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Ta 2020/2021

Supporting Lecturer: Ms. Yelmi Reni Putri, S.Kep., MAN

Arranged By:
Laviola Septinezia Ababil (1814201071)


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Praise the presence of Allah SWT for giving us The grace and guidance so I can finish This
complete my English task.

The writer realizes that this paper isn't perfect, so I hope the reader can give me the suggestions
and cricits for the better paper.

The Writer would like to say Thankyou for all the parties, especially for the English supporting
lecturer "Ms. Yelmi Reni Putri, S.Kep., MAN" who guided me on writing this paper.

I hope this paper can be useful for nurse student and the reader.

Jambi, September 29, 2020

Laviola Septinezia



Premarital sexual behavior is a form of adolescent sexual behavior deviation. Adolescence is a

transitional period that is at a potential period, both cognitively, emotionally and physically.
World Population Monitoring data in 2012 shows that adolescents aged 10-19 make up one-fifth
of the world's population. The projection of Indonesia's population aged 10-24 years in 2019 is
67,289.9 thousand people from 268,074.6 thousand people. Based on the comparison of these
data, it was found that the Indonesian population aged 10-24 years amounted to 25% of the total
population of Indonesia in the 2019 population projection. Population projections in 2020-2030
also show that Indonesia will get a demographic bonus where the number of productive age 15-
64 years will be greater. compared to young and old age. Premarital sexual behavior is behavior
that is related to sexual urges with the opposite sex or the same sex, which is carried out before
the existence of a legal marriage relationship, both religiously and legally. The Center for
Disease Control (CDC) conducted a national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) in the United
States in 2015. From this survey, it was found that 41.2% of students at the 9-12 grade level had
had sexual intercourse. 30.1% of students were sexually active and 11.5% of students had sexual
relations with 4 or more different partners. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a
national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) in the United States in 2015. From this survey, it
was found that 41.2% of students at the 9-12 grade level had had sexual intercourse. 30.1% of
students were sexually active and 11.5% of students had sexual relations with 4 or more different
partners. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a national Youth Risk Behavior
Survey (YRBS) in the United States in 2015. From this survey, it was found that 41.2% of
students at the 9-12 grade level had had sexual intercourse. 30.1% of students were sexually
active and 11.5% of students had sexual relations with 4 or more different partners.

IDHS data shows an increase in adolescent sexual behavior. In 2007, 69% of boys and 68% of
girls had held hands, increasing in 2012 to 79.6% of boys and 71.6% of girls having held hands.
In 2007, 9% of adolescents have felt or stimulated their partner, increasing to 29.5% of boys and
6.2% of girls having touched or stimulated their partner. 41% of boys and 27% of girls had
kissed on the lips in 2007, increasing to 48.1% of boys and 29.3% of girls having kissed their
lips in 2012.

The impact of premarital sexual behavior is not only unwanted pregnancy, abortion and sexually
transmitted diseases, but also long-term impacts. A teenager can be said to be qualified if they
have prepared themselves with a lot of knowledge that can raise their self-productivity. The
success of the population in the adult age group depends on their adolescence. If you are unable
to face the demographic bonus, what will happen is an explosion of unemployment that triggers
crime, an increase in the government's burden in social welfare, a sharp difference in income
between skilled and unskilled, and so on. For this reason, quality improvement is needed by
improving health, education and science and technology. (3) If premarital sexual behavior is not
immediately addressed, hence the impact, will hinder adolescents from improving their quality of
life and have a long-term impact, one of which is unpreparedness in facing the demographic
bonus. For this reason, researchers are interested in examining the factors associated with
premarital sexual behavior. By knowing the factors related to premarital sexual behavior,
preventive and coaching measures can be taken so that adolescents can be saved from premarital
sexual behavior which will have a long-term impact on themselves and the nation and state. For
this reason, researchers are interested in examining the factors associated with premarital sexual
behavior. By knowing the factors related to premarital sexual behavior, preventive and coaching
measures can be taken so that adolescents can be saved from premarital sexual behavior which
will have a long-term impact on themselves and the nation and state. For this reason, researchers
are interested in examining the factors associated with premarital sexual behavior. By knowing
the factors related to premarital sexual behavior, preventive and coaching measures can be taken
so that adolescents can be saved from premarital sexual behavior which will have a long-term
impact on themselves and the nation and state.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is sexuality in adolescents? 2. What factors will influence sexual behavior in

adolescents? 3. What is the impact of sexual behavior on adolescents? 4. How to prevent sexual
behavior from affecting adolescents?
C. Purpose

1. The audience wants to know what sex happens to adolescents?

2. explain what factors influence sexual behavior?

