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Review of Construction Industry in Hong Kong

香港的建造業在過去十年高速增長。以增加價值計算,建造業於一九九七年為 本


Hong Kong's construction industηT experienced a remarkable expansion

during the past decade. In terms of value added , the construction sector
contributed $71.7 bi1lion to the Hong Kong economy in 1997 , which
accounted for about 5.8% of the Gross Domestic Product.

This artic1e analyses the performance and structural characteristics of the

construction sector during the period from 1988 to 1997. The analyses are
based mainly on data coUected in the Annual Survey of Building ,
Construction and Real Estate Sectors. For more detailed analyses on
industry structure of the construction sector , reference is also made to
statistics from the Quarterly Survey of Construction Output.


If you have any enquiries on this article , please call Building , Construction and Real
Estate Statistics Section , Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2805 6424).

香港統計月刊 零零零年一月 FAI

Review of Construction Industry in Hon g Kong

1. 引言 1. Ifttroductioft

1.1 香港的建造業在過去十年高速增長。以增加
價值計算, 建造業於一九九七年為本港經濟貢獻了七 1.1 Hong Kong's construction industry
百 一十七億元,佔本地生產總值約百分之五點八。 experienced a remarkable expansion during the
past decade. In terrns of value added , the
construction sector contributed $71.7 billion to the
Hong Kong economy in 1997 , which accounted
for about 5.8% of theGross Domestic Product.

1.2 建造業的興旺主要由大眾對住屋及物業投資
的需求所帶動。過去五年所進行的大型基建工程 , 1.2 Underpinning the growth in the construction
更加速了建造業的增長。機場核心計劃工程在 一九 sector was strong end-use and investment demand
九二 年後期展開 ,在九四至九六年間全速進行 。 on property from the public. Implementation of
此 外 , 公共租住房屋的興建由九 五年起急劇增 major infrastructural projects in the second half of
加, 抵消了機場核心計劃工程自九七年起減慢的 the decade provided extra impetus to growth in the
影響 。 因應行政長官在九 七 年十月公布的建屋目 construction sector. Projects under the Airport
標, 政府資 Core Programme ( ACP) commenced in late 1992
助房屋工程亦大量增加。 and entered into full swing during 1994-1996. In
addition, there has been substantial increase in the
construction of public rental housing since 1995
which somewhat offset the effect of winding down
of ACP projects since 1997. Furthermore , in
response to the Chief Executive's housing policy
targets announced in October 1997 , construction
of Government-assisted housing has been

1.3 本文分析由一九八八至九七年期間 , 建造業 1.3 This article analyses the performance and
的經濟表現及結構特。內容主要根撮崖宇建築、 structural characteristics of the construction sector
建造及地產業按年統計調查所搜集的資料進行分析。 during the period from 1988 to 1997. The
至於較詳細的行業結構分析,亦參考了建造工程完成量 analyses are based mainly on data collected in the
按 Annual Survey of Building , Construction and Real
季統計調查的統計數字。 Estate Sectors. For more detailed analyses on
industry structure of the construction sector ,
reference is also made to statistics from the
Quarterly Survey of Construction Output.

2. Developfteftts ift the Coftstructioft

2. 建造業在一九八八至九七年的發展 Iftdustry ift 1988-1997

2.1 During 1988 to 1997 , the number of

2.1 establishments engaged in the construction sector
位數目由一萬零七百個溫和上升至一萬九千六百 increased moderately from 10 700 to 19 600 ,
個,平均每年增長率為百分之七(請參閱表一) representing an average annual growth rate of
7.0% (see Table 1).
表一 一九八八至九七年建造業的主要統計數字
Table 1 Priocipal Statistics 0ftCoostructioo Iodustry, 1988-1997

HK$ million otherwise
機構單位數目 就業人數 建造工程總值 增加價值
Number of Number of persons Gross value of Value added
establishments directly engaged construction work

1 988 10 672 117 015 69,267 19,926

1 989 12 023 118 428 86,007 24,945

(1 2.7) (1.2) (24.2) (25.2)

1990 13 491 127 395 99,842 29,838

(12.2) (7.6) (16.1 ) (1 9.6)

1991 12 790 119469 109,879 34,545

(-5.2) (-6.2) (10.1 ) (1 5.8)

1 992 15 196 131 402 120,529 37,357

(1 8.8) ( 10.0) (9.7) (8.1 )

