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Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143– 150

The mucin-like glycoprotein super-family of Trypanosoma cruzi:
structure and biological roles
Alvaro Acosta-Serrano a,*,1, Igor C. Almeida b, Lucio H. Freitas-Junior c,
Nobuko Yoshida c, Sergio Schenkman c
Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins Uni6ersity School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Departamento de Parasitologia, ICB2, USP, São Paulo, S.P. 05508 -900, Brazil
Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia e Parasitologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina-UNIFESP, São Paulo, S.P. 04023 -062, Brazil
Received 30 July 2000; accepted 15 September 2000


Trypanosoma cruzi expresses at its surface large amounts of mucin-like glycoproteins. The T. cruzi mucins (TcMUC), a group
of highly glycosylated GPI-anchored proteins rich in Thr, Ser, and Pro residues, are expressed in high copy numbers in both insect
and mammalian stages of the parasite. These molecules are encoded by a multigene family and contain a unique type of
glycosylation consisting of several sialylated O-glycans linked to the protein backbone via N-acetylglucosamine residues. The
TcMUC are important because of their role in host cell invasion and the ability to induce secretion of proinflammatory cytokines
and nitric oxide in activated macrophages. The TcMUC are also significant in being the major substrate for the cell surface
trans-sialidase. In this review, we summarize the recent knowledge on the molecular structure and function of this family of T.
cruzi glycoproteins. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Trypanosoma cruzi; Mucins; Sialic acid; trans-Sialidase; GPI; Glycosylation

1. Introduction drate by weight) polyanionic molecules that are rich in

Thr, Ser and Pro residues (but contain few hydrophobic
The surface of the different stages of Trypanosoma amino acids), and are anchored to the plasma mem-
cruzi, the agent of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ brane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety
disease), is covered by a thick coat of glycoconjugates. [1–3].
The major component of this coat has been identified Because of their abundance, the same TcMUC spe-
as a family of mucin-like glycoproteins. These glyco- cies have been detected in many laboratories and given
conjugates are highly glycosylated (about 60% carbohy- different names. It was not until 1993 that these
molecules were identified as mucin-like glycoproteins
Abbre6iations: Gal, galactose; GIPL, glycoinositolphospholipid; because their overall sugar and amino acid composition
GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; PI, resembled that of mammalian mucins [1–4]. The Tc-
phosphatidylinositol; LPPG, lipopeptidophosphoglycan; SA, sialic MUC were first described by Alves and Colli in 1975 as
acid; TcMUC, Trypanosoma cruzi mucins; TS, trans-sialidase.
glycoproteins A, B, and C in noninfective epimastigotes
* Corresponding author. Present address: School of Life Science,
Wellcome Trust Biocentre, Division of Molecular Microbiology and [5]. They were detected by SDS-PAGE and stained by
Biological Chemistry, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, UK. the periodic acid Schiff method. In addition, these
Tel.: + 44-1382-345852; fax: + 44-1382-345764. authors detected another major glycoconjugate with a
E-mail address: (A. Acosta-Ser-
higher mobility in SDS-PAGE, named band D, which
Present address: Unite de Biologie des Interactions, Hote-Parasite was later characterized as a lipophosphopeptidoglycan
Institut Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France. (LPPG) [6–8] and is currently known as glycoinosi-

0166-6851/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0166-6851(01)00245-6
144 A. Acosta-Serrano et al. / Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143–150

