buttered grape or fig leaves:
Please read About Small Game Birds, above. Small birds
Preheat oven to 450°. or bard them, 420, with very thin slices of:
Bard, 420: Salt pork
6 small game birds Roast skewered over coals 10 to 15 minutes. To
It is not necessary to stuff them, although a few finish for serving, you may remove the barding,
peeled grapes or bits of celery or parsley may roll the birds in bread crumbs, baste with drip-

pings and heat in a moderate oven 5 minutes Quince preserves and curried rice.
longer. or watercress and lemon wedges
or with:
DOVES OR WOOD PIGEONS Smitane Sauce, 345, and green grapes; or
1 to 2 pe Person a baked pear, the center stuffed with a
Please read About Small Game Birds, 440 pimiento
A dark meat with a fine flavor. Dove is usually If you have broiled the quail, brush it with:
tenderer than pigeon. Unless the birds a e very (Anchovy Butter, 350)
young, prepare as for:
Braised Small Game Birds, above SNIPE OR WOODCOCK
Serve the sauce garnished with: Allow 1 to 2 Birds per Person
Almond-stuffed olives These fowl are highly prized by some epicures in
or with a compote of: the autumn when they are fat and meaty. At other
Red Sour Cherries, 135 seasons the more critical connoisseurs claim that
the only part worth bothering with is the cooked
QUAIL entrail, au jus, on a few croutons.
1 per Person Please read About Small Game Birds, opposite.
Somtimes called partridge in our deep South. Prepare and cook as for:
Please read About Small Game Birds, opposite. Small Game Birds
Quail has a delicious white meat. If the fat of the or use the recipe for Grouse, 439. You may use
bird is hard rather than firm before cooking, the the trail, see 440. Skin the head, but leave it on.
flesh will be tough and must be prepared by a Remove the eyes and crop. Bring the long, curved
moist heat method. If the bird is young, roast or beak down to pierce and hold the legs in place.
broil. Never overcook. Serve with: Bard, 420, and roast 10 to 15 minutes.
in choosing the right cut for the type of dish in
mind. Note, too, that meat recipes are grouped
consistently, first for tender and then for tougher
Tender cuts generally, you will see on the
chart, 451, lie those sections of the animal
where the least movement and stress occur, and
respond to dry-heat processes: roasting, broil-
ing, pan-broiling, sauteing and stir-frying. For fur-
ther details, see the chapter on Heat, 145, for these
processes and those for the tougher cuts. The
latter, with more connective tissue, demand long,
slow cooking with moisture or with moist-heat
processes: braising, stewing, fricasseeing, pot-
roasting, poaching and deep-fat frying. In all but
the last named, the temperature of the cooking
liquid ^ should never go above 180°. For this
reason, we do not recommend the pressure cook-
ing of meats, although expediency sometimes
overcomes our better judgment. But if you should
pressure-cook meat, follow the directions given by
the manufacturer of your equipment.
MEAT For ways to counteract toughness, see about
Cooking Tough Meats, 444; about Marinating,
445; about Grinding and Pounding, 444; and
ABOUT MEATS About Larding, 444. For a discussion of microwave
cooking of meat, see 160.
A reappraisal of meat and its role is due in this
But there is more about meat than cuts, grades
protein-hungry world. With milk, eggs and fish,
and cooking methods that must be learned the
meat is still the source of our most complete
protein, and, coming at the end of the food chain,
hard way. How the animal was fed whether on —
grass or corn; how long meat has been held
it provides as well a richness of minerals and trace
and at what temperatures; whether it is watered
elements, many of which are increasingly recog-
or treated with preservatives; when it was pack-
nized as essential to our physical development. In
this period of world inflation, however, many see
aged —all are factors for which you must rely
partly on your experience but mostly on the in-
meat as a wasteful commodity whose production
tegrity of the butcher.
costs far exceed those of grains, which, if skillfully
combined and supplemented, can furnish us with
adequate nourishment. For many, too. meat eating ABOUT MEAT GRADES
provokes ethical considerations. For whatever rea- AND BUYING
sons vegetarianism may be adopted, see page 1 Most American consumers benefit from two forms
for a discussion of its potential nutritional pitfalls. of protection offered in the meat market by the
With these factors in mind, our meat shopping U.S. Department of Agriculture. First, all meats
is done with greater awareness than ever of
a sold in interstate commerce are subject to gov-
the need for intelligence in the use of this valu- ernment inspection for wholesomeness and clean-
able element in menu building, whether we serve liness; but do be cautious in purchasing locally
hamburger or splurge with a crown roast of lamb, butchered meats not subject to these rigid federal
472, or a piglet, 478, or blend meat and innards sanitation regulations. Second, meats sold by the
in a pate. 494, all illustrated above. wholesale packing companies are graded and
A novice approaching the meat counter may stamped by government-employed "graders" ac-
also approach a state of panic. The friendly, in- cording to nationally uniform federal standards of
formative butcher of a good while back has often quality for tenderness, juiciness and flavor. We are
been succeeded by a presence that mysteriously especially concerned here with grading, for the
slices, grinds and wraps behind a glass partition; qualitv of the meat is as important in our choice
or, more recently, by binfuls of boxed meat-cuts of cooking —
method as is the cut or where the
straight from the processing plant, where new meat lies on the animal's body. U.S. grading falls
procedures of boning and packing save transporta- into six main classes, as follows —
although Choice
tion costs and safeguard sanitation. Whatever the and Good are the two grades of major interest to
merits of prepackaging —
and skillful aging is not most consumers:
likely to be one of them —
the cuts look bafflingly
similar, but often react to cooking in totally un- PRIME
expected ways. If you are a rank amateur, we hope A scarce grade generally commandeered by hotels
that this chapter will give you the skill of an expert and clubs and rarely available in neighborhood

MEAT 443

markets. From young, specially fed cattle, Prime is twice as expensive per serving as center-cut pork
abundantly marbled or flecked with fat; it is ten- chops.
der, well-flavored, fine-textured and usually aged; In buying trimmed meats, allow for boneless

the encasing fat is white. cuts V* to /3 pound per serving. This category in-

cludes ground beef, lamb and veal, boneless stew,

CHOICE boned roasts and steaks, flank, tenderloin and
Meat of high quality but with somewhat less most variety meats. In buying meat with some
marbling than prime. There are now five subcate- bone, allow Vi to V2 pound per serving. These cuts
gories of the Choice grade, of increasing degrees include rib roasts, unboned steaks, chops and
of leanness; the tenderer cuts may be dry-roasted ham. > For bony cuts, allow 3A to 1 pound per
or broiled. serving. In this bracket are short ribs, spareribs,
lamb shanks, shoulder, breast and plate cuts,
GOOD brisket and hock. The chart on 451 will give
Still a relatively tender grade, but with a higher you an additional appraisal of the proportion of
ratio of lean. The encasing layer of fat may be bone as a cost factor in various meat cuts.
thin; there is and flavor. Oven-roast-
less juiciness
ing by the constant-heat method may be satis-
factory for tenderer sections, but moist-heat cook- STORING MEAT BEFORE COOKING
ing should usually prevail. Raw meat should be stored at once at 35° to 40°,
loosely wrapped; or, encased in fat, uncovered.

STANDARD You butcher wrap illustrated on

will see a typical
From low-quality young animals, with a very thin 821. If you will simply pull out the ends of the
fat covering and virtually no marbling. The youth paper and loosen them, adequate protection and
of the animals gives this grade a bland flavor, but proper ventilation are usually ensured. As a gen-
tenderness cannot be counted on; there may also eral rule, the larger the piece of meat, the longer
be a tendency toward dryness. Use moist-heat it will store.
cooking methods only. Ground meat, fresh sausage and variety meats
are amongthe most perishable kinds, both as to
COMMERCIAL AND UTILITY flavor-retention and safety. Cook them within 24
Meat from old animals. By reason of maturity and hours of purchase; and, if the ground meat is to
fat content, these meats have better flavor than be stored in amounts over a pound, make sure it
Standard grade, but are tough and coarse in tex- is loosely covered and so placed in a container
ture — —
even when carefully cooked because of that it is no more than 2 inches thick, thereby
their great proportion ofconnective tissue. allowing the chill of the refrigerator to penetrate
Although we are always being assured that the it quickly. Uncooked diced and cubed meats
protein value of meat from older animals is com- should be used within 48 hours or so. Roasts will
parable to that from the younger, more tender hold 3 to 5 days; steaks 2 to 4.
ones, we know that they rarely match in eating lamb and veal are slightly less stable than
quality. Definite exceptions apply to meats for beef. Prepackaged cured or smoked meat and
stocks, 520, and for soups, 169. Both have more sausages may be stored refrigerated for a week in
flavor if made from the meat of more mature ani- the original wrapper. Once meat is opened, ex-
mals. posed surfaces should be protected. In checking
Sometimes you will see a further USDA in- for spoilage, be sure meat is not slimy to the
spection stamp —
K for Kosher or "clean" meat. touch; that there is no off-odor on the surface of
This is meat from which the jugular vein has been beef, or in pork where the bone meets the flesh.
removed to facilitate the drainage of blood at the To freeze meat for storage, see 826.
time of slaughtering. The Kosher stamp should
also guarantee freshness, as ritual demands con-
sumption within 72 hours of slaughter. SEASONING MEAT
Besides being graded, meats are sometimes If you add salt to meat, it is best to do so at
marked with a second USDA stamp, a Yield num- or toward the end of cooking, whether by dry-
ber, which indicates in increasing proportion from or moist-heat methods, because salting before
1 to 5 the amount of excess fat content or waste. browning draws the juices, with their considerable
The usual yield number available in most markets natural salt content, out of the meat and into the
is Yield 2. In purchasing meat, bear in mind that pan. There are other ways to accent flavor. In dry-
cuts with the smallest percentage of bone and heat methods, meat may be rubbed with garlic,
fat make the best buys, and that while price per onion, herbs or spices about a half hour before
pound may go down for bonier cuts with more cooking; or slivers of garlic or onion may be in-
fat, the amount you need per serving goes up. It serted near the bone of a roast. Any bits of garlic
may surprise you to know that the cost of sirloin remaining on the surface of the meat should be
steak is comparable per portion to unboned chuck, discarded before cooking, as its scorched flavor is
that center-cut pork chops are cheaper per serving objectionable. In moist-heat methods, the addi-
than loin or rib chops, and that spareribs can be tion of herbs or wine to the stock will lessen the
444 MEAT

need for salt. For flavoring meat by marination, especially if ground 2 or 3 times, tends to pack.

see 445. Delicacy of flavor may be preserved in Always handle ground meat lightly to avoid a
meat heavy with fat by pouring off excess grease dense finished texture.
after the first half hour of cooking. Pounding, which breaks down the tough fibers
of meat, may be done with a wooden or rubber
mallet or the flat side of a cleaver. If you are in-
COOKING TOUGH MEATS experienced, hold the cleaver in both hands and
>• be sure the handle projects beyond the board
Tenderness in raw meats depends not only on the
comparative youth of the animal, but on the strain or table surface —
so that you don't bang your
of cattle to which it belongs and the way it was fingers. Or
use a macerating mallet such as shown
fed. Toughness is due both to the presence of in the foreground.
connective tissues and to a lack of fat in the
muscle. Larding, below, and Barding, 420, can help
to make up somewhat for lack of fat. But the best
way to convert stringy to tenderer tissue is by
very long and very slow covered cooking in the
presence of moisture. See Pot-Roasting, Stewing
and Braising, 447. Grinding and mincing, too,
make chewing easier. The texture of the meat,
however, if basically tough, remains so, and it
should never be used in luxury dishes like galan-
tines or, for that matter, even in those so com-
monplace as hamburger.
Any meat can be made more palatable by
seasonings and by added fats or dressings. Pound-
ing and scoring are a help in cuts that are nor-
mally treated by dry-heat methods, like sauteing
and pan-frying. Another favorite technique is
marination, 445.
Chemical tenderizing is a modern development.
One controversial innovation of this type is If you moisten the cleaver or mallet, and
beyond the control of the consumer. The live ani- strike with a glancing motion, the meat is not so
mal is given an injection of vegetable enzyme, apt to stick. In pounding something delicate, like a
the effects of which are carried throughout the capon breast, put it first into a fold of oiled parch-
body before butchering. Special aging and storing ment paper. These precautions will keep the meat
techniques must accompany this method. The intact, even when pounded paper-thin. A chef
enzyme reactivated at 130° and reduces cook-
is friend has suggested that if you find a very thin
ing time.Unfortunately all meat tissues those — piece of meat too measly-looking, it can be
which need it and those which do not are af- — pounded and then folded over for the cooking to
fected by enzyme injection. As a result, the tender make it more presentable when served.
portions may become flabby and somewhat taste- All working surfaces in these procedures
less, and the meat generally has a jellied con- especially —
those of wood should be carefully
sistency which we find unpleasant. cleansed with hot water and detergent afterward
Nor can we say much for the home method of and carefully dried, since salmonella and other
sprinkling the meat with papain, a derivative of dangerous bacteria thrive in equipment not prop-
papaya, which also tenderizes but adversely af- erly sanitized.
fects the flavor. If you care to try out a papain
derivative of the household type, sprinkle it on ABOUT LARDING
both sides of the meat, allowing 1 teaspoon of Larding, or the insertion of strips of pork fat into
tenderizer per pound. Prick the meat all over with lean cuts, helps give meat juiciness and flavor. This
a fork after applying the tenderizer. Recent studies
process has become more useful now that the
seem to indicate that papain enzymes function as trend in meat production is toward less marbled
meat warms up to between 140° and 176°, so the meat. To prepare lardoons, see directions on
tenderizer may be applied just before the meat is
the recipe opposite. Use short ones inserted near
put on to cook. the surface, and put them in across the grain of
the meat or fowl. Cut long ones so they protrude
slightly at either end of a chunk of meat, and
MINCING, GRINDING, POUNDING force them in parallel to the grain so they show
AND MACERATING MEAT up when the meat is sliced. It is important for at-
The effects of the two processes are quite
first tractiveness to cut all lardoons in uniform square-
different. Particlesminced meat remain sep-
of cut thicknesses varying from Va to V2 inch. Larding
arate in further preparation; but ground meat, needles are of two types. Those used in surface
MEAT 445

larding pinpointed models with a

are very thin with a cut:

flexible top which can easily be pried open to (Clove of garlic)

insert the lardoon and then pressed tightly against Cut into small uniform strips varying in cross sec-

the lardoon to hold it as the needle is drawn com- tion from Vb- to '/2-inch squares. Dip into:
pletely through the meat at a shallow angle as Freshly ground pepper
shown below. Sometimes these shallow lardoons Ground cloves
are so placed that their ends form decorative
II. Marinate:
rosettes. Allow about 2 to 3 ounces of pork fat for
pork lardoons
Vt lb. salt
one pound of meat.
For' internal larding, use the handled lardoire.
A few tablespoons of brandy
Its blade is like a pen point, the base of which
Just before using, sprinkle with:
elongates the entire length of the shaft and re-
mains open all along the top. Use this type to
Chopped parsley or chives
make, as well as insert, the lardoon. To fill, run it
along the top of a long piece of salt pork. Then
insert the point of the lardoire into the meat. MARINATING MEAT
This process which enhances tenderness and
is a
flavor inmeat by soaking it in a liquid containing
some form of seasoning and almost always an
acid, such as vinegar, wine, lemon juice, butter-
milk or yogurt. Using this process involves nu-
unless the marinade is subsequently
tritive losses
used to sauce the meat. Because marination is
also used for foods other than meat, it is dis-
cussed fully in Ingredients, 528.


Since this process is often used for foods other
than meat, a full description will be found on
149. It is a popular and quick method of cooking
thin or breaded cuts of meat.

This method of broiling may be convenient for
cooking steaks or chops about an inch or less in
thickness or for hamburgers. Slowly heat a heavy
With slow motion, push the lardoire through
the meat, turning it continuously in one direction
— preferably iron —
skillet until the edge of a steak
lightly touched to the skillet will sizzle briskly
until at least V2 inch of the lardoon projects at
either end of the meat. With the still-filled lardoire not hiss sharply. Greasing the pan is unnecessary
release the exposed lardoon from the for meats that are marbled or for hamburger with
at rest,
lardoire, both top and bottom, with the tip of a normal fat content; for lean meat you may rub the
knife. With the thumb of one hand, hold the re-
skillet with a very small amount
fat. Let meat
leased top portion of pork fat firmly against the cook uncovered, about 5 min-
sizzling briskly, for

top of the meat so as to keep the lardoon from utes. When the meat is seared and brown on the

coming out of the meat as you withdraw the bottom, turn at once and sear for a few minutes
lardoire with the other hand. Pull the lardoire on the other side. Avoid long cooking, which
gently, twisting it from side to side, so the lardoon toughens the meat. Pour off any fat that may
releases along its entire length. Allow about one accumulate, or the meat will wind up fried or
lardoon for every inch of the diameter of the meat. sauteed rather than pan-broiled. We do not rec-
For another method of preventing the drying ommend the old technique of pan-broiling on a
out of meat, see Barding, 420. salt base, which extracts meat juices. Fat-free
broiling may be done in a coated skillet or on a
soapstone griddle; in either case, follow manu-
LARDOONS facturer's instructions.
Enough for 2Vi Pounds of Meat
Please read About Larding, above. Lardoons may
be blanched briefly to release salt; then dried. BROILING MEAT
They may also be frozen just long enough to Please read about Broiling, 146, and about spit-
stiffen them before insertion into meat, or you cooking and outdoor grilling, 155. Choose tender
may proceed as follows. cuts, see Chart, 451, such as beef steak or lamb
I. Rub: chops. Flank steak or London Broil, 457, is also
V* lb. pork back fat, salt pork or bacon broiled, but must be cooked rare. The broiling of
446 MEAT

veal and fresh pork is not recommended; instead, Place meat in a preheated oven —
350° for pork,
saute or pan-fry such cuts. Kebabs are frequently —
325° for beef and lamb and keep temperature
marinated before broiling. For broiling frozen steady during the entire roasting process. Larding,
meats, see 826. barding and basting may prove helpful. In short,
Consult your range manufacturer's instructions everything possible should be done to accentuate
as to whether preheating is required and whether whatever tenderness the leaner grades may have.
or not the oven door is to be left ajar. Remove One of the tricks is never to roast the less tender
meat from refrigerator about an hour before cook- cuts more than medium rare — except for pork,
ing. Cut off excess fat and score the remaining fat which must be cooked until all pink color dis-
about every 2 inches around the edge, to keep the —
appears and to carve the meat in very thin slices,
meat from curling. Center the meat on the grid diagonally, across the grain.
which should be cold to prevent sticking and ad- — Another constant-heat roasting method for
just the broiler rack so that the top surface of the meats other than pork, see above, uses lower
meat is from the heat source. If grid
3 to 5 inches heat for a longer period. The oven should remain
is hot, grease or the meat. Without seasoning
it at least 275° at all times, for unwanted orga-
the meat, broil the top side until well browned; nisms may not otherwise be destroyed, no matter
then turn and broil until the second side is how long the cooking. Dry-roasting is not recom-
browned. Only one turning is required for a 1-inch mended for meat lower than Good-grade. These
steak or chop. For 2-inch thickness lower the rack tougher meats should be prepared by long, slow
so the surface of the meat is 4 inches from the moist-heat cooking. See Pot-Roasting, Stewing and
heat source and turn more frequently. Broiling Braising, 447.
time depends on thickness, fat content, whether
the meat was aged, and the degree of doneness
desired. Approximate timings for various meats
Bastingis a method of retaining the juiciness of
are given under the individual broiling recipes.
meat by moistening its surface with melted fat
from time to time during the roasting process.
ROASTING MEAT Since roasting, like broiling, is a dry-heat process,
Please the chart on 451, and About Meat
see the meat remains uncovered and no water or
Grades and Buying, 442, for types of meat appro- stock is used, for these liquids form steam and
priate for dry-heat roasting. In choosing meat for
this process and deciding what variation of the
procedure to follow, the important factors are the
tenderness of the cut and the amount of marbling.
Temperatures and timings are given in the in-
dividual recipes. Please read about Timing and
Doneness, 447. For gravy-making methods, please
read about Sauces Made by Degreasing and De-
glazing, 340, or about Meat Pan Gravy, 341.
In all cases, the meat should be removed from
the refrigerator about 2 hours before cooking. For
Prime and Choice grades, place roast not less —

than about 3 ribs in thickness on a rack, fat side
up, in an open shallow greased pan in a preheated
oven. As soon as you close the oven door, reduce
the heat and time the cooking from that point,
depending on the size of the roast and degree of
doneness wanted. For Prime meats, the fat con-
tent makes basting unnecessary. Choice-grade
meats are subdivided into five categories, depend-
ing on the amount of marbling, but all Choice-

grade cuts profit by basting, see right; and the last

two categories which are quite lean may bene-—
fit from larding, 444, or barding, 420.

If you are dealing with the next lower grade,

U.S. Good, be forewarned that you may be taking
a chance if you dry-roast rather than pot-roast
meat of this type, and that dry-roasting is not
recommended for pieces weighing less than 4 change the process to moist-heat cooking. No
pounds. basting necessary for well-marbled meats with

For Good-grade, use the following constant- a high intrinsic fat content. But all the less mar-
heat, dry-roasting method as an alternative to the bled cuts profit by basting. Before roasting
initial high-heat procedure used in Joy recipes. brush the pan with a small bit of fat to prevent
MEAT 447

charring the drippings, which results in a bitter the liquid reaches a boil, reduce the heat at once
taste in the juices used later for gravy. Basting to maintain a simmer and cover the pan tightly.
should begin after about the first half hour of If necessary, replenish the liquid from time to
cooking and should be repeated as often as nec- time, adding boiling stock or water. Turn the meat
essary to prevent drying —
at intervals of 10 min- occasionally to keep it moist. After browning, you
utes or more, depending on the size of the -roast, may place the pan in a preheated slow oven for
its leanness, the oven temperature, and the stage the remainder of the cooking, >• keeping the tem-
of the roasting process. The best utensil for bast- perature constant throughout. The temperament
ing is a bulb-type baster, illustrated opposite, that of your oven and the degree of heat retention of
suctions pan drippings, to which other melted fat your pan will determine the correct temperature
may be added if necessary. Or a spoon may be 300° to 325° — for long, slow, steady cooking.
used as shown opposite. Very lean meats profit by If cooking is done on top of the stove, the vege-

larding, 444; and barding, 420, produces an effec- tables you will serve with the meat may be added
tive form of self-basting. to the casserole during the last 45 minutes of

cooking about '/« pound of vegetables to 3A
ABOUT POT-ROASTING, STEWING pound of meat. Very mature vegetables may profit
by a brief blanching beforehand. For oven stews,
AND BRAISING MEAT it is preferable to cook the vegetables separately
All three procedures benefit the less tender cuts
on top of the stove and add them to the casserole
such as chuck, shoulder, bottom round and bris-
toward the very end of the cooking period.
ket. These moist-heat methods cook by simmering
You can, of course, short-cut the entire process
meat in varying amounts of liquid in a closed pot above by pressure cooking, but the necessarily
or casserole for relatively long periods. Pot-roast-
high heat produces a less desirable result.
ing may be used for pieces up to 4 or 5 pounds,
and stewing for meat in smaller chunks. Cuts of
There is a method known as cooking a blanc —
sometimes used for veal, pork or poultry in stews
various sizes may be braised, using less liquid than
for a stew, and a somewhat longer simmering

and pot roasts in which raw meat is placed di-
rectly in boiling water and the heat reduced
period. Braising is invariably preceded by brown-
almost at once to a simmer as the meat changes
ing. The ideal type of container for all three meth-
color. Also cooked without browning are the
ods is a heavy pan like a Dutch oven, with a
Chinese red stews, but because the liquid used is
tight-fitting cover.
half soy sauce and half water, the meat is colored
For moist-heat cooking in general, and espe-
during the cooking. In red-stewing, season with
ciallyon an electric range, we recommend the ginger, scallions and sherry.
following procedure. Before it is browned, the
Gravy served with a stew should not be thick
meat may simply be wiped dry, or it may be
dredged with flour, 552, or it may be marinated,

but should have good body what the French call
du corps. Always allow a stew or pot roast to
445. For browning, we prefer rendered fat from
stand at least 5 minutes off the heat so that the

the meat itself or fat that complements its flavor
fat will rise and can be skimmed off before serv-
— and only enough to cover the bottom of the pan
ing. If the stew is made some hours in advance,
and to prevent charring, which imparts a bitter
the meat may be drained and the gravy cooled and
taste to gravy. In a heavy skillet or Dutch oven,
defatted more easily. You may thicken the gravy
heat the fat slowly until a piece of meat sizzles
with a small amount of flour paste, 339. To reheat
briskly when it touches the pan. Turn the meat
leftover stews, see 449.
frequently so that it browns slowly. It is impor-
tant not to crowd the pan —
which lowers the heat,
causes steam to form, and results in graying rather TIMING AND DONENESS
than browning. For flavoring, diced vegetables Timings and temperatures for varying degrees of
such as onions, celery and carrots may be added doneness are given in the individual meat recipes.
to the fat when the meat is partially colored. Or, But, at best, meat timings are approximate, for
to control the heat more easily, the vegetables may there are many factors that make precision impos-
be sauteed separately until they have a translucent sible —the temperature of the meat at the outset
quality and then combined with the meat. Sep- of cooking, its shape and thickness, the fat and
arately sauteed onions may be sprinkled with a bone content, the matter of aging. We recom-
very small amount of sugar; the caramelizing mend, therefore, the use of ameat thermometer
that results adds attractive color to a stew. formore accurate results. thermometer
Insert the
After browning meat, pour off excess fat. You into the center of the meat, away from fat or bone,
may leave 1 or 2 tablespoons of fat in the pan and with the top of the thermometer as far as possible
set the meat on a bed of Mirepoix, 572. Or, for from the heat source.
pot-roasting, place the meat on a rack or on a If you have no thermometer, there are a couple

piece of pork rind. Then add boiling stock. For a of time-honored tests for doneness. Press the sur-
stew, the liquid should barely cover the meat. In face of the roast with your finger; if the meat is
pot-roasting and braising, add liquid in the bottom soft yet resilient, if it dents easily and at once
of the pan to a depth of V* to V2 inch. As soon as resumes its shape, it is cooked to medium rare.
448 MEAT

If it remains firm under finger pressure, it is well crust, you may use a Pate Brisee, 641; a Brioche
done. Another test is to prick or cut into roasted Dough, 615; a Puff Paste, 643; or a stiff bread
or broiled meats, though you thus lose valuable —
dough which will need to be punched down
juice. Raremeat produces red juice; medium-rare, once before rolling out. The recipe given here is
pink; well-done, colorless juice. ^ Because of the for the traditional nonedible croute heavy in egg —
danger of trichinosis, it is vital that pork, see 476, to lend the tensile strength necessary to cover big
be cooked thoroughly, to the stage when juices pieces of meat securely.
run clear. Most other meats —
with the exception
of white meat of fowl —
will be overdone at this I.For Partially Cooked Meats
stage. Preroast meat to within 30 or 45 minutes of done-
The following are some general rules related to ness.Remove meat from oven and let it cool to
the timing of meats. Ovens must be preheated for room temperature. Make a covering of one of the
roasting; in broiling, consult range manufacturer's doughs mentioned above, or the following:
instructions. Take roasts from the refrigerator Have all the ingredients at 70°. Mix together, to
about 2 hours before cooking; steaks or chops the consistency of coarse cornmeal:
about 1 hour. To ensure internal temperatures 4 cups all-purpose flour
high enough to destroy bacteria, 275° is the mini- 1 cup shortening
mum oven heat for roasting meats, except for 1 ' 2 teaspoons salt
pork, see 476, no matter how long the meat is Make a well, 643, of these ingredients and work

cooked even up to 12 hours of roasting. For one at a time:

comparative periods of moist-heat cooking, a sim- 3 to 4 eggs

mering temperature of 180° suffices because of and:
the more penetrating quality of the heat. V2 cup water
If a household product for tenderizing is used, Knead the dough until well bound. Roll into a
the papain derivative, see 444, greatly shortens the ball and rest covered for several hours at 70°.
cooking period. The insertion of metal pins in Preheat the oven to 450°. Roll the dough into a
roasting conserves energy to the extent that cook- large sheet about %
inch thick. Place the meat on
ing time shortened while juiciness is retained;
is the dough, top surface down. Then fold the dough
but the meat will not be quite so tender. We rec- over it neatly, pressing it to take the form of the
ommend the © pressure cooking of meats only meat. Be careful to keep the covering intact. Bring
if saving time is important; but tests show that the edges of the dough together and seal the seam
the flavor is better retained at 10 pounds pressure; with egg white. Then turn the covered meat right
in any case, consult manufacturer's instructions. side up. Brush any excess flour off the dough with
In high altitudes, roasting meat needs no time a dry brush.
adjustment up to 7000 feet; after that, a longer Now the fun begins. From the pastry scraps that
cooking period may be needed. For the thawing remain, cut rounds, flowers and leaves, or any
and cooking of frozen meats, please see 826. decorations that suit your mood. If you like, score
them with a fork to give their surfaces a varia-
tion that will show up markedly after baking. You
COOKING MEAT EN CROUTE may even use Puff Paste, 643, for such trimmings.
Meat in a crust, or en croute, lends itself particu-
Space them on the dough up to three thicknesses
larly to buffet service; remains in good
hot, it
by applying French Egg Wash, 731, to each as a
serving condition for half an hour; and, hot or glue. When you are satisfied with your design
cold, it is a conversation piece. There are two ways
to proceed. Roasted meat —
which may be beef,
and don't make it too cluttered brush the sur- —
faces with egg wash again. Put the meat in a pre-
lamb, fowl or ham —
may be precooked to within heated 450° oven. Reduce the heat at once to
30 to 45 minutes of doneness and cooled some- 350°. Allow the crust to bake until it is delicately
what before the encasing dough is applied; the browned. For an even effect, repeat the egg glaz-
wrapped meat is then baked only long enough to ing at the end of the baking. You may also brush
brown the pastry and conclude the cooking of the the crust with butter on removal from the oven.
meat, see Beef Wellington, 455. An alternate
method applies the dough to uncooked meat, and II.For Uncooked Meats
the whole encased roast or ground-meat pate is Prepare the dough as in above; or use one of the

baked long enough to cook the meat thoroughly previously mentioned doughs. Coat the meat to
while the crust browns; see Pate en Croute, 494. be covered with Egg Wash, 731. Fold the pastry
For meats not precooked, it is essential that the around the meat and decorate as described in I

dough covering be vented in several places when above. Cut a series of decorative gashes— steam
applied, to allow the escape of steam and to pre- vents —
in the dough casing, as for a covered pie.
vent buckling of the crust. Bake the meat in a preheated 300° oven 2 to 3
Following the French tradition, the tough croute hours, depending on size. Hams and legs of lamb
or dough covering is not eaten, but serves merely may be boned and stuffed before wrapping. Pre-
as a medium to preserve aroma and juices. If you cook any stuffing you may use, as the heat may not
prefer a latter-day American variety of edible penetrate it sufficiently to cook it through.
MEAT 449

ABOUT MEAT PASTRIES AND II. If you prefer to put an unbaked dough topping

on the stew and heat the meat mixture and the

MEAT PIE TOPPINGS dough at the same time, proceed as follows:
How we'd relish judging an international compe-
Preheat oven to 350°.
tition of housewives turning out their native meat
Fill baking dish with cooked stew and gravy to
pastries! The doughs would range from the re-
one inch from the top. Place over it a generous
silient to the flaky, with fillings running a full
round of dough to allow for shrinkage, brushing
gamut of flavor. They would include: Won Ton,
the undersurface with white of egg to help make
Ravioli, Kreplach, Piroshki, Rissoles, Enchiladas,
it impervious to steam. Be sure to slash vents in
Pot Pies. It is in such homely functional dishes,
the dough covering. Heat the dish 45 minutes to
varied according to the season and by the indi-
1 hour, when the stew should be thoroughly
vidual cook, that the true cuisine of a country
heated and the crust golden. You may brush the
dwells. Many of the small-sized specialties call
crust with butter before serving.
for precooked fillings which, already encased,
need only a brief cooking of the dough and re- STORING COOKED MEAT
heating of the filler, either by simmering in a
It wise to promptly cover meat that is left over
broth, deep-fat frying, sauteing or bakirig. Pastry-
and to refrigerate it, covered, as soon as it has
covered meats can fit into the menu in many ways,
cooled slightly.

depending on their size from hors d'oeuvre or Do not store meat in hot gravy in quantities
soup garnishes to a one-dish meal. The prize for larger than 3 cups. Drain off the gravy and allow
the heartiest would go to the English with their
it to cool separately if the amounts are larger.
Steak-and-Kidney Pie, 465. Usually the one most If meats are stuffed, unstuff them and store the
common on American tables is the Pot Pie, 252 stuffing separately.
pre-stewed meat heated in gravy, sometimes with
vegetables, covered in various fashions with a
dough topping.
For convenience one is sometimes obliged to
One method is to place unbaked biscuits or
prepare roasted meat in advance, to be reheated
dumplings on top of a stew, spacing them widely
just before serving. Although this procedure is not
enough to allow steam to escape. The two es-
always satisfactory because of the tendency of
making a meat pie are: first, to have
sentials in
enough tastily seasoned gravy to almost cover
— —
meat especially large roasts to become dry on
reheating, it can be done if there is no other solu-
the cooked meat, and, second, to ensure that
tion to your problem of time. Simply bring the
steam does not produce a soggy crust. One sure-
preroasted meat to room temperature and warm
fire procedure to prevent sogginess is the follow-
through in a preheated moderate oven.
Reheat sliced or sauced meats or hash by first
I. Use: heating the sauce separately, just to the point of
Any unsweetened Pie Dough, 640 boiling. Add the meat. Reduce heat to low at
and prebake separately on a baking tin dough cut once. When the meat is thoroughly heated, serve
to cover the casserole or smaller individual dishes immediately. Another method for warming sliced
in which you meat pie. Since pie
will serve the roasted meat is suggested on 161.
dough shrinks baking, you must cut it slightly
larger than the dish and prick the dough with a SHARPENING KNIVES FOR CARVING
fork. Bake the pastry separately at 425° for 15 or A dull knife is a lazy servant that requires you to
20 minutes, until golden brown. Remember that do more than your share of the work. But a sharp
this separate baking means you will have to cover knife allows you to make neater, less ragged
your casserole in some other way as the stew itself slices; it permits greater precision; it requires less
heats — with a piece of foil placed lightly on top, cutting pressure, and therefore you are less likely
or with a loose-fitting lid. Just before serving, to slice yourself. We recommend two implements
when the casserole has been heated through, place for sharpening knives. One is a 6- to 10-inch
the prebaked crust on top and serve at once. sharpening stone with coarse and fine sides. Place
450 MEAT

this stone in front of you lengthwise on a counter- together. Begin to roll the uncut portion of the

top. Lay the knife against the stone first on the newly folded paper, leaving an opening at the
coarse side at about a 15° to 20° angle and draw folded open edge big enough to slip over the
it in a curved sweeping motion toward you, as bone. Fasten this roll with scotch tape and slide
shown in the first three drawings on the left, ten the frill over the bone.
times for each side. Then turn the stone over to
the fine side, increase the angle of the blade very ABOUT MEAT CUTS
slightly, as shown on
the right, and repeat. Be sure
Ifyou are doing your own butchering, you need
to clean from the blade the excess grit which you
to know intimately every bone in the body of the
will have removed from the stone.
animal. We show, 451, the skeleton of a beef,
If you are sharpening your knife with a steel,
which is very similar to that of other quadrupeds,
you should do so before each carving period. The
except for proportion of bone to meat.
steel, which must be kept magnetized, realigns
With all quadrupeds, the areas along the central
the molecular structure of the blade.
spine portion which more or less hangs between
To true the blade, hold the steel firmly in
the left hand, thumb on top of the handle. Hold
the shoulder blade and the hip socket areas with—
the knife in the right hand, point upward, the
the least active musculature —
are the tenderest.
They can be counted on to cook by the dry-heat
blade away from you, and the hand slightly away
methods: roasting, broiling and pan-frying. Those
from the bodv. Place the heel of the blade against
areas just contiguous sometimes respond to dry
the far side of the base of the steel and begin to
heat by the constant-heat method, 146, but, like
draw along the length of the blade as illustrated
all the rest of the meat up through the shoulder
in thefirst two sketches. The steel and blade
and foreshank in front and from the rump to the
should meet at about a 15° to 20° angle. Draw hind shank, where muscles are active, they will
the blade across the steel, bringing it up from the
need slow, moist cooking to break down the con-
left hand, with a quick swinging motion of the
nective tissues. This is particularly true as you
right wrist. The entire blade should pass lightly
descend from Prime to Utility grades, 442.
over the steel.
To start the second stroke, shown above right,
bring the knife into the same position as in the
first, but this time the blade should lie in front of

the steel, away from you. About twelve strokes are

enough to true the edge.
If vou will get into the habit of sharpening your

knife at frequent intervals, you will find that chop-

ping, slicing and carving chores will go incredibly
faster, and you will have a truly useful, extremely
snappy servant at your command.


To make a frill for a shank ham, a lamb bone or If you buy your meat ready cut and prepack-

drumsticks, fold in half dinner-sized stiff paper aged, you need a different kind of knowledge of
napkins, about 12x8 inches. Cut through the fold —
these same bones what they look like as they
within 1 inch of the open
at '/2-inch intervals to lie cut and trimmed ready to use in see-through

edge. Reverse the fold, bringing the open edges wraps. Familiarity with the bone structure is your

may be cooked by dry-heat methods

must be cooked by moist-heat methods,

except for ground meats

in prime or good grade, may be cooked by either of the above

452 MEAT

best clue as to whether the meat should be ABOUT ECONOMICAL USE OF

cooked by a dry- or moist-heat method. While LARGE CUTS OF MEAT
there are slight variations of shape among beef,
Ifyou are shopping for a household of two, there
veal, lamb and pork, you can roast, broil, pan-
broil or pan-fry all cuts with the following shapes.
are times when you may look longingly at the
"weekly special" on meat. How tempting the
Reading from left to right are the T-bone, the rib
standing rib roast of beef, the rump of beef, the
bone and three types of the wedge bone. The
leg of spring lamb, the loin of pork, the round
first of the wedge bones is the pin bone near the
of veal or the half or whole ham! But unless you
short loin; in the front of this group is the flat
are planning to have guests, it looks like far more
bone which is in the center cut, and above that
meat than you care to buy. But by taking advan-
is the wedge bone near the round. With veal,
tage of special sale prices and planning ahead to
pork and lamb you may also cook by dry-heat
freeze a part of the cut for future use, it is an
methods if they show a round bone such as that
seen last on the right above. If it is not ground,
economy to buy the larger piece. You can still
beef with this type of bone should be prepared

have your delicious small roast or steaks from
the ham or veal, chops from lamb or pork, short
by a moist-heat method, as should any cut having
ribs from beef. Then the remainder of the roast
a blade bone or a brisket bone, grouped left and
right in the foreground.
may be used in many interesting leftover dishes,
see Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes, 250.
There are, of course, other differences in cuts
and major differences in cooking procedures, all
carefully noted in the meat recipes and in the
Abouts on beef, veal, pork, lamb and venison. ECONOMICAL USE OF LARGE CUTS
Taste and flavor preferences are highly individual,
depending in large part on the sophistication of 6 RIBS OF BEEF— 18 TO 20 POUNDS
one's palate. Have the butcher cut a roast of 6 ribs as shown
Please see Chart, 451, for location of alternate
choices immediately below; and read About Fillet
of Beef, 454, and Steaks, 455. As an example, from
26 pounds of short loin you will have a choice of
club, sirloin and porterhouse steaks which are —
a combination of T-bone, sirloin and fillet. But,
if you want 5 pounds of fillet from the short loin,

you must forgo the porterhouse steaks, which will

leave you 21 pounds of short loin for sirloin
steaks, T-bone and club steaks. If you choose to
have the fillet, see the illustration, 454, to utilize
it to the best advantage.

21 lb. loin end Butt steaks and roasts
2 lb. flank steak —
Ground beef flank steak
45 lb. boneless round Top and bottom, Swiss
steak, pot roasts, ham-
burger, cubed steak
23 lb. rib 7-rib roast, rolled roast,
rib steaks
42 lb. boneless chuck Ground beef, stew, pot
10 lb. boneless brisket For braising, stewing,
ground, corned beef
17 1b. plate Ground beef, stew
10 1b. shank Soup meat, marrowbones The short ribs are on the right of the dotted line.

Usable also will be the tripe, tongue, liver, heart, Baked, 464, or barbecued, these ribs will serve two
sweetbreads, brains, kidneys, oxtail and head. But persons. If you then look at the roast from the
you will have 49 pounds of unusable fat, bone and top, you will see two long, rather coarse-grained

waste, and about 5 pounds will be lost in trim- pieces of meat called lifters. They are shown
ming. above the and sliced, although they extend
MEAT 453

for the full roast. These are best

depth of the sauteed, as can pork, if smoked. Legs of lamb can
cooked by moist heat beef stew, 459-462, and
in a be roasted. Similar veal and pork cuts demand
will serve four to five persons. moist-heat cooking. To cut or carve, see illustra-
The eye of the rib removed next is tied into a tions on 471 and 484, and the suggestions below.
roast which will produce about 24 slices; or, sliced
horizontally, about ten 1-inch Delmonico or Spen- LEG OF LAMB—
cer steaks; and the six bones will serve two Have butcher cut off 4 loin chops for:
persons. Broiled Lamb Chops II 472
Also a slice about 2 inches thick, diced into
2 RIBS OF BEEF— 5 POUNDS 1-inch cubes, for:
Have butcher cut off: Curried Lamb 475
Short Ribs 464 Lamb Stew 474
Beef Roast 454
Roast the remaining shank end. 471
The leftover beef can be reheated in
Leftovers may be used in:
Cumberland Sauce, 356.
Veal or Lamb and Spinach Dish 256
Or use it in: Eggplant Filled with Leftover Food 304
Hot Roast Beef Sandwich with Lamb Terrapin 257
Brown Sauce and olives 270 Lamb Sandwich 274
Shepherd's Pie 262 Scotch Broth 174
Leftovers in Bacon 257
Peppers Stuffed with Meat and Rice 316
Cold Roast Beef and Tomato Sauce 352
Acorn Squash Filled with Creamed Food 330 Have butcher cut off 1 or 2 thin slices of
veal for:

RUMP OF BEEF—4 TO 5 POUNDS Veal Birds 469

Mexican Veal Steak with Noodles 470
Have butcher cut off a piece about 2 inches
Wiener Schnitzel 468
thick and dice it into 1-inch cubes for:
Beef Stew with Wine 460 Have another slice cut off to dice into
1-inch cubes for:
Or use it in 1 piece for:
Blanquette de Veau 470
Pot Roast 459
Casseroled Veal with Sour Cream 470
Use the leftovers as:
Use the remainder for:
Cold Roast Beef and Curry Sauce 345
Veal Roast 467
or hot as hash, or in:
Use leftovers in:
Hot Roast Beef Sandwich 270
Curried Veal and Rice 256
Turnovers Filled with Meat 251
Creamed Veal 256
Veal and Spinach 256
LOIN OF PORK—9 TO 10 POUNDS Veal Timbales 233
Have butcher cut off 4 chops from center
of loin for:
Pork Chops 479 HALF HAM—4 TO 7 POUNDS
Deviled Pork Chops 480 Have butcher cut off 1 or 2 slices to use for:
Braised Pork Chops 479 Broiled Ham 484
Use one end for:
Stuffed Ham Rolls III 258
Pork Roast 477 Ham with Fruit 485

Freeze the other end for: Use remainder as:

Pork Roast Stuffed with Sauerkraut 478 Baked Ham 483

Use leftovers in:

Use leftovers for:

Meat Pie Roll 251 Ham and Corn Croquettes 248

Chop Suey 257 Ham a la King 258
Shepherd's Pie 262 Stuffed Ham Rolls II with Asparagus 258
Pizza 610 Jellied Ham Mousse 120
Scrapple or Coetta 499 Ham Cakes with Pineapple and
Sweet Potatoes 258
LEG OF LAMB, VEAL, FRESH PORK Ham Loaf with Cooked Ham 257
Split Pea or Lentil Soup 177
OR HAM Waffles and Ham in a la King Sauce 348
The bone structure of the leg in veal, lamb and
pork is similar to that of beef shown on the chart,
451. In all these leg cuts, the center can be sliced ABOUT BEEF
separately for lamb steaks, veal cutlets or ham Beef, far and away the most popular American
slices. The veal and lamb center cuts can be meat, is from mature cattle usually older than 9
454 MEAT

months. There are other beef terms, such as bul- rare and 170° well-done. To make gravy, see
lock beef, which denotes meat from male cattle Sauces Made by Degreasing and Deglazing, 340,
under 24 months; calf, usually between 3 and 8 or About Meat Pan Gravy, 341. Serve the roast
months; and veal, see 466. Please read the general with:
remarks About Meats, 442; and, to identify the Baked Macaroni, 217, or
various beef cuts, see the beef illustrations, 452, Yorkshire Pudding, 206, or
455 and 456; for Economical Use of Large Cuts, Tomato Pudding Cockaigne, 333
see 452. The recipes that immediately follow are To carve, see left below.
those involving ** dry-heat first, then moist-heat
methods. For ground beef recipes, see 486 to 493; ROAST STRIP SIRLOIN
for cooked and leftover beef recipes, see Lunch- 24 to 30 Servings
eon Dishes, 250. Preheat oven to 550°.
Having removed meat from refrigeration about 2
ROAST BEEF hours before, trim excess top fat from:
2 to 3 Servings to the Pound An 18- to 22-lb. eye of the strip sirloin
These directions are for the large, tender cuts we Place fat side up on a rack in a greased shallow
think of as Sunday dinner roast beef. The most pan in the oven. Reduce heat at once to 350°.
tender are the standing rib roast and rolled rib Roast uncovered, about 1 hour for rare meat, or
roast. The sirloin-tip roast, eye of round or rolled until thermometer registers between 130° and
rump may be cooked the same way if they are of 140°.
Prime or Choice grade. If you choose a standing
rib roast, have your butcher remove spinal cord,
shoulder bone and chine, and have him tie the
chine back on to keep the contour of the meat
and to protect the eye of the roast during cooking.
Preheat oven to 550°.
Having removed the roast from the refrigerator
about 2 hours before, place meat fat side up on
a rack in a shallow greased roasting pan. Do not
cover. Add no liquid. Insert meat thermometer,
447, so that the tip is in the center of the thickest ABOUT FILLET OF BEEF
This choicest, most tender cut can be utilized in
many ways. First trim off fat and sinew. Loosen
fat at the small or tail end and tear this off, as well
as the clods of fat near the thicker end. With a
sharp pointed knife, remove the thin, tough, blu-
ish sinew underneath. To cook the fillet whole,
tuck the thin end under to equalize thickness; or
you may simply cut off about 6 inches of the tail
end and save it for Beef Stroganoff, 458; Sukiyaki,
458; Kebabs, 459; or Steak Tartare, 86. There is
some dissension about classic fillet cuts for steaks.
Perhaps the drawing above will help clarify the
situation. Beginning and extending not quite half-
way through the heavy end of an entire fillet
is the head, or tenderloin butt. In the second half

of the heavy end lies the Chateaubriand section,

usually cut thick enough for a double or triple
portion. If you divide the remainder of the fillet
into four sections, as shown, you have first the
fillet steaks, next the tournedos, then the filet

mignons, or small fillets, and finally a tip section

that is usually cubed for Beef Stroganoff, 458, or

brochettes or beef kebabs, 459. The cuts vary from

2 to 3 inches in thickness for Chateaubriand, 1 /z 1

to 2 inches for fillets, and 1 inch for tournedos.

Cooking times, therefore, vary proportionately.
part and not touching fat or bone. Immediately
reduce heat to 350° and roast 18 to 20 minutes to FILLET OR TENDERLOIN OF BEEF
the pound for medium-rare. A rolled roast will Allow V3 Pound per Serving
require 5 to 10 minutes longer to the pound. Remove meat from refrigerator about 1 hour
Thermometer reading should be between 140° before.
MEAT 455

Preheat oven to 500°. low to stand 15 minutes before serving on a gar-

Remove the surplus fat and skin from: nished platter. Carve with a very sharp knife into
A fillet of beef, at least 5 lb. slices about 3A inch thick. Serve with:
You may with narrow strips of:
lard, 444, Sauce Perigueux, 347, or
(Salt pork or bacon) Bordelaise Sauce, 347
Fold over the thin end of the fillet and secure
with string. If not larded, spread the meat gener- ABOUT BEEF STEAK CUTS
ously with butter or tie strips of bacon over it. As the growth of steak houses has shown, no meat
Place on a rack in a greased roasting pan in the is more popular, and at home when celebrating,
oven. Do not cover or baste it. Reduce the heat the cry is usually, "Let's have steak." This word
immediately to 400° and bake 30 minutes in all. A covers many cuts, the most desirable in the white
fillet is usually cooked rare when the internal tem-
section of the chart, 451. Coming from the sirloin
perature reaches 130°. Season when done. You section are the wedge bone, the flat bone, and the
may surround the fillet with: pin or hip bone, illustrated below. The pin bone,
Broiled Mushrooms, 308 closest to the short loin, has a large tenderloin or
Garnish the platter with: filletportion. The sirloins coming from the end
Sprigs of parsley
near the hip are leaner than the porterhouse and
Souffle Potatoes, 321 T-bones that lie in the short loin section described
Serve with: next. Again see the chart, 451.
Marchand de Vin Sauce, 347
Bordelaise Sauce, 347
Bearnaise Sauce, 359


About 12 Servings
If time no object and your aim is to out-Jones

the Joneses, you can serve this twice-roasted but

rare beef encased in puff paste but don't quote—
us as devotees.
Doubie the recipe for:
Puff Paste, 643
which can be prepared the day before and re-
served in the refrigerator.
Preheat oven to 425°.
Rub with butter:
A 5-lb. fillet of beef
Roast on a rack 25 minutes or until thermometer
reads 120° —
very rare. On taking meat from oven,
you may flambe with:
('/» cup brandy)

Let meat cool to room temperature. You may

then thinly coat with:
(Pate de foie gras or de volaille, 495)
Now roll out part of the puff paste into a rectangle
about T/2 inches larger in width and length than
the fillet. Spread the rectangle with: From the short-loin section comes the porter-
Duxelles, 573 house, 456, which has a larger section of tender-
that have been we'll cooled. Preheat oven again loin and a longer tail than the T-bone below it.
to 425°. Center the fillet on the rolled-out dough. Still another cut in this area, shown last, 456, is

Roll out remaining dough and shape it over the the club or minute or, when trimmed, Delmonico
entire fillet. Secure top and bottom pieces to- steak, which has no tenderloin.
gether, finger-pinching all around after brushing When steaks from the loin section are cut
edges with: whole or in individual servings with the tender-
White of egg loin removed, they are called strip or shell steaks.
Use any excess dough for decorations, which you When cooked in individual portions they are
can stick to the surface with more of the egg broiled; in one piece they may be roasted, 454
white. Brush exposed surfaces with: For the sectioning of a whole tenderloin or fillet
French Egg Wash, 731 into steaks, see 454. For Spencer or rib eye or rib
Place the covered fillet on a greased baking sheet. steaks from the rib section shown next on the
Bake 10 minutes. >
Reduce heat to 375° and bake chart, 451, please see illustrations in Economical
until crust is golden, about 20 minutes more. Al- Use of Large Cuts of Meat, 452.
456 MEAT

By courtesy and custom the term steak is facturer so recommends. Season steak at the end
applied to the following beef cuts. Some, like of cooking, not before. Hot or cold, steak is some-
Salisbury steak and hamburger, 486; cube, if times enhanced by a sauce such as one of the
macerated; and flank when prepared as for Lon- following:
don Broil, 457, are treated by dry-heat methods. Garlic Butter, 351
Hamburger patties made of ground meat, and Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350
Salisbury steak patties made of minced meat, are Colbert Butter, 350
from trimmings of round or chuck and sometimes Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347
from the hanging tender. For scraped fillet of ten- Bearnaise Sauce, 359
der beef called Steak Tartare, which is eaten raw, Bordelaise Sauce, 347
see 86. Sour Cream Horseradish Dressing, 356

Please read About Beef Steak Cuts, 455. Remove
meat from refrigeration about an hour before
Preheat broiling compartment.
Prepare for cooking:
Sirloin, T-bone, strip or porterhouse steak,
IV2 to 2 inches thick
You may rub the steak with:
(A cut clove of garlic)
Or, an hour before cooking, spread it with-
(Olive oil)
Put steak on a cold grid —
or on a greased hot grid
— over shallow greased pan, the top surface of
the meat 3 inches from the heat source for a Vh-
inch-thick steak. Brown the meat on one side, then
turn once and brown the other side, allowing
about 7 minutes per side for rare and about 8
minutes for medium. For a 2-inch steak, place
meat 4 inches from heat source; turn more fre-
quently, allowing in all about 9 minutes per side
for rare and about 10 minutes for medium. When
done, spread with butter or degreased pan drip-
pings. Add:
Choppedparsley or chives
Serve the steak garnished with:
To avoid toughness, it is best to cook the so- Sauteed Mushrooms, 308
mentioned below by moist-heat pro-
called steaks French Fried Onion Rings, 313
cedures. They are flank, cube, tip of the round,
the round itself, with its characteristic bone, the
blade chuck, Swiss and rump steaks.
For fillet steak cuts, please see About Fillet of Beef,
454. The thickness of the steak varies, and there-
COOKING STEAKS fore the cooking times vary proportionately. These
A roving friend of ours who dropped into a tavern steaks are usually served quite rare.
in upstate New York not long ago tells us that the Flatten slightly:
management had chosen to preface a rather lim- inches thick
Fillet steaks: 1 to 2
ited menu list with the proud claim: "All steaks Or have the butcher shape and surround them
broiled to your likeness." Few cooks anywhere with a strip of bacon secured by a wooden pick.
would attempt such feats of portraiture, but steak Spread with:
—from charcoal grilled to planked Chateaubriand, Butter
454 —does duty for so many different occasions Broil as for:
that we think it worthwhile to discuss steak va- Broiled Steak, above
rieties below. Unless special directions are given, When done, remove the bacon. Serve steak on:
all types of steak may be broiled, 456, or pan- A toasted crouton, 551
broiled, 457. The meat should be removed from with:
refrigeration about an hour before cooking. The Bearnaise Sauce, 359
grid should be cold; or, if it is hot, either grid Lemon and parsley
or meat should be oiled to prevent sticking. The Broiled Mushrooms, 308
broiling compartment should be preheated and Potatoes Anna, 320, or Duchess
the oven door left slightly ajar if the range manu- Potatoes, 323
MEAT 457

PLANKED STEAK When meat done— not more than

is 3 minutes to

It seems to us a regrettable state of affairs that this

a side — deglaze pan, 340, with:
V* cup dry red wine
way of serving broiled steak in high style has be-
2 tablespoons beef stock
come "dated." If you can come by one of those
1 teaspoon Meat Glaze, 368
special hardwood planks incised with well-and-
Serve with:
tree design to catch the juices, you're in. Follow
Artichoke hearts, stuffed with
directions for seasoning a plank, 154, if it's new.
Creamed Spinach, 327
Duchess Potatoes, 323
Brush the plank with:
Vegetable oil PEPPERED STEAK
and preheat it. Broil, 456, to rare only: Use:
AIV2- to 2-inch steak Trimmed
1-inch-thick strip sirloin,
Brush the steak with: club or filet mignon steaks
Melted butter Crush don't grind:
and season with: Peppercorns
Salt and pepper coarsely on a board with a pressing, rolling move-
Place steak in center of plank. Using a fluted pas- ment, using the bottom of a pan. Press the steaks
try tube, ruffle a border of potatoes around the into the crushed pepper and work it into both
edge of the plank. Now place the filled plank sides of the meat with the heel of your palm or
briefly under the broiling element, just long with the flat side of a cleaver. Sprinkle the bot-
enough for the potatoes to color. Remove from tom of a 9-inch skillet with:
oven and garnish with several of the following, 2 teaspoons salt
arranged between the steak and potatoes: When it begins to brown, put the steaks into the

Green Peas, 314 pan and brown uncovered over high heat.
Grilled Tomatoes, 332 Reduce to medium heat, turn steaks and cook
Broiled Mushrooms, 308 to desired degree of rareness. In a separate pan,
Young Carrots in Bunches, 296 prepare:
Parsley or watercress 'A cup butter
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
PAN-BROILED STEAK Remove steaks from the pan in which they have
About Beef Steak Cuts, 455, and about
Please read
been cooked and discard the pan drippings. If
Pan 445. This method is not recom-
you wish to flambe the steaks, 155, do so with:
mended for steaks more than about 1 inch thick. (2 oz. brandy)
Prepare for cooking:
Serve the butter mixture separately.
A beef steak
Heat a heavy frying pan over lively heat until meat
sizzles briskly as it touches the pan. If the meat
4 Servings
is very lean, rub the pan lightly with:
Have the butcher score the meat crosswise on
A bit of beef fat
both sides. It may be rubbed before cooking with
Put the steak into the pan and sear uncovered
a mixture of:
about 5 minutes Turn and sear the other side.
(1 tablespoon vegetable oil)
Reduce heat and continue cooking until done,
(1 finely chopped shallot)
about 8 or 10 minutes in all. Pour off any fat that
(1 clove garlic, crushed)
may have accumulated in the pan, for, if it is al-
Preheat broiler.
lowed to remain, the steak will be "fried," not
Place on greased broiler rack:
"broiled." Season with:
A 2- to 3-lb. flank steak
and ground pepper
Make with
Broil within 2 to 3 inches of heat — the hotter the
the drippings:
Pan Gravy, 341
better —about 5 minutes on one side and 4 min-
utes on the other, making sure meat is kept rare.
or use:
If flank steak is cooked medium or well done, it
Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350
becomes extremely tough. Carve in 1
For suggestions for steak sauces, see 456. Serve
slices and cut diagonally across the grain. Serve
Franconia Potatoes, 320
Bearnaise Sauce, 359
Bordelaise Sauce, 347
Four 1 -inch fillet steaks 6 Servings
using, to prevent sticking, a small amount of: This dish is cooked at table in a special deep
Butter metal pot which narrows at the top to keep the
458 MEAT

butter from spattering. can also be cooked in an

It Drain and add the beef. Season with:
electric skillet if is sweet and clari-
the butter Salt and pepper
fied, which keeps it from popping. We love this A grating of nutmeg
dish inordinately. It gives the hostess an easy time, (V2 teaspoon basil)
both from the cooking angle and from the enter- Add and heat briefly:

taining one -as the guests quickly reveal their 1
A cup dry white wine
individual They are all there
characteristics. Then add:
hoarder, cooperator, kibitzer, boss. Don't try to 1 cup warm whipping cream or cultured
get more than 5 or 6 guests around one heat sour cream
source. Allow for each person /3 to V2 pound 1
Serve with:
fillet of beef. Green Noodles, 213
Cut into 1-inch dice and bring to the table on a
platter garnished with parsley:
About 3 lb. fillet of beef
6 Servings
Have ready at room temperature or slightly
Japan's famous "friendship dish" is winning more
warmed several of the following accompaniments:
Mustard with capers and more Stateside friends. It's a one-plate meal
prepared ceremoniously at table in an electric
Sour Cream Horseradish Dressing, 356
Andalouse Sauce, 364 skillet — or, less festively, in the kitchen in a heavy
skillet or wok. The orderly cooking ritual lasts
Herb or Curry Mayonnaise, 364, 365
Watercress Dressing, 360 about 15 minutes, as one after another the uni-
formly sliced ingredients are taken from a beau-
Chutney Dressing, 361
tifully arranged platter and sauteed. Have ready on
Orange Marmalade, 839
Marchand de Vin Sauce, 347
Melt in an electric skillet or in a fondu pot: 2 lb. beef: sirloin tip, eye of round or fillet,

sliced Va inch thick

1 cup clarified butter or peanut oil

When the butter is brownish, announce the rules The meat is easy to slice if put in the freezer for
of the game. Ask each guest to limit himself to 20 minutes. Cut against the grain. But meat and all
other ingredients should be at room tempera-
two pieces of meat at a time, so as not to crowd
the pot and lower the cooking temperature. If a
ture for cooking. Have ready:
2 strips beef suet, about 1 oz. each, or
skillet is used, each person impales the cubes on
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
his fork, releases the meat into the pan and wor-
ries it around in the hot fat until it's done to his
Also arrange attractively on the platter, in diag-

liking; if he prefers rare, the time is very short.

onally cut uniform slices:
If a deep fondu pot is used, the meat must stay on
V2 cup thinly sliced onions
6 scallions with 2 inches of green
the fork during the cooking, or it will be irretriev-
ably lost —
but, according to an old Swiss custom,
Canned bamboo shoots
2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms
the loser gets a consolation prize: the right to
V2 cup Chinese cabbage or watercress, or
kiss the Swiss miss on his left! Meantime, each
V* cup Chinese chrysanthemum leaves
guest has arranged on his plate an assortment of
sauces —
like oils on an artist's palette into which — V2 cup 3/4-inch cubes soybean curd, 535
If a single skillet is used, it is best to cook only
he dips the hot browned meat. Serve with crusty
half the amount on the platter at one time, shar-
French bread or rolls and a tossed salad with
ing that batch and then cooking the "seconds"
green grapes or avocado slices.
later. Put the suet or oil into the hot skillet over
medium heat. When the point of fragrance is
BEEF STROGANOFF reached, remove unmelted bits —
if you have used

4 Servings suet —and add the thin beef slices. Saute with-
This dish * freezes well and can be made with out browning, turning frequently, about 3 min-
ends, shown on 454.
fillet utes. Push the meat to one side and saute in
Cut into V2-inch slices across the grain: sequence the onions, scallions, mushrooms and
IV2 lb. fillet of beef Chinese cabbage. The sauteing of the onions to
Pound them until thin. Cut into strips about 1 almost golden, followed by the gradual addition
inch wide. Melt pan: in a of the other vegetables, should take about 7 min-
1 tablespoon butter utes in all. As the other vegetables are being
Saute in the butter about 2 minutes: added, pour in, a little at a time, a mixture of:
A tablespoon grated onion 1
A cup soy sauce
Saute beef quickly in the butter about 5 minutes, V2 cup stock
until browned evenly. Remove and keep hot. Add 1 teaspoon sugar
to the pan: This procedure produces a fast-rising steam but
2 tablespoons butter not enough moisture to waterlog the vegetables.
Stir and saute in the butter: Push the meat into the center of the skillet, add
A lb. sliced mushrooms the bamboo shoots and bean curd and stir about
MEAT 459

4 minutes more. The vegetables should retain Marinate and cook as for:
crispness and color. Lamb Kebabs, 473
Season to taste using one of the marinades listed in that recipe; or
Serve this mixture at once over: use:
Boiled Rice, 206 Teriyaki Marinade, 529, or
As an autheni.c detail, you may have at room Beer Marinade, 529
temperature in individual dishes:
(Raw eggs)
to coat the bits of the Sukiyaki as the food is
dipped into it with chopsticks. 6 Servings
>• Please read About Pot-Roasting, 447.
Prepare for cooking one of the following
in this
general order of preference:
3 to 4 lb. chuck, shoulder, top or bottom
round, brisket, blade or rump
If the meat is lean, you may lard it, 444. Rub meat
Dredge in:
Heat in a heavy pan:
2 tablespoons rendered suet or vegetable oil
Brown the meat on all sides in the fat. Do not
let it scorch. Add to pot when the meat is half
1 chopped carrot
1 diced rib celery
(1 diced small white turnip)
(Va cup chopped green pepper, seeds and
membrane removed)
When the meat is browned, spoon off excess fat.
1 small onion stuck with 3 cloves
2 cups boiling meat or vegetable stock
or part stock and part dry red wine
To eat with chopsticks, hold them by the upper
1 bay leaf
square portion. Although the two are alike in
shape, the functions of the chopsticks differ in Cover and bake 3 to 4 hours in a 300°-325° oven,
that the lower stick remains stationary; the upper
or simmer on top of the stove. During this time
turn the meat several times and, if necessary, add
one, which is pressed against the lower, moves up
and down to complete a tonglike action in additional:
grasping the food. First place the lower stick in Hot stock
the crease of the thumb as shown upper left, with
Season to taste
the lower end of the chopstick braced firmly
When the meat is tender, spoon off excess fat,
against the soft inner surface of the last joint of
remove bay leaf and serve with the pot liquor as
the ring finger as shown. Then position the upper
it or slightly thickened with:

stick much as you would hold a pencil but with

Kneaded Butter, 340, or 3A cup cultured
the point of the stick protruding about one-third sour cream
of its entire length and approximately equalized
You may, if you wish, add to the pot roast drained
with the lower stick when pressed together at the boiled vegetables. Serve with:
point. For westerners these tools at first auto-
Potato Pancakes, 321 ; Kasha, 201 or ;

matically bring on a leisured pace of consump- Green Noodles, 213, sprinkled with
tion,and it is a comfort to know that in eating poppyseed
riceand noodles it is not bad form to bring the

bowl up just under the chin a maneuver which Blue Plum or Cherry Compote, 126
facilitates matters greatly for the uninitiated.
§ BEEF KEBABS 4 to 6 Servings
4 Servings This one-dish meal seems to taste better when
*• Please read about Skewer Cooking, 146, and cooked a day ahead.
About Marinades, 528. Cut into small pieces and, if very salty, parblanch,
Cut into 1 /2-inch cubes:
154, briefly:
V/i lb. good-quality round, flank or chuck V2 lb. salt pork
460 MEAT

Dry and saute the pork slowly in a large skillet. (1 cup sauteed mushrooms)
Cut into pieces: Season to taste
2 lb. boneless stewing beef Serve the stew sprinkled with:
Brown the beef in the hot drippings over high Chopped parsley
heat. Spoon off most of the accumulated fat. You may flambe, 155, at the last minute with:
Sprinkle the meat with: ('A cup brandy)
Seasoned Flour, 552 Serve with:
Combine and heat until boiling: French Bread, 605, or Noodles, 213, or
1 Vi cloves garlic, chopped' Mashed Potatoes, 318
chopped onion
1 large
. cup bouillon
1 cup canned tomato sauce
6 Servings
12 peppercorns
Prepare for cooking:
3 whole cloves
3 lb. beef shoulder, chuck, rump or round
V* cup chopped parsley
If the meat does not appear to have much fat, lard
A bay leaf

it, 444, with:

Place the meat in a heavy saucepan. Pour above
(18 seasoned Lardoons, 445, A
inch thick)
ingredients over it. Simmer covered 2 to 3 hours Rub into the meat thoroughly:
or until meat can be easily pierced with a fork. Pepper
During the last hour of cooking, add: (Garlic)
Vi cup dry white wine
Place the meat in a deep crock or glass bowl. Heat
Cook separately until nearly tender: together but do not boil:
6 medium-sized pared quartered potatoes 2 cups mild vinegar or wine vinegar
6 pared quartered carrots
2 cups water
1 rib celery, chopped V2 cup sliced onions
Add these vegetables to the stew for the last 15 2 bay leaves
minutes of cooking. teaspoon peppercorns
teaspoons caraway seeds)

BOEUF BOURGUIGNONNE Pour the hot marinade over beef; more than half
4 to 6 Servings should be covered. Cover with a lid and refrigerate
2 to 4 days, turning occasionally. The longer you
For added bouquet, the meat may be marinated
and refrigerated overnight in dry red wine. Drain leave it, the sourer the meat. When ready to cook,

and reserve wine for use in cooking the stew. drain the meat, saving the marinade. Heat in a
Preheat oven to 300°. heavy pan:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or other fat
Try out, 542:
Vi lb. thinly sliced blanched salt pork Brown the meat on all sides and cook as for:
You may substitute 3 tablespoons butter for the
Pot Roast, 459
using the heated marinade in place of stock.
pork, but don't expect the same subtle flavor.
Peel, add and saute lightly: When the meat is tender, sprinkle it with:
12 small onions or 4 shallots V* cup brown sugar

Remove pork and onions from pan and reserve. and roast 5 to 10 minutes more or until sugar is
dissolved. Remove meat from the pot. Thicken
Cut into 1-inch dice and saute in the hot fat until
light brown:
stock with:
Flour, see Pan Gravy, 341
2 lb. lean boneless stewing beef
Sprinkle meat with: Add:
(VA tablespoons flour)
1 cup sweet cream or cultured sour cream
Place it in an ovenproof dish with: We like thegravy "straight." Some cooks add:
(Raisins, catsup and ground gingersnaps)
1 teaspoon salt
4 peppercorns
Serve roast with:
Potato Dumplings, 204, or
V2 bay leaf
1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced Potato Pancakes, 321
and you will have a treat. This dish does not
0/2 teaspoon thyme or sweet marjoram)
Using the reserved wine if you marinated the freeze successfully.
meat, bring to the boiling point enough dry red
wine and water to cover the meat: BOEUF A LA MODE
A wine to V* water 6 Servings
Simmer > covered in a 300° oven for 2 hours. A pot roast de luxe, because so elegantly pre-
Place pork and onions on top of the meat and sented. The meat is sliced very thin and even,
continue to simmer covered another hour or until covered with a sauce, and the platter garnished
beef is tender. For the last 10 minutes of cooking with beautifully arranged vegetables.
you may add: Prepare the beef as for:
MEAT 461

Sauerbraten, above Cover and simmer the meat until tender, 3 to 4

larding it but marinating for only 4 to 5 hours in hours. Drain and reserve the stock. Melt:
a mixture of: V» cup butter
Vh to 2 cups dry red wine Brown lightly in the butter:
cup brandy '4 cup chopped onions
When ready to cook, add: Stir in until blended:
2 boned blanched calves' feet 2 tablespoons flour
"Use Blanch II, 154, simmering 10 minutes. Then . Stir in slowly 2 cups of the degreased stock.
simmer covered Vh to 4 hours. Toward the last Season the sauce with:
hour of cooking, add to the degreased sauce and 2 tablespoons horseradish
cook with the meat: Salt
1 cup sliced carrots (Sugar)
1 cup sliced onions (Vinegar or lemon juice)
Just before serving, heat with the dish. If using prepared horseradish, use less vinegar or
1 cup sauteed mushrooms lemon juice, and:
Cut the meat as described above and serve gar- Season to taste
nished with the vegetables and with the calves' Cut the meat into thin slices against the grain and
feet cut into one-inch squares. reheat very briefly in the hot gravy. Garnish
Serve with:
Spatzle, 205, or Boiled New Potatoes
Showy on a buffet table.
in their jackets, 317
Sauerkraut, 295
Boeuf a la Mode, above
So as to get a clear stock, do not add the vege-
tables. When the beef is tender, drain the liquid BEEF BRISKET WITH SAUERKRAUT
through a cloth. Degrease it as much as possible.
6 Servings
Allow it to cool until it starts to jell. Meanwhile, Tie into a compact shape:
cut the meat from the calves' feet into 1-inch 3 lb. beef brisket or other boneless
squares, and cut the beef into thin, even slices. stewing beef
Arrange the slices in an overlapping pattern on a Melt in a deep kettle:

platter,surrounded by the cubed meat. When calf 3 tablespoons bacon fat or other fat
the stock begins to congeal, pour it over the meat.
Add and brown lightly:

Refrigerate covered. When the stock has com- (V* cup chopped onions)
pletely jellied, serve the glazed beef surrounded Add the meat and place over it:

with cooked vegetables at room temperature: 2 lb. sauerkraut

Artichokes a la Crecque, 281 (1 large apple, cored and quartered)
Marinated Raw Carrots, 83 2 cups boiling water or beef stock
and garnished with: Simmer meat covered about
the 2'/z hours or
Parsley or watercress until tender. Season with:
Salt and pepper


6 to 8 Servings Serve with:
Boiled Potatoes, 317
Joseph Wechsberg reminds us in Blue Trout and
garnished with:
Black Trufiles of the Viennese enthusiasm for

boiled beef in no less than 24 local variations.
Cultured sour cream
Chopped parsley or chives
Its superiority there can be credited in large part

to the beef itself —

from cattle bred selectively and
fed a diet of sugar beets —
comparable in quality BELGIAN BEEF STEW OR
to the Kobe beef of Japan and the Charolais of CARBONNADE FLAMANDE
France. 4 to 6 Servings
Bring to a boil in a heavy pot: Cut into V/2-inch cubes and coat in seasoned
6 cups water flour, 552:
Put in: 2 lb. boneless stewing beef
3 lb. lean stewing beef in one piece Saute lightly in:
Bring to a boil and skim the pot. Add: 1 tablespoon butter
1 onion stuck with 3 cloves '4 cup thinly sliced onions
1 bay leaf Reserve the onions. Add:
V2 cup sliced carrots 1 tablespoon butter
V2 cup sliced celery with leaves and brown the floured meat. Drain off any excess
1 teaspoon salt fat. Combine and bring to a boil:
(1 sliced turnip) 1 cup flat beer
462 MEAT

1 clove garlic, pressed Allow at least V2 pound of food and 1 to 1 1/2

V2teaspoon sugar cups of liquid per person. All food to be simmered
V2 teaspoon salt by the guests is previously cut and trimmed. Some
Pour this over the meat and add the onions. Cover stalk vegetables need to be parblanched; noodles
and simmer 2 to 2V2 hours. After straining the and the dried mushrooms require soaking in
sauce, you may add: advance. Sometimes the raw food is lightly mar-
V2 teaspoon vinegar inated. Condiment containers at hand should in-
Serve meat with: clude soy sauce, vinegar, tomato paste, hot pepper
Boiled New Potatoes, 317, garnished with oil, Chinese mustard, sugar, salt and pepper, and
parsley or dill herb leaves such as coriander, 581, ginger-
Use sauce as gravy. root and various onions, 583. The food is
grouped on platters. You may use meat or fish
WEST AFRICAN BEEF STEW and shellfish, or a combination with the white
8 Servings meat of poultry. Allow about 2 minutes' cooking
Cut into cubes: time for meat cut into thin strips diagonally —
2 lb. boneless stewing beef against the grain —
except for pork, which, after
Brown it in:
cutting, needs to be cooked until it is no longer

4 tablespoons hot butter or other fat pink. Shellfish cook in a minute or less. Fish fillets
Remove meat from pan and add: are cut into cubes or strips thicker than the meat
1 cup chopped onions to prevent their disintegrating. Have readv at each

When golden in color, add: diner's place a plate; 2 sets of chopsticks — one
2 tablespoons flour for cooking, the other for eating; or one set of

2 to 3 tablespoons curry powder chopsticks for eating and a small strainer for
cup peanut butter
V* cooking; a bowl and a small sauce
for the broth;
Slowly add to the above mixture and stir until bowl for each diner's choice of condiments in
thickened: which to make his own flavorful sauce. The order
1 cup water
2 cups beef stock, or of cooking is meat or fish first, then noodles and
cup coconut milk, 566
1 vegetables. Brothis the only liquid served with

Add the meat and simmer covered about 2 hours the meal. Should the broth run low, add more
or until tender. Twenty minutes before end of preheated broth to the firepot. If it should go
cooking time, add: above simmering, guests are asked to simulta-
V2 lb. trimmed whole okra neously immerse a vegetable for cooking to re-
Serve over: duce the heat somewhat. The broth may be
Boiled Rice, 206 ladled out early but is usually reserved for the end
Garnish with: as the customary finish for a Chinese meal.

4 quartered hard-cooked eggs 9 to 10 Servings

Have ready to pass in small individual dishes: Allow for:

Grated toasted coconut, preferably fresh 2V2 quarts chicken broth

Chutney at least three ofthe following:
Fresh or broiled banana and 1 lb. sliced beef tenderloin

pineapple chunks 1 lb. shelled deveined shrimp

Fresh orange, mango or melon slices 1 lb. bite-sized chicken breasts

Fresh or broiled tomato slices 1 lb. fish fillets in thick strips

Fried onion rings V2 lb.chicken livers or oysters
Roasted peanuts and two of the following vegetables:
Croutons 1 lb. washed spinach with stalks removed

V2 lb. watercress
§ CHINESE FIREPOT 1 lb. celery cabbage sliced into stalks

A participatory complete-meal simmered dish for

and blanched, 154, briefly
which equipment can be improvised if the con- Add also:

ventional firepot shown to the left rear in the 'A cup scallions or other green onion types,
chapter heading, 145, is not available. But there 584, cut into 1-inch pieces
are caveats. If the heat source is charcoal, it is 9 dried mushroom caps, soaked 1 hour in
mandatory^ to enjoy this ritual out-of-doors. It is
1 warm water, drained and cut into 1-inch
also necessary to have the broth or water in cubes
which the food is to be simmered piping hot 3 cakes tofu cut into 1-inch cubes
and in the firepot before the charcoal, heated to V2 cup canned Chinese chestnuts or
grayness in advance, is tucked into the firepot V2 cup bamboo shoots
base just before the diners assemble. This pre- and:
caution keeps the soldered seams of the pot from 2 oz. Chinese noodles
melting. There should be enough charcoal in the soaked for 30 minutes, then drained and cut into
pot to provide heat for the entire process. 4-inch lengths.
MEAT 463

CASSEROLED BEEF WITH FRUIT 1 medium-sized yellow turnip

6 Servings 1 rib celery
A complete meal with a Near East flavor. Add these ingredients to the roast for the last
half hour of cooking.
Soak until soft:
2 cups chopped mixed dried fruit: apricots,
Season to taste

pears, prunes You may thicken the sauce with:

(Flour, see Gravy, 341)
2 cups water or reduce it, 339. Add to the stock at the very
Juice and rind of 1 lemon end:
Cut into small cubes: 6 to 8 preserved kumquats
2 lb. lean stewing beef sliced into 'A -inch pieces.

Preheat oven to 300°.

Melt in a heavy skillet: CHUCK ROAST IN FOIL
3 tablespoons butter 12 Servings
2 tablespoons vegetable oil Foil-cooked meats often have a pasty look about
When the fat is fragrant, add the diced meat. them, but the use in this recipe of dehydrated
When well browned, the fruit mixture and:
stir in onion soup gives great vigor of color and flavor,
tablespoon cinnamon or
(1 in spite of the fact that the meat is not browned
2 teaspoons curry) first. Try this for informal company.
Put this mixture into a covered casserole and Preheat oven to 300°.
bake about IV2 hours. Add: Place:
2 lb. shredded spinach A 7-lb. chuck roast
Cover and bake V2 hour longer or until the meat on a double thickness of heavy-duty foil large
is tender. Serve over: enough to envelop it. Sprinkle the meat with:
Boiled Rice, 206 V2 to 1 package dehydrated onion soup
Turn the meat over and sprinkle the other side
SOUP MEAT V2 to 1 package dehydrated onion soup
Even though many of meat's nutrients are dis-
Now wrap the roast carefully with the foil, seam-
solved into the stock in soup making, the meat ing so that no juices can escape. Place the package
may be served as a separate dish with an asser- — in a pan and bake 3V2 to 4 hours. If your company
tive sauce as a fillip for its bland flavor. Remove until you are at
is informal, do not cut the foil
meat from soup kettle before the vegetables are table and ready to carve. The sudden burst of
added, and serve the meat with: fragrance adds to the anticipation. Serve with:
Horseradish Sauce, 343; Cold Mustard Spatzle, 205, or with a Rice Ring, 207,
Sauce, 357; Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352; filled with fresh peas
or Brown Onion Sauce, 346

SPICED BEEF 6 Servings
8 to 10 Servings Preheat oven to 300°.
Good served hot. Fine for a cold meat platter. Trim the edges of a 3/»-inch thick:
Place in a large bowl: 2-lb. bottom round steak
4 to 5 lb. chuck, shoulder or round roast Rub with:
Cover with: Vi clove garlic
Dry red wine or cider Pound, 444, into both sides of the steak with a
2 sliced onions mallet:
Vi bay leaf As much seasoned flour as the steak
1 teaspoon each cinnamon and allspice will hold
V2 teaspoon cloves Cut into serving pieces or leave whole. If left
T/2 teaspoons salt whole, gash the edges to prevent curling. Heat
1 teaspoon pepper in a large heavy casserole:
Cover bowl and refrigerate in this marinade 12 y* cup bacon drippings or ham drippings
hours or more. Drain and reserve the marinade. Sear steak on one side until brown. Turn it over
Preheat oven to 275°. and add:
Place the meat in a roasting pan. Heat to the V2 cup finely chopped onions
boiling point and pour over it half the marinade 1 cup finely mixed chopped carrots,
and: peppers and celery
1 cup boiling water Do not allow vegetables to brown.
Cover and simmer about 3 hours. Mince and Season to taste
saute in butter: Add:
2 onions 1 cup hot stock
\ large carrots (V2 cup hot tomato sauce)
464 MEA1

Cover casserole and place in the oven V/2 to 2 and tie it. For variety, try Sausage Dressing with
hours or more. Remove steak to a hot platter. apples, 371.
Strain and degrease drippings. Make: Preheat oven to 300°.
Pan Gravy, 341 Heat in a skillet:
Pour gravy over the steak and serve with: 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Mashed Potatoes, 318 Sear the rolled steak on all sides in the hot oil.
Place it in a casserole. Stir into the oil in the
STEAK AND GREEN PEPPERS 2 tablespoons flour
8 Servings Add:
Cut into /2-inch strips:
cup water or stock
2 lb. round steak, Vi inch thick cup tomato juice or dry red wine
Combine: Va teaspoon salt
Va cup soy sauce When thickened, pour this mixture over the steak.
1 cup beef bouillon Bake covered about IV2 hours. Add seasoning if
2 cloves garlic, mashed required.
V2 teaspoon ginger
Pour this marinade over the meat and refrigerate
covered 2 to 12 hours. Drain meat, discarding the SHORT RIBS OF BEEF
garlic and reserving V2 cup marinade. Dry meat 2 to 3 Servings
strips on paper toweling. In a large skillet saute This two-step recipe. Tenderizing the meat
is a

meat until light brown in: may be done ahead of time, and the oven crisping
3 tablespoons vegetable oil just before serving.

Add heated reserved marinade and: Cut into about 3-inch pieces:
1 cup boiling water 2 lb. lean short ribs of beef
Cover skillet and simmer meat about 45 min- Place in a heavy pot with a lid:
utes. Add: 5 cups water
3 large green peppers, cut into 1/2-inch 1 small sliced onion

strips, seeds and membrane removed 1 small sliced carrot

(1 cup sliced water chestnuts) 4 or more ribs celery with leaves

Simmer 15 minutes more or until meat is tender. Bring these ingredients to the boiling point. Add
Mix until smooth: the meat. Simmer covered until pearly tender,
3 tablespoons cornstarch about 2 hours. Take out meat. Strain and degrease
V*cup water the stock. Make about 3 cups of thin gravy, 341,
and gradually stir mixture into skillet until
this using:
gravy has thickened slightly. Serve with: Va cup fat
Boiled Rice, 206 Va cup flour
3 cups stock
Season to taste
FLANK STEAK WITH DRESSING Preheat oven to 325°.
4 to 6 Servings Heat in a heavy skillet:

The sharper the seasonings, the more "deviled" cup fat

the total effect. Slice, add and stir until golden:
Have ready: 1 small onion

A 2- to 3-lb. flank or round steak, 456 Brown the meat in the hot fat. Pour over it half
Trim the edges. Season with and pound in: the gravy. Bake uncovered about 45 minutes
1 teaspoon salt until brown and crisp. You may baste occasionally
8 teaspoon paprika with the drippings. Reheat remaining gravy. Add
Va teaspoon mustard to it:

(Va teaspoon ginger) teaspoon marjoram, preferably fresh


(1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce) Season to taste

Melt: Place the meat on a hot platter. Garnish with:
V* cup butter or bacon drippings Mashed Potatoes, 318
Add and saute until golden: Serve piping hot with gravy.
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 cup rye or white bread crumbs
Va teaspoon salt OR PORKOLT
A few grains paprika This Hungarian specialty stew that may
is a thick
2 tablespoons chopped parsley be cooked in many ways;
always highly
it is

3 tablespoons chopped celery spiced —

usually, but not always, seasoned with
1 slightly beaten egg sweet paprika. Some epicures insist that only the
Spread this dressing over the steak, roll loosely imported Rosen paprika will do, while others use
MEAT 465

freshly ground black pepper instead. In Beef III. Seasoned cooked rice, chopped stuffed olives,
Goulash, the meat is always browned before or seedless green grapes with lemon zest
simmering. A knowing friend claims that shinbone
meat with its high gelatin content makes a glori- Roll meat and tie with string near both ends, or
ous goulash. But variations using veal, pork or wrap as for cabbage leaves, shown 152. Dredge in:
lamb alone or in combination, on 475 and 481, Flour

may be cooked a blanc that is, without brown- Brown bacon drippings or rendered salt pork.

ing. Versions containing lamb or pork may be Place casserole and use for every 6 rolls:
in a

called Porkolt. The liquid is sometimes water, 1 V2 cups stock or dry wine
sometimes stock or dry red wine. Vegetables may 1 V2 to 2 tablespoons tomato paste

be added for the last hour of cooking. Cover and cook slowly in a preheated 300° oven,
or simmer on direct heat about 1 hour and 15
6 Servings
Cut into 1-inch cubes: STEAK-AND-KIDNEY PIE
2 lb. stewing beef, or 1 lb. beef and 4 Servings
1 lb. lean veal Classic recipes for this old English favorite often
Melt in a heavy pot: call for beef kidneys. If they are used, they must
cup butter, vegetable oil or bacon drippings
4 be blanched, 154, and cooking time must be in-
Brown meat on both sides in the hot oil. Add creased to assure tenderness. Rather than encasing
and saute until transparent: the stew in dough, we recommend a topping only.
1 A cups chopped onions
1 Preheat oven to 350°.
Add: Cut into half-inch-thick slices:
1 cup boiling Stock, 522, or tomato juice 1 V2 lb. round or other beefsteak

1 diced green pepper, seeds and membrane Wash, skin and slice thin:
removed 3
A lb. veal or lamb kidneys
teaspoon salt
1 Melt in a skillet:
teaspoon to 1 tablespoon paprika
1 3 tablespoons butter or beef fat
Use just enough stock to keep the meat from Saute the kidneys over high heat for 1 to 2 min-
scorching, adding more gradually during cooking, utes. Shake constantly. Add and saute lightly:
'/» cup onions
if necessary. Cover the pot and simmer the meat

for IV2 hours. Six small peeled potatoes may be Shake the beef in a bag of:
added for the last half hour of cooking, but they Seasoned Flour, 552
soak up the gravy, which is apt to be the best Lightly grease an ovenproof baker. Place in it a
part of the goulash. Remove the meat from the layer of meat, then a layer of kidneys and onions.
pot and thicken the stock for: Or you may reserve the kidneys and add them the
Pan Gravy, 341 last 15 minutes before placing the pastry cover.

It may be necessary to add more stock or tomato Add:

juice. 2 cups Brown Stock, 522
Season to taste cup dry red wine or beer

If potatoes have not been included, serve the Cover the dish and bake 1 to IV2 hours. Cool
goulash with: slightly. Increase oven heat to 425°. Cover the
Polenta, 201, or Noodles, 213 meat, see 449, with:
Pate Brisee, 641
Bake 12 to 15 minutes.
Thin strips of pounded meat or poultry or fish
10 to 12 Servings
rolled around vegetables or other fillings are
The accent is on the first syllable. This thick, long-
known also as roulades or paupiettes. They may simmered potpourri, a catch-as-catch-can mixture
be further wrapped
them with beef, use:
in salt perk or bacon. To make of meats, fowl and garden gleanings —
with squir-
rel thrown in, in some authentic local versions
Thin strips of pounded round or flank
has an assortment of Old World forebears as nu-
steak, 3x4 inches
merous and far-flung as the Gypsies. In Spain it
Season with:
is known as Olla Podrida; in Ireland it surfaces as
Salt and pepper Mulligan Stew. But in Kentucky it came into its
Place on each strip about 2 tablespoons of one of own as the local solution to feeding the multi-
the following fillings:
tudes; it used to be made, in amounts to serve
I. Well-seasoned smoked or cooked sausage with several hundreds, in a huge hog-butchering kettle
chopped parsley or dill pickle over an outdoor fire, providing an occasion for
great socializing, a "stirring" overnight vigil. This
II. Minced ham, julienned carrot and celery simplified version can be varied according to
466 MEAT

your preference or to what meat is available II. After cooking corned beef as in I, above, you
lamb or veal may be used as well. It makes good may coat it with the following glaze and bake in
sense, too, to freeze this seasonal dish in meal- a preheated 350° oven 15 minutes or until the
sized packages. topping is set.
Place in a heavy, lidded kettle: Combine and mix well
A lb. lean stewing beef, cubed 1 tablespoon brown sugar
A lb. pork shoulder, cubed 1 tablespoon water

3V2 quarts water or stock 1 teaspoon soy sauce

Bring slowly to a boil. > Reduce heat at once and 2 teaspoons paprika
simmer about IV2 hours. Add to the pot: V2 teaspoon ginger
One 3 /2-lb. chicken, disjointed

Bring ingredients again to a boil, reduce heat III. Tenderized corned beef can now be bought
and simmer about 1 hour more or until meat falls for oven roasting; follow manufacturer's direc-
from the bones. Cool the mixture enough to re- tions.

move bones from meat. Return meat to the pot

and bring to a boil. Add:
2V2 cups quartered, skinned ripe tomatoes NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER
1 cup fresh lima beans 10 to 12 Servings
V2 diced hot red pepper This is a delectable dinner if composed only of
2 diced green peppers, seeds and membrane beef, onions and cabbage. But for authenticity,
removed additional vegetables are included.
A cup
diced onions Cook until tender:
cup diced carrots
1 Corned Beef I, above
V2 cup diced celery Meantime, cook separately until tender, then skin
2 cups diced potatoes and reserve:
1 cup diced okra 10 to 12 medium-sized beets, 290
1 bay leaf Some devotees of this dish add about:
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (V2 lb. salt pork)
Stirring frequently as it thickens, simmer the to thecorned beef for the last 2 hours of cooking.
whole mixture 45 minutes or more over very low When done, remove the beef from the pot and
heat before adding: cook in the simmering stock 30 minutes:
2 cups corn, freshly cut from the cob 3 peeled, quartered small parsnips
Simmer about 15 minutes more or until all vege- 6 peeled, quartered large carrots
tables are soft. 3 peeled, quartered large yellow turnips
Season to taste Skin and add:
Garnish with: 10 small onions
Fresh parsley Pare, quarter and simmer in the stock 15 minutes

Serve hot in deep bowls with squares of: longer:

Salt-Rising Bread, 606, or 6 medium-sized potatoes
Corn Bread, 627 Cut into wedges, add and simmer until tender,
about 10 to 15 minutes:
A head of cabbage
CORNED BEEF Reheat the meat in the stock. Serve it on a large
I. Wash under running water to remove surface platter, surrounded by the vegetables, including
brine: the beets. Garnish with:
Corned Beef, 813 Parsley
Cover with boiling water and simmer, allowing If there is enough of this dish left over, use for Red
about hour per pound, or until a fork can pene-
1 Flannel Hash, below.
trate to center. Always slice corned beef very thin,
diagonally across the grain. A classic accompani- RED FLANNEL HASH
ment of corned beef served hot is: New Englanders say that this hash, to be properly
Cabbage wedges made, must be concocted from the leftovers of:
simmered with the beef the last 15 minutes of New England Boiled Dinner, above
cooking. Serve hot with: Chop the leftover beets, cabbage, turnips, corned
Horseradish Sauce, 343 beef, etc., and brown the mixture in a skillet in:
Boiled Potatoes, 317, or Gnocchi with Farina, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
204 until a brown crust forms.
Serve corned beef cold with:
Horseradish ABOUT VEAL
To press for slicing, cool the meat and force A friend of ours at boarding school reports that
it into a deep pan; cover and refrigerate weighted. one of the specialties served there with notorious
The moisture pressed from the meat should form frequency has been dubbed "Dreaded Veal Cut-
a jellied coating. let." Veal —
young beef 3 to 8 months of age
MEAT 467

enjoys much more esteem in Europe, than in VEAL ROAST STUFFED OR FARCI
America. This, we are convinced, is a pity; partly The meat may be rubbed first with garlic, or gashes
because veal has a superbly delicate and distinc- may be cut in a shoulder roast, in which fine
tive flavor, and partly because a number of classic
marjoram, peppercorns, anchovies
slivers of garlic,
dishes cannot be confected using a substitute. or anchovy paste may be inserted. Remove the
Occasionally still to be found is milk-fed veal meat from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before
the very best; but in any case, top-quality veal cooking.
should be tender and succulent and have a white Preheat oven to 450°.
or very pale pink color. The redder the meat, the Cut a pocket in:
older and tougher the veal. Veal over 225 pounds A
breast or shoulder of veal
is known as calf. To improve older veal, blanch Rub with:
briefly, starting in cold water; or soak refriger- Garlic
ated in milk overnight; or marinate in lemon Dust pocket lightly with:
juice for 1 hour. Ginger
Veal needs a careful cooking approach, as it is before filling with:
lacking in fat and may toughen quickly. Since 3 cups Dry Dressing, 370, plus 1 tablespoon
it also has a higher proportion of connective tis-
chopped costmary; or Bread Dressing, 370,
sue, veal should not be broiled; long, slow, with 2 slices chopped salt pork added; or
covered cooking is best. Large cuts of veal need Oyster Dressing, 371; or Green Rice, 208,
some moisture, and the meat should be covered the cheese omitted
at least part of the cooking time. Abroad, certain Sew up the pocket with a coarse needle and
dishes like Veal a la Meuniere ot a la Creme are thread. Rub the meat with:
served both rosy and juicy, but here veal is gen- Butter
erally served well done or after reaching an in- Dredge with:
ternal temperature of 170°. For the Economical Seasoned Flour, 552
Use of Large Cuts, see 452. Also, see About Veal Place in oven on a rack in a greased roasting pan
Scallops and Cutlets, below. and reduce the heat to 325°. Bake uncovered
25 to 30 minutes to the pound until done. Baste
VEAL ROAST occasionally, or you may place on the roast sev-
Remove the meat from the refrigerator at least 1 eral strips of:
hour before cooking. Veal roasts, both rolled and (Blanched bacon, 154)
unrolled, need to be rubbed well with butter or From the drippings left in the pan, make:

oil. Or they may be barded, 420, with thin slices Pan Gravy, 341
of salt pork or bacon which have been blanched When the gravy is done, you may remove it from
to remove some of the salt. the heat and add:
Preheat oven to 425°. Season well: (V* cup cultured sour cream)
Ashoulder, loin, saddle or rack of veal
leg, Heat the gravy but do not let it boil.
with a choice of your favorite:
Herbs: garlic, dill, tarragon, chervil or thyme ABOUT VEAL SCALLOPS
Salt and pepper AND CUTLETS
or you may sprinkle the roast with: The most prized meat for scallops comes from the
(Lemon juice) long round muscle of the leg freed from its mem-
Place the oiled and seasoned meat on a rack in a brane and tough connective tissue; it is sliced
greased shallow roasting pan. Add to the pan a: thinly across the grain and pounded, 444, to Ve-
Mirepoix, 572 to 'A -inch thickness. Cutlets, cut from the round
Bake > uncovered about 30 minutes. Reduce of the leg, are usually cut V2 to 3A inch thick,
the heat to 325°, cover the roast loosely with foil with the small round bone intact. They are often
or parchment, and continue cooking until the in- pounded, especially if used in recipes calling for
ternal temperature reaches 170°, or approximately rolling or stuffing when the bone is removed.
15 to 20 minutes per pound. Baste occasionally Sometimes veal from the rib section is treated in
with pan juices. If necessary, supplement these similar fashion. Whether you call them scallops,
with a little: cutlets or Schnitzels, they may be sauteed with
Melted butter and white wine or without breading. Trim off any fat, and if any
You may add parboiled vegetables
— — potatoes, car- membrane adheres, slash it in a number of places
rots, etc. for the last halfhour or so of cooking. so the meat will not curl up during cooking. Do
Or you may spread over the roast for this last half not crowd the pan or you will get a steamed
hour a combination of:
(1 cup cultured sour cream)
(1 tablespoon flour) VEAL CUTLET OR SCALLOPINI
Serve with: 3 to 4 Servings
Dumplings, 202, or Spatzen, 205 Please read About Veal Cutlets, above. Dredge
Pickled Prunes, 142 lightly with flour on one side only:
468 MEAT

IV2 lb. pounded thin veal cutlets again and cook until done, not more than 10 min-
Saute them, floured side first, in: utes in all. Garnish with:
V4 cup butter Lemon slices and rolled anchovies
heated until fragrant. In about 3 minutes, when Ifyou cap the garnished cutlet with a fried egg,
juices begin to emerge on the upper side, turn the you may call it Holstein.
meat and continue to saute about 3 minutes more.
Shake the skillet vigorously from time to time until
the meat is done. Remove from skillet and keep
3 to 4 Servings
warm. Deglaze the pan juices with:
Cut into 2 x 2-inch slices:
V2 cup veal or chicken stock, or 1A cup stock
IV2 lb. veal cutlets, V* inch thick
and 4 cup Marsala or Madeira

Season to taste
Pound thin until they reach about 3x3 inches.
Dip into a:
You may swirl in at the end:
Bound Breading, 552
(1 tablespoon butter)
Add crumbs an equal amount of:
to bread
or add:
Grated Parmesan cheese
(V2 lb. sauteed mushrooms, 308)
Allow the pieces to stand at least 15 minutes, then
If you do not use the wine, you may add:
saute them until crisp in:
(1 tablespoon lemon juice)
Clarified Butter, 349
Pour the sauce over the cutlets and serve.
about 2 minutes on each side. Serve with:
Quick Tomato Sauce, 352
3 to 4 Servings
Please read About Veal Cutlets, 467. PAPRIKA SCHNITZEL OR CUTLET
Preheat oven to 325°. 3 or 4 Servings
Cut into 1-inch squares: Trim edges and remove bone from:
IV2 lb. veal cutlet cut thin, trimmed, boned A Yt- to V2 -inch-thick veal cutlet, IV2 lb.
and pounded Dredge one side only in:
Dredge with: Seasoned Flour, 552
Flour Heat in a skillet:

Brown in amixture of: V* cup butter or shortening

1 tablespoon butter Saute lightly in the fat:

1 tablespoon olive oil (V2 cup or more sliced onions)

Add: Remove and reserve the onions and saute the

V2 lb. thinly sliced mushrooms meat, on the seasoned side, in the hot fat,

until lightly browned. Turn, then add until the fat

V2 to 1 clove garlic, pressed
2 tablespoons choppped parsley becomes red:
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil Paprika
V2 cup skinned, seeded, diced fresh tomatoes Remove pan from heat and add:
cup Marsala
cup boiling vegetable or chicken stock

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese and the reserved onions. Cover and simmer the
Cover and bake about 45 minutes. veal over very low heat until almost tender,
about 15 minutes. Add:
V2 cup cultured sour cream
VEAL CUTLET Garnish with:
3 to 4 Servings Parsley, capers, or anchovies
Viennese friends insist that the true Wiener Schnit- Serve with:
zel is deep-fat-fried; others contend it is sauteed.
Applesauce, 131
But most typical Viennese recipes put up to 3A Creamed Spinach, 327
cup of butter in the saute pan, which virtually
gives a deep-fat rather than a sauteed result any-
way. Although there are many variations, we sug- VEAL SCALLOP OR ESCALOPE
gest the following. Please read About Veal Cut- DE VEAU ORLOFF
lets, 467. Before cooking, pound to about A inch
1 3 to 4 Servings
thick: Please readAbout Veal Cutlets, 467.
IV2 lb. veal cutlet Preheat oven to 350°.
Coat with: Cut into 2 x 2-inch slices:
Bound Breading, 552 IVi lb. scallops, Va inch thick
Let cutlets stand at least 15 minutes. Pound until about 3x3 inches each. Saute until
Saute them over low heat 2 minutes on one side barely frizzled on both sides in:
in: Clarified Butter, 349
V2 to A cup
3 butter Remove from pan and drain on paper toweling. To
Turn and cook 2 minutes on the other side. Turn make a Soubise, mix and grind in a food chopper:
MEAT 469

V2 cup cooked rice bake about 20 minutes, basting occasionally. Serve

V* cup white onions with a ctioice of:
Vz cup mushrooms Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, Mushroom Wine
Season with: Sauce, 347, or Madeira Sauce, 346
Salt and pepper
Cover each scallop of veal with:
1 tablespoon liver paste
Then press firmly over each scallop the onion-rice
Slices of veal from the round, '/a inch thick
mixture. Sprinkle over each:
as for:
1 teaspoon brandy or dry sherry
Beef Rolls or Paupiettes, 465
Dust generously with
Since veal is leaner than beef, you may prefer to
Grated Parmesan cheese
bard or wrap the pounded paupiettes in blanched
Place the meat on an ovenproof serving platter
salt pork, 154. We suggest using Filling III. Cook
and bake about 15 minutes until the cheese is
about 45 minutes.

6 Servings
6 Servings
This recipe, also called Cordon Bleu, is good made
popular, though the veal is now
Still more costly
with chicken breasts too.
than the chicken it used to mock.
Preheat oven to 325°.
2 large veal cutlets
Cut into 1 x 1 /2-inch pieces:

and about 12 three-inch squares. Saute

slice into
1 lb. veal
until barely frizzled on both sides in:
1 lb. pork
Clarified Butter, 349
Arrange veal and pork cubes alternately on 6
Remove from pan and drain on paper toweling.
skewers. Press pieces close together into the shape
Cut into 6 thin slices:
of a drumstick. Roll the meat in:
Prosciutto or smoked ham
Seasoned Flour, 552
Place the ham on 6 slices of veal. Top with a simi-
lar sized slice of:
1 egg
Swiss cheese
2 tablespoons water
Cover the pieces with the remaining veal slices.
Dip sticks in the diluted egg, then roll in:
Gently pat the meat in:
Bread crumbs
Bound Breading, 552
Melt in a skillet:
Let stand 15 minutes. Saute in:
cup butter
Clarified Butter,
Brown meat partially in the fat. Add:
until golden on each side, about 3 minutes. Or
tablespoon grated onion
after breading you may bake the meat on an
Continue to brown meat. Cover bottom of skillet
ovenproof platter in a 350° oven about 15 min-
utes, turning once.
Boiling Stock, 522
Cover skillet and bake inoven about 50 minutes
BRAISED VEAL CHOPS or until meat is tender. Make:
Pan Gravy, 341
4 Servings
Veal chops may be cooked the same way as veal
cutlets; or simply browned, then simmered slowly, VEAL STEW MENAGERE
covered, on top of the stove until done, about 15 4 Servings
to 20 minutes. Cut into 1 V2-inch cubes:
Preheat oven to 325°. V/2 lb. veal with little bone or 2 lb. neck
Brown on both sides in a large skillet: or shanks
4 veal chops, A
inch thick Melt in a heavy pot:
in: 3 tablespoons butter or shortening
Butter and vegetable oil Brown the meat in the hot fat with:
Arrange the chops in an overlapping pattern in a 12 very small peeled onions
casserole. Saute in the hot fat until limp: Remove meat and onions from the pan. Pour off
2 tablespoons chopped green onions or all but 1 tablespoon of fat. Stir in:
shallots 1 tablespoon flour
Add: Add and stir until smooth:
Vj cup dry white wine IV2 cups consomme or stock
1 teaspoon each
basil and tarragon (V2 cup dry red wine)
and pepper
Salt Add the meat and onions. Simmer covered until
Pour the pan juices over the chops, cover and very tender, IV2 to 2 hours. Season and serve with:
470 MEAT

Crusty Soft-Center Spoon Bread, 629, Simmer covered about 15 minutes. Remove bay
or Farina Balls, 203 leaf and cloves. Add:
or serve it in: V* cup diced carrots
A Noodle Ring, 214 3
/4 cup diced celery

Veal stew is also good with a baked top crust. See 1 cup diced potatoes
About Meat Pies, 449. 12 small onions
Bring the stew to the boiling point > then reduce
BLANQUETTE DE VEAU heat and simmer covered until meat is tender,
6 Servings about 30 minutes longer.
"Serenely full, the epicure may
say, 'Fate
Season to taste
harm me: have dined today.' " As the name sug-
gests, this stew is cooked a blanc and enhanced
Pan Gravy, 341
with an egg sauce. Preheat oven to 425 °
Place stew in a baking dish. Cool slightly. Top
Cut into 1-inch pieces: it

IV2 lb. boneless veal shoulder with a vented:

Pie Crust, 449
IV2 lb. boneless veal breast
Brush with the white of egg and bake 15 to 20
Parblanch, 154, the pieces of veal about 2 minutes
in salted water. Drain and wash well under cold
running water, removing all scum. Put meat in a
heavy pan and add:
5 cups chicken or veal stock MEXICAN VEAL STEAK
1 large onion studded with 1 clove WITH NOODLES
1 peeled carrot 5 or 6 Servings
1 rib white celery, chopped Cut into small sections:
A Bouquet Garni, 572 1 lb. thin veal steak
Simmer uncovered Via, to IV2 hours, until veal is Dredge with:
tender and can be pierced with a fork. Now skim V* cup flour
out the vegetables and the bouquet. Add: Heat:
24 small white onions 3 teaspoons butter or olive oil
2 cups fresh button mushroom caps Saute meat quickly on both sides until brown.
Simmer about 10 minutes. Combine: Reduce heat. Cover meat with:
V4 cup flour IV2 cups sliced onions
V4 cup butter 6 tablespoons chili sauce
Add this thickener to the stock and simmer an- I'A cups boiling stock
other 10 minutes. Remove pan from heat. Mix Simmer covered about V2 hour. Meanwhile, cook
together: and drain:
3 beaten egg yolks 2 cups Noodles, 213
Vicup warm whipping cream Toss them in:
Stir about 2 tablespoons of the hot veal stock into 3
A cup canned condensed cream of
the eggs and cream; then return mixture to the chicken soup
pan. Add: Serve noodles mounded, covered with:
2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice V* cup buttered crumbs
Season to taste 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Serve with: Surround noodles with the veal. Garnish with:
Noodles or rice (Parsley)
garnished with:
Chopped parsley
4 Servings 4 Servings
^ Please read About Meat Pies, 449. This dish can be produced in quantity for large
Cut into 1-inch pieces: gatherings.
V2 lb. veal Preheat oven to 300°.
V2 lb. lean pork Cut into cubes:
Stir and brown the meat lightly in: IV2 lb. boneless veal
2 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil Brown lightly in:
Add: V/2 tablespoons butter
3 cups boiling water Remove meat to an ovenproof baking dish. Add
teaspoon salt
1 to butter, stir and saute lightly:
V2 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon chopped onion
V2 bay leaf 1
/2 lb. sliced mushrooms
2 whole cloves Remove from heat. Stir in slowly:
MEAT 471

1 tablespoon flour to the covered, moist-heat methods in the second

/j cup stock group. To identify dry- and moist-heat cuts, please
yi teaspoon salt see chart, 451. For the Economical Use of Large
Vb teaspoon pepper Cuts, see 452. For ground lamb recipes, see 488,
Pour sauce over meat. Cover and bake about 45 and for the use of leftover lamb, see Luncheon
minutes. Degrease, 340, if necessary. Stir in: Dishes, 250. To carve, see below.
V2 cup warm cultured sour cream The meat of young goat, or kid, has an agree-
Heat thoroughly before serving. able flavor that has long been appreciated in
Southern Europe. It is sometimes available in U.S.
markets, labeled chevon by government ruling. It
may be cooked as for mutton provided the ani-
mal is young, for it is always tougher than mut-
3 Servings ton; and the meat of a male goat must be eaten
Preheat oven to 300°. when the animal is very young indeed, not older
>•To make this dish really delectable, the animal than 4 months.
should be not more than 2 months old Saw into
2-inch pieces:
2 lb. shin bone or knuckle of veal
Dip the bones first in:
Olive oil
then in:
Seasoned Flour, 552
Brown the bones very slowly for about 15 minutes
'A cup olive oil or half oil and half butter
Place the bones upright as close together as possi-
ble in a heavy pan just large enough to hold them.
Cook until golden in the fat:

V* cup chopped onions

Add them to the bones. Heat and pour over
cup white wine
cup skinned, diced, seeded fresh tomatoes

Seasoned stock enough to cover the lower
third of the bones
Cover and bake 1 to IV2 hours until any meat on
the bones is tender. Before serving, sprinkle the
tops of the bones with:
Gremolata, 572
Serve garnished with:
Fried Chipolata sausage and Boiled
Chestnuts, 298, or Risotto, 209
and scoop the delicious marrow from the bones ROAST LEG OF LAMB
with marrow spoons. OR MUTTON
About 8 Servings
ABOUT LAMB, MUTTON, y Please see Economical Use of Large Cuts, 452.
KID Remove from the refrigerator about 1 hour before
AND GOAT MEAT cooking:
Since lamb is now shipped from various climates, A 5-lb. leg of lamb or mutton
young lamb is no longer referred to as spring Preheat oven to 450°.
lamb. When months old, it is called baby
3 to 5 Remove the fell or papery outer covering. Rub the
or milk-finished lamb. From 5 months to a year, meat with:
it is simply called lamb, and from there on out
(Cut garlic or lemon and rosemary)
mutton. Mutton, with its stronger flavor and Insert under the skin, using a pointed knife:
tougher meat, may be substituted for lamb, but (Slivers of garlic or herbs)
cooking time is usually increased from 5 to 10 or place on it as it goes into the oven:
minutes to the pound. Both lamb and mutton are (Lemon slices)
covered with a papery whitish membrane called Place meat, fat side up, on a rack in an uncovered
the fell, which is often removed before cooking, greased pan. Immediately reduce the heat to
as it tends to make the flavor strong. Almost any 325°. Roast it 30 minutes to the pound, or until
cut of lamb may be cooked by dry-heat methods the internal temperature reaches 175° to 180°, for
— including skewer cooking for which recipes — meat well done. Most Euroneans like lamb slightly
immediately follow; and many cuts are adaptable rare or at an internal temperature of 160° to 165°.
472 MEAT

Do not cover or baste. Make: CROWN ROAST OF LAMB

Pan Gravy, 341, using cutured sour cream Allow 2 Ribs per Person
or milk Preheat oven to 450°.
Or serve the roast with: Wipe with a cloth:
Deglazed drippings, 340 A crown roast of lamb
and: French the ends of the bones by scraping clean
Mint Sauce, 355 from the end of the chops almost to the eye of
Instead of mint sauce you may prefer: the meat. Protect ends of bones by covering with
Cumberland Sauce, 356 aluminum foil. Proceed as directed for Roast Leg
To carve a lamb roast, see illustration, 471. of Lamb, above, but remove meat from oven be-
fore the last hour of cooking and fill center with:
§ BARBECUED BUTTERFLY 3 cups Bread Dressing, 370, or
Dressing for Cornish Hen, 373
LEG OF LAMB Return to oven and complete cooking. Remove
Please read about grilling and spit-cooking in Out- covering from bones. Cover each with a paper
door Cooking, 155. frill, a slice of pickle or a stuffed olive. Top the

dressing with a bunch of parsley or a pineapple

I. Have butcher bone and flatten:
A leg of lamb crown, as in the illustration on 442. To carve into
hours before cooking, cover the leg chops, see 477. Make:
At least 2
Pan Gravy, 341
Serve with the gravy and:
Fresh mint
Rub with: Mint Sauce, 355, or currant jelly
Dry mustard An unfilled crown roast may be cooked upside
Pepper down. Omit covering the bones. When done, fill
the hollow of the roast with:
Onion juice
Preheat or prepare coals. While charcoal is
Green Peas, 314
or with:
burning down to embers, cook gently about 5
minutes a sauce of:
Baked Chestnuts, 299, or
Brussels Sprouts, 292
'A cup butter
Garnish with:
Vi clove garlic,
tablespoon grated onion

Remove garlic and add:

V2 cup chopped fresh mint leaves
About 8 Servings
Place lamb on grill. During cooking, brush often
Preheat oven to 450°
with the warm sauce. After about 20 minutes, turn
the meat, and continue to turn at intervals unless
A 4- to 5-lb. cushion shoulder of lamb
it is on a spit. If you like lamb pink, it should be
by cutting a pocket in one side for inserting dress-
ready in 35 to 45 minutes, depending on the heat
ing. Rub meat with:
of the coals. Well-done lamb will require 15 min-
A cut clove of garlic
utes more.
Fill cavity with:

II. Marinate a boned, flattened leg of lamb refrig-

Bread Dressing, 370, Tangerine Rice
erated overnight in: Dressing, 373, or Apricot Dressing, 373
Lamb or Game Marinade, 528 Sew or skewer open uncovered
side. Place roast

Wipe dry before grilling as in I, above. on Reduce

a rack in a greased pan in the oven.
heat immediately to 325° and cook about 30 min-
utes to the pound. Serve with:
RACK OF LAMB Pan Gravy, 341
3 Servings
This the rib end of the saddle or double loin,
and has about six chops. There are several kinds of lamb chops; those from
Preheat oven to 400°. the loin and rib are the tenderest and most costly;
Remove the fell and excess fat from: they are cooked by broiling. Large leg chops of
A rack of young lamb varying shapes —
sometimes called lamb steaks
If you French the rib bones as described in a often have a fine flavor and are also cooked by
Crown Roast, above, cover the ends with foil. Coat dry heat. Shoulder chops are the least tender, but
the rack with: they can be broiled and are excellent breaded or
A cut garlic clove braised.
Salt and pepper BROILED LAMB CHOPS
Place it shallow pan and roast
on a metal rack in a 2 Chops per Person
about 25 minutes or until the internal temperature Trim the outer skin or fell from:
reaches 145°. Carve into chops and serve. Loin or rib chops
MEAT 473

I.Oven-broiled which are marinated refrigerated

1'/2-inch cubes,
Follow directions for: 2 hours, then wiped dry and threaded on
to 3
Broiled Steak, 456 —
skewers close together if the meat is to be rare
allowing a shorter time for cooking, according to widely spaced for well-done; bits of lamb fat or
thickness. bacon or bay leaf may be inserted between the
pieces of meat to add flavor. Kebabs are grilled or
II. Pan-broiled broiled about 3 inches from the heat source, the
For chops an inch or less in thickness. Sear chops meat brushed frequently with melted butter or
in a hot skillet which has been rubbed lightly with
olive oil and turned to brown evenly; about 8 to
a small piece of lamb fat. Turn chops several times 12 minutes according to taste.
during cooking. Allow for well-done chops about The meat cubes may be alternated on skewers
15 minutes in all. Pour off fat as it accumulates in with an assortment of vegetables such as tomato
the pan. Season with: chunks, green pepper slices, mushrooms and on-
Salt and freshly ground pepper ions, or with pineapple slices or stuffed olives. But
Serve very hot, garnished with: differences in cooking time require that firm vege-
tables such as onions and green peppers be par-
boiled; or, as we prefer, that the vegetables be
BRAISED LAMB CHOPS skewered separately and cooked at the side of the
Shoulder chops, arm or blade, mav be braised as grill where heat is less intense. For a dramatic
effect, you may serve kebabs flambeed, see 155.
Pork Chops, 479
but reduce cooking time to about 40 minutes. S LAMB KEBABS
Follow procedure described in About Kebabs,
GARNISHED ENGLISH MIXED GRILL above, using one of these marinades:
1 to 2 Servings
Yogurt or Buttermilk Marinade, 528
While the classic serving for one,
this is it does
Apricot or Sassaties Marinade, 529
very well for two in our family.
Lamb or Game Marinade, 528
Preheat broiling compartment.
Fish or Lamb Marinade I, II or III, 528
Place on cold grid or greased hot grid:
2 lamb chops
2 small link sausages
2 chicken livers
6 Servings
blanched veal kidney
Melt in a heavy pot:
2 thin slices bacon V* cup vegetable oil or butter
1 halved small tomato seasoned with salt,
Sear on allsides in the hot fat:
pepper and butter A rolled shoulder of lamb

Vi cup mushroom caps dipped in butter Remove it from the pot. Saute slowly in the fat
4 small whole blanched onions 10 minutes:
Position broiler rack so that meat surface is V2 cup chopped onions
about 3 inches from heat source. During cooking Vi cup chopped carrots
process, turn meats and mushrooms. Baste if nec- V* cup chopped turnips
essary with clarified butter, 349. The chops may V2 cup chopped celery with leaves
require a longer cooking than the other ingredi- (1 sliced clove garlic)
ents. Arrange on hot plates and serve with: Return the meat to the pot. Add:
Bearnaise Sauce, 359 Vi bay leaf
4 whole peppercorns
§ ABOUT KEBABS 1 teaspoon salt

Please read about Skewer Cooking, 146, and see 4 cups boiling vegetable stock or
example of a brazier for kebabs, 145, and the 3 cups stock and 1 cup tomato pulp

hibachi, 156. Kebabs lend themselves perfectly to Cover the pot and simmer meat until tender,
picnics; the meat cubes, presoaked in a savory about 2 hours. When the meat is done, degrease
marinade, can be grilled over an open fire and and thicken stock slightly with:
served straight from the skewer onto a piece of Kneaded Butter, 340
Flat Bread, 609. The grilled cubes may be slipped
off the skewers onto a bed of rice, kasha or BRAISED STUFFED SHOULDER
bulgur, or served on parsley, watercress or shred- OR FARCE OF LAMB
ded lettuce. 6 Servings
Though various kinds of meat and seafood can Rub:
be used for kebabs, with a wide international A boned shoulder of lamb
choice of marinades, our own meat preference for with:
tenderness and taste is lamb, which is traditional (Garlic)
in the Near East —
whence comes the term shish or insert slivers of garlic under the skin. Prepare
kebab. For any meat kebabs, the meat is cut into about:
474 MEAT

3 cups Bread Dressing, 370 Rub:

Spread it on the meat. Roll like a jelly roll Secure 4 lamb shanks: 3Vi to 4 lb.
with string, or fasten with spiral skewers, 420. with:
Brown in: Garlic
3 tablespoons vegetable oil or butter Roll in:
Place in a roasting pan: Seasoned Flour, 552
1 cup hot Vegetable Stock, 524 Melt until fragrant:
Put the browned roast in it and bake covered 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
at 300°. Allow about 40 minutes to the pound. For Partially sear shanks and add:
added flavor you may put some of the bones in 2 tablespoons diced onions
the pan. Meanwhile, prepare for cooking: Continue to cook meat until browned on all sides.
3 cups diced vegetables: celery, carrots, Pour off fat. Place meat on a rack in a lidded pan.
onions, potatoes Add:
After the meat has cooked about 45 minutes, place 1
2 cups boiling stock

the vegetables in the roasting pan with: (V2 cup lemon juice)
An additional cup vegetable stock 1
/3 teaspoon pepper

Cover and continue to cook meat about 1 hour IV2 teaspoons salt
after adding vegetables, or until the internal tem- V2 bay leaf
perature of meat is 175° to 180°. Pour off and Cover. Simmer meat or bake covered in a 325°
reserve most of the liquid, and allow meat and oven about IV2 hours or until tender. You may
vegetables to glaze by baking them uncovered add for the last V2 hour of cooking:
about 10 minutes longer. Meanwhile, make the 3 cups diced vegetables
sauce. Degrease reserved liquid and reduce it Vi cup boiling stock or water
somewhat. The vegetables may be onions, carrots, celery,
Season to taste green peppers, turnips, tomatoes and potatoes
a matter of choice and expediency. Strain, de-
grease and reduce stock. Serve as it is or make:
MOCK VENISON If you have not added the vegetables, you may
About 8 Servings serve the shanks with:
Wipe with damp cloth: Creole Sauce, 348
A 5-lb. leg of lamb or mutton
Marinate refrigerated 24 hours or more in:
Buttermilk or Yogurt Marinade, 528
turning occasionally. PRINTANIERE
Preheat oven to 450°. 8 Servings
Drain, wipe dry and lard meat, 444, with: This stew is called printaniere because of its

Blanched salt pork or bacon "springlike" host of ornately cut vegetables. Cut
Put roast on a rack in a pan in the oven and bake into1V2-inch pieces:
for 15 minutes. Add: 1 lb. boned shoulder of lamb

V* cup hot Vegetable Stock, 524 1 lb. boned breast of lamb

1 bay leaf Brown the meat in a heavy skillet in:

whole peeled onions

2 small 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Cover. > Reduce heat at once to 325° and allow Remove meat to a Dutch oven. Pour off fat and
35 minutes to the pound. When roast is nearly deglaze pan with:
done, degrease, 340. Pour over roast: 2 cups light stock
1 cup Sauteed Mushrooms, 308 to which you may add:

1 cup warm cultured sour cream 2 tablespoons tomato paste

Cook uncovered 10 minutes. Make: Bring to a boil and pour over meat. Simmer cov-
Pan Gravy, 341 ered. Meanwhile, peel and shape into ovals about
Serve roast surrounded by: IV2 inches long and reserve:
Browned Potatoes, 320, or 2 cups new potatoes
Pureed Turnips, 280 6 carrots
Garnish with: 3 white turnips
Parsley Add:
18 small onions
BRAISED LAMB SHANKS After lamb has cooked about 1 hour, skim off fat,
add vegetables to the pot and simmer covered
AND TROTTERS about 1 hour longer or until vegetables are tender.
4 Servings Have ready to add:
Use shanks for stews also. Cooked as for shanks, 1 cup cooked fresh peas
trotters or feet are not approved by the U.S. Gov- 1 cup cooked sliced fresh green beans

ernment but are stillserved abroad. When lamb and vegetables are tender, skim off
MEAT 475

any tat and gently fold in cooked peas and 1 cup Light Stock, 522
beans. Serve at once, sprinkled with V2 cup finely V* cup or more chopped celery
chopped parsley. 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
(1 tablespoon chopped pimiento)
('A cup peeled, seeded, diced cucumbers)
LAMB OR PORK GOULASH Cover meat and simmer until tender, about V2
A BLANC hour. Stir frequently.
6 Servings Season to taste
Please read About Goulash, 464, and for another Make:
goulash using pork, see 475. Pan Gravy, 341
Saute: Place on a platter a mound of:
IV2 to 2 cups chopped onions Boiled Rice, 206
in: Arrange meat and gravy around it. Garnish platter
Vz cup butter or vegetable oil with:
Mash in a mortar and add Parsley
1 teaspoon caraway
2 teaspoons marjoram
A grating of lemon rind CASSOULET
1 clove garlic About 15 Servings
1 tablespoon sweet paprika With a thicker texture than a Pot-au-Feu, 170, this
Add and bring to a boil: controversial dish from the South of France has
1 cup water or stock one solid pivot —
white beans. They are cooked
Add: usually with fresh pork and sausage, but often
2 lb. lamb or pork, cut into lV2-inch cubes with mutton and duck, partridge or potted goose,
Simmer covered IV2 hours. 434. Goose fat is a frequent component; also an
Garnish with: onion stuck with cloves. Vegetables vary season-
Slivered red or green peppers ally. Garlic is essential. For this recipe you almost
need a routing sheet. If, however, you follow
directions, you may proceed with the self-confi-
IRISH STEW dence of the bullfighter who put mustard on his
4 to 6 Servings
sword. The beans soak overnight and are cooked
This famous stew not browned.
the next day with meat and other trimmings. The
Cut into IVi-inch cubes:
pork roasts for a while before the lamb joins it.
1 V2 lb. lamb or mutton
Then the meats that have been cooking with the
Peel and slice to Vs-inch thickness:
beans are taken from the bone and sliced before
'i cup onions
being returned to the beans. This way the flavors
2V2 lb. potatoes
unite in a single casserole and make a final trium-
Put in the bottom of a heavy pan a layer of pota-
phant appearance under a crust of golden crumbs.
toes, a layer of meat, and a few slices of onion.
Soak overnight in cold water:
Repeat this twice, ending with potatoes on top.
1 lb. dried marrowfat, broad or Great
Season each layer with:
Northern beans
Salt and pepper
Roast in a preheated 350° oven about 2V2 hours
Add to the pot:
or until tender:
bay leaf
3 lb. boned Loin of Pork, 477
Pour over the layers:
After the pork has been roasting for about 1 hour,
2 cups boiling stock or water
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
brown in a heavy skillet:
3 lb. rolled lamb shoulder and the cut-out
Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer gently about
2V2 hours or until the meat is tender. Shake pot
1 tablespoon butter
periodically to keep the potatoes from sticking.
Drain off any excess fat. Roast the lamb and the
When done, all the moisture should have been
lamb bones about IV2 hours longer in the same
absorbed by the potatoes.
pan with the pork roast. Meanwhile, blanch, 154,
by placing in cold water and bringing just to a
4 Servings 1 ham shank
Remove from:
gristle and fat pork
1 lb. salt
A 2-lb. lamb shoulder Drain beans. Heat the water in which they were
Cut meat into 1-inch cubes. Heat: soaked, adding:
3 tablespoons fat or vegetable oil Enough water to make 4 quarts
Brown meat in the hot fat with: Bring to a boil and skim the pot. Add drained,
1 tablespoon chopped onion blanched ham shank, salt pork and:
1 tablespoon curry powder A Bouquet Garni, 572
Add: 3 cloves garlic
476 MEAT

Simmer covered about 1 1/2 hours. Add: the stimulation of the more able-bodied guests.
6 small white onions And every Arab is able-bodied when it comes to
Vi lb. hard Italian sausage, like Salcisetta consuming hot sauce!
Simmer about 1 hour longer, until the beans are Soak overnight, drain and reserve:
tender but still intact. Remove the lamb bones and, V3 cup dried chick-peas
leaving the pork and lamb roasts in the same pan, V2 cup dried fava beans
reduce heat to 300°. Pour over the meat: Cut into a dozen or so good-sized chunks:
Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352 2 lb. lamb; or
1 lb. lamb, V2 lb. beef, '/a chicken
and bake covered about V2 hour more. Drain off Place the bottom element of the couscoussier
and reserve sauce and drippings. Remove and slice the meat, beans and:
the meat of both the lamb and the pork roast. 2 cups sliced turnips, 334
Drain beans, adding the juice to the drained to- IV2 cups sliced carrots
mato sauce. Trim and slice the ham, the sausage A cup chopped onions

and the salt pork in bite-sized pieces. Layer all A teaspoon black pepper

these meats with the beans in a casserole and skim V2 tablespoon salt
excess fat from the combined tomato and bean (
A teaspoon saffron)
juices before adding them to the other ingredi- (V2 teaspoon turmeric)
ents. Top with: ( A
teaspoon ginger)
1 cup buttered dry bread crumbs 2 to 3 cups stock, to cover
Bake about 1 hour longer in the oven, when the Bring this mixture to a boil, reduce the heat, and
crumbs should have turned a golden color. simmer 40 minutes. Add:
2 cups sliced zucchini or yellow squash

COUSCOUS 2 quartered tomatoes or Vfe cup tomato paste

1 small cabbage, quartered
6 Servings
(1 stalk finocchio, quartered)
Because this dish can be varied according to what
(3 or 4 minced sweet peppers)
ingredients are available and extended to serve
any number, it is the classic main meal in North ( A to V2 cup raisins)

Africa, where the hospitality of the Arab people

A cup chopped parsley

and simmer 20 minutes longer. Ten minites be-

is legendary. The one constant ingredient is the

cereal —fine-grained semolina —

cooked so that fore the end of the above procedure, ha\e ready
in a large dish:
each grain is separate and the mass light and fluffy.
1 lb.
For perfect results, the cooking vessel should be a

"couscoussier" of pottery or a modern version Moisten the semolina slightly with a I'ttle cold
water, working it with the fingers to keeo it cohe-
of stainless steel, shown here with its removable
sive but not lumpy. The grains will swell. Place the
perforated top and its deep stewpot. A muslin-
cereal in the top or strainer element of the cous-
lined colander over a heavy double-boiler bottom
coussier and steam it, uncovered, over the sim-
makes a fair substitute, provided the two parts of
the cooker may be fitted so closely that vapor can
mering meat and vegetable mixture 33 minutes
escape only through the colander perforations, and more.
the colander does not touch the liquid below.
Remove the couscoussier from the heat. Re-
Since the cereal, after steaming, has a very bland, move strainer and turn cereal into a large bowl.
Sprinkle it with cold water to enlarge the grains
further, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up
any lumps. Return cereal to strainer, and strainer
to pot, fitting it on tightly. Simmer an additional
30 minutes. Remove the cereal to a large heated
platter, mixing with it 2 tablespoons of fat
scooped from the top of the stew. You may at
this point remove one cupful of the stew liquid
and "inflame" it with:
('A teaspoon cayenne, or red or chili pepper)
('A teaspoon ginger)
(V2 teaspoon harissa, or concentrate of red
Arrange the meat and vegetable mixture around
the cereal, and serve the dish with the fiery sauce
in one pitcher and the remaining sauce partially —
defatted — in another.

delicate flavor, the meat and vegetable mixture is

frequently sharpened with additional seasonings ABOUT PORK
like cayenne or chili pepper; or a portion of the Someone has observed that a pig resembles a saint
sauce is reserved, fired up and passed around for in that he is more honored after death than during
MEAT 477

his lifetime.High-grade pork is fine-grained and The internal temperature should be 170° for a loin
firm, the shoulder cuts marbled, the fat white. cut and 185° for a shoulder cut. Remove roast
Formerly, because of its heavy fat content, all parts from oven and 10 to 15 minutes before
let rest
of pork could be cooked by dry-heat methods, and carving. In the meantime, make:
the meat was virtually self-basting. Today, hogs Pan Gravy, 341
are bred leaner, and some pork may require sup- You may roast alongside the meat for the last 35
plementary basting, or cooking by moist heat. minutes of cooking:
> An important word of caution. Incredible as it Peeled and parboiled sweet potatoes
may seem at the end of the twentieth century, our or parsnips
government still has no requirement for the syste- or on top of the roast:
matic microscopic inspection of pork. As long as Prunes and apricots or Orange
this is true, the pork we buy as well as that from Marmalade, 839
animals we raise ourselves may, under certain or serve the roast with
conditions, harbor the dangerous parasite that is Applesauce, 131, seasoned with
passed on to man in the insidious disease called 2 tablespoons horseradish and a
trichinosis. The only way to be certain that the grating of nutmeg
parasite is destroyed is to cook pork thoroughly. Sweet Potatoes and Fruit, 325
The internal temperature must reach at least 137°. Apples with Sauerkraut, 131, or other
Judged by the eye, the meat must be white or sauerkraut variations
grayish throughout, without a trace of pink, even Onion and Apple Casserole, 313
in the very center of a large roast; the juices will Turnips and apples
run clear. Finally, never taste even a tiny bit of Pureed Green Beans, Peas or Limas, 280
raw pork in any form, including bacon and sau-
sage; and after handling it, carefully cleanse your
hands and any knife, utensil or surface the pork
may have touched. Slow cooking of pork is desir-
able, 30 to 45 minutes to the pound. Rolled and
stuffed roasts require the longer cooking time. If
you use a meat thermometer, the roasts of varying
degrees of choiceness which come from the loin
section —center cut, rib cut, loin end and blade or

shoulder end should be cooked to an internal
temperature of 170°. The thicker roasts, which
include leg of pork —
known somewhat confusingly
as fresh ham —and the shoulder, known as the
picnic, are cooked to an internal temperature of
185°. Fresh ham may also be braised or pot-
roasted. To identify those portions which cook by
dry- or moist-heat methods, see chart, 451. Gen-
erally, the recipes for each cut of meat calling for
dry-heat methods are given first, followed by the
recipes for moist-heat methods. For Economical
Use of Large Cuts, see 452. For uses of cooked
pork, see Luncheon Dishes, 250. For hams, see 482.

