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Week 7    Homework          Grade3A            Name:___________

A) Spelling
Write a sentence for each word. Use at least 8 words for each sentence!!!




B) Vocabularies
Write down the word that matches the description: Trouble
1. To say that you will do something ________________ Offer
2. Not fastened or attached firmly _________________ Apologize
3. To say that you are sorry about something ____________ Lit up
4. To take something away ________________ Blouse
5. To become bright ___________________ Intentionally
6. Worn by women ______________________ Scatter
7. To throw things over a large area _______________ Empty
8. There’s nothing inside ___________________
9. Closed something heavily and loudly _______________ Wander
10. A difficult, dangerous and upsetting situation ________________
11. To move around without any particular purpose_______________
12. A thing that you mean to do _____________________

C) Language arts
Proofread this letter. Add punctuation marks where they are needed. Circle the letters that need
to be capitalized then write the capital letter above each one.

600, yuanhua Road


taiwan 320

apr 1, 2007
Dear luke,
I want to thank you for coming to my birthday party on saturday It was great getting to
see you.
I hope that you had a good time. I know that I did My favorite parts were opening presents, jumping on
the trampoline, and eating lots of cake and ice cream What was your favorite part
please write back to me
Your friend,

D) Phonics
Read the list of words. Notice the sound that c or g stands for in each word. Then write each word
under the correct heading.
game center gate frog
face edge cook can
judge cute city wagon
giraffe bridge cow fence

Hard c as in cat Hard g as in pig

______________ ______________ _______________ ________________
______________ ______________ _______________ ________________

Soft c as in cent Soft g as in page

______________ ______________ _______________ ________________
______________ ______________ _______________ ________________

E) Writing
1) Write down the following word in cursive: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS. Please write

2) Select the main idea the main idea of the paragraph below:
Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fish, reptiles (snakes) or birds. As
a mammal, dolphins breathe air, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin
mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her
baby milk like other mammals. Humans are mammals too.
The main idea is:
a) Dolphins are mammals
b) Dolphins live in the ocean
c) Dolphin mother feeds their baby with milk
d) Peter is a dolphin.

Now read the following paragraph, give it a title, and write down the main idea in the second box:


Spots was a large grey and white cat.

Spots lived in a barn on a farm.
Spots liked living in the barn.
It was warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
There were many mice for Spots to chase.
Best of all, Spots had a soft place to sleep in the corner of the barn.

Main idea:

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