tolphospholipid (GIPL) [9]. The TcMUC were later rather than N-acetylgalactosamine as usually found in
described in epimastigote forms as 43-kDa sialylated vertebrate mucins. It is also unusual that in some
glycoconjugates [10], as GP24, GP31 and GP37 cell- strains about 20% of the total O-GlcNAc is non-substi-
surface glycoconjugates [11], and as 38/43-kDa glyco- tuted, whereas the remainder can be substituted by one
conjugates [3]. The so-called lipophosphoglycan-like or up to five galactose residues, in a parasite strain-de-
molecule [12] and the membrane antigen Ag– C10 [13] pendent manner. Most of the Gal residues are present
probably also belong to the same family of molecules. as b-galactopyranose (bGalp) linked as linear and
The TcMUC are also found in other life-cycle stages. branched side-chains to the 4- and 6-positions of the
In infective metacyclic trypomastigotes, these glyco- GlcNAc. In some strains a b-galactofuranose residue
proteins were originally reported as the 35/50-kDa anti- can also be linked to the 4-position of the GlcNAc
gens involved in attachment and cell invasion [14]. In [3,23]. Although all terminal bGalp residues are poten-
trypomastigote forms derived from infected mammalian tial acceptors for SA, in vitro studies have shown that
cells, the TcMUC were described as a group of some oligosaccharides cannot be sialylated, probably
molecules that share the stage-specific epitope 3 (Ssp-3) due to steric hindrance [3,23].
[15], an epitope dependent on parasite sialylation and Mucins from mammalian stage trypomastigotes do
also involved in attachment and the host cell invasion not appear to contain single O-GlcNAc residues but
[16]. The same family of glycoproteins was identified instead they have more complex oligosaccharide struc-
later as the main target for recognition by chronic tures that can also contain a terminal SA. A striking
Chagas’ disease anti-a-galactosyl antibodies [2]. It is difference between the TcMUC O-glycans from insect
unknown whether amastigotes, the replicative intracel- stages and that from mammalian stages is that the
lular forms of T. cruzi, express mucins on their surface. latter can be alternatively a-galactosylated at the non-
However, a group of highly abundant GPI-anchored reducing end [2]. The major a-galactosylated oligosac-
molecules with structural features similar to the Tc- charide is Gala1-3Galb1-4GlcNAc but branched
MUC have been identified in this parasite stage [17]. structures containing both terminal a- and b-Galp
Mucins have also been detected in parasites isolated residues are also found [2]. These a-galactosylated
from the insect vector Triatoma infestans [18]. oligosaccharides are highly immunogenic to humans
One striking feature of the TcMUC is that they under conditions of natural infection and, in fact, rep-
represent the major acceptors of sialic acid (SA) of the resent the major target for trypanolytic anti-aGal anti-
cell-surface trans-sialidase (TS) (for reviews on TS see bodies from acute and chronic Chagasic patients
[19,20]). SA is transferred to O-glycans and sialylation [2,25,26]. Other less abundant surface glycoproteins,
of the parasite surface occurs in all developmental from the same parasite stage, also contain terminal
stages except amastigote forms, which lack TS activity a-Gal residues but in N-linked glycans [27].
[21]. As we will discuss later, the acquisition of SA
appears important for parasite infectivity and for its 2.2. Biosynthesis of the O-linked glycans
survival in the vertebrate host [19].
In the past few years substantial information regard- Very little is known about the biosynthesis of the
ing the structure, function, and the gene organization of Tc-MUC O-glycans. The only report concerns about
the TcMUC has been obtained. In the following sec- the biochemical characterization of a uridine diphos-
tions we describe these recent advances, giving empha- pho-N-acetylglucosamine:polypeptide-a-N-acetylgluco-
sis to the structure and possible biological roles of this saminyltransferase activity [28]. This enzyme transf-
group of T. cruzi surface molecules. Some of these ers GlcNAc residues to the synthetic peptide
aspects have been recently reviewed elsewhere [22]. KPPTTTTTTTTKPP (a sequence similar to one
present in some members of the TcMUC family [29,30],
see below), but not to the peptide YSDSPSTST, sug-
2. Stage-specific features of the TcMUC gesting that it differs from the well characterized cyto-
solic mammalian O-GlcNAc transferase [31]. In
2.1. Structure of the O-linked oligosaccharides addition, the candidate TcMUC GlcNAc transferase is
strongly inhibited by UDP, is insensitive to both tu-
The primary structure of the TcMUC O-linked gly- nicamycin and amphomycin, and is found exclusively in
cans has been solved in both epimastigotes and meta- the microsomal fraction. All these features suggest that
cyclic trypomastigotes from different strains [3,23,24]. this enzyme may be responsible for transfer of GlcNAc
Mucins from both stages contain the same type of residues during synthesis of the TcMUC O-glycans.
oligosaccharides after metacyclogenesis [23]. The most However, since the potential targets of GlcNAc addi-
relevant structural feature of the TcMUC glycosylation tion are located in the highly variable central domains
is that their glycans are linked to Thr/Ser residues in of the polypeptide (some of them containing Ser-rich
the protein core via N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) regions instead of Thr repeats; see below), it is possible
A. Acosta-Serrano et al. / Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143–150 145

