5.2 Reported Speech: The Essay Myself. Going To Job Interviews

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Name:  ______Nazar Hadypiak__________________

Class:  ______________11-D__________

5.2 Reported speech

1 Choose the correct words.
1 The teacher asked me if I had written the essay myself.
2 My mum says that she hates going to job interviews.
3 John told me that he hadn’t gone to the interview the day before.
4 She told me I should wear smarter clothes to job interviews.
5 I’ve decided that I wouldn’t apply for that job.
6 My boss promised to see me the following Monday.
7 The interviewer asked me if I had graduated from university.
8 They asked if they could do anything to help.
9 Jack promised that he wouldn’t be late, but of course he was!
10 Sue asked me what did I want to do.

2 Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals.

1 ‘I want to go there tomorrow,’ I explained. THAT
I explained _that I wanted to go_ there the following day.
2 ‘Do you have any experience in graphic design?’ they asked her. IF
They asked her _if she had any expirience_ in graphic design.
3 ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I told him. TO
I told him _to not be worried_about it.
4 ‘Where do you live?’ I asked him. HE
I asked him _Where did he live_?
5 ‘I’m sorry,’ Tom says. THAT
Tom says _that he is_ sorry.



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