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Marine Electric Company

Q: Discuss the objectives of the company?

Marine electric company
 An electric equipment manufacturing company
 Established as a departmental concern of the state government
 A public limited company

Objectives of the company includes

 Participative style of management evolution

 Ensure good working relationships
 Employee job satisfaction
 Wage commensurate with experience and performance
 Career development
 Good willingness towards company and among the employees
 Humanity and empathy among each other

Q: Explain the recruitment plan of the company?

About five years back, the organization consisted of 19 managers, 60 departmental heads and about 100
superintendents. Most of them had, to their credit, more than 10–12 years of experience in the
company and were looking for better opportunities and advancement in the organization.
Appraisal system & promotions:
The company has an individual appraisal system, which is confidential in nature. It is treated as an
annual ritual and only adverse remarks are looked into while considering the individual for next
The recruitment and promotion in the supervisory and management cadres were governed by the
“Cadre and Recruitment Rules of the Company”.
 The rules stipulated that managers should be selected through promotions from the cadre of
departmental heads, giving preference to the departmental heads of the same division.
 Direct recruitment at this level was allowed only when there was no departmental head who
could be promoted.
The company believed in “new blood theory” while recruiting persons at the level of departmental
heads, and other levels, and hence allowed 20 percent quota for direct recruitment at the level of
departmental heads and 15 percent at other lower levels.
The rules also stipulated that while promoting superintendents to posts of departmental heads,
preference should be given to the superintendents of the same department.
While promoting supervisors to the level of superintendents,
 First preference was given to supervisors of the same section.
 Second preference to supervisors of the same department.
 Third preference to supervisors of the same division.

Q: Comment on the grievance of the departmental heads and superintendents.

Some of the grievances include...
(a) there is no future for an employ in this organization because personal ability or merit is not
considered for promotion in the organization
(b) An individual may be promoted by just for namesake because that individual will do the same job as
he/she was doing before the promotion

National Electric Equipment Company

Q: - Discuss the factors causing company losses?

The General Manager had been concerned about the losses the company had been incurring since the
last seven years.
A preliminary discussion amongst the managerial group indicated that the following factors were
responsible for these losses,
 excessive overtime payment.
 idle working time.
 power failure.
 shortage of materials.
 communication gap between the top management and the workers at the shop floor.
 Lack of motivational incentive and plan and lack of training of personnel at all levels.

Q: What was the scope adopted by the Consultants?


The survey was conducted using

(i) a structured questionnaire, and
(ii) interviews with key managerial personnel of the unit.
 The questionnaire was given to a sample of 15 managers and assistant managers and 38
supervisors from different shops/departments.
 The consultants, in their report, relied more on the responses of managers/ assistant managers
than those of supervisors, since most of the supervisors were not able to give their opinions on
their own.
The main points from the survey were identified as:
 Human resources were not properly utilized
 Absenteeism was reported to be a major problem in human resources utilization.
 Few managers even felt that the skills of people were not matched with the requirements of the
job. This was because of the lack of suitable recruitment policy and training scheme.
 Lack of clear objectives and goals are identified
 Majority of the managers felt that the productivity in the unit was low. Some of them even
pointed out that the rewards and punishment procedures were not well drafted
 Majority of the managers there was unhealthy rivalry between managers at certain levels at
 The inability of managers caused the lack of motivation in supervisors
 Subordinates are not consulted by supervisors nor their opinions are bothered
 Micro level planning is missing
 Information exchange from one department to other is missing
 The environment is lacking its positive nature
Q: What was the methodology adopted by the Consultants?
The methodology adopted by consultants was
 Building up of a positive work culture, which at present seemed to be lacking.
 Overcoming employees’ resistance to change.
 Exposing employees to new management concepts designed to improve organizational
 Creating conditions for quick absorption of modern technology.
 Micro level planning was missing and it needed to be introduced and strengthened.
 Exposing of both supervisors and managers to human relations concepts and man management
skills so as to improve their effectiveness.
 Training in supervisory skills to handle educated and uneducated workers.

