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Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

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Sunlight mediated improved photocatalytic degradation of carcinogenic T

benz[a]anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene by zinc oxide encapsulated
hexacyanoferrate nanocomposite

Rachnaa, Manviri Ranib, Uma Shankera,
Department of Chemistry, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, 144011, India
Department of Chemistry, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302017, India


Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pervasive plus priority emerging pollutants have the potential to
Encapsulated ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite destruct the bionetwork. Therefore, photocatalytic decay of toxic 4- and 5-ring membered PAHs, namely benz[a]
Photo-catalysts anthracene (BaA) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), was explored in water. The nanocomposite of zinc hex-
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons acyanoferrate encapsulated with zinc oxide (ZnHCF@ZnO) was synthesized by Azadirachta indica mediated co-
precipitation under normal conditions. Sunlight exposure caused a quick downfall in the concentration of PAH
with composite exposing its eminent photo-activity. Encapsulation resulted in enhanced surface area
(113 m2 g−1) and lesser band gap energy (2.2 eV) of nanocomposite owing to the synergism of semiconducting
stuff of zinc oxide and intercalative properties of ZnHCF. At neutral pH, photo-degradation of PAHs (2 mg L−1)
by optimum dose of catalyst followed first order kinetics and Langmuir isotherms (R2≥0.98; p ≤ 0.05). Slightly
lower elimination of BaP (90%) than BaA (93%) might be due to its higher molecular weight and conjugation.
Mechanism exploration revealed the involvement of “cation- π” interaction effectively between nanocomposite
and PAHs (Xm =25.6 mg/g of BaA and 21.7 mg/g of BaP) than bared (ZnO and ZnHCF). Besides, it compacts the
t1/2 value of BaA(0.35 h) and BaP (0.49 h) up to manifolds than its constituents (13–26 h). Smaller by-products
like prop-2-en-1-ol, propionic acid and acrylic acid identified in GCeMS, clearly supported electron excitement
from encapsulated nanocomposite followed by %OH (active species)based oxidation of PAHs. Particularly, the
mineralization evaluation of PAHs through TOC analysis confirmed its conversion into H2O and CO2. Inclusive of
the present study provides promising photo-catalyst with greater surface activity, low quantum yield with charge
separation and reusable for ten cycles deprived of substantial loss of its action. Similar studies can be promoted
to build up methods that can accurately predict the acceleration in the environment clean up strategies.

1. Introduction transformed into biologically active chemicals [8]. Lipophilic nature of

PAHs makes quick adsorption of these into human body through in-
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a hefty collection of halation, direct intake and dermal contact [9]. Metabolites of PAHs
fused aromatic rings, are persistent semi-volatile contaminants of bound with the body proteins, nucleic acids covalently and cause per-
human and ecological anxiety derived from incomplete combustion of manent damage to various parts of body including respiratory system
fossil fuels, oil spills and other organic sources [1–3]. Moreover, PAHs [10]. Relatively unmanageable BaA (14–312 mg kg−1) is typically de-
with their photo-oxidation products are found ubiquitously in all nat- tected in mud from susceptible areas containing leftover of wood
ural compartments and often considered responsible for the acute treatments, creosote and industrial gas [11]. BaP is one of the most
toxicity of oil spills in the naval environment [4]. PAHs containing four potent carcinogenic PAHs, and priority compounds highlighted by Food
or more rings like Benz[a]anthracene (BaA) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and Drug Administration and Tobacco Product Regulation with a
have been classified priority chemicals based on high chemical stabi- narrow edge of 5 μg kg−1 d. wt of smokeless tobacco [12,13]. In ad-
lities and known or suspected carcinogenicity [5–7]. The physiochem- dition to BaP, its reactive enzymatic metabolite called BaP-7,8-diol-
ical properties of these PAHs are listed in Table 1S. On metabolic ac- 9,10-epoxide is also liable for the carcinogenic effects [2,14]. The
tivation by microsomal and hydrolases enzymes, these PAHs were World Health Organisation and the European Union has set the

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (U. Shanker).
Received 18 January 2019; Received in revised form 3 May 2019; Accepted 12 May 2019
Available online 14 May 2019
1010-6030/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Fig. 1. Possible synthesis mechanism of ZnHCF@ZnO nanocubes, FESEM, EDX and PXRD pattern of nanocomposite.