1993 17 043 132 814 148,449 43,208

(12.2) (1.1 ) (23.2) (15.7)

1994 18 936 138 293 166,923 46,301

(I l. l) (4.1) (12.4) (7.2)

1 995 18 845 152 102 191,537 54,730

(-0.5) ( 10.0) ( 14.7) (18.2)

1996 18 510 155 898 2 16,787 65,077

(-1.8) (2.5) (13.2) (18.9)

1997 19 649 168 457 242,843 71,667

(6.2) (8.1) ( 12.0) ( 10. 1)
平均每年增長率[ 百分比〕
Average annual growth rate 7.0 41. 1 5.0 15.3
during 1988-1 997 (%)

註釋: 括號內的數字表示該年與上年比較的增減百分率﹒
Note : Figures in brackets denote percentage changes ofthe ye 訂 over the preceding year.

2.2 另一方面, 同期的建造業就業人數 l 增

長 較慢 ,平均每年增長率為百分之四點一。 在 一 2.2 On the other hand , the number of persons
九九七 directly engaged 1 in the industry had a
年, 就業人數達十六萬八千人。 comparatively slower rate of increase over the same
香港統計月刊 二零零零年 一月
period. The average growth rate was 4.1% , reaching 168 000 in 1997.

2.3 除 一九九二
年 ,外 在八八至九七年間, 所有承 2.3 Gross value of construction work (GVCW)
建商 所完成建造工程總值,一直錄得兩位數字的按 performed by all contractors2 recorded
年增長率。受到九一年底公布的一系列壓抑物業炒 consistently double-digit annual growth rates
賣措施的影響,九二年的增長輕微 在九七年, during 1988-1997, except for the year 1992 in
所有承建商所完成的建造 工 程總值達二 千四百二十 八 which there was a slight moderation in growth rate
億元 , 較八八年上升超過兩倍 。 平均每年增長率為 upon the announcement by the Govemment a
百分之十五。 package of measures to curb property speculation in
late 1991. In 1997 , the GVCW performed by all
contractors amounted to $242.8 billion , an
increase of over two times compared with 1988.
The average annual growth rate during the period
was 15.0%.

2.4 同樣地,建造業的增加價值由八八年的一百 2.4 Likewise , value added of the construction

九十九億元顯著增加至九七年的七百 一十 七億元 , sector increased significantly from $19.9 billion in 1988
平均每年增長率為百分之十五點三。 to $71.7 billion in 1997 , representing an average
annual growth rate of 15.3%.

2.5 在 一 九九 二年後期,機場核心計劃 工 程逐漸 2.5 5 In late 1992 , projects under the Ai 中 ort
展 開。 在九二年 , 主要承建商於建築地盤所完成
Core Programme ( ACP) commenced gradually.
的機場核心計劃 工 程總值只有 三 十六億元 。 在九六
GVCW performed by main contractors on those ACP
有關的工程總值上升五倍, 達二百三十二億元。 機 projects was only $3.6 billion in 1992. In 1996, the
場核心計劃工程佔主要承建商於建築地盤所完成 figure increased by five folds to $23.2 billion. The
工程總值的比重, 由九二年的百分之五點 三 上升至九 share of ACP projects in the total GVCW
六年的百分之二十。隨著機場核心計劃工程在九三至 performed by main contractors rose from 5.3% in
九六年的全面展開, 建造工程完成量 ,尤其是土 1992 to 20.0% in 1996. With the intensification
木工程 , 在此期間顯著上升。 of construction work on ACP projects from 1993
to 1996 , the GVCW , in particular civil
engineering projects , grew remarkably during the

This figure exc1udes labour provided by labour

這數字不包括由只供應勞工以按件論值方式承接 only subcontractors who only provide labour on a job to
建造工程的分判承建商所提供的勞工。 寸 ob basis.

There is an element of double counting in the

由於主要承建商可能會將整項工程或工程部分分判 gross value of construction work performed by alI
予一個或多個分判承建商,所以此分判部分在所有家建商 contractors , to the extent that the same piece of work
所完成建造工程總值的統計數字內重覆計算。但重覆計算 is contracted out by the main contractor in part or as a
的問題並不在計算增加價值時出現,因在計算過程中, 有 whole to one or more sub-contractors. This problem
關重覆數額已被撇除。 does not exist in the figures for value added as double
counting has been eliminated in their compilation.