Q: What solutions you propose to overcome the shortcomings of the management?


I’d suggest these solutions to overcome the shortcomings of management.

 Proper utilization of Human resource department.
 Right person for right job- suitable recruitment policy and training scheme.
 Active Information flows from one department to other.
 Positive environment to motivate employees.
 Effective micro level planning.
 Clear objective and well identified goals
 Change management should be inculcated and employees should be trained to accept and
adapt to change.
 Along with the technical skills, employees should be also trained in the area of managerial skills.
 Frequent meetings and training sessions on modern technology will help them adapt to new
 Both the managers, and supervisors should be given training on basic human skills to avoid
conflicts in the organization.
 Training for supervisors in supervisory skills is mandatory as there are differences between
supervisor and subordinate
 They can also create programs which will bring all the employees together and build their
 During the appraisal process, their feedback should also be considered

Case 3 Rash Pharmaceuticals

Q: Identify the problem, which caused to hire the services of consultant?

Company’s hire consultants to analyzed the following factors which causing lost to company
• The company has lost its second position in the industry and slide to the third position
• Absenteeism is on the increase and is found to be hovering around 10–11 percent.
• Employee turnover has reached 22 percent.

Q: Discuss the strength of the company.

According to the article the main strengthen areas of company were the employees and human
resource with the major aspects as mentioned by consultants.
• The top management collects information before taking decisions, which it can take quickly and often
under pressure and it also has the will to implement its decisions.
• Rash Pharmaceuticals has a large percentage of employees who are highly educated. They have
several years of formal education as well as professional training. These employees are also keen to
keep themselves updated by reading professional journals and magazines.
• Immediate supervisors have been perceived to be open to suggestions from their subordinates and
have shown inclination to change if change suggested is feasible.
Q: How you would initiate to manage the concerns of the report from the consultant?
I’d initiate to manage the concerns of the report from the consultant by follows
1. There should be proper time given to employee for social life and discourage the
overtime work.
2. Employees should be rewarded by appreciation certificates or any celebration should be
held after milestone completion.
3. Open channel of communications from top to bottom and vice versa.
4. Development of Training and development department to cope up with changes and
effective planning process.

Case 4: Techtel Company

Ques: Discuss the problems faced by TechTel?

It was a tough time for TechTel,
 facing hostility from media,
 politicians and all other quarters which looked at them with suspicion.

At this stage, TechTel carried out a survey in the local community about their perceptions,
apprehensions and expectations from TechTel.
 The survey revealed that most of the fears were due to a lack of clarity.
 TechTel felt the need for clear and complete communication
Q: Comment on the solution adopted by TechTel?
Techtel get to know the importance of clear and complete communication. A structured plan for regular
communication with the media, government, local community and the surrounding villages was then
put in motion and responsibilities allocated.
And it worked out effectively even in less than 6 months.
All agitation died down and the locality was all praises for the plant’s contribution to the local
community by Realising the power of clear and timely communication.
Q; Explain the communication model followed by Mr. Gupta.
Realising the power of clear and timely communication, Mr.Gupta took a lesson from the incident and
decided that at TechTel everybody will be well informed, which will have an influence on his efficiency
too. He also felt that this would bring in a sense of involvement and commitment in the long run. The
vision and culture of the group were designed to make it a strong and stable organization powered from
within by a committed workforce. The group firmly believes in total employee involvement through
their empowerment and participation in decision-making.
To meet future challenges, TechTel has taken many initiatives to build their knowledge infrastructure.
TechTel’s vision is to be globally the best value provider of video display and other chosen products,
through leveraging technology and competencies by creating a culture of self-striving with focus on total
employee involvement towards customer satisfaction. TechTel believes that people with initiative and
the capacity to excel, are prime movers in an organization have an independent mind and want to be

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