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SUNY Cortland

February 23, 2017

“The Greatest Wealth is Health”

To the Parents/Guardians of Jackson,

I would first like to thank you for allowing me and my peers to work with your child in our
Movement Education course. This experience is an incredible chance for me to further my skills as I
prepare to enter the work force as a physical education teacher. I am extremely excited to work with
Jackson this semester and help him excel in his gross motor development and literacy skills.
I performed the TGMD-2 assessment which is a tool that assesses object control and locomotor
movements. I was very impressed with Jackson’s performance of each skill during the assessment. His
movements seem smooth throughout most of the skills and he appears to move comfortably. I had noticed
that the object control assessments came more naturally to Jackson than the locomotor assessments. His
throwing, kicking, and catching were most impressive throughout his demonstrations. I plan on working
to improve these skills even more for the duration of the semester.
There are a few locomotor skills I would like to work on with Jackson. I believe his galloping,
hopping and skipping are close to their appropriate skill level; they just need a little help. I plan on
focusing on activities that allow Jackson to demonstrate these skills freely and without thinking about it
so much as he did while performing the assessment. I already have a few ideas planned and I am excited
to implement them into my lesson plans and help Jackson improve on these skills this semester.
Not only will I focus on Jackson’s movement, but also his literacy skills. I want to exercise his
brain alongside his body and expand his vocabulary by teaching him the difference between terms such as
short and long or wide and narrow and also work towards expanding his language by practicing and
learning his numbers, letters, colors, foods, body parts, and animals. I strive to prepare him for things he
will encounter inside and outside of the classroom and help him apply it to everyday experiences.
Thank you again for this amazing opportunity and I hope you are as excited about this as I
certainly am. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at I would also greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following
question to help me get a better idea on how I can help and work with Jackson. “In a million words or
less, describe your child.” Feel free to e-mail your response or send it to school with him. Jackson is a
wonderful child and I so look forward to working with him and improving his motor and literacy skills
for the remainder of the semester.


Jessica Conklin

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