indicative limit value of BaP at 1 ng m-3 [15]. BaP containing 5-benzene degradation of organic contaminants are being synthesized with co-
ring is bio-accumulative and resistance to self-degradation and hence, precipitation. Copper doped ZnO nanostructures were able to degrade
considered as persistent organic pollutant [16,17]. The volatility of BaP 90% of anthracene and 50% of phenanthrene [46]. Habibi-Yangjeh and
is lower with very slow degradability, i.e. 2–66 months [18,19]. A large co-workers found ZnO/Bi2MoO6/AgBr and ZnO/NiWO4/Ag2CrO4 na-
portion of tobacco smoke constitutes of BaP, it creates abnormal im- nocomposites as efficient photo-catalysts [35,36]. Addition of TiO2 and
mune responses and ultimately develops cancers [20]. Therefore, the Fe2O3 lowered the t1/2 photo-decay of BaP from ˜15 days to 3 and 4
rising concern towards the global environment purity, occurrence to- days, correspondingly, signifying efficacy of semi-conducting materials
gether with the toxicity of PAHs and their oxidative derivatives need [47]. Collected works showed the good performance of TiO2 and ZnO
the superior removal strategy. The time consuming biological systems only under UV source because of the high straight band gap (˜3.2 eV)
have been the earlier procedures to get rid of PAHs from highly filthy [48–50]. Nevertheless, zinc oxide nano-sheet (2D) is interesting to
environs [11,21,22]. The high molecular weight of BaP and BaA bound construct and enhanced photo-catalytic material due to the modifiable
their degradation in contrast to PAHs of low molecular weight (phe- coating space for the amassing of Zn2+ ions and the better ion ap-
nanthrene and naphthalene) [23]. Heterogeneous catalysis based on proachability to redox-active sites. Better findings through the sy-
semiconductor being exhibited most successful recital in water pur- nergistic effect; suggest such fabrication of semiconducting nano-
ification methods by degradation (oxidation/reduction) of con- composites could be an effective approach in expanding the application
taminants with high efficiency, low cost and utilization of clean solar and to overcome the shortcomings of bare materials, hence creating
energy [24–26]. Recently, iron oxides, zinc oxide and TiO2 nano- novel possessions. Furthermore, to shirk accumulation of organics and
particles utilised degradation of PAHs have been reported [27–29]. restrict the exaggeration of an exact metallic structure, a substitute
Conversely, the application of ZnO in engineering industry is restricted should be promoted. In sight of this, the ZnO doped zinc hex-
due to combination of photo-generated charge carriers, wide band gap acyanoferrate (ZnHCF) was inspected for photo-catalytic removal of
and narrow spectral response [30]. targeted PAHs. Metal hexacyanoferrates (MHCFs) have acquired huge
Synergistic effect in nanocomposites of Zn, Fe or Ti oxides (having attention in the photo-catalytic discharge of organic toxic wastes due to
band gap 3.3, 2.23 and 3.2, respectively) are of great significance as it their large surface area, significant band gap (1.31–2.52 eV) and
can improve the photo-catalytic activity of the existing composite semiconducting properties [51–56]. ZnHCFs with large surface activity
technology to the huge amount [31–33]. Zinc oxides doped with other and definite morphology are economical, biocompatible [57–59].
metal ions overpower the recombination of charge carriers [34–36]. ZnHCF@ZnO was synthesized using natural plant extract (Azadirachta
This results in the improved surface activity and amplified excitation of indica). A. indica is one of the potential promising biogenic plant for the
electron-hole pairs [37,38]. Recently, photo-catalysis has attracted synthesis of nanoparticles, the parts of the plants are, easily accessible
huge attention due to its effectiveness in converting pollutants to H2O and storage of plant is very simple [60–62]. Benzoquinones of this plant
and CO2 [39]. Such concerns have recommended the photocatalytic extract (cyperoquinone, dietchequinone and remirin), decrease the
enhancement, and thus, the elimination of pollutants by nanocompo- element size and the proteins incorporate stabilization [63]. Synthe-
sites depends upon its surface, dimensions and optical property [40,41]. sized nano-catalyst was examined with the parent metal oxide and
However, the photo-catalytic activity of the catalyst depends upon the ZnHCF nanoparticles. Compared to the parent catalyst, the photo-cat-
method of fabrication involved along with particle size, morphology alytic activity of the synthesised catalysts at different dose was opti-
and band gap energy [24,42]. ZnS and Cu nanomaterials loaded on mised for pH for varying concentration of target PAHs. Employment of
activated carbon [43], zinc ferrite spinels [44], metal doped ZnO [34] green route for the synthesis under room temperature without the
and nanocomposite of silver, silver oxide, zinc oxide and graphene employment of any hazardous chemical and exploration of water as a
oxide [45] which, came out to be an excellent photo-catalyst for photo- matrix increases the significant value of the present work. It has been

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Fig. 2. Degradation efficiency of photocataysts at different parameters: concentration, catalytic dosage and pH.

Fig. 3. Time dependent kinetics studies of PAHs degradation over photocatalysts.

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

2. Materials

2.1. Reagents

K4Fe(CN)6, Zn(NO3)2, NaOH, benzo(a)anthracene and benz(a)

pyrene standard and acetonitrile (HPLC grade) were acquired from
Merck, Germany. Distilled water was used in all the experiment. A.
indica leaves (5 g) collected from the locally found tree were thoroughly
washed, crushed, mixed in distilled water to prepare plant extract
(10 mL), filtered and stored at 4 °C.

