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Radio Script

Type of spot:
Title of spot:
Length: 5 – 10 mins
Hosts: Myself (Emily)
Guests: Chloe Paige, Katie McDowell,

00:00:00 Jingle

00:00:50: Introduction: [Emily Butler] Today I am going to be speaking to a few students on

how coronavirus and the lockdown has impacted their mental health. Lots of young people reported feeling low
and that their mental health has gotten worse since lockdown. I want to speak to some young people and hear
about their experiences of their mental health during lockdown and throughout this global pandemic this year. I
think it is a really important topic that needs to be spoken about and raised awareness about to show young
people that they aren’t alone and that it’s important to speak to people around you.

EMILY According to research and stats Coronavirus and the lockdown has made young
people’s mental health much worse and only a small amount of people felt that it made
people better but not only ‘a bit’. I am going to Speak to Chloe about her experience on
lockdown and the impact it had on her mentally.

CHLOE Speaks about how she struggled and what the hardest thing for her was during the
UK lockdown.

EMILY Childline reported that the number of calls went up rapidly (43,000) between
March and October with calls about mental health issues and worries. People had a massive
build-up of stress and worry.

How did your exams affect you? Obviously, you were due to take your GCSE exams and that
was taken away from you, this must have been really tough ... how did you feel about it, do
you think that impacted how you were feeling mentally?

EMILY I am now going to speak to Katie, her experience was quite the opposite and
lockdown gave her the chance to improve and control her mental health. She struggled with
very bad social anxiety during secondary school however, lockdown helped her as she was
having time away from people which really helped lower her stress and anxiety levels.

Ending / conclusion
It’s been interesting hearing from a few young people with first-hand experience and people
willing to talk about what it was like for them personally.

UAL Creative Media Production

The Henley College

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