3. Audience to know What is the impact of sexual behavior?

4. Audience to know how to maintain the influence on sexual behavior?



Definition of sexuality a. The terms sex and sexuality are different things. The word sex is often
used in two ways. Most commonly sex is used to refer to the physical part of intercourse, namely
genital sexual activity. Sex is also used to label gender, whether a person is male or female
(Zawid, 1994; Perry & Potter 2005).

Sexuality is a broader term. Sexuality is expressed through interactions and relationships with
individuals of different sexes and includes thoughts, experiences, lessons, ideals, values,
fantasies, and emotions. Sexuality relates to how a person feels about themselves and how they
communicate these feelings to the opposite sex through the actions they do, such as touching,
kissing, hugging, and sexual intercourse, and through more subtle behaviors, such as gestures,
etiquette, dress, and vocabulary (Denny & Quadagno, 1992; Zawid, 1994; Perry & Potter, 2005).
Adolescence development of sexuality begins when there is interaction between the opposite sex,
be it interactions between friends or interactions when dating. In dating her partner, Teenagers
involve emotional aspects which are expressed in various ways, such as giving flowers, giving
eyes, sending letters, holding hands, kissing and so on. On the basis of sexual urges and feelings
of attraction towards the opposite sex, teenage behavior begins to be directed to attract the
attention of the opposite sex. In order to seek knowledge about sex, there are teenagers who
openly conduct experiments in sexual life.
Sexual behavior is behavior that involves physically touching limbs between a man and a woman
who has reached the stage of intimate relationship, which is usually done by married couples
(Irawati and Pruhgiyatno, 2005). In Kartono (2006), sexual behavior is behaviors related to
reproductive functions or that stimulate sensation in receptors located on or around the
reproductive organs or erogenous areas.


1. Topic: Health Promotion in Adolescent Sexuals in Adolescents

2. Target: Lecturers and Students

3. Method: Lecture, Discussion, Exercise, and Question and Answer

4. Media: Laptops, leaflets, and videos

5. Time and Place:

A. Thursday

b. Date: 01 October 2020

c. Hour :

d. Time: 60 Minutes


6. Place the settings


1. Take responsibility

A. Moderator:
Laviola Septinezia

b. Presentator:

Laviola Septinezia

c. Observer:

Laviola Septinezia

d. Provider:

Laviola Septinezia

2. Job Description:

A. Moderator

The role of moderator at the beginning of counseling

1) Open the extension

2) Introducing yourself

3) Classification of time and place contracts

4) Creating a language contract

5) Delivering outreach objectives

6) Delivering information systematics

The role of moderator at the end of counseling

1) Re-evaluate the client's knowledge of the material

2) given (ask each point that has been explained)

3) Convey Conclusions
4) Close outreach

b. Presentator

1) Foster a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere during the presentation

2) Exploring the audience's knowledge about the material points to be explained

3) Provide positive reinforcement to the audience's answer (does not mean justifying wrong

4) Explain the material in easy to understand language

c. Observer

1) Observe the course of counseling

2) Documenting the course of extension

3) Documented points related to structure evaluation, process evaluation, final evaluation

d. Provider

1) Maintain the smooth running of education

2) Facilitating the audience to ask questions

3) Maintain calm during outreach


NO. Extension Activities Participant Activities Time

1. Orientation Phase
1. Greeting and introducing all
group members Answer greetings 5 minutes

2. Explain the topic

Listen and pay attention
2. 3. Explain the purpose of
extension Listening and
Work Phase

4. Digging audience knowledge

about understanding
Sexual in adolescents Answer questions
5. Provide reinforecement about minutes
sexual understanding in
adolescents Listen and pay attention

6. Explain to the audience about

sexuality in adolescents Listen and pay attention

7. Exploring audience
knowledge about Answer questions
Sexual in adolescents
8. Member reinforecement
about sexual classification in Listen and pay attention