FA4 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2000

3. 建造業的行業結構 3. Industry Structure of the
Construction Sector

3.1 在表二,所有屋宇建造及土木 工程機構單位,

根據其完成建造 工 程總值分為 三 類 。 大部分從事建 3.1 In Table 2 , all building and civil engineering
造業的機構均屬中小型。 在 一九九七年 , 百分之八 establishments were classified into 3 categories
十八的機構單位所完成工程總值少於一億元。在三 according to their GVCW performed. It was
個組別中, 這些機構單位亦僱用最多人員 ,達百分 observed that most of the establishments in the
之四十二。然而, 其所佔完成建造工 程總值和增加 construction sector were small and medium-sized.
價值的比重 , 只分別為百分之十 二 及百分之十 1n 1997 , establishments with GVCW performed
八。 smaller than $10 million accounted for 88% of the
tota\. Of the three categories , they also engaged
the most persons, at 42%. However , their shares
of total GVCW performed and value added were
only 12% and 18% respectively.

表二 一九九七年按建造工程總值劃分的屋宇建造及土木工程機構單位主要統計數字
Table 2 Principal Statistics for all BuiIding andCiviI Engineering
Establishftents Analysed by Gross Value ofConstruction Work
Perforfted in 1997
HK$ million otherwise

機構單位數目 就業人數 建造工程總值 增加{賀值
Gross value of construction
Number of Number of persons Gross value of Value added
work performed establishrnents directly engaged construction work
17330 71 148 29,408 12,782
<10,000 (88) (42) (12) (18)

1 989 39 312 53,942 19,053

10,000 - 99,999 (10) (23) (22) (27)

331 57997 159,493 39,832

100,000+ (2) (34) (66) (56)

19 649 168 457 242,843 71,667

總計 (100) (100) (100) (100)

註釋: 括號內的數字為個別項目佔有關總數的百分比。
Note: Figures in brackets denote the percentage share ofindividual items in respective total.

3.2 在 一九九七年 , 大型屋宇建造及土木工

3.2 Large building and civil engineering
程機構單位(即完成建造工程總值在一 億元或
establishments , i.e. withGVCW performed 三
以上) 只佔機構單位總數的百分之二,但就業
$100 million , accounted for 2% of the total
number of establishments in 1997. In spite of
及增加價值 計算 ,它們在建造市場中亦佔最
their small share in terms of number of
establishments , large establishments accounted
十六及百分之五 十六。
for 34% of total persons engaged. They also
dominated the construction market in terms of
GVCW performed and value added. Their shares
were 66% and 56% respectively in 1997.

3.3 表 三列出 一九八八至九 七年所有屋宇建 3.3 To illustrate changes in cost structure that
have been taken place in the sector during 1988 to
從中可 1997 , input contents of gross output for all
說明期間建造業成本結構的變動。 building and civil engineering establishments in

香港統計月刊 二零零零年一月 FA5

the same period were provided in Table 3.

表二 一九八八至九七年的所有屋宇建造及土木工程機構單位生產總值投入成分
Table 3 IftputCoftteftts of Gross Output for all Buildiftg aftdCivil
Eftgifteeriftg Establishmeftts, 1988 - 1997

生產總值內各成分所佔 E 分比

僱員薪酬及付予 材料物料的消耗,
只供應勞工的分判 燃料、電力及用水 連工包料的分判 雜項營運開支
建商費用 費用及維修保養服務 承建商費用 (利息支付除外) 經營盈餘
Compensation of Consumption of Value of sub- Miscellaneous
employees and materials and Gross contract work
payments to supplies;如 operatmg
els, labour-only elec 甘 icity &
water; rendered by fee expenses
Year surplus
sub-contractors &
sub-contractors (
1988 24 28 39 5 4

1989 23 26 40 5 6

1990 24 25 40 5 5

1991 24 25 38 6 6

1992 24 23 40 7 6

1993 22 22 42 8 6

1994 20 19 45 9 6

1995 21 20 42 11 6

1996 22 20 42 10 6

1997 23 21 42 9 6

FA6 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of January 2000

3.4 如表三所示,在一九九七年,連 工包料的分判 3.4 As revealed in Table 3 , expenditure on sub
承建商費用佔生產總值的比重最大, 其次是僱員薪 contractor work rendered by fee sub-contrélctors
酬及付予只供應勞工的分判承建商費用;再其次是 had the largest share of gross output in 1997 ,
材料物料的 消耗 ,燃料 、電力及用水費用及維修保 followed by compensation of employees and
養服務。 payments to labour-only sub-contractors , and
consumption of materials and supplies , fuels ,
electricity & water, & maintenance services.