Remove meat from refrigerator about 1 hour be-
fore cooking, and read About Pork, above.
Preheat oven to 450°. CROWN ROAST OF PORK
Use a fine, juicy roast: Allow 2 Ribs per Person
Loin or shoulder of pork Remove meat from refrigerator about 1 hour be-
If boned or rolled, the roast will take 5 to 10 min- fore cooking.
utes more per pound than the timing given below. Preheat oven to 450°.
Rub the roast well with: Wipe with a cloth:
A cut clove of garlic, fresh sage, dried A crown roast of pork
rosemary, tarragon or thyme Protect the ends of the bones by covering with
Dredge with: aluminum foil. Immediately after putting the roast
Seasoned Flour, 552 in the oven reduce the heat to 325°, allowing
Place fat side up on a rack in a shallow greased 25 to 30 minutes to the pound. If the crown is not
pan in the oven. >
Reduce the heat at once to to be filled with dressing, omit covering the bones
325°. Cook >
uncovered 25 to 35 minutes to the and cook the roast upside down. Serve filled with
pound, depending on cut and thickness of meat. a cooked vegetable; or, if the roast is to be stuffed,
478 MEAT

remove it 1 hour before it is done and fill the Remove foil from ears and tail. Rest 30 minutes
center with: before carving. Place pig on a platter. Remove
Stuffing for Crown Roast of Pork, 371, or wood from mouth. Replace with:
Sausage Dressing, 371, or A small apple, lemon or carrot
Apple and Onion Dressing, 372, or Place in the eyes:
Chestnut Dressing, 372 Raisins or cranberries
Return the roast to the oven and complete cook- Drape around the neck a wreath of:
ing. Make: Small green leaves
Pan Gravy, 341 or garnish the platter or board with:
Serve with: Watercress
Glazed Onions, 312 The pig may be surrounded with:
Apples Cockaigne, 131 Apples Cockaigne, 131, Apples Stuffed with
Watercress or broiled canned apricots and Sweet Potatoes, 324, Apples Stuffed with
crystallized ginger slices Mincemeat, 812, or Tomatoes Florentine, 342
To carve, see sketch, 477. Make:
Pan Gravy, 341
To place head to left of carver. Remove
ROAST SUCKLING PIG forelegs and hams. Divide meat down center of
10 Servings back. Separate ribs. Serve a section of crackling
We never think of suckling pig without recalling skin to each person.
our friend Amy, an American, long a resident of
Mexico but determined to reconstruct in alien sur- ROAST FRESH HAM OR
roundings the traditional Christmas dinners of her
youth. Describing the preparation of roast pig to
her skilled Indian cook, she wound up with the
You may place a fresh leg of pork called:
announcement, "The pig is brought to table on A fresh ham
plenty of greenery, with an apple in the mouth."
in a marinade, 528, and refrigerate covered for 24
The cook looked first baffled, then resentful, and to 48 hours.
Preheat oven to 450°.
finally burst out with a succession of "no's." Her
employer persisted patiently with helpful gestures Wipe the meat before roasting. Marinated or not,
and increasing firmness. When the pig was served, cook the ham as for:
Pork Roast, 477
she discovered that her cook could effect an
basting every half hour with part of the marinade
entree which surpassed her wildest expectations.
or with the traditional:
There was plenty of greenery and a distinct air of
martyrdom; but the apple was clenched, not in the
pig's mouth, but in that of the desperate cook!
When done, the internal temperature should be
185°. Make:
Preheat oven to 450°.
Pan Gravy, 341
Dress, by drawing, scraping as for Opossum, 515,
Serve with any of the accompaniments suggested
and cleaning as for Rabbit, 513:
in Pork Roast, 477. Leftover cold pork is a lux-
A suckling pig
ury to be used in many dishes, see Index.
Remove eyeballs and lower the lids. The dressed
pig should weigh about 12 pounds. Fill it with:
Onion Dressing, 372, or Stuffing for
Crown Roast of Pork, 371 WITH SAUERKRAUT
It takes 2V2 quarts of dressing to stuff a pig this Preheat oven to 450°.
size. Multiply all your ingredients, but not the Have butcher remove bones from:
seasonings. Use these sparingly until dressing is A pork shoulder
combined, then taste it and add what is lacking. Also have one side left open for inserting:
Sew up the pig. Put a block of wood in its mouth Drained sauerkraut
to hold it open. Skewer legs into position, pulling Dredge with:
forelegs forward and bending hindlegs into a Flour
crouching stance. Rub the pig with: Close opening by sewing or skewering. Place the
Oil or soft butter roast in the oven uncovered on a rack in a greased
(A cut clove of garlic) pan. >• Immediately reduce heat to 325° and bake
Dredge it with: about 40 minutes to the pound.
Cover ears and tail with aluminum foil. Place the PORK TENDERLOIN
pig in a pan uncovered, in the oven for 15 min- Preheat oven to 350°.
utes.^ Reduce heat to 325° and roast until tender, Split lengthwise:
allowing 20 minutes to the pound. Baste every 15 A pork tenderloin
minutes with: Flatten it with a cleaver, 444. Rub lightly with:
Pan drippings or additional vegetable oil Butter
if necessary (Garlic)
MEAT 479

Spread with: Salt and pepper

Bread Dressing, 370, using 'A the amount; Make:

or with Apple and Sweet Potato Dressing, Pan Gravy, 341

374, using about 'A the amount; or with
II. Baked
stewed drained apricots or pitted prunes
Recommended for thick chops.
Roll and tie it up. Dredge with:
Preheat oven to 350°.
Seasoned Flour, 552
After searing them as above, bake covered about
or brush with unsalted fat. Place tenderloin on
1 hour:
rack in greased pan. Bake 30 to 35 minutes to the
4 pork chops
pound. Make:
During the last half hour, you may add for sea-
Pan Gravy, 341
You may add to the gravy:
(3 tablespoons minced green pepper
(Cultured sour cream and cooked
and celery)
mushrooms, or sweet cream and
(1 clove garlic)
currant jelly)
(1 piece gingerroot mashed in
1 tablespoon vinegar)
Cut crosswise into 3A-inch slices: ('A cup orange juice)
Pork tenderloin
Flatten slices slightly with a cleaver, as shown on BREADED PORK CHOPS
444. Dredge with: 4 Servings
Seasoned Flour, 552 Rub with garlic:
Saute as for: 4 half-inch-thick pork chops
Pork Chops, below Bread them, 552. Using a heavy hot pan, brown
Add to the pan juices or the gravy: lightly in:
'A teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 to 3 tablespoons rendered pork fat
or vegetable oil

PORK TENDERLOIN WITH Reduce heat. Cook uncovered about 20 minutes

longer or until tender. Make:
4 Servings
Cut into 1-inch crosswise slices and pound: BRAISED PORK CHOPS WITH FRUIT
1 lb. or more pork tenderloin
Allow 1 Chop per Person
Roll in: Preheat oven to 325°.
Seasoned Flour, 552 Sear in a lightly greased hot skillet:
Saute until golden in: Trimmed pork chops, 3A inch thick
2 tablespoons butter or more
with: Season lightly with:
A sliced onion Saltand pepper
Bring just to the boiling point: (!/s teaspoon curry powder)
'A cup dry white wine Place on the chops, skin side down:
Pour over the meat. Add at this time: Halved cored apples, pineapple slices or
A lb. sliced mushrooms pitted apricots or prunes
teaspoon fresh rosemary, or 'A teaspoon
('A Fill the centers of the fruit with:
crushed coriander seed) Brown sugar
Cover the skillet closely. Simmer the rounds Cover the bottom of the skillet to A inch with 1

until done, about 45 minutes. Add:

Chicken stock and/or some of the
6 sliced green olives, stuffed with almonds
fruit juice
(2 tablespoons lemon juice)
Cover the pan closely. Bake about 1 hour. Re-
Serve garnished with: move the chops from the pan carefully, so as not
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
to disturb the fruit. Keep warm. Partially degrease
and add to the pan juices:
A to 1 cup sweet cream or cultured
I. Sauteed sour cream
Brown in a hot pan in just enough vegetable oil or Serve this sauce with the chops and fruit.
rendered pork fat to keep them from sticking:
Pork chops, 1 inch thick or less BRAISED STUFFED PORK CHOPS
Before searing, they may be rubbed with: COCKAIGNE
(Garlic or powdered rosemary) 6 Servings
After searing ? reduce heat. Cook the chops Preheat oven to 350°
slowly, covered or uncovered, until done. Pour Cut from the bone:
off excess grease as they cook. Season with: 6 rib pork chops about 1 inch thick
480 MEAT

Trim off excess fat and cut a large gash or pocket BRAISED DEVILED PORK CHOPS
in the side of each chop. Prepare a dressing of: 4 Servings
1 cup bread crumbs Using:
Va cup chopped celery Pork Marinade, 529
Va cup chopped onions marinate 3 to 6 hours, covered and refrigerated:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley 4 pork chops, 1 inch thick
Milk to moisten the dressing Preheat oven to 325°.
Va teaspoon salt Drain the chops, reserving the marinade. Wipe
Va teaspoon paprika them dry. Brown them in a hot greased skillet.
These proportions and ingredients may be varied. Heat the marinade and:
Fill the pockets with the dressing. Skewer them.
V2 cup water or stock
Sear the chops in a hot skillet and place in a lid- Pour around the chops. Bake covered about 1
ded ovenproof dish with: hour or until tender.
Milk or stock, about Va inch deep
Cover and bake about 1 hour and 15 minutes or
until tender. Make:
Pan Gravy, 341 6 Servings
or serve with: Pound to the thickness of Va inch:

Cranberry Sauce, 133 2 lb. pork steaks cut from the shoulder
Cut them into 6 oblong pieces. Spread them with
half the recipe for:
Apricot or Prune Dressing, 373
BRAISED PORK CHOPS Roll them. Secure the rolls with string or wooden
WITH SAUERKRAUT picks. Dredge in:
6 Servings 2 tablespoons flour
Preheat oven to 350°. Brown in:
Have ready: 2 tablespoons fat
6 slices diced Sauteed Bacon, 486 Add:
Mix it in a casserole with: 1 cup boiling water or stock
2 lb. drained sauerkraut Simmer covered about 50 minutes or until tender.
2 cups Applesauce, 131 Serve with the degreased and reduced pan juices,
1 tablespoon brown sugar or thicken to make:
Va cup dry white wine Pan Gravy, 341
Vi tablespoon dry mustard
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Saute gently on both sides:
6 Servings
6 loin pork chops, 1 inch thick
I. Cut into /2-inch
inches long:
strips, 2
Place them on top of the mixture. Cover and bake
2 lb. lean boneless pork loin or shoulder
about 1 hour.
In a wok or skillet, brown the meat in:
2 tablespoons hot vegetable oil
Drain the meat on paper toweling. Cook the fol-
BRAISED PORK CHOPS CREOLE lowing sauce until slightly thickened and clear:
6 Servings 1 cup pineapple juice
Preheat oven to 350°. V2 cup water or chicken stock
Dredge: V3 cup vinegar
6 pork chops, V2 inch thick or more Va cup packed brown sugar
with: 2 tablespoons cornstarch
Seasoned Flour, 552 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Gently saute them in: 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Hot fat or vegetable oil Add the meat and simmer, covered, about 1 hour
Place them in a baking dish. Combine, heat and or until tender, i^dd:
pour around them: IV2 cups pineapple chunks
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz.
1 small sliced green pepper, seeds and
V2 can water or stock membrane removed
V2 cup chopped celery cup onion slices)
1 chopped green pepper, seeds and
Cook uncovered about 10 minutes. Serve over:
membrane removed Boiled Rice, 206
A cup minced onions
teaspoon salt
V2 II. Stir-Fried
teaspoon paprika
Va This quick version is best used with very thinly
Bake covered about 1 hour. Cook another 15 sliced raw pork or larger pieces of cooked pork.
minutes uncovered and topped with: Prepare:
Crushed cornflakes Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce II, 355
MEAT 481

Cut into strips 'A inch thick and about V2 inch Cut into 2 pieces. Spread 1 piece with:
wide: Apple and Onion Dressing, 372
2 lb. lean boneless pork using only 4 cups of dressing. Cover the dressing
Dust pieces with: with the other piece of meat. Tie the 2 pieces to-
Seasoned Flour, 552 gether. Rub the outside of the meat with:
Saute meat, a little at a time, in a wok or skillet 2 tablespoons flour
in: Ve teaspoon salt
2 to 3 tablespoons vegetable oil A few grains pepper
Return all the meat to the skillet and add the Place on a rack in an uncovered roasting pan and
above sauce. Cover and simmer about 5 to 8 min- reduce the heat at once to 325°. Bake about 1 /2 1

utes. A good addition at this time would be: hours or until tender. Baste every 10 minutes with
(Cooked Podded Peas, 315) the fat in the pan.
Serve over:
Boiled Rice, 206
4 Servings
PORK AND VEAL GOULASH Preheat oven to 350°.
WITH SAUERKRAUT Have a butcher cut into 2-inch pieces:
4 Servings 4 lb. spareribs
Saute until translucent: Parboil, 154, 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and dry. Brush
6 tablespoons chopped onions with:
in: Soy sauce
2 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil Bake uncovered on a rack in a pan in the oven
Add and saute: 1 hour. Have ready the following sauce. Boil
V2 lb. 1-inch lean pork cubes briefly:
V2 lb. 1-inch veal cubes 1 cup vinegar
Heat and add: 1 cup sugar
1 lb. drained sauerkraut V2 cup sherry
1 teaspoon caraway seed 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Simmer covered about 1 hour. Heat and add: 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
1 cup cultured sour cream Mix together and add:
A generous grating of freshly 4 teaspoons cornstarch
ground pepper 2 tablespoons water
Serve at once. Cook until cornstarch is transparent. Pour the
sauce over the cooked spareribs and serve at
once with:
ABOUT SPARERIBS Baked Green Rice, 208
There is much bone and
meat to spareribs

we love the self-explanatory name. Allow at

least 1 pound per person. Country-style back ribs, § BARBECUED SPARERIBS
also sold as spareribs, are meatier. Try using spare-
I. Indoors
ribs in some of the recipes calling for pork chops.
Bake spareribs in a 450° oven 15 minutes, covered
These gloriously messy old favorites can simply be
baked in a 325° oven about T/2 hours, but there
with aluminum foil —
do not seal. Reduce heat
to 350° and pour a barbecue sauce over the meat.
are a good many more lively things to do with Bake 1 hour longer, basting frequently. Try one of
them. Before both baking and barbecueing, we
the following sauces:
recommend parboiling, 154, 2 to 4 minutes, which Barbecue Sauce or II, 354 I

not only removes unwanted fat but makes the end

Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce, 355
result more palatable.
Ferocious Barbecue Sauce, 354
Comparatively little known but quite delicious Mexican Tomato Sauce, 352
are lamb spareribs. They need not be parboiled Plum Sauce, 356
but in other respects may be prepared
as for pork
cooking time should be re-
spareribs, except that II.Outdoors
duced about one-third. For Glazed Cocktail Ribs, Please read About Outdoor Cooking, 155, and also
see 85. note illustration of ribs woven on a spit, 158.
2 sides spareribs
4 Servings Grillvery slowly 30 minutes, then brush with one
Preheat oven to 500°. of the sauces above and continue to cook about 1
Parboil 2 minutes: hour longer. Turn occasionally and brush with
4 lb. spareribs more sauce, until done.
482 MEAT

BOILED SPARERIBS salted meats, while relished for their pungent

Place: flavors, are, brined vegetables, less valuable

Spareribs nutritionally than when they are fresh. If the meats

in: have been heavily pickled, 814, or aged like —
Boiling water to cover —
"old" or country hams, 484 be sure to soak 12
Add: hours, allowing 1 quart of water to 1 pound of
Salt and pepper cured meat. Or > parblanch, 154, before cook-
Chopped onion, ing. After blanching, put the meat into rapidly
celery, parsley and carrots
teaspoon caraway seed)
boiling water, bring to a boil again and at once
> Simmer the meat covered until tender, T/2 to reduce heat to a simmer. Salted meats are always
2 hours. If you care to crisp the ribs, drain well simmered a blanc, 447. Cook uncovered until
and just before serving saute them in butter. Or tender. Time indications are noted in the indi-
simply drain and serve on a mound of hot: vidual recipes.
Sauerkraut or Red Cabbage, 295
surrounded by: ABOUT HAMS
Mashed Potatoes, 318, or
Someone defined eternity as a ham and two peo-
Puree of Lentils, 287
ple. The definition probably dates from the days
when the term applied only to the small mountain
STEWED PORK NECK BONES of meat we now call a whole ham —
the cured and
Partlycover with seasoned boiling water: smoked hind of a hog. Now that there is a wide
Pork neck bones variety of cuts and sizes available, eternity has
Simmer covered until tender, about IV2 hours. somewhat shortened. To identify cuts and use
Vegetables may be added to the stew for the last them economically, see 451 and 452.
V2 hour of cooking. Pork becomes ham after undergoing a thor-
ough processing which includes curing with salt,
STEWED PORK HOCKS smoking and sometimes aging. Years ago these
Cover with seasoned boiling water: processes were necessary to preserve the meat.
Pork hocks Nowadays it is taste and convenience that govern
Simmer covered 1 V2 to 3 hours. You may add po- processing, and often the packer keeps his method
tatoes for the last V2 hour of cooking, or greens a well-guarded secret. Curing, a process that uses
or cabbage for the last 20 minutes. Or marinate the growth of bacteria, may be done
salt to retard

the cooled cooked hocks 2 hours or more in: by one or a combination of three methods: dry-
Herbed French Dressing, 360 curing — which salt and spices are rubbed di-

and serve cold with a salad. rectly into the —

meat the method recommended
for home processing, 813; immersion of the pork
in a brine and spice solution; or injection of a
4 Servings
brine solution into the meat itself the curing —
Dip thin slices of:
method usually used in commercial packing to-
1 lb. salt
The second step in processing smoking is — —
Boiling water what adds flavor, color and character to a ham.
Drain and dip in:

Smoking often skipped for mild-tasting pre-
Cornmeal —
cooked hams is done in a hot, airtight smoke-
Brown slowly in a skillet, turning frequently until house, and flavor depends on the wood used,
cooked through. Remove salt pork and all but hickory being an old favorite. The U.S. Depart-
2 tablespoons drippings. Add and saute until
ment of Agriculture requires that ham labeled
golden: "ready-to-eat" prior to being sold must have been
1 to 2 tablespoons chopped onion
exposed to an internal temperature of 140° for
half an hour to destroy the dangerous trichina
Thicken drippings with:
parasite. Light smoking accomplishes this, and
2 tablespoons flour, see Pan Gravy, 341
Blend in slowly: produces a mildly flavored juicy ham. Heavy and
1 cup milk
long smoking is used for such specialty hams as
the domestic Smithfield and the European pro-
Serve with:
sciutto and Westphalian, which are dryer and of
Cornbread, 627, and Greens, 305
a deeper color and richer flavor, having under-
gone, besides curing and smoking, a long and
painstaking aging process- up to a year. These
OTHER CURED MEAT steps cause these "old" hams to shrink in size and
Because of the prevalence of refrigeration, ham to go up in price.
and Canadian bacon, tongue, corned beef, pas- What pigs are fed produces nuances of flavor in
trami and salt pork are today subjected to much hams from one area to another. Eighty percent of
weaker brining than formerly. But all of these American hogs are corn-fed, but the mainstay of a
MEAT 483

porker's menu
can also be acorns or peaches or end, the better choice. For average families, it

peanuts — the being the diet of the famous

last is moreusual to buy a cut section of the whole
Smithfield hogs of Virginia and North Carolina. ham, either the rounded part called the butt por-
German pigs that produce the aged Westphalian tion —
the upper thigh of the animal or the lower—
hams thrive on a diet of sugar beets, while Italian shank end. The butt half is somewhat more meaty
pigs whose meat will in time become the delicacy but more difficult to carve. A 5- to 7-pound shank
called prosciutto are fed chestnuts or in the — end will serve 10 to 12 people. From the flat cut

Parma region whey from the local cheese. These end of either butt or shank, several slices or indi-
European hams are succulent and translucent and vidual ham steaks may be removed for separate
need no further preparation after their long aging; cooking.
when sliced paper-thin they have a flavor and Ham is available in many boneless forms
texture reminiscent of smoked salmon. whole, in halves or in chunks of various sizes.
Fresh ham is a misnomer; it is in reality simply After boning, the meat may be shaped by the
a —
pork roast the hind leg which has not been packer or rolled and packaged in airtight wrap-
cured or smoked. Today there are many cuts of pers or cans. These forms may lack the flavor of
ham with a confusing variety of names. Ham is ham with the bone intact and are more expensive.
usually labeled one of, two ways: "Cook Before Allow one-third pound per serving.
Eating" or "Ready to Eat." Whatever cut you buy, The smoked shoulder of pork, also known as
follow scrupulously the packer's instructions on picnic or Calais
— "cally" — is a less expensive cut,
the label. "Cook before eating" hams need roast- but because it contains more fat, bone and skin
ing to an internal temperature of 160°. "Ready in proportion to lean meat, you must figure ^ al-
to eat" hams —
also called "fully cooked" or most a pound of roast shoulder per serving.

"ready to serve" may be eaten cold, as is, with The smoked shoulder butt is a boneless cut
no further preparation; but they will taste and from the neck and shoulder of the hog and may
look better if heated thoroughly, to an internal have several aliases: Boston butt, cottage ham or
temperature of 140°, and glazed, 367, during the daisy ham. Though tender and tasty, it may be
latter part of cooking. very fatty. A long narrow piece is usually pref-
Less frequently prepared in this instant-every- erable to a short plump selection, and will serve
thing age is a third type of ham, the old-time 3 or 4 people. Cut into slices, it makes a delicious
country ham, or Virginia, Kentucky or Tennessee alternative to bacon. It may be broiled, sauteed,
ham. The protoype of the country types is the roasted or simmered.
Smithfield ham; all country hams are dry-cured Ham should be served warm or cool, but never
and heavily salted and require soaking followed chilled. If a rainbow iridescence appears on sliced
by long simmering, see Country Hams, 484. The ham, it is merely due to light refraction on the
flavor and aroma of these hams are worth the fat film. To store ham, the rule is that all hams
extra time and effort. must be kept refrigerated, with two exceptions:
The wide assortment of canned hams now avail- small unopened canned ham not labeled perish-
able offers the instant convenience one needs able, and dry-cured ham —
the country or Smith-
when the house is suddenly flooded with unex- field type — which can be kept in a cool, dry, dark
pected guests. When you buy canned ham, place — or in the refrigerator. For best results, un-
check the label for perishability and need of re- canned whole hams should not be stored longer
frigeration. Most of the larger canned hams, than a week in the refrigerator before cooking;
including the superior qualities imported from smaller portions not longer than 3 to 5 days. Sliced
Denmark, Holland and Poland, must be kept un- ham is best used within 2 days. Freezing any ham
der refrigeration before opening, and can be is not recommended because of rapid deteriora-

stored thus for a few months. Some of the smaller tion in quality and flavor, and canned ham is

canned hams can be stored without refrigeration. especially vulnerable because of its high water
These hams have been sterilized in the canning content.
process, but texture and taste are the losers in this
overcooking process. Canned hams are usually BAKED HAM
sold under a manufacturer's label, and only by ^ Please read About Hams to determine the type
sampling various brands will you eventually reach of ham and the number of servings.
the stage where purchasing one is not buying a
I. Ham labeled "Cook Before Eating"
pig in a poke.
Preheat oven to 325°.
A few basic cuts of ham to be found under Place ham on a rack, uncovered, in a shallow pan.
various names the market are described here
For a whole 10- to 15-pound ham, allow 18 to 20
with suggestions as to yield and uses. The whole
minutes per pound; for a half 5 to 7 pounds — —
ham, a 10- to 15-pound hind leg of pork, with about 20 minutes per pound. For a shank or butt
bone intact, is the most flavorful and least waste- portion weighing 3 to 4 pounds, bake about 35
ful cut. It 20 to 30 people generously,
will serve minutes to the pound. Or, in all cases, cook until
probably with leftovers. A short plump shape, with internal temperature reaches 160°. Remove rind
a stubby rather than elongated shank or pointed and excess fat and serve with:
484 MEAT

Raisin Sauce, 356; Sour Cream Remove ham from the oven about Vi hour be-
Horseradish Dressing, 356; Barbecue fore it is done. While preparing it for glazing,
Sauce, 354; Hot Cumberland sauce I, increase oven heat to 425°. Remove rind, all
356; or Sauce Dijonnaise, 342 but a collar around the shank bone. Cut diagonal
Or, if you prefer an attractive, quick finish, use: gashes across the fat top side of the ham, in dia-
Spirit Glaze for Ham, 368 mond shapes, and cover this surface with:
Suggested accompaniments are: Vh cups brown sugar
Scalloped Potatoes, 319; or a barquette of 2 teaspoons dry mustard
Pureed Chestnuts, 280 /j cup fine bread crumbs

moistened with:
3 tablespoons cider vinegar, prune juice,
wine, or ham drippings
Stud fat at intersections of each diamond with:
Whole cloves
Or decorate as shown opposite with:
Alternating V2 pineapple rings studded
with cranberries and stars cut from
preserved orange peels
Reduce oven heat again to 325° and return ham
to oven about 30 minutes. Place on platter. Gar-
nish with:
Jellied cranberry slices topped with
thin orange or pineapple slices
or with already cooked:
Apples filled with sweet potatoes, 324

To decorate and carve a whole ham, see sketches COUNTRY HAMS: VIRGINIA,
above. To carve the butt end, see below. SMITHFIELD, KENTUCKY, ETC.
Please read about country hams, 483. To prepare
a country ham, soak it in cold water to cover 24
to 36 hours. Then scrub it well, using a brush and
yellow soap, if necessary, to remove the mold.
Rinse thoroughly and place in a kettle of simmer-
ing well-seasoned water to cover. Simmer 20
minutes to the pound or until the meat reaches an
internal temperature of 150°. Add to the water
before the last quarter of cooking time:
1 quart cider
Va cup brown sugar
Drain when cooking time has elapsed. Remove
skin while ham is still warm, being careful not to
tear fat. Trim fat partially. Dust the ham with a
mixture of:
Freshly ground black pepper
Brown sugar
Place ham in a preheated 425° oven long enough
to glaze. Serve warm or cold. Be sure to slice
very, very thin.

Allow Vi Pound per Person
Preheat broiler.
Slash in several places the fat edge of:
A piece of ham, about 1 inch thick
II.Ham labeled "Fully Cooked" or "Ready to Eat" Place it on below heating
a broiler rack, 3 inches
Preheat oven to 325°. unit. Broil 8 to 12 minutes to a side. After cook-
To heat the ham, place it on a rack, uncovered, in ing it on one side and turning, you may brush it,
a shallow pan. For a whole ham, allow 15 to 18 toward the end of cooking, with a mixture of:
minutes to the pound; for a half, 18 to 24 minutes 1 teaspoon dry mustard

per pound. The ham will be ready when internal 1 tablespoon lemon juice

temperature reaches 140°. V* cup grape jelly

MEAT 485

If you do not use the glaze, a traditional accom- Pour over it:
paniment is: 1 cup seeded, chopped, drained canned

Corn Fritters, 301 tomatoes

Tomato Slices, 106 Cover the dish. Bake the ham until tender, about
45 minutes. For the last 15 minutes of cooking,
SAUTEED HAM AND EGGS uncover the dish and sprinkle over ham:
V* cup grated Parmesan cheese
Trim the edges of:
A thin slice of smoked ham
Rub a skillet with ham fat. Heat
lightly on one side, then the other. Remove to a Use these comparatively small cuts of ham as a
hot platter. > Reduce the heat. Saute gently in the substitute for the corned beef in:
tried-out ham fat: New England Boiled Dinner, 466
Eggs, 220 Cook ham until nearly tender or until the internal
temperature reaches 160°. Add vegetables the last
CASSEROLED HAM SLICES half hour of cooking.
2 to 3 Servings
Appetizing dishes variously flavored are easily SMOKED SHOULDER BUTT
made from raw ham slices.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Place in a casserole:
This cut may be boned. You may cut slices from
this piece for broiling or sauteing, or roast or
A slice of smoked ham, about 1 inch thick
"boil" it.
Pour over ham:
Barbecue Sauce or II, 354, or

Hot Cumberland Sauce I, 356 HAM HOCKS WITH SAUERKRAUT

Bake covered until tender, about 1 hour A tasty dish rather heavy in fat.

Rinse and put in a pot half filled with cold water:

HAM SLICE WITH FRUIT 4 smoked pork hocks
2 to 3 Servings Add:
Ham and complement each other. You
fruit truly 1 onion
may arrange the fruit either between layers and bay leaf

on top of several ham slices or just on top of a Cover the pot and simmer about IV2 hours.
single slice. Turn the hocks several times during this period.
Preheat oven to 325°. Drain. Return the hocks to the pot with one cup
Ifthe ham is not fatty, grease the bottom of a cas- of the drained, degreased liquid and:
serole lightly. Place in it: IV2 to 2 lb. drained sauerkraut
A slice of ham, about 1 inch thick 2 large cored sliced apples
sparingly seasoned with: 1 teaspoon celery seed

(Prepared mustard) Cover and simmer about 30 minutes more, stir-

Cover ham with fruit seasoned to taste: ring with a fork several times during this period.
Cranberries, sliced apples or oranges Serve with:
sprinkled with: Mashed Potatoes, 318
Brown sugar or honey
Or cover with drained ABOUT BACON
Slices of canned pineapple, apricots,
Thinly sliced bacon with a good proportion of
peaches, red plums, prunes, cherries
lean striping, cured without excessive salt, is not
or raisins
easy to come by; the new packaging may help.
These may be sprinkled with:
But no matter how packaged, bacon remains
Cinnamon, cloves or curry powder
flavorful for only about a week, even if refriger-
Cover casserole. Baste several times with the pot
ated. It is a sobering fact that unless you use the
juices or additional:
rendered grease, you are eating only one-fifth of
Fruit juice, sherry or cider
Bake about 45 minutes or until tender. Uncover
what you buy.
In separating raw bacon slices, sticking may be
for the last 10 minutes of cooking. Serve with:
Mashed Sweet Potatoes, 324 avoided if two or three slices are removed at a
time and then subdivided into singles. Allow
about 2 slices per person. To oven-broil bacon,
HAM BAKED WITH TOMATOES begin with a cold grid; or, if you are sauteing it,
AND CHEESE place it in a cold skillet. We have found these
2 to 3 Servings methods prevent curling and work better than
Preheat oven to 350°. weighted covers or specialized gadgets. Keep heat
Place in a baking dish: low and check constantly: bacon burns in sec-
A slice of ham, about 1 inch thick onds, and old bacon twice as fast as fresh.
486 MEAT

The usual bacon is the cured smoked sliced and Finns, had acquired the Baltic taste for
abdominal wall of pork; Canadian bacon, on the scraped raw beef; but it was not until the St. Louis
contrary, is the eye of the loin which accounts — World's Fair in 1904 that broiled, bunned beef was
for its leanness, its lack of layering and its high introduced to the rest of the world by the Ger-
cost. It should be treated like ham. In England a mans of South St. Louis as hamburger. Americans
side of bacon is called a gammon, and a slice or quickly latched on to the hamburger as their all-
a portion is a rasher. time favorite; for a bustling people it offered a
combination of convenience, economy and tasty
nourishment that seemed just what the doctor or-
BAKED BACON dered. As a matter of fact, it was. Its more glam-
The preferred method for bacon in quantity. orous hotel-menu name, Salisbury steak, harks
Preheat oven to 350°. back to the end-of-the-century London physician,
Place on a cold grid over a drip pan: Dr. J. H. Salisbury, who invented a regimen based
Strips of bacon on broiled lean minced beef three times a day.
If they are hard to separate, place in a slightly Nowadays, alas, some American children are un-
warm pan the entire block of strips you will need, consciously such fans of Dr. Salisbury's diet that
and as they heat, slide them apart. Bake until they will eat nothing else; one desperate mother
crisp, 10 to 15 minutes. No turning is necessary. we know has dubbed it "the daily grind."
Drain on paper toweling. According to federal ruling, ground beef sold
as "hamburger" must contain no more than 30%
fat, though most markets sell several grades
SAUTEED BACON labeled according to the degree of leanness, the
Place in a cold skillet: leanest and most expensive grade containing per-
Strips of bacon haps 15% fat. This is an important consideration
Saute slowly until done. You may spoon off the in buying hamburger, for the range reflects a drop
drippings while cooking. Turn frequently. Place in calories of more than a third. It may also affect
between paper towels to drain. your choice of cooking method. Federal statute
further forbids the use of sodium sulfite, an addi-
tive which keeps the meat rosy. Recent surveys,
CANADIAN BACON however, indicate that the practice is far from
I. Place in boiling water to cover: dead. Should you find the color of ground meat
1 lb. or more Canadian bacon too persistently red, expose a sample to bright
Simmer until tender, about 1 hour. sunlight. Untreated meat will darken.
^ Do not store any uncooked ground meat
8 Servings longer than 24 hours. Be sure the mass is not
II.Preheat oven to 325°. more than 2 inches thick, so the cold can pene-
Bake uncovered 1 hour: trate it quickly and thoroughly. * To freeze beef
2-lb. piece of Canadian bacon
for hamburger, see 826.
Baste every 15 minutes with:
If you want very lean beef ground for hamburg-
1 cup pineapple or other acid fruit juice,

ers, use chuck, flank, shank, neck, heel, round or

dry sherry, cider or ginger ale Twice-ground meat will
hanging tenderloin.
Combine: compact more than once-ground. You may be
2 cup brown sugar

surpised at the apparently large amount of fat

teaspoon dry mustard
you didn't see go into the grinder. Grinders are so
2 tablespoons fine bread crumbs
constructed that often as much as a fourth of every
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
pound of meat that goes in stays in; the unex-
Spread the mixture over the bacon. Bake about 15 pected fat may come from the grinding of the
minutes more or until sugar has glazed. previous order.
III. Place in a heavy skillet:
Good quality beef, freshly ground and used at
Vb- to 'A -inch slices Canadian bacon once, needs only ^ light shaping. You may want
Cook them over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn to incorporate into it some onion juice or finely

frequently. When done, the lean part is a red chopped chives. If the beef has to be kept
brown and the fat a light golden brown. Serve ground for 12 to 18 hours, it profits by having
with: worked into it with a fork about 2 tablespoons
Hot Cumberland Sauce I, 356, or beef stock for each pound of meat. This is done
Raisin Sauce, 356 before shaping.
If beef is to be "stretched," see Additions to

Hamburger, opposite. Incorporate these ingredi-

ABOUT GROUND MEAT ents into the meat lightly with a fork and, with
AND HAMBURGER a light touch, shape the mixture into patties. Al-
Merchants of the German port of Hamburg, ways decide before you put the meat into the
through centuries of trade with Estonians, Latvians pan how thick you want the finished hamburger.
MEAT 487

Never compact it in the pan by pressing down SAUTEED HAMBURGERS

on it with a spatula. 4 Servings
^ Please read About Hamburger, above.
Shape lightly into patties, allowing 2 for each
ADDITIONS TO HAMBURGER 1 lb. ground beef

AND MEAT LOAF Preheat an ungreased heavy skillet slowly, to the

I. To Stretch point where the meat when added will sizzle, not
> The addition of root vegetables or cereais may hiss sharply. If you use very lean beef, you will

require more seasonings. need to add to the pan:

1 tablespoon butter, beef fat or oil
To one pound of ground meat, you may mix in
lightly with a fork any one of the following: Saute over medium heat uncovered, for 3 or 4
/2 cup soft bread crumbs, 551
1 minutes. During this time sufficient fat should
soaked briefly in: come from the patty itself to permit the ham-
/3 to V2 cup milk or stock burger to be turned without sticking. Turn and
or add: cook on the other side another 3 minutes or even
Vi cup finely grated raw carrots or potatoes longer, depending on the thickness of the patty
or chopped raw mushrooms or bean sprouts and the whims of your diners. Remove meat from
or add: the pan and season with:
cup ground nuts, dry cereals, wheat germ, Salt
ground sunflower seeds, presoaked cracked Freshly ground pepper
bulgur, or textured vegetable protein, Defat the pan drippings. Deglaze them with:
up to 20%, 535 Stock
moistened with: Reduce the juices slightly and pour them over the
2 tablespoons beef stock, cream, tomato patties before serving. Or mix with the pan juices
paste or lemon juice a little:

Also, some of the piquant sauces found in the Barbecue or chili sauce, tomato catsup,

Sauce chapter, 336, will help stretch your main red wine, horseradish, a few chopped
dish. olives or sauteed onions or mushrooms
Or spread over them:
II.To Enrich Herb butters, 70-71, or mustard
To one pound of ground meat, add one or more You may garnish with:
of the following: Very thin raw or sauteed slices of
egg 1 sweet onion
V* cup dry milk solids A slice of tomato or cucumber
1 teaspoon dolomite or bone meal
1 tablespoon brewer's yeast
The above may need additional liquid. BROILED HAMBURGERS
4 Servings
To Flavor
Preheat broiler.
About V2 hour before cooking, mix into one > Please read About Hamburger, above.
pound of ground meat one of the following com- Shape lightly into y4-inch-thick patties:
binations: 1 lb. ground beef
2 teaspoons chili sauce Place them on a broiler pan, 4 inches from source
1 teaspoon ground anchovy or anchovy paste of heat, or place them so they cover the untoasted
3 tablespoons sauteed mushrooms side of:
1 tablespoon finely diced stuffed olives A piece of bread toasted on one side only
or 1 teaspoon capers Ifon bread, broil about 12 minutes. If not, broil
or: 6 minutes on one side, turn and broil about 4
V* teaspoon thyme minutes on the other. If the meat is very lean, you
1 garlic clove, pressed may brush it during broiling with:
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Butter
2 tablespoons each chopped fresh parsley and
chives, or tablespoon grated chopped
onions and 1 tablespoon coffee cream We have watched with agony as good juices fed
or: the flames and the guests were dealt dry chips.
V* cup crumbled Roquefort cheese or If you must grill ground meat, please see 157.
cultured sour cream To make the meat adhere well during handling
2 tablespoonschopped chives or and grilling, you may add to each pound:
green onion tops (1 beaten egg)
A sprinkling of hot pepper sauce Shape lightly into 1 -inch-thick patties:
V* teaspoon dry mustard Hamburger
488 MEAT

Grill each side 5 to 6 minutes for a medium-rare Stir in:

to medium-cooked hamburger. A cup

finely diced pickled beets
cup diced boiled potatoes)

Form the mixture into round patties about 1 inch

CHEESEBURGERS thick. Heat in a large skillet:
Although it is traditional to top hamburger with a 3 to 4 tablespoons butter and oil combined
piece of cheese, and broil until the cheese melts, Brown the meat quickly, turning only once. The
we find the following method tastier. patties should be pink inside and deep brown on
Mix together with a fork: the outside. In Sweden these hamburgers would
1 lb. ground beef be served garnished with:
V2 cup shredded cheddar or Gruyere cheese (A fried egg)
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce but we prefer the pan juices instead.
V2 teaspoon salt
clove garlic, pressed)

Saute or broil as directed in above recipes.

The French make many attractive dishes by grind-
ing uncooked meat or fish, shaping it with other
ingredients into patties, and poaching, broiling or
6 Servings
Please read About Hamburger, 486. I. About 15 Servings
Preheat broiler or grill. Preheat broiler.
Divide into 12 portions and shape into flat patties: Cut the meat from:
IV2 lb. ground beef or lamb A 4' 2-lb. chicken, or use "SVi lb.
Saute lightly: veal or lamb
(6 slices bacon) Pick over the carcass for all edible bits of meat.
Use one of the following fillings which you may Put the meat through a grinder, using a coarse
vary with the addition of chopped avocados, blade. Save the juices, if any. Combine the ground
celery, pickles, radishes, chili sauce, bread dress- meat, the juices and:
ing or chopped leftover vegetables: 3
A cup whipping cream
IV2 cups soft bread crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons chopped nutmeats
1 teaspoon dried basil or 1 tablespoon
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
chopped parsley
2 tablespoons grated onion
A grating of lemon rind
A teaspoon paprika
A mashed anchovy and a few capers for A grating of nutmeg
each patty Shape the mixture into 15 large patties. Roll them
in a:
III. Bound Breading, 552
Roquefort or cheddar cheese or and let rest for 15 minutes. Place them in a ^ shal-
braunschweiger low greased pan. Broil under moderate heat about
Prepared mustard 10 minutes to a side or until lightly browned. The
Spread the filling on 6 of the patties. Top them patties may be left unbreaded and poached in a
with those remaining. Bind the edges with the pan in the oven in a small amount of milk or
partially sauteed bacon strips and fasten with a stock, enough to cover the bottom of the skillet,
wooden pick. Broil 10 to 15 minutes, turning until done. This means very low heat. Serve with:
once. Bearnaise Sauce, 359, or
Soubise Sauce, 344


4 to 5 Servings Mix together:
Almost a meal in one dish. 2 lb. ground chicken, veal or lamb
/2 cup soft bread crumbs
Saute until limp and transparent:
2 tablespoons finely chopped onions 1 egg

in: V2 cup chopped onions

2 teaspoons butter 1 /2 teaspoons grated lemon rind

In a large bowl mix with a fork the onions and: 1 teaspoon salt

1 lb. lean ground beef: ground twice 1 teaspoon each ground coriander, nutmeg
2 egg yolks and curry powder
1 to 2 tablespoons finely chopped capers V2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt Shape and broil as described in above. Serve I,

'A teaspoon pepper with:

V2 cup cream Curried Rice, 208, and mint
MEAT 489

BAKED LIVER PATTIES Reheat the meatballs in the gravy. Serve with a
6 Servings platter of:
Boiled Noodles, 213, or Spatzle, 205
Preheat oven to 350°
Combine: Cover generously with
1 lb. ground beef liver
Buttered Crumbs, 551
V2 cup dry bread crumbs
Va cup evaporated milk or cream ITALIAN MEATBALLS
Vi teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 350°.
Va teaspoon pepper
Follow the recipe for:
2 teaspoons grated onion
German Meatballs, left
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
but omit the Worcestershire sauce. Add to the
Shape these ingredients into 6 flat patties. Wrap meat mixture:
around them: V2 chopped clove garlic
6 slices bacon 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Secure the bacon with wooden picks. Place the Va teaspoon oregano
patties in a lightly greased pan. Bake until well
Mix and form into balls. Brown lightly in:
browned, about 6 minutes. Turn to ensure even 2 tablespoons butter
Place in a casserole. Half cover with
Unthickened Tomato Sauce, 351, or
Marinara Sauce, 353
GERMAN MEATBALLS OR Bake covered about 30 minutes. Serve with
About Ten 2-Inch Balls
A good buffet dish if shaped into 1-inch balls. SWEDISH MEATBALLS
Soak in water, milk or stock to cover:
About Eighteen 1V2-lnch Balls
1 slice of bread, 1 inch thick
There are many recipes for this dish, all similar to,
Put through a meat grinder twice: but in our opinion none superior to:
IV2 meat: V2 lb. beef, V2 lb. veal,
German Meatballs, left
V2 lb. pork or liver
Omit the Worcestershire sauce and add:
Beat well and add to the meat: teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs
Va teaspoon allspice
Melt: Shape the meat into 1V2-inch balls. Brown in:
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons butter or drippings
Saute until golden: Simmer closely covered until done, about 15 min-
V* cup finely chopped onions utes, in:
Add to the meat. Wring the liquid from the bread.
2 cups consomme or other stock
Add bread to the meat and:
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
Pan Gravy, 341
V/a teaspoons salt Season it with:
Va teaspoon paprika
Sherry or 1 to 2 teaspoons finely minced
V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
fresh dill
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Reheat the meat in the gravy. This is attractive
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
served in a chafing dish, garnished with:
or a grating of nutmeg Small Potato Dumplings, 204
A few minced anchovies or one-fourth herring
may be added at this time to the mixture or later
Combine these ingredients well. Do
with the hands rather than with a fork
this lightly 6 Servings
or spoon. Shape lightly into 2-inch balls. Drop Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
into: Shape into 18 balls:
5cups boiling Vegetable Stock, 524 IV2 lb. ground beef
Simmer covered about 15 minutes. Remove from Season with:
the stock. Measure the stock. Make gravy of it, 1 V2 teaspoons salt
341, by using for every cup of stock: 2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons butter Va teaspoon dry mustard
2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
Season to taste Coat the balls with:
Cook and smooth. Add:
stir until Fritter Batter for Meat, 243
2 tablespoon capers, or 2 tablespoons Let them dry on a rack 30 minutes. Deep-fry in fat
chopped pickles, lemon juice or heated to 365° until golden brown. Serve at once
cultured sour cream covered with:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce II, 355
490 MEAT


6 Servings 6 Servings
Combine bowl:
in a large Far too formidable a name for a dish without
1 lb. lean ground beef either pork or spines.
V2 cup soft bread crumbs moistened with milk Combine:
1 beaten egg 1 lb. ground beef
1 clove garlic, pressed V2 cup bread crumbs
V2 teaspoon dry mustard 1 egg
V* teaspoon ginger 3
A teaspoon salt
V2 teaspoon salt 1
A teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon soy sauce (2 tablespoons chopped green peppers)
Form meat into 1-inch balls and saute until brown Roll these ingredients lightly into balls. Press
in: into flat cakes. Roll in:
2 tablespoons vegetable or peanut oil A
cup uncooked rice
Pour over all Heat heavy pot:
in a
Oriental Sweet-Sour Sauce II, 355 Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352
garnished with: Add:
(Bean sprouts, 286) (1 teaspoon chili powder)
Serve over: Add the meat cakes. Cover and simmer about 45
Boiled Rice, 206 minutes.
Season to taste


4 Servings § SLOPPY JOES
Soak in water to cover: 8 Sandwiches
A slice of bread, 1 V2 inches thick Heat in a skillet:
Wring the water from it. Add to the bread: 2 tablespoons butter
1 lb. ground pork Add and saute:
/j cup chopped onions
V2 cup minced onions
1 beaten egg V2 cup chopped celery
A teaspoon salt V2 cup chopped green pepper, seeds and
'A teaspoon paprika membrane removed
Combine ingredients lightly until well
these When these are limp, add:
blended. Shape into 2-inch balls. Bring to a boil T/2 lb.ground beef
in a large pan: Cook and stir until meat is lightly browned. Add:
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz. V2 cup chopped mushrooms
An equal amount of water 4 tablespoons chili sauce
Drop the balls into it. ^ Reduce the heat at once. V2 cup water
Cover the pan and simmer about 45 minutes. Season to taste
Simmer uncovered over low heat about 15 min-
SAUERKRAUT BALLS utes until thickened enough to spoon onto:
4 Dozen 1 A-lnch 1
8 slightly toasted sandwich buns
>• Please read About Deep-Fat Frying, 147.
Grind with a medium blade: CHILI CON CARNE
V2 lb. each ham, corned beef and lean pork 8 to 12 Servings
Saute the meat in: Melt:
3 tablespoons butter or fat 2 to 3 tablespoons bacon drippings or butter
with: Saute in the fat:

V3 cup finely chopped onions V2 cup chopped onion and/or V2

To the above, add: clove garlic, chopped
2 cups flour Add:
teaspoon dry mustard
V2 to 1 to 2 lb. ground beef or lamb

1 teaspoon salt Stir and saute the meat until well done. Add
2 cups milk IV4 cups canned tomatoes
Simmer the mixture until thickened, ^ stirring 3 to 4 cups canned kidney beans
constantly. Combine with:
A teaspoon or more salt
2 lb. cooked drained sauerkraut V2 bay leaf
Then regrind the entire mixture. Form into 1 A-
1 teaspoon sugar

inch balls. Roll them in: ('A cup dry red wine)
Bound Breading, 552 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons chili
Let standabout 15 minutes before deep-frying in powder
fatheated to 365° until golden brown. Drain on depending on your taste and the strength of the
paper toweling and serve at once. chili powder. Cover and simmer about 1 hour or
MEAT 491

longer. The longer it cooks, the thicker it becomes generously and let drain in a colan-
Salt the slices
and the better it tastes. Or make it a day ahead der at least 45 minutes. Meanwhile, saute until
and reheat. Serve with: golden:
Tortillas or crackers 1 cup finely chopped onions
or over: in:
Cooked spaghetti 'A cup olive oil or butter
garnished with: Add and brown slowly:
(Chopped onions) 2 lb. lean ground lamb
(Shredded cheese) Add:
1cup well-drained canned or fresh tomatoes
SPANISH CASSEROLE WITH RICE or 3 tablespoons tomato paste
6 Servings V3 cup chopped parsley
1 cup white wine or stock
A one-dish meal.
Steam: 'A teaspoon nutmeg
h cup rice, 206 A gra'ing of black pepper
Prepare: Simmer the above gently about 45 minutes. In the
1 cup chopped celery meantime, quickly saute the drained eggplant
'A cup chopped green pepper, seeds and slices until lightly browned on all sides in:
membrane removed V2 cup olive oil or butter
Melt in a saucepan: using only a little oil at a time, since eggplant
2 tablespoons butter or other fat soaks it up. Drain on paper toweling. Now, beat
Saute in the butter until golden: until stiff, but not dry:

1 chopped medium-sized onion 3 egg whites

Add and sear: Fold the beaten whites into the cooked and
1 lb. ground round steak or lean beef cooled meat mixture with:
Season with: V2 cup fine bread crumbs
A teaspoon salt Prepare a double portion of:
'A teaspoon paprika White Sauce 11,341
Preheat oven to 350°. When pour a small amount of the sauce
hot, into:
Place in a greased baking dish one-third of the 3 beaten egg yolks
rice and half of the meat. Sprinkle over it half A grating of nutmeg
of the celery and pepper. Repeat this process. Pour the yolk mixture into the sauce.
Place the last of the rice on
top. Pour over all: Preheat oven to 350°.
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz. Assemble the ingredients in a 9 x 13-inch or larger
Season to taste baking dish, placing first a layer of eggplant, then
Cover the dish and bake about V2 hour. the meat mixture, and ending with an eggplant
layer. Cover the whole with the sauce. Sprinkle
LAMB AND EGGPLANT CASSEROLE the top generously with:
Grated Parmesan cheese
4 Servings
Preheat oven to 350°. Bake the casserole until thoroughly heated
Pare and chop until fine: through, but do not allow the mixture to reach the
1 medium-sized eggplant
boiling point.
Combine with: The moussaka can be cut into squares if you will
2 cups ground lamb: 1 lb.
allow it to stand about 20 minutes before serving.

V2 cup chopped onions This is the way moussaka is served all through
3 tablespoons chopped parsley Greece. The classic version omits the sauce, and
1 teaspoon salt the eggplant skins are used to line the dish and to
'A teaspoon paprika protect the ingredients while cooking. The skins
(V2 teaspoon curry powder or must be well oiled if they are to be used in this
V* teaspoon oregano) way.
1 cup chopped drained tomatoes
Pour the mixture into a buttered casserole. Bake
covered about 45 minutes. Remove the cover and
let the top brown. GEFULLTER KRAUTKOPF
6 Servings
MOUSSAKA OR EGGPLANT About Leaf Wrappings, 152, and how
Please read
to prepare and cook the leaves from:
A head of cabbage
8 to 10 Servings
Use one of the following meat fillings:
For a large party, the quantity may be doubled or
tripled to fill two or three casseroles. I. Soak in water for 2 minutes:
Cut into lengthwise slices A to '/a inch thick:
1 slice of bread, 1 inch thick
3 peeled medium-sized eggplants Press the water from it. Combine the bread with.
492 MEAT

V2 lb. ground pork V2 clove garlic, pressed

/z lb. ground beef A few grains cayenne
V2 lb. ground veal If you want a sweet-sour effect, add
3 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons vinegar
A teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons brown sugar
A teaspoon paprika teaspoon capers
Divide the meat mixture into 8 parts. Put one part
II. Or use a filling of:
on each cabbage leaf. Roll the leaves as directed
1 lb. fresh pork sausage meat on 152. Tie or secure them with wooden picks.
3 slices of bread, 1
2 inch thick Place them seam side down and close together
1 beaten egg in a'buttered baking dish. Dot each roll with:

Or cook V2 teaspoon butter

III. until tender:
Pour into the dish:
cup dried peas, 286
Drain the peas and combine with: V2 cup boiling stock
or you may use:
1 lb. ground lamb or beef
V2 cup water, tomato juice or cultured sour
V2 cup chopped onions
cream and paprika
A cup chopped parsley

1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

Bake the rolls covered about 50 minutes.
V2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt

V2 teaspoon pepper
30 Dolmas
You may make and simmer individual packets as
Please read about Leaf Wrappings, 152, and
described on 153, or line a bowl with a large nap-
prepare for stuffing:
kin or cloth and fill it with alternate layers of the
30 fresh or canned grape leaves
leaves and the meat dressing. Cover the top with
Fill each one with a generous tablespoon of the
1 or 2 large leaves, gather up the cloth and tie it

with a string. Place the bag in boiling water the — following mixture:
2 cups finely chopped onions
water in which the cabbage was boiled and as
V2 cup uncooked rice
much fresh boiling water as needed to cover well.
Simmer the cabbage gently for 2 hours if you
A cup
olive oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
are old-fashioned, but 45 minutes should be ample
2 tablespoons finely chopped dill
time. Drain it in a colander, untie the bag and
V* cup pine nuts
place the cabbage in a hot serving dish. Serve 1
A cup currants
with the following onion sauce. Brown in the top
(1 cup finely minced lamb)
of a double boiler:
Do not roll the leaves too tightly, as the rice will
'A cup butter
swell. Cook as for Cabbage Leaves 1, 152, weighted
Add and stir until brown:
with a plate, over low heat about IV2 hours. Serve
2 tablespoons flour
Have ready:
2 cups Stock, 520, or cabbage water
Stir V2 cup of this into the butter mixture. Add ABOUT MEAT LOAF
/2 cup or more chopped onions Although proportions of beef, veal and pork are
If required:
specified in the following recipes, they may be
Season to taste
varied, provided the total amount of meat remains
Cook the onions covered over — not — in boil-
the same. Be sure to ^ cook thoroughly if pork
ing water, until very tender. Add the remainder
is used. Handle ingredients for meat loaf lightly,
of the stock gradually. The gravy is best when it is
mixing with a two-tined fork. Do not overcook; it
thick with onions.
should be firm but not dry. To stretch, see Addi-
tions to Hamburger, 487.
BAKED STUFFED CABBAGE LEAVES Meat loaf may be mounded on a flat greased
4 Servings pan or put into a greased ring mold or loaf pan. It
Preheat oven to 375°. may also be baked in 2 layers with a stuffing be-
^ Please read about Leaf Wrappings, 152, and how tween. Individual meat loaves take only about 20
to wash and parblanch: to 30 minutes and —
for attractive service may be —
8 large cabbage leaves baked in greased muffin tins and glazed. You may
Drain and dry them on a towel. Combine: pour about V2 cup of catsup in the bottom of the
1 lb. ground beef or a mixture of beef, veal, pan before filling it with the meat; or you may
pork and liver pour about 2 tablespoons of chili sauce over the
3 tablespoons finely chopped onions meat loaf when it is half baked. This gives it a
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley good flavor and a light crust. You may cover
A teaspoon salt the loaf with a piece of foil, but remove it the last
V2 teaspoon thyme quarter hour of baking.
MEAT 493

If in a ring mold, it may be served hot,

baked 1 teaspoon salt

filled with green peas or some other vegetable and clove garlic, pressed

surrounded by browned potatoes. Or serve it cold, 10 or more chopped stuffed olives or

filled with potato or some other vegetable salad. 'A cup chopped water chestnuts
Don't neglect to use for sandwiches and for (V2 cup chopped nuts)
picnics. Bake 4 x 8 x 4-inch pan, about 45 minutes.
in a
You may serve hot with:
(Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352)
4 Servings
I. Preheat oven to 350°.
8 to 10 Servings
Combine and shape into a loaf:
ground beef: A
1 lb.
this amount may be pork Preheat oven to 350°.
egg yolk) Grind:
2 lb. veal
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 tablespoon soft butter
1 lb. smoked ham or sausage

1 tablespoon bread crumbs

Add and ^ mix very lightly:
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon minced onion
1 teaspoon salt
Va cup chopped green pepper, seeds and
V* teaspoon pepper
membrane removed
beaten eggs
V2 teaspoon onion juice
Place the loaf a ingreased pan. Baste
lightly at V2 teaspoon salt
Va teaspoon paprika
intervals with the following sauce:
V2 cup stock or V2 cup boiling water plus
A cup dry bread crumbs
1 cup condensed mushroom soup
V* package dried soup mix
Bake about 45 minutes. Place half of this mixture in a 4 x 8 x 4-inch loaf

Serve the loaf with: pan. You may then press whole mushrooms or
Sweet Potato Puffs, 325 hard-cooked eggs, stuffed olives or pistachio nuts
into the meat in a pattern. Cover with the remain-
II. 4 Servings ing meat. Bake about 45 minutes. Serve hot or
Preheat oven to 350°. cold.
Place in a bowl:
1 lb. ground round steak LIVER LOAF
1 to 2 tablespoons horseradish 6 to 8 Servings
2 tablespoons catsup or chili sauce
This makes a most appetizing everyday liver
teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon pepper
Preheat oven to 350°.
V2 cup cream Boil for 5 minutes:
Grind in a food chopper, then add: 1 cup water
6 slices bacon 1 medium-sized chopped onion
2 medium-sized onions
3 chopped ribs celery with leaves
1 cup broken crackers
Prepare for cooking, 499, slice, add and simmer for
Mix with a fork. Mold into a loaf. Roll in:
2 minutes:
V* cup cracker crumbs 1 lb. liver: beef, lamb or pork
Place the loaf in a shallow baking pan. Pour into Drain, reserving liquid. Put liver and vegetables
the pan:
through a meat chopper with:
V2 cup stock 2 slices bacon or a 1 1/2-inch cube salt pork
Bake the loaf about 50 minutes. Baste occasion- Add to mixture and blend well:
ally, adding more liquid if necessary. Make:
1 or 2 beaten eggs
Pan Gravy, 341 3
A teaspoon salt
Va teaspoon pepper
MEAT LOAF COCKAIGNE 1 cup cracker or dry bread crumbs
6 Servings V2 teaspoon dried marjoram or thyme
A favorite luncheon dish sliced and served cold. 1 cup liquid: reserved liver stock, milk,
Preheat oven to 350°. tomato juice, etc.
Mix lightly: Pour into a greased loaf pan:
IV2 lb. lean ground beef — be sure beef has been (V2 cup catsup)
ground only once Place the meat in the pan. Bake about 40 minutes.
1 can condensed cream of chicken or
mushroom soup: IOV2 oz. RAW SMOKED HAM LOAF
A cup dry bread crumbs
4 to 6 Servings
V* cup mixed fresh tarragon, parsley, basil You may dress this up or down.
or chives Preheat oven to 350°.
494 MEAT

Try using: with a clear gelatin top under the crust, see illus-
( cup crushed pineapple)
/2 tration opposite. The novice sometimes does not
(V2 teaspoon dry mustard) realize that the crust —
in the traditional version
in the bottom of the pan. Grind: is not meant to be eaten but serves to protect the

1 lb. raw smoked ham flavor and juices of the meat mixture. The late
V2 lb. lean Chef Pierre Adrian, our good friend, worried so
cup chopped onion
Va about his American diners' insistence on consum-
Add and mix lightly with a fork: ing the crust that he usually used Pate Brisee, 641,
2 well-beaten eggs a more appetizing if harder to handle pastry. He
V2 to 1 cup cracker or dry bread crumbs also warned us that the conventional hinged pate
An equal amount of milk molds, illustrated 442, nearly always leak, and if
teaspoon pepper
Va the crust breaks in any way, the delicious juices
3 tablespoons mixed fresh herbs will run into the oven. If, instead, a 9 x 4V2 x 4 1/2-
Shape the above ingredients and place in a greased inch loaf pan is used, the juices as well as the
loaf pan. Bake about 2 hours, basting frequently characteristic shape are retained.
with: Pate versus pate: let's clarify once and for all
Honey Glaze, 368, or Spirit Glaze for Ham, the spelling that for most of us remains a "baffle-
368 ment." With the "e" accented, we have seen
that the word means a combination of meats and
spices forming a kind of loaf; pate with an un-
accented "e" simply means dough in this in-
Pates are the rich relatives of the meat loaf clan, stance, the pastry used for the crust. The recipe
and though they sometimes arrive at table dressed that follows is for the traditional tough dough
to the nines in their formal jacket of glazed pastry covering > that is not to be eaten.
or glistening aspic, they are basically no harder to
make than a meat loaf. What distinguishes them is
the luxury quality of their ingredients, which may CRUST OR PATE FOR PATE
include some or all of the following: ground Work together with your fingers until you have

meat veal, pork, liver; poultry or pork, often achieved the consistency of coarse cornmeai:
marinated in wine or brandy; diced fresh pork fat; 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour
sliced or cubed tongue, chicken, ham or game; 2 teaspoons salt
cream, eggs, spices; perhaps pistachios, or, for IV2 cups lard or shortening
the ne plus ultra touch, truffles. Endless combina- Make a well, 643, of these ingredients and break
tions are possible to tempt you to eventually de- into the center, one at a time:
velop a pate maison of your own. The texture may 2 eggs
be smooth if all the meat is fine-ground, or pat- working them into the flour mixture from the in-
terned if the more colorful ingredients are diced side and adding gradually:
or sliced to show decoratively when the loaf is cut About 3 cups water
as in Galantine, 431. The less formal terrine is You may need a little more water to make a dough
baked in an enamel or earthenware dish, shown that can be worked into a smooth mass and rolled
on 495, and is never enclosed in a crust. into a ball. The dough is easier to handle if al-
Although many European countries have pro- lowed to rest covered at about 70° for several
duced characteristic pates, the unrivaled queen of hours. Then form about three-fourths of the
the traditional mixtures is France's now astronomi- dough into a thick oval approximately the size of
cally costly pate de foie gras, made of goose liver the base of the mold or pan, and line the bottom.
marinated in cognac and flavored with truffles. With the sides of the hands, in chopping motions,
The chief component of the genuine article is the gradually work the dough from the base so that it
liver of geese force-fed by hand until the liver has thins out and creeps up the sides. Then, with the
grown to one-fourth of the bird's total weight. fingers patting it thin, form the rest of the crust.
American law forbids force-feeding, and chicken Let the excess hang over the sides, see opposite. Do
more than acceptable substitute. Rec-
livers are a not stretch or tear the dough. Next, line the mold
ipes below give a few versions of chicken liver with thin strips of blanched fat bacon in parallel
pate. To serve a pate coated with aspic, follow U shapes, as sketched. Let the strips rest tempo-
directions for the gelatin covering in Souffleed rarily over the sides. Place the meat mixture in the

Liver Pate Cockaigne, 496. mold; if you are aiming at a patterned texture, the
diced or sliced ingredients are placed in alternate
layers with the ground meat, to show a pattern in
ABOUT PATE EN CROUTE cross section when cut, as shown opposite. When
A pate presented in a pastry covering is called the mold pan has been filled with the meat and
pate en croutc —
in a crust. Decorated and golden the bacon strips folded over the meat filling, crimp
brown, the case does full (ustice to the pate it en- the dough at the edges of the mold and cut off the
closes; sliced, it is even lovelier, revealing the excess. From the remaining fourth of dough, roll
smooth or patterned texture of the meat inside, a n;-inch-thick piece for the lid. Apply the lid
MEAT 495

by pinching the dough into the already crimped thick and garnished with parsley and a lemon
edges of the pastry case, brushing the edges with wedge, as shown left. For smaller servings, cut
Egg Wash, 731, as glue. Leave the dough lax each slice in half on the diagonal.
enough so that it will not crack or distort in bak-
ing; trim edges. Cut from the scraps small geo- CHICKEN LIVER PATE
metric or floral shapes to ornament the top. Work OR PATE DE FOIE DE VOLAILLE
your pattern around 2 or 3 circles which can hold
Either of the following recipes may or may not be
pastry vents, as shown in the drawing. These will
baked en croute; please read About Pates and
About Pate en Croute, opposite.
X I. About Twenty V2 -Inch Slices
Divide into 3 parts:
I'/a lb. chicken livers
In a blender, mix one part with:
2 eggs
Blend the second part briefly with:
'A cup whipping cream
Blend the third part with:
4 slices chopped bacon, blanched
1 egg
3 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons port wine
A cup flour

Mix these three blends together very lightly

1 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoons salt
later form openings for inserting the funnels when V2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
the aspic is carefully poured between the pate 1 teaspoon allspice or nutmeg
and the upper crust. Apply the ornaments with ('4 cup pistachio nuts or
egg wash and brush the top with it before baking. 1 to 2 minced truffles)
Vent the top crust with a few fancy cuts, as you If you want to serve as pate en croute, follow
would for a pie. directions opposite. If not, place mixture in a
Preheat the oven to 400°. greased loaf pan and top with:
To avoid too rapid browning of the crust, you Thin-sliced blanched salt pork
may have ready a piece of foil to put loosely over Cover tightly with heavy foil and place baking
the top. This will protect it in the early stages of pan up to about half its depth in a larger pan of
baking. As soon as you put the pate in the oven boiling water. Bake at 325° about Vh to 2 hours,
lower the heat to 325°. Pates are usually cooked or to an internal temperature of 180°. Serve cold,
IV2 to 2 hours. Test for doneness as for cake, 665. after removing some of the fat from the top sur-
Allow the pate, still in the pan, to cool on a face if necessary. To store leftover pate, be sure
rack. Fill the space which will have formed at the it is well covered with a layer of fat or clarified
top between filling and crust by pouring through butter.
the vents enough flavorful aspic that when it —
solidifies —
it will support the crust. Use a firm gel-
II. About Forty 1
2-Inch Slices
atin, allowing 1 tablespoon for each cup of meat Should the veal be reddish, marinate it refriger-
stock. Hold a funnel in one of the vents and pour ated overnight covered with milk.
the mixture —
being careful not to moisten the Pound:
crust on the outside. Allow the pate to remain in 1 lb. white veal

the pan refrigerated until the aspic is set. To un- Add and grind 3 times with the veal:
IV2 lb. chicken livers
mold the pate, proceed as for unmolding a gela-
V4 lb. blanched salt pork
tin, 560. Use a rack, however, on which to reverse
2 anchovy fillets
it — to facilitate turning the pate right side up onto
Mix in lightly until very smooth.
a serving platter.
4 beaten eggs
Pates should, of course, be stored refrigerated,
V2 cup whipping cream
and most pates profit by resting refrigerated for
3 tablespoons grated onions
at least —
48 hours before serving so that the flavors 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or chervil
blend and the contents are firm enough for even Va teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
slicing. The whole pate may be garnished with a
V* cup brandy
border of chopped aspic jelly, parsley and lemon 1 tablespoon Madeira
wedges. When serving, cut with a warm knife. An (2 tablespoons chopped truffles)
individual serving should be at least Vs to V2 inch If not served en croute, top the pate with
496 MEAT

blanched salt pork and bake and serve as de- Thyme

scribed in I, 495. Powdered bay leaf
Place a layer of chicken, ham or pork slices over
the veal. Then continue to build up layers to the
SOUFFLEED LIVER PATE COCKAIGNE top of the casserole, alternating a layer of sea-
Preheat oven to 350°. soned veal, parsley and onions with a layer of
Have ready two identical 9-inch bread pans. Pre- chicken, ham or pork. Pour:
pare one of them as for a souffle dish, 228. Grind: 1 cup dry white wine
1 lb. raw chicken livers
1 to 2 teaspoons brandy
Beat in: over the meat layers until all the crevices are filled
2 eggs with liquid. Fold the bacon strips over the top.
egg yolks
2 Cover and set the pan in a larger pan of boiling
teaspoons onion juice
2 water. Bake about 2 hours or until done. As soon
2 tablespoons chopped parsley as you remove the meat from the oven, cover
2 cups whipping cream with heavy aluminum foil and weight as in Cheese
^ You may use a J* blender and verv briefly Making, 536. When the meat has cooled, a fatty
blend liver and the above ingredients. Fold in: jelly will have formed, which keeps the meat in
2 stiffly beaten egg whites prime condition. To serve, slice very thin. Store
Place the mixture in the prepared baking pan in a leftovers refrigerated and covered with:
larger pan of boiling water and bake about 1 hour Clarified butter
or until set. Refrigerate overnight.
To coat the souffle with aspic, proceed as fol-
lows. Soak 3 minutes: ABOUT SAUSAGE
1 tablespoon gelatin One of our early European memories is that of
in: the rapt stance of the citizenry as they gazed at
'A cup cold water window displays of German sausage. It made us
Bring to a boil aware for the first time of the wealth of choice.
cups well-seasoned Double Consomme, 169
2 Sausage is one of the oldest of processed foods;
and combine with the soaked gelatin, stirring until 3000 years ago, grinding meat into sausage was an
dissolved. Rinse the second 9-inch pan with cold old Mediterranean custom. Around the world it
water and pour in V2 inch of the gelatin mixture. has proliferated over the centuries into some 200
Refrigerate until almost set. Reverse the chilled varieties from Alesandri to Kielbasa to Weiswurst.
loaf onto the gelatin layer. Pour the remaining gel- And any farm-bred American remembers early-
atin on the exposed surface, allowing it to coat the winter butchering seasons when every family
sides of the loaf as well. When the gelatin coating round about made its very own combination of
is well set, reverse the mold onto a platter and the scrappier meat parts flavored with herbs.
serve the gelatin-covered loaf garnished with: Tvpes of sausage fall into three main classes.
Thinly sliced limes or stuffed olives First there is freshly ground sausage meat or so-
and parsley called country sausage, which is very perishable
and must be cooked and used at once; among
these are Blood Sausage, or Boudin Noir, and Bou-
* TERRINE OF VEAL WITH CHICKEN, din Blanc, see 498. Added sometimes to this
HAM OR PORK fragile category are spiced meats and innards such

The essential ingredient here is the fresh veal, as liver loaf or braunschweiger, cooked ham and
which is responsible for jelling, the whole as it veal loaves —all of which need constant refriger-

cools. Please read About Terrines, 494. ation. Next are the cured sausages, often

Preheat oven to 300°. smoked precooked such as frankfurters,

Line the bottom and sides of an earthenware dish wieners, Vienna bologna, salami and
or a loaf pan with: mettwurst, all of which may be eaten as bought
Strips of blanched bacon unless the label reads to the contrary; but in all
overlapping the strips slightly and draping them cases heating before serving improves taste. Fed-
as shown on 495 — without the crust. eral regulation now requires that commercially

Sprinkle with: available sausages be precooked before sale, to

tablespoon chopped parsley
1 the point of safety for eating as is; or, if not pre-
tablespoon chopped onion
1 cooked, they must be marked "fresh," which
Pound, 444, very thin: requires cooking them thoroughly before serving.
2 lb. veal scallops, cut 'A inch thick They may be simmered, baked, or broiled, or
Have ready: cooked with beans or other vegetables or in
chicken, ham or pork
2 lb. finely sliced pasta dishes. In broiling or pan-frying cased sau-
or a combination of these sages, add a small amount of water to the pan.
Overlay the bacon lining with a layer of the thin- Puncture the sausages with a fork to keep the
pounded veal seasoned with: skins from bursting and to permit the fat to
Pepper escape.
MEAT 497

A third type, the partially dry or dry sausage, is To saute fresh sausage patties, start them in a
delicious in sandwiches or as hors d'oeuvre or cold ungreased pan over moderate heat, draining
used to flavor bland dishes. These kinds are some- the fat as it accumulates in the pan. Cook until
what confusingly known as summer sausage be- well done and medium brown on both sides.
cause, though made in the winter, they keep
through spring and summer without refrigeration, II. 6 Medium Patties

provided the casing is intact which explains the A convenient small-scale recipe. Grind
with the finest blade:
traditional popularity of this highly seasoned meat
in Southern European countries. Dry sausages in-
V2 lb. lean pork

clude cervelat, salami, saucisson de Lyon, morta- V2 lb. pork fat

della, pepperoni, chorizo and thuringer. V2 lb. lean veal

If you make your own sausage, you can be as-

Mix bowl:
in a large

sured of lean, good quality meat. As for the com-

1 cup bread crumbs
mercial types, their contents can be a mystery
Grated rind of 1 lemon

wrapped in an enigma despite government label-
A teaspoon
and thyme
each sage, sweet marjoram
ing regulations. The label must show the ingredi-
Va teaspoon summer savory
ents but not the exact proportions; they are listed
V2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
in descending order, the largest content first.
USDA limitations permit up to 30% fat, 10% 2 teaspoons salt
added water, 20% corn syrup, and 3V2% cereal or A grating of fresh nutmeg
dry-milk fillers. If sausage is marked "all meat," Add the ground meat and form this mixture into

its meat component must be muscle meat with its

a T/z-inch layer. Store overnight refrigerated and
natural fat content only and no fillers. But beware!
covered to blend the seasoning. To cook, see I,

A label reading "all meat" and listing the ingredi- above.

ents as "beef, water, pork, seasonings," in that
order, means that you are buying more water
than pork. Chemical additives are usually respon- BLOOD SAUSAGE OR
choose the more
sible for bright pink or red color; BLACK PUDDING
muted tones. For a discussion of casings, see 812. In France, known as boudin noir; in Germany, as
Never taste raw or "fresh" sausage whether Blutwurst.
bought or homemade, because of the danger of ^ Please read About Sausage, above.
trichinosis. After handling raw sausage, always Have ready:
carefully wash your hands and any knife, utensil, Sausage casings
or surface you have used. For 4 servings, allow Cook gently without browning:
about 1 pound of freshly ground sausage meat, 3
A cup finely chopped onions
slightly less for the more aged and drier types. in:
Once the sausage casing is cut open, smoked or 2 tablespoons lard
cooked sausage can be stored refrigerated about 1 Cool slightly and mix in a bowl with:
week; semidry and dry types, 2 weeks or more. V3 cup whipping cream
V* cup bread crumbs
2 beaten eggs
grind of fresh pepper
^ Please read About Sausage, above.
Va teaspoon fresh thyme
At butchering time in our valley, the popular man
V2 bay leaf, pulverized
is the one who knows how to flavor the sausage

— not too much pepper or sage and just enough

1 teaspoon salt

coriander. This process has to be played by ear,

V2 lb. leaf lard diced into V2-inch cubes
for uncooked meat cannot be tasted to correct
the seasoning, and the strength of spices is so vari- 2 cups fresh pork blood
able. The best way to learn is to mix a small batch
Fillcasings only three-fourths full; the mixture will
swell during the poaching period. Without over-
and cook up a sample for the always hungry
helpers to test.
crowding, put the sealed casings into a wire
basket. Bring to a boil a large pan half full of water
I. Chill, then grind together: or half milk and half water. Remove pan from
2 parts lean ground pork heat and plunge the basket into the water. Now
1 part firm diced lard return pan to very low heat about 180° —
for 15 —
Season with a mixture of: minutes. Test for doneness by piercing sausage
Thyme with a fork: if blood comes out, continue to cook
Coriander about 5 minutes more or until barely firm. Should
Summer savory any of the sausages rise to the surface of the sim-
Sweet marjoram mering liquid, prick them to release the air that
Pulverized bay leaf might burst the skins. To prepare, split and grill
Freshly ground pepper them very gently.
498 MEAT


2 cup boiling water

BOUDIN BLANC Cover pan. Simmer gently, not over 190°, for 8 to
Delicate, perishableand the most costly of all.
10 minutes or until almost done. Pour off liquid.
Please readAbout Sausage, 496.
Return sausages to the pan. Cook over low heat,
Have ready and tied at one end:
shaking the pan constantly until thev are an even
Sausage casings, 1 inch wide, 812
brown. Drain. Serve with:
Prepared mustard
V* lb. leaf lard or hard back fat
Grind once with the finest blade:
2 lb. pork loin TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE
h lb. chicken or rabbit breast What's in a name? Don't let the toad in this one
Combine meat with the minced fat. Add: deter you! Prepare for baking:
2 teaspoons salt Yorkshire Pudding, 206
1 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper Pan-broil, see above:
a teaspoon each cloves, nutmeg and ginger 12 small pork sausage links

A teaspoon cinnamon Preheat oven to 400°.
Regrind with: Melt in a 2-quart oblong ovenproof pan:
2 cups chopped onions 5 tablespoons beef drippings or butter
Soak in: Pour pudding batter into pan and bake about 20
Va cup warm cream minutes. Reduce heat to 350°. Arrange the
Vz cup bread crumbs drained sausage links on top of batter. Continue
Add to crumbs: to bake 10 to 15 minutes longer. Serve at once,
3 beaten eggs with:
and the meat mixture. Honey Apples, 130
Fill casings only about three-fourths full, twisting

and tying with white string at 6-inch intervals.

Without overcrowding, put the sealed casings into
6 Servings
a wire basket and plunge them into boiling water.
>• Reduce heat at once to 190°, and continue to
> Please read About Sausage, 496.
Preheat oven to 350°.
cook at this temperature about 20 minutes. Should
Grease lightly a 7-inch ring mold. Cover bottom
any sausages rise to the surface of the liquid,
puncture them to release air and prevent bursting.
3 tablespoons cornflakes
Cool. Brush with:
Combine well:
Melted butter
sausage meat
1 lb.
and grill until golden brown.
1 tablespoon minced onion
A cup fine bread crumbs
SAUTEED SAUSAGE MEAT PATTIES 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
4 Servings
1 beaten egg
Please read About Sausage, 496.
Place these ingredients in the mold. Bake the ring
Combine: 15 minutes. Drain the fat and bake 15 minutes
1 lb. sausage meat longer until well done. Invert the ring onto a hot
2 tablespoons flour platter and fill the center with:
('A cup drained crushed pineapple or grated 8 Scrambled Eggs, 222
fresh apple) Garnish the top with:
Shape the meat into patties vi inch thick. Sprinkle
Chopped parsley or paprika
Rub a skillet with melted suet or butter, and heat. SAUSAGE MEAT, SWEET POTATO
Brown the patties quickly on both sides. Cover. AND FRUIT CASSEROLE
> Reduce the heat ^nd cook about 10 minutes on 4 Servings
one side Pour off excess fat. Turn and cook 10 Doubled, this recipe makes a fine dish for an in-
minutes on the other side until well done. Serve formal group.
with: > Please read About Sausage, 496.
Sauteed Onions, 312, or on Apple Rings, 129 Preheat oven to 350°.
garnished with: Peel and cut into thin slices:
(Parsley) 4 large boiled sweet potatoes, 324
Grease a baking dish. Cover the bottom with half
§ PAN-BROILED SAUSAGE the sweet potatoes. Shape into 4 flat cakes and
4 Servings brown lightly in a skillet:

Please read About Sausage. 4%. 1 lb. sausage meat

Cut apart ^nd place in a skillet: to which you may add:
8 sausages (1 tablespoon minced bacon)
MEAT 499

Pare and cut into thick slices: 2 lb. pork neck bones or other bony pieces
4 large apples Add:
or use: IV2 quarts boiling water
(Canned pineapple slices) 1 sliced onion
Place the drained meat cakes on the sweet pota- 6 peppercorns
toes and cover with the bacon bits and fruit. (1 small bay leaf)

Sprinkle lightly with: Simmer the pork until the meat falls from the
Salt and brown sugar bones. Strain, reserving the liquor. There should
Place the remaining sweet potatoes over the fruit. be about 4 cups. Add water or light stock if neces-
Brush with: sary to make this amount. Using this liquid in
Milk place of boiling water, prepare:
and sprinkle with: Cornmeal Mush, 201
Brown sugar You may substitute 1 cup oatmeal for the corn-
Bake about 45 minutes. meal, in which case, reduce liquid by one cup.
Remove all meat from the pork bones and chop
or grind it fine. Add it to the cooked mush. Sea-
Serves 8 to 10
son with:
Salt to taste
Try nourishing dish doubled and serve it
1 teaspoon or more grated onion
sliced for a teen-aged group on a winter evening.
(V2 teaspoon dried thyme or sage)
Please read About Sausage, 496.
Preheat oven to 350°.
A grating of fresh nutmeg
Pat into an oblong about V2 inch thick:
A little cayenne
bulk pork sausage
Pour the scrapple into a bread pan that has been
2 lb.
rinsed with cold water. Let it stand until cold and
Combine as a stuffing and mix well:
chopped apples
2 cups finely
firm. Slice it. To serve, saute slowly in:

Vi cup finely chopped onions

Melted butter or drippings
1 cup soft bread crumbs
1 cup wheat germ
2 tablespoons brown sugar
Spread apple mixture on sausage and
Variety, we know, is the spice of life. And variety
roll up like
meats provide welcome relief from the weekly
a jelly roll. Bake in a shallow pan about 1 hour.
round of beef, pork, veal, chicken and fish. They
include organ meats like sweetbreads, brains,
FRANKFURTER-SAUERKRAUT lamb kidney, calf and chicken liver, shown from
CASSEROLE left to right in the upper row on 500: muscle

6 Servings meats like heart, tongue and tripe; and very bony-
Please read About Sausage, 496. structured meats like oxtails and knucklebones
Preheat oven to 375°. and their delicious marrow centers, seen again
Toss lightly together and place in a V/i -quart bak- from left to right in the lower row. Time was when
ing dish: most of these tidbits were ours almost for the
drained sauerkraut
1 lb. asking simply because most Americans had
Vi cup
flat beer built-in prejudices against them. But in recent
V* teaspoon caraway seeds years, the American passion for travel has de-
Cover and bake about 10 minutes. Top with: veloped more cosmopolitan tastes in food, and
6 frankfurters more of us have learned to appreciate the odds
Return to oven and bake about 20 minutes longer. and ends from which European cooks prepare
some of their most celebrated dishes. There are
BOILED SAUSAGE practical reasons, too, to serve these delectable
oddments: with the exception of calf liver and
Please read About Sausage, 496.
sweetbreads, now in the higher-priced bracket,
Place in a kettle:
they are still gentle to a fragile budget; and List
Smoked sausage
but not least, they contribute significantlv to our
Cover with:
well-being; although some of those formerlv used,
Boiling water
like lungs, are now outlawed. But even the muz-
Simmer about 10 minutes. Drain, skin, slice and
serve with: zle of beef can be prepared as tor tongue, 507.

Sauerkraut, 295 It is essential that varietv meats be fresh. They

are highly perishable; use them at oner


About 6 Servings ABOUT LIVER
Please read About Sausage, 496. Chicken and calf livers are the tenderest and most
If you use cornmeal, call it scrapple. If you use desirable unless, of course, vou can secure extra-
oats, call it goetta. Place in a pan: fat goose livers —
the kind which in Europe almost
500 MEAT

invariably find their way into Pates, 494. Baby beef 1 tablespoon butter
liver comes next for quality. Lamb liver is also Add to taste:
tender but less flavorful. Sheep, pork and older Salt and pepper
beef livers have a strong, distinctive flavor and In aseparate skillet heat:
should be soaked several hours in a spicy mar- 2 tablespoons butter
inade or in milk, after which time the liquid is Add and saute until golden:
discarded. Pork liver is quite rich in vitamins and 1
A cup sliced onions
minerals and well worth the added effort of trim- (\U cup sliced mushrooms)
ming out the tough fibers. Since it is pork, cook Put the liver on a hot plate, cover with the onions
it until no pink shows, but try not to overcook, see and serve with:
below. Chopped parsley
Most recipes call for '/» -inch-thick sliced liver; (Sauteed Bacon, 486)
however, thick slices over 1 inch may be success- The chicken livers may be served on toast.
fully broiled as for steak.
^ To prepare any liver for cooking, wipe it first § BROILED LIVER
with a damp cloth, then remove the thin outer Please read About Liver, 499.
skin and veining. The outer skin may be easily Some epicures prefer liver "pure and simple," pre-
peeled from fresh liver. Except for the timing pared the following way. We acknowledge its
noted in individual recipes, the cooking method sterling qualities.
for liver generally is the same. Never toughen it Place on a broiling rack, about 3 inches from the
by cooking too long or over excessive heat. source of heat:
Never cook beyond the point of tenderness. Some- Slices of calf liver, V* inch thick
times the drippings in which liver has been cooked You may brush them with:
are bitter. Test them by tasting before you use (Butter or vegetable oil)
them as sauce. Some good
sauces to serve with Broil the liver exactly 1 minute on each side.
liver are Bearnaise Sauce, 359, Barbecue Sauces, Season to taste
354, Lyonnaise Sauce, 346, and Seasoned Butters, and serve as is, or with
349. Allow 1 pound liver for 4 servings. Mushroom Wine Sauce, 347, or
Madeira Sauce, 346
Or serve with:
OR LIVER LYONNAISE Sauteed Bermuda onion slices, 312
2 Servings garnished with:
^ Please read About Liver, above. Parsley
Have even thickness:
sliced to a 1/i-inch A lemon cut into quarters
Vi lb. calf liver, or halved chicken livers
Coat lightly on both sides with: BRAISED LIVER WITH VEGETABLES
Flour 6 Servings
In a skillet brown the slices quickly over moderate Please read About Liver, 499.
heat, about 1 minute to each side, in: Cut into 1-inch slices:
MEAT 501

1 V2 lb. calf or beef liver minutes longer. Drain the contents of the baking
If you use beef liver, you may lard it, 444. Dredge dish, reserving the liquor. Place the liver on a hot
with: platter. Add to the liquor:
Seasoned Flour, 552 cup dry white wine, or 'A cup dry sherry
Brown the liver in: Cook and stir the sauce over low heat until hot.
'A cup hot bacon drippings Pour the sauce over the liver. Serve with:
Combine and heap on the slices: Boiled New Potatoes, 317, browned in butter
2 diced carrots garnished with:
2 chopped green peppers, seeds and Parsley
membrane removed
6 small onions BEEF LIVER CREOLE
1 cup sliced celery 4 Servings
Add to the pan: Please read About Liver, 499.
1 cup boiling water or stock Cut into thin slices:
Cover and simmer until the liver is tender. If 1 lb. beef liver
necessary, add more boiling stock. Calf liver will Dust lightly with:
be tender in about 15 minutes, beef liver in about Flour
30. Brown the liver in:
3 tablespoons hot butter or drippings
cups sliced onions
WITH WINE IV2 cups canned tomatoes
8 Servings V2 cup diced celery
Please read About Liver, 499. 1 thinly sliced green pepper, seeds and
Place: membrane removed
2V2 lb. calf or baby beef liver in 1 piece V2 teaspoon salt
in the following marinade refrigerated for 1 hour A few cayenne
or more: Cover the pan and simmer these ingredients about
V3 cup vegetable oil 20 minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid. Thicken
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice with:
teaspoon salt Flour, see Pan Gravy, 341
V'b teaspoon paprika
Add the liver and vegetables. Simmer 2 minutes
V* bay leaf longer. Serve with:
Turn it from time to time. Boiled Rice, 206, or Noodles, 213
Preheat oven to 325°.
Melt in an ovenproof baking dish: § LIVER, PEPPER, ONIONS AND
3 tablespoons butter
Add and stir about until lightly cooked: OLIVES ON SKEWERS
1 small chopped onion or leek
4 Servings
1 diced carrot
About Liver, 499.
Please read
2 or 3 diced ribs celery Also see Hot Skewered Tidbits, 80.
2 or 3 minced sprigs parsley Simmer covered in a little boiling water until

1 tablespoon fresh basil or tarragon

nearly tender:
Place the liver, marinade and all, in the ovenproof A
lb. calf liver in 1 piece
dish. Cover closely and bake until nearly tender, Drain the liver. Cut it into 1-inch cubes. Peel and
about 40 minutes. Baste from time to time. If you quarter:
wish to serve the liver without further additions, 4 medium-sized onions
continue cooking it until very tender. Cut into 1-inch pieces:
The following ingredients are optional, but they 6 strips bacon
complement the dish. While the liver is cooking, 2 green peppers, seeds and membrane
place in a heavy skillet and saute over very slow removed
heat: Alternate on skewers pieces of liver, onion, green
4 slices diced bacon pepper, bacon and:
Cook until the bacon is clear. Add and stir until
Stuffed olives
well glazed: Place them under a broiler or over heated coals
18 small peeled shallots or onions until the bacon is crisp and the liver tender.
6 large or 8 small sliced carrots
3 ribs celery, sliced SKEWERED CHICKEN LIVERS
Add: The Hors d'Oeuvre chapter has numerous sugges-
1 cup Stock, 520, or canned consomme tions for cooking chicken and goose livers en
Cover the skillet and cook the vegetables and brochette, see About Chicken and Goose Livers as
bacon over direct low heat 15 minutes. Add them Hors d'Oeuvre, 86; Rumaki, 81; and Hot Skew-
to the liver in the baking dish, cover and cook 15 ered Tidbits, 80.
502 MEAT

CHICKEN LIVERS A LA KING Sweetbreads, properly so-called, are the rounded,

Prepare: more desirable "heart" or "kernel" types, the pan-
creas. The thinner "throat" type is the thymus.
1 cup or more Sauteed Chicken Livers, 500
Combine with: Like all organ meats, sweetbreads are highly
1 cup Quick a la King Sauce, 348 perishable and should be prepared for use as soon
Serve on rounds of toasted whole wheat bread. as purchased. First soak them at least 1 hour in a
large quantity of cold water to release any blood,
CHICKEN LIVERS IN BATTER changing the water 2 or 3 times. Next they must
Wipe with a cloth: be blanched: cover them with cold acidulated
Chicken livers water, 520. Bring slowly to a boil and simmer un-
Season therh lightly with: covered from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on size.
Salt and pepper Drain. Firm them by plunging them at once into
Dip them into: cold water. When cool, drain again and trim by
Fritter Batter for Meat, 243 removing cartilage, tubes, connective tissue and
Fry them in deep fat, heated to 365° until well tougher membrane. Weight them refrigerated for
browned. Serve with: several hours if you plan using them whole. If not,
An omelet, 226 break them into smaller sections with your hands,
or as a garnish for a hot vegetable plate. being careful not to disturb the very fine mem-
brane that surrounds the smaller units.
CHICKEN LIVERS IN After these preliminary processes, to which
SOUR CREAM SAUCE all sweetbreads must be subjected, you may
poach, braise, broil or cream or sauce them. Al-
6 Servings
low 1 pair for 2 servings.
Cut into halves:
1 lb. chicken livers
Saute until lightly browned in:
2 Servings
2 tablespoons butter > Please read About Sweetbreads, above.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Soak, blanch, firm, drain and trim:
Remove the meat, add to the pan and saute about 1 pair veal sweetbreads
5 minutes:
Bring to the boiling point:
V* cup finely minced green pepper
Enough water
to cover
V2 cup minced onions
A cup chopped
1 cup sliced mushrooms 3 ribs celery with yellow leaves
Sprinkle over the vegetables and stir well:
2 peppercorns
2 tablespoons flour
Drop the sweetbreads into the liquid and lower
Add: the heat at once. Simmer covered with parchment
1 cup cultured sour cream
paper, 151, 15 to 20 minutes, depending on size.
A cup chicken stock
Do not overcook. Serve in a delicate sauce such
Stir and cook gently until mixture thickens. Add
the livers and:
Bechamel Sauce, 341, or Poulette Sauce, 345
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
made with some of the sweetbread liquor as stock,
Season to taste
When thoroughly heated, serve over: 1 tablespoon dry sherry, Madeira,
Boiled Rice, 206
brandy or lemon juice
or over small rounds of toast.
or use:
White Wine Sauce, 345
toany of which you may add:
Remove the gallbladder, if attached. Soak in cold (Chopped English walnuts or almonds)
salted water for 2 hours:
Sauced sweetbreads are often served on:
A goose liver
A thin slice of Virginia ham or prosciutto
Dry it withSprinkle
a cloth. it with: or Canadian bacon
Ve teaspoon paprika
or in:
V2 teaspoon sugar Patty shells, 645, or Bread Cases, 250
Ve teaspoon ginger
or with a:
Saute it in hot goose fat until tender. It is excel- Spinach Ring, 231 a Vegetable Souffle, 229;

lent served with sauteed onions and apples and

or Wild Rice, 212
with a tie dry sherry.
I i

To paraphrase Puck: "What foods these morsels Please read About Sweetbreads, above.
be!" Veal sweetbreads are those most favored. Blanch, firm, dry, trim and poach about 25 min-
But beef sweetbreads are sometimes incorporated utes:
into mixtures like meat pies, pates and terrines. 1 pair veal sweetbreads
MEAT 503

Bread with a: 3 tablespoons butter

Seasoned Bound Breading, 552 2 tablespoons finely julienned carrots
Saute them in: 2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
Hot butter or onions
until they are a rich brown. Serve with one of Add the sweetbreads and stir with the vegetables.
the sauces in Poached Sweetbreads, opposite. Add:
Serve with: 1 Vi cups veal stock
Boiled New Potatoes, 317, and green peas Simmer covered about 20 minutes. Make sure
garnished with: that the vegetables do not brown. Add more
Watercress stock, if necessary. When the sweetbreads are
cooked, transfer them to an ovenproof serving
BROILED SWEETBREADS dish. Keep them warm. Deglaze the pan by the
2 Servings addition of:
y Please read About Sweetbreads, opposite. Vi cup dry white wine
Soak, blanch, firm, drain, trim and poach about Season to taste
25 minutes: Preheat oven to 400° for glazing. Reduce pan
1 pair calf sweetbreads liquors to about Vi cup. Ladle 2 tablespoons of
Preheat broiler. this glaze over each sweetbread and place the dish
Place the broiling rack about 6 inches from the in the oven about 10 minutes, basting often.
heat source. Break the sweetbreads into large Meanwhile, melt in a skillet:
pieces. Roll them in: 2 tablespoons butter
Seasoned Flour, 552 Saute in it:
Surround them with: V2cup sliced mushrooms
Strips of bacon 3
/4 cup chopped cooked chestnuts
Secure it with wooden picks. While broiling them, Serve the sweetbreads at once on
baste frequently with the juices that drip, and if
Rounds of toast
they are rather dry, use additional:
garnished with:
Finely chopped chervil or parsley
Add to the drippings a small amount of:
and surrounded with the mushroom and chestnut
(Sherry or lemon juice)
Serve with:
Madeira Sauce, 346, Poulette Sauce, 345, or
broiled tomatoes
or on a bed of:
Creamed Spinach, 327 4 Servings
A and far-reaching dish.
§ SWEETBREADS ON SKEWERS Please read About Sweetbreads, opposite.
2 Servings Prepare and drain:
About Sweetbreads, opposite.
Please read 2 pairs poached sweetbreads, opposite

Soak, blanch about 10 minutes, firm and trim: Drain:

1 pair calf sweetbreads 2 cups halved cooked asparagus tips
Break them into 1-inch chunks. Wrap the pieces Reserve the asparagus liquor. Melt in a heavy
with partially cooked: skillet:

Lean bacon, thinly sliced 'A cup butter

Spread: Saute in the butter about 3 minutes:
Mushroom caps mushrooms
V2 lb.
lightly with: ('/« cup chopped shallots)

Butter Remove them from the skillet. Add to the fat in it:

Place the wrapped sweetbreads and the mush- 6 tablespoons butter

rooms alternately on skewers. Grill over charcoal Add and stir until blended:

until the bacon is crisp. Or you may rest skewers 6 tablespoons flour
on the edges of an ovenproof pan and bake at Stir in slowly:
400° about 10 minutes. Serve with: 3 cups liquid: milk or cream,
Souffle Potatoes, 321, or asparagus liquor or stock
Tomatoes Provencale, 332 When the sauce is smooth and boiling, gradually
add the asparagus tips, the mushrooms and the
GLAZED SWEETBREADS sweetbreads. Reduce the heat. Put a small
2 Servings amount of sauce in a separate pan and beat in:
Please read About Sweetbreads, opposite. 2 egg yolks
Soak, blanch, firm, drain and trim: Add the egg mixture to the sauced sweetbreads
1 pair calf sweetbreads and without letting it boil, stir for about 1 min-
Melt in aheavy pan and saute about 10 minutes or ute very gently, to avoid mashing the asDaragus.
until the onions are translucent: Season with:
504 MEAT

Salt and paprika Chop coarsely and combine them with:

Freshly grated nutmeg V2 cup bread crumbs
Justbefore serving, you may add: 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs
tablespoons dry sherry or
(2 6 tablespoons cream
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce) tablespoon catsup
Serve the ragout at once in: peeled chopped green chilis
Hot Patty Shells, 645; on hot buttered Vz tablespoon lemon juice
toast; in Bread Cases, 250; in a baked Season to taste
Noodle Ring, 214; or on hot Waffles, 241 Place in a greased baking dish or in individual
dishes. Sprinkle the top with:
ABOUT BRAINS Au Gratin II, 553
Calf, sheep, lamb, pork and beef brains are listed Bake about 15 minutes.
in order of preference. Brains may be used in all
recipes calling for sweetbreads, but, as with sweet- BAKED BRAINS AND EGGS
breads, they must be very fresh. Keep refrig- 4 Servings
erated, for they are very perishable. Please read About Brains, above.
To prepare, give them a preliminary soaking Preheat oven to 350°.
of Vh. to 2 hours in cold acidulated water, 520. Prepare by soaking, skinning and blanching:
After skinning, soak them in several changes of 2 sets brains
cold water for 1 hour to free them from all traces Cut into 1-inch dice and place them in 4 small
of blood. Then, as they are rather mushy in greased casseroles. Skin, seed and dice:
texture, firm them by simmering in acidulated 4 tomatoes
water to cover, about 20 minutes for calf brains, Combine them with:
25 for the others. Be sure the water does not IV2 tablespoons hot olive oil
boil. Let the brains cool in the cooking liquid 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
about 20 minutes before draining. If not using im- 1 teaspoon chopped onion or chives
mediately, refrigerate the drained brains. Brains Salt and paprika
are often combined with eggs or with sweet- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
breads in ragout and souffles. Because they are Pour these ingredients into the casseroles. Break
bland, be sure to give the dish in which they are into each one:
used a piquant flavoring, as suggested below. 1 egg

Allow 1 pound of brains for 4 servings or 1 set for Bake about 8 minutes, or until the eggs are firm.
2 servings. Melt and brown lightly:
A cup butter
4 Servings 2 teaspoons lemon juice
^ Please read About Brains, above. Pour this mixture over the eggs. Garnish with:
Prepare by soaking, skinning and blanching: Parsley
2 sets brains Serve at once.
Cut in two, lengthwise. Dry them between towels.
and paprika
Salt ^ Please read About Brains, above.
Roll them in: Prepare by soaking, skinning and blanching:
Cornmeal or flour Brains
Melt in a skillet rubbed with: Preheat broiler.
Garlic Brush brains with:
Vj cup butter or bacon drippings Vegetable oil or melted butter
When reaches the point of fragrance, saute
the fat Dust with:
the brains'" on each
side about 2 minutes. Cover, Paprika
reduce heat ^nd complete the cooking, about 10 Place broiler about 6 inches from heat source and
minutes in all. Serve with: broil the brains about 8 minutes on each side or
Lemon wedges until done. Baste with oil or butter. Serve piping
Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352, or hot with:
Worcestershire sauce; or Brown Broiled Bacon, 485
Butter, 349, or Black Butter, 350 Chopped parsley and lemon wedges

BAKED BRAINS Grilled Tomato Slices, 332, and

3 Servings watercress
Please read About Brains, above.
Preheat oven to 400°. ABOUT KIDNEYS
Prepare b\ soaking, skinning and blanching- Veal kidneys arc the tenderest and most deli-
1 set brains cious. Those of lamb are somewhat soft and flat in
MEAT 505

flavor,but especially suitable for grilling. Thev Prepare for cooking and slice in half:
should not be washed or soaked in water, as the\ 4 lamb kidneys or 2 veal kidneys
absorb it. Simply split and remove the cores. Prepare:
Large beef kidneys tend to be hard and strong in Dressing for Braised Stuffed Pork Chops
flavor and need soaking first for 2 hours in cold Cockaigne, 479
salted water. Off-flavors may be withdrawn by adding:
blanching II, 154, in acidulated water for 20 min- 1 beaten egg

utes; or, after soaking and drying, the kidneys may Spread the dressing on
be sauteed briefly over brisk heat and allowed to 8 slices of thin lean bacon
cool partially before further cooking. Wrap the spread bacon around the kidney halves
The white membrane should be snipped from and fasten with a wooden pick. Bake about 20
all kidneys before they are washed. Curved scis- minutes.
sors are convenient for this. Removal of mem-
branes is easier if you first saute the kidneys in
fatabout 1 minute. Discard the fat.
To prepare for broiling, almost halve the kid- KIDNEYS BERCY
neys. Keep them from curling during cooking by 3 Servings
skewering them open. Expose the cut side to the Please read About Kidneys, opposite. Remove
heat first.
some of the fat from :

Veal and lamb kidneys should be cooked as 3 veal kidneys

short a time as possible over medium heat. Do Cut them crosswise into slices, removing all the
not overcook. The center should be slightly pink. white tissue. Rub a pan with:
The veal kidney may be left surrounded bv its (Garlic)

delicious delicate fat, or you can use it for sea- Melt in it:

soning or render it for deep-fat frying, 147. If kid- V* cup butter

neys are to be flambeed, never flame for more Saute in the butter until golden:
than 1 minute. Longer exposure to such high heat Vi cup sliced onions or shallots

will toughen them. If kidneys are of the best Remove onions and keep hot. Saute the kidneys

quality, pan juices may be used. If not, discard the in the hot quick process, about 5 minutes.
fat, a

juices and use freshly melted butter or a wine Add the onions and season with:
sauce. In any case, Salt and paprika
never allow kidneys to boil
1 tablespoon lemon juice or '4 cup
in a sauce, as this only hardens them. Pour the
hot sauce over them or toss them in it for a dry white wine
moment or two. You may serve this flambe, 155, with:
Beef, mutton and pork kidneys are most often Mushrooms on toast
used in terrines, braises and stews, and need the
slow, moist cooking that is described in some of
the following recipes.
> Allow 1 medium-sized veal kidney, 2 or 3 AND MUSHROOMS
lamb kidneys, Vh to 2 mutton, V2 beef or 1 small 4 Servings
Please read About Kidneys, opposite. Prepare:
pork kidney per person.
8 lamb kidneys
Skin and quarter them. Sprinkle with:
Lemon juice
BAKED VEAL KIDNEYS Heat in a skillet:
Note for the lone householder: 1 veal kidney 3 tablespoons butter or drippings
makes a fine little roast for 1 person. Saute lightly in the fat:
Please read About Kidneys, above.
1 cup chopped celery
Preheat oven to. 300°. cup chopped onions
Prepare, leaving the fat on, and place in a pan,
Add the kidneys. Simmer covered about 5 min-
fat side up: utes. Stir in:
Veal kidneys 1 tablespoon flour
Bake uncovered until tender, about 1 hour. Serve 1 cup hot stock
When these ingredients are blended, add:
Mushroom Sauce, 348, or V2 lb. chopped mushrooms
Quick Brown Sauce, 348, or Season the kidneys lightly with:
Marchand de Vin Sauce, 347 Paprika
Worcestershire sauce
Simmer covered about 15 minutes. Add and allow
KIDNEY NUGGETS to just boil up:
2 Servings 2 tablespoons dry sherry or Madeira
Please read About Kidneys, opposite. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Preheat oven to 375° Season to taste
506 MEAT

Serve in a: egg
Rice Ring, 207 teaspoon salt
or \ou may cut the caps off: V* teaspoon freshly ground pepper
(4 Brioches, 615) 4 drops Worcestershire sauce
Scoop them out, warm in a 350° oven, insert the {V* teaspoon caraway or dill seed)
hot kidney mixture, cover with the caps and serve Drop this mixture by the tablespoon into a hot
at once. pan containing:
2 tablespoons hot bacon drippings
§ BROILED KIDNEYS Brown the patties lightly on both sides. Serve
Allow 1 Kidney per Person with:
Please read About Kidneys, 504. Quick Tomato Sauce, 352, Slaw, 96, or '

Preheat broiler. la Grecque, 281

Vegetables a
Remove most of the fat from:
Cut them crosswise into slices. Place 3 to 4 inches 4 Servings
from source of heat and broil them about 5 min- Please read About Kidneys, 504.
utes. Turn, and baste with: Preheat oven to 350°.
Melted butter Prepare:
Broil about 5 minutes longer or until done. Season 4 veal kidneys
with: Heat them about 1 minute in:
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or fat
Salt and paprika or freshly ground pepper Discard the fat. Skin and dice the kidneys and
Serve with: place them in a heated ovenproof dish. Heat in a
Chutney, 846, or Cold Mustard Sauce, 357 skillet:
1 tablespoon butter
§ KIDNEYS EN BROCHETTE Saute in the butter:
Individual Serving V* to V2 lb. sliced mushrooms
Please read About Kidneys, 504. Prepare for 2 tablespoons minced onion or
cooking, allowing per serving: 'A clove garlic
1 veal or 3 lamb kidneys 1 tablespoon minced parsley
Split the kidneys, remove the core and blanch 2 Stir and cook these ingredients about 2 minutes.
to 3 minutes in: Stir in:
Milk or cold water and lemon juice 3 tablespoons flour
Dry. Cut in quarters. Wrap pieces in: Stir in:

Bacon 1 cup boiling Veal or Light Stock, 522

Arrange on skewers and grill or broil 3 inches Bring to the boiling point and add:
from heat source, about 3 minutes. Turn and broil V4 cup dry white wine or V2 cup
3 minutes more. Serve at once. orange juice
Season to taste
VARIETY MEAT PATTIES Pour these ingredients over the kidneys in the
4 Servings casserole. Cover closely. Bake about 20 minutes
or until tender. You may remove the kidneys and
Please read About Kidneys, 504, About Liver,
About Brains, 504. Prepare one of the fol- keep warm, reduce the sauce slightly if necessary,
499, or
lowing for cooking and then chop until fine: and then pour the thickened hot gravy over the
kidneys. Have ready, by cutting into triangles:
2 pairs blanched brains; 1 lb. raw liver;
or 1 beef, 2 pork or veal or 5 lamb 4 thick slices bread
kidneys Sprinkle them with:
Sprinkle them with: Grated cheese
tablespoon lemon Place bread on top of the kidneys. Broil until
1 juice
Rub a skillet with:
cheese is melted.
2 tablespoons butter 4 Servings
Saute in this lightly: A Sunday breakfast, brunch or supper.
favorite for
1 chopped onion or leek Please read About Kidneys, 504. Soak, blanch
V2 cup minced celery and cut away all the white tissue from:
2 tablespoons minced green pepper, 2 small beef kidneys
seeds and membrane removed Drain and cool them. For easier slicing, you may
Remove from heat. Add the chopped variety meat place them in a covered dish in the refrigerator.
and: When cold, cut the meat into wafer-thin slices.
V* cup dry bread crumbs Dredge the slices with:
V* cup milk Seasoned Flour, 552
MEAT 507

Melt: Barely cover these ingredients with boiling water.

or 2 tablespoons butter
1 Skim off any scum after first 5 minutes. Simmer
Saute the slices lightly in the hot butter. Remove the tongue uncovered until tender, about 50 min-
and keep them warm. Saute in the drippings: utes per pound. Drain and reserve liquid. Skin and
V2 cup thinly sliced onions trim the tongue. Reheat in the cooking water be-
Add the meat and: fore serving with:
1 cup stock or red wine, or V2 cup stock Hot Mustard Sauce, 345;
cup flat beer
Vi Piquant Sauce, 347; or
Simmer about 15 minutes. If the sauce is too thin, Horseradish Sauce, 343
thicken with: or with:
Beurre Manie, 340 Harvard Beets, 290, or
Flavor by adding: capers or chopped pickle
1 slice lemon or 2 tablespoons tomato paste

Salt and paprika, as needed BEEF TONGUE WITH RAISIN SAUCE

Serve with: An undemanding dish to prepare while working
Boiled Potatoes, 317, or Noodles, 213; on other things in the kitchen.
or on toast or Cornmeal Waffles, 241 ^ Please readAbout Tongue, above.
garnished with: Boil, as inprevious recipe:
Chopped parsley A fresh beef tongue
After it has been skinned and trimmed, place it

ABOUT TONGUE where keep hot.

it will

Lucky indeed is the cook with the gift of tongues! For the sauce, make:
No matter from which source beef, calf, lamb or — Raisin Sauce, 356

pork the smaller-sized tongues are usually pref- to which vou may add:
V2 cup blanched almonds, 562
erable. The most commonly used and best fla-
vored, whether fresh, smoked or pickled, is beef A cup crushed gingersnaps

(2 teaspoons Caramelized Sugar II, 559)

tongue. For prime texture, it should be under 3
pounds. Season to taste
^ Scrub the tongue well. If it is smoked or Serve the tongue with
pickled, you may wish to blanch it first, 154, sim-
A Rice or Noodle Ring, 207, 214,
filled with green peas
mering it about 10 minutes. Immerse the tongue
cold water. After draining, cook as for Boiled
Fresh Tongue, below. If the tongue is to be served
hot, drain, it into cold water for a moment PICKLED TONGUE
6 to 8 Servings
so you can handle skin it and trim it by remov-

ing the roots, small bones and gristle. Return it Please read About Tongue, left, and blanch as
very briefly to the hot cooking water to reheat
before serving.
2-lb. smoked, corned or pickled
beef tongue
If the tongue is to be served cold, allow it to
Drain, then cover the tongue with:
cool just enough to handle comfortably. It skins
Fresh water
easily at this point but not if you let it get cold.
Trim and return it to the pot to cool completely in Add:
the cooking liquor. It is attractive served with 1 whole onion stuck with 3 cloves
Chaud-Froid Sauce, 369, or in Aspic, see below. Vi cup chopped celery with leaves
To carve tongue, cut nearly through at the 3 bay leaves

hump parallel to the base. But toward the tip, 6 peppercorns

better-looking slices can be made if the cut is Simmer the tongue uncovered until tender, about
diagonal. 50 minutes per pound. Drain, skin and trim, as
directed. Slice and serve hot with:
Creamed Spinach, 327
6 to 8 Servings
Horseradish Sauce, 343
Please read About Tongue, above. Place in a
or cold with:
Cold Mustard Sauce, 357, or Sauce
A fresh beef or calf tongue, about 2 lb.
Gribiche, 365, or Cream Horseradish
Peel and add:
Dressing, 357
2 medium-sized onions
3 or more ribs celery with leaves 6 Servings
6 sprigs parsley Please read About Tongue, left.
4 peppercorns Boil:
(4 whole cloves) A fresh or smoked beef tongue, about
1 bay leaf 1 V2 lb., or 2 veal or 8 lamb tongues
508 MEAT

Skin and trim as directed. Prepare:

Preheat oven to 375°. A small beef heart or 3 veal hearts
Prepare: Tie with a string to hold its shape, if necessary, and
Creole Sauce, 348 wrap in muslin or foil and tie. Place on a rack in
Place the drained tongue, sliced or unsliced, in a an ovenproof dish and pour over it:
casserole. Pour the sauce over it. Bake covered 2 cups stock or diluted tomato soup
Vi hour. Serve with: Place over the heart:
Chopped parsley 4 slices bacon

Cover the dish closely and bake until tender if —
beef, a matter of 3 to 4 hours, depending on size;
8 Servings it \eal, about 2. Remove the heart to a plate and
A fine-looking dish. cool slightly. Heat in a double boiler, then fill the
Boil: heart cavity with:
A SmokedBeef Tongue, 507 Apple and Onion Dressing, 372
Drain, skin and trim the tongue, then leave it in
You need about 1 cup for a veal heart, about
the stock until it is cool. Make the following aspic.
3 for a beef heart. To allow for expansion, do
Soak: not pack the dressing. Sprinkle the heart with:
IV2 tablespoons gelatin Paprika
Return it to a 400° oven long enough to heat
V2 cup cold beef stock
quickly before serving. The drippings may be
Dissolve this mixture in:
thickened with:
2V2 cups boiling beef stock
Flour, see Pan Gravy, 341
V2 cup dry white wine or the juice of
2 lemons
1 tablespoon sugar BRAISED HEART SLICES
Salt, if required IN SOUR SAUCE
A few drops Caramelized Sugar II, 559, 6 Servings
or commercial coloring A homey treat.
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ^ Please read About Heart, above.
Chill the aspic, and when it is about to set, add: Prepare:
V2 cup chopped sweet-sour pickles A 4- to 5-lb. beef heart or
cup chopped celery
1 6 veal hearts
V2 cup chopped green peppers, If veal, you may halve the heart; if beef, cut it

seeds and membrane removed across the fiber into 1A-inch slices. Pour into a
Have ready a mold or bread pan moistened with large saucepan or ovenproof dish to the depth of
cold water. Place a small amount of aspic in the 3
A inch:
bottom of the mold. If desired, add at this time Boiling water
small cooked carrots, beets, canned mushrooms, Add:
etc. Chill the aspic in the pan so it hardens some- 'A cup diced carrots
what. Then put the tongue into the mold and 1
A cup chopped celery with leaves
pour the remaining aspic around and over it. 1
A cup sliced onion
When well chilled, unmold the aspic onto a plat- V2 teaspoon salt
ter. Garnish it with: cup diced green pepper)
Lettuce leaves Place the heart slices on a rack in the pan, well
Deviled eggs above the water. Cover closely. Steam the meat
Parsley until tender, about T/2 hours for veal and 2V2
Slices of lemon hours for beef. Strain and reserve the stock. Chill
Serve with: and degrease it. Save the fat. Reserve the stock.
Mayonnaise or Mayonnaise Collee, 368 Melt in the pan:
3 tablespoons butter or fat from the stock
Heart, which is firm and rather dry, is best pre- 3 tablespoons flour
pared by slow cooking. It is muscle, not organ Then add:
meat, and so may be used in many recipes calling T/2 cups stock
for ground meat. Before cooking, wash it well, When reaches a boil, add the meat and vege-

removing fat, arteries, veins and blood, and dry tables ^ reduce the heat. Add:
carefully. ^ A 4- to 5-pound beef heart will serve 2 tablespoons lemon juice or dry red wine
6; a veal heart will serve one. V2 teaspoon sweet marjoram or
2 tablespoons chopped parsley or olives
3 Servings When heated through, serve with:
Please read About Heart, above. Spoon Bread, 629, Rice, 206, or
Preheat oven to 325° Potato Dumplings, 204
MEAT 509


Tripe is the muscular lining of the four stomachs 6 to 8 Servings
of ruminants. It includes plain tripe from the This classic Normandy
dish demands a deep
paunch or belly of the first stomach, the rumen; earthenware casserole and the inclusion of all 4
honeycomb, the most available, along with the types of beef tripe. The second requirement is
fatter, partially honeycombed gras double near almost impossible to satisfy in America, where
the belly end of the second stomach, or reticulum; honeycomb the only kind usually available.
tripe is

feuillet or many plies from the third stomach, the Please read About Tripe, left.
omasum; and reed from the fourth stomach, the Preheat oven to 250°.
abomasum. Trim, wash, soak, blanch, wash again, drain and
Honeycomb tripe is the most delicate variety cut into 1 /2-inch squares:

and today comes either in refrigerated plastic 3 lb. fresh tripe

pouches or in large sheets, and fresh tripe usu- Wash and blanch about 5 minutes:
allycomes already blanched and parboiled. After 2 calves' feet, split
cutting into pieces, wash thoroughly. It is now Peel and slice:
ready to season and cook. Since tripe is very 2 lb. onions
perishable, it should be kept refrigerated and Dice:
used as soon as possible.
A lb. beef suet
you start from scratch, cooking tripe is a
Line the bottom of the casserole with a layer of
long-drawn-out affair. Fresh whole tripe calls for onions, then a layer of tripe and a sprinkling of
a minimum of 12 hours of cooking, some time- the beef suet. Sprinkle each layer with:
honored recipes demanding as much as 24. To Salt and pepper
prepare fresh tripe, trim if necessary. Wash it Continue to build successive layers, topping with
thoroughly, soaking overnight, and blanch, 154, the split calves' feet and:
for V2 hour in salted water. Wash well again, An onion stuck with 3 cloves
drain and cut for cooking. When cooked, the A bay leaf
texture of tripe should be like that of soft gristle. A Bouquet
Garni, 572
More often, alas, because the heat has not been Pour over this:
kept low enough, it has the consistency of wet V* cup brandy or Calvados or dry
shoe leather. white wine
Sometimes tripe is pickled after cooking and and enough:
served hot or cold in a marinade. Pickled tripe may Hard cider or cider
also be found in the market. to cover all the ingredients. Seal the casserole
with a strip of pastry dough, or cover with a
double thickness of foil and tie securely. Cover
with a lid. No steam should escape. Bring to a boil
COOKED FRESH TRIPE and transfer at once to the oven. Put a drip pan
4 to 5 Servings
under the casserole just in case! Bake in the oven
Please read About Tripe, above.
at least 12 hours. When ready to serve, break the
Trim, wash, soak, blanch, wash again and drain:
seal on the casserole, remove the bouquet garni,
2 lb. fresh honeycomb tripe
the bay leaf and the whole onion. Degrease the
Cut it into IV2- to 2-inch squares. Place it in a
sauce and pick the meat from the calves' feet. Re-
heavy pot that you can lid tightly later. Add:
turn the meat to the casserole to heat through and
Enough water to cover tripe serve the tripe in individual hot covered casseroles
V* teaspoon salt with:
V* teaspoon sugar Boiled Potatoes, 317
1 clove garlic garnished with:
h cup chopped
onions Chopped parsley and chives
cup chopped mixed celery
and parsley FRIED TRIPE
4 peppercorns
Please read About Tripe, left.
Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat at once. Seal
Cut into squares or strips:
the with a strip of pastry or tape and simmer
Cooked Tripe, left
10 to 12 hours. When tender, you may serve the Or, you may use blanched and parboiled tripe,
tripe with:
but it will need about 2V2 hours of simmering first
White Sauce I, 341
in salted water.
made with the drained liquid as stock, and add- Sprinkle with:
ing: Salt and paprika
Salt Dip it into:
V2 teaspoon prepared mustard Meat, 243
Fritter Batter for
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Fry in deep heated to 365°. Serve with:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley Tartare Sauce, 364
510 MEAT


olive oil)
6 Servings (2tablespoons lemon juice)
Please read About Tripe, 509. (1 teaspoon tarragon)

Wash well, then cut into 1

2 -inch strips: If you have marinated them, dry before rolling
2 blanched and parboiled
lb. tripe, them in:

Boil the tripe, covered, about 2 2 hours in:

(Bound Breading, 552)
Salted water Or, simply saute them briskly until golden in:
Drain. Heat in a skillet: V* cup butter or butter and olive oil
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or olive oil Garnish with:
Add and saute until golden: Fried Parsley, 314
2 cup chopped onions and serve with:

1 clove garlic, pressed Quick Tomato Sauce, 352

1 cup tomato puree
small diced green pepper, seeds and

membrane removed
4 Servings for a Calf Head
teaspoon thyme, basil or oregano
2 Servings for Lamb
1 bay leaf
It is alwavs so easy to butcher pre-say, "Let the
2 teaspoon salt

pare, etc." In this case, it is assumed that he has

Freshly ground pepper
been more than dulv accommodating: he has
Cover and simmer about 15 minutes. Add the removed the eves, and skinned the head, then
tripe and:
split it the long way to facilitate removing the
O/2 cup cooked minced ham)
brains. These we prefer to cook separately, 504,
(V2 cup sliced mushrooms)
as well as the tongue, 507. After scraping awav
Simmer 15 minutes more. If the sauce is too dry, blood clots, soak overnight refrigerated in salted
add a small amount of:
cold water to cover:
Red wine 1 calt or lamb head
Good served with:
Wash again in cold water. You may dry the head
Boiled Rice, 206
and brown it in butter or put in a large kettle and
bring to a boil:
Enough water to cover the head
Also known as animelles. frivolitees or "mountain 1 carrot
oysters," these testicles of young lambs are a great 1 onion
delicacy. 1
2 sliced lemon
To prepare, cut into the loose outer skin
first 1 bay leaf
for the entire length of the swelled surface. Re- 4 cloves
move this skin and again cut into the two inner 1 tablespoon salt
skins the same manner, disturbing the flesh
in A teaspoon pepper

as little as possible in peeling off these skins. An You may also add, to keep the bones white:
oval flesh form will remain. Soak the peeled fries (V2 cup veal kidney fat or suet)
in enough cold water to cover for about 3 hours, When this mixture reaches a boil, add the head.
refrigerated, changing the water several times dur-
Reduce the heat at once and simmer uncovered
ing this period. Drain. Cover fries with fresh cold
until the meat is tender, about 1 hour for lamb,
water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat at once and about 2 hours for calf. If you have included the
simmer about 6 minutes. Drain again and plunge tongue, it may take a little longer. When the meat
into cold water until cool.
is tender, drain and remove it from the bones and

dice it. Keep the meat warm. Skin, trim and slice
I. 2 Servings
the tongue. Meanwhile prepare a double por-
Prepare as above and slice think crosswise:
tion of:
4 lamb fries
Rosemary Wine Sauce, 347
Frv in deep fat heated to 365° until golden. Serve
using as stock the liquid in which the calf head
was cooked.
Lemon slices
Season to taste
or combine with:
Scrambled Eggs, 222 You mav wish to spice the sauce with:
(Mild white wine vinegar, lemon juice,
II. 2 Servings or dry white wine)
Prepare as above and slice across in \
-inch Reheat the meat, the tongue and the cooked
slices: brains in the sauce.Do not boil. Serve this dish
4 lamb fries garnished with:
You may marinate them about 1 hour in: Chopped parsley
MEAT 511

HEAD CHEESE OR BRAWN You may wrap and tie them in cheesecloth to re-
4 Servings tain their shape. Cover them with water. Add:
1 large sliced onion
A well-liked old-fashioned dish of jellied meat.
Have the butcher skin and quarter: 1 cut clove garlic
A calf head 1 sliced lemon
2 bay leaves
Clean teeth with a stiff brush and remove ears,
brains, eyes, snout and most of the fat. Soak the 3 or 4whole black peppercorns
quarters about 6 hours in cold water to extract the 6 or 8 whole cloves
Bring this mixture to the boiling point. Reduce
blood. Wash them. Barely cover with fresh cold
water, to which you may add: the heat and simmer uncovered about 4 hours.
(2 onions)
Add boiling water, if needed. Strain the stock
(5 cut-up celery ribs)
through a sieve and cook until reduced by one-
third. Remove the skin and the bones from the
Simmer until the meat is ready to fall from the
pigs' feet. Place the meat in the stock. Season to
bones, about 2 to 3 hours. Drain but reserve stock.
taste with:
Chip the meat off the bones. Dice it. Reduce the
stock bv one-half. Cover the meat well with the
White vinegar or dry white wine
stock. Reserve the brains. Now add:
Chop and add:
(1 pimiento, optional but decorative)
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Pour the pigs' feet or calves' feet into a mold and
chill until the stock is firm. Slice and serve cold
V8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
V2 teaspoon mace or sage
Cook for Vi hour. Pour into a mold and cover Remoulade Sauce, 364
with a cloth. Put a weight on top. Chill. Serve, cut
into slices, with:
French Dressing, 360
6 Servings
to which vou have added the diced cooked brains.
Follow the recipe for:
Jellied Pigs' Feet, above
During the 30 minutes of simmering, add:
2 to 2 lb. green beans, cabbage or
6 Servings sauerkraut
Preheat oven to 350°. Cook the vegetables with the pigs' feet until
Melt in a large heavy pan:
'A cup butter or beef drippings Season to taste
Brown in the fat: and serve hot.
3 oxtails, joints separated
3 cups hot Brown Stock, 522, or PIGS' KNUCKLES AND SAUERKRAUT
V2 stockand */i tomato juice 8 Servings
1 teaspoon salt Combine in a large pot with a lid:
2 peppercorns 2 lb. sauerkraut
Bring these ingredients to a boil, then place them 4 cleaned pigs' knuckles
in a casserole, cover, and bake until oxtails are 1 onion stuck with 2 cloves
tender, 3 to 5 hours, adding more needed.
stock if
IV2 teaspoons caraway seeds
For the last 45 minutes or so of cooking add: teaspoon pepper
8 small peeled onions cups beer, white wine or stock
Vi cup diced celery Cover and > simmer gently until the meat is ten-
A cup peeled diced carrots der, about 3 hours. Serve with:
Strain stock from the oxtails and skim off most of Boiled Potatoes, 317, or
the fat. Thicken stock with: Mashed Potatoes, 318
Flour, see Pan Gravy, 341
Season to taste
Combine meat, vegetables and gravy. Serve with PIGTAILS
a platter of: Wash and blanch II, 154, about 3 to 5 minutes:
Boiled Noodles, 213 Pigtails
covered with: Skim the scum off and simmer 1 V2 to 2 hours in a
Au Cratin II, 553 seasoned stock as suggested in:
jellied Pigs' Feet, above
Drain. Cut into serving lengths and serve with:
6 Servings You may make a sauce from the reduced liquid in
Wash, leave whole or split in halves: which the meat was cooked, adding a little:
6 pigs' or calves' feet Lemon juice
512 MEAT

PIGS' EARS Saute gently in:

Singe and clean the insides well
Pigs' ears
until a delicate brown.
Cover with:
Salted boiling water
Dice, put into boiling water or stock, then re-
seasoned with:
A Bouquet Garni, 572 duce the heat at once and simmer until tender,
An onion stuck with 3 cloves about 1 hour:
Reduce the heat at simmer and cook
once to a
Chicken giblets: gizzards and hearts
about 50 minutes. Skin the ears and cut into coarse Add, for the last 15 minutes of cooking:
julienne strips, 296, or in halves. You may bread
Chopped green pepper, seeds and
them with: membrane removed
(A Bound Breading, 552) Diced onion
Sliced carrot
and deep-fry them at 365°, or pan-fry them. Serve
as a garnish for a pork roast or as an entree with: Chopped celery

Mashed Potatoes, 318 Drain these ingredients, reserving the stock. Make:
Gravy, 341
CHITTERLINGS 2 tablespoons butter
6 to 7 Servings 2 tablespoons flour to 1 cup stock, or
We were well along in we
years before stock and dry white wine
that the name of this dish had an "e," an "r," a Season to taste

"g" and 3 syllables, and still farther along before Add the giblets and vegetables and simmer but
we found these were the base for the sausage, do not boil. Serve on:
Andouillette, the French set such store by. Just Toast
after slaughtering,empty the intestines of a young or with:
pig while still warm, by turning them inside out Rice or noodles
and scraping the mucous covering off completely.
Wash in cold water, then soak 24 hours refrig-
erated in cold salted water to cover. Then wash These have been used since the time of Apicius
again in 5 or 6 waters. Remove excess fat, but as a garnish for chicken dishes.
leave some for flavor. Blanch:
Put in a large pot with enough water to cover: Cockscombs
10 lb. chitterlings cut into 2-inch lengths Peel off the outer skin. Steam, covered, on a:

1 garlic clove Mirepoix, 572

2 teaspoons salt moistened with:
Vi teaspoon pepper 1 cup Light Stock, 522
V2 teaspoon each thyme, clove, mace until tender, about 45 to 50 minutes. Drain well,
and allspice cut an incision and stuff with:
1 bay leaf Duxelles, 573, or Chicken Farce, 374
V* cup sliced onions Dip in:
(3 red pepper pods) Allemande Sauce, 345
2 tablespoons fresh parsley then in crumbs and fry in deep fat heated to 365°
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar until the crumbs color.