that more than one GlcNAc-transferase is involved in ability of the trypomastigote mucins to induce secretion
the synthesis of the TcMUC O-glycans. of proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide by IFN-
g-primed murine macrophages [33–35].
The biological role of the ceramide anchor in meta-
2.3. Structure of the GPI-anchors cyclic trypomastigote mucins remains unknown. How-
ever, it is worth mentioning that most metacyclic
T. cruzi mucins have GPI anchors whose lipid moiety mucins are capped and locally shed by the parasite
is developmentally regulated. Mass-spectrometry analy- during host cell invasion, whereas other alkylacyl-PI
ses show that the phosphatidylinositol (PI) moiety from cell surface glycoproteins (such as gp90 or 1G7 antigen)
epimastigote mucins contains exclusively alkylacyl-PI
remain attached to the parasite surface during this
species (mainly 1-O-hexadecyl-2-O-hexadecanoyl-PI)
process [1]. It is therefore possible that the surface
[23,32] whereas metacyclic mucins have predominantly
stability during invasion may be modulated by the
inositol-phosphoceramides [23] (Fig. 1A and B). These
nature of the lipid of specific cell surface molecules.
ceramide-PI species contain a C18:0-sphinganine chain
and mainly C24:0 and C16:0 fatty acids. As for the Consistent with this hypothesis is the fact that TS from
mammalian-cell derived trypomastigote mucins, the PI trypomastigote stages, which also has a ceramide-based
moiety is composed exclusively of alkylacyl-PI struc- GPI anchor, is constantly shed by the parasite both in
tures [33,34]. However, in contrast to the epimastigote vitro and in the vertebrate host [36]. The mechanism
mucins, most of these species ( 75%) contain unsatu- controlling the presence of a different lipid moiety in
rated fatty acids (C18:1 and C18:2) (Fig. 1C). As dis- the GPI anchor of epimastigote and metacyclic mucins
cussed below, it is amazing that such subtle differences is unknown. One possibility, shown to occur in S.
in the type of fatty acid strongly associate with the cere6isiae [37], is that there is a GPI lipid remodelling,

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the GPI anchors of the TcMUC from different life-cycle stages. Only the major species are shown. All TcMUC
GPI anchors (A – C) are composed of the same linear glycan core Mana1– 2Mana1– 2Mana1– 6Mana1– 4GlcN (represented by four gray circles
and a dotted square), but only that from cell-derived trypomastigotes can be modified by a branch of Gal residues (C). The exact location of these
Gal residues is not known. Note the presence of a different lipid moiety in the GPI anchor of the TcMUC from different developmental stages.
EtNP/2-AEP stands for ethanolamine phosphate and aminoethylphosphonate respectively. See text for other structural details. (A) Epimastigote;
(B) metacyclic trypomastigotes, and (C) cell-derived trypomastigotes.
146 A. Acosta-Serrano et al. / Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143–150

Fig. 2. Diagram showing the possible types of TcMUC expressed on the surface of T. cruzi. This model is hypothetical and was drawn based on
the apparent molecular mass of isolated TcMUC and the abundance of the different TcMUC families in different stages of the parasite (see text
for details). The diagram shows the surface of different parasites expressing: (A) TcMUC containing the T(6 – 8)KP(1 – 2) repeats (family I); (B)
TcMUC containing variable N-terminal domains (family II), and (C) TcMUC family III.