9. Describe the sexual Listen and pay attention

classification of adolescents

10. Exploring audience Answer questions

knowledge about Sexual
Causing Factors
In adolescents
11. Provide reinforecement about Listen and pay
sexual factors in adolescents attention

12. Explain about the factors that

cause sexual
At the renaja Listen and pay
13. Exploring audience
knowledge about Sexual
Signs and Symptoms in Answer questions

14. Provide reinforecement about

exploring audience Listen and pay
knowledge about sexual signs attention
and symptoms
In adolescents

15. Explain about exploring

audience knowledge about Listen and pay
sexual signs and symptoms in attention

16. Explore audience knowledge

about Sexual Management
In adolescents Answer questions

17. Provide reinforecement on

sexual management in
Listen and pay
18. Describes Sexual attention
In adolescents
19. Exploring the audience's Listen and pay
knowledge about different attention
kinds of complementary
3. therapies to overcome
sexuality Answer questions
In adolescents

20. Provide reinforecement about

various kinds of
complementary therapies to
overcome sexuality in
adolescents Listen and pay
21. Describes the Kinds of
Complementary Therapies to
Overcome Sexua in

22. Exploring audience

knowledge about procedures Listen and pay
and procedures for doing attention
complementary therapy to
overcome sexuality in

23. Provide reinforecement on Answer questions

procedures and procedures
for carrying out
complementary therapy to
overcome sexuality in

24. Describe the procedures and Listen and pay

procedures for doing attention
complementary therapy to
overcome sexuality in

25. Play a Video About

Complementary Therapies
for Overcoming Sexuality in Listen and pay
Adolescents attention

26. Practicing the

Complementary Therapies
described with the Audience

Closing Listen and pay

27. Re-evaluate the material that
has been given.

Practicing and Noting

28. Provide positive
reinforcement to participants.

29. Provide opportunities for

extension participants to ask Delivering responses
questions. during activities.

30. Summing up the extension

Receive reinforcement. 5 minutes
31. Close the meeting and give
Ask questions

32. Listen carefully

33. Answer greetings

1. Structure Evaluation:
a. Readiness of Students to Provide Extension Materials
b. Media And Tools Adequate.
c. Settings In Accordance With Activities.
d. Quiet atmosphere and nothing downstream
2. Process Evaluation:
a. During the Extension Process, it is expected that the audience can attend all
b. During the Extension Activities, Active Audiences are expected.
3. Results Evaluation:
a. 60% of participants were able to answer the questions suggested by the moderator
during the evaluation.
b. 40% of participants were able to mention again about:
1) Knowing the Definition of Sexual in Adolescents
2) Knowing Sexual Classification in Adolescents
3) Knowing the Causes of Sexual Factors in Adolescents
4) Knowing Sexual Signs and Symptoms in Teens
5) Knowing How to Prevent Sexuality in Teens
6) Knowing the Kinds of Complementary Therapies to Overcome Sexual
7) Know the Procedures and Procedures for Complementary Therapies to
Overcome Sexual Adolescents


1. Definition of Sexual Behavior
Sexual behavior is behavior that involves physically touching limbs between a man and a
woman who has reached the stage of intimate relationship, which is usually carried out
by married couples (Irawati and Pruhgiyatno, 2005). In Kartono (2006), sexual behavior
(sexual behavior) is behaviors related to reproductive functions or that stimulate
sensation in receptors located on or around the reproductive organs or erogenous areas.
According to Sarwono (2011) sexual behavior is all behavior that is driven by good
sexual desire. which is done alone, with the opposite sex or of the same sex. These
behaviors can take many forms, from feelings of attraction to dating, making out, and
having sex. The sexual object can be someone else,


Internal factors, namely stimuli originating from within the individual in the form of
reproductive hormones so that they generate sexual urges in the individual concerned and
this demands immediate satisfaction. b. External factors, namely stimuli originating from
outside the individual that cause sexual urges so that give rise to sexual behavior. This
external stimulus can be obtained through dating experiences, information about
sexuality, discussions with friends, experiences of masturbation, the influence of adults
and the influence of reading books and porn shows.


