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This paper was compiled to fulfill the assignments for the Advance English Grammar courses

Lecturer : Anisa Putri Cahyani,S.Pd.M.

Arranged by:

Risma Nur Halimah (206121080)

Aulya Rahma Dinda Siregar (206121089)

Rani Pramudita (206121096)

Choirunnisa Nur Fitria (206121111)




There is no action involved with copula verbs (linking verbs), they are linking, joining or
showing some short of relationship between the subject of a sentence and the subject

A. BE (am, is, are, was, were…)

How tu use “be”, the “be” verbs act like an equal sign, describing about the same thing.
There can not be adjective, but its can also be a noun or subject complement, but not an

He is tall -> “tall” is not an object to the verb “is”, “tall” is the subject
complement to the subject “he”.
 Be is means a fact.

How to use “seem” and “appear”

 she seem diligent.

 she appears to be nice.
 she look perfect.

All of these mean the same thing that I think, but I might be wrong too.

 she seems to be married

 she seems to be an executive

describe about situation, maybe she dressed in a suit like business sit, she has a bag, so
wheter its true or not we don’t know, that’s why she “seems to be” or “appear to be”.

We not add –ly, so its very important to remember, just because you have a verbs that’s
not a “be” verbs, it doesn’t mean that you must have an adverb. Copula verbs are not
followed by adverb, only adjective or noun complement.

Another thing to remember is that all of the verbs they don’t take an –ing form. In other
hand “get” and “become” can take an different forms.


How to use “get” and “become”.

“get” or “become” they are still linking verbs, but they suggest a change, “get” and
“become” where they used in this context like copular verbs always suggest change.

 she got married.

That doesn’t mean, theres no action here. “married” here is being used, it’s a participle,
its being used as an adjective. But also we can add –ing “she is getting married” –ing here
just explain situation and it’s a future, but now she is single or she become married
woman, there no action infolved. So “get” is explain about changing situation.


 “she has become to powerfull” ->”‘she has become” its not a sudden action, it’s a
suggesting a change time by time.


Passive sentence is the same as Indonesian, namely passive sentence, where the object
performs the action. In English, the passive form follows the active tense, with a change in the
third form of the verb. Remember, only verbal sentences can be converted into passive

Verbs such as give take both a direct object (DO) and an indirect object (IO) in two petterns : V
+ IO +DO or V + DO +preposition +O these verbs have two corresponding passives:


: V + DO +PREP + IO

 Alice gave us that vase (active)

 alice gave that vase to us (active)


 we were given that vase (by alice)

 that vase was given (to) us (by alice)

A. Passive Sentence Formulas and Examples

Passive sentence consists of subject, predicate and object. More clearly the
meaning of passive sentence is a verb that does not show action and only acts as a
recipient of action. See the example below:

 The bike was stolen by the thief. (sepeda itu dicruri oleh pencuri)
 The floor was cleaned by Paula. (lantai itu dibersihkan oleh Paula)

Contoh kalimat passive sentence di atas menyatakan bahwa sepeda telah dicuri oleh
pencuri. Dalam hal ini pencuri yang sebagai obejct yang melakukan aksi, sedangkan
subjectnya yaitu sepeda ialah benda yang dicuri. Begitu pula pada kalimat kedua. Jika
masih belum mengerti, lihat contoh lainnya:

 Reza was driven to the movie. (Reza menyetir mobil ke bioskop)

B. Functions of Passive Sentence

The first function of the passive sentence or passive sentence is used to show
interest in a person or object that is subject to action and not the person or object of the
perpetrator. So, the most important thing or person will be the subject of the sentence.
Like the following example sentence

 The book “Understanding and using English Grammar” was published in 1999.
 My motor bike is being repaired.

Furthermore, passive sentences function to express an action that we do not know

who did it, or we know the perpetrator but we do not want to mention it. Here is an
example sentence.

 The floor has been sweet.

 My cellphone was stolen

Dan preposisi “by” digunakan untuk menunjukkan siapa yang melakukan sebuah
tindakan. Contohnya seperti kalimat dibawah ini.

 My cellphone was stolen by Mr. xxx.

 My motor bike was repaired by Carrol.