and some evidence for the presence of such a pathway polymorphic group of genes (about 500 per haploid
in T. cruzi has been recently published [38]. genome) seems to encode the TcMUC [29,30,41,42]. All
The structure of the mucin GPI glycan also varies in the TcMUC genes encode proteins containing conven-
the different parasite stages. In the epimastigote and tional signal peptides and GPI anchor addition sites,
metacyclic mucins the GPI glycan core is mainly com- whereas the central regions are highly variable. These
posed of the linear structure Mana1 – 2Mana1 – central domains contain the sites for GlcNAc addition
2Mana1 –6Mana1 –4GlcN (Fig. 1A-B) [23,32]. In which may or may not be organized in tandem arrays
contrast, those present in cell-derived trypomastigotes of a variable number of repeat units, coding for at least
can be larger, containing a branch of Gal residues up to two type of consensus sequences (named in the order
eight units in length [34] (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, all they were discovered): T(6 – 8)KP(1 – 2) (family I), and
mucin GPI glycan cores can also be substituted at the KNT7ST3S(S/K)AP and DQT17 – 20NAPAKDT5-
third aMan (distal to the GlcN residue) and at the 7NAPK (family III; also called subfamilies L and S
GlcN residue by either ethanolamine phosphate and/or respectively [30]). Alternatively, some gene products
2-aminoethylphosphonate (2-AEP) groups [23,32,34]. contain central regions still rich in Thr, Ser and Pro
The presence of 2-AEP in the TcMUC GPIs, especially residues but not organized in repeated sequences (fam-
in the linkage between the GPI and the polypeptide, is ily II).
striking and so far unique for a GPI-anchored protein.
However, 2-AEP is a well known component in T. cruzi
3.1. De6elopmental expression of the TcMUC genes
GIPLs [7 – 9].
Whether every TcMUC gene is expressed is un-
known, but recent data suggest that there must be
3. The TcMUC are encoded by a multigene family stage-specific mechanisms that regulate the expression
of mucin polypeptides in T. cruzi. Hybridization analy-
SDS-PAGE analyses have demonstrated that the Tc- ses using RNA extracted from different developmental
MUC differ in size depending on the stage of the stages of the parasite show that family I of TcMUC
parasite. For instance, both epimastigote and meta- genes (whose products have the T(6 – 8)KP(1 – 2) repeat
cyclic trypomastigote forms express protease-resistant sequence) is expressed preferentially in the mammalian
mucins that migrate as two– three bands of about 35/ stages. In contrast, those genes with heterogeneous
50-kDa (depending on the parasite strain) [39,40]. On internal sequences (family II) are transcribed in variable
the other hand, mucins from mammalian trypomastig- amounts in all stages of the parasite life-cycle [42].
otes are partially sensitive at the C-termini to some Therefore, the presence of several T(6 – 8)KP(1 – 2) repeats
proteases, and they appear to be larger, migrating in in the mucins of trypomastigotes derived from mam-
SDS-PAGE as diffuse bands between 60 and 200 kDa malian cells should provide several targets for O-glyco-
[2,16,40]. Although differences in the degree of glycosy- sylation and consequently, potential sialic acid acceptor
lation exist between TcMUC from different develop- sites. This finding could explain why mammalian stage
mental stages, the differences in size and sensitivity to mucins are more glycosylated and larger in size than
proteolytic cleavage may also be due to the expression those expressed in insect forms [40]. A schematic repre-
of stage-specific mucin gene products. In fact a large sentation of these mucins is shown in Fig. 2A. The
A. Acosta-Serrano et al. / Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143–150 147