3.5 由一九八八至九七年,經營盈餘總額和僱員薪 3.5 Gross operating surplus and compensation

酬及付予只供應勞工的分判承建商費用佔生產總值 of employees and payments to labour-only 且 ub
的比重大致平穩。前者的比重為百分之四至六,而 contractors had quite stable shares of gross output
between 1988 and 1997. Shares for the former
ranged from 4-6% while for the latter, 20-24%.

3.6 同 一時期,雜項營運開支(利息支付 除 3.6 It was noticed that miscellaneous operating

外)的重要性漸增,所佔生產總值的比重由一 expenses (exc\uding interest payments) gained in
九八八年的百分之五上升至九七年的百分之九。部 importance over the same period. Its share in
分可能是由於增加採用建築機器及設備以致此等 gross output increased from 5% in 1988 to 9% in
1997. This could be partly attributable to tliÇ
increased use of machinery and equipment in
construction resulting in an increase in rental
payments for them.

3.7 Value of sub-contractor work rendered by

連 工 包料的分判承建商費用佔生產總值的比
3.7 fee sub-contractors had its share of gro� 弓 output
重,由 一九八八年的百分之三十九微升至九七 年的 slightly increased from 39% in 1988 to 42% in
1997. This indicated an increasing proportion of
包料的分判承建商。 另一方面 ,材料物料的 消耗,
work being sub-contracted to fee sub-contractors.
On the other hand , the share of consumption of
materials and supplies , fuels , electricity &
water , & maintenance services decreased by 7
percentage points , from 28% in 1988 to 21% in
3.8 分判工程在建造業內十分普。一間建築機
構可以是某一合約的主要承建商 ,同時亦可以 3.8 Practices of sub-contracting are very
是 另一 common in the construction industry. A
合約的分判承建商。主要承建商所完成工 程總值當 construction establishment can be a main
中,大部分為建築地盤工程 , 有別於小規模工 contractor for one contract and a sub-contractor
程, for another contract at the same time. For
與及在現有樓宇及建築物內進行的工程。 construction work performed by main
contractors , a major portion was performed at
construction sites , as opposed to works at minor
work locations and erected buildings and structures.

成量按季統計調 3.10 按地盤額別分
查結果, 分析主 析,在一九八八至九八
要承建商於建築 年間,主要承建商於私
地盤所完成各 人建築地盤所完成工 程
種不 總值 一直較公
同類別的建造工程。 營建築地盤為高 ,但
香港統計月刊 二零零零年一月 FA7
於 期間有大量機 percent rose again
3.9 The
場核心計劃 工 程 進 age to 60% in
行所致 。在八八 至 following
para aphs share 1998 after
九 二 年 , 主要承建 droppe completion
商於私人建築地 analyze the
different d to a of most
盤所完成工程 總
categories record ACP
值 一 直佔總數的百
of low of projects (
分之六十以上 , 之
後下跌 至九 六年最 construction 46% in see Chart
低的百分之四十 work 1996 , 1).
六 , 但在大部分機 but
場核心計 劃工程完 by main
成後 , 在九八年叉 contractors 主要承建商於建築地盤
的 水 平 ( 見 聞
at 所完成工程總值的組成
一)。 C
n sites , Coftpositioft of Gross Value
basing on ofCoftstructioft Work
information r Performed by Maift
obtained t
from the Cofttractors atCoftstructioft
Quarterly Sites
Survey of
n Output.
3. 10 %
Analyzed 峙
. 1 � pe of
sltes , 8
construction 0
work perfo 令
口 ned by 官
at sites in
the private 6
sector 0
dominated %
over that in
the public
sector during
1988- 1998, 4
except for 0
the years %
1995 and
1996 when
there was
Íntenslve 2
works on 0
Works at
sector sites
by main con 0%
甘 actors 1988 1989 1990 1991 年
consistently 1992 1993 1994 份
accounted 1995 1996 1997 Y
for more e
1998 a
than 60% of r
the total
during 1988 弘人樓宇工 Pr
FA8 國 to 1992. The Hong Kong Monthly Digest
程 of Statistics January
work 口
自 公堂樓宇工


