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Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

a -A bolt from the blue

 -Pride goes before a fall


 -Familiarity breeds contempt

a k
 k-Too much courtecy too much craft

a i-Grasp all lose all

a  t g  -Too much of anything is bed


  -Too much of anything is good for nothing/Too far east is west



 &e !(  -Ill got ill spent

a) *
 !t  &
-Black will take no other hue

a)  p *-   p
*.-Give him an inch ,He will take a yard

a/ 0  / 
1-His dog is barking at him

i -(To)Beat about the bush

s -Poverty is the mother of crime

5-Crying in the wilderness

ak  5i  -God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb

a6 7 a6  !(-Money is the root of all evils

a8  1 9-Everyday is a holyday for sluggards

a 54 ;-A little learning is a dangerous thing

a -  m -(At)Daggers daen

8* i=8  !0-Dont bargain for fish that are still in the water

8*  !-To build castles in the air

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 1

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

8> an ! an-Out of sight,out of mind

8  @-The yearly bird catches the worm

 ! s-Necessity knows no law

8t  !4
 я --He that is worm thinks all are so

!=  t
*F-Every dog is a lion at home

8 5  !G-Every potter praises his pot

s я "
05,  a0  p 5-If you leap into a well providence is not bound to fetch you out

 a 5 8
 -To the pure all things come pure

8 5
 H-(To)Trouble trouble before trouble trouble

a!" 0
 8!" I
  7-No good apple on a sour stock

i a -All roads lead to roam

ଖ ! 
-Tempest in atea cup

8 a
 -All cats are grey in the dark/A black plum is as sweet as a white

*i  ,  !( ,!=  !(
=  7 i=
$i -Scratch my back, i will scratch yours

 > 8 !  8
 >-Honour thyself,honour buy

5> 4 (a s
5> 4 s )-Cut your coat according to your cloth

ic M
 u 8
-Where there is a well there is a way

ut! !O!(
5 )-(To )Give one a good dressing

&  9 k !
-Fortune favours the brave

ei 6 8=

5  -Tempest in a tea-pot

e 7 (
!/ 8/)-Union is strength

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 2

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

e @ !u;
 @ u;-(To)Hunt with the hound and fly with the hare

e !i

 bh 4-(To be)Between horns of a dilemma

1 @
5 -To add insult to injury/To add fuel to fire

 a ! 5S

-Names and natures do not agree

  e-(To)Fish in troubled waters

  8-What is lotted cannot be blotted


T / -(To)set a thief catch a thief

-By hook or by crook

 U V !
  7-No pains no gains/No sweet with out sweat

.; @    %u= %u= -(To)teach one’s grandmother to grope her ducks

5u 6e  d 5
* @ -Bells call others,but themselves enter not the church

1 я 1

59( я 1
59)-A bad workman quarrels with his tools

  9 !    *-One man’s loss is another man’s gain

X n
*u $ (To)venture a small fish to catch a big one

k$ X-Anger has no eyes

ଖi i @ e -Plenty is the father of hunt,/The more you get the more you want/The more
you have the more you wish

4  *-[ Let by gones be by gones/ It’s no use crying over spilt milk

9  7-A barking dog seldom bites

 !i    *;-The poor suffer all the wrong

= 8 \ -A prophet is seldom honoured in his own country

i !i
 !, i !i
 !-(Be)Between scylla and charibdys

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 3

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

! ]
_-(To)Count chickens before they are hatched

! 6-(A)skeleton in the cupboard

я  7-It takes two to make a quarrel



His pockets are full of holes

  a-Physician heal thyself

0 ! u  X
u-Cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face

@ 6 5
 i (To)wash one’s dirty lines in public

@ %  m;-His dog is barking at him

@1 я M
 1 n
 -He that stays.obtains

@9;  5;-(To)Cast pearls before swine

9  я
 * 6-Square peg in a round hole

    0  0 a 

1e -The pot calls the kettle black

h bh i

  7-Good wine needs no blush

*iM яe  u
Gi e?-None so blind as those who will not see

  d 5
*-It is easy to be wise after the event

 ! ]
-A guilty mind is always suspecious/ suspicion always hunts the guilty mind

c n nd!-He that does ill hates the light

 U* , я  
 U*-Abundandance like want spoils many

9 -(To)Rob peter to pay paul

ଖ ! -Tempest in a teapot

1 i u&e(k; a)-Riches have wings

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 4

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

G  @
 e  != 5; ଖi  7A guilty mind is always suspicious

) !X

G)-A great tree attracts the wind/Burdens are for shoulders strong enough to carry them