Kalimat passive atau passive sentence berfungsi untuk kita berbicara atau menulis
dalam situasi yang formal. Contohnya adalah.

 Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gages.

 Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways
Exercises 22 Rewrite the sentences using one or, if possible, two passive forms. Look
carefully at the tense.

1. Someone handed me a note as hanted a note/A note was handed te me

2. Someone offered her a second-hand bicycle

3. Someone has proposed improvements to the developers

4. Someone suggested some interesting changes to me

5. Someone awarded him a prize

6. Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting journalists

7. Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves

8. Someone has lent me some skis

9. Someone is sending me a lot of spam emails

10. Someone is going to explain the changes to the students

23 : FORMING PASSIVE SENTENCE 2 : verb +ing or infinitive

Verbs followed by object + ing in the active are made passive with ‘be’ + past particple
+ ing.


 they saw the monkey climbing over the fence (=active)

 the monkey was seen climbing over the fence (=passive)

Also : bring, catch,hear,find, keep,notice,observe,send,show.

Some that can be followed by an object consisting of a noun phrase and –ing form be
used with passive form being + past participle :

 I really love being given presents

 the children enjoyed being taken to the zoo
Also : avoid,deny,describe,dislike,face,hate,(not), imagine,like,remember,report,resent.

Verbs which in the active are followed by an object consisting of a noun phrase and –ing
clause usually have no passive.

 I dread him (for his) finding out ( but not he is dreaded finding out)

Also : anticipate,appreciate,dislike,forget, hate, imagine, like, (not) mind, recall,remember.

Active patterns with verb + to-infinitivo

The active pattern verb + object + to-Infinitive is made passive with 'be' + past
participlo + to- Infinitive. Compare:

 Mr Wang has taught Poter to sing for years. and

 Poter has been taught to sing (by Mr Wang) for years.
Note that in somo contoxts it is possible to make both vorbs passive:

 Changos to the taration system are expected to be proposed. (compare tho active Wo
expect the government to propose changes to the taxation system.)
Some verbs followed by an objoct + to-infinitive in the active have no passive:

 Susan liked Karl to be thero. (but not Karl vwas liked to bo there.)
Also (can't) bear, hato, love, need. prefer, want, wish ( 'liking' and wonting' verbs)


The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action
rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing
or person becomes the subject of the sentence. There are several ways to use passives :

A. We usually use a passive voice rather than active voice in following situations:
1. To omit the subject of the corresponding active sentence by leaving out the
prepositional phrase with by. We prefer passives when the agent:

 Is not known : My bycicle was stolen when I was on holiday.

 Is ‘people in general : It was believed that the sun revolved around the

 Is unimportant : All articles are reproofread before publication.

(who proofreads them is not important, probably the team of editors)

 Is obvious : she is being treated in hospital. (the agent/subject

is clearly ‘medical staff’)

2. In factual writing, we usually use passive to describing prosedures or processes.

3. In informal contexts, particularly in confersation. Example:

 I was born on march 2nd 1999.

 He’s called Kevin.

B. Some verbs have related nouns which express the same meaning. These nouns can be
used as the subject of passive sentences, with a new passive verb introduced.

 The installation of new computer system will be completed by next month.

C. We usually prefer to put the topic at the beginning of a sentence and a comment on that
topic at the end. Using the passive allows us to put long subjects at the end of a sentence.

 I was surprised by dev’s decision to give up his job and move to Sydney. (is
more natural than ‘Dev’s decision to give up his job and moves to Sydney
surprised me’)

D. To change the that-clause subject to be it-clause.

 Everybody believed that the task would be difficult. (active)

 It was believed that the task would difficult. (passive) (is more natural than ‘that
the task would difficult was believed by everybody’)


There are several ways to reporting with passive :

A. We use a passive to report what people say, think, etc, particularly if it is not important to
mention who is being reported.

 Everyone has been told to clean the house after the party over.

B. Another common way is to use it + passive verb + that-clause. (Using this pattern
allows us to put important information at the end of the sentence.)

That clause is a clause that started with ‘that’ word.

 It is reported that the store is close today.

 It was decided that the plan should be cancelled.