Public P
building ri
work a



香港統計月刊 二零零零年一月 FA7

3.11 按地盤工 程性質分析,在一九八八至九二 年
3.11 Analyzed by nature of construction work at
間 ,樓宇工程總值佔主要承建商於建築地盤所完成
sites, building work accounted for over 70% of the
工程總值百分之七十以上。 和上文分析相似,樓宇
total construction work performed by main
工 程的比率亦隨著機場核心計劃工 程的展開而下
跌,然而在九八年回升至百分之八十一 的高峰。其 contractors at sites from 1988 to 1992. Similar to
中主要承建商所完成的公營樓宇工程在九八年顯著 the analyses above , the share decreased with the
上升百分之四十一,佔 工程總值百分之二十四。 launch of the ACP projects but rebounded to a
雖 peak of 81% in 1998. Within that , public
地盤工程仍然以私人樓宇為主, 但隨著公營 房 building work performed by main contractors
屋 increased drastically by 41% in 1998 over the
發展計劃主程的積極展開 ,公營樓宇工程的重要 preceding year and had its share of total
性將日益增加(見圖一) construction work increase to 24%. Although
private building construction work remained �.s the
most prominent contributor , contribution from tl�ç
public building work should become increasingly
significant with the intensification of projects
under the Public Housing Development
Programme (see Chart 1).

3.12 Analyzed by end-use of buildings .and

3.12 structures when completed , residential builjing
年 外,住宅樓宇(包括住宅樓宇及商住兩用樓宇) projects (including commercial/residential
在八八至九八年間佔建築地盤完成工程總值的最 (composite) buildings) accounted for the greatest
大比重,其工 程總值在八八至九零年間有平穩的

長 。九一至九五年間的工程總值則 大。在 portion of the GVCW performed at construction
變不動 九
至九八年,住宅樓宇工程重拾升軌,按年增長率 sites during 1988 to 1998 , except for the year
大幅增加至百分之三十以上(見圖二)。 1995. It had steady annual growth from 1988 to
1990. It then became stagnant from 1991 to
1995 , but regained momentum during 1996 to
1998 and increased at a substantial rate of over
30% (see Chart 2).

隨著機場核心計劃工程在 一九九二 年後期

3.13 3.13 With the launch of ACP projects starting
展 開 ,運輸設施工程在九三至九七年間取代了商 from late 1992 , transpo 此 projects had replaced
業樓 commercial building projects to become the
second largest category of construction work since
它甚至取代住宅樓宇工程 ,成為第一大類地盤工
1993 till 1997. In 1995 , it even overtook
residential building projects to become the largest
category of construction work.

FA10 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2000

3.14 以完成工程總值計算,商業樓宇工程的比重 3.14 The share of commercial building projects
徘徊在第二、三 位 。在 一九八八至九五年間 ,雖然 f1uctuated around the second and the third position
期 in terms of GVCW. Generally speaking , there
間有輕微上落, 商業樓宇工 程的增長大致平穩。在 was stable growth in the value of construction of
九六及九七年,市場對商用物業的需求熾熱。 商 業 commercial buildings from 1988 to 1995 , though
樓宇 工 程亦緊隨市況而每年大幅增長百分之四十 moderate ups and downs were recorded during the
八。於九八年, 商業樓宇的升幅轉趨平穩,只有百 period. ln 1996 and 1997 , there was keen
investment demand on commercial property. ln
line with this encouraging market sentiment ,
GVCW on commercial building projects grew
considerably at 48% in both years. ln 1998 , the
GVCW on commercial building projects had a
moderated owth rate of 7%, amounting to $ 18.7

3.15 Construction of industrial and storage

3.15 以工程總值計算,一九八八至九七年間工業及 premises had an average annual growth rate of
only 7% during 1988 to 1997 in terms ofGVCW.
Its share of the total GVCW performed at
construction sites also fell from 9% in 1988 to 6%
in 1997. ln 1998 , the share was further lowered
to 5%. The decrease was in line with the
dampened demand on industrial and storage
premises as a result of the continued relocation of
production processes out of Hong Kong.

圖二 按選定用途劉分的主要承建商於建築地盤所完成工程總值
Chart 2 Gross Value of Construction Work Perforfted by Main Contractors at
Construction Sites Analysed by Selected End-use Group
Gross value ($Mn)


40 , 000

30 , 000

.. 、
20.000.... ~ 一 ------------'"→

- - - - - - "'- - 一 一
- -----------

1989 19951996 1997 1998 年份
1988 1990199119921993
住宅樓宇 一一 Commercial building
Residential building
lndustrial & storage buildings Transport facilities

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