2.2. Preparation of photo-catalysts (encapsulated ZnHCF@ZnO


The procedure involved the synthesis of ZnO followed by en-

capsulation of ZnHCF as already reported by Rani and Shanker [64].
Fig. 4. Time dependent disappearance profile of total organic carbon (TOC)
content of PAHs with ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite. 2.2.1. ZnO nanosheets
Zn(NO3)2 having 0.05 M concentration and 2 mL of the plant extract
(A. indica) were initially stirred for 1 h at room temperature. In order to
make immediate precipitates, pH of the above solution was maintained
at 9 using 0.1 M NaOH solution. The colourless precipitates were fil-
tered, washed with distilled water and finally dried in muffle furnace at
300 °C for 4 h.

2.2.2. Encapsulated ZnHCF@ZnO nanocubes

Initially suspension of ZnO nanoparticles was prepared by gradually
suspending the as synthesized nanoparticles into 100 mL of distilled
water with the help of an ultra sonicator. After this, the above sus-
pension was added in to the 100 mL of 0.1 M aqueous solutions of Zn
(NO3)2. Mixture of suspension and metal salt were drop-wise added into
the K4[Fe(CN)6] solution having 4 mL of A. indica in it with continuous
stirring for 2 h at room temperature. The product obtained was washed,
filtered, dried (at 70 °C) and stored.
Fig. 5. Variation in the degradation efficiency of photocatalysts under sunlight For comparison ZnHCF was also synthesized by pouring K4[Fe
and dark conditions. (CN)6] into Zn(NO3)2 solution containing plant extract and stirred for
2–3 h. The product formed was filtered, washed and dried.
observed by the various researchers around the globe that coupling or
2.3. Characterization
mixing of metal oxides with different metallic frameworks can be done
for their exploitation under sunlight. Mixing of ZnO with the ZnHCF has
The details of instrumentation of Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD),
significantly enhanced its properties such as surface area, band gap,
Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), Brunauer-
stability and semi-conducting behavior. This helped in activation of
Emmett-Teller (BET), UV–vis absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
molecules under the sunlight and makes it a easily applicable natural
UV-2401PC), Fourier transform infrared, Zetasizer (Zetasizer Ver.
scenario. The coupling of ZnO and ZnHCF enable the successful sup-
7.11), gas chromatograph interfaced with mass selective detector has
pression of recombination of charge carriers. Moreover, such nanoma-
been presented in the supplementary information file.
terials have their own importance in breaking the limitation of bio-
enrichment of a particular metal in environment. Its application in the
2.4. Analytical procedure for photo-catalytic activity
removal of PAHs was done by creating natural condition faced by the
water (sunlight exposure). Various reaction parameters were studied
Photo-catalytic degradation of BaP and BaA was carried out in the
under the PAHs removal including concentration, dose, pH, irradiation
presence of the as synthesised catalysts in simulated water. Procedural
source, time and reaction kinetics. The decrease in the band gap energy
blank (10 mL of each PAH without catalyst) were examined to know the
of the nanocomposite shifts the absorption into the visible range and
exact potential of nanocatalysts. Experimental conditions like con-
hence, improves its activity under sunlight. The reusability of the na-
centration (2–10 mg L−1), amount of nanocatalyst (5–35 mg), pH (5–9)
nocatalysts upto 10 times has confirmed its applicability with higher
and time were inspected with and without sunlight. For making water
efficiency in waste water treatment. The distinctive construction of
of different pH, citrate and borax buffer were used.
ZnHCF coated with zinc oxide nano-sheets, enables to a synergistic
The final experiment consisted of 15 mL of water spiked with 2.5 mL
consequence for refining photocatalytic recital in degradation of ha-
of the PAH (2–10 mg L−1) and ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite or parent
zardous PAHs. To the best of our knowledge, ZnHCF@ZnO nano-
nanoparticles. At that time, the reaction mixture was exposed to non-
composite has not been reported for the degradation of BaA and BaP.
stop sunbeams for 24 h without disturbing in the night. The usual
Since in recent time world has faced huge demise of aquatic life due to
temperature (°C) and light-strength (W/m2) were 32.3 ± 4.2 (range:
the oil spilling and accumulation of PAHs in the living body. This work
22.0–36.0) and 463 ± 181 W/m2 (range: 150–823). Further, the su-
has engineering importance in degradation of various emerging con-
pernatant was examined for extent of degradation, absorbance by UV-
taminants causing threat to the life and environment.
Spectrophotometer and the by-products were identified through
GC–MS. The % degradation of PAHs was calculated using the equation
(Ci – Ct/Ci) ×100. Here Ci is the initial concentration of the sample and

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of charge separation mechanism for degradation of PAHs over photocatalysts.

