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Resource 8:

Internet Research task

ICT focus task allows students to do some research on household appliances energy consumption and construct a table to compare the

costs of energy consumption.

1. Students are required to check at least 2 household appliances at home and its energy consumption such as refrigerator, washing

machine, television, microwave, heater, dishwasher, etc… Students will have to find the energy rating label similar to this on their

household appliances.
2. Students then will record the energy consumption of your household appliances in the table below using Excel spreadsheet.

Name of appliance Energy consumption Energy consumption of Difference of energy Percentage of total energy

(kWh per year) new appliance consumption between two usages compare to old

(kWh per year) appliances in percentage appliances

Washing machine
Air conditioner

Additional: Class discussion can be facilitated regarding the task. Students will debate whether they should purchase a new device and

whether this is the best way to save money. Suggest other ways to save energy consumption at home.

Resource 9:
ICT and Investigate Task

Students are required to go to any local supermarket and choose one type of product that might come from many different brands.

Task 1: Students are asked to record the following information for each brand of the same product. Record at least 5 products form 4

different brands

A. Brand name

B. Weight

C. Price

Task 2: Students will then record all the information in Excel

spreadsheet in order to calculate the price of each product for

each brand per

A. 100 g

B. 1kg


D2= C2/B2



Task 3: Calculate the differences in price (per 100g) between the cheapest and most expensive brands. Find the amount of increase

between two brands in percentages

Task 4: compare the prices of each brand according to the following categories

A. Which brand is the ‘best buy’

B. The differences between cheapest and most expensive brands

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