Bring slowly to a boil. Cover and reduce the

heat at once and simmer 3 to 4 hours. Stir occa-
sionally to keep it from sticking. During the last Spinal marrow may be substituted in any of the
30 minutes of cooking, you may add: recipes for brains. Bone marrow may be removed
(V* cup tomato catsup) from split large bones. It must not be over-
Season to taste cooked, as it is very fat and simply disintegrates
and serve with: under too high heat. It may be cut into Vi-inch
Corn Bread, 627, or Black-Eyed Peas, 286 slices and softened in the top of a double boiler
— —
over not in boiling water; or gently and briefly
poached in a little stock IV2 to 2 minutes. Serve
SAUTEED CHITTERLINGS on small rounds as an appetizer. It may also
Prepare previous recipe for: be gently poached in the bone in water barely to
Chitterlings cover, or baked in a 300° oven about 1 hour. If
omitting the vinegar and catsup. When tender, you have used spinal marrow, remove the filament
drain and dry well. Dip them in: before serving. See also Marrow Balls for Soup,
Seasoned Flour, 552 196, and Osso Buco, 471.
smooth and sharp. Test for the youth of the ani-
mal, also, by turning the claws sideways. If they
crack, the animal is old. The ears should be soft
and should bend easily. A young hare has a
stumpy neck and long legs. To ensure tender
meat, hang the animals by the feet from 1 to 4
days. They will be tender without hanging, how-
ever, if used before they have time to stiffen.
Once stiffened, they are edible as long as the hind
legs are rigid, butif the joint has become pliable,

discard them.
To dress rabbit or hare, don gloves to avoid
possible tularemia infection. Sever the front legs
GAME at the joint as shown, 514, by the dotted line.
Cut through the skin around the hind legs the
same way. Tie the feet together securely. Hang the
Through the ages every art lover has enjoyed rabbit on a hook where tied. From the dotted line
vicariously the excitement of the chase. Those of pull skin off the legs toward the hind feet, strip-
us with sportsmen in the family have had more ping it inside out like a glove. Then pull the re-
immediate gustatory pleasures. Venison has again maining skin over the body and forelegs. Sever
become easily available to hunters in many sec- the head and discard it with the skin. Slit the rab-
tions of the country, and small creatures are still bit down the front. Remove the entrails and dis-

triumphantly pursued by the rural young. Friends card them, except for the heart and liver. Wash
from France have told us of stirring and fashion- the carcass inside and out with acidulated water
able boar hunts around Poitiers in their youth. Al- water to which 1 or 2 tablespoons of vinegar have
though we never expect to hear the hunting horn been added. Rinse and dry carefully. Cook by any
ourselves or to see the fierce tusks of this for- recipe calling for chicken, especially highly sea-
midable foe on our own table, we have had the soned dishes like curries, or use any of the fol-
fun of the symbolic substitute, 517, during the lowing recipes.
holiday season. And with protein so sought after,
we may all become more interested in having a
If rabbitis very young, prepare as for:
colony of coneys nearby from which to make
Hasenpfeffer in a handsome clay casserole, as Sauteed Chicken, 424
Serve with:
shown above. May these recipes be a help.
Elderberry preserves


Small game should be dressed as soon as possible,
Preheat oven to 450°.
see Preparing Game, 810. If you are a novice, the
Skin and clean:
most important things to remember are the fol- A youngrabbit or hare
lowing: Never handle any wild meat without Stuff with any recipe suitable for fowl, adding
using gloves, because of the danger of tularemia
the rabbit's sauteed chopped liver. Truss it. Brush
infection. Always make sure the meat of wild the rabbit all over with:
animals is sufficiently cooked because any omniv-
Melted butter or vegetable oil
orous warm-blooded animal may be harboring Dredge with:
trichinosis. Be guided in your choice of recipe by
Seasoned Flour, 552
the age of the animal, using a moist-heat process,
Place on a rack on its side in a roasting pan in
149, for older animals. Some of the most delicious the oven. Reduce the heat to 350°. Baste every
game sauces use blood as a thickener. To trap and 15 minutes with the drippings in the pan or, if
preserve the blood, see 810. To incorporate it into necessary, with:
a sauce, see 339.
(Additional butter)
Small game such as rabbit, squirrel and muskrat
Turn the rabbit when cooking time is about half
may be substituted in most recipes calling for
over. Cook until tender, about 1 /2 hours. Make:

chicken. Here are some classic, and some not so

Pan Gravy, 341
classic, recipes which take into account the special Serve with:
characteristics of these small animals.
Grated fresh horseradish and Boiled
Potatoes, 317
Rabbits weigh between 3 and 5 pounds, while FRICASSEE OF RABBIT OR HARE
hares may weigh up to 10 to 14 pounds. European Skin, clean and cut into pieces:
hare is all dark meat, while American domestic A rabbit
hare is all white. When rabbit or hare is young Dredge with:
and fresh, the cleft in the lip is narrow, the claws Seasoned Flour, 552

514 GAME
Dredge with:
Seasoned Flour, 552
Melt pot or skillet:
in a
3 tablespoons drippings or butter
Saute the rabbit in the drippings until browned.
Cover thickly with:
Sliced onions
Pour over them:
1 cup cultured sour cream
> ;^1 -
Cover and simmer 1 hour, or place the pot in a
300° oven and bake the rabbit until tender, about

IV2 hours.
In Germany this marinated stew of either hare or
rabbit is known as Hasenpfeffer; in France, jugged
rabbit is civet de lapin, jugged hare is civet de
A rabbit
Cut into pieces by severing the legs at the joints
and cutting the back into 3 sections. Place the
pieces in a crock or jar. Marinate refrigerated 24
to 48 hours in:
Cooked Marinade for Came, 529
Drain and reserve the marinade. Dry the pieces of
rabbit. Dip them in:
Brown until golden in:
Melt in a skillet: 3 tablespoons bacon drippings
Va cup butter Remove the browned rabbit to an ovenproof cas-
or you may use: serole.
(Va lb. diced, lightly rendered salt pork) Preheat oven to 300°.
Add: Saute in the pan the rabbit was browned in:
cup chopped shallots or onions
Va 1 cup finely chopped onions
(1 cup cut-up mushrooms) 2 tablespoons butter
Remove the shallots and mushrooms before sau- Add the saute to the casserole with the warmed
teing the meat in the drippings until lightly marinade and bring to a boil on top of the stove.
browned. Flambe the rabbit by pouring over it: Remove at once, cover and place in the oven
(2 oz. brandy) about 2 hours or until tender.
Add: Season to taste
1 Vi cups stock or dry wine Place rabbit on a serving dish and pour sauce
and, in a cloth bag: over Serve with:

A piece of lemon rind Noodles, 213

3 peppercorns
2 ribs celery with leaves Servings
Skin, clean and cut into pieces:
Cover the pot closely. Simmer the meat until done,
A rabbit
1 hour or more, or put it in a 300° oven covered
in a large skillet and add:
for about 2 hours —
but > do not let it boil at any
Place pieces
1 lb.pork sausage or 3 smoked pork sausages
time. Ten minutes before you remove the rabbit
1 cup beer
from the pot, take out the seasoning bag and add
Va cup cider vinegar
the mushrooms and shallots. Place the rabbit on
1 cup consomme or stock
a hot serving dish. Remove the sauce from the
1 cup browned bread crumbs or Va cup rice
heat and thicken with:
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
Beurre Manie, 340
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
1 teaspoon brown sugar
WITH ONIONS Bring to a boil then reduce heat, cover and
Skin, clean and cut into pieces: simmer gently 2 hours. Skim off fat before making:
A rabbit Pan Gravy, 341
GAME 515

RABBIT WITH CHILI BEANS and pull steadily and slowly, as shown in the cen-
4 Servings ter sketch, until the skin has worked itself over the
Skin, clean and cut into pieces: front legs and head. While holding the squirrel in
A rabbit the same position, pull the remaining skin from

Brown the pieces in a large skillet in: the hind legs. Proceed then as for Rabbit, 513, cut-
2 tablespoons olive oil ting off the head and the feet and removing the

with: internal organs, plus two small glands found in

1 clove garlic, pressed the small of the back and under each foreleg,
Add: between the ribs and the shoulders.
1 cup hot water or light stock Stuff and roast squirrels as for Pigeons, 441,

Vi teaspoon salt barding them, or as for Braised Chicken, 425, or

'/a teaspoon pepper
use them in Brunswick Stew, 427. Season the
1 small can tomato paste: 6 oz.
gravy with:
1 teaspoon chili powder Walnut Catsup, 848
2 cups kidney beans and serve with:
Cover and simmer gently about 2 hours. Before Polenta, 201
serving, sprinkle with:
2 tablespoons grated cheese
Please read About Small Game, 513.
Place under broiler until the cheese is golden.
If possible, trap 'possum and feed it on milk and

cereals for 10 days before killing. Clean, but do

not skin. Treat as for pig by immersing the un-
Please read About Small Game, 513.
skinned animal in water just below the boiling
Gray squirrels are preferred to red squirrels,
point. Test frequently by plucking at the hair.
which are quite gamy in flavor.
When it slips out readily, remove the opossum
from the water and scrape. While scraping re-
peatedly, pour cool water over the surface of the
animal. Remove small red glands in small of the
back and under each foreleg between shoulder
and ribs. Parblanch, 154, about 20 minutes each,
in two or three changes of water, then roast as for
pork, 477, or use recipes for rabbit. Serve with:
Turnip greens

Please read About Small Game, 513. Skin by
hanging back legs from hooks. Remove kernels
in small of back and under forelegs. Hang in a

cool dry place 48 hours. Soak overnight refrig-

erated in salted water:
In the morning, bring this water to a boil. Drain
and immerse porcupine again in cold water. Bring
to a boil and again drain. Place the meat in a
Dutch oven. Add:
3 cups water or light stock
1 rib celery, chopped
1 medium-sized onion
V* teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Simmer until tender, about 2V2 hours.

Please read About Small Game, 513. Skin and
remove glands in small of back and on either side
of spine, and one under each foreleg of:
To skin, don gloves to avoid possible tularemia 1 raccoon
infection. Cut the tail bone through from beneath, Remove all fat, inside and out. Soak overnight
but take care not to cut through the skin of the refrigerated in:
tail. Hold squirrel by the tail and then cut the Salt water
skin the width of the back, as shown center. Blanch, 154, for 45 minutes. Add:
Turn the squirrel over on its back and step on the 2 tablespoons baking soda
base of the tail. Hold the hind legs in one hand and continue to cook uncovered for 5 minutes.
516 GAME
Drain and wash in warm water. Put in cold water Draw and cut free from the shell:
and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 1armadillo
15 minutes. Discard fat and all but the back meat. Wash thor-
Preheat oven to 350°. oughly in cold water and soak overnight refriger-
Stuff the raccoon with: ated in cold water. Drain and dry. To cook, cut
Sweet Potato and Apple Dressing, 374 into pieces. Brush well with:
Bake, covered, about 45 minutes. Uncover and Butter or vegetable oil
bake 15 minutes longer before serving. Broil until the meat is a rich brown.
Season to taste
and serve at once.
4 Servings
>•Please read About Small Came, 513. ABOUT LARGE GAME
Skin and remove all fat from hams and shoulders
Today, when
hunters are so aware of the need to
treat theirbooty with care from the moment it is
1 muskrat
shot, joy can prevail. See About Preparing Game,
These are the only edible portions. Remove musk 810. No
matter what the method of handling, cer-
glands under legs and belly and white stringy tis- Game shot in an un-
tain preparations are basic.
sue attached to musk glands. Poach, 150, in salted suspecting moment is more tender and will also
water for 45 minutes. Drain. Place cut-up meat in deteriorate less quickly than game that is chased.
Dutch oven and cover with: Avoid buying any trapped animals for food. Im-
Bacon strips
mediate and careful gutting, immediate removal
Add: of all hair near exposed flesh, and prompt skin-
1 cup water or light stock ning are essential. In dressing game, be careful not
1 small sliced onion
to cut into musk glands on lower belly.
1 bay leaf
^ Care must be taken to remove all fat from
3 cloves
any of these game animals, as it grows rancid
/2 teaspoon thyme

quickly. ^ Do not use it to grease pans or for sau-

Cover and simmer until very tender. Serve with: teing or browning. The livers and heart, after cool-
Creamed Celery, 297 ing, are often eaten at the campsite. As with all
game, the lushness of the season and the age of
WOODCHUCK the animal contribute to the decision as to how
^ Please read About Small Game, 513. to cook it. For Marinades for Game, see 529.
After field-dressing woodchuck and hanging it for Cultured Buttermilk Marinade, 528, will lessen the
48 hours, skin as for rabbit, but watch for and gamy flavor of the antlered animals.
remove 7 to 9 small kernel-like glands under the For sauces for game, see 356. Cabbage, turnips,
forelegs. Soak refrigerated overnight in salted chestnuts and mushrooms are often suggested as
water. Drain and wipe dry. Cook by any recipe classic game accompaniments, as are brandied
for rabbit or chicken. fruits.


Please read About Small Game, 513. This romantic word can cover any of the edible
Use young animals only. Remove all surface fat animals taken in the chase, but we are discussing
when skinning, but avoid cutting musk glands, here only antlered types. A famous sportsman
which must be removed from beneath the skin in called venison a gift of joy to some, a matter of
front of the genital organs. Also remove kernels secret interment to others. > Please read About
in small of back and under each foreleg. Hang in Large Game, above.
the cold for several days. Poach, 150, in salted The choice cuts of very young deer and of fat
water for 1 hour. Braise as for beef, 447, until old bucks can be roasted or broiled as for beef.
tender. Since venison is lean, it needs larding, 444, or
barding, 420. Other cuts should be marinated and
BEAVER TAIL cooked as for any moist-processed beef, 447.
Reindeer meat also is cooked as for beef.
To Indians and settlers alike, this portion of the
Moose meat, which is relatively fat, calls for
animal was considered the greatest. Hold over
cooking like pork and can also have the same
open flame until rough skin blisters. Remove
sweet and sweet-sour garnishes and sauces. Elk
from heat. When cool, peel off skin. Roast over
is close to beef in taste and texture. Cook elk calf
coals or simmer until tender.
as for veal, but watch it for spoilage, as it sours
ARMADILLO Mouffle, the loose covering around the nose
Under its shell this small scaly creature has a light and lips of the moose or elk, is prized for stewing
meat, porklike in flavor. or roasting. Cook as for Fresh Tongue, 507.
GAME 517


8 Servings Prepare:
Preheat oven to 550°. Meat Loaf I, 493
Lard, 444: using:
A 6- to 7-lb. saddle of venison 1
4 lb. ground venison
Rub it with: !A lb. ground sausage
A cut clove of garlic
Butter BEAR
Place the roast, fat side up, uncovered on a rack Please read About Large Came, opposite.
in the oven. Reduce the heat to 350° and bake, Remove all fatand bone from bear meat. The fat
allowing in all 20 minutes to the pound. Make: turns rancid very quickly. rendered at once, it

Pan Gravy, 341 is prized for cooking; if held, it is good only for
Serve with: boot grease. All bear is edible. Tough, strongly
Hot Cumberland Sauce, 356 flavored bear may be improved by refrigerating
Wild Rice, 212 at least 24 hours in an oil-based marinade before
cooking. Cook, after marination, as for any recipe
ROAST LEG OF VENISON for Beef Pot Roast or Stew, 459. Bear cub will need
Bard, 420, the roast. Cook as for Roast Beef, 454. about 2V2 hours' cooking; for an older animal,
allow 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Bear, like pork, can carry

SAUTEED VENISON STEAKS trichinosis, so be sure the meat is always well

I. Have ready: cooked through.

Young venison steaks, V2 inch thick
Before cooking, rub with:
Immediately after killing, remove the musk glands
inthe middle of the back. This meat needs mar-
To keep them crisp and brown on the outside,
rare and juicy within, saute them in:
inating before cooking. After this, you may pre-
tablespoon butter
pare it as in any moist-heat pork recipe, 479-482.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
5 to 6 minutes to the side. Serve with:
Hot Cumberland Sauce, 356 Use only very young animals, a year or under, and
or with: prepare as for:
Maitre d'Hotel Butter, 350 Suckling Pig, 478
If older, prepare by a moist-heat process for:
or with:
Pureed celery with croutons and Pork, 479-482
Sauce Poivrade, 347
II. Soak for 24 hours refrigerated: 30 Servings
Venison steaks, 3A inch thick Among treasured Christmas traditions, like the
in: gilded peacock, the boar's head ranks high, see
Lamb or Game Marinade, 528 illustration on 513. While this fierce creature may
Drain and dry. Saute and serve as directed in I, not be available, his domestic counterpart still
above. subsists in Appalachia and can even be ordered
in supermarkets throughout the U.S. during the
BRAISED VENISON holiday season. The separate ingredients for the
stuffing can be prepared and refrigerated a day
For this process, use the less tender cuts of meat
or two in advance, with the final mixing taking
either in 1 large piece or cut into small ones, but
place immediately before stuffing and roasting the
be sure to remove all fat. Place the meat in a
marinade, 528, from 12 to 48 hours in the refrig-
After experiments with several different meth-
erator. Turn it from time to time. Dry it. Prepare
ods of preparing a boar's head, the following
as for Pot Roast, 459. Use the marinade in the
rather unconventional foil procedure was found
stock.Cook until tender; the length of time will
depend on the age of the to be most effective. It culminates in a gloriously
glazed and garnished presentation. So gird up your
loins for the fray and prepare to receive a hero's
VENISONBURGER reward in gratitude from your assembled guests.
To make this lean meat more interesting in ground To loosen the head skin and to cook the head
form, combine: meat, place on a shallow rack in a large ham
2 parts ground venison boiler:
with: A 15- to 18-lb. head of a young boar or pig
1 meat
part fresh sausage with eyes, teeth and brains intact. Pour into the
Cook as for Hamburger, 487, but allow extra time boiler:
to be sure the meat is no longer pink Water
518 GAME

deep enough to cover 1 inch of the. base of the The stuffing should have a moist, not wet, qual-
head, and keep the water > simmering at that ity, rendered from the skin will give it added
as fat
depth while steaming, covered, 2 to 3 hours. cohesion. If you feel it needs more moisture, you
After removing the head from the boiler, refrig- may add:
erate it to chill thoroughly. When
ready to remove O/2 cup additional wine or stock)
the skin all in one piece, let the head reach a tem- Preheat oven to 325°.
perature warm enough on the outside so the skin Now to the stuffing of the skin, which needs two
is pliable. Put the head on a large cutting board. people. Have the skin at room temperature or
With a short thin knife, make a lengthwise inci- warm enough so it is pliable. Prepare a large
sion from the base of the snout to the base of the roasting pan with a rack. Cover the rack with
neck skin. Beginning at the end of the incision, heavy-duty foil, first lengthwise and then cross-
gently and carefully, especially around the eyes, wise, allowing long enough pieces to eventually
cut upward under the skin on both sides to loosen encompass the whole head and form a pyramid
the skin as you go. Continue to release the skin, shape over the top. Neatly cut a lengthwise 5-inch
being careful not to puncture it. Some fat will gash through the center of the foil to allow excess
adhere to the skin; leave it on, as it will render fat to drain into the roaster. Place the skin "face
away during the roasting and will help give the up" in the middle of the foil, with the snout facing
final brown and shiny look you want in the fin- you. Should the skin have split at the bridge of
ished product. Fold and keep the skin chilled the snout during the steaming, you can repair it
.in a plastic wrapping until ready to stuff it. with skewers or by sewing it with loose stitches,
Now start to remove the head meat. If it proves using a coarse thread and a meat or upholstery
not to be tender enough to cut easily into bite- needle, 445. Do not tighten the stitches, as the
sized pieces, return the skinned head to the pot stuffing will expand and damage the skin further.
and steam 1 hour longer. When cutting, discard Or, you may even leave the split if you subse-
as much of the fat as possible. If meat still seems quently tighten the foil well when shaping up the
undercooked, you may saute the small pieces head.
very slowly until gray throughout. Discard the As one person lightly stuffs the hollow head, his
overcooked brains and eyes. Also discard the helper carefully draws the foil up and around the
skull, and refrigerate the head meat until ready to head skin, letting it assume its own shape. You
prepare the stuffing. may have to lift the head slightly for it to shape
up. When no more stuffing can be inserted with-
out packing it, cover the open cavity with foil
Have ready: and crimp the foil tightly over the bridge of the
A 2- to 3-lb. cooked Boston butt pork roast,
snout and over eye openings, carefully pulling so
cut into bite-sized pieces it conforms to the head shape and also supports
2 lb. cooked ground pork sausage it. Protect the ears with additional foil so they will
7 cups Boiled long-grain Rice, 206
not burn.
Heat in a very large pot: Put any leftover stuffing in a separate ovenproof
5 tablespoons butter dish for the last hour of baking the head. Bake
Add and saute until golden, then cover and sim- the head about 2 hours or until the skin is brown
mer until tender: and lightly crisped. Serve on a large platter with
2 cups chopped onions the foil cut away. Surround with a lush bed of
1 cup chopped celery garnishes such as:
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning or Four Glazed Vegetables, 280
Spices, 572
Colorful drained poached fruits, 126,
1 to 1 V2 teaspoons sage
or greens
Vt. teaspoon salt
Place in each eye:
Gently stir in:
Halves of hard-cooked egg, 220
1 cup dry white wine
and under the snout:
1 cup Chicken Stock, 523
An apple
1 lb. coarsely chopped walnuts or
For tusks, use:
Boiled Chestnuts, 298
Small scraped carrots
and the cut-up cooked pork, the cooked sausage
and, traditionally, a small flag is waving from the
and the head meat. If there is excess fat, remove
it. Take the pot off the heat and add:
top of the head when it is brought to the table
6 cups seasoned coarse dry bread crumbs with a fanfare! The boar's head may be served
or cubes with your favorite Christmas roast.
a growing awareness that a galaxy of pollutants
such as viruses, nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides,
and asbestos and other carcinogens can and must
be removed from our water supplies, just as puri-
fying plants were set up earlier to control the
bacteria that produced cholera, typhoid and dys-
entery. Both the quality and the composition of
water remain essential to community health. And
they are not irrelevant to the results we achieve
in our kitchens.

In this book, when the word water appears in

the recipes, we assume it has a 60° to 80° tem-
perature. If hotter or colder water is needed, it

is specified.
^ Soft
water is best for most cooking processes,
although very soft water will make yeast doughs
soggy and sticky. Hard water and some artifi-
cially softened waters affect flavor. They may
toughen legumes and fruits and shrivel pickles.

KNOW YOUR They markedly alter the color of vegetables in the

cabbage family and turn onions, cauliflower, po-
tatoes and rice yellow. If your water is hard, cook-
INGREDIENTS ing these vegetables a blanc, 447, is a superior
method of preparation. Hard water retards fer-
mentation of yeast, although it strengthens the
What a wealth of materials we have to work with! gluten in flour. Alkaline waters, however, have a
Staples like milksand stocks, oils, beans, sprouts, solvent effect on gluten, as well as diminishing its
honeys, gelatins, leavens, cheese and eggs, nuts, gas-retaining properties —
and, consequently, the
seeds, herbs, and exotics like chocolates and size of the loaf.

spices. Where do these supplies fit into your Water hardness is due to various combinations
kitchen maneuvers? What qualities make them of salts, and there are a number of ways by which
it may be reduced. Passing hard water through a
interchangeable? Which must you compensate
for? tank containing counteractive chemicals may be
Oddly enough, many of the most basic cooking helpful, but most of these systems principally

— those go
materials that into ninety-nine out of a exchange sodium for calcium compounds and are
hundred recipes — are so con-
familiar, or rather so more effective in water used in dish-
stantly used, that their characteristics are taken for washing than water used in cooking. If the salts
granted even by experienced cooks. And, by be- happen to consist of bicarbonates of calcium and
ginners, their peculiarities are often simply ig- magnesium, simply boiling the water for 20 or 30
nored. Yet success in cooking depends largely on minutes will cause them to precipitate. But if the
one's becoming fully aware of how both common water originally held in solution large amounts of
and uncommon ingredients react. Here and now sulfates, boiling it will increase hardness rather
we put them all — from
water to weather under — than reduce it, because the sulfates are concen-
the magnifying glass and point out just what it is trated by evaporation. > Certain types of hard
that they contribute to the cooking process. With water must be avoided by people who are on low-
the knowledge gained in this chapter and the sodium or salt-free diets.
chapter on Heat, plus the information keyed by
Sodium chloride, or common salt, may occur
symbol and reference into our recipes at the point
in inland as well as ocean waters. The Public
of use, we assure you a continuous and steady
Health Service's drinking water standards recom-
development from would-be to sure-fire cook.
mend that not more than .025% salt be permitted
in a public drinking water supply. Should you be

ABOUT WATER interested in finding out what type of water you

have, call your local waterworks or health depart-
One debu-
of our family jokes involved an 1890
tante cousin from Indianapolis who, when asked ment if you live in a town, or your county agent if
where her hometown got its water, replied: "Out you live in the country.
of a faucet." Many of us have come to assume that Most old recipes recommend long soaking of
there is a kind of nationwide standardization in food in water. But we know that fruits, salad
tap water. As long as it runs clear, plentiful, hot greens and vegetables should be washed as quickly
and cold, and reasonably pleasant to the taste, few as possible. Soaking leaches out water-soluble
of us bother our heads further about its purity vitamins. And, because of this leaching action, it
than did our pretty Victorian cousin. Yet there is is a good plan to utilize soaking and cooking


waters, unless they have bitter or off-flavors or ACIDULATED WATER

unless discarding is specified in a given recipe.
I. To 1 quart water, add 1 tablespoon vinegar.
Occasionally recipes indicate water by weight,
in which case use 1 tablespoon for V2 ounce, 1 II. To 1 quart water, add 2 tablespoons vinegar
cup for 8 ounces, 2 cups for 1 pound. or 3 tablespoons lemon juice (1 teaspoon salt).

The boiling temperature of water at sea level III. To 1 quart water, add V2 cup wine.
— 212° — is increased in direct proportion to the
IV. Also see Anti-Browning Solutions for Canning,
number of particles dissolved in it. The amount of
805, and for Freezing, 823.
salt added in not enough to change the
cooking is

normal sea-level boiling point. With the addition ABOUT STOCKS

of sugar, however, the boiling point is lowered
Antique dealers may respond hopefully to dusty
appreciably. For boiling at high altitudes, see 145.
bits in attics, but true cooks palpitate over even

WATER PURIFICATION more curious oddments: mushroom and tomato

skins, fowl carcasses, tender celery leaves, fish
In using or storing water, be sure of two things:
heads, knucklebones and chicken feet. These are
that the source from which you get it is uncon-
taminated, and that the vessels you store it in are
just a few of the treasures for the stockpot that —
sterile. The color of water has nothing to do with
magic source from which comes the telling char-
acter of the cuisine. The juices made and saved
its purity. As disease germs are more often derived

from animal than from vegetable matter, a brown from meat and vegetable cookery are so important
swamp water may be purer than a blue lake water. that in France they are called bases or fonds. You
^ If water has been exposed to radioactive fallout, will note in the recipes for gravies, aspics, soups
or sauces the insistent call for stocks. While these
do not use it. Water from wells and springs, if
protected from surface contamination, should be
need not always be heavily reduced ones ^ do
safe from this hazard. For water storage in shelters,
experiment by tasting the wonderful difference
use plastic bottles or glass ones that are sur-
when these liquids replace water. When stocks
are specified in long-cooking recipes, they are
rounded by and separated from each other by
always meat stocks, as vegetable and fish stocks
excelsior or packing. Inspect the stored water
deteriorate in flavor if simmered longer than 30
periodically and replace any that is cloudy. Allow
for each person, for drinking, a minimum of 7
gallons for each 2-week period; and for personal You will want to store separately, refrigerated,
cleanliness, another 7 gallons.
and use very sparingly certain strongly flavored
If you are in doubt as to the purity of water,
waters like cabbage, carrot, turnip and bean or
treat it in one of the following ways:
those from starchy vegetables, if the stock is to be
a clear one. And you will certainly reserve any
I. water vigorously 3 minutes. Boiled water
Boil light-fleshed fish and shellfish residues for use in
can be improved in flavor if aerated
tastes flat but fish dishes exclusively. Fish and vegetable stocks
by pouring it a number of times from one clean with vegetable oils are important in au maigre
vessel to another. cooking, on those days when religious observ-
ance calls for meatless meals, as contrasted with
II. Use water purification
recommended on the label.
tablets in the dosage —
au gras or meat and meat-fat-based cooking. —
Like us, you may look askance at the liquids in

III. Add
to clear water, allowing 8 drops per
which modern hams and tongues have been
gallon, any household bleach that contains hypo- cooked, because of the chemicals now used in
curing. If you use cooking waters from salt meat,
chlorite in 5.25% solution. The label should give
you this information. If the water is cloudy, in-
even a preliminary blanching, 154, may not reduce
salt content sufficiently to allow its use in sauces.
crease to 16 drops per gallon. In either case, stir
and allow the water to stand 30 minutes after You will never, of course, want to use the cooking
water from an "old" ham. But whether you are a
adding the hypochlorite. The water should have
purist who uses only beef-based stock with beef,
a distinct chlorine taste and odor. This is a sign
of safety, and if you do not detect it by smell,
and chicken with chicken, or whether you experi-
add another dose of the hypochlorite and wait ment with more complex combinations, for both
15 minutes. If the chlorine odor is still not present,
nutrient values and taste dividends do make
and save stocks.
the hypochlorite may have weakened through
age, and the water is not safe for storage or
While we urge you to utilize the kitchen odd-
IV. Add to clear water, allowing 12 drops per ments described under Household Stock, 523, we
gallon, 2% tincture of iodine. Stir thoroughly be- become daily more aware that the neatly pack-
fore storing. To cloudy water, allow 24 drops aged meats and vegetables most of us get at the
for each gallon. Stir thoroughly before storing or supermarket give us a decreasing minimum of
drinking. This method is not recommended for trimmings. The rabbits, old pheasants and hens
persons with thyroid disturbances. that make for such picturesque reading in ancient

stock recipes —
fairly thrusting the hunter and foamy albuminous material
perative to skim this
farmer laden with earthy bounty straight into the before the hour of cooking. After the last
first half
kitchen —
have given way to a well-picked-over skimming, wipe the edge of the stockpot at the
turkey carcass and a specially purchased soup level of the soup. Some nutritionists advise against
bunch including celery stalks and leaves, carrots, skimming stocks to be used for brown sauces.
green onions and parsley. But even these are
Stock making is an exception to almost every
other kind of cooking. Instead of calling for things
young and tender ^ remember that mature vege-
tables and meat from aged animals will be most
flavorsome. Remember, too, that instead of mak-
ing every effort to keep juices within the materials
vou are cooking, you want to extract and trap
every vestige of flavor from them —
in liquid form.

So soaking in cold water and starting to cook in

cold water both of which methods draw juices
are the first steps to your goal; but have the in-
gredients to be cooked and the water at the same
temperature at the onset of cooking. Bones are Add whatever seasoning vegetables are called
disjointed or crushed; meat is trimmed of excess for and simmer the stock partially covered, with
fat and cut up; and vegetables, after cleaning, may
the lid at an angle, until you are sure you have
even be .*» blended. extracted all the goodness from the ingredients
In making dark stocks, browning a portion of at least 2 hours, and as long as 12 if raw bones are
the meat or roasting it until brown, but not used. To keep the stock clear, drain it, not by
scorched, will add flavor, but before proceeding, pouring, but by ladling. Or use a stockpot with a
pour off any grease that develops. For a sturdy spigot. Then strain the stock through 2 layers of
meat stock, allow only 2 cups of water to every cheesecloth that have been wrung out in water.
cup of lean meat and bone. They may be used in Cool it uncovered. To cool quickly, place the
about equal weights. When this much meat is stock in a tall container and partially immerse in
used, only a few vegetables are needed to give cold water. Store it tightly covered and refriger-
flavor to the soup.
ated. The grease will rise in a solid mass which is
Bones, especially marrowbones and ones with also a protective coating. Do
not remove this until
gelatinous extractives, play a very important role you are ready to reheat the stock for serving or
in stock. But if a too large proportion of them is use. For more about this coating, see About Drip-
used, the stock becomes gluey and should be re- pings, 542.
served for use in gravies and sauces. Raw and Stocks keep 3 to 4 days refrigerated; for a
cooked bones should not be mixed if a clear stock longer period if frozen. The best practice is to
is desired. Nor, for clear stock, should any starchy
bring them to a boil at the end of this period and
or very greasy foods be added to the stockpot. cool partially before re-storing. It is also good
Starchy foods also tend to make the stock sour practice to bring them to a boil if adding other
pot liquors to them.
Essential to retaining the flavor of the extracted
juices most is steady low heat for the simmer-
ing of the brew. You may laugh
at the following These all-important ingredients should be
primitive suggestion. But it is our answer to the added sparingly, about half an hour after the soup
thinness of modern pots and the passing of that begins to simmer and the scum has been re-
precious source of household heat, "the back of moved. The seasoning should be corrected again
the stove," now found only in special equipment. just before the soup is served.
^ If you do not have an asbestos pad to produce > Never salt heavily at the beginning of stock
an evenly transmitted heat, get two or three bricks making. The great reduction both in original cook-
— depending on the size of your pot and the size ing and in subsequent cooking if —
the stock is
of the heating area. Put them on your burner, set —
used as an ingredient makes it almost impossible
at low heat and place your soup pot on them, as to judge the amount you will need. And a little
shown in the sketch opposite. You need then have extra salt can so easily ruin your results. If stocks
no worries about boiling over or about disturbing are stored, the salt and seasoning are apt to inten-
the long, steady simmering rhythm. Or, for a simi- sify, and if any wine is used in dishes made from
lar effect, use a double boiler. When choosing a stock, the salt flavor will be increased.
heavy stockpot, avoid aluminum, as it may affect The discreet use of either fresh or dried herbs
the clarity of the stock. and spices is important. Use whole spices pep- —
As the stock heats, quite a heavy scum rises to percorns, allspice, cinnamon and coriander and —
the surface. If a clear soup is wanted, it is im- celery seeds and bay leaf, but not too much. Add

mace, paprika and cayenne in the stingiest formed a glutinous substance that will coat a
pinches. Be sure to use a Bouquet Garni, 572. For spoon. Reduction usually involves condensing to
a quick soup, try a Chiffonade, 571. An onion about half the original amount of liquid. See
stuck with two or three cloves is de rigueur, and, Glazes and Glacage, 367. When we have the
if available, add one or two leeks. patience to make them, these overpoweringly
strong stocks from meat and fowl are most valu-
able for seasoning and finishing. They freeze *
If you have followed carefully the directions in
very well, too.
Meat Stock Making, 520, your product should be
clear enough for most uses. But for extra-sparkling
aspic, jellied consomme, or chaud-froid you may
I. About 2 Quarts
wish to clarify stock in one of two ways. Both are
^ Please read About Stocks, 520.
designed to remove cloudiness; the second
Cut into pieces and brown in a 350° oven:
method also strengthens flavor. >• Be sure the 6 lb. lean shin bones and marrow bones
stock to be clarified has been well degreased,
Place them in a large stockpot with:
and never let it boil.
4 quarts cold water
I. Allow to each quart of broth 1 slightly beaten Bring slowly to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer,
egg white and 1 crumpled shell. If the stock to be uncovered, about 30 minutes. Remove scum, see
left, and add:
clarified has not been fully cooled and is still
8 black peppercorns
lukewarm, also add a few ice cubes for each
6 whole cloves
quart. Stir the eggs and the ice into the soup well.
Bring the soup very, very slowly without stir- 1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon thyme
ring, just to a simmer. As the soup heats, the egg
3 sprigs parsley
brings to the top a heavy, crusty foam more than
1 large diced carrot
an inch thick. Do not skim this, but push it very
3 ribs celery, diced
gently away from one side of the pan. Through
1 cup drained canned or fresh tomatoes
this small opening, you can watch the movement
of the simmering —
to make sure no true boiling
1 diced medium-sized onion
1 diced small white turnip
takes place. Continue simmering 10 to 15 minutes.
Bring to a boil and then simmer, partly covered, at
Move the pot carefully from the heat source and
least 6 hours. Strain the stock. Cool uncovered,
let it stand 10 minutes to 1 hour. Wring out a
and refrigerate covered.
cloth in hot water and suspend it, like a jelly bag,
above a large pan. Again push the scummy crust to II. About 3V2 Cups
one. side and ladle thesoup carefully, straining it While Brown Stock is- more strongly flavored

through the cloth. Cool uncovered. Store cov- and clearer, do not scorn stocks made from
ered tightly and refrigerated. cooked meats and bones. Please read About
Stocks, 520.
II. This method of clarification produces a dou-
Cut the meat from the bone. Place in a heavy
ble-strength stock for consomme. Add to each
quart of degreased stock 3 to 4 ounces of lean
2 cups cooked lean meat and bones
ground beef and 1 egg white and crumpled shell,
4 to 5 cups cold water
and to the pot several uncooked fowl carcasses;
Bring the stock just to the boiling point, turn
and, if the stock is beef, v fresh tomato skins. Some
cooks also use a few vegetables. Beat these addi-
down the heat, and simmer, uncovered, 30 min-
utes. Remove the scum. Add:
tions into the stock. Then very slowly bring the
pot just to a simmer.
teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped vegetables: carrots, turnips,
the stock has boiled at any time during the
celery, parsley, etc.
process just described, the clarification is ruined.
1 small onion
It will be necessary to start over again, proceeding
cup tomatoes
as follows. After what should have been the sim-
teaspoon sugar
mering period in the second method, remove the
4 peppercorns
pot from the heat and skim it. Allow the stock
V* teaspoon celery salt
to cool to about 70°. Again add an egg white and
Continue to simmer, partly covered, about 2
a crumpled eggshell for each quart of stock. Then
hours. Strain the stock and chill it. Remove the
continue as for the first method above. Simmer up
fat, reheat and season to taste before using.
to 2 hours. Then remove the pot from the heat
source and let it rest an hour or more. Ladle and
strain it, as previously described. Cool uncov-
About 2 Quarts
ered. Stored tightly covered and refrigerated.
Please read About Stocks, 520.
REDUCING STOCKS OR GLAZES Blanch 5 minutes, using method II, 154:
Glazes are meat stocks cooked down very slowly, 4 lb. veal knuckles or 3 lb. veal knuckles
uncovered, until they have solidified and have and 1 lb. beef

Drain, discard water, and add meat and bones to: I. About 9 or 10 Cups
4 quarts cold water Put into a heavy pot:
Bring slowly to a boil. Reduce the heat at once 4 or 5 lb. cut-up fowl or rabbit
and simmer, uncovered, about V2 hour. Remove 3 quarts cold water
scum. Add: Bring to a boil and reduce heat at once. Simmer
8 white peppercorns uncovered, about 30 minutes. Remove scum. Add:
1 bay leaf 5 celery ribs with leaves
1 teaspoon thyme V2 bay leaf
6 whole cloves V2 cup chopped onions
6 sprigs parsley V2 cup chopped carrots
diced medium-sized onion
1 6 sprigs parsley
3 ribs celery, diced Continue to simmer the stock for about 2V2 hours,
1 diced medium-sized carrot partly covered. Strain and season to taste. Cool
Continue to simmer, partly covered, 2V2 to 3 uncovered, and refrigerate covered. Degrease be-
hours or until reduced by about half. Strain stock fore serving.
and cool uncovered. Refrigerate covered.
II. IV2 to 2V2 Pints
The housewife frequently meets up with the leav-
LIGHT STOCK FROM POULTRY ings of a party bird from which a good stock can
I. From Poultry Parts About 2 Quarts be made. Try this simpler soup when you have
Please read about soup stocks, 521. leftover cooked chicken, duck or turkey.
Blanch 5 minutes, using method II, 154: Break into small pieces:
4 lb. poultry backs, necks, wings and feet 1 cooked chicken, duck or turkey carcass

Drain, discard water and bring the poultry slowly Cover with:
to a boil in: 4 to 6 cups water
4 quarts cold water The amount of liquid will depend on the size or
^ Reduce the heat once and simmer, uncov-
at number of carcasses you use. Bring slowly to a
ered, about 30 minutes. Add: boil and reduce heat at once. Simmer, uncov-
8 white peppercorns ered, about V2 hour. Remove scum. Add:
1 bay leaf 1 cup chopped celery with tender leaves

1 teaspoon thyme 1 large onion, sliced

6 whole cloves V2 cup chopped carrots

6 sprigs parsley Lettuce leaves
diced medium-sized onion
'2 bay leaf

3 ribs celery, diced 3 or 4 peppercorns

1 medium-sized diced carrot Parsley
Remove the scum and continue to simmer, partly A Bouquet
Garni, 572
covered, about 3 hours or until reduced by half. Continue simmer, partly covered, 1 to T/2
Strain stock. Cool uncovered, and refrigerate cov- hours. Strain and cool uncovered. Refrigerate cov-
ered. ered. Degrease before serving.

II. From Chicken Feet

A not too flavorful, but economical base.
Cover with boiling water- A careful selection of refrigerator oddments can
Chicken feet often produce enough valid ingredients tomake
Blanch them about 3 minutes. Drain. Strip away up a flavorful use as a reinforcer for
stock to
the skin and discard. Chop off the nails. Place the soups — canned,
dried and frozen —
and in gravies
feet in a pan and cover with: and sauces. If cooked and uncooked meats are
Cold water combined, a darker, cloudier stock results. Put
Bring to a boil and reduce heat at once. Simmer, into a pressure cooker and use in all:
uncovered, about 30 minutes. Remove scum. Add: 1 cup nonfat meat, bone and vegetables,
Vegetables cooked and uncooked
as suggested under Fowl Stock I, below. Continue to IV2 cups cold water
to simmer about IV2 hours, or use a © pressure Use the smaller amount of water if you are short
cooker, following directions in Quick Household on meat. For vegetables, see Vegetable Stock
Stock, below. Strain the stock and cool uncov- Making, 524. > Do not fill the pressure cooker
ered. Refrigerate covered. more than half full. If raw meat and bone are in-
cluded, add:
(2 tablespoons vinegar)
FOWL, RABBIT OR GAME STOCK and cook the raw ingredients first for 10 minutes
OR FUMET at 15 pounds pressure. >• Reduce pressure and
When cold, this stock should solidify sufficiently add the cooked meats and the vegetables and
to make a good aspic without additional gelatin. cook about 10 minutes longer at 15 pounds pres-

sure. Reduce pressure. Strain the stock and cool liquors you reserve. They vary tremendously, de-
uncovered. Refrigerate covered. pending on the age of the vegetable and whether
the leaves are dark outer ones or light inner ones.
Green celery tops, for instance, can become bitter
FUMET OR FISH STOCK through long cooking in a stock, while the tender
About 3 Cups yellowish leaves do not. Often, too, celery is so
Most useful for cooking au maigre. Combine the heavily sprayed with chemicals that the outer
fumet with vegetables and cream as a base for leaves and tops taste strongly enough of these ab-
soup or use it in sauces or aspics. It will keep sorbed flavors to carry over into foods. Nutrition-
for several days, covered, in the refrigerator, or ists recommend the outer leaves of vegetables be-

for several weeks frozen. cause of their greater vitamin content. Eat these
raw in salads, where the bitterness is not accented,
I. Place in a pan:
as it is in soups or stocks.
2V2 cups cold water Also balance the amounts and kinds of vegeta-
V2 cup chopped onions or shallots
bles with other stock flavors. The cooking liquors
A cup chopped
from white turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli
V2 cup chopped celery and potatoes, used with discretion, may be a real
6 white peppercorns
asset to a borsch but a real calamity in chicken
3 or 4 cloves broth. We find water from peas or pea pods, ex-
A Bouquet Garni, 572 cept in pea soups, a deadening influence. Carrots
A twist of lemon rind and parsnips tend to oversweeten the pot. To-
Vx cup dry white wine or 2 tablespoons matoes, unless just the skins are used, can make a
lemon juice consomme too acid and yet be just the touch you
1 to IV2 lb. washed lean fish bones, tails, skins,
want in a vegetable soup or a sauce. Some vege-
trimmings, and heads with the gills removed
table juices, like those from leeks, watercress and
The fish heads are particularly flavorful, but asparagus, seem ever welcome. Use any of
avoid trimmings from strong-flavored fish like
these liquids, whether from fresh, canned or
mackerel, skate or mullet. Use salmon only for
frozen vegetables, if they taste good.
salmon sauce. from crab, shrimp and lob-
You may also puree leftover cooked vegetables
ster are delicious additions. Heat until the liquid as thickeners for soup.
begins to simmer, and continue simmering, un- There are several ways to bring up the flavor of
covered, no longer than 15 minutes or a bitter — soup vegetables. One is to saute them gently in
flavor may develop. Skim the surface to remove
butter, see Consomme Brunoise, 169. Another is
scum and foam. Add, at the last minute: to cook them in meat stocks.
Any extra oyster or clam juices Unlike the above when you add vegetables to
Strain the stock and use in soups or sauces. To
soup as a garnish, the trick is not to soften them
clarify fish fumet for aspic, proceed as for the
to the point where their cells break down and they
first method of stock clarification, 522. release their juices, but to keep them full of

An emergency fish stock.

flavor. However,the vegetables you are using

as a garnish are strong, like peppers or onions,

Combine and simmer, uncovered, until liquid is

reduced to 2 /2 cups: 1 blanch them first.

1 cup water
1 cup dry vermouth VEGETABLE STOCK
1 cup bottled clam juice About 1 Quart
2 diced celery ribs Saute:
1 diced small onion
V2 cup finely chopped onions
3 sprigs parsley in:
Strain and before using. 2 tablespoons fat
Season to taste Add:
A dash of white pepper
A dash of cayenne
In making vegetable your goal is to draw all
stock, A Bouquet Garni, 572
the flavor out of the vegetable. Use IV2 to 2 times V* cup each carrots, turnips, parsnips
as much water as vegetable. Prepare vegetables 2 cups diced celery ribs and yellow leaves
as you would for eating —
wash, scrape or pare, (1 cup shredded lettuce)
as needed, and remove bruised or bad portions. (Mushroom or tomato skins)
Onions are the exception: the skins may be left Add enough:
on to give color to the stock. Cold water
For quicker cooking and greater extraction, to cover. Bring to a boil, cover partially with a
you may A blend the vegetables before cooking. lid and simmer about IV2 hours or until the vege-
But it is very important to taste the vegetable tables are very tender. Strain and chill. Degrease

before using, necessary. If you prefer

if a more 1 small onion stuck with 2 cloves
colorful stock, add a small amount of: Vi cup vinegar or 1 cup dry white wine
Caramelized Sugar, 559 1 teaspoon salt
(Parsley or a Bouquet Garni, 572)
STOCK REINFORCERS When the mixture is boiling, plunge the fish in
and at once reduce the heat. Simmer the fish
uncovered, 30 minutes or until tender. Drain
This is another rich stock item. To make it, see and serve. You may keep and use this court bouil-
Beef Tea, 170. lon for several days for poaching fish, but it should
not be used in other soups, sauces and gravies, as
is a fumet or fish stock.
These are both a great help. You may prefer
canned bouillon —which
sweet than canned
is less
consomme. Bouillon cubes and beef extracts, each COURT BOUILLON BLANC
diluted in V2 cup boiling liquid, are also useful. For use maintaining good color
in in variety meats


Alone or combined with household stocks, these I. Allow to every:
can produce very sophisticated results. Sugges- 1 quart boiling water
tions for their use appear in detail under Soups, 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Sauces, Aspics and Gravies. Blend until smooth and add to the above:
MILK AND CREAM 2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon flour
As a diluent, milk or cream is always preferable
(3 tablespoons chopped suet)
to plain water.
Celery, carrot, leek, or an onion stuck with
Court bouillons are seasoned liquids which, as
their name implies, are cooked only a short time. II. Or add the vegetables to a boiling mixture of:
Their composition varies. They may simply be V2 water, seasoned with herbs
Acidulated Water, 520, acidulated water rein- V2 milk
forced with braised or fresh vegetables, or even a Reduce to asimmer at once. The milk may curdle
hot marinade with oil. slightly, but this will not affect the food adversely.
They are not actual broths or stocks in them-
selves, but rather prototypes that may develop
into them. Sometimes they are used only as a ABOUT WINE AND SPIRITS
blanching or cooking medium. Then they are dis- FOR COOKING
carded, as in the cooking of vegetables, where There is no doubt that the occasional addition of
their purpose is to preserve color in the vegetable —
wine or of spirits and cordials— gives food a
or leach out undesirable flavors from it. Some- welcome new dimension. If yours is a wine-
times they are a liquid storage medium for food drinking household, you have probably always en-
processed in them, as in Vegetables a la Crecque, joyed cooking with "the butts." If wine is a
281. Or they may be used as a hot marinade in stranger to your table, you may be hesitant about
which fish is soaked before cooking. And some- breaking open new bottle for experimentation.
times, as in the cooking of delicately flavored fish, When you do decide to take the plunge re-

they become after the fish is drained from them member that the wine you choose need not be a
— a Fumet or Fish Stock, 524. very old or expensive one, but that it should at
least be good enough to be drunk with relish for
2 Quarts What kind
of wine to use? The specific answer
Use this for any fish that is to be poached or depends on the kind of food it is combined with;
"boiled." For court bouillon for trout, see Truite consult the below. Start your purchasing with

au Blou or Blue Trout, 414. a dry a full-bodied red, and before you
white and
Trim and clean: know it you will have developed a palate and a
3 lb. fish palette and will be well on the way to some strik-
and rub with: ingly colorful effects in a new medium. In gen-
Lemon juice eral, however, keep wine away from very tart or
Meanwhile, in a large pan, bring to a boil: very piquantly seasoned foods, unless you are us-
2 quarts water ing it as a Marinade, 528.
Add: How much wine to use? That true sophisticate,
V2 bay leaf Joseph Wechsberg, has observed: "La cuisine al-
V* cup chopped carrots coolisee has no justification in serious cooking."
V2 cup chopped celery Never add so much as to overbalance or drown

out the characteristic flavor of the food itself. combinations in wine cookery; but we encourage
Count the wine as a part of any given sum total defiance and initiative.
of liquid ingredients, not as an extra. A recipe for For Soups: Cream sherry or semisweet white
pot roast with wine may call for the addition of as wines.
much as a cup per pound. When you use it in such For Fish, Poultry and Eggs: Dry white wines; ex-
dishes, be sure it is warmed before adding, so as cept, for Coq au Vin, dry red.
not to interrupt simmering. In meat or fowl recipes For Red Meat: Dry red wines or roses.
calling for both wine and salt pork, watch, for too For Pork, Veal, Lamb or Came: Red or white
great saltiness. Season to taste at the end of wines or roses.
cooking. For Aspics and Wine Jellies: Any type but red —
Fortified wine, 56, such as sherry and Madeira, wines tend to lose their color. Brandy comple-
is frequently used in dishes where a definite wine ments an aspic of game.
flavor is desirable; for example, to combat a too- For Sauces: Dry or semisweet Bordeaux or Bur-
fishy taste. Two tablespoons of fortified wine are gundy, champagne, Riesling, vermouth; see indi-
equal in flavoring strength to about V2 cup of vidual sauce recipes.
dry red or white table wine. Wines may be re- For Desserts: Sweet sherry, port, Madeira, Mar-
duced to increase their flavoring power and to sala, Tokay, muscatel, rum, liqueurs, cordials.
avoid overdilution in sauce-making; 1 cup of wine Beer and cider, as well as wine, have their own
will reduce to about V* cup in 10 minutes of virtues in cooking, especially if the beer is flat and
uncovered cooking. In aspic recipes, each cup of the cider hard, as their fermentative qualities help
liquid indicated may be replaced by IV2 table- tenderize meats, doughs and batters. You will find
spoons fortified or 2 to 2 /2 tablespoons ordinary
them indicated in recipes where their use is ap-
wine, and the wine should be added after the gela- propriate.
tin is dissolved.
When add wine? This question is a hotly dis-
puted one. If a wine sauce is heated, it loses not Whether a vinegar is sharp, rich or mellow makes
only its alcoholic content but, if cooked too long, a tremendous difference in cooking. All vinegars
its flavor. Fortified wines are usually added shortly are corrosive — with a 4% so be
to 6% acidity —
before serving. Add wine to a sauce only during sure to mix pickled, vinaigretted or marinated
those periods when the dish can be covered, foods in glass, enamel or stainless vessels. Keep

whether marinating, cooking, storing or chilling. away from copper, zinc, aluminum, and galvanized
While you may boil wine to reduce it never raise or iron ware. Be sure to store in glass with cork or
the heat to above a simmer when cooking food in noncorrodible tops.
wine. If you aim at mellow penetration or at Vinegars divide roughly into the following
tenderizing, the time to add wine is at the onset of types:
cooking. To avoid curdling or separation, wine DISTILLED WHITE VINEGAR
should always be added beforehand in any recipes
Based on dilute distilled alcohol fermented to a
which include milk, cream, butter or eggs. The 4% acetic acid count. It is used in pickling when
wine should be reduced slightly and the ingredi- the pickle must remain light in color.
ents just mentioned as likely to curdle should be
added off the heat. If the dish cannot be served CIDER AND MALT-BASED VINEGARS
at once, it may be kept warm in a double boiler These are full-bodied and usually run between
over — not — boiling water.
in 5% and 6% acetic acid. Cider vinegar results from
To achieve a pronounced wine flavor, swirl the fermentation of the juice of apples. Malt vine-
reduced wine end of the
into food at the very gars are the fermentations of an infusion of barley
cooking process, after it has been removed from malt or cereals whose starch has been converted
the heat. One of our favorite practices is to add by malt.
wine to a pan in which meat has been cooking, WINE VINEGARS
deglazing, 340, the pan juices and so building
These have about a 5% acetic acid content.
up a pleasant substitute for roux-based gravy. We have often admired the lovely light quality
Spirits, liqueurs and cordials are most frequently
of dressings based on Italian wine vinegar. A
used in flavoring desserts. Whisky is becoming in- friend told us his secret lies in fermenting a home-
creasingly popular, but, except for desserts, do not
made unpasteurized red wine, but not allowing it
use bourbon, as it is too sweet. A spectacular use If you don't want
to reach the point of bitterness.
of spirits in cooking is flambeing —
sometimes to bother with this process, a substitute is to dilute
done at midpoint in preparation and sometimes as sharp vinegars with red or white wine. Wine vine-
a final flourish in the dining room. Flambeing is gars "mother," forming a strange, wispy residue at
surefire only if the liquor to be ignited, as well as the base of the bottle. As they are of uncertain
the food, is previously warmed, see 155. To flambe strengths, they are not recommended for pickling.
see 127.
fruits, If you plan to make spiced vinegars in quantity for
Exceptions not only prove the rule they some-— gifts, please profit by our experience and mix in
times improve it. We list below certain time-tested small batches: spices are tricky, see 575.

HERB VINEGARS Cut into halves and add for 24 hours, then re-
Make these with any of the above vinegars. Use move:
individual herbs like tarragon or burnet or develop 4 cloves garlic
your favorite herb combinations allowing not — Place the vinegar in a sterile glass bottle. Cork
more than 3 tablespoons fresh herb leaves per tightly. Use it in dressings or sauces.
quart of vinegar. If garlic is used, crush it and leave
it in the jar only 24 hours. The reason for not over-

loading the vinegar with vegetable matter is that QUICK HERB VINEGAR
its preservative strength may not be great enough About 1 Cup
to prevent botulism, 802. After 2 to 4 weeks of Combine:
steeping, filter the vinegar, rebottle it in sterilized 1 cup well-flavored vinegar: wine or cider

containers and keep tightly corked. 1 teaspoon dried crushed herbs: basil,
tarragon, etc.
You may use this at once with salad oil. You may
FRESH HERB VINEGAR add clove of garlic and fish it out within 24

A quantity recipe that serves well for making gifts. hours. Shortly before serving, add:
Heat slowly to just below the boiling point: 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
3 gallons cider or white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped chives

2 dozen peppercorns
1 dozen sliced shallots TARRAGON OR BURNET VINEGAR
4 cup tarragon
3 About 2 Cups
8 sprigs rosemary Wash, then dry well:
8 sprigs thyme V/i tablespoons fresh tarragon or burnet leaves
4 branches winter savory Bruise them slightly and add them to:
1 sprig chervil 2 cups warmed cider vinegar
well-cleaned, unpeeled, sliced celeriac root
1 whole cloves
cup parsley
Vi skinned, halved clove garlic

1 sliced parsley root Place these ingredients in a covered jar. After 24

Bottle these ingredients. After 2 weeks, strain the hours, remove the garlic. After 2 weeks, strain and
vinegar through cheesecloth. Place in sterile bot- store the vinegar in sterile, well-corked bottles.
tles and cork tightly. This makes a strong infusion that may be diluted
later with more vinegar.

An excellent, if deceptive, mixture. It tastes like a RED RASPBERRY VINEGAR
delicious blend of herbs, but it is flavored with COCKAIGNE
spices whole or ground. Would you believe this makes a marvelously re-
Combine, stir and heat slowly until just under the freshing summer drink served over crushed ice?
boiling point: See 45.
V*cup whole cloves Put into a large enamel or stainless steel pan:
A cup allspice
2 quarts ripe red raspberries
2 tablespoons mace Cover them with:
3 tablespoons celery seed quart cider vinegar
V* cup mustard seed Let stand covered in a cool place about 48 hours.
6 tablespoons whole black pepper Then strain. Use this liquid to cover another:
3 tablespoons turmeric 2 quarts ripe red raspberries
V* cup fresh or dried gingerroot Again, let stand 48 hours, then strain and measure
1 gallons cider vinegar
the liquid into an enamel or stainless steel pan.
2 cups sugar Add an equal quantity, or slightly less, of:
Place these ingredients in a covered noncorrodi- Sugar
ble container. Slice and add for 24 hours: Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes. Skim and
4 or more cloves garlic cool. Store in well-corked sterile bottles.
Remove the garlic. Allow the other ingredients
to steep 3 weeks. If ground spices are used, filter
the vinegar before storing; otherwise strain and CHILI VINEGAR
pour into sterile glass bottles. Cork tightly. You can make a really fiery French dressing with
this. See also Chilis Preserved in Sherry, 845.
GARLIC VINEGAR 1 oz. chilis
Heat to just below the boiling point: in:
1 cup vinegar 1 pint vinegar

for 10 days. Shake daily. Then strain and bottle in MARINADES FOR VEGETABLES
sterilized containers.
Marinated vegetables are usually served cold as
hors d'oeuvre or salads. Suitable for the short-term
GINGER VINEGAR marinating of vegetables are:
French Dressing, 360, seasoned with herbs
Ravigote Sauce, 345
1 cup cider vinegar
See also Vegetables a la Crecque, 281.
4 one-inch pieces dried gingerroot
2 tablespoons sugar
Strain after 1 week and bottle. FISH OR LAMB MARINADE
Enough for 1 Pound Lamb Kebabs

lemon juice
2 tablespoons
Never underestimate the power of a marinade. cup olive oil
These aromatic tenderizing liquids are easily 1 teaspoon salt
abused. Every marinade contains varied amounts Va teaspoon pepper
of seasonings, sometimes oil, and always an acid,
Marinate the meat refrigerated and covered for
so any marinade container should be of glazed
2 to 3 hours. Turn frequently.
ceramic, glass or an impervious metal like stainless
steel. Less marinade is needed to cover if the meat II. Combine:
is placed container just large enough to hold
in a V2 teaspoon turmeric
it. Use a wooden spoon to stir or turn the meat V2 teaspoon powdered ginger
occasionally during the process. 1 small pressed clove garlic
Marinades are a means of spreading flavor by 2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice
immersion. The soaking period may vary from V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
only few minutes to many hours. Stronger,
a Toss the meat in this mixture, coating it thor-
spiciermarinades may be devised to make bland oughly. Cover and refrigerate 2 hours.
food more interesting. But perhaps the most im-
portant function of a marinade is to tenderize
III. Combine:
tough foods. Sometimes marinades contain as one 'A cup pineapple juice
2 teaspoons soy sauce
of their ingredients, extract of papaya, a tender-
izing agent.
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Marinades may be cooked or uncooked. The 1 minced clove garlic
Marinate the meat covered and refrigerated for 2
cooked ones more effectively impart their flavors
hours. Turn it frequently.
to food, and are preferable if the soaking is to
exceed 12 hours. The liquid should be cooked in
advance and thoroughly chilled before the food LAMB OR GAME MARINADE
is immersed. The amount of vinegar should be About 2 Cups
reduced slightly if meat is to be marinated longer For marinated leg of lamb.
than 24 hours. Combine:
The effects of marinating are hastened by higher 1 cup dry red wine
temperatures, but so is the danger of bacterial V* cup lemon juice
activity. Refrigerate any foods in their marinade V2 cup olive oil
if the immersion period indicated is 1 hour or 3 or 4 juniper berries or 2 or 3 sprigs rosemary
more. A sprig of parsley
Both cooked and uncooked marinades may be A sprig of thyme
used in finishing sauces. So do not discard a 2 bay leaves
marinade before deciding whether you want to 1 crushed cloves garlic
to 2
incorporate it in your sauce. Poivrade Sauce, 347, A
pinch of nutmeg
for venison is an example. And dishes such as 1 tablespoon sugar
Hasenpfeffer, 514, and Sauerbraten, 460, are 1 teaspoon salt
cooked in the marinade, which is then converted A dash of hot pepper sauce
into a proper sauce just before serving. Marinate 24 hours, covered and refrigerated.
Allow about Vz cup of marinade for every
pound of food to be processed. Cubed meat is
soaked just 2 to 3 hours; a whole 5- to 10-pound YOGURT OR BUTTERMILK
piece, overnight. Longer marination may be too MARINADE
pungent and may kill the flavor of the meat. About 2 Cups
Marinating 12 hours or more cuts the cooking This marinade can subsequently be incorporated
time by onerthird. In an emergency, try mixing oil into a sauce.
and vinegar with packaged dried salad seasonings Add to:
to achieve a quickly prepared marinade for meats 2 cups yogurt or buttermilk
or vegetables. 2 pressed cloves garlic

Season to taste with: II. 2 Cups

and pepper or curry powder or
Salt More pungent.
cinnamon or ginger or cardamom Combine:
1 V2 cups flat beer
teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon dry mustard
Enough for 3 Pounds of Meat
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Cook and puree:
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 lb. Dried Apricots, 131
!/b teaspoon hot pepper sauce
Saute until golden:
2 tablespoons sugar or honey
3 large sliced onions
4 tablespoons marmalade
1 minced clove garlic
2 minced cloves garlic
2 tablespoons butter
Add and cook for a minute longer:
Enough for 1 Pound of Pork Chops
tablespoon curry powder
Then add the apricot puree with
4 tablespoons Chili Sauce, 847
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
V2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon grated onion
3 tablespoons vinegar
'A teaspoon dry mustard
A few grains cayenne
2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce, 848
2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice
V2 teaspoon salt
Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and cool
V* teaspoon paprika
before pouring over raw meat.



About 8 Cups Use for chicken to be broiled or grilled.

This is a cooked marinade that can be stored in Combine:
the refrigerator and used as needed for venison, V* cup vegetable oil
mutton or hare. V2 cup dry white wine
Saute a combination of: 1 minced clove garlic
1 cup chopped celery 1 finely chopped medium-sized onion
1 cup chopped carrots V2 teaspoon celery salt
1 cup chopped onions V2 teaspoon salt
in: V2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
IV2 cups vegetable oil 'A teaspoon dried thyme, tarragon or rosemary
until the onions are golden. Then add: Mix well. Chill several hours in covered jar or
3 cups vinegar dish. Shake well, then pour over the chicken
2 cups water pieces. Chill about 3 hours, turning pieces at least
V2 cup coarsely chopped parsley once. Baste during cooking with any excess mar-
3 bay leaves inade, i

1 tablespoon thyme
1 tablespoon cloves

1 tablespoon allspice berries

About 2V2 Cups
A pinch of mace
For Shrimp Teriyaki, see 390.
1 tablespoon crushed peppercorns
Combine and mix well:
6 crushed cloves garlic
V2 cup vegetable oil
Simmer for 1 hour. Strain and cool.
1 cup soy sauce
3 tablespoons brown sugar
BEERMARINADE FOR BEEF 3 mashed cloves garlic
OR PORK tablespoon grated fresh gingerroot

I. 2 Cups tablespoons sherry

Combine: Marinate the meat 4 to 12 hours, refrigerated.
VI1 cups flat beer Baste with the marinade during cooking.
V2 cup vegetable oil
stirring the oil in slowly. Then add: ABOUT MILK AND CREAMS
1 clove garlic "Drink your milk" has been a time-worn admoni-
2 tablespoons lemon juice tion at many an American family table, for the
1 tablespoon sugar high food value of milk is an accepted fact. But
1 teaspoon salt nowadays many of our children almost auto-
3 cloves matically pour "down the hatch" considerably

more than the IV2 to 2 pints they need daily registers 145°, hold the heat at that temperature
and thus cancel their appetite for other equally 30 minutes. > Cool the water rapidly until the
nourishing foods. Beware, incidentally, of assum- milk is between 50° and 40°. Refrigerate, cov-
ing that chocolate milk is the nutritional equiva- ered, at once.
lent of whole milk, see 41 If pasteurized milk develops an "off" or bitter

Most adults, including the middle-aged and flavor, it has been held too long after processing.
their seniors, are well aware of the value of milk Unpleasant flavor may also appear in milk when
in their diet and manage to ingest their daily cows eat wild garlic or other strongly scented
pint, if not as a drink, in soups, sauces or pud- herbage. "Cowy" or cardboardy tastes are also
dings. Expectant mothers should have at least 3 due to improper feeding, and a fishy taste may be
day and nursing mothers 4. Some-
glasses of milk a the result of processing in the presence of copper.
times adults may prefer to substitute cheeses. But
if they do, they must be sure to get adequate B

vitamins in the rest of their diet, for in cheese-

Scalding is employed more often to hasten or
making, more B vitamins are lost in the whey than
improve a food process than to destroy bacteria.
To a chemist, scalding is that point at which milk
can be subsequently re-created in the final prod-
begins to come up to a light froth, just as it boils,
around 212°. In practice, we rely on the age-old
Milk is as perishable as it is valuable. Every-
visual test for scalding, and in this book milk is
thing possible should be done to keep it con-
stantly refrigerated at about 40°;
scalded when tiny bubbles form around the
to protect it
edge of the pan and the milk reaches about 180°.
from sunlight, which robs it quickly of vitamin B
Heating may be either over direct heat or in the
content; and not to hold milks of any type
longer than 3 days, refrigerated. Milks vary in
top of a double boiler —
over not in boiling —
water. Before heating milk for scalding, it is a
color, even when the animals from which they
help in later cleaning to rinse out the pan with
are taken have all been pastured in the same
cold water.
fields, on the same fodder. The milk of Jersey cows
will be yellower than that of Holsteins; Holstein
milk, in turn, will be yellower than the almost ABOUT SWEET MILK
chalk-white milks of ewes and goats. Yellow col- Milk is sold in many forms, some with added vita-
oring reveals the presence of a provitamin A
factor called carotene, which some humans can
mins — especially D — to make its calcium and
phosphorus more available to the body. For cal-
convert better than others into vitamin A, which orie count, see 8. Much "standardized,"
milk is
is almost colorless.
which simply means that it comes from a milk
In this book the word milk means pasteur-
pool covering a wide area and has cream or skim
ized, fluid, whole milk unless otherwise specified. milk added to make it conform to the prevailing
Such milk contains about 87% water, 4% milkfat, legally required balance between these two ele-
3% protein, 5% lactose or carbohydrate, and 1% ments. Each of the following labels indicates the
ash, plus minerals and vitamins. Examine labels legally defined composition of the respective type
for the milk components you want or need, and of milk.
be sure you are not getting "nonmilks," 532.
A fresh, fluid milk typically contains at least
3.25% milkfat, and at least 8.25% protein, lac-
Milks sold in interstate commerce must by law be
tose and minerals. A cream line forms above the
pasteurized, and most communities have enacted
milk when the fat particles rise. The cream is
the same regulation for milk sold within their
plainly evident if the milk remains undisturbed
limits. Some people oppose pasteurization be-
for some time.
cause of certain changes that occur in the milk as
a result, such as losses of vitamin C and enzy- HOMOGENIZED MILK
matic changes affecting fermentation. But pas- Also a fresh, fluid milk, with the same percentage
teurization, a mild, carefully controlled heating of ingredients as whole milk. However, it has no
process, effectively halts many dreaded milk-borne cream line, as during preparation the fat particles
diseases that the sanitary handling and certifica- are broken up so finely that they remain uniformly
tion of raw milk— no matter how scrupulously car- dispersed throughout. Its finer curd is more easily
ried out —
cannot always achieve. digested than that of whole milk. Processors ap-
Raw milk or cream may be pasteurized at home. preciate homogenization because it allows them
Arrange empty, sterile, heatproof glass jars on a to mix older and newer milks without the telltale
rack in a deep kettle. Allow an inch or two of evidence of curdling which characterizes milks
headroom when you pour the raw milk or cream beginning to stale.
into the jars. Fill the kettle with water until it In cooking, fresh homogenized milk gives a dif-
comes above the fill line of the milk in the jars. ferent texture from that produced by whole milk:
Put a sterile dairy thermometer in one of the Sauces may be stiffer and fat separation greater;
jars. Heat the water and, when the thermometer cornstarch puddings more granular. Soups, gravies,

cooked and custards

cereals, scalloped potatoes follow package instructions; or use 3 to 4 table-
tend to These texture changes are not
curdle. spoons powdered milk to 1 cup of water which —
present, however, when homogenized milks are will be slightly more than a cup of fresh whole or
evaporated. skim milk in volume, and its equivalent in nutri-
tion. For the best flavor, reconstitute at least 2
SKIM, NONFAT AND LOW-FAT MILK in advance of use and refrigerate.
Skim and nonfat milks have only V2% or less of Dry milk solids are useful in enriching the diet,
milkfat but all the protein and mineral value of
but they need special handling. They scorch easily,
whole milk. However, these milks are deprived requiring lower cooking and baking temperatures.
of the valuable fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. gravies and sauces made with
To avoid scorching
In "fortified" skim and low-fat milks, nonfat dry
dry milk, use a double boiler or very low heat. In
milk solids and vitamins A and D are added. Other
preparing sauces, do not add more than 3 table-
examples of partly skimmed fortified milks are
spoons of milk solids to each cup of liquid. To
the 1% or 2% milks. The percentages refer to the
avoid lumping, mix the milk solids first with the
small amount of fat retained to keep flavor and
flour and then with the melted fat, off the heat,
texture similar to those of whole milk.
and then add the warm, but not hot, liquid
A canned whole milk freed of 60% of its moisture In cooked add 3 tablespoons dry milk
content and containing not less than 7.5% milk- solids to each cup of the dry cereal before
V2 —
fat. Reconstitute by adding V2 cup water to the cooking — then use the same amount of water or
same quantity of evaporated milk and use to re- milk called for in the regular recipe.
place 1 cup fresh whole milk in any recipes except For cocoas, custards and puddings, add 3 table-
those calling for rennet. Because it can be pre- spoons dry milk solids for each cup of liquid
served during times of excess production, it is called for in the recipe.
sometimes less expensive than whole milk. It To substitute reconstituted dry skim milk in

has a slightly caramelized taste due to the process- recipes requiring fresh whole milk, add about 2
ing. The cans, which come in 5'/3-ounce and 13- teaspoons butter for each cup reconstituted dry
ounce sizes, should be inverted every few weeks skim milk.
in storage to keep solids from settling. Do not In baking, mix dry milk solids with the flour in-

hold condensed milk over 6 months before using. gredients, see Cornell Triple-Rich Formula, 602,
Once opened, the milk should be stored and but be careful never to add more than A cup of 1

treated as fresh milk. To make it flow easily from milk solids for each cup of flour, or the dough will
the can, punch two holes near the rim at opposite have poor rising properties and the crumb will be
sides of the top. To whip, see Whipped Cream too dense.
Substitute III, 532. To whip nonfat dry milk, see Whipped Cream
Substitutes IV, 532.
This process, used as early as Civil War days, re-
duces by about half the water content of milk
Cream is that fatty part ofwhole milk that slowly
and adds sugar. It contains not less than 8.5%
rises to the surface on standing. The longer the
milkfat. The 14-ounce can contains the equivalent
of 2V2 cups milk and 8 tablespoons sugar. It too
milk stands, the richer it gets —
up to a point, as
described below.
settles during storage. The can should be inverted
The following terms are used throughout this
about every 2 weeks and held not longer than
6 months before using. Once opened, the can
should be refrigerated. Because of the high sugar HALF-AND-HALF OR CEREAL CREAM
content, the milk will keep somewhat longer after A mixture of milk and cream, frequently homog-
opening than will evaporated milk. enized, containing 10V2% to 18% milkfat, and
often suggested as a drink in fattening diets.
These are pasteurized milk particles, air-dried to LIGHT CREAM, COFFEE OR TABLE CREAM
eliminate all but about 5% moisture. In whole Contains between 18% and 30% milkfat, which
dry milk form they contain not less than 26% may be skimmed off after whole milk has stood
milkfat, and in nonfat dry milk form about 1.5% 12 hours or longer.
milkfat. Milk solids should always be stored in a
cool place. Once opened, it is best to refrigerate
This is skimmed from milk that has been stand-
them in a lightproof, airtight container. Discard
ing 24 hours or longer. Light whipping cream has
them if they acquire any rancid, tallowy, scorched
30 to 36% milkfat. Cream containing 36% to 40%
or soapy flavor.
milkfat is referred to as heavy cream.
Be aware that some markets are selling re-
constituted milk on the same shelves with fresh WHIPPED CREAM
milk, so read the labels carefully. Whipping cream must be at least a day old; it
To reconstitute whole or skim dry milk solids, expands to twice its volume by the incorporation

ofair. To get the right texture, bowl, beaters and Add:

cream should all be chilled in a refrigerator at 1 cup light cream
least 2 hours before whipping, so that the milkfat tablespoon confectioners' sugar
stays firm during whipping rather than becoming Refrigerate. Stir from time to time. During the
oily from the friction involved. In warm weather early part of the 4 to 6 hours needed to chill
beat over ice, see illustration, 205. If the cream is properly, add:
warmer than 45°, it may, on beating, quickly turn V? teaspoon vanilla
to butter. Never overwhip. Then beat as for whipped cream, about 5 to 7
To beat cream with an electric beater, turn to minutes.
medium-high speed until the chilled cream begins
III. Evaporated milk whips to 3 times its volume.
to thicken, then lower the speed and watch like
Chill for 12 hours:
a hawk. Do not try to whip cream in a blender.
1 can evaporated milk
We like our cream whipped just to the point
For each 13-ounce can, add:
where it falls in large globs and soft peaks, but
3 tablespoons lemon juice
still carries a gloss. This is a state almost com-

parable to the stiff, but not dry, of beaten egg

Whip until stiff.

white, 544. It is possible to use it in this desirably IV. About 1 3 A Cups

delicate state only if it is prepared the last split Dissolve:
second before serving. If whipped cream is to be V2 cup nonfat dry milk
held for 24 hours or so, it sometimes is suggested in:
that a small amount of gelatin be incorporated for 1
/3 cup cold water
stiffening, but we have never found this technique Whip mixture stands
Chill. until in soft peaks.
to be an advantage. Add:
It does help, if the cream is to be flavored, to
1 tablespoon lemon juice
mix in a small quantity of confectioners' sugar, as Whip again until peaks are soft. Beat in lightly:
the cornstarch in the sugar forms a stabilizer. For 2 to 4 tablespoons sugar
interesting ways to flavor whipped cream, see 696. Refrigerate until served.
If whipped cream be used decoratively,
is to
bring it to the point where the cream molecules FILLED MILK
are about to become buttery. Should the cream There are innumerable varieties of this imitation
really threaten to turn to butter, whip in 2 or more milk sold under a plethora of trade names. Ninety-
tablespoons of cream or evaporated milk and seven percent of these products are made of skim
continue to beat. Cream at this stage may also be or nonfat dry milk products or of soy products,
forced through a pastry tube for decorating. To 535. The remainder are composed of either vege-
freeze small decorative garnishes, shape them on table or coconut oil or a combination of the two.
foil. Freeze them uncovered on the foil, wrap Filled milk has approximately the same texture and
when firm, and return to the freezer for future use. caloric value as whole milk, but is not its nutrient
The French equivalent of our Sweetened Whipped MILK AND CREAM SUBSTITUTIONS
Creams, 696. Unsweetened, it is called Fleurette. Sometimes it is convenient to substitute milk for
For Creme FraTche, see 534. cream. But the substitution is made for baking,


a different texture will result —
unless the fat con-
tent of the cream is compensated for. To sub-
First, let no very satisfactory
us say there are really
stitute for 1 cup light cream, use 7/a cup milk and
substitutes forwhipped cream, but the following
3 tablespoons butter. To substitute for 1 cup whip-
makeshifts are sometimes used. It is often wise to
ping cream, use 3
A cup
milk and Yj cup butter.
add vanilla, 1 teaspoon per cup, or one of the
This substitution, of course, will not whip.
other flavors suggested in Sweetened Whipped
Creams, 696, to mask the inferior flavor and tex- SWEET AND SOUR MILK SUBSTITUTIONS
ture of these substitutes. If recipes for baking specify sour or buttermilk and

only sweet milk is available, you may proceed as

I. If you allow light cream to stand refrigerated
follows: interchange sweet milk and baking pow-
for 48 hours and skim it, the skimmed portion
will — —
sometimes not always whip. Handle as for der with sour milk and soda.
amount of liquid as
Use the same
is called for in the recipe.
whipped cream, above.
To sour sweet milk, have it at 70°. Place in the
II. About 2 Cups bottom of a measuring cup:
Soak: 1 tablespoon lemon juice or distilled

1 or 1 '/a teaspoons gelatin white vinegar

depending on heaviness of cream desired, in: Then fill the cup with:

2 tablespoons cold water or fruit juice Fresh sweet milk or the equivalent
When it is clear, dissolve it well in: amount of reconstituted evaporated
Vi cup scalded light cream or dried whole milk solids

and let the mixture stand about 5 minutes to

clabber. Clabber, much like cultured buttermilk Originally this was the residue left afterbutter
or yogurt, is milk that has soured to the stage of making. Today it is usually made from pasteurized
a firm curd but not to a separation of the whey.
skim milk and contains about 8.5% milk solids
> If the leaven is baking powder or soda, be sure other than fat. A culture is added to develop
that it is added to the dry, not the liquid, ingredi- flavor and to produce a heavier consistency than

ents.Make the following adjustments: for every that of the skim milk from which it is made. But-
teaspoon baking powder indicated in the recipe, termilk differs nutritionally from skim milk mainly
in its greater amount of lactic acid. As its protein
use 'A teaspoon baking soda plus Vt cup sour
milk or buttermilk, or A teaspoon baking soda
1 precipitate is in the form of a fine curd, it is also

and Vi tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice plus more quickly digested than skim milk. Commercial
enough sweet milk to make V2 cup. For other buttermilk frequently has added cream or butter
particles. Try making buttermilk yourself.
substitutions, see 596.
quart 70° to 80° skim milk
cup 70° cultured buttermilk
MILKS AND CREAMS Va teaspoon salt
The longevity of certain groups of Arabs, Bulgars Stirwell and cover. Let stand at 70° until clab-
and other eastern peoples is often attributed to bered. Stir until smooth. Refrigerate before serv-
their diet of sour and fermented milks. The ing. Store as for fresh milk. In recipes calling for
friendly bacteria in these milks settle in the in- sour milk, you may substitute buttermilk.
where they break down the milk sugar
and where some are reported to
into lactic acid, SOUR MILK
manufacture B vitamins and to stimulate bene- This is whole or skim milk that is allowed to sour

ficial growth in the intestinal flora. naturally. It is good only if it results from un-

Known by many names yogurt from ewe's pasteurized or unscalded milk, because pasteur-
milk,kumiss from mare's milk, kefir from camel's ized or scalded milk will not sour, but simply
milk —
they are often today made from cow's milk spoil. Therefore, recipes which formerly called for
inoculated with various bacilli that create differ- sour milk now call for buttermilk. Or you may sour
ences in acidity, flavor and content. The best sweet milk still another way, see Sweet and Sour
known are the rather acid Lactobacillus bulgaricus Milk Substitutions, 532.
used in yogurt and L. acidophilus. When yeast
cells are also present —
as in kumiss and kefir YOGURT
fermentation takes place, producing a mild alco- Eastern yogurts are made with milk reduced by
holic content as well. Starters for these milk prod- about one-third. Ours have the same milkfat per-
ucts are available at drug and health food stores. centage as the milk used. To make yogurt cheese,
They come with full directions for their use and a substitute for sour cream, drip yogurt through
often produce more stable results than inoculation cheesecloth in refrigerator 8 hours.
with the already made up yogurt or kefir, which Like yeast, the activator in yogurt is a living
will have been exposed to airborne contaminants organism sensitive to temperatures. For consistent
or whose bacillus count may have been weakened results, test themilk with a cooking thermometer.
through pasteurization. Use milk from skim to half-and-half richness.
Soured milks and creams also play an important Yogurt has the added idiosyncrasy that it doesn't
part in cooking. The presence of lactic acid gives care to be jostled while growing, so place all your
them tenderer curd, and this in turn makes
all a equipment where you can leave it undisturbed. If
for a tenderer crumb in baking and a smoother you use one of the many electric devices for quick
texture in sauces. In sauces, too, they contribute yogurt making, follow the directions carefully.
a slightly acid flavor that is highly prized. In cook- We make yogurt successfully, using either an
ing be sure to add these milks and creams at the insulated picnic cooler or an oven preheated to
very last and off the heat or over very low heat, or 100°. Have ready and keep warm a large sterile
they will curdle. Stir constantly but gently. And in crock or enough sterile glass jars to receive the
bread making, don't scald; just heat until warm. amount of milk you are preparing.
In any sour cream recipes, use salt sparingly, as For the first batch, a starter. Buy
you will need
salting also tends to cause curdling. None of these from a friend,
a jar of yogurt, get a small quantity
soured milks freezes well. or buy a package of yogurt culture from a health
Milks and creams may be allowed to sour nat- food store. Heat a pint of milk to 180° or almost
urally, but yogurt and today's commercial but- boiling. Cool it to between 105° and 110°. Stir
termilk are processed by means of specially into this milk very thoroughly a package of the
introduced bacterial cultures. In this book, for culture or 2 to 3 tablespoons 70° yogurt. Do not
reasons of safety, we recommend souring or fer- allow the milk to register less than 106° when it is
menting only milks and creams that have been in the jars. Then place them in the warmed oven
pasteurized —
and for best results use only the or insulated cooler. Cover the jars at once. The
freshest of such products. milk with the added yogurt should reach a cus-

tardy consistency in 3 to 4 hours; the milk with 1 tablespoon vinegar

the yogurt culture may take 7 to 8 hours, depend- Allow the mixture to stand until it clabbers and
ing on the weather. Check every half hour. Re- thickens.
frigerate when ready. Reserve from this first batch
a small quantity to use for another batch. Prefer- DEVONSHIRE OR CLOTTED CREAM
ably, yogurt should be not older than 5 days when One of those regional specialties calling for certi-
used as a starter. Yogurt in general will keep 6 to fied unpasteurized cream. In winter, let fresh
7 days. cream stand 12 hours; in summer, about 6 hours,
You may wonder why so little starter is used in a heatproof dish. Then put the cream on to heat
and think that a little more will produce a better — the lower the heat, the better. It must never boil,
result. It won't. The bacillus, if crowded, gives a as this will coagulate the albumen and ruin every-
sour, watery product. But if the culture has suffi- thing. When small rings or undulations form on
cient Lebensraum, mild and creamy.
it will be rich, the surface, the cream is sufficiently scalded. Re-
Ifyour yogurt does not coagulate within 8 hours, move at once from heat and store in a cold place
it may be because the temperature of the milk was at least 12 hours. Then skim the thick, clotted
too high and the culture was destroyed; or be- cream and serve it very cold as a garnish for
cause your culture was a poor one; or there berries.
were antibiotics in the milk. Always remember
^ don't eat every drop of your recent batch. CREME FRAICHE
Keep 2 to 3 tablespoons to form the starter for
A raw 30% cream which in France is allowed to
the next one.
mature until its flavor is nutty rather than acid. It
If you wish to incorporate fruit when making tolerates higher temperatures in cooking than sour
yogurt, have the warm sweetened crushed fruit in
cream before it curdles. For a substitute, mix:
the bottom of the jars before adding the milk and
1 cup whipping cream
yogurt. When using yogurt in cooking, fold it
1 teaspoon cultured buttermilk
gently into the other ingredients, as beating breaks
Heat to 85°. Let stand at a temperature between
down its texture. 60° and 85° until thickened. Stir gently and re-
CULTURED OR DAIRY SOUR CREAM frigerate until ready to use.

Many uses for this smooth semiplastic cultured

cream are suggested in this book. If your dairy IMITATION MILK AND CREAM
does not carry it, try making it yourself. Concocted in the laboratory of corn-syrup solids,
Place in a quart glass jar: vegetable fat, sodium caseinate or soybean pro-
1cup pasteurized 20% or light cream tein, sugar, salt, chemical thickeners, colors, arti-
^ The cream must be at least this heavy and may ficial flavors and water. The USDA is now working
be heavier — the heavier the better for the texture on a standard for this product. Read the labels
of the end product. Add: with awareness.
5 teaspoons cultured buttermilk
The commercial type which is 1% acid and has
carefully controlled bacteria is suggested rather ABOUT VEGETABLE AND
than the less acid and less controlled homemade NUT MILKS
buttermilk. Cover the jar and shake these ingredi-
ents vigorously. Stir in:
These are all valuable nutritionally, but not com-

parable to animal milks, as their protein is of

cup pasteurized 20% or light cream
lower biologic value and their vitamin content is
Cover the jar and allow this mixture to stand at
75° to 80° for 24 hours. The sour cream may then different.

be used at once, although storage under refriger-

ation for another 24 hours makes a finer product. NUT AND COCONUT MILKS
It does not freeze well. Add sour cream at the Almond and walnut milks have long been known
end of cooking processes over low heat and stir to Europe's peasants. Our own Indians used hick-
gently to avoid curdling. Do not overstir. ory and pecan milk. These rather fragilely flavored
milks, as well as coconut milk, are a great delicacy
SOUR CREAM SUBSTITUTES They are as perishable
in sauces and puddings.
A low-calorie substitute to be used only in un- as cow's milk and in storage and cooking should
cooked dressings or for garnish.
be treated like Coconut Milk, 566.
I. Mix for 2 or 3 seconds in a blender: As nuts vary in weight, look up the measure-
1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice ment equivalent for almonds and blanch the nuts,
if necessary. Then substitute accordingly in the
'A cup buttermilk
1 cup smooth cottage cheese following recipe. These milks are often used to
substitute for milk in desserts, with sugar added.
II. Mix: If using for sauces other than dessert sauces, you

1 cup 70° evaporated milk may combine them with stock as your liquid
with: base.


I. Blanch, 154: About Vh Cups
h cup almonds
Bean curd, complete-protein product
a valuable
Drain and discard the liquid. Cool the nuts. Re- of delicate cheeselike consistency, must be
move skins. Pound the nuts in a mortar with: processed from the freshly made hot soy milk
\U cup sugar
opposite. Have ready two 1 -quart plastic freezer
(1 tablespoon orange water)
boxes of the type that nest. Perforate the bot-
If necessary, add from time to time a tablespoon
tom and lower portion of one with holes about
or so of ice water to keep the nuts from becoming 1
A inch in diameter as though on a 1-inch grid.
oily. When this mixture is quite smooth, stir in:
For a solidifier, combine:
2 cups cold water
1 cup water
Cover and refrigerate about 2 hours. Strain the IV2 teaspoons epsom salts or calcium sulfate ;

liquid through a cloth-lined sieve and refrigerate

or use 2 2/3 tablespoons lemon juice, or
until ready to use.
2 A tablespoons cider vinegar

For a hurry-up version, use the above in- Heat to boiling point, then remove from the
gredients, but first blend the nuts with: heat:
2 tablespoons water 4 cups soy milk, opposite
tablespoons orange water)
6 cups water
Proceed as above. Strain through a cloth-lined Add one-third cup of the solidifier solution. Stir
sieve. Refrigerate. gently and completely. Gently stir in another
one-third cup of solidifier, and cover the pot for
SOY MILK 3 minutes to await the forming of the curds.
About 4V2 Cups Sprinkle the remaining solution over the milk and
This milk can be substituted cup for cup for gently stir the surface. Cover for 3 minutes, or for
cooking and baking but should not be thought of 6 minutes if using epsom salts or calcium sulfate.
as nutritionally equal to human milk or other ani- If curds do not form during this period, add:

mal milks. If used as a mainstay in infant feeding, (A little more dissolved solidifier)
it must be fortified. In Asia, drinks combined Line the perforated quart container with a gener-
with soy milk are used to lure the populace from ous square of moist thin muslin and place the
the consumption of nonnutrient cola drinks. container in the sink. Gently ladle in the soy curd
Soak 12 hours in: mixture and fold the ends of the cloth over the
Water to cover top. Partly fill the other plastic container with
V2 lb. dried soybeans: VU cups water to use as a 1-pound weight. Let set 10 to 15
After soaking, drain and rinse. X
Puree beans in a minutes or until the whey no longer is expressed.
blender with: The whey can be saved for stock. Submerge in
3 cups water cold water the perforated container with the
until the smooth consistency of whipped cream. wrapped curd. Very gently unwrap the curd
In a 2-gallon heavy pot, have ready: under water and let it sit undisturbed for 3 to 5
cup hot water
1 minutes to firm up. It is highly perishable; store
Add the blended soybean mixture and bring to it refrigerated in water for only a few days. Use

a boil, stirring gently with a wooden spoon to squares of drained Tofu as a soup garnish, in
avoid scorching. When foam suddenly rises, re- salads, or as a dressing, 369. For other suggestions,
move the pot from the heat. Have ready a large see The Book of Tofu, by William Shurtleff and
colander lined with a generous square of sterilized Akiko Aoyagi.
thin cotton muslin. Set the lined colander over a
large bowl in the sink and pour the mixture into SOYBEAN PASTE OR EXTENDER
the colander. Tighten the cloth around the bean This is used to stretch meat loaves and patties.
— —
pulp the okara and press out as much milk as Thoroughly drain cooked soybeans, 286, and when
possible with the back of a spoon and, when cool free from moisture, rice or press through a col-
enough, by wringing with the hands. Sprinkle over ander. Store covered and refrigerated. Season
the pulp in the opened cloth: when adding to other foods.
A cup warm water
Press again and set aside the pulp, which is a nu- ALTERNATE OR ENGINEERED FOODS
tritious filler used in Oriental dishes. Pour the These are defined by the USDA as foods so
milk into the cleaned 2-gallon pot and bring to a processed that they improve nutrition, reduce
boil. Reduce the heat to low-medium and cook cost, provide ease of preparation and improve
10 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent sticking. stability. They include Textured Vegetable Pro-
^ The boiling is necessary to destroy the anti- teins, a processor's answer to prayer, a back-
nutritional factor trypsin. Cool the milk slightly packer's delight and a shopper's caveat. They are
and refrigerate before serving. But if you plan usually extractions of soy, wheat or cottonseed,
to make bean curd, use the milk at once while although rape and yellow mustard seed and pea-
still hot, see following recipe. nuts, field peas and beans, onions and oil seeds

are being experimented with. TVPs, as they are

all They should be bought in small lots, brought to
called, can be tailored in many forms, shapes, their peak of ripeness, and served promptly. There
colors, textures and tastes. Those micronutrients are special cheese-keepers with a cloche cover
naturally found in meat but lacking in TVPs and and platform elevated above a vinegar-holding
considered critical are added to TVPs to meet gov- base. Another device for short-term preservation
ernment Dehydrated TVPs are
specifications. is to wrap cheese in cloths which have been wrung

shelf-stable.As spun protein they must be kept out in vinegar. Sometimes storing cheese in cov-
frozen or refrigerated. In this so-called analog ered glass or enameled containers helps; and the
form they are about 16% to 20% protein, 12% to separate wrapping of each variety of cheese under
18% fat, and 55% to 60% moisture. refrigeration is essential. The most drastic method

Available separately or already combined with — atwhich true turophiles wince is to. buy —
foods, Textured Vegetable Proteins are used to canned cheese; or to pot natural cheese in crocks,
replace meat in patties up to 40%. In canned and 756, with a sufficient addition of wine, brandy or
prepared foods they sometimes replace meat alto- kirsch to arrest enzymatic action.
gether. In poultry and seafood combinations they
usually substitute for about 30% of the flesh, in MAKING UNRIPENED SOFT CHEESES
sausage products up to 30% of the lean meat; and Time was when milk was allowed to rest in a
although they are there, you may be unable to warm place until clabbered, when the curds and
detect them in some salad dressings, pizzas, jerky, whey were separated by draining through a cloth
dips, sandwich spreads, cheeses, sour creams, When
bag. the curds were firm to the touch, they
yogurts and bakery goods. Since they absorb and were hours, after which
refrigerated for several
retain moisture from the food with which they are they could be beaten with additional cream until
combined and exude no fat during cooking, Tex- smooth to make a cottage cheese or Schmierkase.
tured Vegetable Proteins are shrinkproof.
Today, for safety reasons, the recipes that follow
Two other USDA-approved alternate foods are are given for pasteurized milk. But, because the
macaroni enriched with fortified protein, a blend milk is pasteurized. Cultured Buttermilk, 533, or
of corn, soy and wheat with a fivefold increase
Rennet, 561, must be added to all the recipes to
over the protein in macaroni; and formulated activate the curdling process. In making these
grain-fruit products which provide both cereal and
cheeses, use stainless steel, enamel or glazed
fruit juice components and are recommended to crockery vessels. Have ready: a dairy thermometer,
be eaten with milk to round out the protein. a long wooden spoon, a large pan, a rack, and a
Other engineered foods which have been dis- muslin sack or Chinese cap strainer, 337, for drip-
tributed worldwide are a corn-soya-milk blend ping the cheese. A long stainless knife is needed
— —
CSM of 64% gelatinized cornmeal, 24% soya for cutting the curd. If you make these soft cheeses
flour, 5% nonfat dry milk, and a 2% premix of
often, make yourself a curd cutter of a stainless
minerals and vitamins. Enough oil may be added wire looped into an elongated "U" with the arms
to bring the minimum required fat level up to 6%. from 1 to 2 inches apart, and deep enough to fit
CSM has a protein minimum of 20% and a PER the pan in which you develop the curd. Make up
or protein efficiency rate nearly equal to the 2.5 the recipes as described. When the curd is ready,
of casein. WSB is a wheat-soy blend with nutri- cut through it with your curd cutter, lengthwise
tional values equal to CSM. Some of these cereal and crosswise of the pan as shown on 538. Then
milks are combined with whey. cut from the bottom of the pan horizontally at
1-inch intervals to form cheese curd cubes. Process
ABOUT CHEESE as described in the recipe. Store these cheeses
We heartily agree with Clifton Fadiman, who refrigerated. Do not keep more than 4 or 5 days.
called cheese "milk's leap to immortality." A bit Serve garnished with:
of cheese as garnish, topping or dessert not only Chopped chives, burnel, basil or tarragon
enlivens the taste but often adds those necessary Chopped olives or nuts
aminos which round out the protein content to Use as a base for hors d'oeuvre and dips and to
fill tomato cases. Or use them in:
make a dish nutritionally satisfying as well. Like
eggs, cheeses are very heat-sensitive, and indi- Cottage Cheese Dessert, 756
vidual recipes reflect their special needs. But un- Coeur a la Creme, 756
like eggs, many cheeses depend for their flavor
and cooking quality on skillful aging. COTTAGE CHEESE
In some
climates certain hard cheeses are cel- About IV2 Pounds
lared for years like wines, but the American house- Commercially available today is a confusing vari-
wife seldom has the kind of storage facilities to ety of cottage cheese. If called creamed, they have
keep cheeses a point. Soft cheeses, like mozzarella been recombined so as to have the approximate
and Petit Gervais, are best eaten the day they are fat value of whole milk. If called bakers' or hoop
made. Like wine, cheese is a substance constantly cheese, they are, like cottage cheese, made of
in the process of change. Cheeses do not freeze skimmed milk but are more acid because the curd
well, and refrigerate only on a short-term basis. is not washed. If called farmer's cheese, they may

have been made with whole milk, but the curd To serve or store, see Unripened Soft Cheeses,
has been pressed sufficiently so the cheese may be opposite.
Please read about Making Unripened Soft MAKING SEMIHARD AND HARD
Cheeses, above. CHEESES
Have at 70° to 72°:
There are many variations, but the harder and
1 gallon pasteurized fresh skim milk
more frequently you press the cheese during
If whole milk is used, the cream is lost in the
processing, the firmer the cheese will become. Ex-
whey. Stir in:
cept for a cheese press, which can be improvised
Vi cup fresh cultured Buttermilk, 533
as described below, hard cheeses can be made
Let this mixture stand at 70° to 75° temperature
with regular sterile household equipment sug-
until clabbered, 12 to 14 hours. Cube the curd, as
gested in making soft cheeses, 536. The process
described previously. Let rest 10 minutes. Add:
described below is for about 1'; pounds of
2 quarts 98° to 100° water
cheese. If you plan aging the cheese, you may
Set the pan on a rack in a larger pan of water and
want to make larger wheels to keep it from drying
heat until the curd reaches 98° to 100°. Hold at
this temperature, > not higher, 30 minutes to 1
hour, stirring gently every 5 minutes or the curd — Pour into
a large stainless or enamel pan:
gallon milk: certified raw or homogenized,
will toughen. Do not break the curd. As the whey
To test for or goat's or ewe's milk
is forced out, the curds will settle.

doneness, squeeze them. They should break clean Add and stir in well:
3 tablespoons cultured Buttermilk, 533
between the fingers and, when pressed, should not
If you have used goat's or ewe's milk, you may
leave a semifluid milky residue. Pour the curds,
and whey gently into a scalded sack or Chinese
need to double the amount of buttermilk. Cover
cap strainer. Rough handling can cause as much as and let stand at 70° temperature at least 4 but
not longer than 12 hours. If you care to color the
a 20% loss in bulk. Rinse the curds with:
(Cold water) cheese, use:
to minimize the acid flavor. Let drain in a cool
(A coloring tablet based on malt —available
at dairy supply houses)
place until whey ceases to drip; but the surface of
Dissolve the tablet well in:
the cheese should not become dry-looking. The
2 tablespoons water
cheese may then be combined with:
(Whipping cream) Now place the pan of prepared milk in a larger
To serve or store, see Making Unripened Soft pan of hot water and slowly bring up the heat
Cheeses, above. until the temperature of the milk is 86° F. If you
are coloring the cheese, stir in the liquid color
RICH CREAM CHEESE thoroughly at this time. While the milk is reaching
About Vi Pounds the required temperature, prepare a coagulant by
Please read about Making Unripened Soft thoroughly dissolving:
Cheeses, above. 1 household rennet tablet —
available at dairy
Combine: supply houses
1 gallon fresh pasteurized whole milk in:

V2 cup fresh cultured Buttermilk, 533 2 tablespoons cold water

Dissolve thoroughly in: Then allow the milk to reach 88° to 90° before
V* cup cold water stirring the rennet solution. Continue stirring

to V2 household rennet tablet — available at about 1 minute. Remove the pan from the hot
dairy supply houses water and allow the mixture to rest covered 30
and mix with the milk, which should be at 85°. minutes to 1 hour. If you have used certified raw
Stir gently 10 minutes and begin to watch for milk or homogenized milk, it should coagulate
any thickening. Stop stirring the moment you during this period. If, however, you have used
sense the thickening. Put the filled bowl you are milk solids, it may be necessary to leave the pan
using into a larger one of warm water and main- immersed in the hot water, maintaining the 88°
tain the milk at 80° to 85° until whey covers the to 90° temperature of the milk. In either case, to
surface and the curds break clean from the sides of test for the proper degree of coagulation, insert
the bowl when it is tipped. Cut into 1-inch curds your well-washed finger in the curd at an angle as
as described above. Now
put the curds and whey if to lift some out. If the curd breaks clean over

into a colander and, when

nearly drained, press your finger, it is ready for cutting.
out any remaining whey. Reserve and chill the Cut the curd lengthwise and crosswise at V2-
whey until you can skim off butterlike cream, and inch intervals, as shown on 538, using a long
work it back into the curds. When the cheese is stainless steel curd cutter or a stainless knife. Then
firm, add: cut diagonally at a 45° angle as shown. These re-
f/2 teaspoons salt peated cuts will divide the curd into small, even
(Additional seasoning) bits. If these cuts have been carefully made from
(Additional cream) the top to the bottom of the pan, there should be

no large lumps when you start to work the curd work into it with your well-washed hand about:
with your hand. Should there be some, however, (5 teaspoons salt)
cut them with the curd cutter rather than smashing Then form the curd into a ball within the cloth
them between your fingers. Then for 15 minutes and squeeze out as much whey as possible. Knot
work the curd with one well-washed hand, in the cheesecloth around the ball to form a bag
you can hang from your sink faucet, and let the
cheese drain another 20 minutes. Just before
pressing, you may add flavoring such as:
2 tablespoons caraway seed or preserved
chopped peppers
Now prepare to press the cheese. As pressing is
a drippy business, confine your activities to the
sink area. If you have no press, improvise one by
cutting a 7- to 8-inch-deep rim from a plastic
container about 4 to 5 inches in diameter. Place
it on a plate, as shown below. This will form
your mold. Line it with a 15-inch square of boiled
muslin. After heaping the curds into the lined

long slow movements around the edge and up

through the curd from bottom to top, letting the
portion you bring to the surface gently recede into
the mass. The curds will begin to shrink in size as
they separate from the yellowish whey. Cook the
curd a second time by returning the pan to its hot
water bath and bringing the developing curds and
whey to 102° over a 20- to 30-minute period.
Hold at 102° for 30 to 40 minutes longer. Dur-
ing this time stir gently with a long wooden
spoon every 3 to 5 minutes. The curd is ready for
firming when it forms a loose mass in your hand.
The individual curds will be of wheat-grain size
and the entire mass will look like eggs scrambled
over too high heat. To firm the curd, remove the
pan from the hot water and let the curds-and-
whey mixture stand, covered, 1 hour. During this
period, stir every 5 to 10 minutes.
To drain the curd, line a colander with several
thicknesses of cheesecloth that are large enough so
the ends hang well over the sides of the colander.
Pour the curds and whey into the lined colander, mold, fold the muslin over the top so all the curds
and drain off the whey by lifting the curds in the are wrapped. You will also need two 1-inch-thick
cloth and rolling the mass from one side of the oak disks, just smaller in diameter than the mold,
cloth to the other. Now set the drained curd, still and bricks for weighting them down. First, put on
in the cloth, in the colander again. You may one disk and weight it down with the bricks. As

the whey rises and runs or is poured off and the cholesterol. Examples of highly saturated fats are
curds contract, you may add the second disk butter and the commercially hydrogenated short-
under the bricks to allow pressure to continue. enings. Other fats, like vegetable and nut oils,
During the next 20 minutes, increase the pres- are polyunsaturated. Peanut and olive oils, called
sure by adding weight gradually with extra bricks. monounsaturated, are almost neutral in their
Be careful to add weight only to the point at effect. For more about the properties of fat, see 5.

which whey, and not curds, escapes. Then let the MEASURING BULK FATS
cheese rest in the press 12 to 24 hours in a cool
We suggest measuring bulk fats by the displace-
place. Remove the cheese from the press, unfold
ment method. If you want V2 cup fat, fill the mea-
the muslin and allow the cheese, again in a cool
suring cup half full of water. Put in fat until the
place, to air, unwrapped, on a rack from 12 to 36
water reaches the 1-cup calibration mark. Drain
hours. For an alternate way to make a mold and
the cup of water. The amount of fat remaining in
weight it, see 535.
the container will then, of course, equal V2 cup.
This so-called new cheese is bland in flavor and
suitable cheese spread recipes, 71, and for
some 756. To age this "new"
dessert cheeses,
cheese and allow it to develop its full flavor, dip
it, when the exterior is absolutely dry, into a thin
coat of melted paraffin, 833, to seal off the air and
prevent mold. Refrigerate where the temperature
drops no lower than 35°; or in the vegetable
crisper of your refrigerator, where the temperature
is about 40°. Temperatures above 55° cause the

cheese to spoil. Date the wrapping with a masking-

tape label. Flavor will develop within 2 weeks to 2
months or longer. ^ If you have used unpasteur-
ized or uncertified milk, age the cheese at least 6
months before serving. If any surface mold has
formed, wipe it off; or if it has penetrated the
Some people prefer to use a set of measuring
cups, especially for solid shortenings. These hold
cheese, cut it out. Mold-ripened cheese like
respectively A, Vi V2 and 1 whole cup.
But if
Roquefort and blue which show a mold pattern ,

you use them, push the solid shortening down

throughout are specially impregnated with a bacil-
well into the bottom of these measures or a con-
lus during aging and are beyond the skills of most
siderable space may be left, which will make your
household operations. Cheddaring of cheese calls
for still another cooking operation and elaborate
measurement inaccurate.

cutting and layering of the cheese, as well as aging

up to 3 years for a sharp cheddar.
> Most of the recipes in this book sweet
call for
butter — first-grade butter made from sweet cream
ABOUT FATS IN COOKING with no added salt. Sometimes amounts vary in a
Nothing reveals the quality of a cuisine so un- single recipe. In such instances, the lesser amount
mistakably as the fat on which it is based. Bacon will give you a palatable result, while the larger
arouses memories of our South, olive oil evokes quantity may produce a superlative one.
Mediterranean cooking, and sweet butter will If you wonder why the lovely, pale, delicately
bring forth memories of fine meals in many fragrant, waxy on your Paris breakfast tray is
places. Not only flavors but food textures change so good, here is one reason. The Brittany cows are
with the use of different fats, whose character- fed and milked so the butter making can be co-
istics are as individual as their tastes. ordinated with the first possible transportation to

Let's take a bird's-eye view of fat versatility in Paris, where it is served at once. So use butter
cooking. Fats, when used with discretion and skill, promptly.
have the power to force flavor in foods and to All butter is made from fresh or soured cream
envelop gluten strands and "shorten" them into and by law must have a fat content of 80%. The
a more tender structure. Fats also form the emulsi- remaining 20% is largely water, with some milk
fying agent in gravies and mayonnaise and can act solids. Small amounts of salt are sometimes added
as a preservative in coating some foods like Stocks, for flavor or for preservative action. Salt butter
520, and Terrines, 494. And butter gives the most may be purchased or made at home from sweet
beautiful browning in breads and pastries. or soured cream and keeps longer than sweet
Fats for cooking, of course, include both solid butter. Without the addition of color, most butter
fats and liquid oils. Fats are solid at about 70°. would be very pale rather than the warm "butter
Oils remain liquid at these temperatures, al- yellow" to which we are accustomed.
though they may become solidified when refriger- Processed butter, often sold in bulk, is made by
ated. It is fashionable today to scorn fats for their rechurning less desirable butter with fresh milk
calories and to fear "saturated" fats for their to remove unwanted odors or flavors.

The word "creamery" which sometimes appears size. Now, stop churning. Drain off and measure
on both sweet and salt butter packages is a hang- the buttermilk. Wash the butter twice, with as
over from the days when cream went to a place much 50° to 70° pure water as vou have butter-
called a creamery to be processed. The word now milk.
carries no standard or type significance it's just — If vou salt the butter, use 2
h to 1 tablespoon salt
meant to be reassuring! to 1 pound butter, folding the salt into the butter
with a wet paddle. Mold it in a form or fashion it

into rolls, using a damp cloth. Wrap it in parch-

ment or foil. To store, see About Butter, 539.