Table 1 PXRD pattern confirmed the crystalline nature of nanocomposite. Fur-

Rate constant and half-life values of PAHs with nanoparticles at optimised ther the encapsulation of ZnHCF with the ZnO was affirmed through the
conditions. minor alteration of parameters (Fig. 1S). The peaks formed in ZnHCF
Catalyst BaA BaP and ZnO nanoparticles were in accordance with the ICSD card number
98-000-8248 and 79-2205, respectively. The details of the PXRD
k (h ) t1/2 (h) R 2
k (h−1) t1/2 (h) R2 parameters of the photo-catalysts are listed in the table 2S. The FE-SEM
and EDX image of ZnHCF@ZnO showed the uniform distribution of
ZnHCF@ZnO 1.96 0.353 0.98 1.4 0.49 0.99
ZnHCF 0.05 13.86 0.99 0.033 20 0.99 nanoflowers of ZnO upon the nanocubes of ZnHCF and size within the
ZnO 0.03 23.1 0.99 0.027 26 0.99 nanorange (below 100 nm). The ZnHCF were perfect cubes while ZnO
Blank 0.006 115.5 0.99 0.0019 364.73 0.99 nanoparticles were flowery sheets (100 nm each) (Fig. 2S). FTIR ana-
lysis revealed the presence of various functional groups and bonds
formed in nanocomposite (Fig. 3S). In order to reveal the semi-
Ct is the final concentration. conducting properties of nanocomposites band gap energy analysis was
performed (Fig. 4S). The ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite had lower band
2.5. Statistical analysis gap (2.2 eV) than the parent nanoparticles (ZnO-3.3 eV, ZnHCF-2.3 eV)
favouring the belief of its enhanced semiconducting property. Based on
The statistical plots of reaction and kinetics for the degradation of the actuality of photo-catalysis involving adsorption as a central phe-
PAHs over the nanocomposites were performed factually from an nomena, BET surface area analysis of the nanoparticles was performed
asymptotic examination by SPSS software. Results stood reproducible (Fig. 5S). Encapsulation of ZnHCF by ZnO increased the surface area of
for triplicate analysis. The standard deviation of the triplicates were ZnHCF (108.70 m2 g−1) to 113.491 m2 g−1, attributed to the synergistic
calculated through Microsoft excels program. Significance of results effect of parent components.
was compared through regression of coefficient (R2) and p-values (≥
0.05). Several adsorption models data were scrutinized. Linear curves 3.2. Photo-catalytic degradation of PAHs
(Y = mX + c) for adsorption and concentration dependent study have
been obtained while exponential graphs attaining maxima were ob- The encapsulated ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposites were examined for
served for adsorption. the photocatalytic degradation of selected BaP and BaA (Toxic PAHs)
under daylight.
3. Results and discussion
3.2.1. Effect of concentration
3.1. Characterization of photo-catalysts The degradation was found to differ with concentration
(2–10 mg L−1) whilst the catalyst dosage (25 mg) and pH (7) were kept
The phase composition, structure, size and geometry of photo-cat- constant (Fig. 2a). Highest degradation was obtained at least con-
alyst were investigated using PXRD and FE-SEM (Fig. 1). The sharp centration (2 mg L−1) of the PAHs. Sufficient active sites of ZnHCF@

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Fig. 7. Adsorption isotherm (a) and Langmuir adsorption model (b) for adsorption of PAHs on ZnHCF, ZnO and ZnO@ZnHCF nanoparticles.

