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Course: Professional Ethics

Course Instructor: Marriam Butt

Workplace Ethics Assignment

(Role Play Touchy Situations and Crucial Conversations)

The difficult situations that arise quickly require a prompt response. Usually such situations don’t allow
much time for deliberation, so it’s important to have a set plan from the outset and to have walked
through it.

 If a coworker states that he wants to kill himself or harm others, do you report it?

 You hear that a teenager wants to kill himself or harm others. What do you do?

 You are working in retail and you see a coworker taking from the cash register or overcharging a
customer and pocketing the rest. Do you report them?

 In a group setting, everyone is asked to give a verbal vote or show of hands, you don’t agree but
you don’t want to be the only one to disagree. Do you go along or no?

Activity Directions:

1. The student can choose one from any of the above scenarios.

2. Students should take a few minutes to understand the scenario and the possible outcomes, both
good and bad.

3. Students should act out the scenario with most ethical outcome.

4. Write down the outcomes and what would be the best decision.

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