Chill the blender. Blend at high speed about 15
2 cups '
2 cup or 8 tablespoons seconds:
1 cup Light Whipping Cream, 531

should be stored in the refrigerator

All butter or until the cream coats the blades. Add:
and kept covered to prevent absorption of other V2 cup ice water
food flavors. Two weeks is considered the maxi- Continue to blend high speed until the butter
mum storage time for refrigerated butter. out
rises to the surface. Strain off the butter. Press
•X* Freeze butter for no more than 6 months at 0° any additional moisture; mold and chill. Keep the
temperature. If no refrigeration is available, butter liquid residue to add to soup; it is not rich enough
is best wrapped and kept in brine, 569, in a cool to substitute for buttermilk.
One pound of butter equals 2 cups, and when GELATIN-EXPANDED BUTTER
the pound is wrapped in quarters, each stick For dieters and frugal housewives, there are two
equals 8 tablespoons or V2 cup. See sketch above.
types of expanded butter. Whipped butter, a com-
To substitute butter for other fats, see 593.
mercial product, has had air or some inert gas in-
While these substitutions are satisfactory in cook-
corporated to increase volume and ease of spread-
ing, flavor and nutritional factors are not neces-
ing. The other type is increased by the addition of
sarily similar. For seasoned butters, see 349; for
nut butters, see 71 and 564. For Clarified or Drawn
About 2 Pounds
Butter, see 349.
Soak until dissolved:
V* cup gelatin
2 cups milk
Butter is only as good as the cream from which
Heat the milk and gelatin in a double boiler
it made. Clean whole milk is kept cool and
over, not in, boiling water. Cut into pieces and
covered during separation, which takes about 24
put into a deep bowl to soften:
hours by gravity. Skim the cream and pasteurize
1 lb. butter
it,530, stirring frequently to deter "skin" forma-
Warm the butter bowl over hot water. Whip the
tion. Cool the cream at once to 50° or less and
gelatin mixture gradually into the butter. Add to
keep it at about 55° during the entire butter-
making process. Start to churn after 3 to 24 hours
of chilling. Most of us have inadvertently turned
Should milk bubbles appear, continue beating
small quantities of cream into butter in an electric
until they go away. Pour the butter into molds and
beater or X blender, see below. We may even
chill well before serving.
have imitated churning by flipping a jar of cream
rhythmically in a figure-8 motion. For larger quan-
tities, use a churn and keep the cream between ABOUT BUTTER SHAPES
55° and 60°. A higher temperature will produce a Such a delicious staple deserves attractive presen-
greasy consistency; a lower one, a brittle, tallowy tation.Try using a butter curler, shown in use
one. A gallon of cream should yield about 3 opposite on the right. our favorite because
It is

pounds of butter. the light Va -inch-thick shells are such decorative

Using at least 30% cream, fill a sterile churn assets and of just the right texture for spreading.
one-third to one-half full. Depending on the Dip the curler into warm water before pulling it
quantity you are churning, the butter should lightly over firm butter. If the butter is too cold,
"make" within 15 to 40 minutes. We used to visit the curls will crack. Put the curls at once into cold
a neighbor while she churned and were amazed waler and store in the refrigerator until ready to
at how much slower the process was in threaten- drain and serve. The same procedure will keep
ing or stormy weather. The cream usually stays intact the butter balls and molds described below.
foamy during the first half of churning. By and by Butter for molding is first cut into '^-inch-thick
it will look like cornmeal mush. At this point, slices. It is most easily molded with a plunger, as
proceed cautiously. It then grows to corn-kernel shown lower center; or, if formed into balls, with

a pair of corrugated wooden paddles, shown But, if substituting weight for weight, use 15%
lower Use the paddles so their striations form
left. to 20% less shortening than butter.
a crisscross pattern. Then treat as for butter curls,
above. Both types of utensil must be conditioned
for use by pouring over them a generous stream of
Margarines, like butter, must by law contain 80%
boiling water, then submerging them in ice water.
For an easier if less elegant way to make butter
fat —
the rest being water, milk solids and salt.
Almost all margarines are enriched also with
balls, try melon bailers, which come
various in
sizes. Dip bailers first into hot water. Scoop out
added vitamins and color, to try to make them
comparable to butter. Margarines today are usu-
the butter ball and drop it into a dish of ice water.
ally emulsions of milk and refined vegetable oils,
Serve the balls piled on a rack over ice in a sliding-
domed covered dish, shown top left Another
some of which may be hydrogenated. Also, some
attractive way to serve butter is in small clay
may have added animal fats. Read the label for
this information.
crocks. Our favorite, second on the left, one
Margarines, because of their similar moisture
that fits into a base that holds ice water. You may
content, may be substituted for butter, weight for
decorate evenly cut squares of butter with tiny
weight or measure for measure. They produce
herb leaves or flowers, lightly pressed into the
textures somewhat different from butter in both
cooking and baking and lack the desirable butter
flavor. They are perishable and must be kept cov-
ABOUT VEGETABLE SHORTENINGS ered, under refrigeration.
Frequently these have a polyunsaturated-oil base
— soybean, corn, cottonseed, peanut —
refined, de-
odorized and hydrogenated. This process, which ABOUT OILS
adds hydrogen, solidifies the polyunsaturated veg- Vegetable oils are. pressed from various seeds,
etable oils, absorbing the oxygen in their free fatty fruits and nuts. Nutrients are best retained by cold
acids and converting them to saturated fats. Often press processes. Among the oil sources are corn,
these oils also have some added animal fats or cottonseed, olive, soybean, sesame, safflower, sun-
saturated vegetable fats such as coconut. flower and peanut. There are also such nut oils as
There may also be minute additions of emulsi- walnut, hickory and beechnut, which are better
fiers and mono- and diglyceride fats. These and used for salad dressings than for cooking, as they
the air incorporated into them make these bland break down under high heat.
shortenings technically superior for baking: they After being pressed, the oils are refined,
add a greater volume than that achieved with bleached and deodorized so thoroughly that, ex-
other solid fats like butter, and they create a cept for olive, the end products are rarely dis-
softer, spongier texture. If color has been added to tinguishable one from the other by flavor or odor;
any of these products, the label so states. but in cooking they smoking
differ greatly in their
Vegetable shortening may be stored covered points. Safflower, soybean, cottonseed and corn
in a tin at 70° over long periods. oil have higher smoking points than peanut and
To substitute solid shortening for butter, re- sesame oils. Soybean oil is not recommended for
place measure for measure, as the water in the deep-fat frying, as it foams. Olive oil, the lowest,
butter compensates for the air in the shortening. ranges around 400°.

Most oils for salad are further treated to remove Fresh pork fat, especially the kidney fat, is used as
cloudiness at refrigerator temperatures. Oils an ingredient in farces and sausages and in pate
should not be held too long at 70° even if tightly mixtures. To remove excess salt from salt pork,
closed and in dark bottles. Most of them remain see below.
in a liquid state under refrigeration. Olive oil,
which becomes semisolid when refrigerated, ABOUT DRIPPINGS
should be allowed to stand at 70° to return to a
These are fats that are rendered in the process of
liquid condition before using.
cooking fat meats. When making gravies, they are
Olive oils are like wines in the way their flavors
all desirable in reinforcing the flavors of the meats
are affected by the soils in which they are grown.
from which they come, although lamb and mutton
Creek, Spanish, Italian —
try them all to find your
should be used with great discretion. Bacon and
favorite. Olive oil is cheaper by the gallon, but, as
pork fats are often stored separately for use in
it is susceptible to rancidity —
especially the cold-
corn breads and meat pie crusts and for flavoring
press type —
when exposed to light and air, decant
other dishes where salt pork may be called for.
it into smaller containers. Use one and keep the
Other fats may be mixed together for storage.
other resealed bottles in a cool, dark place. For
>• All these fats should be clarified, as described
further discussion of the value of oils in the diet.
below, before storage in the refrigerator, to im-
see 5.
prove their keeping qualities. The natural desire to
As oils are 100% fat, they must be reduced by
keep a container handy at the back of the stove to
15% to 20% when substituted for butter, either by receive and reuse these drippings needs to be
weight or by measure. However, there are addi-
curbed. Exposed to varying degrees of warmth,
tional complications when substituting them for
these are subject to quick spoilage.
solid fats, especially in baking, see 683. So in this
To substitute drippings for butter, use 15%
book when oil is used in baking recipes, it is
to 20% less drippings.
specifically indicated and the proper amounts and
procedures are given.
ABOUT LARD Trying out or rendering solid fats such as chicken,
Lard, which is fat rendered from pork, is a softer,
duck, suet and lard improves the keeping quality
oilier fatthan butter, margarine or the other solid by removing all connective tissue, possible im-
shortenings. Leaf lard —
whether bought or home- purities and moisture. Dice the fat and heat it

rendered is a definitely superior type. It comes very slowly in a heavy pan with a small quantity
of water. You may speed up. this process by press-
from the layered fat around the kidneys, rather
ing the fat with the back of a slotted spoon or a
than from trimmings and incidental fatty areas.
Due to the more crystalline structure of this lard,
potato masher. When the fat is liquid and still
fairly warm, strain it through cheesecloth and
it cuts into flour to create a flakier texture in bis-
store it refrigerated. The browned connective
cuits and crusts, although this same crystalline
character handicaps it for cake baking. This is less
tissues in the strainer —
known as cracklings may —
true for those lards which have been hydrogen-
be kept for flavoring.
ated, refined and emulsified. Ordinary lards are
offered in bulk or package form. All lards should CLARIFYING FATS
be stored in covered containers in a cool place, To clarify fats that have been used in frying and
preferably the refrigerator. to rid them of burned food particles and other im-
To substitute lard for butter in cooking, use purities heat them slowly. You may add to the
15% to 20% less lard. fat during heating 4 to 5 slices of potato per
cup of help absorb unwanted flavors. When
fat to

ABOUT POULTRY FATS the potato is quite brown, strain the fat while still
Fats from chicken, turkeys, ducks and geese, warm through cheesecloth. Store refrigerated.

whether home or commercially rendered, are To clarify butter, see 349.

highly regarded for dietary reasons. When ren-
dered from the leaf or cavity fat, they are firm, REMOVING EXCESS SALT FROM FATS
bland and light in color. From sources such as To remove excess salt from bacon or salt pork,
skimmed broth and other cooking, they are likely parblanch before use for larding, 444, or in

to be soft, grainy and darker in color. Store delicate braises and ragouts. Put it in a heavy pan.
them covered in the refrigerator. Cover it with > cold water. Bring the water slowly
To substitute, use 3A cup clarified poultry fat to a boil and simmer uncovered 3 to 10 minutes.
to 1 cup butter. Allow the longer time if the dice are as big as
1 x 1 x Vi inch. Drain and use.
ABOUT PORK FAT To remove salt from cooking butter, heat it
This is used in both fresh and salted form. Salt slowly to avoid browning it. Skim it. Allow it to
pork, which comes from the flank, is used to line cool in the pan and remove the fat cake. Any
I'. tics, 494; for Lardoons, 445; and for Barding, 420. sediment and moisture should be in the bottom

of the pan. Butter so clarified is used in a number proach. We

assume in this book that you are
of ways, especially to seal off potted meats and in using 2-ounce eggs. These are known in the trade
cooking where a slower browning is wanted, as as "large." They should carry a Grade A stamp as
for boned chicken. well as the date of grading. If in doubt about size,
weigh or measure them. The yolk of a 2-ounce egg
ABOUT EGGS is just about 1 tablespoon plus a teaspoon; the
Nothing stimulates the practiced cook's imagina- white, about 2 tablespoons. For more equivalents,
tion or the nutritionist's enthusiasm like a good see 594 and 595. To realize how great a difference
fresh egg, for eggs contain the balanced nutri-
all egg size has on volume, notice below that two
ents from which a complete organism develops. large eggs give you about half a cup, but it takes
Eggs can transform cake doughs by providing three medium eggs to fill that same half-cup.
a structuralframework for leaven, can thicken When you decrease a recipe and want to use
custards and make them smooth, can tenderize only part of an egg, beat the egg slightly and mea-
timbales and produce fine-grained ice creams. sure about Vh tablespoons for half an egg and
They bind gravies and mayonnaise, clarify or en- about 1 tablespoon for one-third.
rich soups, glaze rolls, insulate pie doughs against Don't expect the same texture or flavor from
sogginess, create glorious meringues and souffles, eggs of other fowl —
from lark to ostrich; one of
and make ideal luncheon and emergency fare. the latter, by the way, will serve 24 for brunch. In
Because fresh eggs do all these things better using off-beat eggs be very sure of freshness.
than old eggs and because there is no comparison *To freeze and thaw eggs, see 827. To pre-
in taste and texture between the two, always serve eggs, see 814.
buy the very best quality you can find. It doesn't
matter if their yolks are light or dark or if their
shells are white or brown — as long as the shells
When fresh eggs are not available, dried eggs are
a convenience, but they are not an economy. Be-
are not shiny. While there is no test, except tast-
cause of bacterial dangers, they must always be
ing, for good flavor, the relative freshness of eggs
used in recipes that call for thorough cooking,
may be determined by placing them in a bowl of
unless a large percentage of acid is indicated.
cold water. Those that float are not usable. Un-
Packaged dried eggs should be stored at 70° and,
shelled onto a plate as shown below a truly
fresh egg has a yolk that domes up and stays up,
if opened, should be refrigerated in a tightly
lidded glass container. To reconstitute the equiva-
and a thick and translucent white, containing a
lent of 3 fresh eggs, sift V2 cup dried whole egg
ropelike strand of material called chalaza which
anchors the yoke in place. This is usable, as is the powder over V2 cup water. Whip until smooth.
small dark fleck which indicates that the egg has To substitute for 1 egg, use 2V2 tablespoons sifted
been fertilized. Remove the fleck only if using the dry egg powder to 2V2 tablespoons water. Beat
egg in a light-colored sauce or confection. until smooth. Use either of these mixtures
within five minutes after combining. You may
prefer to add the egg powder to the dry ingredi-
ents, and the water to the rest of the liquid called
for in the recipe.

It is on a hot summer day, "they" say,
to fryan egg on the sidewalk. We do not recom-
mend this particular extravagance; we mention it
to remind you that eggs cook quickly over any
kind of heat —
beginning to thicken at 144°.
Sometimes, even when eggs are cooking in a
double boiler —
over not in —
boiling water, the
heat of the pan will cause them to curdle. Be
Strange as it may seem after stressing the pur- doubly careful then with all egg dishes, not to
chase of fresh eggs, we now tack on an amend- use excessive heat and not to prolong the cooking
ment. Do not use eggs fresher than three days period. Should you suspect you have done either
old for hard-cooked eggs or for beating and bak- of these things, dump the egg mixture at once
ing. If you do, hard-cooked eggs will turn greenish into a cold dish and beat vigorously, or add a
and become difficult to peel, and cakes may fail to tablespoon of chilled cream. You may thus save
rise properly because the eggs will not beat to the the mixture from curdling.
proper volume. Only prior precautions, however, will produce
Never use a doubtful egg with any odor or smooth baked custard dishes. For, once the pro-
discoloration, especially one that is cracked: here tein of the egg has shrunk, it can no longer hold
is where salmonella can develop, see 444. moisture in suspension, and the results are bound
Eggs should really be bought and measured by to be watery. If you are combining eggs with a hot
weight, but tradition is against this sensible ap- mixture, condition them first by adding a small

quantity of the hot mixture to the beaten eggs. bowls ready, as sketched. Holding an egg in one
Then add the eggs to the remaining hot mixture. hand, tap the center of the side of the egg lightlv,
Often, too, at this point in egg cookery —
if you yet sharply, on the edge of one of the bowls
are preparing a souffle base or thickening soup or making an even, crosswise break. Then take the
a sauce with yolks —
there is enough stored heat in egg in both hands with the break on the upper
the pan to do the necessary cooking. side. Hold it over the center of a small bowl and
If you are going to cook an egg yolk and sugar tip it so that the wider end is down. Hold the
mixture, beat the eggs, add the sugar, and con- edges of the break with the thumbs. Widen the
tinue to beat until the mixture runs in a broad break by pulling the edges apart until the eggshell
ribbon from the side of the spoon. When this con- is broken into halves. As you do this, some of the

dition has been reached, the eggs will cook with- egg white flows into the bowl underneath. The
out graining. In preparing soft-cooked eggs, the yolk and the rest of the egg white will remain in
use of an egg-timer, shown 543, is a safeguard the lower half of the shell. Now pour the remain-
against overcooking. ing egg back and forth from one half-shell to the
Now, armed with two more secrets, you can other, letting some more of the white flow into
expect real magic from the rich, complete and the bowl each time until only the yolk remains
tasty protein that is tidily packed inside an egg- in the shell. During this shifting process, you will
shell. For more details about the nutritive value of be able to tell quickly, with each egg in turn, if
eggs, see 2. In baking and" in making omelets or there is any discoloration or off-odor. You can
scrambled eggs, remember that eggs will give discard the dubious egg before it is put with the
better texture and volume if they are about 65° to yolks on the left or with the whites in the large
75° at the outset. Also remember that because egg bowl on the right.
yolk is almost one-third fat, you can count on Should the yolk shatter during breaking, you
some slight thickening action as eggs cool in a can try to remove particles from the white by in-
pudding or sauce. serting the corner of a paper towel moistened in
cold water and making the yolk adhere to it.
Should you fail to clear the yolk entirely from the
BEATING EGGS white, keep that egg for another use, because the
To beat whole eggs to their greatest volume, slightest fat from the yolk will lessen the volume
have them at 65° to 75°. Before adding them to of the beaten whites and perceptibly change the
batters and doughs, beat whole eggs and yolks texture.
vigorously — unless otherwise directed in the Choose a large deep bowl in which to beat,
recipe — until they are light in color and texture. shaped as sketched on the right, below. Be sure
For some recipes, whole eggs and yolks profit it not aluminum, which will gray the eggs; or

by as much as 5 minutes or more of beating in plastic, which in spite of careful washing may
the electric mixer and will increase up to six times retain a slight film of grease, deterring volume
their original volume. development. The French dote on copper. But if
To describe the beating of egg whites is almost cream of tartar is used to give a more stable and
as cheeky as advising how to lead a happy life. tender foam, the acid present will turn the eggs
But, because the success of a dish may rest en- greenish in a copper bowl.
tirely on this operation, we go into it in some de- In recipes for meringues and in some cakes, a
tail. To get the greatest volume see that the egg portion of the sugar, about 1 teaspoon per egg,
whites are 65° to 75° and properly separated. We is beaten into the egg whites when they are foamy.

have already referred to the bride who couldn't Although this reduces volume slightly and means
boil an egg. But there are plenty of housewives a longer beating period, it does give a much more
who can't even break one. Here's how. Have 3 upstanding foam.


The lightness of the beating stroke, plus the eggs in their carton in the refrigerator.
still Raw
thinness of the wire whisk used, also make an eggs the shell and foods containing eggs
in like —
appreciable difference in building up the air ca- mayonnaise and custards in which the eggs are
pacity of egg-white cells. Choose as a beater a raw or only slightly cooked— should be kept cov-
long many-thin-wired whisk, as shown. Be sure ered, under refrigeration, and away from strong-
that bowl, beater and scraper are absolutely free smelling foods, as they absorb odors easily.
of grease, but if made of plastic the equipment To store egg whites in the refrigerator, cover
may not be greaseproof. To clean them, use a de- them closely and do not keep them longer than
tergent or a combination of lemon juice and vine- 4 days. Then use them only in recipes that call
gar. Rinse and dry carefully. for cooking. To store unbroken egg yolks, cover
If you are going to use the whites in baking, them first with water, which you then drain off
have the oven preheated. Start beating only when before using. Cover the storage dish befoie re-
all other ingredients are mixed and ready. Be pre- frigerating. Yolks may be stored uncooked up to
pared to give about 300 strokes in 2 minutes to 4 days, or for a few days longer it poached in
beat 2 egg whites. You can expect 2V2 to 4 times water until firm. Then they should only be used
the volume you start with. Begin slowly and in recipes that call for cooking. If poached, sieve
lightly with a very relaxed wrist motion and beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and use in sauces or
steadily until the egg whites lose their yellowish as a garnish for vegetables. For other uses of extra
translucency. They will become foamy. Then grad- whites or yolks, see 598.
ually increase the beating tempo. Beat without Before we leave this subject, we pull out of our
stopping until the whites are both airy and hat a conjurer's trick. Should you have any doubts
glossy and stand in peaks that are firm, but still about which eggs in your refrigerator are hard-
soft and elastic, see opposite. cooked and which are not, a quick test is to twirl
From start to finish, there should be no stopping them on their pointed ends. The hard-cooked eggs
until that state is reached that is best described as will spin like a top; the others will simply topple
stiff, but not dry. Another test for readiness is over.
the rate of flow when the bowl is tipped. Some And a hint about washing egg-soiled dishes.
cooks use the inverted bowl test in which the Start with cold water, which releases rather than
whites cling dramatically to the bottom of the glues on the protein. Rub egg-stained silver with
upside-down bowl. Usually, when this is possible, salt if polish is not handy.
the eggs have been beaten a trifle too long and
are as a consequence too dry. Although they may
have greater volume, their cells will not stretch to
capacity in baking without breaking down. If using
We have become so accustomed to our highly
bleached white flours that we forget that earlier
an electric mixer, follow the manufacturer's direc-
cooks knew only whole-kernel flours. These were
tions. We do not recommend the use of a blender
not the so-called whole wheat of our commercial
for beating egg whites.
world, but the whole grain, which includes the
Folding in egg whites should always be a man-
germ. Even the fine manchet flour of tradition
ual operation rather than a mechanical one, since
contained some germ. But many flours in general
it is essential again to retain as much air in the
use today completely lack it. As Dr. A. J. Carlson,
whites as possible. Work both quickly and
a leading investigator on foods and nutrition, says
gently. Add the heavier mixture to the lighter one.
so graphically, "When rats and gray squirrels are
Then combine the two substances with two sep-
given corn in abundance, they eat the germ and
arate movements. Various special tools, like wire
leave the rest. People leave the germ and eat the
"incorporators" and spatulas, have been suggested
rest." This nutritious and tasty entity, the germ, is
for this process, but nothing can compare for effi-
ciency with the human hand. First use a sharp,
usually removed in modern milling, because
clean action, as though cutting a cake. Then, with
flours made with are harder both to mill and

to keep. After the removal of the outer coats and

a lifting motion, envelop the whites by bringing
germ, our flours may be "enriched," but the term
the heavier substance up from the bottom of the
is misleading. Enriched flour contains only some
bowl. Repeat these slicing and lifting motions
alternately, turning the bowl as you work, try-
of the many ingredients known to have been re-
ing meanwhile not to break down the air in the
moved from it in milling. You may further fortify
your enriched all-purpose flour by combining it
beaten whites.
with some of the flours described below which
may have as much as sixteen times the protein
STORING EGGS value of wheat along with other important sub-
The storage of eggs is not difficult if you follow stances lacking in the wheat and rye flours we
a few simple rules. > Whether from nest or mar- commonly use. If you are interested in these
ket eggs should not be washed until ready for cereal components, see Composition of Foods,
use, as they are covered with a soluble film which published by the USDA.
protects the porous shell against bacterial entry. Flours must meet rigid government specifica-
If there is no special storage area for them, place tions and, when manufactured, must contain not

more than 15% moisture. But they often acquire so that it overflows the rim. Then level it off
more in careless storage. Keep flour in clean, air- gently with a knife, as shown opposite.
tight containers and store in' a cool place. Flours > In baking, sifting-before-measuring is essen-
tend to dry out in high altitudes or during the win- tial. There is a very easy way to do this neatly and

ter months. Varying moisture content affects the quickly. Keep two 12-inch squares of stiff paper,
way flours "handle." So some recipes for breads foil or plastic on hand. Sift the flour onto the first
and pastries may read "2V2 to 2 3A cups flour." If square, as shown below, left. Rest your sifter on
they do, measure the smaller amount of flour the second. Pick up the first sheet and curve it into
first, then add enough of, or even more than, the a slide from which the flour can funnel itself into
remaining flour until the dough is no longer sticky the measuring cup, which should be a dry measure
and begins to clean the sides of the bowl. Mois- shape, center. For very accurate measuring, cups
ture also affects volume, and therefore we recom- designed for A,
1 1
/j and V2, as shown lower center,
mend sifting white flours for cakes and cookies. are also desirable. When the measure is filled,
But neither white flours nor coarser flours nor level the flour by running a knife across the top
cornmeal need be sifted in bread making. of the cup; see opposite. Never try to level the
In our miraculously mechanical but standard- flour contents by shaking the cup, as this just re-
ized economy, the average housewife, oddly packs the sifted flour. Now you are ready to resift
enough, usually finds at hand only two kinds of the flour with the other dry ingredients. Between
white flour, both the results of highly milled or siftings, move the sifter to the empty sheet and
"patent" processing. These two easily available funnel the dry ingredients of the other sheet into
flours, called "all-purpose" and "cake," are used the sifter top, as you did in measuring the flour in
as their names The single word "flour"
imply. the center illustration.
in Joy recipes means all-purpose un-
always Forgive us if we repeat, but always remember
bleached wheat flour. For various ways to use the important fact that flour can vary more than
flours as thickeners, see 338 to 339. For Browned 20% in its ability to absorb moisture, depending
Flour, see 339. on the type of wheat from which it was milled, its
processing, and the amount of moisture absorbed
during storage. For this reason, even the most ac-
curate measurement may not always result in un-
qualifiedsuccess, and sometimes adjustments
must be made, on a purely experimental basis.
Read about Flour Substitutions, 595.


Most grains are similar in their structure to the
wheat kernel sketched in enlarged cross section.
The outer or bran layers contain, with the germ
indicated by the darker swirl on the right most —
of the grain's vitamins and minerals. The germ,
which is only 2% of the entire kernel, contains
MEASURING FLOURS the highest grade protein and all of the fat. The
It isparticularly important that flour is not packed endosperm indicated on the left is largely starch,
in measuring. Spoon the flour lightly into the cup —
with some protein different from but comple-

mentary to the protein of the germ. The outer baking. Some of them also have a larger per-
coatings and the germ —
small though they are centage of hard durum wheat, and although the
compared with the whole kernel in this enlarged manufacturers may suggest them to replace cake

drawing are of unchallenged importance in con- flour, the greater gluten content may tend to

tent and irreplaceable in flavor. toughen cakes. If you use them for cakes, be sure
to use 1 tablespoon less per cup than our recipes
call for. We also suggest resifting.
Soft, finely milled, —
low-gluten flour often avail-
able in the South, where it is used for quick breads

and pastries.


These contain the right amounts of leavens and
baking. Many people do not like to use
Older and slower methods of milling such as — salt for
them because, during delays in merchandising or
stone grinding, which distributes the germ oil
storing, the leavens are apt to lose their potency.
evenly and keeps the gram cooler during process-
If used in pastry, these flours give a spongy, rather
ing— prevent rancidity. High-speed steel milling
than flaky, texture. They should be used only for
produces greater heat and less even oil distribu-
crusts where a low fat content is the objective and
tion, necessitating the removal of the germ to en-
the fat in the recipe has been reduced. They are
sure longer shelf life. After buying very freshly
not recommended for making bread, but if you
ground unbleached flour, let it age about six
must use them, omit the salt called for in the
weeks for best gluten development. However, try
to use all flours containing gluten within 2 months
of purchase, even though stored inthe refrigerator INSTANT FLOUR
or freezer, for gluten loses its strength with ad- A specialty flour used in the making of gravies and
vancing age. sauces. Never substitute for all-purpose flour.


This isblend of hard and soft wheat flours. The
a A creamy-colored, granular, protein-rich durum
presence of more and tougher gluten in the hard wheat used commercially for all types of
wheat constituent results in a rather elastic and pasta. It is not your fault if homemade pastas and
porous product. All-purpose flour, bleached or noodles fail to hold their shape no matter how
unbleached, can be used interchangeably, but un- carefully you have prepared and cooked them.
bleached has higher nutritional value. Some of the The trouble lies in the lower gluten content of
flours sold in our South as all-purpose are closer all-purpose flour on which housewives frequently
to cake flour in texture. In using them with yeast, depend.
give them only one rising period to not quite — FARINA

double the volume and then let the dough rise
Also a creamy-colored, granular, protein-rich
to normal, as indicated by the finger test sketched
meal made from hard wheat other than durum,
on 600. You may substitute for 1 cup of all-
with the bran and most of the germ removed.
purpose flour 178 cups of cake flour.
This is made of soft wheats, and their delicate, These and some commercial whole wheats retain
less expansive gluten bakes to a crumblier texture.
their original vitamins, mineral salts, fats and other
Although you will not get the same result, in
emergencies you may substitute 1 cup minus
still —
unknown components whether coarsely or
finely milled. Scientists are aware of about twenty
2 tablespoons sifted all-purpose flour for 1 cup of these substances, even if they have so far
cake flour.
failed to isolate them all or to produce them

BREAD FLOUR synthetically.

Although not easily come by, this flour is highly

You may substitute 1 cup of very finely milled
desirable for bread making, as high proportion
whole-grain flours for 1 cup of all-purpose flour.
of gluten indicates a greater protein content. The For coarsely ground whole-grain flour, substitute
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons for 1 cup of all-purpose
gluten also gives elasticity to dough and allows it
to expand and hold the gas liberated by the yeast. flour. This should be stirred lightly rather than

Bread flour feels almost granular or gritty when sifted before measuring.

rubbed between the fingers. Yeast breads made from whole wheal flours do
not have to be kneaded. They can be mixed and
PRESIFTED FLOURS allowed to rise just once in the pan. However, if
These are ground to a point of pulverization and, kneading is omitted, the texture will be coarser
whether resitted or not, give a different texture to and denser.

BRAN FLOUR 1 cup of all-purpose flour. Be sure that the wheat

germ, either powdered or whole, is very slightly
This flour often gives a dry result unless you
toasted before combining it with the dough.
soften the bran by allowing the wet bread mixture,
minus the yeast or baking powder, to stand for TRITICALE FLOUR
8 hours or so. Bran flours are usually mixed with A nutritious sweet-tasting flour originally obtained
some all-purpose flour. from intergenetic hybridization by crossing durum
wheat, hard red winter wheat and rye. Although
the flour is higher in protein than all-purpose
Cut rather than ground, this flour gives up little wheat flour, it is low in gluten and should be
of its starch as a binder. Therefore, it must be mixed with higher gluten flours for bread making.
mixed with all-purpose or whole wheat flour in
Use the grain as sprouts, 565, or cook as for
baking. We also prefer cooking it as for Coarse Coarse Cereals, 200.
Cereals, 200, before adding it to the flour mixture.

This is a starch-free, high-protein flour made by
Some of the following nonwheat flours can be
used alone. But in any bread recipe that fails to
washing the starch from hard wheat flour. The
residue is then dried and ground. See Gluten
call for wheat flour at least in part, you must ex-
pect a marked difference in texture, as wheat
Bread, 609. For 1 cup all-purrjose flour, substi-
gluten has a unique elastic quality. This protein
tute 13 tablespoons gluten flour. Other flours
gluten factor in wheat is activated when the flour
lacking in gluten such as rye, soya and rice can
is both moistened and handled, at which time the
be used in proportionately greater quantity if
gluten is said to "develop." The flour is then able
gluten flour instead of the usual all-purpose flour
to absorb as much as 200 times its weight in
is added
to them.
moisture. In discussing nonwheat flours, some of
Gluten is found in its most complete form in

wheat. Scientists think but are not sure that 2 — which are richer in overall protein content than
wheat, we give the closest substitutions we have
substances, glutenin and gliadin, occurring sep-
arately in the wheat, interact to form gluten.
been able to find, but we advise, if possible,
using at least 1 cup wheat flour for every 2 cups
Gluten can never develop except in the presence
other flour, or a very heavy dough results. For
of moisture and when the grain is agitated, as in
increased protein content, we suggest the use of
kneading. To prepare gluten from gluten flour,
Cornell Triple-Rich Formula, 602. Coarse flours
knead into a stiff dough:
4 cups whole-grain or unbleached flour
need not be sifted before measuring. They do
need more leavening than wheat types. Allow
IV2 to 3 cups lukewarm water
2V2 teaspoons baking powder for every cup of
Roll it into a ball and submerge it in water for 2
coarse flour.
hours. Then, still keeping the dough ball under
water, work the starch out of it by kneading. At CORN FLOUR
intervals, pour off the starchy water. Replace the Yellow or white corn may be milled into corn
water you pour off and continue to knead, re- flour, or the flour may be a by-product in the
peating this operation until the water is almost making of cornmeal. Use in baking, mixed with
clear.The gluten is then ready to cook. Form other flours.
the starch-free dough into a loaf and cut it into
/2-inch slices. Put into a 3-quart pan for which
you have a tight lid: A refined starch obtained from the endosperm of
corn, this is a very valuable thickener. Substitute
V* cup vegetable oil
You may flavor the gluten at this point by sau-
one tablespoon cornstarch for 2 tablespoons all-
teing until clear and golden:
purpose flour.

1 finely sliced medium-sized onion

The new waxy starches made from certain va-

Put the gluten slices into the pan and cover with: rieties of corn are revolutionizing frozen sauces
Boiling water and fillings by their great stabilizing powers, but
Simmer, closely covered, for 1 hour and drain. they are not to be used in baking. For thickening
substitute 1 tablespoon waxy corn flour for 1
Store refrigerated and closely covered. The gluten
slices can then be further cooked by dipping them
tablespoon all-purpose flour.
in egg and potato or rice flour and browning them
There is nothing more discouraging than the
slowly in an oiled pan. Or cover with undiluted lumps any cornstarch can form or the raw taste it
tomato, mushroom or celery soup and place in a
produces if it is badly handled or insufficiently
preheated 350° oven about 20 minutes or until
cooked. Here are the things we have learned that
thoroughly heated. help us to handle it more easily:
Use a double boiler.
WHEAT-GERM FLOUR In recipes calling for sugar, avoid lumping by
This must be refrigerated after opening. It may mixing cornstarch, sugar and salt together just
be substituted by using V3 cup of powdered before adding gradually to the cold liquid.
wheat germ and 2h cup of all-purpose flour for In recipes without sugar, make a paste of 1

tablespoon of cornstarch to 1 cup of the liquid AAt altitudes of 5000 feet or higher, maximum
called for in the recipe. Introduce this paste grad- gelatinization of cornstarch cannot be achieved
ually into the hot, but not boiling, liquid. in a double boiler. Use direct heat.
Cornstarch, along with tapioca and arrowroot,
is recommended for thickening very acid fruits
because it does not lose its thickening power as
When stone-ground, cornmeal not only retains
the germ but has a superior flavor. Yellow corn-
quickly as flour does in the presence of acid. But
meal has more vitamin A potential than has white
if it is overcooked, it loses its thickening power
cornmeal, but there is little difference in their nu-
very quickly, regardless of the presence of acid.
tritional or baking properties. Cornmeals can be
These facts account for the countless letters we
used alone in Corn Dodgers, 628, or mixed with
get on pie fillings. In the extra special care cooks
other flours in quick and yeast corn breads. To
lavish on fillings, they are apt to overcook, or
avoid graininess in corn breads, mix cornmeal and
overbeat them after cooking. Be very careful to
the liquid in the recipe, bring to a boil, and cool
check the cooking stages described later on.
before mixing with the other ingredients.
Other causes for breakdown of thickening may
come from a too high percentage of sugar in the RICE FLOUR
recipe and, strangely, even from using too much This makes a close but delicately textured cake in
cornstarch. recipes heavy in egg. For recipes using rice flour,
Also, tests have shown that the material from see Index. 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons
which the double boiler is made has a direct result rice flour cup all-purpose flour. But be
for 1
on the thickening quality and the success of un- sure, in baking, not to choose a waxy type of
molding cornstarch puddings. Stainless steel and rice flour, also known as mochika or sweet flour.
enamel are superior to heatproof glass or heavy Instead, use these waxy rice flours in making
crockery. sauces. They have remarkable stabilizing powers
But to get on with the cooking. Once the corn- which prevent the separation of frozen gravies and
starch is properly added to the liquid, dispersed
sauces when reheated. They are also much less
either in sugar or in a cold paste, it goes through likely to lump.
2 main cooking periods, 3 if eggs are added. To
keep the temperature right for the timing given RYE FLOUR
here, use an enamel or stainless steel pan. Fill the When used in most of the commercial rye breads,
base of the double boiler so that the water just this flour is usually combined with a varying pro-
dampens the bottom of the liner. Bring the portion of wheat flour. This is because the rye
water to a bubbling boil before starting the tim- flour gluten factor provides stickiness but lacks
ing. During the first period of about 8 to 12 min- elasticity. Breads made largely with rye flour are
utes constant, gentle stirring is necessary to moist and compact and usually call for a sour-
blend the mixture free from lumps and to hold dough leavener, 555. Substitute VU cups rye
the starch particles in suspension until gelatini- flour for 1 cup all-purpose flour.
zation takes place and the mixture thickens. In
this time, it should have reached at least 185°, the RYE MEAL
temperature that is essential for proper un- This is simply coarsely ground whole-rye flour.
molding. Substitute 1 cup rye meal for 1 cup all-purpose
Then follows the second period of about 10 flour. See Rye Flour, above.
minutes when the mixture is covered and
cooked undisturbed to complete gelatinization.
This flour has both a high protein and a high fat
Maintain the 185° temperature.
content. However, some soy flour is made of
A third period, of about 2 minutes, follows the
beans from which the fat has been largely ex-
addition of the eggs. This adding procedure is
when it is known as soybean low-fat flour.
just like any other when eggs or egg yolks must
Itmay be made from very lightly toasted beans or
meet hot liquid. The eggs are well beaten first.
from raw beans, when it is known as soybean
A portion of the hot mixture is added to the eggs flour. Because of the fat, it is not mixed with the
very gradually. This is returned to the original
dry ingredients but is creamed with the shorten-
mass, which has temporarily been removed ing or blended with the liquids. Stir before mea-
from the heat. The stirring is less constant and
suring and substitute 2 tablespoons of soy flour
extremely gentle during the next 2 minutes. The
plus 7/s cup of all-purpose flour for 1 cup of all-
pudding should thicken much more in cooling.
purpose flour. But if you like the flavor, use up to
Have ready molds rinsed out in cold water. Stir
20% of the weight of the flour in the recipe. Soy
the mixture very gently into them — releasing steam
flour causes heavy browning of the crust, so re-
which would condense and thin the mixture. Cool
duce baking temperatures about 25°.
for about 30 minutes at room temperature. For
successful unmolding, store individual molds 1 SOY MEAL
to 2 hours in refrigerator; larger molds, 6 to 12 This coarse meal should be soaked with 2 parts
hours. boiling water until all moisture is absorbed. Keep

in the refrigerator and use as an extender for method as cornstarch, but substitutes in the
meats. amount of IV2 teaspoons arrowroot to 1 table-

POTATO FLOUR OR POTATO STARCH spoon flour. To ensure an

attractive consistency
when arrowroot glaze is to be used on cold acid
Made from cooked potatoes that have been dried
fruits, dissolve T/2 teaspoons gelatin in 1 table-
and ground, this flour is used chiefly in soups,
spoon cold water and add it to the hot glaze.
gravies, breads and cakes, in combination with
Spoon the cooled, thickened glaze over the chilled
other flours, or alone in Sponge Cakes, 669. To
fruit and keep cold until you serve.
avoid lumping, blend it with sugar before mixing
— or cream it with the shortening before adding a BARLEY FLOUR
liquid. In bread recipes, it gives a moist, slow- > To substitute, use V'2 cup barley flour for each
staling loaf. To use as a thickener, substitute 1 cup of all-purpose flour.
tablespoon potato flour for 2 tablespoons all-
purpose flour; in baking, 5/a cup potato flour for BUCKWHEAT FLOUR
1 cup all-purpose flour.
This flour of high biologic value is best used in
the proportion of \U cup buckwheat to A cup

SORGHUM FLOUR other flour for good texture.

\l-o called milo maize, this flour is often used to
thicken soups. COTTONSEED FLOUR
With at least four times the protein value of
wheat, this flour is often used to enrich breads.
These are similar in their uses. Tapioca is
^ Substitute 2 tablespoons cottonseed flour plus Va
processed from the Brazilian cassava root and
cup all-purpose flour for 1 cup all-purpose flour.
sago from certain Indian palms. Cassava is poison-
ous until heated to release the hydrocyanic acid. PEANUT FLOUR
Sago and the so-called pearl tapioca must both Contains at least sixteen times the protein value
be soaked for at least 1 hour before using. Soak of wheat. It may be substituted by using 2 table-
4 cup of the pearls in '2 cup water, which should spoons peanut flour plus Va cup all-purpose flour
be completely absorbed; if it isn't, the pearls are for 1 cup all-purpose flour.
too old to use. If you have already embarked on
mixing the recipe, vou can substitute rice in equal OAT FLOUR AND OATMEAL
parts for pearl tapioca. To substitute so-called These are ground to different consistencies to
minute or granular for pearl tapioca, allow Vh combine with wheat flours up to one-third. Oat-
to 2 tablespoons of this finer form for 4 table-
meal is better in baking if soaked in boiling water
spoons of the soaked pearl. As a thickener, sub- with the shortening and cooled before the yeast or
stitute 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca for 1 other leaven is added.
tablespoon flour. ROLLED OATS
TAPIOCA FLOUR These are separate flakes formed by rolling the
Like the waxy rice and corn flours, above, these groats with hulls removed, and steaming them.
are popular for sauces and fruit fillings that are to The thinness of the flake determines regular or
be frozen. These sauces reconstitute without quick-cooking oats. They are popular for adding
breaking down and becoming watery as do flour- flavor to cookies. Steel-cut oats are obtained by
thickened sauces after frozen storage. passing the groats or kernels through special cut-
To use in freezing, substitute 1 tablespoon ting machines. Substitute V/3 cups rolled oat
tapioca flour for 2V2 tablespoons all-purpose flour flakes for 1 cup all-purpose flour. To combine with
to 1 cup liquid. In nonfrozen sauces, substitute wheat flours for breads, use Vi cup oat flakes for
Vh teaspoons tapioca flour for 1 tablespoon all- each cup flour.
purpose flour. BEAN FLOUR
Tapioca flour ispopular for making verv clear Substitute 4 to 5 cups bean flour for 1 cup all-
glazes. Cook the tapioca and fruit juice or water
purpose flour.
only to the boiling point. Beware of overcook-
ing, as the tapioca will become stringy. Never NUT MEAL
boil. When the first bubbles begin to break These finely ground dry nuts are used as a flour
through the surface, remove the pan from the heat substitute in many Torten, 684.
at once. The mixture will look thin and milky.
Let it stand 2 or 3 minutes. Stir. Wait 2 or 3 min-
A chocolate-flavored powder milled from the
utes longer and stir again. If the recipe calls for
carob-tree pod which is also known as Saint-
butter, stir it in at this time. After 10 minutes more
John's-bread. A nutritious substitute for chocolate
of undisturbed cooling, the glaze should be thick
for the allergic, low in fat and delicious in its own
enough to apply to the food you are glazing.
ARROWROOT FLOUR OR STARCH To substitute for flour, allow Va to 1
A cup
This another popular base for cream sauces and
is carob powder plus Va to A cup
3 flour for every
clear and delicate glazes. It cooks by the same cup of flour. > To substitute for chocolate, 3

tablespoons of carob flour plus 2 tablespoons teaspoon salt and brown them slowly in V3 cup
liquid equals 1 ounce unsweetened chocolate. Use butter. Use at once. You may enliven them with
less sugar, as it is naturally sweet. bits of chopped minced bacon, chopped nutmeats
or grated cheese and paprika.
This can be kept on hand for use in gravies and
some quick breads, pancakes and biscuits. Sift to-
gether 6 times, Vx cup cornstarch and Vi cup of
any of the following: rye flour, potato flour or rice
flour. If you use this combination for baking, you
will need 2 teaspoons baking powder for each cup
of the flour mixture. If using cornstarch or rice

flour in baking, be sure to avoid the waxy types.


Thismay be substituted 1 cup cooked cereal for
A cup
But you must also cut the fluid in
the recipe by 1 cup for each cup of cooked cereal
used. To mix, stir the cooked cereal into the re-
maining fluid before combining with the other

In reading recipes, note what kind of bread
crumbs are called for. The results are very differ-
ent, depending on whether they are dry, fresh,
browned or buttered.
Finely crushed cracker crumbs or cornflakes,
corn or potato chip crumbs are sometimes used
These dry or seasoned fresh bread morsels
in place of bread crumbs in breading and in au
come in all As coarse crumbs, they are an
gratins, see below.
attractive garnish for noodles, dumplings or
DRY CRUMBS Spatzle. In small dice, they add glamour to pea
These are made from dry bread, zwieback or and other soups. Use croutons in tiny dice and
cake. If these materials are not sufficiently dry, mound them around game, or, as larger toasts,
crisp them on a baking sheet in a 200° oven be- under game or a chop. They can be spread with
fore making the crumbs. Do not let the crumbs a pate or be used as a spongy surface for the nat-
color. If only a few are being made, grind them in ural juices. In large size, they can also be placed
a rotary hand grater, as sketched on 562, or in a under a dripping rack during the roasting of meats
•*» blender. If making them in large quantities, to catch and hold the juices.
put them through a meat grinder with a medium
chopping blade. Tie a bag tightly over the mouth I. Dice bread, fresh or dry, and saute it in butter
until it is an even brown. Or butter slices of bread,
of the grinder to catch them all.
Measure dry bread crumbs as you would cut them into dice and brown them in a 375°
sugar, 556. Store dry bread crumbs in a cool, dry
place, not too tightly lidded, or they may mold. II. When 2 cups croutons have been sauteed or
SOFT BREAD CRUMBS browned in the oven, drop them while still hot
To prepare these, use two- to four-day-old bread. into a bag containing:
You may crumb it very lightly with your fingers. teaspoon salt

But a safer way to retain the light texture desired teaspoon paprika

in such crumbs is to pull the bread apart with a 2 to 4 tablespoons ground Parmesan cheese
fork —
using a gingerly motion, as sketched. Do or very finely minced fresh herbs
not crush the bread with the hand that is holding Close the bag. Shake it until the croutons are
it. evenly coated. Add them to hot soup.
To measure bread crumbs, pile them
III. Use for soup, noodles or Caesar salad. Cut into
lightly into a cup. Do not pack them down unless
/2-inch cubes:

the recipe calls for soaking these fresh crumbs in

water, milk or stock and pressing the moisture
Saute the cubes in:
out before using, when they naturally compact.
Hot butter or olive oil
Use at once.
You may rub the skillet with garlic or add grated
BROWNED OR BUTTERED BREAD CRUMBS onion to the butter, Stir them gently or shake the
To prepare these, use dry bread crumbs, as de- skillet until they are coated. Sprinkle with:
scribed. Allow for each cup dry bread crumbs V2 Grated cheese or herbs


finely sifted dry bread crumbs or
crushed cornflakes or crackers
When dredging or lightly covering food with
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
flour or crumbs or with a more elaborately bound
V2 teaspoon dried herbs, choosing from: savory,
coating, the main thing to remember is this: you chervil, chives, basil or tarragon;
want a thin, even and unbroken covering that
or lu teaspoon rosemary
will adhere. The food should be about 70° and
should be dry. If the food is floury to begin
with or is made with a thickened sauce, the flour- BOUND BREADING OR COATING
ing may be omitted. But for fish fillets, shrimp, A L'ANGLAISE
meat, or anything with a moist surface, it is Enough to Coat 8 Croquettes
essential to dry it first and then flour it. To prepare a more adhesive bound breading or —
To prepare a simple breading, have ready coating a I'anglaise —
begin by wiping the food
finely sifted crumbs, flour or cornmeal. Cornmeal dry. Then dip the dry food into a shallow bowl of
gives the firmest coating. If the food is not fragile, seasoned flour. Have ready, aside from the flour,
simply put a small quantity of the seasoned coat- two other bowls. In the first bowl, put a mixture
ing material in a paper or plastic bag with the of:
food vou want to cover, and shake. You will find 1 beaten egg
teaspoons water or milk
2 to 3
(2 teaspoons oil)
Stir these ingredients together with 10 or 12 mild
strokes. Do not let the egg get bubbly, as this
makes the coating uneven. In the other bowl,
have ready:
A cup sifted seasoned dry bread crumbs
As each piece of food is floured, toss it lightly
from one palm to the other, patting it gently all
over and encouraging any excess flour to fall off,
as sketched on the left. Then slide the flour-coated
food through the egg mixture, making sure the
entire surface is contacted, as shown at center.
Allow any excess moisture to drip off. Then place
the food in the crumb-lined bowl. See that the
crumbs adhere evenly to all the edges of the food
as well as to its larger surfaces. If you see any
vacant places, sprinkle a few crumbs on them. Pat
on any excess crumbs that might fall off and brown
too rapidly, thus discoloring the frying fat. Handle
thismethod gives a very even, quick and eco- the food very- gently, so that the coating will not
nomical coating. Or prepare the following Sea- be cracked. Place on a rack to dry for about 20
soned Flour or Crumbs. minutes before frying. Do not chill this food
before frying, as this will tend to make it absorb an
SEASONED FLOUR OR CRUMBS undue amount of fat.

1 cup all-purpose flour, finely sifted dry bread "Au gratin" is a term that, in America, is usually
crumbs or finely crushed cornflakes associated with cheese. But the term may merely
1 teaspoon salt refer to a light but thorough coating of fine fresh
V* teaspoon pepper or ! 2 teaspoon paprika or dry bread crumbs or even crushed cornflakes,
(Vs teaspoon ginger or nutmeg) cracker crumbs or finely ground nuts placed on

top of scalloped or sauced dishes. These are then Where does this rising power lie? First, the
browned in the oven or under the broiler to form steam converted from the moisture, in any bak-
a crisp golden crust. A sprinkling of paprika helps ing, may account for a third to four-fifths of the
to induce browning. Such dishes are usually com- expansion of the dough. The greater amount is
binations of cooked shellfish, fish, meats, vegeta- characteristic of popovers and cakes rich in egg
bles or eggs, bound by a while or brown sauce white. So, to encourage the generation of this
and served in the dish in which they were cooked. easily lost asset, preheat your oven.
If the sauce is heavy in fat, it is wise to place the We usually think of leavens as resulting from
scalloped dish in a pan of hot water before run- baking powders, 555, sour milk and soda, 555, and
ning it under a broiler. Or you may set the casse- yeast —
all of which expand with the steam to form

role or baking dish on a piece of foil, shiny side gas as a major force. But we tend to forget the im-
down to deflect the heat. Or just set the casserole portance of the mechanical incorporation of air
on a baking tin. from which the rest of the rising power comes. To
To make the following au gratin mixtures give a boost to the chemical reactions, be sure you
quickly, put the ingredients in a X blender in the know how to cream fat and sugar, 671; how to
proportion and amount you need. fold and mix batters, 664; how to beat eggs, 544;
and, especially, how to beat egg whites to that
state called "stiff, but not dry," 544. And who
Dry bread crumbs would ever guess that fresh-fallen snow or even —
in a thorough, but light, covering over the sauced
food. Bake in a 350° to 375° oven. Or place the
old snow from below the surface —
makes an ex-
cellent substitute for eggs as a riser in puddings
dish under a preheated broiler 3 inches below the
and pancakes —-because of the snow's ammonia
source of heat until a crisp, golden brown crust


Dry bread crumbs and dots of butter Yeasts are living organisms with 3200 billion cells
(Paprika —
about V2 teaspoon per cup) to the pound —
and not one is exactly like another.
to make a thorough but light covering over the They feed on sugars and produce alcohol and
food, before baking it in a 350° oven. Or run
the dish under a preheated broiler 5 inches from

carbon dioxide the "riser" we are after. But you
may prefer, as we do, to accept a Mexican attitude
the source of heat, to produce a crisp golden crust.
toward yeast doughs. They call them almas, or
III. Completely cover the food to be au gratined souls, because they seem so spirited.
with: When flour is mixed with water to form a
Dry bread crumbs, dots of butter and dough, which is then kept in a warm place, the
grated cheese wild yeast coming from the air and in the flour
(Paprika —
about Si teaspoon per cup) will start working and form a sourdough. There

Place the dish under a preheated broiler, 5 inches are enzymes in the flour to convert the wheat
below the source of heat, to form a glazed golden starch into the sugar on which the yeast feeds,
crust. The finished result should be neither pow- making alcohol and carbon dioxide. Organic acids
dery nor rubbery but "fondant." It will be more and other fragrant compounds are also created to
"fondant" if you use natural-aged American or give the sour effect. Sourdoughs, discussed below,
cheddar cheese, and drier if you use Parmesan or are products of this primitive bacterial ferment.
Romano. They are so primitive that they are recorded in
Egyptian history in 4000 B C This leavened bread
ALMOND OR AMANDINE GARNISH has been called the first "convenience" food, as
A Scant V2 Cup its yeast content gives it excellent keeping quality.

This garnish is a classic. It glorifies the most com- The different yeasts, compressed and dried,
monplace dish: activate at different temperatures, see below.
Melt: These temperatures and the amount of food avail-
Va cup butter able limit the life span of the yeast. Its force,
Stir and saute in over low heat, to avoid scorch-
it therefore, can be easily computed. One-half
ing, until lightly browned: ounce raises 4 cups of flour in 1 V2 to 2 hours. One
V4 cup blanched shredded almonds ounce raises 28 cups of flour in about 7 hours.
Salt, as needed For speedier raising, an excess of yeast is often
As a variation on almonds as a vegetable garnish, added. But this is not necessary, and it often
try: affects flavor and gives a porous texture. Small
(Roasted pumpkin, squash or sesame seeds) quantities of sugar also speed yeast activity, but
too much will inhibit it. You may have noticed
ABOUT LEAVENS that it takes very sweet doughs longer to rise. As
We are all so accustomed to light breads and salt also inhibits yeast, > never use salted water for
cakes that we seldom question the part that leav- dissolving yeast. In very hot weather, after the
ens play. yeast is dissolved and added to the flour, salt may

be added in small quantities to control too rapid often preferred for its better keeping qualities. It

fermentation. comes dated and, if kept in a cool place, will hold

Yeast dough is allowed to rise and fall a number for several months —
and somewhat longer in a
of times during dough-making to improve the refrigerator. Greater heat and more moisture are
texture, but if allowed to qverexpand, it can use needed to activate it than for compressed yeast.
up its energy. In this case, there is little rising ^ Use more water to dissolve it; but decrease by
power left for the baking period, when it is most that amount the liquid called for in the recipe and
needed. heat the dissolving water to between 105° and
For different methods of incorporating yeast in 115°. To dissolve it readily, sprinkle the powdered
doughs, read about Mixing Bread Dough, 599. The yeast on the surface of the water. Or it may be
liquids added to yeast, either alone or in com- mixed with the dry ingredients in the mixer
bination, are water, which brings out the wheat method, 600, and activated by using 120° to 130°
flavor and makes a crisp crust; or skim milk, which liquid. Since this yeast does not contain excess
not only adds to the nutritive value but also gives starch, it will not bubble when placed in water.
a softer crumb. The fat in whole and homogenized For growth, add small quantities of flour and
milk tends to coat the yeast and prevent its sugar.
proper softening. Potato water may also be used, To substitute dry granular yeast for com-
but it hastens the action of the yeast and gives a pressed yeast, use 1 package or 1 scant tablespoon
somewhat coarser, moister texture to dough. Both active dry yeast granules for a 3/5-ounce cake of
milk and potato water somewhat increase the compressed yeast.
keeping quality of bread.
To produce the best yeast bread, you must give DEBITTERED BREWERS' OR NUTRITIONAL YEAST
the dough time to rise slowly; the entire process —
Another form of dry yeast but one without leav-
takes about 4 or 5 hours before baking. If you use —
ening power which adds nutritive value to foods.
1 cake of yeast to Vh cups of liquid and if the It may be added to breads in the proportion of
temperature is right, you can count on about 2 1 to 3 teaspoons to 1 cup of flour without affecting

hours or more for the first rising; 1 or more for flavor or texture adversely.
the second; and 1 hour for rising in the pans. You
may increase the yeast content in any recipe and ABOUT SOURDOUGH
reduce your rising time considerably. Some suc-
This term brings to mind at once the hardbitten
cessful quick recipes are given, but if you are
pioneer whose sharing of the bread "starter" was
going to the effort of using yeast, you might as
Of course, the best French
a true act of friendship.
well work for the superlative result which comes
breads and many other famous doughs are also
from the srower process.
based on flour and water mixtures fermented in
COMPRESSED YEAST various ways to trap natural yeast. In kitchens
This living organism is dependent on definite where yeast baking has been going on for cen-
temperature ranges. It begins to activate at about turies, these organisms are plentiful in the air,

50° > and is at its best between 78° and 82°. It and success is quickly assured, see II, below. But
in an uninitiated streamlined kitchen, we recom-
begins to die around 120° and is useless for bak-
ing after 143°. We prefer using this moist cake mend beginning a sourdough with a commercial
weighing about 3/5 ounce. But it must be kept yeast, especially in winter, see I, below.
refrigerated. Although compressed yeast comes in Remember, the sourdough starter is just as frag-

larger sizes, when 1 cake is specified in this book

ile and must be cosseted along. For
as the yeast

it means the 3/5-ounce size. If bought fresh, it a good method of fermenting and maintaining an
80° to 90° temperature during fermentation, see
will keep about 2 weeks. Frozen, it will keep for
2 months. Take out only what is needed and let
Potato Salt-Rising Bread, 607. Keep the starter away
it defrost overnight in the refrigerator. When at its
from drafts or too high heat. Two cups of this
best it is a light grayish-tan in color. It crumbles
foamy mixture are substituted for 1 cake or pack-
readily, breaks with a clean edge and smells pleas-
age of yeast and the dissolving liquid. After you
antly aromatic. When old, it becomes brownish in
have made your starter, you can continue to use it
for about 3 days at room temperature without re-
color. To test for freshness, cream a small quantity
working it and for about a week if it is refrigerated,
of yeast with an equal amount of sugar. It should
then allowed to rest at 70° at least 1 hour before
become liquid at once. You may let crumbled,
using. Try to use the sourdough at least once a
compressed yeast dissolve in warm water or warm
week; you may freeze the starter if it is not to be
pasteurized skim milk at 80° to 90° for aboui 5
used for several weeks. Allow at least 24 hours
minutes before combining with the other ingre-
for the frozen starter to become active again at
dients called for in the recipes.
room temperature before using.
ACTIVE DRY YEAST Keep at least T/2 to 2 cups starter on hand,
This form of yeast comes in airtight,
granular covered loosely to allow escape of the gas which
moisture-proof packages measuring 1 scant table- accumulates. If an alcoholic liquid forms on top,
spoon or in 4-ounce vacuum-packed jars. It is pour it off. To replenish, see opposite.

Expect the sourdough to have an odor very like them there must be an acid and an alkaline ma-
salt-rising bread. Should it develop any abnormal terial reacting with each other in the presence of
coloration, discardit. To avoid spoilage, wash the —
moisture to form a gas carbon dioxide which —
startercrock about once a week with a detergent takes the form of tiny bubbles in the dough or
and warm water. Rinse well and dry carefully be- batter. In baking, these quickly expand the batter,
fore returning the starter to the crock. Try the which is then set by the heat to make a light-

sourdough recipes listed in the Index if you are textured crumb. Before measuring any of these
adventurous, persistent and leisurely. leavens, stir and break up any lumps, and use a
dry measuring spoon.
Because of the decrease in barometric pres-
SOURDOUGH STARTER sure at high altitudes, the carbon dioxide gas

lacking yeast spores the

expands more quickly and thus has greater leaven-
I. For kitchens in air.
ing action. For this reason, the amount of baking
Combine in a large wide-mouthed crockery or
glass jar:
powder should be decreased if you are using a
recipe designed for low altitudes. You may select
1 package active dry yeast
recipes designed especially for high altitudes if
2 cups lukewarm water: 85°
2 cups all-purpose flour
you wish; see 692.
Stir with a —
wooden spoon never use any metal. A In high altitudes, baking soda is decreased as
for baking powder, above; but in recipes using
Let stand uncovered at 80° to 90° for 4 to 7 days,
sour milk, where its neutralizing power is needed,
or until it bubbles and emits a good sour odor.
never reduce soda beyond V2 teaspoon for every
During this period, stir down once a day; if a crust
develops, stir it down also. Use at once or refriger-
cup of sour milk or cream called for in the recipe.
ate until ready to do so. TARTRATE BAKING POWDERS
To replenish, discard all but 1 cup of the starter, In these, the soda is combined with tartaric acid
because any excess, unless reactivated, may be- or a combination of cream of tartar and tartaric
come rancid. Add the cupful to: acid. They are the quickest in reaction time, giving
1 cup all-purpose flour off carbon dioxide the momentthey are combined
1 cup lukewarm water with liquid. Therefore, you are using this kind,
Let stand overnight until fermented and bubbling, be sure to mix the batter quickly and have
then use or refrigerate. the oven preheated so that too much gas does not

II. For kitchens laden with yeast spores from pre-

escape from the dough before the cells can be-
vious bread making, follow the directions in I,
come heat-hardened in their expanded form. Es-
pecially avoid using tartrate powder for doughs
above, omitting the yeast, and using:
1 cup lukewarm milk
and batters that are to be stored in the refrigerator
or frozen before baking.
1 cup all-purpose flour


To replenish, add these 3 ingredients in these These use calcium acid phosphate or sodium acid
amounts to 1 cup starter. pyrophosphate, or a combination of these, as the
acid ingredient. They are somewhat slower in
reaction but give up the greater part of their
ABOUT BAKING POWDERS carbon dioxide in the cold dough. The remainder
AND BAKING SODA may be released when the mixture is baked.
When confronted with the questions growing out DOUBLE-ACTING OR S.A.S. BAKING POWDERS
of the use of the various baking powders now on
Often referred to as combination, or double-
the market, the puzzled layman is apt to sigh for
acting, baking powders, these are the baking
the good old days when this product was rather
powders we specify consistently in this book. They
haphazardly mixed at home. Just in case you run
use sodium aluminum sulfate and calcium acid

out of baking powder, mix for each teaspoon of
phosphate as the acid ingredients. They too start
baking powder called for in the recipe V2 tea- — work in the cold dough, but the great rising im-
spoon cream of tartar, 'A teaspoon bicarbonate of
pact does not begin until the dough contacts the
soda and Va teaspoon salt. After adding the above
heat from the hot oven.
ingredients, do not delay putting the batter into
the oven. >
And don't try to store this mixture, as SODIUM BICARBONATE OR BAKING SODA
ithas poor keeping qualities. If you doubt the ef- Used alone, baking soda has no leavening prop-
fectiveness of any baking powder > test by mixing erties. But used in combination with some acid
1 teaspoon of baking powder with Vi cup of hot ingredients such as sour milk or molasses, it gives
water. Use the baking powder only if it bubbles one of the very tenderest crumbs. The proportion
enthusiastically. of baking soda to sour milk or buttermilk is usu-
There are three major kinds of baking powders, ally 1 teaspoon soda to 1 cup sour milk. For more
and you will find the type carefully specified details about soda and sour milk or cream reac-
on the label. For substitutions, see 593. In all of tions, see 533. The reaction of the soda with the

acid is essentially the same as that which takes ^ In substituting liquid for dry sweeteners, an
place when the baking powder
two ingredients in adjustment other liquid ingredients must be
meet moisture, so always mix the baking soda made, especially in baking, as discussed in About
with the dry ingredients first. Liquid Sugars, opposite.
The acidity of chocolate, honey or corn s\rup GRANULATED SUGAR
is not strong enough to be the only source of acid,

so some recipes with these acid ingredients may

^ In this book when the word sugar appears, the

call for both baking powder and baking soda. If

recipe calls for granulated sugar beet or cane —
both being 99.5% pure sucrose. However, do
they do. use about '2 teaspoon baking soda and
not expect the same baking results if using a
2 teaspoon baking powder for each 2 cups flour.
granulated sugar now on the market which is a
The small amount of soda is desirable for neutral-
combination of sucrose and dextrose. Its moisture-
izing the acid ingredients in the recipe, while the
attracting characteristics will make baked goods
main leavening action is left to the baking powder.
The amounts of baking powder per cup of flour
softer — a products. As we buy
disaster in some
granulated sugar in America, it can be used for
suggested above are for low altitudes, see About
almost every purpose, even for meringues. The
Baking Soda, above. To substitute baking soda for
English granulated is too coarse for this, and their
baking powder, see Substitutions, 593.
castor sugar, closer to our powdered, is used in-
AMMONIUM BICARBONATE stead. One pound of granulated sugar equals
This forerunner of our modern and more stable approximately 2 cups.
leaveners is also known as powdered baking am-
monia, carbonate of ammonia, and hartshorn.
These are granulated sugars molded or cut into
Used tor \ears in Europe to produce long-lasting
convenient rectangular sizes for use in hot drinks.
crisp cookies, it must be pounded to a fine powder
Rock Candy Crystals, 787, make an interesting
and then with the drv ingredients or dis-
stand-in for lump sugar and, when separated or
solved in a warm liquid such as water, rum or
crushed, a sparkling garnish for iced cakes.
Substitute it for the baking powder and baking SUPERFINE OR BERRY SUGAR
soda called for in cookie and cake recipes. Buv This finer grind of granulated sugar is still coarse
only small amounts from the drugstore, as it enough so that the individual crystals are easily
quicklv evaporates if not very tightlv contained. discernible. It is best used in meringues and for
sweetening fruits and drinks. If it becomes lumpy,
ABOUT SOLID SUGARS trv rolling the sugar in a plastic bag with a rolling
Most cooking is done with sugars made
of our pin. > It can be substituted cup for cup for granu-
from beets or from cane. Both are so similar in lated sugar.
their cooking reactions and taste that only the CONFECTIONERS' OR POWDERED SUGAR
label gives us the clue to their source. But the
These two terms refer to the same product, known
various grinds of solid sugars affect not onlv their in the East as confectioners' and in the West as
comparative volumes but their sweetening powers
as well. Liquid sweeteners —
again, according to
powdered form 10X it may
sugar. In its finest — —
at a quick glance be mistaken for cake flour.
type —
react verv differently in cooking combina- Confectioners' sugar is the counterpart of the
tions. Whichever type you use, more is needed to European or English icing sugar. In order to lessen
sweeten iced dishes or drinks.
Among other things, sugars, like fats, give
tenderness to doughs. In small amounts, thev
hasten working of yeast. However, too much
sugar at this earlv juncture will inhibit yeast
activity. Sugar in bread, rolls and muffins pro-
duces a golden brown crust. Small pinches added
to some vegetables bring up their flavor.
Sugars, whether solid or liquid, are not inter-
changeable. For a quick comparison of sugar
weights and volumes, see 589. Manv baking
recipes call tor the sifting of sugar before mea-
suring. In America, where we are spoiled in having
free-flowing, unlumpy granulated and powdered
sugars, this initial sifting before measuring is usu-
ally ignored. But it is important to measure these
and other sugars, except brown sugar, 557, by
filling the measuring cup with a scoop or spoon lumping, it comes with a small quantity of corn-
to overflowing, taking care not to shake down starch added. But when it does lump, sieve it, as
the contents to even it, then leveling off the top shown above. Measure confectioners' sugar as
with a knife, as shown for flour on 546. you would flour, 546. Since the cornstarch tends to

give so-called uncooked icings a raw flavor, it is ening power is 1.7 to 1 of sugar, use only about
wise, before spreading this kind of mixture, to let two-thirds as much.
it heat about 10 minutes > over boiling water, see
726. The dense texture of confectioners' sugar also
Evaporation of maple sap or syrup gives this sugar
gives a different crumb to cakes in which it is
its distinctively strong, sweet taste, but, because of
used. >• Do not try to substitute it for granulated
its high cost, it is often reserved just for flavoring.
sugar in baking. However, in other uses, substi-
As it dissolves slowly, grate or sliver it before com-
tute 1 3/4 cups confectioners' for 1 cup granulated.
bining it with other ingredients. In substituting,

BROWN OR BARBADOS SUGAR allow about V3 cup for each cup of granulated
This ismoister beet or cane sugar which comes
a sugar.
light or dark —
the latter more strongly flavored
with molasses. As both types harden and lump ABOUT SEASONED SUGARS
easily, keep them in tightly covered containers Keep these on hand for quick flavoring.
or in a tightly closed plastic bag in a cool, moist
place. If sugar should become lumpy, sprinkle it
very lightly with a few drops of water and heat in Mix 1 cup sugar with every 2 tablespoons cinna-
a low oven for a few moments or put it through a
mon. Use for toast, coffee cake and yogurt top-
strainer as shown opposite, forcing the lumps out pings.

with a spoon. >• In this book the term brown sugar CITRUS FRUIT FLAVORED SUGARS
means the light form. If a stronger flavor is wanted, Extremely useful in custards and desserts. Mix 1
the term dark brown sugar appears. to 2 tablespoons grated citrus fruit rind for every
Different forms of granulated brown sugar now cup of sugar. Store covered in a cool place.
appearing on the market may not be as sweet, so
be sure you know what you are buying and follow VANILLA SUGAR
directions on the package. Make this by keeping 1 to 2 vanilla beans closed
To substitute brown sugar for granulated up in a canister with 2 cups of sugar. Or you may
sugar, use 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar for crush the beans with a few tablespoons of sugar
each cup granulated sugar. Always, in measuring before adding to the sugar you are storing. Then,
brown sugar, pack it firmlv into a measuring cup you mav strain the sugar before using, replace it
and level it by pressing with the palm of the hand. with new sugar, and use until the beans lose their
Then unmold it, sand-castlewise, as shown. flavoring power.


There are a number of factors to contend with
in substituting liquid for solid sweeteners: their
sweetening powers vary greatly; their greater
moisture content has to be taken into account;
those that have an acid factor need neutralizing by
the addition of baking soda. To measure liquid
sugars, you may want to grease your measuring
container first. Then pour or spoon these stickv
substances into the measure, just to the level
mark. Scrape out all the contents. Never dip a
RAW AND TURBINADO SUGARS measuring cup into the honey or svrup container,
Raw sugar is processed from cane, and the USDA for the added amount clinging to the outside may
notes that it is "unfit for direct use as a food in- make your dough too sweet or too liquid.
gredient because of the impurities it ordmarily CORN SYRUP
contains." Turbinado is a partiallv refined, coarse,
Corn syrup dextrose and glucose and is gener-
beige-toned crystal containing the molasses por-
ally usedcanning and jelly-making.
in In this
tion of the sugar. It is closest in character to the
book the term corn syrup applies to the light type.
yellow or brownish Demerara sugar often called
If called for, the stronger-tasting dark is specified.
for in English recipes. Substitute cup for cup for
For the same amount of sweetening power, you
granulated sugar, but be aware of its heavier must substitute syrup for 1 cup
2 cups corn
molasses flavor.
sugar. In cooking, for best results never use corn
CORN SUGAR svrup to replace more than half the amount of
A crystallized dextrose-glucose obtained by hy- sugar called for in a recipe. In baking, you are tak-
drolizing cornstarch with acid. ing a chance in substituting corn syrup. But if you
must, for each 2 cups of sugar in the recipe, reduce
FRUIT SUGARS the liquid called for —
other than syrup by V* cup. —
Fructose, the natural sugar in fruits, has the same For example: suppose you are baking a cake that
caloric value as cane sugar, but because its sweet- calls for 2 cups of sugar. "Maximum syrup toler-

ance" here would be 1 cup sugar, 2 cups syrup. perature, but after it is opened it must be stored
And for each 2 cups of sugar originally called for, in the refrigerator to inhibit mold growth. If a

you would reduce the other liquid ingredients mold develops, strain and bring the syrup to a
by '
4 cup. rolling before rebottling. Should the syrup
crystallize, set the jar in hot water; the syrup will
HONEY quickly become liquid and smooth again.
This valuable ingredient has long been treasured To substitute for sugar in cooking, generally
because of its preservative qualities due to its use only 3A cup maple syrup to each cup of sugar.
high sugar content and an antimold enzyme. It ^ To substitute maple syrup for sugar in baking,
is cherished by cooks for the remarkable keeping
use these same proportions, but reduce the other
qualities, chewy texture and the browner color it liquid called for in the recipe by about 3 table-
gives to cakes, cookies and bread doughs. It is spoons for every cup of syrup substituted. One
composed levulose and dextrose. Its
chiefly of pint maple syrup has the same sweetening power
high liquid quality causes great variability in han- as 1 pound maple sugar.
dling, and German cooks of old often refused to
use it until it had aged for about a year. Variations MAKING MAPLE SYRUP
in honey today are due adulteration with
in part to Maple, that choicest of all syrups, is yours for the
additional glucose. Pasteurization, used to destroy taking, with no harm to the trees that produce it.

the yeasts that may cause the honey to ferment, Collecting, however, simpler than processing,

also reduces its nutrient value. for you will get only about one part syrup out of
The varying flavors of thyme honey from Hymet- about forty to fifty parts of sap. The sugar maple,
tos in Greece, of tupelo from Florida, and of Acer saccharum, gives the sweetest sap. Acer ne-
orange blossom from California are easily distin- grum and rubrum, lower both in sugar and in
guished, but honeys from the same plant taste yield, are also tapped, as are butternut, box elder,
markedly different when the plant is grown on and some of the birches. The best months are late
different soils and in different climates. Very dark February, March and early April, when night tem-
honeys may be disagreeably strong. peratures are 20° and daytime 45°. Trees with
Honey sold in two basic forms: comb and
is diameters 10 to 30 inches at breast height can be
extracted. However, the extracted honey is in hung with from one to four buckets. The taps can
either liquid or crystallized form, and the latter be on any area of the trunk from 2 to 5 feet from
may be labeled "creamed," "candied," "fondant" ground level, but if made late in the season should
or "spread." be on the north side. With a %-inch bit, bore a
Warm the honey or add it to the other liquids hole diagonally upward 2 to 3 inches. Insert a sap
called for to make mixing more uniform. To mea- spout with a bucket hook attached, as shown
sure honey, oil the measuring cup or spoon so the below. Hammer the spout in gently but firmly so
honey will slip off easily, or measure the shorten-
ing first, then the honey in the same utensil.
As honey has greater sweetening power than
sugar, we prefer to substitute 1 cup honey for 1'A
cups sugar and to reduce the liquid in the recipe
by A cup. However, too much honey in a recipe

may cause too brown a product. To neutralize

the acidity of honey —
unless sour milk or sour
cream is called for in the recipe add a mere —
pinch of baking soda. If honey is substituted in
jams, jellies or candies, a higher degree of heat
must be used in cooking. In candies, more per-
sistent beating is needed and careful storage
required against absorption of atmospheric mois-
Honey is best stored covered in a dry place at
room temperature. If it becomes crystallized, it

can easily be reliquified by setting the jar on a

trivet in a pan of warm water until the crystals
are melted.
as not to split the bark, which will cause a leaky
Children under a year old should not be given tap hole. If your bucket has a rim, make a small
source of infant botulism. incision in the bucket beneath the rim so the
honey, a suspected
bucket will be almost flush against the tree. Or
MAPLE SYRUP use a special plastic collecting bag.
If so labeled, pure maple syrup must weigh not Within 12 hours you should find clear trans-
less than 11 pounds to the gallon. Largely sucrose parent sap in the bucket. Empty the buckets every
with some invert sugar, the best grades are light day, strain the sap through a fine mesh strainer
in color. It is often stored covered at room tem- into sterile containers, and store under refrigera-

tion until you have collected enough to boil. Dur- TREACLE, GOLDEN OR REFINER'S SYRUP
ing cold weather you will probably not be both- Golden syrup, a residual molasses, is clarified and
ered with microbial development at tap holes or decolorized, which makes it mild in flavor. Treacle
is darker and heavier. Neither substitutes properly
in buckets. Should a mucouslike formation appear,
scald or wipe both taps and buckets with a chlo- for molasses.

rine solution. Sap runs clear and usable until buds SORGHUM
begin to swell, when an unpleasant odor and Thinner and sourer in flavor than cane molasses,
slight discoloration will warn you that the season
sorghum is substituted as for Molasses, above.
is over.
When you have collected enough sap, it is ad- CARAMELIZED SUGAR
visable to start boiling shallow pans out of
it in
A marvelous flavoring which can be made in sev-
doors, as the boiling-off process produces quanti-
eralways. While its caramel flavor is strong, its
ties of sticky vapor. At first there is no danger of
sweetening power is reduced by about one-half.
scorching the syrup, because of its great water
content, but there is danger of its boiling over. I. For Hard Glazes
As the sap begins to thicken, you can move it Heat in any > very heavy, nonferrous pan over
to a more controlled heat source and cook it very low heat:
down in any heavy kettle whose capacity is three 1 cup granulated sugar
times the volume of the sap you are reducing. Stir constantly with a long-handled spoon for 8 to
Maple sap, like water, boils at 212°. It becomes 10 minutes until the sugar is melted and straw-
syrup at 219°.Adjust the temperature, there- colored. Remove the pan from the heat. Add:
fore, at higher altitudes, depending on the boiling 1
A cup very hot water
point of water at your altitude. very slowly and carefully, for a quick addition
To make maple cream, boil to 225° to 227°; to might cause explosive action. This safeguard
make maple sugar, bring to 230° to 233°. Beat against the spurting of the hot liquid will also
until it starts to thicken, then pour into molds. help make the syrup smooth. To make the syrup
Before storing maple syrup and while it is still hot, heavier, return the pan to low heat for another 8
filter it through a cloth-lined colander to rid it of to 10 minutes, continuing to stir, until the sugar
sugar sand, a malate of lime. If sealed at 180°, the mixture is the color of maple syrup. Toward the
syrup will remain sterile for a year or more un- end of this process, to prevent its becoming too
refrigerated. dark, you may remove the pan from the heat and
let the caramelization reach a bubbling state from
the stored heat of the pan. Store the syrup covered
Rich in molasses also improves the keeping
on a shelf for future use. The syrup hardens on
qualities cakes. Molasses in this
of breads and
standing but,# if stored in a heatproof jar, is easily
book means unsulfured or light molasses unless remelted by heating the jar gently in hot water.
otherwise specified. There are 3 major types of
Should the sugar burn, use it for coloring, see
1. The best is unsulfured molasses deliberately

made from the juice of sun-ripened cane which II.For a Croquant or Brown Nougat
has grown from 12 to 15 months. 2. Sulfured Follow as in I, above, but at the beginning of the
molasses is a by-product of sugar making; the recipe, combine with the sugar:
sulfur fumes used in the manufacturing of sugar 1 tablespoon water
are retained as sulfur in the molasses. Light mo- Proceed as directed.
lasses results from the first boiling of the cane.
So-called dark molasses is a product of the second III. For Goloring
boiling. 3. Blackstrap molasses is a waste product. Ifstored covered on a shelf, caramelized sugar will
It is a rather unpalatable residue of a third boiling
keep indefinitely. This can be used to replace the
in which more sugar crystals are extracted but in more highly seasoned commercial gravy colorings.
which minerals such as iron remain. The intense heat under which it is processed de-
Since molasses not so sweet as sugar, use 1
is stroys all sweetening power.
cup molasses for granulated sugar. The
A cup
3 Melt in a very heavy nonferrous pan over low
molasses should replace no more than V2 the heat:
amount of sugar called for in the recipe. Add V2 1cup sugar
teaspoon baking soda for each cup molasses Stir constantly until it is burned smoke-colored to

added, and omit or use half the baking powder black. Remove from
the heat and be sure to let
called for. Make sure also to reduce the other it cool. Quick addition of water to intensely hot
liquid in the recipe by 5 tablespoons for each cup sugar which is well over 300° can be explosive and
of molasses used. very dangerous. Then, as in caramelizing above,
add almost drop by drop:
CANE SYRUP 1 cup hot water
A concentrated sap of sugar cane, this is substi- After the water is added, stir over low heat until
tuted as for Molasses, above. the burnt sugar becomes a thin dark liquid.


after 2 hours of chilling if the —
There is some reason to question the systemic gelatin is one. But it must get 4 hours of
a clear
effect of all noncaloric sweeteners. Any of these chilling if the gelatin has fruits, vegetables or nuts
sugar substitutes should be used on doctor's orders added to it. Also, allow proportionately more jell-
only and, in cooking or baking, according to ing time for large, as opposed to individual,
manufacturers' directions. The FDA allows the molds. If you prefer a less firm texture, use 1
saccharin-based substitutes to be sold without tablespoon of gelatin to Vk to Vk cups liquid.
restrictions, but cyclamates alone or in combina- These gelatins not mold but are delightful
tion with saccharin must be labeled as drugs. The when served cups or
in coupes. If you are
saccharin types should not be cooked, as they >• doubling a gelatin recipe that originally called
produce a bitter flavor. Cyclamates can be heated, for 2 cups of liquid, use only 3 3A cups in the dou-
and in some cooked foods their sweetening power bled recipe.
actually increases. But they do not give the same For basic gelatin aspic recipes, see 113 to 120.
texture in baking as do and therefore
true sugars For Gelatin Desserts, see 743 to 748. For an aspic
should be used only in recipes speciallv developed glaze for hors d'oeuvre or open sandwiches, see
for them. For amounts to be used in substitutions 368. For interesting molds and gelatin combina-
for sugars, see 597. tions to fill them, see 112.

ABOUT GELATIN I. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of gelatin granules over
To get the most nourishment out of gelatin, which the surface of A cup cold water and > without

is not a complete protein, see 2. Meat, fish, eggs, stirring let it soak about 3 minutes until it has ab-
nuts or milk may be added to enrich its value. To sorbed the moisture and is translucent. Have ready
get the most allure ^ never use too much. The just at the boiling point 1% to 2 cups stock, fruit
result is rubbery and unpleasant. The finished gel- juice, milk, wine or water. Combine with the
atin should be quivery not rigid— when jostled. — soaked gelatin and stir until dissolved.
It sympathetic to almost all foods
is except fresh You may allow the dissolved gelatin to cool at
or frozen pineapple, which contains a substance room temperature over a bowl of cracked ice, or
that inhibits jelling. Cooked pineapple presents no in the refrigerator —
but not in the freezer, as a
problem. gummy look is apt to develop, and the surface
Gelatin is full of tricks. It can turn liquids into cracks miserably. is interesting that gelatins

solids to produce gala dessert and salad molds. It that are slow are also slow to break down
to jell
makes sophisticated chaud-froid and ingenuous when they are removed from the refrigerator, but
marshmallows. It also makes a showcase for left- any gelatin will begin to weep if exposed too long
overs and keeps delicate meats and fish in prime to high temperatures.
condition for buffet service. Chopped and used as
II.If you do not want to subject the liquid in the
a garnish, 114, or cut into fancy shapes, clear gela-
tins add sparkle to many dishes. Gelatin also gives recipe to high heat or reduce its flavor and vitamin
a smoother texture to frozen desserts, to jellies content, use a double boiler and sprinkle 1 table-
and cold soups. It thickens cold sauces and glazes, spoon gelatin over A cup cold water. Dissolve 1

367, and, in sponge and whipped desserts, doubles this mixture over not — in — boiling water. Add
the volume. to the dissolved gelatin 1 3
A to 2 cups 75° liquid
^ Gelatin dishes must, of course, be refriger- and stir well.
ated until ready to use. And, in buffets, they are
III. If you are in ahurry and are making a gelatin
best presented on chilled trays or platters set over
that calls for 1 cup water and 1 cup stock or fruit
crushed ice. While gelatin must be kept cold, it
juice, you can prepare the gelatin as in I above,
should never be frozen unless the fat content
boiling your cup of stock or fruit juice and then
of the recipe is very high — as in certain ice
stirringabout 8 large or 10 small ice cubes into
the hot liquid to cool it. Stir the cubes constantly
power to displace moisture is due to
2 to 3 minutes. Remove the unmelted ice. Let the
its "bloom," or strength. In household gelatins
mixture stand 3 to 5 minutes. Incorporate the fruit
this is rated at 150 and means that the contents of
or other solids called for, and mold.
1 package of unflavored gelatin or about 1 table-

spoon can turn about 2 cups of liquid into a IV. For an even faster gelatin with frozen fruit,
solid. Gelatin often comes ready to use in gran- see Blender Fruit Whip, 746.
ules, but the most delicate fish and meat aspics
are made
with stocks reduced from bones, skin
and fish heads. It also comes in sheets. For equiva- MAKING FANCY GELATIN MOLDS
lents, see 595. ^ To prepare molds for clear gelatins, rinse them
High sugar concentrations retard gelatinization well cold water, as shown opposite. Another
and reduce thickening power. Unless a recipe is method is to coat the mold with vegetable oil, but
exceedingly acid, 1 tablespoon of gelatin to 2 we do not recommend this for clear gelatin, be-
cups of liquid should produce a consistency firm cause a blurred surface results. After filling an

undecorated mold, run a knife through the mix- ready a chilled plate large enough to allow for a
ture to release any air bubbles that might be garnish. You may moisten the dish slightly. This
trapped in it. Then refrigerate until ready to un- will prevent the gelatin from sticking, and enable
mold. you to center the mold more easily. You may first
use a thin knife at several points on the edge to
release the vacuum. Then reverse the mold onto
the plate. If necessary, place a warm damp cloth
over the mold for a few seconds, as shown
below. If the food is still not released, shake
the mold lightly, bracing it against the serving
dish. Some people dip the mold into hot water for
just a second. We find this risky with delicate gela-
tins, as the heat must not go above 115°.

Before starting to make fancy designs in gelatin,

have ready well-drained and chilled foods. Allow
about 1 A cups of solids for each cup of gelatin or

aspic. Just as the gelatin thickens to about the

consistency of uncooked egg white, put a small
amount in a chilled mold or dish with sloping
sides which has been rinsed in cold water. Roll
and tip the mold in such a way that a thin layer
of gelatin coats its inside surface. Refrigerate the
mold to set the gelatin.
Now impale bits of food on a skewer or tooth-
pick. Dip them one by one into the gelatin and AGAR
place them just where you want them on the hard- This dried seaweed looks like transparent soup
ened layer in the mold, to form the design. When noodles. Its gel strength is not easily destroyed
the decorations for one layer are in place, fill the
by heat or acid. For aspics or jelled desserts, allow
spaces between with more gelatin. Return the
1 teaspoon agar for each cup of liquid to be
mold to the refrigerator until this has set, and jelled. Soften by first soaking in A cup cold liquid,

proceed with this method until the mold is filled.

then dissolving in 3A cup hot liquid. To avoid a
When using a fish-shaped or other fancy mold, weedy flavor, be sure the agar you buy is highly
accent the lines of the design with slivers of egg
purified. If used as a salad garnish, soak 2 hours,
white, cucumber or peppers, if for a salad; with
changing the water 2 or 3 times. Cut into 2-inch
citron, cherries, crystallized rinds or fruits, if for a
lengths before serving.
An easier way to make layered molds is to IRISH MOSS OR CARRACEENAN
choose nuts, fruits and vegetables of different Another seaweed which also needs to be well
weights and porosity. Put them in a very slightly purified if a weedy odor is to be avoided. It is
jelled mixture and let them find their own levels. used as an emulsifier, stabilizer and thickener in a
The floaters are apple cubes, banana slices, fresh variety of foods. Allow from 6 to 10 grams powder
grapefruit sections or pear slices, fresh strawberry per cup of liquid, depending on how stiff a gel
halves, broken nutmeats and marshmallows. The you want. Prepare as for agar, above. It needs to be
sinkers are fresh orange slices, fresh grapes, heated to 140° to dissolve, and becomes thin in the
cooked prunes, and the following canned fruits: presence of acid.
apricots, Royal Anne cherries, peaches, pears,
pineapple, plums and raspberries. If you are mak-
Used in some icings to give pliability, and in salad
ing gelatins to serve in champagne coupes, you
dressings to add body. Use from 1 to 4 grams of
can decorate the tops with grape halves. Even
powder for each cup liquid, depending on the
though they are technically sinkers, you can wait
thickness desired.
until the gelatin is almost set and hold each grape
for just a second until it makes enough contact RENNET
not to turn wrong side up. Dioscorides said that rennet had the power to join
Another way to make fancy molds is to combine things that were dispersed and to disperse things
layers of clear and whipped or sponge gelatins, see that came together. No chemist these days dares
About Gelatin Puddings, 743. match such a claim! Rennet, an extract from the
To unmold aspics or gelatin puddings, have lining of the first stomach of calves, is the coagu-

lant in cheese making, 536. See Rennet Pudding nuts on cookie tins and heat in a 250° oven.
or Junket, 748. Roast about 10 to 15 minutes, stirring frequently
to achieve even browning. A more rapid way is
to heat in a heavy iron skillet 2 tablespoons
ABOUT NUTS oil for every cup of nuts. Add nuts and stir con-
Whether they are seeds, like pecans and walnuts; stantly about 3 minutes. Drain on paper toweling.
fruits, like lichees; or tubers, like peanuts — nuts Salt and serve.
contain concentrated protein and fats. Except for
chestnuts, 563, they contain very little starch. But
If rather large pieces are needed, simply break nuts
it is for their essential oils, which carry the flavor,
and for the textural contrast that we treasure them like pecans and walnuts with the fingers. For finer
so much. The reason they are so often listed as an
pieces, use a knife or a chopping bowl and chop-
per, see 370. Or chop as shown below. It is
optional ingredient in our recipes is merely that
the recipes will carry without them —
and with so easier if the nuts are moist and warm and if the
knife is a sharp French one. Group the nuts in a
much less cost and calorie value. Except for green
circle with a diameter of about the length of the
almonds and pickled green walnuts, nearly all nuts
are eaten when ripe. blade. Grasp the knife on the top at both hilt and

The best way to store nuts is to keep them in

their shells. This protects them from light, heat,

moisture and exposure to air factors which tend
to cause rancidity in the shelled product. The dif-
ference in the keeping time for shelled pecans, for
instance, may range from 2 months at about 70°
to as long as 1 year in a freezer. So, if nuts are al-
ready shelled, store them tightly covered in a
cool, dark, dry place or in a freezer. Unsalted nuts
have longer storage life than do salted ones, which
tend to rancidity. Refrigerate after opening. Some
nuts, like pecans and Brazil nuts, are more easily
shelled if boiling water is poured over them and
blade ends as shown. Rock the blade briskly from
they are allowed to stand in it 15 to 20 minutes.
point to hilt, gradually turning the knife toward
Be sure to discard any kernels that are moldy,
you in a semicircle. Gather the chopped bits to-
shriveled or dry, as they may prove bitter or rancid.
gether and repeat the rocking until the bits are as
As a rough rule, a pound of nuts in the shell
fine as you want them.
yields about V2 pound shelled. For more detailed
Almonds may be chopped in a ^. blender.
yields, see 597.
Process no more than V2 cup at a time for 30
BLANCHING NUTS seconds at highest speed.
In addition to the tough outer shell, some nuts
have a thin inner lining or skin that may need
removing. If so, just before using, pour boiling
water over the shelled nuts. For large quantities,
you may have to let them stand, but only for about
1 minute at the most. The briefer the length of
time, the better. Drain. "Pour cold water over them
to arrest further heating and drain again. Pinch or
rub off the skins.
For peanuts, filberts and pistachio nuts, you may
prefer to roast in a 350° oven 10 to 20 minutes
and then rub off the skins.
This both crisps them and brings up the flavor.
Unless otherwise specified, place them blanched
or unblanched in a 300° oven and turn frequently
to avoid scorching. To avoid loss of flavor and
toughening, do not overtoast, as nuts tend to
darken and become crisper as they cool.
Coat a bowl with egg white, butter or olive oil, —
Use a special type of grinder one that shreds
add the nuts and shake them until they are coated. or grates them sharply to keep them dry, rather
If you salt before cooking, allow not more than than a type that will crush them and release their
V2 teaspoon salt to one cup of nuts. Spread the oils. Do small quantities in a rotary grinder, as

sketched. Light, dry, fluffy particles result, which water chestnuts, we usually know only in canned
become a binder in Torten, 684. form and in oriental dishes, see below.
Sometimes, however, for butters and pastes, a Chestnuts are frequently used as stuffing for
a meat grinder or a J* blender is used. We do not fowl and traditionally combined with Brussels
otherwise recommend a blender for grinding nuts, sprouts and red cabbage. One of our more know-
as it tends to make the nuts too oily —
except for al- ing European friends insists that if navy beans arc
monds, which should be done in small quantities. substituted for chestnuts in desserts strongly laced
Peanut butter is so popular that it has overshad- with coffee or almond paste, one cannot tell the
owed the use of other nut butters. Try grinding difference.
almonds, pecans or walnuts into butter. These are To shell chestnuts, make two crosscut gashes on
so rich they need no additional oil. Use for every their flat side with a sharp pointed knife The outer
cup of nuts /3 teaspoon salt.
shell may come when you do this, but the

inner skin will protect the kernel. To remove

ALMONDS AND ALMOND OIL both the inner and outer coverings, place the nuts
Grown in Europe, Asia, Australia, South Africa in a pan over high heat, dropping oil or butter
and almonds are available in the shell
California, over them — 1 teaspoon to 1 pound of nuts. Shake
or shelled and toasted with skins on or blanched them coated, then place in a moderate oven
with skins removed. Untoasted are best for bak- until the shells and inner brown skin can be easily
ing, as toasted ones may become too brown. Look removed. This brown inside skin is bitter and must
for a plump, smooth kernel, and buy in the shell be peeled oft' while still warm.
for economy and freshness. Relatively high in bal- Or, if you are using the chestnuts in a recipe
anced protein for a vegetable source, they are calling for boiled chestnuts, they may be covered
high in fat compared to beans. Almonds may be with boiling water, simmered 15 to 25 minutes and
ground to make torten, marzipan, and almond drained, after which the shells and skins may be
paste, or slivered for toppings. As a garnish, see removed. The meats may be tender enough to be
Amandine, 553. They may also be eaten while put through a puree strainer. If not, again cover
green and soft with cheese and wine. Almond oil with boiling water and cook until tender. To boil,
is used like other vegetable oils, 541. It has a bake or steam chestnuts, see 298. To roast, see 70.
yellow-white appearance and is odorless, with a To reconstitute dried chestnuts, soak overnight
mild nutty flavor. in water to cover. Rinse and pick over. Simmer
until they are tender and putted up. Substitute
them for cooked fresh chestnuts, cup for cup.
Used as a flavoring and called for in some classic Allow about 1 Vi pounds in the shell for 1 pound
European recipes such as Orgeat syrup, bitter shelled chestnuts. Thirty-five to 40 whole, fairly
almonds are not available in the United States in large chestnuts make about 2' 2 cups peeled. For
concentrated form because they contain the the numerous uses of chestnuts, see Index
poison prussic acid. The European blight that has almost destroyed
Castanea sativus and its opulent hybrids such as
the marron dc Lyon, with its simple large kernel,
A real treat — but just try to beat the squirrels to
has somehow spared the good Italian chestnuts
this harvest.
that are still regularly imported to our American
BRAZIL NUTS markets. And on our own American soil some
The more delicate types do not ship well, and we blight-impervious oriental varieties are coming
must rely on a rather coarse, tough variety that into their own: crenata from japan and mollimsima
does. To slice these large kernels, cover the from China —
not to mention the ever-sturdy little
shelled nuts with cold water and bring slowly to native chinquapin.
a boil. Simmer 5 minutes. Drain. Slice lengthwise All chestnuts need long doses of tender loving
or make curls with a vegetable slicer. You may care. In China they are roasted in hot sand which
toast the slices at 350° for about 12 minutes. is continuously stirred, producing a constant mod-

erate heat on all sides. For the French method

CASHEW NUTS which is also slow but produces delicious chest-
Cashews have an edible, fleshy fruit covering nuts, see Steamed Chestnuts. 299.
which can be eaten raw without harm. But be-
tween the outside shell and the kernel is a verv WATER CHESTNUTS
irritating toxic oil related to poison ivy, which There are two types —
both of which are crispy and
must be removed or destroyed by heat. Make delicious. one type, the shell grows together

cashew butter as for Peanut Butter, 564. For bak- into a horn at one end. The other is bulbous. Use
ing, use the untoasted cashew. water chestnuts in Hors d'Oeuvre, 70, Vegetables,
335, and Salads, 02.
The chestnuts in Joy recipes are not to be con- FILBERTS AND HAZELNUTS
fused with the poisonous kind found in orna- Varieties less rich than pecan, these are almost
mental allees, or with the edible crisp Chinese identical in their sophisticated flavor. Filberts are

the more subtle European versions of our native This valuable portion —
as in grains — contains min-
hazelnuts. erals, vitamins and proteins, yet it is literally fed

AND BUTTERNUTS to the birds. The commercial objection to the

pecans, and they never need
germ is twofold: 1. It gives the butter a somewhat
Rich natives, like
bitter flavor, and 2., as with whole grains, the
heat of processing and the heat in storage may
MACADAMIA NUTS cause the finished product to grow rancid. If X
Use these exotic, nutritious 1-inch-round nuts you are smart, you will make your own full-bodied
roasted or unroasted, in recipes calling for nuts; peanut butter in an electric blender. Use:
as snacks or as substitutes for Chinese
cocktail Fresh roasted or salted peanuts
chestnuts. As these nuts are hard to crack, try It is wise to start with a bland oil:

wrapping each one in heavy cloth and hammering Safflower or vegetable oil
it on a very hard surface. To roast, spread shelled Allow T/2 to 2 tablespoons oil to 1 cup peanuts.
nuts in a shallow pan and heat in a 250° oven 12 If nuts are unsalted, add salt to taste:

to 15 minutes, stirring often. Salt lightly and store About V2 teaspoon salt per cup
in an airtight refrigerated container.
Known also as pinon in Spain or pignola in Italy BEANS AND PEAS
where the variety is richer. These are good in ^ Be certain to use only seeds which have not
Dolmas, 492, and in Pesto, 570. been fumigated or treated with pesticides or fungi-
PISTACHIO NUTS cides. Sunflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, barley and

These nuts, loved for their green color and haunt- squash seeds should be hulled before eating or
using in recipes. All of these are flavorful and
ing flavor, are often used in farces or pates. To
skin, spread on baking sheets and heat 400° for nutritionally valuable. To roast, see the general
rule under Nuts, 562. However, to roast soybeans,
4 minutes. Cool and slip off skins.
soak A cup beans overnight, refrigerated, in 1

ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WALNUTS cup water. Drain and dry thoroughly. Roast in a
shallow pan about 2 hours in a 200° oven, then
Walnuts are highly polyunsaturated. Blanching for
put pan under broiler to brown the soybeans.
3 minutes rids them of an acid which some people
Use as is or season and mix with oil.
find indigestible. Then dry and toast as indicated
Poppy seeds come from Papaver somniferum,
above. The English or Persian walnut and the
but the seed has no narcotic properties. The most
American or black walnut are perhaps the most
desirable is grown in Holland and is a slate-blue
familiar. Hull at once after harvesting. Pecans are
color. The seed is best when roasted or steamed
probably the heaviest in fat of all our natives,
with sometimes as much as three-fourths of their

and crushed before use in cooking so its full fla-
vor is released. If it is one of your favorite flavors,
bulk in fat.
it is worth getting a special hand-mill for grinding

PEANUTS it. Use it in baked items and try it on noodles.

These underground legumes —

also called ground- Sesame or benne seeds are a favorite topping
nuts or, in their larger form, goobers —
are high in for breads, cookies and vegetables. Their nutty
valuable, if incomplete, proteins. If the heart is flavor is strongest when the unhulled seeds are
left in, they make a real contribution to the diet. lightly toasted about 20 minutes in a 350° oven
The small Spanish types will grow in the northern and stirred frequently. If hulled, the seeds are
states. Allpeanuts are best eaten right after roast- white. Crushed, they may be made into an oily
ing, before they get limp. If roasting them in the paste, called Tahin, see below. Crushed sesame,
shell at home, keep the oven at 300° and roast together with cooked chick-peas, also forms the
30 to 45 minutes, or 20 to 30 minutes if shelled. base for Hummus, 90. Sesame oil from the seeds is
Turn them constantly to avoid scorching. Check desirable in salads. For other seeds, see About
for doneness by removing skins. The inner skins, Spices, 574, and Herbs, 577.
heavy in thiamin, are pleasantly flavored. But little
is gained by home roasting, as a steam process ^ TAHIN
used commercially for roasting peanuts in the A Mideast seed butter of yogurtlike consistency,
shell gives superior results. Discard any peanuts used to dress salads or as a base for sweets.
that are moldy. Combine in a blender:
4 tablespoons ground sesame seeds
^ PEANUT BUTTER teaspoon sesame oil

Federal regulations require commercial peanut tablespoon lemon or lime juice


butter to contain 90% shelled roasted ground V2 teaspoon salt

peanuts, with additions of no more than 10% Add slowly while blending:
of salt, oil. However smooth and
sweeteners and About V2 cup water
satisfyingcommercial peanut butters may seem, Remove from the blender and stir in if you wish:
they are often made without the germ of the nut. (1 to 2 pressed garlic cloves)

SPROUTING GRAINS, BEANS the husks and may be skimmed off. A

"cress" —
sandwich combining sprouts of
not watercress but garden cress, Lepid-
Sprouting seeds not only are one of the wonders
of this world but probably produce by far the most

lum sativum with sprouts ot mustard, Brj^u a :

nigra or Sinapsis alba, takes advantage of an age-

nutritively valuable addition to the diet in relation
old English custom of producing fresh greens on a
to their cost. One-quarter cup of grain or beans
minuscule scale all year around in the kitchen. The
expands into one pint of sprouts with rich protein
sprouts, so tiny-leaved as to be reminiscent of
content. The sprouting action greatly increases the
doll houses, can be germinated between blotters
already rich vitamin content. Soybeans, however,
or in a wrung-out piece of flannel or Turkish
are the only seeds in which the protein is com-
toweling in from 10 to 14 days. To have them
plete, 2.
ready simultaneously, sow the mustard 4 days
Use or buy seeds, preferably organically grown,
later than the cress, asit germinates more rapidly.
that have not been chemically pretreated for
When sprouted, leave the sprouts on the germi-
agricultural purposes. Remove any damaged or
nating surface. Keep them moist and exposed to
moldy seeds. For about a one-pint yield, wash
light until the two small leaves are green and
and soak overnight in:
about V'b inch long. Serve scattered on very thin,
1 cup water
lightly sweet-buttered rounds of bread.
'A cup seeds: alfalfa, red clover, fenugreek,
mustard, radish, sesame, sunflower; any
grains, beans or peas ABOUT CHOCOLATE AND COCOA
Avoid potato and tomato seeds, which, when Both of these delights come from the evergreen
sprouting, are poisonous, and fava and lima beans, trees of the genus Theobroma, "Food of the
which are extremely toxic when used raw. Next Cods." The manufacture of the two is identical up
morning, drain, reserving the liquid for stock. to the moment when the chocolate liquor is ex-
Place the seeds in a one-quart wide-mouthed glass tracted from the nibs, or hulled beans, and molded
jar securely closed with nylon mesh or cheese- into solid cakes. At this point, part of the "butter"
cloth so that air can reach the seeds. If the jar is is removed from some of the cakes, which become

stored on its side the seeds can be shaken to cocoa, and added to others, which, in turn, be-
spread over a larger area, which is desirable. Place come the bitter chocolate we know as cooking or
the jar in a dark, warm cupboard or in an opaque baking chocolate.
bag so that light is excluded but air is still avail- Cocoa butter is remarkable for the fact that,
able. If this method important to
is used, it is under normal storage conditions, it will keep for
rinse and drain the seeds three times daily and years without becoming rancid. There are many
to invert the jar to let it drain thoroughly after pharmaceutical demands for it, and in inferior
each rinsing. If you cannot rinse three times chocolate it is sometimes replaced by other fat.
daily, place the seeds in a well-soaked new clay Ideal storage temperature for chocolate is 78°.
flower pot. The newness is important to discour- The bloom that turns chocolate grayish after it has
age fungal development. The drain hole should been stored at high temperatures is harmless—
be stopped up with a cotton wad or a—cork. merely the fat content coming to the surface.
Place the pot in a saucer of water that you keep Semisweet chocolate, available in 8-ounce cakes
filled all during the process of sprouting. Place or in bits or pieces, is good for candy dipping be-
the pot in its saucer, loosely covered with a plate, cause of its sheen when melted. It is also good for
in dark, warm place. Whichever method you
a icings, sauces and fillings. The best sweet choco-
use,watch closely and discard if molding. Sprouts late is made by combining the melted bitter cake
should develop in 3 to 5 days, although mung and with 35% cocoa butter, finelv milled sugar and
soybeans may take 6 to 8 days.
A general rule is to serve the sprouted seeds

such additions as vanilla and milk depending on
the type of chocolate desired. German's chocolate,
when the sprout is at least as long as the seed, which is conditioned against heat, refers not to the
although sunflower and sesame are served when country but to a very canny person of that name
the sprout first appears. Chick-peas, flax, lentils who early realized there was a greater profit if the
and soybeans can be used with about half-inch sugar was already added to the chocolate when
sprouts, and mung bean sprouts can be more it was sold. Milk chocolate —
best known as candy
than 2 inches. If not served at once, refrigerate
sprouted seeds in a covered colander or a loosely
bar chocolate —
may be used for icings, pies and
covered container. Do not hold more than a day An entire square of chocolate equals 1 ounce.
or two. They can be frozen, but considerable Two-thirds cup of semisweet chocolate is 6 ounces
nutritive value is lost. You may also add them to —
by weight or 10% tablespoons by volume. But in
stir-fried dishes or to soups and stews just before any semisweet chocolate, you have about 60%
serving, but for best nutritional results serve them bitter chocolate and 40% sugar. Should you want
raw, hulls and all, as a garnish or in salads or to substitute semisweet for bitter, make the ad-
sandwich fillings. If youcare to remove the hulls, justment in the recipe, using less sugar, more
stir the sprouts in a bowl of cold water until chocolate and a dash of vanilla.

> For exact substitution and equivalents of choc- "butter" for dairy products. However, be aware
olate and cocoa, see 594. In some quick-cooking that this exchange is not an equal one nutrition-
recipes, this substitution may not be successful, as ally, because the coconut is much lower in protein.
the sugar doesn't crystallize properly with the ^ Coconut products are very sensitive to high
chocolate. If semisweet chocolate stiffens when heat. For this reason they are added to hot sauces

melted in sauces, for instance add a small — at the last minute or are cooked over hot water.
amount of butter and stir well until smooth. They are especially treasured in preparing curries
It is easy to substitute cocoa for chocolate in and delicate fish and fruit dishes.
sauces: just add 1 tablespoon butter to 3 table- The first thing to do with a coconut, of course,
spoons cocoa for each ounce of chocolate. But in is to get at it. Lacking power tools, you drop the

baking it is wiser to choose recipes written either large fruit onto a rocklike substance. If it doesn't
for cocoa or for chocolate, as the cocoa has a crack open enough so that the husk pulls away,
flourlike quality that must be compensated for if use your trusty axe. Out comes a fiber-covered
chocolate is substituted, or the cake will become nut. Shake it. A sloshing noise means that the nut
doughy. In cakes and cookies, soda is often used is fresh and that you can count on some watery

to give chocolate a ruddy tone. A few drops of liquid erroneously referred to as milk. If the
vinegar serve the same purpose. husked coconut is green, the top can be lopped off
>• All chocolate scorches easily, so melt it slowly with a large, heavy knife or a machete. The liquid
over hot water. Do not use boiling water, as even within is clear, and the greenish jellylike pulp
a small amount of steam may harden or stiffen the makes ideal food for small children and invalids.
chocolate. If this should happen, add for each To open the harder shell of the mature nut, pierce
ounce of chocolate V2 teaspoon or more of vege- the three shiny black dots which form a monkey
table shortening — —
not butter to reliquify the face at the peak. Use a strong ice pick, and ham-
chocolate. If you don't like to clean the pot, float mer it in. Reserve the drained liquid under re-
the chocolate on a small foil "boat" and discard frigeration and be certain to use within 24 hours,
the foil after use. Or place wrapped squares, or freeze it. Tap the nut briskly all over with a
folded edges up, in the top of a double boiler hammer. It usually splits lengthwise, and these
— —
^ over not in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. halves can be used as containers for serving hot
Cool chocolate to about 80° before adding it to or cold food. See illustrations, opposite.
cake, cookie or pudding mixtures. You may also open the shell with heat, but
To grate chocolate, chill it and try shaving or then the shell is useless for serving food. To do
grating it in a rotary grinder, 562. Have a big so, place the undrained husked coconut in a pre-

bowl ready to receive it or you may be annoyed heated 325° oven 15 to 20 minutes. Do not
by its flighty dynamism. overcook, as this destroys the flavor. Remove from
To make chocolate curls for decorating parfaits the oven and cool until the nut can be handled.
or cream pies, hold a wrapped square of chocolate Wrap it in a heavy cloth to prevent any pieces
in the hand to warm it slightly. Unwrap and shave from flying off. Then crack it with hammer taps.
chocolate with long thin strokes, using a vegetable ^ Have a bowl ready to catch the milky liquid.
peeler or a small sharp knife. Coconut milk and cream, very rich in fat, are
Cocoa is pulverized from the dry cocoa cakes, madp from the grated, mature, stiff white meat of
which, after processing, still contain from 10% fat the nut. The grating is sometimes done while the
for regular cocoa up to 22% to 24% fat for break- meat is still in the shell. Note the illustration
fast cocoa. The so-called Dutch type maintains below of a grater given to us by a friend from
the heavier fat content, and the small quantity of
alkali introduced during the processing to neu-
tralize the acidsproduces a slightly different flavor.
Instant cocoa, which usually contains 80% sugar,
is precooked and has an emulsifier added to make
it in either a hot or a cold liquid.
dissolve readily
For details about cocoa and chocolate as bever-
ages, see 41. For Dipping Chocolate, see 781.
So-called white chocolate contains no chocolate
at all but is prepared from vegetable fats, coloring
and flavors. Should you be allergic to chocolate,
trycarob, 593, which tastes almost like chocolate,
although not so strongly flavored.

If you coconut country, you know the de-
live in
light ofusing the flower sap as well as the green India which simplifies preparing coconut for

and the mature fruit of this graceful palm. In cook- cakes, garnishes or Coconut Dulcie, 774. Or you
ing, you may substitute its "milk," "cream" and may leave the thin brown skin on and use it to

protect the fingers as you hand-grate. Use a vege- baking sheet and heat about 10 minutes in a pre-
table parer to remove the skin. If the skin is re- heated 325° oven. Stir frequently. For a dessert or
moved, you may cut the meat into small chunks a spread made from grated coconut, see Coconut
Dulcie, 774.
To substitute flaked coconut, use 1'A cups
firmly packed for 1 cup grated.
Coconut shells can make interesting food and
drink containers. For a bowl, saw off the upper
third of the shell. For a rack to hold this round-
bottomed shell upright, cut off about one-half of
the smaller piece as sketched on the left, opposite.
For serving salads, cut the shell lengthwise. The
shells can also be used to heat and serve sauced
foods. Cut off the top third to serve as a lid. The
food may be heated in a 350° oven by placing the
lidded nutshell in a small custard cup or on an
inverted canning jar lid in a pan of hot water.
Baste the shell about every 10 minutes until the
contents are hot. Or simply fill the shell with very
hot food. The custard cup forms a base when you
serve; or fold a napkin or ti leaf for support, as
sketched opposite.

and chop in the X blender, no more than Vi cup

at a time. Add A cup hot water to make coconut

milk; hot milk to make coconut cream. Then

strain and measure. If more milk is needed than
results, add more hot water, reblend and strain
In the East Indies, they heat the grated coconut
meat in its own natural liquid just to the boiling
point, then remove
from the heat and cool. In

the West pour boiling water or milk

Indies, they
over grated coconut and add the natural liquid
allowing in all about 1 pint liquid for a medium
coconut. In either case, when the mixture has
cooled, the coconut is drained through two
thicknesses of cheesecloth, and the meat, retained
in the cloth, squeezed and kneaded until dry.

The drained liquid is allowed to set, refrigerated;

it solidifies into a cold butter and can be taken
off in one piece. When the "cream" rises, it is
skimmed off and refrigerated.
Coconut "butter," though vegetable in origin,
contains completely saturated fatty acids. It is
made from chilled coconut "cream" also very — ABOUT FLAVORS AND SEASONINGS
rich in fat —
by churning with a rotary beater or in "Season to taste." How that time-tested direc-
. . .

a X blender. When the solid mass rises, force any tion the born cook!
stimulates know that We
excess water out of it with the back of a spoon. seasonings, spices, herbs and condiments can
To utilize the coconut that remains, make polvo complement and compliment food, but it is our
de amor, below. Use it as a garnish for breakfast own sense of taste that composes the symphony,
foods and desserts. just how does do so? The anatomy of taste is

Brown slowly in a heavy pan over low heat: the tongue, and it differentiates between four
1 cup strained coconut pulp basic sensations. The top of the tongue detects
2 tablespoons sugar sweet and sour, the sides salt and sour, the back
Grated fresh coconut may be soaked 6 hours bitter. When we taste things, they pass so quickly
refrigerated in milk to cover, and drained before over these areas that a fast sequence of tastes re-
use. This gives it about the same moisture content sults, like an arpeggio or a chord. When we were
as the canned, shredded or flaked types for — young, lollipops were their sweetest not without —
which it may be substituted. reason, because senses dull with age. and our taste
To toast grated coconut, spread it thinly on a buds were more impressionable then. Not only

were we told to gulp our medicines fast, but we the seasoner is that of impresario, not actor: to

took them iced to reduce their impact. Conversely, bring out the best in his material, not to stifle it
as adults we hold chilled wine in our mouths until with florid, strident off-key delivery or to smother
it has had a chance to warm up and release its it with heavy trappings. First and best, of course,

flavor. And. to taste normally sweet, the ice cream even before seasoning, are the built-in flavors of
we freeze must be sugared more than warm food grown in rich soils or from animals which
foods. It is relished more, too, when taken in small have been nourished on flavor-inducing vegeta-
amounts and held in the mouth momentarily be- tion. Examples are the famous sea-marsh-grazed
fore swallowing. Heat seems to affect sourness and lamb of France, the heather-dieted grouse of Scot-
saltiness; lemon seems less acid when the tea is land, our own southern peach-fed pigs or northern
hottest, and soup saltier when hot than when game birds after they have taken their fill of juni-
cold. The best time to judge for salt adjustment is per or other aromatic berries. Next come the
when food is just below 98°. flavors accentuated by heat: in the glazes on
But sweet, sour, bitter and salt are only founda- browned meats; in the essential roasting of coffee
tion tastes on which is built the complex and and cocoa beans; in the toasting of nuts, seeds
subtle structure whose charms are due much and breads; in the highly treasured "ozmazome,"
more to the sense of smell than to the sense of as the gourmet calls it, which results from rich
taste.Try tasting food while holding your breath; broths; as well as in the blending of tastes
you notice that a full and characteristic
will achieved generally through slow cooking.
flavor is realized only when the breath is ex- Then there are the flavors induced by fermen-
pelled through the nostrils. Since foods must be tation and bacterial activity, as in wines and
in solution for their flavors to be fully appreci- cheeses; those created by distillation in extracts
ated, texture plays a large part both directly and and liqueurs, and those brought about by smok-
as contrast. Flavors that stand out in liquid may ing, 814, marination, 528. Intensification of
grow duller rather than sharper if some gumlike flavor in can be by purely mechanical
substance such as tragacanth or agar-agar is used means, too: the cracking and softening of seeds
as a thickener, with the intent of increasing tactile like those of poppy, anise, coriander and caraway
sensations related to taste. The peppers and gin- to release their essential oils, the sources of aroma.
ger, because of their nonvolatile components, This is also true during the mincing of herbs, the
leave a somewhat painful burning sensation, along crushing of spices in a mortar, and the pureeing
with a pleasant glow and tingle. In contrast, mint of pods to remove their more fibrous portions.
has the power to cool because of its high menthol Keep scissors handy to quickly add bits of flavorful
content. Types of seasoning modify one another. foods such as herbs, celery, peppers and bacon.
Salt, for example, can make sugar less cloying and
tone down acidity; as a corollarv, sugar or vinegar
may reduce saltiness. Ginger, brandy or sherry can
lessen "gaminess" in fish and wildfowl while
bringing a comforting warmth. Salt, pepper and
parsley act as catalysts for other flavors. A re-
minder: prolonged drinking before and smoking
during a meal tends to desensitize all the pathways
along which food is appreciated.
The history of seasonings is an ironical one.
Back in medieval days the spice routes to the
Orient were fiercely contested, for spices were
essential to render palatable the poorly preserved
foods of Europe. Nowadays, many foods in our
western world are so successfully and uniformly
preserved that seasonings are needed to make
In seasoning sauces to which unseasoned or mildly
them interesting enough to eat! The Creeks had
seasoned solids are added, be sure to retaste after
recognized nine flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter,
adding the food. Perhaps most important heat
astringent, dry. pungent, vinous and oily. Even
seasoned food with great care, since certain spices
today no more generally acceptable categories
like cayenne, paprika and curry blends scorch
exist.The infinite interplay of taste, aroma and
easily, and others become bitter if overheated.
texture combined with hereditary and national
preferences defies exact classification, and only
the familiar remains acceptable to the majority of ABOUT SALTS
people Try setting your sails for new courses on Salt has many powers. The interplay of salt and
this endlessly fascinating sea of taste. water is essential to life itself. The maintenance
When adding seasoning, the greatest care of a proper balance is vital to the system
must be used to enhance the natural or previously and different every individual. Those for whom
acquired flavor of the food at hand. The role of a low-salt or no-sodium diet has been recom-

mended by their physician may replace the miss- animal sources having a higher salt content than
ing flavor by the skillful use of herbs, spices, lemon vegetable. Sea fish, especially shellfish, are heavier
juice and wine. Also, they should be aware of the in salt than freshwater fish. Of course, pickled,
salt or sodium content of softened water. Salt's cured or corned meats and sausages; broths, cat-
powers of preservation made possible our an- sups and extracts; brine-processed frozen fish,
cestors' survival in the waters, wastes and wilder- sardines, herrings and anchovies, as well as canned
ness through which they forged the world's great soups unless labeled "salt-free," and canned fish
trade routes. Whileits use in preserving food has —
and meats all are high in salt. Do watch your
become much less important with the advance of salting arm when dealing with any of the foods
refrigeration, it is surprising how much we still mentioned above, and in cooking artichokes,
depend on food processing of various kinds;
it: in beets, carrots, celery, chard, kale, spinach, dande-
in the curing of meats; in the brining and pickling lion greens, endive and corn all of which are —
of vegetables; in freezing ice cream; even, now naturally morethan most other vegetables.
and then, for heating oysters and baking potatoes. And also be cautious with dates, coconut and
In food preservation, the action of salt is two- molasses.
fold. It draws out moisture by osmosis, thus dis- Various kinds of salt are mentioned in this book.
couraging the microorganisms which are always When the word salt is used without qualification,
more active in moist than in dry food. Afterward, it means cooking or table salt. > To keep it free-
the brine formed by the salt and moisture in com- flowing, put a few grains of rice in the saltcellars.
bination further prevents or retards the growth of
surface microorganisms. To cook salted meats, see
Thisis a finely ground free-flowing type, about
482. To remove excess salt from bacon and salt
pork, see 542; from anchovies, 570. 90% sodium chloride to which dehydrators are —
The power of salt to heighten the flavor of other frequently added.
foods is its greatest culinary asset. This is true even IODIZED SALT
in candy making, when a pinch of salt often brings
This is recommended for certain areas where the
out a confection's characteristic best, and with water and soils are lacking in iodine, an essential
uncooked food, as when salt is sprinkled on citrus trace element, 6.
fruits. reaction on cooked food is otherwise

several-sided. It tends to dehydrate when added to COARSE, KOSHER OR SEA SALT

water in which vegetables are cooked, and firms A squarish-grained salt, with natural iodine and
them. It draws the moisture from meats and fish other minerals. It is very flavorful when used in
in cooking processes. And it tends to deter the ab- cooking and should be applied with a light touch.
sorption of water by cereals, although it helps It is often served sprinkled over meats, after carv-

retain the shape of the grain. It toughens eggs. ing and just before serving, so that it does not
And it must be used cautiously in bread making, as have time to melt completely. It is also sprinkled
too much inhibits the growth of yeast and ad- over rolls, pretzels and bread before baking, as a
versely affects gluten formation. For the effects of sparkling garnish. Do not confuse this coarse
saltwater on cooking, see 519. salt with rock salt, see 570.
These diverse properties of salt have provoked
arguments, from time to time, as to just when this
very important ingredient should be added when

and water preferably
a solution of salt
purpose is to draw the natural

cooking food. It must, of course, be used very
sugars and moisture from foods and form lactic
sparingly, if at all, at the start of any cooking in
acids which protect them against spoilage bacteria.
which liquids will be greatly evaporated such as — A 10% brine, about the strongest used in food
the making of soups, stocks and sauces. But small
processing, is made by dissolving 1 Vi cups salt in
quantities of salt, added early to soups and stews,
1 gallon of liquid or allowing 6 tablespoons salt
will help obviously good prac-
in clarification. It is
to a quart of liquid. But after brining, as more
tice to sear grilled, broiled or roasted meat before
adding salt, to retain juices and flavor unless the — liquid continues to
tables, the brine
be drawn from fruits
may be weakened. Always allow
and vege-
meat is floured or breaded. And since it is almost
impossible to get rid of excess salt in cooked foods about 2 gallons of 10% brine plus enough food to
— although occasionally a touch of sugar witl fill

a 4-gallon jar. A rule of thumb to test for

make them more palatable — the amount must be brine is that it will float a
shell just breaks the surface of the liquid.
2-ounce egg so the
calculated with care.
We know from long experience that the flavor- PICKLING OR DAIRY SALT
enhancing power of salt is most effective if it is This is pure salt that is free from additives which
added judiciously toward the end of the cooking might cloud the pickle liquid. It is available in
process. Don't taste with the tip of the tongue both granulated and flake forms, which may be
only, but with the middle and sides as well, where substituted pound for pound. But, if measuring by
the greatest response to salt-stimulus lies. volume, use for every cup granulated salt about
Salt occurs within foods in varying amounts, 1Vz cups flake salt.

ROCK SALT lessens the saltiness of others. We detect a cer-

A nonedible, unrefined variety which used in
is tain deadening similarity in foods flavored with
the freezing of ice cream —
also as a base for bak- monosodium glutamate and prefer, if a meat or
ing potatoes or heating oysters on the half shell. vegetable is prime, to let its own choice character
shine through unassisted.
Also known as MSG, this substance has recently
These are sodium chloride with added vegetable
been revealed as the cause of the allergic reaction
extracts —
such as celery and onion. If you use
known as Chinese Restaurant Syndrome which
them, cut down on the amount of salt called for
causes untoward physical side-effects in some
in the recipes.
compound of vegetable salts, spices and
Usually a
A citric acid which is sometimes used to replace a
monosodium glutamate. In using flavoring salts, lemon or to
flavoring prevent discoloration in
be sure not to add regular cooking salt before fruits or canned foods.
Hickory and other scented smokes have been puri-
10 tablespoons salt fied of tars and are chemically bound to these salts
3 tablespoons pepper by an electrical charge.
5 tablespoons white pepper
1 teaspoon red pepper SMOKY SALT MIXTURE
1 teaspoon each nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, 1 teaspoon smoked salt
bay, sage, marjoram, rosemary V2 cup catsup
V* cup olive oil
2 tablespoons mustard
4 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon sugar SALT SUBSTITUTES
1 tablespoon paprika These are chlorides in which sodium is replaced
1 teaspoon each mace, celery salt, nutmeg, by calcium, potassium or ammonium. They should
curry, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard be used only on the advice of a physician.