ZnO nanocomposite (113.491 m2 g−1) caused the 93% and 90% de- 3.2.3. Effect of pH
gradation of BaA and BaP, respectively followed by ZnHCF (70%; 65%) The degradation of PAHs (2 mg L−1) was investigated over a range
and ZnO (46%; 38%). Nonetheless, upon gradually increasing the (5–11) of pH (Fig. 2c). Highest degradation ability of nanocomposites
number of molecules of PAHs in the reaction mixture, the distance was observed at neutral pH due to the lessening in electrostatic inter-
between photons of light and catalyst increases. Ultimately the action [71,72]. Moreover, the encapsulation of ZnHCF by ZnO elevated
screening by the PAH molecules limited the photo-degradation ability the acidic character of ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposites indicated by its
(electron hole formation) as displayed by negative slope [65–68]. In the negative zeta potential value at neutral pH (ZnHCF@ZnO: −41.6 eV:
absence of catalyst, little change in the PAHs adsorption was observed. ZnHCF: −40.3 mV; ZnO: -13.4 mV) (Fig. 6S). However, the presence of
Slower degradation of BaP in comparison to BaA could be attributed to hydronium and hydroxyl ion caused the ion screening effect in acidic
the more ring (high molecular weight) leading to more conjugation and and basic pH and hence reduced the photocatalytic [58]. Due to the
hence, higher persistence (log Kow: 6.06) (Table 1S).Similar trends in stability of the resonance ring structure, PAH containing high π-elec-
PAHs degradation has been reported in other studies [54,55,69]. tron density were believed to form “cation-π” complexes upon inter-
Overall, it can be concluded that, when the concentration of PAHs ex- action with the positive surface of nanocomposite [55]. The similar
ceeds a certain value, the number of active species causing the de- event has also been observed upon the photolysis of PAHs on Fe3+-
gradation is lower than the PAH molecules. Hence, higher concentra- montmorillonite surface [69]. The use of HCl and NaOH to make so-
tion is not benefitting the PAHs degradation. lution acidic and basic, respectively, can also initiate secondary inter-
actions (chlorate ion-catalyst and hydroxyl-hydroxyl interaction) and
hence limit the desired interaction [73]. Overall, the highest degrada-
3.2.2. Effect of dose tion at neutral pH was due to its acidic character, highest surface ac-
All through investigated suitable dose (5–35 mg) of photo-catalysts, tivity, synergistic effect (production of large e–h pairs) and reduced
degradation plot rose to maxima at 25 mg and then declined (Fig. 2b). charge carriers recombination [58,59].
Early rise in the graph with dose was because of huge number of surface The results suggest formation of a naturally acting catalyst which
active sites causing the absorption of considerable amount of photons can perform well at environmental conditions with almost valuable
[51,53,54]. Yet, the decline obtained in degradation on additional in- results at all pH conditions.
crease of the dose of the catalyst could be due to the limited surface
area (due to aggregation) and collision of the activated charge particles 3.2.4. Reaction kinetics
with the ground state molecules. Moreover, a large amount of photo- The rate of photocatalysis, reaction kinetics of BaP and BaA, were
catalyst in limited reaction vessel might cut-off the entrance of light- studied with 25 mg of ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite at neutral pH
rays to PAHs [66,67,70]. The reason of variation after a particular dose (Fig. 3). Degradation followed first-order kinetic which included quick
can also be described as further rise can cause the gathering of the initial downfall along with slow or no degradation with time. This
catalysts particles. Eventually under such conditions contact area of phenomenon resulted from the semiconducting behaviour that in-
nanocatalysts with the water molecules was lowered, thus fall in its creases in the life span of energized electrons upon introduction to
performance. sunlight. Consequently, an instant generation of massive hydroxyl ra-
dicals may oxidize the colossal rings of the PAHs into smaller by-

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Fig. 9. Degradation efficiency variation of photocatalysts upon introduction of

hydroxyl radical scavenger.

Fig. 10. PL spectra of different photocatalysts.

products. The steady state in the degradation outline could be due to a

minute change in concentration or use of %OH by additional pathway
products. The assumption of rapid degradation with the encapsulated
nanocomposite has also been supported by the 50% degradation of the
PAHs within 5 h only. Moreover, the highest k-value and least half-life
was obtained with ZnHCF@ZnO as shown in Table 1.The PAHs (BaA;
BaP) concentration remaining after 5 h was (0.90 ± 0.028;
1.1 ± 0.023), (1.6 ± 0.032; 1.73 ± 0.029) and (1.8 ± 0.031;
1.9 ± 0.023) mg L−1 with ZnHCF@ZnO, ZnHCF and ZnO, respec-
tively. The potential of the nanocomposite was greater than ZnO in
PAHs degradation under sunlight. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis
also confirmed the complete removal or mineralization of both the
PAHs. Results indicated that 57% and 38% TOC was left in treated
reaction mixture water after 5 and 24 h, respectively (Fig. 4). Similar
results based on TOC analysis have also been reported [71,72].
Results clearly show the better activity of the nanocatalysts in the
degradation of carcinogenic PAHs. Moreover, deficiency in studies of
nanoparticles as photocatalysts for the degradation of several other
contaminants under sunlight lifted the importance of present work. In
order to safe guard the environment, plant based synthesis of materials
should be promoted. All in all, A. Indica based ZnHCF@ZnO nano-
composite (2.2 eV) came out to be an efficient agent in almost complete
and quick removal of PAHs under sunlight. These facts make it a va-
luable and safe catalyst than the usual metal oxides and other ad-
Fig. 8. Proposed degradation pathway for the degradation of (a) BaA and (b) sorbents.
BaP over ZnHCF@ZnO nanocubes (Concentration; 2 mg/L−1; pH:˜7; catalyst
dose: 25 mg; natural sunlight.
3.2.5. Effect of irradiation source
Under optimized parameters (PAHs: 2 mg L−1; neutral pH; 25 mg
catalyst), PAHs were treated with ZnHCF@ZnO and constituents under