% s 
1-Stones are hard everywhere

 %u= %u= яi , %
 0  7  7-Empty vessel sounds much

   -(To)Make a mountain of a mole hill

 ; 5 i t 
-Morning shows the day

 X i5  s
*-Whispered words are heard afar

a !X

-(To) Carry coal to Newcastle

5i 5u !9 i,

& o1
 &i-Fate rules everybody/Man proposes.god disposes/Fate leads
the willing but drives the stubborn

5X 8
(&t 8 t 4)-Have two strings to one bow

5;  an-Nearer the church father from heaven

5 i 8

5 -Have two strings to one bow

5 ଖc 6i ଖ  7- No rose without a thorn

5    n-Blue are the faraway hills


$ i-The hand that gives,gathers(obtains)

$;  6 

1-Slow and steady wins the race/Little strokes fell great oaks

i= M

, $e ! 

-(To)Catch one on the hips

5ଖ )-(To)Trouble trouble before trouble trouble

 яc-The nobler the number

  !-Doctors differ

 7 !!= G  !!= -Half a loaf is better than no loaf/Something is better than nothing

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 5

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

8= 6i $8=  7-No smoke without a fire

я a1

 5a(я !
 ! 5a)-Mind your own business

= U d
  я *k
* a
1 & *-Wisdom goes not by years

i 8
6i я

 54 —You are a fool to steal if cannot conceal

0 6 
* 5a-Let bygones be bygones/It’s no use crying over spit milk

 @   m 
)  5  -They who live in glass houses should not throw stor/Who has skirts
of straw, needs fear the fire

5 (
ଖi /
%i )-(To)Teach ane a lesson

 $ pl 
 &e-Ill gotten ill spent


 ! =
 я-Spare to speak and spare to speech

 85  7-A cracked bell won’t sound well

In 0
-Burdens are for shoulders strong enough to carry them

-A tree is known by its fruit/The proof of the pudding lies in the eating

 I I1,  8

 1-Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

-Indolence is the mother of poverty

9  &8
-Swim with the stream

!" @k-Much ado about nothing


 !(9 !
  7-too many cooks spoil the broth

@ @
 1-When the cast is away,the mice will play

5 u
 5-Misfortune never comes alone

 j-(A)Bolt from the blue

TV -(A) Wolf in sheep

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 6

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

! я;   i
  9 ! 5 5X,
! я;e  ! e  я;  !5X-We live in deeds,not in

  7 !$
 -service to mankind is service to god

!G 6

1 (
  7-Fair words fill not the belly/ Sweet words butter no parsnips

!1 !X я*  i *n –8s5-Crowns have cares/ Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown


GT9$.)-Theres no argument like that the stick

!( !i  7 a=

8-A beggar can never be bankrupt


 !G  !G !=
i 5
 G-Black will take no other hue/ a leopard will not change its

!. m k.-silence is consent

&u яp 6u !p-Death before dishonour

я  a  !0

-The burnt child dread the fire

&  >

  n-Where god will help nothing does harm

&e & 

 u ; !
-faults are tick when love is thin

n  !n  !n nn
 n-Harm hatch, harm catch/ He that mischief hatches,mischief catch

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 7

Common odia proverbs and their respective English meaning

*I; II
-Shallow streams make the most din/ Empty vessel sounds much

 s-Soon ripe soon rotten

*4 *;q -The sooner the better

*i a   7-A sleeping lion has no share

9 !nt
5-It is no secret that is known to three

  8  8 

=-Rain before seven.fine before eleven


 X/  Xa 0

1-Birds of a feather flock together


!t I
-All things come to him that waits

v / ; 
!oM-A drop in the ocean

 a ! ) e  7-Everybody’s business is no body’s business

 !-Wheels within wheels

n ! 

 n-Handsome is that handsome does

; &e m

   &e/a !
=   &u0 /m
u0-Pennywise pound foolish

; aM
k, !
k-The very ruins of greatness is great

 ! ଖ
X -Look before you leap

By:-Seshnag Pradhan(Civil Engineering)GCEK Page 8

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