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1. Greets and introduces self to patient

2. Explains the purpose and conduct of the examination of the abdomen
3. Uses language/vocabulary that is appropriate and understandable
a. Ask the patient to empty her bladder if necessary
b. Place in Dorsal Recumbent Position, place pillow above the head
c. Drapes the patient appropriately and provides privacy
d. Warms the hand (Cold hand stimulates uterine contractions)
e. Measures the fundic height in centimeters correctly
4. Leopold’s Maneuver I FUNDAL GRIP (Fetal pole on fundus: Fetal presentation)
a. Stands on either side of the bed and faces the upper part of the mother
b. Grasps the uterine funds with both hands
c. Facilitator gives a scenario and student identifies what fetal pole occupies the
5. Leopold’s Maneuver II UMBILICAL GRIP (Fetal lie: long axis of the fetus related to that of
mother, fetal back)
a. Grasps the sides of the abdomen with palms of both hands
b. Facilitator gives a scenario and student determines on which side is the fetal
back/small parts
c. Detects and counts the FHT at Fetal Back (120-160 bpm) 10-12 doppler, 16-22
weeks stethoscope: BELL) while also feeling the pulsation of the mother
6. Leopold’s Maneuver III PAWLIK’S GRIP (Fetal pole on pelvic area, confirm LM 1
presentation, Engagement)
a. Using the thumb and the fingers of one hand, grasps the lower portion of the
maternal abdomen just above the symphysis pubis
b. Student determines if engagement of the fetal presenting part has occurred
based on the scenario given by the facilitator
7. Leopold’s Maneuver IV PELVIC GRIP (Fetal engagement and Fetal attitude)
a. Reverses position to face the lower part of the mother
b. Places one hand each on either side of the lower pole of the uterus just above
the symphysis pubis. Slide, if both hand converge NOT YET ENGAGED,
c. Facilitator gives a scenario and student determines on which side is the cephalic
prominence and correctly identifies the fetal attitude. If you feel resistance on
same side as the Fetal back and cephalic prominence, fetal attitude is
hyperextended, if the Resistance is on opposite side: flexion of the head of the
8. Explains the findings to the patient
a. Fundic Height in AOG, Heartbeat, Fetal presentation (cephalic, Breech), Lie
(longitudinal/transverse), Engagement, Attitude
9. Entertains and answers patient’s questions adequately
10. Thank the patient after the examination

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