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Table 2
Comparison data of PAHs degradation reported by other studies.
S. No. Name Method & Properties Degradation Reference

1 BaA Mycobacterium vanbaalenii 15% in 12 days [8]

2 BaA (0.5 mg/flask) Irpex lacteus 70% in 14 days [17]
3 BaA Indigenous Strains Reduced to 0.02 mg/l in 56 days [18]
4 BaA (0.1 mg g−1) Fe3+-modified montmorillonite 17% in 6 hours [60]
5 BaA ZnHCF@ZnO (distorted nanocubes ˜100 nm; 113 m2 g−1) 93% in 24 hours Present study
6 BaA ZnHCF 70% in 24 hours Present study
(nanocubes, 108.70 m2 g−1)
7 BaA ZnO (Flower shaped, 12 m2 g−1) 46% in 24 hours Present study
8 BaP (50 mg L−1) FeHCF (69 m2 g−1) 70% in 48 hours [46]
9 BaP (50 mg L−1) ZnHCF (108 m2 g−1) 70% in 48 hours [45]
10 BaP (2 mgL−1) ZnHCF@ZnO 90% in 24 hours Present study
11 BaP (2 mgL−1) ZnHCF (108 m2 g−1) 65% in 24 hours Present study
12 BaP (2 mgL−1) ZnO 38% in 24 hours Present study

Fig. 11. Degradation efficiency variations of photocatalysts with the subsequent degradation cycles (a) ZnHCF, ZnO and ZnHCF@ZnO nanoparticles; (b) XRD pattern
of photocatalyst upto 10 cycle.

sunlight and dark exposure (Fig. 5). The PAHs were degraded to 90%, (e–h+ pairs) with H2O/O2 produce dynamic groups which degraded the
70% and 40% under sunlight exposure, while ˜40%, 30% and 25% bulky structure of PAHs into less toxic by-products. The photo-catalytic
degradation were obtained in the dark with ZnHCF@ZnO, ZnHCF and activity of the catalyst was also justified by the slightest degradation in
ZnO, respectively. The energy provided by the natural sunlight excited the blank (8 and 5% in sunlight and dark). Encapsulation or doping
the electrons to higher energy levels, which caused the advanced de- increased the charge separation and hence limited the recombination of
gradation of PAHs [2,54,55]. This excitation was fast in nanocompo- e- and h+ as shown in Fig. 6. Expansion of light spectrum towards
sites having lower band gap energy ZnHCF@ZnO (2.2 eV), than ZnHCF visible light of nanocomposites was also confirmed by the small band
(2.34 eV) and ZnO (3.3 eV). Further, the interactions of charge carriers gap of encapsulated nanocomposites [74,75].