I.Blend in a mortar for 3 or 4 minutes: Anchovies, sometimes referred to as sardelles,
1 cup noniodized salt
discreetly added to food, can bring a piquancy the
IV2 cups pounded fresh herbs
source of which is most difficult to trace. About
Spread the mixture on a heatproof tray. Preheat Va of an anchovy to a cup of sauce will turn the
oven to 200°, then turn it off. Place the tray in the trick, or Vs of a teaspoon of anchovy paste. The
oven and allow salt mixture to dry. paste is both less strong in flavor and apt to be
saltier than the whole anchovies, which may be
II. You may also preserve, some herbs by salting
them down green in a covered crock, alternating treated in several ways:

'/2-inch layers of salt with '/2-inch layers of herbs.

I.For use in a salad, soak anchovies in cold water
Begin and end with slightly heavier salt layers.
or milk V2 to 1 hour. Drain and dry on paper
After a few weeks, the salt will take on the flavor
toweling before using.
of the herbs you have chosen to combine and will
be ready for use. The herbs which remain green II.For use in a sauce, soak them in warm water
may also be used. 5 to10 minutes. Drain before using. Anchovies are
sometimes used as lardoons to season meats, see
A concentrated form of sodium that is usually ex-
tracted from grains or beets. is also present in

bean curd and soy sauce. Long known as the

magic powder of the East, where tons and tons of Crush together:
1 anchovy fillet
it are consumed annually, it is sometimes used in

this country, especially in commercially processed

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

foods, because of its power to intensify some fla- Combine with an equal amount of:

vors. It seems to have no effect on eggs or sweets. Butter

It may modify the acidity of tomatoes, the earthi-

ness of potatoes and the rawness of onions and BASIL PESTO

eggplant. It acts as a blending agent for mixed This uncooked seasoning can be made in advance.
spices used in meat and fish cookery. It is soluble Use on pasta or on a baked potato, about 2 table-
in water but not in fat. So, if you do use it, add spoons to a portion, mixed with equal parts of
it to the liquid ingredients. While it accentuates butter. If you add a tablespoon or more per por-
the saltiness of some foods, just as wine does, it tion to Minestrone, 177, as is often done, you arrive

at a result close to the Provencal version called when the major beating is over, so as not to dis-
Soupe au Pistou. turb the texture. Another way to get this oily
Pound in a mortar about: residue for flavor is to grate the rinds coarsely,
IV2 cups fresh basil leaves place them in a piece of cheesecloth and wring
Parsley may be substituted, but of course the the oils onto sugar. Let stand about 15 minutes
flavor very different.
is Add and pound: before using.
2 cloves garlic And enough can never be said in favor of the
A cup pine nuts frequent use of small quantities of citrus juices
Add, until the mixture forms a thick puree: especially in salt-free diets where these flavors
About 3/4 cup thinly grated Sardinia serve to obscure the lack of salt. Use them as a
or Parmesan cheese substitute for vinegar wherever delicacy is wanted.
When the mixture is really thick, add very slowly, To get the greatest amount of juice out of citrus
stirring constantly: fruit, roll the whole fruit on a hard surface, gently
About 3A cup olive oil but firmly pressing it with the palm while rolling,
until of the consistency of creamed butter. before cutting for juicing. Lemons and limes can
Put a film of olive oil over the top. Cover and be juiced quickly by holding the cut side against
refrigerate or freeze. the palm and squeezing firmly. If the fruit is prop-
erly held, the seeds will be trapped.
^ It is only the fresh rind and juice of these
CHIFFONADE OF FRESH HERBS citrus fruits that hold the really magic seasoning
One of our very favorite ways to disguise canned power, but, if you must substitute, the following
soup combinations is to use a freshly gathered are approximations: 1 teaspoon freshly grated zest
bouquet of tender herbs. These we mince or, if we = 2 tablespoons fresh juice = 1 teaspoon dried
are in a hurry, A blend right
with the soup,
in zest = V2 teaspoon extract= 2 teaspoons grated
except for chives, which we mince separately to candied peel.
keep them from being too pervasive. Also see
Chiffonade of Herbs for Soup, 195.

A chili blend may be based on a combination of
spices as varied as cumin, coriander, oregano,
black pepper, cloves and sweet and hot peppers;
or it may be made up quickly from a combination
3 tablespoons paprika
tablespoon turmeric
!4 teaspoon cayenne
But, no matter how simple or how complex the
mix, use with it plenty of:
Pressed garlic
To heighten the flavor of chili powder, simmer
the food at least 15 minutes after combining with
the seasonings.


What better name than "zest" could be found for
the gratings of the colorful outer coatings of lem-
ons, oranges, tangerines and limes those always —
available, valuable, yet somehow
not fully appre-
ciated ingredients! Zest is the very quality they
add to baked items, stuffings, sauces, soups, meats Keep on hand for flavoring drinks and sauces
and desserts. Zest must, however, be used with Citrus-Flavored Sugars, 557. To make citrus peels
a light touch. If you keep an easily cleaned hand for fruit sauces, take off just the colored portion
grater, fifth on the right, 337, hanging near the of the peel with a sharp knife, a potato peeler or
stove, you will be amazed at the subtlety you can a special "zester" tool,shown lower right above.
add quickly to your seasoning. Use only the col- Blanch for 3 minutes to a limp stage. Wash in
ored portions of the citrus skins; the white be- cold water. Shred and resimmer with the sauce.
neath is bitter. Citrus rinds are more intense in To use lemons as garnishes, cut them in one of
flavor than juice because of their heavy oil con- the attractive ways shown above and on 42, or use
centration. Fold them into icings, for instance, juice from the practical pitcher also shown.


This classic phrase connotes a delicate blend of A mixture of seasonings for sauces and pan
fresh herbs suitable for savory sauces and soups, gravies.

and for all cheese and nonsweet egg dishes. Use Mix:
equal parts of parsley, tarragon, chives and chervil 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
— although some other mild herbs may be al-
1 minced clove
/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind

lowed to creep in. These mixed herbs, minced

with a sharp knife and added at the last minute Sprinkle this mixture on sauce or gravy during the
last 5 minutes of cooking. Simmer, covered, over
to the food being cooked, give up their essential
oils but retain a lovely freshness. very low heat so the flavors can be absorbed.

BOUQUETS GARNIS OR FAGGOTS This yellow lard is called Sofrito in the Caribbean,
Nothing helps a soup or stock so much as a com- but in Italy the name is applied to Mirepoix, be-
bination of herbs and vegetables. They are best low. It gets its color from the annatto seed, a col-
made of fresh materials and should be added oring often used to accentuate the yellow in pale
for only the last half hour of cooking.
butter. Seasoned lard is made in advance of use

I. Bunch together: and stored refrigerated.

3 or 4 sprigs parsley or chervil
Wash, drain and melt uncovered over slow heat
in a heavy pan, stirring occasionally:
Vs to V2 bay leaf
2 sprigs fresh thyme 1 lb. diced salt pork
(1 leek, white portion only)
Remove from heat and strain into another heavy
pan. Wash and drain:
(2 cloves)
To make removal easier, you may place them A
lb. annatto seeds
Add them to the strained melted lard and heat

(Several overlapping celery ribs)

slowly for about 5 minutes. Strain the colored
lard into a large, heavy kettle. Grind and add:
and bind tightly with a white string.
1 lb. cured ham
II. you cannot get fresh materials, wrap dried
If 1 lb. green peppers, seeds and membrane
herbs, still on the stem, or coarsely crumbled but removed
not powdered, in 4-inch squares of cheesecloth A
lb. sweet chili peppers, seeds and membrane
tied into bags as shown, 579. Store them in a removed
tightly covered container. Allow for 12 bags: peeled onions
1 lb.

2 tablespoons dried parsley Mash mortar and add:

in a
1 tablespoon each thyme and marjoram 15 fresh coriander leaves
2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon fresh oregano
2 tablespoons dried celery leaves Just before cooking, place in a small tea ball:
6 peeled cloves garlic
and add to the lard mixture. Simmer these ingre-
FOUR SPICES OR SPICE dients over low heat, stirring frequently, for about
PARISIENNE 30 minutes more. After the mixture has cooled,
Also called Quatre fpices. This is the mixture that remove garlic. Store covered and refrigerated.
is such a favorite for sweets and meats. It varies in

composition according to the will of the epicier or SALT PORK, BACON AND HAM
the whim of his customer, and frequently exceeds
four. Careme's formula for epices composes in-
These give an interesting fillip to many bland
cluded dried thyme, bay leaves, basil, sage, a
little coriander and mace, and at the end — the — foods. Bacon and salt pork are often blanched,
154, to remove excess salt. Although they may be
addition of one-third ground pepper.
used interchangeably, the flavors are quite distinct.
Used as a garnish, the bits are called grattons or
1 teaspoon each cloves, nutmeg and ginger
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Salt pork
FIVE-SPiCES POWDER Try it out, 542, in a skillet until brown and crisp,
This pungent, slightly sweet mixture of ground or place the dice in a very slow oven until golden
spices is available ready-mixed in Chinese stores. brown.
Use sparingly when preparing red-stews, 447, and
roasted meats or poultry. MIREPOIX AND MATIGNON
Mix by grinding into a powder equal amounts of: About 2
/3 Cup
Chinese star anise, fennel, pepper, Both of these terms refer to a blend of vegetables:
cloves and cinnamon diced in Mirepoix, minced in Matignon. The

blend, always made just before use, is an essential Reduce heat and simmer 15 to 50 minutes, or
of Sauce Espagnole, 346; and it can be used either until tender. Drain. Use as for fresh mushrooms.
as a base or as a seasoning for roasting meats and Utilize liquid in soups and sauces.
fowl or for flavoring shellfish.
1 carrot
1 celery heart: the inner ribs This is a delicious and convenient way of using up

Add: mushroom stems and storing or preserving them

Vt crushed bay leaf for use whenever a mushroom flavor is wanted.
1 sprig thyme Add to stuffings, sauces or gravies, or use in meat
(1 tablespoon minced raw ham or bacon) and fish cookery. You may strain before using.
Simmer the above in: Allow 2 tablespoons for 1 cup chicken-flavored
1 tablespoon butter sauce.
until the vegetables are soft. Deglaze the pan with: Chop very fine:
Madeira Vi lb. mushrooms
Squeeze in a cloth, twisting to extract as much
MUSHROOMS AS SEASONING moisture as possible. Reserve. Cook until golden:
V* cup chopped onion or 2 tablespoons
This family contributes one of the most coveted
Never discard stems, and particularly
chopped shallots
of all tastes.
not skins, for it is here that the greatest amount of
2 tablespoons butter
flavor lies. Even the scrapings of their rarefied
3 tablespoons olive oil
cousins, truffles, are sold at a good price and can
be cooked with gelatin to form pungent garnishes
Add mushrooms plus juice and:
teaspoon grated nutmeg
for cold foods. To bring more flavor into canned
Season to taste
mushrooms, saute them in butter. Consider also,
Saute on high heat until the mushroom moisture
for seasoning, powdered or whole dehydrated
is absorbed. Refrigerate duxelles in a covered jar
mushrooms. And for a classic mushroom season-
until ready to use, but do not hold longer than
ing, see Duxelles, below. Agaricus campestris, the
5 days.
variety most commonly found in our markets, is
strengthened in flavor as it withers but must be
kept free of moisture in drying, so as not to mold. TOMATOES AS SEASONING
To dry mushrooms for storage, select fresh, Whether fresh, cooked, pureed, or as
firm specimens. You may wash them, then dry on
paper toweling; or simply place them on a screen
paste or catsup — and
even as soup the tomato —
weaves its way into innumerable dishes. To get
or thread them on a string to sun-dry. When thor-
the flavor without too much moisture, cut fresh
oughly dry, put in sterile, tightly sealed glass jars. tomatoes and squeeze to release extra moisture
Keep from all moisture until ready to use. To re- and seeds; then skin before using, as shown
constitute, see Dried Mushrooms, below.
on 331. Canned and cooked ones are best
For mushroom types and a discussion of the
drained, then strained so thoroughly that the tasty,
dangers of collecting, see 306. Mushroom spores pulpy part is forced through the sieve, leaving
are often sold in brick form for home culture, but
only the skin and seeds to discard. When making
unless conditions are ideal and temperatures con-
substitutions for purees, pastes and catsups, be
stantly between 50° and 60°, experience has
sure to compensate for moisture differences and
shown it is cheaper to buy your mushrooms full- allow for the variations in strength of flavor.


Reconstitute as follows. Wash in 3 waters to About 3A Cup
clean: Thismakes a relish or a fine addition to sauces.
2 oz. dried mushrooms Wash, then mash:
Drain. Pour over them: 6 large ripe tomatoes
Boiling water to cover Melt:
and soak 15 to 30 minutes. Some types may need 2 tablespoons butter
longer soaking, and some will still look like old Add the tomatoes and:
leather. If they have swelled and softened some- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
what, drain and use. If recalcitrant, bring them to V* teaspoon paprika
a boil in: 3
A teaspoon salt
Cold water to cover Cook the tomatoes in a double boiler over
3 teaspoons soy sauce not in —
boiling water, stirring occasionally, until
1 teaspoon salt they are the consistency of thick paste. Put the
(2 teaspoons sugar) paste through a strainer. Store refrigerated.


This flavorful paste is diluted in a little boiling Ali Baab —
great Castronomie Pratique
in his —
water or stock and added to sauces and soups. refers Worcestershire, catsups, tabascos
to soy,
Fine in spaghetti and noodle dishes, as a dressing and other such frequently bought condiments as
for cooked vegetables or salads, and as an addition "sauces violentes" which mask out all other fla-
to salad dressings. vors. We find them useful as occasional accents,
Wash and cut into slices: much too powerful to use unmodified; and we
IV2 pecks ripe Italian tomatoes: 6 quarts indicate suitable quantities as components in vari-
Add: ous sauces.
1 large celery rib, cut up with some leaves SOY SAUCE
A cup chopped onion
Known as shoyu in Japan, the finest of all soy
3 tablespoons fresh herbs or 1 tablespoon
sauces are oriental types made from fermenting
dried herbs: basil, thyme, sweet marjoram
soybeans, roasted wheat, salt, yeast or malt, and
or oregano
sugar. They are sometimes fermented from 12 to
A teaspoon peppercorns 18 months and range from a light, thin variety
12 cloves
which neither colors nor overwhelms chicken,
3 teaspoons salt
seafood or light soups, through a darker type used
1 two-inch stick cinnamon
in so-called red stewing, 447. A heavier bitter soy
(1 minced clove garlic)
sauce made with molasses is almost black: it is
Simmer these ingredients until the tomatoes are
better used as a coloring agent than for seasoning.
soft. Stir frequently. Put the vegetables through a
fine sieve. Simmer the pulp over — not —
in boil-
Oriental soy sauces which are naturally fermented
are preferable to domestic types produced by
ing water, or over direct low heat with the use
chemical means, which tend to be bitterer and
of an asbestos pad to prevent burning. Stir fre-
saltier, due to additives, and may also include
quently. After several hours, when the pulp is
corn syrup or caramel and monosodium gluta-
thick and reduced by about half, spread the paste
mate, 570.
to a depth of V2 inch on moist plates. Cut into the
paste to let air penetrate. Place the paste in the WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE
sun or in a 200° oven to dry. When the paste is This sauce is claimed as original by the English.
dry enough, roll it into balls which you may dip Its roots are said to be Roman and, not unlike
in salad oil. Store refrigerated in airtight sterile their Garum, it has a base of anchovy. To make,
jars. see 848.
SOYER'S UNIVERSAL DEVIL This is made from hot tabasco peppers. Co
easy — a few drops may be too much. Use in soups,
cocktail sauce, piquant sauces.
We have chosen sauce from Alexis Soyer's
Culinary Campaign, a fabulous account of the ABOUT SPICES
Crimean War, through which he cooked his way Perhaps our interest in spices is the greater be-
with abandon. No one brought more conviction cause of our descent from a sailing family, not
to his work, whether changing the diet of the in New England but in the old Hansa town of
British armed forces, cooking at the Reform Club, Liibeck, where ships with their cargoes of Kolonial-
or remolding the cooking habits of the English waren anchored at the wharves on the Trave. And

lower classes which he attempted through his the spices were stored in the mowlike corbie-
Shilling Cook Book. The original recipe called for stepped warehouses on the floors above the
a tablespoon of cayenne pepper. We have changed merchants' living quarters.
it to a small pinch, for in Soyer's day cayenne was Spices, indeed, bring all the world together. Like
baked into a sort of bread and then ground, mak- wines and cheeses, their individuality is intense
ing it about the same strength as a mild paprika. and their identification with places a vivid one.
Rub any deviled food with the following mixture: We associate the best bay leaves with Turkey; the
1 good tablespoon Durham mustard best real cinnamon with Ceylon; the best red
V4 cup chili vinegar hot peppers with Louisiana. And there have been
1 tablespoon grated horseradish lively controversies over the relative merits of
2 bruised shallots Spanish and Hungarian paprika; of Mexican and
1 teaspoon salt Malagasy vanilla beans.
A few grains cayenne Long before the first New England farm wife
Vi teaspoon black pepper bought a wooden nutmeg, spice traders have
1 teaspoon sugar known ways to camouflage their wares. We are
(2 teaspoons chopped chili peppers) lucky today that both government agencies and
(2 raw egg yolks) trade associations work hard to develop and main-
Soyer's instructions are to "broil slowly at first and tain high standards for these relatively costly and
end as near as possible the Pandemonium Fire." still most important condiments.

Pepper, like salt, because of its preservative THE CINNAMONS

qualities,has been at times worth its weight in True cinnamon, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, is the
gold. And we are acquainted with a treasured bark of a tree that flourishes in Ceylon and along
bay leaf that on festive occasions all during the — the Malabar Coast. It is extremely mild whether
last war —
made the rounds of ten or fifteen be- rolled in a tight quill or stick or in powdered form.
leaguered English households. Most of the so-called cinnamon on the market is
Since spices are used in such small quantities, really cassia, Cinnamomum cassia. This is a similar
we recommend that you purchase from impecca- bark that not quilled, but formed as though a

ble sources. We also suggest that if you are us- short scroll were rolled from both ends and left
ing ground spices, they be replenished at least with its center portion flat. It has slightly bitter
within the year, as they tend in powdered form overtones compared to the warm, sweet, aromatic
to lose strength rapidly. Be sure to date your jars true cinnamon. The best forms of cassia come
when you clean and fill them. Store spices in from Saigon. Use the stick form of either of these
tightly covered nonabsorbent containers and in as spices in hot chocolate, mulled wine, fruit com-
dark and cool an area as your kitchen provides. potes and pickles. We need hardly suggest trying
But have them handy! Their discriminating use will cinnamon on toast, dusting it on cookie tops or
pique many a dish from obscurity to memorable- incorporating it into desserts and baked items. But
ness. maybe its use in small quantities in meats and
In cooking, put whole spices in a cloth or in a seafoods is new to you.
stainless metal tea ball so you can remove them
more readily when the dish is done. Do not THE CLOVES
overboil spices, in particular pepper and cara- unopened bud of the
This spicy, dried, rich red,
way, as they become bitter. And do not use high clove tree, Caryophyllus aromaticus, contains so
heat for paprika or curry, for they scorch easily. much oil that you can squeeze it out with a finger-
Some spices are available as distilled essences, nail. Because its flavor is so strong, the heads of

and these clear additives are valuable in light the cloves are sometimes removed so the season-
Fruit Butters, 836, or Pickles, 841. Their flavor does ing will be milder. These milder portions are often
not last as long as that of whole spices cooked used in the powdered form. Before serving a dish
with the food. *X* In frozen foods, the flavors of the cooked with whole cloves, always remove them.
spices do not hold up well. And in quantity The best cloves come from Madagascar and Zanzi-
cooking, if you are enlarging household recipes, bar. Use in curries, stewed fruits, marmalades; in

spice to taste rather than to measure. suggest We chutneys, pickles, marinades; and, in small quan-
amounts considered pleasurable by the average tities, with onions and meats; especially good with

person. You may wish to use more or less than we ham, as well as in spiced baked stews. An onion
indicate. Spices, even when dry, can reactivate stuck with 3 or 4 cloves is a classic addition to
molds they may have had before, or developed stocks and stews. Oil of clove is available for use
during drying, so the government suggests you in light-colored foods, but watch out for its ter-

resist the temptation to sniff them. Below we de- rific pungency.

scribe spices and their uses.
ALLSPICE We think of curry, which is really a highly sea-
In this book pimiento, the name for true peppers soned sauce, mainly as a powder sitting on the
of the Capsicum family, see 586, is reserved for shelf ready to be added when foods need a lift.
them. And pimento, Pimenta dioica, is kept for all- But curry powders are best when the spices are
spice only. Use allspice anywhere from soup to freshly ground or incorporated into a paste with
nuts, alone or in a combination with other spices. onion, garlic, fruits and vegetables as common-
For within its single small reddish-brown berry place as apples and carrots and as exotic as tama-
lies a mixture of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and rind and pomegranate.
juniper berry flavors. But do not confuse allspice The curry, in either powder or paste form, has
with the mixture called in France Quatre Epices, its flavor developed in olive oil, or ghee, a clari-

or Four Spices, 572. fied butter. The paste is then cooked in a low oven
over a period of several hours before the final
stage of preparation with the main food. Curries
Because of color from the pulp surrounding the
should be specially blended for each kind of dish:
seed, annatto, Bixa Orrellana, is often used as a
a dry one for coating meat; a sour one for mari-
substitute for saffron.
nated meats; and other mixtures for chicken or
THE CARDAMOMS mutton, rice, beans, vegetables and fish. They
Powder the plump seeds of Elettaria cardamomum range in strength from the fiercely hot curries of
only as needed, for otherwise the aromatic loss is Madras to the mild ones of Indonesia. The mix-
great. Use as for cinnamon and cloves, alone or in tures below give you an idea of the variety and ex-
combination. Delicious in coffee. The smaller type, tent of curry bases. Amounts to use per portion
Amamum cardamomum, is used whole in barbe- are a matter of tolerance. Choose beer or a tart
cue-basting sauces and pickles. limeade as a beverage with curried foods. When

making up the dish, use plenty of fresh garlic and these berries soaked for a long time in a marinade
onion and, if possible, fresh coconut milk, 566. — or —
cooked long in a stew gives a flavoring
equivalent to Vt cup gin, to which these berries
lend their typical aroma.
1 oz. each ginger, coriander and cardamom
A oz. cayenne MOCHA
3 oz. turmeric Thisname is given to dishes flavored with a lightly

roasted coffee bean. It is often paired with choc-


2 oz. each of the seeds of coriander, turmeric,

olate. We include it here, for coffee can be used
profitably as a spice.
fenugreek, black pepper
2'/2 oz. cumin seed
IV2 oz. each poppy and cardamom seeds
These flavors are so closely allied because they
V2 oz. mustard seed
V2 oz. dry ginger
come from the same tough-husked fruitof Myris-
tica fragrans. It is sun- or charcoal-dried and, when
2 oz. dry chilis
opened, has a lacy integument which is used
1 oz. cinnamon
whole in cooking fruits or desserts or ground into
III. mace for seasoning. The hard inner kernel is the
1 oz. each turmeric, coriander and cumin nutmeg. Use it sparingly but often, and, for its full
V2 oz. each dry ginger and peppercorns flavor, grind it fresh from a handy nutmeg grinder
A oz. each dried hot peppers and fennel seed
that merely needs a twist —
like a pepper mill. Try
Vs oz. each mustard, poppy seeds, cloves it not only in baked items but in spinach, with
and mace veal, on French toast —
and always with eggnog.
^ One grated whole nutmeg equals 2 to 3 tea-
GINGER spoons ground nutmeg.
The root of a bold perennial, Zingiber officinale —
with the most heavenly scented lily must be — THE WHITE AND BLACK PEPPERS
harvested at just the right moment or it will be Both these peppers come from berry clusters of
fibrous and have a bitter aftertaste. Whole fresh the vining Piper nigrum, the master spice. There
or green ginger should have a smooth skin and be is some difference in flavor, the white being
a uniformly buff color. It must be kept dry or it slightly more aromatic, but their use is almost
will sprout and be useless for flavoring. Refriger- interchangeable.
ated, in a plastic bag, keep about 3 weeks.
it will The white is made from the fully ripe berry,
Or you may wash the fresh ginger, cover with from which the dark odter shell is buffed before
sherry and keep refrigerated. But it really tastes the berry is ground. White pepper flavor holds
best unpeeled, sliced thin, and sauteed in oil to up better in sausages and canned meats. This form
extract the flavor. To use in recipes, peel, grate, is also used in all light-colored foods or sauces.
slice or mash. Black pepper is obtained from the underripe,
When dry, it may be cut into /2-inch cubes and 1
fermented, sun-dried whole berries. The pepper-
steeped for several hours in a marinade or in cold corns themselves, when used in poivrade dishes,
water, after which the liquid can be used as sea- are crushed rather than ground, so the oils are
soning. Peeled or thinly sliced ginger can be added not dispersed. And they are added the last few
to stews or rubbed like garlic over duck or fish. minutes before the sauce is strained. Also avail-
It will do much to remove "fishy" flavors. Boiled able for poivrade dishes are the more flavorful
and then preserved in syrup, it is known in this canned green peppercorns. Crush them before
milder form as Canton ginger and is delicious in adding. But pepper, which can be used in any
desserts, chopped fine and used with or without —
food except sweets and here there is the further
its syrup. And it is worth trying with bananas and —
exception of Pfeffernusse is best freshly ground.
even with tomatoes, squash, onions and sweet It not only is a remarkable preservative but man-

potatoes. Ginger is also candied or crystallized, ages to strengthen food flavors without masking
796, and may be used in baked goods and des- them as much as other spices do.
serts. This form can, in a pinch, be washed of its Unless otherwise specified, the word pepper in
sugar and substituted for fresh ginger. We all know this book means black pepper. For cayenne pep-
the value of ground ginger for flavoring baked per, see 586-587.
items. ^ Equivalent flavoring strengths of the var-
ious forms are: V2 teaspoon ground equals 1 to 2 TURMERIC
teaspoons thinly sliced preserved, equals 2 table- This Indian rhizome Curcuma longa — is bitterish,

spoons syrup. and its rather acrid fugitive fragrance warms the
mouth, so it must be used with discretion. Its
JUNIPER BERRIES golden color gives the underlying tone to curry
Berries from juniperus communis are prized for powders and to certain pickles. In small quantities
seasoning game and bean dishes. Three to six it is used as a food coloring, often replacing saf-

berries suffice per serving. In fact, V2 teaspoon of fron for this purpose.

VANILLA BEAN AND EXTRACT dislike competition, bed layouts, such as those
Vanilla bean, before being marketed, is fermented shown center and below it, suit them well.

and cured for 6 months. Vanilla extract is pre- As long ago as the seventeenth century, the
pared by macerating the beans or pods in a 35% herbalist Parkinson in his Paradisi in Sole stressed
alcohol solution. To retain its greatest flavor, add the importance of proper drainage in herb grow-
it only when food is cooling. Try 2 parts vanilla ing. We too have discovered that good drainage,
to 1 part almond
flavoring —
a great Viennese fa- whether secured by boxing or simply by the selec-
vorite. Orkeeping vanilla beans in brandy and
try tion of terraced ground, is a primary consideration.
using the flavored brandy as a seasoning. Be- The upper and lower sketches show raised beds,
ware of synthetic vanillas whose cheap flavor is in- the upper crescent-shaped held high by old granite
stantly detected and which ruin any dish that is street cobbles, the lower by flue-liners which also
frozen. provide containment for rampant aggressors like
Ifyou little dark specks in
are curious about the the mints. Shown in the partially sunken flue-liners
a good cream, these are the seeds
vanilla ice are squares of mints, calendulas and nastur-
scraped from the vanilla bean, which is another tiums, and a combination of chives and parsley
way to use this flavoring. Allow about 1 inch of all edible yet colorful. You might also try other
scraped bean for 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. For annual or deciduous squares, or use alternate
another way to flavor, see Vanilla Sugar, 557. evergreen and deciduous herbs again to allow for
some winter form. Try placing the liners in Greek
fret designs or any pattern that adapts to your
There are a number of other extracts, all of which space.
You may prefer to use squared beds. A 15-inch
should be used sparingly, such as lemon and al-
mond. Derivatives of almond are: falernum, a to 2-foot unit area for each of most culinaries is
syrup of lime, almond and spices dominated by more than enough to supply household demands.
ginger; grenadine, made from the juice of pome- Sometimes, if we want only a single specimen for —
granates; and rose and orange waters, both sweet- instance, a sage or a lavender — we keep
pruned it

ened distillations. We do not recommend to a central shrub and use the edges around it for

nonalcoholic liqueur flavorings. smaller plants. Sometimes we repeat a color

accent — like the gray of sage or lavender — to
unify the whole complex of squares. A more ele-
GROWING CULINARY HERBS gant solution is to use millstones which reflect
Confucius, a wise man, refused to eat anything the heat most herbs thrive on and which make
not in season. Everyone who has tasted the differ- ideal access points for the gardener to weed from.
ence between foods served with fresh rather than A millstone also gives the surrounding herbs free-
dried herbs knows how wise he was. Few herbs dom to spread over its edges, as well as over the
can be bought in a fresh state at market, but the flat stones that define the bed. Here in the centers
most important ones can be easily grown. We are a pot of rosemary and a dwarf pepper plant,
know, for we have raised and used all the culi- although a cherry tomato plant on a trellis would
naries in this section. Therefore, we beg you to give more height to the layout. Camomiles and
exercise your green thumb at least on those whose thymes are shown as bordering plants, but any of
evanescent oils deteriorate or almost disappear in the dwarf creepers like dwarf savories could be
drying. Chervil, borage, burnet and summer savory
used. Also to be considered, though not for pat-
suffer the greatest losses. And the mainstays
terned beds, are the unruly tousle-headed giants,
chives, tarragon, parsley and basil can never in — the dills; the fennels, lovage, sorrel; the floppy
their dry form begin to approach the quality of
borage and scraggly corianders; anises, sesames
their fresh counterparts. Even the flavor of sage
and mustards. If these mavericks are grown in un-
when fresh and discreetly used can be so delicate regimented fashion, borage, dill, fennel, chervil,
as to be a new sensation.
coriander and parsley will self-sow. These all have
A hallmark of the Compleat Herb Grower is a less stability of condition as well as of structure,
love of sundials and armillary spheres reflecting — and profit by a background of fencing or a south-
the herbs' own predilection for bright sunlight
facing housewall which not only protects but lends
frequently paralleled by a passion for symmetry.
unity to the plantings. These plants are always
You might like to duplicate the sequences of plant-
problems for the neat-minded, as are the trea-
ings shown beginning at the right in the top layout
sured onion family shown 585, for with the excep-
on 578: in the end section is sage, followed by
tion of chives, they die back and yellow after
tarragon, parsley, dwarf basil and thyme, all par-
titioned by chives. You may prefer partitions of
clipped lavender, santolina or fernlike burnet you haven't room for the more extended

which, with the sage and thyme end sections, layouts shown on 578, try setting out a few pots
will give your garden in winter an indication of of annuals on your patio. Some evergreen peren-
form. nials will weather the winter in a strawberry jar,

We have tried growing herbs in many patterns. 567. To prepare a jar for herbs, fill with a mix-
Since most herbs are sun-lovers that need air and ture of one-third rich friable soil and two-thirds

sand. Try the thymes, sweet marjoram, burnet and dormancy and potted up indoors may show six
chervil on the shady side. You can dwarf fennel, inches of green within ten days. A small potted
borage and sage by root confinement. Replace the sweet bay is both decorative and useful. But
coarse marjorams with dittany of Crete, and coarse most houseplant herbs deteriorate in flavor, just as
mints with Mentha requienii — both tender peren- do hothouse tomatoes.
nials. We find that the various thymes, pot marjoram
Pots can be used, too, for growing herbs indoors and winter savories flourish in a rock garden. Treat
in sunny windows. We have had moderate success them with neglect and reap them for twenty years.
with rosemary, sweet marjoram, the basils, dittanv But we also find, with our hot midwestern sum-
of Crete, lemon verbena and scented geranium mers and variable winters, that sage, burnet and
all from late summer cuttings —
and with dill and tarragon are more apt to hold over in well-enriched
bronze fennel from seed. If you plan bringing garden soil. Most perennial herbs also hold over
plants indoors, pot them up in late August and better if they have been clipped to about two-
put them in a partially shaded area. Bring them in thirds their height several times during the sea-
ire frost. Tarragon dug after cold weather son prior to early August. If they are creepers like

thymes, bob them back at the base as well. Follow freeze or shot-freeze, parblanch, 154, for ten sec-
each clipping with a dose of liquid manure. If onds, plunge into ice water for one minute and
the herbs are evergreen varieties, treat them to a dry between towels. Put them up individually in
thorough watering prior to the first killing frosts. recipe-sized packets for seasoning a salad dressing
or a batch of stew, or freeze mixed bouquets garnis
HARVESTING, DRYING AND for soups and sauces. To preserve herbs by salting,
see 570. The herbs and the salt, which has become
FREEZING HERBS savory, will be ready to use within two weeks.
Our instinctive inclination toward the cultivation
and use of herbs and our longing for a year-round
supply put us in good company across the cen-
turies: Alcuin, Charlemagne's tutor, called herbs
"the friend of physicians and the praise of cooks."
Which brings us to the matters of harvesting, dry-
ing and freezing of herbs —
processes we must
adopt to keep our kitchens in steady supply.
The first rule of harvesting herbs is to clip con-
stantly through July; never allow the plants to
reach the blossoming stage. Later heavy clipping
may weaken perennials — not allowing recovery
of the plant before winter. Unless otherwise indi-
cated in the individual notes on cultivation, herbs
are harvested before their flowers emerge.
At this time, when they are budding up, the
leaves are at their most aromatic. Hose down the
herbs the day before harvesting. Pick early next
morning, as soon as the dew has dried off the
leaves. If necessary, dry the leaves, without bruis-
Herbs are remarkably free from insect pests and
should be grown where they are not subject to
sprays. After gathering, you may tie them together
and hang in small bunches until dry. You can
expect about 1 pound dried herbs for every 8
pounds freshly gathered. The location traditionally
recommended is a Since such
cool, airy attic.
spaces are becoming scarce, a shady breezeway
will do.And lacking a breezeway, room-drying at USING HERBS
temperatures preferably below 90° is preferable to Handy as an herb chart might seem, we have re-
oven-drying, for even when the oven is preheated frained from compiling one, because some herbs
as low as possible and the herbs inserted the mo- are overpowering, and it is so difficult to indicate
ment the temperature drops below 90°, their in a general way the amounts to use. Suitable
flavor is weakened. For thick-leaved varieties, the quantities of herbs are listed in the individual
oven process may have to be repeated several recipes. Below we set down detailed characteris-
times until the herbs are bone-dry. ticsand helpful horticultural tips for each culinary
To test for dryness before packaging, put a herb. Let us add that the delicately flavored types
few of the brittle sprigs or leaves in a tightly stop- should be placed in sauces and soups only toward
pered glass
jar and watch for condensation, mold the end of preparation and left just long enough to
development or discoloration. This is important, release their volatile oils. And once again, while
> Store dried herbs in tightly
especially with basil. we advocate a constant use of herbs, we don't
stoppered lightproof glass or ceramic jars in a advise too many kinds at once or too much of
cool place. Should they show insect activity, dis- any one kind.
card them. You may want to strip leaves from the To familiarize yourself with herb flavors, some
stems before drying or freezing herbs. If drying "lazy day," when you feel experimental, blend Vi
seeds, collect them in paper rather than plastic pound mild cheddar cheese with 2 tablespoons
bags, and let them dry thoroughly before bottling sour cream and 2 tablespoons vodka. Divide the
in glass jars. Dried herbs retain their flavor best mixture into small portions and add to each an
if pulverized in a mortar, shown opposite, just herb or herb combination. Label the cheese sam-
before using. ples as you mix them. Let them rest for about an
You may freeze herbs. If you do, use them be- hour to develop flavor. Then have a testing party
fore defrosting —
in the same proportion as for with your spouse or friends.
fresh herbs. They are too limp for garnishes. Some To substitute dried herbs for fresh, use 1A
herbs, like chives, get slimy when frozen so teaspoon powdered or \'i teaspoon crushed for

every tablespoon fresh chopped herbs. To re- flavor in fish sauces or white aspics. It is traditional
constitute dried herbs and develop their flavors, in some fruit punches, and the choice blue star-
soak them in some liquid you can incorporate in like blooms, 42, are beautiful floated in punches
the recipe —water, stock, milk, lemon juice, wine, and lemonades or used in food garnishes. Young
olive oil or vinegar —
for ten minutes to one hour borage can be cooked like spinach, 326. Borago
before using. Or, simmer them in hot butter. For officinalis, which self-seeds, grows to 2% feet
cooking, place nonpowdered dry herbs in a cloth even in poor soil.
bag or a stainless metal tea ball for subsequent
easy removal. For blends, see 570 and 572.
Sometimes called salad burnet; in fact, Italians say
ANGELICA that salad without burnet is like love without a
The leaves of this slightly licorice-flavored plant woman. This herb has a haunting cucumberish
are candied as a garnish for desserts, 797; seeds flavor. It does not dry well, but it keeps green all
may be added to pastry, young tips to rhubarb or winter long and can be plucked at any time. Pick
gooseberries. Angelica archangelica grows to 4 to the center leaves; the older ones are bitter. Use
8 feet. It dies after blooming but is perennial if the leaves, or soak the seeds in vinegar for use in
blooming is inhibited. Seeds must be fresh, soil salads.
moist, and the locale shady. Pnterium sanguisorba, a hardy evergreen peren-
nialgrowing to 2 feet, is almost fernlike in habit
THE ANISES and is easy to germinate in any well-drained soil,
These have strangely subtle licorice overtones. Use in sun.
seeds in Anise Cookies, 707; the oil as flavoring
in sponge cake; or star anise in watermelon-rind
pickle. To release the full flavor, crush seeds be-
Famous as a tisane, 40. A small quantity is occa-
tween towels with a rolling pin. Pimpinella anisum sionally put into beef stock. Sometimes the fresh
leaves are used, but it is the very center of the
grows to 3 feet. Because of the long taproot, trans-
flower that is most prized. The petals of this tiny
plant into light rich soil when seedlings are young.
The star anise, lllicium anisatum, imported from daisy are removed after the flower is dried. Anthe-
mis nobilis, a creeping perennial, grows to 6 inches
China, belongs to the magnolia family.
in dry light soil.

Not without reason called I'herhe royale, these
When pickled, these bulletlike buds of the caper
versatile herbs have a great affinity for tomatoes,
bush taste like tiny sharp gherkins. Use them in
fish and egg dishes, but are good in almost all
Tartare Sauce, 364, with fish and wherever you
savory dishes. They darken quickly after cutting.
wish a piquant note. Capparis spinosa is a 3-foot

Serve them as they do in Italy where basil is very
perennial shrub of southern Europe. Do not con-

popular in a bouquet of sprigs set in water in a
fuse it with the caper spurge, Euphorbia lathyrum,
small vase. Be sure to try Pesto, 570, with spa-
which is poisonous. Also pickled are immature or
ghetti. Ocinum basilicum, which grows to 2 feet,
mature seeds and buds of Tropaeolum minus or
dries poorly and should never be dried in heat
majus, the nasturtium; or the buds of Caltha palus-
above 110°. It roots in a few days in water. Make tris, the marsh marigold. Similar in use are Chinese
cuttings and pot up before frost in rich soil. It is
fermented black beans, or toushi, which are avail-
worth keeping at least one plant over the winter to
able in cans; and the pickled green seeds of Mar-
supply that fresh basil flavor until the new crop
tynia Proboscidea juisieui, an annual growing to
is ready. Ocinum minimum, dwarf bush basil, less
2V2 feet, with dramatic flowers and an evilly
than 1 foot tall, is the sweetest and mildest in
horned pod.
flavor and the best for house culture.
THE BAYS Use the leaves of this herb sparingly in soups and
Always use these leaves, fresh or dry, with discre- stews. The seeds, similar to cumin in flavor, are
tion —
only %
of a fresh leaf or !f; of a dry leaf in classic additions to rye breads, cheeses, stews,
a quart of stew —
and only a pinch if in powdered marinades, cabbage, sauerkraut, turnips and on-
form. But do use them, not only in stuffings but in ions. And they are the basic flavoring of kummel.
stocks, sauces and marinades, in the cooking of If added to borsch or other soups, put them in a

vegetables and meats, and in a Bouquet Garni, 572. bag for the last 30 minutes of cooking only, as pro-
Dry the leaves in August. Do not confuse the tracted heating makes them bitter. Crush them
leaves of the edible bay tree, Laurus nohilis, highly before adding to vegetables or salads, to release
aromatic when bruised, with those of the poison- their flavor. Carum carvi is an easily grown bien-
ous Prunus lauroccrasus, the cherry laurel leaf of nial that reaches 2 feet in the second year when
our gardens which is high in prussic acid. the seeds develop.


Only good fresh, its flavor vanishes as it dries. The tender leaves of the celery you grow or buy
Use the leaves wherever you want a cucumber can be used fresh or dried in almost all foods.

Celery salt is a powdered form combined with marinades, chilis and tomato sauces. One of the
salt. But the seeds sold for flavoring are not those principal ingredients of a curry, cumin is even
of the plant we grow, but those of smallage incorporated into baked items and eggs as weil
or wild celery. These seeds, either whole or as bean and rice dishes and Enchiladas, 252.
ground, have a powerful flavor and must be used Cuminum odorum, an annual growing to 1 foot,
sparingly: whole in stocks, court bouillon, pickles needs near-tropical conditions for good growth.
and salads; or in ground form in salad dressings,
seafoods or vegetables. Apium graveolens needs
Both seed and leaf of this feathery, pungent and
rich moist soil and hilling to blanch. For celeriac,
slightly bitter plant are sour cream, fish,
used in
see 298.
bean, cucumber and cabbage dishes as well as in
CHERVIL potato salad or on new potatoes. If using dill but-
One of the famous "fines herbes," this is more ter sauce, do not brown the butter. The seed is
delicate and ferny than parsley. The leaf used is also good in vinegar. The leaves make a lovely
with chicken, veal, omelets, green salad and spin- garnish. Anethum
graveolens, an annual sometimes

ach—as a garnish, of course and always in the referred to as dillweed, grows to 3 feet and self-
making of a Bearnaise Sauce, 359, or Vinaigrette sows. Pull up plants when flower heads brown, and
Sauce, 360. It is one of the herbs it pays to grow dry over paper so that the easily shattered seeds
for when dried at even as low a temperature as are not lost.
90°, it is practically without flavor. Pluches de cer-
ieuille are sprigs of fresh or fresh blanched chervil
The leaves of common and Florence fennel can be
often specified in stocks and stews. Anthriscus
used interchangeably where a slightly vigorous
cereiolium is a self-sowing annual that grows to 2
flavor is wanted. In flavoring, both the leaves and
feet. It needs some shade to keep it from turning
purplish and toughening. Sow in place from April

seeds are used as for dill —
especially for fat fish
and in lentils, rice and potatoes and in apple pies.
to September. Do not transplant, as this forces
Fish is sometimes cooked over fennel twigs. But
in sauces —
as with dill —
do not let the leaves cook
COMFREY long enough to wilt, unless they have been previ-
A healing herb —
its very name implies a knitting
ously blanched. The leaves do not retain flavor in

together comfrey makes a popular tisane, 40. drying.Foeniculum vulgare and its variant, the
bronze fennel, are self-sowing and grow to 5
Use its young leaves sparingly, raw in salads, or
cook them as for spinach, cutting the leaves before feet. Plant in well-drained moisture-retaining soil.
the plant blooms. Symphytum officinale is a hardy F. var.dulce, the Florence fennel or finocchio,
perennial growing to 3 feet, preferring rich friable illustrated 276, is used as a vegetable, 304.

lime soil and moisture and shade. Propagate in FENUGREEK

spring by dividing its long white roots.
This has the same odor as celery but a bitterer
flavor. it is also used
Popular as a tisane, 40, in
Many of us identify this flavor from childhood with
many African dishes. It constitutes one of the main
ingredients of curries and is the base of artificial
the seed in the heart of a "jaw breaker," in ginger-
maple flavor. Trigonella-Foenum graeca, which
bread, apple pie, sausages and pickles, or as an
ingredient of curry. But few of us know the fresh
grows to 1 or 2 feet, needs well-drained loam.
leaves of this plant as Chinese parsley, as the GERANIUMS
Cilantro of the Caribbean, the Kothamille of Mex- The sweet-scented many-flavored leaves are used
ico, or the Dhuma of India, where its somewhat
in pound cake, jellies and compotes, or merely as
fetid odor and taste are much treasured. Use leaves floaters in finger bowls. Use a lime-scented leaf in
only — no stems— and do not chop. Float the leaves custard or an apple-flavored one in baked apples.
in pea or chicken soups and in stews, place them For lime flavor try Pelargonium nervosum; for
on top of roasts, or use them
court bouillon
in a
apple, P. odoratissimum; for mint, P. tomentosum;
for clams. Coriandrum sativum, a 12- to 18-inch
for rose, P. graveolens. These geraniums are tender
plant, grows in moderately heavy soil and, while
but grow well in pots under ordinary household
needing drainage, can take some moisture. conditions.

Used sparingly in sauces, soups and stuffings, this The woolly leaves of this plant are made into an
herb is sometimes substituted for mint but has extract which is combined with sugar into confec-
bitter overtones. Balsamita major, a perennial, also tions, 787. Marrubium vulgare, a perennial that
known as alecost, grows to 4 feet and is not par- grows to 3 feet, flourishes in poor soil.
ticular as to soil.
CUMIN Along with coriander, nettle, horehound and let-
This flavor is classic in cheese, sauerkraut and tuce, horseradish is one of the five bitter herbs of
unleavened bread. The seed is also used whole in the Passover. As the flavor is overpowering, use

sparingly, and use it fresh rather than reconsti- chicken and goose; with omelets, eggs, pizzas, and
tuted if possible. You may grate peeled fresh root cream cheeses; with all of the cabbage family and
intolemon or vinegar. If tire ground dried form with green beans; in minestrone and mock turtle
must be used, it should Be reconstituted not soups; and, of course, don't fail to try them fresh
more than 30 minutes before serving; for, once and finely chopped for salads.
the powder is mixed, its volatile oils are dissipated. There is great horticultural confusion in regard
To prepare dried ground root: soak 1 tablespoon to the oreganos of commerce, and seeds ordered
of dried horseradish in 2 tablespoons of water and under the name origanum vary enormously. Orig-
add cup heavy cream. Whether fresh, reconsti-
V2 anum vulgare and O. onite, or pot marjoram, are
tuted or bought jarred —
and in this book the term hardy perennials to 2 feet. Origanum marjoram,
for the latter is "prepared horseradish" use all — sweet marjoram, is a tender perennial growing
horseradish promptly to avoid loss of volatile oils about a foot high; it prefers alkaline soil.
and development of intense bitterness. Horse-
radish is prized for use with Boiled Beef, 461, and THE MINTS
other fatty meats; in cocktail sauces and potato We all know peppermint and spearmint. But there
salad; or with cold meats, fish and shellfish. Ar- are many other mints worth trying, like the curly
moracia rusticana, a perennial growing to 2 feet, varieties, and apple, orange and pineapple. These

is propagated from pieces of root and demands

are less penetrating but equally refreshing. Use any
rich, moist soil. You may store roots in moist sand of them in fruit cups, with coleslaw peas, zuc-
for winter use. chini, lamb, veal, cream cheeses; in chocolate
combinations, teas, and of course jellies and
HYSSOP juleps. These leaves, fresh or candied, see 794,
The leaves of this minty, spicy, somewhat bitter make attractive garnishes. If using fresh leaves,
herb are used sparingly with salads and fruits. The 1

A to V2 teaspoon crushed just before using is —
dried flowers are used in soups and tisanes. Hysso- enough per serving. But in the form of oil, a drop
pus officinalis, a perennial which grows to 2 feet, of mint flavoring is often too much —
so go easy.
prefers dry calcareous soil. All of the following grow rampant in sun or
partial shade, and even in dry but preferably moist
soil: Mentha viridis, perhaps the most peppery of
The leaves and flowers of this highly aromatic
all; M. piperita, the peppermint we know best; M.
plant give a bitter pungency to salads. We prefer
spicata or spearmint and its preferred form crispa;
to use it as a sachet rather than as a seasoner. But
its grayness lends a lovely accent to the herb and the woolly apple mint, M. rotundifolia, frosted
in appearance and fine for a drink garnish.
garden. Grown from cuttings or seed, Lavandula
All the mints are perennial and easily raised
vera, a perennial growing to 4 feet, prefers dry
from root divisions. They reach V/i to 3 feet.
lime soil and a warm climate.
Plant them in areas confined by metal or rock edg-
LEMON BALM ings sunk at least 6 inches deep to keep them from
Use the lemony leaves for tisane or as a garnish invading less sturdy neighbors in the herb garden.
in fruit punch or fruit soup. Melissa officinalis, a Keep them pruned to have bushy tops for bev-
perennial which reaches 2V2 feet, grows in sun erage garnishes. If your growing area is confined,
in any soil. try Mentha requienii or Corsican mint —
a tiny-
leaved plant only 1 inch high, as discreet as a moss.
And, incidentally, field mice hate mint odor
This, like lavender, in our opinion is better re-
and will stay away from any plant near which it
served for sachets or closets than for food; how-
is scattered.
ever, it is often used as a lemon substitute in
drinks and tisanes. Lippia citriodora is a tender MARIGOLD
perennial growing to 5 feet; it does well in pots. The dried centers of pot marigolds are sometimes
LOVACE used as a color substitute for saffron, and the
The leaves of this bold herb, whose stems can be
young leaves can be used in salads. The petals
candied Angelica, 580, or blanched and eaten
are used only when the recipe calls for cooking, as
in stews. Calendula officinalis is not particular as
like celery, are often used as a celery substitute
with stews or tongue. The seeds are sometimes to soil and grows to 15 inches.

pickled like capers. Levisticum officinale, a peren-

nial that grows to 8 feet, is not particular as to soil;
Mustard fanciers will argue the merits of a mild
it is best divided in spring.
champagne-based or poupon Dijon type or a
THE MARJORAMS AND OREGANOS Louisiana mix — against
the sharp English or the
These, whether called sweet or pot marjoram, fiery Jamaican or Chinese. There are many ways
oregano or oregano dulce or wild, are all very pun- to prepare mustards from mustard powder, which
gent. While similar in their uses, they are not is the dry residue left after the oil is expressed
quite the same in their growth habits. Use them in from the seed. But the freshness of the mix is an
sausages, stews, tomato dishes; with lamb, pork, important factor. The flavor changes rapidly once

moisture is added or once a bottle of prepared pes. To cook onions as vegetables, see 311.
mustard is opened. Try keeping it fresh by putting Nothing can add such subtlety to a dish, yet none
a slice of lemon on top before closing the lid. The is more abused in the cooking than onions. And

lemon needs renewal about once a week. Com- when we say onions, we mean any of the alliums
mercial mustards with their blends of flour and we list below.

spices -often heavy in turmeric to color them Use onion bulbs fresh or dry, the green tops
may be based on water, wine or vinegar. If you of onions or leeks in making soups and court
want to mix your own, allow 2 to 3 tablespoons bouillon; and don't forget that a touch of onion
liquid to V* cup dry mustard. More details about freshly added to canned vegetables and soups
preparing mustard follow. often disguises the "canned" taste and varies the
Mustard can be added advantageously in small expected one.
quantities to cheese, seasoned flour, chicken or High heat and a too-long cooking period
pot roasts and to sauces, hot or cold. It is classic bring out the worst features. If you scorch oni-

served with cold meats and for use in pickles ons, they will be bitter. Yet onions must be
both ground and as seed. cooked long enough to get rid of any rawness. If
In this book prepared mustard indicates the you want them to taste mild in soups, like Potage
saucelike mustard. It has about one-third to one- St. Germain, 178, or in delicate stews, the flavor
half the strength of dry mustard. of the dish can be improved and the onion odor
Hot Mustards are based on cold liquids lessened during cooking if you will follow this
water, vinegar or flat beer. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons procedure. If they are 1 inch in diameter, par-
liquid to about 1/4 cup dry mustard. If it is too blanch the onions 5 minutes, before adding them
hot, tone it with a little olive or vegetable oil, to the soup or stew. If you want them mild in
garlic, tarragon leaves and a pinch of sugar. To sauteing, cook them only until translucent — ten-
make a Suave Mustard, put into a heatproof glass der, but not flabby. If you want them penetrat-
double boiler top about 2 ounces of dry mustard. ing, saute until golden; if all-pervasive, brown
Pour water which has been brought to a rolling them very slowly, as for an onion soup, 171, or a
boil over it to cover. Place over, not in, rapidly Lyonnaise, 346. To give color and flavor to a
boiling water for 15 minutes. Before covering see Petite Marmite, see 170.
that the mustard has been stirred into a paste but To shorten cooking time, onions are frequently
is still covered with the hot liquid. Drain any ex-
chopped and minced fine. There are a number of
cess water. You may add 1 teaspoon sugar and ways to make this process less tearful, see 311.
\U to Vz teaspoon salt. If you want a bright Or when you haven't time to saute an onion
mustard, add V* teaspoon turmeric, vinegar and properly, but do not want a raw taste in cold
other spices to your taste. Put mustard in a jar. Let dishes, hot sauces or dressings, use onion juice.
cool uncovered 1 to 2 hours. Then cap tightlv. Ream a cut onion on a lemon juicer, or scrape
Keep at room temperature. Do not refrigerate. the cut center of the onion with the edge of a
The dark seeds come from Brassica nigra, the spoon.
white from Sinapsis alba, both self-seeding and To make onions milder when serving them in
growing to 3 feet. If seed is desired, plants can salads, first soak them in milk. Or put slices in a
tolerate poor soil. If leaves are to be used as a
bowl and pour boiling water over them. Let
vegetable, Brassica nigra, Sinapsis alba and Brassica stand 30 to 40 minutes. Drain, then soak them
juncea should be grown in rich soil.
briefly in cold water with a lump of ice to crisp.
Drain and serve.
Flowers, seeds and leaves are all used as flavorings.
The use of onions for the bacteria-destroying
The leaves and lovelv orange and yellow flowers power of their vapor was demonstrated on a large
are fine in salads, and the pickled pods often re-
scale in World War II. However, this antibacterial
place capers. The pods of Tropacnlum are best action was present only when the onion was
freshly cut. This power disappeared within 10
picked just as soon as the blossom drops, and
prepared at once. To preserve nasturtium pods, minutes. Onions deteriorate rapidly once the outer
skin is removed and should not be stored for
see 845. Tmpaenlum ma jus vines to 6 feet; T.
minus grows reuse after cutting.
to 9 inches.
To ridyour breath of onion traces, eat raw
THE ONIONS parsley. See 73 for a perfect raw onion-parsley
Never since our first encounter with the host of canape. Onion odor on the hands can be rubbed
alliums in a bulb catalogue have these lilies lost off with salt, vinegar or lemon juice. For onion
their allure for us as food or flower from the — scent on pots, moisten them, sprinkle generously
thinnest chive to the enormous Schuberti with its with salt, let stand, then rinse with very hot water.
choicest florets held captive within a flowered All onions are of easy culture. They prefer
cage. This is a plea not only to use a variety of sandy, moist, rich earth, with shallow planting in
onions in your cooking, but to grow the perennial sun. The dry ones should all be sun-dried a few
ones so vou will always have thorn on hand We days after being dug up. You may braid the tops
have tried to indicate their use in individual reci- so the bulbs can be hung in clusters for even air-

ing during storage. If the tops are cut, do not crop handy kitchen utensil shown 337. Should you not
too close to the neck of the bulb. Store all onions own you may use the back of a spoon
a press,
in a cool, dark, dry, well-ventilated place. Below against a small bowl, or a mortar and pestle, to
are descriptions of onion types used in cooking. crush garlic with salt. The salt softens the bulb al-
most at once, but if you drop a whole clove into
CHIVES a liquid for seasoning be sure to strain it out
Chives are shown in bloom, first on the left before serving. Never allow garlic to brown.
opposite. Only the leaves are used. Combine them Always use fresh garlic. Powdered and salt forms
with soft white cheese and with eggs; use in green tend to have rancid overtones. To blanch garlic,
sauces. Cut and add them to hot and cold food drop the unpeeled cloves into boiling water. Cook
just before serving. Do not put chives in a cot- for 2 minutes. Drain, peel and simmer slowly in
tage cheese or any uncooked dish you plan storing butter about 15 minutes. Mince the blanched but-
even as long as overnight, as they get unpleasantly tered garlic and add to sauces.
strong. To keep plants of Allium schoenoprasum True garlic bulbs, which grow 1 to 3 feet high,
looking well, cut a few of the thin tubular leaves are not hardy. Plant bulbs of Allium sativum in
low rather than bobbing the top, which will brown light soil in March. They should be ready for lift-
where cut. Remember that, like all bulbs, chives ing in late July. Be sure to sun-dry the cloves until
rely for plant renewal strength on the leaves the outer skin is white and parched.
so don't cut any one plant more than 3 or 4 times
a season. The leaves are tenderer after each cut- GIANT OR TOPPING GARLIC, OR ROCHAMBOLE
ting. Also keep the blooms picked low so the This hardy plant, sketched second from the right,
tougher stem does not get mixed with the leaves 586, has a beautiful glaucous leaf and an en-
when you use them and so you are not bothered trancing pointed bud carried on a furled stem. Its
with seeding. About 3 to 6 small bulbs set in unwinding is a source of great pleasure to watch.
humus-filled soil in the fall will make a good The edible bulbs that bunch at the top are indis-
cluster 8 to 10 inches high by the following sum- tinguishable in taste and form from the tender
mer. A slightly larger variety, Sibericum, with oriental garlic described above. Cultivate Allium
thicker leaves is also hardy. sorocloprasum as for Chives, opposite.


This is a coarser plant, about 15 inches high, seen The shallot, queen of the sauce onions, is not
second on the left, 586, whose flatter, somewhat hardy but well worth growing. It is shown first on
stronger leaves are used like chives, above. The the left, 586. Shallot flavor is perhaps closer
charming, starry, honeyed white bloom cluster of to garlic than to onions, and although it has a
thisperennial can be used as a decorative garnish, much greater delicacy, it must still be used with
or the florets sprinkled over salads. Cultivate Al- discretion. Shallots are indispensable in Bercy But-
lium tuberosum as for chives. ter, 350, where they should be minced simultane-
ously with the herbs. They taste especially good
ORIENTAL GARLIC OR AIL in wine cookery. In sauteing them, mince fine so
This perhaps the most controversial addition to
is as not to subject them to too much heat. Never
food. a formidable gastronome, recom-
Balzac, let them brown, as they become bitter. Substi-
mended that even the cook should be rubbed tute 3 to 4 shallots for 1 medium-sized onion.
with it! We couldn't live without it, and we think Allium ascalonicum, always grown from sets,
we have learned to use it discreetly, for our guests should be put in, barely covered, in the early
have sometimes been obviously relishing and un- spring. They should be harvested by late June
awarely eating food with garlic in it while in- — when the leaves are no longer upright caving —
veighing loudly against it. If you are fond of it in at the neck —
but not yet turning in color. Allow
keep a check on the amount used, for tolerance them to dry off on the ground for several days and
to it may grow apace, to the discomfort of your then braid the leaves so the shallots can be hung
friends. The bulb at the base of the plant, shown in strands in a dry place for use as wanted.
last on the right, opposite, is the treasure. Note the
scalloped form of the bulb indicating the "cloves" TOPPING ONIONS
within an outer skin. In this book, when we say Use these as you would any medium-sharp onion.
1 clove garlic, it is assumed that the clove is also Allium catawissa, unlike dry onions purchased in
peeled of its husk. Learn to place slivers of garlic markets, is a perennial. It has a fibrous root system,
clove on meat before cooking it; to put a clove of and the onions develop early in the season at the

garlic on a skewer, cook it in a sauce or stew, and top of the blooming stock. In fact, some even
remove it before serving; to rub a salad bowl begin to sprout there too, as shown third from the
lightly with a cut clove; or to make chapons, 95. right, 586, and, in turn, produce more onions
Drop a peeled clove into French dressing 24 hours at the top of the second sprout the same season.
before serving, but do not leave it in longer, as The nonsprouting bulblets can be kept for planting
it deteriorates. Add a small squeeze of garlic juice the following August or the next spring. The orig-
to sauces. This is easy to do with a garlic press, a inal plants may also be separated. There is really

no excuse for not trying anything that easy. These mush somewhat in cooking, so if you want a mild
are similar to the so-called Egyptian topping onion red cooker, try the rounder, more elongated Italian
— Cepa viviparum — which, surprisingly, does not redskins. Pearl onions, including the kind you find
grow in Egypt and is hardy and has a usable bulb in the bottom of your Gibson cocktail, are cluster
at the base as well. sowings of cepa varieties. Allium cepa types are

biennials; they are planted in sets in February and
The leek, the beloved French poireau, is king of
harvested in July when the browning leaves have
died down.
the soup onions. It also lends itself well to brais-
ing. This biennial, Allium porrum, sketched second
from the right, above, grows its first year with an
Use the leaves as a soup flavoring. The white flesh
elongated root and closely interlaced foliage. Leeks
with about 4 inches of leaf is often braised as for
are often hilled to keep them white. This practice
Leeks, 306, and they are eaten raw by self-asser-
traps grit unless the leeks are grown with a paper
tive people. They are the thinnings of Allium cepa
collar. Be sure to rid them of this grit by washing
plantings or are grown from seeds sown close
well. They are choice the first year. A leek with a
together and harvested before the bulb develops
tough, hollow stem —
from which the glorious
its characteristic shape. See them shown third on
silver-green bloom has been cut from the center of the left, above.
the foliage —and a more bulbous form at the base,
is in its second year and will prove too tough to WELSH ONION
eat.However, the green portion can be utilized in These are used as a substitute for scallions, de-
soups and seasonings. scribed above. See them last on the right, 586.
DRY ONIONS Allium fistulosum, known also as the Japanese
These types, of which an example is pictured sec- bunching onion or as Ciboules, is usually home-
ond on the left, above, are the onions most avail- grown.
able in the market; they vary greatly in flavor, WILD RAMPS OR BROAD-LEAF
color and shape. On the whole, American cepa WOOD ALLIUM
varieties are smaller, have stronger flavors and Around the bulbs of Allium tricoccum, seen third
keep better than foreign cepa types. Good raw and on the 586, revoke many American folk
mild in cooking are the big yellow or white Ber- These and the strong field garlic in your
mudas. Even more so are the flat Spanish reds, —
lawn Allium vineale are not recommended by
on hamburgers and salads. They
a favorite garnish us, though we frequently hear them praised.

THE PARSLEYS bacteria-deterrent and anti-oxidant qualities that

These plants — root, stem and leaves — have a high extend the keeping periods of fats, meats, and
vitamin A-carrying factor. They are flavorful in casseroles which include peppers. Native to the
themselves but also valuable as an agent for blend- Americas, they are widely grown in Europe and are
ing the flavors of other herbs, and have the power very different from the white and black peppers
to destroy the scent of garlic and onion, see 583. from the Orient, 576. The Capsicums all have this
There is practically no salad, meat, or soup in in common: the seeds and membranes are irri-
which they cannot be used. But they should be tating and should always be removed if you are
handled with discretion, particularly the root of using fresh peppers. The condiments from these
the Hamburg-type or soup parsley. These roots dried peppers are made both with and without
are sometimes cooked as for Parsnips, 314. the seeds. To skin fresh peppers, place them in a
There are at least 37 varieties of curly parsley, 350° oven until the skin is slightly scorched and
varying in strength. In mincing or deep-fat frying, easily removed; or blanch them for a moment in
remove the florets from the more strongly scented deep fat at 375°. See various types on 315.
stems. The stems are used in white stocks and The sweet or broad bell peppers, variety C. gros-
sauces for their strength of flavor and because they sum, are frequently misnamed "mangoes" in the
do not color the sauce, as does the leaf. Petrose- market. These 4- to 5-inch peppers, both green
linum hortense and its curled crispum varieties
and, in their more ripened state, red, are used for
are the parsleys seen most frequently in the mar-
stuffingand are diced for flavoring. Also to this
kets. Biennials, they grow to about 1 foot in rich
general type belong the bonnet peppers, or C.
loamy soil and sun. As they often bolt early dur-
tetragonna, from which paprikas are ground. The
ing the second season, they are best treated as
mild Hungarian types are seeded and deprived of
their stalks before grinding. Paprika is sensitive to
To grow from seed, soak in water to cover
heat and should be added toward the end of the
about 24 hours. The uncurled or Italian type is bet-
ter for fall use, as its leaves shed the snow and stay
cooking period. When added to broiled food for
green longer. Carum petroselinum, a coarser- color, paprika browns when scorched.
growing, heavier-rooted biennial, grows to 3 feet. The longer peppers, variety C. longum, which
Soak seeds as described above. include most of the chili peppers and cayenne,
come in many colors, from chartreuse green to
THE RED AND GREEN PEPPERS yellow to red. There are hundreds of crosses, and
These plants of the Capsicum family are heavy in in the endless regional recipes for chili or mole

vitamins A and C. They are also said to have powder, as many as 6 or 8 varieties of Capsicum

will be indicated, with names like anchos, pasillo, THE SAGES

chilpotle. "The young sow wild oats; the old grow sage."
Cayenne, which comes from C. annuum L, is Sage isperhaps the best known and loved of all
often adulterated or replaced commercially by American seasonings. Use for fatty meat like pork
C. fructescens, a small red, dried tree berry, or and sausages; and for duck, goose and rabbit. It
C. croton annuum, known also as bird peppers. is also used in cheese and chowders. There is no

> Cayenne is so very hot, it should be used only in comparison between the flavor of the freshly
the smallest pinches. Very hot too are the red chopped tender leaves and the dried ones, which
clustered C. iasciculatum varieties, with fruit over lose much of their volatile oil. Dry carefully, as
6 inches long, for which the seeds are supposed the leaves are thick and mold easily. Always use
to have come from Tabasco in Mexico. Grown in sages sparingly. Fresh clary sage is used in omelets
southern Louisiana, they constitute the base for and fritters and is served with lamb. Salvia offi-
hot pepper sauces which are often matured 2 to cinalis, a perennial, grows to 2 feet and should be

3 years. Use gloves when seeding to avoid skin cut back after blooming. But prune lightly, and
irritation. Red pepper, not so hot as cayenne, is only on new growth. Many hybrids exist and dwarf
ground from this type. forms are available. Clary sage is biennial.
>• To prepare dried peppers for use in
sauces, soak 6 dry chilis cup water and simmer
in 1
until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and reserve
The leaves of winter savory are used in stews,
stuffings and meat loaves. Sauteria montana, a
the water. When chilis are cool, split them and
remove and discard seeds. Scrape the pulp from rather resinous perennial evergreen sub-shrub,
the skin and add it to the reserved water. For
grows to 18 inches and tolerates lean soil. Sum-
other Capsicum recipes see Chili Powder, 571, mer savory is a much more delicately flavored herb

Chili Vinegar, 527, and Sherry Peppers, 845. For

and has many more uses. It is classic in green beans
decorating with pimientos, see Truffle Garnish, and green bean salad; in horseradish sauce and
lentil soup; and even in deviled eggs. It is also
310; or use them in canned form.
used with fat fish, roast pork, potatoes, tomatoes
ROSEMARY and French dressing. Sauteria hortensis, which
The stiff resinous leaves of this sub-shrub are ex- grows to 18 inches, needs light, well-composted
tremely pungent and must be handled with cau- soil.

tion. In marinades, for which this flavoring is popu-

lar, allow about Va to teaspoon fresh for 4 serv-
The elongated leaves of these plants are quite high
ings. Use the lightly crushed leaves sparsely with
in oxalic acid. They are used in small amounts to
lamb, duck, partridge, rabbit, capon and veal; and
flavor soups, 185, or sauces, or to combine in small
on peas, spinach and pizza. Rosmarinus officinalis,
depending on the variety, grows from 2 to 6 feet
quantities with other vegetables or to use as —
garnishes for goose or pork. The leaves may be
and tolerates drought and lean soil but is not
pounded in a mortar with sugar and vinegar to
hardy in the North.
make a tart sauce. The Rumex species grow to 3
RUE feet. The so-called French sorrel, R. scutatus, is

This herb is sometimes suggested as a flavoring preferred.

for fruit or claret cups. Ruta graveoleus, a hand-
some gray-green perennial, grows to 3 feet and
The beautiful dark green starlike whorled fresh
prefers alkaline soil.As many people are allergic to
leaves of this plant are floated in May Wine, 64,
its irritant qualities, which produce symptoms
or in other cold punches, but should not be left in
comparable to poison ivy, we do not recommend
longer than about V2 hour. Asperula odorata,
its use.
which grows to 1 foot, makes a charming ground
SAFFRON cover in shady locations.
The golden orange stigmas of the autumn crocus, SWEET CICELY
seen 567, are used to both color and flavor cakes,
The green seeds and fresh leaves of this soft,
breads, and dressings and are classic in Risottos,
ferny plant may be used as a garnish in salads and
209, and Bouillabaisse, 188. Even a small amount
cold vegetables. Use dry seeds in cakes, candies
of saffron has an overpoweringly medicinal flavor,
and liqueurs. Myrrhis odorata, a perennial growing
so use only as directed in the recipes. If using
to 3 feet, prefers partial shade and rich moist soil.
mainly for color, just A teaspoon in 2 tablespoons

hot water will suffice for 5 to 6 cups of flour. Use TARRAGON

only about Va to 'A teaspoon in 2 tablespoons hot Called estragon by the Trench, this herb when
water or white wine to season 6 to 8 servings of a fresh is one of the luxuries of cooking. The flavor,
sauce. Crocus sativus grows in mellow soil, and, chemically identical to that of anise, is pretty well
as with all bulbous plants, the foliage of this fall- lost in drying, when the leaf vein stiffens and does
blooming bulb must be allowed to ripen fully if not resoften in cooking. So, if the dry leaf is used,
the plant is to prosper. it must be carefully strained out before the food is

served. To avoid the need for straining and to re- scummed while heating and cooked uncovered.
tain flavor better than by drying, we
hold tarragon Meats, if maintain better color if scummed.
in vinegar and remove the leaves as needed. Do If dark, their color will be improved by browning;

not crowd the vinegar bottle, allowing about 3 by greasing during roasting or broiling; by glazing
tablespoons of leaves to 1 quart mild vinegar. This or flambeing. Fish and light meat grills profit in
gives enough acid to keep the leaves from spoiling. color by a prior dusting of paprika.
Always keep them well immersed. The fresh leaves —
Cook variety meats or vegetables and fruits
are often blanched for decorations, 154. Although that discolor on exposure to air— in slightly acidu-
tarragon is too pungent to be cooked in soups, it is lated water, or a blanc, 447. But first sprinkle the
good added to practically everything else: eggs, cut surfaces of such foods with a little lemon
mushrooms, tomatoes, sweetbreads, tarta r e and juice. Or use an Anti-Browning Solution, 124, to
mustard sauces, fish or chicken. And in a Bear- prevent the discoloration of fresh fruits peeled
naise sauce it is essential. slightly in advance of serving. Vent stews by the
True tarragon, Artemisia dracunculus, is peren- use of poaching paper, 151. And keep in mind that
nial. As it seldom sets seed, it is propagated by color in all foods is enhanced if they are not
cuttings, or by divisions pulled —
not cut from — held hot and covered after cooking.
the emerging shoots in early March. A less desir- Breads and pastries develop beautiful crust color
able form called Russian tarragon, A. gmelinii or not only through the use of fat in their doughs,
sacrorum, or A. dracunculoides, can be grown but by the discreet addition of saffron or safflower.
from seed. And color may also be improved just before bak-
ing by butter-brushing, 731, egg-glazing, 731, or
THE THYMES sugar-coating. Foods served in light sauces may be
Thymes may be used sparingly with poultry, gratineed, 552, or glazed, 367. And sauces may be
mutton, veal, pork and rabbit; with Creole and glamorized with herb chiffonades; tomato or red
gumbo dishes; in brown sauces; with pickled pepper; lobster coral, 385; Lobster Butter, 351;
beets and tomatoes; with fat fish, stews, stuffings egg yolks, saffron, meat glaze, mushrooms and
and most vegetables; and are always found in browned flour.
stocks. They make lovely garnishes for hors If youare faced with really listless-looking
d'oeuvre and canapes. Caraway-scented thyme or vegetables, a green coloring additive may be very
Thymus herba-barona is traditional with a baron quickly made up in a blender: use spinach, pars-
of beef. There are so many of these charming ley, or watercress mixed with a small quantity of
Thymus species, and their flavors are so varied, stock.
that a collection of them makes a garden in itself. As combinations and color contrasts, no
to color
The narrow-leaf French with its upright habit and one can lay down
hard and fast rules, except to
gray-green balsamic foliage; and the glistening, say that they need not be spectacular. Even so
small-bushed, strongly scented lemon variety simple a combination as light and dark lettuces in
7. serpyllum citriodorus —
are the thymes most fre-
a salad — —
or an accent of cress will make for sub-
quently found in the market. Thyme varieties, stantially greater The occasional use of
which grow best in sun, are perennial, persisting edible garnishes —
suggestions for which are scat-
for years among rocks. Prune after blooming. tered throughout this book —
will be helpful. Do
consider, too, the total background: dishes and
ABOUT COLOR IN FOOD colorful tableware, table surface, linens and decor
are all part and parcel of satisfactory and colorful
Resist the impulse to add color to food from little
food presentation.
bottles or to retain it by the use of chemicals like
soda. Instead, determine, in general, to maintain
whatever color is inherent in the food itself and ABOUT WEATHER
to heighten it by skillful cooking and effective con- Weather — —
moist or dry, hot or cold plays an im-
trast. Recent research indicates that some peo- portant part in cooking. When its role is decisive,
ple are highly allergic to artificial colorings. it is so noted in individual recipes. Let's review
First steps begin with the selection of fresh, just a few instances. Since flours and cereals tend
well-grown foods, properly washed, dried and to dry out in winter, our indications for rice and
trimmed, then prepared according to the "point- flour amounts, pages 206 and 546, are more varia-
ers" in our individual recipes. Choose utensils ble we would like to have them. Damp
made of materials suitable to the foods cooked in weather will greatly affect sugars after food is
them, 162. If you have done so and are still un- —
cooked as in meringues and during candy mak-
happy with the results, check the kind of water ing, 777. Cold and heat have a tremendous effect
you are using, 519. Never overcook foods: on the creaming of butter and sugars and on suc-
nothing so irrevocably dulls the kitchen palette. cess with Puff Paste, 643, Anise Wafers, 707, or
Here are some further ways to keep foods the rising of bread, 600. Threatening weather will
colorful. While the color of soups and sauces is even delay the "making" of butter, 540, and May-
built into them by the way their stocks are made, onnaise, 363. In storing foods, note if they are to
see 520, it will be least affected if they are be kept tightly lidded. It is evident that Mark

Twain was wrong when he complained that no- cooks too! So you just substitute confectioners'
body did anything about the weather. The circum- sugar. And then when the cake is not so sweet as
spect cook takes account of its vagaries and acts it should be and the texture is horrid, you wonder

accordingly. what happened.

Good recipes and the reasonable use of standard
ABOUT MEASURING measures allow you to cook well without knowing
> All recipes inbook are based on standard
this that it takes about 2 cups of sugar or butter to

U.S. containers: the8-ounce cup and a tablespoon make a pound, but that you will need about 4 cups
that takes exactly 16 level fillings to fill that cup
of flour for that same pound. This you discover fast
level. We suggest that you test for size the table-
enough if you leave the United States, for almost

spoon you select for this purpose, because those everyone else cooks by weight, not volume.
on sale frequently do not meet standard speci- Let's look at a few lucky volume-weight rela-

fications. tionships that for the moment protect you, as a

Allour recipes, in turn, are based on level mea- new cook, from the menace of that old dragon
surements, most hedgers like "heaping" or "scant" —
Mathematics and his allies, Physics, Chemistry
having been weeded out of our instructions years and Semantics. Here are some of our victorious,
if homely, weapons, tested in many a battle with
ago. Until you are experienced, we strongly urge
you to make a fetish of the level standard measure. these old tricksters.
To prove how very much careful measurement By weight, if not quite by volume, 2 tablespoons
affects quantity, conduct this simple experiment. butter equal 2 tablespoons butter, melted. But try
Dip the standard spoon into flour or baking to incorporate this positive knowledge into a cake
powder and then level its contents with a knife. and utter failure results. See About Butter or
Don't shake. Then scoop up a heaping spoonful of Shortening Cakes, 671, and About Oil Cakes, 683.
the same ingredients without leveling. You will By weight, 1 cup 32% whipping cream equals
find that lighter materials, if casually taken, often 1 cup 32% cream, whipped. By volume, 1 cup 32%

triple or quadruple the amounts indicated in the whipping cream equals about 2 cups 32% cream,
recipes. Ten to one the cook who prides herself whipped.
on using nothing but her intuition as a guide to If the recipe calls for whipped cream rather

quantity is same "old hand" who, for years,

the than for whipping cream, you need the airier, drier
has used the same bowls, cups and spoons, the texture that results from whipping.
same stove, even the same brands of staples, and Let's take a closer look at sugars.
who, in addition, gets more than her share of
lucky breaks. Like as not, too, she doesn't mind
1 cup granulated weighs about 8 ounces
variations in her product.
1 cup confectioners' weighs 4'/2 ounces
Accuracy measuring basic ingredients is
1 cup brown sugar weighs 6 ounces
especially necessary when making bread, pie and
1 cup molasses, honey or corn syrup weighs 12
cake, and in using recipes which include gelatin.
For dry ingredients, use a cup that measures 1 These are only differences in weight. But you

cup even with a flush rim for leveling. No also have to reckon with changes in sweetening
shortcuts should be adopted if the recipe requires power and in and —
texture, in the case of molas-
the sifting of flour. If they are, the outcome is sesand honey — with liquids have an acid
that also
chancy, to say the least. In fact, frequent sifting factor. And don't forget about taste, that most im-
after measurement will improve the texture of all portant element of all.
cakes. Sifting salt, leavens and spices with the If any of the foregoing ingredients are called
flour ensures even distribution. for in a recipe, the recipe is written to take care
Most cake recipes call for sugar to be sifted of inequalities. But if you are substituting in emer-
before measuring. We
confess that, instead, we gencies, say, sugar for molasses, please read About
sometimes short-cut by spooning our granulated Molasses first. Some substitutions work fairly well,
sugar lightly into a measuring cup and then level- others only under special circumstances. But
ing it off, see 546. To measure brown sugar, see never expect to get the same results from a friend's
557. recipe if she uses one kind of shortening and you
The measurement what we might call side-
of use another. Your product may be better or worse
ingredients, such as flavorings and spices, is impor- than hers, but it won't be the same.
tant too, but here much depends on individual
Before leav ng you to delve into the tables that

taste, to say nothing of the age of the spices, and

^ follow, like English standard measures versus those
amounts may vary considerably without risking of the United States in relation to the complexities
failure. To measure fats, see 539.
of the metric system, we introduce our^ multiply-
and-conquer principle for fractions.
ABOUT SUBSTITUTIONS AND You are preparing only Vi of a given recipe. The
EQUIVALENTS recipe calls for V* cup of flour. Well, V3 cup of
You're a new cook and you run out of granulated flour equals 5'/3 tablespoons. 1 tablespoon equals
sugar. Don't think this doesn't happen to old 3 teaspoons. So 5 A tablespoons equals 16

spoons, and, finally, 16 teaspoons divided by 3 8 tablespoons = 'A cup or 4 ounces

you are working for A of the recipe, remember?
16 tablespoons = cup or 8 ounces or 2 gills

— gives you 5V3 teaspoons. Now maybe you can 8 tablespoons = teacup or 4 ounces

get this result by leaving out some of these steps, V* cup = 4 tablespoons
but we can't. 3
A cup = A cup plus 2 tablespoons

Here is another tried and true kitchen formula 5

/b cup = A cup plus 2 tablespoons

one for proportions. You want to make your grand- 7

,a cup = A cup plus 2 tablespoons

mother's fruit cake that has a yield of 11 pounds. 1 cup = 'A pint or 8 fluid ounces
You'd like only 3 pounds. The recipe calls for 10 2 cups = pint or 16 fluid ounces

cups of flour. How much flour should you use for 1 gill, liquid = A cup or 4 fluid ounces

3 pounds of cake? Make yourself a formula in 1 pint, liquid = 4 gills or16 fluid ounces
simple proportion: 11 pounds of cake is to 3 1 quart, liquid = 2 pints or 4 cups
pounds of cake as 10 cups of flour is to ? or X 1 gallon, liquid = 4 quarts
cups of flour: i.e., 11:3 =
10:X. Multiply the end
factors —11 x X —
and the inside factors 3 x 10 — For equipment comparison.
to get 11X = 30. Divide 30 by 11 to find that X =
2 s/u or approximately 2 3A cups. If you are in any
1 centimeter 0.394 inch =
doubt that s/u is close to 3A, divide 8 by 11, finding
1 inch =
2.54 centimeters

the decimal closest to the standard measure. It is

1 meter =
39.37 inches

worth going through the same reducing process DRY MEASURE VOLUME EQUIVALENTS
for the other basic ingredients such as egg, liquid Be careful not to confuse dry measure pints and

and fruit so the cake will hold together. Approxi- quarts with liquid measure pints and quarts. The
mate the spices. But one more caution in changing former are about %
larger than the latter. Dry
recipes. Don't decrease or enlarge recipes by measure is used for raw fruits and vegetables,
dividing or multiplying by any number larger than when dealing with fairly large quantities.

4 purists recommend 2. This sounds and is mys-
Dry Dry
terious. But the fact remains that recipes are just Pints Quarts Pecks Bushels Liters
not indefinitely expandable or shrinkable
1 Dry Pint 1 'A 1/16 1/64 .55

1 Dry Quart 2 1 '8 1/32 1.1
It is most unfortunate that in United States measur- 1 Peck 16 8 1
4 8.8
ing systems the same word may have two mean-
ings. For instance, an ounce may mean 1 in of a
1 Bushel 64 32 4 1 35.23

pound or %fi of a pint; but the former is strictly a

1 Liter 1.82 .91 .114 .028 1
weight measure and the latter a volume measure.
See the difference weights of cups of different
kinds of sugar, 589. Except in the case of water,
milk or other ingredients of the same "density," a COMPARATIVE U.S. AND BRITISH
fluid ounce and an ounce of weight are two com- MEASUREMENTS
pletely different quantities. Perhaps for this reason Many British or "Imperial" units of measurement
most foreign cooks measure solid ingredients by have the same names as United States units, but
weight. If you intend to use continental recipes not all are identical. In general, weights are equiva-
frequently, a gram/ounce scale, 825, is a necessity. lent, but volumes are not. The most important dif-
ference for the cook, and one we were slow to
UNITED STATES MEASUREMENTS realize until we had had consistent failures using
English recipes with American measures, is noted
All these equivalents are based on United States
"fluid" measure. In this book, this measure below.
is used
Also, the variable sizes of the British teaspoon
not only for liquids such as water and milk, but
also for materials such as flour, sugar and shorten-
and tablespoon created a further problem. Con-
fronted with our dilemma, a British friend laughed
ing, since the volume measure for these is cus-
tomary in the United States. and told us that there were no standard household
British teaspoons and tablespoons. Her own tea-
LIQUID MEASURE VOLUME EQUIVALENTS spoons and tablespoons had been in the family
For U.S. -metric fluid volume, see chart opposite. since the fifteenth century and fit the family reci-
A few grains =
Less than Va teaspoon pes perfectly. As a result the best we can recom-
60 drops = 1 teaspoon mend is experimentation. Below are differences
1 teaspoon = 'A tablespoon between U.S. and British measuring cups:
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons An 8-U.S.-oz. U.S. measuring cup 2 U.S. gills =
2 tablespoons = 1 ounce
fluid of 4 U.S. oz. each, or 16 U.S. tablespoons, or 48
4 tablespoons = A cup or 2 ounces
U.S. teaspoons.
5'/3 tablespoons = 'A cupor2 A ounces
2 A 10-lmperial-oz. English measuring cup = 1

English breakfast cup or 2 Imperial English gills scribed or amuch simpler volume conversion.
of 5 Imperial oz. each, or 20% U.S. tablespoons, Our food and equipment manufacturers are al-
or 62V2 U.S. teaspoons. ready planning three sizes of measures and five
sizes ofspoons that will give us tolerances close to
our present recipes. So rest easy; when the great
ABOUT METRIC CONVERSION changeover comes, it will not prove as difficult as
We all dread change and often fight it. When you you may now fear.
look at the seemingly complicated tables below, The charts below compare common kitchen
you probably you want
to hug to your breast
feel measures from metric to American Standard and
more your good old U.S. measur-
tightly than ever vice versa. To use, we give the following example:
ing spoons and cups. These tables, which convert To determine the equivalent number of U.S. cups
by both weight and volume, are handy if you want in a recipe which calls for 500 milliliters of liquid,

to translate American or Commonwealth recipes look at the U.S. Metric Fluid Volume chart. Find
into metric measures. 1 ml. in the column; follow across to cups

Take heart as we face our own turnover to to find .004. Multiply 500 by .004 and you will
metric. We can use either the system already de- get the answer 2 cups. —
Fluid Tea- Table- Fluid Gills Fluid Fluid Milli-
Drams spoons spoons Ounces Cups Vi Cups Cups Pints Quarts Gallons liters Liters

1 Fluid 1 % '/« V. 1/16 .03125 .0156 .0078 0039 1/1024 3.70 .0037
Dram .125 .0625

1 Tea-
spoon Vh 1 V3 1/6 1/12 1/24 1/48 1/96 1/192 1/768 5 .005

1 Table-
spoon 4 3 1 V2 V* !'e 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/256 15 .015

1 Fluid
Ounce 8 6 2 1 Vi 'A Vi 1/16 1/32 1/128 29.56 .030

'A Cup 16 12 4 2 1 V2 V* Va 1/16 1/64 59.125 .059

1 Gill

\'i Cup 32 24 8 4 2 1 Vi V* Ve 1/32 118.25 118

1 Cup 64 48 16 8 4 2 1 V2 V* 1/16 236 .236

1 Fluid
Pint 128 96 32 16 8 4 2 1 V2 </e 473 .473

1 Fluid
Quart 256 192 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 *A 946 .946

1 Gallon 1024 768 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 1 3785.4 3.785

1 Milli- .270 .203 or 068 .034 .017 .008 .004 002 .001 .0003 1 .001 or
liter 1/5 1/1000

1 Liter 270.5 203.04 67.68 33.814 16906 8.453 4.227 2.113 1 057 .264 1000 1


Grains Drams Ounces Pounds Milligrams Grams Kilograms

1 Grain 1 .004 .002 1/7000 64.7 .064 .0006

1 Dram 27.34 1 1/16 1/256 1770 1.77 .002

1 Ounce 437.5 16 1 1/16 2835 28.35 .028

1 Pound 7000 256 16 1 "Lots" 454 .454

Milligram .015 .0006 1/29,000 1/"Lots" .1 .001 .000001



Grains Drams Ounces Pounds Milligrams Grams Kilograms

Gram 15.43 .565 .032 .002 1000 1 .001

Kilogram 15,430 564.97 .000032 2 2 1,000,000 1000 1


The British are presently using the metric system, but if you wish to use English recipes written before the
early 1970s, you may find these tables a great help.

Fluid Fluid 1
4 Gills Fluid Fluid Milli-
Drams Ounces Cups '
2 CupS Cups Pints Quarts liters Liters

1 Fluid 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 1/320

Dram 1 Va .05 .025 .0125 .006 .003 3.55 .0035

1 Fluid 1/5 1/20 1/40

Ounce 8 1 Va .2 1/10 .05 .025 28.4 .028

4 Cup 20 2.5 1
2 •A '8 1/16 71 .07

1 Gill—
2 Cup 40 5 2 1 i 1
4 Va 142 .14

1 Cup 80 10 4 1 '2 1
A 284 .28

1 Fluid
Pint 160 20 8 4 2 1 1
2 568 .57

1 Fluid
Quart 320 40 16 8 4 2 1 1136 1.13

1 Milli- .001 or
liter .28 .035 .014 .007 .0035 .0018 .0009 1 1/1000

1 Liter 281.5 35.19 14.08 7.04 3.52 1.76 .88 1000 1



900° 5 = 180°

180° + 32 = 212


Coldest area of freezer . .
Freezer 0° —17° 5-oz 5 oz S

Water freezes 32° 0° 8-oz 8 oz 1

Water simmers 115° 46° Picnic IOV2 to 12 oz. VA

Water scalds 130° 54° 12-oz. vacuum 12 oz V/l
Water boils— at sea level .
212° 100° No. 300 14 to 16 oz. . 1 3/4

Softball 234° 112° No. 303 16 to 17 oz. . 2

Firm ball 244° 117° No. 2 1 lb. 4 oz. or

Hard ball 250° 121° 1 pint 2 fl. oz. 2 1/2

Very low oven 250°-275° 121°-133° No. 2 1/2 1 13 oz. ..
lb. 31/2

Low oven 300°-325° 149°-163° No. 3 46 oz 5^

Moderate oven 350°-375° 177°-190° Baby foods 1
3 /2 to 8 oz. .

Hot oven 400°-^25° 204°-218° Condensed milk 14 fl. oz Vh

Very hot oven 450°-475° 232°-246° Evaporated milk and
5 1/»
Extremely hot oven 500°-525° 260°-274° 13 fl. oz %-1 2/3
Broil See Broiling, 146
To convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade, subtract Vegetables 8 to 16 oz.
32, multiply divide by 9. To convert Centi-
by 5, Fruits 10 to 16 oz.
grade into Fahrenheit, go into reverse: Multiply Canned frozen fruits 13V2 to 16 oz.
by 9, divide by 5, add 32. Frozen juice concentrates 6 oz.


Also check "Abouts" for individual items; see Index for further information. Some foods are sold by
weight, but most Joy recipes give amounts in number of measuring cups or spoons and are therefore
volume measurements, whether liquid or mass.

In shell 3 1/2 1 lb. shelled
Unblanched, whole 6 cup1

Unblanched, ground 1 b 2 2A cups

Unblanched, slivered 1 lb. 5% cups
Blanched, whole 5'A oz 1 cup
Blanched, slivered 4 oz 1 cup
Ammonium carbonate 3
A teaspoon ground 1 teaspoon baking soda
Apples 1 lb. unpared 3 cups pared, sliced
3 1
A to 4 lb. raw 1 lb. dried
About 10 apples . 1 lb. dried
Apricots, fresh 5'A lb 1 lb. dried
Apricots, dried 1 lb 3 'A cups
Apricots, cooked, drained 1 lb 3 cups
Arrowroot as a thickener 1'A teaspoons 1 tablespoon flour

teaspoons 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Baking powder
rising equivalent teaspoon A teaspoon baking soda
/e teaspoon cream of
1 teaspoon A teaspoon baking soda
'A cup buttermilk or
1 teaspoon A teaspoon baking soda
A to 'A cup molasses

double-acting, SAS teaspoon 1 'A teaspoons phosphate or

tartrate baking powder
Bananas to 4 medium-sized ... 1 lb. or 1 3A cups mashed

Bay leaf teaspoon, crushed ... 1 whole bay leaf

Beans, green, fresh lb. =
3 cups 2'A cups cooked
Beans, kidney, dry . lb. =: 2 1A cups 6 cups cooked
Beans, lima, dry . . . lb. = 2'A cups 6 cups cooked
Beans, navy, dry . . lb. = cup1 2'A cups cooked
Brazil nuts lb. in shell 1 lb. shelled— approxi-
mately 3 cups
Bread crumbs, dry A cup
1 slice bread
soft cup 1 slice bread
1 stick . oz. 8 tablespoons or A cup

4 sticks lb. . 2 cups

cup 1 cup margarine
i to % cup clarified bacon
fat or drippings
A cup clarified chicken fat
/b cup lard or cottonseed,
corn or nut oil, solid or
Butter oz 7.3 oz. hydrogenated fats,
see 541
Butter, whipped lb. or 6 sticks 3 cups
Buttermilk cup 1 cup yogurt

Cabbage lb. minced 3 cups packed

lb. (1 head) 4 A
cups shredded
Cane syrup, see About Liquid Sugars, 557
Carob powder tablespoons plus
2 tablespoons water 1 oz. chocolate

Carrots, fresh, without tops 1 lb. cups shredded or

2' 2 cups diced

Cheese, dry 1 lb. 4 cups

Cheese, freshly shredded 1
A lb. 1 cup
Cheese, blue 4 oz. 1 cup crumbled
Cheese, cottage V2 lb. 1 cup
Cheese, cream 3 oz 6 tablespoons
Chestnuts 35 to 40 large 2Vz cups peeled
1 lb. shelled V/2 lb. in shell
Chocolate 1 oz 1 square

1 oz 4 tablespoons grated
Chocolate, unsweetened 1 oz 3 tablespoons cocoa plus
1 tablespoon butter or fat

Chocolate, unsweetened 1 oz 3 tablespoons carob pow-

der plus 2 tablespoons
Chocolate, unsweetened . 1 oz. plus 4 teaspoons
sugar 2
1 /3 oz. semisweet chocolate
Cocoa 1 lb 4 cups
Cocoa 3 tablespoons plus
1 tablespoon fat . . . oz. unsweetened
Coconut, fine-grated Vh oz cup
Coconut, grated 1 cup V/i cups flaked
Coconut, flaked V/2 oz V/i cups
Coconut 1 tablespon dried,
chopped V/2 tablespoons fresh
Coconut 1 lb cups shredded,
Coconut 1 lb. cups shredded,
Coconut milk, see 566 1 cup cup milk
Coconut cream, see 566 1 cup cup cream
Coffee 1 lb. .
to 50 6-oz. cups
Coffee, instant or powdered 2oz. 6-oz. cups
Coffee, freeze-dried 4 oz. About 60 6-oz. cups
Corn syrup, see About Liquid Sugars, 557
Cornmeal 1 lb 3 cups
Cornmeal 1 cup uncooked 4 to 4V2 cups cooked
Cornstarch, see Flour
Cracker crumbs 3
4 cup 1 cup bread crumbs
Cream, half-and-half, 10 to 12% butterfat . . 1 cup IV2 tablespoons butter plus
about %
cup milk, or
V2 cup coffee cream and
V2 cup milk
Cream, coffee, at least 20% butterfat 1 cup tablespoons butter, plus
about 7/s cup milk
Cream, whipping, heavy
36 to 40% butterfat . . 1 cup cup butter plus about
A cup milk
Cream, whipping 1 cup unwhipped to 2V2 cups whipped
Cream, sour, see About Sour Cream, 533 1 cup tablespoons butter plus
/8 cup buttermilk or

Cream, sour, cultured,
see About Sour Cream, 533 1 cup cup butter plus 4 cup
cultured buttermilk or

Dates 1 lb. 2V2 cups pitted

Eggs, hen, extra large About 1 cup

large, 2 oz About 1 cup

Eggs, hen (cont.)

medium' 6 About 1 cup
small 7 About 1 cup
Eggs, dried, sifted 1 lb 5'A cups
Eggs, dried, sifted 2V2 tablespoons beaten
with 2V2 tablespoons
water 1 whole egg
Eggs, frozen 1 lb 1% cups
Egg whites, extra large . . 6 About 1 cup
large, 2 oz 8 About 1 cup
medium 10 to 11 About 1 cup
small 11 to 12 About 1 cup
Egg whites, dried, sifted 1 tablespoon plus

2 tablespoons water . 1 egg white

Egg whites, frozen 2 tablespoons thawed . 1 egg white
Egg yolks, for thickening 2 yolks 1 whole egg
Egg yolks, extra large 10 to 11 About 1 cup
large, 2 oz 12 About 1 cup
medium 13 to 14 About 1 cup
small •
15 to 16 About 1 cup
Egg yolks, dried, sifted T/2 tablespoons plus
1 tablespoon water . 1 egg yolk
Egg yolks, frozen Vh teaspoons thawed . 1 large egg yolk
Eggs, bantam 1 % oz.
Eggs, duck 1 3oz.
Eggs, goose 1 8 to 10 oz.

Figs, dried 1 lb 2% cups chopped

Filberts or hazelnuts 2'A lb. in shell 1 lb. shelled or Vh cups
Flour, also see About Flours, 545
Cake 1 lb 4 3A cups
Cake 1 cup sifted 7
/a cup sifted all-purpose
flour, or 1 cup less
2 tablespoons
White or all-purpose 1 lb. . 4 cups
White 4 cups 3'/2 cups cracked wheat
White 1 cup 1 cup cornmeal
/e cup potato flour
1 cup minus 2 tablespoons
rice flour
1'A cups rye fbur
'% cup gluten flour
Graham, whole-grain or whole wheat 1 lb 3 3A to 4 cups finely milled
Flours, for thickening 1 tablespoon flour IV2 teaspoons cornstarch,
potato starch, rice starch
or arrowroot starch
1 tablespoon quick-cooking
1 tablespoon waxy rice flour
1 tablespoon waxy corn
V2 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon browned
flour, 339

Garlic 1 small clove 1

A teaspoon powder
Gelatin y4 -oz. envelope About 1 tablespoon
Gelatin y4 -oz. envelope 4 sheets gelatin, 4" x 9"
Gelatin for 1 pint liquid 'A oz. or 1 envelope . . About 1 tablespoon
Ginger 1 tablespoon candied,
washed of sugar, or
1 tablespoon raw . . Ve teaspoon powdered

Gum tragacanth V* oz 1 tablespoon

Hazelnuts 2'A lb. in shell 1 lb. shelled or Vh cups

Herbs, see About Herbs, 577 '/3 to V2 teaspoon
dried 1 tablespoon fresh
Honey, see About Liquid Sugars, 557 1 lb Vh cups
Honey 1 cup 1
A cups sugar plus V* cup
Horseradish 1 tablespoon fresh,
grated 2 tablespoons bottled
Horseradish 6 tablespoons dried,
grated 10 tablespoons bottled

Lard .. 1 lb 2 cups
Lemon 1 1 to 3 tablespoons juice,
1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons grated
1 teaspoon juice 1
/> teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon grated
rind V2 teaspoon lemon extract
Lentils 1 lb. or 2 A cups
5 cups cooked
Lime 1 1 Vi to 2 tablespoons juice

Macaroni, uncooked 1 lb 4 to 5 cups

Macaroni, 1-inch pieces 1 cup uncooked 2 to 2 A cups cooked

Maple sugar, grated and packed 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon white

Maple sugar 1
/2 cup 1 cup maple syrup
Maple syrup, see About Liquid Sugars, 557
Marshmallows 1 cup cut up 16 large or 160 miniature
Beef, cooked 1 lb 3 cups minced
Beef, uncooked 1 lb 2 cups ground
Milk, whole 1 cup V2 cup evaporated plus
V2 cup water
A cup dry whole milk plus
/z cup water

1 cup reconstituted nonfat

dry milk plus 2 /z tea- 1

spoons butter or
1 cup soy or almond milk
1 cup
fruit juice or 1 cup
potato water in baking
Milk, whole 1 cup 1 cup water plus

IV2 teaspoons butter

1 quart 1 quart skim milk plus

3 tablespoons cream
Milk, skim cup /j cup instant nonfat dry

milk plus about 3A cup

Milk, whole dry 1 lb 14 cups reconstituted
Milk, instant nonfat dry 1 lb About 5 quarts recon-
Milk, to sour 1 cup Add 1 tablespoon vinegar
or lemon juice to 1 cup
milk minus 1 tablespoon.
Let stand 5 minutes.
Molasses, see About Liquid Sugars, 557
Mushrooms, fresh 8 oz. or about 3 cups ... About 1 cup sliced,
Mushrooms, canned 6 oz. drained V2 lb. fresh
Mushrooms, dried 3 oz 1 lb. fresh

Mustard 1 teaspoon dry or

powdered .... 1 tablespoon prepared
Noodles, uncooked 1 lb 6 to 8 cups
Noodles, 1-inch pieces . . . 1 cup uncooked About 1 'A cups cooked
Nuts, see individual names 1 lb. in shell ... /2 lb. kernels, a little less for
heavier nuts, a little more
for lighter ones
Oatmeal 1 lb 5'A cups uncooked
1 cup uncooked 1 A cups cooked
Oil 1 lb. fat 2 cups
Onions, see about Onions, 583
Orange 1 medium-sized to 8 tablespoons juice
Orange 1 medium-sized cups diced
Orange rind, grated 1 medium-sized to 3 tablespoons

Peaches 1 lb. or 4 medium-

sized 2 cups sliced
Peanuts 1
1 /2 lb. unshelled . . 1 lb. shelled, about 3 cups
Pears 1 lb. or 4 medium-
sized 2 cups sliced
Peas, dried, split 1 lb. or 2'A cups . 5 cups cooked
Pecans 2V2 lb. in shell 1 lb. about
4 A cups

Peppers, green . . 6 oz. or 1 large 1 cup diced

Pistachios, shelled 1 lb 3% cups
Pomegranate 1 average cup pulpy seeds
Potatoes 1 lb. sliced or diced . 3V2 to 4 cups raw
Potatoes 1 lb. or 3 medium-
sized 2 1A cups
2V* cooked or
1 3 A cups mashed
Prunes, dried 2V4 cups pitted
Prunes, cooked, drained 2 cups

Seeded, whole lb 3 1A cups
Seedless, whole lb 2 3A cups
Rennet tablet 1 tablespoon liquid rennet
Rhubarb lb. fresh 2 cups cooked
Rice lb. or 2 cups
uncooked . . About 6 cups cooked
Rice, dehydrated or precooked cups 2% cups cooked
Rolled oats lb. or 6V4 cups
uncooked . . cups cooked
Saccharin *A grain 1 teaspoon sugar
Sorghum molasses, see About
Liquid Sugars, 557 lb V/3 cups
Spaghetti lb. dry 5 to 6 cups
Spaghetti, 2-inch pieces cup dry About 1 3A cups cooked
Spaghetti, 12-inch pieces lb. dry About 6V2 cups cooked
Strawberries, fresh quart . cups sliced
Sugar, in baking, see About Sugars, 556
and About Liquid Sugars, 557
Sugar, granulated lb cups
Sugar, brown, packed lb 2'A cups
Sugar, brown, packed cup 1 cup granulated sugar
Sugar, superfine cup 1 cup granulated sugar
Sugar, confectioners' or powdered lb Vh to 4 cups
Sugar, confectioners' 1 y4 cups 1 cup granulated sugar
Sweetener — noncaloric solution Vs teaspoon 1 teaspoon sugar
Tapioca 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons
quick-cooking . . 4 tablespoons pearl, soaked

Tapioca, for thickening 1 tablespoon quick-

cooking 1 tablespoon flour

Tea 1 lb 125 cups

Tomatoes 1 cup packed 12 cup tomato sauce plus

1 cup water

Tomato juice 1 cup '2 cup tomato sauce plus

2 cup water

Tomato sauce 2 cups 3

4 cup tomato paste plus
1 cup water

Tomato soup 1 can: 10 JA oz 1 cup tomato sauce plus

'A cup water

Water 1 lb 2 cups
Walnuts, English 2 to2 1
/2 lb. in shell 1 lb. shelled, about
4V2 cups of halves
Walnuts, black 5V2 lb. in shel 1 lb. shelled, about 3 cups
Wheat germ 12 oz 3 cups

Yeast, compressed 1 cake, % oz. 1 package active dry yeast

Yeast, active dry . . 1 package . . 1 tablespoon
Yogurt 1 cup 1 cup buttermilk

ABOUT LEFTOVERS Soups, 194 and 196. Also see Croquettes, 247, and
The luncheon casserole
minister's bride set her Griddle Cakes, 235, or Calas, 246.
down with a flourish and waited for grace. "It See About Stocks, 520, and About Soup Meat,
seems to me," murmured her husband, "that I
169, for uses of bones, and for meat, fowl, fish

have blessed a good deal of this material before." and vegetable trimmings.
Leftovers can, of course, stand for simple repe- For cooked meat, fish and vegetable left-
overs, see Brunch, Lunch and Supper Dishes, 250,
tition; but they can also stimulate a cook's in-
genuity. For our part, we feel positively blessed
mousses, souffles, timbales, meat pies, Cases for
when we have a tidy store of them garnered away
Food, 250, and Stuffed Vegetables, 280. See also
in the refrigerator. So often they give a needed
About Economical Use of Large Cuts of Meat, 452
fillip to a dish we are making from scratch. Some-
and 453.
For cooked potatoes, see the Index; use in
times they combine to make a vegetable souffle
or to dress up an omelet. And how often they
Shepherd's Pie, 262.

turn a can of soup into a real delicacy!

Use leftover gravies and savory sauces with
vegetables, pastas, meats, and hot sandwiches.
One secret we have learned is to limit the num-
For cheese, see Souffles, Timbales, Sauces and
ber of leftover ingredients we are working with
so that they retain some semblance of identity.
Au Gratin, 552.
For uses for egg yolks, see Sponge Cakes, 669,
If there is too much of a mishmash, the flavors

simply cancel out — as well as the appetite.

Yolk Letter Cookies, 713, Eight-Yolk Cake, 674,
salad dressings, custards; and use hard-cooked
Another secret is to watch leftovers for color.
yolks in sauces or riced as a garnish.
Freshen them up by presenting them with the
For uses for egg whites, see Angel and White
more positive accents of tomatoes or bright
greens; or with a color-contrasting sauce.
Cakes, 668 and 671, meringues of all kinds, fruit
whips, 745, hot and cold dessert souffles, 739,
Still another secret is to be careful that you
create some contrast in texture. When leftover icings, 721, insulation for pie crusts; and for
breading, 552, and Eggs in a Nest, 224.
mixtures are soft, be achieved by
contrast can
For citrus peels, see Candies, 795, and Zests,
adding minced celery or peppers, nuts, water
chestnuts, crisp bacon or freshly minced herbs.
Consult the Index under the category you wish For uses for sour or buttermilk, see About Sour
one of the following suggestions:
to utilize, or try
and Fermented Milks, 533.
For fruit juices, see fruit drinks or gelatins. Use
See About Uses for Ready-Baked and Leftover
Breads, Cakes and Crackers, 635; also About
as the liquid in cakes and custards, for meat bast-
Crumbs, 551, and Bread Dressing, 370. ing, for sauces or fruit salad dressings.
For ways to use cooked cereals and pastas, see
For uses for leftover coffee, see coffee and
Cooked-Cereal Muffins, 631, or Garnishes for
mocha desserts and dessert sauces.
As for salt and sugar, they make essential but brief
entrances. Too much of either inhibits the range
of the other actors. Fat you can enlist or leave. Use
him to endow your performance with more ten-
der and more lasting appeal. There are quite a few
extras, too, which you can ring in to give depth
and Allow some ad-libbing with nuts and
raisins, herbs and sprouts, see Additions to Yeast
Doughs, 602.
Now, knowing our actors and their quality, "the
play'sthe thing." Let's look into the types, the
mixing and the baking of bread.


To prepare the leaven, dissolve fresh com-
pressed yeast in liquid at 85°, without stirring, 8
BREADS AND to 10 minutes. If instead the yeast is in active dry
form, it will need liquid between 105° and 115°
and should dissolve in 3 to 5 minutes. A small
COFFEE CAKES quantity of sugar helps activate the yeast, but
do not use more than called for. Formerly milk
was always scalded to kill bacteria. Now, with
Once upon a time, when the English language was pasteurization, air-dried milk solids and canned
young, the word from which the modern English milk, this operation is no longer necessary. How-
"lady" sprang meant "loaf-kneader," and the verb ever, scalding still does save time in dissolving the
"to knead" has even prehistoric origins! To our sugar and melting the fat.

own and our families' distinct profit and with Batters are the simplest of all doughs, requir-
little effort—we housewives can become "ladies" ing little handling. Strong beating to develop the
again. gluten content, best done in an electric mixer,
Begin, if you like, with a whole wheat —
a flour takes the place of kneading. When they come
which requires neither sifting nor kneading and — away from the sides of the bowl, these doughs
go on from there to more cunning triumphs. Try have had enough beating. The breads they make
a round Swedish rye, 608, or a long crusty French are usually more porous and dry out faster than
loaf, 605, thin brittle Italian bread sticks, 606, or the kneaded variety. For mixing directions, see
feather-light brioches, 615,all shown above. Bake
Dill Batter Bread, 604.
quick breads such as biscuits, corn pone and Sponge breads were favorites in days when
scones. Or fashion a Christmas bambino of yeast yeast strains were poorly controlled. Sponge
bread, see illustration above and 620, kneading it doughs result in a lighter-textured, coarser-
by hand or with the help of an electric or a me- grained loaf or roll than those made wiih con-
chanical dough hook seen above in place at the ventional or straight dough. To mix sponge
rear and fully exposed in the foreground. Do be- doughs, dissolve the yeast in a larger-than-usual
come aware of the hearty flavors and varied tex- amount of water, to which a portion of the flour
tures of homemade breads. is added. When this batter has fermented and it —
sometimes takes as long as one hour it becomes —
ABOUT YEAST BREAD foamy and spongy. Butter and eggs, if called for,
If you have never made yeast bread, behold one of additional salt and sugar and the remaining flour
the great dramas of the kitchen. Every ingredient is are then mixed into the dough with the yeast mix-
a character. As a producer-director, assemble your ture. See Gluten Bread, 609, for mixing directions.
cast. Yeast is the prima donna. Her volatile tem- The Conventional or Straight dough method, as
perament is capable of exploitation only within given for White Bread, 602, our favorite
is still

given limits of heat and does she resent a drafty for texture, keeping qualities and appearance.
dressing room! For more intimate see
details, Also, and incidentally, we find the required
About Yeast, 553. Wheat flour is the hero. He has kneading a healthy outlet for frustrations. Use a
a certain secret something that makes his person- good-sized bowl, and start stirring the flour into
ality elastic and gives convincing body to his per- the combined lukewarm liquids, shortening

formance. Rice, rye, corn, soy no other flour can and dissolved yeast mixture. Mix in half the re-
touch him for texture; but he is willing to share quired flour gradually and beat about one min-
the stage with others —
if they give him the lime- ute. Then, as the rest of the flour is added, lay
light. For differences in flours, see 545. Water, aside the spoon and mix by hand. When the
milk or other liquid ingredients are the intriguers. dough begins to leave the sides of the bowl, turn
Any one of them lends steam to the show. For it out onto a lightly floured board or pastry cloth.
effect of soft and hard water in baking, see 519. To flour a board lightly and evenly, allow about


1 tablespoon flour for each cup of flour in the see illustration above, will help with soft doughs.
recipe —
even less for a very light dough. A damp The first kneading of about 10 minutes must be
towel placed under the board will keep it from thorough, but the pressure exerted on the
slipping. Turn the dough several times to make dough should be neither heavy nor rough.
it easier to handle. Cover the dough with a Fold the dough over toward you. Then press it
cloth and let it rest 10 to 15 minutes before away from you with the floured heel of the hand,
kneading. as shown below; give it a quarter turn, fold it
With the Mixer method: using a strong electric and press away again. More flour may be neces-
mixer, you may shorten preliminary preparation sary on your hands and board to overcome sticki-
time by blending the active dry yeast at the very ness. Repeat this process until the dough becomes
outset with part of the flour and other dry in- smooth, elastic and satiny. Air blisters will ap-
gredients. The liquids and shortening required pear just under the surface coating or "cloak."
are heated to 120° to 130°, added to the flour- Try not to break the coating. The dough at this
yeast mixture, and the whole beaten 2 minutes at point should no longer stick to the board or
medium speed. If eggs are called for, add them at cloth.
this time with an additional cup of flour. Beat V2 If an electric mixer is used,and particularly
minute at low speed, then 3 minutes at high if you make it a regular practice to bake bread,
speed. Stir in the remaining ingredients and a bread hook — as illustrated in the chapter head-
enough flour to make a soft dough; then proceed ing — is an enormous help. Follow the manufac-
as for White Bread Plus, 603. turer's directions.The right amount of flour has
been added when the dough cleans itself from
the sides of the bowl. Turn the dough onto a
KNEADING AND PROOFING floured board and knead by hand until it is
YEAST DOUGH smooth, elastic and satiny.
Generally speaking, flours vary in moisture con- In both methods, the next step is to grease a
tent, see 546, and only experience can tell you large clean bowl evenly, put the dough into it and
exactly how much flour to add during the knead- then turn the dough over so that the entire
ing process. Hence, some variations in amounts surface of the dough will be lightly greased. Cover
are indicated the individual recipes. Crease
in the bowl with a cloth. Set the dough to rise.
your fingertips prevent sticking. When the
to This process and the covering step after separat-
dough is first turned out on the board it is slightly ing the bread into loaf sizes are shown graph-
sticky, as can be seen in the center, above. Then, ically below to emphasize the importance of these
as the gluten develops in the wheat flour through so-called proofing periods. During this resting
continued strong, rhythmic kneading, the dough time, a smooth film again develops over the sur-
becomes smooth and elastic. face of the dough and makes it much easier to
Overkneading and long, slow risings will result handle.
in a coarse-textured bread. Using a pastry scraper, Yeast dough should rise in a draft-free place at

a temperature of about 75° to 85°. If the room Shape them lightly into
called for in the recipe.
is cold, you may place the dough in the bowl on mounds; place them on a board, cover with a
a rack over a pan of warm water; near, but not cloth as shown center above; and allow them to
on, a convector or radiator; or in an oven heated rest 10 minutes.
lessthan 1 minute, until you can just feel warmth Meanwhile get your pans ready. Most breads
— a quite ideal rising cabinet. Turn the heat off call for a greased pan. To choose an appropriate

and keep the door closed. Be sure to re- one, see About Bread Crusts, 602. Begin to form
move the bread before preheating the oven to the loaf by throwing down onto the board one of
bake it. the pieces of dough which has been resting. You
The first rises it should double
time the dough may use a rolling pin or your palm to press it
in bulk, if the loaf have a moist crumb.
is to evenly first. Professional bakers start with a circle
Should the dough rise to more than double its and fold the curved outer segments toward the
bulk, it will fall back into the bowl. Do not permit center to make their rectangle before shaping the
this to happen unless the recipe calls for it, as it loaf. You may prefer to treat yours instead like a
may result in a coarse, dry bread. To make sure thick scroll, shown, using the heel of your
the dough has risen sufficiently, press it well hand to together as you complete the
press it

with the fingertips. When it has doubled in bulk, roll. Then with your stiffened hands at either end

usually in 1 to 2 hours the imprint of the finger- of the roll, compress the short ends and seal the
tips will remain in the dough, as shown opposite. loaf as shown below on the left, folding under
Now punch down the dough with a balled hand, any excess as you slide the dough, seam side
as illustrated on the left above. Work the edges down, into the greased pan. > It is important that
to the center and turn the bottom to the top. the finished dough contact the short ends of the
A Yeast bread dough rises more rapidly at high pan to help support the dough as it rises. When
altitudes and may become overproofed if it is the loaf is in the pan, you may grease its top
not watched carefully and allowed to rise only lightly.
until doubled in bulk. For other high-altitude Cover the pan with a cloth. The dough will
baking hints, see 602. eventually fill out to the corners of the pan. While
Now you will be ready for the second kneading, it is rising —
to almost, but not quite, double in
if indicated in purpose is to give a
the recipe. Its

finer grain. It lasts only a few minutes and may

bulk preheat your oven. When ready to bake,
the loaf will be symmetrical, and a slight im-
be done in the bowl. Then permit the covered pression will remain when you press lightly with
dough to rise again, until it has a second time your fingers. To bake, see directions in the
almost, but not quite, doubled in bulk. recipes. Forpan placement in the oven, see 159.
To encourage round loaves to rise rather than
SHAPING YEAST DOUGHS spread, use round cake pans, or encircle each
Once more, for a final time, punch down the loaf loosely with 1-inch-high foil. Remove foil

dough and divide it into the number of pieces after bread has risen about halfway.

ABOUT BREAD CRUSTS 579, bean or grain sprouts, toasted wheat germ,

People have passions for different kinds of crust. —

milk solids and brewer's yeast ingredients often
The choice of pan will affect the crust. Glass, called "improvers" —
are added to yeast doughs

darkened tin and dull aluminum will all produce for flavor and increased nutritional values. Im-
provers are seldom used in greater quantity than
a thick one; but remember glass and enamel
pans require a lower temperature, see 666. Hard up to about one-fourth the weight of the flour
called for in the recipe. Some of the flour called
rolls, Vienna and rye breads sometimes are baked
for can be used to dust the fruits, to keep them
on a parchment-covered or greased baking sheet
sprinkled with cornmeal, which prevents these
from sticking together. Before adding any of the
low-fat breads from sticking. Milk, either used in
above improvers, thoroughly mix the first addi-
tion of wheat flour to develop the gluten.
the recipe or brushed on at the end of the bak-
ing period, gives a good all-over brown color. Any bread in which wheat or gluten flour is
lacking will be deficient in the elasticity that this
Cream or butter may also be brushed on after
baking for color; then the bread is returned to unique gluten factor of wheat provides. When,
the oven for about 5 to 10 minutes. Setting a pan
therefore, you are mixing flours to substitute for
of warm water in the bottom of the oven during
wheat any of our recipes, please note the
flour in

baking will harden crusts as will brushing them,
following: If substituting buckwheat, barley, corn-
meal, millet meal, white or brown rice flour, left-
when partially baked, with salted water. Allow 1
teaspoon salt to V2 cup water. over cooked cereal, or a combination of these,
use wheat flour or gluten flour for at least half
For a glazed crust, toward the end of baking
the flour called for; if substituting carob, bran or
you may brush the top with an Egg Wash, 731.
soy flour, use wheat flour or gluten flour for at
To keep the crust soft, brush the crust with but-
least three-fourths the flour called for. Coarser
ter after the bread is baked and out of the pan;
grains like rolled oats, grits or bran can be pul-
then cover it with a damp cloth.
verized in the blender, but whole grains and
cracked grains should be cooked before adding
To test for doneness, notice if the loaf has Recipes for the allergy-prone, omitting wheat
shrunk from the sides of the pan. Or test by tap- and stressing all rye or rice, can be found in this
ping the bottom of the pan to release the loaf chapter, as well as in the USDA Home and Garden
and then tapping the bottom of the loaf; if a Bulletin No. 147, "Baking for People with Food
hollow sound emerges, the bread is done. Other- Allergies."
wise, return the loaf to the pan and bake a few
minutes longer.
Baking time at high altitudes usually remains CORNELL TRIPLE-RICH
the same, but oven temperatures should be in- FLOUR FORMULA
creased slightly, from 10 to 15 degrees. Work accomplished under Dr. Clive McCay at
Cornell has done much to raise the standard of nu-
COOLING AND STORING BREAD trition for large segments of the world's popula-
When the bread has finished baking, remove it tion. It was discovered that the addition of certain
at once from the pan and place it on its side on supplements in their natural forms to unbleached,
a wire rack to cool, as shown on the right, 601. synthetically enriched bread flours increases sig-
Keep it away from drafts, which cause shrink- nificantly their nutritive value.Use this formula
age. Let the bread cool completely before wrap- in your favorite bread, cookie, muffin or cake
ping, storing or freezing. It is best stored in recipe. When you measure, put in the bottom of

covered tins in which there are a few pinhole- each cup of flour called for:
1 tablespoon soya flour
sized openings for ventilation. It is sterile as it

comes from the oven, but if it not cooled suf-is 1 tablespoon dry milk solids

ficiently before wrapping, condensation may cause 1 teaspoon wheat germ

rapid molding. Keep the bread box away from any then fill the cup with sifted unbleached enriched
heat source. And keep it clean by washing it once flour.

a week with a baking soda solution and drying it

thoroughly. Most breads can be frozen, 829 and
830, but dry out rapidly after thawing. In hot,
humid weather, keep bread refrigerated in a plas- Wrote Louis Untermeyer:
tic bag to help prevent the growth of mold. "Why has our poetry eschewed
The rapture and response of food?
ADDITIONS TO YEAST DOUGHS What hymns are sung, what praises said
To home-made miracles of bread?"
Raisins, dates, dried fruits, citron, nuts, hulled
sesame and roasted hulled sunflower seeds, Even more constructive than versification, perhaps,
slightly sauteed onions, dried or fresh herbs, are the recipes which follow: home-baked bread,

in our view, can best be celebrated by repeti- 2V2 cups 120°-1 30° water
tion. V2 cup lard or shortening
The shortening does not need to melt. Gradually
Two 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
add to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes at me-
We are partial to the straight dough or conven- dium speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Add to
tional method of making this even-grained all-
make a thick batter:
purpose bread, which stales slowly and cuts well 1 beaten egg
for sandwiches. 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
Scald: Beat V2 minute at low speed, then at high speed
1 cup milk 3 minutes. Stir in to make a soft dough:
Add: 3 to 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 cup water Turn out onto a lightly floured board and knead
tablespoon shortening or lard
until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Al-
tablespoon butter
low the bread to rise once in the mixing bowl
2 tablespoons sugar
and once in the baking pan. To bake, place loaves
1 tablespoon salt
in a cold oven. Turn the heat to 400°. After 15
In a separate large bowl, combine:
minutes, reduce heat to 375° and bake 25 min-
Va cup105°-115° water
utes longer. Test for doneness, 602. Remove the
1 package active dry yeast
loaves at once from the pans and cool on a rack
and let dissolve 3 to 5 minutes. If using com- before storing.
pressed yeast, crumble 1 cake yeast into 1A cup
85° water and let stand 8 to 10 minutes. Add the
lukewarm milk mixture to the dissolved yeast. SOURDOUGH BREAD
Have ready: Two 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
6 1
cups sifted all-purpose flour
Please read About Sourdough, 554. A variety of
Stir in 3 cups flour, beat 1 minute, then stir or breads can be made by substituting 1 cup wheat
work in remaining flour by tossing the dough on germ or cornmeal, etc., for 1 cup of the white
a floured board and kneading well until it is flour, or using 3 cups whole-grain flour for 3 cups

smooth, elastic and full of bubbles. Place the white flour. About V2 teaspoon baking soda
dough in a greased bowl, turn the dough over added to the whole-grain flours improves the
once and cover with a cloth. Let rise in a warm flavor.

place until doubled in bulk, at least 1 hour. Punch Combine thoroughly and let stand uncovered to

it down to its original size and, if time permits, ferment overnight in a warm place:
allow the dough to rise until double once more. IV2 cups 85° water
Otherwise, skip the second bowl rising, shape 1 cup Sourdough Starter, 555

the dough lightly into 2 loaves, and place them in 4 cups all-purpose flour
greased pans. Cover and let the dough rise again 2 teaspoons sugar, honey or molasses
until almost doubled in bulk. 2 teaspoons salt
Preheat oven to 450°. Next morning, after the sponge has risen and
To achieve the kind of crust you like, see 602. fallen, stir down any crust which may have

Bake the bread 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350° formed. Add:

and bake about 30 minutes longer. Test for done- 1 cup all-purpose flour
ness, 602. Remove loaves at once from pans and (2 tablespoons soft butter or shortening)
cool on a rack before storing. (1 to 2 beaten eggs)
When thoroughly mixed, turn out onto a board
covered with:
WHITE BREAD PLUS 1 cup all-purpose flour
Three S x 9-Inch Loaves
Knead in enough of this flour to make the dough
This method of mixing bread dough calls for ac-
smooth and elastic. Shape the dough into 2 loaves,
tive dry yeastand an electric mixer. If using com-
put into bread pans, brush lightly with butter
pressed yeast, use these same ingredients, but
and let rise covered until almost doubled in
follow the conventional method given for White
bulk. Bake in a preheated 400° oven 45 to 50
Bread, above. As this recipe requires less yeast
and more sugar than does White Bread, and be-
cause this bread, started in a cold oven, has a
longer proofing period, less yeast flavor is re- RAISIN, PRUNE OR NUT BREAD
tained. I.Add to any unflavored bread dough:
In a large mixer bowl, mix together: cup drained, cooked, chopped prunes,
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour or 1 cup washed, well-drained seeded
/2 cup sugar raisins, or 1 cup chopped nuts
1 tablespoon salt Sprinkle the above with:
1 package active dry yeast 1 tablespoon sifted all-purpose flour
Combine: (1 tablespoon cinnamon)

II. Cook over low heat until liquid is almost ab- untildoubled in bulk. Brush the loaves with:
sorbed: (Melted butter)
IV2 cups raisins Bake in a preheated 375° oven about 30 minutes.
V2 cup water To test for doneness, to cool and to store, see
1 tablespoon cinnamon 602.
Cool and add to the dissolved yeast with:
(1 well-beaten egg)
If fresh herbs are available, triple the amounts sug-

CINNAMON LOAF gested for the dry herbs given below.

