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Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel

Mr. Juan Lardet - purchased many logs (some of the logs were of poor quality) - Rizal Flared up in anger
and confronted Lardet and challenged him for a duel “My Friend, you have not a Chinaman's chance in a
fight with Rizal on a field of honor. Rizal is an expert in martial arts particularly in fencing and pistol
shooting.” – Capt. Carnicero - Lardet then apologize.

Rizal and Father Sanchez

Father Pastells, aside from his personal efforts to persuade Rizal to discard his “errors of religion”
instructed the two Jesuits in Mindanao-Father Antonio Obach cura of Dapitan, Jose Vilaclara, and cura of
Dipolog--- to try their best to bring Rizal back within the Catholic fold. Furthermore, he assigned Father
Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Rizal’s favourite teacher at the Ateneo de Manila, to Dapitan.

Father Sanchez- Rizal's favorite teacher at the Ateneo de Manila - He was the only Spanish priest to
defend Rizal's Noli Me Tangere in public. - They argued theologically in a friendly manner but all the
efforts of Sanchez were in vain. - Fr. Sanchez enjoyed the latter’s company and he even assisted Rizal in
beautifying the town plaza - Manuscript entitled “Estudios Sobre La Lengua Tagala” (Studies on the
Tagalog Language)

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