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

Photo-catalysis begins first with the adsorption of PAHs over the oxidation to form (E)-2-(3-carboxy-3-oxoprop-1-en-1-yl)benzoic acid
catalysts surface. In order to confirm this fact various adsorption iso- (3a; m/z = 220). Moreover, the synergistic effect of %OH radicals and
therms were tried (Fig. 7S and 8S). However, the photo-catalysis of repulsion caused by two −COOH groups in by-product led to its ex-
PAHs was most compelling to the Langmuir isotherms (Fig. 7) as in- tensive ring cleavage. The products 2a and 2b undergo oxidation and
dicated by their highest R2 values (Table 3S). Out of the five models, led into formation of one cyclic and two acyclic products called as 2-
Temkin was not applicable (negative lnCe values) while, D-RK, Sips and hydroxybenzoic acid (2d; m/z = 138), 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (2c; m/
Freundlich were not accepted statistically (Table 3S). z = 91) and (Z)-2,5,5-trihydroxypent-3-enoic acid (2e; m/z = 149). The
Consequently, the Langmuir adsorption equation (refer to sup- monocyclic ring compound2-hydroxybenzoic acid further oxidised into
porting information) was utilized to determine the constant kL (dm3/ smaller acyclic product propionic acid (2f; m/z = 75). These smaller
mol) and Xm (maximum amount of PAH adsorbed; mg/g). products upon attack of extensive %OH may undergo mineralization.
Xm, kL and R2 values for BaA were perceived in the succeeding The comprehensive degradation trails for BaA and BaP have been seen
order: ZnHCF@ZnO(25.57; 0.23; 0.991) > ZnHCF (14.79; 0.26; by Fig. 8a and b, respectively. The TOC analysis of the optimized
0.993) > ZnO (6.27; 0.28; 0.992) for BaA. In case of BaP, these values sample at various time intervals was investigated. Almost 60% (BaA)
were found to be: ZnHCF@ZnO (21.73; 0.21; 0.98) > ZnHCF (10.52; and 59.5% (BaP) TOC was lost after 24 h indicating the conversion of
0.25; 0.987) > ZnO (5.17; 0.27; 0.99). The maximum PAH adsorption PAHs into CO2 and H2O through reaction intermediates (Fig. 4).
obtained with ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite than the parent nano- However, the small amount of TOC left might be due to presence of
particles supported the maximum degradation with nanocomposite smaller by-products. Effect of scavenger (ethanol) on the degradation of
(surface area: 113.491 m2 g−1). PAHs was also investigated. Upon addition of scavenger the degrada-
tion % of PAHs decreases with all the catalysts at neutral pH under
3.3. Proposed photocatalytic degradation pathways sunlight (Fig. 9). Therefore, the results justified that the radical species
causing the degradation of PAHs are hydroxyl radicals and the process
In order to identify the various products formed and understand the involved is not only adsorption but also degradation.
degradation pathway, GC–MS analysis was carried out under optimized The targeted PAHs were successfully ruined into non-toxic plus
conditions (PAH: 2 mgL−1; pH˜7.0; catalyst loading: 25 mg). The by- smaller products with intense peak as compared to the bigger products
products of original reaction mixture (Fig. 10S) corresponding to the (Fig. 9S). Previous reports told about the safety and non-toxicity of
peaks were identified through previously stated works besides NIST these products [54,78]. All-encompassing indicated that degradation of
library integral with GC–MS [54,55,76,77]. Based on real results, de- PAHs involved the initial addition of OH group to terminal rings led to
gradation mechanisms involving the function of %OH (main reactive oxidation, breaking of cyclic-ring, decarboxylation and to end with
oxidative species) have been drawn (Fig. 8a and 8b). In BaA (mol. elements. Different degradation by-products were formed in both the
wt. = 228), a small peak corresponds to m/z of 281 was identified as PAHs (Fig. 10 S). It might be due to presence of more condensed rings
(E)-2-hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyanthracen-1-yl)acrylic acid (1) that pro- in the BaP as compared to BaA. In case of BaA degradation was initiated
duced by an unstable intermediate named tetraphen-2-ol formed by though the hydroxyl attacks on terminal ring. However, because of
initial attack of %OH to parent. It is believed to be formed through large structure of BaP, large number of hydroxyl radicals might attack
oxidation and ring opening of mono-hydroxy BaA intermediate. Further on the lesser hindered site. Degradation pathway on similar trail of BaA
oxidation of this compound was identified by 3 crests in total ion and BaP has been reported [21,28,77].
chromatogram (TIC). The first one was recognized as naphthalene-2,3-
dicarboxylic acid (2; m/z = 218), this could have produced by perva-
sive oxidation of terminal rings. Other two products named naphtha- 3.3.1. Investigation of photo-catalytic degradation mechanism
lene-1,4-diol (3; m/z = 161) and (E)-2-(2-carboxyvinyl)benzoic acid (4; To further investigate the charge separation and understand the
m/z = 192) may form by the hydroxylation followed by terminal ring possible mechanism of photo-degradation, the photoluminescence (PL)
cleavage. The product named naphthalene-1,4-diol (3; m/z = 161) may spectra were recorded as shown in Fig. 10. The emission spectra of
further undergo oxidation to form phthalic acid (3a; m/z = 166). The nanocatalysts were obtained at 350 nm excitation wavelength keeping
compound (E)-2-(2-carboxyvinyl)benzoic acid (4; m/z = 192) via in view that wavelength setup should be greater than band gap energy.
dealkylation and decarbonylation may result into 2-hydroxybenzoic As clearly shown in the figure, there was a slight difference between the
acid (4a; m/z = 138).These products (3a and 4a) upon further oxida- PL intensity of all the nanocatalysts. The PL spectra of ZnHCF@ZnO had
tion led into formation of smaller products called as but-3-ene-1,1,2- comparatively lower peak height than the ZnHCF and ZnO. En-
triol (3b; m/z = 105), acrylic acid (3c; m/z = 73),(Z)-3-hydroxyacrylic capsulation also caused a slight shift towards lower ends. Two peaks
acid (4b; m/z = 133) and prop-2-en-1-ol (4c; m/z = 59).The identified were observed for each nanomaterial in the UV as well as in the visible
by-product but-3-ene-1,1,2-triol (3b; m/z = 105) and acrylic acid (3c; region. Such that the emission peak in UV region was corresponding to
m/z = 73) might have formed by di, tri hydroxylation and decarbox- the recombination of free charge carriers during their mutual interac-
ylation of phthalic acid (3a; m/z = 166). The other two smaller pro- tion. While, the emission observed in visible region was due to presence
ducts (4b and 4c) were formed by oxidation of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid of structural defects of oxygen vacancies and zinc interstitials in the
(4a; m/z = 138). lattice structures. Photocatalytic performance of nanocatalysts is linked
Being highly stable, photo-oxidation of BaP (mol. wt. = 252) was with the life time of charge carriers (electrons and holes) and preven-
slower and resulted in three by-products of relatively higher weight. tion of their recombination. Relatively, lower PL intensity of ZnHCF@
Those small peaks were respectively identified as pyrene-2-carboxylic ZnO than the native materials signified the quenching of charge carriers
acid (1; m/z = 246), (Z)-3-(pyren-2-yl)acrylic acid (2; m/z = 273) and recombination at the interface of ZnHCF and ZnO. Therefore, the re-
chrysene-4,5-dicarboxylic acid (3; m/z = 316) believed to form through combination and transfer of photo-excited e− and h+ nanocomposites
oxidation of terminal rings of intermediates named benzo[pqr]tetra- are indeed in accordance with photo-catalytic degradation process.
phene-9,10-diol and benzo[pqr]tetraphene-4,5-diol. Further, oxidation Hence, it is definite that the best photo-catalytic activity of ZnHCF@
of compounds (1 and 2) expected to form naphthalene-1,2,6,7-tetraol ZnO is sustained by the exceptional visible light absorption cum de-
(2a; m/z = 193) and 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (2b; m/z = 190) gradation process and the superior charge separation across the inter-
tentatively known based on the mass spectra. These two compounds face.
might have formed through terminal ring cleavage and extensive hy- Moreover the increased concern of society towards health and hy-
droxylation of (Z)-3-(pyren-2-yl)acrylic acid (2; m/z = 273). On the giene makes it an appropriate strategy to remove the other hazardous
other hand, metabolite (3) undergo decarboxylation followed by contaminants like dyes, large ringed PAHs and phenols.