Two 5 x 9-Inch Regular or Follow the recipe for:
Three Cylindrical Loaves White Bread Plus, 603, or Whole-Grain
Follow recipe for: Bread, 607
White Bread, 602 For each 5 x 9-inch loaf, add to dough before
While dough is rising in bowl, combine: kneading:
V2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon ground celery seeds
1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground caraway seeds
After dough has been punched down, divided 1 teaspoon ground dill or dillseeds
and rolled into two 9 x 14-inch rectangles, brush or add:
lightly with: V2 teaspoon marjoram or basil
Melted butter V* teaspoon thyme
Sprinkle surfaces with the sugar mixture and roll 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
as for Jelly Roll, 691. Place in greased 5 x 9-inch (V2 teaspoon oregano)
pans and proceed as for White Bread, 602. If you or:
prefer to use a specially designed hinged or lid- Va teaspoon ginger
ded cylindrical pan, it is essential that the cover 1 teaspoon thyme
be firmly bound so the loaf will not distort in the 1 teaspoon summer savory
baking. The dough should be put into the cylin- 1 teaspoon rosemary
der before it rises a second time. This is the pan or:
used for our children's birthday bread horse, 1 teaspoon nutmeg or cloves
shown on 635. 1 teaspoon rosemary
1 teaspoon dill
1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage
Two 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
For a pleasant variation, try using whole wheat DILL BATTER LOAF
flour and 2 tablespoons honey instead of the Mix together in a large mixer bowl:
sugar indicated. 1 package active dry yeast
Scald: 1
cup sifted all-purpose flour

IV2 cups milk 4 teaspoon baking soda


Add to it and cool to about 105° 2 tablespoons sugar

Vi cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt

V* cup butter 2 tablespoons dried minced onions or

1 tablespoon salt 2 teaspoons grated onion
In a large bowl, dissolve for 3 to 5 minutes: 1 tablespoon dillseed or dillweed
2 packages active dry yeast Combine and gradually add to the yeast mixture:
in: 1 to 2 tablespoons butter
V2 cup 105 -115° water Va cup 120°-1 30° water
Stir in the cooled milk mixture. Add and beat Beat 2 minutes at medium speed, scraping bowl
until smooth: occasionally. Add:
1 well-beaten egg cup lukewarm large-curd cottage cheese

IV2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese beaten egg

1 lightly

(1 teaspoon powdered thyme) V2 cup sifted all-purpose flour

(V2 teaspoon powdered marjoram) Beat at high speed 2 minutes. Beat in to make a
(V2 cup finely chopped pimiento) stiff batter:
Beat in well: V cups sifted all-purpose flour

3 cups sifted all-purpose flour Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Stir down
Add, and then continue beating and stirring until and transfer to a well-greased IV2 -quart heatproof
the dough begins to leave the sides of the bowl, casserole. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk.
about: Bake in a preheated 350° oven 35 to 40 minutes.
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour Top with:
Knead the dough about 10 minutes. Allow to rise Melted butter
once in the bowl and once in the pans, covered, A sprinkling of salt

EGG BREAD OR CHALLAH reduce heat to 375° and bake about 45 minutes
2 Braided Loaves longer.

A heavier bread than the following brioche, with

good keeping qualities. Combine:
This light egg loaf has a feathery, tender crumb.
2 packages active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
While very similar to a true brioche, 615, it is
Va cup105°-115° water
much easier to make. Serve it right out of the
oven, if possible. To cut, use an angel cake server,
Measure into a large bowl:
668, or two forks held back to back, leaving a
6 cups sifted all-purpose flour
pulled surface rather than a cut surface. Combine
1 tablespoon salt
Make a deep well, and let stand 3 to 5 minutes:
643, and pour in the yeast.
2 packages active dry yeast
Combine and add to the flour:
3 tablespoons 105°-115° milk
2 cups 105° water
Beat well:
3 slightly beaten eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
Va cup vegetable shortening or oil
3 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
Ou teaspoon saffron)
Beat well until a ball of dough is formed, then V2 cup soft butter
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
turn out onto a floured board and knead about
V2 teaspoon salt
10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Place in a
greased bowl, turn, cover and allow to rise until Add the yeast mixture to the batter. Beat well 3
minutes. Place in a greased 9-inch tube pan. Let
doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Punch down and
divide dough into two sections, kneading each
rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about
1 hour. Bake in a preheated 450° oven about 15
for several minutes.
to 20 minutes. Test for doneness as for cake, 665.

To an American who travels in France, the com-
monest of tourist sights at the noon hour is what
looks like tout le monde coming from the baker,
afoot or a-cycle, with a couple or three long
loaves of French bread, naked and gloriously un-
ashamed, strapped on behind. French cookbooks
ignore French bread, and French housewives
leave the making of this characteristic loaf to the
commercial baker. Why? Because he alone has
the traditional wood-fired stone hearth with its
evenly reflected heat, and the skilled hand with

sourdough both of which are necessary to pro-
duce the genuine article. We
regard French bread
as uniquely delicious and consider the closely ap-
proximate substitute recipe given below as rather
more than well worth following. It was contrib-



uted some years ago by Mr. Julian Street.


V2 cup milk
to it:
2 Long Loaves

Now, to make the braids. Cut each section cup boiling water
of dough into 3 parts and roll between the hands While this liquid cools to 85°, dissolve:
or on a board into long tapered cylinders. With 1 cake compressed yeast
the three ropes of dough lying side by side on a in:
greased floured sheet, start to braid loosely from Va cup 85° water
center to end, then braid the other portion from After the yeast rests 10 minutes, add it to the milk
center to end. Finish the ends by tucking them mixture with:
under. Repeat for the second loaf. Cover and let IV2 tablespoons melted shortening
rise until almost doubled in bulk. Brush tops with: 1 tablespoon sugar
French Egg Wash, 731 Measure into a large mixing bowl:
and sprinkle over all: 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
Poppy seeds 2 teaspoons salt
Bake 15 minutes in a preheated 400° oven, then 2 teaspoons sugar

Make a hole in the center of these ingredients. then wrote again: "Your plan works fine in shap-
Pour in the liquid mixture. Stir thoroughly, but do ing the loaves and am aiso using 1A cup less

not knead. The dough will be soft. Cover with a water. This makes the loaves come up a better
damp cloth and set in a warm place to rise, al- shape, although it makes the dough harder to
lowing about 2 hours. Punch down the dough. mix thoroughly. think, however, the bread is

Place on a floured board and pat into 2 equal ob- just as good, and my French son-in-law says it is
longs. Form each into a French loaf by rolling the the best French bread he has eaten outside of
dough away from you, as shown above. Continue France."
rolling, pressing outward with the hands and ta-
pering the dough toward the ends until a long, BREAD STICKS OR GRISSINI
thin form results. Place the 2 loaves on a greased
baking sheet. Cut diagonal, 1/» -inch-deep slits
French Bread, above
across the tops with sharp-pointed scissors. Set
Roll into an oblong aboutA inch thick, one di-

in warm place to rise to somewhat less than

mension of which is about 8 inches. Cut into
doubled in bulk.
strips 2 inches wide and 8 inches long. Roll them
Preheat oven to 400°.
to form sticks. Place on a greased baking sheet
On bottom of oven, place a pan filled with V2 and brush with:
inch boiling water. Bake the bread 15 minutes,
Egg Wash, 731
then reduce the heat to 350° and bake about 30
Sprinkle with:
minutes longer. Five minutes or so before the
(Coarse salt)
bread is finished, brush the loaves with a glazing
(Caraway, sesame or dill seeds)
mixture of:
Allow to rise until not quite doubled in bulk. Bake
1 beaten egg white preheated 400° oven about 15 minutes. Try
in a
1 tablespoon cold water
serving the sticks warm.
We once received from a gentleman in
a letter
Junction City, Kansas, which began: "My wife is
too old to cook and am too old to do anything
else." It seems that he was an enthusiastic baker This unusually good formula, which has provoked
of French bread, but he complained that his the most dramatic correspondence, relies for its
riser on the fermentation of a salt-tolerant bacte-
rium in cornmeal or potato pulp. The cornmeal
must be freshly stone ground. Since stone-ground
cornmeal is not always available, we give also a

potato-based recipe. Do not attempt this bread in

damp, cold weather unless the house is ade-
quately heated, and protect the batter well from
drafts. Under the best of circumstances, it may
prove to be erratic. We have had success setting
a covered heavy bowl in water heated by an elec-
tric frypan or on a heating tray.

I. Cornmeal Salt-Rising Bread

Three 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
Measure into a large jar or bowl:
loaves turned out too flat. We
suggested that he V2 cup fresh coarse white >• stone-ground
try shaping them in the following manner: Make cornmeal
a long oblong of the dough, fold over one edge to 1 tablespoon sugar
the center, repeat the operation for the second Scald and pour over the cornmeal
edge and taper the ends slightly. The bottom of 1 cup milk

the loaf may be pressed on a board which has Let stand overnight or longer, covered, in a warm
been dusted with cornmeal and the loaf then place, 90° to 95°, until it ferments. By then it
placed on a large greased sheet for baking. This should be light and have a number of small cracks
correspondent made several batches of bread and over the surface. If it isn't light in texture, it is use-

less to proceed, as the bread will not rise properly. Add this mixture to the potato sponge with:
Scald: 5 to 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour
3 cups milk Knead dough about 10 minutes before shaping
Pour it over: into 3 loaves. Place in greased pans. Let rise, cov-
2 tablespoons sugar ered, until light and not quite doubled in bulk.

5 tablespoons lard Bake in a preheated 350° oven about 1 hour.

1 tablespoon salt
Stir in:
Vh cups sifted all-purpose flour
the corn mixture. Place the bowl contain- Feather-lightness is, of course, by no means a
Stir in
ing these ingredients in a pan of warm water for 1 prime objective in making whole-grain breads.
to 2 hours, until bubbles work up from the bot-
Yet such loaves should have substance without
tom. Keep water warm this full length of time. high density. If our instructions are closely fol-
Stir in:
lowed, you will never have occasion to level at us
5 cups sifted all-purpose flour the reproach of Mrs. Burns, who, on viewing an
Knead in until smooth, but not stiff, about:
impressive monument to her illustrious son, ex-
2V2 cups sifted all-purpose flour claimed: "Aye Robbie! Ye asked for bread, and
Place dough in greased pans, cover and let rise they've gien ye a stane."
until it has doubled in bulk. >• Watch it, for if it
Three 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
gets too high, it may sour. Preheat the oven to
Please read about Whole-Grain Flour, 547. Pre-
400° and bake the bread for 10 minutes. Reduce
pare the yeast as for White Bread, 602. Beat to-
the heat to 350° and bake 25 to 30 minutes more.
gether and add to the yeast mixture:
To test for doneness, to cool and to store, see 602.
beaten egg

A cup
melted butter
II. Potato Salt-Rising Bread 2V2 cups lukewarm water
Three 5 x 9-Inch Loaves 1 V2 teaspoons salt
A trapped by her grandchild's measles, sent
fan, A to V2 cup sugar, honey or maple syrup

us a treatise on lessening the fantastic odors of Add, without sifting, a mixture of:
"salt-rising." She says, "Use non-mealy 2 V2 'inch- 4 cups whole-grain flour
diameter new
red-skinned potatoes for the starter. 4 cups all-purpose flour
Place them in a stainless steel bowl. Set bowl in To mix, knead, proof and shape, follow the ar-
water in an electric dutch oven with heat main- row symbols and illustrations, 600 and 601, allow-
tained at about 90° to 95°. Perfect results are ing the dough to rise once in the mixing bowl and
produced in 15 hours with only a mild odor like — once in the baking pans. Bake in a 350° oven
that of good Italian cheese." As we lived for some about 45 minutes. To test for doneness, see 602.
years in an apartment with a salt-rising bread ad-
dict and shared the endless variety of smells she
produced, we would settle any day for a mild ALL WHOLE-GRAIN BREAD
cheese aroma. COCKAIGNE
Pare, then cut into thin slices: Two 4V2 x 8V2-lnch Loaves
2V2 cups new non-mealy potatoes A heavier, coarser bread which makes a bonne
Sprinkle over them: bouche with cheese.
1 tablespoon salt Sprinkle:
2 teaspoons sugar 1 package active dry yeast
2 tablespoons white cornmeal 1 tablespoon brown sugar
Add and stir until salt is dissolved: over:
4 cups boiling water A cup 1 05 °-1 15 "water

Let the potato mixture stand, covered with a cloth, Measure and combine:
15 hours. Now squeeze out the potatoes. Discard 6 cups whole-grain flour
them. Drain the liquid into a bowl and add, stir- V2 cup dry milk solids
ring until very well blended: Combine:
1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups warm water or milk
1 2 teaspoons salt
' 1 tablespoon salt
5 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 to 3 tablespoons melted bacon fat
Beat and beat "until the arm rebels." Set the 4 to 6 tablespoons dark molasses
sponge in a warm place to rise until light. Bub- or honey
bles should come to the surface and the sponge Combine the yeast and water mixtures. Beat in
should increase its volume by approximately a the flour. Knead briefly, adding flour if necessary.
third. This will take about 1 !/2 hours. Scald: Allow the dough to rise once in the bowl and
1 cup milk once in the baking pans. Bake in a 350° oven
When lukewarm, add: about 45 minutes. To test for doneness, to cool
2 tablespoons butter and to store, see 602.

SPROUTED WHOLE-GRAIN BREAD Cool this mixture to lukewarm. Combine:

Prepare: V* cup105°-115° water
Whole-Grain Bread, above 2 packages active dry yeast
using 2 packages of yeast. Mix with the lukewarm Add the yeast solution to the oats, plus:
water before adding the other ingredients: 1 or 2 slightly beaten eggs

/2 cup wheat germ

2 cups ground sprouted wheat, soybeans, 'A to
lentils or chick-peas, 565 cup soy flour
2 cups whole wheat or rye flour
SOY WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 3 to 4 cups sifted unbleached all-purpose flour
Follow directions for:
To knead, proof and shape, follow the arrow
White Bread, 602 symbols and illustrations on 600 and 601, allowing
but substitute for 3 cups of the sifted all-purpose the dough to rise once in the mixing bowl and
once in the baking pans. Bake in a preheated 350°
1 cup soy flour oven about 1 hour. To test for doneness, to cool
2 cups whole wheat flour
and to store, see 602.


5 x 9-Inch Loaves 2 Loaves
If your cracked wheat is a coarse grind, put it in A moist aromatic loaf that keeps well. Combine
the blender to get a finer grind. Try making this in a large bowl:
good bread with cooked cereals other than IV2 cups 105°-115° water
cracked wheat. 2 packages active dry yeast
Cook for 10 minutes or until the moisture is ab- Let rest 3 to 5 minutes until dissolved.
sorbed: Add:
1 cup finely ground cracked wheat A cup
in: V3 cup sugar
3 cups boiling water 1 tablespoon salt
Remove from heat and stir in: 2 tablespoons grated orange rind
2 tablespoons butter or shortening 1 tablespoon fennel seed

1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon anise seed

3 tablespoons sugar or honey ( A cup chopped
tablespoon molasses
1 Stir in:
A cup milk 2 1A cups sifted, finely milled rye flour
While this mixture is cooling, dissolve for 3 min- 2 tablespoons softened butter
utes: Beat all these ingredients together until smooth.
2 packages active dry yeast Add:
in: 2 1A to 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
V*cup 105°-1 15° water Ifthe dough is soft to handle, use the larger
Combine the cooked cereal and yeast mixture, amount of flour. To knead, follow the arrows
then beat in gradually: and illustrations, pages 600 and 601. Allow the
4 cups all-purpose flour dough to rise once in the bowl and once on the
2 cups whole wheat flour baking sheet. To shape, form into two ovals on a
Turn the dough out onto a floured board and greased baking sheet dusted with cornmeal. To
knead about 10 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, prevent spreading, see 601. Cover with a cloth
cover, and let rise in a warm place until doubled and let rise until almost doubled in bulk, about
in bulk. Punch down, knead a few times and 1 hour. Make four A -inch-deep diagonal slashes

shape dough to fit into 2 greased bread pans to let in the tops of the loaves. Bake in a preheated 375°
rise, covered, until again doubled in bulk. Preheat oven 30 to 35 minutes. To test for doneness, to
oven to 350°. Bake about 35 to 40 minutes or cool and to store, see 602.
until done.
OAT BREAD COCKAIGNE 2 Rather Flat Loaves
Two 5 x 9-Inch Loaves Rye flour lacks the gluten of wheat, so a loaf made
Scald: of all rye has a dense, heavy texture, similar to
2 cups milk that of pumpernickel.
and pour it over: Combine:
1 cup rolled oats V2 cup 105°-115° water
Add: 2 packages active dry yeast
2 teaspoons salt Scald:
V* cup vegetable oil 2 cups milk
Vx cup brown sugar As itcools, add:
O/2 teaspoon ground ginger) 2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon sugar or honey Mix smooth, then let the mixture rest, cov-

2 teaspoons salt ered, 20 minutes. Turn the dough out onto a

Add the yeast mixture and stir in: floured board and mix and knead into it:
2 cups rye flour 1 V2 to 2 cups all-purpose flour

Let this sponge rise about 1 hour. Then add depending on the flour, until you have a rather
slowly, while stirring: firm dough — one that will not flatten or spread.
3 cups rye flour Divide and shape itinto 2 long or 2 round loaves.
(1 beaten egg) Place them on a greased pan and allow to rise,
tablespoons caraway seeds)
(2 but not double in bulk. Too much rising will re-
tablespoons sesame seeds)
(2 sult in a flat loaf.
Let rise about 2 hours. Sprinkle a board with: Preheat oven to 425°.
cup rye flour
1 Place a flat pan containing about one-fourth inch
Knead the dough into it 10 minutes. Divide into water in the oven. Bake the loaves 50 to 60 min-
2 parts. To form, see
601. Put on a well-greased utes. You may have to replenish the water, but
baking sheet, grease the tops of the loaves, cover remove the pan after 20 minutes. As soon as the
and allow to rise about 2 hours more. Bake in a bread is done, spread it with:
preheated 350° oven about 1 hour. To test for Melted butter
doneness, to cool and to store, see 602. or, you wish a glazed crust, spread with:

Salted water 1 teaspoon salt
2 Round or 2 Long Loaves Cool loaves on a rack, away from drafts.
The best-flavored rye breads call for sourdoughs,
554. We love this recipe which comes from Merna
Laziei, who has run, among many
other success- GLUTEN BREAD
ful projects, a bakery of her own. She says: "You Two 5 x 9-Inch Loaves
may object to the number of stages in this A boon for those on low-starch diets but over-
process, but must say that old-time bakers who
I rated for protein quality, as both wheat flour

were proud of their rye bread really nursed it and the gluten made from it are deficient in

along so there must be a reason." For this lysine. See about incomplete proteins on 2.
recipe, on one day you make a sourdough, using Combine:
Vi cake of yeast. The following day, you make 3cups105°-115° water
two sponges, using the other V2 cake of yeast. 1 package active dry yeast
The first day, prepare the sourdough. Mix in a After 3 to 5 minutes, when the yeast is dissolved,
bowl and work together lightly: beat in:
V2cup rye flour 2 cups gluten flour, 548
cup water
Let this sponge rise in a warm place until light and
Vi cake compressed yeast foamy. Combine, beat and then stir into the
Cover this sourdough tightly so it will not dry sponge:
out, and keep it in a warm place at about 85° for 1 beaten egg
24 hours. Then work into it: 2 tablespoons melted shortening
A cup water V2 teaspoon salt
1 cup rye flour (2 tablespoons sugar)
The sourdough should be ready to use after it has Stir in:
fermented, covered, 4 hours longer. About 4 cups gluten flour
Use only enough flour to make a dough that will
Sponge I. Mix into the above sourdough:
knead well. After kneading, shape into 2 loaves.
1 3 A cups rye flour
Let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in a preheated
% of V2 cake compressed yeast
350° oven about 1 hour. To test for doneness, to
cup water
cool and to store, see 602.
Allow this sponge to rise, covered with a damp
cloth, at 85° until it doubles in bulk.
Sponge II. Add to Sponge I:
Two 8-Inch Loaves
"PA cups rye flour Called Armenian, Peda, Greek, Arab, Syrian,
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
Euphrates Bread, this dough can be formed into
Remaining 'A of V2 cake compressed yeast hard rolls, long thin loaves and flat envelopes for
1 cup water
stuffing with exotic sandwich fillings. If making
Mix until smooth. Cover with a damp cloth and small sandwich-sized puffs, divide the dough into
let rise until doubled in bulk. Then add:
4-inch circles and bake on a greased sheet 7
1 cup water
to 9 minutes until puffed and lightly browned.
1 tablespoon salt Sopaipillas can be made from this dough. Cut
4 cups all-purpose flour

into 3-inch squares after the first rising and deep-


1 tablespoon caraway seed

fat-fried at 365°, they are seasoned with cinna-

mon and sugar. For a typical flatbread dough, Sprinkle with:

combine in a mixing bowl and let stand 3 to 5 Oregano
minutes: Olive oil
package active dry yeast
1 Chopped parsley
1 cup 105°-115° water (Parmesan or Romano cheese)
Add and beat until smooth:
II. Use a highly seasoned:
Vh cups sifted all-purpose flour
Meat Sauce for
Italian Pasta, 352, or other
1 teaspoon salt
meat sauce for pasta
(1 tablespoon sugar)
Cover with a layer of:
1 tablespoon soft shortening
Fontina or Mozzarella cheese
"IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour HI. Use as a base:
If dough is too stiff to beat, knead in the flour
the Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352
by hand until it is smooth and elastic, about 5 Add:
in a greased bowl, cover and let
minutes. Place 1 cup chopped or sliced mushrooms
rise doubled in bulk, about 45 minutes.
Punch down and divide into 2 balls. Flatten the IV. Cover the base with:
Lightly sauteed onions
dough evenly greased 8-inch layer cake pans.
in 2
Slash a decorative pattern in the dough and brush
Black olives
Brush with:
Olive oil
Sprinkle with:
(Sesame seeds)
Let rise again untilalmost doubled in bulk, and ABOUT YEAST ROLLS
bake preheated 425° oven about 20 minutes.
in a
There is little difference in bread- and roll-mak-
Flatbread is best eaten warm, so reheat before ing, so if you are a novice please read About
serving. Yeast Bread, 599. The visual appeal of delicately
formed, crusty or glazed rolls is a stimulant to the
appetite. For varied shaping suggestions, see the
PIZZAS illustrations in this chapter.
14-Inch Pizza Crusts Professional cooks weigh the dough to keep
Who would guess popular Italian pie
that this the rolls uniform in size for good appearance and
began its career as a leftover improvised from sur- even baking. If you do not use muffin pans, place
plus bread dough? In a pinch you might try pie approximately equal-sized shapes of dough at
dough or sliced English muffins as a base. regular intervals over the entire baking sheet. Bak-
To make pizza dough, mix as for bread, 599, using ing parchment paper saves having a greasy pan to
the following ingredients, but do not let it rise a wash and also cuts the grease build-up which re-
second time: sults in a discolored pan and uneven browning.
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour You may use additions to yeast dough, 602,
1 cake yeast in T/3 cups 85° water and coffee cake, 621, to vary the flavor. Sprinkle
2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil the tops with poppy, celery, fennel, caraway, or
1 teaspoon salt lightly toasted sesame seeds, depending on the
Knead 10 minutes. Cover with damp cloth and let rest of your menu.
rise about 2 hours. Have ready two oiled 14-inch To bake, follow the individual recipes. Re-
pizza pans. Sprinkle a little cornmeal over all. move the rolls at once from the pan to a cooling
Pat and stretch the dough in the pans, pinching up rack. To reheat, sprinkle them lightly with water
a collar around the edge to hold the filling. Prick and heat, covered, in a 400° oven or in the top of
dough in about 6 places. a double boiler over hot water. Sometimes the
Preheat oven to 400°. suggestion is made that the rolls be put in a
Brush each pizza lightly with olive oil to prevent dampened paper bag and heated until the bag
crust from becoming soggy. Spread with your dries. We find, however, that some types of bags
preferred filling and rest it about 10 minutes. At can transmit a disagreeable flavor.
this stage the pizzas may be frozen for at least a
week before baking. Bake about 25 minutes until
light brown and serve at once.
Eighteen 2-Inch Rolls
I. Spread the pizza with: These are the rolls we remember from childhood:
(Thin slices of cheese) light as a feather and served in a special soft linen
Thickened Tomato Sauce, 352 napkin. Although they require no kneading, they
Arrange on top: are best chilled at least 2 hours and up to 12. They
12 to 14 anchovies or sliced Italian sausage, are not true refrigerator rolls, since this recipe is
pepperoni, prosciutto ham or salami not heavy enough in sugar to retard the rising

action, and all the dough should be baked after CLOVERLEAF ROLLS
the 2- to 12-hour period. Twenty-Four 2-Inch Rolls
Combine and let stand 3 to 5 minutes: Prepare dough for:
V* cup 105°-115° water Parker House Rolls, above
1 package active dry yeast After the first rising in the bowl, punch down the
Place in a separate bowl: dough. Now, fill greased muffin tins about one-
A cup
butter or shortening third with 3 small balls, as sketched below. Brush
1'A teaspoons salt the tops with:
2 tablespoons sugar Melted butter
Pour over these ingredients and stir until they are Let covered in a warm place until about
dissolved: doubled in bulk. Bake in a preheated 425° oven
cup hot water
1 15 to 18 minutes. Remove at once from pans.
When they are lukewarm, add the veas f
. Beat in:

1 egg
Stir in and beat until blended:
About 23 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour,
to make a soft dough
Put dough in
a large greased bowl. Either cover
with foil and chill from 2 to 12 hours, or place in
a greased bowl covered with a cloth until doubled
in bulk. Punch it down. Shape the rolls to fill

the greased cups pan to about one-

in a muffin
third. Again let rise until about doubled in bulk.
Bake in a preheated 425° oven 15 to 18 minutes.
Cool at once. qnp mm mm^ 1


About 18 Buns
Prepare dough for:
About Thirty 2-Inch Rolls
Parker House Rolls, above
This is a basic not-too-sweet dough that can be
increasing the sugar to V* cup and including the
used for variously shaped dinner rolls.
egg. Add to the sugar:
V* teaspoon cinnamon
cup milk
Vo teaspoon nutmeg
Add and stir until dissolved:
V* cup currants or raisins
tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons finely chopped citron
2 tablespoons butter
After the first rising, shape dough into 18 balls and
A teaspoon salt place in rows on a greased baking sheet. Cover
and lot rise until almost doubled in bulk. Bake in
1 package active dry yeast
a preheated 425° oven about 20 minutes, until
golden brown. Decorate with the traditional
2 tablespoons 105°-115 8 water
cross, using:
Add the milk mixture when it has cooled to luke-
Milk Glaze, 731
warm. Beat in:

d egg)
Sift before measuring: PALM LEAF OR SOUR CREAM ROLLS
2 2/icups all-purpose flour About 4 Dozen Leaves
Stir in part of the flour; knead in the rest. Use Sweet enough for a dessert. Serve with coffee and
only enough flour to form a dough that can be fruit.
handled easily. Place in a greased bowl. Brush the Sprinkle:
top with: 1 package active dry yeast
Melted butter over:
Cover and let the dough rise in a warm place until V* cup 105°-115° water
doubled in bulk. Roll it and cut into rounds with Sift:
a floured biscuit cutter. Dip the handle of a knife 3 cups all-purpose flour
in flour and use it to make a deep crease across IV2 teaspoons salt
the middle of each roll. Fold the rolls over on the Cut in, until reduced to pea-sized bits:
crease and press the edges together lightly. Place Si cup butter
rolls in rows on a greased baking sheet. Let rise in Blend and add:
a warm place until light, a matter of 35 minutes 2 beaten eggs
or so. Bake in a preheated 425° oven about 20 1 cup cultured sour cream
minutes. Remove at once from pans. 1 teaspoon vanilla
and the dissolved yeast. Cover and chill for about inches wide. Stack them. There should be from 6
2 hours or more. When ready to bake, sprinkle a Cut off pieces about
to 8 layers of stacked strips.
board with: IV2 inches wide, with a string, as shown below.
V2 cup Vanilla Sugar, 557 Place them in buttered muffin tins, with the cut
or a mixture of: edges up. Let rise in a warm place until doubled
Vi cup sugar in size. Bake in a preheated 425° oven 15 to 20
1 teaspoon cinnamon minutes until well browned.
Roll half the dough into a 6 x 18 x A-inch
Fold as sketched on the left below, bringing the
ends to within about 3A inch of each other. Re-
peat this folding as shown in the right foreground
and again as shown in the rear. Slice into A -inch- 1

thick "palm leaves." Repeat this process with the

other half of the dough, first sprinkling the board
with the sugar mixture. Put leaves on an ungreased
baking sheet. Let rise, covered, about 20 minutes.
Bake in a preheated 375° oven until golden
brown, about 15 minutes.

About Thirty-Six 2-Inch Rolls
Prepare the dough for:
Palm Leaf
Rolls, 611
When ready to bake, roll the dough into 2-inch
balls and place on a greased baking sheet about
2 inches apart. Have ready one or more of the
Prune, Apricot, Date or Fig Filling, 622,
jam or chopped fruit
Press an indentation into the center of each roll,

leaving a 1
/»-inch rim. with your chosen fill-

ings, cover and let rise about 40 minutes. Pre-

heat oven to 375°. Bake approximately 20 min-
utes. Sprinkle with:
(Confectioners' sugar)
About 24 Rolls
Rolls prepared in this way need not be buttered.
About 48 Rolls
Fine for a serve-yourself party.
This is a sweet dough good for rollsand coffee
Heat to about 110°:
IV2 to 2 cups buttermilk
Combine and let stand 3 to 5 minutes:
If the buttermilk is thick, use the lesser amount.
1 package active dry yeast
In 1/3 cup of the buttermilk, dissolve for 3 to 5
2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons 105°-115° water
1 package active dry yeast
Add the yeast mixture to the remaining buttermilk
1 cup milk
V* teaspoon baking soda Add and stir in:

2 teaspoons salt
7 tablespoons lard

V* cup sugar
Cool. Combine and beat well:

Beat well; then stir in: 7 tablespoons sugar

2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 3 beaten eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon salt
Add another: Stir in the milk and yeast mixtures. Add:

2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 4 1A cups sifted all-purpose flour

Place dough greased bowl and turn it, so it is
in a Beat the dough about 5 minutes. Place in a foil-
lightly greased over. Cover with a cloth and
all covered bowl in the refrigerator overnight. Take
let rise until more than doubled in bulk. Knead out just before baking. Divide dough into 3 parts.
lightly 1 minute. Separate into 2 parts. Roll each Roll each part into a circle about 9 inches in di-
part into a square about Vb inch thick. Brush the ameter. Cut each circle into 16 wedge-shaped
dough with melted butter. Cut into strips 1 /2 1
pieces. Before rolling further, brush with:


and dust with: About 46 Cloverleaf Rolls
Sugar and cinnamon Prepare:
or top with a: 3
A cup riced freshly cooked potatoes
Coffee Cake Filling, 621 While still hot, mix with:
\/i cup butter

Heat to 105°-115°:
2 cups buttermilk
Sprinkle into about Vi cup of the buttermilk:
1 package active dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
Let stand 3 to 5 minutes. Add the remaining
buttermilk and mix with the potatoes. Beat until
light and stir in:

2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
Sift before measuring:
Roll up each piece by beginning at the wide end,
7V2 cups all-purpose flour
stretching the dough a bit as you roll it. Brush
Stir in 6 cups of the flour. Knead in the rest. Place
the dough in a greased bowl and turn it, so that
Egg Wash, 731
it is greased lightly on all sides. Cover and let rise
doubled in bulk. Bake 15 to 18
Let rolls rise until
until doubled in bulk. Punch down. Shape and let
minutes on a greased baking sheet in a preheated
Cloverleaf Rolls, 611. Glaze tops with:
rise as for
425° oven. Take care: they burn easily.
(French Egg Wash, 731)
Sprinkle with:
(Poppy seeds)
FILLED PINWHEEL ROLLS Bake in a preheated 425° oven 15 to 18 minutes.
About 48 Rolls Remove at once from pans.
Follow the recipe for:
Overnight Rolls, above
Prepare the dough and let rise until doubled in CHEESE ROLLS
bulk. Roll to A-inch thickness. Cut into 4-inch
squares. Spread the squares generously with: Cheese Bread, 604
Butter Shape and bake as for:
Sugar and cinnamon Overnight Rolls, 612
Place in the center of each square:
Raisins and nuts or 2 teaspoons apricot
or raspberry jam
About 5 Dozen Rolls
Cut diagonally into the dough from each corner
You may bake these excellent rolls in advance and
to within A inch of the center. Fold every other
reheat before serving; and, after wrapping, keep
point toward the center, as sketched below, over-
them in a refrigerator 2 weeks or in a freezer 3
2 cups milk
5 teaspoons salt
'A cup sugar
Cool this mixture to lukewarm. Combine and let
stand 3 to 5 minutes:
1 cup 105°-115 o water
2 packages active dry yeast
Combine above ingredients and mix v\ell. Add
8 to 10 cups all-purpose flour
Knead the dough until smooth and elastic and let

it rise, covered, until almost doubled in bulk.

Shape the dough as you prefer. Let rolls rise on
greased covered baking sheets until again almost
lapping and sealing the ends with a little water. doubled in bulk. Bake about 40 minutes in a pre-
Place pinwheels on a greased baking sheet. Let heated 275° oven. If storing, leave them in the
them rise slightly. Bake in a preheated 425° oven pans to cool for 20 minutes. When they reach
about 18 minutes. room temperature, wrap well. To serve: if re-

trigerated. reheat on a greased baking sheet about Raisins

10 minutes in a 400° oven; if frozen, bring to Pecans
room temperature before reheating. Cut into r/2-inch slices.
Roll as for Jelly Roll, 690.
Fillbottom of each muffin tin with a mixture of:
CINNAMON SNAILS AND CRISPS 1 teaspoon melted butter
1 teaspoon warmed honey
Cover with:
Scandinavian Pastry, 621, omitting
2 teaspoons brown sugar
the cardamom; or Overnight Rolls, 612
A few chopped or whole pecans
When the dough has doubled in bulk, roll into an
oblong on floured board to the thickness of '4
Lay slices ofdough over sugar mixture. Let rolls
riseabout 2 hour. Bake in a preheated 350° oven

inch. Spread generously with:

about 20 minutes. Watch closely for signs of
Melted butter
scorching. Remove from oven, turn pans upside
Sprinkle with:
down to loosen rolls and allow honey mixture to
Brown sugar
drip down over the rolls.

(Chopped nutmeats) WHOLE-GRAIN ROLLS
(Seedless raisins) About 40 Rolls
Prepare dough for:
(Chopped citron)
(Grated lemon or orange rind)
Whole-Grain Bread, 607, or Oat Bread
Roll the dough like a Jelly Roll, 690.
Cockaigne, 608
Shape dough into rolls after the first rising, and
let rise again until almost doubled in size. Butter
the tops. Sprinkle with:
(Coarse salt, chopped nuts or
sesame seeds)
Bake in a preheated 400° oven 15 to 20 minutes.

About 36 Rolls
Swedish Rye Bread, 608
Shape rolls after the first rising. Sprinkle tops with:
Coarse salt
To make snails, cut into 1-inch slices, see above. For the crust of your choice, see 602. Bake in a
Rub muffin tins generouslv with: preheated 375° oven about 20 minutes. Remove
Butter from pans at once and cool on a rack.
Sprinkle well with
(Finely chopped nutmeats) Thirty-Eight 2-Inch Rolls
Place each slice of roll firmly on the bottom of
An agreeable variation on an old-time favorite
a muffin tin. Let rise in a warm place '2 hour.
Bake in a preheated 350° oven about 30 minutes.
Combine and cook with occasional stirring for 1
For crisps, cut the rolled dough into /2-inch

hour in a double boiler:

slices and place on a greased baking sheet 3
1 cup steel-cut or rolled oats
inches or so apart. Flatten to about 3 inches in
tablespoon shortening
diameter. Allow to rise approximately 30 min- 3
A teaspoon salt
utes. Now cover with waxed paper and roll to
IV2 cups boiling water
about Va-inch thickness. Remove paper and brush
Cool these ingredients until lukewarm. Combine
and let stand 5 minutes in:
A cup melted butter 1 tablespoon 105°-115° water
Sprinkle with a mixture of:
1 package active dry yeast
Sugar and cinnamon
Combine oat and yeast mixtures and add:
(Crushed nuts)
V2 cup molasses
Roll flat again, using waxed paper, and bake in
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
a preheated 400° oven 10 to 12 minutes.
Knead the dough the bowl until the ingredients
are well blended. Cover the dough and let it rise
SCHNECKEN OR CARAMEL BUNS in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 2

Prepare rolls as for: hours. Pinch pieces off with buttered hands and
Cinnamon Snails, above place them in greased muffin tins. Let rise about
Be sure to use in the filling: 2 hours. Bake in a preheated 425° oven about 20
Grated lemon rind minutes.

BRIOCHE on a dry towel. Work the starter into the smooth

About 15 Brioches dough, which will remain shining and of about
the consistency of whipped cream.
Due to a number of special circumstances, our
recipes for French bread, while not classic, are
Now, get the dough ready to chill for at least
1 hour. Gather up as much as you can, including
close approximations. So, for similar reasons, is
our recipe for another superb French specialty
what remains on the board, releasing it with a
spatula. Put it into a greased or floured bowl and
the brioche. But we are proud of them both. The
chill, covered. Have ready the classic fluted and
method making brioche is more complicated
to describe than to carry out. It involves good
flaring brioche forms —
or muffin tins. When the

coordination between the rising of a small

dough has chilled, knead it with floured hands.
It should be firm enough not to require a floured
amount of floating yeast paste, or starter, and the
working of the rest of the dough. Please read

board. For each brioche, make 2 balls about 2
tablespoons of dough for one, 1 tablespoon for
about this process before plunging in.
the other. The first ball is placed in the base of a
Cream and set aside:
tin. The smaller ball will form the characteristic
6 tablespoons butter
and then measure: topknot.
2 cups all-purpose flour
Make a well, see 643, with about a fourth of this
flourand crumble into it:
1 cake compressed yeast at 70°
Be sure to use no less. A high yeast and butter
content distinguishes this dough. Mix the flour
and yeast with:
2 tablespoons 85° water
Gradually work the flour into a paste. When it
becomes a small soft ball, snip a cross in the top
with scissors and then drop it into a 2-quart pan
filled with water at 85°. > The ball will sink to
the bottom of the pan, so be sure it is not over a
Mold it into a pear-shaped form. Cut a small gash
burner, where additional heat might kill the yeast.
in the center of the large ball, then 3 more shallow
As the yeast develops, the ball of paste, or starter, gashes radiating out from the center. Insert the
rises to the surface and doubles in size in about
point of the "pear," so it is seated firmly. The
7 to 8 minutes —if the water temperature is right.
brioches should rise until almost doubled in bulk,
If the water chills too much, add hotter water to
15 to 20 minutes. Glaze them with French Egg
bring the temperature back to 85°. When the Wash, 731, but be sure it does not slip into the
starter hasdoubled in bulk, it must be removed
from the water. Should this state be reached be-
crack and bind the topknot to the base which —
would keep the topknot from rising properly.
fore you are ready to use it, drain and cover it.
Preheat oven to 450°.
Meanwhile, once you have dropped the starter
Bake the brioches about 10 minutes, or until the
into the water, shape into another well the re-
egg-washed portions are a lovely brown. Should
maining flour, mixed with:
the topknots brown too rapidly, cover them
tablespoon sugar
loosely with a piece of foil. When baked they
teaspoon salt
should puff to the proportionate size shown in
Break into the center of it: the illustration. Serve at once or release from the
2 eggs at 70° tins and cool on a rack. Reheat before serving.
Mix them in by gradually drawing the flour from
the sides of the well. Also work in:
2 to 3 tablespoons milk
A favorite French after-school treat.
until the ingredients form a sticky but cohesive
mass which you continue to work as follows. Use
Brioche, above, or Scandinavian
only one hand. Do not try to release it from the
Pastry, 621
dough. Just keep picking up as much as will ad-
Cut into 2-inch squares. Roll in each square a gen-
here, and throw it back hard onto the board with
erous sliver of:
a turn of the wrist, gathering more from the board
Semisweet chocolate
each time. This rough throwing process de-
Bake as directed for Scandinavian Pastries, 621.
velops the gluten and should be repeated about
fifty times. By then the dough should be glistening

and smooth and your fingers will have become FRENCH CRESCENTS
free. At this point, work the butter into the dough. OR CROISSANTS
When it is all absorbed, scoop the floating starter About 18 Crescents
out of the water by spreading wide the fingers of Rich, somewhat troublesome, but unequaled by
one hand and drain the starter for a moment any other form of roll.

Scald: Bake the crescents 10 minutes, then reduce the

"a cup milk heat to 350° and bake until done 10 to 15 min- —
Stir into it, until melted and dissolved: utes longer.
1 tablespoon lard or vegetable oil

IV2 tablespoons sugar FILLED SWEET CRESCENTS

teaspoon salt
1 About 28 Crescents
Cool until lukewarm. Add: Prepare the dough for:
1 package active dry yeast
Refrigerator Potato Rolls, 618,

dissolved in:
or Scandinavian Pastry, 621

V3 cup105°-115° water Use for each crescent:

Stir in or knead in to make a soft sticky dough teaspoons nut or fruit filling, 622

about: If using the refrigerator dough, roll out to A-inch 1

thickness before chilling and cut into 3-inch

2V2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
Knead on a lightly floured surface, using a pastry squares. If using the Scandinavian dough, shape it
after chilling. Cut the squares diagonally. Shape
scraper to flip the soft dough end over end 10
times. The dough should now hold together. Place as shown. Place on a greased baking sheet. Let

it in an ungreased bowl. Cover with a cloth and

them rise until doubled in bulk. Brush lightly

let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 A hours. 1 with:

Then cover the dough with a lid and place in the French Egg Wash, 731
refrigerator until thoroughly chilled, at least 20 Bake in a preheated 375° oven 18 to 20 minutes.
minutes. Roll or pat it out on a floured surface Cool on a rack or serve hot.
into an oblong A inch thick. Now, following the

directions for kneading butter and folding the

dough as in Puff Paste, 643, knead: These must be served hot the same day they are
1 cup cold butter
Spread the butter over two-thirds the surface of
Refrigerator Potato Rolls, 618
the dough, leaving an unbuttered border A inch
wide. Fold the unbuttered third over the center
Shape them into bite-sized rolls. In the center of
third. Then, fold thelremaining third over the dou-
each roll, embed:
bled portion. The dough is now in 3 layers. Swing
A section of fresh orange
the layered dough a quarter turn or, direction- — which has been rolled in:
Brown sugar
ally speaking, bring east to south. Roll it again
into an oblong A inch thick. Fold again in thirds
1 Bake in a preheated 400° oven 8 to 10 minutes.
as before. Sprinkle dough lightly with flour, cover
If reheating, you may glaze with a mixture of equal
parts of:
with a plastic or waxed wrap and chill I'/z hours.
Sugar, water and Cointreau
Allow the unwrapped dough to rest on a lightly
floured surface about 10 minutes. Twice again,
roll into a rectangle and fold in 3 layers. Then,, roll
Twelve 3-Inch Rolls
it again on a slightly floured surface to the thick-
ness of A
4 cups all-purpose flour
Now, which might
cut off any folded edges Dissolve for 3 to 5 minutes in:
keep the dough from expanding. Cut the dough 105°-115° water
A cup

into 3-inch squares, and cut the squares on the 1 package active dry yeast
bias. Roll the triangular pieces, beginning with the Combine:
wide side and stretching them slightly as you roll.
1 cup warm water
Shape the rolls into crescents, as sketched below. 1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons shortening
and the dissolved yeast mixture. Fold in thor-
oughly but lightly:
2 stiffly beaten egg whites
Add enough of the sifted flour to make a soft
dough. To knead and proof, see 600. Allow the
dough to rise twice. After the second rising,
punch down and knead about 1 minute, then let
rest, covered, about 10 minutes before shaping
into 12 oblong pieces. Place them about 3 inches
apart on a greased baking sheet. To ensure a
Place them on a baking sheet. Chill at once for hard crust, have in the oven a 9 x 13-inch pan
V2 hour. Never allow them a final rising, as they filled with % inch boiling water. Bake at once in
will not have the proper flakiness. a preheated 450° oven about 20 minutes or until
Preheat oven to 400°. golden brown.

ENGLISH OR RAISED MUFFINS used when preparing them, see illustration oppo-
About Twenty 3-Inch Muffins site, asthe batter is more liquid. Follow the recipe
These are heavenly when eaten fresh and do not for English Muffins, above, but increase the milk

taste at all like "store-bought" ones. They do be- to 1% cups.

gin to resemble them the second day, however, so

freeze leftovers immediately. You may bake these
breads with or without muffin rings. The classic
size is about 4 inches. We make our own rings OR RYE BREAD STICKS
from small unlacquered fish cans and deviled- Pinch off small pieces of:
meat cans. The tops and bottoms are removed and Bread dough
the rims thoroughly scrubbed. English muffins are that has risen once. This may be done with but-
always baked on a greased griddle. tered hands. Roll into sticks of pencil thickness.
Combine in a mixing bowl: Brush with:
1 cup water Melted butter or 1 beaten egg
Vi cup scalded milk Place the sticks on a buttered baking sheet. Sprin-
2 teaspoons sugar kle with a choice of:
1 teaspoon salt (Coarse salt)
Dissolve 3 to 5 minutes in: (Poppy seed)
2 tablespoons 105°-115° water (Fresh celery seed)
1 package active dry yeast (Chopped nutmeats)
Combine the two mixtures. Sift before measuring: (Caraway seed)
4 cups all-purpose flour Let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in a 425° oven
Beat 2 cups flour gradually into the milk mixture. until brown and crisp.
Cover the bowl with a cloth. Let the sponge rise
in a warm place, 85°, about IV2 hours or until
it collapses back into the bowl. Beat in: BAGELS
3 tablespoons softened butter About 18 Rings
Beat or knead in the remaining flour. For the final The accompaniment is cream cheese and
rising you may put the batter into greased rings, lox or smoked salmon. But try adding to the basic
filling the forms to a depth of no more than V2 dough, below, spices, raisins, finely chopped nuts
inch. If not using rings, place the dough on a or freeze-dried onions.
board lightly floured or sprinkled with cornmeal. Combine:
Pat or press the dough to a thickness of about V2 1 cup scalded milk
inch, and cut it into rounds about 3 inches in di- '/« cup butter

ameter. Let them stand on a lightly greased cookie 1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt
When this mixture is 105°-115°, add and dissolve
for 3 minutes:
1 package active dry yeast
Blend in:
1 to 2 eggs
3 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour
Knead this soft dough about 10 minutes, adding
more flour if necessary to make it firm enough to
handle. Let rise, greased bowl until
covered, in a
doubled in bulk. Punch down and divide into 18
equal pieces. Roll each piece into a rope about
sheet until thedough has doubled in bulk. Care-
7 inches long and tapered at the ends. Wet the
pancake turner under the muffin rings
fully slip a
ends to help seal. Form into doughnut-shaped
or rounds of dough and transfer them to a fairly
rings, shown on 618. Let rise, covered, on a
hot, well-buttered griddle. Remove the rings. Cook floured board about 15 minutes. To help firm
until light brown. Turn once while cooking. Cool
the dough, you may chill it 2 hours. Drop rings,
slightlyon a rack. To separate the muffins before
one at a time, into a solution of:
the traditional toasting, take 2 forks back to back 2 quarts almost boiling water
and pry them open horizontally. Butter generously 1 tablespoon sugar
and toast. The uneven browning gives them great As the bagels surface, turn them over and cook
charm. Serve with: about 3 minutes longer. Skim out and place on an
(Marmalade) ungreased baking sheet. Coat with:
Beaten egg white
CRUMPETS Bake in a preheated 400° oven 20 to 25 minutes
Crumpets are essentially similar to English muf- until golden brown and crisp. Very tasty toasted
fins, except that greased muffin rings must be and served with butter.

BREAD PRETZELS OR STICKS ing the refrigerator period. We find that kneading
3 Dozen 6-Inch Sticks before storage helps to retain rising power.
or Twelve 6-Inch Pretzels The advantage of this type of dough, of course,
A chewy soft pretzel: the kind that still —
praise is that you can bake some at once and keep the

for To store for chilling keep the

be!— can occasionally be bought from a street- rest later.

vendor. dough in a greased plastic bag large enough to

Combine in a mixer bowl: allow for some small expansion. If it rises in the

cup 105°-115° water

1 punch the dough down. Or, place the
1 package active dry yeast balled dough in a greased bowl, turn it so the
When dissolved, add and beat at least 3 minutes: entire surfaceis evenly coated, cover it closely

1 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

with waxed paper or foil, and weight it down with
2 tablespoons soft butter a plate.
V2 teaspoon salt After removal from refrigeration, always rest

1 tablespoon sugar the dough, covered, 30 minutes. Then punch it

Stir in: down to let the gases escape before further han-
1 '
cups sifted all-purpose flour
4 dling. To shape or fill, see previous roll recipes
and knead until the dough loses its stickiness. Let and Be sure the dough at least dou-

rise in a covered greased bowl until doubled in bles in bulk. Allow ample time for rising because
bulk. Punch down and divide into 12 pieces for of the chilled condition of the dough. To bake,
pretzels or 36 smaller pieces for sticks. With your see the following individual recipes.


Eighteen 2' 2-Inch Rolls
Sift before measuring:
3' 2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup milk
Stir in until dissolved:
6 tablespoons shortening or butter
6 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
c£L z? Cool to lukewarm. Combine and let stand for 3 to
palms, roll the 12 pretzel pieces into 18-inch 5 minutes:
lengths about pencil thickness, tapering the ends V2 cup 105°-115° water
slightly. Loop into a twisted oval as shown above. 1 package active dry yeast
Place on a greased baking sheet and let rise until Beat in:
almost doubled in bulk. Preheat oven to 475°. 1 egg
Have ready a boiling solution of: Add these ingredients to the milk mixture. Add
4 cups water half the flour, beating the dough for 2 minutes.
5 teaspoons baking soda Add the remaining flour and beat the dough until
not use an aluminum pan tor this mixture. it blisters. To store for chilling, to shape and to
With a slotted spoon, carefully lower the pretzels prepare for baking, see About Refrigerator
into the water about 1 minute, or until they float Doughs, above. Bake in a preheated 425° oven
to the top. Return them to the greased sheet. about 15 minutes.
Sprinkle with:
Bake until and browned, about 12 min-
crispy About Forty 2-Inch Rolls
utes for the pretzels, less for the sticks. They are A sweet dough also entirely suitable for coffee
best served at once, but will keep about one week cakes.
in an airtight container. Cool before storing.
1 cup freshly cooked riced Boiled Potatoes, 317
ABOUT REFRIGERATOR DOUGHS Combine and let stand 3 to 5 minutes:
By "refrigerator," we mean just that these are — V2 cup 105°-115° water
not freezer doughs. If it's a freezer product you're 1 package active dry yeast
after, by all means bake before freezing for best Place in a separate large bowl:
results. We find the following recipes somewhat V2 cup lard or shortening
limited in use, because the milk-based ones can Scald and pour over it:

be kept chilled only three days and the water- 1 cup milk

based ones five days. Yeast action is slowed by Stir until the lard is melted. When the mixture is

the cold, but it does continue, so both more fat lukewarm, add the dissolved yeast and the riced
and more sugar are needed in refrigerator doughs potatoes. Add:
than in other kinds to keep the yeast potent dur- 3 beaten eggs

4 cup sugar
tone Kulich but bake it in a greased form similar
2 teaspoons salt to one of our own 1 -pound metal coffee cans.
Beat well. Sift before measuring: The following recipes all call for the finest of
5 cups all-purpose flour white flours, but there is no reason why flours of
Add 4 cups of the flour and beat the batter thor- greater nutritional value cannot be substituted.
oughly. Stir in the remaining flour, or toss the Remember when you are baking bread and rolls
dough on a board and knead in the flour. To store that many of these doughs can be made into very
for chilling, to shape and to prepare for baking, acceptable coffee cake and sweet rolls. Try some
see About Refrigerator Doughs, above. Bake the with the special fillings suggested at the end of
rolls in a preheated 425° oven about 15 minutes. this section, 621.


About Twenty 2-Inch Rolls OR PANETTONE
Please read About Flours, 545. Two 9-Inch Tube Pans
Combine and let stand 3 to 5 minutes: Baked -pound greased coffee cans and attrac-
in 1
1 cup 105°-115° water tively packaged, this cake makes wonderful gifts.
1 package active dry yeast Combine and let stand for 3 to 5 minutes:
Beat until creamy: 1 cup 105°-115° water
V* cup shortening 2 packages active dry yeast
6 tablespoons sugar and stir in:
Stir in the yeast mixture. Sift before measuring: cup all-purpose flour
1 3A cups all-purpose flour Cover this sponge and let rise about 30 minutes in
Mix in: a warm place. Beat until soft:
1 'teaspoons salt
cup butter
1 'cups whole-grain flour
Add gradually and blend until light and creamy:
Stir the flour mixture gradually into the yeast mix-
Vz cup sifted sugar
ture. Beat until well blended. To store for chilling, Beat in, one at a time:
to shape and to prepare for baking, see About Re- 2 to 3 eggs
frigerator Doughs, opposite. Bake in a preheated Add:
425° oven about 15 minutes. 1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
REFRIGERATOR BRAN ROLLS Beat in the sponge. Sift and beat in gradually:
About Forty-Eight 2-Inch Rolls 3 ' 2 cups all-purpose flour
These are crisp, crunchy and light. Beat the dough for 5 minutes more. Add:
Combine: (Va cup chopped citron)
1 cup shortening ('A cup golden raisins or chopped candied
4 cup sugar
teaspoons salt
1 'i to 2 cup broken nutmeats)
Pour over these ingredients and stir until the Cover the bowl with a cloth and let the dough rise
shortening is melted: about 2 hours or until almost doubled in bulk.
1 cup boiling water Punch down, divide and place in 2 greased tube
Add: pans or in greased 1-pound coffee cans and let
cup bran or bran cereal
1 rise about V2 hour. Lightly brush the tops with:
In aseparate bowl, combine and let stand for 3 to Melted butter
5 minutes: If no fruit or nutmeats were added to the batter,
1 cup 105*-115* water combine and sprinkle on the dough:
2 packages active dry yeast
(Vz cup shredded blanched almonds)
When the first mixture is lukewarm, add to it: ('4 cup sugar)
2 well-beaten eggs
Preheat oven to 350°.
and the dissolved yeast. Add:
Bake about Vz hour, depending on pan size. If you
6 cups sifted all-purpose flour
have omitted the top dressing of almonds and
Beat the dough well. To store for chilling, to shape
sugar, you may spread on it, after the cake has
and to prepare for baking, see About Refrigerator
baked and cooled:
Doughs, opposite. Bake in a preheated 425° oven
(Milk or Lemon Glaze, 731)
about 15 minutes.
Holidays are an inspiration to bakers. The Portu- A 9 x 12-Inch Cake
guese make an Easter bread, hiding hard- Prepare half the recipe for:
cooked eggs. Czechoslovakia has Babka, which is Panettone, above
much like our Panettone, below, baked in a Turk's- After the first rising, arrange dough in a 9 x 12-inch
head mold pan. And the Russians call our Panet- baking pan and cover with a cooled:
Honey-Bee Glaze, 731 A
teaspoon grated lemon rind
using 1 cup sliced almonds. Let the dough rise Add the sponge and enough tlour to Knead the
until almost doubled, then bake in a preheated dough until smooth and elastic. Cover and let
375° oven 15 to 20 minutes. When cool, cut pas- rise until doubled in bulk. Toss it onto a floured
try into 3-inch squares. Split each piece and fill board. Knead in the fruit and nuts. Divide the
with half the recipe for: dough into 2 equal pieces. Roll each into an 8 x
Creme Patissiere I, 697 15-inch oval. Fold in half lengthwise and place
loaves on greased baking sheets. Brush the tops
Prepare dough for: 2 Loaves Melted butter
Buttermilk Potato Rolls, 613, Let loaves rise, covered, until they again
or White Bread Plus, 603 almost double in bulk, about 45 minutes.
adding an additional: Preheat oven to 350°. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or
A cup sugar until done. When cool, brush with -

To give these breads an interesting color, use the Milk or Lemon Glaze, 731
tiniest smidgen of:
To let rise and bake, see Stollen, below.
A true Gugelhupf, shown in the chapter heading,
is baked in a fluted tube pan. It is the traditional
Name Day cake — not your birthday, but the birth-
day of the saint for whom you were named. This
recipe also makes an excellent Baba or Savarin,
689. For Quick Gugelhupf, see 626.
Have ready:
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
When cooled to 105°-115°, pour it over:
2 packages active dry yeast
Consider beforehand whether to fashion your cake
After the yeast has dissolved, beat in 1 cup of the
like a Jelly Roll, 690, to make a filled wreath, 621,
sifted flour. Cover and set the sponge in a warm
or to weave a so-called alligator, as shown here.
place until light and frothy, about 1 hour.
One of the most famous Christmas breads is Van-
Beat until soft:
ocka, a braided loaf supposed to resemble the
1 cup butter
Christ Child in swaddling clothes. Ironically
Add gradually and blend until light and creamy:
enough, the simplified version shown in the chap- 3
4 cup sifted sugar
ter heading, 599, can be confected by adapting the
Beat in, one at a time:
"alligator" procedure. To fill, see About Fillings for
5 eggs
Coffee Cakes, 621. To glaze, see 731.
Add the sponge, the remaining flour and:
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
• STOLLEN OR CHRISTMAS LOAF 1 cup seedless raisins
2 Loaves
Beat the batter well until smooth and elastic.
Have ready: Spread in the bottom of a greased 10-inch tube
6 to 8 cups all-purpose flour pan:
Combine and let stand for 3 to 5 minutes:
cup blanched almonds
Vh cups 105°-115° water or milk Place the dough on top of them and let rise until
2 packages active dry yeast almost doubled in bulk.
Add 1 cup of the flour. Cover this sponge and let Preheat oven to 350°.
it rest in a warm place until light and foamy, about
Bake the cake 50 to 60 minutes. The top and sides
1 hour. Sprinkle a little of the sifted flour over: should be a golden brown. When cool, sprinkle
V2 lb. raisins the top with:
'/a lb.chopped blanched almonds Confectioners' sugar
(V2 cup chopped candied fruits)
Beat until soft:
Add gradually and blend until light and creamy: Four 8-Inch Cakes
'4 cup sifted sugar For other versions of Galette, see 642.
Beat in, one at a time: Prepare:
3 eggs White Bread Plus dough, 603
Add: adding an additional:
/* teaspoon salt '4 cup sugar

After the first rising, pat the dough out thin in dough lightly into an oblong about y
/a inch
the greased pans, prick it well and let it rest. thick. Beat until creamy:
Then make a rim by pinching up the edges all 1V3 to T/2 cups butter
around. Brush the surface with: To spread the butter, follow the directions for
Melted butter Croissants, 616, folding and rolling 4 times. Cover
or apply a: and the dough at least 2 hours. Then

French Egg Wash, 731 roll again on a slightly floured surface, to the

Although the egg wash always tends to toughen, thickness of 3/8 inch. Cut off any folded edges
it does prevent sogginess. Cover the entire sur- that might keep the dough from expanding. To

face of the cake with closely placed rows of: shape the ring as shown below, roll it first into an
Fruit: sliced pared apples, peeled peaches oblong, about 29 x 11 inches. Fill it with any rich
or plums or seeded cherries filling for coffee cake, below. It is not necessary to

Cover the fruit with: shape the roll on a cloth, but you may need to
use a spatula or pancake turner to help lift it if
Streusel, 731, or cinnamon and sugar
mixed with butter the dough should stick to the lightly floured
board. Bring the two ends of the roll together,
Or, after the last rising indicated below, in place
using a little water for glue.
of the butter mixture, pour around the fruit the
following custard.
1 egg yolk
'A cup cream
Let the fruit-covered dough rise only half as high
as usual for bread.
Preheat oven to 375°.
Bake about 25 minutes, when the fruit should be
soft and the cake done.


Two 9-Inch Rings
Call them Danish, Swedish or Norwegian, these
light confections fall between rich coffee cakes Place the ring on a greased baking sheet. With
and rich pastries. The method of folding and roll- floured scissors held
perpendicular to the roll,
ing the dough, similar to that used in Croissants,
cut bias gashes about 1 to 2 inches apart into the
615, accounts for the characteristic flakiness of upper outer edges of the ring, to within one inch
the superbly light crumb. The basic dough can be of the inner circle. As you cut, you may turn each
used for the ring shown opposite. Fillings and top- partially cut slice flat onto the tin. Sometimes the
pings are usually rich in nuts, with a little saffron slices are cut very narrow, and one slice is turned
occasionally added to the flavoring. toward the outer rim, the other twisted and
Beat well: turned toward the inner rim; but with these var-
2 eggs iations, should the filling be generous, it tends
Add: to leak and burn on the pan. Wash the top areas
A cup 105°-115° water with:
Dissolve in this mixture: French Egg Wash, 731
1 package active dry yeast being careful not to cover the cut portions, as
Let all these ingredients rest refrigerated for about the glaze may harden later too rapidly in baking
15 minutes. Meanwhile, blend with a pastry and inhibit further rising of the dough. Cover the
blender or by hand: cut ring with a cloth and let rise about 25 min-
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour utes, until doubled in bulk.
1 teaspoon salt Preheat the oven to 400° for a ring, to 375° for
2 tablespoons sugar filled rolls or croissants.
Vi cup butter Bake a ring about 25 minutes. Bake rolls about
10 crushed cardamom seeds or 15 minutes. If a Fruit Glaze, 732, is to be applied,
IV2 teaspoons powdered cardamom allow the pastry to cool and apply the glaze
In a large mixing bowl, make a ring of the warm. For other glazes, see 731.
blended flour. Pour the chilled yeast mixture into
the center and work it gradually into the dry in- ABOUT SEASONINGS AND FILLINGS
gredients. Knead until smooth, about 2 minutes. FOR COFFEE CAKE
Form the dough into a ball and rest it, covered, Home cooks often wonder why their coffee cakes
about 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Roll out the and fillings seem insipid in flavor and color when
compared with some of the more sophisticated IV. For Three 9-Inch Rings
commercial products. touch
First of all, a slight You may buy canned almond paste or make it,
of yellow coloring often used in commercial 781, for coffee cake fillings. For:
coffee cakes lends them a more convincing 10 oz. almond paste
"eggy" look. Often, too, for gusto, bakers add allow:
to their crumb mixtures crushed macaroons, al- 1 cup sugar
mond paste, rolled cake crumbs, and finely 2 unbeaten egg whites
ground —
especially hazelnuts. Sometimes
nuts Work these ingredients in a bowl placed over ice,
they pecans, walnuts, almonds and, occa-
use 205, to keep them cool and to prevent the oil in
sionally, Brazil nuts. Considerably less effective are the almonds from being released.
finely chopped peanuts, coconut and cashews.
The amateur baker may also add distinction to CRUMB FRUIT FILLING
pastry fillings with a small quantity of lemon juice, For One 9-Inch Ring
grated lemon or orange rind, dried currants, a bit Mix well:
of finely chopped citron or finely chopped sweet
A cup crushed macaroons
chocolate. Sometimes they may choose to avoid 3 tablespoons melted butter
more solid fillings altogether and substitute a thin 2 tablespoons sugar
layer of jam or marmalade. Fillings are applied V2 cup raisins or chopped dates,

during final shaping and before the last rising. A cooked prunes or grated coconut
9-inch ring needs about one-cup-plus of filling, ('/» cup chopped nuts)
individual rolls about 2 teaspoons. For various
Toppings, Glazes, and Streusels, see 731-733.
For Two 9-Inch Rings
Combine and boil for 4 minutes:
NUT FILLINGS FOR COFFEE CAKES 2' 2 cups pared and chopped apples
I. For One 9-Inch Ring cup brown sugar
If made with almonds, this is known as Edelweiss. cup butter
Cream: 1 cup raisins
Vi cup confectioners' sugar V2 teaspoon cinnamon
A to /z cup butter
!/2 teaspoon salt

Stir in: Cool slightly and spread over dough.

V2 teaspoon vanilla or 1 teaspoon
grated lemon rind PRUNE OR APRICOT FILLING
V2 cup shredded or ground blanched FOR COFFEE CAKE AND ROLLS
almonds or other nuts For One 9-Inch Ring
d egg) Combine:
V2 cup sweetened pureed prunes or apricots
II. For One 9-Inch Ring
2 to 4 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons grated orange or lemon rind
/2 cup ground hazelnuts or other nuts

OA cup nuts or coconut)

V2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons finely chopped citron
or orange peel
For One 9-Inch Ring
Melt and simmer about 2 minutes:
Beat well and add:
V* cup butter
1 egg
Thin these ingredients with:
A cup brown sugar
Remove from heat and stir in:
until they are of the right consistency to spread
A cup chopped dates or dried figs
over the dough.
A cup Almond Paste, 781
V2 teaspoon cinnamon
III. For One 9-Inch Ring A grating of fresh nutmeg
Chop: Cool slightly before using.
V* cup each blanched almonds, citron
Melt: I. Cockaigne For One 9-Inch Ring
cup butter, or Va cup butter and
V* This filling is for that special occasion.
a cup cultured sour cream
Grind or crush in a mortar:
After rolling the dough, spread it with the melted V2 cup poppy seeds
butter and the chopped ingredients. Sprinkle with: Put the poppy seeds in the top of a double boiler
(Sugar) and, over direct heat, bring to a boil with:
(Cinnamon) V* cup milk

Remove pan from the heat and add: served immediately after baking; they wither
Vi cup brown sugar young. you want breads that keep and reheat

2 tablespoons butter well, see recipes for yeast breads and yeast cof-
Put the pan over not in — — boiling water and fee cakes. Also see Additions to Yeast Doughs
add: and the Cornell Formula, 602, to enrich these
2 egg yolks breads.
Heat mixture thickens, stirring constantly.
until the Nut and fruit breads are attractive baked in
When it has cooled slightly, add: 6-oz. metal juice cans so that they slice prettily for

V3 cup Almond Paste, 781, or tea. If you use cans, do not fill them more than
Vi cup ground almonds three-fourths full to allow for expansion of the
tablespoons citron)
(3 dough, and bake for less time than a loaf. Quick
teaspoons lemon juice or 1 teaspoon vanilla)
(2 nut and fruit breads slice better if, after baking
Cool and have ready to add to strudel or use for and cooling, they are wrapped in foil and refrig-
coffee cake. erated about 12 hours.
When baking quick breads at high altitudes,
II. For Two 9-Inch Rings reduce the baking powder or soda in the recipe
Mix together well: by one-fourth. But do not decrease the soda to
A cup ground poppy seeds less than Vi teaspoon for each cup of sour milk
A cup sugar
or cream used.
V* cup raisins
Vi cup sour cream
Va teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
A 9 x 5-Inch Loaf
Preheat oven to 350°.
III. For Four 9-Inch Rings Have all ingredients at about 70°.
Grind or mash between towels with a wooden Sift into a bowl:
mallet: 2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups poppy seeds 1
A cup white or V2 cup brown sugar
Mix in: 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
1 egg teaspoon salt
'/» cup honey Melt and cool slightly:
1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons butter
V* cup chopped nuts Beat until light:
1 egg
IV. For One 9-Inch Ring Beat with the egg:
Grind or mash between towels with a wooden 1 cup milk
mallet: (Vi teaspoon vanilla)
cup poppy seeds
Va Add the melted butter. Beat the liquid ingredients
Place the ground seeds in a bowl and add: into the sifted ones
until well mixed. Fold in:
About 2 tablespoons milk 3
A cup chopped
nutmeats, or part dates
just enough to make this mixture feel buttery be- and part nutmeats
tween your fingers. Then add: Place the dough in a greased bread pan and bake
2 tablespoons melted butter about 40 minutes.
2 tablespoons dry cake crumbs
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
For One 9-Inch Coffee Cake Ring increasing the flour by Vi cup and omitting the
Put through a ricer or a strainer: sugar. Add:
1 Vi cups pot or Ricotta cheese A cup honey

Mix well with: Vi teaspoon baking soda

'A cup sugar
1 slightly beaten egg yolk QUICK SALLY LUNN
to Vi cup raisins A9x 13-Inch Pan
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind A sweet bread. For an even lighter one,
light try
Beat until stiff, but not dry, and fold in:
Brioche Loaf Cockaigne, 605, or Brioche, 615.
1 egg white Have all ingredients at about 70°.
Preheat oven to 425°.
AND COFFEE CAKES 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
These sweet breads are delightful but, with the 2 A teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
exception of nut and fruit breads, should be A teaspoon salt

Combine and cream well: For a more cakelike result, use the larger amount
V2cup shortening of sugar. Combine and beat:
V2 cup sugar egg
Beat in, one at a time: 'Acup orange juice
3 eggs 1 A cups milk

Add the sifted ingredients to the batter in about 2 tablespoons melted shortening
3 parts, alternately with: Add:
1 cup milk (1 cup chopped or broken nutmeats)

Stir the batter lightly until the ingredients are Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl. Combine
just blended. Bake in a greased pan about 30 min- all ingredients with a few swift strokes. Stir lightly

utes. Break the bread into squares. Serve hot. until barely blended. Bake the bread in two
greased loaf pans about 50 minutes or until done.


A 9 x 5-Inch Loaf Have ingredients at about 70°.
Have all ingredients at about 70°. Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 350°. Sift together:
Sift together: Pj cups sifted all-purpose flour
IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2'A teaspoons double-acting baking powder
V2 teaspoon salt teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda Blend until creamy:
Add: V3 cup shortening
IV2 cups whole-grain flour 2
A cup sugar
Cream in a large bowl: 3
A teaspoon grated lemon rind
'A cup shortening Beat in:
with: beaten eggs
1 to 2
V2 cup sugar 4 cups ripe banana pulp
1 to 1 '

Beat in:
Add the sifted ingredients in about 3 parts to the
1 egg sugar mixture. Beat the batter after each addition
Add: until smooth. Fold in:
A cup unsweetened,
3 cooked, mashed (V2 cup broken nutmeats)
prune, apricot or cranberry pulp
PA cup finely chopped dried apricots)
or freshly grated apple Place the batter in a greased bread pan. Bake the
A cup prune, apricot or cranberry juice bread about 1 hour or until done. Cool before
Add the sifted ingredients alternately to the fruit slicing.
mixture with:
1 cup buttermilk QUICK BANANA WHEAT-GERM
Stir the batter with a few swift strokes, until just
blended. Fold in:
1 cup broken nutmeats
Banana Bread, above
(Grated rind of 1 orange)
Place the dough in a greased loaf pan. Bake the
Use in all:

bread about 1A hours, letting it cool in the pan.

1 A
cups all-purpose flour
cup wheat germ
Two 8 1/2 x 4 'A -Inch Loaves QUICK PUMPKIN BREAD
This an economical, easily made tea bread. If
is One 9 x 5-Inch Loaf
you want a quick treat, break it apart and eat it Preheat oven to 350°.
while hot, with or without lots of good butter. Sift together:

If you intend it for sandwiches, bake it in cans, 1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour

see About Quick Tea Breads, 623. You'll find it 'A teaspoon double-acting baking powder
easier to slice on the second day. teaspoon baking soda

Have all ingredients at about 70°. teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 350°. 1

/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Sift together into a large bowl: 1

A teaspoon ground cloves
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour In a large bowl, beat until light and fluffy:

3 teaspoons' double-acting baking powder 1 1A cups sugar

V2 teaspoon salt
A cup soft shortening
Combine and add: 2 eggs
tablespoon grated orange rind
1 Add and beat in:

Vi to 3A cup sugar 1 cup cooked or canned pumpkin


Now add the sifted dry ingredients in 3 additions Stir in:

alternately with: V2 to 1 cup raisins or currants

A cup water or milk 2 teaspoons caraway seeds
(V2 teaspoon vanilla) Mix together:
Do not overheat between each addition. Fold in: 1 beaten egg
V2 cup coarsely chopped nuts /3 cup buttermilk
/3cup raisins or chopped dates Add to dry ingredients and stir Knead briefly
Pour batter into a greased pan and bake about 1 and place in a greased 8-inch round pan. Press
hour or urrtil bread tests done, see 602. down so dough will fill the pan. Cut a bold cross
over the top and sides so the bread will not crack
QUICK CARROT-NUT BREAD in baking. Brush the top with:
One 5 x 9-Inch Loaf Milk
Preheat oven to 350°. Bake 35 to 40 minutes.
Sift together: To bake S
outdoors, see Skillet Bread, 627.
IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
IV2 teaspoons baking soda
V* teaspoon cinnamon QUICK SWEET WHOLE WHEAT
A cup sugar A 9 x 5-Inch Loaf
2 beaten eggs A homely coarse sweet bread, delightful served
V2 cup vegetable oil with fruit salads and cottage cheese.
teaspoon vanilla
1 Preheat oven to 375°.
V2 teaspoon salt Mix:
Blend in with a few swift strokes: 2V2 cups whole wheat flour
IV2 cups grated carrots V2 teaspoon cinnamon
IV2 cups ground pecans or walnuts 1
A teaspoon salt
Bake in a greased pan about 1 hour. Cool in the 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
pan 10 minutes, then turn out onto a rack for fur- 1 teaspoon baking soda
ther cooling. Combine:
beaten egg
One 4V2 x 8'/2-lnch Loaf V* cup brown sugar
Sliced thin, this makes a very good canape or 1
A cup vegetable oil
sandwich base. 1 teaspoon grated lemon or orange peel
Preheat oven to 350°. Add the flour mixture, alternately with:
Sift together: h cup yogurt or buttermilk
IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour to the above ingredients. Pour into a greased pan
4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder and bake about 50 minutes.
V2 teaspoon salt
1 cup whole wheat flour
Mix together: Two 8 1
/2 x 4 1/2-lnch Loaves
1 beaten egg Preheat oven to 350°.
1 cup milk Prepare:
2 tablespoons melted butter 2 cups chopped dates
Combine the milk and flour mixtures with a few Pour over them:
swift strokes, then add: 2 cups boiling water
cup sliced stuffed green olives
1 In a separate bowl, beat until light:

cup chopped nuts

1 2 eggs
Bake in a greased pan about 45 minutes. Add slowly, beating constantly:
A cup brown sugar or V2 cup molasses

QUICK IRISH SODA BREAD When these ingredients are creamy, add:
An 8-Inch Round Loaf 1 cup whole-grain flour
Preheat oven to 375°. 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Sift together in a large bowl: 1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour Add half the date mixture and:
IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1 cup whole-grain flour
teaspoon baking soda
/2 2 cups bran
V2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon sugar Add the remaining date mixture and:
Cut into the flour with a pastry blender, until the 1 cup or less chopped nutmeats
mixture has the consistency of coarse cornmeal: Place the dough in lightly greased loaf pans. Bake
A cup chilled shortening about 1 hour.

EGGLESS ALL-RYE HONEY CAKE One of our friends soaks the raisins overnight in
brandy! Add the liquid to the dry ingredients.
COCKAIGNE Pour the batter into 2 buttered 1-quart pudding
One 7'A x 3 s/a-lnch Loaf
molds or fill 1-pound buttered coffee cans about
Like a soft, deliciously spiced Lebkuchen, this con-
three-fourths full. Butter the lids before closing
fection keeps for weeks. The dough is stiff to beat
molds and tie the lids on, so rising bread does not
and does not make a very high loaf, but it toasts
break the seal. Aluminum foil may be used as a
well for tea. Age it three days or more in a plastic
lid; make sure the seal is tight. Steam 3 hours in
bag or tin box before eating.
1 inch of water. To cut without crumbling, use a
Preheat oven to 350°.
tough string and slice with a sawing motion.
Heat in the top of a double boiler until small
bubbles appear through the mixture:
A cup honey
A cup water
A9x 9-Inch Pan
cup sugar
V2 We prize this coffee cake for a Sunday brunch,
Remove from heat and beat it into the following topping it with drained sugared blueberries or
mixture: pitted cherries distributed over the batter before
2 cups very finely milled rye flour baking.
Viteaspoon baking soda Preheat oven to 375°.
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder Sifttogether:
1 tablespoon cinnamon IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
V2 teaspoon each cloves and allspice 'A teaspoon salt
Va teaspoon cardamom 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Beat 10 minutes with an electric beater. Add: Cream until soft in a large bowl:
A cup pecans or blanched shredded almonds A
cup butter

1 tablespoon grated orange rind Add gradually and cream until light:
A to Vz cup finely chopped citron 'A to V2 cup sugar
Place a pan of water on the bottom shelf of the Beat in:
oven. Bake the cake in a greased loaf pan about 1egg
1 hour. % cup milk
Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture.
One 9 x 5-Inch Loaf (
teaspoon grated lemon rind or
Preheat oven to 350°. V2 teaspoon vanilla)
Sift together: Stir the batter until smooth. Spread in a greased
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour pan. Cover with:
2 tablespoons sugar Streusel, 731, or
A teaspoon salt Honey -Bee Glaze, 731
1 teaspoon baking soda or with fruits mentioned above. Bake about 25
Stir in: minutes.
2 cups graham flour
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup dark molasses QUICK GUGELHUPF
You may add: A 7-Inch Tube Pan
cup broken nutmeats and/or raisins
1 Have ingredients at about 70°.

Combine all ingredients and bake in a greased 9 x Preheat oven to 350°.

5-inch loaf pan about 1 hour; or in four 10-ounce Sift together:

buttered molds 30 to 40 minutes. 3 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour


3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder

Two 1 -Pound Loaves or Cream in a large bowl until soft:

1-Quart Pudding Molds cup butter

Please read About Steamed Puddings, 753. Add gradually and cream until very light:

Combine: 1 cup sifted sugar

cup yellow stone-ground cornmeal

1 Beat in, one at a time:
cup rye flour
1 5 eggs
1 cup graham flour Add the flour mixture in 3 parts, alternately with:
2 teaspoons baking soda 1 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
Combine in a separate bowl: Add:
2 cups buttermilk 1 cup seedless white raisins
4 cup molasses
' 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 cup chopped raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla

Bake the cake in a greased tube pan 45 to 50 min- SKILLET OR GRIDDLE BREADS
utes. When cool, sprinkle with: Either:
Confectioners' sugar Soda Bread, 625, or
Corn Bread, 628
QUICK SOUR CREAM COFFEE CAKE will make acceptable, even good, skillet bread
A 9 x 9-Inch Pan on an open fire S especially over charcoal. But
Made on a muffin principle, this cake is wonder- our results on these heats did not compare in
fully good and easy. When it is served fresh, its quality with those obtained when the same recipes
smooth texture approximates that of a sourdough were oven-baked. Bake them covered. If you pre-
coffee cake. fer Irish Farls, use the Irish Soda Bread recipe and
>• Have all ingredients at about 70°. cut the bread in triangular wedges about 1 inch
Preheat oven to 350°. thick and bake on a griddle heated to about 370°
Sift together: and lightly rubbed with oil. Allow about 10 min-
IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour utes for one side; turn and allow 10 minutes more.
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
V2 teaspoon baking soda ABOUT CORN BREADS
teaspoon salt Anyone who grew up on southern corn breads
Combine and beat well: hankers for a rich brown crust and a light but
1 cup cultured sour cream slightly gritty bite. We can assure you that with-
2 eggs out stone-ground cornmeal and a heavy, hot pan,
Add the sifted ingredients to the cream mixture. the end product will be pale and lifeless. For a
Beat until just smooth as overheating tends to very crisp crust, grease the pan well and heat it
toughen dough. Spread in a lightly greased pan. in a 425° oven before filling. Whether you bake
Sprinkle with: as muffins, sticks or bread, you may vary the corn
Streusel, 731 and wheat proportion within a 2-cup limit, to your
Bake about 20 minutes. own taste. We like 1'A cups cornmeal to 3A cup
all-purpose flour. Try, if you like, adding a little
BISHOP'S BREAD minced onion, shredded cheddar cheese, cream-
Prepare the batter for:
style corn or bits of cooked ham or bacon. Many

Quick Sour Cream Coffee Cake, above southern cooks use no sugar, but for a distinctive
Add: flavor, try dark brown sugar instead of granulated.

2 oz. grated unsweetened chocolate When baking corn breads at high altitudes,
1 cup chopped dates reduce the baking powder or soda by one-fourth.
1 cup chopped nuts But do not reduce soda to less than V2 teaspoon
Bake as directed. for each cup of buttermilk or sour cream used.


WITH OIL A 9 9-Inch Pan, or
An8x8x2V2-lnch Pan About Fifteen 2-Inch Muffins
Have ingredients at about 70°.
all Have all ingredients at about 70°.
Preheat oven to 350°. Preheat oven to 425°.
Combine in a mixing bowl: Grease the pan with butter, oil or bacon drip-
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour pings. Place it in the oven until sizzling hot.
/» cup sugar Sift together:
4 teaspoon double-acting baking powder 3
A cup sifted all-purpose flour
A teaspoon baking soda 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Viteaspoon salt 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar
Viteaspoon freshly grated nutmeg A teaspoon
1 teaspoon cinnamon Add:
Combine in another bowl and mix well: I'A cups yellow or white stone-ground
V2 cup vegetable oil cornmeal
1 beaten egg Beat in a separate bowl:
V2 cup buttermilk or yogurt 1 egg
A cup light or dark corn syrup Beat into it:
4 cup raisins 2 to 3 tablespoons melted butter or drippings
Pour this into the flour mixture, stirring rapidly 1 cup milk
until blended. All the lumps need not have van- Combine all ingredients with a few rapid strokes.
ished. Pour into a greased pan and cover with: Place the batter in the hot pan. Bake sticks about
Streusel I, 731 15 minutes, corn bread and muffins 20 to 25 min-
Bake the cake about 35 minutes. utes. Serve immediately.

SKILLET CORN BREAD quaintance to send us the Zephyr recipe she was
Prepare: raving about. When it arrived, it turned out to be
Corn Bread, above word for word our own favorite Zephyr recipe in
S Cook it in a 10-inch covered skillet for about Joy. We consider this the highest of compliments.

'A hour or until done. You may add to the dough: These puffs are delicate and delicious with a salad
(V* to V2 cup cooked ham or bacon bits)
course or luncheon dish.
BUCKWHEAT CORN BREAD 1 cup white stone-ground cornmeal

Prepare: 1 tablespoon lard

Corn Bread, above Scald these ingredients by pouring over them:
and substitute for 'A cup of the cornmeal: 4 cups boiling water
V2 cup buckwheat flour
and add: 1 teaspoon salt
A cup hulled sunflower seeds)
1 Cook the cornmeal over low heat 30 minutes, stir-
ring frequently. Before cooling butter the top

BUTTERMILK CRACKLING slightly to keep it from crusting. Cool.

Preheat oven to 350°.
CORN BREAD Whip until stiff:
A 9 x 9-Inch Pan or
4 egg whites
Twenty 2-Inch Muffins
Fold them lightly into the cornmeal mixture. Drop
Have all ingredients at about 70°.
the batter from a teaspoon onto a greased baking
Preheat oven to 425°.
sheet. Bake about A hour.

Sift together:
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour

'A teaspoon baking soda GOLDEN CORN PUFFS

IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder About Twenty 2-Inch Puffs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2'A cups boiling water
Add: over:
A cup yellow stone-ground cornmeal 1 cup yellow stone-ground cornmeal
Combine and beat: Add:
IV2 cups buttermilk or yogurt 1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt
3 to 4 tablespoons melted butter or fresh 2 tablespoons butter
bacon drippings Cook and stir over low heat until you obtain a
Stir the liquid into the dry ingredients with a few thick mush. Cool and beat well.
swift strokes. Add: Preheat oven to 425°.
('A pork cracklings)
cup salt Beat in:
Pour the batter into a preheated greased pan. Bake 2 beaten egg yolks
the bread 25 to 30 minutes, muffins 15. Beat until stiff, then fold in:
2 egg whites
SOURDOUGH CORN BREAD Drop the batter from a teaspoon onto a hot
A 10-Inch Skillet greased baking sheet. Bake the puffs about 20
or Two 8-lnch Round Pans minutes.
A moist heavy bread, best served hot from the
Preheat oven to 450°. CORN DODGERS COCKAIGNE
Thoroughly mix together in a large bowl: About 24
cup Sourdough Starter, 555
1 Preheat oven to 400°.
IV2 cups yellow cornmeal Combine:
V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup stone-ground cornmeal
4 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar 1 V2 teaspoons sugar
V* cup melted butter Pour over the dry ingredients and stir:
IV2 cups evaporated milk 1 cup boiling water
2 beaten eggs Beat in until blended:
Pour into a 10-inch greased skillet or two 8-inch 2 tablespoons butter or bacon drippings
round cake pans and bake 25 to 30 minutes. (1 beaten egg)

Drop the batter from a spoon onto a greased bak-

CORN ZEPHYRS COCKAIGNE ing sheet; or dip your hand in cold water, fill it
About Twenty 2-Inch Puffs with batter and release the batter "splat" onto the
In our endless search for the best recipe of its sheet. The hand method was learned from our
tvpe. we welcomed the offer of a southern ac- Sarah, who, as a child, helped her father make

dodgers at the Kentucky Derby. Bake about 20 bread is baking, a few tablespoons of milk. For
minutes. this purpose, use in all:
Vz cup milk or thin cream
TORTILLAS This process calls for longer baking than the
12 Tortillas above, about 1 hour in all.
Large tortillas are served as a substitute for bread;
small ones may be filled, see Tacos, 70. A tor- RICE OR MILLET SPOON BREAD
tilla press is helpful if you are planning to make 6 Servings
them often. In Mexico, chopped green chilis or scallions and
Combine by mixing well with hands: shredded cheddar cheese are added. In Italy, bits
2 cups corn flour: masa harina of cooked ham and cooked seafood are incor-
1 warm water
to 1 V3 cups porated into the batter, which is baked until very
teaspoon salt
1 crisp.
Dough should be moist but stiff enough to hold Preheat oven to 325°.
its shape. Divide into 12 balls and press each be- If you use buttermilk, include the baking soda;

tween waxed paper on a tortilla press, or between otherwise, omit it. Combine in the order given,
the palms of your hands, or with a flat plate, until then stir until blended:
a thin round cake is formed. Peel waxed paper 1 cup cooked rice or millet
from one side of the tortilla and place dough on V* cup cornmeal
a hot ungreased griddle. Remove other piece of 2 cups milk or buttermilk
waxed paper. Cook one at a time until edges begin (V2teaspoon baking soda)
to curl and they are very slightly browned. Turn teaspoon salt

and cook till puffs appear. Wrap in a dampened 2 beaten eggs

cloth and foil and keep warm in oven. 2 tablespoons melted shortening or butter
Place the batter in a greased ovenproof dish. Bake
CRUSTY SOFT-CENTER about 1 hour. The spoon bread may be served
4 Servings Mushroom Sauce, 348, or
Preheat oven to 375°. Tomatoes Provencale, 332
Sift together:
/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar About Twelve 2V2-lnch Puppies
1 teaspoon salt Fishermen used to cook these finger-shaped con-
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder coctions on the river bank, along with their catch.
Add: Rumor has it that they threw a large number to
A cup yellow cornmeal their clamorous dogs with the admonition, "Hush,
Stir in until well blended: puppy!" Sometimes we think that is still the best
1 beaten egg use for them.
1 cup milk Mix together:
Melt in a high-rimmed 8 x 8-inch baking dish: 1 cup stone-ground cornmeal

2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder

Pour in the batter. Pour over the top: V2 teaspoon salt

V2 cup milk 2 to 3 tablespoons minced onion
Bake 45 minutes or more, until good and crusty. Beat together:
1 egg
4 Servings Combine with dry ingredients and form into ob-
Pour: long cakes or pones, about 2 x 4 x 3A inches. Fry
1 Vi cups boiling water in deep fat heated to 370° until golden brown.

over: Drain on paper toweling and serve at once.

1 cup white cornmeal
Mix well and cool slightly. ABOUT MUFFINS
Preheat oven to 350°. Muffin batters are easily made. To mix, add in a
Beat well before adding: few swift strokes the beaten liquid ingredients to
1 egg the combined sifted dry ones. The mixing is held
1 tablespoon butter to an absolute minimum, a light stirring of from
1 cup buttermilk 10 to 20 seconds, which will leave some lumps.
1 teaspoon baking soda Ignore them. The dough should not be mixed to
A teaspoon salt the point of pouring, ribbonlike, from the spoon,
Pour the batter into a hot, greased 7-inch baking but should break in coarse globs. If the batter has
dish.Bake 30 to 40 minutes. If you wish to keep been beaten too long, the gluten in the flour will
the top soft, add from time to time, while the develop and toughen the dough; and the grain

of the muffin will be coarse and full of tunnels, Beat in a separate bowl:
as shown inthe cross section on the right below. 2 eggs
Good muffins should be straight-sided and Add to the eggs:
rounded on shown on the left. The grain
top, as 2 to 4 tablespoons melted butter
of the muffin not fine but uniform and the
is 3
A cup milk
crumb moist. The center drawings show, first, the Combine the liquid and the dry ingredients with a
weary muffin peak caused by oven heat that is few Fill well-greased
swift strokes. muffin pans
too slow. The next drawing shows the cracked, two-thirds full and bake 20 to 25 minutes.
wobbly-peaked, unsymmetrical shape caused by
oven heat that is too high. SOUR CREAM MUFFINS
About 2 Dozen 2-Inch Muffins
Please read About Muffins, 629.
Preheat oven to 400°.
Sift together:
1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour
teaspoon double-acting baking powder

V2 teaspoon salt
To bake,
fill well-greased tins about two-thirds
2 tablespoons sugar
full.Should the dough not fill every muffin cup, V2 teaspoon baking soda

put a few tablespoons of water in the empty Beat together:

forms, both to protect the pans and to keep the 1 cup cultured sour cream

rest of the muffins moist. Unless a different indi- 1 beaten egg

cation is given in the individual recipe bake at 2 tablespoons milk or water
>• To mix and bake, see Muffins, above.
once in a preheated 400° oven 20 to 25 minutes.
muffins remain in the tins a few moments

after leaving the oven, they will be easier to re- BUTTERMILK MUFFINS
move. They are really best eaten very promptly. Prepare:
If you must reheat them, enclose them loosely in Sour Cream Muffins, above
foil and heat about 5 minutes in a preheated 450° Substitute for the sour cream:
oven. 1 cup buttermilk
Add to the milk:
3 tablespoons melted butter
Muffins may be enriched by
these additions, but
have them ready and beat them in so that the
Twenty 2-Inch Muffins
total beating time agrees exactly with the one
Please read About Muffins, 629.
described above.
Preheat oven to 400°.
I. Use any of the following as a single ingredient Combine:
or in combination:
A cup sifted all-purpose flour
Viz cups whole-grain flour
'A to /2 cup nuts, riced apricots, prunes,

dates, figs 1 teaspoon salt

A cup chopped cranberries plus 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
grated orange rind ( A cup chopped
dates, raisins or
roasted pumpkin seeds)
Y2 cup mashed ripe bananas or
Beat in a separate bowl:
chopped apples
1 beaten egg
A cup very well drained crushed pineapple
6 to 8 slices cooked bacon, crumbled 2 tablespoons molasses or honey
1 cup milk
II. Cornell Triple-Rich Formula, 602 2 to 3 teaspoons melted butter
To mix and bake, see Muffins, above.
III. For other suggestions, see Additions to Yeast
Doughs, 602
About Twenty-Two 2-Inch Muffins
MUFFINS These muffins are rather hefty. Served with cheese,
About 2 Dozen 2-Inch Muffins they make excellent picnic companions. Please
Please read About Muffins, above. read About Muffins, 629.
Preheat oven to 400°. Preheat oven to 350°.
Sift together: Combine and stir well

1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 cups all-purpose or whole-grain flour

4 teaspoon salt "PA cups bran
A cup sugar 2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1
4 teaspoon salt

1 ' 4 teaspoons baking soda CHEESE MUFFINS

(1 to 2 tablespoons grated orange rind) About Thirty-Two 2-Inch Muffins
Beat: Please readAbout Muffins, 629.
2 cups buttermilk Preheat oven to 350°.
1 beaten egg Sift together:
Vz cup molasses 1
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 to 4 tablespoons melted butter 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Combine the dry and the liquid ingredients with tablespoon sugar
a few swift strokes. Fold in, before the dry ingre- V2 teaspoon salt
dients are entirely moist: Stir into the sifted ingredients, until all the par-
1 cup nutmeats, or nutmeats and raisins ticles of cheese have been separated:
combined, or 1 cup chopped dates Vz cup grated American cheese
Bake about 25 minutes. Combine and beat well:
1 cup milk
RICE FLOUR MUFFINS 3 tablespoons melted butter
About Two Dozen 2-Inch Muffins
To mix and bake, see Muffins, 629.
Please read About Rice Flour, 549, and About
Muffins, Read the recipe through before
About Twenty-Four 2-Inch Muffins
Preheat oven to 450°.
Measure into a bowl:
Muffins, 630
1 cup rice flour
but add to the dry ingredients:
Vz teaspoon salt
4 cup additional sugar

2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Add to the milk mixture:
2 tablespoons shortening
1 cup canned pumpkin or 1 cup cold
and, when slightly cooled, add it to:
cooked mashed yams
well-beaten egg
You may add:
1 cup milk
(1 cup chopped pecans)
Mix the dry ingredients well and then with a few
(2 teaspoons grated orange rind)
light strokes combine with the liquid mixture.
Proceed as for Muffins, 630.
About 10 strokes should suffice. The muffins are
less crumbly if you add to them, before the dry
ingredients are completely moistened:
Vs cup raisins or 2 tablespoons orange or
pineapple marmalade About Thirty 2-Inch Muffins
If you include the marmalade, omit the sugar. Please read About Muffins, 629.
Bake 12 to 15 minutes and serve at once. Prepare:
Muffins, 630
Use in all:
About Thirty 2-Inch Muffins V» cup melted butter
A good way of utilizing leftover cereals or rice. Fold into the batter, before the dry ingredients are
Please readAbout Muffins, 629. completely moist:
Preheat oven to 400°. cup fresh blueberries; 1 cup well-drained

Beat: canned blueberries, lightly floured; or

2 egg yolks 1 cup chopped cranberries

Add: (1 teaspoon grated orange or lemon rind)

1 cup cooked rice, oatmeal or cornmeal Proceed as for Muffins, 630.

1' 4 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter POPOVERS
Sift together: About 9 Popovers
1 '
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour Everyone enthusiastically gives us a favorite pop-
1 tablespoon sugar over recipe, and all are equally enthusiastic, but
Vz teaspoon salt contradictory, about baking advice. We prefer a
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder preheated oven, but we know that starting with a
Beat until stiff but not dry: cold oven also works. Have ready buttered deep
2 egg whites muffin or popover tins. If you use highly glazed
Combine the liquid and the dry ingredients with deep custard cups, grease them lightly and de- —
a few swift strokes, then fold in the egg whites. pending on what you are serving with the pop-
To bake, see Muffins, 629. —
overs dust the cups with sugar, flour or grated

Parmesan cheese. This will give the batter some- dough in typical rounds, with a biscuit cutter that
thing to cling to. Have all ingredients at 70°. has been lightly dipped in flour. Do not twist
Preheat oven to 450°. the cutter.
Beat just until smooth: There are many other ways to shape biscuit
1 cup milk dough. For easy filled biscuits, pat out 2 thin
1 tablespoon melted butter squares of dough. Put a filling on the first. Cover
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour with the second. Glaze the top with milk. Cut into
A teaspoon salt smaller squares. For a breakfast ring, see Quick
Add, one at a time, but do not overbeat: Drop Biscuits, 633. Make Biscuit Easter Bunnies
2 beaten eggs for the children, 634. You may also place small
The batter should be no heavier than whipping rounds of dough on top of a casserole. Or cut
cream. Fill the buttered baking cups three-fourths dough in sticks for hors d'oeuvre or fill as for
full. Don't overload —
too much batter in the pans Pinwheels, 613. Use a spatula to place these on an
will give a muffinlike texture. Bake at once. After ungreased baking sheet.
15 minutes, lower the heat ^ without peeping, to For a brown finish, brush the tops of the biscuits
350° and bake about 20 minutes longer. To test with milk or butter. Place biscuits 1 inch apart if
for doneness, remove a popover to be sure the you like them crusty all over, close together if not.
side walls are firm. If not cooked long enough, Bake in a 450° preheated oven 12 to 15 min-
the popovers will collapse. You may want to in- utes, depending on their thickness.
sert a sharp paring knife gently into the other pop- At high altitude, baking powder biscuits
overs to allow the steam to escape, after baking. should require no adjustment of leavening.

Preheat oven to 450°.
Biscuit flavors are easily varied to suit the menu.
Dust them, before baking, with:
Popovers, above
Cinnamon and sugar
Crate into a separate bowl:
or, justbefore they are finished, with:
V2 cup sharp cheddar or Parmesan cheese
Grated Parmesan and paprika
Or, press into the top center:
Va teaspoon paprika
1 lump sugar
A few grains cayenne
soaked in:
Pour 1 scant tablespoon of batter into each cup
Orange juice
and cover it with a few teaspoons of cheese and
Or incorporate into the dough of any of the fol-
another tablespoon of batter. Bake as directed for
lowing biscuit recipes:
Popovers, above.
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley or
chives, or 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh
sage, or V2 cup crumbled Roquefort
Now, pioneer times, biscuits are popular for
as in or grated cheddar cheese
the speed with which they can be made. A light 3 to 6 slices cooked, crumbled bacon,
hand in kneading gives the treasured flaky result. or 3 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, or
The amount of liquid called for in the recipe de- 4 tablespoons sauteed chopped onions
termines whether the biscuit is a rolled or dropped Prepare them like rissoles, placing between the
type. The shortening is cut into the dry in- layers one of the following:
gredients with a pastry blender or 2 knives, until 1 cup sugared fresh strawberries, raspberries
the mixture is the consistency of coarse corn- or blueberries
meal. Make a well in the center of these ingredi- V* cup nuts, dates or dried figs
ents. ^ Pour the milk or milk and water in at
V2 cup raisins or currants
once. Stir cautiously until there is no danger of 1 cup cooked, ground and seasoned poultry,
spilling, then stir vigorously until the dough is sausage, ham or other meat
fairly free from the sides of the bowl. The time for
stirring should be a scant V2 minute.
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured board. ROLLED BISCUITS
Knead it gently and quickly for another scant About Twenty-Four 1 1
/2-lnch Biscuits
V2 —
minute just long enough so it is neither Please read About Hot Biscuits, above.
Preheat oven to 450°.
knobby nor sticky, and the riser is well distributed.
If it isn't, or if soda is used in excess, tiny brown Sift together into a large bowl:

spots will show on the surface of the baked bis- 1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour

cuits. Roll the dough with a lightly floured rolling V2 teaspoon salt
pin or pat gently with the palm of the hand until
it 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
it has the desired thickness —
about V* inch is right Add:
for the plain biscuit, V2 inch or less for a tea bis- 4 to 6 tablespoons chilled butter or shortening
cuit and 1 inch or more for shortcake. Cut the or a combination of both

Cut solid shortening into dry ingredients as di- WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS
rected above, then make a well in the center. Add, About Twenty-Four TA-lnch Biscuits
all at once: Preheat oven to 400°.
V* cup milk Sift together:
Stir untilthe dough is fairly free from the sides of 7
a cup sifted all-purpose flour

the bowl. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
board. Knead gently and quickly, making about 1
/2 teaspoon baking soda
eight to ten folds. Roll with a lightly floured roll- 2 teaspoons sugar
ing pin, until the dough has the desired thickness. 3
A teaspoon salt
Cut with a biscuit cutter dipped in a very little Add and mix well:
flour. Brush the tops with: 1 cup whole wheat flour
(Milk or melted butter) Cut into the flour with a pastry blender:
Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake until A cup butter or shortening

lightly browned —
12 to 15 minutes. When the mixture has a fine-crumb consistency,
stir in with a fork:
QUICK DROP BISCUITS cup cultured sour cream or buttermilk

No kneading or rolling is necessary in these two Turn out onto a floured board and proceed as for

recipes. The biscuits are very palatable but less Rolled Biscuits, 632.
shapely, unless you drop them into muffin tins.

For a good breakfast ring, prepare I, below. Form BISCUIT EASTER BUNNIES
the dough into 12 balls; roll them in melted but- Preheat oven to 425°.
ter. Place them in a 7-inch ring mold, into the bot- Prepare:
tom of which you have poured Caramel Roll Fluffy Biscuits, opposite
Topping, 731. Bake at 400° about 25 minutes. Pat or out the dough to the thickness of 2

inch. Cutout with 3 sizes of cutters: 1

it large, —
I.Preheat oven to 450°.

about 3 inches; 2 half as large; and 3 one- —
fourth as large. Assemble your bunnies as sketched
Rolled Biscuits, above
below. Use the large biscuit for the body, the sec-
using in all:
ond one for the head, and roll the third one into a
cup milk
ball for the tail. Flatten two of the second-size
Stir the dough 1 scant minute. Drop from a
biscuits slightly and shape them into ovals for the
spoon onto an ungreased sheet and bake 12 to 15 ears. Place the bunnies on a greased sheet. Bake
minutes or until lightly browned.
about 15 minutes or until done.
II. About Twenty-Four
V2-lnch Biscuits 1
When you are obliged to use preferable to
oil, it is

flavor the biscuit highly. See Additions to Biscuits,

Preheat oven to 475°.
Sift into a bowl:
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
teaspoon salt

Pour over the top, all at once, without mixing:

Vj cup vegetable oil
h cup
Stirwith a fork until the mixture readily leaves
the sides of the bowl. Drop from a spoon onto an
ungreased sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes.


SHORTCAKE DOUGH Use this same form also for other fillings such as
About Twenty-Four IVi-lnch Biscuits cooked meat or cheese.
For other shortcakes, see Index. • To mix, see Preheat oven to 450°.
About Hot Biscuits, 632. Prepare any:
Prepare: Rolled biscuit dough
Rolled Biscuits, above Roll it to the thickness of V2 inch. Spread the sur-
but add: face with:
1 tablespoon sugar V* cup soft butter
2 teaspoon salt
1 3
A cup brown sugar
and you may use cream instead of milk for added (Chopped nuts)
richness. (Chopped raisins)

Roll the dough like a Jelly Roll, 691, but rather Sift 3 times:
loosely.Cut into 1-inch slices. Lift them carefully tablespoon sugar
with a pancake turner onto a lightly greased 4 cups all-purpose flour
cookie sheet. Bake about 12 minutes. 1 teaspoon salt

(1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder)

Cut into the flour, with a pastry blender or 2

Prepare dough for: A cup chilled leaf lard

Rolled Biscuits, 632 When ingredients are the consistency of cornmeal,

Cut it into sticks Vz x Vi x 3 inches. Brush the add to make a stiff dough:
sticks with: Equal parts of chilled milk and ice water,
Melted butter approximately 1 cup in all
Bake as directed but for a shorter period. Then to Beat the dough with a mallet until it is well blis-
serve stack them log-cabin fashion. tered, or put it 10 times through the coarse chop-
per of a meat grinder. Fold it over frequently. This
is a long process, requiring V2 hour or more.
BUTTERMILK BISCUITS Miss Weeden's verse goes on to say:
About Twenty-Four 1 /2-lnch Biscuits 1

Because of the sour milk and soda, this recipe has "Two hundred licks is what gives I

a very tender dough. To mix, please read About For home-folks, never fewer.
Hot Biscuits, 632. An' if I'm 'specting company in,
Preheat oven to 450°. I gives five hundred sure!"
Sift together into a mixing bowl:
1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour
If you make these often, it might be worth invest-
ing in a biscuit machine, available from a bakers'
/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
supply company. When the dough is smooth and
glossy, roll to the thickness of V2 inch and cut
1 teaspoon sugar
Vi teaspoon baking soda
it with a floured biscuit cutter. Spread the tops
Cut in:
Melted butter
A cup lard or 5 tablespoons butter
Pierce through the biscuits with a fork. Bake about
Add and lightly mix:
4 cup buttermilk
30 minutes in a preheated 325° oven.

Turn the dough onto a floured board. Knead it

gently for V2 minute. Pat the dough to the thick- SHIP'S BISCUITS
ness of 1A inch. Cut with a biscuit cutter. Bake 10 About Twenty-Four IV2 -Inch Biscuits

to 12 minutes. These are simpler version of Beaten Bis-

really a
cuits, above. The longer they are folded and
beaten, the better the results, so let the children
S GRIDDLE BISCUITS work out with them.
Prepare any: Preheat oven to 325°.
Rolled biscuit dough Mix:
Cook the biscuits on a lightly greased hot griddle, 2 cups all-purpose flour
1 inch apart. Brown them on one side 5 to 7 min- V2 teaspoon salt
utes; turn and brown them on the other side for Work in with the fingertips:
the same length of time. 1 teaspoon shortening
Stir in tomake a very stiff dough:
About 1/2 cup water
BEATEN BISCUITS Beat this dough to a Vi-inch thinness with a mallet.
About Forty-Four 1!/2-lnch Biscuits Fold it into 6 layers. Beat it thin again and refold
To win unending gratitude, serve to any homesick 5 or 6 times until the dough is very elastic. Before
southerner this classic accompaniment to Virginia cutting with a floured biscuit cutter, roll to V2 inch
ham. The following lines by Miss Howard Weeden again. Bake about 30 minutes and store tightly cov-
in Bandanna Ballads sum up in a nutshell the art ered.
of making biscuits:

"Of course I'll gladly give de rule SCONES

meks beat biscuit by,
About 12 Scones
Dough ain't sure dat you will mek
These are richer than ordinary biscuits because of
Dat bread de same as the addition of cream and eggs. Fine with a light

" 'Case cookin's like religion is Preheat oven to 450°.
Some's 'lected an' some ain't, Sift together into a large bowl:
An' rules don't no more mek a cook 1 3A cups sifted all-purpose flour
Den sermons mek a saint." 2 'A teaspoons double-acting baking powder

1 tablespoon sugar ABOUT USES FOR READY-BAKED

V2 teaspoon salt AND LEFTOVER BREADS,
Cut into these ingredients, until the size of small
peas, using a pastry blender or 2 knives:
A cup cold butter
1 A bread surplus can be put to many good uses so —
Beat in a separate bowl: don't throw a piece away! It can be used for
2 eggs
Melba Toast, 636; for Stuffings, 370; as a thickener
in soups, see Panades, 179; and for a sauce, see
Reserve 2 tablespoons of this mixture. Add to the
Bread Sauce, 343. For other uses, see About
remainder and beat in:
Crumbs, 551; and don't forget good old Bread
• Vi cup cream
Pudding, 751.
Make a well in the dry ingredients. Pour the liquid
Many recipes in Joy call for dry bread, cracker
into Combine with a few swift strokes. Handle
or cake crumbs. In fact, dry cake crumbs are so
the dough as little as possible. Place it on a lightly
prized that commercial bakeries make sheets of
floured board. Pat until 3A inch thick. Cut with a
cake solely for this purpose.
knife into diamond shapes or Biscuit Sticks, 634.
Brush with the reserved egg and sprinkle with:
Bake about 15 minutes. About Thirty 1Y2-Inch Blocks
These may be prepared in advance. Keep at room
temperature until soft, then blend well:
Vi lb. cheddar cheese
lb. butter: 1 stick
Season palatably with:
Curry powder
Caraway or celery seed
and pepper or paprika
Cut into 1 1/2 x A
x 3A-inch blocks:
Fresh bread
Cover blocks with the cheese spread. Keep them
chilled until ready for use. Pop them into a 375°
oven. They should brown lightly and puff.


Serve hot as an appetizer. Also good with soup or

I.Preheat oven to 375°.

Beat together:
1 egg
BIRTHDAY BREAD HORSE "PA tablespoons melted butter
As our children have always demanded a piece of Cut into cubes or blocks of any size:
their birthday cake for breakfast, we concocted a Fresh bread
bread horse to be supplemented later in the day Roll the cubes in the egg mixture, then in:
by the candlelighted cake of richer content. This American cheese
Finely shredded
also, makes a good Christmas or Fourth of July Salt and cayenne or paprika
breakfast decoration. Toast the cubes on a buttered sheet until the
You will need a well-rounded loaf of bread — cheese is melted.
log-shaped Cinnamon Loaf, 604, is fine plus an — II. Preheat oven to 375°.
oval bun or roll about 2V2 x 3 /2 inches; 2 braided 1

rolls 1 x 3V2 inches; 5 peppermint candy

Spread bread cubes with a paste made of:
sticks 1x8
inches; 2 raisins, 2 almonds and a piece
Grated Parmesan cheese
of cherry or a redhot. Use the loaf for the body.
Caraway or celery seed
Mount it on four of the candy sticks. Break off
Salt and a few grains cayenne
about candy stick. Use it
a third or less of the fifth
for the neck. Stick one end of the loaf at
it into
Toast and serve, as above.
an angle. Put the oval roll on the other end for the
head. Use the braided rolls for the mane and tail,
the raisins for eyes, the almonds for ears, and the MELBA CHEESE ROUNDS
piece of cherry for the lips. Bed the horse on leaves Especially good with Onion Soup, 171.
or grass. Add a ribbon bridle to keep this mad Spread:
steed under some sort of control. Melba toast rounds, 636

lightly with: and spread it, as illustrated above, with the follow-

Butter ing mixture, baking 8 minutes in a 400° oven:

Sprinkle generously with: Vj cup melted butter
Grated Parmesan cheese 1
/j cup white or light brown sugar
Just before using, run them under a broiler until 2 teaspoons cinnamon
toasted. Serve at once, floating one or two on top A grating of nutmeg
of the soup. V* teaspoon grated lemon peel


Remove the crusts from bread. Spread the tops of:
Thin bread slices
Small crisp salt crackers
or spread all 4 sides of:
Melted butter or partially beaten egg white A-inch bread sticks
Sprinkle lightly with:
with the mixture for:
Caraway, celery or sesame seeds Quick Cinnamon Loaf, above
Toast and serve. You may sprinkle the bread sticks with:
Place the slices or strips in a 400° oven about 8
minutes. Be sure to toast the sticks on all sides.
TOASTED BUTTERED BREAD LOAF You may also place them under a broiler to crisp
OR GARLIC BREAD them. Applesauce is a good complement to this
Preheat oven to 350°. dish.
Slice thick or thin to taste:
A medium-sized loaf of bread or
French bread FRENCH TOAST
Do not slice it all the way through; leave the bot- 4 Servings
tom crust intact. With a pastry brush spread the Beat slightly:
top and sides of each piece, using in all: 4 eggs
V2 cup melted butter
The butter may be flavored with: V2 teaspoon salt

(A minced clove of garlic)

1 cup milk
Flavor with:
(Herbs: basil, marjoram, oregano, etc.)
(V2 teaspoon vanilla or 1 tablespoon rum)
Dip into this mixture:
8 slices bread
The bread may be cut in rounds with a doughnut
cutter. Brown the bread, each side, on a hot, well-
buttered griddle. Serve hot sprinkled with:
Garnish the cooked rounds with:
Bright red jelly
or serve with pie cherries, sweetened, slightly
thickened with cornstarch, 548, and flavored with
lemon; with applesauce flavored with cinnamon
and cloves; or with maple syrup.

You may also crush 2 cloves of garlic with a little
Preferable to use dry bread.
salt, untilsmooth. Spread a little on each slice. Fol- Cut into the thinnest possible slices:
low with melted butter as shown above. Separate White or other bread
the slices slightly, so that the butter will be evenly Remove crusts. Place bread in 250° oven. Leave
distributed. Cover the loaf with a piece of foil. it in until it becomes crisp and
a light golden
Place it in the oven until the bread is light brown, brown and until all the moisture is withdrawn.
about 20 minutes. Serve immediately on a nap-
kincd platter.
Slice a loaf of: Spread it on a slice of bread. Cover with another
French or Vienna bread slice. Cut the bread into 1-inch strips. Toast the

strips on both sides under a broiler. Serve sprin- ZWIEBACK, RUSKS OR TWICE-BAKED
kled with: BREAD
ORANGE TOAST White Bread Plus, 603
using in all 2 eggs. Replace the 2 cups of wa-
Very nice with tea.
ter with 2 cups of milk. The finished loaf should
be just half as high as a normal loaf of bread,
Grated rind of 1 orange
so bake in six rather than three pans. Maybe
V* cup orange juice
this shape was evolved to suit baby mouths, for
V2 cup sugar
no one enjoys this confection more than the
6 slices of bread
very, very young. When the bread is cool, cut it

Remove the crusts and toast the bread. Spread it, into 1
and toast as
/2-inch slices for Melba Toast,

while hot, with: above. You may want to glaze it before toasting
Butter with:
Cover it with the orange mixture. Put the toast in Lemon Glaze, 731
the oven or under a broiler, just long enough to In the slow heat of the oven, this turns a golden
brown the tops lightly. brown.
as lightly and as little as possible, following the
directions below. Closely covered pie dough will
hold for a week or more in the refrigerator.
^ Choose nonshiny
pie pans for good brown-
ing. >
Always start the baking in a preheated
oven. The contrast between the coolness of the
dough and the heat of the oven causes rapid air
expansion and contributes to the desired lightness
of the texture. For various pie doughs, see 640.
A In making pies at high altitudes, where evap-
oration is greater, you may find that you achieve
better results if you add a trifle more liquid.
Many pie doughs *
freeze well. > It is better to
shape them before freezing. See Frozen Baked Pie,
830, and Frozen Unbaked Pie, 829.


If the dough
has been refrigerated, bring to room
temperature before rolling. To make 2 pie shells
or a double-crust pie, divide the dough evenly be-
fore rolling it. A pastry cloth and roller stocking
are highly recommended. They practically do


sticking and require the use of very
additional flour. Next to the pastry cloth,
your best bet is a large wooden board. If you use
either of the above methods, flour the rolling sur-
At home and abroad, Americans boast about pie. face and the rolling pin lightly.
Ithas apparently always been so; way back in the As to the roller, whether it's a French broom-
clipper era, sailors brought home not only heart- stick-type, a bottle, or the revolving type, as shown
shaped boxes crusted over with tiny rare shells but in the drawings, the important thing is how you
the pie-jaggers they had carved to while away use it. Roll the dough from the center out. Lift
the doldrum days in outre-mer. These implements the roller. Do not push it to and fro, which
of bone, often furnished with as many as three stretches the dough. Roll the dough to a Vs-inch
wheels but marvelously precise all the same, sped thickness or less. Should it have a few tears, patch
the fancy cutting of lattice over succulent apple them carefully rather than trying to reroll.
pies such as that shown lower left. Ingenious
French cooks form delicate swans, shown both
unbaked and assembled, lower right; or the mon- CUTTING AND FORMING
umental croquembouche shimmering with glaze PIE DOUGH
at the right rear. Whatever the nation, skill in To cut pie dough, allow a piece about 2 inches
pastry making has been regarded worldwide as a larger than pan dimensions, seen next page, to
passport to matrimony. In Hungarian villages, for take care of inevitable shrinkage. It is fun to cut
example, no girl was considered eligible until her fancy edges on the top crust with a pastry wheel.
strudel dough had become so translucent that her To form the crust, have ready a 9-inch pie pan.
beloved could read the newspaper through it. It's a poor pie crust that requires
a greased pan,
First let's consider what makes for success with but buttering help brown the bottom of the
pastry doughs: crust. Loosen the pastry from the board, fold it in
Handle pie dough lightly, for two reasons: half, lift it, lay the fold across the center' of the
to incorporate as much air as possible and to in- pan and unfold it; or, after rolling it around the
hibit the development of gluten. The aim here is rolling pin, unroll it onto the pan, seen at right,
a flaky and tender crust. where this method is being used to form a top

Measure carefully too much flour toughens crust.
pastry; too much liquid makes it soggy; too much Ease the dough into the pan loosely, but press
shortening makes doughs greasy and crumbly. it place so that no air will be left between dough
Chilling pastry dough, covered, up to 12 and pan to form blisters in baking. You may cut a
hours after mixing tenderizes it, keeps it from small square of dough, form it into a ball, dip it in
shrinking during baking, and makes it easier to flour and use it to press the dough down and
handle. Be sure to remove the dough from the shape it against the pan. Trim off the excess with
refrigerator at least one hour before shaping; a knife, using an easy slashing motion against the
otherwise you will be obliged to overhandle it. edge of the pan; or use scissors. Trimmings can be
Pinch off just enough dough for one pie shell. given to the children for play dough or baked up
Press it into the approximate shape needed. Roll into bits for hors d'oeuvre or small pastries.


There are many attractive ways to make the lat-

tice.You may cut plain '/2-inch strips with a knife
or pink them with a jagger. Or you may roll, then
twist /2-inch ropelike pieces and weave any of

these together or place them crisscross.

To weave, place half of the strips from left to
right over the pie about 3/» inch apart. Fold back
every other strip halfway, as shown below. Place
a strip across the unfolded strips from front to
back. Unfold the strips. Fold back the alternates.
Place the next strip 3A inch from the last. Con-
tinue until half of the pie is latticed. Then re-
peat the process, beginning on the other side of
the center line.
When the whole pie is latticed, attach the strips
to the pie edge loosely to allow for shrinkage.
Moisten the ends slightly to make them stick. Cut
them off before crimping the pie. We like to
sprinkle a tablespoon of granulated sugar over
the latticed dough before baking.
For a solid top crust, cut the rolled Vs-inch-
thick dough 1 inch larger than the pan. To allow
the steam to escape, prick it with a fork in several
places, double it over and gash it along the fold,
or make fancy patterns with whatever cutting tool
ABOUT CRUSTS FOR FILLED PIES you like. Place the top crust on the pie. Full in the
For crusts which are to be baked with fillings, use surplus dough and press it down around the edges
a deep pie pan with a wide channeled rim to catch
with a fork. Or you may tuck it under the lower
crust and press it around the edge with a fork.
any juices. For a one-crust pie, make a fluted edge
with the dough that laps over, or build up a rim
with a strip of pastry. Full it on by using a fork
to press it down; or pinch it with the thumb and
forefinger, as shown opposite on the right. This
edge important, as it will help to hold the juices

in the pie.Do not prick the lower crust. If the fill-

ing for the pie is the juicy kind, first brush the bot-
tom crust lightly with the white of an egg, melted
butter or a light sprinkling of flour. Any of these
will keep the crust from becoming soggy. Putting
the filling in very hot helps, too.

If you prefer, after sealing the edges by pressing

with a fork, you may make a vent with a one-inch

hollow tube of dough 3 inches high— only par-
tially sunk into a hole in the center of the upper
crust. Support it with a round border of fulled-on
dough which will hide any discoloration from
juices bubbling over when you cut the vent down
to the decorative support after the baking. Should
any juice spill over onto the oven, sprinkle it with
salt to prevent smoke and smell.
For baking filled pies, note directions in each
recipe and preheat the oven to the correct tem-
perature. Should the edge of a pie tend to brown
too quickly, place a protective rim of foil lightly
over it.