expression of TcMUC with non-repeated domains which are also involved in cell invasion [48,50– 52]. As
could result in a large number of glycoproteins with a Ca2 + response is not detectable in epimastigotes, one
poorly glycosylated hypervariable N-terminal domains intriguing possibility is that the nature of the lipid
(Fig. 2B). Recent data show that mRNAs from genes of moiety of the GPI anchor may influence the ability of
family III, which encode for small mucin polypeptides mucins to interact with plasma membrane components
(calculated molecular mass about 7 kDa), are highly associated with the downstream molecules of the signal-
abundant in epimastigote forms and are stabilized by ing cascade, either in the parasite or host cells.
the presence of AU-rich elements in the 3% UTR [30]. In trypomastigotes derived from infected mammalian
These findings strongly suggest that family III may be cells, the degree of mucin sialylation has little or no
abundantly expressed in the insect stages, which would effect on invasion [53], although antibodies directed to
be consistent with the small size of the TcMUC in these the mucins inhibit parasite entry [54]. Invasion depends
forms of the parasite. Such a hypothesis is strongly instead on the degree of sialylation of the host cell
supported by sequence analysis of the N-termini of [53,55,56]. The opsonization of trypomastigotes with
mucins isolated from epimastigote forms, which reveals anti-mucin antibodies, but not with antibodies to other
a high degree of homology with the predicted amino cell surface molecules of T. cruzi, prevents invasion of
acid sequences of the cDNA clones from family III these parasites to non-phagocytic cells transfected with
(ICA and MAJ Ferguson, unpublished observations). Fc receptors, suggesting that the TcMUC participate in
Nevertheless, since the expression of the TcMUC can the entry process [57].
potentially be regulated by both post-transcriptional The apparently contradictory role of the TcMUC in
and post-translational mechanisms, as found in other host cell invasion by different forms of T. cruzi suggests
T. cruzi cell surface molecules [43], the differential that these molecules might cooperate with other surface
expression of specific families of TcMUC in different molecules in the events of adhesion and internalization.
stages of the parasite life cycle remains speculative. A For instance, it is intriguing that TS from insect-derived
detailed analysis of the TcMUC polypeptides by mass trypomastigotes is much less active than that from
spectrometry may help to solve this puzzle. cell-derived trypomastigotes (0.03 vs 1 U/107 parasites,
respectively). As the degree of sialylation per se does
not account for invasion, the large amount of TS in
4. Mucins are involved in T. cruzi invasion cell-derived trypomastigotes — some without hy-
drolytic, or transfer activity, but with acceptor binding
There is strong evidence that the TcMUC play an capability [58] — might suggest a cooperative effect
important role in the recognition and invasion of mam- between TS and TcMUC in mediating interactions with
malian cells, although the mechanisms for this are still the host cells.
unclear. In metacyclic trypomastigotes, carbohydrate-
specific monoclonal antibodies and the purified mucin
itself, can inhibit parasite entry [14,44]. In addition, 5. The TcMUC as potent stimulators of
during host cell invasion the metacyclic mucins are proinflammatory macrophages
capped and extensively released in the parasitophorus
vacuole [1]. More recently, it was shown that purified Trypomastigotes derived from infected mammalian
mucins are able to trigger Ca2 + signals in target cells cells (as well as extracts from this stage of the parasite)
[45], an event associated with the early stages of host but not those corresponding to insect derived forms,
invasion (reviewed in [46]). Interestingly, both the Ca2 + are powerful inducers of the synthesis of proinflamma-
signals in the host cells, as well as the ability of meta- tory cytokines (e.g. IL-12 and TNF-a) and nitric oxide
cyclic forms to enter HeLa cells, increase upon treat- by macrophages [59–61]. Analysis of parasite mem-
ment of parasite with neuraminidase [47]. This suggests brane components led to the identification of mucins as
that SA residues on the surface of metacyclic trypo- being responsible for this biological activity [33–35].
mastigotes either inhibit the parasite interaction with The lipid moiety of the GPI anchor of the TcMUC
the cell or down-regulate an important event required from cell-derived trypomastigotes (specifically those
for invasion. One possibility is that the metacyclic with unsaturated fatty acids at the sn-2 position of the
trypomastigote mucin influences the relay of the signal glycerol moiety) and periodate-sensitive residues (e.g.
that leads to an increase in the parasite intracellular GPI glycans), are the major components involved
Ca2 + concentration [48] which is required for target [34,35]. In contrast, purified TcMUC (or GPI frag-
cell invasion [49]. At present, the mechanism by which ments) from both epimastigote and metacyclic trypo-
the metacyclic trypomastigote mucin molecule trans- mastigote forms, which contain alkylacyl-PI (with
duces external signals to the parasite interior is not saturated fatty acids) and ceramides respectively (see
clear. Perhaps the metacyclic mucin interacts with other above), are very poor activators of macrophages. It is
metacyclic surface glycoproteins such as Tc-85 or gp82, possible that the strong immunological activity induced
148 A. Acosta-Serrano et al. / Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 114 (2001) 143–150

