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Slide 1: Title - Present Participle as Adjective

Slide 2: Definition

The present participle is a verb form that ends in -ing, such as "running" or "swimming."

When used as an adjective, the present participle describes a noun or pronoun, adding information
about its characteristics or attributes.

The present participle is commonly used to create vivid and dynamic descriptions in English.

Slide 3: Formation

The present participle is formed by adding -ing to the base form of the verb.

For regular verbs, the present participle is formed by adding -ing to the base form, e.g., "walk" becomes
"walking," "play" becomes "playing."

Some irregular verbs have different forms, e.g., "run" becomes "running," "swim" becomes "swimming."

Slide 4: Examples

"The smiling baby" - In this example, "smiling" is a present participle used as an adjective to describe the
noun "baby." It tells us that the baby is showing a happy facial expression.

"The barking dog" - Here, "barking" is a present participle used as an adjective to describe the noun
"dog." It indicates that the dog is making a loud noise in the form of barking.

Slide 5: Functions

Describing appearance: "The shining sun," "The glowing stars"

Describing emotions: "The laughing child," "The excited crowd"

Describing actions: "The running water," "The sleeping cat"

Describing characteristics: "The charming smile," "The fascinating story"

Slide 6: Placement

The present participle is typically placed before the noun it modifies, e.g., "The dancing girl," "The
howling wind."

However, it can also come after a linking verb (e.g., "be," "seem," "feel") to describe the subject, e.g.,
"The cake is baking in the oven," "He felt tired after running for miles."

Slide 7: Caution

Be careful not to confuse the present participle with the gerund, which is another verb form ending in -
ing that functions as a noun.

Remember that the present participle is used as an adjective to describe a noun or pronoun, while the
gerund is used as a noun to name an activity or process.

Slide 8: Conclusion

The present participle is a versatile and powerful tool in English grammar that can be used to create vivid
descriptions and add richness to your writing.

By mastering the usage of present participles as adjectives, you can enhance your language skills and
make your writing more engaging and descriptive.

Slide 9: Thank You!

End with a thank you note and any contact information or references, if applicable.

I hope this presentation helps you understand the usage of the present participle as an adjective. If you
have any questions, feel free to ask!

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