ABOUT CRUSTS FOR UNFILLED PIES ture to spread. If needed to hold the ingredients
together, add:
If the pie shell is to be baked without filling, or
as the English say "blind,'' prick the dough gen-
teaspoon to 1 tablespoon water

erouslv with a fork after you have placed it in the

When vou can gather the dough up into a tidv
ball, as shown 639, stop handling it. To fill and
pie pan, and weight it with drv beans or, as thev
bake, see individual recipes. For a baked shell,
do in France, with small clean round pebbles. This
see About Crusts for Unfilled Pies, above
keeps it from heaving and baking unevenlv. Re-
move the beans or pebbles a few minutes before
the baking period is over. To cut a round for a PIE DOUGH COCKAIGNE
prebaked top crust, prick it and bake it on a A 9-Inch Double-Crust
baking sheet. A dough that refrigerates well after baking and
When making individual pies, use an inverted reheats to perfection.
muffin deeper shells, inverted custard
tin or, for Sift together:
cups. Cut the rounds of dough 4 V2 or 5' 2 inches 2 cups all-purpose flour
in diameter and fit them over the cups; or, with 1 teaspoon salt
the help of foil as a support, create vour own 2 teaspoons sugar
fancy shapes —
fluted cups, simple tricornes, long Measure and combine:
barquettes. You may even make vour tarts into 'A cup butter
baskets bv forming handles with strips of dough 3 tablespoons shortening
molded over in\erted custard cups. When baked. Cut half the shortening into the flour mixture until
sink the handles into the filling just before serving. ithas the grain of cornmeal. Cut in the remaining
Prick the shells before baking. When you fill half until it is pea-sized. Sprinkle the dough with:
baked shells, spoon the filling in carefully. 5 tablespoons water
Unfilled crusts mav be protected from over- Proceed as for Basic Pie Dough, above.
browning b\ setting the pie pan into a larger pan
or, as with filled pies bv covering the edge of the
dough with a strip of aluminum foil. To glaze pie MIXER PIE DOUGH
crust, giving it added flavor or color, see pages Using the ingredients and proportions for:

731-732. Keep in mind, however, that glazes also Dough, above

Basic Pie
tend to toughen crusts. place in a large mixer bowl the flour, salt and
Baking time will \arv according to the material shortening. Scraping the bowl constantly, blend at
of which the pan is made. ^
If it is ovenproof glass low speed 1 minute. Add the water. Mix about 10
or enamelware, cut the baking time indicated bv seconds longer, or until the dough begins to cling
one-fifth to one-fourth. When tins are used, those to the beaters. Should the dough be too crumblv.

that are perforated, have lost their shininess, or incorporate 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon water with
have a base of screen material are helpful for vour hands so that the dough forms into a ball.
producing a well-browned crust. To bake, see individual recipes. For a baked shell,
Unfilled shells, whether for individual or big see About Crusts for Unfilled Pies, above.
pies, are baked in a preheated 450 oven, unless
otherwise noted, 10 to 12 minutes or until lightlv FLOUR PASTE PIE DOUGH
browned. Cool them before filling. A 9-Inch Double-Crust
Sift into a bowl:
2 cups all-purpose flour
BASIC PIE DOUGH 1 teaspoon salt
For a double-crust 9-inch, or a single-crust pie Remove '/a cup of this mixture and place it in a
with a generous lattice, use the following small bowl or cup. Stir into it, to form a smooth
amounts. For a one-crust 9-inch pie. use half the paste:
recipe. 4 cup water

Sift together: Cut into the flour mixture in the first bowl with a
2 cups all-purpose flour pastrv blender until the grain is the size of small
1 teaspoon salt peas:
Measure and combine: % cup chilled shortening
% cup chilled leaf lard or shortening Stirthe flour paste into the dough. Work it with
2 tablespoons chilled butter vour hand until well incorporated and the dough
Cut half of the shortening into the flour mixture forms a ball. To bake, see individual recipes.
with blender, or work it in lightlv with the
a pastrv
tips of vour fingers until it has the grain of corn-
meal. Cut the remaining half coarselv into the PAT-IN-THE-PAN OIL PIE DOUGH
dough until it is pea size. Sprinkle the dough with: Two 9-Inch Pie Shells or 8 Tarts
4 tablespoons water The oil gives this variant a somewhat mealy rather
Blend the water lightly into the dough. You mav than a flaky texture. The shell must be baked be-
lift the ingredients with a fork, allowing the mois- fore filling.

Sift into a mixing bowl: gather up into a ball but should not stick to the
2 cups all-purpose flour fingers or the board. Allow the dough to rest
1 !teaspoons salt
4 refrigerated from 2 to 36 hours. Cover it with a
Mix cup until creamy:
in a damp, wrung-out cloth for the shorter period or a
/3 cup cooking oil piece of foil for the longer one. The resting of
3 tablespoons cold milk the dough breaks any rubbery reactions it might
Pour the mixture over the flour all at once. Stir develop when rolled and handled. To roll, shape
these ingredients lightly with a fork until blended. and bake, see 638.
Form them into a crust, right in the pan, by pat-
ting out the dough with a spoon, or you may roll
the dough between 2 sheets of waxed paper.
Eight 3-Inch Tarts
When ready, remove the top paper, reverse the
Delicious as tart shells, turnovers or thin wafers
crust into the piepan and then remove the other
served with soup or salad. Sift together:
paper. After pricking sides and bottom, bake 12
1 cup all-purpose flour
to 15 minutes, in a preheated 475° oven. Cool
Va teaspoon salt
before filling.
Cut into these ingredients with a pastry blender:
V2 cup chilled butter
WHEATLESS PIE DOUGH 4 1/2 oz. soft cream cheese
A 9-Inch Single-Crust When these ingredients are well blended, wrap
This crust must be baked before filling. the dough in foil and refrigerate for at least 12
>" Sift 3
times: hours. In readying for use, roll to Vs-inch thick-
V2 cup cornstarch ness, adding as little flour as possible.
V2 cup finely milled rye flour
The repeated sifting is very important. Work the I. To use as tarts, form pastry over inverted muffin
flour mixture as for pastry with: tins and bake at 450° for about 12 minutes.
V2 cup fine dry cottage cheese
II. To use as turnovers, see 251.
2 cup chilled butter
V2 teaspoon salt To use as wafers, roll and cut the dough into
Chill the dough at least 2 hours. Pat into the pan. rounds or put it directly into a cookie press with-
Prick bottom and sides well and bake in a pre- out rolling. Before baking, dot with sesame or
heated 425° oven 12 to 15 minutes. poppy seed. Bake 8 to 10 minutes at 450°.


For meat pies, rissoles or turnovers, see About
Meat Pies, 449; for Meat en Croute, see 448; for
Crust or Pate for Pates, see 494. 4 Dozen
These keep for weeks in a refrigerator or freezer
and are quickly sliced and baked for the unex-
PATE brisee pected guest. Or just after mixing put the dough
A 9-Inch Pie Shell in a pastry tube to make straws. Or use the IV2-
This short French pie dough has a remarkable way inch ribbon disk on a cookie press to make rib-
of withstanding a moist filling, and is best used for bons. Cut into 2-inch lengths.
meat pies and pates. If you want a dessert crust, Preheat oven to 425°.
see Pate Sucree, below. The recipe can be doubled Grate or grind:
or tripled and stored refrigerated for a week or Va to Vi lb. aged cheddar cheese
more before baking. Combine with:
Work: 3 to 4 tablespoons soft butter
V2 cup chilled butter plus 3 tablespoons lard or 3/a
cup all-purpose flour
vegetable shortening (1teaspoon Worcestershire sauce)
very lightly into: V2 teaspoon salt
2 cups all-purpose flour Dash of hot pepper sauce
2 teaspoon salt Form the dough into 1-inch rolls. Wrap in foil
This can be done best by working the flour and and refrigerate or freeze till cold enough to slice
butter first with the fingers and then lightly and as thin as possible, under a quarter of an inch.
quickly rotating it between the palms of the Bake in a preheated 475° oven about 12 minutes.
hands. Make a well, 643, of the crumbly flour mix-
ture. Pour in gradually:
5 to 6 tablespoons cold water RICH EGG TART DOUGH,
The index finger is used to
the liquid quickly
into the flour, in a spiral fashion, beginning at the Six 3-Inch Tart Shells
inside of the well and gradually moving to the There are many versions of this paste, varying in
outer edge. The dough should be soft enough to richness and sweetness. This one makes a very

tender paste for fresh fruit fillings. For a sweeter sions, try fruit toppings on raised coffee cake
dough, use Roll Cookie dough, 711. doughs, 619-627.
1 cup all-purpose flour CHEESECAKE CRUSTS
2 tablespoons sugar To Line a 10-Inch Pan
V2 teaspoon salt This crust works well if filled before baking with
Work into it as you would for pastry, using a dry cheesecake fillings such as Ricotta, 660.
pastry blender or the tips of your fingers: Sift together:
6 tablespoons softened butter 2 cups all-purpose flour
Make a well, 643, and add: V* teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk Work in with a pastry blender:
Vi teaspoon vanilla V2 cup chilled butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice or water Gradually add:
Stir with your fingers until the mixture forms one Vh to 2 tablespoons brandy
blended ball and no longer adheres to your hands. 4 tablespoons water
Cover it and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Mix as for pie dough, 638. Chill about 30 min-
Roll to Vs-inch thickness as for pie dough, see 639. utes before rolling to line the pan. Roll about Vs
Line the tart pans with this dough. Prick and inch thick and, after filling, bake as directed under
weight down with beans or pebbles, see 640. Bake individual cheesecakes, 659-660.
in a 400° oven 7 to 10 minutes or until lightly
browned. Unmold the pastry shells and cool on SUGGESTED ADDITIONS TO CRUSTS
a rack. Fill with fresh fruit. Glaze with:
Vary your favorite basic pie crust by adding, be-
Melted, cooled Currant or Apricot Glaze, 732
fore rolling, for a double crust, one of the follow-
Garnish with:
ing sweet or savory additions that will enhance
(Whipped cream)
the filling:
1 to 3 teaspoons poppy or caraway seed
ABOUT GALETTE DOUGH 1 to 3 tablespoons toasted sesame seed
Fifty million Frenchmen can't be wrong; but it is V* to 1
/2 cup finely chopped nuts
hard to get any two of them to agree on the exact 1
A to Vi cup grated aged cheese
formula for this classic pastry. In some regions, 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
galette is almost like a Kuchen dough. Perhaps the or 1 tablespoon sugar
most famous is Galette des Rois, served on Twelfth 1
A 1
/2 teaspoon cinnamon and/or nutmeg
Night. Regardless of the material used, the "Kings' 1 teaspoon grated citrus rind
Galette" has a dried bean baked in it, which is 2 tablespoons cocoa
expected to bring good fortune to the guest who
gets the lucky slice. ABOUT CRUMB CRUSTS
Our version of galette which, we hope, will These, mixed and patted into the pan, are a short-
merit majority approval is a well-pricked Rough cut to pie making. An easy way to form them is
Puff Paste, 645, rolled to 1-inch thickness and first to place the crumb mixture in a pie pan, dis-
coated with a heavy French Egg Wash glaze, 731. tributing the crumbs fairly evenly. Now press an-
Keep the glaze on the top surface only, for if other pie pan of the same diameter firmly into the
it runs over the edge it will solidify early in the
dough. When the top pan is removed, presto! a
baking and prevent the dough from puffing as it crust of even thickness underneath. Trim any ex-
should. cess that is forced to the top edge.
An alternative is to use a yeast coffee cake Crumb crusts need not be baked before filling
dough. After the last rising, pat it out thin and but, if used unbaked, must be first chilled thor-
make a rim by pinching the dough edges all oughly or the filling will immediately disintegrate
around. Put the fruit in the depression and cover the crust. If baked before filling, they require a
it with a Streusel, 731. Bake as directed for bread. 350° oven for about 10 minutes. It is best to
You may, as the cake cools, cover it with Apricot cool the empty baked shell before filling.
Glaze, 732. A less time-consuming and, we think, Fill a prebaked shell with chiffon fillings, Bavar-
quite delicious solution is simply to bake Apple, ian creams or gelatin whips topped with sweet-
Peach or Plum Cake Cockaigne, 661. ened whipped cream, or with custard or fruit
filling, which may be covered with a high Me-

ABOUT COOKIE AND ringue, 730.

If another type of sweet crust is desired, try Roll
Cookie dough, 711. There are many, many forms OR COOKIE CRUMB CRUST
of fruit Kuchen; see Apple, Plum or Peach Cake A
9-Inch Single-Crust and Topping
Cockaigne, 661, French Apple Cake, 661, Quick Crush or grind or crumb in a
fine, blender as X
Sour Cream Coffee Cake, 627. For less sweet ver- directed until very fine:

IV2 cups crumbs of graham crackers, zwieback, kneaded, and handled in such a way as to trap
vanilla or chocolate wafers, or air, and finally baked in a hot, thoroughly
gingersnaps, 707 preheated oven. Then the air inside the dough ex-
The flavor of the filling should determine which pands with almost explosive effect. The sur-
of the above to use. Stir into the crumbs until well face on which you work —
preferably marble the —
blended: tools, the ingredients and your fingers should be
V* to Vi cup sifted confectioners' sugar chilled throughout the operation, as it is necessary
6 tablespoons melted butter to hold the fat, which is in very high proportion
(1 teaspoon cinnamon) to the flour, in constant suspension.
Reserve 2 to 3 tablespoons of the crumb mixture. The paste must not absorb undue moisture,
Pat the rest into the pan or press out to the de- but it must never dry out. It must entirely en-

sired thickness. To form the shell and bake, see velop the butter. Try not to let any cracks or tears
About Crumb Crusts, above. When the pie is develop, as they release the air, which is your only
filled, scatter the reserved crumbs as a topping. riser. If they do appear, mend them at once to
keep the butter encased.
With these ideas firmly in mind, try making this
BREAD OR CAKE CRUMB CRUST small quantity first. As you become experienced,
A 9-Inch Single-Crust double or triple the recipe. Knead:
A good way, this, of utilizing dry bread or cake. sweet butter
y* lb.
To be successful, the crust must be fully baked in water or under very cold running water.
before filling. The butter should become soft through kneading,
To form the shell and bake, see About Crumb but in no sense soft through melting. Quite the
Crusts, 642. Follow the rule for
Crust, above. Substitute for the
Graham Cracker
graham cracker
contrary — it must stay soft and chilled at the same
time throughout the operation. The final kneading
or zwieback crumbs: of the butter is best done on a marble slab; or
IV2 cups toasted fine bread or cake crumbs the butter may be patted briskly in the hands until
(6 tablespoons ground unbleached almonds) no water flies. Shape it into an oblong about
If you use cake crumbs, omit sugar.
4 x 6 x 'A inch. Wrap in foil and chill about 15
Weigh, do not measure:
CEREAL PIE CRUST '4 lb. all-purpose flour
A 9-Inch Single-Crust
On smooth surface, make a ring with the
a chilled
To form the shell and bake, see About Crumb
flour,allowing about a 6-inch hollow center, see
Crusts, 642. For a quick cereal ring mold, see 690.
Roll or grind:
6 cups flaked- or puffed-type breakfast cereal

Pour into the ring gradually meanwhile form-

There should be IV2 cups after crushing. Combine

ing the flour into a ball with it —
a mixture of:

V2 cup melted butter
V* —
cup sugar if the cereal is not presweetened
(V'2 teaspoon cinnamon)


Puff paste recipes usually start: "Choose a bright,
windy, chilly day ." We stand off unfavorable
. .

weather with an electric fan, but are careful not to

train it on the work surface. If you ask, "What do

commercial bakeries do about puff paste and the

weather?" the answer is: they use a highly emul-
sified, very impervious margarine. To become an
amateur champion, keep in mind first and fore-
most that this most delicate and challenging of
pastries must be made the way porcupines make
love —
that is, very, very carefully. Then shut off 2 to 2V2 oz. ice water
the telephone for an hour or two, cut yourself (1 teaspoon lemon juice)
some paper pattern guides to the measurements V* teaspoon salt
below and set to work. Knead the dough lightly until smooth. The whole
It is best to use flour that has a high gluten process should take not more than about 2 min-
content, to develop real elasticity and this is hard— utes if you are experienced. Cover the dough care-
to come by. We
do succeed, however, with all- fully and refrigerate it for 15 minutes or so. When
purpose flour by using the procedure we describe. you remove the butter and dough from the re-
To be "puffy" the paste must be chilled, well- frigerator, they should be about the same con-

sistency — chilled but not hard. Roll the dough The use of two paper patterns makes this
into a very neat oblong measuring about 6x16 measuring very quick to judge. Fold the pastry
inches and less than V3 inch thick, as in the fol- into three exact parts, see below.
lowing sketch. At this point, the dough is some-

what and may have to be cajoled into the

rectangle. Make
the edges as even and the thick-
ness as constant as possible. Quickly place the
chilled butter pad about 1 inch from a short

Make sure that the corners match neatly. Com-

press the pack slightly with the roller. At this
point, the dough should have a transparent qual-
end and sides of the dough oblong, as shown ity. The yellow of the butter should show through

above. but not break through anywhere. Wrap the dough,

Fold the rest of the dough over the butter to now approximately 4x6x1 inch, in foil and chill
make a pouch. Seal the two layers firmly together for 30 minutes. You have now made your first

on all three open sides, pressing with the fin- "turn" and, if you need a reminder, you can pro-
gers, as shown opposite, or with the sides of your fessionally make an initial shallow fingertip im-
hands. print in one corner before refrigerating. Keep
With the narrow dimension always toward you track of your turns by increasing the number of
as you work, roll the dough evenly, being careful fingerprints after each rolling, as shown above.
not to break the layers or force the roller in such When the dough has chilled, remove it from
a way that the edges of the dough envelope be- the refrigerator and repeat the rolling. Always
come cracked. Should any opening develop, be roll with the narrow dimension of the dough
sure to patch it at once with a small piece of toward you as you work. Roll as before, until the
dough taken from the long sides. Keep the pastry dough again measures about 6 x 16 inches. Fold
6 inches in width while rolling, and extend it to once more into three equal parts. This time, make
about 16 inches in length. two fingertip impressions before refrigerating,

covered, for 30 minutes. Repeat the turns until At the top right is a Napoleon, 646. The remain-
you have made five fingerprints. You may store ing two forms are the baked and unbaked Cream
the dough baking. Wrap it
for 24 hours before Rolls, 646. Do not try to make these shapes
first in foil and then
dry towel. Refrigerate it.
in a with the Rough Puff Paste below, which is placed
If you prefer to bake the same day, make a here because it is treated just like puff paste.
sixth turn and chill the dough 30 minutes to 1V2
hours. Then roll it to about %
inch. This paste
can be cut into many shapes. Whichever you
choose, be sure to cut off a narrow slice along the
folded edges. The folds have the inhibiting char-
acter of a selvage on cloth and do not allow the
dough to expand evenly and freely.
• Always cut puff paste with a very sharp, very
thin hot knife, a hot cutter or a sharp hot pastry
wheel. Do not let the knife drag, as this will dis-
tort the layering.
Since making puff paste is time-consuming, you
will want to use every scrap. But never, after cut-
ting, reroll the dough for the same purpose. Get
your patty shells and vol-au-vent and other classic
shapes, see below, from the first cutting. Make
out of rerolled scraps only those related types of
pastry —such as flan, barquettes, croissants for —
which the puff requirement is less exacting.
To prepare the pan for baking any of the classic
shapes, sprinkle it lightly with cold water, but
be sure that the side that was up when cut is PATE DEMI-FEUILLETEE
now down against the wet baking surface. If Do not expect this crust to even half so high
made and cut, puff paste should rise
properly six as Puff Paste. It is made from
the ingredients de-
to eight times the height of the rolled dough. scribed below but is given fewer turns; or it is
Before baking an unsweetened paste, you may formed from the rerolled parings of true Puff
give it a lovely color by brushing the top with a Paste, when additional handling has driven off
combination of egg, salt and milk, see 731. Do some of the trapped air. Use this paste for bar-
not let this glaze spill over the edge, as the quick quettes or croissants. Prepare:
setting of the egg will have a deterrent effect on Puff Paste, 643
the rising. If the paste is to be used with sweet- using in all:
ened food, brush with a combination of sugar 6 oz. butter
and milk. For a really crispy finish, glaze also with 2 oz. water
a light sugar and water syrup just as the finished Give it only 3 or 4 turns. To cut, shape and bake,
product comes from the oven. see Puff Paste, 643.
To bake have ready an oven that has been
thoroughly preheated to 500° at least 20 minutes. PALM LEAVES
Bake at this temperature 5 minutes, reduce the About 20 Palm Leaves
heat to 375° and bake 25 to 30 minutes more, Roll into a 6 x 18-inch strip, A
inch thick:
depending on the size of the pastry. If it colors Puff Paste, 643
too rapidly, place a piece of baker's paper or To sugar, fold and cut, see Palm Leaf Rolls, 611.
bond over it during the last stages of baking. The Chill and bake as noted opposite.
pastry is done if very light when lifted. Should it
rise unevenly, the fault may lie with uneven roll- * PATTY SHELLS OR BOUCHEES
ing or with the uneven heat of the oven. In hot Ten 4-Inch Shells
weather it may tend to slide to one side. Nothing Prepare:
can be done about this. Puff Paste, 643, notingpointers
All puff paste recipes are best used fresh, but Roll the chilled paste into an oblong, 7 x 16
will keep closely covered and stored in a refriger- inches. Use a hot 3V4-inch cutter on the dough
ator for several days or frozen for a few weeks. ten times. Be sure that the cutter is well within
For shapes to make with puff paste, see the illus- the rounded edge of the dough. Using a 2Vi-
tration opposite and some of the following inch cutter and centering it in turn on each of the
recipes. 3V4-inch rounds, make incisions, as shown above,
Top left shows the cutting of a Vol-au-Vent, about two-thirds through the dough. To chill,
646. It is really a larger version of thebouchee place and bake the dough, see Puff Paste, 643. As
or patty shell illustrated in its dough and baked soon as the patty shells come from the oven,
forms in the first three drawings below it. release the inner circles that were cut two-thirds

into the shell. The first third will act as the lid Place the 3 equal oblongs upside down on baking
when the shell is The second is usually
filled. sheets that have been sprinkled with cold water.
damp and so is discarded. The third uncut portion Prick them uniformly with a fork. Bake about 25
forms the base of the shell. These shells are suit- to 30 minutes, see Puff Paste, 643. When cool, you
able for luncheon entrees. They can be made into may glaze the layer reserved for the top with
much smaller sizes for hors d'oeuvre, when they two successive coats of:
are called Petites Bouchees, or "little mouthfuls." (Quick Icing I, 727)
Let the first coat dry before applying the second,
* VOL-AU-VENT or dust the top layer with:
One 9-Inch Shell Confectioners' sugar
Prepare: Stack the 3 layers and cut them into 2 x 3-inch
Puff Paste, 643, noting pointers oblongs. Put between the layers:
Roll the chilled paste into an oblong, 9 x 17 Sweetened Whipped Cream, 696
inches. Use the removable bottom of an 8-inch or Creme Patissiere, 697
round cake pan, or make an 8-inch cardboard The finished pastry is shown at the top right of
circle as a cutting guide. Cut two circles with a the illustration on 645.
sharp hot knife. Leave one whole. Place it upside
down on a baking sheet sprinkled with water. Cut ABOUT CREAM PUFF SHELLS,
a 5-inch round out of the center of the other PATE A CHOUX OR POUF PASTE
circle. Place the 1 /2-inch rim which this cut forms
Please cease thinking of this basic, quite easy

over the whole circle again, upside down and — paste as something for adventurous moments
gash it diagonally along the edge, as shown upper only. Use it unsweetened as a base for Gnocchi,
left, 645. You may bake the 5-inch circle sepa- 204; for Dauphine Potatoes, 323; as a bland foil
rately as a lid or cut it into Petites Bouchees, see for fillings; as soup garnishes or as hors d'oeuvre
645. To chill and bake, see Puff Paste, 643. Fill cases. Pate a choux, when sweetened, imparts
at once with creamed food and serve, or cool to great individuality to the presentation of food.
serve filled with: With a pastry tube you can make elegant Eclairs,
Strawberries Romanoff, 133 647, Beignets, 244, characteristic cabbagy or choux
shapes for cream puffs, Swans, 647, dainty choux
CREAM ROLLS paste cases, or the towering pyramid, Croquem-
8 Rolls bouche, 647, all illustrated in the chapter heading.
If you visit a Konditorei in Weimar, you will find If you serve eclair cases filled with ice cream or

the cream rolls named for

called Schillerlocken, cream and covered with a sauce, they are called
their resemblance to the long curls worn by the Profiteroles, 647.
renowned romantic German poet. To make them,
you need a special cone-shaped form known as CREAM PUFF SHELLS
a cornet. Two Dozen
3-Inch Shells
Prepare: Preheat oven to 400°.
Puff Paste, 643, noting
pointers Have the eggs at room temperature. Sift before
Roll the chilledpaste into an oblong, 12 1/2 x 9 measuring:
inches. Remove the rolled edges of the paste with 1 cup all-purpose flour
a very sharp hot knife or pastry wheel. Cut the teaspoon salt
dough into eight strips 12 inches long. Roll the tablespoon sugar, if the puffs are to be used

strips around the cones, as shown lower right in with a sweet filling
the illustration, 645. Chill the cornets, covered, at Place in a heavy pan:
least V2 hour. Glaze the tops of the strips with: 1 cup water or milk

Milk Glaze, 731 1

A cup butter
Stand the cornets on a baking tin. To bake, see Bring to a boil, add the flour mixture in one
Puff Paste, 643. fell swoop and stir quickly with a wooden spoon.

It looks rough at first, but suddenly becomes

NAPOLEONS smooth, at which point you stir faster. In a few
About Forty 2 x 3-Inch Bars minutes the paste becomes dry and does not cling
Could the Emperor conceivably have had these in to the spoon or the sides of the pan, and when
mind when he contended that "an army marches the spoon is pressed on it lightly, it leaves a
on its stomach"? smooth imprint. Do not overcook or overstir
Prepare: at this point, for then the dough will fail to puff.

Puff Paste, 643 Remove pan fromheat for about 2 minutes. It

Preheat oven to 450°. must never be returned to the heat; this is why,
Roll the chilled paste into an oblong, 24 x 33 to cook properly, the eggs must be at room
inches, to a thickness of /a inch or less.
Trim temperature. Add one at a time, beating vigor-
all folded edges carefully to a depth of V2 inch. ously after each addition:
Divide the paste into three 11 x 24-inch oblongs. 4 or 5 eggs

Continue to beat each time until the dough no Whipped cream, or Custard Chocolate or
longer looks slippery. The paste is ready to bake Coffee Fillings, 697
when the last egg has been incorporated. The Cover them with:
proper consistency has been reached when a A chocolate or caramel icing, 726
small quantity of the dough will stand erect if Garnish with:
scooped up on the end of the spoon. It is best to Toasted slivered almonds
use the dough at once.
A spoon or a pastry bag will serve to form PROFITEROLES
the different shapes. Be sgre to press the filled
To form and bake the shells, see Cream Puff
bag until you are rid of all the air in the tube.
Shells, 646.Divide the shells horizontally and
Allow space for expansion around shapes, as you fill

as close to serving time as possible with:

squeeze them onto the greased pan. To form the
puff or characteristic cabbagy, choux shape, hold
Creme Chantilly, 696, or ice cream
Do not Cover with:
the tube close to the baking sheet.
move the tube. Simply let the paste bubble up Chocolate Sauce, 772
or fill with:
around it until the desired size is reached. To
form eclairs, draw the tube along for about 3 to
Whipped cream, 531
4 inches while pressing, and always finish with a
and serve with a strawberry sauce.

lifting reverse motion. To form small pastry cups,

make one-inch globules. The little point left when CROQUEMBOUCHE
you lift the bag can be pressed down with a Serves 10 to 12
moistened finger. *
This spectacular dessert, shown in the chapter
Before baking, sprinkle a few drops of water heading, is a structural marvel. It needs consider-
over the shapes on the pan —
lightly as you — able organization, for it is best when assembled as
would sprinkle laundry. Bake cream puff shells close to serving time as possible.
and eclairs in a preheated 400° oven for 10 min- Caramelize:
utes. Reduce the heat to 350° and bake about 25
2 cups sugar, 559
minutes longer. Do
not remove them from the Form on the base of a 9-inch greased pie pan or
oven until they are quite firm to the touch. Cool directly on a footed cake tray a thin layer of cara-
the shells away from any draft before filling. For melized sugar, keeping the rest soft in a 250°
filling, cut them horizontally with a sharp knife.
oven. When the thin layer has hardened, put it on
If there are any damp dough filaments inside, be
the platter on which you intend to serve the
sure to remove them. For suggested cream puff
dessert. Have ready:
fillings, see below.
Cream puffs under 2 inches in size, made
from Cream Puff paste, 646
CHOUX PASTE SWAN filled with:
Prepare paste for: Whipped or flavored cream, 696
Cream above
Puff Shells, Remove the caramel from the oven and work
Use a simple cut-off round tube, see Decorative quickly. If the syrup tends to harden, reheat it

Icings, 722, to form the head and neck all in one slowly. Dip a portion of each filled puff in
piece. To force a greater quantity of paste for the turn, as you place it in circular layers of decreas-
head, squeeze hard at the inception of the move- ing width on the caramel disk. Arrange the puffs
ment, and swing the tube in an arc for the on the outer layers so that their tops form the
neck, as shown in the chapter heading. Head and exposed surface. Let additional syrup drip partially
neck sections are baked on a greased sheet for over the whole as a final glaze. Serve by pulling
only 10 minutes in a 400° oven. For the rest of the apart with 2 forks.
swan's anatomy, use a serrated tube to form
3-inch eclairs. Cut them lengthwise. Just before
serving, fill the bottom piece with cream. Divide ABOUT FILLINGS FOR CREAM PUFF
the top piece lengthwise for the wings. Embed SHELLS AND ECLAIRS
them and the neck in the fluffy cream filling. The Use Sweetened Whipped Creams, 696, Custards,
wings are braced somewhat diagonally to steady
734, Creme Patissiere, 697, or almost any of the
the neck. Dust the whole swan lightly with con-
fillings in complete dessert cakes, 687. Fill as
fectioners' sugar. Perfect for a little girl's party!
close to serving time as possible to avoid soggi-
ness. In any case, remember that cream-based
CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS and particularly egg-based fillings must be kept
To form and bake the shells, see Cream Puff refrigerated. Egg fillings, if carelessly stored, are
Shells, left. For the characteristic shape, see the subject to bacterial activity which may be highly
elongated eclair in the chapter heading. Cash toxic, even though they give no evidence of spoil-
the shell sufficiently to line it with filling, or squirt age. For fillings for unsweetened puff shells, see
the filling in with a pastry tube. Fill the shells as Canapes, 69 and 70.
close to serving time as possible with: With a sweetened dough try one of the following:

I. For a marvelous tea-teaser, put in the base of self or buy it, or the similar phyllo — for it now
a puff shell a layer of: comes ready to use — there are endless possibili-
Sweetened whipped cream, 696 decoration": poppy seed, ground
ties for "interior
Lightly insert with the pointed end up: meat mixtures, cheese, cherries, or just pepper
A flawless ripe strawberry worked originally into the dough. This last makes
an excellent hors d'oeuvre pastry.
II. Or fill the puffs with:
Our Janka had organized her filling well in ad-
Soft cream cheese
vance. Browned bread crumbs, lemon rind grated
A dab of bright jelly
into sugar, raisins, currants, very finely sliced
apples, almonds and a small pitcher of melted
ABOUT STRUDEL butter were all set out on a tray. These were
When the last princesse slip was freshly berib- strewn alternately over the surface of the dough.
boned, our beloved Hungarian laundress some- Then came the forming of the roll. Using both
times found time to give us a treat. She made hands, Janka picked up one side of the cloth and,
strudel. Draping the round dining room table
while never actually touching the dough itself,
with a fresh cloth, she patiently worked flour into tilted and nudged the cloth and the sheet this
it. Neighborhood small fry gathered on the fringes
way and that until the dough rolled over on itself
of the light cast by the Tiffany dome, and their
eyes would pop as she rolled the dough, no
— jelly-roll fashion —
and completely enclosed the
filling. Finally, she slid the long cylinder onto a
larger than a Softball, into a big thin circle. Then,
greased baking sheet and curved it into a horse-
hands lightly clenched, palms down, working shoe. From beginning to end the process had mas-
under the sheet of dough and from the center out, terly craftsmanship. Would that we could give you
she stretched it with the flat planes of the knuck- her skill as easily as we give you her recipe. Now
les, as shown below. She would play it out, so to
are you ready? Prepare the filling ingredients. Do
not feel limited by these proportions or materials.
See other fillings, 622.
1 tablespoon cinnamon

4 to 6 tablespoons browned bread crumbs
1 tablespoon lemon rind

grated into:
1 cup sugar
A cup raisins or currants
(V2 cup shredded blanched almonds)
6 to 8 cups finely chopped tart apples
For the dough, have ready:
6 tablespoons melted butter
part of which will be incorporated into the flour.
Have a cloth ready on a large table-height surface
around which you will be able to walk. Work
lightly into the cloth:
Sift onto a board, making a well, as shown on 643:
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

V* teaspoon salt
Pour into the center of the well:
1 well-beaten egg

mixed with:
Vj to V2 cup tepid water or milk
2 teaspoons melted butter
(V8 teaspoon vinegar)
Depending on your flour, you may have to add a
few tablespoons more of tepid water. Combine
the ingredients quickly with your fingers, working
from the outside of the well, and when it is con-
solidated, knead on a board until the dough is
speak, not so much pulling it as coaxing it with pliable and silky and no longer sticks to the board.
long, even friction, moving round and round the Brush the surface of the ball with melted butter.
table as she worked. Cover the dough with a warm bowl and let it rest
In our household, the filling was invariably 30 minutes to one hour. Roll it out on the board
apple. But whether you make strudel dough your- as thin as possible. Move it to the table. Begin to

stretch the dough gently from the center out, weight differ volume, see About
tremendously in

trying not to tear it, as patching is difficult. If you Solid Sugars, 556. Eggs at about 70° should be
are should stretch to about a square
skillful, this opened, separated and whipped just before you
yard. A dough or a border will
heavier edge of are ready to mix the meringue. The baking is more
develop as you work, and whatever remains of a drying than a heating process. Use bottom
this must be cut off with a knife before the filling heat only. A preheated 225° oven will give you a
is spread or the pastry rolled up. Use this excess soft, crunchy meringue; a preheated 275° oven,
dough for making patches. a chewy one.
Preheat oven to 400°. If you wonder about the indestructible me-
Before filling, brush the dough with some of the ringues served in public places, they are based on
melted butter. Sprinkle over the surface the fill- confectioners' sugar; the egg whites are heated
ing mixture above. Dust with: over hot water as for Genoise, 675; and the me-
Cinnamon ringues are dried overnight in a warming oven,
Form the roll above not too tightly,
as described not above 175°. Whichever baking procedure is
as thedough expand. Slide it onto the greased
will chosen, the classic confectioner does not allow
baking sheet. Brush the surface of the roll with his meringues to color. Store meringues imme-
some of the melted butter and sprinkle lightly diately, tightly covered, as they absorb moisture
with water. Bake 20 minutes at 400°, then lower and disintegrate easily. Do not try to freeze them.
the heat to 350°, brush the strudel again with the To form meringue paste, use a spoon and spat-
remaining butter, and bake about 10 minutes ula or a pastry bag. Do not fill meringues until
longer, until golden brown. Remove from oven just before serving. Individual kisses or rings filled
and dust with: with ices, ice creams or frozen desserts are called
Confectioners' sugar Meringues Glacees. Shape the paste into a large
Cut inwide diagonal slices and serve. nest on a heat-resistant platter and fill it with
fruits and cream for Pinch Pie. Baked in spring-
PHYLLO LEAVES form pans in shallow layers, they are called
Fila, phyllo, yukka, brik, malsouka — call it what Schaumtorten. A Vacherin Ring is a flat coil of
you like —
the tissue-thin pastry sheet used all
is meringue with a piped edging to hold a filling of
over the Near East. The simplest of ingredients —
sweetened whipped cream plain or with fruit.
flour and water —
are so skillfully kneaded, rested The top of the confection is an open meringue
and stretched as almost to defy amateur repro- crown decorated at the edges with large con-
duction. In recipes calling for these leaves, we tiguous baroque dots of meringue that are baked
have successfully used our Strudel dough, 648. on. For filling suggestions, see 696, and for a cake
Phyllo leaves may be purchased in 12 sheets to with batter and meringue baked simultaneously,
the half pound. Use at once or freeze. If frozen, see Cream Meringue Tart, 689.
thaw very slowly, still wrapped, and plan to use
all exposed sheets immediately. MERINGUES
Twelve 3-Inch Meringues
ABOUT MERINGUE PASTE or a 9-Inch Pie Shell
There are many variations of meringue all based — Preheat oven to 225°.
on egg white and sugar. Also see Meringue Top- Have egg whites at about 70°. Beat until foamy
ping, 730. They include glamorous glacees and in an electric mixer or by hand:
vacherins, served with ices or creams, including 4 egg whites
ice cream; Christmas meringue cookies, of which Add:
Cinnamon Stars are, perhaps deservedly, the best teaspoon vanilla
beloved; mountainous fluffy pie toppings; more teaspoon cream of tartar)
discreet Italian types of meringue used over pud- Add, while continuing to beat, 1 tablespoon at a
dings and tarts; insulating meringues like those time:
prepared for Omelette Soufflee Surprise and cup sifted, finely powdered sugar or
Baked Alaska; Swiss Meringue or Royal Glaze. 1 cup minus 1 tablespoon sifted sugar
Each calls for special treatment. (Viz teaspoon cinnamon)

In day of the electric mixer, showy me-

this When the mixture stands in stiff peaks on the
ringue desserts have become effortless to make. beater, ready for baking.
it is Do not overheat.
They can, however, be made using a large egg To shape, see above. For a glaze, you may dust
whisk, but it takes endurance. Use glass, stain- the meringues lightly with:
less steel or copper bowls for whipping the egg Granulated sugar
whites. See about Beating Eggs, 544. A word of Bake on baking sheets covered with parchment
warning: Do not attempt meringues when the paper about 1 hour or longer, depending on the
humidity is high. size. The reason for the use of paper is not only
Ingredients and proportions do not vary. For to prevent sticking but to diffuse the heat. In

every 4 egg whites from 2-ounce eggs use Vi — some famous kitchens the meringues are baked
pound sugar. As you know, sugars of the same on a thick board or a pan, both greased and

floured. Do not remove from the oven at once, BERRY PIE WITH FRESH FRUIT
but turn off the oven, open the door and leave A
9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
them for at least 5 minutes. Cool gradually, away Please read About Berry
above. Use:
from a draft. Remove them from the sheet when Gooseberry, currant, blackberry, raspberry,
cool. If kisses are to be filled, crush the bottom strawberry, blueberry, huckleberry or
lightly with the thumb while still warm. Shortly loganberry
before serving, fill the hollows with: Line a pie pan with:
Sweetened and flavored whipped cream A pie dough, 640-642
or a frozen mixture Prepare by picking over and hulling:
covered with: 4 cups fresh berries
Sweetened crushed fruit, or a Combine:
chocolate sauce, 772 2
A to 1cup or more sugar
cup all-purpose flour
("PA tablespoons lemon juice or
ABOUT BERRY AND OTHER teaspoon cinnamon)
FRUIT PIES If the fruit is juicy, add:

If you don't find the fruit combination you are (2 teaspoons quick-cooking tapioca)

looking for in our fruit pie recipes, perhaps you Sprinkle these ingredients over the berries and
would like to experiment with fillings for your- stir gently until well blended. Let stand for 15
self. A 9-inch fruit or berry pie needs about 4 minutes.
cups of fresh fruit or 3 cups of cooked fruit. Each Preheat oven to 450°.
fruit will require its own quota of sweetening, de- Turn the fruit into the pie shell. Dot with:
pending on acidity and your personal taste. Four 1 to 2 tablespoons butter

cups of gooseberries, for example, need about Cover the pie with a well-pricked top or with a
1 3A cups of sugar, while the same amount of lattice. Bake the pie in a 450° oven 10 minutes.

blueberries may need no more than Vi cup — Reduce the heat to 350° and bake 35 to 40 min-
plus lemon juice to heighten the flavor. utes or until golden brown.
As to thickening for pie fruit: technically, each
batch would require a different amount of thick- BERRY OR CHERRY PIE WITH
ener, depending on the variety of fruit, degree of
ripeness, etc. For practical purposes, an often sug-
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
gested formula for 4 cups of fruit is:
Allow approximately:
A cup all-purpose flour 2 A cups sweetened canned or cooked berries

However, acid fruits should be thickened with

or cherries
tapioca, cornstarch or arrowroot starch because
1 cup fruit juice
the acidity of the fruit may neutralize the thicken-
Proceed as directed in the above recipe for Berry
ing power of the flour. So for 4 cups of fruit, mix:
Pie with Fresh Fruit, but for thickening use:
2 2A tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
V/i tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
A to 1 cup sugar and the smaller amount of sugar. For cherry pie,
or mix:
see flavoring in Fresh Cherry Pie, 651. You may
2 tablespoons cornstarch or arrowroot starch
bake the filling in the unbaked pie shell as in
with: Berry Pie with Fresh Fruit, or you may thicken
A cup water or fruit juice
the fruit juice by heating it separately with the
untilvery smooth and then blend with: thickener. Then mix it with the fruit and put it in
A to 1 cup sugar a baked shell to serve.
Whether you use tapioca or cornstarch, let the
mixture stand for 15 minutes after blending it
gently into the fresh fruit. Correct the sweetening,
then proceed as directed in Berry Pies, below. FROZEN FRUIT
Some suggested proportions are: A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
Vi apple and Vi pear Line a pie pan with:
A apple and Vi green tomato A pie dough, 640-642
Vi rhubarb and Vi strawberry Defrost until the fruit separates easily:
A gooseberry and 2A strawberry Frozen berries or cherries: 20 oz.
V2 cherry and Vi rhubarb Mix fruit with:

Vi cranberry and A apple

2 3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
Vi mincemeat, V* applesauce and I'A cups sugar
V* crushed pineapple
A teaspoon salt

V2 fresh strawberries and Vi bananas 2 tablespoons melted butter

A raspberries and 'A currants Let stand for 15 minutes before adding to shell.
Fruit pies *
freeze well, but do not freeze those Preheat oven to 450°.
with a custard base. Cover filling with a pricked top or a lattice and

bake in a 450° oven 10 minutes. Reduce the heat BLUEBERRY OR HUCKLEBERRY

to 350° and bake about 45 minutes or until CUSTARD TARTS
golden brown. Six to Eight 3-Inch Tarts
If seeds are small, it'sblueberries you have; if
many and large — huckleberries. The flavor is al-
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
most identical.
Line a pie pan with:
pie dough, 640-642
Pate Sucree, 641, or Vienna Pastry, 641
Wash, drain and pit: Preheat oven to 450°.
4 cups fresh sour cherries
Place dough in the tart pans. Bake 8 to 12 min-
Combine, then mix gently with cherries:
utes. Remove from oven and reduce heat to 375°.
22 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
Fill with a mixture of:
1 1/3 cups sugar
quart blueberries
(2 drops almond flavoring or
V2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons kirsch)
(2 tablespoons lemon juice)
Let fruit mixture stand 15 minutes.
Bake about 10 minutes. Remove from oven. Cook
Preheat oven to 450°.
Pour fruit into pie shell and dot with:
and stir —
over not in boiling water until —
2 tablespoons butter
V2 cup cream
Cover with a well-pricked top or a lattice. Bake
3 beaten egg yolks
10 minutes at 450°, then reduce heat to 350° and
Vi cup sugar
bake about 40 minutes longer or until golden
Vb teaspoon salt
Cool the custard and pour it over the slightly
cooled tarts. Continue to cool and top with:
SOUR CREAM CHERRY (Whipped Cream, 531)
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie or 4 Tarts
Prepare a pie shell or tart shells, using: APPLE PIE
Graham Cracker or Zwieback Crust, 642 I. A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
Chill the shell, then fill it with the following Call it a la mode you garnish your pie with ice

cherry custard. cream — a real inspiration when your apples are

Preheat oven to 325° tart.

Beat: Line a 9-inch pie pan with:

3 eggs A pie dough, 640-642
Add: Pare, core and thinly slice:
3 cup sugar 5 to 6 cups apples
4 cup cultured sour cream you are using dried apples, allow 1 pound ap-

2 cups fresh or canned drained cherries ples to1 quart water and cook 35 to 45 minutes

or berries before proceeding. Combine and sift over the

Bake the pie until the custard is firm, about 1 apples:
/3 cup white or brown sugar
hour. Serve very hot or very cold. 2
V2 to
n teaspoon salt
GLAZED BERRY PIE 1 to IV2 tablespoons cornstarch
9-Inch Single-Crust Pie (V* teaspoon cinnamon)
Prepare with a generous high rim: (Va teaspoon nutmeg)
A baked pie shell, 640 Only very tart apples require the larger amount of
Clean and hull: sugar. Only very juicy apples require the larger
quart strawberries or red or black raspberries
1 amount of cornstarch. Stir the apples gently until
Reserve and .*» blend or sieve 1 cup of the fruit. they are well coated. Place them in layers in the
Combine and cook, stirring until thickened over pie shell. Dot with:
low heat 10 to 15 minutes: IV2 tablespoons butter
A cup sugar If the apples are bland or lacking in flavor, sprin-

2V2 tablespoons cornstarch kle with:

teaspoon salt
'4 tablespoon lemon juice

cup water
1 V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
Add the blended fruit to give color. Put the whole (1 teaspoon vanilla)

berries into the baked pie shell, evenly distrib- If you are serving the pie with cheese, omit the
uted. Pour the syrup over the berries, coating above flavors and use:
them thoroughly by turning but not displacing (1 teaspoon fennel or anise seed)

them. Chill the pie in the refrigerator at least 4 Should the apples be very dry, add:
hours. Serve garnished with. (2 tablespoons water or cream)
(Whipped cream) Preheat oven to 450°

Cover the pie with a pricked upper crust. Bake in RHUBARB PIE
a 450° oven 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 350°. I. A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
Bake until done, 35 to 45 minutes or until golden Follow the rule for baking Berry Pie with Fresh
brown. For a delicious touch, sprinkle the top Fruit,650, making a lattice crust for the top. This
crust lightly with sugar and cinnamon as you put pie can also be made with half rhubarb and half
the pie into the oven. Some cooks brush it first strawberries.
with milk. Others prefer to finish the pie off, after Use:
baking, with: 4 cups unpeeled, diced young rhubarb stalks
(1 cup shredded cheese) 1
A cup all-purpose flour
Place briefly under a broiler to melt the cheese. T/4 to 2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon butter
II. A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
(1 teaspoon grated orange rind)
Follow directions for Iabove, using a single pie
crust recipe. In place of an upper crust, top with II. A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
a sprinkling of: A custardy rhubarb pie. Line a pie pan with:
Streusel II, 731 A pie dough, 640-642
Bake However, if the crumb crust is
as directed. Preheat oven to 400°.
becoming too brown, protect with a foil covering Place in the pie shell:
until apples are tender. 4 cups diced pink rhubarb
Combine and beat:
APPLE TARTS IV2 cups sugar
8 Tarts 3 egg yolks
Preheat oven to 375°. V2 cup all-purpose flour
Line eight shallow 3-inch muffin cups or individual 3 tablespoons milk
pie pans with: ( A teaspoon nutmeg)

A pie dough, 640-642 Spread these ingredients over the rhubarb. Bake
Fill them with: 20 minutes at 400°, then reduce the heat to 350°
4 cups pared, thinly sliced apples and bake another 20 minutes. When pie has
Combine and pour over the fruit: cooled, use the 3 egg whites for a:
Vi cup sugar Meringue, 730
2 slightly beaten eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup cream, or f/a cup evaporated milk
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
and 1/2 cup water Stem:
teaspoon cinnamon)
4 cups blue grapes
teaspoon nutmeg)
Slip the pulp out of the skins. Reserve the skins.
Bake about 40 minutes. Cook the pulp until the seeds loosen. Press
through a colander to remove seeds. Combine the
pulp, the skins and:
I. A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie 3
A cup sugar
Preheat oven to 400°. lemon
(IV2 tablespoons juice)
Line a pie pan with: tablespoon grated orange rind
A pie dough, 640-642 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca
Combine and blend well: Let these ingredients stand 15 minutes. Line a pie
1 egg or 2 egg yolks
pan with:
2 tablespoons flour
A pie dough, 640-642
h to1 cup granulated sugar
Preheat oven to 450°.
C/3 cup melted butter)
Fill the shell with the grape mixture and form a
Pour mixture over:
lattice over the top, see 639. Bake the pie 10 min-
Halves of canned or peeled fresh peaches
utes at 450°, then reduce heat to 350° and bake
that have been placed cut side up in the pie shell.
about 20 minutes.
Bake 15 minutes at 400°, then reduce the heat to
300° and bake about 50 minutes longer. Serve
hot or, if cold, garnished with:
(Whipped cream)
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
II. A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie Preheat oven to 450°.
Follow the recipe for: Line a pie pan with:
Apple Pie, 651 A pie dough, 640-642
Substitute for the apples: Fill it with:
5 cups peeled, sliced peaches Mincemeat, 812, or a 28-oz. jar of
Use the smaller amount of sugar. mincemeat

Add to the mincemeat: Cool 'A cup of this mixture. Stir into it gently:
4 tablespoons brandy)
(2 to 2 tablespoons butter
Cover the pie with a pricked top. Bake at 450° 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350° and bake Return it to the saucepan. Cook and stir over low
about 30 minutes. heat until the mixture has thickened. Remove
pan from heat. Beat in:
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Cut into pieces:
Cool the filling. Fill the pie shell. Cover with Me-
Vh cups seeded raisins ringue I, 730, and bake as directed.
Pare, core and slice:
4 medium-sized tart apples or a combination
of apples and green tomatoes
There whole galaxy of pie fillings based on
is a
Combine the raisins and apples. Add:
brown sugar, molasses, and corn or maple syrup.
Grated rind of 1 orange
These are thickened usually with egg, but some-
Juice of 1 orange
times with a crumb mixture or, as in Shoo-Fly Pie,
Vi cup cider or other fruit juice
with a flour base, which gives the dessert a cake-
Cover these ingredients and simmer until the
apples are very soft. Stir in until well blended:
like quality. Some cooks cut the sweetness with
4 cup sugar
tart jellies,lemon or vinegar. Some add butter or
teaspoon each cinnamon and cloves cream, spices, nuts and dried fruits. You may
2 or 3 tablespoons finely crushed soda crackers
top these pies with crumb mixtures, meringues,
If the apples are dry, use the smaller amount. This
whipped cream or icing. Some transparents claim
southern, some Pennsylvania ancestry; and a few
mixture will keep for several days. Shortly before
using it, add: acknowledge their direct descent from English
(1 or 2 tablespoons brandy)
forebears —
the traditional Banbury or chess tarts.

Preheat oven to 450°. To test for doneness, read About Custards, 743.
Line a pie pan with:
A pie dough, 640-642 BASIC TRANSPARENT PIE
Fill it with mock mincemeat. Cover with a pricked We have encountered this great southern favorite
upper crust or with a lattice. Bake at 450° ten at all sorts of gatherings, from fiestas to funerals.
minutes, then reduce heat to 350° and bake about There are many variations, but we like to use our
20 minutes longer. recipe for Pecan Pie, below, omitting the pecans
and replacing the vanilla with:
A grating of nutmeg or 1 tablespoon
lemon juice
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
Ifyou add to the filling or line the crust with V*
Have ready:
cup of tart jelly, you have Amber Pie.
A baked pie shell, 640
Preheat oven to 325°. PECAN PIE
Put stewed, unsweetened prunes or apricots
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
through a ricer. Combine:
Black walnuts for pecans makes a piquant sub-
A cup prune or apricot pulp stitution.
Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind
Preheat oven to 450°.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Line a pan with:
Vz cup sugar
A pie dough, 640-642
Beat until stiff, but not dry:
and bake it only partially, from 5 to 7 minutes.
3 egg whites
Allow it to cool. Reduce oven heat to 375°.
Beat in very slowly:
Combine and beat thoroughly.
Vi cup sugar
3 eggs
Fold the egg whites into the fruit mixture. Fill the
1 cup sugar
pie shell. Bake about 20 minutes or until set.
Vi teaspoon salt
/» cup melted butter
RAISIN PIE 1 cup light corn syrup
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie Stir in:
Have ready: cup pecan halves
A baked pie shell, 640 teaspoon vanilla or 1 tablespoon rum
Heat to the boiling point: Fill the shell. Bake the pie 40 to 50 minutes at

1 cup seedless or seeded white raisins 375° or until a knife inserted in the filling comes
1 cup water out clean. Serve warm or cold. If you omit the
Add: nuts and substitute for the vanilla 3 tablespoons
Vz cup white or brown sugar of bourbon whisky, you will have a Bourbon Pie.

BANBURY TARTS (V2 cup seedless raisins)

About Six 4-Inch Tarts Combine and cook in the top of a double boiler

Have ready: or over low heat until thick:

1 cup brown sugar, mild molasses or honey
Individual baked tart crusts, 641
Combine: Vz cup hot water

1 cup seeded raisins

3 beaten eggs

1 cup sugar
Cool and pour these ingredients into the pie shell.
2 tablespoons cracker crumbs Preheat oven to 325°
1 well-beaten egg Combine and work like pastry:

Grated rind of 1 lemon cup cake or cookie crumbs

/» cup all-purpose flour
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons butter V2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon

V* cup chopped candied fruits

A teaspoon nutmeg

(2 tablespoons chopped walnuts)

Vs teaspoon ginger
Cook and stir these ingredients over low heat
/» cup soft butter
until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from
Sprinkle this mixture over the filling. To make
the heat. Cool. Half fill the tart shells. Top with:
Gravel Pie, don't combine the above ingredients.
(Whipped cream) Instead, sprinkle them alternately over the pie

You may use this filling in Turnovers, 251. with the crumbs on top. Bake 20 to 30 minutes.
If you bake from three to five of these shells with

thin fillings, stack them and top them with Boiled

Icing, 721, flavored with lemon, or Caramel Icing,
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
726, you have a Stack Pie.
A baked pie shell, 640
Preheat oven to 325°. PUMPKIN OR SQUASH PIE
Cream: When Halloween comes 'round, we welcome
V2 cup butter pumpkins as symbols of harvest and sources of
2 cups packed light brown sugar shivery fun. For holiday decorations, why not have
Beat in: each of the children carve his own small pump-
4 egg yolks kin? Then stack them into a totem pole. Use the
Mix, then add: topmost cutout as a lid, the rest for ears and
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour noses. Stems make good features, too. Choose
1 teaspoon cinnamon pumpkins of varied shapes, as shown on 638, and
V2 teaspoon allspice encourage the sculptors to vary their expressions.
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg Abroad, we find almost everywhere that a great
Stir in: diversity of puddings like the filling below, soups,
1 cup cream 185, breads, 624, and vegetable dishes, 330, are
V2 cup chopped dates prepared from these members of the squash fam-
V2 cup raisins ily. Here in America we restrict their use mostly to

V2 cup broken pecan meats pie.

Fill the shell. Bake the pie until set, about 30 min- To cook pumpkin, wash and cut it in half
utes. When cool, top with: crosswise. Remove seeds and strings. Place it in a
730 I, pan, shell side up, and bake it in a 325° oven for
Bake Without the nuts and spices
as directed. this 1 hour or more, depending on size, until it is
becomes Kentucky Pie. tender and begins to fall apart. Scrape the pulp
from the shell and put it through a ricer or
CHESS TARTS strainer or blender.

I. A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
Baked tart crusts, 641 Line a pie pan with:
with filling for:
A pie dough, 640-642
Jefferson Davis Pie, above Preheat oven to 425°.
omitting the dates and spices. When cool, cover
Mix until well blended:
with: 2 cups cooked or canned pumpkin or squash
Whipped cream IV2 cups undiluted evaporated milk or
rich cream
A cup brown sugar
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie V2 cup white sugar
Use a-: V2 teaspoon salt
Baked pie 640
shell, 1 teaspoon cinnamon
for this Pennsylvania Dutch specialty. Sprinkle the V2 teaspoon ginger
bottom of shell with:
teaspoon nutmeg or allspice

Vs teaspoon cloves see below. This method takes a bit of dexterity,

2 slightly beaten eggs but after you get used to it, you will prefer it.
Pour the mixture into the pie shell. Bake 15 min- The filling need not even be preformed but, if
utes at 425°, then reduce heat to 350° and bake precooked, can be spooned carefully into the
about 45 minutes longer or until an inserted knife prebaked shell. you use a topping, see 696, no

comes out clean. Serve with: one but you be the wiser. Two more im-
Sweetened whipped cream portant comments about fillings which are pre-
flavored with: cooked, but not preformed, like Rich Custard,
(2 tablespoons bourbon) 735: always cook them over not in —
boiling —
water; and when they are thickened, beat them
until they are cool to allow all the steam to es-
Follow the directions in I, above, omitting the cape. The steam will otherwise condense and thin
milk and adding:
the filling too much. Mark Twain inelegantly wrote
2 tablespoons molasses
of a frustrated crow that it was "sweating like an
IV2 cups sour cream
ice pitcher," and this is exactly what custard fill-
ing will do, unless beaten until cool. Or you may
ABOUT CUSTARD PIES use Baked Custard, 734. When either custard is
70° or cooler, place the filling in the prebaked
How many we have answered
puzzled inquiries
shell, and the pie is ready to serve.
about "Custard, my family's favorite pie"! In a
recent one, our correspondent gloomily points
out: "My mother thinks it's lumpy because cook I
it too long. My husband thinks it gets watery be-
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
cause I put it in the icebox." How right, unfor- Preheat oven to 450°.
tunately, are both of this bride's critics! Custard The partial baking of this pie shell before filling
and cream pies, unless eaten almost at once, must ensures a crisper undercrust. Line a pie pan with:
be kept well chilled. The lightly cooked eggs are A pie dough, 640-642
especially subject to adverse bacterial activity, Build up a fluted rim. Prick the bottom and bake
even though they may give no evidence of spoil- it in a 450° oven just 10 minutes. Reduce heat to
age.It is Hobson's choice here: eat within 3 hours
325°. Pull the oven rack partway out and pour the
if the pie is left unrefrigerated or risk wateriness following custard into the crust, or remove the
under refrigeration.
crust from the oven only long enough to fill it.
Again, pie dough needs a high heat, while the Beat slightly:
custard itself demands a low one. How to recon- 3 eggs or 6 egg yolks
cile these contradictions? We find that the easiest Add and stir well:
way to satisfaction is to prebake crust and filling
V2 cup sugar
separately; then, just before serving, to slip the teaspoon salt
cooled filling into the cooled shell. To prebake 2 cups milk, or milk and light cream
1 teaspoon vanilla or 1 tablespoon rum
Sprinkle the top with:
(V4 teaspoon nutmeg)
Bake the pie in the 325° oven about 30 minutes
or until firm. Serve plain, with sugared fresh fruit,
or garnished with curls of:
(Sweet chocolate)


To be assembled just before serving.
Prebaked tart crusts, 641
Spoon into them:
V2-inch layer of Baked Custard, 734
Top the custard with:
Strawberries or other berries, cooked drained
apples, drained cherries, peaches, bananas,
the select a pie pan of the same size as the
pineapple or coconut
crust. Crease well. Bake the custard in the pie Coat the fruit with Glaze for Tarts, 732, to which
pan at 350°. To test for doneness, read About you may add:
Custards, 734. Cool quickly. Before serving, cut the (1 tablespoon or more of brandy or rum)
edges free with a knife and shake the pan gently Garnish with:
to loosen the pie. Slide the filling into the crust, (Whipped cream)


A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie 2 oz. melted, slightly cooled unsweetened
Prepare: chocolate
A baked pie shell, 640 Add and beat:
and: Vi cup all-purpose flour
Caramel Custard Pudding, 738 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cool the pudding and fill the slightly cooled pie 1 cup broken nutmeats
crust. Garnish with: Whip until stiff, but not dry:
Sweetened Whipped Cream II, 696 2 egg whites
Vs teaspoon salt
Fold them into the batter. Pour into a greased
CREAM PIE 8-inch pie pan and bake about 30 minutes. Serve
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie topped with:
Prepare: Ice cream
A baked
pie shell, 640
In top of double boiler combine:
/3 cup sugar
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
V2 cup all-purpose flour
Follow the directions for:
V2 teaspoon salt
Cream Pie, above
Add, stir and cook —
over not in boiling water — but substitute for the granulated sugar:
10 minutes or until mixture thickens: 1 cup brown sugar
2 cups milk
and decrease the vanilla to V2 teaspoon. A good
Remove from heat. Beat slightly: addition is:
3 egg yolks
(V2 cup nutmeats or crushed Nut Brittle or
Stirring well, pour half of hot mixture into eggs.
Praline, 789)
When smooth, return eggs to rest of hot mixture Cover with:
and cook until thickened. Remove from heat and Meringue, 730
add: and bake as directed; or cover with:
2 tablespoons butter Whipped cream, 531
teaspoons vanilla
Cool slightly before turning into the crust. Cover BANANA CREAM PIE
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
Meringue, 730
Follow the directions for:
Brown delicately as directed.
Cream Pie, above
Peel and slice thinly:
CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE 2 ripe bananas
I. A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie Place them in the baked pie shell. Pour the cooled
Follow the directions for: filling over them.
Cream Pie, above
with the following changes. You may increase the COCONUT CREAM PIE
sugar to 1 cup. Melt in the hot milk mixture: A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
2 oz. cut-up unsweetened chocolate You could use a crumb crust, 642, here.
Follow the directions for:
Cream Pie, above
Or fill the pie crust with half the recipe for:
Add to the hot ingredients:
Pots-de-Creme, 737, or French Chocolate V2 to 1cup grated or flaked coconut
Mousse, 737, or Rum Chocolate Mousse, 738, Cover with:
or Mocha Filling, 697 Meringue, 730
Garnish with: and sprinkle ever it:
Whipped cream 4 cup flaked coconut

and keep chilled until ready to serve. Bake as directed; or you may cover the pie with:
Whipped cream, 531
A cake unexcelled in its delicious
crustless pie or A 9-Inch Pie or 6 Tarts
and devastatingly rich quality. But do not let a Prepare:
littledevastation deter you. 6 baked tart crusts, 641, or a baked
Preheat oven to 325°. pie crust, 640
Cream together: Follow the directions for:
1 cup sugar Cream Pie, above
Vi cup butter adding to the hot milk:
Beat in: 3 tablespoons instant coffee

You may substitute for the vanilla: KEY LIME PIE

(2 teaspoons rum) A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
Top with: This pie owes
distinctive character to the pun-

Whipped cream, 531, or —

gent citrus variety native to Florida called the —
Mocha Marshmallow Cream, 749 Key lime. It may be used in any other recipe
calling for either lemon or lime.
BAVARIAN PIE A baked pie shell, 640
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie Preheat oven to 350°.
Prepare: Mix together well:
A baked pie shell, 640 1 can sweetened condensed milk: 15 oz.

When cool, with:

fill 1 tablespoon grated Key lime rind
1/2 cup Key lime juice
Bavarian Berry Cream, 747
A teaspoon salt
LEMON MERINGUE PIE (2 slightly beaten egg yolks)
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie Stir untilthickened, a result of the reaction of the
Prepare: milk with the citrus juice.
A baked pie shell, 640 Pour the mixture into the baked crust and cover
Sift into a 2- or 3-quart saucepan with a meringue made by beating until stiff, but

V/i cups sugar not dry:

6 tablespoons cornstarch 2 egg whites

teaspoon salt to which are gradually added:
Gradually blend in: 2 tablespoons sugar

V2 cup cold water Bake pie 10 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned.

/z cup fresh lemon juice
When smooth add, blending thoroughly: EGGLESS LEMON OR LIME PIE
3 well-beaten egg yolks A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
2 tablespoons butter Prepare:
Stirring constantly, gradually add: A baked pie shell, 640
IV2 cups boiling water Combine:
Bring the mixture to a full boil, stirring gently. As 1 can sweetened condensed milk: 15 oz.

it begins to thicken, reduce the heat and allow to Vj cup lime or lemon juice
simmer slowly 1 minute. Remove from heat and 1 tablespoon grated lime or lemon rind

stir in: A
teaspoon salt

teaspoon grated lemon peel

1 Stir untilthickened. The thickening results from
Pour into the baked pie shell. Cover with: the reaction of the milk and citrus juice.
Meringue, 730 Turn the filling into the crust. Chill about 3 hours.
and bake as directed. Serve when cool. Serve garnished with:
(Whipped cream)
OHIO LEMON PIE (Shaved sweet chocolate)
A 9-Inch Double-Crust Pie
A very tart Shaker favorite. LEMON ANGEL PIE
Crate and reserve the yellow peel from: A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
2 large lemons Prepare a shell of:
With a very sharp knife remove the white inner Meringue Paste, 649
peel from the lemons and cut them into paper- Butter the bottom of a deep 9-inch ovenproof
thin slices. Remove seeds. Combine in a bowl the dish and cover with the meringue, making a fluted
lemon slices, the grated peel and: rim. Bake as directed. Let cool in the oven with
2 cups sugar the door open. Prepare the following filling in a
1 teaspoon salt double boiler —
over not in boiling water. Beat —
Let stand 2 to 24 hours — the longer the better. well:
Preheat oven to 425°. 4 egg yolks
Line a pie pan with: Add:
A pie dough, 640-642 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
Add to the lemon-and-sugar mixture: V2 cup sugar
4 well-beaten eggs V2 cup water
After the mixture has been well stirred, pour it Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon
into the pastry-lined pan and cover with a top Cook until thickened, beating constantly. Cool.
crust, 639. Bake ten minutes. Reduce heat to 325° Whip:
and bake about 45 minutes longer. If the pie crust 1 cup whipping cream
edges brown too fast, see 639. Cool pie before Fold in:
serving. 1
2 teaspoon vanilla

Put half the cream in the meringue shell, then the Cook and stir this mixture in a double boiler
cooked lemon filling. Cover with the remaining over — not — boiling water
in until it thickens. Chill
cream. Chill before serving. until about to set. Beat with a wire whisk until
light. Add:
ABOUT CHIFFON PIES 1 teaspoon vanilla
Many chiffon pies call for raw egg whites, so (1 tablespoon brandy)
please see note on uncooked eggs, 743.
Whip until stiff, but not dry:

Don't neglect the wonderful Bavarian Creams, 4 egg whites

746-748, the Gelatin Puddings, 743, and the Fruit Slowly beat in:
Vi cup sugar
Whips, 745. All can be used in a baked pie shell.
Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.
the pie shell. Chill the pie to set the

Spread with:

A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie

Whipped cream, 531
Please see note on uncooked eggs, 743. Prepare:
A baked pie shell, 640
Combine in the top of a double boiler: RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY
Vi cup sugar CHIFFON PIE
/3 cup water
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon gelatin
A baked pie shell, 640
cup lemon or lime juice
Just before serving, fill with:
Cook and stir these ingredients over not — in
Bavarian Berry Cream, 747
boiling water until thick. Add:
and serve covered with:
1 tablespoon grated lemon or lime peel
Glaze for Fruit Pies II, 732
Chill mixture in refrigerator until it forms little

mounds when dropped from a spoon. Whip:

until but not dry. Fold in:
stiff, A Deep
9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
/3 cup sugar Please see note on uncooked eggs, 743. Prepare:
Fold this mixture lightly in turn into the lemon A baked crumb crust, 642, or
mixture. Fill the pie crust. Chill until set, which baked pie shell, 640
may take several hours. Soak:
1 tablespoon gelatin


A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie

A cup cold water
Follow directions for:
2 cups rich milk
Lemon Chiffon Pie, above
but substitute a well-flavored orange juice for the
water and lemon juice, and orange peel for the
cup sugar
4 teaspoons cornstarch
lemon peel. Indifferently flavored orange juice
Beat until light:
may be improved by the addition of 2 teaspoons
4 egg yolks
of vanilla.
Slowly stir the milk into the eggs. Stir in the sugar


mixture. Cook these ingredients over not in —
— boiling water, stirring occasionally, about 20
minutes or until the custard coats a spoon heav-
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie ily. Take out 1 cup of the custard. Add to it:

Please see note on uncooked eggs, 743. IV2 oz. melted unsweetened chocolate
Prepare: Beat until well blended and cool. Add:
A baked pie shell, 640 V2 teaspoon vanilla
Soak: Pour this into the crust. Dissolve the soaked gela-
1 tablespoon gelatin tin in the remaining hot custard. Let it cool, but

in: not stiffen. Stir in:

V* cup cold strong coffee tablespoon or more
1 rum
Combine and stir until smooth: Beat until well blended:
6 tablespoons cocoa or 2 oz. melted 3 egg whites
unsweetened chocolate Add:
Vz cup sugar 1
A teaspoon cream of tartar
V% cup boiling strong coffee Beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Beat

Stir in the soaked gelatin until it is dissolved. Cool in graduallv, a teaspoon at a time:
slightly and pour these ingredients gently onto: '4 cup sugar
4 lightly beaten egg yolks Fold the egg whites into the custard. Cover the

chocolate custard with the rum-flavored custard. gredients together in a blender except the egg
Chill to set. Whip until stiff: whites or whipped cream, which should be folded
1 cup whipping cream in just before the mixture is poured into the crust.
Add gradually: If smooth cottage cheese is not available, regular

2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar curd cottage cheese may be put through a sieve or
Cover custard with the cream. Top with: a A
V2 oz. shaved semisweet chocolate A few wine-soaked currants, finely shaved al-
monds, or tiny pieces of angelica or citron are
MAPLE OR CARAMEL GELATIN sometimes mixed with the filling or used as top-
CHIFFON PIE ping. Shaved curled chocolate may be added as a

A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie surface garnish. To glaze cheesecakes, see Straw-

Prepare: berry Glaze and Apricot Glaze, 732, Sauce Cock-
A baked pie shell, 640 aigne, 770, and other fruit sauces.
Follow directions for:
Caramel or Maple Bavarian Cream, 747
reducing the milk to % cup and folding in before
I. 16 Servings
2 stiffly beaten egg whites
Prepare a double recipe of:
A crumb crust, 642
Reserve Va cup of this mixture. Press the re-
A 9-Inch Single-Crust Pie
mainder with a spoon or the palm of the hand on
Please see note on uncooked eggs, 743.
the bottom and sides of a 12-inch spring-form
pan. Chill this shell thoroughly.
A baked pie shell, 640, or Graham Cracker
Preheat oven to 350°. •

Crust, 642
To make the filling, sift:
IV2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon gelatin
Beat until light:
6 eggs
A cup cold water Add the sugar gradually. Beat these ingredients
Beat slightly:
until very light. Add:
3 egg yolks
teaspoon salt
teaspoons grated lemon rind
V2cup white or brown sugar
1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice
I'A cups canned or cooked pumpkin
1 teaspoon vanilla
V2 cup milk
Blend well and add to the above:
V2 teaspoon salt
V2 cup all-purpose flour
V* teaspoon each cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger
3Va pints smooth cottage cheese: 2V*
Cook and stir these ingredients over not in — Whip and fold in:

boiling water until thick. Stir in the soaked gelatin

2 cups whipped cream
until dissolved. Chill until mixture begins to set.
Fillthe pie crust. Sprinkle the reserved crumb mix-
Whip until stiff, but not dry:
ture over the filling. Bake about 1 hour. Turn off
3 egg whites
the heat and permit the pie to stand in the oven
Stir in gradually:
with the door open for 1 hour longer or until
V2 cup sugar
and fold into the pumpkin mixture. Fill the pie

shell. Chill several hours to set. Serve garnished II. 10 Servings

This very delicate pie should be baked in a 2-inch-
Whipped cream, 531 deep 9-inch pan.
pie shell, 640, or crumb crust, 642
No wonder pictures of leggy starlets are called Make enough to also line the sides of the pan.
cheesecake! We
think the following recipes are Preheat oven to 350°.
Take your pick, but remember to
starlets. watch Combine and beat:
temperatures. Cheesecakes are egg-based. They 3 cups smooth cottage cheese
need low heat and are usually left in the turned- 3 whole eggs
off oven with the door open after baking. Expect Add:
a slight shrinkage as they cool. there is great If 3
A cup whipping cream
shrinkage, you have baked them
too high heat. at 3 tablespoons melted butter
They all profit by thorough chilling before serv- 5 tablespoons sugar
ing, preferably 12 hours. For safe storage, keep V2 teaspoon tablespoon lemon
vanilla, or 1
refrigerated, lightly covered. juice plus teaspoon grated lemon rind
X We have found it a time-saver to put all in- ('A cup chopped blanched almonds)

Bake the pie until the filling is firm, about 45 min- fruit juice for the water and milk. See note on
utes. Sprinkle while hot with:
it uncooked eggs, 743. Prepare a double recipe of:
4 tablespoons confectioners' sugar Graham Cracker or Zwieback Crumb
1 teaspoon cinnamon Crust, 642
Reserve V2 cup crumbs. Spread or pat the rest in
SOUR CREAM CHEESECAKE a thin layer over the bottom and sides of a 3-inch-
12 Servings deep 10-inch spring mold. Bake the crust about
Using 2 cups crumbs, line a 2V2 -inch-deep, 9-inch 10 minutes. Cool it. Beat in the top of a double
spring mold with: boiler:
Zwieback Crust, 642 4 beaten egg yolks
Chill the crust.
A cup sugar
Preheat oven to 375°. teaspoon salt

Mix well, then pour into the crust: cup milk

2 well-beaten eggs Heat and stir this custard over — not — boiling
A lb. soft cream cheese water until it thickens. Soak:
V2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons gelatin
teaspoon lemon juice or V2 teaspoon vanilla
1 in:

V2 teaspoon salt V2 cup water

Bake about 20 minutes. Remove from oven. Dust Add the gelatin to the hot custard and stir until

the top with: dissolved. Cool the custard. Add:

Cinnamon 1V2 teaspoons vanilla or V3 cup lemon juice
Let cool to room temperature. Heat oven to 425°. Beat until smooth:
Mix well and pour over the cake: IV2 lb. soft cream cheese
IV2 cups thick cultured sour cream Gradually beat the custard into the cheese until
2 tablespoons sugar well blended. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
teaspoon vanilla
2 4 egg whites
teaspoon salt
a Whip in gradually:
Bake about 5 minutes to glaze the cheesecake. Let V2 cup sugar
it cool, then refrigerate from 6 to 12 hours before
Fold this into the custard. Beat until stiff, then
serving. fold in:
1 cup whipping cream
Fill the crust with the custard. Sprinkle the re-
RICOTTA CHEESECAKE OR PIE served crumbs over the top. Chill well in the
A 10-Inch Single-Crust Pie refrigerator until ready to serve.
This North Italian delight is a favorite of our friend
Jim Beard, who has generously allowed us to ABOUT FRUIT PASTRIES
include it.
Here we
include cobblers, deep-dish pies, fresh
Prepare and line a deep pie pan with: fruit cakes, shortcakes, upside-down cakes, crisps
Cheesecake Crust, 642 and crunches. Remember that large shortcakes,
Make a fluted edge and bake about 7 minutes at fresh fruit cakes and crunches lend themselves
450°. Cool. Heat oven to 375°.
well to baking for individual servings.
Have ready:
3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
2 tablespoons chopped blanched almonds
2 tablespoons chopped citron
A cobbler, cousin to a deep-dish pie, involves

a rich biscuit dough, 632, and fruit. Baked with the

and dust with:
fruit either under or over it, it is usually served
1 tablespoon flour
with rich cream, Hard Sauce, 775, or Sweetened
Beat until light and lemony in color:
Butters, 775; but try a fresh hot blackberry cobbler
4 eggs
with vanilla ice cream.
Gradually add:
Preheat oven to 425°.
1 cup sugar
IV2 teaspoons vanilla
Combine in a saucepan and heat:
3 cups prepared fruit: apples, peaches,
Add to the eggs and blend well:
1 V2 lb. Ricotta cheese
plums, etc.

Stir in the nut mixture and pour the filling into the
% —
depending on sweetness of fruit
cup sugar
crust. Bake about 40 minutes.
tablespoon all-purpose flour or 1 beaten egg
If using flour, allow the mixture to boil. If using

egg, stir until it thickens somewhat, but do not

GELATIN CHEESECAKE allow it to boil. Have ready half the recipe for:
A 10-Inch Cake Fluffy Biscuit Dough, 633
This handsome and toothsome affair will serve up Place the dough in a greased 8 x 8-inch pan or
to 18 persons and may be made a day in advance. casserole and cover it closely with the hot fruit;
Fruit may be incorporated, but if it is, substitute or place the hot fruit in the bottom of an 8-inch

baking dish and spoon over it the dough. Dot the Beat and add:
fruit with: 2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons butter tablespoon melted butter

Sprinkle with: cup milk

(/4 teaspoon cinnamon) Beat these ingredients with swift strokes until
Bake the cobbler about V2 hour. blended. Cover the fruit with the batter. Bake the
cake for about 30 minutes. Reverse it on a platter.
APPLE,PEACH OR PLUM Cool slightly. Use the egg whites for:
CAKE COCKAIGNE (Meringue II, 730)
A 9- or 10-Inch Round Pan and brown as directed.
Our friend Jane Nickerson, formerly Food Editor
of the New York Times, suggests using fresh SKILLET OR UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE
guavas in this dish. A 9- or 10-Inch Heavy Skillet
Preheat oven to 425°. Vary this which conventionally calls for
If the fruit used is very juicy, reduce the liquid in
canned pineapple, by using canned or frozen
the dough by at least 1 tablespoon. Sift together: raspberries, peaches or apricots. The last two re-
1 cup all-purpose flour quire only V2 cup sugar. Fresh fruit —
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder cherries, apples, etc. — may require more than 1
V* teaspoon salt cup, depending on the acidity of the fruit.
2 tablespoons sugar Preheat oven to 350°.
Add: Melt in a skillet:
IV2 to 3 tablespoons butter cup butter
V* to V2
Work these ingredients like pastry, 639. Beat well Add, cook gently and stir until dissolved:
in a measuring cup: V2 to 1 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg Remove the pan from the heat and add:
V2 teaspoon vanilla (1 cup pecan meats)
Add: Place over the butter and sugar mixture:
Enough milk to make a 2 -cup mixture1

Slices or halves of drained canned fruit:

Combine with the flour and butter to make a stiff No. 2V2 can
dough. You may pat the dough into the greased Cover the fruit with the following batter. Sift to-
pan with your floured palm, or spread it in part gether:
with a spoon and then distribute it evenly by 1 cup cake flour
pushing it with the fruit sections when you place 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
them closely in overlapping rows. Use about: Beat in a separate bowl:
4 cups sliced pared apples or peaches or sliced 4 egg yolks
unpared plums, preferably freestone blue Add:
Sprinkle with a mixture of: 1tablespoon melted butter
1 cup white or brown sugar 1teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons cinnamon Sift in a separate bowl:
3 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup sugar
Bake about 25 minutes. Whip until stiff but not dry:
A Deep 8-Inch Pie Pan Fold in the sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time; then fold
inthe yolk mixture, and finally the sifted flour, 1A
Sweet and rich.
Preheat oven to 425°. cup at a time. Bake the cake about 30 minutes. Im-
Grease the pan or ovenproof dish and cover the mediately upon removal from the oven, reverse
bottom well with: the cake onto a serving plate. Allow pan to remain
2 cups or more peeled sliced apples, peaches
over the cake briefly to let brown sugar mixture
or other fruit coat the cake. Remove pan and serve upside
Sprinkle the fruit with: down, after sprinkling the fruit with:
/j cup sugar
(Brandy or rum)
Cinnamon or nutmeg The cake may be garnished with:
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon (Whipped cream or a dessert sauce)
Dredge with: For individual servings, try this method: Put but-
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour ter, sugar and fruit in base of custard cups, run

Pour over surface: batter given above on top of the fruit and bake in
2 to 4 tablespoons melted butter a 350° oven until done.
Prepare the following batter. Sift together:
1 cup all-purpose flour APPLE CRISP OR FRUIT PARADISE
V2 cup sugar 6 Servings
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder This dessert can be baked in an ovenproof dish
',4 teaspoon salt from which you may serve at table. Its success,

when made with apples, depends on their flavor. Rough Puff Paste, 645
See About Apples, 129. or use any pie dough. After cutting into shapes,
Preheat oven to 375°. place in the center of each pastry 1 teaspoonful
Pare, core and slice into a 9-inch pie pan or dish: or more of one of the following fillings:
4 cups tart apples Well-flavored applesauce
or use the same amount of: Preserves or jam
Peaches, slightly sugared rhubarb or Mincemeat, 812
pitted cherries Banbury Tart Filling, 654
Season with: Filled Cookie Filling, 716
(2 tablespoons lemon juice or kirsch) Preheat oven to 450°.
Work like pastry with a pastry blender or with the Brush the edges lightly with water. Fold the dough
fingertips: over into triangles or crescents and press edges
Vi cup all-purpose flour to seal. Brush the tops with:
V2 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg yolk diluted with 2 tablespoons cream
A cup butter Bake about 15 minutes. While still warm dust
V2 teaspoon salt, if butter is unsalted pastries with:
(1 teaspoon cinnamon) Powdered sugar
The mixtures must be lightly worked so that it
does not become oily. Spread these crumbly in- FRUIT DUMPLINGS
gredients over the apples. Bake about 30 minutes.
4 Dumplings
Serve hot or cold with:
(Sweet or cultured sour cream)
A pie dough, 640-642, or Biscuit Dough,
GINGER CRISP Chill it. Pare and core:

Substitute for the flour in the recipe above: 4 medium-sized apples or 4 peeled, pitted
IV2 cups crushed gingersnap cookies and halved peaches or apricots
and proceed as directed. If using canned fruit, drain well and sprinkle with:

Lemon juice or rum

APPLE-MINCE-OAT CRISP and use less sugar. Combine until blended:
Add Apple
to the recipe for Crisp, above: 3
A cup packed brown sugar
1 cup moist mincemeat 'A cup soft butter
and reduce the flour to h
cup. Add to the flour 1
A teaspoon salt
mixture: V2 teaspoon cinnamon
cup rolled oats
1 (Grated lemon rind or citron)
A teaspoon nutmeg
Fill the core hollows with this mixture or with:
and proceed as directed above. Raspberry jam
and spread the remainder over the fruit.
QUICK CHERRY CRUNCH Preheat oven to 450°.
A 9 x 9 x 2-Inch Pan Roll out the dough in a thin sheet, Vs inch for
A well-flavored, easy cherry pastry. pastry, 1
inch for biscuit dough. Cut it into 4
Preheat oven to 350°. squares, large enough to enclose the apple en-
Mix and let stand 15 minutes: Brush squares with the white of an egg to

V2 cup cherry juice keep the dough from becoming soggy. Place an
IV2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca apple on each square. Bring up the four comers
Melt in a large pan: of the dough to cover the apple and press the
V2 cup butter edges together, using a little water, if necessary,
Mix with it: to make them stick. Prick the tops of the dump-
1 to IV2 cups packed brown sugar lings in several places. They may be chilled for
1 cup all-purpose flour several hours or baked at once. Brush the tops
1 cup quick-cooking oatmeal with milk. Bake about 10 minutes at 450°, reduce
teaspoon each double-acting baking the heat to 350° and bake about 45 minutes
powder, salt, and baking soda longer, until the apples are tender. Test them
Put half of this mixture into the baking pan. with a wooden pick. Serve with:
Scatter over it: Brown Sugar Butter Sauce, 773
2 cups drained canned red cherries If you wish to bake the dumplings in sauce, com-

and the juice and tapioca mixture. Cover the bine and simmer 5 minutes:
fruit with the other half of the pastry mixture. 1 cup water

Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until brown. V2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons butter
SWEET FRUIT TURNOVERS V2 teaspoon cinnamon
To shape these tea pastries, see Filled Cookies, For enhanced flavor, if you are using apples, you
716. The pastry may be: may simmer the cores and peelings in IV2 cups

water 15 minutes. Drain and use the fruit liquid 1 whole egg
in place of the water. Pour it boiling hot over the Add sponge and work in about:
this to the
dumplings when they begin to color. Dumplings V2 cup all-purpose flour
that are not baked in sauce may be served hot or or enough to stiffen, as for yeast cake. Cover the
cold with: bowl with a cloth. Allow the dough to rise until
Fluffy Hard Sauce with Rum, 775, Foamy doubled in bulk. Shape it into about 16 biscuits.
Sauce, 775, Lemon Sauce, 769, or cream They may be rolled out and cut. If you have time,
permit them to rise again. From here on, there is
a great divergence in treatment. The old method
RAISED DUMPLINGS required the use of a Dutch oven, but a covered
OR DAMPFNUDELN deep 10-inch ovenproof glass baking dish is
About 16 Dumplings preferable/as it enables you to watch the cooking
It was fun digging into old cookbooks for this process. Place in it one of the hot liquids indi-
recipe, if only because it made us realize that cated below and then the dumplings. If they are
the modern method of writing for cooks is an to be served with a meat course with lots of gravy,
immense improvement over the old. Our grand- use Vi cup butter and V2 cup milk. If they are to
mothers had to hack through a labyrinth, un- constitute a dessert, use 1 A
cups syrup, fruit
doubtedly armed with a ball of string, plus a rab- juice, preserves or stewed fruit.
bit's foot, in order to arrive at their culinary goals. Cover the pot closely, place it in a 275° oven
This homely old-time favorite is worth resurrect- and cook the dumplings about 1!A hours. If you
ing. Try it in its modern form. A well-known Cin- have not used a glass baker, do not lift the lid,
cinnati hostess serves it as a dessert at formal even to peek. Old recipes add that your sense of
dinners with much success. smell must be your guide as to when to uncover.
Combine: Do it when the dumplings begin to give off a
/2 tablespoon active dry yeast tempting fragrance of finality and all sizzling
1 tablespoon sugar noises have ceased, telling you that the liquid
4 cups all-purpose flour has been absorbed. Test the dumplings with a
Add: wooden pick to be sure they are dry. Remove
Vi cup110°-115° milk them from the pot and serve at once.
Let this heavy sponge rise, covered with a cloth An outstanding accompaniment for this des-
in a warm place, until light, for about 1 hour. sert is stewed blue plums or prunes. Use part of
Cream: the syrup in the pot. Serve the dumplings with:
1 tablespoon butter Plums or prunes stewed with part white wine
2 tablespoons sugar and part water
2 teaspoon salt In addition, it is customary to serve:
Beat inand stir until light: Custard Sauce, 771, or Rich Custard, 735
in most cakes, we suggest you consider Quick
Breads, 623, and muffin recipes, 629. Whole
grains, the Cornell Formula, 602, and other sub-
stitutions may be used to enrich cakes as well as
breads. When using whole wheat flour for cakes,
sift to remove the coarse bran Use the bran in
cereals or soups.

We divide cakes according to their leavens. If you
know what makes them rise, it will help you to
safeguard this lifting action during the mixing
period. Angel and sponge cakes are sometimes
called foam cakes, because they depend for
their leavening exclusively on the expansion of
the vapor trapped in their light egg-rich doughs.
Egg yolk contains fat; egg white does not. As a
consequence, angel cakes are fat-free; but
sponge cakes, though light in texture, contain an
appreciable amount of fat by reason of their yolk
content, 5.

^ Butter and shortening cakes need baking

powder proper leavening. We feel that most
this category are more delicious if butter
alone is used as the shortening. One exception

TORTEN, AND may be spice cakes, where the strong flavors over-
whelm the taste of butter. If you care to use, in-
stead, of the bland vegetable shortenings now
on the market, you will trade distinctive flavor for
FILLED CAKES a measure of economy, a spongier texture and a
somewhat greater volume.
In cakes made with melted butter, such as the
A gaggle of cakes can be oven-ready in short order classicGenoise, 675, the butter is put in last. In
with the sensitive use of an electric mixer, above. cakes made with
oils, special mixing procedures
Whip up a Lightning Cake, 681, which should be are employed to allow the incorporation of air
eaten warm from the oven, with its baked-on into the batter.
garnish of cinnamon, sugar and almonds, or Torten often depend on egg yolks instead of
Honey-Bee Glaze, 731. Above center is a perfectly butter for their fat content and on egg whites for
textured Bundkuchen, 620, needing only a dusting their leavening; ground nuts and bread crumbs
of powdered sugar, and in the right foreground a replace flour as their base. Our cake recipes are
pan for Madeleines, 695, which are perfect un- alladjusted in method to the specific demands of
adorned. Bake a fresh Coconut Cake, 673; cut it the ingredients. So, for success, please follow di-
into a swirl, and highlight it with one tactful rections as given.
candle, as a birthday treat. For other special occa- All these cake types may be *
frozen, see 830,
sions, you may want to try your hand at a classic but dry out rapidly after thawing.
Yule Log, 691, or a towering Kransekake, 688. A
To bake cakes at high altitude, see 692.
For all these cakes, start, of course, with high-
quality materials. Pay attention to the measure- CAKE MIXING
ments and proportions you use, the temperature After reading About Leavens, 553, look at the draw-
of the ingredients, and the heat of your oven, ing opposite. To cream, work 70° shortening
666. Most recipes call for ingredients at room tem- lightly with the fingertips —
or use the back of
perature. As kitchen temperatures vary, we suggest a wooden spoon. Press the mixture between the
that ingredients be about 70°, the ideal recom- back of the spoon and the side of the bowl in a
mended by professional bakers. Pay attention gently gliding motion. Use short rocking strokes
also to the physical states you induce by stirring, over a rather limited area, as shown between the
creaming and folding. Our drawings and descrip- arrows in the sketch. When thoroughly creamed,
tions can do no more than get you off to a flying the sugar mixture should become light in color;
start. The proper "look" of well-creamed butter smooth, even, and creamy in texture. If it looks

and eggs, of batter ready for the oven these and curdled and frothy, you have worked it too long;
other critical stages in cake making you will learn the oil in the butter has separated, and the result
to recognize most effectively through practice. will be a coarsely grained cake. In the center, you
If you are concerned with the amount of sugar see how to >• stir a batter. Begin at the center of


the bowl, using a circular motion; widen the circle scoop and to slice. Begin by folding into the
as the ingredients become blended. The entire op- dough a small quantity of the whites. When thor-
eration of adding and blending the dry and liquid oughly mixed, fold in the rest of the whites by
ingredients should take no more than 2 minutes, scooping up some of the more solid material and
or the result may be a too finely grained cake. To covering the whites. Then, cut it in with a gentle
beat or whip, • use a long, free-swinging, lifting but determined slicing motion to the base of the
motion, which brings the bottom mass constantly mixing bowl. Turn the bowl slightly with the other
to the top, trapping as much air as possible in the hand each time you repeat the folding motions. It
mixture, as shown on the right. A slotted spoon is surprising how quickly blending is achieved by

makes the work quicker; a wooden, rather than a this simple procedure.
metal, spoon keeps the ingredients in the best
condition. Whipping is done rapidly with an in- TESTING CAKES FOR DONENESS
creasing tempo. For best results in handling egg Insert a wire cake tester or a wooden pick in the
whites, use a long, thin whip, such as the one center of the cake; if it emerges perfectly clean,
shown on the right above or as shown on the right the cake is done. The cake should be lightly
below. For beating cream, use a wider whisk like browned and beginning to shrink from the sides
the one on the left above. In choosing a mechani- of the pan. If pressed lightly with a finger, it
cal mixer, see that the beaters have many wires should at once come back into shape, except in
that are as thin as is consistent with durability. very rich cakes and chocolate cakes, which may
Folding in is one of the most delicate of cake- dent slightly and
be done.

making operations: the objective is to blend When removed from the oven, the cake is
thoroughly, yet not lose any of the air you have —
cooled in the pan on a rack plain cakes about 5
previously worked into your materials. minutes and rich cakes 10 to 15 minutes and —
To fold, first of all have a large enough bowl. then cooled out of the pan, on a rack, until all
A flat whip as shown below is usually recom- heat has left. For exceptions, see About Angel,
mended, but this tool can be maddening because 668, Sponge, 669, Genoise, 675, and Fruit Cakes,
it cuts through the whites, and its too widely 682. If cakes are left in pans too long, they be-
spaced wires allow the heavier substances to fall come soggy and obstinate. You may set the pan
through. We commonly dispense with tools for on a cloth wrung out in hot water. This often helps
this step and use the flat of the hand both to in removing the cake from the pan.

A towel placed on the cooling rack will pre- could equally well use an 8 x 8-inch square pan,
vent the wire from indenting the fragile top of which offers also an area of 64 square inches.
the cake when it is turned out ot the pan. Do not Note, below, that a round 9-inch-diameter pan
leave the cake resting on its top, but immediately equals only about three-fourths the area of a
turn it right side up onto another rack. square 9-inch pan. Should your pan be too large,
you can reduce the baking area of a rectangular
ABOUT CAKE PANS pan by folding a piece of foil as shown in the
Ifyou want a thin, evenly browned crust, try using drawing on the right below. The batter will help to
^ medium-weight shiny metal pans. If you prefer hold the divider in place on one side. Place dry
heavier, browner crusts, use glass or enamel pans beans or rice on the other, see center sketch.
or those that are dark in color —
all of which ab- ^ To determine how much batter to mix for
sorb and hold more heat. Should you choose from oddly shaped pans or molds, first measure their
the second group reduce the oven heat by 25°, contents with water. Then make up two-thirds as
but use the same baking time. In baking layer much dough as the amount of the water measured.
cakes, use pans with straight sides. Note also that
too-high sides will prevent good browning. But COMPARATIVE PAN SIZES
even more important to the crumb and volume of
Cake pans are measured across the top between
your cake is the relation of dough to the size of the inside edges.
the pan. All our cake recipes indicate the proper
pan sizes. ROUND CAKE PANS
the recipe calls for a greased pan, use solid
If 8XIV2 50 sq. inches
shortening, but not butter, margarine or oil. Use 9xiy 2 64 sq. inches
a pastry brush or waxed paper to apply evenly lOxl 1
/! 79 sq. inches
about tablespoon of shortening to the bottom
only of each layer or tube pan. You may dust each
7 3A x 3 5/s x 2%.

greased pan with flour about V2 tablespoon
and remove any excess by tapping the overturned
9 x 5 x 2 3A 45 sq. inches
pan gently. If using nonstick pans, follow the man-
9x9xiy2 81 sq. inches
ufacturer's directions. For pan placement in the
11 x4'/2 x2 A
50 sq. inches
oven, see 159.
11 x7x1'/2 77 sq. inches
The batter, for a velvety texture, should be at 13x9x2 117 sq. inches
least 1 inch deep in the pan. the pan is too big,

15x10x2 150 sq. inches

the cake will not rise properly and may brown un-
15 /2 x 10'/2 x
1 163 sq. inches
evenly. If the pan is too small, the texture will be
16x5x4 80 sq. inches
coarse and the batter may overflow before it sets.
If it doesn't overflow, it will probably sink in cool-

ing. Most pans are filled at least half full, but not ABOUT CAKES IN A MIXER
more than two-thirds. Loaf and tube pans can be Electric mixers are the greatest boon to cake bak-
filled higher. If you have no pan corresponding to ers, because models vary in speed and effi-
the size called for in the recipe, see the chart be- ciency, >• be sure to read the manual which comes
low to find the corresponding square-inch area of with your particular appliance. Having an extra
pan size. Then substitute a pan of that approxi- mixer bowl is a great convenience if you bake
mate size. For instance, a recipe calls for a 9-inch often.The following comments can give only ap-
round pan which has an area of approximately 64 proximate speeds and times. So-called one-bowl
square inches. From the tables you see that you cakes can be mixed in as little as three minutes.

Butter cakes may take as long as 8 to 10 minutes. ABOUT PACKAGED BAKING MIXES
Basically, you apply the same principles that you We know that people think they save time by
use in hand mixing. Have all ingredients assem- using mixes — just how much time is a sobering
bled. If chocolate, honey or molasses mixtures are consideration — but we also know they do not save
called for, melt or heat them and cool, before money, nor are they assured of good ingredients
using, to about 70°, which should be the approx- and best results. Use mixes, if you must, in emer-
imate temperature of all your ingredients. Sift and gencies. But consider that, under present distribu-
measure the flour; sift it once again with the bak- tion methods, the mix you buy may be as old as
ing powder, the soda, the spices and the cocoa, if 2 years— if the store has a slow turnover. Remem-

called for. You may then mix just as though you ber that, in contriving the mix originally, every-
were working by hand, or use the one-bowl thing was done to use ingredients that would
method described below. The main things to keep. Egg whites were used in preference to whole
observe are the beating speed and the timing of eggs, as the fat from the yolks might turn rancid.
each process. We find it wise to stop the beating For the same reason, non-fat dry milk solids were
during the addition of most ingredients. During preferred. Even when the natural moisture content
these breaks is the time, too, when the sides of of flour has been greatly lowered, what remains in
the bowl should be scraped down with a rubber or the packaged mix can still deteriorate baking pow-
plastic scraper, unless you have a heavy-duty mixer ders, flavorings and spices. Furthermore, even the
which revolves with an off-center motion, cover- most elaborate packaging is not proof, over a pro-
ing every bit of the mixing area. tracted storage period, against spoilage by mois-
To mix cream the 70° but-
a typical butter cake, ture from without. So why not become expert at
ter until light, atlow speed. Then cream it with the a few quick cakes and hot breads? Build up your
sugar at medium speed until the mix is the con- own baking speed, control your ingredients, cre-
sistency of whipped cream. If the recipe calls for ate really topnotch flavor and save money.
whole eggs, they may be creamed from the be-
ginning with the sugar and butter. If the eggs are
separated, add the yolks at the end of about a 3- to
5-minute creaming period of the butter and sugar.
The whites are added later. For descriptions of the
textures that these ingredients should have, read
about Cake Mixing, 664. Then using low speed
and stopping the mixing between additions, add
the flour mixture in 3 parts and the milk in 2
parts. Begin and end with the flour. Mix until just
smooth after each addition. The whole operation
should not take more than about 2 minutes or
you will have a too finely grained cake. If nuts and
other lumpy substances are to be added, fold them
in lightly with a fork at the end of the mixing
period, or briefly use the low speed on the beater.
Be sure before you begin beating the egg
whites that your oven has reached the right tem-
perature and that your pans are greased. Beat the
whites, in a grease-free bowl, at medium speed
for about Vz minute —until foamy. Now the cream
of tartar, if called for, is added. Then beat at high ABOUT WEDDING AND OTHER
speed for another V2 minute until the whites are LARGE CAKES
y stiff, but not dry, see 545. For the best results Be sure for any big cake to choose a recipe that
from this point on, the beater is no longer used enlarges successfully, see comment under White
and the beaten whites are folded in by hand, see Cake I, 671, or use a large fruit-cake recipe. We
665. find that when rather shallow pans are used — not
To mix so-called one-bowl cakes with unsep- —
more than 2 inches deep for each layer the cake
arated eggs and solid shortenings, put sifted flour, bakes more evenly and cuts more attractively. For
baking powder, spices and cocoa, if called for, any large cake, lower the indicated oven tempera-
the fat and %
of the liquid into the mixer bowl ture by 25°. For more even baking, turn the pans
at once. Beat on medium speed about 2 minutes. in the oven frequently during the necessarily
Add the rest of the liquid. Add, unbeaten, the longer baking period. To help support the tiers of
whole eggs, the yolks, or the whites, as called for cakes, bake three 1-inch-wide dowels in the lower
in the recipe, and beat for 2 minutes more. layers, as long in length as the pan is high. Place
Scrape the bowl several times during this beating the dowels upright within the diameter of the
period. > Overheating will reduce the volume and succeeding layer. Test for doneness as you would
give a too densely grained cake. with any cake, see 665. To ice, see Decorative

Twice-Cooked or Cream Icings, 724, or Royal while it Don't grease the pan. If it has

Glaze, 727. Top the cake with the traditional been used purposes and any grease re-
for other
bride-and-groom figurines, with an icing flower or mains, the batter will not rise. Wash a suspect pan
with a miniature vase of fresh flowers. with detergent, scrubbing well to remove every
After the bride's first slice, whether the wedding trace of grease. After putting the batter in the pan,
cake is round or rectangular, the cutting begins at draw a thin spatula gently through the dough to
the lowest tier. To make the cuts even in depth, destroy any large air pockets.
run a knife perpendicularly through the bottom Endless experiments have been performed for
layer, where it abuts the second layer. Continue —
baking angel cakes starting with a cold oven and
this process at each tier. Cut successive slices until ending with a very hot one. But the best oven
a single cylindrical central core remains, crested is one that is not so slow that it will dry and

by the ornate top, as shown on the preceding toughen the cake and not so hot that it will set
page. Remove and save this, or freeze it for the the protein of the whites before they can expand
first anniversary party. Then finish slicing the cen- to their fullest volume. In other words, the ideal
tral core, beginning at the top. is a preheated moderate oven. We
use 350° for
about 45 minutes for the recipes given here. Set
ABOUT ANGEL CAKES the pan on a rack placed in the lower third of the

Laboratory research some types of recipes and

in — oven. When the cake is done reverse the pan
when you remove it from the oven, as shown in
no cake has bibliography than angel cake
a larger
— has become so elaborate as to intimidate the
the illustration. Use an inverted funnel or a soft-
drink bottle to rest the pan on, if the tube is not
housewife, who can rarely know the exact age of
high enough to keep the cake above the surface
the eggs she uses or the precise blend of flour.
of the table. Let the cake hang for about Vh hours
Yet, working innocently as she must, she can still
contrive a glamorous result with a little care. The
main risers in angel cake are air and steam, so the
egg-white volume is important. See Beating Eggs,
545, for the type of bowl and preparation of
>• Have egg whites ready. They should be at
least 3 days old, at about 60° to 70°, and separated
just before use. These are preferable to leftover
egg whites. Divide the beating time into 4 quar-
ters. During the first quarter, beat whites gently
until foamy. Add salt, cream of tartar and liquid
flavoring. Be sure the cream of tartar has been
stored in a closely covered container. It is added
midway during the first quarter of the beating and
controls both the stabilizing of the foam and the until it is thoroughly set. Be sure to remove it

whiteness of the cake. End the first quarter of the from the pan before storing. Do not cut a fresh
beating with an increasing speed and gradually angel or sponge cake with a knife, but use a
add, while continuing to beat at high speed, three- divider such as the one shown on the left, or 2
fourths of the sugar called for in the recipe. Finely forks inserted back to back to pry the cake gently
granulated fruit or berry sugar, 556, is best. apart.
If you are using an electric mixer, this sugar ad-
To make an angel cake for a jelly roll, use half
dition begins in the second quarter because it the recipe for a IOV2 x 15V2-inch pan. Here we
guards against overheating the whites. If you are make an exception and grease the bottom of the

beating by hand with a flat whip and this gives roll pan. To fill an angel cake with a secret filling,

the best results —

or a rotary one, the gradual addi- see About Filled Cakes, 687. Or decorate the cake
with one of the Glazes Applied After Baking, 731,
tion of sugar is made in the last half of the beating
time. In either case, the remaining one-fourth of or one of the luscious Icings, 721-733.
the sugar is sifted with the cake flour to keep the
flour well dispersed when it is folded into the egg ANGEL CAKE
and sugar mixture. The folding should never be l. A 9-Inch Tube Pan
done mechanically, unless you are using a mix, in Preheat oven to 350°.
which case follow the package directions. As in all Sift twice:
hand-folding, the movement is both gentle and T/4 cups sugar
firm but rapid. Avoid breaking down the cellular Sift separately before measuring:
structure of the egg whites which have trapped air. 1 cup cake flour
The choice of pan and its careful preparation Resift the flour 3 times with Va cup of the sifted
are essential to good results. Choose a tube pan sugar and:
with a removable rim. Since the dough is light, a V2 teaspoon salt
central tube helps to give it additional support Whip until foamy:

1 *A cups egg whites: about 10 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla

(2 tablespoons water or 1 tablespoon V2 teaspoon lemon extract
water and 1 tablespoon lemon juice) Sift a small amount of the flour mixture over the
Add: batter and Repeat this process until the
fold it in.

teaspoon cream of tartar

1 flour used up. Bake the cake in an ungreased

Whip the egg whites >• until stiff, but not dry. tube pan about 45 minutes. To cool, see About
Fold in: Angel Cake, 668. Cover the cooled cake with:
teaspoon vanilla
Vi Chocolate Coating over Boiled White Icing,
teaspoon almond extract
V2 725, or with Coffee Icing, 729
Gradually whip in, about 1 tablespoon at a time,
the remaining sifted sugar. Sift about A cup of 1


the flour and sugar mixture over the batter. Fold
Try using flavored angel cake batter for cupcakes,
it in gently and briefly. Continue until all the mix-
ture is used. Pour the batter into an ungreased
Add to the flour forAngel Cake I or II, above:
tube pan. Bake about 45 minutes. To cool, see
1 teaspoon cinnamon
About Angel Cakes, 668. Over this cake we like
V2 teaspoon nutmeg
to dribble:
Va teaspoon cloves
European Chocolate Icing, 728
Or, crush with a rolling pin:
thinned a bit by an additional tablespoon of whip-
V3 cup soft peppermint sticks
ping cream.
Fold the candy into the egg and flour mixture. This
A 10-Inch Tube Pan is good iced with Boiled White Icing, 722, to
II. An electric mixer method. which you may add more crushed candy for color,
Preheat oven to 350°. or, if using the spiced cake:
then measure:
Sift, (1 to 2 teaspoons instant coffee)
1 cup cake flour
Add and resift 6 times:
cup sugar or confectioners' sugar
Combine: Prepare:
1 V2 cups egg whites: 10 to 12 egg whites Angel Cake I, opposite
2V2 tablespoons cold water and:
1 V2 teaspoons cream of tartar
Cocoa Angel Cake, above
V* teaspoon vanilla Alternate the batters in 2 ungreased 9-inch tube
1 teaspoon almond extract or 1 or 2 drops pans. Bake as directed in Angel Cake I.
anise flavoring
V2 teaspoon salt
Beat > until stiff, but not dry. Stop while the mix-
ture is still glossy. Fold in, about 2 tablespoons at In true sponge cakes, as in angel cakes, the main
riser is air, plus steam, so all the suggestions for
a time:
1 cup sifted sugar
trapping air given in About Angel Cakes apply
Fold in the flour and sugar mixture lightly, a little —
here with this added admonition: egg yolks beat
at a time. Bake the batter in an ungreased tube pan
to a greater volume if they are at about 70°. Beat

about 45 minutes. To cool, see About Angel the yolks until light and foamy; add the sugar
Cakes, 668. gradually, while continuing to beat, until the mix-
ture is pale in color and thick in texture. It
has reached proper consistency when a sample
COCOA ANGEL CAKE dropped from a spoon remains raised for a mo-
A 9-Inch Tube Pan ment above the rest of the batter and then
This cake is incredibly delicate. rather reluctantly settles down to the level in the
Preheat oven to 350°. bowl.
Sift before measuring: In sponge cakes, an electric or rotary beater
A cup cake flour gives a better result than a hand whip. You can
Resift 5 times with: beat the egg and sugar mixture mechanically as
V* cup cocoa long as 7 minutes with good results for the
Va cup sugar amounts given in the recipes here.
the Then stir in
Sift separately: dry ingredients carefully by hand. When they are
1 cup sugar blended, use the folding technique illustrated on
Whip until foamy: 665. For pan preparation and baking, see About
1V4 cups egg whites: about 10 egg whites Angel Cakes, 668.
Add: True-blue sponge cake enthusiasts scorn baking
teaspoon cream of tartar
1 powder, but it does give added volume in the
Whip > until stiff, but not dry. Fold in the sifted basic recipe just below. See Flavored Angel Cake,
sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Add: above, for additions to vary the usual sponge cake.

/3 cup water
A 9-Inch Tube Pan I'A cups sugar
Economical, if you use the minimum number of Whip >• until stiff, but not dry:

you vary the flavors.

eggs. Especially delightful if
5 to 7 egg whites
To prepare the pan, bake and cool, see About Pour the syrup over them in a fine stream. Beat
Angel Cakes, 668. constantly until the mixture is cool. Add:
Preheat oven to 350°. 1 teaspoon vanilla
Grate, then stir: Beat well and fold in:
1 teaspoon lemon or orange rind 5 to 7 egg yolks

into: Fold in the sifted flour, 1 tablespoon at a time.

1 cup sifted sugar
Bake the cake about 45 minutes.
Beat until very light:
3 to 6 egg yolks
Beat in the sugar gradually. Beat in: A 7-Inch Tube Pan
V* cup boiling water or coffee Butterless but rich in taste. To prepare pan, bake
When cool, beat in: and cool; see About Angel Cakes, 668.
tablespoon lemon juice or
1 Preheat oven to 350°.
1 teaspoon vanilla or 3 drops anise oil Melt:
Sift before measuring:
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
1 cup cake flour in a pan with:
1 cup milk
Resift with:
Sift before measuring:
IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
A teaspoon salt 1 1
A cups cake flour
Add the sifted ingredients gradually to the yolk Resift with:

mixture. Stir the batter until blended. Whip until 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
but not dry:
stiff, V2 teaspoon salt

3 to 6 egg whites When the chocolate mixture is cool, add it to:

Fold them lightly into the batter. Bake the cake 4 beaten egg yolks
about 45 minutes. creamed with:
2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
RICE- OR POTATO-FLOUR 1 teaspoon vanilla
the sifted flour. Beat but not
SPONGE CAKE Stir in until stiff,

A 9-Inch Round Pan
4 egg whites
Because rice and potato flours lack the gluten of
Fold the beaten whites into the chocolate mix-
wheat, do not expect the same cake texture.
ture. Bake about 50 minutes.
Preheat oven to 325°.
Sift 3 times or more:
1 cup potato or rice flour
Beat until light and creamy: A 9-Inch Tube Pan
4 egg yolks An unusual flavor combination.
Blend in: Prepare batter for:
1 cup sugar Chocolate Sponge Cake, above
Add the sifted flour and: but wait to add the beaten egg whites until after
Vb teaspoon salt incorporating the date mixture below. Sprinkle:
2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons sifted all-purpose flour
IV2 teaspoons vanilla over:
Whip until stiff, but not dry:
A cup chopped dates
4 egg whites 1 tablespoon grated orange rind

Fold the egg whites into the batter. Bake in a 0/2 cup chopped nutmeats)

greased and floured pan 20 minutes at 325°, then Stir these ingredients into the cake batter be-

15 minutes longer at 350°. fore folding in the egg whites. Bake as directed.
Sprinkle with:
SUNSHINE CAKE Powdered sugar
A 9-Inch Tube Pan We serve this to everybody's intense satisfaction
To prepare pan, bake and cool, see About Angel with:
Cakes, 668. Liqueur Cream Sauce, 775, or
Preheat oven to 350°. Foamy Sauce, 775
Sift before measuring:
1 cup cake flour DAFFODIL CAKE
Resift with: A 9-Inch Tube Pan
V2 teaspoon cream of tartar A yellow and white marble cake. To prepare pan,
Boil to the soft-ball stage, 240°, see 778. bake and cool, see About Angel Cakes, 668.

Preheat oven to 350°. not dry." The whites are then simultaneously
Sift before measuring: folded and cut in gently but quickly, as shown in
IVb cups cake flour the illustrations on 665. For a more stable foam,
Resitt it twice more. Sift separately: reserve one-fourth of the sugar called for in the
1 4 cups sugar
' recipe and beat it in as described in Fudge Me-
Whip until frothy: ringue Cake, 676. Bake in a preheated oven.
10 egg whites Crease and flour bottoms of pans but not sides.
Add: Use the pan sizes indicated for each recipe or
teaspoon salt
Vt adjust by consulting the Pan Size Chart, 666.
teaspoon cream of tartar

Whip until egg whites hold a peak. Fold the sifted WHITE CAKE
sugar in gradually. Separate the mixture into This recipe is amazing: it can be multiplied by 8
halves. Fold into one half, a little at a time, 3 4 cup and still give as good a result as when made in
of the sifted flour and: the smaller quantity below. See hints under About
6 beaten egg yolks Large Cakes, 667. We
once saw a wedding cake
Crated rind of 1 orange made from this recipe which contained 130 eggs
Fold into the other half, a little at a time, the re- and was big enough to serve 400 guests. This
maining sifted flour and: formula is also the classic base for Lady Baltimore
1 teaspoon vanilla Cake, below, for which, in the Good Old Days,
Place the batters, a cupful or more at a time, in 5 lavers were considered none too many.
the ungreased tube pan, alternating the colors.
Bake about 45 minutes or until done. I. Three 8-Inch Round Pans
Preheat oven to 375°.
>• Have all ingredients at about 70°
Sift before measuring:
SHORTENING CAKES 3 1/2 cups cake flour
For flavor and texture, butter is our strong prefer-
Resift it twice with:
ence. It is not a very novel one, for way back
4 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
when the cathedrals were white, one of the spires Vi teaspoon salt
atRouen was nicknamed the Butter Tower, having Cream well:
been built, reputedly, with money paid for in- cup butter
dulgences permitting the use of butter during Add gradually and cream until very light:
2 cups sifted sugar
The butter, margarine or shortening — but not Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3
lard, as it is best reserved for pastries — should be parts, alternately with:
at about 70° when ready to cream. If much 1 cup milk
cooler, it fails to disperse properly into the other
Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
ingredients.If melted, it prevents the proper in-
Beat in:
corporation of air into the batter. So don't try 1 teaspoon vanilla
to hasten the conditioning of shortenings with
(V* teaspoon almond extract)
Whip until stiff, but not dry:
Creaming softens and lightens cake ingredients.
7 or 8 egg whites
If the weather is very hot, cream butter and sugar
Fold them gently into the cake batter. Bake in
in a bowl immersed in a pan of 60° water. Add
greased pans about 25 minutes. Spread the cake
the sugar >
gradually, continuing to cream with a
when cool with:
light touch.
A choice of Icings, 721 to 733
Add beaten egg yolks gradually, or, as in Quick
Cakes, 681, add egg yolks unbeaten, one at a time, II. Two 9-Inch Round Pans
beating well after each addition. The sifted dry This batter, which we
use for our Easter Bunny, see
ingredients and the 70° liquids are added in 3 or 672, is enough to fill a 7-cup-capacity mold.
more alternating periods, usually beginning with Preheat oven to 375°.
the dry ingredients. After the addition of flour the Have all ingredients at about 70°.
blending should be gentle so as not to develop the Sift before measuring:
gluten, and continued until the flour is no longer 2V* cups cake flour
dry. > Overblending will cause too fine a crumb. Resift with:
We suggest, for a cake made with double-acting 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
baking powder, about 200 strokes by hand or 2 V2 teaspoon salt
minutes at medium speed with an electric mixer; Cream until fluffy:
be sure to consult the directions that come with VI* cups sugar
the mixer. If you use other baking powders, they V2 cup butter
may require about one-third less beating. Just Combine:
before being incorporated into the batter, the 1 cup milk
whites are beaten to a state described as "stiff, but 1 teaspoon vanilla

Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture reversing the mold to get rid of any excess. Fill
in 3 parts,alternating with the liquid combination. the face side of the mold with batter. Leftover bat-
Stir the batter until smooth after each addition. ter may be used for cupcakes or cake eggs. If the
Whip until stiff, but not dry: mold has steam vents, fill the solid section with
4 egg whites the batter to just below the joint. Using the fol-
Fold them lightly into the batter and bake in lowing directions, we have baked successfufly in
layers, about 25 minutes. When cool, ice with: cake molds even when they had no steam vents.
Luscious Orange, 725, or Move a wooden spoon gently through the batter
Quick Chocolate Icing, 728 to release any air bubbles. Be careful not to
disturb the greased and floured surface of the
mold. You may insert wooden picks into the snout
LADY BALTIMORE CAKE and into the ears where they join the head, but
Prepare the batter for: be sure to remove the picks when you cut the
White Cake I, 671 cake. Put the lid on the mold, making sure it
Bake it in 3 layers. When cool, place the follow- locks, and tie or wire together so the steam of the
ing filling between the layers. Chop: rising batter will not force the two sections apart.
6 dried figs
/2 cup seeded raisins
1 cup nutmeats
Boiled White Icing, 722, or Seven-Minute
White Icing, 725
Reserve a generous portion of this. To the rest,

add the nuts, figs and raisins for the filling be-
tween the layers. Spread the reserved icing over
the top and sides.

A 9-Inch Tube Pan
This old-fashioned cake is still a great favorite.
Preheat oven to 350°.
White Cake II, 671
Before whipping the egg whites, separate the bat-
ter into 2 parts.Add to half the batter:
To bake, put the filled mold on a cookie sheet
1Va oz. melted, cooled unsweetened chocolate
in a 375° preheated oven for about 1 hour. Test
1 teaspoon cinnamon
as you would for any cake, inserting a thin metal
V* teaspoon cloves
!/8 teaspoon baking soda
skewer or wooden pick through a steam vent-
Put the cake, still in the mold, on a rack for about
Whip the egg whites as directed and fold half into
15 minutes. Carefully remove the top of the mold.
the light and half into the dark batter. Crease the
Before you separate the cake from the bottom, let
bottom of a tube pan. Place large spoonfuls of
it continue to cool about 5 minutes more to let all
batter in it, alternating light and dark batter. Bake
about 45 minutes. Spread when cool with: steam escape and to allow the cake to firm up a
little. After removing, continue to cool on a rack.
Boiled White Icing, 722, or
Raisin or Nut Icing, 722 Do not try to let it sit upright until it is cold.
If the cake has constitutional weaknesses, rein-
force it with a wooden or metal skewer before

To prepare a new cast iron mold, see directions Boiled White Icing, 722, or
on 162. Lambs, bunnies and Santas need firm, Seven-Minute White Icing, 725
compact batters. As a variation to coat a bunny mold, you may use:
Prepare: Caramel Icing, 726
White Cake II, 671 Or, if you are in a hurry, try:
Keep nuts, raisins, etc., for decorations, rather French Icing, 727
than using them in the batter itself, because these Increase the recipes by half for a heavy coat. For
solid ingredients, while they make the cake more woolly or angora effects, press into the icing:
interesting, tend to break down the tensile /2 to 1 cup shredded coconut

strength of the batter. Ground spices, however, To accentuate the features, use:
are a good addition. Crease the mold with un- Raisins, nuts, cherries, citron and gumdrops
salted fat or oil. Use a pastry brush and be rather Surround your animals with seasonal flowers and
lavish. Then dust the greased surface with flour, ferns. If bunnies or lambs are made for Easter, you

may want to confect cake eggs and decorate them COCONUT MILK CAKE COCKAIGNE
with icings of different colors. See Angel Cake Three 8-Inch Round Pans
Balls, 694. Some years ago we gave a pet recipe to a friend
who later presented us with the one which follows
— best made with fresh coconut milk. She said
LADY CAKE that, in her family, whenever a treasured recipe
A 9-Inch Tube Pan was received, an equally treasured one was given
Another white cake using egg whites only, this in return. We love this festive adopted child.
makes a tube or loaf cake or an excellent batter Preheat oven to 350°.
for Petits Fours, see 695. It tastes and looks a lot Have all ingredients about 70°. Have ready, re-
like aconventional white wedding cake. serving the coconut milk:
Preheat oven to 350°. 1 Vi cups freshly grated coconut
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- Sift before measuring:
suring: 3 cups cake flour
1 3/4 cups cake flour Resift it with:

Resift twice with: 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder

2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder V2 teaspoon salt

V* teaspoon salt Cream well:

Cream until soft: A cup
3 butter
A cup butter Add gradually and cream until very light:
Add gradually and cream until very light: 1 Vi cups sifted sugar
1 cup sifted sugar Beat in:
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3 3 egg yolks
parts, alternating with: Add the sifted flour mixture in 3 parts to the but-
Vi cup milk ter mixture, alternately with:
Stir the batter a few minutes after each addition. 3
A cup coconut milk or milk
Add: 1
/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon almond extract Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
Grated rind of 1 lemon Then add 3A cup of the grated coconut. Whip
Whip until stiff, but not dry: until but not dry:

3 egg whites 3 egg whites

Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake in a Fold the egg whites gently into the batter. Bake in
greased tube pan about 45 minutes. Sprinkle with: greased layer pans about 25 minutes. To serve,
Powdered sugar spread between the layers:
or spread, when cool, with: Currant, strawberry or raspberry jelly
Quick Lemon Icing, 727 Cover the cake with:
Seven-Minute Sea Foam Icing, 725
Coat it with the remaining 3A cup grated coconut.
Two 9-Inch Layers
Preheat oven to 350°. SOUR CREAM CAKE
Have all ingredients except the whipping cream Two 8-Inch Round Pans
about 70°. Sift before measuring: Preheat oven to 375°
2 cups cake flour Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
Resift twice with: suring:
2 3A teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1 3 A cups cake flour
Yh cups sugar Resift with:
A teaspoon salt
A teaspoon baking soda
Whip until stiff: 13 A teaspoons double-acting baking powder
cup cold whipping cream
1 'A teaspoon salt
and add gradually, stirring gently until smooth: Cream until soft:
A cup water
Vi cup butter
Vli teaspoons vanilla or almond flavoring Add gradually and cream until light:
Whip > until stiff, but not dry: 1 cup sifted sugar
egg whites
3 Beat in:
Combine the cream and the egg whites. Fold the 2 egg yolks
sifted ingredients into the cream mixture, about 1 teaspoon vanilla
one-third at a time. Bake in greased layer pans Add the sifted flour mixture to the butter mixture
about 25 to 30 minutes. Fill with: in 3 parts, alternating with:
Ginger Fruit Filling, 698 A cup
2 yogurt or 1 cup cultured sour cream
Dust cake with: the batter after each addition until smooth.
Powdered sugar Whip until stiff, but not dry:

2 egg whites Cream until soft:

teaspoon salt cup butter
Fold them lightly into the batter. Bake in greased Add gradually and cream until light:
pans about 25 minutes. When cool, spread with: 2 cups sifted sugar
Almond-Fig or Raisin Filling, 698 Beat in, one at a time:
Cover with: 4 egg yolks
Boiled White Icing, 722 Add:
IV2 teaspoons vanilla, or 1 teaspoon vanilla and
CAROB CAKE V2 teaspoon almond extract
Two 8-Inch Round Pans Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in
A delicate distinctive flavor resembling chocolate. about 3 parts, alternating with:
Please read about Carob Flour, 550. 1 cup milk

Prepare the batter for: Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
Sour Cream Cake, above Whip >• until stiff, but not dry:
Omit A
cup of the cake flour and substitute: 4 egg whites
!A cup sifted carob flour Fold them Bake in greased
lightly into the batter.
You may use either white or brown sugar. The lat- layer pans from 30 to 35 minutes. Spread the
ter gives the cake a butterscotch flavor. layers, when cool, with:
Ginger Fruit Filling, 698, or
GOLD LAYER CAKE Almond Custard Filling, 699
Two 8-Inch Round Layers Cover with:
A delicious way to utilize leftover egg yolks. Whipped cream
Preheat oven to 375°.
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- COCONUT LOAF OR LAYER CAKE
suring: Follow the recipe for:
2 cups cake flour Four-Egg Cake, above
Resift with: Add to the batter, before folding in the egg
teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 whites:
'A teaspoon salt 3
A cup shredded coconut
Cream until soft: IV2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
V2 cup butter A
teaspoon salt
Add gradually and cream until light: Bake greased 10-inch tube pan or two
in a 9x5-
1 cup sifted sugar inch loaf pans about 50 minutes.
Beat in:
3 egg yolks EIGHT-YOLK CAKE
Add: Three 9-Inch Layers
1 teaspoon vanilla or 1 teaspoon grated Bake it as a second cake after making Angel Food
lemon rind Cake with the whites.
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3 Preheat oven to 375°.
parts, alternating with: >• Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
A cup milk suring:
Stirthe batter until smooth after each addition. 2V2 cups cake flour
Bake in greased layer pans about 25 minutes Resift 3 times with:
Spread between the layers, when cool: 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Lemon-Orange Custard Filling, 698, or 'A teaspoon salt
Lemon Filling, 697 Cream until soft:
Dust the top with: 3
A cupbutter
Powdered sugar Add gradually and cream until light:
This cake is also delicious filled with a layer of VU cups sifted sugar
good raspberry jam. In a separate bowl, beat until light and lemon
FOUR-EGG CAKE 8 egg yolks
Three 9-Inch Round Pans Beat them into the butter mixture. Add the flour
This is the old-time One-Two-Three-Four Cake, mixture in 3 parts, alternating with:
slightly modernized. 3
A cup milk
Preheat oven to 350°. Stir the batter after each addition. Add and beat
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- 2 minutes:
suring: teaspoon vanilla
2 2A cups cake flour teaspoon lemon juice or grated lemon rind

Resift with: Bake in greased layer pans about 20 minutes.

