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Etymology Focus:

LEV (Latin)
“light” or “to raise or lighten”
The little girl elevated her ice After her surgery, she was required
cream cone in delight. to elevate her leg.

elevate: lift up or raise part of speech: verb

The dignitaries demonstrated a level The teacher discouraged levity as
a levity that was not appropriate for students prepared to take their test.
the occasion.

levity: lack of appropriate seriousness part of speech: noun

Despite the magician’s claims, the The little boy grew frightened as
car did not levitate midair. his books began to levitate
above his head.

levitate: to float or rise in the air part of speech: verb

She used an icepack to alleviate She walks her dog daily to help
the pain in her ankle. alleviate stress and anxiety.

alleviate: to lighten or lessen the pressure; to make better or relieve

part of speech: verb

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