Among them are decreased enthusiasm for learning, ridiculed by friends, getting
pregnant, dropping out of school, embarrassing yourself and your parents, feeling guilty,
angry, depressed, getting married at a young age, having to pay for your children and


1. Building Youth Life

Adolescence is a vulnerable period, because it is in a transitional period, from childhood when

sitting in elementary school to adulthood. As a transitional period between childhood and
adulthood, there are very rapid changes physically, psychologically and socially. Physical
development equals adults, but psychological and social development has not been able to keep
up with the rapid physical development.

There are developmental tasks that adolescents need to complete, develop normally and become
adults as follows:

1. Developing satisfying relationships with peers, both with the same sex and the opposite
2. Developing their identity as a living being with the sex, namely as male or female
3. Accept the state of himself as a whole
4. Free yourself from emotional dependence on your parents by maintaining a close and
respectful relationship
5. Choosing and preparing for marriage or family
6. Develop intellectual knowledge and skills and prepare for jobs
7. Develop responsible behavior
8. Developing values, ethics and harmony as a guide for life.
The role of parents is needed because adolescence tends to be rebellious and against the
authorities (parents, teachers and regulations) in order to find their identity. Adolescents often
seek their identity by accepting values outside their parents, such as: teachers, friends and figures
they embrace as their idols. As a result, there are often conflicts and even conflicts of values with
parents. This condition is a stressful condition for adolescents, which can cause a variety of
complex problems, including drug use and risky sexual behavior.

Juvenile delinquency in this modern era has exceeded reasonable limits. Many minors are
familiar with smoking, drugs, Freesex, fighting, and are involved in many other crimes. This can
happen because of the juvenile delinquency factors, namely:

 lack of parental love.

 lack of parental supervision.
 hanging out with friends who are not the same age.
 the role of science and technology developments that have a negative impact.
 absence of personality guidance from the school.
 lacking religious fundamentals
 no media channeling his talents and hobbies
 excessive freedom
 buried problem

some tips for overcoming and preventing juvenile delinquency, namely:

 The need for love and attention from parents in any case.
 There is supervision from parents who do not restrain. For example: parents may allow
children or adolescents to do whatever is reasonable, and if according to parental
supervision, the teenager has crossed the appropriate limit, parents need to tell their
children the impact and consequences they must bear if the child continues to do things
that have passed. these limits.
 Let him hang out with his peers, who are only 2 or 3 years apart in age, either older than
him. Because if we let him hang out with playmates who are really not the same age as
him, whose lifestyle is definitely different, then he too can be carried away with a
lifestyle he probably shouldn't have lived through.
 Necessary and intensive supervision of communication media such as tv, internet, radio,
mobile phones, etc.
 Personality guidance is needed at school, because that is where children spend more time
than at home.
 The need for religious learning that is carried out from an early age, such as worshiping
and visiting places of worship according to their beliefs.
 parents need to support the hobby that the child wants as long as it is still positive for the
child. Never do parents prevent hobbies or opportunities for children to develop talents
they like as long as they are Positive. Because by prohibiting it can interfere with the
personality and self-confidence of the child.
 Parents must be a comfortable place for their children to CURHAT, so that parents can
guide their children when they are facing problems.

1. The role of parents about sexuality in adolescents was 57.5% in the moderate category.
2. The source of information obtained by adolescents about health, especially about sex
or reproductive health as much as 74.5% in many categories.
3. Sexual behavior in adolescents was mostly in the moderate category, namely 44.4%.
4. There is a significant relationship between the role of parents and sexual behavior
There are two important things that underlie sexual behavior in adolescents, namely hope for
married at a relatively small age (age 20 years) and the rapid flow of information that can lead to
sexual arousal in adolescents, especially adolescents in urban areas. This stimulation encourages
teenagers to have premarital sexual intercourse.

1. For Teens: Teens can increase knowledge about sexual behavior about
sex or reproductive health, by seeking good and accurate information as well as being able
choose good friends so as not to be influenced by sexual misconduct
or diverge.
2. For families, especially parents a. Creating a close family atmosphere
thus creating open communication between parents and adolescents
including communication about sexuality and reproductive health.

April, Lia Dewi Retno.2017 "_journal of sexual behavior_" Faculty of psychology, UMP.
Lestari Yuniar, Mahampang & Yaunin Yaslinda. (2016). Journal of Factors related to adolescent
sexual behavior. Padang
Wellina Sebayang Yohana Gultonm, & Eva Royani Sidabutar. (2018). sexual behavior in
adolescents. Yogyakarta.

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