We can use these verb : allege, announce, assume, believe, calculate, claim, consider,
demonstrate, discover, establish, estimate, expect, feel, find, know, mention,
recommend, reveal, say, so, suggest, suppose, think, understand, agree, decide, hope,
intend, plan, purpose (can also be followed by a to-infinitive clause)

Many other verbs connected with reporting are not used with it + passive verb + that-
clause, but can be used as in point A

 we have been informed that we have to leave. (but not it has informed us)

These verbs need a personal object before the that-clause in an active form (they have to
informed us that … )

Also : encourage, persuade, reassure, remind, tell, warn.

C. Use subject + passive verb + to-infinitive if we want the subject to be the topic of the

To infinitive is clause that started with ‘to + infinitive (kata dasar)’ like to go, to eat, to
sing, to be, etc.

 The store is reported to be close today.

Most of the verb listed in the first white box in B can also be used in this pattern except

announce, decide, mention, propose, recommend, suggest.

D. We can also use it + passive verb + wh-clause to report information given or found out.

Wh clause is clause that started with ‘wh word’ like what, who, when, which, whom,
wheter, etc.

 It has now been revealed who was responsible for the accident.

E. When a that-clause begins that + there … , we can make a corresponding passive form
there + passive verb+ to be / to have been

 It is thought (that) there are too early to start a relationship.

 There are thought to be too early to start a relationship.

We can use the same verbs in this pattern as with subject+ passive verb + to-infinitive


WH questions are a set of question words used to ask something such as asking time, place,
person, thing, reason, method, and so on.

A. Who (siapa), Who is used to ask people,and can be a subject, object or complement.

Example :

 Who owns that car ?

 Who did you meet ?

 Who was her father ?

B. Whom (dengan siapa), Whom is used to ask people, where the person in question is the
object of the sentence and also directly prepositions

Example :
 Whom did you meet ?

 To whom were you talking ?

C. Which (yang mana),

Which is used to ask about the certainty of a choice between people or things.

Example :

 Which one is the most delicious?

 Which of you would like to go first? (rather than Who of ...?)

 I’ve decided to buy one of these jumpers. Which one do you think I should

Refer to people when we want to identify somebody in the group.

Example :

 “Which is your brother?” “The one next to Luka” (talking about photograph)

And we can use which instead of who to talk about particular classes of people.

Example :

 Which do you think earns more, a teacher or a police officer (or Who do you

D. How (bagaimana), How is used to ask how something can be done or ask about age,
distance, quantity, price, duration, frequency, condition, and quality

Example :

 How to make an omelette?

 How many cats do you have in your house? (untuk countable noun)

 How much money do you have? (untuk uncountable noun)

 How was your day?

E. Whose (punya siapa),We can use whose to ask about the person that owns or is
responsible for something.

Example :
 Whose idea is it?

 Whose car is that? (mobil siapa itu?)

 Whose turn is this?



A. Negative Questions

We usually make a negative yes / no or wh – question with an auxiliary verb

(have,did,would, etc.) + -n’t to suggest, persuade, criticise, etc.

Example :

 Wouldn’t it be better to go tomorrow?s

 Why don’t we go out for a meal?

 Aren’t you tired?

 Haven’t you been here before?

There are two important things to remember :

1) These questions are only used with yes/no questions

Example :

 Didn't you quit your job last week?

 Isn't she sick today?

2) These questions can be confusing to answer. Even native speakers sometimes get
confused. There is an easy way to solve this problem. Do not answer with one word
(Yes/No). Instead use a short sentence.

Example :

 A) Hasn't she been to Europe?

B) No, she hasn't.
B. Echo Questions

is a type of direct question that repeats part or all of something that someone else has just
said to you. Usually we use an echo question because we have not heard what they said or
because we are surprised by what the speaker has told us. We might repeat,usually with a
rising intonation

Example :

A : “ I went to Iceland to visit the volcanos”

B : “ You went where? To visit what?”

C. Questions with That-Clauses

A wh- question can refer to a following that-clauses, particullary after verbs such as expect,
hope, reckon, say, suggest, suppose, and think. We can leave out that in these question :

 When do you reckon (that) you’ll finish the job?

However, when the wh – word is the subject, object or complement of the verb in the
subordinate clause, we do not use that :

 What did you think was in the box? ( not what did you think that was in the box?)

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