by the cell-derived trypomastigote TcMUC, at a sub- 7. Concluding remarks

nanomolar range, is related to the excessive cell-medi-
ated immunity, which causes host tissue damage and Many exciting aspects of TcMUC remain to be ex-
death during the chronic phase of Chagas’ disease. plored in future research. For instance, what is the
Purified GPI anchored-glycoconjugates from amastig- function of parasite mucins in the interaction with the
ote forms are also good activators of monokine synthe- insect vector? Are the differences in structure, composi-
sis [17], although the structural basis of this activation tion and abundance of the TcMUC from the mam-
has not yet been characterized. malian stages associated with the infectivity pattern,
virulence, or tissue tropism? Very little is known about
the TcMUC gene regulation and biosynthesis. Because
6. Protective role of the TcMUC the TcMUC are unique and structurally very different
from the mammalian mucins, studies on the biosynthe-
The TcMUC are expressed in large amounts in all sis of these molecules could lead to the identification of
stages of the T. cruzi life cycle as a major surface new glycosylation pathways helpful in the discovery of
component of the parasite. Only in epimastigotes does highly specific targets for chemotherapy.
LPPG seem to be present in higher copy number
[62,63]. Because of their abundance ( 2 × 106 per par-
asite) and their high resistance to proteases and glycosi- Acknowledgements
dases [23,39], the TcMUC form a protective coat that
covers the entire parasite surface. The presence of such This work was supported by grants from CNPq and
protective shield may be important for parasite devel- FAPESP (Brazil). AAS was supported in part by
opment and growth in the insect vector, surviving the CONICIT (Venezuela) and by NIH grant AI21334 (to
action of digestive enzymes. Under these circumstances Paul Englund), and is currently a Wellcome Trust
it is worth mentioning that SA residues may not play Travelling Research Fellow. For ICA is a Research
any role since a powerful a2-3-specific sialidase activity Fellow from CNPq and is supported by a grant from
in the insect gut removes most of the SA from the FAPESP (1998/10495-5). We thank Paul Englund, Lys
parasite surface [18]. In addition, in metacyclic trypo- Guilbride, Marı́a Julia Manso Alves, Ernesto Marques
mastigote forms, which successfully initiate infection of and Terry Shapiro for critical reading of the manuscript
the mammalian gastrointestinal tract [64], the protease- and helpful suggestions, and Javier Di Noia and Carlos
resistant TcMUC may confer the ability to survive to Frasch for providing data before publication.
extreme low pH and the proteolytic enzymes present in
gastric secretion.
The TcMUC may also play an important protective Note added in proof
role in the vertebrate forms and in this case, an effective
sialylation of the parasite seems to be critical. When the During submission of this paper, another review
mucins are sialylated, each parasite acquires about 1× article on the TcMUC was published by A. Frasch
107 SA residues, resulting in a strong negative charge (Parasitol. Today 16, 282–286, 2000). This review con-
on the surface. This negatively charged coat is thought tains more updated information on the TcMUC protein
to protect against complement-independent lysis in- families.
duced by human anti-a-galactosyl antibodies [26]. The
protection mechanism apparently relies on the preven-
tion of membrane damage induced by capping, with SA
providing lateral repulsion between mucin molecules
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