Rachna, et al. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 381 (2019) 111861

3.3.2. Comparison with other catalysts character (-41.6 mV) was able to absorb 25.57 mg g−1 of BaA and
It is noteworthy that very few studies are available for the de- 21.73 mg g-1 of BaP. Encapsulated ZnHCF@ZnO with low band gap
gradation of BaP and BaA, that too scarcely with iron and titanium showed better photocatalytic removal efficiency than native ZnO and
oxides [26,28]. In addition to this, recently two reports credited to ZnHCF. The enhanced interaction of H2O and O2 with excited pairs (e-
MHCFs (ZnHCF and FeHCF) have been found for PAHs degradation + h+) formed OH% which eliminated and eventually mineralized the
(Table 2). The extensively used nanocatalysts has been unnoticed for PAHs under sunrays. Different smaller and safer by-products in GCeMS
the removal of toxic PAHs, specifically BaA and BaP. However, mi- for both PAHs revealed the role of their structure and attack of OH% on
croorganisms may well remove 15–70% of PAHs, but, the procedures the less hindered site. Specifically, the bases of ZnHCF around ZnO
involved were prolonged and uneconomical. Being semiconductor, sheets were prominent to a cumulative consequence for prompt zinc
MHCF could remove 70% of BaP while Fe3+-modified montmorillonite ions incorporated degradation course along with redox reactions. The
was able to degrade 17% of BaA in 6 h. The effectiveness of en- results seem to new support for constructing new self-assembly na-
capsulated ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposite recline on conversion of 93% nostructures to develop promising composite nanomaterials. This work
and 90% of investigated PAHs (BaA and BaP respectively) into minor highlights the possible use of encapsulated semiconducting nano-
and invulnerable products, named, as prop-2-en-1-ol, propionic acid composite with efficient band gap as highly active sunlight photo-
and acryclic acid. Moreover, the synergistic effect of the parent nano- catalyst. It also suggests that coupling between semiconducting com-
particles ZnHCF and ZnO, enhanced the electronic excitation and hy- pounds could be a very effective plan to modify the photocatalytic
droxyl radicals formation. Furthermore, deployment of unconventional activity and to conduct photo-degradation of contaminants other than
nanoparticles should be aided to elude the bio-enrichment of exact PAHs too.
recycled catalyst. The significance of comparison with other removal
methods indicated the importance of present study. Moreover, from Acknowledgement
table it is very easy to say that very rare studies are available on de-
gradation of BaA and BaP using nanoparticles, which justified the Authors are thankful to DST-FIST for providing the instruments in
newness and effectiveness of the work. characterization and analysis. One of the authors Ms. Rachna is grateful
Since for a long time rapid recombination of charge carriers has to Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), New Delhi for
lowered the photocatalytic efficiency of catalysts with limited light providing financial support.
response towards visible light. Utilisation of ZnHCF@ZnO in this aspect
can solve these problems as synthesise of such eco-friendly and efficient Appendix A. Supplementary data
catalyst is still a tremendous challenge. Overall, the potential of
Azadirachta indica stabilized ZnHCF@ZnO nanocomposites lies in its Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
ability to eliminate the PAHs entirely and speedily in natural conditions online version, at doi:
favoring its safety than the usual metal oxide. Furthermore, Zn is a vital 111861.
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