2'A teaspoons double-acting baking powder Sprinkle with:
V2 teaspoon salt Powdered sugar

Or, when cool, spread with: SEED CAKE

Quick Orange Icing, 728, or with one of the A cake that reminds us of antimacassars and
Seven-Minute Icings, 725 aspidistras.
POUND CAKE Pound Cake, above
Two 9 x 5-Inch Pans or Add:
One 10-Inch Tube Pan 2 teaspoons caraway seed
An electric mixer is a true aid for creaming this Vj cup shaved citron or candied orange peel
batter. You may add the eggs whole to give the 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
traditional dense pound cake, or separate the
yolks and whites for a fluffy texture.
Preheat oven to 325°. Two 9-Inch Round Pans
> Have all ingredients about 70°. This rich, moist Italian cake, which the French and
Cream: we have borrowed, has no equal for versatility. It
2 cups butter, no substitutes also keeps well and freezes well. If not overbaked
Add slowly and cream well: it may be usedfor dessert rolls with cream or jelly
2 cups sugar fillings,see About Roll Cakes, 690, or Baked
Beat in one at a time: Alaska, 742; also with butter icings or as a foil for
9 egg yolks, see note above fruit. You may bake it as Ladyfingers, 695, or in

Beat the batter well after each addition. Add: layers. For a very elaborate Cenoise, sprinkle it

1 teaspoon vanilla after cooling with Cointreau or kirsch, fill it with

/2 teaspoon mace Sauce Cockaigne, 770, or cover it with whipped
You may add: cream or with European Chocolate Icing, 728. For
tablespoons brandy or 8 drops rose water)
(2 a children's party, bake favors in the cake, see
Sift before measuring: Galette des Rois, 642.
4 cups cake flour Preheat oven to 350°.
Resift with: Melt and put aside:
/2 teaspoon cream of tartar V* cup butter
/2 teaspoon salt Do not let it get cooler than about 80°. Break
Add the sifted ingredients slowly, at lowest speed, into the top of a double boiler over not in —
mixing only until thoroughly blended. Whip in a boiling water until they are lukewarm:
separate bowl > until stiff, but not dry, then fold 6 eggs
in: Add:
9 egg whites %
cup sugar
Pour the batter into a greased tube pan or into 2 Beat with a rotary or electric mixer at medium
greased loaf pans lined with parchment paper as speed 7 minutes. Add:
S cup sugar

Increase speed and beat 2 minutes longer or until

the mixture is lemony in color and has reached

^^ the stage known as au ruban



when dropped from
teaspoon vanilla
cup sifted cake flour

like a continuous
a spoon. Add:

Add the melted butter with a folding motion. Pour

the batter into greased and floured pans and bake
about 30 to 40 minutes or until done. Turn out
atonce onto a rack to cool.

A 9x 13-Inch Pan
A mild light chocolate cake known as "Rombauer
Preheat oven to 350°.
^ Have ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
1 3/4 cups cake flour
shown or into a greased and floured hinged loaf Resift with:
pan. Bake the cake about 1 hour for pans; 15 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
minutes longer for tube pan. V* teaspoon salt
Sometimes we add to half the mixture V2 cupful (1 teaspoon cinnamon)
each of candied cherries, pineapple, citron and (V* teaspoon cloves)

white raisins and have a delicious fruit cake.

(1 cup coarsely chopped nuts) Prepare the following custard:

Melt over hot water: Cook and stir in a double boiler over — not in
2 oz. unsweetened chocolate boiling water:
Add: unsweetened chocolate
2 to 4 oz.
5 tablespoons boiling water V2cup milk
Cream until soft: 1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
cup butter
/j 1 egg yolk
Add and cream until light: Remove from the heat when thickened. Have
IV2 cups sifted sugar other ingredients at about 70°. Sift before mea-
Beat in, one at a time: suring:
4 egg yolks 2 cups cake flour
Add the cooled chocolate mixture. Add the flour Resift with:
mixture to the butter mixture in 3 parts, alternat- 1 teaspoon baking soda
ing with: V2 teaspoon salt
V2 cup milk Beat until soft:
Stir the batter until smooth after each addition. V2 cup butter
Add: Add and cream until light:
1 teaspoon vanilla cup sifted sugar
Whip until stiff, but not dry: Beat in, one at a time:
4 egg whites 2 egg yolks
Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake in a Add the flour to the butter mixture in 3 parts,
greased pan about V2 hour. Spread with thick: alternating with the following mixture:
Chocolate Coating over Boiled White Icing, V* cup water
725; or Quick Chocolate Icing with choco- V2 cup milk
late peppermints, 728 1 teaspoon vanilla
Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
FUDGE MERINGUE CAKE Stir in the chocolate custard. Whip until stiff,

A9x13-Inch Pan but not dry:

Preheat oven to 350°. 2 egg whites
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift: Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake in
2 cups cake flour greased pans about 25 minutes. Spread when cool
Resift with: with:
1 tablespoon double-acting baking powder Coconut Pecan Icing, 726,

teaspoon salt Caramel Icing, 726, or
Melt — —
over not in boiling water: Chocolate-Fudge Icing, 726
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
V4 cup butter One 9-Inch Tube or
Add gradually; continue to cream and mix: Two 9-Inch Round Pans
1 Hi cups sugar During wartime shortages, a foreign fan had suc-
Beat in: cess with this long-keeping cake using cassava
3 egg yolks flour when no other flour was available.
teaspoon vanilla
1 Have all ingredients about 70°. Combine, beat
and the cooled chocolate. Then add the sifted until well blended, and set aside:
flour in 3 parts, alternating with: 1 cup sugar
1 cup milk V2 cup cocoa
Stir Whip until stiff, but
well after each addition. V2 cup buttermilk or yogurt
not dry: Beat until soft:
3 egg whites V2 cup butter
Fold in: Add gradually and cream until light:
V2 cup sugar 1 cup sifted sugar
Beat to a meringue consistency. Fold into batter. Beat in, one at a time:
Bake about 35 minutes in a greased pan. When 2 eggs
cool, ice with: Beat in cocoa mixture. Sift before measuring:
French Icing, 727 2 cups cake flour
Resift with:
DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE COCKAIGNE 1 teaspoon baking soda
Two 9-Inch Round Pans V2 teaspoon salt
The best chocolate cake we know. Whether made Add the flour in 3 parts to the butter mixture,
with 2 or 4 oz. chocolate, it is wonderfully light, alternately with:
but rich and moist. V2 cup buttermilk or yogurt
Preheat oven to 350°. 1 teaspoon vanilla

the batter after each addition until smooth.

Beat batter after each addition just until smooth. Stir

Grease the tube pan and sprinkle sugar over the Most European cakes are stirred a long time. This

bottom. Bake the cake about 1 hour in a preheated gives them a close, sandy texture. Bake the cake in
350° oven. It may be baked in 2 layer pans about a greased tube pan or in a loat pan about 1 hour.
35 minutes in a 375° oven. Spread the cake with: When cool, simply dust with:

A white, 722, or chocolate icing, 728 Powdered sugar

Add to the icing: or ice with:
(Nutmeats) Chocolate Butter Icing, 728


One 9-Inch Square Pan or A9x 13-Inch Pan
Two 8-Inch Round Pans A which makes a delightful
moist, fruity loaf cake
Please read About Sourdough, 554. Have all dessert when served with whipped cream or pud-
ingredients about 70°. ding sauce.
Preheat oven to 350°. Preheat oven to 350°.
Cream thoroughly: Have all ingredients about 70°. Cook and cool:
6 tablespoons butter 1 cup lightly sweetened drained pureed prunes

1 cup sugar ^ Canned pureed prunes will not do, because they
Add and beat: are too liquid.Sift before measuring:

2 eggs IV2 cups cake flour

Stir in, then beat well: Resift with:
cup Sourdough Starter, 555
1 IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
A cup milk 4 teaspoon baking soda

3 oz. melted semisweet chocolate V* teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla (1 teaspoon cinnamon)
Sift together: (V2 teaspoon cloves)
13A cups sifted all-purpose flour Cream until soft:
1 teaspoon baking soda V3cup butter
V2 teaspoon salt Add gradually and cream until light:
Fold the flour mixture into the batter and stir until 3
A cup sifted sugar
smooth. Pour into greased pans and bake about 40 Melt and add when cool:
minutes for one square pan or 25 minutes for two 1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
round pans. Sprinkle over this moist cake. Beat well and add to the butter mixture.
Sifted powdered sugar 2 eggs
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3
parts, alternating with:
SPICE CAKE WITH CITRON Stir the batter until smooth after each addition.
A 9-Inch Tube
Add the prunes and:
A tempting tube cake with a rather heavy crumb. V2 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 350°. Bake in a greased pan about 25 minutes. Spread,
> Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- when cool, with:
suring: French Icing, 727
2V3 cups cake flour
Resift with:
V/i teaspoons double-acting baking powder CHOCOLATE APRICOT CAKE
V2 teaspoon cloves Follow the recipe for:
1 teaspoon cinnamon Chocolate Prune Cake, above
*/i teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg Substitute for the prunes:
Cream until soft: 1 cup cooked, lightly sweetened, well-drained

V2cup butter pureed apricots

Add gradually and cream until light: Omit the spices. Ice, when cool, with:
IV2 cups sugar Whipped cream
Beat in, one at a time: or serve with:
4 eggs Foamy Sauce, 775
Stir in:
4 oz. grated sweet chocolate
V2 cup very finely shaved citron, candied HONEY CAKE
orange or lemon peel A 9 x 9-Inch Square Pan
Stir the flour mixture into the butter mixture in Well wrapped and kept in a cool place, this cake
about 3 parts, alternating with: improves with age. Have all ingredients about
7e cup milk 70°.

Preheat oven to 350°. BROWN-SUGAR SPICE CAKE

Cream thoroughly: Prepare:
cup butter or shortening
Velvet Spice Cake, above
cup sugar
substituting for the granulated sugar:
Add and continue creaming until light and fluffy:
IV2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
and adding to the batter:
Sift together:
2 to 3 teaspoons grated orange rind
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
teaspoon baking soda
1 double-acting baking powder BURNT-SUGAR CAKE
V2 teaspoon cinnamon Two 9-Inch Round Pans
'A teaspoon ginger A caramelized flavor and a taste sensation.
A teaspoon salt ^ Have all ingredients about 70°. Caramelize, 559:
Add the sifted ingredients to the egg mixture alter- V2 cup sugar
nately in 3 parts with: and add very slowly:
Vi cup honey V2 cup boiling water
V2 cup cool strong coffee Boil the syrup until it has the consistency of mo-
Stir in: lasses.Cool it.
V2 teaspoon vanilla Preheat oven to 375°.
A cup chopped walnuts Sift together:
(Grated rind of V2 orange) 2V2 cups sifted cake flour
Pour batter into a greased pan and bake about 30 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
minutes. Dust with: A
teaspoon salt
Confectioners' sugar Cream:
or spread with: V2 cup butter
Three-Minute Icing, 727, or Add gradually and cream until light:
French Icing, 727 IV2 cups sifted sugar
Beat in, one at a time:
2 egg yolks
VELVET SPICE CAKE Add the flour mixture in 3 parts to the butter mix-
9-Inch Tube Pan ture, alternating with:

This cake has a very delicate consistency. Among 1 cup water

spice cakes its flavor is unequaled. Be sure to Stir the batter after each addition until smooth.
bake it in a 9-inch tube pan. Stir in:

Preheat oven to 350°. 3 tablespoons of the caramelized syrup

> Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- 1 teaspoon vanilla
suring: Whip > until stiff, but not dry:
2 egg whites
2V3 cups cake flour
Resift twice with: Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake in
powder greased pans about 25 minutes. Spread when cool
IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking
teaspoon baking soda with:

1 freshly grated nutmeg A white icing

1 teaspoon cinnamon In making the icing, flavor it with:

4 teaspoons of the caramelized syrup
V2 teaspoon cloves
in addition to the vanilla.
V2 teaspoon salt
Cream: Place any remaining syrup in a closed jar. It will
keep indefinitely.
A cup butter or shortening
Add gradually and cream together
IV2 cups sifted sugar APPLESAUCE CAKE
Beat in: A 9-Inch Tube Pan
3 egg yolks If someone your family is allergic to eggs, omit
Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture in
the egg and add an additional teaspoon of soda.
3 parts, alternating with: Preheat oven to 350°.
cup yogurt or buttermilk
/e >• Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
the batter after each addition until smooth.
Stir suring:
Whip >• until stiff, but not dry: 1 3 A cups cake flour
3 egg whites Sift a little of the flour over:
Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake in a 1 cup raisins
greased tube pan 1 hour or more. Spread, when 1 cup currants, nutmeats or dates
cool, with: Resift the remainder with:
Chocolate Butter Icing, 728, or V2 teaspoon salt
Boiled White Icing, 722 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon V* teaspoon salt

V2 teaspoon cloves 1
A teaspoon baking soda
Cream until soft: Cream together:
cup butter or shortening
V2 3 tablespoons butter or shortening
Add gradually and cream until light: 1 cup sifted sugar
1 cup white or packed brown sugar 1 egg
Beat in: Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3
1 egg parts, alternating with the date mixture. Stir the
Stir the flour mixture gradually into the butter mix- batter well after each addition. Fold in:
ture until the batter is smooth. Add the raisins, cup raisins

nutmeats and: cup broken pecan meats


1 cup thick, lightly sweetened applesauce' Bake in a greased loaf pan about 50 minutes. Test
Stir it into the batter. Bake in a greased tube pan for doneness, 665. Dust with:
50 to 60 minutes. Spread when cool with: Powdered sugar
Caramel Icing, 726
FIG SPICE CAKE A 7-Inch Tube Pan
9-Inch Tube Pan Preheat oven to 325°.
Have all ingredients about 70°. Cool, drain, then Boil for 3 minutes:
cut into A-inch cubes and reserve the syrup:
1 cup water or beer
1 lb. cooked dried figs 2 cups seeded raisins
There should be 2 cups of figs. Combine: 1 cup packed brown sugar
cup fig juice
V2 V3 cup butter or shortening
cup buttermilk or yogurt
V2 V2 teaspoon each cinnamon and allspice
Preheat oven to 350°. V2 teaspoon salt
Sift before measuring: Va teaspoon nutmeg
IV2 cups cake flour Cool these ingredients. Sift before measuring:
Resift with: 2 cups cake flour
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder Resift with:
1teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
V2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda
V* teaspoon cloves Stir the flour gradually into the other ingredients.
'2 teaspoon baking soda Stir the batter until smooth. Add:
Cream until soft: (1 cup chopped almonds)
cup butter or shortening
V2 By the addition of 1 cup chopped dates, figs and
Add gradually and cream until light: citron, this becomes an acceptable Bake
fruit cake.
1 cup sifted sugar in a greased tube pan for 1 hour or more. Spread
Beat in, one at a time: with:
2 eggs Caramel Icing, 726
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3
parts, alternating with the milk and fig juice. Stir
the batter after each addition until smooth. Add A 7-Inch Tube Pan
the figs and:
Preheat oven to 350°.
1 teaspoon vanilla Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift, then mea-
cup broken nutmeats or raisins)
Bake in a greased tube pan about 50 minutes. IV2 cups all-purpose flour
Spread when cool with: Resift with:
Coffee or Mocha Icing, 729 teaspoon
1 double-acting baking powder
2 baking soda
DATE SPICE CAKE V2 teaspoon cloves
An8V2 x4V2-lnch Loaf 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg
Preheat oven to 325°. Cream until light:
Have all ingredients about 70°. Cut into small 6 tablespoons butter or shortening
pieces: 1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup dates Beat in, one at a time:
Pour over them: 2 eggs
1 cup boiling water or coffee Beat in:
Cool these ingredients. Sift before measuring: 3 tablespoons cultured sour cream
IV2 cups cake flour Stir the flour mixture into the butter mixture until
Resift with: barely blended. Stir in:
V/2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1 cup rather firm raspberry or blackberry jam
V* teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (V2 cup broken nutmeats)

Pour the batter into a greased tube pan. Bake it Boiled White Icing, 722, or Cream Cheese
about V2 hour or until done. When cool, ice the Icing, 727
cake with:
Quick Brown-Sugar Icing, 728
OATMEAL CAKE A 9-Inch Tube Pan
A well-flavored summer fruit cake.
9 x 13-Inch Pan
Preheat oven to 350°.
Make this cake a day or two before eating. For an- > Have all ingredients about 70°.
other oat cake, see Guy Fawkes Day Cake, 682.
Sift before measuring:
Preheat oven to 350°.
and 2 tablespoons cake flour
2 cups
>• Have all ingredients about 70°.
Resift with:
Combine and let stand at least 20 minutes:
1 teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg
1 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking soda
IV2 cups boiling water
V2 teaspoon salt
Cream together:
V2 cup butter
V2 cup butter or shortening
1 cup sugar
Add gradually and cream until light:
1 cup packed brown sugar
IV2 cups packed brown sugar
Add, mixing thoroughly:
Beat in, one at a time:
2 eggs
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Stir the flour mixture into the butter mixture in 3
and the oat mixture. Sift together:
parts, alternating with:
IV3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup lightly drained crushed pineapple
1 teaspoon baking soda
Stir in:
V2 teaspoon salt 1
cup each raisins and currants
1 teaspoon cinnamon
cup broken nutmeats
V2 teaspoon nutmeg
Bake in a greased tube pan about 1 hour.
Stir flour mixture into the egg mixture. Beat about
2 minutes, then turn into a greased cake pan and
bake 30 minutes or until done. To ice the warm BANANA CAKE COCKAIGNE
cake, make up a double portion of:
Two 9-Inch Round Pans
Broiled Icing, 730 Do try this if you like a banana flavor.
and put under the broiler untii light brown. Preheat oven to 350°.
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
A 9-Inch Tube Pan 2V4 cups cake flour
This curious combination of ingredients makes a Resift with:
surprisingly good cake. But why shouldn't it? The V2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
deep secret is tomato, which after all is a fruit. A
teaspoon baking soda
Preheat oven to 350°. V2 teaspoon salt
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea- Cream:
suring: V2 cup butter
2 cups all-purpose flour Add gradually and cream until light:
Resift with: IV2 cups sifted sugar
V2 teaspoon salt Beat in, one at a time:
1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs
V2 teaspoon each nutmeg and cloves Prepare:
1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup lightly mashed ripe bananas
Sift: Add:
1 cup sugar teaspoon vanilla
Cream until soft: V*cup yogurt or buttermilk
2 tablespoons butter Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in 3
Add the sifted sugar gradually and cream these in- parts, alternating with the banana mixture. Stir the
gredients well. Stir the flour mixture in 3 parts into batter after each addition until smooth. Bake in
the sugar mixture, alternating with: greased pans about V2 hour. When cool, place be-
1 can condensed tomato soup: IOV2 oz. tween the layers:
Stir the batter until smooth after each addition. 2 sliced ripe bananas
Fold in: Spread the cake with:
1 cup nutmeats A white icing
1 cup raisins If served at once, this cake is good without icing
Bake in a greased tube pan about 45 minutes. just sprinkled with:
Spread, when cool, with: Powdered sugar

or served with: Substitute for A cup of the cake

Whipped cream, Caramel-Cream Sauce, 774, 'A cup Dutch process cocoa
or Custard Sauce, 771 Ice the cake, when cool, with:
European Chocolate Icing, 728
We all want a good cake in a big hurry. But let's QUICK SPICE CAKE
not delude ourselves that shortcuts make for the Prepare:
best textures or flavors. Any cake in the following Quick Cake, above, omitting the topping
group can be mixed in one bowl and successfully Add:
beaten with an electric mixer. However, never teaspoon cinnamon

try to use the one-bowl method for just any teaspoon cloves
recipe. When cool, dust the cake with:
Confectioners' sugar
Two 8-Inch Square or ONE-EGG CAKE
Two 8-Inch Round Pans Two 8-Inch Round Pans
Vary the flavor of this cake the German — Blitz- Preheat oven to 375°.

kuchen by using the suggestions below. Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift into an elec-
Preheat oven to 375°. tric-mixer bowl:
Have all ingredients about 70°. 13A cups sifted all-purpose flour
If you want a wonderful, thin tea cake, have ready IVi cups sugar
a topping of: 2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Vi cup confectioners' sugar teaspoon salt
tablespoon cinnamon
1 Add and mix for 2 minutes at medium speed:
A cup chopped
pecans A cup
soft butter
and prepare the 8-inch square pans. If you want a 2
A cup milk
thicker layer cake to ice, use the 8-inch round Add and mix for 2 minutes more, scraping bowl
pans and omit the topping. Let soften to the con- constantly:
sistency of mayonnaise: 1 egg
Vi cup butter Vi cup milk
Sift into a beater bowl: 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 A
cups cake flour Pour the batter into greased pans and bake about
teaspoon salt 25 minutes. See Quick Icings, 726, for a choice;
1 cup sugar apply when cake is cool.
V2 cup plus 2V2 teaspoons milk A 9 x 9 x 2-Inch Pan
and the softened butter. Using the whip attach- Preheat oven to 350°.
ment of your beater, whip for 1 minute at low Melt in a heavy pan and let cool
speed. Scrape the bowl. Whip for IV2 minutes at cup butter
slightly higher speed. Scrape the bowl again and
Add and beat well:
fold in:
V2 cup sugar
IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 1 egg
teaspoon vanilla)
Whip for 30 seconds on speed. Pour the bat-
2V2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
ter into 2 greased pans, sprinkle with the topping
1 V2 teaspoons baking soda
and bake 20 minutes. teaspoon each cinnamon and ginger
V2 teaspoon salt
Prepare: V2 cup light molasses
Quick Cake, above, omitting the topping V2 cup honey
Substitute for the white sugar: 1 cup hot water
1 cup packed brown sugar (1 tablespoon grated orange rind)
You may add to the batter: Add the sifted and liquid ingredients alternately
( ! cup nutmeats)
4 to the butter mixture until blended. Bake in a
A cup chopped dates) greased pan about 1 hour.
Spread the cake when cool with:
A 9 x 9 x 2-Inch Pan
QUICK COCOA CAKE Unusual, yet perhaps the best of all.
Prepare: Preheat oven to 325°.
Quick Cake, above, omitting the topping Sift together 6 times:

1 A
cups rye or rice flour indicated in individual recipes or until the cake
1 A
cups cornstarch testsdone by pressing lightly with a finger, see
2 teaspoons baking soda 665.
1 teaspoon cinnamon Fruit cakes, in the pan, are cooled from 20
A teaspoon each cloves and ginger to 30 minutes on a rack. After removing the cakes
Mix together: from pans, the parchment or foil in which they
V2 cup sugar are baked is carefully peeled away and the cake
1 cup molasses rack-cooled further until entirely free from heat.
V2 cup soft butter To decorate the cakes with candied fruit or nut
1 cup boiling water meats, dip the undersides of the decorations into
Add and stir well: a light sugar syrup before applying them, or sim-
2 well-beaten eggs ply cover the cake with a sugar syrup glaze and
Combine all ingredients and beat until thoroughly arrange the trimming on it.
mixed. Bake in a greased pan 60 to 70 minutes or To store, wrap the loaves or tubes in brandy- or
until it tests done. wine-soaked linens. If you prefer, you may make
a few fine skewer punctures in the cake and pour
GUY FAWKES DAY CAKE over it very slowly, drop by drop, V* to 1 cup
An 8 x 8-Inch Pan heated, but not boiling, brandy or wine. How-

Also called Parkin a not-too-sweet cake. ever you glaze or soak the cake, wrap it in liquor-
Preheat oven to 350°. soaked linen, then in foil. For very long storage,
Heat — —
over not in boiling water, until the but- bury the liquor-soaked cake in powdered sugar. In
ter is melted: any case, place it in a tightly covered tin in a cool
V2 cup butter place.
/3 cup treacle In baking fruit cakes at high altitude, omit
Mix in a bowl: any leavening.
/3 cup rolled oats
cup all-purpose flour *

tablespoon sugar
Two 4 x 8V2-lnch Loaves
V2 teaspoon ginger
Not unlike a pound cake. The fruits stay light in
V* teaspoon cloves
V2 teaspoon salt
Please review About Butter Cakes, 671, and
V2 teaspoon baking soda
About Fruit Cakes, above.
(1 teaspoon grated lemon rind)
Preheat oven to 350°.
Add alternately with the melted butter mixture: >• Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
V3 cup milk
Combine until the dry ingredients are just moist.
4 cups all-purpose flour
The batter will be thin. Bake in a greased pan
Mix /2
cup of the sifted flour with 4 cups nuts
about 35 minutes or until the cake begins to pull
from the sides of the pan.
and fruits. We particularly like:
IV3 cups pecans or hickory nuts
IV3 cups white raisins
ABOUT FRUIT CAKES IV3 cups seeded and chopped preserved
Many people cakes improve greatly
feel that these kumquats or dried apricots
with age. When
they are well saturated with alco- Resift the remainder of the flour with:
holic liquors, which raise the spirits and keep 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
down mold, and are buried in powdered sugar in V2 teaspoon salt
tightly closed tins, they have been enjoyed as long Cream until light:
as 25 years after baking. 3
A cup butter
Fruit cakes are fundamentally butter cakes with Then cream it with:
just enough batter to bind the fruit. Raisins, figs 2 cups sugar
and dates can be more easily cut if the scissors or Beat in, one at a time:
knife used is dipped periodically in water. If you 5 eggs
do not care for the usual candied fruits, do as one Add:
fan wrote us. She cooked chopped dried apricots, 1 teaspoon vanilla
and currants in orange juice, used
dates, raisins and continue to beat until light. Stir the flour mix-
whole wheat flour and added pumpkin and sun- ture into the egg mixture and continue beating
flower seeds. until thoroughly mixed. Fold in the reserved
For a 2 /2 -pound cake, use an 8-inch ring mold
floured nuts and fruits. Bake about 1 hour.
or a 4V2 x 8!/2-inch loaf pan, either filled to about
2V2 inches. To prepare loaf pans, see Pound Cake,
675. To prepare a tube pan, line the bottom with * CURRANT CAKE
a round of greased parchment paper or foil and Prepare the batter for:
cut a straight strip for the sides. Bake as long as Fruit Cake Cockaigne, above

Add instead of the suggested fruit mixture: depending on pan size. For over 5 pounds, allow
to IV2 cups currants
1 at least 5 hours. Place a shallow pan filled with
Bake, cool and store as for the above cake. water in the oven. Remove it the last hour of
baking. Cool cakes and store.

* WHITE FRUIT CAKE II. Two 4V2 x 8 x 2V2-lnch Loaves, Plus

Two 4 x 8 /2-lnch Loaves
Two 8-Inch Tube Pans
Preheat oven to 350°. About 11 Pounds
Prepare the batter for: In this recipe preconditioned, so it does
the fruit is

Fruit Cake Cockaigne, above not draw moisture from the cake during or after
Substitute for the fruits and nuts: baking. Place and cook in a heavy pot for 5 min-
1 cup chopped nutmeats, preferably utes, stirring constantly:
blanched, slivered almonds IV2 cups apricot nectar
Vj cup finely sliced citron, candied orange or 2 2 cups seedless white raisins

lemon peel 2Y2 cups seedless raisins

1 cup white raisins 1 cup pitted, chopped dates
V* cup chopped candied pineapple 1 cup diced candied pineapple
'A cup chopped candied cherries 2 cups diced candied cherries
cup finely shredded coconut)
(V2 1 cup diced candied apricots
Bake about 1 hour. To prepare pans, cool and Remove from heat, cover and let stand 12 to 15
store, see About Fruit Cakes, above. hours.
Please review About Butter Cakes, 671, and
About Fruit Cakes, 682.
* DARK FRUIT CAKE *• Have all ingredients about 70°.
I. Two 4V2 x 8-Inch Loaves, plus Preheat oven to 300°.
Two 9-Inch Tube Pans Sift before measuring:
About 12 Pounds 6 cups all-purpose flour
review About Butter Cakes, 671, and
Please Resift with:
About Fruit Cakes, above. 2 teaspoons salt
Preheat oven to 275°. 1
2 teaspoon baking soda
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea 2 teaspoons cinnamon
suring: 1 teaspoon each allspice and nutmeg
4 cups all-purpose flour V2 teaspoon cloves
Reserve 1 cup. Resift the remainder with: V* teaspoon cardamom
1 tablespoon each of cinnamon, cloves, Cream until light:
allspice and nutmeg 2 cups butter
'/a tablespoon mace
2 cups sugar
IVi teaspoons salt Add and beat in well:
Wash: 10 beaten eggs
2V2 lb. currants 2 tablespoons vanilla
Cut up: Stir in Combine the batter
the sifted flour mixture.
2 'A lb. raisins
with the syrup and fruit and:
1 lb. citron
3 cups coarsely chopped pecans
Break coarsely: until well mixed. Pour into the loaf and tube pans
1 lb. pecan meats and bake 3 to 3V2 hours or until the tests indi-
Sprinkle these ingredients well with the reserved
cate that the cake is done. Cool and store.
flour. Sift:
1 lb. brown sugar: 2% cups, packed
Cream until soft: ABOUT OIL CAKES
1 lb. butter In this book, all cakes made
with cooking oil carry
Add the sugar gradually. Cream until very light. the word Have all ingredients
"oil" in the title.
Beat in: about 70°. If liquid fats are used in cake mixing,
15 beaten egg yolks they demand special mixing processes. The egg
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture, alter- whites must be beaten so stiff that they begin to
nately with: lose their gloss.
V* cup bourbon whisky and V* cup wine, or Olive oil should never be used, because its
Vi cup thick fruit juice: prune, apricot or flavor is too strong. To achieve a light texture, oil
grape cakes often need a disproportionate amount of
Fold in the floured fruits and nuts. Beat until sugar and egg, and consequently the calorie and
but not dry:
saturated-fat content approximates that of butter
15 egg whites cakes. Because of the difference in mixing do
Fold them into the butter mixture. Bake a 2 ,/a* not try to substitute oil for solid fats in other cake
pound cake in prepared pans, for IV2 to 3 hours, recipes. You may vary the recipes given for oil

cakes, however, by the addition of spices, flavor- Add:

ings, nuts and raisins. V2 teaspoon cream of tartar
Continue to beat until the whites are very stiff.
Gently fold the egg whites into the flour, egg and
CHIFFON OIL CAKE oil mixture. Pour the batter into an ungreased pan
A 10-Inch Tube or and bake as for the cake above. Ice with:
a 9 x 13-Inch Oblong Pan Luscious Orange Icing, 725
Please read About Oil Cakes, above, and mix
exactly as indicated. Have all ingredients about CARROT OIL CAKE
One 8-Inch Square Pan
Preheat oven to 325°. Have ingredients about 70°.
Sift twice and put into a beater bowl:
Preheat oven to 325°.
2>k cups sifted cake flour Sift before measuring:
IV2 cups sugar cup all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder Resift with:
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda
Beat until smooth and fold in all at once: 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
V2 cup vegetable oil teaspoon cinnamon
5 egg yolks V2 teaspoon salt
U cup water Mix together and add to flour, stirring well:
teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 2
/3 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar
Beat until foamy: 2 beaten eggs
6 to 10 egg whites Add and blend in well:
Add: V2 cup chopped nuts
V2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 V2 cups grated carrots
Now beat until the whites are so stiff that they Bake in a greased and floured pan about 1 hour
begin to lose their gloss. Fold the flour, egg and and 25 minutes.
oil mixture gently into the egg whites. Do this by
hand, not in the mixer, see 665. Bake the cake in
an ungreased tube pan about 1 hour and 10 min-
utes or in an ungreased 9 x 13-inch pan 30 to 35
minutes. Reverse the tube pan to cool the cake, as
shown on 668, or set the oblong pan reversed and
supported at the edges by two other pans while
the cake cools. Ice with:
Quick Lemon Icing, 727

A 10-Inch Tube or
a 9 x 13-Inch Oblong Pan
Mix and bake as for preceding cake. Have all
ingredients about 70°.
Preheat oven to 325°.
Melt over hot water: ABOUT TORTEN
3 oz. unsweetened chocolate So many people speak of baking torten as un-
Sift twice and put into a beater bowl: attainably difficult, not realizing that mixing a
2'A cups sifted cake flour torte is matter of replacing the flour in cer-
just a
1 2/i cups sugar tain recipes with dry bread or cake crumbs and
3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder nuts ground to a fine meal. Here are some tricks
2 teaspoons instant coffee in making torten: Do not use ground commer-
teaspoon salt
1 cial bread crumbs; they are too fine. Prepare your
'A teaspoon cinnamon own, using a medium blade in the meat grinder.
Beat until smooth and fold in all at once: >• The nuts should never be ground in a meat

V2 cup vegetable oil grinder, which simply crushes them and brings up
6 egg yolks the oil. A small hand grinder with a sharp cutting
U cup milk edge like the one shown in About Nuts, 562, will
1 teaspoon vanilla produce the light, dry, fluffy particles needed. Or,
and the cooled melted chocolate. Blend well. Beat you may grind nuts at very high speed in the X
until frothy: blender. Do no more than V* cup at a time.
8 egg whites —
Use a pan with a removable rim either a

spring-form or a tube from which you can remove Preheat oven to 350°.
the bottom, because this kind of pastry is often > Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift:

too delicate in texture to withstand much han- 1 cup sugar

dling. The sketch opposite shows you a cross sec- Beat:

tion of the bottom separate and unlocked, the 6 egg yolks
open rim unlocked, and the entire assembly locked Add the sugar gradually. Beat until creamy. Com-
into place. If baking in a tube or in layers, use pans bine and add:
with removable rims. Never grease the pan 1'A cups dry bread crumbs
sides. Torten are good just as baked, with black
/2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder

coffee. But who can possibly object to a whipped V2 teaspoon cinnamon

cream or fruit-sauce garnish? 2 oz. citron, cut fine
1 cup unblanched almonds, ground in a


Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
8-Inch Removable-Rim Pan or
Whip until stiff, but not dry:
Two 8-Inch Layer Pans 6 egg whites
The following recipe is the well-known German
Fold them lightly into the cake batter. Bake 1 hour
or more in an ungreased pan Heat but do not
Please read About Torten, above.
boil for about 10 minutes:
Preheat oven to 350°.
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift:
A cup dry sherry
2 tablespoons water
1 cup sugar
2 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
6 egg yolks
Add the sugar gradually and beat until very
A cup
Strain these ingredients and place the syrup in a
creamy. Add:
small pitcher. Pour it very slowly onto the hot
Grated rind and juice of
cake. When all the liquid has been absorbed, cool
1 lemon or of 1 small orange
the cake and remove it from the pan. Spread with:
teaspoon cinnamon
A flavored Creme Patissiere, 697
cup ground unblanched almonds
Vi cup toasted or dry white bread crumbs
(Vi teaspoon almond extract) DOBOS OR DRUM TORTE
Whip until but not dry:
stiff, The many-tiered Hungarian chocolate-filled torte
6 or 7 egg whites that looks rich, is rich and enriches everyone who
The extra egg white makes a much lighter cake. eats it. We like to think of it as "drummer's" torte
Fold them lightly into the batter. Bake about 40 because of its hard glazed top, but it seems its
minutes in an ungreased removable-rim pan or name refers to its creator, a patissier named
loaf pan. Let cool in the pan. Spread with: Dobos.
Chocolate Butter Icing, 728 >• Have all ingredients about 70°. Prepare:

Or, bake it about 20 minutes in two 8-inch un- Genoise, 675

greased layer pans. Spread between the layers: Using well-greased 8-inch cake pans, bake the
Lemon Orange Custard Filling, 698 cake in 9 thin layers, 5 to 9 minutes each. If your
Spread the top with: oven will not hold so many layers, bake thicker
Sifted confectioners' sugar ones and slice them in two, in the professional
or with one of the fillings suggested on 696. This manner, holding them as shown on 687. Stack
cake is very light and consequently difficult to re- them so that the icing is applied to the uncut
move from the pan, so be careful. surfaces. When cool, spread between the layers
the following filling. Place in a double boiler
over not in boiling water: —
Vi cup sugar
For a richer, moister cake, prepare.
4 eggs
Almond Torte, above
1-inch vanilla bean
substituting pecans for the almonds. Be sure to
or omit the vanilla bean and add 1 teaspoon va-
grind the nuts in a nut grinder.
nilla after the filling has cooled. Beat until the eggs
begin to thicken. Cool the filling slightly. Cut into
* BREAD TORTE OR BROTTORTE pieces and dissolve:
A 9-Inch Removable-Rim Pan 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
In the following recipe for a celebrated German in:
confection, the ingredients differ only slightly 2 tablespoons boiling water
from those in the preceding Mandeltorte, but the Keep this warm. Cream until light:
results, thanks to the wine bath, are gratifyingly 7/a cup butter: 1 A
different. You might try substituting walnuts for Add the chocolate mixture. Beat this into the egg
the almonds. mixture. This filling may also be spread over the

top and sides of the cake, but the true Hungarian FLOURLESS ANGEL ALMOND CAKE
will spread it between layers only, reserving the A 7-Inch Tube Pan
best-looking layer for the top. Glaze this chef Have ingredients about 70°.
d'oeuvre with: Preheat oven to 350°.
V2 cup Clear Caramel Glaze, 732 Blanch, then grind in a nut grinder, 562:
Before the caramel sets, use a hot buttered knife IV2 cups almonds
to cut 12 to 18 radial lines into the top glaze, Sift:
so the cake may be easily sliced. "Rest" the IV2 cups confectioners' sugar
cake in a chilled place 12 hours or more before Beat until stiff:
serving. 7 egg whites
Fold in the sugar and almonds. Bake in a greased
pan about 45 minutes or until done. To cool, see
* HAZELNUT TORTE About Angel Cakes, 668.
A 10-Inch Removable-Rim Pan
^ Please read About Torten, 684. * LINZERTORTE
Preheat oven to 350°. A 9-Inch Pie or Cake
Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift: The following is a delicious German "company"
1 cup sugar cake or pie. It looks like an open jam pie and,
Beat: being rich, is usually served in thin wedges. It
12 egg yolks should serve 12.
Add the sugar gradually. Beat well until ingredi- Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift:
ents are very creamy. Grind in a nut grinder and 1 cup sugar

add to the yolk mixture: Beat until soft:

A lb. hazelnuts 3
A cup butter
A lb. pecans or walnuts Add the sugar gradually. Blend these ingredients
Add: until very light and creamy. Add:
tablespoons bread crumbs)
(2 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

Whip >• until stiff, but not dry: Beat in, one at a time:
8 egg whites 2 eggs
Fold them lightly into the other ingredients. Bake Stir in gradually:
the cake in an ungreased pan about 40 minutes. VI* cups sifted all-purpose flour
When cool, serve with: 1 cup unblanched almonds, ground in a
Whipped cream, flavored with vanilla or nut grinder or a X blender
sweet sherry V2teaspoon cinnamon
or spread the cake with: V* teaspoon cloves
(Coffee or Caramel Icing, 726, 729) 1 tablespoon cocoa
V* teaspoon salt
The old recipe reads, "Stir for one hour," but of
CHOCOLATE WALNUT TORTE course no high-geared American has time for that.
A 9-Inch Removable-Rim Pan If the dough is very soft, chill it. Pat half the dough

Please read about Torten, 684. into an ovenproof dish to the thickness of Va inch.
Preheat oven to 325°. Rechill it until firm. Cover this part of the cake
> Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift: generously with good-quality:
/s cup sugar Raspberry jam or preserves, or apple butter
Beat until light: Preheat oven to 325°.
6 egg yolks Place the remaining dough in a pastry tube. Forc-
Add the sugar gradually. Beat until well blended. ing the dough through the bag, form a good edge

Add: and lattice. Bake the cake about 50 minutes.

V2 cup finely crushed cracker crumbs Before serving, fill the hollows with additional
cup grated unsweetened chocolate preserves. You may also dust the top with:
A cup chopped walnut meats Confectioners' sugar
2 tablespoons brandy or rum
V2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder SACHERTORTE
Vi teaspoon cinnamon A 9-Inch Removable-Rim Pan
'A teaspoon each cloves and nutmeg Frau Sacher, one of the great personalities of
Whip > until stiff, but not dry: Vienna, fed the impoverished Austrian nobility in
6 egg whites her famous restaurant long after they had ceased
Fold them cake batter. Bake
lightly into the in an to pay. Today she is remembered throughout the
ungreased pan about 1 hour. Spread with: world for her chocolate torte, for which endless
Chocolate Butter Icing, 728 recipes, all claiming authenticity, abound. We
or serve with: make no claims but think the following delicious.
Wine Custard, 736 Please read about Torten, 684.

Have all ingredients about 70°. hold it taut and with a sawing motion cut the
Preheat oven to 325°. 1-inch-high section free. Reserve this top slice for
Crate: the lid.
5 to 6 oz. semisweet chocolate Then start to cut a smooth-rimmed channel in
Cream well: the remaining section, to receive the filling. Allow
Vicup sugar for 1-inch walls by making 2 circular, vertical in-
V2 cup butter cisions, to within 1 inch of the base. To remove
Beat in one at a time until mixture is light and the cake loosened by these incisions, next insert
fluffy: your knife diagonally, first from the top of the
6 egg yolks inside of the outer rim to the base cut of the
Add the grated chocolate and: inner and continue to cut diagonally all
A cup dry bread crumbs around through the channel core. Then reverse
V* cup finely ground blanched almonds the action and repeat the cut from the top of the
V* teaspoon salt inside of the inner rim to the base cut of the outer
Beat until but not dry, and fold in:
stiff, rim. Performed with a saw-bladed knife, these two
6 to 7 egg whites cuts bisect each other in an X operation and
The extra egg white makes a lighter cake. give you 3 loose triangular sections which are
Bake in an ungreased removable-rim or spring- easily removed. The fourth triangle still attached
form pan 50 minutes to 1 hour. When well cooled, at the base then cut free one inch from the base

slice the torte horizontally through the middle. of the cake. A curved
knife is a help here. The
Should the top be mounded, reverse the layers so cake which formed the channel area can be used
the finished cake has a flat top. Place between the for Angel Balls, 694, or some of it may be
layers: shredded and mixed with the filling. Ladle the
1 cup apricot jam or preserves filling of your choice into the channel as shown
Cover the cake with: in the center. Replace the lid. Top this whole cake
Chocolate Glaze, 732 with whipped cream or icing. When you cut the
which should retain its glossy sheen. For a really cake, each slice will look like the cross sections
Viennese effect, garnish each slice with a great sketched on the cake-stand.
gob of "Schlag" or whipped cream.


appropriate for buffets;
Filled cakes are especially
they serve as complete desserts, combining ice
cream and cake, pudding and cake or fruit and
cake. They may also be as rich and substantial or
as light in texture and calorie content as you
We have assembled in the next pages some in-
dividual recipes that we enjoy serving as complete
desserts. We
also suggest a number of ways that
basic cakes can be combined with fillings. Read
about Roll Cakes, 690, Torten, 684, Filled Rolled
Cookies, 716, and Charlottes, 748. See illustrations
for making a secret filling, opposite, lining pud-
ding molds, 743, or turning a simple Baked Alaska
into an Omelette Surprise, 742.
If you must, buy your basic angel and sponge

cakes, ice cream and ice fillings. But when you

combine them, make a delicious sauce of your
very own with fresh eggs or fruit and —
most im-
portant of all —
real vanilla, fresh spices and qual-
ity spirits. All the recipes for sponge, angel cakes, REFRIGERATED FILLED CAKE
Cenoise, Daffodil Cake, roll cakes, nut torten, Line molds with cakes suggested above, or make
ladyfingers and rolled cookies are suitable for a cake with a secret filling, shown above. Fill with:
mold linings. For additional fillings and combina- Bavarians, 746, or mousses, 737
tions, see About Cake Fillings, 696 to 699. Whipped gelatin puddings, 743
To prepare a tube cake for a secret filling, see Pastry creams, 697, or Charlotte mixtures, 748
the illustrations opposite. Have ready a serrated Fillings for cream pie, 656, or chiffon pie, 658
knife or a long piece of thread. Marking the sec- Sweetened whipped creams, 696
tion to be separated with wooden picks, as shown, Refrigerate at least 6 hours, covered, before serv-
cut a 1-inch incision at the pick level all around ing. Garnish with:
the cake. Then cut through or if using a thread Fruits and nuts


Sauce or whipped cream Prepare:
Dust with: Pound Cake, 675
Toasted nuts
Cut off and reserve crusts for cookie crumbs, 635.
Shredded coconut or Praline, 789
Cut the cake horizontally into 4 long even slices.
Prepare a filling by mixing in a X blender until
very smooth:
* QUICK MOCHA-CHOCOLATE 1 lb. Ricotta cheese
FREEZER CAKE 2 tablespoons cream
About 10 to 12 Servings V* cup sugar
Cut: 3 tablespoons creme de cacao or
Angel Cake, 668 Grand Marnier
into 4 layers. Soften : Fold in:
/2 gallon Mocha Ice Cream, 762 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped candied
Stir in: orange or lemon peel
3 shaved sweet chocolate and almond bars 2 squares coarsely chopped semisweet
Put the ice cream between the lasers and cover chocolate
the cake all over with it. Put into the freezer * Divide the filling in about three parts so as to
and allow to set for about an hour. If you make cover all but the top layer. Firm up the filled cake
this the day before and keep it in the freezer, be by refrigerating, wrapped, about 2 hours. Depend-
sure to unfreeze Vz hour before serving. ing on how rich a dessert you want, dust with:
(Powdered sugar)
or cover the cake with:
KRANSEKAKE OR PYRAMID CAKE (Chocolate Butter Icing, 728)
A tiered cake usually served at weddings and con- using coffee as the liquid.
firmations in Norway; in America,
finale to a dinner party; see illustration in chapter MOHRENKOPFE OR MOORS' HEADS
heading on 664. These Moors' heads, along with Individual Nut
Preheat oven to 375°. Tarts, 718, and Macaroon Jam Tarts, 717, were
Mix together: specialties of a famous St. Louis bakery, now ex-
1 cup sugar
tinct, and these cakes graced a thousand Kaffee-
4 hard-cooked egg yolks, mashed klatsches. While the true Mohrenkopf is baked
Set aside this mixture and beat together: in a special half-round mold, then filled and the
4 whole eggs halves joined, the full taste effect can be gained by
2 cups butter
the following method.
Combine the two egg mixtures. Gradually add, Cut in rounds or squares:
kneading well: Thin Genoise, 675
5 cups sifted all-purpose flour Make a "sandwich" filling of:
3 cups ground almonds Hazelnut-flavored whipped cream
The dough is delicate and rather difficult to han- placed between 2 slices of cake. Ice with:
dle. With lightly floured hands, roll a small lump European Chocolate Icing, 728,
on a pastry cloth into a V2 -inch-thick strip,long or Chocolate Sauce Cockaigne, 772
enough to form nine inches in
a circle eight or
diameter. This is for the bottom ring of the pyra-
mid. It is best to roll out all the strips first, making TRIFLE OR RASPBERRY RUM CAKE
each one a little shorter than the one before. To A good use for dry cake. Combine it with rasp-
join the ends of the strips of dough, dip them in: berries, which are traditional. But apricot jam or
A little egg white, slightly beaten other preserves, thickened pie cherries, or fresh or
Place the rings on several slightly floured cookie cooked drained fruit may be substituted.
sheets. You can manage three or more rings to a Place in a deep dish:
sheet. Sprinkle with: Rounds of yellow, sponge or layer cake
Granulated sugar You may sprinkle the cake with:
Bake about 7 minutes or until light brown. When (2 tablespoons rum or sherry)
removed from the oven, immediately place one Spread the pieces with:
ring on top of the other so they will stick together. /2 cup jam or jelly or

Decorate with: 1 to 2 cups sweetened fruit

Lemon Glaze, 731 (V* cup blanched, slivered almonds)
by piping a thin line of glaze at the point where Prepare:
two rings meet. Then continue in an irregular zig- Rich Custard, 735
zag fashion all over the cake. This pastry is delight- Pour the custard over the cake. If desired, garnish
ful served with: with:
Fresh strawberries or other fruit (Whipped cream)

BABA AU RHUM OR SAVARIN Beat the batter after each addition until blended.
Beloved by the French, who frequently serve ba- Whip until stiff, but not dry, then fold in:
4 egg whites
bas with tea. This is an American version. Savarin
is really a larger version of Baba au Rhum. The Bake about 20 minutes in pans with greased bot-
same dough and the same syrup are used, but the toms. Place between the layers:
Savarin is baked in a ring mold with a rounded
Creme Patissiere, 697
base, and it is often flavored with kirsch instead of
Dust with:
rum. When it is turned out, the center is filled
Powdered sugar
with fruit. If you fill it with tart red cherry com- Or serve with:

pote, you need hardly be told it will have become

(Chocolate Sauce Cockaigne, 772)
Savarin Montmorency!
Prepare the dough for: ORANGE-FILLED CAKE
Bundkuchen, 620, or Three 9-Inch Round Pans
Brioche, 615 Most recipes for orange cake prove to be disap-
Place greased 8-inch tube pan. Let rise, and
it in a pointing, for upon reading them you find that
bake Remove from the pan, cool and
as directed. they are merely sponge or butter cake with an
return to the pan. Prepare a syrup by boiling for orange filling. This one calls for orange juice in the
10 minutes: batter plus orange filling and icing. Earrings for an
Vi cup water elephant with no apologies!
1 cup sugar Preheat oven to 375°.
Cool it to lukewarm. Flavor it generously with: Have all ingredients about 70°. Sift before
Dark rum, whisky or kirsch: at least 'A cup measuring:
Place the syrup in a small pitcher. One hour be- 3 cups cake flour
fore serving, pour the syrup slowly, drop by drop, Resift with:
onto the baba. Use as much as will be absorbed.
4 teaspoon salt
Remove the cake from the pan and let it drain on 3 1
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
a rack until ready to serve. If it is to be a dessert, Grate:
top it with: Rind of 1 orange
(Whipped cream or Creme Chantilly, 696) into:
You may serve individual baba cakes. Bake them IV2 cups sugar
in greased muffin or popover tins. Soak them with Cream this until light with:

syrup as directed or cut a slice from the top, hol-

A cup butter
low the cakes slightly and fill the hollows with the Beat in, one at a time:
raspberry or apricot jam. Serve with: 3 eggs
Lemon Sauce, 769 Measure:
Or slice the babas in half. Cover each half with a V2 cup orange juice
slice of fresh pineapple and currant jelly, sprinkled '/a cup water

with confectioners' sugar and kirsch. 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Add the flour mixture in 3 parts to the butter
POPPY SEED CUSTARD mixture, alternately with the liquid. Stir the batter
after each addition until smooth. Bake the cake
about V2 hour in 3 layer pans with greased bot-
Two 9-Inch Round Pans When the cake cool, spread between the
toms. is
A delightful filled tea cake.
> Have all ingredients about 70°. Combine and Orange Cream Filling, 698
soak J> 2 hours:
A cup poppy seed
Preheat oven to 375°. Traditionally called a pie, this is really a 2-layer

Beat until soft: cake. There are many versions, but the mos! preva-
A cup butter lent one today reads as follows.
Add gradually and cream until fluffy: Place between 2 layers of:
IVi cups sugar Cold Layer Cake, 674
Sift before measuring: a thick coating of:
2 cups cake flour Creme Patissiere, 697
Resift with: Leave the sides exposed, but cover the top with:
2V2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder A chocolate icing, 728
V2 teaspoon salt
Combine the poppy seed-milk mixture with: CREAM MERINGUE
A cup
1 teaspoon vanilla Two 8-Inch Layer Pans
Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture in The following recipe not at all difficult to make,

3 parts, alternating with the liquid ingredients. yet it is an optical as well as a gastronomic treat.

A cake batter and a meringue are baked at the FRUIT SHORTCAKES

same time. Prepare:
Preheat oven to 325°. Fluffy Biscuit dough, 633, Scone dough, 634,
Have all ingredients about 70°. or any of the plain sponge cakes, 670
Blanch and shred: For small shortcakes, the dough should be baked
(V3 cup almonds) in 3-inch rounds, split while hot and spread with
butter.The sponge cake should be cut to size after
IV2 cups sugar baking. For large shortcakes, bake in 2 layers. Place
Beat until soft: between the layers and over them:
'A cup butter Sugared or cooked fruit
Add V2 cup of the sifted sugar gradually. Blend Garnish with:
until light and creamy. Beat in, one at a time: Whipped cream
4 egg yolks
V2 teaspoon vanilla
Sift before measuring:
Any number of batters lend themselves to rolling,
see below. For easy removal, they should be baked
1 cup cake flour
in sheets, 10V2 x 15 /2 x 1 inch. Crease the baking

Resift with:
sheet, then line the bottom with a long strip of
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
parchment paper or foil which extends over the
Va teaspoon salt
ends of the pan. Grease the paper also and pour
Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture,
in the batter so it covers all corners. Bake in a 375°
alternately with:
5 tablespoons cream oven about 12 minutes. Loosen the edges as soon
as the cake comes from the oven. Reverse the pan
Beat the batter until smooth. Spread it in 2 greased
pans with 1 /2-inch sides. Cover it with the fol-
1 onto a clean towel that has been dusted with:
Sifted confectioners' sugar
lowing meringue. Whip until stiff, but not dry:
Immediately peel off the paper or foil. Trim any
4 egg whites
crusty edges and roll before the cake cools. If the
Add the remaining cup sifted sugar slowly, about
filling is a perishable one, roll the unfilled cake
1 tablespoon at a time. Beat constantly. When all
while it is still hot, with the towel, as shown in the
the sugar has been added, continue to beat for
illustration below. Place the cake, still wrapped in
several minutes. Fold in:
1 teaspoon vanilla
the towel, on a rack to cool. Later, when ready to
Spread the meringue lightly over the cake batter
in both pans. If using the almonds, stud one
meringue with the blanched, shredded almonds,
placing the shreds upright and close together.
Bake the layers about 40 minutes. Remove them
from the oven and let them cool in the pans.
Shortly before serving the cake, place the un-
studded layer, meringue side down, on a cake
plate. Spread one of the following fillings over it,
reserving A cup to garnish the top. Place the al-

mond-studded layer, meringue side up, on the

filling and place the reserved filling in the center
on top, using:
A cream filling, 697; Sauce Cockaigne, 770;
or whipped cream


A 7-Inch Ring Mold
Stir and melt in a large saucepan:
1 cup packed brown sugar
3 tablespoons butter
('A teaspoon salt if butter is unsalted)
Fold in until well coated:
4 cups uncrushed cornflakes
Press the mixture lightly into a 7-inch ring mold.
Invert the ring onto a platter before the mix-
ture is cold. When
with sweetened fruits
set. fill

and whipped cream, coffee ice cream dribbled fill, unroll the cake, fillit and use the towel to roll

with chocolate sauce, or a fruit ice laced with it again, as shown in the lower sketch. If the filling
liqueur. is jam or jelly, it can be put on the warm cake im-

mediately before rolling. When the cake is rolled Fold the sifted ingredients into the eggs with:
after filling place it on the serving plate with 1 teaspoon vanilla
the loose edge down. Bake the batter about 12 minutes. A good filling is:
Butterscotch Filling, 697

A IOV2 x 15!/2 x 1-Inch Pan ALMOND SPONGE ROLL
This standard rollcake, or jelly roll, recipe also
A IOV2 x 15V2 x 1-Inch Pan
bakes well in two 8-inch round layer pans. To
>• To prepare pan, bake and roll, see About Roll
prepare pan, bake and roll, see About Roll Cakes,
Cakes, above. Have all ingredients about 70°.
above. Preheat oven to 325°.
Beat until light:
Have ingredients about 70°.

Preheat oven to 375°. 8 egg yolks

Beat in gradually:
A cup sugar
/2 cup sugar
Beat until light: Add:
4 egg yolks V2 cup blanched ground almonds
Add the sugar gradually. Beat until creamy. Add: Beat^ until stiff, but not dry:
teaspoon vanilla
8 egg whites
Sift before measuring:
V* teaspoon salt
Fold in:
A cup cake flour
Resift with:
1 teaspoon vanilla
Fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture. Bake
teaspoon double-acting baking powder
about 15 minutes, roll and, when cold, spread
V2 teaspoon salt
Add the flour gradually to the egg mixture. Beat with any desired filling, see 696 to 699.
the batter until smooth. Whip until stiff, but not
4 egg whites AIOV2 x15 /2 x1-lnch Pan 1

Fold them lightly into the cake batter. To prepare pan, bake and roll, see About Roll
You may add: Cakes, above. The pan is greased here in order to
(V2 cup finely chopped nuts) free the cake intact for rolling.
Bake about 12 minutes. When cold, spread with Prepare half the recipe for:

at least: Angel Cake I, 668

V2 cup jelly or tart jam or 1 cup or more Bake in a 300° oven about 20 minutes. Use any of
cream or custard filling, 697 the fillings suggested for the various Cake Rolls
Or for an unusual touch, try: in this chapter. Raspberry or apricot jam and

Ginger Fruit Filling, 698 whipped cream are fine.

LEMON ROLL A IOV2 x15V2 x 1-Inch Pan
Prepare: Prepare:
Jelly Roll, above above
Jelly Roll,
Substitute for the jelly: When rolledand cooled, spread with.
Lemon Filling, 697 Chocolate Sauce Cockaigne, 772
Roll and fill as directed above. Serve with:
Whipped cream
To prepare pan, bake and roll, see About Roll OR BUCHE DE NOEL
Cakes, above. Have all ingredients about 70°. An 8x 12-Inch Pan
Preheat oven to 400°. For Christmas this can be made into a Yule Log,
Place in a bowl over hot water: shown in the chapter heading. Trim it without the
4 eggs mushrooms for Washington's Birthday. To prepare
.4 teaspoon salt pan, bake and roll, see About Roll Cakes, 690.
Beat until the eggs are thick and lemon colored. Have all ingredients about 70°.
Beat in gradually: Preheat oven to 325°.
A cup sugar Sift:
Remove from the heat. Sift before measuring: V2 cup powdered sugar
A cup cake flour Beat until light:

Resift with: 3 to 6 egg yolks

A teaspoon double-acting baking powder Add the sugar gradually and beat these ingredients
1 teaspoon cinnamon until creamy. Add:
V2 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift and add: Following are some basic high-altitude recipes

2 to 6 tablespoons cocoa from government sources. But if you are reluctant
If you useless than 4 tablespoons cocoa, add: to give up your own recipes from home, we also
tablespoons all-purpose flour)
(2 throw in as a talisman the homely formula of a
a teaspoon salt friend who has for years had luck with it at 7000

Whip until stiff, but not dry: to 8000 feet, using her old Chicago favorites. She
3 to 6 egg whites merely uses three-fourths the amount of double-
/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
acting baking powder or baking soda called for,
Fold lightly into the cake batter. Spread the dough adds 1 additional tablespoon flour and 1 extra egg,
in the greased pan to the thickness of A inch. 1
decreases the butter by a few tablespoons if the
Bake the cake about 25 minutes. Let it cool in the recipe is very rich, and increases the oven heat by
pan 5 minutes before rolling. Fill with: about 25°.
A sweetened whipped cream, 696 But whatever formula you use grease your
Cover with: baking pans well and dust them with flour or line
Chocolate Sauce, 772 them with parchment paper. For, at high altitudes,
For the Yule Log, cover with a roughed-up: cakes have a tendency to stick to the pan. Excep-
Chocolate Butter Icing, 728 tions are angel and sponge cakes, see recipes be-
sprouting small: low. Fill cake pans only half full of batter, as
Macaroon mushrooms high-altitude cakes may overflow.

10-Inch Tube Pan
Cake batters at high altitudes are subject to pixie-
This recipe baking at 5000 feet. If baking at
is for
like variations that often defy general rules. Read
7000 feet, add 1 tablespoon cake flour and de-
the comments and then launch forth on your own,
crease sugar by 2 tablespoons. If baking at 10,000
keeping records at first until you know what gives
feet, add 2 tablespoons cake flour and decrease
you the greatest success. On the whole, cup-
sugar by 4 tablespoons.
cakes and layer cakes are better textured than
Please read About Angel Cakes, 668.
loaf cakes.
Preheat oven to 375°.
Up to you reduce the air in the
3000 feet, if
Mix and sift together 3 times:
cakes by not overheating eggs, you will proba-
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour
bly need no adjustment of the cake formula.
Vi cup sugar
Also raise the baking temperature about 25°. In
Keep refrigerated until ready to use:
elevations higher than 3000 feet, continue to
IVi cups egg whites: 10 to 12 eggs
underbeat the eggs as compared to sea level con-
Beat the egg whites until foamy and add:
sistency. Another way to reduce their volume is to
IVi teaspoons cream of tartar
keep the eggs refrigerated until almost ready to
'2 teaspoon salt
Continue beating until egg whites are glossy and
At around 5000 feet, it will also help to reduce
form peaks which just barely fall over. Fold in,
the double-acting baking powder or baking soda
with about 25 strokes:
by Va to Va teaspoon for each teaspoon called for
1 cup sugar
in the recipe. Decrease sugar 1 to 2 tablespoons
Beat until mixture is fluffy and meringuelike. Beat
for each cup called for, and increase liquid 2 to 3
briefly while adding:
tablespoons for each cup indicated. Raise the
IV2 teaspoons vanilla
baking temperature about 25°.
Add the dry ingredients about one-fourth at a time
At 7000 feet, decrease double-acting baking
by sifting them over the egg mixture, using about
powder or baking soda by 'A teaspoon for every
15 folding strokes after each addition. After last
teaspoon called for. Decrease sugar by 2 to 3 ta-
addition, use about 10 more strokes to blend com-
blespoons for each cup indicated and increase
pletely. Pour into ungreased tube pan. Cut through
liquid by 3 to 4 tablespoons for each cup in the
batter with knife to release air bubbles. Bake about
recipe. Increase the flour 1 tablespoon for each
40 minutes. Invert pan, as shown on 668, and al-
cup called for. Raise the baking temperature about
low cake to cool before removing it from the pan.
At 10,000
feet, decrease the double-acting bak-
ing powder
or baking soda by V» to Vz teaspoon
for every teaspoon called for in the recipe, and
add an extra egg, but do not overbeat the pggs. ANGEL CAKE
Decrease the sugar 2 to 3 tablespoons for each Prepare:
cup the recipe. Increase the liquid by 3 to 4
in High-Altitude Angel Cake, above
tablespoons for each cup liquid indicated. Increase Use cup cake
in all 1 flour and add:
the flour by 1 to 2 tablespoons for each cup called V* cup cocoa
for. Increase the baking temperature about 25°. V* cup sugar

A HIGH-ALTITUDE SPICE Beat and add the yolks and the cooled melted
chocolate. Add alternately by thirds the dry in-
ANGEL CAKE gredients and:
Prepare: IVi cups milk
High-Altitude Angel Cake, above 2 teaspoons vanilla
Omit the vanilla and substitute by sifting with dry After each addition of flour, beat about 25 strokes.
ingredients: After each addition of liquid, beat about 75
V* teaspoon cloves strokes. Whip the egg whites >
until stiff, but not
V2 teaspoon nutmeg dry. Fold them into the batter. Grease pan and
1 teaspoon cinnamon dust well with flour or line with foil. Pour in the
batter and bake about 45 minutes or until done.
Two 8-Inch Round Pans
This formula baking at 5000 feet. If baking
is for
at 7500 feet, reduce baking powder by Vz tea-
Two 8-Inch Pans
spoon. If baking at 10,000 feet, reduce baking The following high-altitude recipe is for a cake
powder by 1 teaspoon. baked at 5000 feet. If baking at 7500 feet, decrease
Please read About Butter or Shortening Cakes, baking powder by A teaspoon and add 2 table-

671. spoons milk. baking at 10,000 feet, decrease


Preheat oven to 375°. baking powder by V2 teaspoon and add 2 table-

Place in a mixer: spoons milk.
V2 cup soft butter Preheat oven to 375°.
Sift together twice and then sift into the beater Mix and sift together 3 times.
bowl with the butter: 2 cups sifted cake flour
2 cups sifted cake flour IVi teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder V2 teaspoon salt
V2 teaspoon salt Cream:
1 cup sugar V2 cup butter
Add and mix 2 minutes: Add gradually to the butter:
A cup milk 1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat until foamy: Cream until light and fluffy, somewhat longer than
4 egg whites you would at sea level. Add to creamed mixture
Add and beat until stiff, but not dry: and mix thoroughly:
',4 cup sugar 2 eggs
Add this meringue to batter with: which were refrigerated until ready to use. Add
3 tablespoons milk alternately by thirds the sifted dry ingredients and:
and beat 1 minute. Grease the pans and dust well
A cup plus 1 tablespoon milk
with flour or line with foil, pour in the batter and using about 50 strokes each time the liquid is
bake about 30 minutes or until done. added. Grease the layer pans, dust them well with
flour or line them with foil. Release air pockets by
A HIGH-ALTITUDE FUDGE CAKE cutting through batter 3 or 4 times. Bake about 25
A 9 x 13-Inch Pan minutes or until done.
This recipe is for baking at 5000 feet. If baking at
7500 to 10,000 feet, decrease baking powder by 1 A HIGH-ALTITUDE SPICED
teaspoon, and if baking
sugar by V* cup.
at 10,000, also decrease
Please read About Butter or Shortening Cakes,
High-Altitude Two-Egg Cake, above
observing the adjustments for the altitude at which
Preheat oven to 350°.
you are baking. Add to the dry ingredients before
Melt over hot water:
the final sifting:
4 squares unsweetened chocolate
teaspoon nutmeg
Mix and sift together 3 times:
V*teaspoon cloves
2 cups sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
Replace V2 cup cake flour with:
1 teaspoon salt
V2 cup cocoa
Vz cup butter
Add slowly to butter, and cream longer than you A HIGH-ALTITUDE SPONGE CAKE
would at sea level: An 8-Inch Tube Pan
274 cups sugar This recipe is for an altitude of 5000 to 7500 feet.
Remove from the refrigerator and separate: If baking at 10,000 feet, add 5 tablespoons sifted
3 eggs cake flour

Please read About Sponge Cakes, 669. ABOUT CUPCAKES

Preheat oven to 350°. Nearly all cake batters lend themselves to baking
Remove from the refrigerator and separate: in individual portions; only the baking time will
6 eggs differ,and this depends on the size of cupcakes
Beat the yolks slightly. Add to them being made. Bake them in muffin, madeleine or
I /* tablespoons water ladyfinger molds. On informal occasions like chil-
teaspoon vanilla
1 dren's parties, bake and serve in fluted paper bak-
/2 teaspoon salt
ing cups. If the papers are set in muffin tins, the
Continue to beat while adding gradually: cakes will retain their shape and you do not have
V2 cup sugar to grease the pans. If not using paper cups, grease
Beat until thick and lemon-yellow in color. Beat the pans and fill the molds about halfway. Bake in
the egg whites until foamy and add. a 375° preheated oven 20 to 25 minutes. Another
V2 teaspoon cream of tartar suggestion for children: bake in cup-shaped ice
Then add gradually to egg whites: cream cones. Fill cones about half with batter. Set
Vi cup sugar them on a baking sheet and bake as for cupcakes.
y Beat just until peaks form and fall over slightly Cupcakes can be filled and iced, see About Cake
when beater is removed from mixture. Fold yolk Fillings, 696, and About Quick Icings, 726. Or
mixture into the beaten whites. Add one-fourth garnish the cakes with nuts, diced dried fruits, or
at a time, using about 15 strokes after each ad- a dusting of powdered sugar.
IV4 cups plus 1 tablespoon sifted cake flour
After fourth addition, mix for about 10 more YELLOW CUPCAKES
strokes. Fold in: About Two Dozen 2-Inch Cakes
IV2 tablespoons lemon juice See About Cupcakes, above.
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind Prepare:
Bake in an ungreased tube pan 40 to 50 minutes. Gold Layer Cake, 674, Lightning Cake, 681,
Invert pan as shown on 668 and allow cake to cool or One-Egg Cake, 681
completely before removing from pan. Add to the batter:
(1 cup raisins or washed, dried currants)
When cool, sprinkle the tops with:

A 9-Inch Square Pan

This recipe baking at 5000 feet. If baking at
7500 feet, decrease baking soda by A teaspoon. 1

See About Cupcakes, above.

If baking at 10,000 feet, reduce soda by V2 tea-
spoon, sugar by 3 tablespoons and molasses by 2
Any sponge cake, 670
Permit the cakes to cool in the pans, then remove
Preheat oven to 350°.
and sprinkle with:
Mix and sift together 3 times:
Powdered sugar
2V3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
A teaspoon baking soda
V* teaspoon each cinnamon, nutmeg and About Sixteen 2 1/2-lnch Cupcakes
allspice See About Cupcakes, above.
1 teaspoon ginger Prepare the batter for:
Beat: Angel Cake, 668, or Flavored Angel Cake, 669
V2 cup soft shortening Place it in deep muffin tins with greased bottoms.
Add gradually to shortening, and cream somewhat Bake about 20 minutes. When cold, split the cup-
longer than you would at sea level, until light and cakes horizontally and fill them. See Filled Cakes,
fluffy: 687, and Torten, 685, for suggestions. For a lux-
V2 cup sugar urious tea cake, ice with a rather soft icing and
Add 1 at a time and beat well after each addition roll in chopped nuts or shredded chopped coco-
2 eggs nut.
Add and mix in thoroughly:
A cup molasses
Add the dry ingredients alternately by fourths CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES
with: See About Cupcakes, above.
h cup boiling water Prepare any recipe for:
Beat about 20 strokes after each addition of flour A chocolate cake, 675 to 677
and 30 strokes after each addition of liquid. When cool, spread cupcakes with:
Crease and flour the pan well or line with foil, Quick White Icing, 727, or Chocolate Butter
pour in the batter and bake about 45 minutes. Icing, 728, or Coffee Icing, 729


About Twenty-Four 2-Inch Cakes Prepare the batter for:
See About Cupcakes, 694. Lady Cake, 673, or Genoise, 675
Prepare the batter for: Pour the batter into greased pans, so that you can
Quick Caramel Cake, 681 cut the cake into small cubes. You may cut the
Spread when cool with: cubes in half horizontally and apply a filling, 696.
Caramel Icing, 726 To apply Fondant, the traditional icing, see 725
and the illustration below.
About Two Dozen 2-Inch Cakes
See About Cupcakes, 694.
Prepare the batter for:
Sour Cream Cake, 673
substituting for the white sugar:
Brown sugar
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
V* teaspoon cloves
Fold in:
4 cup nutmeats
Good served plain or iced.

About Twenty 2-Inch Cakes
See About Cupcakes, 694.
Prepare the batter for: MADELEINES
Rombauer Jam Cake, 679 About 15 Cakes
Spread over the cooled cupcakes: It was Proust's fortuitous nibble of a madeleine
Quick Brown Sugar Icing, 728 with tea that awakened from the subconscious the
sensitive recollections of his childhood in a French
PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES provincial town —
and from there, the long pag-
About Twenty-Two 2-Inch Cakes eant of Remembrance.
Delicate and well flavored. See About Cupcakes, These light-as-a-feather French tea cakes are
694. Have all ingredients about 70°. usually baked in greased and lightly floured scal-
Preheat oven to 350°. loped madeleine shells or muffin tins, see illustra-
Beat until soft: tion in chapter heading, 664. Who could guess
V3 cup butter that their tender crumb results from an overdose
Add gradually: of butter? The method of making them is just like
1 cup packed brown sugar that of Genoise, 675.
When these ingredients are light and fluffy, beat Preheat oven to 350°.
inand blend well: Melt and allow to cool to lukewarm:
V2 cup peanut butter 3
A cup clarified butter, 349
Combine and beat until light: Heat until lukewarm in the top of a double boiler
2 eggs — —
over not in boiling water:
Vi cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar
Sift before measuring: Stir Remove from heat and beat until
2 cups all-purpose flour thick but light and creamy, incorporating as much
Resift with: air as possible. When cool, sift and add gradually:
V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup sifted cake flour
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder Add the melted butter and:
Beat the egg mixture into the butter mixture. Add 1 tablespoon rum or brandy
the sifted ingredients in 3 parts alternately with: 1 teaspoon vanilla or 1 teaspoon grated
4 cup milk lemon rind
Bake the cakes about 25 minutes. Ice them with: Bake shell forms about 8 minutes; muffins about
Quick Maple Icing, 729 15 minutes, until a delicate brown. Cool on a rack,
shell side up.
Three Dozen 2-Inch Cakes LADYFINGERS
See About Cupcakes, 694. About 15 Ladyfingers
Prepare batter for: Preheat oven to 375°.
Coconut Loaf Cake, 674 Have ingredients about 70°. Sift before mea-
Serve plain or iced. suring:

Vj cup cake flour Fillings seem to adhere better if the lavers are
Resift it 3 times. Sift: placed with the bottom crusts facing each other.
cup confectioners' sugar
Vi For a charming but not rich finish, coat filled cakes
teaspoon salt
Va with a dusting of confectioners' sugar, see 730.
Beat until thick and lemon colored: Filling yields are given in cups. For approximate
1 whole egg coverage, see Icing Yields, 721.
2 egg yolks
V2 teaspoon vanilla
Whip until stiff, but not dry: SWEETENED WHIPPED CREAM OR
Fold the sugar gradually into the egg whites. Beat
About 2' 2 to 3 Cups
the mixture until it thickens again. Fold in the egg- Whip
I. until stiff, see 531:
yolk mixture. Fold in the flour. With a pastry tube, 1 cup whipping cream
shape the dough into strips V/2 to 4 inches long Fold in:
by VM inches wide on ungreased paper placed on teaspoon vanilla
a sheet pan; or pour it into greased ladyfinger or to 3 tablespoons sifted confectioners' sugar
small muffin tins. Or you may put it through a or 2 teaspoons strained honey)
cookie press. Bake about 12 minutes. When cool, You may use as is or add any one of the following:
dust with:
Confectioners' sugar II. Fold into the whipped cream:
Serve plain, or enclose a filling between the flat Vi cup walnuts, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts
surfaces of two ladyfingers pressed together. or blanched, slivered, toasted almonds,
or Va cup nut paste

CORNSTARCH PUFF CAKES III. V2 cup lightly toasted coconut

Fifteen Small Cupcakes 1 tablespoon rum or creme de cacao
Preheat oven to 350°.
IV. V2 cup jam or orange or ginger marmalade
Have ingredients about 70°. Cream :

V2 cup butter V. 3
/4 cup fresh, canned or frozen fruit puree
1 cup sifted powdered sugar (2 tablespoons kirsch)
Add and beat until light:
4 eggs VI. 3
A cup drained, chopped fresh fruit
1teaspoon vanilla Reserve \U cup of perfect berries or fruit slices for

Sift before measuring: garnish.

1 cup cornstarch
VII. V2 cup crushed soft peppermint stick candy
Sift 3times again, with:
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder VIM. % cup brown sugar or V2 cup maple sugar
Combine the creamed and the sifted ingredients 1 teaspoon vanilla or V* teaspoon nutmeg
until blended. Fill muffin tins with greased bot-
toms half full and bake about 15 minutes. IX. 1 teaspoon instant coffee
/4 cup crushed nut brittle

ABOUT CAKE FILLINGS X. 'A cup Almond or Filbert Paste, 780

If you happen to be pressed for time or are just XI. Prepare an angel or sponge cake shell, see 687.
plain lazy, you may prefer to buy the "baked
Shred the removed cake. Combine some of it with

goods" sponge, angel cakes, macaroons, lady- the whipped cream. Then add:
fingers —
which make the foundation for many 2 cups drained crushed pineapple
and varied fancy desserts. Such pastries may be 1 cup shredded coconut
filled with seasonally flavored creams, pastry (20 diced marshmallows)
creams, Bavarians, mousses, zabagliones or layers 2 teaspoons melted semisweet chocolate
of jam or jelly. Garnish these desserts with candied 2 teaspoons rum or Cointreau
fruits and creams. Many pie fillings —
fruit, custard
Chill the filled cake 6 hours before serving.
and chiffon — as well as whipped gelatin pud-
dings also lend themselves to use with cake bases. XII. Heat in the top of a double boiler over
Thickened fillings, such as those having the word not in — boiling water, 2 tablespoons of the
custard in the title, or the heavier nut and fruit whipped cream and:
fillings can stand somewhat longer storage before V4 cup sugar
serving; but do not hold them more than 24 hours. Va teaspoon salt
Should you choose flavored creams and the less- 1 unsweetened chocolate, cut in pieces
stable fillings such as gelatins or ice creams, add When the sugar is dissolved and the chocolate
them to your cake just before serving to forestall melted, beat the filling with a wire whisk until
sogginess. For the same reason, be sure to choose well blended. Cool. Blend in the remainder of the
fillings heavy in cream for freezing. whipped cream.

XIII. Before whipping the cup of cream, mix in: CHOCOLATE MOCHA FILLING
V3 sifted confectioners' sugar
cup About 2V2 Cups
3 tablespoons cocoa Combine, cook and stir in the top of a double
teaspoon salt
Vs boiler > over — not in — boiling water, until
teaspoon vanilla
Vi smooth:
Thoroughly chill 2 to 3 hours, then whip until it 2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
holds its You may sprinkle the filling with:
shape. 2
/3 cup cream
2 tablespoons chopped toasted pistachio I 1/} cups strong coffee
or other nuts Then add and stir into this mixture a smooth paste
CUSTARD CREAM PASTRY FILLING 3 tablespoons cornstarch
OR CREME PATISSIERE 2 tablespoons cold coffee
About 2 Cups Stir and cook the filling about 8 minutes. Cover
The custardy pastry fillings below can all be and continue to cook 10 minutes more. Mean-
them by folding in V* to k cup of
varied. Enrich
while, combine and beat
whipped cream and/or chopped nuts candied 4 egg yolks
fruits and liqueur flavorings. 1 egg
V* teaspoon salt
I. Vanilla Beat in gradually:
Scald: 1
4 cups sugar
Vk cups milk Pour some of the hot cornstarch mixture over the
A vanilla bean egg mixture and then gradually return it to the
Mix in the top of a double boiler over — not in
double boiler. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, stirring lightly
— boiling water: Remove the filling from the heat and stir gently
V2 cup sugar until cool and thickened.
V'4 cup all-purpose flour
3 to 4 well-beaten egg yolks or RICOTTA CHOCOLATE FILLING
2 eggs and 2 yolks
About 3V2 Cups
Beat this mixture until light. Now remove the Combine and beat until light and fluffy
vanilla bean and add the scalded milk gradually. 2 3A cups ricotta cheese: 1'A lb.
Stir until all is well blended. Cook, stirring con-
2 cups sugar
stantly, until it begins to thicken. Remove from 1 teaspoon vanilla
the heat and continue to stir to release the steam 2 tablespoons creme de cacao
and prevent crusting. Cool mixture before filling Fold in:
pastry. 2 tablespoons shaved semisweet chocolate
II. Chocolate 2 tablespoons chopped candied fruit
When scalding the milk, above, add to it:

2 to 4 oz. semisweet chocolate LEMON FILLING

About T/2 Cups
III. Coffee Mix the top of a double boiler:
When scalding the milk, above, add to it:
2V2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 to 2 teaspoons instant coffee 3
A cup sugar
(Ground hazelnuts) 1
A teaspoon salt
Gradually stir in:
IV. Banana
V2 cup water or orange juice
Before spreading the custard, above, add to it:
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 or more thinly sliced bananas
V2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 tablespoon butter
FRANGIPANE CREAM Cook over not in — —
boiling water about 5 min-
Prepare Creme Patissiere I, above, but after re- utes, stirring Cover and cook gently
moving from the heat, beat in: 10 minutes longer without stirring. Remove from
2 tablespoons butter heat and stir in gentlv:
V* cup crushed macaroons or 3 slightly beaten egg yolks
chopped blanched almonds Return to heat and cook about 2 minutes longer,
2 teaspoons chopped candied nuts stirring gently and constantly. Remove the filling
from the heat and stir gently until cool.
Prepare: About 1 '/a Cups
Butterscotch Cream Pie Filling, 656 Mix the top of a double boiler
in over — not in
using in all: boiling water:
IV2 cups milk !/3 cup sugar

5 tablespoons all-purpose flour Add:

'A teaspoon salt V2 to 2
A cup sweetened thick cooked
Stir in until smooth: apricot pulp
1 cup milk


A cup
orange juice About 1 3 A Cups
Cook about 10 minutes, stirring frequently Beat I. Cook the top of a double boiler
in over — not
slightly: in — boiling water:
1 egg A cup
evaporated milk
Beat about a third of the sauce into the eg g. Re- A cup
turn it to the pan. Continue to cook and stir about A cup sugar
2 minutes or until it thickens. Cool the filling Va teaspoon salt

before spreading. When the sugar is dissolved, add and cook until


A cup each chopped dates and figs

About 2V2 Cups Cool these ingredients and add:

1 teaspoon vanilla
Soak about 5 minutes:
1 teaspoon gelatin
V2 cup chopped nutmeats

II. About 2 Cups
tablespoon water
Combine and cook until it thickens:
Combine in the top of a double boiler: 2
A cup pureed or mashed cooked apricots
2 tablespoons cornstarch 2
h cup sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Remove from the heat and add:
A cup sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice
Add: 2 tablespoons grated orange rind
A cup
3 hot water 3
A cup chopped
Cook these ingredients over not — in — boiling 1
A cup chopped
dates or figs
Cover and
water 8 to 12 minutes. Stir constantly. >
cook undisturbed 10 minutes more. Add: GINGER FRUIT FILLING
tablespoon butter
About 1 A Cups

Pour part of this mixture over: Mix well the top of a double boiler and cook,
2 beaten egg yolks
Beat and pour back into the double boiler. Cook
stirring constantly —
over not in boiling water —
about 8 to 10 minutes or until the mixture
and stir the custard gently, about 2 minutes, to let thickens:
the yolks thicken. Add the soaked gelatin. Stir 1
A cup sifted confectioners' sugar
until dissolved. Remove custard from heat. Add:
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Grated rind of orange V2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons each orange and lemon juice cup canned pineapple juice
Cool the custard. Beat until stiff: Cover and cook about 10 minutes longer. Remove
V2 cup whipping cream from the heat and add:
Fold it into the custard. Chill 1 hour. If spread 1/2 cup mashed banana
between the layers of a cake, ice with:
V2 cup drained canned crushed pineapple
Luscious Orange Icing, 725 Return to heat 2 minutes, stirring gently. Add:
3 tablespoons finely chopped drained candied
About IV2 Cups 1 teaspoon vanilla
Stir and cook in the top of a double boiler over ('A cup slivered, blanched almonds)
— not — boiling in water, until thick:
2V2 tablespoons lemon juice ALMOND AND FIG OR
6 tablespoons orange juice RAISIN FILLING
/3 cup water About 1 1
A Cups
V2 cup sugar Blanch, sliver, then toast:
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3
A cup almonds
teaspoon salt
Ve Combine:
3 beaten egg yolks or 1 egg and 1 yolk V2 cup sugar
O/2 teaspoon grated lemon or orange rind) 1 tablespoon grated orange rind
Cool the filling. V2 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
About 2 Cups IV2 cups chopped or ground dried figs

Prepare: or seeded raisins

Lemon-Orange Custard Filling, above Vb teaspoon salt

Simmer these ingredients 5 minutes. Stir con- V2 teaspoon vanilla

stantly. Add the almonds and: (V* cup finely flaked coconut)
2 teaspoon vanilla
About 3A Cup Stir and heat in the top of a double boiler over
Combine, stir and heat in the top of a double — not — in boiling water:
boiler over — not — in boiling water until sugar is 1 cup sugar
dissolved: 1 cup cultured sour cream
Vz cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
4 teaspoon salt Pour one-third of this mixture over:
2 tablespoons butter 1 beaten egg
1 tablespoon water Return it to the double boiler. Stir and cook the
Stir part of this into: custard until thick. Add:
1 slightly beaten egg yolk 1 cup blanched or unblanched, shredded or
Return it to the double boiler. Stir and cook until ground almonds or ground hazelnuts, 562
the mixture is slightly thickened. Cool. Add: When the custard is cool, add:
A cup toasted walnuts or pecans V2 teaspoon vanilla or 1 tablespoon liqueur
you do so be sure to see the note on flour sub-
stitutions, 602. Because of variations in the size of
eggs and in the moisture content of honey, mo-
lasses and flour, the consistency of your dough
may have to be modified. Chill cookie doughs
well and keep them covered until ready to bake.
In altitudes up to 5000 feet, simple cookies
usually need no adjustment. But for cookies rich
in chocolate, nuts, or dates, a reduction of about
one-half the baking powder or soda may be ad-is-
able. And at very high altitudes a slight reduction
in sugar may help. But the soda should not be
reduced beyond Vi teaspoon for each cup of sour
milk or cream used.
To decorate cookies, dip the garnish before
baking into either a simple syrup or unbeaten egg
white. Then press the garnish firmly onto the
cookie surface. Or dust sugar onto the cookies
after placing them on the sheet and press it in with
a wide spatula. Try icing cookies with flowers, pat-
terns, names and holiday messages. To color
COOKIES AND BARS cookies for special occasions, stir A teaspoon

water into 1 egg yolk. Divide the mixture into

several custard cups and tint each one with a drop
of different vegetable food coloring. (The yolk
* ABOUT CHRISTMAS COOKIES color will affect only the blue, which can be added
Christmas and cookies are inseparable. Stars, an-
to the egg white if you wish.) This coloring op-
gels, bells, trees, Santas and even pretzels —the plied with a soft brush before baking allows you
pilgrim's token — are
memorialized in rich holiday
to make elaborate patterns.
confections. Why
not make use of these charming
cookie shapes to decorate a small table tree at
Christmas, or get a gifted friend to make you a
wooden mold of the three kings bearing gifts. To If you wonder why commercial cookies are often
cut your own molds, see Gingerbread Men, 712, large, the answer lies in handling and oven costs.
and to build a cookie house, see 704. You can A true sign of home baking is a delicate small

bake the strings for hanging right into the cookies. cookie. Successful baking depends on the pre-
It irks us that such delightful sweets as Christmas
heating of the oven, as well as on the kind of
cookies should be relegated to a period of a few baking sheet used, its size, the material of which
weeks. In the hope that you will prolong the sea- it is made —
even its temperature. Choose a heavy
flat baking sheet, or use the bottom of a reversed
son, we have marked with this symbol j* recipes
that are generally recognized as traditional, as well
baking pan, as shown illustrated on the left, 711;
or if you prefer, cut the cookies on a board and
as some that have become traditional with us, if
transfer them to the reversed pan bottom. The
for no other reason than that they can be baked in
advance of a busy season. heat can then circulate directly and evenly over
the cookie tops. A pan with high sides will both
deflect the heat and make the cookies hard to
MIXING AND DECORATING remove when baked. The very best aluminum
COOKIES sheets have permanently shiny baking surfaces
If you are planning to bake a number of kinds of and specially dulled bottoms to produce an even
cookies, see that they complement each other in browning. If only dark thin sheets are available,
texture and flavor and that they use up ingredients a second empty sheet may be placed under the
economically. Choose shapes that will look attrac- first while baking.

tive on serving dishes. Many of these recipes call Crease cookie sheets with unsalted fats, prefer-
for butter as the basic fat. If you feel that, for ably sweet butter or beeswax. Warm the baking
reasons of economy, you cannot afford all butter, sheet and rub a lump of beeswax lightly over the
do try to use at least one-third butter. You will surface. It will eventually acquire a permanent
notice a marked superiority in flavor. coat of wax and will not require further greasing.
The mixing of cookies is usually quick and easy. When baking cookies with a large amount of
Some ingredients must be well stirred together; shortening, you may find it unnecessary to grease
some are creamed like cakes and, abroad, are the cookie sheets. For delicate cookies, use a
called biscuits; others are blended like pastry. greased parchment paper or foil liner. They will
Use whatever mixing process the recipe calls for. peel off easily when slightly cooled. The baking
You mav want to combine different flours. If sheet should always be cold when cookies are put


on it, so they will not lose their shape. Always Inpacking mixed boxes, though, be sure to add
fillout a sheet, placing cookies of even size and meringue-based cookies at the last moment, for,
thickness about 1 inch apart, unless otherwise in- unwrapped, they dry out quickly; and, if freshly
dicated. On a partially filled sheet the heat is made and stored with cookies rich in fruit, they
drawn to the area where the cookies lie, and the may disintegrate.
batch may burn on the bottom. If you haven't
enough dough on your last baking to fill a whole
baking sheet, reverse a pie pan or turn a small
baking pan upside down. The quickest and most easily produced uniform
small cakes are squares and bars. Bake them in
The placement of the pans during baking is
greased pans at least Vh inches deep. Do ob-
very important. Bake 1 sheet of cookies at a time,
serve pan sizes indicated in recipes, because the
at least 2 inches from the oven walls. If using two
smaller pans, see that they are spaced evenly from
texture is much affected by thickness. A pan
smaller than indicated in the recipes will give a
the walls and from each other. Heat should cir-
culate all around the pans. Few ovens are so nearly

cakey result not a chewy one. A too large pan
will give a dry, brittle result. If your pan is too
perfect that they will brown a large sheet evenly.
large, divide it with a piece of foil folded as illus-
During the baking process, do turn the sheet
sometimes to compensate for uneven baking. trated on 666. The dough placed on the horizontal
Oven thermostats are also variable, sowatch lap will help hold the divider in place. Most bars,
especially when baking molasses and unless meringue-based, bake about 25 minutes in
a preheated 350° oven. To prepare filled bars, line
brown-sugar cookies, which burn easily. When
cookies are done, remove them from the baking a 9 x 13-inch pan with two-thirds of the dough;

sheet at once or they will continue to cook. Should

spread the filling over it, see Cookie Fillings, 717;
they harden on the pan, return the baking sheet and cover the filling with the remaining one-third
for a moment to the oven before trying to remove
dough. We suggest the use of muffin tins for indi-
them. Always cool cookies on a rack not over- vidual servings, or pie tins to make larger festive

lapping, and store as suggested below. rounds under ice cream. See chart of comparative
pan sizes on 666.
Squares or bars of different flavors wrapped in
STORING COOKIES colored foils, or one dull side up and one shiny
Most cookies and bars tend to dry out or go limp. side up in regular foil, make an attractive dessert
To restore freshness, cookies can be heated briefly to pass at an informal outdoor buffet.
before serving, but it is wiser to use good storage
practices from the Keep cookies in tightly
covered If for immediate use,
tins or containers. BROWNIES COCKAIGNE
store bar cookies in the pan in which they are About 30 Brownies
baked. Cover with aluminum foil. Or store them Almost everyone wants to make this classic Amer-
in an aluminum pan with its own lid, shown on ican confection. Brownies may vary greatly in
721. However, to prolong freshness, be sure to richness and contain anywhere from 1 /2 cups of 1

wrap these bars individually in foil after cooling butter and 5 ounces of chocolate to 2 tablespoons
and cutting. They are then all ready for serving, of butter and 2 ounces of chocolate for every cup
freezing, or packing in lunch boxes. of flour. If you want them chewy and moist, use a
To soften hard dry cookies, put them with a 9 x 13-inch pan; if cakey, a 9 x 9-inch pan. We love
piece of bread or apple into a tightly closed con- the following.
tainer. Replace the bread or apple every few days, Preheat oven to 350°.
for they mold easily. Another way to restore mois- Melt in a double boiler:
ture is to use a dampened paper napkin, wrapped cup butter
in punctured foil. 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
you have frozen baked cookies and want them
If Cool this mixture. If you don't, your brownies
for immediate consumption thaw them un- will be heavy and dry. Beat until light in color and
wrapped, then heat them for a moment on a foamy in texture:
cookie sheet in a 300° oven to restore crispness. 4 eggs at 70°
This is also a good plan for weary "bought" 'A teaspoon salt
cookies. Add gradually and continue beating until well
you are sending cookies or cakes to out-of-
If creamed:
towners, wrap them individually or put them into 2 cups sugar
a polyethylene bag and bed them down in pop- 1 teaspoon vanilla
corn. Fill all the crannies of the box with the corn, With a few swift strokes, combine the cooled
until it just touches the lid. chocolate mixture and the eggs and sugar. Even
We find that egg-white cookies, a natural by- if you normally use an electric mixer, do this man-

product of Christmas baking, need special han- ually. Before the mixture becomes uniformly col-
dling.Some of the meringues heavy in nuts, like ored, fold in, again by hand:

Cinnamon Stars, 714, keep well if tightly tinned. 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour

And before the flour is uniformly colored, stir in Sift together:

gently: 1cup all-purpose flour
1 cup pecan meats Va teaspoon each salt and baking soda
Bake greased 9 x 13-inch pan about 25 min-
in a teaspoon cinnamon

utes. Cut when cool, as interiors are still moist Vb teaspoon each cloves and ginger
when fresh from the oven. Add to the flour:
Good ways Brownies are to garnish
to serve 1 cup raisins
with whipped cream, ice cream or an icing. (V2 to 1 cup chopped nutmeats)
Combine all ingredients until well blended, then
RICE OR POTATO pour into a greased 10 /2 x 15V2-inch cookie sheet

FLOUR BROWNIES and bake about 12 minutes. Cut the cake into bars
Prepare: when cool and dust with a combination of:
Brownies Cockaigne, above 2 teaspoons cinnamon
Vz cup sugar
substituting for the flour:
1!/j cups rice or potato flour
or cover with:
Proceed as directed. The baking time may be Lemon Glaze, 731
longer, so watch carefully.
About 16 Thin 2V4-lnch Squares About 108 Bars, 1x2 Inches
An all-time favorite, easily made. Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 350°. Sift:

Melt in a saucepan: 2 3A cups packed brown sugar: 1 lb

V* cup butter Beat until light:
Stir into it until dissolved: 6 eggs
I cup brown sugar Add the sugar gradually, beating until well
Cool these ingredients slightly, then beat in well: blended. Grate and add:
1 egg 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
1 teaspoon vanilla Combine and sift:

Sift, then measure: 3 cups all-purpose flour

Vi cup all-purpose flour tablespoon cinnamon

Resift it with: 1 1/2teaspoons cloves

1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder V2 teaspoon allspice
Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon each baking soda and salt
Stir these ingredients into the butter mixture. Add: Add the sifted ingredients to the egg mixture,
V2 to 1 cup finely chopped nuts or alternately with:
A cup
3 grated coconut V2 cup honey or molasses
Chopped dates and figs may be substituted for the Chop and add in all:

nuts. Use a little of the flour over them. Pour the 2V2 cups mixed citron, candied lemon, orange,
batter into a greased 9 x 9-inch pan. Bake about —
pineapple and nuts preferably blanched
20 to 25 minutes. Cut into bars when cool. almonds
Spread the dough with a spatula into two 9 x 13-
CAROB BARS inch greased pans. Bake about 20 minutes. When
About 16 Thin 2V4-lnch Squares cool, ice one pan with:
A nonchocolate chocolate bar. Lemon Glaze, 731
Prepare: and the other with:
Butterscotch Brownies, above Chocolate Butter Icing, 728
using either white or brown sugar. Sift into the Cut into bars.
flour mixture:
3 tablespoons carob powder CHOCOLATE OAT BARS
and proceed as directed. About 6 Dozen 1 x 2-Inch Bars
Preheat oven to 350°
About Thirty 2V2 x 2-Inch Squares 1 cup butter
Preheat oven to 375°. 2 cups packed brown sugar
Melt: Beat in:

6 tablespoons butter 2 eggs

When cooled slightly, stir in: 2 teaspoons vanilla
V* cup sugar Sifttogether:
/» cup dark molasses 2V2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 slightly beaten egg 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt

Add: Vi cup flaked coconut

3 cups rolled oats 1 cup chopped pecan meats
Over low heat combine: 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups semisweet chocolate pieces: 12 oz. teaspoon double-acting baking powder
1 can sweetened condensed milk: 14 oz. V2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla
teaspoon salt
'A If preferred, omit the coconut and use 1 V2 cups
smooth, then add:
Stir until nutmeats instead. Bake the cake about 25 min-
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans utes.When cool, ice with:
1 teaspoon vanilla V/i cups sifted confectioners' sugar
Now combine the egg and flour mixtures and pat thinned to a good spreading consistency with:
about two-thirds of it into a 1072 x 15V2-inch Lemon juice
cookie sheet. Pour the chocolate mixture over all, Cut the cake into oblongs.
then dot with the remaining one-third batter.
Bake about 25 minutes. APRICOT MERINGUE BARS
About Forty-Eight 1 x 2-Inch Sticks
* NUT BARS Preheat oven to 350°.
About Forty-Eight 1 x 2-Inch Sticks Line a pan with dough for:
These, like the following Pecan Slices, are made Nut Bars, above
on sweet pastry base.
a rich,
Cover the unbaked batter with:
1 cup apricot preserves
Preheat oven to 350°.
Cream until well blended: Beat until stiff but not dry:
Vi cup butter 2 egg whites
4 cup sugar Add gradually, continuing to beat:
Beat in well: V2 cup sugar
1 egg When the mixture stands in peaks, fold in:
/2 teaspoon vanilla Vicup chopped pecans or walnuts
Combine: Spread the meringue over the apricot jam and
VU cups sifted all-purpose flour bake 35 to 40 minutes or until firm. Cool slightly
Vbteaspoon salt before cutting into squares.
Add these dry ingredients in about 3 parts to the
butter mixture, blending them well. Use your
hands to pat the dough evenly in a greased 9 x About Forty 2-Inch Squares
Preheat oven to 325°.
12-inch pan. Bake about 15 minutes. In a heavy
saucepan, beat until they begin to froth:
4 egg whites V2 cup butter
Vi cup packed brown sugar
Stir in:
2!A cups finely chopped pecans
Add and beat well:
1 egg
1 cup sugar
IV2 teaspoons cinnamon 6 tablespoons milk
1 cup chopped dates
Cook and stir this mixture over low heat. After the
sugar has dissolved, increase the heat slightly. Stir 1 cup chopped pecans
and cook until the mixture leaves the sides of the Sift together:
pan, but remove it from the heat before it is dry. V* cup sifted all-purpose flour
Spread it over the pastry base. Bake the cake about V* teaspoon salt
V2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
15 minutes longer. When cool, cut into sticks.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon cloves
V2 teaspoon allspice
About 2-Inch Bars
Forty-Eight 1 x
Add to the sifted ingredients:
Many a copy of the Joy has been sold on the 3
A cup rolled oats
strength of this recipe. One fan says her family is Combine all ingredients. You may add:
sure these are the cakes St. Peter gives little chil- (Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon)
dren at the Gates of Heaven, to get them over the Let dough stand about 15 minutes, then spread it

first pangs of homesickness. Her family has into a IOV2 x 15'/2-inch greased cookie sheet. Bake
dubbed them Angel Cookies. 15 to 20 minutes or until the dough begins to leave
Preheat oven to 350°. the sides of the pan. Cut into squares.
Line a pan with dough for:
Bake as directed. Spread with the following About 16 Squares
mixture: Preheat oven to 350°.
2 beaten eggs Sift together:
1 V2 cups brown sugar 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour

V* cup confectioners' sugar ABOUT CAKE AND

Add and combine: COOKIE HOUSES
V2 cup melted butter
No matter how peculiar the medium or incongru-
Press the mixture into an 8 x 8-inch greased baking
ous the scale, the instinct to build persists. We
pan and bake 20 minutes. Meanwhile combine: have tried and discarded many cake construction
1 cup sugar
methods. Professionals use Pastillage, 791, and
V2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder Royal Glaze, 727, thus achieving rather cold-
2 slightly beaten eggs looking but clean-cut and intricate models. We
2 tablespoons lemon juice prefer a simple approach.
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel Prepare any close-grained cake such as:
(V2 cup flaked coconut) Gingerbread, 681, German Honey Bars,
Pour these ingredients over the baked warm crust above, or Eggless All-Rye Honey Cake, 626
and bake 25 minutes. Chill. Before serving, cut You will need 2 sheets of cake baked in an 11 x 17-
into 2-inch squares and sprinkle with: inch pan, and a third sheet if also using cake for
Confectioners' sugar the foundation. The baking can be done over a
period of days, but cut the cakes while still warm.
Either use your own ingenuity or cut a paper pat-
• LEBKUCHEN OR GERMAN tern as illustrated below.

About One 8 x 8-Inch Cake

Plus One 10 /2 x 15V2-lnch Cake


Honey, like molasses, may be troublesome. Old

German cooks used on its being over a
to insist
year old. Very good cakes are made with fresh
honey, but then the amount of flour is a little hard
to gauge. If a crisper bar is desired, substitute car- Roof Roof
bonate of ammonia, 556, for the baking powder
and soda given below. Use 1 teaspoon carbonate
of ammonia dissolved in 2 tablespoons warm
water, rum or wine. These German Honey Bars
will keep 6 months in a tightly closed tin, espe-
cially if, as our grandmother used to say with a
twinkle, "locked up."
Heat slightly in a large saucepan:
1'A cups honey or molasses
4 cup sugar Ch
Add and melt: Side
3 tablespoons butter
Sift together and add End
About 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour:
enough to make a semiliquid dough
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
Vi teaspoon baking soda
Add: End
V2 cup blanched almonds
A cup each chopped citron and chopped
candied orange or lemon peel Ch
A teaspoon ginger
V2 teaspoon cardamom
2 teaspoons cinnamon When ready to assemble, find an extra pair of
Va teaspoon cloves hands, and with the help of plenty of "glue"
Add: made of:
TA to 2 cups more flour Royal Glaze, 727
The dough should be sticky to the touch. You start to build. This which dries hard and
may age the dough overnight, refrigerated, in a colors easily, makes bond for the various
a perfect
covered crock, or pat it out at once into a A-inch 1
building elements and whatever decorations you
thickness in buttered pans. If you age it, you may want to add onto the house. Mitre the edges
find it necessary to heat it slightly before working where the walls meet and shamelessly drive
it into the pans. Bake about 25 minutes in a pre- wooden pick "nails." Watch for these when
heated 350° oven. Cut into squares and ice with: the cake is eaten. When the walls are in place,
Lemon Glaze, 731 use slabs for the roof, nailing them again with

picks where they touch the side walls. You could CHOCOLATE-CHIP DROP COOKIES
decorate the whole with icing, contrasting color About Forty-Five 2-Inch Cookies
of windows and door, shingle tile, etc. Or build up Preheat oven to 375°.
overlapping roof tiles and make doors and shutters Cream:
of thin: V2 cup butter
Molasses Crisps Cockaigne, 716 Add gradually and beat until creamy:
Affix these with the glaze.Colored hard candies V2 cup brown sugar
and gumdrops also make festive decorations for V2 cup white sugar
your holiday house. Beat in:
ABOUT DROP COOKIES V2 teaspoon vanilla
Almost any cookie dough can be baked as a drop Sift and stir in:
cookie if additional liquid is added to the batter. 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted all-purpose
Drop cookie doughs vary in texture. Some fall
easily from the spoon and flatten into wafers in V2 teaspoon salt
baking. Stiffer doughs need a push with a finger V2 teaspoon baking soda
or the use of a second spoon to release them, as Stir in:
seen second on the left. To make uniform soft cup chopped nutmeats
drops, use a measuring teaspoon. When chilled, V2cup semisweet chocolate chips
these doughs may be formed into balls and flat- Drop the batter from a teaspoon, well apart, on
tened between palms, as shown on the left. First a greased cookie sheet. Bake about 10 minutes.
dust your hands with flour or powdered sugar; or,
if the cookies are a dark or chocolate dough, use

cocoa for dusting. Or, to flatten the balls, use a SUGAR DROP COOKIES WITH OIL
glass tumbler greased lightly on the bottom or About 5 Dozen Cookies
dusted with flour, powdered sugar or cocoa as Preheat oven to 375°.
shown below, or a spatula dipped in ice water. Sift together:

To prepare the pans, grease them lightly and 2Vi cups sifted all-purpose flour
dust with flour. For chocolate cookies, dust with IV2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder
cocoa. Shake off excess flour or cocoa. 3
A teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon or V* teaspoon freshly
DROP BUTTER WAFERS g.ated nutmeg
About Forty-Eight 2 1A-lnch Wafers Combine:
These, when baked, automatically produce a 1 cup sugar
lovely paper-thin brown rim. 3
A cup vegetable oil
Preheat oven to 375°. Add to this mixture and beat well after each
Cream until light: addition:
Vi cup butter 2 eggs
2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat in: Add the flour mixture all at once and beat well.
1 egg Shape the dough into '/j-inch balls. Dip the balls
1 teaspoon vanilla in:
teaspoon grated lemon rind Granulated sugar
Add: or, flatten the balls as thin as you can between
A cup cake flour
sifted very lightly floured hands.. To give a corrugated
(IV2 tablespoons poppy seed or effect, score them in parallel lines, as shown
1 teaspoon grated orange rind) below, with a fork dipped in flour. Sprinkle with:
Drop the cookies from a teaspoon well apart on Granulated sugar
a greased cookie sheet. Bake about 7 minutes or Bake about 10 to 12 minutes on a lightly greased
until the rims brown. cookie sheet.

ABOUT NUT DROP COOKIES Whip until light:

The following four recipes, all delicious, may read 2 eggs

as though they are much alike, yet they differ Add the sugar gradually. Beat these ingredients
greatly when baked. They have in common a until well blended. Add:
1 tablespoon dark molasses
brown sugar and egg base so don't try to bake
them in hot humid weather. In such weather, V* teaspoon double-acting baking powder

choose, instead, Pecan Puffs or Florentines. To 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour

prepare nuts, please read About Nuts, 562. Va teaspoon salt

Most of these cookies are fragile. But if made Beat the batter until smooth. Stir in:
1 cup chopped black or English walnuts,
small, and baked on a beeswaxed sheet, 700, or
a foil pan liner, they are easy to remove intact. hazelnuts or mixed nutmeats
> Should they harden on the pan, return the bak- Drop the batter, well apart, from a teaspoon onto
ing sheet to the oven for a moment before trying a well-greased cookie sheet. Bake about 8 minutes.

to remove them.
PECAN OR HAZELNUT About Thirty-Six 1 1
A -Inch Balls
Preheat oven to 325°.
DROP COOKIES >• Read About Nut Drop Cookies, above.
1V2-lnch Wafers
Fifty Grind in a nut grinder:
If made with hazelnuts, these are very like Niirn- IV2 cups almonds or pecans
berger Lebkuchen. Combine in a pan with:
Preheat oven to 325°. 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
Read About Nut Drop Cookies, above. Grind in 1 egg white
a nut grinder: IV2 teaspoons butter
1 cup pecan meats Stir these ingredients over very low heat until well
Put through a sieve: blended. Cool the mixture. Shape the dough into
1 1/3 cups firmly packed brown sugar small balls or roll it out and cut it into shapes. If
Whip until stiff, but not dry: the dough is hard to handle, dust the hands with
3 egg whites
a little confectioners' sugar. Place the cookies on
Add the sugar very slowly, beating constantly. a very well-greased cookie sheet. Bake 30 to 40
Fold in the ground pecans and: minutes. Leave on the sheet until cool. Ice with:
teaspoon vanilla
Lemon Glaze, 731, or a chocolate icing, 728
Drop the batter from a teaspoon, well apart, onto
a greased and floured cookie sheet. Bake about 15 PECAN PUFFS A . , t , „, -Inch
_ „

About Forty IV2 Balls

Rich and devastating.
Preheat oven to 300°.
PECAN OR BENNE WAFERS Beat until soft:
About Fifty 2V2-lnch Wafers
V2 cup butter
Preheat oven to 375°.
Add and blend until creamy:
Read About Nut Drop Cookies, above. Whip
2 tablespoons sugar
until light:
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Add gradually:
Measure, then grind in a nut grinder:
Vh cups firmly packed brown sugar 1 cup pecan meats
Beat these ingredients until they are well blended.
Sift before measuring:
Add: 1 cup cake flour
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Stir the pecans and the flour into the butter mix-
teaspoon salt
ture. Roll the dough into small balls. Place balls
teaspoon double-acting baking powder
Va on cookie sheet and bake about 30 min-
a greased
1 teaspoon vanilla
utes. Roll while hot in:
Beat the batter until smooth, then add: Confectioners' sugar
1 cup broken nutmeats or
To glaze, put the sheet back into the oven for a
Vi cup toasted benne seeds minute. Cool and serve.
Grease and flour cookie sheets. Drop the batter
on them, well apart, from a teaspoon. Bake about FLORENTINES COCKAIGNE
8 minutes. Remove from sheets while still warm.
About 18 Thin 2V2- to 3-Inch Patties
MOLASSES NUT WAFERS A great European favorite — really choice!
About Fifty 2V2-lnch Wafers Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 375°. Place in a blender:
Read About Nut Drop Cookies, above. 4 tablespoons brown sugar
Sift: 4 tablespoons honey
1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar V2 cup slivered almonds

!/8 teaspoon salt 3 V4 cups all-purpose flour

V2 teaspoon vanilla 1 'teaspoons baking soda

Add: 2 to 3 teaspoons ginger

1 cups packed mixed candied fruits
' 4 V2 teaspoon cinnamon
thathave been thoroughly separated by working V* teaspoon cloves
them over with the hands in: Mix ingredients until blended. Form dough into
V2 cup flour
A-inch balls. Bake on a greased cookie sheet
Blend this fruits and nuts are about
mixture until about 12 minutes. As the ball melts down during
'/•-inch size.Add: baking, the cookie develops the characteristic
4 tablespoons melted butter crinkled surface. When cool, ice to taste. A top-
and reblend briefly, reducing fruits and nuts to ping to delight the children is half a marshmallow,
about '/8-inch size. Form dough into 1-inch balls cut side down, on the almost baked cookies. Re-
and place on 2 buttered cookie tins. Flatten the turn to oven about 4 minutes.
balls to 2V2- to 3-inch patties. Bake 7 to 8 minutes
or until golden brown. Allow the patties to cool • GINGER THINS
very briefly, then turn them onto wire racks. About Three Hundred 3A-lnch Wafers
Meanwhile, melt over hot water: Mme. Bu Wei, in her charming book, How to
4 ounces semisweet chocolate Cook and Eat in Chinese, tells us that
cakes little

and cover the bottoms of the slightly cooled pat- served between meals in her native country are
ties with the chocolate. Cool completely and store called "dot hearts." They should have the diam-
covered. eter of a quarter when baked, for they toughen if
they are larger.
OLD-FASHIONED MOLASSES Preheat oven to 325°.
About Forty 2-Inch Cookies
A cup butter
These are highly spiced. 1 cup brown sugar
1 beaten egg
Preheat oven to 350°.
Beat until soft: !A cup molasses

V2 cup butter or shortening Sifttogether:

Add gradually and blend until light and creamy: IV2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
V2 cup sugar
teaspoon salt
Beat in: teaspoon baking soda
1egg Vi teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon and ginger

cup molasses
/2 Combine the above ingredients and stir until
Have ready: smooth. Puts dots of Ve teaspoon of dough 1 inch
V2 cup buttermilk apart on a greased cookie sheet and bake 5 to 6
Sifttogether: minutes. Cool on a rack. Cookies snap off if you
2V2 cups sifted cake flour twist the sheet slightly.
teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon each cinnamon and ginger * ANISEOR BUTTERLESS
V* teaspoon cloves DROP COOKIES
V* teaspoon salt About Ninety-Six 1-Inch Cookies
Add the sifted ingredients in 3 parts to the sugar These professional-looking self-glazing cookies
mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Beat the with the charming puffed tops are best made in
batter until smooth after each addition. Add: cool weather. They do not turn out well if the
(V2 cup chopped raisins) humidity is over 50%
Drop the batter from a teaspoon onto a greased Beat until light:
cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 12 minutes. 3 eggs
Add gradually:
GINGERSNAPS 1 cup sifted sugar
About 10 Dozen 2-Inch Cookies Beat at least 3 to 5 minutes on medium speed with
Like "boughten" ones in texture, but with a an electric beater, longer if beating by hand, then
dreamy flavor. add:
Preheat oven to 325°. V2 teaspoon vanilla
Cream together: Sift before measuring:
A cup butter 2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar Resift with:
Stir in: 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
2 well-beaten eggs Add:
Vi cup molasses IV2 tablespoons crushed anise seed
2 teaspoons vinegar Add flour ingredients to egg mixture and beat the
Sift and add: batter another 5 minutes. Drop V2 teaspoon at a

time, well apart, on cookie sheet lined with foil.

a 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
The dough should round but
flatten to a 1-inch 1 tablespoon lemon juice
should not spread more. If it does, add a little Beat well, then set aside overnight.
more flour. Let the drops dry at room tempera- Preheat oven to 350°.
ture 18 hours. Bake the cakes in a preheated 325° Shape into 1-inch balls and bake on a greased
oven until they begin to color, about 12 minutes. cookie sheet 10 to 15 minutes. Roll while warm in:
When done, they will have a puffed meringuelike Confectioners' sugar
top on a soft cookie base.
HERMITS About Two Hundred 2V2-lnch Cookies
About Fifty 2-Inch Cookies Cut into small pieces and combine:
Preheat oven to 375°. 3 oz. each of citron, candied orange peel and
Beat until soft: candied lemon peel
Vi cup butter Add:
Add gradually: cup chopped blanched almonds
cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
Blend until light and creamy. Beat in: 3 tablespoons cinnamon
1 egg 1 tablespoon cloves
V2 cup cultured sour cream or buttermilk 3 1A cups confectioners' sugar
Siftbefore measuring: Beat until light and add:
1V3 cups all-purpose flour 6 eggs
Resift with: 1
A cup orange juice
teaspoon cinnamon Bring to the boiling point and cool until luke-
V2 teaspoon cloves warm:
A teaspoon baking soda 1 pint honey
Add the sifted ingredients to the butter mixture 2 tablespoons hot water
and beat until smooth. Stir in: Stir this into the egg mixture with:
Vz cup chopped raisins, dates, figs, 5 cups sifted all-purpose flour
dried apricots or citron 1 tablespoon baking soda
'A cup hickory or other nutmeats Cover the dough and let it stand 12 hours or more.
A cup coconut) Preheat oven to 350°.
Drop batter from a teaspoon onto greased cookie Drop the dough from a spoon, well apart, onto
sheets. Bake about 15 minutes. a greased cookie sheet. Bake about 8 minutes or
until light brown. When cool, decorate with:

* PFEFFERNOSSE Lemon Glaze, 731

One Hundred or decorate before baking with:
Eighty 1-Inch Balls
Sift together: Blanched almonds
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sifted all-purpose
A teaspoon
double-acting baking powder WHEAT FLAKE COOKIES
a teaspoon baking soda
About 3 Dozen 2-Inch Cookies
V* teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 350°.
A teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Cream:
Add: Vi cup butter
V* teaspoon each nutmeg and ground cloves Add and cream well:
1 teaspoon cinnamon /2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

teaspoon anise seeds or 1 teaspoon crushed 2 cup granulated sugar

cardamom seeds Combine and beat in until smooth:

Cream together: 1 egg
cup butter or shortening
Vi 1 teaspoon vanilla
cup sugar
Vs 1 tablespoon milk
Add and beat well until light: Sift together and add to the above ingredients:
1 egg 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
Add: Viteaspoon baking soda
A cup finely chopped almonds
V2teaspoon double-acting baking powder
(1 tablespoon finely chopped citron) V2 teaspoon salt
(V* cup finely chopped candied orange peel) When beaten smooth, add:
Add the flour mixture to the above ingredients in 1 cup uncooked quick rolled oats or
thirds, alternately with: wheat flakes
cup molasses For a different flavor or texture, try adding one of
1 tablespoon corn syrup the following:
73 cup brandy ( A cup chocolate chips)

(1 teaspoon grated orange rind) Add and mix well:

2 cup raisins) cup cooked pumpkin
(1 can flaked coconut) 1 egg
Beat the mixture well. Drop cookies 2 inches apart 1 teaspoon vanilla
on a well-greased cookie sheet and bake 10 to 12 Sift together and add to above mixture:
minutes or until light brown. 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
GLAZED OR FLOURLESS Vi teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon
About 8 Dozen 2-Inch Wafers
V2 teaspoon allspice
A pale yellow, crisp yet chewy cookie with a shiny
Stir in:
cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350°.
cup raisins
Drop cookies onto a well-greased cookie sheet
3 whole eggs
and bake about 15 minutes.
Add gradually, beating constantly:
2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter About Sixty I'/j-lnch Cookies
teaspoon vanilla
4 For those who dote on peanut butter cookies, try
1 teaspoon salt these rich and crumbly ones. Use the greater
1 cup shredded coconut amount of flour if your peanut butter is heavy in
2 cups uncooked rolled oats oil.
Line cookie sheet with foil. Drop the dough by Preheat oven to 375°.
half-teaspoons 1 inch apart. Bake about 10 min- Beat until soft:
utes or until the edges are lightly browned. Lift V2 cup butter or shortening
foil from pan; cool until wafers can be easily re- Add gradually and blend until creamy:
moved. V2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 cup granulated sugar


egg 1
About Forty-Eight 2-Inch Cookies
This chewy cookie needs a tart marmalade. It is cup peanut butter

difficult to prescribe the right amount of flour, as

V2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking soda

marmalades differ a great deal in consistency. Fol-

V2 teaspoon vanilla
low the recipe, then try out 1 or 2 cookies. If they
Sift before measuring and add:
are too dry, add a little more marmalade; if too
1 to IV2 cups all-purpose flour
moist, a little more flour.
Preheat oven to 375°.
Roll the dough into small balls. Place them on a
greased cookie sheet. Press with a fork, as
Beat until soft:
illustrated on 705. Bake about 10 to 12 minutes.
Va cup butter
Add gradually:
Blend until light and creamy. Beat in: Preheat oven to 375°.
1 whole egg For flavor, chewiness and ease of making, we sug-
6 tablespoons tart orange marmalade gest using the recipe for:
Butterscotch Brownies, 702
IVi cups all-purpose flour and adding:
Resift with:
2 tablespoons flour
VI* teaspoons double-acting baking powder Drop well apart on a greased cookie sheet and
Stirthe sifted ingredients into the butter mixture. bake about 6 minutes.
Drop the batter from a teaspoon, well apart, onto
a greased cookie sheet. Bake about 8 minutes.
About 2 Dozen Cookies
PUMPKIN COOKIES Preheat oven to 325°.
About 5 Dozen Cookies Cut into a bowl thin slices of:
A spicy cookie with a mealy, rather unusual 1 cup almond paste: V2 lb.
Gradually knead into the paste:
Preheat oven to 375°. 1 cup sugar
Cream together: and when the mixture gets too stiff, add in small
1 cup butter or shortening
1 cup sugar 3 unbeaten egg whites

until all the above ingredients are thoroughly Continue to beat while adding gradually:
mixed, with no lumps remaining. Line a cookie V2 cup sugar
sheet with parchment paper. Put the batter into a When the mixture is quite stiff, fold in:
pastry bag and squeeze out small thick drops V2cup chopped nuts and cinnamon
about the size of a half-dollar, 2 inches apart. Bake Drop from a teaspoon onto a greased cookie
25 to 30 minutes. After cooling, dampen the un- sheet and put into the oven. Immediately turn
derside of the paper, using a moist cloth. After a heat off, and do not open oven door for at least
few minutes remove the cookies from the paper. IV2 hours, preferably overnight.


About Twenty 1 -Inch Cookies About Forty 1-Inch Meringues
Preheat oven to 350°.
Preheat oven to 250°.
Have ready in a bowl: Sift:
3 cups moist shredded coconut: 8 oz.
1 cup sugar
Add: Whip until stiff, but not dry:
1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
3 egg whites
/a teaspoon salt teaspoon
Vb salt
Combine these ingredients with:
Add gradually half of the sugar. Combine:
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk 2 teaspoons water
to make a thick paste. These cookies are much 1 teaspoon vanilla
improved by folding into the batter: Add the liquid, a few drops at a time, alternately
(1 to 2 stiffly beaten egg whites)
with the remaining sugar. Whip constantly. Fold
Roll the paste into balls or drop it from a teaspoon
onto well-greased cookie sheets, about 2 inches 3 tablespoons cocoa
apart. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, until edges are lightly 3
A cup chopped pecans
browned. They may be rolled in: Drop the from a spoon onto a lightly
Sifted confectioners' sugar
greased cookie sheet and shape into cones. Bake
until the kisses are firm to the touch but soft in-
CHOCOLATE COCONUT side. Remove from the pan while hot.
Prepare the recipe for:
Coconut Macaroons, above About Sixty 1-Inch Kisses
heating the milk and adding: The only people who will be wise to these ingre-
2 tablespoons cocoa or
dients are those who, in adolescence, were ad-
A oz. grated chocolate dicted to the consumption of thin chocolate candy
Cool the mixture before adding it to the coconut.
bars between salted soda crackers.
Preheat oven to 300°.
* ALMOND MERINGUE RINGS Beat until frothy:
About 36 Rings 2 egg whites
Decorative in Christmas boxes, but add them at
the last minute, because they do not keep well. teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven to 300°. 1
teaspoon cream of tartar
Blanch: Continue beating while adding:
A almonds
lb. 2
cup sugar

Cut them lengthwise into thin shreds. Toast When the mixture is quite stiff, fold in gently:
lightly. Whip:
3 tablespoons crushed salted soda crackers
2 egg whites 2
h cup semisweet chocolate chips or
Add gradually, beating constantly: peppermint-flavored chocolate morsels
1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar
Drop the meringuelike dough, 1 teaspoon at a
Our old recipe says "stir" for Vi hour, but of time, onto a well-greased cookie sheet. Bake
course you won't do that, so whip until you are about 20 minutes. When cool, store in a tightly
tired, or use an electric beater. Fold in the al-
closed container.
monds and:
1 teaspoon vanilla
Shape the

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